smbhax · 3 months
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Sonic Advance (GBA)
Session: https://youtu.be/WG8Tt7pdaQQ
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rosewind2007 · 8 months
Another in my occasional:
WTF is going on in the UK posts
Our Conservative Party (right wing mainstream) has come up with the great new slogan:
Make Britain Grow Again
Weirdly they’re promoting it with the hashtag MGBA which clearly doesn’t work:
First up—most people with a scintilla of sense regard “Make America Great Again” as a sort of horror provoking mantra of doom, rather than something to emulate
Secondly—get the fucking letters in the right order
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auto-correct · 1 year
wait this is the people having weird skills website. can anyone help me get mgba working on my chromebook I downloaded it through terminal and it's got the icon and everything but it won't open it just stays loading forever
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Heyo!!! I decided to do a little experiment with some different eyes and shading. Bon appetite!
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newfalco · 1 year
La mejor aplicación para 3DS - 2DS **Universal Updater.** Instala juegos directamente en tu consola.
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voliol · 1 year
The terror of finding a softlock/crash which is not mirrored in your ROM hacking tools (HexManiac Advance), but in reliable emulators like mGBA.
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princessantisocial · 2 months
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クレイジー、クレイジー、ベイビー めまい、めまい、ベイビー 東京高等学校を経営する 学習は楽しそうです、教室 101 元気だよ、毎日学校にいるみたいに
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adequately · 3 months
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もちもち☆さくらMIX ガチャ
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bonkie · 25 days
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Girly collection-yayoi- ガチャ
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whinnylikeahorse · 8 months
thinking about her (wii hacking emo pixealart rainbow dash)
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purble-gaymer · 2 months
guys this is the best day of my life. hamtaro ham ham heartbreak on my phone
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smbhax · 1 year
Double Dragon Advance (GBA)
Sold all my GBA stuff when I moved ~4 yrs ago but had to re-acquire this one. ^ _^
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sacred-pebbles · 1 year
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FE7 (blazing blade) / first fire emblem game with an English release is being put on switch!
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...But only japan gets FE6 / binding blade
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antirepurp · 2 months
i think every emulator should have a "yank game pack" option and i think it should be placed right next to the option to shutdown the game you're playing
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girlpog-productions · 2 years
Heyo! I wrote down some headcannons for the gang a while ago and decided I should post them! This post is long as balls so it’s all under the cut lol
* Currently studying to get her PHD in chemistry.
* Captain of her university’s softball team, but despite her Star-power they have not won a game.
* Knows how skateboard but can’t do tricks (Carrie’s trying to teach her though).
* Works as a counselor at a high school.
* She can switch out of her werewolf-vampire form at will because it’s effectively a magical girl transformation. This makes her immune to sunlight in both forms, but she can never eat garlic or chocolate again. She is very upset about this.
* She runs with a whole gang of sea monster environmental terrorists! They are all very cool.
* ^^ including her partner Corrie. Might include them as a playable character at some point but I gotta draw them normally first.
*No one really knows anything about Mimi. They know she’s a real nurse, and a really good one at that, and that she’s divorced and that’s about it.
* June and Andrew’s grandma!
* Turns out being a magical girl runs in the family and just skipped a generation lol.
* Used to have rocket/missile powers in her prime but it takes a lot of out her so now she elects to beat the shit out of people with her walker.
* Has 2 older sisters that are like 10-15 years older than him, so he and June were always super close cus they were the same age.
* Ratatouille is his favorite movie which is why he adopted Feta.
* His magical girl powers actually gave Feta and basil human level sentience so they help him in the kitchen! Well, Feta does. Basil mostly just tried to eat stuff. They are both very good at washing their hands :) they also can’t talk lol
* June is a very good baker thanks in part to her knowledge of chemistry. Her skills are actually on par with Andrew’s to the point that they have family baking competitions on a regular basis. Andrew is currently beating her in overall wins 15-13.
* Himbo
* Ok I actually have a very funny backstory for Kanaaq:
* Kanaaq was offered her powers after saving a kid from getting crushed under falling debris in an earthquake, but her pogo stick broke in the process. So when foxolotl presented her with the “I’ll grant you a wish or give you a cool power if you promise to be a magical girl” she asked for her pogo stick to get fixed and IMMEDIATELY regretted it cus she’s trans and she very quickly realized she could’ve used her wish for free top-surgery lmao 😂
* She is sick nasty on her pogo stick like she can do backflips and stuff it’s crazy. Carrie refuses to take her to her usual skate park cus she doesn’t want to get shown up by someone on a pogo stick. Because Kanaaq would absolutely EAT her in a trick competition lmao 😂
* I also have ideas for 2 playable characters that’ll eventually be Kanaaq’s girlfriends but I gotta focus on the main cast first lol.
* Foxolotl brought her to life cus her fungal colony was solely responsible for saving a dying tree from decay and deforesters. She’s like 2 years old.
* Her magical girl transformation turns her into the guy, she’s normally just a mushroom. When she isn’t in her person form she lives on a tree outside of Rumblebella’s house :)
* Very successful manager for a restaurant franchise based on her parents restaurant.
* Despite both of her parents being chefs she can’t cook for shit!! She had tried to learn so many times and it just does not work. Only thing she can really make is cereal and she’s on thin fucking ice with that.
* Her wish was to have fans as weapons, like Katana from mortal kombat. Foxolotl gravely misinterpreted this!! And that is why she has a box fan. Bea is still mad at him for this.
* Huuuuuge fuckin dork. Reads a lot of comics, loves super hero movies, plays a lot of fighting games. Mains Anji in guilty gear.
* Works for the coast guard (I imagine they all live in a coastal town in California) and got her wish (and most of her scars) from saving her crewmate from a shark when he fell overboard during a storm.
* She actually wore an eyepatch for a long time before the pirate look because she has strabismus in her left eye and has always been self conscious about it.
* He is an actual, rootin tootin cowboy. Small town sherif with his own ranch and everything 😂
* Killed his former best friend in a standoff after a series of events led her to becoming corrupted and evil. He still feels terrible about it.
* Rumblebella was originally a toy owned by a young girl who experienced physical abuse at the hands of her father. Foxolotl brought Rumblebella to life to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT GUY and it worked and he’s gone. Toy story brought to its logical conclusion.
* In lieu of legs, she can float!
* Can eat food and it scares everyone. Where does it go 👁👁
* Got her wish after saving a guy from getting crushed under a huge weight while working out without a spot at the gym. Afterwards her wish was to “be able to fall asleep instantly and always wake up feeling rested.” She was ripped before the wish lmao these things are unrelated.
* Personally asked Foxolotl to make them a magical girl so they could experience what it was like to be human. This was kinda a stretch for Foxolotl’s abilities so best he could do was compress them into a weird-stretched human body. Kasomar experiences all time at once’s like Dr. Manhattan, but despite this is still able to make meaningful friendships.
* Dahlia died in the mid 1800’s around the time of the civil war. Her family owned slaves and her moral opposition to this eventually led to her helping the family on her estate escape and then got her killed by her family’s guardsmen. Foxolotl was impressed with her bravery and decided to revive her as a magical girl but fucked up SO SEVERELY that her spirit and body were separated in the process.
* Dahlia is actually the first zombie like ever??? Ghosts exist in this world but zombies don’t. Not too many necromancers out there lol
* To differentiate who they’re talking about the gang has taking to calling the two of them Zahlia (zombie Dahlia) and Ghalia (ghost Dahlia). Ghalia does not like this
* Oops! Catholic guilt!
* Takes up a bunch of minimum wage and odd jobs to support herself so she can spend more time pursuing her hobbies. She doesn’t have any great career aspirations. June is slightly disappointed in this but doesn’t say anything about it.
* Was raised by a single mother and thinks that Tony Hawk is her biological father. She does not know that Tony Hawk is a human.
* He has a mom! I drew my mom a Mother’s Day card with Foxolotl and his mom on it so I’m deciding Mamalotl is canon lol.
* Where did he come from?? What’s his purpose?? We may never know!! He is very bad at it though, whatever it is.
* He’s kind of a god? But like a low level god. Kasomar held more power than him pre-transformation. Like god and Zeus and whatever are legendary Pokémon and Foxolotl is a mythical Pokémon lmao 😂
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newfalco · 1 year
Mejor que el mismo Gameboy Player - GBA en tu Wii y vWii con el mejor desempeño a través de mGBA
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