#mgg x daughter!reader
piqtescue · 11 months
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dad!spencer has taken me hold omg
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delusionaldeadgirl · 7 months
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discotitsposts · 5 months
my little secret
reader x mgg
she/her pronouns used (but you can imagine whatever you want)
reader has a secret tumblr account where she writes fanfiction about her husband
mature themes.
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Matthew Gray Gubler walks around his house. Looking for his wife. She was nowhere to be found. He knocks on her office door. He knows she may not hear because sometimes she plays music loudly in her headphones so he opens the door and steps in. He sees her bopping her head to whatever song she may be playing and typing rapidly. He smiles at the sight.
Since the door to the office was behind her, she doesn’t see him creep up behind her. Perfect opportunity for a spooky scare. He’s about to scare her when he notices what she’s doing on her computer.
She’s on Tumblr. Typing up what looks to be a long story? He knows she’s an author but wow. Her fingers move extra fast over the keyboard and he senses inspiration was hitting her over and over.
Then he sees what she’s writing. A few lines stick out to him.
“He slipped his length inside of her slowly.”
“Her dripping heat.”
“She moans out, ‘Spencer’ and grips the blankets.”
She’s writing a smut story on Tumblr with a character named Spencer? Out of the ordinary. He thinks. She’s stopped typing to think for a second. Now or never. He thinks.
“Boo!” He yells and touches her shoulders. She screams so loud and frantically tries to hide what she was writing. She clicks save on the draft and closes the page.
“Whatcha writing.” He smirks knowing full well what she was doing.
“What..N..Nothing.” She stammers and stands up. “I’m gonna get a snack. Want anything.”
Matthew looks at the empty chair and sits down and opens Tumblr to see what she had written.
She screams, “NOO!! Don’t look at that.”
He laughs while going onto her blog. It’s a Spencer Reid fan account. She had revealed little details like her name and favorite music, but hadn’t notified her followers of her marriage to a certain man. She had also written fanfiction about Spencer that was, accurate, in terms of the size of a certain body part.
He clicks on a post with his name in it. It reads, Do you guys think Matthew Gray Gubler brushes his teeth in the shower?
“Hey, that was ONE time!” He says out loud.
She scoffs, “Twice, actually.”
Another one, a photo of his lap zoomed in on the crotch with the caption, “His wife must be happy.”
“She is.” He says out loud. She is absolutely mortified at his findings.
He keeps reading. Spencer, Spencer, Himself, Spencer.
“So you love Spencer more than you love me?” He jokingly pouts.
“Yeah I’m planning on leaving you for Spencer Reid. We’re running away together tonight.” She jokes back.
“I won’t let you!” He dramatically stands up and grabs her. They both hear a loud cry from upstairs.
“Someone’s hungry.” She says and leaves to the kitchen to get her baby’s bottle. Matthew goes upstairs to comfort their daughter. When his wife comes upstairs, the sight is so beautiful it should be framed.
Matthew’s in the rocking chair in the nursery holding his daughter and gently cradling her while she’s fussing. He’s whispering a poem to her. He sees his wife walk in and she hands him the bottle.
“There you go baby, see, you were just hungry sweetie.” He speaks in a voice sweeter than honey. He smiles down at her. When she falls asleep in his arms he brings her back to the crib and lays her down. Meanwhile, his wife puts on a relaxation cd that has lullabies, soft sounds and ocean waves. They exit the room quietly.
“Back to Tumblr I presume.” He smiles. “I thought you were supposed to be working on your next book.”
“I am, it’s just something on the side to keep my skills fresh.” She replies.
“Does the publishing company know about this ‘extracurricular activity’ of yours?” He takes her arm and they walk back to the office together.
“No, like I said it’s just something fun. Testing the waters.” She slips back into her chair and opens Tumblr again.
Matthew comes up right behind her and whispers in her ear. “I’m never letting you live this down.” He runs away but she grabs the water gun on her desk and chases him with it.
the end (they lived happily ever after)
just a silly little story
this man deserves a child i had to include him w a baby
@whoisspence this is one of the fics i was talking abt
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alyswritings · 2 years
Teen Mom
Request: Hi! I saw your requests are open and I saw the MGG imagine I think it was about teenage pregnancy and was wondering if you would do the same ish for Spencer Reid, maybe a little further along or little snapshots of the nine months, or him meeting his grandchild (it’s cool if your not comfortable doing this!)
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
Summary: Spencer's daughter gets pregnant.
Warnings: throwing up
a/n: thank you for the request! sorry it took forever to write. hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Y/N nervously paces her bedroom, sniffling as she recovers from crying. She holds the pregnancy test in her hand, her mind racking over how she's going to tell her dad.
Y/N is too in her head to hear the front door open and shut or hear Spencer call out for her. She jumps when her bedroom door opens, turning to see her dad walk in.
"Hey, honey. Hey, I got your favorite for dinner, I figur--" Spencer stops when he notices the tear stains on her face. "What's wrong?" Concern washes over his face as he walks closer to her. "Did something happen? Why are you crying?"
"Uh... I don't, um... I'm sorry." Y/N sobs. Spencer pulls her into a hug, stroking her hair.
"Baby, what happened?" Spencer asks. Y/N only continues to cry for a few moments before she holds her hand up, showing Spencer the test. Spencer takes the stick, looking at it, and quickly realizing what it is and what the result is.
"Oh." He mumbles.
"I'm so sorry, daddy. I-I didn't mean to. I never planned it, I don't-- please don't kick me out or-or disown me or anything." Y/N begs while still sobbing, pulling away from him.
"Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey. It's okay, baby. You're okay." Spencer tells her, bringing her back into a hug. "You aren't going anywhere. I'm right here.
"You... you don't hate me?" She sniffles.
"Of course not, sweetheart. I could never hate you." Spencer tells her.
"But... but I'm pregnant... and 17." Y/N says.
"And I will be with you every step of the way. Whether you keep the baby or-or put it up for adoption, whatever you decide, I will be right here." Spencer promises.
- - -
Y/N decided to keep the baby, not having the heart to not birth and raise it.
Spencer is woken up by the sound of retching coming from the bathroom. He quietly groans, rubbing his eyes as he checks the time, seeing it's five in the morning.
Spencer gets out, trudging to the bathroom where Y/N is kneeling in front of the toilet, emptying her stomach's contents.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, sweetheart." Spencer goes over, pulling her hair back and out of her face. "It's all right. Just let it out." Spencer kneels next to her, keeping her hair held back as she continues to throw up.
After Y/N is sure she's done, she flushes the toilet, letting out a small groan. Spencer wets a wash cloth and wipes around Y/N's mouth, kissing her on the head.
"Come on. Let's get you laying down." Spencer helps her up. "Bed or couch?"
"Bed." She mumbles.
"All right." Spencer leads her to her room and pulls her covers back as she gets into bed. He pulls the covers her up, basically tucking her in and he grabs her trash can, putting it next to her bed.
"You want some toast?" Spencer asks.
"No." She whines. "Sleep."
"Okay. Okay, get some sleep." Spencer says, kissing her temple.
- - -
Spencer gets home after work with takeout food. He's getting some dishes out while Y/N unpacks the food.
"Wait. Where's my fries?" Y/N asks.
"They're not in there?" Spencer asks.
"No." Y/N says.
"Oh. I'm sorry, baby. I guess they forgot." Spencer frowns. He puts the dishes down, looking at Y/N when he hears a sniffle. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"I wanted my fries!" She cries.
"Oh. Baby, we can get the fries another time."
"I want them now, though!"
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry." Spencer brings her into a hug, stroking her hair while she cries into his chest. After a few minutes, Y/N's cries have reduced to sniffles and she pulls away from Spencer.
"You okay?" Spencer asks, wiping her tears.
"I'm sorry. It... it's all these stupid hormones. I mean, they were bad enough as a teenager much less a pregnant teenager." Y/N says.
"I know, baby. I'm sorry." Spencer hugs her again, kissing her on the head.
- - -
Spencer and Y/N are watching TV and Spencer notices Y/N fidgeting every ten minutes.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Spencer asks.
"I don't know. I think I ate something bad, I keep having this pain in my abdomen." Y/N says.
"What?" Spencer's eyes widen. "How, uh... is it constant or...?"
"No. No, it comes and goes every, like, ten minutes." Y/N says.
"Okay, Y/N/N, don't freak out, but I think you might be in labor." Spencer says.
"What?" Her eyes widen. "N-No. It-- the baby's not due for a week. I... no."
"Okay. Okay, baby, we're gonna go to the hospital. You know, it could also be a false alarm, but just... just to be safe." Spencer says, turning the TV off and getting up. He helps her up, leading her to the door, grabbing the hospital bag on the way.
- - -
Y/N is in her hospital bed, still needing to dilate a few inches before she can push the baby out. Spencer walks in with a cup and rushes over to her.
"Okay, here's the ice chips." He gives her the cup.
"Thanks." Y/N says, focusing on her breathing.
"Yeah, baby, of course. You feeling okay?" Spencer asks.
"I feel like I'm about to be giving birth... which is not fun." Y/N says.
"Yeah. Yeah, it can be painful. You know, statistics show--"
"Dad, dad, daddy." Y/N stops him. "I really-- I can't do facts right now."
"Okay. Right, yeah, sure, sorry." Spencer says. "You want me to stay or you want me outside while you... while you welcome in a new life?"
"Stay, please. I'm actually really scared. What if... what if I can't do it? Push or raise a baby? I-I don't know the first thing about parenting. I'm 17, that's not exactly typical parent age. I don't... I don't know what the hell I'm doing."
"Hey, hey, sweetie, you are going to do amazing. Okay? You already love this baby more than anything, and that is the first part of being a parent -- loving your kid more than anything. And I will be with you every step of the way, ready to help whenever you need it. You're no in this alone. You're blessed enough to have a village to help you."
Y/N nods, starting to cry.
"Damn it, now I'm crying." She hiccups. Spencer smiles a little, hugging her, kissing the top of her head.
- - -
Y/N gives a final push, the doctor pulling the baby the rest of the way out.
"It's a boy!" The doctor announces. Y/N pants as she throws her head against the pillow.
"Hey, you did great. You did great. I'm proud of you." Spencer tells her, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.
"Is it over?" She whines.
"Yes. Yeah, it's over, baby." Spencer assures, kissing her on the head.
"Here's your baby boy, mama." A nurse gives the crying baby to Y/N. She takes him, easily managing to soothe his cries and Y/N softly laughs, feeling herself fall even more in love with her baby then she already was.
"Hi, baby." She whispers. "Hi."
After getting the baby cleaned up and swaddling him, they return the baby to Y/N.
"He's so tiny." Y/N says, glancing up at her dad.
"Yeah... you were just a teensy bit bigger." Spencer remembers.
"You wanna hold him?" Y/N asks. Spencer nods and carefully takes the baby from Y/N.
"Hey, buddy." Spencer softly greets, cradling the baby, making sure to support his head. "Hey. I'm your grandpa."
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @ironmaiden1313 @peyton-14
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mggsv · 1 year
Little Gub
f!reader x mgg (angst)
summary: it’s been years…a very long time. her hair was fluffy just like his- her smile a carbon copy. her dark hair, eyes and tan skin were all traits of her mother, but you could still see him in her as they laughed together, Matthew..
warnings: mentions of miscarriages and sex
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“Well which one does the princess want?” you hear a male voice on the verge of laughter.
“That one- that Barbie comes with a car like the one i have!” came a little girl’s voice afterwards, in which the male voice laughed. “Of course you can Little Gub.”
You knew that voice- all too well. It’s a voice you wish you’d forgotten. One that you didn’t want to think about, yet it replays in your head everyday.
You close your eyes tightly, counting softly to 5. You were scared, knowing that if you opened your eyes he’d be there, and with her. His little angel..his pride and joy. His daughter. She was all grown up now- she was turning 6 soon. You’d never forget when he told you- how excited he was when she got pregnant..when she had her. How you were his first phone call when she went into labor..how after that day you never talked to Matthew again.
Your eyes welled up with tears, but you didn’t want to cry, let alone go into a full on panic attack in the mall. You were shopping for art supplies. You owned a shop nearby- business is good..you’re good, or so you told yourself. Tucking your head into the bags of yarn in your hand you walked pass them as fast as you could. Your heart raced, the tears fell.
“no no- don’t do this to me now..” you whispered to yourself. Only a few steps left, you told yourself. Only a few more steps until you could breathe the fresh morning air and get into your car and forget it ever happened. Only a few..
“Ow!” you snapped back into reality, looking down at her..and one of your bags that laid by her feet.
“oh-! I’m sorry- I’m so sorry.” you scrambled for the bag, cursing yourself in your head. “I’m very sorry..”
“Y/N?” You hear his voice- he said your name. You haven’t heard it fall from his lips in years.
“I’m very sorry-“
“Y/N- it’s okay, it’s alright she’s just dramatic.” In which the girl sticks out her tongue. You gather your bag together and apologize again.
“It’s been a long time, we should hang out! Matter of fact- Little Gub’s birthday is tomorrow, how about you come?” You shake your head,
“I’m sorry- I can’t.” Your hands were shaking as you brushed past him, shoulder bumping his arm..it makes you suck in a shuddering breath as you bolted for the doors to freedom.
The trip to your car felt like a lifetime. Once you were in you turned on the ac, not even bothering to put in your seatbelt. Once you could finally..finally sit back, you cried. You let the last seven years out- hell, you screamed even. you can still hear it..the words leaving your mouth that day- that day that it got worse.
“..another miscarriage.” you had muttered to Matthew. You swallowed down the tears and smiled. “It’s okay though- we can try again, there’s nothing wrong with trying again.” You began to walk away to the front desk when he grabbed you from behind, his head leaning into your neck.
“I’m sorry-“
“It’s not you Matthew, the doctor said nothing’s wrong on your end..it’s me, but we can try again..” He didn’t miss the way your shoulder’s shook as you held back the flow of tears. You didn’t want to cry. You cried the first two times..by three you decided that doubting having a baby won’t allow you to have one- and now with four, it was the hardest thing ever. What hurt you the most was Matthew blaming himself for your misfortune. The doctor told you both it was impossible because of your infertility.
“I love you.” He whispered afterwards…
Over the course of six months after that you didn’t ignore how sad Matthew looked- how disappointed he’d be when the pregnancy tests came back negative, or when you bled within your first week of carrying what could be your child. It was eating him alive, and you couldn’t handle it.
You stopped having sex. You couldn’t even look at him without wanting to break down. You found yourself apologizing to him when he held you in bed..you cried together.
You ended things. You couldn’t help but smile when you did so..you didn’t want to cry, but you didn’t want to lose him either. It was only months later he met her…she was beautiful the first time he’d talked to you on the phone about it. You stayed up for hours listening to his ranting. It was like you were best friends again, before you caught feelings for one another..
They got together shortly afterwards, and again he told you all about it. How happy he sounded..
She became pregnant the following year.
You didn’t miss the excitement in his voice as he talked to you on the phone. He was on speaker, you only stared at the phone through the tears that raced down your cheeks.
And then she had her..his Little Gub he called her, Clementine Marilyn Gubler. He called you before she went into labor, you didn’t pick up a phone call after that day. You read his texts to you- her name, how big she was- he told you everything.
He was finally happy..it’s what you wanted, something good for him. And you…You’d be okay. Therapy was nice for a while, the meds worked wonders. You didn’t like being sober enough to think about them..the happy family Matthew had that wasn’t yours.
You moved on…you found your shop, it was your home your everything. But you knew..something was missing, something you’d never get back.
A knock on your window made you jump. You look over, Matthew’s face smiling sadly at you. He looked over the tear stains on your cheeks, Clementine in his arms. You let down the window as he slides a piece of paper to you, an invitation. It was pink with Barbie on it.
“My number’s on the back, give me a call okay? I’d like to talk again, Y/N..”
He gives you a head nod as he pulls back. You roll up the window and watch as he walks away.. he wasn’t parked far. You can see him kiss her head before putting her in the backseat of the car.
He stared at her for a minute…and then there was a smile. You watch Matthew get into his car, but you were already gone by the time he drove away.
You could help glancing at the pink invitation in your lap, knowing you wouldn’t be showing up
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tjwritesfanfics · 1 month
Little prodigy (Franklin - Beginner's Luck)
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Pairing: Dad!Franklin x Mom!Reader
Summary: Your daughter, Emma, was finally the age to start bowling and Franklin wanted nothing more than to teach her.
Rating: FLUFF!!
Words: 1.8k
Main Masterlist | Other MGG Characters Masterlist
AN I just had to. This was too cute not to write.
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Bowling had always been Franklin’s life. His first memory was bowling a strike with his toy bowling kit his dad bought him before he walked out on him and his mom.
Childhood trauma aside, he promised if he ever became a father, he would 1) teach his spawn how to bowl and 2) never leave. And now 5 years into his marriage and his daughter finally about to turn 4 (and with his wife’s approval. She wanted to make sure Emma had the motor skills to hold a bowling ball) Franklin and his wife planned a bowling party for her birthday.
“Hey we love the little slugger, it’s the least we could do.” Bomber tied some black and yellow balloons.
Franklin smiled to himself, watching his friends go about setting up party items for his daughter and he thought he couldn’t have asked for a better family than this. Yeah, he wasn’t the easiest guy to get along with, especially before he met his wife.
You changed him for the better. His own little personal cheerleader who didn’t take any crap.
“Where is the birthday girl?” Pamela looked over from her seat, she decided she was going to be supervisor as the rest of them set up. “I am ready to teach her how to trash talk the other team.”
“She’s with y/n and Judith. Told me they wanted to take her out for a girls morning and something about a surprise.”
Franklin plopped down beside her, sighing looking around at the setup, happy with the amount of black and yellow there was. Nothing was better than a Big Z Tires birthday party.
Pamela crossed her arms, a prominent pout on her lips. “Girls day and didn’t invite me!”
“Well I knew that Franklin needed to be watched and you are the best watcher.”
Franklin whips his head around to see you standing with an arms full of presents for Emma. His heart fluttered at the sight of you, never failing to make seeing you like it’s the first time all over again. 
Rushing over to you, Franklin took half of the presents from your arms, taking them over to another table with you before turning to take you in his arms and pressed a kiss to your head. “Doll face,” He sighed as you melt into his touch, “How was girls' day? Where is the princess?”
“She’s coming in soon,” you motion to the door with your head, “Judith has her. I had to make sure the presents came inside and had daddy distracted for his little surprise.”
Franklin groans, his arms pulling you even closer, swinging you slightly from side to side. “Doll, you know what it does to me when you call me ‘daddy’.”
“Stop it you pervert.” You smack his chest. “Close your eyes.”
“How can I be PG when you continue to say stuff like that?”
You laugh at him, but notice he closes his eyes anyway, a wide grin on his face. He was too cute and that was something you never thought you would associate with the cocky Franklin from all those years ago.
You motion to Judith, who you could see standing just beyond the glass door, your daughter excitedly jumping by her side, and nodded to the others.
The door to the bowling alley bursts open, Emma rushing towards you and your husband, her dad’s big grin plastered on her face and a Big Z Tires bowling shirt that you made just for her.
A month ago, after Franklin’s championship win, Emma told you that she wanted to be just like him when she grows up. She admires her father so much, so you promised that you could make her her own jersey and they would surprise him with it.
The other’s squealed and cheered for Emma and you could tell Franklin was about to open his eyes, ruining the surprise, so you quickly took your hand and covered his eyes. “Not yet! You have to wait until she gets closer.”
“But everyone else got to see!” He protested and you shushed him. “You know you are smudging my glasses.” You shush him again, but move to take off his glasses since he was blind without them and take the microfiber cloth out of his pocket, cleaning them for him.
Emma finally came to a stop right next to Franklin, barely being able to contain her excitement, her curly brown hair practically a blur from her movement. Her little hand gripped his pants, giving them a tug. “Daddy! Daddy!”
You smile and slip Franklin’s glasses back on his face, eyes going from his now open ones to Emma. “She has something to show you, Daddy.”
You wish you had a camera trained on Franklin’s face the moment he looked down at his daughter. The surprise, joy, and overwhelming love coming over him, his smile even wider as he scooped up Emma into his arms.
“Look at my princess!” He exclaims, spinning around in a circle with her, Emma giggling wildly. “Oh sweetie you look so adorable! Where did you get this!”
“Daddy! Stop!” Emma continued giggling, “I’m getting dizzy!”
Franklin eventually did stop spinning, but didn’t release Emma from his arms.
“Mommy made it for me!” She admits proudly. “I want to be just like you when I grow up!”
Franklin looks over at you, his heart swelling and shifts to hold Emma on his hip so he can extend his hand out to you. You take his hand, intertwining your fingers. “It was her idea. You have no idea how hard it was to find a bowling shirt in her size, but it was worth it.”
“I love you.” Franklin lifted your hands to kiss your knuckles. “This may be her birthday, but this is the best gift I could have ever gotten.”
“I love you more, Champ. Now come on, let’s show our little girl how bowling is done.”
Franklin grins, putting Emma down and taking her hand, leading her over to the shoe counter. You could hear him promising to get her her own custom shoes and her own bowling ball too.
Making your way over, you sit next to Beth, who had brought your shoes and ball for you, slipping off your casual shoes. “I never thought I would see the day that Franklin became a dad.”
You chuckle at her because most people thought the same, but once you got to REALLY know Franklin, you knew that he would have been the best dad. Today is proof of it.
“But you two are meant for eachother and this. Emma is so precious.”
Sitting up straight, you look over and see Franklin slipping Emma’s shoe on princess style, her face a little flushed, but happy, nonetheless. “I love them so much.”
Once everyone had changed shoes and got their balls, Pamela set up the machine for the match and Emma was up first. You watch as Franklin showed her how to put her fingers in the holes and the proper formation. You wonder if maybe you should have put up the bumpers for her first time, just so she doesn’t get disappointed if she rolls a gutter ball, but before you could voice your concerns to Pamela, Emma reeled back and flawlessly bowled a strike.
You stare wide eyed at the screen, a cartoon bowling ball taking the pins out with a samurai sword before displaying the word STRIKE.
Silence filled the air, everyone shocked at what they saw. Until Franklin’s brain caught up with what had just happened.
He slapped his hand and turned around pointing at all his teammates. “FUCK YES!” He screamed, thrusting both hands towards his crotch as if saying to suck it. “MY PRINCESS IS A LITTLE PRODIGY!!”
“Franklin!” You couldn’t believe he just did that but honestly you were thinking the same, “Language!” One of you had to be the adult. No matter how badly you wanted to scream and shout.
He was too busy celebrating with Emma to hear you. She had stars in her eyes, excitement pouring out of every inch of her, so you couldn’t find it in yourself to care anymore.
“You know,” Bomber tapped your shoulder to get your attention, “it’s not so surprising that Emma is a prodigy. Franklin and you both are the best bowlers in town.”
“Mommy bowls too?”
Bomber nods, pride on her face. “Your mom was on our team before she had you. She could bowl circles around your dad.
Everyone laughed, since they knew it was true, but Franklin had to attempt to save his manhood.
“When you are trying to woo a woman, you gotta let her win! It’s common guy knowledge.”
“So you are still trying to woo her? Even after you're married?”
The girls laugh at Pamela’s dig and eventually Franklin joins in, knowing that while he was the best, you were slightly better… Not that he would ever admit it out loud.
The day continued on, Emma continued to get strikes, a few spares, and one or two gutters, you all opened presents and had cake. By the end of it all your little prodigy was tuckered out.
Franklin carried Emma up to her room, you trailing behind them, and tucked her into bed. She had begged to keep her Big Z Tires shirt on and after a little ‘considering’ (like you would say no to her, especially on her birthday) you let her keep it on.
“Did you have a good birthday, princess?” Franklin pushed back her curls, kissing her forehead and smiling when she nodded.
“I did. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome sweetie.” You kiss her cheek from the other side of the bed, eyes lovingly going from her to Franklin. “We will have to go back and bowl some more.”
Emma let out a happy sound before her eyes finally slipped closed, drifting off to sleep.
You stand and take Franklin’s hand, making your way over to the door after making sure her night light was on. “Sweet dreams Emma.” You switch off the lights and shut the door.
“Best day ever.” Franklin comments when you both go back to your bedroom. “Of course our girl is a prodigy. She bowled so damn well today.”
You smile at him, shaking your head and begin getting ready for bed. Once you were both in bed, you snuggled up to his side, hand rubbing up and down his chest.
“I love you. Thank you for giving me a family.”
“And thank you for giving me one.”
You kiss his lips before slipping off to sleep, excited to continue on the bowling legacy with your daughter.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
After a life long Quarantine
(A/N): This was requested by an anon. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing
Summary: How will Matthew's daughter, a so called covid baby, react to seeing real humans aside from her father for the first time?
Wordcount: 1.5k
Of course there is not a perfect time to have children. You never are going to be completely prepared. There is always something you’ll worry about. Are you going to be a good parent? Is your child going to be healthy? Are you financially stable enough?
All these and more questions flew through Matthew’s head constantly. But before the baby was due to arrive, the world got a little bit more crazy. Stores had to close, masks help you not kill your neighbor and it feels like breathing air could be the reason you die within the next two weeks. In other words: Covid-19 hit and everything kind of went into saving mode.
Subjectively for Matthew having a baby in the middle of a pandemic is the worst time ever. Shortly after going into lockdown the little (Y/N) was born. He was lucky to be able to come with his back then girlfriend into the hospital, he narrowly missed the restriction.
Sadly for the small family (Y/N)’s mother didn’t feel ready to take care of her and just a few weeks after her birth she took her stuff and made a beeline for a carefree life without responsibilities.
For Matthew it was a banger and he had to get used to a completely new day to day life. Still, he is very happy to have his daughter, his sunshine, with him. And secretly he is happy about the pandemic, because the freshly baked father is able to monitor any new progress or milestone (Y/N) has made in her development. He didn’t miss her first conscious smile, laugh or her first words (“Dada” of course, she is a daddy’s girl). The only thing he is concerned about for now will be the separation anxiety when he has to leave her for Kindergarten or work. But this is something Matthew can worry about later.
To be perfectly honest the only surroundings (Y/N) has seen yet is their apartment and the park. He tries to overlap her nap time with his grocery runs, so his daughter is asleep in her stroller while he picks up the things they need. It’s the easiest and most relaxing way without being separated.
Now, nearly a year after her birth, the whole situation slowly lets up. Stores reopen, people are back in the cities and everything seems a little brighter, a little happier. Travel restrictions are banned (still with safety precautions).
Since his baby’s birth he wasn’t able to see his parents in person. Of course they skyped and facetimes as often as possible, but they have yet to meet their grandchild. That’s why Matthew decided to take a roadtrip from New York City to Las Vegas.
His plan is to drive to Texas to visit Thomas and his family and to show his own child off. He knows that the car ride (to San Antonio 27 hours plus 18 to Las Vegas) is long. Luckily Matthew has enough time to plan this road trip and the plane ride back thoroughly and count enough breaks for him and his daughter. There are many fun activities, like visiting several zoos, a waterpark and a fair for example. He wants to show (Y/N) that there are many beautiful spots in the world she has yet to see.
That’s why he gets up at 4 a.m on a Tuesday, gets her and himself ready and is in the rental car at sharp 5 a.m. He wants to get a few miles done before eating lunch in a diner or something on the way, so the father tries to avoid traffic jams, hence the early start.
Luckily (Y/N) falls back asleep as soon as the car starts and doesn’t wake up before noon. “Daddy, I hungwy”, she pouts after jamming with him to several Disney songs he downloaded on a CD. A quick look to the clock confirms that it is in fact time for lunch. “Alright Baby, let Daddy find a nice place and we get food. What do you want?” “NUGGIES!” Matthew laughs and mutters to himself: “Well, that’s not exactly a surprise.”
Soon he finds a sweet diner off the highway and parks in front of it. With a few practised movements he gets (Y/N) out of her car seat and hoisted up on his hip. “You ready to get the little monster inside your tummy fed?” Matthew asks in a silly voice. Giggling she nods her head.
For lunch time the diner is relatively empty, not many tables are occupied. He finds both of them a small booth and sits her down on his lap for the moment. Only now the father spots the amazed look on his daughter’s face. “What is it, Honey?” “Who they?” She points at the various people in the establishment.
Quickly he puts her finger down, muttering how rude it is to point at someone. “They are humans, Baby.” “Omans? Wike us? More us?” Suddenly it hits him:
(Y/N) has never seen anybody else than him. All the other people she met were over the phone. How is she supposed to understand that they are real, too, when the ones on the TV aren’t?
“Yeah, there are many more. We are going to see so many of them. What do you think?” She seems to weigh her options as a nice looking waitress comes up to their table. “Hey Sweeties, what good can I do for you two? Do you need a high chair?” Matthew smiles at her. “Yes, please. We also are ready to order.”
After her departure to get their things, (Y/N) has come to a decision. “Nice all?” Her father nods. “Yes, most of them are as nice as the lady. We are going to see a really good friend of mine and his family, they are even nicer. There are also other kids. And we are going to visit your grandparents, they are also really nice. Are you excited?” An energetic nod is enough for him to know that this was the right decision.
On the next leg of the road trip (Y/N) is too excited to be quiet. She asks her father all sorts of questions. Has he met every human being? What are those, who aren’t nice? Does he like all of them? Are he and she nice people?
Happily he answers every single one of them, being as honest as possible. Matthew hopes that his daughter still turns out to be a people person like he is, even though she wasn’t exposed to many in her first months of life.
The first few days of their trip is pretty promising. They are now at Thomas’ house and especially Agatha is smitten by the little girl. Whenever Matthew is looking for her, both of them are in her room painting each other's nails (though the older one helps her out), playing hairdresser or watching a kids show.
The last 18 hours of the trip are tackled in two days. The main reason is that the little one got hooked on meeting new people and is way too hyped up to wait any longer to see her grandparents. So Matthew cancels a few plans and makes two out of three, he himself is also excited to meet up with his parents again.
“How wong?” (Y/N) asks from the backseat for what feels like the trillionth time. She already watched all of her favorite movies on her little tv in the headrest and due to the uneven street coloring isn’t an option. Luckily the destination is in sight. “Mhh, I think we are there in five minutes.” Children her age don’t have a sense for time yet, he knows that. Still, the father feels bad lying to her.
Finally they pull into the driveway, two people already waiting outside for them. After getting her out Matthew puts (Y/N) on his hip and makes his way over to his parents. “Baby, these are your grandma and grandpa. Can you say hello to them?”
But she tries to wiggle out of his grip, making the smiles on everybody’s faces fall. The father sets her down. Clumsily (Y/N) toddles over to them, colliding with her grandfather’s leg. “Hello, I love you!” She looks up at them sweetly. Her grandma has to restrain herself from letting the tears of happiness fall down.
“Hello there, Baby. We are so happy to finally meet you!” She says to the toddler, who now is in her grandfather’s arms.
It’s in this moment that Matthew decides his daughter is in fact a people person, which he is kind of relieved about, knowing that quarantine hasn’t taken anything from her.
His father shows him to join the group hug, being finally reunited as a family after all this time.
All works:
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fairyellieee · 2 years
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Fandom: Criminal Minds US TV (2005)
Pairing/s: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Inspired by: Flawless by The Neighbourhood
Trigger Warning/s: criminal minds stuff/talks about the case briefly.
Summary: A secret relationship is very hard to maintain, especially if that person that you're with works with you; also the fact that the both of you work with profilers.
Requested: ok so my fic idea was hotch x reader but reader is rossis daughter and also part of the bau and they’ve been secretly dating for a couple years and the rest of the bau and Rossi find out abt their relationship somehow (exactly how is up to you) maybe the bau went for a night out but hotch said no (bc he wanted to propose to y/n) and they go to this restaurant w a rooftop and maybe they catch hotch proposing to y/n on the rooftop when they go up for post dinner drinks
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Maybe it was because of the thrill or maybe it's because they like to feel that they're really smart by fooling a bunch of profilers; either way, keeping their relationship a secret was agreed on.
Being David Rossi's daughter has its pros and cons. First, you have a rich dad which also means you're a little spoiled if I'm gonna be honest. Second, he's very overprotective and the list just goes on and on.
Your dad scares the living daylights out of everyone that you've dated or were in a relationship with. It's like he doesn't even want you to be with someone which is why you kept your relationship with Aaron a secret to your dad.
Yeah, maybe it's a little weird dating your dad's boss and best friend who's twice your age but hey, love is love.
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"5 more minutes." Whining out, Aaron just chose to wake you up at 6 in the morning aka too early.
"C'mon Y/n, don't you want to eat breakfast with me? The most amazing or your most amazing boyfriend ever." He said trying to convince you which completely does not work. It only made you more sleepy and snuggle closer to him like a koala.
"Rather not."
Suddenly, he picks you up and puts you over his shoulder, making you squeal and hit his back.
"Put me down! Hotch! No! Put me down!"
"No, I'm not going to let you make us late again. We've been late for almost a week, the team probably suspects something already." Setting you down on the kitchen counter, he kisses your forehead as he starts cooking breakfast.
"I don't think my boss would mind me being late that much." You said giving him your best puppy eyes and a cheeky little smile.
"Well, he would if you were also the reason why he's late. Now get ready before I carry you and drop you in a very cold bathtub." He warned which made you scour into the bathroom in fear.
"All in a day's work of an amazing boyfriend."
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Meanwhile, in the bullpen the team was speculating as usual.
"I really think that they're dating. I mean the chemistry is right there!" Morgan argued as JJ gave him a "what're you talking about" look.
"I agree with my chocolate thunder, I really think that they're dating for like a long time but what I don't get is why they're hiding it from us." Penelope whined and pouted a little betrayed on why you wouldn't tell them or her.
"Well, I for one disagree. Yeah, they probably have feelings for each other but they probably haven't even acted on it. Hotch literally needs Rossi's permission first before asking her out because Rossi is very scary and literally overprotective of Y/n." JJ rebutted which made Emily nod.
"Plus, if they were together wouldn't you guys think that they would've already said something?" Emily said as she raised her eyebrows at all of them.
"You wanna bet on it, Em?" Morgan challenged.
"I do, I bet $20 that they like each other but isn't going out yet or haven't confessed to each other. How about you guys?"
"I also bet $20 that they're both already together but is hiding it from us and especially Rossi." Penelope challenged.
"Well, in that case. I bet $20 that they're both together but only Rossi and probably Jack knows." Derek said shrugging.
"That's literally impossible. I bet $20 with the same accusation as Emily. How about you pretty boy, are you gonna bet on it?" JJ asked Spencer.
"No, I don't think it's right to bet on your coworker's love life."
"What're you guys talking about?" Rossi suddenly asked from the entrance of the bullpen.
"Nothing." They all said at the same time then they dispersed and started "innocently" doing their work.
Then entered Hotch a few minutes later. Late again.
"Hey Hotch. Why're you late, again?" Emily asked curiously.
"Alarm didn't go off."
"Would've thought that your body would've already gotten used to waking up early." Derek commented which made Hotch glare at him.
Also a few minutes later, Y/n enters late as usual.
"I'm so sorry that I'm late, long night. Don't ask, can't explain."
"Wasn't going to, sweet girl."
When Y/n finally reached her desk, she found 2 dozens files. Too much. So she thought of a plan.
"Hey Spence, my favourite coworker and genius."
"What is it this time Y/n?" He asked sort of grumpily.
"Well.... I have a bunch of paperwork and I know for a fact that you love paperwork and not only that but I promise to buy you a dozen donuts later at lunch if you help me." You bargained as he came into thought.
"I guess it is a win-win situation. Sure, hand me half of those."
"Thank you thank you thank you."
"Yeah, yeah, just remember the dozen donuts or I'll haunt you." He said scarily? Well, tried to say it scarily.
You handed him the files then he started doing it. With just a few minutes to spare, Spencer was done with his dozen of your files while you haven't even gotten past half of yours. Well, a promise is a promise.
A few minutes before lunch time, you went and asked your coworkers if they'd like something from Spencer's fave bakery so you could buy it too (with Rossi's money ofc). Going up to Hotch's office seems natural but also nerve-wracking, you can't help but think that they might suspect something.
Knocking on the door three times, you heard Hotch say "come in".
"Hey Hotch, I was going out to Spencer's fave bakery and I thought that maybe you'd like something."
"Just one black coffee and some pastry that's not too sweet." He said smiling a little bit.
"Don't blame me if it's a bitter pastry then.* You said half jokingly which made him chuckle and return back from his work.
Walking out of his office you saw your teammates around Morgan's desk probably gossiping. You paid no mind as you went to get everyone something from the bakery.
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When you came back at the bullpen, everyone wasn't there. You tried to find them and you saw them at the briefing room. Yikes. You must've missed a message that says there was a case.
"L/n, you're finally back. We have a case, you'll be briefed at the jet." Hotch said in his deep hot unit chief voice. You nodded as everyone including you prepared for the flight.
"Hey Spence, here's your dozen donuts. You should eat before solving stuff." You said as you handed him the box full of chocolate sprinkled donuts.
"Thank N/n." he said a childlike glee appearing on his face.
When you both reached the jet, you also handed your other coworkers orders.
"We're going to Detroit, Michigan. There has been multiple kidnappings of men. They're dumped in a trash can with their penis chopped off and apparently inside the victim's mouth." Hotch explained.
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At the end of the day when all of you were at the lobby of the hotel, the unit chief has some semi-bad news.
"We'll have to double up, Rossi's trying to find some sort of suite so he won't be doubling up with us. There has been some mishap with the reservation and they can't do anything about it." He said holding up 3 room keys.
You desperately wanted to room with Hotch but you don't want to make it suspicious but thankfully the team had a plan. They all looked at each other and nodded, you and Hotch didn't notice though.
"I'm rooming with JJ." Emily said as she stood up and Hotch handed her one room key.
"I'll go with pretty boy then." Derek begrudgingly said as Spencer scoffed.
"As if I wanted to room with your loud snoring. It's like living in a bear cave, I think the room moves everytime you sleep." Spencer teasingly said, as he got punched on the arm by Derek.
"Then, that leaves Miss Y/n with Agent Hotchner." JJ teasingly said as you glared at her but Hotch paid no attention to.
"Why does he get "Agent" and I get "Miss", what in the sexist world is this, JJ?" You teasingly said as she just rolls her eyes at you.
"Guess I'm with you bossman."
As you got the keys from your boss, your team has been eyeing the both of you "sneakily". You knew that they were trying to "set" the both of you up, sometimes you wonder if they're really profilers.
When the both of you were in the room, you made sure that none of your teammates followed you; yeah, it was a little paranoid-ish but you can't blame a girl if their coworkers' are really nosey.
"Everything's clear." Hotch said in his very commanding voice, half jokingly I guess.
"Well, since it's just you and me bossman. How about we-"
You were suddenly interrupted by Hotch pulling you close and situating you in his lap.
"I guess we could relax a little bit but I am still your superior-"
"supervisor blah blah blah, whatever. Let's make out."
"What are we 14?"
"Well, you certainly aren't 14. Grandpa." You said as you booped his nose and giggling.
You were suddenly carried and dropped into a really fluffy bed. Well, you like to be manhandled anyways.
"Grandpa, huh? Well, I'll show you who's grandpa." He stated as he looked at you challengingly. The both of you stared at each other until you flipped the two of you, him being the bottom (as he should be).
"Wouldn't want you to have an arthritis, grandpa."
"That does it little girl!" You were suddenly laughing your ass off as your boss/boyfriend tickled you.
All of a sudden, in your peripheral vision, you saw David Rossi aka your dad aka your boyfriend's friend.
"Dad! Oh my gosh! This isn't what it looks like! I swear!" You started explaining as you climbed off of Hotch's lap or whatever.
"I already know but please for God's sake keep it down and always lock the door."
"Y-you knew?*
"How wouldn't I? You can't keep your hands off of each other and everyone else has probably suspected something."
You were shocked to your core and as you turned to look at Hotch he was just frozen. You waved your hand infront of him and he snapped out of it.
"How long have you known?" Aaron asked.
"Since you were so worried about her not coming to work. I saw your car at her apartment parking." He smirked as you were just shocked again. That was almost a year ago.
"Why didn't you say anything, dad?"
"I wanted to give you the opportunity of saying it to me. Plus, it's fun to watch you try to hide it from a bunch of profilers. You're not as sneaky as you think." He chastised and as he approached you guys at the bed, he pulled a chair from the kitchen and said to Aaron condescendingly: "If you hurt her Aaron Hotchner, I'm a damn good profiler and I know how to dispose a body without anybody knowing."
Hotch nervously chuckled as he replied "i wouldn't even dream of hurting her."
"Now, go sleep children. We're still on a case."
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"C'mon bossman, it's a once in a blue moon situation. We solved a case. It's worth celebrating for." Morgan tried to convince Hotch to go with the team and celebrate for solving the case and saving 5 women's lives.
"I have to go home, Morgan. Jack is waiting for me." Hotch said genuinely which made Morgan back off the topic and nodded understandingly.
"Goodbye everybody. Have fun!" Y/n waved goodbye to the team as she exits the office.
"and why aren't you coming, missy?" Prentiss asked Y/n with a raised eyebrow.
"My cat misses me." You said with a little pout as you continued to exit.
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You were admiring yourself on the mirror when you suddenly heard a knock on the door. It's probably your boys.
"Coming, just a second!" You said as you rushed to put on your shoes and go to the door.
"Hey jack!" You said as you were suddenly pulled into a hug by said kid.
"Y/n! I'm so so so so so so excited!" He said as he jumped up and down, clearly too energized for his own good.
"Aww, I'm excited too jack-jack." You said as you kneeled down at his level and kissed his cheek. You look up at his father and smiled at him.
"Hey Aaron! Almost didn't see you there." You said jokingly as he pouted.
"We bought you flowers too, give it to her daddy."
"Aye aye boss. It seems as if he's going out with you." Jack's dad said as he rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Awe thanks Jack, you're such a gentleman. Come inside for a minute as I put this in a vase." Stepping aside and letting them in.
You put the flowers into a vase half-full of water and the three of you went out and into the car.
"It's quite a fancy restaurant so Jack be well-behaved, okay?" His father reminded him as the little man nodded in understanding.
As you were going to the restaurant, you can't help but be thankful to have both of these boys in your life.
When you were finally at the restaurant and parked, the three of you entered and you can't help but smile from ear to ear.
"Reservation for Hotchner." Aaron said to the lady at the front desk as she skimmed through the little book and nodded. She signed to a man to lead the three of you to your table.
To your surprise, the man led you to the restaurant's rooftop. It was peaceful and had flowers scattered around a table, it's shaped like heart.
In your shocked state you turned to your boyfriend and see him knelt down on one knee. Jack held your hand as he can't stop squealing.
"Y/n L/n, you have made me the happiest man on earth when you became my girlfriend. I, now, want to ask you to make me even happier by being my future wife and my fiancee. Will you marry me?" You were speechless, your eyes filled with tears (happy tears) as you nodded and replied. "Yes! A million times yes!" He put the ring on your finger as you hugged each other and he lift you up in the air.
You suddenly heard clapping from the rooftop's stairwell, you turned to look and saw the team with a shocked but happy faces. The girls approached you first and hugged the both of you as you were pulled aside to let them fan girl on your ring.
Congratulations were thrown by the team at the both of you but a question still remains. "Who invited them?"
You turned to Aaron and asked. "Did you invite them?"
"I actually did. They didn't know that Hotch is proposing but when he asked me for my blessing on his proposal I had to invite the team to witness it." Your dad interjected.
"I'm so happy that I get to share this intimate moment with the most important people in my life. I love you all." you said and hug them.
"We knew something was going on but we never thought that he'd be proposing already! Why didn't you tell us sooner!?" Garcia pouted as she gave you a kicked puppy look.
"Well, I didn't also know he was going to propose."
"We wanted to tell you as soon as possible but time flew by so fast. Next thing I knew I had the urge to propose to her." Hotch reasoned with Garcia.
"We're all so happy for you but the food is here." Rossi said.
As you all were seated, you felt so happy that you had your family with you.
"To the future Mr. and Mrs. Hotchner!" Derek toasted as the team and Jack cheered.
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
Reader Moodbards
Updated: 12/07/2021
(All images from Pinterest. I made sure to not use as many photos that would depict what the reader looks like to keep it inclusive and as reader insert)
All readers from my “Who I Write For” list are listed (if there are any that aren’t here that you want to see, send an ask!)
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spencers-dria · 3 years
White Horse
Single dad Spencer x single mom reader
A little angst, plenty of fluff
Summary: based on the Taylor Swift song- White Horse, reader feels she’s in a fairytale gone wrong when her ex does nothing but let her daughter down, but her story isn’t over yet
Tw: absent father, broken marriage, single parents,
I was inspired to write a TS song fic because of @samuel-de-champagne-problems and all their fantastic ones which you should all go read!
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Say you're sorry, that face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to
As I paced back and forth all this time
'Cause I honestly believed in you
Holdin' on, the days drag on
Stupid girl, I should've known, I should've known
“Are you kidding me right now Shay?!”
I sharply pull on my ex-husbands arm, taking us out of earshot of our 8 year old daughter.
“What did I do wrong now?”
He rolls his eyes so hard I’m surprised they don’t roll right out of his head.
“The Daddy Daughter Dance?! How many times have I asked you not to make promises like that to her? Especially without running it by me first!”
“It’s fine! I’ll be there! And look how happy she is. How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?”
We peek around the corner to see our daughter off in her own little world, merrily dancing around the living room.
“You always say that. And I’m left to clean up the pieces of her broken heart.”
He steps in closer, looking at me with a face that is completely void of emotion.
“Her broken heart... or yours?”
“Get out.”
“Excuse me?”
“Get out now. I don’t want to see you back here until the night of that damn dance, do you hear me?”
He throws his hands up in surrender, giving our daughter a quick goodbye before heading out the door. As much as I hate to see him, I really hope he’ll keep his word this time, for her sake.
“Alice, it’s time for bed honey.”
I scoop her up in my arms, smothering her with kisses as her magical laughter fills the air.
“When can we go pick out my dress mommy?”
I sigh internally, dreading the thought of seeing her let down, but I can’t crush her happiness now. Shay might come through... for once.
And there you are on your knees
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry
“Daddy’s so sorry he can’t be there baby.”
I swear I could toss the ipad across the room right about now. I saw this coming from a mile away, but how could I have done anything to stop it once he already got her hopes up? Was I supposed to be the bad guy, telling her that daddy lies, daddy can’t be trusted, daddy probably won’t show up?
“It’s okay Daddy. I love you.”
“Love you too baby. Goodnight!”
And with that the FaceTime ends. It’s quiet in the room, too quiet. When I approached Alice, I see that she had silent tears running down her cheeks. She is dressed up ready to go, sparkly dress, ribbons in her hair, everything she asked. I even let her wear a little blush and mascara to feel like a “grown up”.
The bravery this one little girl shows, the maturity and self control in the face of hurt and disappointment... she could have yelled, thrown a tantrum, gotten angry, hung up on him. She took his apology with a grave and dignity he will never receive from me. It’s far too late for that.
I wipe her tears and pull her into me with all the love I have to give.
“Yes, honey?”
“Can we still go to the dance?”
“Of course baby girl! We’ve got to show off that sparkly dress now don’t we?”
That earns me a small giggle and a smile. We’re back on the right track for the night.
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you and your white horse
To come around
We walk into the dance hand in hand. The tears are far behind us, replaced with the excitement of her first real dance. She immediately makes a beeline for her friends. I can’t help but smile to see her so happy despite the precious events of the night.
I make my way to an empty table with a cup of punch in hand. It’s mostly father’s and daughter’s around, as one would expect. There’s female teachers as chaperone’s but other then than I’m certainly in the minority.
After taking my seat I notice there’s a few personal items in the seat next to me. Someone will likely be by to claim them soon. Apparently soon is exactly 10 seconds because that’s how long it takes before a tall handsome man slides down into the seat next to me.
I expect him to make a move or use some cheesy line. Instead I get a tight-lipped smile and an awkward wave. I would assume he’s taken, but I can’t help but notice the lack of a wedding ring… not that I’m looking.
“Hi I’m...I’m uh Spencer. Spencer Reid.”
“Well nice to meet you Spencer Reid, I’m Y/N.Do you have a daughter here too ?”
“Oh she’s off dancing with her friends on the other side. Too cool to be seen with her old man I suppose.”
“Ahh. A teenager then?”
“Yeah, fifteen now. I can hardly believe it. She’s my whole world though.” He has the best smile when he talks about her, and I can tell their bond is special.
“Mine’s eight. Even that feels too old. I’m not ready for the sass, or for her to outgrow our time together.”
“Eight… I miss that age.”
“Plans for any more?”
I hope it’s not too intrusive or inappropriate.
“Plans? Not currently. Hopes… I mean. Yeah, yeah I’d like more.”
There’s a look in his eyes, like I have broken his heart just a little.
“Yeah, same here. Alice deserves… better. Better than her dad can ever give her.”
If he notices the hurt in my eyes, he doesn’t say anything. I can tell he wishes he could be out there dancing with his daughter. It’s special, that excitement, when they’re too young to be embarrassed by you yet.
The more we talk, the more I find myself pulled in. It’s the sound of his voice, the twinkle of his eyes in the low lighting, how effortless it is talking to him. I feel like I could tell him anything, trust him with anything, and it scares me. I stopped dreaming about fairytale endings long ago.
Just as I’m ready to put all my walls back up, Alice comes running up to the table.
“What’s wrong sweet pea?”
She tears up, but no words are spoken. I look past her to see all the girls on the dance floor… with their dads. Oh no. Maybe this was a terrible idea. I start to panic. I could take her out to dance myself, but what if that left her feeling even more alienated. Before I have a chance to spiral into anymore anxiety, Spencer speaks up from beside me.
“Hi Alice. My name’s Spencer. Your mom was just telling me all about you.”
She smiles politely, but looks apprehensive. Good girl. I taught her to always be wary of strangers.
“Do you wanna see a magic trick?”
She looks at me for confirmation and I give a smile and a nod. She approaches him hesitantly, but there’s curiosity in her gaze. Spencer pulls a deck of cards out of his back pocket. Who carries around a deck of cards to a school dance? He’s quirky. I like it.
Alice watches with awe as he performs a couple card tricks. He finishes by making a pink rose appear. Not the fake ones in cheap magician kits, but a real rose. The smile on her face and the way she holds the flower close to her chest tells me he’s won her over. She’s almost completely forgotten about the dance. Almost.
Spencer stands, offering a hand to her, looking to me for the official go ahead, which I gladly give with a wink.
“Miss Alice, may I have this dance?”
Her eyes light up, her grin spreading so far across her face it must hurt. She takes his hand, which looks so small, so delicate in his long fingers. I can hear them talking as they make their way to the dance floor.
He looks handsome in his long sleeve, black button down shirt and purple bow tie and suspenders. It’s geek chic, just my type.
“You match my dress!”
“I suppose I do,” he chuckles. “Purple is my favorite color.”
I see her eyes go big again. “Me too!”
Before I know it, they’re laughing and dancing around together. He’s spinning her, which is her favorite. And there it is again, my favorite sound in the world, her laughter filling the air. It’s cliche I know, falling for a man who’s doing so well with my daughter, but he just has that effect. I don’t think I fully understand how much it means to him, having a little girl to dance with again, but Alice is special and I’m proud that she was the one to bring him that joy.
Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday
Who might actually treat me well
This is a big world, that was a small town
There in my rear-view mirror disappearing now
And it's too late for you and your white horse
Now it's too late for you and your white horse
To catch me now
A slower song comes on, and Alice quickly makes her way over to talk with her friends as the little ones scurry off the dance floor, leaving Spencer standing on alone with a smile on his face. I watch him as he strolls smoothly back over to the table, and I expect him to sit back down.
“M’lady?” He offers his hand with a grand bow and a wink. “Would you give me the honor of a dance?”
I’m sure my face is flushing as I take his hand, allowing him to lead me back to the dance floor. When we reach an open spot, he pulls me into a spin and back, a hand landing smoothly on my waist. His touch is graceful, yet firm enough to lead the two of us in each step.
“Smooth moves you’ve got there.” I give him a playful wink.
A blush, contradicting his confidence in his dance, starts to dust his cheeks. He looks down at his shoes and back up into my eyes, this time with a new, deeper emotion. I can see pain but also longing swimming in pools of honey.
“Thanks,” he gives a small smile, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. “I haven’t danced like this since…” he trails off and I don’t push. I understand more than most people would. And he knows that.
Without thinking, I reach up to brush a stray curl out of his eyes, and to my surprise, he leans into much touch, so I leave my hand at the back of his neck, playing with the soft, curly hair.
“Smooth dance moves, magic tricks, good with kids… what other surprises do you have up your sleeve?”
He pulls me closer, leaning down to whisper in my ear as we continue to dance.
“I’m full of surprises, and I want to share them all with you if you’ll let me.”
I smile, thinking how wonderful it would be for Alice to have a true knight in shining armor in her life, our lives. Someone to treat her like the princess I know she is. My life may not be a perfect fairytale, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still get my chance at a happy ending, right?
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fandomtookoverlife · 4 years
Hotch x daughter!reader
Spencer x reader 
Summary: you visit your dad at the office to surprise him but you find a bigger surprise while meeting his team.
Note: Italics are reader thoughts
Warning: swaering 
Word count:  2000
Category: fluff 
A/N: new to writing and I love feedback, idk how good this is but I like it. Maybe I’ll do a fic of them having coffee or the reader having conversations with Hotch and Rossi or my absolute favourite: dinner party at Rossi’s. Lmk what you think, don’t judge too hard and I hope you like it 😘❤️❤️
(@mac99martin is my other blog)
“Knock knock” you push open the door to your father’s office, honestly it’s kind of weird, you’ve never actually been here before, it’s so busy- also intimidating. 
“Baby!” you dropped your bag on the chair by the door. 
“Hey dad.” your dad stands up and wraps his arms around you, of course, you are thrilled to see your father. It’s been far too long and you felt a little guilty about that, and you missed him, a lot. 
“I didn’t know you were coming today, you didn’t have to come all the way here” 
“ya, but I wanted to surprise you.'' The smile on your dad’s face alone made it worth the trip. 
“Well, I love surpris-” he got cut off mid-sentence, you looked to where you heard the new voice start speaking. 
“Hey, Hotch?..Oh, sorry,” she’s very pretty, she’s blonde and petite, her voice warm and inviting. 
“Don’t worry JJ, this is my daughter, Y/N.”
“Oh, Y/N, hi it’s so nice to finally meet you!” And she knows who I am?
“Hi, uh ya, you too.” god you sound dumb 
“Hey, why don’t we introduce you to the rest of the team.”
You smiled at your father, you didn’t like meeting new people, you already screwed up your introduction to JJ, now you have to do that how many more times? but your father thinks of them as family, so, “I’d love to”
He wrapped his arm around you and lead you down the stairs, “Morgan, Prentiss, this is my daughter, Y/N” 
The man stepped forward first, he’s tall, dark, handsome, wearing a very tight dress shirt showing his very large muscles, wow, he is just, wow “Hey there, I’m Derek” did he just wink at me? Never the less you take his hand. The woman steps up next, she is dressed very professionally, you saw her when you came in, she looked -busy. mostly scary  
“I’m Emily. It’s nice to meet you” she shot Derek a glare, well she seems nice and by the look she gave Derek, your kind of person. Not to mention how very assuming it was.
“Hey, there kiddo!” 
Your face lit up when you heard his voice, “Dave!” he comes down the stairs and you run and hug him. You have known Dave for years, he’s always been so kind to you, joking with you, comforting you, he has a special place in your heart, and you in his. 
“Hello, Bella.” you smile even grew, becoming wider than it was before at the nickname he gave you. 
“Oh! hugging I love hugging! Why are we hugging!” I have no idea who that is but wow is she happy.
“Penelope this is my daughter Y/N,” 
“Oh! Hello!” she ran and pulled you into a very tight hug “It is so nice to meet you!” she gasped, “my! You are so pretty” you blushed and thanked her, oh Penelope, your dad told you about her, she is exactly how he described, bright and colourful, not only physically but her presence is so energetic.
“Where’s Reid?” … Did he say Reid? “Ah, Y/N, lastly this is Reid.” you turn to see where your father is motioning. 
Shit, omg, shitttttt. As soon as you saw his face you recognise him. it had been a while and he had changed a lot but it was him. He hadn’t seen you yet and your heart is pounding. 
You and Spencer, it was complicated. You were both in your last year of university when you met, and you were both graduating the last time you saw each other. When you met you were so taken back by him, he was tall, awkward and undeniably cute. You bumped into him, spilling your coffee, you were in a rush, late to class as always. You both apologised profusely before going on your way, later that day you were both walking back from the classes you were headed to when you had met earlier that day. That’s when you bumped into him, again. This time you knocked all the many books out of his arms, you helped him pick it up, that's when you realised it was the same guy as earlier, that’s when you realised how attractive he was. You were both embarrassed, you end up playing it off saying, “what are the chances, twice in one day.” he went on to tell you the mathematical probabilities of it happening and other stuff that you, to this day, do not understand. You exchanged numbers and immediately became infatuated with each other’s presence, spending every free second with each other. It was so perfect, but it ended. Things got.. messy and you broke up. Both of you were extremely hurt and heartbroken, there was no fixing it, you haven’t spoken since. You both always stayed slightly mad at each other, but really, you both just resented the part each of you played in your break up, mostly hating yourselves for it rather than each other. 
But here he was standing in front of you, your heart just about stopped when you made eye contact. Your insides twisted, this was the last place you expected to see him. And yet here he was, right in front of you. With your anxiety levels rising and against better judgement, you step forward, deep breath, in-out, “hey” you both looked stunned, to say you were both surprised would be an understatement. You slowly step closer to him, breathe, 
“Oh um, h-hi” you smile slightly at his familiar awkwardness.
Walking closer and closer, “it’s um, it’s been a while” your nervousness unfortunately apparent.
“Y-ya, it-it has.” you smiled at him, oh how he missed that smile. The way it lights up a room, the way it could cheer him up on the worst of days. You took a final step forward stretching your arm out to hug him, he took in your embrace. Finally remembering how well his arms fit around your waist, he pressed his face into the crook of your neck, your hair always smelled so good, so soft and beautiful. And you were warm and loving, standing there with you it was like no time had passed at all. 
Spencer hugged you, putting his arms around you like he always had, face pressed into your neck, I guess some things never change. You put your arms around his neck and you pulled him in tight, your chin resting on his shoulder, closing your eyes you felt relaxed, at peace. His arms are where you always felt safest, at home. Your fingers brush the locks of hair at the back of his head, it’s short and curly, very different from when you were together, but still so soft and cute. 
You both pull back slightly. His hand moving from your waist to the back of his head, “You visiting your dad I’m assuming?” he asked a little sheepishly. And quietly so that no one could here. with a slight grimace on his face.
Your eyebrows furrowed, something you got from your father, and your eyes narrowed “Yes, I am.” you gave him a sceptical look, looking to the side before raising your eyebrows slightly, you paused biting your lip, “you…work here then?” you asked him.
“Ya.” he looked down slightly. 
“And you’re on my dad’s team?” your face softened even more.
You resisted the urge to laugh, pressing your lips together, but a smile got through “and you knew?”
“Ya...I, figured it out.”
You let yourself smile and shake your head, “I expect no less.” you both exhale, looking into each other’s eyes thoughts of resentment flash through your minds while you stare at each other.
You both give in, “I missed you.”
You can’t help the small smile that comes across your face, despite the ending your relationship had, you did miss him, and it felt nice to hear that he felt the same, “I missed you too” 
“Alright if no one else is gonna ask, I will, what’s going on here?” 
You blushed, how long had your conversation with Spencer lasted hopefully not too long considering most of it was spent in an embrace. How you retreated into yourself when Derek spoke out did not go unnoticed by Spencer, he had always hated when you did that, he liked it when you let loose when you were yourself. But he also knew how you were with a large group, especially a large group of new people. And so he spoke up, “Actually…” he started, getting the eyes off of you but looked at you for permission, and he took the look of relief in your eyes as it, “Y/N and I knew each other in college,” he said it confidently but still slowly and still a little nervously as he was a tad embarrassed himself. 
There was a short pause most people just waiting for someone else to say something, but not your father, no, he was putting the pieces together, “Did you say collage?, As in your last year of college?” oop his tone of voice was stern and deep, you rarely heard it as it was reserved for work but you occasionally did, and you never liked it.
You and Spencer both looked away slightly, you cleared your thought, “well that took you 3 seconds to put together.” 
He clenched his jaw realising it was Spencer Reid that you dated that year. You had told your dad about Spencer, you two were serious and when you broke up you were only a couple of weeks away from the date you set for them to meet. Your dad was not happy with this boy for causing your break up after it being so serious. Though it wasn’t entirely Spencer’s fault, you didn’t think it was anyone’s fault, but your dad refused to hear it. He glared at Spencer and both of you became very uncomfortable. 
“Am I missing something, pretty boy?” 
You looked towards Spencer taking the opportunity for a distraction and mouthed ‘pretty boy?’ trying incredibly hard not a laugh, he just shook his head at you. But Derek wasn’t going to give up, encouraging Spencer to continue but you didn’t give him a chance saying, “Spence and I, dated for a while.” 
“A while?” he pressed. 
“A year.” 
“oooo” he breathed out “damn pretty boy” 
With the tension in the air rising, between your dad, Derek and the pre-existing tension, though lessened since you arrived but still there, between you and Spencer, you took this as your escape “Well I think it’s time for me to go, dad will you go get my bag for me?” you smile and simultaneous glare at him motivating him to listen as he walks back up the stairs to his office. Everyone dispersed, clearly amused, except for Dave and you turn back to Spencer with a small, suppressed smile. “So…” you both laugh, “do you want to go for coffee sometime? Catch up?” 
“I’d love to” you both smile, “have the same number?” you nod, walk to him and kiss his cheek, smile and turn.
“Text me.” as you walk away towards Dave who is smiling at you, “what?” 
“Oh nothing.” you roll your eyes knowing he’s full of shit, “you and the kid huh?” 
“It was good seeing you Dave.” pulling him into a hug
“It was good seeing you Bella, come over for dinner sometime?”
“Absolutely.” and finally you turn to your father who is now holding your bag. He hands it to you and links your arm in his own, walking you out, “oh go ahead.” 
You share a look, “I didn’t know it was Reid that you dated back then.”
You shook your head a laughed, “he really never said anything?” 
“No.” he said bitterly. 
“Oh come on, I know this doesn’t change the fact that you love your team, and that includes him.” you said pointing at him, he rolled his eyes he hates how you can read him. 
He pulled you into a hug, “I liked my surprise none the less.” 
You smiled “good, me too.”
“Dinner tonight?”
“Can’t wait” you kissed him on the cheek and the elevator doors closed.
The rest of the day you thought about Spencer, when he would text you, how much you missed him, and how good it felt to be in his arms again until finally, his text came through; 
Spencer: Coffee, noon Saturday? Corner of fourth and tenth?
Y/N: Absolutely. I’ll see you then 
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sinfulspencer · 3 years
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If you're looking for SPENCER REID SFW MASTERLIST, you can find it here.
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* refers to Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader; ** refers to Spencer Reid x GN!Reader.
SMUT 18+
Any minor found interacting with my smut fics, will be blocked. I won't hesitate, so don't even try.
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🗡️ Come on, baby (touch me)*: Y/N has always had a crush on her Microbiology professor, Doctor Reid. What happens if he finds out? 
🗡️ Soft breath*: Spencer Reid teaches a seminar in New York. Y/N is one of the attendees. What happens if they meet in a bar?
🗡️ A helping hand*: Y/N has a terrible headache, Spencer knows exactly how to help her out.
🗡️ Teacher's pet*: Professor Spencer Reid notices Reader is distracted during his classes. He decides to teach her a lesson on how good girls behave until.. she takes over.
🗡️ Mirror*: Spencer doesn’t like brats. If you act like a brat, you’re going to get treated like one.
🗡️ Devil eyes*: Spencer, dressed up as a devil, is drawn to the angel dancing around him at the club.
🗡️ Let me love you*: Spencer takes care of his girlfriend after a bad day at work.
🗡️ In good hands*: Post Prison Spencer teaches you how to give him a handjob.
🗡️ No time to die*: Reader reflects on her relationship with her serial killer boyfriend, ex FBI agent Spencer Reid.
🗡️ Caught in the act*: Reader is trying to have some fun all by herself, but her boyfriend Spencer comes home earlier - and he’s not alone. He's with Luke.
🗡️ Perfect seat*: Reader gets needy while cockwarming Professor!Spencer.
🗡️ Movie night*: Spencer invites Reader over for their usual Movie Night, but the night takes a different turn when a spicy scene comes on.
🗡️ A taste of sweet medicine*: Reader hates her neighbours. Spencer wants to help her get her revenge on them.
🗡️ Conflict of interest*: The tension builds up between Spencer Reid and SWATAgent!Reader on the field, until it finally snaps.
🗡️ Human*: Reader begs Spencer to make her feel something the only way he knows how. Based on the song 'Touch' by Daughter.
🗡️ Flashed*: It’s too hot to wear clothes at home, so Reader walks around in her underwear. Spencer loses his train of thoughts at the sight.
🗡️ Early mornings*: Spencer spends Valentine’s Day’s morning with his girlfriend.
🗡️ War of hearts*: Y/N puts her life at risk to save Spencer; he freaks out at the though of losing his best friend, and the woman he's in love with. Based on a request (coming soon).
🗡️ Silent fun*: After a long day, Dad!Spencer needs some time alone with his wife (coming soon).
🗡️ Baby Fever*: Spencer wants a baby. You want to give him one. (coming soon)
🗡️ Infinity street*: Your first time with Spencer. (coming soon)
🗡️ Sweetest devotion*: Spencer has been in love with you for years. After having an intense conversation with Derek, Spencer decides to go for it. Even if it will hurt him. Or maybe not. (coming soon)
🗡️ On the loose*: Reader is attending Ladies' night at Penelope's and she reveals that Luke and Spencer are quite... peculiar in bed. Based on the song 'On the loose' by Niall Horan (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader and Luke Alvez x Fem!Reader, coming soon).
🗡️ Dreams come true*: Professor Reid finds a notebook full of graphic sexual fantasies written about him. When Reader comes to retrieve it, he asks about it. And she lies. Or pathetically tries to. (coming soon)
🗡️ Birthday dinner*: Luke hires Reader, an escort, for Spencer’s birthday. He gets a little more than a birthday dinner. (coming soon)
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🌸 One love, two mouths*: Season 1 Spencer comforts Y/N after a case and feelings come alive. 
🌸 La petite mort*: Spencer comes home from a case, tensed and angry. Y/N is there to fix the day.
🌸 Noted*: Spencer’s girlfriend is pregnant. He likes it a little too much.
🌸 Quiet*: Dating Professor Spencer Reid is hot. Making him yours in his office is even hotter.
🌸 Casual*: Spencer allows you to use his body to forget your cheating ex.
🌸 The real deal*: You find Spencer Reid browsing for sex toys at work. You show him that the real thing feels and is much better.
🌸 Sharing*: You and Spencer hate each other but there's only one bed.
🌸 Release*: Season 1 Spencer can’t seem to fall asleep. Y/N has a very interesting remedy for that (requested).
🌸 Distraction*: When you desperately want s1 Spencer's attention; based on a request.
🌸 Begging*: SoftDom!Reader cockwarms Sub!Spencer in their bathtub after he comes home from work, but his neediness gets the best of him. And Reader is not a fan of brats who misbehave. 
🌸 Peeking*: You catch Spencer trying to peek at his gift, and decide to teach him a lesson.
🌸 Our little secret*: When Derek calls you 'mommy' as a joke, Spencer doesn't know how to react. Based on the birthday scene in season 1.
🌸 In plain sight*: Reader is having a sleep-over with her colleagues, a few secrets from the bedroom slip out – and Spencer comes to rescue her before it’s too late.
🌸 Mutual exchange*: Spencer hears his roommate Reader having a self-love session.
🌸 Quick study*: Reader teaches Spencer how to pleasure her with his mouth. And Spencer shows that he’s a fast learner.
🌸 Eager*: Season 2 Spencer picks Reader up for their first date, but his eagerness gets the best of him.
🌸 Enchanted, enchanting*: Spencer didn't think he'd meet Rossi's niece on Halloween Night at his mansion. And he didn't think she'd be into him, anyway. (Spoiler: she is)
🌸 ...Anyway*: The only thing Reader knows is that she wants Spencer. He wants her too, but there's a problem: she has a boyfriend. Based on the song 'Sex' by The 1975. (coming soon)
🌸 Working hours*: Spencer has a crush on the Pathologist he's working with. (coming soon)
🌸 Something in the mail*: Reader catches Spencer snooping through her mail. Snoopers get punished.
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🍊 Unholy*: You and Spencer see each other again after two years. The sexual tension is palpable, but what happens when Spencer finds out you're in a relationship? Based on the song "Unholy" by Hey Violet.
🍊 Human*: Reader shows Spencer that prison might have changed him, but he's still the love of her life and she's going to stick by his side until he gets tired of her. Based on the song 'Human' by Daughter.
🍊 Early mornings*: Dad!Spencer spends Valentine's Day mornings with his wife. (coming soon)
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Talk some sense to me*.
Part 1: Y/N confessed to JJ that she always been in love with Spencer but he never noticed her, too busy focusing on someone else. During a case, they are all held as hostages and JJ confesses her love for him.
Part 2: It’s the aftermath. Spencer and Y/N’s relationship took the sweetest turn. 
Alternative ending: Y/N doesn’t trust Spencer until she does. But nothing always goes her way.
No Control.*
Part one*: Y/N and the BAU’s team are enjoying a night out at Rossi’s. Sex is the main topic of the night. Morgan and Y/N tease Spencer about him being “too adorable, too vanilla”, so… he has to prove he’s not. 😈
Part two*: It's Monday, two days after the night Y/N and Spencer hooked up at his apartment after a night out. Even though they remember what happened, they still have to talk about it before it could mess up their professional relationship. He can't stop thinking about repeating that night, though...  😈
Through the walls.*
Part I: Spencer’s neighbour annoys him with her unusualjob. One day she asks him to join her.😈
Part II: Spencer and Reader celebrate Christmas together in a very unusual way.😈
The Daisy and The Bee.*
The Black Dahlia.*
Illicit affairs.*
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Always a Ploy
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Y/N is often used as a ploy to catch the perpetrators and it drives Spencer crazy 
A/N: I’m always adding new one shots for Reid so if you’d like to be tagged lmk!
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I sway my head from side to side, playing music in my head to distract myself from the fact that I'm freezing. 'Stand and wait on the side of the house' Hotch ordered. 'I'll give you the go-ahead soon' he promised. Ten minutes later, Reid and I are still waiting for the said go-ahead. At least Reid gets to be in normal clothes for the desert at night. I'm yet again being offered up as a ploy and in Morgan's mind, a door-to-door saleswoman would wear a dress when the weather is supposed to be low sixties, the wind not included. 
"Honey, you're killing me. Are you sure you don't want my jacket?" Reid offers again for the third time in the last five minutes. 
"Yes." My breath escapes between my teeth. "I'm fine. Plus, we won't have much time once Hotch gives the signal." I shake my limbs to remain warm. 
“Wait for my command," Hotch announces into our earpieces. "We lost sight of him in the window. We suspect he’s headed to the basement.” 
I shake my head. “Screw this. I’m going in.” 
“No, you’re not!” 
“They’re children! One more minute with that monster is another minute of trauma!” I move to step around the house and toward the front door. 
Reid slips his gun back onto his belt and grabs my wrist to stop me. He yanks me back and pins me against the cool wooden panels of the house. I open my mouth to argue and he covers my mouth. He whispers frantically, “Baby, baby, listen to me. I can’t let you in there!" I wiggle in his hold. “Stop fighting me.” 
“Y/N, you may proceed," Hotch announces, giving me the go-ahead. 
Reluctantly, Reid has no choice but to let me go. His hand falls from my mouth slowly, but he keeps me pinned and stares into my eyes warningly. “Don’t do anything reckless!" 
I smirk and slip out from under him. “You should know me better than assume I’d listen.” 
“Y/N, I’m serious!” He whispers, aggravated. 
“So am I." I send him a wink as I step out from beside the house. 
The lights from the living room pour out of the window onto the dry dirt yard. I take a minute a toss my hair to one side and yank the dress down to reveal more of my chest. 
I watch from the shadows as Y/N adjusts herself to speak with the suspect. I hate it when she does this. I understand that Hotchner and everyone agrees that it works, but their opinions don't make any less uncomfortable. My own girlfriend is being used as a ploy, expected to flont herself to earn the trust of serial killers or rapists. 
Morgan appears beside me and squeezes my shoulder. “Don’t get hostile, Boy Genius.” 
“She’s doing it on purpose,” I grumble, gesturing to Y/N. 
“I know, I know.” He sighs. "But she's just doing her job. It's all pretending to her too," he assures me. "She's into you, man." 
I ring the doorbell and rock on my heels, making the panels of the porch creak. Suddenly, the door swings open to reveal a worn-down middle-aged man in dirty overalls. 
“I don’t want to join any religion," he grumbles. He goes to slam the door shut, but I block it with my hand. 
“Neither do I,” I voice softly with a smirk. I step forward to stand on the threshold. “But maybe you’d like to sit down and talk about your finances? Have you been keeping track of where you’ve been putting your... assets?” I scan the man up and down with my eyes until I meet his gaze. 
As we listen to Y/N flirt with the suspect, Morgan chuckles quietly next to me. 
I elbow him in the stomach. “It’s not funny.” 
“She sounds like Jessica Rabbit,” he jokes, only irritating me more. 
There's creaking on the porch, followed by the front door squeaking shut. He's let her in. 
The place is an utter wreck. There have to be at least a dozen cats, hundreds of old newspapers scattered everyone, and it smells of feces. I sit down on the worn and ripped plaid couch next to the old man. I wear my best smile, though inside I'm screaming. 
“Now, let’s begin. What bank do you currently use?” I ask, gripping my fake leather finance binder. 
The man shifts closer to me. “Chase.” 
I note now that he's missing at least five teeth. I nod. “They are great to their members, but we something broader... larger in size," I chose my words intentionally. 
Abruptly, there's a high-pitch scream from within the house, making both of us freeze. 
“What was that?” I ask, searching the surrounding area. 
“My daughter is upstairs playing!" He rushes out and scoots closer to me. Boldly, he places his hand on my bare knee. "What was that you said about size?” He grins and begins to glide his hand up slowly. 
I swallow hard, my eyes on his hand. I try to ease it off. “Sir, please-“ 
He lifts his hand off my knee and brings it to my shoulder. He tries to urge me to lay down. “Come on, sugar. I’ll pay you for your time. Your supervisor won’t have to know.” 
I reach underneath my dress and whip out my gun, pointing it directly between his eyes. “FBI, down on the ground!” 
His eyes grow wide and his jaw nearly hits the floor. “What!” 
The S.W.A.T. team barges into the house, all yelling over each other. They march deeper into the house and into the basement where we know the children are. Hotchner appears in the foyer with Reid and Morgan. Soon, Prentiss and JJ are close behind. 
Reid yanks the man off of me and tosses him onto the ground on his knees. He handcuffs him and pulls him to his feet. “No means no, asshole!” 
“She was asking for it," the suspect huffs as he's dragged off toward the foyer. 
Reid laughs mockingly. “Doubtful consider she just has to go to me for that." 
Morgan kneels in front of me. “You okay?” 
I nod weakly. “After every time I just feel gross.” I shake out my arms with a shiver. 
“He’s a disgusting man. I’m sorry he touched you.” 
“Part of the job.” I shrug. “At least I know how to defend myself. There are so many women who don't." 
Morgan nods. "Maybe you can take your experiences and help those women." 
Now there's an idea. 
I lean against the car with JJ and Prentiss as the S.W.A.T. team and members of C.P.S carry the little girls out of the basement and into ambulances. It's a bittersweet sight. Morgan and Reid step out of the house once the last child is removed. Morgan pats Reid on the back with a chuckle as they approach us. 
As soon as they reach us, Reid takes my hand and leads me to a tree a few feet away from the car. When we have some privacy, he starts to apologize. “Look, I’m sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have grabbed you and covered your mouth. I didn’t know-“ 
I cut him off, reaching up and bringing my lips to meet his with a quick peck. His hands rest on my waist and I break from him. 
He blinks rapidly, taken aback. “I thought you’d be mad.” 
“Oh I was pissed in the moment. Now, it’s just hot," I grin, wrapping my arms around his waist. 
He smirks. “Noted.” 
“I didn’t know you could move so quickly, Reid,” I giggle. “And what you said to the perpetrator when you arrested him!” 
He chuckles, “yeah I may have been a little heated in the moment. In my defense, he did touch you! Okay, that was not a part of the plan!” 
“I appreciate the protectiveness,” I assure him with a laugh. 
He glances down at the small space between us and the smile on his lips fades slowly. 
I can tell there's something on his mind. 
“About your performance...” He mumbles. 
“Didn’t like it?” I ask, knowing how he hates it when I have to be a ploy. 
He nods frantically. “Yeah, never again," he orders. 
“Deal.” I nod, giving his lips a quick peck again. 
He smiles into the kiss. “Well, never again for anyone else," he adds against my lips, making me grin. He breaks from me to ask, "Do you think maybe tonight you and I could talk about my assets?” 
I swat him on the arm. “Reid!” 
He chuckles, "you're right. We'll talk about this when we get home." 
I roll my eyes and they land on our teammates by the car as they watch us go back and forth, smiling brightly. 
Tags: @mrsobrien888​ @hufflepufftruffle @gillybear17 @thatsonezesty13 @smol-flowerkiddo @reesespieces10123 @madds-m @az3r0o @wafflebacon23 @spencerreid-mgg @alfonsais @justlivinginadaydream @kaitlynpcallmebeepme @farah3012 @doveygirlkay-blog @dreatine  @imhappybutimalsosad @parahmur  @tremendousdinosaurhideout  @destiny-dream67  @ashwarren32  @yeahjustcallmer-n @bluehydrangea-cherry​ @izzysecrets
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alyswritings · 3 years
Teen Pregnancy
Matthew Gray Gubler x daughter!reader
Summary: Y/N gets pregnant and is scared to tell her dad.
Warnings: anxiety, teen pregnancy (idk if that at all even needs a warning but here it is), some fluff, lmk if I forgot something
a/n: hope you enjoy!!!
(gif not mine)
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Y/N paces nervously in the bathroom, the door locked just in case her dad gets home early. She plays with the ends of her sleeves nervously, biting her lip so hard she's surprised it isn't bleeding yet. Her phone rings, the timer she set going off. The teenager freezes, looking anxiously at the stick on the counter.
Y/N takes a deep breath. She slowly walks up to the counter and gingerly picks the test up.
Y/N's knees go weak and she quickly sits down, resting her back against the wall, not taking her eyes off of the test. She can't believe this. She's only 17, still a child herself. How is she supposed to raise her own child?
Later, Y/N is in her room, curled up in a ball on her bed as her mind goes over everything. What if she loses her friends? What if she can't finish high school? What if she fails at everything?
Y/N hears the front door open and knows her dad's home. She listens as he rummages around the kitchen for a little bit before hearing him walk up the stairs. Soon enough, there's a gentle knock on her partly shut door and he opens it.
"Hey, honey. I brought dinner home." Matthew says.
"I'm not really hungry." Y/N quietly tells him.
"You sure? I got your favorite." He says.
"No, I'm good. I, um... I don't feel that great." Y/N states.
"You don't feel good? Why? You get hurt? Are you sick?" Matthew asks, feeling her face for any signs of fever.
"No, no, I'm-I'm fine. Nothing like that. I just... I'm just tired. I think I'm gonna try to sleep." Y/N says.
"You sure?" Matthew asks and Y/N nods. "Okay." He nods. He leans down and kisses her forehead. "Come get me if you need something." He softly tells her and she once again nods, forcing a smile. Matthew lightly scratches her head before leaving, shutting her door to its original position.
Y/N feels the tears spring up to her eyes.
What if her dad absolutely hates her? What if he disowns her or kicks her out? She knows she has to tell him. She can't exactly wait until she starts getting a bump and go, "Surprise! I'm pregnant!"
Sure, he always says that he'll be there for her no matter what and do anything for her. But what if that's all a lie. What if she completely disappoints him and he's no longer there for her. He no longer cares. What if he stops loving her?
Y/N feels the tears trek down her face and soon enough she's quietly sobbing. She stuffs her face in her pillow, making sure to muffle the cries as much as possible. All of the thoughts running through her head are too much.
Y/N's not sure how long she's crying, but the sun has now set completely making it dark outside and darker in her room, the only light being from her closet and the small amount through her cracked door from the hallway.
Y/N sniffs and takes the pregnancy test out from under the pillow. She knows she has to tell her dad and she knows sooner than later will be better. Y/N gets off her bed, wiping at her eyes, trying to rid herself of any more tears. She holds the test in her hand, tucking it under her sleeve.
Y/N takes a deep breath before finally finding the courage to leave her room. She has to fight every bone in her body to not run back to the safety of her room as she goes down the stairs.
The closer she gets the more her fear and nervousness grows. Y/N walks into the kitchen where Matthew is sitting and eating dinner by himself. He hears her sniffle and looks up, seeing how exhausted she looks and he immediately notices the tear stains on her face.
"Whoa, hey. What happened?" Matthew worriedly asks, getting up and walking over to her. He cups her face and glances over her, trying to find any injuries that might've made her cry. He doesn't find anything and he wipes the fresh tears away with his thumbs.
"What's wrong, baby?" He gently asks. The girl lets out a quiet sob, but before Matthew can pull her into a hug, she takes something out of her sleeve and holds it out to him. Matthew looks down at the stick and he takes one hand off her face to grab it from her. He turns it over so he can read the result and his breath stops.
"That, uh... that means positive, right?" Matthew manages to croak out. Y/N nods, sniffling more, as tears continue to fall down her face. "Wow." He whispers.
Matthew isn't sure what to do or say, not even having considered this would be how his night goes. His brain is wracking with a million thoughts, the silence only making Y/N worry more.
"I'm sorry." Y/N cries, knocking Matthew out of his thoughts. "If-If you don't want me, I-I'll go pack now an-and leave. I just knew you had to know. I'm so sorry." She sobs.
Matthew's heart breaks hearing her sob and listening to her words. He brings her into a tight hug, holding her as close as possible and cradling her head to his chest. He puts the pregnancy test on the counter, gently shushing her and whispering reassurances to her.
"It's okay, honey. You don't need to apologize. There's nothing to apologize for. It's okay." He gently soothes, running his fingers through her hair. He knows she's more than likely absolutely terrified and his heart hurts knowing that.
After a while, Y/N's cries quiet a bit, the girl somewhat calming down. Matthew pulls away and leads her to the couch, making her sit down. Y/N feels her anxiety spike, fearing he's about to yell and scream and kick her out.
Matthew crouches down in front of Y/N, gently holding both of her hands in his.
"Baby, look at me." Matthew softly orders. It takes a few seconds, but Y/N manages to look at his face, slightly shocked by the softness in his eyes. Not the anger or hatred she was expecting.
"I love you. You have nothing to apologize for. You don't have to be sorry. You're pregnant and while it's not at a... shall we say ideal age, there's no changing what happened. And I know you're probably scared as hell right now, but no matter what happens and no matter what you decide to do with the baby... I will be here every step of the way. I will be right behind you with every decision you make. I've got your back. 100%. I promise."
"You... you don't hate me?" Y/N asks, sniffling.
"Honey, you could murder somebody and I wouldn't hate you." Matthew lightly chuckles making Y/N smile a little. "Don't murder anybody, though."
"I won't." Y/N says, a small smile still on her face.
"I could never hate you. You're my baby, you're everything. There is absolutely no hating you." Matthew tells her, smiling softly at her.
"Are you sure?" She asks, the worry and doubt still nagging at her.
"I am more than 1000% positive. When it comes to you, "hate" is not in my vocabulary. Well, unless I hate somebody who hurt you." Matthew says. "But, really, honey... no matter what. No matter what you do or decide to do with the baby, I'm here. I will help you out as much as I can and we'll figure all of this out. No matter what happens, I'm here for you and I love you. You got that?"
"Yeah." Y/N nods, smiling a bit. "I love you, too."
Matthew smiles at her and sits next to her, pulling her into another tight hug, his chin resting on top of her head.
"It'll be okay." Matthew whispers, placing a long kiss to the top of her head. "It'll all be okay."
They stay in silence for a bit, Y/N just relaxing in the fact that she knows that whatever happens, at least she'll have her dad. Just like she has her whole life.
"I am kinda hungry now, though." Y/N says.
"Sweet! Let's eat." Matthew says.
"Can we watch a movie?" She asks.
"Of course. Pick the movie, I'll get the food." Matthew tells her, kissing her forehead.
Y/N eventually decides on the first Scooby-Doo movie and sits on the couch as Matthew walks back in.
"Here you go." Matthew gives her her food.
"Thanks." Y/N smiles, taking the meal and Matthew sits next to her. He drapes the small blanket over both of their laps as the movie starts.
The two enjoy their dinner and the movie, Y/N asleep with her head on Matthew's shoulder before it even ends.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Protective of the Princess
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Summary: Jo comes home with some unexpected news and Spencer isn’t a fan. (This is a stand-alone one-shot of my completed ‘Rebuilding Family’ series)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: mentions of little kids kissing, spencer freaking out, fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: based on this ask from @reidsbookclub and this ask from @samuel-de-champagne-problems
Spencer made it clear to Jo she could be anything she wanted to be growing up.
She would change her mind about her career path quite often but Spencer was always supportive. When she wanted to be a vet, she had a bunch of different stuffed animals to practice on. When she wanted to be an astronaut, you all built a rocket ship out of a cardboard box. When she wanted to be a scientist, Spencer got her a book set of kid’s science books.
One afternoon after school, Jo hopped up on the kitchen counter as Spencer was making her a snack and you were playing with the twins on the floor.
“Daddy, I can’t go to work any more,” Jo stated.
“Why not, Princess?” Spencer asked, sliding apple slices and peanut butter in front of her.
“I have a baby and husband now,” Jo explained.
“You got a baby and husband in one day?” you questioned.
“Thomas kissed me and then we got married under the slide at recess and now we have a baby. I don’t have time for work, Daddy,” Jo sounded exasperated.
“Thomas did WHAT?” Spencer gaped.
“He kissed me like you kiss Mommy every morning before work,” she demonstrated the little peck on her baby doll.
Spencer’s eyes widened, “Y/N, please help.”
You stood from the blanket where the twins were having tummy time.
“Jo, how about you wait until you’re a little older to start kissing people? A hug or high five can show love to. You can try that next time,” you suggested.
“Daddy says kissing is safer than handshakes though,” Jo reminded you.
“Nope! I lied! Kissing is very dangerous,” Spencer shook his head empathically, “Don’t kiss.”
“But we have a baby together,” Jo held up her baby doll.
“I see that. What’s their name?” you asked.
“This is Derek,” she informed you.
“You named him after your uncle? That’s very sweet,” you smiled.
“I want a real one so I can name it Penelope. I want to have a big belly like Mommy used to have. How are babies made?” she questioned.
Spencer grasped your hand, looking very pale, “Y/N, I need to lie down.”
“One second, love,” you squeezed his hand before turning back to Jo, “You can’t have a baby until you’re much older. Then, I’ll explain it to you, okay?”
Jo nodded.
“I need to take Daddy to bed. He’s feeling a little sick,” you told her, “You can play with the twins.”
“Actually,” Spencer slipped his hand out of yours, “I’m going to go for a drive. I’ll be back in a bit.”
You looked at him curiously as he leaned in for a kiss but then retreated under the watchful eyes of Jo.
You followed him into the entryway as he laced his converse up, “Where are you going?”
“I’ve never heard of a Thomas before until now. I need Penelope to check this kid out.”
“Check this kid out?” you laughed, “What are you expecting to find? A nine year old with a criminal record?”
“I need to make sure my daughter is safe,” he looked up at you seriously.
“Okay,” you relented, “You’re a great dad albeit very protective,” you kissed him goodbye.
“Are we going to start having to only kiss in private now?” you smirked.
“I don’t want her seeing and copying it at school,” Spencer sighed, “The last thing I want is to get a phone call from her teacher that our daughter needs to stop kissing people.”
“Okay, sneaking around could be fun anyways,” you smiled, giving him another kiss, “Tell the team I say hi.”
“Who does this Thomas kid think he is?” Spencer grumbled to himself as he was in the elevator, “Kissing my sweet little precious daughter. I should have him arrested. Maybe I don’t have the grounds for an arrest but I can show him my badge and scare him off.”
His ranting stopped as he knocked on Penelope’s door.
“Who is it?” she chirped.
“Spencer,” he replied, “I brought you a croissant.”
“It’s open!”
Spencer opened the door and handed her the paper bag.
“And it’s still warm!” she squealed, “You must really love me.”
“I do but I also need a favor,” he spoke.
“Name it, boy wonder,” she readied herself at her keyboard.
“I need you to look up a boy named Thomas in Jo’s class.”
“Is this kid bullying her?” she gritted her teeth, “I swear to god, I will reign hell down on this kid if he is.”
“No, it’s the opposite actually. He kissed her,” Spencer sighed.
“She already got her first kiss?” Penelope gasped.
“I know! I didn’t even have mine until 25,” Spencer replied.
Penelope clicked away at her keys, “We’ve got two Thomases in her class but according to the attendance record, Thomas Jacobson was out sick today meaning Thomas Bennett is our guy.”
“What do we know about him?” Spencer asked, crouching down to look at Penelope’s screen.
“Plays on the town soccer team, has an allergy to shellfish, good report card,” Penelope stated.
“Anything else? Any visits to the principals? Sketchy friends?” he questioned.
“I guess the sketchiest friend he has would be his imaginary friend named Robby the cowboy according to his mom’s facebook. He’s got a squeaky clean school record.”
“Let me see what this kid looks like,” Spencer desperately demanded.
Penelope gave him a look.
“Please,” he added.
The group class pictures of the past 3 years popped up on to Penelope’s screen. Each year, Jo and Thomas were standing next to each other smiling and laughing in various poses.
“He doesn’t look like much of a threat to me,” Penelope stated.
“Why hasn’t she ever asked for him to come over on a playdate?” he asked.
“She was probably scared her dad was going to embarrass her,” Penelope chuckled.
“She’s in 3rd grade! No boys!” Spencer crossed his arms.
“That rule is setting you up for a rebellious stage later in life,” Penelope rolled her eyes.
“So I just let this happen?” Spencer sighed, dropping into the chair next to Penelope.
“Yes, you’re supposed to protect her but not from nice boys who make her happy.”
“But she’s just my sweet little girl,” Spencer started to tear up.
“And she always will be but you need to let her live her life,” Penelope explained.
“I know. Thanks Penelope.”
You heard the car pull in while you were making dinner. You lowered the setting on the stove and made your way over to the door.
“Hey,” you greeted him, wrapping your arms around him.
“Hi,” he snuggled into the crook of your nest.
“Did you find Thomas on the FBI’s most wanted list?” you joked.
“No, he’s a good kid,” Spencer sighed in defeat, “I just don’t like the thought of her growing up. Then, she’ll eventually have to leave us.”
“That’s what being a parent is,” you whispered, “You love them, care for them, and prepare them for the world as best you can but then you have to set them free. But, I have good news for you,” you smiled.
“You’re stuck with me forever,” you grinned.
“Thank god,” Spencer squeezed you tighter.
“Daddy!” Jo ran into the room, “Lion King is playing in theaters tonight! We need to go!”
“Okay, Princess,” he looked to you for support and you squeezed his hand, “Do you think Thomas would want to come?”
“Yes! He loves Lion King!” Jo exclaimed, running to go get ready.
“You’re a great dad,” you reminded him once again.
“I’m still going to be watching this kid like a hawk,” Spencer admitted.
“As you should,” you grinned, kissing him.
Soon enough, Jo came home next week saying she wanted to be a congresswoman and they were back to their old adventures.
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @ssacalumsg0lden @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego @idonotexiste @beepbooptoop @tvandfanfic @mggsprettygirl @big-galaxy-chaos @navs-bhat @spencerreidsmommy @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @mggs-sidehoe @rexit-mo @hufflepuffhaze @thisismynerdyself @xoxospencerreid @wifeyprentiss @reidsbookclub @spencersrose @pinkdiamond1016 @muffin-cup @a-little-bit-of-everything19
one-shot only taglist: @strawberryspence @fbivestreid
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Don’t get near me or my daughter ever again
(A/N): This is for the anon, who requested Matthew getting protective when a paparazzo comes. I apologize for taking so long, I got a bit carried away
Summary: Matthew wants to have a nice day with his baby in the park. A paparazzo wants pictures of them. How does Matthew react?
Wordcount: 1.2k
Matthew is still getting accustomed to being a single father, after (Y/N)’s mother left both of them claiming she isn’t cut out to be a family person. It’s now on him to juggle raising a four months old baby and having a job as an actor all by himself.
“Good morning my little sunshine, did you wait for dada?” He asks as he walks into her nursery, spotting his child in her bed looking around with wide eyes. Upon hearing her father’s voice she turns to it and smiles at his sight.
“Yes you did! You also gave me a whopping six hours of sleep, you really know what dada needs, don’t you?” Matthew coos at her while picking (Y/N) up. She looks at him, lifts her left arm up and grips his hair. Ever since she discovered it a few weeks ago, the baby is fascinated by it. Also, Matthew found out in a rather painful way that (Y/N) has some strength in her hands and arms.
While getting her dressed in a fluffy Minnie Mouse Onesie, he talks to her: “You know, I don’t wanna press anything on you, but if you get into acting, watch it. I don’t want to be replaced by my own daughter. And I’m not scared to fight a toddler, if I have to.” At that she coos at him, kicking her now fluffy legs. “Well, I rethink it. You are kind of cute.”
Matthew gives her a peck on the forehead, putting on some little shoes. “You know, I always asked myself why there even are shoes for babies. I mean, is there a little secret meeting with other baby executives about how the world gets overthrown by all of you and you have to get dressed decently for it? But now I am enlightened thanks to you: Baby shoes are just adorable. I mean, look at them. They are not even half my hand’s size. Thank you for that knowledge, Sweetheart.”
After a calm breakfast consisting of Matthew trying out solid food with you and him talking to you non stop, not that you mind or can do anything about it, he gets both of you ready to take a stroll at a nearby park. He promised you yesterday to do something fun after you got your shots, not that you really can remember but he is a man of his word.
“Ok Baby, I got a blanket, snacks, baby food, diapers, baby wipes, your binky and your plushie. I feel like I forgot something, what do you think?” When Matthew turns around he spots the forgotten something: (Y/N), who still lays on her playmat for her tummy time.
“Why don’t you say anything? Trying to get out of the whole ordeal? Well, that won’t work with me. I don’t raise a couch potato”, he says whilst strapping you in your stroller.
Walking around Las Vegas with his daughter gives Matthew some kind of pride. He feels like he is on top of the world, because all he needs lays right in front of him looking around with curious eyes and he is lucky enough to be able to push it around. He is able to show another human being the world, teaching her anything he knows. He has someone, who solely relies on him, waking him up at night for food, screams at him when her plushie falls down from the sofa and sometimes pukes on him after burping her.
But all this hard work is worth it. Everytime (Y/N) smiles at her father, coos at him or just looks at him with her innocent and bright eyes, he forgets any worry he has. Matthew knows he has the responsibility to raise her and he will be damned if she is anything but the nicest and sweetest kid in school.
He also sees it as his responsibility to protect her from everything. The father knows that growing up without a mother will be traumatic enough for his child, he doesn’t want something else to pile up on it.
“Here we go, baby. You got your toys, your plushie, we are in the shade and you have sunscreen on. Sometimes I think other parents are just overaggeterating. Parenting seems so easy”, he talks with her, ticking the boxes on the to-do-list in his mind.
But something makes Matthew uncomfortable. He feels watched, sitting under a tree with his daughter on his leg reading to her from his current book.
When he found out he will be a father, Matthew vowed to himself to keep her out of the media until she is old enough to decide if she wants to show her face to the public or not. Also, he doesn’t want her to be embarrassed by baby pictures of her all over some fan pages. So he does his best to hide her from paparazzi and fans.
What makes the father suspicious is the man, who already passed them three times. His behavior is far too fishy for someone, who happens to like to walk the same 100 metres long path several times.
While his fourth passing, Matthew spots a camera hanging around the man’s neck. With an angry sigh he begins to pack their stuff, knowing that his planned relaxing day at the park just got ruined. But he tries to not let it dampen the mood.
“You know what baby? Maybe we go to the zoo? We can get you a sweet new plushie and I can introduce you to all the animals in your picture books.” Her coos are answer enough.
On his walk to a small nearby zoo, Matthew notices the man following them.
Taking pictures of him when he is alone or doing something for the press is one thing, but following him and his daughter while they clearly try to have an off day together is a whole other ordeal and definitively crosses a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
Now being beyond pissed he goes into protective father mode, approaching the man.
“Hey man, I know you watch us since the park and I have to say that your way of doing your job, which is petty and disgusting in any way, is more than unacceptable and if you don’t delete any picture you took of my daughter and me I will make sure your life becomes a living hell. You get three seconds”, Matthew says to him in a low voice, which is way more intimidating than him shouting.
Shocked by his reaction the paparazzo scrambles to delete anything he has on his camera, apologizing profusely while doing it, and tries to get as far as possible when he is done.
After a deep breath the father turns to his daughter, smiling at her sight.
“What do you think about the aquarium, Baby? They are not allowed to take pictures there and I think you will like the octopi.”
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