#mic x ajr
modern-inheritance · 10 months
Modern Inheritance Short: Bud Like You (Eldest, semi-canon)
(A/N: So, I've been listening to Eldest on audiobook and wanted to do a few short MIC bits from around that timeline. I rewrote a reunion scene with Glen that I might be posting later, but for now have this weird short of Arya and Glen embarrassing themselves due to a promise they made decades ago. And yes. I ripped off AJR. Because I just now found their music and I'm enjoying it. I imagine this was used a lot during the Squaddies time and it's a fun little ditty that some in the Varden still use.
Also, yes, that says semi-canon because I'm not entirely sure if this is just a bit of fun or if it's considered an actual thing these two did during Eragon and Saphira's time training. I've been trying to soften some stuff for MIC for some reason and just wanted some of Arya and Glenwing being dorks.)
Bud Like You
“Way up, way up, way up to the sky!”
“Hey! Louder!”
Eragon looked up from relacing his boots at the sound of someone yelling, confused by the intrusion. Saphira swiveled her head, tracking the source of the noise before letting out a snort of amusement. Behind Vanir the group of younger elves pointed and began snickering amongst themselves, some shaking their heads in what appeared to be disgust. 
‘What is it?’ Saphira refused to answer him, only letting out one of her peculiar coughing laughs. He stood and dusted off his knees before turning to see what exactly was going on.
He couldn’t help his own half choked off laugh, utterly bewildered.
The silver haired elf Arya had been speaking with the night of the feast was jogging backwards, keeping just out of reach of the aforementioned elf woman. Who was skipping. And yelling what seemed to be a song verse or cadence with a dark scowl on her face. 
“Way up, way up, way up to the sky! When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high! Way up, way up, way up to the moon! Boy it’s good to know I got a bud like you! Boy it’s good to know I got a bud like you!”
Across from him, Vanir pinched the bridge of his nose. “This again?”
Eragon swallowed his laughter. “This happens often?”  
“It’s apparently some ritual they picked up from their time with the humans.” The sneer was evident in the young elf’s voice. “Some sort of punishment or other.”
“Push ups, come on!” Glenwing chirped, clapping his hands enthusiastically. Even from here Eragon could see the ecstatic smile on his face. 
“I’ll bloody make you dead for real!” Arya’s snapped retort held a biting edge that was undercut by a bubble of laughter. 
“I can always add another lap! Two hundred, let’s go!”
“Bite me! Way up, way up…”
It continued like this through Eragon’s sparring session and beyond. It was a full three hours before Glen allowed his commander to slow and stop. “Okay, enough. I think you got it.”
Arya flopped onto the ground, panting. It had been months since she actually exerted herself quite so much, not in the ways they had done during their early field days. The exercise was good. But the singing had been…well. As humiliating as it was supposed to be. That’s why they had made this little pact after all. Vans had wanted a way to make sure his ragtag group of youths and men were sharing everything with the medic, and of course the slippery Withal had just the thing to reenforce the order. 
“So, what did we remember?” Glen’s grinning face filled Arya’s vision from where she squinted up into the pines above. 
“That you’re here to support me.” Arya wheezed. “And I’m here to support you.”
“That I’m lucky to have a friend that cares so much.” 
“That I shouldn’t try and hide new medical notes from you.”
“Because you give a shit.”
“Because it’s a good way to end up dead.”
“And why don’t we want that?”
“Because the last time that happened it caused a political shitstorm.” Arya bared her teeth in a feral smile, the stitch in her side easing. “And because I’m getting really tired of hearing everyone say ‘I thought you were dead’ whenever I show up.”
Glen grabbed his CO by the wrists and hauled her to her feet. “There you go!” He let her brush herself off. “Now it’s my turn.” 
“Damn right it is.” Arya clapped her hands and made a shooing motion. “Start skipping, dumbass.”
“Way up, way up…”
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boasource · 1 year
BoA was sent a coffee truck on set! (x)
BoA seemed to be in a better condition than she was last week, and she chatted with Jumpings in between/shortly before the pre-recordings (x)
BoA mentioned that she still doesn’t know what types of posts and stories she should upload on IG (x)
BTOB Eunkwang was asked to recommend a warm place [presumably for AJR] in Korea. He mentioned his own home and suggested AJR’s home for a warm place in NYC. BoA laughed and asked if he was flirting with him. (x)
BoA teased Eunkwang for only greeting Paul Kim backstage, not her. He protested, saying that she wasn’t telling the whole story, since he didn’t realize that it was BoA he came across because she looked so young, so he thought she was a hoobae. When he realized it was her, he gave her a deep bow (x)
It was like a fanmeet again because some of the AB6IXmembers were from Produce 101 Season 2, where BoA was the nation’s producer representative. They took a selca together (x)
Although BoA’s IG post caption said that she received a lot of energy from her IPSELENTI 2023 performance, she revealed that she spent the 2 days after it sleeping 😂 (x)
The members tried to do BoA’s ‘Only One’ one kick (x)
Paul Kim confessed that he was a huge Jumping BoA and got BoA to sign his ‘Valenti’ album. He brought a bag with her albums/single albums like Amazing Kiss and Double, which he had managed to buy through a Japanese friend (x)
He said he learned some Japanese so that he could sing the lyrics to ‘Amazing Kiss’ (x)
Paul Kim asked if BoA ever goes to the Han River often (his new single is called ‘On the Han River’) and asked if she’d like to go visit it with him sometime. OP said that he said a lot of fanboy things and kept turning red (x) 
Paul Kim recommended listening to ‘No Matter What’ while in the Han River (x)
BoA said that it was the first time she’s seen a singer who does vocalization exercises as much as she does during the waiting room before the show (10cm). She said that she also practiced a lot for her ‘Forgive Me’ performance in ‘K-909’ in her waiting room, which shocked the show staff. (x)
BoA asked if there was an idol that he’d like to work with, and he said her! BoA beamed and said that she’d like to do a song with a mood like Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello’s ‘Senorita.’ (x)
Although there was a translator for the interview, BoA apparently spoke some English (x)
After the recording, BoA apparently spoke a bit of English with sigrid? But they weren’t using their mics, so OP couldn’t hear what they were saying properly. (x)
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
1 and 7
Also, lizzo is my BITCH, you got TASTE
I LOVE LIZZO I WOULD KILL FOR NEW LIZZO MUSIC i love rumors but i need more. speaking of which not that you asked but here are my dream lizzo collabs: lizzo x harry styles, lizzo x ajr, lizzo x atl. i think everyone in the world should collab with lizzo though. anyway. now your questions.
1. obligatory what was your favourite song this year (not most necessarily listened to). oooooooooooooh there are literally TOO many options for me to even know where to begin. god i really do want to say rumors by lizzo. but then also, xoxo came out this year. AND maisie's album AND noah kahan's AND ajr's AND TBC's!!!!!!!! AND NEW TSS!!!!!! how the fuck am i supposed to even choose just one!!!!!!! oh wait i'm realizing this isn't asking favorite song that came out this year just favorite song OF the year to which i reply: still don't have an answer. but i am addicted to both rumors and i'm trying (not friends) by maisie peters. either one of those i guess? and like paige said im in love with back together but that's a really new one so idk if it can count. or the entirety of xoxo: from love and anxiety in real time by the maine.
7. what song that you discovered this year do you long to sing at a karaoke night? I'M TRYING (NOT FRIENDS) BY MAISIE PETERS I WOULD FUCKINGGGGGG KILL i'm literally keeping a lookout for a karaoke track for that song so i can do it at an open mic or something at my school i swear to god
music asks for the end of the year <3
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rendiggitydog · 5 years
Karaoke Night!
“Are you guys ready to get schooled?” Ren sassed loudly as he set the microphone on the stage.
“You wish!” Doc called back from the door of the studio, greeting hermits as they came in.
“Ha! You guys are going down!” False yelled from the ladder where she was setting up some speakers.
“Alright, is everything ready?” Cub strolled into the room, commanding everyone’s attention.
“Yep! Just waiting for Scar now!” Ren saluted in greeting.
“Perfect!” He glanced over the decorations in the ConCorp studio, a small smile growing. “Perfect.”
“They’re on their way!” Cleo whispered urgently, sending everyone into a frenzy. Hermits dove under tables and hid around corners, hidden in five seconds flat.
“No, that’s how it’s supposed to look!” Scar’s voice drifted around the corner.
“I’m not sure, it looks like someone messed it up..” X lied convincingly. Being a partner in the business, it was agreed Xisuma could be a convincing distraction, to lure Scar to the ConCorp warehouse.
“Look, I’ll show you-” Scar rounded the corner, freezing at the strange banners and balloons scattered about the room.
“SURPRISE!” His friends appeared from nowhere, cheering and smiling.
Scar stumbled back into X’s arms. He was stunned for a moment, and then grinned widely. “I can’t believe I forgot what day it was!”
“Can we sing the song already? I want cake!” Iskall rubbed his hands together.
The group struck up a rough rendition of the happy birthday song, out of key but full of heart. Cake, made kindly by Cub, was passed around until everyone had a big slice. Small conversations sparked up around the studio, and the room was filled with the sound of clinking silverware and laughing. Someone seemed to have tossed a potion into the fruit punch, so a few hermits (Ren and Iskall) were starting up a drinking game.
Finally, as the sun began to set, the hermits settled in their seats for the main event. Cub tapped the microphone, making everyone cringe and chuckle.
“Thank you all for coming out tonight! It’s always fun to celebrate birthdays with you all! Now, as is tradition for Scar’s birthday, it’s time for the karaoke battle!”
Cheers rang out, and Ren punched Iskall, making him yell.
“We’ll draw names, and everyone who wants to sing can compete for the grand prize!” Cub displayed a vex-blue shulker box, gaining everyone’s attention. “First up, Ren!”
Ren pumped his fist as he ran onto the stage. He quickly flicked through the list of songs on Cub’s phone, grinning as he picked one. The lights dimmed as the music kicked in.
I don’t wanna write the whole song and stuff, so I’ll just give you the name and you have to look it up coz I have eccentric taste sksk
Legend (from beat saber)
Everyone cheered as Ren panted, having fully invested in his choreography. Ren jumped off the stage, high-fiving everyone as he ran past.
“Next up, Python!”
“Oh, I dunno…” Python made excuses all the way up the stage. He muttered to himself as he picked a song, and smiled apologetically as he began to sing.
Nobody Likes the Opening Band (idkHow)
Everyone cheered their approval as Python bashfully waved them off. He jumped off the stage, handing the mic to Cub, and scarpered back to his seat.
“Now get ready for Cleo!”
Cleo bounded up, unplugging Cub’s phone and plugging her own into the speakers. She selected her song and smiled cruelly as Rick Astley kicked on. Groans filled the room, and Jevin dived onto the stage trying to unplug her phone. She sang loudly, ignoring all the hate until she finished the song and dropped the mic. “Thank you Hermitcraft!”
“Ugh… Mumbo’s up next, maybe he can help us forget that ever happened.”
Everyone turned to Mumbo, who froze like a deer in the headlights. Grian gave him a little push, and Iskall gave him a supportive thumbs up, so he stumbled up the stage nervously.
“Mumbo sang last year, didn’t he?” Someone whispered.
“Yeah, he’s got a great voice!”
Mumbo heard the whispering, and smiled to himself. He picked his song, and stood proudly on the stage as the guitar strummed.
Dear Winter (ajr)
The cheering was deafening. Everyone was shouting something nice at Mumbo, who stood awkwardly on the stage, smiling at his friends. “Thanks guys!”
“And last but not least, the birthday boy himself, Scar!”
Scar ran onto the stage, waving at his friends. “Hey guys! Thanks for this party, it’s seriously a blast every year! What movie should I do this time?”
Everyone shouted a different Disney movie, trying to out-yell everyone else.
“Zed, I did Tangled last year! And no X, I still can’t sing every. Single. Character in Beauty and the Beast. Oh! Who said Almost There?” Scar flicked through the long list of Disney songs, arriving on Almost There, from Princess and the Frog.
The song ended and everyone cheered as loud as they could. Scar got better at impressions every year, and it was so fun to hear him sing all the songs.
“I forgot how much I love that movie! Let’s do one more!”
All the hermits joined in for the chorus of Dig a Little Deeper, pulling out their diamond shovels. They had to stop about halfway through the song, when Iskall accidentally hit Doc with his shovel and a skirmish broke out.
“No more fruit punch for Doc!” Iskall cried as Doc was dragged out of the room by Wels, growling.
“No more punch for anyone, you’re all getting tipsy and it’s late!” Stress announced as she dumped the last of the punch in the grass outside.
“Bummer! Let’s sing a picker-upper!” Scar yelled as I Just Can’t Wait to be King blared through the speakers.
Ren got really into that song. He didn’t even notice when the song ended, singing to his own rhythm.
“Aaand it’s bedtime for you.” Mumbo took Ren by the hand, guiding him out the door. Iskall ran after them, tears streaming down his face as he cried for Ren.
Within the next hour, hermits dropped like flies. Scar, lost in his own world, played song after song. Hermits who had too much to drink ended up collapsing in some way, and were then led home by a more sober friend.
By midnight, the only people left were Tin, Stress and Scar who was still singing, although his voice was wearing out.
“Alright luv, its time ta go.” Stress stepped onto the stage, startling Scar out of his trance.
“Stress! Do you wanna sing a duet?” Scar reached to change the song, but Stress held him back.
“Scar, it’s past midnight. Everybody’s been gone for an hour! Let’s get ya ta bed.”
“Noooo I gotta finish my playlist!” Scar scrambled for his phone, elbowing Stress in the nose.
“Oi! Cut it! Tin, help!” She strained.
Tfc trotted up the stage, wrapping his arms around Scar. “Cool it, kid. Let’s go.”
“I don’t waaaaanna….” Scar whined, throwing his hat on the floor.
Tin didn’t say anything, simply guiding him out the door. “Get to bed Stress, I’ll handle Scar.”
“Thank you luv, sleep well!” Stress waved as she split ways with the other two.
“Tiiiin, I want Cub!” Scar pouted.
“He’s already asleep, you can see him in the morning.”
“I. Want. Cub!” Tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
“Tomorrow. This is the wildest birthday you’ve ever had, you need sleep.”
Scar whimpered, collapsing in Tfc’s arms. He went boneless, dragging his feet in the dirt and slipping out of Tin’s arms.
“Ugh, like a child…” Tfc nudged Scar’s limp body with his toe, earning a long whine. “Cmon, wouldn’t you rather sleep in a bed?”
“I waant Cuuuuub…..” Scar mumbled into the dirt.
“Fine. I’ll take you to Cub, whatever.”
After a long walk, they finally found Cub, dead asleep at ConCorp. Scar cried out, collapsing at the foot of his bed, bawling.
“Cub, Cub I miss you, Cub please don’t leave me, Cub-!”
“Shut up!” Tfc hissed. “He’s just asleep!”
“I promised I would never leave you, I’m sorry Cub, I’m sorry-”
“Look, just-” Tin snatched a blanket off a nearby bed, tossing it on the floor next to Cub. “Sleep next to him.”
Scar curled up and fell asleep instantly.
Tfc chuckled. “Happy birthday, I guess.”
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leonvld · 5 years
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a playlist of songs representing ryu jiwon and his love for music + his career so far
8 songs, 29 minutes
01 geyser by mitski
you're my number one you're the one i want and i've turned down every hand that has beckoned me to come 'cause you're the one i got you're the one i got so i'll keep turning down the hands that beckon me to come
otp: jiwon x debut ? is living and thriving. mitski wrote this song about her own relationship to music, and has said how she can tell when listening to other artists' songs, who “doesn’t have any other options in their life," and who “could do something else for a living.” according to her, people who don’t have other options have a desperation in their music, and i feel like you could find the same kind of desperation in jiwon's. in his bio, i've mentioned how he feels like he is a trainee first and everything else ( brother, son, friend, lover, etc ) second, and i feel like that applies to him being an artist as well. when you think about how an 11-year-old jiwon was turned down at auditions and told that he just didn't want it enough — it hits different.
02 on the radio by regina spektor 
no, this is how it works you peer inside yourself you take the things you like and try to love the things you took and then you take that love you made and stick it into some someone else's heart pumping someone else's blood and walking arm in arm you hope it don't get harmed but even if it does you'll just do it all again
when jiwon writes music, he bares his soul to the listener. his music is really personal to him, and for a long time, it was like his diary. especially when he was a younger trainee, him sharing his music with you meant that he really trusted you. this song also has this air of wisdom and nostalgia to it, and you're convinced when you listen to it that regina spektor has personally witnessed and experienced all the things she's singing about. experience is the one thing jiwon has in spades, especially as one of the oldest ( at the time of writing this ) 4am member. like when asked why he deserved to pass his atlas records audition over the other boys in his audition group, jiwon said that it was because he had "more to say" and in a way he does, not only from being in the industry for so long but also just because he's just lived that much longer. ( and then when he becomes a trainee, he acts all [ insert surprised pikachu meme ] when he realizes that other trainees don't like him as much as they used to, when they've heard him essentially say that their opinions are white noise oops. )
03 dress up in you by belle & sebastian
ack i had a hard time choosing an excerpt for this one since it’s --- more like the essence of this entire song ? jiwon has a reputation for being… a really nice guy. he's a reliable hyung/oppa to look up to, rely on, and go to for advice, and in his 14th year in the industry, his reputation definitely precedes him. he's not usually the type to lose his temper or visibly show anger unless you're someone he's close to… but he's also been in the industry long enough for things to piss him off. everything from how the industry preys about the dreams of children and then uses those dreams to degrade and manipulate them for profit, to people who think they can get away with using him for his generosity, to idols who debut who (in his eyes) don't deserve fame at all, to talented friends who had to drop out of the industry due to politics, to the people he trusted who’ve dropped him like dead weight in order to get ahead. he's one of those people where people are surprised when he gets angry, and there's something about this song where you don't really realize that the singer is upset until you pay attention to the lyrics.
04 graveyard ( acoustic ver. ) by halsey 
they say i may be making a mistake i would've followed all the way, no matter how far i know when you go down all your darkest roads i would've followed all the way to the graveyard
yet another song about how much he wants to pursue music (and debut NGNSJAK), but this time in the actual form of a love song because subtlety 👌. i feel like when everest (the first group he was a part of) disbanded in 2013, there were a lot of people in his life who truly cared about him that breathed a sigh of relief. they thought that disbandment meant that he could move on and find another passion. but jiwon — loves music and loves to perform and for all its faults, mirae sound (the first entertainment company he was under) was where he first fell in love with it all. he has conflicted feelings about his original company because it's also where he was verbally degraded and treated awfully by certain staff members, but they gave him a stage and a mic for however short of a timespan it was and he's been trying to return to it ever since. but this time, he's not a naive 11 year old trying to make his parents happy. he's fully aware of the cold, harsh industry he's returning to.
05 i couldn’t be more in love by the 1975
we got it wrong, and you said you had enough but what about these feelings i've got? i couldn't be more in love
which brings us to everest's disbandment — the lowest point of his life. matt healy (the frontman of the 1975) wrote this song about his fans and his fear that a day will come where they will tire of his music and leave him. jiwon trained with some of everest's members for almost six years, and then the group disbanded after only two. having been the leader of said group, it left jiwon in a really fragile place. picking up the pieces again and deciding to audition again — when he still had debt from his first trainee period and his self-esteem was at an all time low after leading a group to disbandment — was probably one of the hardest decisions of his life. i have a headcanon that he originally went back to seoul to apply for jobs as a music composer for other artists — and at the last minute he ended up auditioning to be a trainee again instead.
06 4 o’clock by bts’ v & rm
i collect myself that's shattered beneath the moonlight i call you moonchild we are the children of the moon
wow. the title says it all JAFKLDG. but really --- he loves his 4am members so much. so dearly. tenderly. this song just makes me think of the boys staying up in their dorm late at night, practicing, writing music, and just being there for each other. jiwon is a lot stronger now than he used to be and it's all due to his members. i've talked about this in the ooc chat, but being with 4am is the first time jiwon's felt free in such a long time. after spending a lifetime of being there for others and doing what others want/expect of him, he can trust his members to be there for him in a way that he's never felt comfortable to do with anyone else in his past.
07 btstu by jai paul
i know i've been gone a long time, but i'm back and i want what is mine
don't fuck with him, don't fuck with him !!! it might have been 7 years since everest's disbandment but he's coming back ! and when he does, you'll all be sorry !! also, similarly to "dress up in you", another subliminally passive aggressive track GJSJAKA. his self worth and confidence — is at an all time high in the years since he joined atlas and was added to the lineup of the ceo's “favorite” trainee group. he's not arrogant, but he carries himself differently now. he has less fear and is willing to take more risks. maybe he’s a little arrogant. who knows.
08 come hang out by ajr
and come hang out don't you leave us behind but i'll be there next time i'll be there next time
listen, all of his relationships that have ended (romantic and platonic) are clearly not just his fault. but he really doesn't --- fight for his relationships as much as he fights for his music. there are more than a few important relationships that have taken a backseat to his pursuit of his dreams. like i said for the first track,, he's a trainee and an artist over anything else. music is his #1 priority. while it's led him to have an impressive work ethic and an enviable passion for his craft, his relationships with his parents, his sister, former friends, and ex-lovers have all suffered because of it. his obsession for his music at the expense of those he loves is definitely one of the, if not the, biggest of his flaws. this song also speaks to how jiwon feels being as close as he is to debut. with only months left before 4am is scheduled to debut, he's working harder than ever. but he's fully aware that he's not racing towards the finish line — he's getting in position to start the race. and this time, he's going to do everything he can to make it last.
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ganseycode · 5 years
b, d (breathing sunshine), f, n, and s! sorry if it’s a lot, but i’d honestly read your answer to every prompt if i could
wooo hi! don’t feel sorry these were so fun to answer, thank uuu (im sorry for over talking I’d honestly answer all of them if u let me!)
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
ah if I mention breathing sunshine again will I get attacked...but yes breathing sunshine! maybe not the the foster parents Hitoshi had but definitely losing parents and the trauma/anxiety/repression as a (totally not recommended) coping mechanism that takes a lot of time and effort with steps backwards etc that he has from everything bleh that has happened to him (my poor baby :(()
also in ‘let me be’ i kind of threw in some fears I have but obv not of magic (I wish) but of when I had a girlfriend! too many people around us treated us like tdbk in that fic is but I liked her a lot :>
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
okay god idk why I’m so happy you asked this one!!!! okay I cant really make a playlist and link but the songs are these
mainly: patience by bad suns and turning out by AJR (it won’t link?)
and grow as we go by Ben platt but I also associate guiltless by dodie and good by allie x
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
ohhh I’ll just pick out of recent ones I’ve read bc I read a lot of hurt/comfort
‘sprinting to the starting line’ by konbini_kun
it’s shinsou again he suffers abit bc I hate hero society but he has very good parents and then he has very good not parent heroes aizawa and mic. His quirk is also really powerful which I loved reading about as he developed it!!! I think it’s a series now but I haven’t read the second part yet
‘Without hesitation’ by XenophonSpeaks
TW: near character death. this!!!! is good it made me wanna cry but also fight both of tdbk if I’m being honest! I love it so much even though I’ve only read it today, I read it and then immediately read it again (the characterisation is rlly good as well!)
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
I TRULY WISH! that someone would write a fantasy daiya no ace au with prince/kings misawa or meisawa or miyumeisawa hmmmm that have to have an arranged marriage for their kingdom’s and they’re all very much against it but we all know......yknow they.....what if they..fell in love fr
I would also appreciate hitman/assassin todoroki. Idk what he’s doing but I think he’s pretty neat!
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
well I’m always a weak sucker for friends to _______ or enemies to lovers/friends, that stuff is exquisite food for the soul especially when there is so much pinning I actually have to close of the fic to breathe for a second once they confess
that one specific trope where A is in the position to kill B eg like a knife to their throat and B just smirks at them and says smth about how they’ll never do it
I cannot resist royalty aus of any kind, vampires/werewolves where it’s not even forbidden to date it’s just they’re both awkward about how to go about their differences as well I’m so sorry....also sports aus usually baseball bc daiya
and in general I love introspection, hurt/comfort, domestic fics where one person just thinks about how nice it is just come home to the other etc
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Download Steve Aoki - Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) for free now!
Artist: Steve Aoki Show: Steve Aoki – Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Electronic
Discover more PAROOKAVILLE 2019 live sets & radioshows HERE
Steve Aoki – Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) Tracklist
[0:08] Steve Aoki – ID
[2:40] 3 Are Legend & W&W – Khaleesi [ULTRA]
[5:30] Steve Aoki & ALOK – Do It Again [SPINNIN’]
[8:15] Steve Aoki & Vini Vici ft. Mama Aoki – Moshi Moshi (Steve Aoki Tomorrowland Edit) [DIM MAK]
[9:50] Steve Aoki & TWIIG – Hoovela (Steve Aoki & TWIIG VIP Remix) [ULTRA]
[11:35] Steve Aoki & MARNIK – Bella Ciao (Money Heist) [DIM MAK]
[13:16] Steve Aoki & Deorro & MAKJ & Max Styler vs. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Shakalaka vs. Can’t Hold Us (Steve Aoki Edit) [MACKLEMORE/ULTRA]
[17:55] Alan Walker & Steve Aoki ft. Isak & Omar Noir – Are You Lonely (Steve Aoki Remix) [ULTRA]
[20:35] Don Diablo & Steve Aoki x Lush & Simon ft. BullySongs – What We Started [HEXAGON]
[23:35] Steve Aoki & Going Deeper – ID w/ Afrojack & Steve Aoki ft. Miss Palmer – No Beef (Acappella) [DIM MAK][26:35] Steve Aoki & Chris Lake & TUJAMO – Boneless [DIM MAK][27:36] MONSTA X ft. Steve Aoki – Play It Cool (Quintino Remix) [ULTRA]
[29:50] Steve Aoki & Daddy Yankee & Play N Skillz & Elvis Crespo vs. Toby Green – Azukita vs. Ready (Steve Aoki Mashup) [MUSICAL FREEDOM/ULTRA]
[32:20] Steve Aoki & Quintino vs. David Guetta vs. Diego Miranda & The Geekmen – Viking vs. Mayhem vs. Titanium (Steve Aoki Mashup) [FMIF/DIM MAK/LESS IS MORE]
[36:00] The Bloody Beetroots ft. Steve Aoki – Warp 2.019 (Steve Aoki & KAYZO Remix) [DIM MAK]
[37:00] Steve Aoki & Showtek & MAKJ ft. Kris Kiss – Rave [ULTRA]
[39:05] Steve Aoki ft. BTS – Waste It On Me (Steve Aoki Bold Tender Sneeze Mix) [ULTRA]
[40:53] Steve Aoki ft. AJR & Lil Yatchy – Pretender [ULTRA]
Timmy Trumpet On Stage
[46:10] Steve Aoki & Timmy Trumpet ft. Dr Phunk – Hava [DIM MAK]
[49:33] Steve Aoki & Bassjackers – ID
[51:35] BTS ft. Desiigner – Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) [BIG HIT] w/ Valentino Khan & Kayzo – Novocaine [MAD DECENT]
KAYZO On Stage
[54:00] Steve Aoki & KAYZO – ID
[57:02] Dagny & Steve Aoki – Hit Your Heart (Steve Aoki Oh Sh*t Remix) [DIM MAK]
[59:17] Bob Marley & The Wailers vs. Avicii & Nicky Romero vs. Steve Aoki & Loopers – Three Little Birds vs. I Could Be The One vs. Pika Pika (Steve Aoki Mashup)
Darren Criss On Stage
[1:02:45] Steve Aoki & Darren Criss – Crash Into Me [ULTRA]
[1:06:00] Steve Aoki & Darren Criss – Crash Into Me (Steve Aoki Remix) [ULTRA]
[1:07:50] Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. W&W – Crowd Control (3 Are Legend Remix) [SMASH THE HOUSE]
[1:08:35] Steve Aoki – Cake Face (Steve Aoki 2.0 Remix) [ULTRA]
[1:12:47] Queen vs. The White Stripes vs. Kid Cudi & MGMT & Ratatat & Steve Aoki vs. Max Styler & Steve Aoki – We Are The Champions vs. Seven Nation Army vs. Pursuit Of Happiness vs. Feel It (Steve Aoki Mashup) [XL/REPUBLIC/EMI UK/DIM MAK]
[1:18:08] John Lennon – Imagine (Steve Aoki Remix) [CAPITOL]
  Steve Aoki – Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) Video Set
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 5 years
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Listen or download Steve Aoki - Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) for free now!
Artist: Steve Aoki Show: Steve Aoki – Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Electronic
Discover more PAROOKAVILLE 2019 live sets & radioshows HERE
Steve Aoki – Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) Tracklist
[0:08] Steve Aoki – ID
[2:40] 3 Are Legend & W&W – Khaleesi [ULTRA]
[5:30] Steve Aoki & ALOK – Do It Again [SPINNIN’]
[8:15] Steve Aoki & Vini Vici ft. Mama Aoki – Moshi Moshi (Steve Aoki Tomorrowland Edit) [DIM MAK]
[9:50] Steve Aoki & TWIIG – Hoovela (Steve Aoki & TWIIG VIP Remix) [ULTRA]
[11:35] Steve Aoki & MARNIK – Bella Ciao (Money Heist) [DIM MAK]
[13:16] Steve Aoki & Deorro & MAKJ & Max Styler vs. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Shakalaka vs. Can’t Hold Us (Steve Aoki Edit) [MACKLEMORE/ULTRA]
[17:55] Alan Walker & Steve Aoki ft. Isak & Omar Noir – Are You Lonely (Steve Aoki Remix) [ULTRA]
[20:35] Don Diablo & Steve Aoki x Lush & Simon ft. BullySongs – What We Started [HEXAGON]
[23:35] Steve Aoki & Going Deeper – ID w/ Afrojack & Steve Aoki ft. Miss Palmer – No Beef (Acappella) [DIM MAK][26:35] Steve Aoki & Chris Lake & TUJAMO – Boneless [DIM MAK][27:36] MONSTA X ft. Steve Aoki – Play It Cool (Quintino Remix) [ULTRA]
[29:50] Steve Aoki & Daddy Yankee & Play N Skillz & Elvis Crespo vs. Toby Green – Azukita vs. Ready (Steve Aoki Mashup) [MUSICAL FREEDOM/ULTRA]
[32:20] Steve Aoki & Quintino vs. David Guetta vs. Diego Miranda & The Geekmen – Viking vs. Mayhem vs. Titanium (Steve Aoki Mashup) [FMIF/DIM MAK/LESS IS MORE]
[36:00] The Bloody Beetroots ft. Steve Aoki – Warp 2.019 (Steve Aoki & KAYZO Remix) [DIM MAK]
[37:00] Steve Aoki & Showtek & MAKJ ft. Kris Kiss – Rave [ULTRA]
[39:05] Steve Aoki ft. BTS – Waste It On Me (Steve Aoki Bold Tender Sneeze Mix) [ULTRA]
[40:53] Steve Aoki ft. AJR & Lil Yatchy – Pretender [ULTRA]
Timmy Trumpet On Stage
[46:10] Steve Aoki & Timmy Trumpet ft. Dr Phunk – Hava [DIM MAK]
[49:33] Steve Aoki & Bassjackers – ID
[51:35] BTS ft. Desiigner – Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) [BIG HIT] w/ Valentino Khan & Kayzo – Novocaine [MAD DECENT]
KAYZO On Stage
[54:00] Steve Aoki & KAYZO – ID
[57:02] Dagny & Steve Aoki – Hit Your Heart (Steve Aoki Oh Sh*t Remix) [DIM MAK]
[59:17] Bob Marley & The Wailers vs. Avicii & Nicky Romero vs. Steve Aoki & Loopers – Three Little Birds vs. I Could Be The One vs. Pika Pika (Steve Aoki Mashup)
Darren Criss On Stage
[1:02:45] Steve Aoki & Darren Criss – Crash Into Me [ULTRA]
[1:06:00] Steve Aoki & Darren Criss – Crash Into Me (Steve Aoki Remix) [ULTRA]
[1:07:50] Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. W&W – Crowd Control (3 Are Legend Remix) [SMASH THE HOUSE]
[1:08:35] Steve Aoki – Cake Face (Steve Aoki 2.0 Remix) [ULTRA]
[1:12:47] Queen vs. The White Stripes vs. Kid Cudi & MGMT & Ratatat & Steve Aoki vs. Max Styler & Steve Aoki – We Are The Champions vs. Seven Nation Army vs. Pursuit Of Happiness vs. Feel It (Steve Aoki Mashup) [XL/REPUBLIC/EMI UK/DIM MAK]
[1:18:08] John Lennon – Imagine (Steve Aoki Remix) [CAPITOL]
  Steve Aoki – Parookaville 2019 (Weeze Airport, Germany) Video Set
0 notes
emibeetkiss · 7 years
If you liked my Voltron Playlist, check out my Haikyuu! Playlist!
(via https://open.spotify.com/user/12128529093/playlist/0taVnsD25cTkMJ8xmkhBLl)
I’ll add more to it as I stumble upon more songs, but here’s the lineup so far:
Untitled Track (I’m a Believer) - Dima Lancaster
Harlem - New Politics
Let the Games Begin - AJR
Legend - The Score
Prism - Linsdey Stirling
A-Punk - Vampire Weekend
I Wanna Get Better  - Bleachers
Verge - Owl City, Aloe Blacc
Pump It - The Black Eyed Peas
Let ‘Em Talk - Kesha, Eagles of Death Metal
In Too Deep - Sum 41
The Judge - Twenty One Pilots
Ain’t It Fun - Paramore
King Of The World - Weezer
Go Big Or Go Home - American Authors
Geronimo - Sheppard
Heroes (We Could Be) - Alesso, Tove Lo
Underdog - Imagine Dragons
Come Alive - Astoria Kings
Hey! We OK - Never Shout Never
Represent - Weezer
Until We Can’t (Let’s Go) - Passion Pit
Hard Times - Paramore
Some Nights - fun.
The Walker - Fitz and The Tantrums
Not Afraid - Eminem
Hall of Fame - The Script, will.i.am
Home - Phillip Phillips
All Night - The Vamps, Matoma
D.A.N.C.E. - EDX
FIYAH - will.i.am
Crazy Kids - Kesha, will.i.am
Hunter - Galantis, Misha K
We Are Giants - Lindsey Stirling, Dia Frampton
Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Light It Up - Remix - Major Lazer, Nyla, Fuse ODG
Levels - Avicii
Midnight City - M83
Daylight - Matt and Kim
Ways To Go - Grouplove
Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis
Back in Black - AC/DC
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Years - Alesso, Matthew Koma
Walk On Water - Thirty Seconds To Mars
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
The Emperor’s New Clothes - Panic! At The Disco
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Superheroes - The Script
I’m Ready - AJR
Song 2 - Blur
Seeing Stars - BØRNS
Young - The Chainsmokers
Buddy Holly - Weezer
It Ain’t Me - Lindsey Stirling, Kurt Hugo Schneider
Happy Hours - John De Sohn, Sigrid Bernson
Kids - OneRepublic
Dreaming - Smallpools
Brand New - Ben Rector
Burn Baby Burn - Ash
Unbelievers - Vampire Weekend
Sun Is Shining - Axwell /\ Ingrosso, Axwell, Sebastian Ingrosso
Forever Young - Youth Group
Kids In The Street - The All-American Rejects
Wasted - Tiësto, Matthew Koma
The Nights - Avicii
MIC Drop (feat. Desiigner [Steve Aoki Remix] - BTS, Desiigner, Steve Aoki
X Gon’ Give It To Ya - DMX
Top of the World - Greek Fire
Celebrity Skin - Hole
The Greatest - Sia, Kendrick Lamar
Boom Clap Charli XCX
HERO - Monsta X
Greatness - THE GRTNS
Lose Control - Hedley
Bad Dream - The Mowgli’s
Feel Good - Felix Jaehn, Mike Williams, Blanee
We Come Running - Youngblood Hawke
This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
Flagpole Sitta - Harvey Danger
Good To Be Alive (Hallelujah) - Andy Grammar
Unstoppable - The Score
Lazy Eye - Silvers Pickups
Time to Pretend - MGMT
The Man - The Killers
Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Mashi Mashi (More and More) - Dima Lancaster
20 notes · View notes
bluebuzzmusic · 6 years
Steve Aoki Announces Date and Tracklist for Highly Anticipated ‘Neon Future III’
It’s a big day for Steve Aoki. On top of announcing the release date (November 9) and tracklist (below) for Neon Future III, he also just put out a new single from the album with one of the biggest pop groups in the world: BTS.
BTS and Aoki began their musical relationship back in 2017, when Steve remixed BTS’s hit song “MIC Drop” with Desiigner, taking the hit to #1 on the Billboard charts, the highest-charting song by a K-pop group in US history. Now, they’re back together on an official collaboration.
“We’re happy for this meaningful and heart-felt collaboration,” said BTS. “The song is just so amazing, we really enjoyed working on it. It’s our first song that is entirely in English. It was refreshing and fun to record the song. We hope this would be a good present for our fans.”
“I’m so psyched to share this collaboration with one of the most exciting and inspiring group of guys I’ve met in the past few years,” said Aoki. “It’s an absolute honor to work with them once again on ‘Waste It On Me.’ I can’t wait for my fans to hear what’s in store for them next on this third installment of Neon Future.”
In addition to the BTS collaboration, we also have the full tracklist for Neon Future III which includes “Just Hold On” with Louis Tomlinson, “Pretender” with Lil Yachty & AJR, and “Be Somebody” with Nicky Romero and Kiiara.
Along with all the songs already released, we’re also getting collaborations with blink-182, Mike Posner, Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World, Lady Antebellum, Bella Thorne, and Bill Nyefirst teased. Yes, we’re finally getting the collaboration all the way back in 2015.
This is probably our most anticipated Neon Future installment yet! Check the full tracklist below and click here to pre-order the album.
Steve Aoki – Neon Future III
Steve Aoki – Neon Future III (Intro) Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson – Just Hold On Steve Aoki – Waste It On Me ft. BTS Steve Aoki & Nicky Romero – Be Somebody ft. Kiiara Steve Aoki – Pretender ft. Lil Yachty & AJR Steve Aoki – A Lover And A Memory ft. Mike Posner Steve Aoki – Why Are We So Broken ft. blink-182 Steve Aoki – Golden Days ft. Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World Steve Aoki – Our Love Glows ft. Lady Antebellum Steve Aoki – Anything More ft. Era Istrefi Steve Aoki x Lauren Jauregui – All Night Steve Aoki – Do Not Disturb ft. Bella Thorne Steve Aoki – Lie To Me ft. Ina Wroldsen Steve Aoki, Daddy Yankee, Play-N-Skillz & Elvis Crespo – Azukita Steve Aoki & TWIIG – Hoovela Steve Aoki & Don Diablo x Lush & Simon – What We Started ft. BullySongs Steve Aoki – Noble Gas ft. Bill Nye
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Steve Aoki Announces Date and Tracklist for Highly Anticipated ‘Neon Future III’
source https://www.youredm.com/2018/10/28/steve-aoki-announces-date-and-tracklist-for-highly-anticipated-neon-future-iii/
0 notes
modern-inheritance · 7 months
MIC Song List (Feb 2024)
The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
The Massacre of El Kuroke by The Dead South
Nothing Left to Say by Imagine Dragons
Bud Like You by AJR
Lay Me Down by The Dirty Heads
I'm a Wanted Man by Royal Deluxe
Ghost Light by TheFatRat and EVERGLOW
Demons by Delta Heavy
Feel Something by ILLENIUM, Excision and I Prevail
Sway by Michael Bublé
I Shall Rise by Karen O
I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons
Blood on My Name by The Brothers Bright
Hazy Shade of Winter by Gerard Way
Some Nights by Fun.
Another Me by Excision, Dylan Matthew, Wooli and Seven Lions
Spirits by the Strumbellas
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark by Fall Out Boy
I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons
Warbringer (Feat. Lindsey Sterling) by TheFatRat
This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars
Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy
My Silver Lining by First Aid Kit
Bangarang by Skrillix
Sober Up (Feat. Rivers Cuomo) by AJR
Back One Day (Outro Song) By TheFatRat and NEFFEX
Feeling Good (David Foster & Friends) by Michael Bublé
Let Me Live Let Me Die by Des Rocs
In the Air Tonight (Dead Space 3 Remix)
Who We Are by Imagine Dragons
Two Moons by BoyWithUke
She Wants Me Dead by CAZZETTE
Bones by Imagine Dragons
The Man Who Sold The World by Midge Ure and Ultravox
When We Were Soldiers by Trocadero
Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! At the Disco
Out of My Mind by Jamie Berry
You're Dead by The Brains (WET soundtrack)
Put It on the Line by The Heavy
Let Love Win by TheFatRat and Anjulie
Fire by TheFatRat
In the Woods Somewhere by Hozier
Go To War by Nothing More
Renegades by X Ambassadors
Round One (feat. Lamar Hall) by Jeff Williams
The More (feat. Lamar Hall) by Jeff Williams
Oxygen (Feat. Julianne Hope) by Excision, Wooli and Trivecta
In the Pines by Janel Drewis
Pray by Jeff Williams
Short Change Hero by The Heavy
Forever (Feat. Casey Williams) by Jeff Williams
Natural by Imagine Dragons
Stronger by TheFatRat, Slaydid and Anjulie
Lost in the Rhythm by Jamie Berry and Octavia Rose
Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Our Song by TheFatRat and Cecila Gault
Bang Bang ft. Adam Levine by K'NAAN
Monody (Feat. Laura Brehm) by TheFatRat
Freaks by Timmy Trumpet and Savage
Legacy by Dirty Palm and Benix
Lean (Live with Strings) by Oh Land
Sharkface/Rooftop by Jeff Williams
Hunger by TheFatRat
Addicted by Bliss N Eso
Be Calm by Fun.
Can't Hold Me Down by GRiZ
Shepard's Tango (Citadel DLC Soundtrack)
Meet Me on the Battlefield by SVRCINA
She's Lost Control by The Arkhams
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bedlamfoundry · 5 years
Steve Aoki Live at Tomorrowland 2018 Mainstage
Unforgettable! My 8th year in a row playing Tomorrowland & closing down main stage tonight w/ the world in front of me was overwhelming awesome beautiful! Thank you all!! Vote Steve Aoki for DJ Mag Top 100: http://smarturl.it/VoteAoki2018 Lie To Me ft. Ina Wroldsen out now: https://ffm.to/lietome Track list: 1.) Neon Future 3 2.) Steve Aoki x Vini Vici - Moshi Moshi (Steve Aoki Tomorrowland Edit) 3.) Steve Aoki, Deorro, Mak J, & Max Styler vs Zombie Nation - Boom Shakalaka vs Kernkrakt 400 (Steve Aoki Edit) 4.) Steve Aoki & Marnik - Bella Ciao 5.) BTS - The Truth Untold (Steve Aoki Remix) 6.) Hardwell & Steve Aoki feat. Kriss Kriss - Anthem 7.) Carnage & Steve Aoki - Plur Genocide ft. Lockdown 8.) Steve Aoki, Chris Lake, & Tujamo vs Breach x Crankdat - Boneless vs Jack 9.) Steve Aoki, Daddy Yankee, Play N Skillz, & Elvis Crespo - Azukita (Steve Aoki Edit) 10.) Steve Aoki & Quintino - Mayhem 11.) Steve Aoki x Louis Tomlinson vs Bart B More - Just Hold On vs Cowbell (Nom De Strip Edit) 12.) Steve Aoki, Showtek, & Mak J vs The Geekmen - Viking Clap vs ID 13.) Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke - It’s Time (feat. Bruce Buffer) 14.) BTS vs Boombox Cartel - Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) vs Alamo (Ft. Shoffy) 15.) Steve Aoki - Pretender (Feat. Lil Yachty & AJR) 16.) Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs W&W - Crowd Control (3 Are Legend Remix) 17.) Steve Aoki - Lie To Me (Feat. Ina Wroldsen) 18.) Steve Aoki - Cake Face (Steve Aoki Quick Edit) 19.) Don Diablo & Steve Aoki x Lush & Simon vs Kid Cudi vs Swanky Tunes & Going Deeper - What We Started vs Pursuit of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix) vs Time 20.) Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke ft. Lil Jon - Turbulence (Steve Aoki Everybody Jump Edit) 21.) Linkin Park - One More Light (Steve Aoki Chester Forever Remix) SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: http://youtube.com/steveaoki LIKE on Facebook: http://facebook.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Twitter: http://twitter.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Instagram: http://instagram.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Snapchat: aokisteve Subscribe to Steve Aoki's YouTube channel for the latest music videos, tour footage, mixes, and the best in dance music! New videos every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #steveaoki #EDM #electronic #electro #electrohouse #house #dubstep #dimmak #steveaoki2018 #steveaokitomorrowland 2018 #tomorrowland #steveaokilive #steveaokithe truth untold remix #steveaokimainstage #mainstage #ultramusic #ultrarecords #steveaokilie to me #inawroldsen #boom #belgium #bts #steveaokibts #festival #lietome
0 notes
bluebuzzmusic · 6 years
Steve Aoki Announces Date and Tracklist for Highly Anticipated ‘Neon Future III’
It’s a big day for Steve Aoki. On top of announcing the release date (November 9) and tracklist (below) for Neon Future III, he also just put out a new single from the album with one of the biggest pop groups in the world: BTS.
BTS and Aoki began their musical relationship back in 2017, when Steve remixed BTS’s hit song “MIC Drop” with Desiigner, taking the hit to #1 on the Billboard charts, the highest-charting song by a K-pop group in US history. Now, they’re back together on an official collaboration.
“We’re happy for this meaningful and heart-felt collaboration,” said BTS. “The song is just so amazing, we really enjoyed working on it. It’s our first song that is entirely in English. It was refreshing and fun to record the song. We hope this would be a good present for our fans.”
“I’m so psyched to share this collaboration with one of the most exciting and inspiring group of guys I’ve met in the past few years,” said Aoki. “It’s an absolute honor to work with them once again on ‘Waste It On Me.’ I can’t wait for my fans to hear what’s in store for them next on this third installment of Neon Future.”
In addition to the BTS collaboration, we also have the full tracklist for Neon Future III which includes “Just Hold On” with Louis Tomlinson, “Pretender” with Lil Yachty & AJR, and “Be Somebody” with Nicky Romero and Kiiara.
Along with all the songs already released, we’re also getting collaborations with blink-182, Mike Posner, Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World, Lady Antebellum, Bella Thorne, and Bill Nyefirst teased. Yes, we’re finally getting the collaboration all the way back in 2015.
This is probably our most anticipated Neon Future installment yet! Check the full tracklist below and click here to pre-order the album.
Steve Aoki – Neon Future III
Steve Aoki – Neon Future III (Intro) Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson – Just Hold On Steve Aoki – Waste It On Me ft. BTS Steve Aoki & Nicky Romero – Be Somebody ft. Kiiara Steve Aoki – Pretender ft. Lil Yachty & AJR Steve Aoki – A Lover And A Memory ft. Mike Posner Steve Aoki – Why Are We So Broken ft. blink-182 Steve Aoki – Golden Days ft. Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World Steve Aoki – Our Love Glows ft. Lady Antebellum Steve Aoki – Anything More ft. Era Istrefi Steve Aoki x Lauren Jauregui – All Night Steve Aoki – Do Not Disturb ft. Bella Thorne Steve Aoki – Lie To Me ft. Ina Wroldsen Steve Aoki, Daddy Yankee, Play-N-Skillz & Elvis Crespo – Azukita Steve Aoki & TWIIG – Hoovela Steve Aoki & Don Diablo x Lush & Simon – What We Started ft. BullySongs Steve Aoki – Noble Gas ft. Bill Nye
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Steve Aoki Announces Date and Tracklist for Highly Anticipated ‘Neon Future III’
source https://www.youredm.com/2018/10/28/steve-aoki-announces-date-and-tracklist-for-highly-anticipated-neon-future-iii/
0 notes
bedlamfoundry · 5 years
Steve Aoki LIVE at Lollapalooza Argentina 2019
#SteveAoki #LIVE at #LollapaloozaArgentina 2019 Tracklist: 1.) Steve Aoki - ID intro vs Steve Aoki - Noble Gases (Feat. Bill Nye) 2.) Steve Aoki x Vini Vici - Moshi Moshi (Steve Aoki Tomorrowland Remix) 3.) Steve Aoki & TWIIG - Hoovela 4.) Steve Aoki & Marnik - Bella Ciao 5.) Steve Aoki, Deorro, MAKJ , & Max Styler vs Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Shakalaka vs Can’t Hold Us (feat. Ray Dalton) (Aoki Edit) 6.) Steve Aoki & Alan Walker - Are You Lonely (feat. ISAK) (Steve Aoki Remix) 7.) Afrojack & Steve Aoki vs Steve Aoki & Going Deeper - No Beef (Feat. Miss Palmer) vs ID (Aoki Mashup) 8.) Steve Aoki & Moxie vs Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Steve Aoki vs Ummet Ozan - I Love It When You Cry vs Melody 9.) Steve Aoki, Chris Lake, & Tujamo - Boneless (Aoki Up & Down Edit) 10.) Steve Aoki & Monsta X - Play It Cool x Play It Cool (Quintino Remix) 11.) Steve Aoki & Nicky Romero vs Nicky Romero & Teamworx - Be Somebody (Feat. Kiiara) (Nicky Romero Ultra Edit) vs Champion Sound 12.) J Balvin & Willy William - Mi Gente (Steve Aoki Remix) 13.) Nicky Jam & Steve Aoki - Jaleo (Steve Aoki Remix) 14.) Paulo Londra - Forever Alone (Steve Aoki Remix) 15.) Steve Aoki, Daddy Yankee, Play N Skillz, & Elvis Crespo vs Toby Green - Azukita vs Ready (Aoki Mashup) 16.) Steve Aoki & Quintino x David Guetta vs The Geekmen - Viking Clap vs Mayhem x Titanium (Feat. Sia) (Aoki Mashup) 17.) Steve Aoki ft. BTS - Waste It On Me (Steve Aoki Bold Tender Sneezer Remix) 18.) Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson vs Curbi - Just Hold On vs Impossible (Aoki Mash) 19.) Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke ft Bruce Buffer vs Marnik & Sunstars - It’s Time vs Tik Tok (Right on Time) 20.) BTS ft Desiigner vs Valentino Khan & Kayzo - Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) vs Novocaine 21.) Dagny x Steve Aoki - Hit Your Heart (show arrangement into Steve Aoki remix) 22. ) Steve Aoki ft AJR & Lil Yachty - Pretender 23.) Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs W&W - Crowd Control (3 Are Legend Remix) 24.) Bob Marley vs Avicii vs Nicky Romero vs Steve Aoki & Loopers - Three Little Birds vs I Could Be The One (Nicktim) vs Pika Pika ft. Vinnie Jones (Aoki Mashup) 25.) Steve Aoki - Cake Face (2019 Festival Aoki Remix) 26.) Queen vs White Stripes vs Kid Cudi vs Max Styler - We Are The Champions vs Seven Nation Army vs Pursuit of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix) vs Feel It (Steve Aoki Remix) (Aoki Mashup) 27.) Linkin Park - One More Light (Steve Aoki Chester Forever Remix) SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: http://youtube.com/steveaoki LIKE on Facebook: http://facebook.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Twitter: http://twitter.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Instagram: http://instagram.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Snapchat: aokisteve Subscribe to Steve Aoki's YouTube channel for the latest music videos, tour footage, mixes, and the best in dance music! New videos every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #steveaoki #EDM #electronic #electro #electrohouse #house #dubstep #dimmak #steveaoki2019 #steveaokilive #steveaokilive argentina #steveaokilive chile #steveaokilollapalooza #steveaokilollapalooza chile #steveaokilollapalooza argentina #ultramusic #ultrarecords
0 notes
bedlamfoundry · 6 years
Steve Aoki Greatest Hits (DJs From Mars Mega Mashup)
This is insane. DJs From Mars created a megamashup of all my songs!! Check it. Tracklist: Steve Aoki Feat. Zuper Blahq - I'm In The House The Bloody Beetroots feat. Steve Aoki - WARP Steve Aoki & Afrojackfeat. Miss Palmer - No Beef Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke feat. Lil Jon - Turbulence Steve Aoki feat. Wynter Gordon - Ladi Dadi Steve Aoki & Angger Dimas Feat. Iggy Azalea - Beat Down Kid Cudi - Pursuit Of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix) Steve Aoki feat. Polina - Come With Me (Deadmeat) Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo - Boneless Steve Aoki feat. Lil Jon - Emergency Linkin Park & Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes Steve Aoki, Autoerotique, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Feedback Steve Aoki feat. will.i.am - Born To Get Wild Steve Aoki feat. Lil Yachty & Migos - Night Call Steve Aoki & Afrojack feat. Bonnie McKee - Afroki Steve Aoki & Moxie - I Love It When You Cry Steve Aoki feat. Waka Flocka Flame - Rage The Night Away Steve Aoki & Headhunterz - The Power Of Now Steve Aoki & Autoerotique - ILYSM Steve Aoki feat. Fall Out Boy - Back To Earth Steve Aoki, Marnik & Lil Jon - Supernova (Interstellar) J Balvin & Willy William - Mi Gente (Steve Aoki Remix) Steve Aoki & Loopers ft. Vinnie Jones - Pika Pika Steve Aoki, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Ummet Ozcan - Melody Steve Aoki & Carnage feat. Lockdown - Plur Genocide Steve Aoki & Quintino - Mayhem Steve Aoki & Vini Vici feat. Mama Aoki - Moshi Moshi Steve Aoki, Daddy Yankee, Play N Skillz & Elvis Crespo - Azukita Steve Aoki & Yellow Claw feat. Gucci Mane & T-Pain - Lit BTS - Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) Steve Aoki feat. ILoveMakonnen & Bok Nero - Kolony Anthem Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke feat. Bruce Buffer- It's Time Steve Aoki & Marnik - Bella Ciao Steve Aoki & Boehm feat. Walk The Moon - Back 2 U Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson - Just Hold On Steve Aoki & Felix Jaehn feat. Adam Lambert - Can't Go Home Steve Aoki feat. Lil Yachty & AJR - Pretender Steve Aoki & Don Diablo & Lush & Simon feat. Bullysongs - What We Started Steve Aoki x Lauren Jauregui - All Night Steve Aoki & Alan Walker feat. ISÁK & Omar Noir - Lonely Steve Aoki & Nicki Jam - Jaleo Steve Aoki & BTS Wasted on me Linkin Park - One More Light (Steve Aoki Chester Forever Remix) SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: http://youtube.com/steveaoki LIKE on Facebook: http://facebook.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Twitter: http://twitter.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Instagram: http://instagram.com/steveaoki FOLLOW on Snapchat: aokisteve Follow DJs From Mars: https://www.instagram.com/djsfrommarsofficial/ http://www.djsfrommars.com http://www.facebook.com/djsfrommars http://www.twitter.com/djsfrommars http://www.youtube.com/djsfrommarschannel http://www.youtube.com/alieninvasiontv Subscribe to Steve Aoki's YouTube channel for the latest music videos, tour footage, mixes, and the best in dance music! New videos every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #steveaoki #EDM #electronic #electro #electrohouse #house #dubstep #dimmak #steveaoki2019 #steveaokigreatest hits #djsfrommars #megamashup #ultramusic #ultrarecords
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