#mica is a FREE ELF
goddamnshinyrock · 7 years
I finally submitted my last assignment of the quarter! 
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 02/08/2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld EP#28 (04) - Dark Territory: During the dive into the Underworld, Gabriel Miller briefly flashes back to his childhood obsession with souls. After logging in with the super-account representing the Dark Emperor Vecta, he quickly gains control of the army of the Dark Territory. General Shasta, being less than pleased with the Emperor's plans, confides in his top soldier and lover, Lipia, that the Emperor must be killed to keep the peace. Vecta communicates with his soldiers in the real world and retires to his bedroom, greeted by Lipia. Disguised as a concubine, Lipia attacks him with a hidden knife, but Vecta quickly subdues her and chokes her to death, watching her glowing soul leave her body. He flashes back to his childhood obsession with souls and hix fixation on his friend named Alicia. Convinced her soul must be hidden deep beneath her brain matter, he jammed a long needle into her ear. As she died, he saw a glittering glow leave her body and ascend into the sky. In the Underworld, Vecta addresses his legion of soldiers and presents Lipia's head frozen in ice as a warning to any who would challenge him. Shocked at the death of his lover, Shasta tries to kill Vecta and unleashes a storm of incarnation, nearly wiping out the leaders of each respective army. As he aims for Vecta, he is sucked into a void in his soul and disappears, leaving Vecta unfazed. Meanwhile, in the human empire, Alice and Kirito arrive in the eastern camp near the Eastern Gate. Alice discovers that the gate is going to fall in a matter of days, removing the barrier between the Dark Territory and the Human Empire.
My Hero Academia Shie Hassaikai Arc Season 4 EP#75 (12) - Unforeseen Hope: After leaving restrained to Rock Lock, Sir Nighteye's group catch up to Mirio after he lost his Quirk protecting Eri from a Quirk-Killer Bullet. But Hari Kurono removes himself and Aizawa from play, revealing Eri to be the previous boss's granddaughter. Overhaul refuses to accept defeat as he uses his Quirk to assimilate Nemoto and turn himself into a monster while revealing that Mirio lost his Quirk, Nighteye ordering Izuku to take Mirio and Eri to safety while he holds the villain off. But Nighteye is wounded, while his Quirk shows him a future where he and Izuku are killed. But despite that and Overhaul using Nemeto's Quirk, Izuku refuses to give up on saving Eri.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#13 - Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze: Abbacchio attempts to retrieve the key, but Illuso uses a nearby piece of a mirror to draw him into the mirror world. Abbacchio attempts to trick Illuso into taking Moody Blues into the mirror, but Illuso counterattacks, leaving half of Abbacchio and Moody Blues in each world, rendering each powerless. In desperation, Abbacchio cuts off his own hand, enabling Moody Blues' hand to grab and deliver the key to Giorno. However, rather than flee with the key, Giorno allows himself to be dragged into the mirror world by Illuso. Giorno reveals he had infected himself with Purple Haze's virus, and has now passed it on to Illuso. To save himself, Illuso escapes back into the real world, leaving his infected arm in the mirror world. However, Giorno had earlier used Gold Experience to turn a brick into a snake which tracks Illuso's position, enabling Fugo to follow and kill him with Purple Haze. As Illuso dies, Fugo, Abbacchio and Giorno return to the real world, where Giorno uses the snake's antibodies to cure his own infection before tasking Fugo with treating Abbacchio's wounds.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Natagumo Mountain Arc EP#15 - Mount Natagumo: Zenitsu has been told Nezuko is Tanjiro's sister and develops a crush on her. A Kasugai crow comes after the doctor says they're healed and tells the three to go to Mt. Natagumo. They come in sight of the mountain, though Zenitsu is too scared to go on. Tanjiro smells something and runs to it, Zenitsu forced to follow so he isn't left alone. They find a wounded Demon Slayer collapsed on the path but he is yanked into the trees by threads attached to him. They find another terrified demon slayer, Murata, who tells them ten higher ranked demon slayers, including him, came to the mountain, but they started killing each other. An exhausted Kasugai crow is shown on the lap of the Demon Slayer's commander, who notes many have been killed and thinks the Twelve Kizuki may be there. He sends two of the Hashiras (the best swordsmen): Tomioka Giyū and Shinobu to the mountain as backup. Meanwhile, Zenitsu still sits on the path, having been left when Tanjiro and Inosuke ran forward. He cajoles himself into going when he realizes Tanjiro took "his Nezuko" into the mountain. At the mountain, the captured Demon Slayers walk out from the trees and start attacking Tanjiro's group. Tanjiro stops Inosuke from attacking as some are still alive. He smells the threads attached to them and realizes that's how they're being manipulated. Inosuke frees them but a demoness, the Mother of the spider family, sends her spiders to reattach the puppet strings to the Demon Slayers. A white-haired demon boy, Rui, suddenly appears above them, standing on threads, and says Mother will kill them before leaving. To himself, Rui says no one will stop the five of them from living as a happy family. While Tanjiro and Murata keep the controlled Slayers busy, Inosuke uses his Spiritual Awareness to find Mother.
Dr. Stone Communications Arc EP#22 - The Treasure: In the search for tungsten, Senku, Chrome, and Magma search a nearby cave. After encountering a mica vein, Magma tries to save Senku from falling into a sinkhole, but both eventually are trapped. Chrome saves them both by filling the sinkhole up with water. The three hurriedly return back to the village after encountering a deposit rich with minerals in order to make it in time to celebrate Senku's birthday. While the three were gone, Gen and the village build an observatory for Senku.
Food Wars!: The Second Plate Totsuki Autumn Election Arc EP#28 - The Pursuer: The Shokugeki between Takumi and Mimasaka commences with Takumi's mezzaluna on the line. For the dessert theme, both sides decide to make a semifreddo. Mimasaka's investigative approach to Shokugekis is revealed: he makes his own twists on his opponent's recipes to improve his own dish. At first, Takumi desperately tries to think of twists he can make within the cooking time, but he remembers his training and calms down. After Mimasaka impresses the judges with his dish, Takumi presents his semifreddo with an added layer of lemon curd made with olive oil. However, Mimasaka reveals he had predicted Takumi's actions and added his own secret ingredient, preserved lemons, claiming both victory and Takumi's mezzaluna. Afterwards, Mimasaka shows up at Soma's dorm to challenge him to a Shokugeki in the semi-finals, putting up Takumi's mezzaluna for Soma's knife. However, Soma raises the stakes, putting his career as a chef on the line for all the tools Mimasaka had won in his past 100 Shokugekis. He also reveals to Mimasaka that he will be making beef stew for their match.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#104 - Lightning of Rage vs. Friends: The elf, Rufel, explains Lucks body is now his and Vanessa realises Luck is possessed. Rufel almost murders Magna but is stopped by Vanessa's cat Rouge, the Red String of Fate. Magna tries to attack Rufel but is also stopped by Rouge as she protects all Black Bulls, including Luck. Magna manages to trick Rufel with his knowledge of Luck's physical abilities and blows him up. Magna demands Rufel return Luck but Rufel summons a lightning storm, increasing his powers, and Magna only survives due to Rouge. Rufel realises that using Rouge costs vast amounts of magic and forces her to save Magna over and over again until Vanessa almost passes out. Rufel claims Luck's soul is dead but Magna spots that he is crying and realises Luck must be able to hear them, so they desperately try to force Luck to wake up. Rufel almost murders Magna but Rouge uses the last of her magic to alter fate, resulting in Asta appearing at the very last moment. Rufel manages to sense Asta's movements and tries to kill him, but Vanessa attaches a string to Asta, holding him back for a split second causing Rufel to mistime his attack and he is tackled to the ground by all three of them. Asta prepares to stab him in the chest and end the possession before Rufel unleashes an electrical explosion.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 22nd-June 28th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from June 22nd, 2020 to June 28th, 2020.  The chat focused on The Stoop-Gallants by MJ Alexander and WW Rose.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on The Stoop-Gallants by MJ Alexander and WW Rose~! (http://www.thestoopgallants.com/site/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until June 28th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I need to reread/catch up to answer the prompts, but I gotta say this comic absolutely excels at what it does.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I've been meaning to read this one too, I'll try and set aside some time to!
Stoop-Gallants has so much adorable humor and sass, Predictably, Alta is my favorite character; seeing her extremely awkward yet sweet relationship with Mica is my favorite.
Flea is also a sweetheart and I love seeing them learning more about their unpredictable magic and coming to be comfortable with it after avoiding it so long. This page in particular where they finally internalize that they're not a mistake and they're not alone made me tear up a little bit. T_T http://www.thestoopgallants.com/site/tsg/page-547/
What I like about the beginning of the comic is that it basically opens with accidental necromancy. I think it really just kind of paints the entire tone of the comic, sets the right expectations, and is honestly, just hilariously convoluted. My favorite moment in the comic so far was actually probably the accidental necromancy as well. I love necromancy, and just the way this happens is so hilarious. Plus, I like a lot of the other scenes it ties into, like Maxwell getting mocked for not being able to do any sort of necromancy. In the theme of this trend, my favorite character is Ru. Ru is just adorable and tries his best. I like his overall kind of boyish charms sometimes mixed with his honesty and honestly, just a great friend to everyone. As for characters interacting the most, I probably enjoy seeing Marigold and Alta the most. I really like how their relationship is kind of equal trust and equal wanting to punch the other person in the face. And yet, despite all this, Marigold really sticks by Alta and helps out in the ways only Marigold can. So I just find it to be such an interesting but wholesome relationship. What I like about the art is probably the character designs. I love that there's so many different body shapes, and in particular the heights. I love that some of the characters just basically tower over the others, cause I think that's something people neglect when it comes to fantasy settings in that you can really play around a lot more with those sorts of proportions. So I appreciate seeing it here.
For themes, I like the comic explores what to do when you have a natural talent at something but you don't like that something. I feel this is something we see with Flea, Alta, and Ru. And yet, all three handle it so differently, with Alta accepting, Flea reluctantly dealing with it after fleeing, and Ru going "Nah bro I don't want this." And I really like we get to explore whether our natural talents and destiny can be run from, or if we should just accept it. For the comic's overall story, I like the balance of character conflict vs. world conflict. This is a very character driven comic, but I never feel like the world is being neglected. Like the situation with the king, now the elves. The world is built slowly, but still at a place where you get a feel for where the characters live and how the world they live in affects them. As for the comic's overall strengths, likeable characters. Even when the characters are jerks, there's still something about them where you're like, "Ok I get it." And in turn, you're invested in all their goals, even when those goals are not necessarily something that fit together.
Comic Tea Party
9. How do you think Mica and Alta’s relationship will progress throughout the story? Will the two continue to blunder through everything, or will things continue to go smoothly? Also, how might Alta’s personal feelings about her career affect them?
10. Do you think Flea will successfully learn to control their magic? If so, how will this change them as a person? All in all, what do you think Flea’s story has to teach us about identity, destiny, and self-acceptance?
11. Will Ru be able to solve his necromancy problem? If so, do you think he’ll be happy about it? How does this all compare to Flea’s tale? Lastly, how will the events of Ru’s story affect Cymonee solving her problem?
12. How will the Consortium’s plans surrounding the king affect the main characters? Will they do something to stop it to achieve their own ends? Additionally, what role do you think Maxwell will play, whether as a “good” guy or “bad” guy?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
For themes, I like the comic explores what to do when you have a natural talent at something but you don't like that something. I feel this is something we see with Flea, Alta, and Ru. And yet, all three handle it so differently, with Alta accepting, Flea reluctantly dealing with it after fleeing, and Ru going "Nah bro I don't want this." And I really like we get to explore whether our natural talents and destiny can be run from, or if we should just accept it.
@RebelVampire I think this is a really good way of putting it! I also like that Ru's been gradually having to come to terms with the fact that he did what he did and grow from someone who's trying desperately to shed the consequences of the drunken magical mistake he made, and into maybe accepting he's responsible for it and should stand up for the zombie he's affected. I'm so curious to see if the elf kingdom in the current arc is going to have a solution, and if so, if it's a solution he wants to go through with.(edited)
The cast is very big and while I would love to see more Alta and Mica, I think they've gotten some of their big stuff out of the way and can move on with a relatively normal relationship. If the story does revisit them in a more dedicated arc, I would love to see some exploration of Alta's extreme savior complex and how that clashes with her perception of Mica's disability.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Did a reread recently -- this comic is so good, funny and genre-savvy with smart writing and lovable characters. Can't wait for the Volume 2 Kickstarter.
From the early chapters, I really liked Mica's and Maxwell's weird bond. Seems like they're going to be in different settings following unrelated storylines for a while, but I'm looking forward to when their paths cross again...mostly for Mica's reaction once she gets caught up on the progress of Maxwell's secret-magical-figurehead-coup gambit.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Also, the whole sequence where Maxwell has to explain "ugh, this stuff depends on an otherwise-useless narrow and restricted concept of 'virginity'". (And Ru has to unpack why he still qualifies...) I think that's the first point where you really feel the contrast between "a fantasy setting with lots of these traditional tropes and formalities" and "characters who feel and react like real people." ...without spoiling anything too specific, Rekhet's whole aesthetic (their fashion sense, their interior design) is the pinnacle of this. It is hard to pick a favorite character, but boy did they shoot waaay up the list almost immediately after their introduction.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I feel like the first solution Ru gets is gonna be something like "don't worry, we can incinerate your problem into a pile of ash that'll blow away on the wind!" -- and he's going to balk, because he's gotten attached enough that he wants the denizen free, not destroyed. No idea what he's ultimately going to settle on -- I think it'll be something weird and offbeat, not this easy to predict. In the meantime, Denny's antics are great. Especially when there's something plot-relevant or serious going on and it's just bopping around doing its own thing in the background. (And that one scene where they all got into fancy dress, and somebody gave the denizen a bowtie -- priceless. If it started getting a new themed accessory for every scene, I would not complain.)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Mica seems like she has lots of plans and interests and desires, but hasn't had the time/money/resources to pursue anything more than "reading about them." Meanwhile, Alta is well-traveled, practiced and competent at lots of things, and has the resources to go around offering her services pro bono...but doesn't really like or care about her job, it's just something she fell into because she was good at it. Point being, I hope they'll get into a setup where Mica picks some dreams to follow, and Alta focuses on giving her the support/backing to do it, and then gets to share in Mica's actual enjoyment. And maybe Alta figures out she likes one of these things for its own sake, so they decide to settle down and pursue it together? Or maybe they just keep exploring indefinitely, and it turns out Alta's really into "being the devoted protector while someone else is in charge."
@Delphina He named the Denizen. Once you name something, there is no going back.
I feel like even though things are going good between Mica and Alta, that right now were in that happy passionate phase before real issues start to heat and they start to realize theyre kind of two different ppl. So I really think that they're going to increasingly face more and more challenges in that regards. I also think Alta is about to rethink careers, and that will probably make her defocus from building the relationship. I do think Flea will successfully learn magic, and I think in so doing Flea will gain newfound confidence but also just an entire new perspective on who they are and life in general. And I think Flea teaches us that if we continue to reject parts of ourselves, even if we dont like that, that we're just gonna wind up hurting ourselves until we explode and hurt everyone else around us. I also think Flea teaches us that identity is also fluid and that you can, will, and should change and that just cause you change, doesn't mean you aren't who you are. I think Ru will find a solution, but I don't think Ru will act on it. I reiterate in this chat again, once you name something, there is no going back. However, I don't think Ru's choice will help Cymonee. I do think Ru will find other ways to help as a sort of payback for Cymonee sticking with him. However, what I'm most interested here is the comparison so far with Flea. Flea is embracing powers, while Ru isn't. And I find this contrasting journey to be interesting. I mean Ru didn't get no Alta speech about self-acceptance, so I'm wondering how that alone paved the course of events. I feel like the Consortium's plans is what will bring the main cast together again, since they'll either stop the Consortium, or clean up their mess. Since places without a ruling head of government usually don't do so hot. I think Maxwell will serve as the person who tattles in the hopes he can come out on top.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
I am most looking forward to seeing more of Ru's story, cause I really want to know if he's gonna start self-accepting those necromancy powers of if he really will just react them for all time. As for final words, this a comic with some fantastic characters, has a really unique humor with how the characters conduct themselves,, and all around is definitely a comic that deserves some praise.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I hope that if Ru does choose to accept these necromancy powers, it's because he wants to, not because he has to. Like, I'm hoping he finds a solution to his problem, but he chooses not to go through with it. One thing I'm loving about the current two arcs is that it's given us a chance to go more in depth with these characters. I loved the parts where the whole gang was together as a group, but this just gives us a chance to see these relationships flourish. Though, I do hope we see more Marigold soon, plus some other side characters like Maxwell. All in all, I really love this comic, and I can't wait to see where it goes next!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about The Stoop-Gallants this week! Please also give a special thank you to MJ Alexander and WW Rose for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked The Stoop-Gallants, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.thestoopgallants.com/site/
The Stoop-Gallants’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/snartha
The Stoop-Gallants’ Store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/snartha/shop
The Stoop-Gallants’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/snartha
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My WIPs!
An Elf, a Human, and a Dwarf Walk Into a Bar...
After a series of curious events, three beings begin to travel together to a new land, unexplored by anyone before them. In this group are; 
- Pendra Thorn. Going merely by Thorn, she has discarded the more human name her father gave her and has adopted a more species-androgynous name. Humans are named after plants, as are elves, this should work... She is the one who starts with series of events.
- Artaro. The son of the ruler of Theamor. With his elder brother determined to ruin the land that they rule over, Artaro decides to leave his home to find a new place where he can take his people, to save them. He ends up joining a half elvish girl to travel.
- Mica. A dwarvish woman who’s family is grown and no longer needs her to take care of them. After deciding she’s ready to have an adventure of her own, she stumbles upon two young people and joins them, knowing they will need help along the way.
Characters: Pendra Thorn, Artaro, Mica
Broken Thrones
This is a three part series that documents some of what’s going on in the countries of Feria and Issera, as well as what certain people are doing about these events.
Part One: Lumi
- After her best friend, Eira, is crowned heir of the throne of Feria, things begin to get weird. The king is killed, odd things begin happening in the southern part of the country, near the border with Issera. Crop are being destroyed, people are feeling creatures breathe down their necks, and other people are going missing. With chaos rising and odd things happening within Lumi herself, she decides to investigate what exactly is going on.
Part Two: Culraes
- A woman comes to Issera and tells of an assassination plot against the king. Culraes is put in charge of her. He does his job diligently, refusing to let anything happen to his king under his watch. Soon, this woman’s sister and a strange man joins them. After these people join the group, weird things begin happening, things that are of legends, legends that Culraes doesn’t believe. While dealing with this, a war is coming, and it’s the war that Culraes has waited for his entire life.
Part Three: Rosar
- After joining her sister, Amary, in Issera, Rosar’s migraines get worse. Two new voices enter her head, taking the place of the friend she’s had since she was a little girl. Her visions become more intense. And there’s someone out there, trying to track her down, leaving her with nightmares and constant worry. When the war starts, her old friend comes back and she finds out what her true destiny is.
Characters: Lumi, Culraes, Rosar, Eira, Amary, Finlos, Athum, Jeris, Erihhn, Leaf, Avei, Jayah, Taedhe, more to come.
Descendants of Glory 
Raisha, the granddaughter of Jeris, who was a healer and retainer of the king for most of his life. She lives on her family’s farm, breeding, raising, training, and racing horses. It’s her life and she loves it-- for the most part that is. Part of her wants to run off, to be free like the wild horses she sees in her dreams. 
She’s out riding by herself one day when her horse gets spooked and throws her. With her ankle injured and mode of transportation gone, she goes limping through the land. She finds a herd of wild horses, including a stallion with fur the color of blood. She makes friends with this horse and before long, she’s allowed to ride him.
As Rai tries to work with this horse more, her two best friends Solor and Terran, who are twin sons of the king and queen of Issera, keep dragging her into situations involving kidnappers and other dangerous beings. 
Characters: Raisha, Solor, Terran, others...
Of Heroes and Forgotten Realms
Colt Moonblood has been arrested and given a sentence of death for her crimes. That is, until a mysterious woman comes along and makes a case for her that gives her the option to travel across the country and fight the Beast that has been terrorizing the land. With great reluctance, she accepts this mission. The one condition is that a knight has to accompany her, and that knight is Faran Sunhawke.
Thief and Warrior, they set out on their journey.
Along the way, they begin to understand each other, they begin to come to an agreement. However, just as they get into the groove of things, Colt begins to uncover things that shouldn’t be.
Memories that aren’t quite hers enter into her head. Events begin to seem like they don’t add up. There are things that shouldn’t be but are. Even the Beast that lingers on the edge of the country is part of something more. It sucks Colt and Faran into a world they never could have dreamed of.
Characters: Colt Moonblood, Faran Sunhawke, Quill Moonblood, Tallah Fawnstep, Grim, Tasiriti, Seirios
The Beast’s Rose
The Beast is alone in his house with only his staff for company, until there’s an incident with a traveler who tries to steal his rose, his most precious possession, the thing that is keeping him alive. 
That’s how Beauty comes to live in his palace. She doesn’t mind his seemingly harsh exterior or his appearance, as she can’t see what he looks like. Beauty can tell there’s something off about this Beast and his rose...will she be able to figure out what that is?
Characters: Aoide, Tinker, Beauty, Beast, palace staff, others...
The Stone and the Sea
Alana used to have a family and her whole life planned out, she was to be a blacksmith, following her mother’s footsteps. But all that came crashing down around her when her family was murdered by pirates.
Now, as a siren, Alana searches for those pirates, determined to get revenge for her parents and baby brother. On this journey, she crosses paths with a certain sailor several times. Caspian doesn’t act like other humans. He’s not afraid of her, no, he’s intrigued with her. Soon, he and his family agree to help her, but there’s a twist to it...
Characters: Alana, Caspian, Darya, Laiken, Calder, Naiya, Zhaleh, Brishon, others...
Untitled WIP
Amelia Crow, a mechanic who knows nothing how the world used to be. Jax Graves, an artist who knows too much about the world, both what it used to be and what is out there now.
They’re best friends, they have been for years, yet they still don’t know everything about each other. When Amy finds out that Jax has been hiding something big from her, how will she react? And will she continue to be his friend and help him when the government starts to search for him?
Characters: Amy, Jax, Finnick, Maeve, Lisha, others...
A Song for the Stolen 
[credit to @floralandrogyny for the title]
Jessie Taylor is an ensign on a starship, she has been for almost two years. She’s bright, bold, and not trusted by her crewmates. She’s done nothing to them personally, but her family is not a good one. When she is finally allowed on an away mission, she discovers the most interesting being she has ever seen...
Arilez is a science experiment, a living being turned into an android, and after years of suffering abuse at the hands of her creators, she rebels. She takes a small pod and flies away into the stars. When she’s found by the earth starship, she gets taken aboard and befriended by one of the ensigns. This ensign helps her discover who she is and what her feelings are as they travel through space.
Characters: Arilez, Jessie, others...
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thewatchercleric · 6 years
Curse of Strahd Survey Character
Thank you all for voting on the poll and I know this is late but here he is! A few questions like Race and Name had a big range of options that competed and others like Class and Alignment had a very strong lead, so here is the introduction of Stan.
Stanley Kairon Oakson Jr is a 4th level Glamour Bard with a Haunted One background. Stan is a red skinned, auburn haired tiefling and the youngest of 7 brothers, making him a 7th son of a 7th son. He inherited his father's name and talent for musical instruments. Stan is the only tiefling of his family, all six of his brothers born human, while his race is the mix of a human father and an alu-fiend mother (the daughter of a succubus and human man). Stan is a Chaotic Good Bard who spends money freely on behalf of others. He is not allowed to hold the party's money because he has a habit of giving all his money away to the first person who looks like they could use it. Stan is addicted to a specific dwarven beer and he loves fine clothing, the company of beautiful people, music, and his family. Stan has a phobia of radiant damaging spells and dreams of meeting his soulmate and having seven sons of his own.
Rough Backstory
Many moons ago a young traveling entertainer stopped into a brothel for shelter from the rain.
Inside, the entertainer was rejuvenated by wine, stories, and the company of a beautiful red haired woman.
It was love at first sight and the auburn haired, emerald green eyed, ivory skinned woman joined the simple traveler on his journey.
Nine months later the first brown haired, brown eyed, ivory skinned son was born, Kalium.
Despite the entertainer's almost constant exhaustion, he couldn't be happier with his new family.
One year after that came the auburn haired, brown eyed, dark skinned twins, Mica and Zach.
One year later the pair found themselves just as in love as the first night they met and they welcomed a brown haired, green eyed, dark skinned son, Paris.
Three years later, the entertainer found his health deteriorating even faster. An issue he had been aware of for several years but happiness and love kept the man warm when his immune system didn't.
His auburn haired love nursed him through his illness and the pair welcomed another set of twins into the world soon after. One with fiery hair and green eyes like his mother, and one with the warm chocolate hair and eyes of his father. Rowan and Laurel.
Two years after, still traveling and sharing their happiness with every town they passed through, Stanley Morris Oakson and Vivienne Kaley Oakson welcomed their seventh baby boy into the world, Stanley Jr. With the auburn hair, gold eyes, pointed horns, spade tipped tail, needle teeth, and red skin of his mother's true fiend form.
The alu-fiend who had enthralled Stan's father spent nearly a decade slowly feeding on the man's lifeforce while raising their seven children together.
Once Stanley Senior discovered the truth about his wife, he wrote a ballad for her. The love of his life. Vivi was his world, he would give her the air from his lungs and the blood from his veins. For the mother of his merry little band of boys and the one who held him through his moments of weakness, what was a little life essence and a soul?
Frequent travelling made it easy for the family to keep their secret. A tiefling child wasn't so unusual and with six older brothers, Stan Jr always felt safe.
But by Stan's seventh year, his father's health had begun to take a turn for the worst. The family settled down in a farmhouse just outside of a small but fiercely religious town.
Vivienne did her best to dress modestly like the other women in the town and to keep her eyes on the ground as she led her seven children to the market once a week.
Every shopping trip ended with the same questioning from the townsfolk, "Will you be joining us at church this week?" "Seven boys, I see someone has been busy, hm?" "Shall we pray for you?"
It was only a matter of time before the local priest came to investigate. Posing it as a clerical visit, simply coming to offer his prayers for Stanley's health.
Noting how it seemed odd that local and travelling men alike had started disappearing after the Oakson family settled into town.
It wasn't Vivi's fault Stanley had later protested, his wife needed to feed and he couldn't always satisfy her anymore, he told the boys, much to their chagrin.
Father Yarl was well versed in the various fiends that plagued the world and declared Vivienne to be a succubus.
He called upon the clergy's Paladin, a human man named Harrison, to destroy the fiend. Cornering the family in town between the butcher shop and the local herbalist.
The seven boys tried to stand in front of their mother and Father Yarl declared that they had all been manipulated by the fiend. Vivienne dropped her human guise, unfurled her red leathery wings and faced the paladin to protect her children.
Seven year old Stan Jr. was struck by a stray Sacred Flame cast by the paladin. When he came to again, he found himself with a white scar across his neck and shoulder and his mother nowhere in sight.
It was only a year after that when Stanley Senior passed, there just wasn't enough life energy after Vivienne was done with him, the clergy claimed. But all seven brothers knew it was a broken heart that took their father away.
Sixteen year old Kalium took charge of providing for his younger brothers though they all did their parts.
Kalium apprenticed under a blacksmith who gave the boys a roof over their heads. Mica and Zach helped the local farmers wherever extra hands could be used and brought home leftover food. Paris helped the craftsmen with cleaning and selling wares. Rowan and Laurel helped the local tailor with weaving and sewing.
Meanwhile Stan Jr. took up his father's various instruments and spent his days playing, singing, and telling stories in the tavern, The Headless Raven, for coin.
Stan enjoyed listening to stories just as much as he liked telling them, and travelling adventures had the best stories.
Some adventures told grand stories of discovering dragon lairs and plundering dungeons, rescuing towns and meeting royalty. Others talked of slaying beasts and delving into the Underdark.
Stan was entranced by the story of a certain drunken group who frequently complained about losing one of their younger party members to a minotaur. They claimed they brought the entire labyrinth down and nearly slayed the minotaur within but were betrayed by their apprentice.
The more questions that Stan asked, the more the party would drink, and the more the party drank, the better they would tip Stan for singing their stories back to them.
Stan knew the story by heart by the time the party left town and he was set on finding the demolished labyrinth.
It was good timing for them all. None of the Oakson children were meant to stay in one place. They all were born with their father's nomadic spirit.
Kalium was ready to open his open blacksmithing shop with his mage friend to help him develop new forging techniques. Before leaving he gifted Stan Jr with two enchanted rapiers.
Mica and Zach wanted to travel north to search for exotic spices.
Paris fell in love and wanted to travel across the land with his new partner.
Rowan and Laurel decided to travel for travelings sake.
So Stan was free to find the labyrinth. Swords forged by his brother on his hips, instruments hanging around his neck, and his father's entertainers pack on his back.
Stan performed his way across the land and found magic in his music.
And when Stan found the labyrinth, it wasnt as destroyed and abandoned as the adventures had claimed.
After nearly getting an axe through the head as a hello, Stan made the acquaintance of Little Bo Vine.
Stan always knew he was short. But Little Bo stood almost 7 feet tall, a full 2 heads taller than Stan, and she still claimed she was the smallest of her family, just like him.
Little Bo told him of her older brothers and Stan did the same. Stan also told her about traveling and how much fun he had on his way to find her.
Little Bo didnt have the same passion for 90° angles that her brother had and so she decided to come with Stan instead of continuing to rebuild the labyrinth. Because she declared him "soft and squishy" and "in need of protection".
The two grew close as they bonded over their shared allegiance to the Harpers and not long after starting their adventure they were sent on a mission where they made the acquaintance of a Goliath Paladin who travels with her half-elf Human Wizard half-brother in search of their father, as well as a Dwarven Cleric (who fell head over heels for the Paladin) who travels with his Human Druid friend as they prepare to cleanse a sick forest.
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transnames · 6 years
Hi there! Im an nb looking for an androgynous name. I've gone by Nic for a while as a shortened version of my legal name, but recently picked up the name Erin. I'd love more suggestions though. I adore weird spellings and kinda mythical names but I'm a little nervous that I'll pick a dumb one. Advice/suggestions?
For sure! 
If you’re worried about picking a strange or bad name, you could test it out in real life, or ask a trusted friend for thoughts on the name. I think the most important thing is definitely that you like the name, but I understand being concerned about what other people would think about a name, this was a big factor for me. 
Here are some different situations you could think of using a name in, including the “Starbucks test” of telling a barista the name you want to try and testing if it feels strange or uncomfortable.
For some suggestions, here are some neutral names with a mythical leaning or that are similar to the other names you mentioned, and some variant spellings:
Aaren / Aren (sounds like Erin, but more androgynous spelling)
Alex / Alix / Alyx
Avery (means “elf power” or “elf counsel”)
Charlie / Charley
Devin / Devon
Gray / Grey
Jaime / Jamie
Morgan (like Morgan le Fay)
Mica / Micah / Micaiah
Rowen / Rowan
Skyler / Skylar / Schuyler
I’m not sure if these are too rare or too common for you, so feel free to send in a follow-up ask if you would like more help!
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caftanmodern · 7 years
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5lazarus · 4 years
Dead Man Hiking
a gift from Beyond the Veil’s Masked Satinalia Exchange, that I wrote for @theprairienerd <3. It was fun to get out of solavellan hell, and it sparked a whole gen fic fest that I’m still working my way through. crossposted to AO3 here
Solas broods over what has been lost. Dorian interrupts, and Solas dangles hidden knowledge in front of him like a carrot. They both take the bait, because, as irritable and sad Solas can get, "he wants to give wisdom, not orders," and Dorian loves to learn.
They named his reach the Emerald Graves, a poetic name for a dismal end. Solas can taste the ashes of the lost in the air, and fears falling asleep. Where the Orlesians had ripped the forests from their roots and flattened the Exalted Plains, the rage dripped too deep into the soil of the Emerald Graves. A nobleman or two held estates. No one ever lasted long. Ghosts lingered in lichen and stone, canopy and leaf. Solas leans against a boulder and dips his feet in a creek that was once a road, two thousand years ago. He picks up a stone. At least the mica in the rock remembers. Not all of Arlathan is lost. “Oh, Solas.” Dorian walks over, glittering in the sun. His shadow covers him.
Solas places the smooth riverstone onto the boulder with a satisfying clink and looks up at Dorian. “Yes?” he says testily. It is not that he dislikes Dorian. He is too much a product of his own time and indulgence for Solas to take his swagger personally. But the Tevinter mage tries so hard to dazzle everyone he meets, and Solas is too tired to be amused by a human peacock. He knows he should not be so dismissive; he was young and anxious to impress once. But Dorian is almost likeable, and perhaps that is why he gets under his skin. They can discuss the finer points of mana fissure against Veil warp--and then Dorian will exclaim his surprise that he is following along quite fine, as if he had not written the equation to begin with. He does not see a mage. He sees a pair of pointed ears, and forgets that there is a brain between them. Dorian tenses. “Am I interrupting?” “Is there something you would like to ask me, Master Pavus?” He cannot help the ironic edge in his voice. Dorian flinches slightly at the title, but breezes onward. “Well, Messere Solas,” Dorian rolls his eyes, “you mentioned that the Graves have changed since you were last here. I was wondering what it used to be like, before the war. If you have lore to share.” “Are you appealing to my vanity?” Solas says, amused. “You do like to talk.” Dorian takes his response as an invitation and sits down next to him. Solas flares his nose. Dorian reeks of the Iron Bull and overpriced cologne. They call him unwashed, but at least he manages to wash away the scent of sex. To avoid the pungent bouquet of Dorian’s day, Solas gets up. Above the creek sits a stone ledge where the People placed one of his markers, the watching wolf. Where the waterfall is now, an eluvian once stood. Solas says, “Follow me. We won’t go too far from camp.” He grunts as he jumps down from the rocks and splashes across the creek. Dorian hurriedly follows, grimacing as his boots fill with water. Sera broke the waterproofing enchantment on them yesterday; Solas thinks, perhaps he irritates me more than I allow. I should not have let her figure it out; but he and Bull were so obnoxiously loud. They hike up the cliff in silence. Solas enjoys the feel of the grass under his feet. He loves the woods, and though he mourns what they once were, still he feels himself relaxing into the rhythm of the wind tousling the canopy of leaves, the roar of the waterfall guiding his step. He wonders aloud, “I wonder if there is a single place in the Dales that does not know a single human step.” He has shepherded the land Mythal granted him as best he could. Still the taint remains: the Blight unlocked, and all this death. Dorian glances at him curiously. “Not if you’re taking me there. Where are we going, anyway?” Solas says, “To the Watcher. The Dalish will tell you that he dates to their lost kingdom, a relic of the spirit-wolves the Emerald Knights called their companions.” He smiles ruefully. As fragmented and dissociative he was in the Fade, he tried to guide Ralaferin and the others as best he could. He misses them sharply, and touches his jawbone necklace to ground himself. “However, they are wrong.” “Oh really,” Dorian drawls. He stops, winded, and Solas waits as he leans against a tree to catch his breath. “And you know--how?” “Through my journeys in the Fade, Dorian. Where else?” It is not technically a lie. He does not like to tell deliberate untruths casually. He saves them for when they are necessary. Lying was a habit he grew out of as a youth, the hard way, and this body still bears those scars. He points to the wolf over the waterfall. They are nearly there now. Elnora had hid a staff under his paws; perhaps he would collect it later. “This statue dates to before the fall of Arlathan. Just before. I do not know how much you know of my people’s lore, but before Elvhenan fell the people worshipped a god named Fen’Harel, who took the form of a monstrous wolf. At least if you listen to Dalish legend.” He wonders how they thought he could get anything done without opposable thumbs. “They say he seeded his statues with an enchantment that could let him spy on his followers’ loyalties. They are wrong, of course.” Those Dalish fairytales assume he had much more time to cause trouble than he ever did, even as a bored sergeant in Mythal’s army. Though he has always struggled with paranoia, he never crossed that line, not even when Dirthamen ordered him to. “But this statue does have its own tricks.” “Old magic,” Dorian says. “Pre-Imperium, you say?” He visibly perks up. He staggers a few steps forward and marches up the ragged path. “What are you waiting for, Solas? Lead the way!” Solas smiles and slows his step to give Dorian time to catch his breath. He loves to teach and Dorian loves to learn: that is why it is impossible for him to stay annoyed for long. Dorian peppers him with questions as they hack their way through the undergrowth. He dodges the ones that make him hate himself and answers the ones that make him laugh. Under all that glittering, impractical armor, Dorian flaunts a sharp mind and a quicker tongue. Solas enjoys himself. Tevinter and then Orlesian expansion into the Dales is part of the Blight the Evanuris wrecked upon the world--he would prefer to wander these woods with his companions of old--but they are all dead, and he is a dead man walking with a quickling upstart. But of all afterlives, he knows, this is not the worst, and this can be fixed--and Dorian is not terrible company after all. They clamber up the last incline and stop at the Watcher’s base. Solas notices an offering of apricots left in a small bronze dish at the wolf’s paws. He helps himself to one. He loves the taste of summer fruit, and though it lacks some of the richness of the orchards of Arlathan, the apricot is delicious. Dorian looks askance. “Are you sure you should be doing that?” Solas says, “I would not let you do it.” “Right,” Dorian says, “it’s not sacrilege if you do it. And the Inquisitor doesn’t see.” Solas laughs. “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it,” he starts, but Dorian interrupts. “You don’t get a story,” Dorian says, lips twitching into a smile. “Now, speaking of, you promised me a story. So what does this statue do?” He gazes up at the Watcher’s impassive stare. Solas fords across the creek. The current is strong as it crashes down the cliff, but not enough to push him. He chooses his footing carefully, and then holds an arm out to help Dorian. Dorian, though, ignores him. He sketches a quick diagnostic into the air, blue mana flashing. “Hmm,” Dorian says. “The Veil is thin here. Who would have thought.” Then the Watcher’s eyes flash. Solas steps back. A spirit haunts the water, a reflection of himself, dreaming quiescent in the days of Arlathan’s fall. The spirit-wolf steps from the stone, snuffling at him curiously. Solas thinks: surely my fur was never so fluffy. I was decidedly unkempt in those days. One thing ages the spirit: it wears Mythal’s brand on its muzzle. It must have formed just after his apotheosis, but before June’s disastrous trip into the Deep Roads. The spirit says, in a voice not unlike his own, “Banal’nadas.” The Blight is inevitable. Nothing is inevitable. It cocks its head at Dorian. Dorian starts. He leans over, to peer into the wolf’s eyes. The wolf snorts and walks away into the sun of the woods, its footsteps leaving the river unrippled. It melts into the warm shadows of the forest beyond them. Solas sighs. He is living, or he is dying; he does not know which, but at least that spirit is now free. But the Dales have lost one more piece of its living history. Its purpose has been fulfilled. The Blight is inevitable. They walk back in silence, tired from the hike up the cliff. As they reach the campsite, though, Dorian turns to him. “You know, Solas,” he says, “that spirit had eyes like you.” “Like an elf, you mean,” Solas says dismissively. Dorian shakes his head. “No. Like you.” But before he can continue his questions, their companions notice them, and they are swept into the fervor of life around the campfire. Solas is glad to let the matter rest.
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