#michael clifford imgaine
Long, long time | L.H
luke hemmings x reader
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summary: you don't know how much longer you can cope with luke being on tour
warnings: panic attack, anxiety, angst with comfort, hurt/comfort, fem reader, reader is really going through it, very brief mention of lack of appetite, bit of poor self hygiene, not proofread
a/n: first time posting on tumblr despite being on here for years. literally terrified, also how god damn good is the feeling of falling upwards live album. i started levitating, don't get me started on os/co i could write a whole essay. also the ending is so rushed it's not funny but i couldn't think of an ending.
plus, the ending was my grandparents wedding song and i think it's so romantic so i put it in.
It was early. The night had kept you awake, closing your eyes meant seeing every mistake you had ever made play in your mind. The curtains on your window were left open, the empty street and faint stars mocking your every move. The dim streetlight was your only source of light, and something about it was wrong.
It had been two weeks of this, of constantly shaking hands and always looking over your shoulder. Showering took more effort than it should, you had a never ending stomach ache, it felt like you didn't need to eat or drink. Your brain had been on constant overdrive for so long that it didn't know how to switch off, and it felt like there were rubber bands, squeezing around your chest and your brain, getting tighter and tighter by the minute.
For two weeks, you had done the same thing each night. Sitting up in bed, crossing your legs under your thick blanket and rocking, back and forth and back and forth. Your hands found your hair. It was greasier than you realised. How long had it been since you washed it? Stretching out your fingers, they felt wrong. They look different then you remembered. How long had it been since you had looked at yourself? Your hands find your knees, gripping onto them as you continue to rock.
You really don't want to. But you know you should. Where is he today? What even is the date today? When did you last talk to him?
Oh, his voice. His sweet, sweet voice. What would he say if he saw you like this? And this bed. This bed is far too big without him in it.
Luke is worried as well. You last spoke three days ago, and it was only texting. Usually you facetime every night, but he hasn't seen your face in just over a week. He wonders if you are busy, are you seeing your friends, are you working more?
If you squeeze your eyes shut, you can see him. He is sitting on the bed in front of you, he is holding you, he is smiling that gorgeous soft smile that he sends your way whenever you feel down. You can feel his hands rubbing up your arms in a soothing manner, his lips pressing against your forehead as the sweetest act of comfort.
You raise a hand to his side of the bed, dragging your hand along his pillow. No. No. The corner of your eyes prick.
Standing up on shaky legs, you stumble through the dark until you find your phone, face down on your floor, next to some discarded clothes. When did you let your bedroom get this filthy? The hands digging at your chest begin to dig their nails in. You kneel down, sitting on your heels and click your phone on. It's far too bright, it stings your eyes, but nonetheless you gaze lovingly at your lockscreen. At Him.
His beautiful blue eyes, warm and loving, and his gorgeous eyelashes, god he is blessed. His beautiful smile, halfway to a laugh, bringing a sad smile to your lips. Your eyes blur as you touch his cheek through your phone screen, a ragged breath coming from your chest.
You unlock your phone, blurry eyes and shaky hands pressing his contact, and the big green call button. It rings once, twice, three times, four times.
"Hey honey! You ok? Isn't it early at home?"
You don't respond. Your mouth hangs open in shock. He's alive. He's breathing. He's real, and you haven't imagined him. His voice is coming through your phone, he is on the other end and you can almost feel him.
A deep breath.
"Luke," You sob, "Luke."
"Oh, my girl."
You can hear voices becoming louder, and some clattering, a door closing and finally, just him.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
"It hurts, Luke. It really hurts."
"What hurts?"
"My chest. It's too tight and I can't breathe properly, and my brain is so sore, every time I move it stings and burns. And my skin is too tight on me, but it's too loose in some places, and I don't recognise myself and I'm so scared. I'm so tired, and I'm so scared, and I can't sleep, and the bed is too big and the house is too silent, and I need you."
You say it all in one breath, trying hard to regulate your breathing as you hold onto the phone for dear life.
"Ok, can we take some breaths together? Nice and slow. You're ok. You're safe."
You try to breathe, and eventually your chest opens up a bit. You open up your mouth to talk, but suddenly it's all mush. You sit together in silence for a bit. Speaking is too difficult. You click the phone onto speaker, and try to make your way back to bed.
"I'm right here baby, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."
You manage to groan out a response, pulling your blanket over your shaking body. Another sob escapes your lips, and you wrap your arms around your middle, pretending that you are anywhere else, that you are anybody else, that you have your boy with you.
"I'm so proud of you, you're so brave, can we keep taking some deep breaths? Just copy me."
You listen to his breathing through the phone and try to copy it, the pressure in your throat easing slightly.
"I love you so much. And I'm home so soon. So soon."
"Yeah. Not soon enough." A shaky inhale, a shaky exhale.
"Do you want me to sit with you for a bit? I can be quiet, or I can talk, whatever you need honey."
He is so patient. He is so kind. The first time he saw you have one of these, he sat in the dark in complete silence with you for threehours.
"Talk to me. I need to hear your voice."
And so he does. He talks about what you will do when he gets back. He talks about hearing you in all of his songs, and how he can't wait to hold you.
"I need you to come home soon, Lu. I think I'm fading again. I can't sleep. I need you."
He hears the tremor in your voice, your desolate tone, your sniffles, your slight stutter. He feels his heart break in two, knowing that he isn't there to hold you, to put you back together and smooth your skin.
"I know baby. Not long now, and I'm all yours for as long as you need, okay?"
"Okay. I'm really tired. Can you sing to me?"
And he doesn't hesitate. You swear you can hear the slight smile in his voice,
"Never thought that you would be, standing here so close to me ,there's so much I feel that I should say, but words can wait until some other day"
His voice is sweet. His words linger in your head and your eyes drift closed.
"Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again. It's been a long, long time. Haven't felt like this, my dear since I can't remember when. It's been a long, long time"
Your heart feels warm. You know that it will not be easy. You know that the next two weeks will be hard. But you know that you will see him soon. And you know that you can live when you're with him.
"You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you. Or just how empty they all seemed without you. So kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again It's been a long, long time"
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bratzforchris · 1 year
hello :) hope your day is going good. can you write a Luke imagine of the reader being plus size and she struggles with self esteem issues, Luke is there to help and guide her?
Just the Way You Are
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Summary: Above
Pairing: Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: Body image talk, body insecurity
Word Count: 750
A/N: Thanks so much for the request!
The morning had started out like any other Saturday. You woke up to the sun shining brightly through the white, silken drapes of your and Luke's shared bedroom. His side of the bed had long gone cold and you could hear him puttering around downstairs in the kitchen. Luke couldn't sleep past nine in the morning; he was too eager to get up and have his coffee.
You pushed yourself out of bed and walked over to the dresser. Even though you were getting up for the day, you would prefer to have something comfy to wear for a day at home with Luke. On top of the dresser was a pile of clean laundry, with your boyfriend's gray sweatpants folded perfectly on top.
You smiled to yourself as you grabbed them. Luke's clothes were so soft and carried his familiar scent no matter how many times they were washed. You pulled them on and then paused, observing yourself in the mirror. Luke's sweatpants were tight on you. Your 6'4" boyfriend's clothes were too tight on you.
Peeling the pants off in disgust, you threw them into a crumpled pile in the corner. You didn't want to look at them, didn't want to think about the way your body just wasn't right. In your eyes, you were too big, too heavy, too curvy, too much. You immediately ran back to bed, huddling under the covers and squeezing your eyes shut tight.
In your cloud of sadness and insecurity, you didn't hear the bedroom door open. Luke walked in, ever the ray of sunshine he was.
"I heard you were up and thought I'd bring you your coffee. One vanilla latte coming...babe?" he trailed off, his cheerful voice suddenly sad as he heard you cry.
"Don't want it," You mumbled miserably. "Too much sugar."
Your boyfriend placed the mugs on his nightstand, sitting down beside your burrito blanket on the bed. "What's going on, honey? Are you sick?"
"No." You sobbed.
"What's going on, lovely? Hmm?" Luke rubbed your blanket-covered side gently.
"Your stupid pants." You huffed.
You knew it sounded silly when said aloud, but that's how you felt. You had been in an amazing mood until you put on those sweatpants.
"You're going to have to elaborate on that a bit, babe." Luke chuckled.
"Do you think I'm fat?" You asked bluntly.
"What?" Luke's face dropped in shock. "Baby. Baby, no. Absolutely not. You are my perfect girl, no matter what you look like."
You curled closer to him, huddling into his side. "Tell me the truth."
"I absolutely am. I would never, ever lie to you, my love. You are beautiful just the way you are. No matter your size or shape or the number on the scale. I fell in love with your kindness and beautiful laugh and your love for your favorite things." Luke kissed the top of your head.
"I just feel gross and too big and all wrong." Your sobs had quieted to sniffles, but it was clear you were still extremely upset.
"Oh love," Luke cooed, hugging you tight. "Would you mind telling me what started this? You don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd like to know how to help."
"I wanted to wear your sweatpants and they were too tight." You mumbled, playing with the hem of his shirt.
"Sweetie," Luke kissed your hair softly. "I love you no matter what you look like. I'm sorry my pants made you so upset, but you know you're beautiful just the way you are, right?" he looked into your eyes deeply.
You nodded, snuggling closer. You had always been insecure about your body, but the way Luke was talking about you in this moment made you feel like maybe it was okay. If someone as beautiful as him loved you, surely that meant you were beautiful too.
"Thank you," You sniffled. "I really needed that."
"Of course, my love. I want you to come talk to me when you're upset, and I want you to understand just how beautiful you are," Luke wrapped you in a tight hug, swaying side-to-side while peppering your face with kisses. "Now, would you like your coffee, darling?"
You nodded eagerly, making grabby hands for the mug. The way you felt about yourself right now wasn't perfect, but that was okay. Luke had helped you see just how beautiful you were, so for now, you were content to be just the way you were.
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I just want to date someone as soft as Luke looked in those instagram photos today :(
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prettytoxicrevolver · 6 years
Dad | Calum Hood
Requested? Yup! Hope you like it anon I’m sorry it’s so short 
Warnings? Swearing 
Word Count: 966
“Good morning!” Luke greets you as you walk downstairs in which you groan in response. 
“Well someone’s in a bad mood.” He jokes and you shove him playfully as you head to the cabinet to grab a cup and fill it with water. You had slept over your best friend Lukes house (which you haven’t done in forever) last night. The two of you were life long friends and you even met your boyfriend, Calum, through him. “I feel horrible.” You tell Luke as you sit down at the kitchen island. “What’s wrong?” “I don’t know. My stomach is killing me and I feel like-“ Before you can finish your sentence, you feel the bile rise in the back of your throat and you rush to the bathroom as fast as possible. Luke is on your heels and holding your hair back as you empty the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl. When you’re finally finished, you lean back against Luke who pulls you close and runs his hands softly through your hair. “Food poisoning?” He asks. “I think so.” You respond. After sitting on the bathroom floor for a few more minutes, Luke helps you up and back to his room. He wraps you up in his blankets before telling you he’ll be right back with aspirin and water. When Luke comes back with medicine, you thank him before sinking back into the covers. “Want me to call Calum?” He asks sitting down on the bed next to you. “Yes please.” Luke nods before heading back downstairs and calling Calum. Not too long after, you hear a knock on the door and you call to the person to tell them to come in. “Hey baby.” Calum greets when he walks into the room. “Hello love.” “You okay?” He asks coming to sit down next to you. He leans forward and presses a hand to your forehead before pulling away. “You don’t have a fever.” “My stomachs been hurting all morning.” You tell him. “I’ll go get your more water and some saltines and see if you can keep those down.” He stands up and leans down to give your forehead a kiss before heading downstairs to get you water. For the next few days, you still felt sick in the morning but a bit better later in the day. You had pretty much chalked it up to food poising until one week of being sick turned into two. “It’s gotta be something else.” You tell Luke. “Like what?” He asks and you shrug your shoulder. Suddenly it hits you like a truck and everything makes perfect sense. You know your face is pale and your mouth turns into an “o” as Lukes expression turns into concern. “What?” He asks. “I think I’m pregnant.” You then go on to explain to Luke that you felt like you were having morning sickness and you noticed your period was a few days late. When you’re finished talking, you both fall into a long silence until Luke breaks it. “I’m gonna be an uncle!” He exclaims happily before running over to you and hugging you tightly. “You don’t know that yet.” You tell him. “Well let’s go find out.” You and Luke head to the store and buy a pregnancy test before heading back to Lukes apartment. When you get there, you head straight for Lukes bathroom to take the test. “Is it ready?” He asks through the door. “I think so.” You respond. “Do you want me to come in?” “Yes please.” Luke carefully opens the door and walks into the bathroom. You reach out and take his hand in which he squeezes yours for reassurance. You pick up the pregnancy test and together you look at it. Positive. “I’m gonna be a mom.” You whisper. “You’re gonna be a mom!” Luke announces before hugging you tightly. “Are you gonna tell Calum?” “Yeah but what if he breaks up with me?” You worry. Calum was nothing but sweet and a gentleman but you were both young and having a kid could change everything. “Call him.” Luke says placing both hands on your shoulders. “Invite him over and tell him. If he’s a dick about it I’ll just kick his ass.” Luke says shrugging his shoulders making you giggle quietly. You pull out your phone and dial Calums number. Luke stays with you as you tell Calum to come to Lukes so you can tell him the news. Calum makes it to Lukes in record time. When he knocks on the door, you answer and let him in. “How are you feeling?” He asks after greeting you with a kiss. “Better. I uh actually have to tell you something.” You say looking down at your feet nervously. “What is it baby girl?” He asks taking your hands in his. “I’m pregnant.” “You’re pregnant?” He repeats. You nod your head and nervously wait for Calum to respond. “Your pregnant.” He repeats and you smile as you watch his face turn to pure joy. “I’m gonna be a dad!!” He practically screams. He steps forward and wraps his arms around you and picks you up. He spins you around while yelling in excitement. When he sets you down he places his hands on your cheeks and kisses you hard. “I’m gonna be a dad.” He whispers and you nod your head. He then gets down one one knee and carefully places a kiss on your belly. “You're gonna be so lucky kid ya know that?” Calum says talking towards your stomach.
He then stands up again and you can see he’s practically radiating. “I’m gonna be a dad.” He says once more like he’s never gonna believe the sentence. “You’re gonna be the best dad in the entire world.”
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tinyyplants · 3 years
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steviemae · 3 years
alright y’all, it’s been a minute but i’m gonna make a slow comeback bc i miss writing sooo drop your requests! what do y’all wanna see from me? my fanbases have changed so i’m just gonna put a shit ton of tags lol i’ll work on requests this weekend! 💕
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wowitsel · 3 years
5sos albums as the elements
earth: self titled
air: sgfg
fire: youngblood
water: calm
it just makes so much sense
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
Tale as Old as Time | Michael Clifford
Summary; he feels like a beast, while she is the beautiful rose that awaits him. Michael wants her forever, and so, he must arrange for that to be the case.
Warnings; fluff , that’s basically it tbh
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He had always been rugged, even in the reflections of a camera. But deep down, he knew that he was a prince, awaiting the perfect maiden that brought out the best in him.
Michael did not want a princess, nor a duchess. A simple rose would suffice, and as he walked into the library, he was certain that he had found the right one.
You were tracing your hand over the spines over the ancient books, appreciating their hard covers, and all you were really doing was searching for your next read. It was more of an addiction than a hobby, he would argue.
There was never a moment that you did not speak of the creations of authors, you enveloped yourself into the pages of universes, and you always finished a novel. You were dedicated, and he wished to be the same.
“What do you suppose I should read next?” By next, Michael knew that you meant again, but he smiled, loving the passion.
You symbolised a rose with that passion, and not to mention, he found your natural scent diving. Whether he was laid next to you in bed, or was walking past you, or hit him like a ton of bricks.
And not to mention, your beauty was similar to one. There were so many layers that he loved about you, and they were like petals, creating one big and grand picture.
“Beauty and the beast.” He suggested, watching as your eyes trailed through the shelves, searching for the defined title.
It was a well known story, a famous one. A love story between two different people, that stood for different things and had their own views. He had his music, and his concerts, whilst you had this library and the books within it.
Somehow the pair of you fitted perfectly together, like two pieces of a puzzle. If he were to start comparing characters, his first response would be that Luke was Chip, he wouldn’t get into the details about that.
“Aha.” Victoriously, you pulled the novel out from its friends, holding it in your arms like you would a child. This was a replica of your prize possession, it was a modern day translate, you had a special and private room for your originals.
So he knew that you cared less about this one, you could buy it anywhere online for a reasonable price. That made him feel less guilty about what he had done, instead, for the moment, he watched your hand graze the cover, fascinated by the artwork on front.
“Open it.” Michael spoke, watching as you smiled obliviously at him, and to say you were confused about the square cut out in the middle of all the pages, that was an understatement.
But only a second after, you saw it. It was round and gold, a small, iridescent diamond perfectly crafted onto the band. A gasp slipped from your mouth as you pulled it out, placing the book by your feet, watching as the ring caught the light.
“So what do you say my beautiful rose?” He fell to his knees, gracefully slipping the ring into his hand, whilst holding your left. “Will you marry me?”
Eagerly you nodded, a yes quick to fall from your lips. There was a moment of silence as your beast slipped the ring onto your engagement finger, but after then, he stood, pulling you into a loving and gentle kiss, it was as though he was afraid to hurt you.
The beauty and the beast was one story, but this was another, a modern version if you will. And as he put his hands around your waist, you began to dance to no music, although you imagined ‘a tale before time’, seeing as it fit the atmosphere perfectly.
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calmsweetcreature · 4 years
Making Out (BLURB 4/4)
A/N: These are little preference type things where someone sends me a prompt or title and I do a little blurb for each guy💙 send me ideas my lovelies! And let me know what you think! 
Warnings: Mainly fluff, might be a lil’ something smutty here or there.
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I feel like with Luke it would start with you both cuddling Petunia on a warm sunny afternoon. 
You had been lounging on the couch for most of the day, listening to chill music and enjoying each other’s company. Luke had been staring at his two girls for a long time now, watching you nuzzle your nose against the top of Piggy’s head and kiss her ears.
“I’m starting to feel neglected over here.” Luke’s voice comes out husky from lack of talking, the two of you enjoying the silence and peace of the lazy summer afternoon.
“Awh poor baby,” you tease, grinning cheekily at your boyfriend as you leave Petunia’s side to crawl across the couch to lay across Luke’s lap.
“Damn right,” He smiles sweetly at you, stroking his fingers across your cheek. You lean into his hand, sighing contently as you both stare into each others eyes. Your eyes sparkle with a bright and happy love in them as you lean up to peck your man on the lips.
Luke instantly deepens the movement of his lips on yours and his fingers slide through your hair to hold your head close. 
Without parting from the kiss you move to straddle his lap, your hands on his shoulders. You both want to be as physically close as you can get, with your bodies pressed up against each others. You both moan against each others mouths as your fingers tangle in his curls to give little tugs while his hands grip your neck and his thumbs rub over your jaw.
It wasn’t so much intense as it was needy, both of you playfully going between shorter pecks and long tongue rolling kisses as you wrapped yourself around each other.
You could feel that Luke was affected by your kisses and you couldn’t help the giggle that spills out of your lips, causing him to pull away and glare at you playfully.
“What are you laughing at there missy? I know it isn’t my amazing kissing skills.” You roll your eyes at his words and tug on his hair hairder making him laugh.
“Not at all bub, I just feel flattered that my superior kissing skills have affected you so much.” To prove your point you wiggle your hips causing Luke to gasp out loud.
“You’ve got me there love. What do ya say we move this to the bedroom?” He wiggles his eyebrows and gives you an exaggerated wink, causing you to laugh out loud and lean forward so your lips are to his ear.
“Sounds like a plan, but I think that it’s only fair if...” You dip your head lower to leave a long lick along the sensitive part of his neck causing Luke to shiver. “...Last one to the bedroom is a couch potato!” 
You jump off of Luke’s lap and run towards the bedroom, cackling loudly as you hear Luke’s footsteps behind you.
“Hey no fair!” His shout echoes through the halls as he chases after his girl.
Our loveable soft boi at his finest
You had been standing in the doorway for the best part of fifteen minutes, watching Cal’s face intently concentrating on his computer screen. He had been messing around with a new song idea and had recorded bits and pieces to mess around with. He’d listen to the same ten second clip about forty times and was ready to pull his hair out. He takes his headphones off and leaves them around his neck as he adjusts his cap. He rests his head back against the chair and groans softly, his eyes slipping shut.
You sigh softly, walking over to your man and placing your hands on his shoulders. He jumps slightly before relaxing into your gentle touch as you try to soothe his tense muscles.
“Don’t think I didn’t know you were watching me, creeper.” His words are a soft murmur and you gasp, spinning his chair around until he is facing you.
“If you knew then why didn’t you talk to me?” You fake hurt for a second before a smile fills your face and you sit softly in his lap. His arms go around your waist and his hands settle on your thighs, drawing a lazy pattern up and down your legs.
“I’m sorry doll, I was concentrating extra hard. Not that it helped, I’m still not sure what to do with it and my heads fucked.” His eyes look so tired that you can’t help but clutch his face in your hands, peppering kisses all over his cheeks and mouth.
“What do you say we order food in, I run you a hot bath while we wait for it and then we sit outside with a few beers and some music and relax? You can come back to this tomorrow with a fresh mind.” You press your forehead against his and place your hands on his shoulders again, rubbing the tension away.
“You’re too fucking good to me, but you got one thing wrong sweetness.” His words are low and heavy which makes your stomach tighten.
“What’s that?” Your words are hushed as you stare into his eyes, sure he can see the longing in yours.
“You’re going to run us a bath, if I’m going to relax I’m going to need my girl with me.” You smile at his words, nodding your head softly before Calum reaches a hand to the back of your neck and pulls you in for a kiss. His plush lips move against yours softly and you sigh into the kiss. 
After a few seconds you both pull away and you can see a twinkle returning to the eyes of your thoughtful boy. 
“I love you doll.”
“Love you always my music man.”
Your lips meet again and you just enjoy being close, getting drunk on the taste of each other.
I miss our cheerful man, so I couldn’t resist this scenario.
The music was blaring through the house as you stood at the kitchen counter, shimmying your hips and using the mixing spoon as your microphone, your cake mix starting to look as it should.
“Woah, we’re halfway there woah, livin’ on a prayer!” You spun around, your fuzzy socks sliding across the floor. 
“Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear!” Ashton’s voice makes you jump as his arms wrap around your waist as he spins you around.
“Woah, livin on a prayer, living on a prayer!” You both sing your hearts out, laughing as you fall to the floor in a heap. An egg drops from the counter, heading for the floor when Ashton’s quick reflexes stop it from hitting the ground.
“So I see you’re having a productive day,” Ash’s eyes are teasing but the big smile on his face is infectious and you grin back at him.
“I’m making a cake, half of it is in the oven and I’ve just finished the second half - it’s going to be amazing!” You say proudly.
“I can see that angel, just don’t burn the house down again yeah?” You gasp, hitting him on the chest as you climb on top of him.
“Take that back Irwin! That was one time and I’d hardly call it burning the house down... it was just a little smoke!” You can’t stop the blush rising to your cheeks as Ash laughs, sitting up on the kitchen floor. 
“That cake was delicious if I remember, charcoal was very on trend back then.” He smirks, planting a kiss on your nose as you growl softly at him in annoyance.
“Well let me get back to this one if you don’t want a repeat, I don’t need your distractions today mister!” You go to get up when one of his hands goes to your back to keep you in place.
“Not all distractions are bad ones.” He murmurs, his lips finding yours. You both battle for dominance but Ash eventually wins (duh) and he deepens the kiss, his tongue rolling against yours before he leans back to bite your bottom lip. You get lost in the kiss, your hand sliding under his tee to feel his chest when you hear and feel a crunch against the back of your head before a trail of slime falls down your hair. You pull away in shock.
“Oh. No. You fucking didn’t.” His grin tells all and you look down at his hand to see the remnants of a crushed raw egg in his hands. “You’re about to fucking get it Irwin.”
The two of you pause for a moment before you’re both scrambling to reach for anything and everything you can get your hands on, flinging flour and cake mixture at each other until you yet again slip and land with a crash on the floor, only this time you are both covered in food.
“Damn it Ashton! I have to start again!” You’re words are scolding but the grin on your face can’t be hidden as you stare down the love of your life.
He laughs, pushing cake mix covered hair out of your face and pulling you in for another long drawn out kiss. The oven timer goes off and he stands, switching off the oven to avoid another cake burning disaster.
“Now now my little cupcake. You know the best part about making cakes?” You shake your head, taking the hand he holds out to you and lifting yourself off of the floor. He picks you up by your hips and wraps your legs around his waist, carrying you carefully through the house. “Washing it off each others bodies.”
Our gamer lad, seemed fitting
You had been led in bed for over an hour waiting for Mikey to finish his game. You weren’t annoyed at him by any means but you were beginning to feel neglected and in all honesty, needy.
You come up with a master plan and start walking towards his office, shedding your sweatpants leaving you only in Michael’s hoodie, your undies and the knee high socks you know drive him crazy. You can hear him talking on his headset and you chuckle under your breath as you swing the door open slightly. He looks extra cute today in his stripey sweater and glasses, a beanie sat on his messy hair.
He pauses the game at the sound of the door opening and turns to look at you, choking on his breath when he sees what your wearing.
He lifts the mic away from his mouth, swearing under his breath.
“Uh hey baby, you okay?” He asks, his eyes on your legs as you walk over to him.
“I’m feeling needy M, can I sit with you while you play?” You don’t wait for his answer before you straddle his lap, your legs folded next to his as you bury your face in his neck.
“Of course baby, you don’t need to ask. Are you sure you’re okay?” He strokes your back softly, feeling you nod your head against his neck.
He pecks your shoulder softly before repositioning his headset and continuing his game. You sit quietly for the next ten to fifteen minutes while he plays, nestling against his chest and feeling him shake with laughter or rumble when something goes wrong.
As he really settles into the gameplay you start littering tiny kisses against his neck. You feel him tense slightly before resuming the game, every chance he gets he rubs his hand across your back. You start deepening the kisses, pecking over the stubble and occasionally finding a spot to suck on softly. You feel him lip the mic once again.
“Baby, what are you doing?” He tenses, although he tilts his head slightly to the side so that you can reach more of his neck and you know that your plan is working. 
You lick where his neck and shoulder meet and you feel him shiver which lets you know to initiate the next part of the plan.
You start to circle your hips over his crotch softly and a little moan leaves his lips.
“You’re playing a dangerous game sweetheart.” He murmurs. You giggle softly against his neck and he sighs, gritting his teeth and sucking in a breath as you grind particularly hard down onto the growing bulge in his pants. He quits the game, ripping off his headset and throwing it onto the couch behind him.
He grips your jaw in his hand and roughly pulls your face to his, running his thumb over your bottom lip.
“So when you said you were needy...” His words trail off as he notices the desire in your eyes, your hips fully rocking against him. 
He uses his thumb on your bottom lip to open your mouth wide, slanting his face and leaning in so that he can crash his lips hard against yours. You give in to him straight away, kissing him as hard as you can. Your tongues wrestle back and forth and its a filthy kiss with so much need involved that it sets your bodies on fire.
It’s a few minutes before you’re both pulling away and panting hard, your head resting on his shoulder.
“Do you want to go back to bed or shall we just stay here?” His words are hushed but he hears your whine and knows exactly what you need. “I got you baby.” His fingers curl your hair around his fist and he moves your head so his lips can attach to your neck as other hand trails softly under the hoodie your wearing. Let’s just say he knows exactly what buttons to press, your gamer guy.
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cloudybarnes · 4 years
Michael Clifford on Tiktok doing the SLSP dance in honor of his birthday lol
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laperrasanta · 4 years
I’ll Give You The Best Years - C.H.
Requested: @butnotinthesameway - you have been close with the band but you and calum are really close and you both like each other and after the boys are done recording best years they all invite their girlfriends to listen to it and they invite you because they know that calum’s contributions to the song are about you and while you listen to it he’s just looking at you and omg i love that man
If you babes have any requests, come send them my way 💋
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• • • • • •
You have been close with the boys after Crystal introduced them to you. You instantly became best friends with them. You’ve been through the ups and downs throughout their lives. You’ve seen how they’ve grown up to be the men they are today. Out of all the boys, you and Calum have always been the closest to each other. You’re so close to him that people have confused you guys for being a couple (which you both didn’t mind). The both of you had secretly been hiding the feelings towards one and the other. Calum wanted to wait for the right moment. You were always nervous and tried to push the feelings away, afraid it’ll ruin your friendship with him, but the feelings would only grow stronger whenever you look at him.
“I’m going to text Sierra and tell her to bring the girls over.” The voice of Luke spoke while he picked up his phone and started texting Sierra. Calum only thought it was going to be just their girlfriends, but little did he know Luke sneakily told Sierra to bring you along. The boys knew Calum’s feelings towards you, it was so obvious; but they were happy Calum had feelings for their best friend. They knew you would never doing anything to hurt Calum and vice versa.
Calum sat on the couch with a relieving sigh. He’s glad how the song turned out. He took his feelings and turned them into a beautiful song that touched his heart. He was feeling proud in that moment, as if he could call you up right now and tell you every bit and little piece he admires about you. You were always Calum’s inspiration when it came to music and he loved it.
“Hey Y/N!” Your name snapped Calum out of his own thoughts. He was surprised to see you here. He only thought it was going to be just Sierra, Crystal, and KayKay. He didn’t mind one bit that you tagged along, but his heart started racing and his feelings wanted to burst out when you came through the door. “Hi, Cal.” You said. He smiled and greeted you back bringing you in a tight loving hug. He breathed in your scent and it calmed down his nervousness. You both broke the hug and sat next to him. “I’m glad you’re here.” Calum whispered wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “Me too. I missed you a lot.” You whispered back, hugging his side.
He couldn’t help but smile. He will forever be thankful that Crystal introduced you to him and the boys.
“So, what did you wanted us to hear?” Sierra asked as she sat on Luke’s lap. “I wanted you girls to listen to this song we just finished. It’s called Best Years.” Luke finished, making sure he has each girls attention to listen.
As the beginning of the song approached, you fixed up your posture and focused on the song that was playing.
You’ve got a million reasons to hesitate
But darling, the future is better than yesterday
Calum watched your every move. He was fascinated by you putting all your attention into the song that meant a lot to him. Even though the song was meant for the girls, he felt extra special because he dedicated this song to you. His contributions to the song was because of you.
I’ll give you the best years
I’ll give you the best years
Past love burned out like a cigarette
I promise, darling, you won’t regret
The best years
As the song was coming to an end, you kept repeating the lyrics in your head. You felt like the song was speaking to you. You turned to look at Calum only to catch him looking at you already. He didn’t care that you caught him. He felt it. He felt like this is the best moment. His moment to start something he’ll forever cherish. Everybody else was a blur as you both kept staring into each other’s eyes. Calum was ready. He was ready to start a future. He was ready to hold your hand while the two of you continue growing up. Calum was ready for you.
Calum took your hand and came closer to your ear. “I’ll give you the best years, Y/N.” He whispered while his thumb was rubbing your hand. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. Everybody else was watching in awe and excitement as they knew the feelings the both of you had for each other.
You pulled back and caressed his face with your right hand. “Show me those best years.” You said feeling relieved for not hiding your feelings any longer. You felt as if this was the right moment as well.
Calum wrapped his hand behind your neck and pulled you into a kiss. It was slow and passionate and he made sure to put a lot of love into it. You felt like your heart was going to explode due to excitement. You kissed back showing the equal amount of love he was giving. Calum felt that this was now his proudest moment. He was able to call you his now. He was able to show you off whenever he wanted. He was able to spend more time with you and not letting anyone get in the way with it.
As the both of you pulled away, everyone in the room cheered. You hid your face in his chest and he chuckled wrapping his arms around you. “I think we should play the song again.” Michael said, proud that his best friends are happy with each other.
As the song started to play again, you just laid against him. Wrapped up against each other. As the chorus came he kept looking at you. Not being able to take his eyes off you. He wanted to admire his future. And that was you.
He wanted to make sure the next years are the best years for the both of you.
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squishycalumxo · 4 years
How you met (hogwarts!5sos)
Calum: you're in a different house than him. He is in Ravenclaw and you're in Hufflepuff and you guys have classes together. He also hangs out with your two best friends, Fred and George. 
Michael: you two definitely met in detention. He is a huge prankster and he got caught after curfew and you were in for defending another kid against Snape. 
Luke: you are both on the Gryffindor quidditch team. He is the keeper and you are a beater. 
Ashton: you're in Hufflepuff and he's the head boy for Hufflepuff. You very often fall asleep on the couch while studying and he has to wake you up and send you to bed. It often turns into late night talks about life. Sometimes you smoke some weed (which is legal in the wizarding world)
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ksjftknj · 4 years
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If you’re a 5sos blog, reblog this and I’ll follow you!! The fandom is so alive because of the new album and I would love more 5sos blogs and even better if you write fan fiction!! I would love to make new friends!!
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
The disappointing Gender
Pairing:  Bestfriend!Ashton x Reader   
Warnings: shit ton of cursing, dont worry I love men, but women are just easier at times. Based on a real story, that shit really happened to me. 
Summary: Some men are just straight up trash. And what’s better than to vent about them to your willingly listening best friend Ashton. 
My Masterlist 🦋
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(Gif credits: @ghostofmashton​)
“I don’t know exactly what goes through your mind when deciding to finally peel your limp body out of your comfy sheets, go through the usually long, self-esteem-damaging process of “getting ready”, find an outfit you would feel comfortable but not underdressed in and then leave for a party. Let me be honest, I mostly think: at least let it be worth all this. And then maybe something like; maybe I’ll meet someone. “Someone” carefully and fully on purpose undefined because you don’t want to get your hopes up and then be disappointed. But “someone” secretly being a guy, optionally a boyfriend even, but just maybe.
“However, now you are at that party, ready to meet new people and you take a look around. You see many people; some you think are pretty in your eyes some aren’t. But that’s okay, that’s only natural. So then after a time, when you have met a few girls you get along with, you spot the “someone”. And your friends somehow knew about him and all that bullshit and tell you the teeniest bit of bloody information alright? And he, on top of that, seems to be interested, keep that in mind.”
I stopped for a second, taking a gulp of my water. The few ice cubes clicked softly against the glass when I placed it back down.
“Alright. Now, you chat with him, all friendly funny business, you develop a sort of insider joke. It’s funny and you think wow, it isn’t all that difficult to talk to boys, amazing. Eventually, you also had a few, and I don’t want to say advantageously but it does help.”
A giggle fell from my bestfriends lips, but I decided to just keep going. “I will again be honest, I was a bit…inebriated if I may say so and if you would want to take me as an example. However, maybe you flirt for a while, and it really all goes well, so well that you would’ve started to become suspicious, since it was you after all. Continuing, because you’re bloody sloshed, you don’t suspect anything, even though if you would’ve just listened closely you could’ve totally heard fate snigger.”
I earned an amused hum from Ashton for that, picking up my glass again. “Further on, one of your new friends disappears with a guy and it’s okay for you but not for her friend whom you also are friends with now. That, because the other girl actually does have a guy eventually. But she isn’t sure. So you go get her, and you sit down with the girls outside to have a chat. Because it’s important that she still has a good night and so on. During that amount of time, you selflessly neglect your guy. Not that he is your guy in reality, but you secretly might have planned on making him your guy.” After a big gulp I placed my glass back down again, the ice now almost completely molten.
“Suddenly, that bloke walks out, raising a single hand at you as an obvious goodbye. And you sit here, startled and a bit dumbfounded because what the fuck is he leaving already. Quick note; it was hardly midnight, the clock stroke twelve maybe two minutes ago. So you get up, approach him and ask, why in the love of Jesus effing Christ he’s leaving already. His response; well. He hasn’t been blessed with the best of experience with women.”
And annoyed frown settled on my face. “I mean what kind of excuse is that? I haven’t only met them good guys either, but do you see me acting like an antisocial scaredy-cat? Nope sir, because I am not that superficial, and you shouldn’t be as well because I am not “women”. Also, have I mentioned that my friends told me, that he was total slag, like a fuckboy freshly bred. Best experience with women my fucking ass. However, back to my example; you then are still a bit startled because he slips that he has been cheated on and all that godforsaken crap. And in your woozy, naturally kind-hearted state you are in, you do feel sorry and possibly even apologise for being so bold. Also, because you don’t want him to think bad of you, he is very attractive after all and you have not given up your hopes just yet.”
A grin had now settled on Ash’s lips, as he leaned back with his drink, the attention still fully with me. “Then he says something like; but it was nice to meet you, and asks you to say your name again, and you do so. Naturally you do ask him the same thing…and you may have forgotten the name already.” I added with a frown, desperately trying to remember. “Something with F and it sounded French or such. Don’t know, not important anyways. Just like his existence.”
At that, Ashton laughed out loud, but wisely keeping quiet. “Yeah you just laugh…however, he then throws that horrid line; we’ll see each other again yeah?
At you, and you might think cool. But how for the love of fuck, since you don’t have anything except for a name. So the thing you do then is, you scrap all of your…I don’t know confidence from off the bottom of your rotten self and ask, if he wants to at least give you his snapchat.” Ash let out a whistle but I waved him off.
“I’m not done yet. So you ask. And he just ignores your question somehow, can’t really remember how. The whole time he’s walking away from you backwards, I guess towards the busstation and you have to follow him like damn mongrel…however. You end up leaving it be and sprinting back to your friends telling them what happened. Because they “know” him, they know his Instagram, so you decide to follow him. But he is on private so you got to send a request. Done with a few clicks, in approximately ten seconds. So now he is gone, you feel disappointment bubbling up, because fuck.”
Ash nodded slowly, looking up at me since I got up impatiently from his couch. “Sounds fun?” he said in a more or less questioning manner and I shot him a dark look.
“Buzz off twat, the best part’s only coming.” Ash rose an eyebrow, leaning back expectantly again. “Next morning you go and check your Instagram, somehow curious if he accepted your request and what do you see? He fucking declined it! This bloody wanker skipped my music, stole my attention and wasted my fucking time, four hours of it!” Ashton broke out in a fit of laughter, nearly spilling his drink.
“Comedy at its finest, certificated gold. Platinum even. Oh Jesus Christ. And that all has obviously not happened to you, you just purposely told it like it did right?” I huffed annoyed, dropping down again. “Never, as if stuff like this would ever happen to me. I mean, I totally understand mankind, it’s just that you can’t fucking use any of them.” Ash giggled, a dopey grin on his face.
“Come again?” I rolled my eyes. “I said, that you can’t fucking use any of you gentlemen. Men are so disappointing, like get a grip on yourselves honestly.” Ash grinned, nudging me with his foot. “Haven’t you just said that he should stop being superficial because of one woman?” he teased and I gave him an angry glare.
“Cheating and just generally being international disappointments is something else. I slowly start to believe that you guys are just born with that twat-gene. It’s almost not your fault. It’s probably the Y-chromosome, would explain why women aren’t like you guys.” Ash shot me an amused grin.
“I don’t know if I would surprise you saying that the explanation why men and women aren’t the same accurately is rooted in our genes. To be specific, it’s even a matter of just those two chromosome, the X-chromosome and the Y-chromosome…” I groaned annoyed, aiming a pillow at his head. I missed, but the message was clear.
“Smart-alecky dimwit, get off my back. I need emotional support, because member belonging to your sex has wasted my time and, in addition to that, ruined your all’s reputation.” Ash just hummed amused.
“Is that so.” I nodded, pouting bolshie. “Then I suggest, you listen to Ariana Grande’s Thank u Next and some Beyoncé, maybe also Rihanna. They’ll support your idea of men being trash immediately I am sure.” I flipped him off immediately, even though he had brought up a good point.
“I am kidding sweetheart. I know men can be idiots, but so can you females.” I couldn’t help but throw him a derisive look “Yes, males and females can be difficult at times.” I mocked him and he just shot me a lopsided grin. “Now you get off my back, annoying brat. But you are over him?” I shrugged.
“I mean, I was never actively involved with him, so I guess?” he nodded softly. “Venting felt good?” I nodded quickly. “Always does. Thanks bud.” He smiled warmly at me. “Everything for my best friend. Mind if I quickly call Kaitlin…” as he saw my face he immediately rolled his eyes. “Oh your little girlfriend huh? Young Irwin’s a little whipped?” giving me the finger he got up and grabbed his phone. “Shut up. I’m right back you bitter prick.”
I laughed sitting up again. “I am not bitter, I am happy for you Ash. Furthermore, I don’t have any problems with taken people or relationships. The problems I have, start when selfish and inconsiderate assholes rub in the fact that they have someone, and start gushing about them. When I, as an admittedly slowly bitter, but independent single person, couldn’t give a shit or two.” Ash grinned at me, shaking his head slightly. “I love you, you madwoman. Also, I am sure you’ll find your guy and we can do all those disgustingly cute things best friends do when they both are in relationships.”
I scrunched my nose. “Like what? Double-dates? In this case, I’d rather stay single Irwin, and now get lost you need to call your babygirl or whatever. Our ice cream is melting and our friends-day is not over yet. So you better hurry your red-dyed, slicked back visage up.” I responded harshly but with a loving lilt to it.
“On my way, woman. Love you, don’t eat my ice cream.” I just huffed, waving him off quickly. “Love you too, you ashy bitch.” I then almost choked on my water when I saw his expression at my words. He grinned and shook his head, pressing his phone against his ear.  
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
ER: Room 6; Calum Hood/Michael Clifford (?) Pt. 1
description: in which you’re on the night shift, covering for a nurse in the ER, when a patient and his band is admitted into your room.
a/n: this is the intro to a new series! Should your love interest be Cal or Mike? Let me know!
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The computer chair emitted annoyingly consistive squeaks, the gears grinding as you rocked back and forth. The squeaking was accompanied by the clicking of the mouse as you dragged cards across the computer screen. You gnawed on your bottom lip, pupils dilated from the bright light of the computer screen. It was a relatively quiet night in the ICU, only half a dozen or so of patients sleeping soundly across the third floor. You were wrapped up in a too-large zip-up jacket, the hospital-provided blue scrubs not-so flattering on your figure. A patient had vomited on you earlier, then you vomited on yourself while running for the bathroom. It had only been halfway through your 24-hour shift, and you couldn’t go all the way across the city for a new set of scrubs.
Oh, and, the only available size for the scrubs was a men’s large. The strings were tied as tight as possible, pant legs rolled up. With this outfit and the amount of fly-always surrounding your face, you looked like a hot mess. You were covering for a friend who was sick, and your 12 hour shift turned into this 24 hour one. It was hour 8, and you were becoming increasingly bored. You and two other nurses were working the night shift, along with 2 doctors who circulated between here and the ER. All had been calm, though.
You continued to play solitaire, occasionally sipping at your hot tea, chowing down a granola bar. But, with the ding of the elevator, your boss and chief resident of the hospital, Dr. Greene, stepped out into the dimly lit reception area. You quickly stood, shrugging the jacket up around your shoulders better. You looped the abandoned stethoscope around your neck, grabbed two charts, and stuck a pen behind your ear.
“Evening, Y/N,” he stopped at the counter, heels of hands holding him into it.
You acted surprised, pushing your loose hair from your face. “Oh, hey, Dr. Greene. I was just about to do rounds.“
“Are you busy then? Could you get Nina to do that?” He gestured to your companion who was snoozing away with her head in her hands on the other side of the round desk area.
“I could, but may I ask why?” You politely responded, all too hopeful that he didn’t need you in the ER, but-
“Nurse Hathaway went home sick. Throwing up everywhere.” The corner of his lip tugged down in a disgusted-like expression. “Could you come help out a little?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, let me just-“
I threw up and didn’t go home sick, you thought, shaking awake Nina, informing her of the change, and collecting your things from the desk. Dr. Greene didn’t wait for you, already loading himself into the elevator and riding down to the ER. You took that opportunity to slip from the moccasins youd had on your feet. You tugged on tennis shoes and quickly punched a finger into the elevator que.
Moments later, you were pushing through the chaos of patients and stepping into the break room. You greeted the soap opera on the tv, the empty Chinese food cartons on the coffee table, and the sleeping doctor face down on the couch. Quietly, you set your bag on the chair beside him and left the room. You approached the counter, kneading your hands together. The ER made you nervous, which is why you chose to work in the ICU, but you had interned down here for a year.
It was loud, machines beeping, sometimes people screaming or crying. Because it was one of the five hospitals in LA, it was often busy with junkies or gangsters. You’d been caught by a gun on the back of your hip once, threatened to be stabbed, but overall rescued by the security around every corner. It was horrible.
You rapped a knuckle on the counter, tucking more loose hair behind your ears and carefully spinning the rings in them as you said, “What’s up, Frankie? Got anything for me?”
“Oh, Nurse Y/L/N, what’re you doing here?” Frankie, the receptionist, spun around in her chair. She chewed loudly on some bubblegum, spinning a pen in her hand.
“I’m Hathaway’s replacement. Got anything?” You repeated.
“Yeah, you can take over rooms 5-8. They’re empty, but there’s some people out in the waiting area. Not too much, its pretty slow except for the two trauma rooms being busy.” Frankie pointed off in each direction as she spoke.
You nodded, pushing yourself off the counter. You picked up a clipboard, took the pen from behind your ear, and hit the door to the waiting area open with your hip. Your eyes took in the four people waiting to be admitted, all tagged along with by one person or, in the sickest looking man’s position, three. You noticed the worried looks on their faces, the pale and clammy skin of the hunched over one, and immediately stepped towards them.
“Hi, I’m Nurse Y/L/N. I’m gonna be taking care of you today. If you follow me I’m gonna get you a room, okay?” You crouched down to be at eye level with the sick boy, whose blond hair made him look even lighter. He weakly nodded and you stood at the same time the dark-haired one did. “Can he walk?”
The question was answered when he stood and nearly fell on top of you. His arms slung around your shoulders and you caught myself on your heels. The three others grabbed him, pulling him off of you.
“Let me grab a wheelchair,” you walked to the corner of the room where a rack of wheelchairs were. You popped one open and helped situate the boy into it. You gestured for the others to follow, the dark haired one falling in step with you.
He was flustered, hair shaggy with worried hands shoved into his hoodie pockets. “He’s been sick for a few days, but it got really bad last night. Said his chest was hurting and he was really short of breath. He doesnt have, like, heart or chest problems, so we got worried.”
You stopped outside of the room and he took it as his cue to open the door. He did, you thanked him, and stepped inside. Your lips cracked into a smile, “You should be worried even he did have chest and heart problems.”
The boy let out a shuddered laugh, skin sticky with sweat. “y-yeah.”
You shut the door and stepped up to the bed, “Can you help me get him up here?” They all did, hands shaky and faces weary. “Okay. Go ahead and take a seat. I have to do a physical evaluation before I get a doctor. I need to know what information to present a doctor with.”
“His names Michael, by the way,” the dark haired one added once they all nodded with approval to your plans. “I’m Calum. Hood, his last names Clifford.”
“You already did paperwork in the waiting area, right?” You carefully brushed Michaels hair from eyes, peeling them open to shine your flashlight in them. His eyes responded with dilation, a positive sign.
“No? No one really told us anything,” the tall blond responded.
You huffed, rolled your eyes, but tried not to look annoyed for your patient’s. “Okay, why dont one of you go to the front desk and ask for an information sheet. You’ll need to fill it out for him. i dont think he’s in any shape to hold a pen-“
You had been roaming your hands around his body, taking his blood pressure, peering at the back of his throat. Now, you were checking his pulse, and noticed that his fingernails were blue. You glanced back up at his lips, hearing the door open and close. The blond was gone, doing what you told him to. Michaels lips were blue.
You checked his blood pressure on the paper and frowned. It was normal, but you continued by taking his temperature. It was 104.2. You quickly unwrapped the stethoscope from your neck and lifted his shirt. He shuddered at your cold fingertips, causing a wave of shivers to wrack his body.
“Sorry, sh, its okay,” you cooed, hearing your voice drowned out by the quickness of his heartbeat. Keeping yourself cool, calm, and collected, you took the buds from your ears and tucked it around your neck. “Okay, I am going to get a doctor.“
You slipped from the room before they could question your flushed face. Quickly, you turned the corner from your assigned rooms and walked towards the desk, where a white coat was signing papers.
“Dr. Greene?” You stopped before him, “I have possible pneumonia in 6. He’s struggling to breath and I’m worried he’ll go into respiratory distress if we dont get him hooked up.”
Greene choked on his coffee and tore the clipboard from your hands. “Alright, lets get going.”
You took twice as many strides, shorter than the doctor who didn’t wait for you. The two of you calmed your exposures outside the room, not wanting to scare the boys inside. The blond was back with his own clipboard, scribbling and murmuring with the other two.
They nudged each other to pay attention when Dr. Greene arrived. You smiled politely at them, moving to stand across from Dr. Greene. “Michael Clifford, fingernails and lips are blue, coughing like crazy but no signs of blood. Chills, temperature of 104.5, blood pressure is 160 over 120, heartbeat is quick, but I didn’t have time to check because I came for you.”
Dr. Greene reached for the blood pressure equipment and took it again, eyes widening when he showed you the 100/120. “Okay, lets get him IVed, put a nasal cannula for oxygenation, order some blood tests, a chest x-ray, pulse oximetry, and a sputum test. Let me know what you happens and I will be back to help evaluate further instructions.”
“Okay, thank you,” you got to work, quickly wrapping a band around the left arm of your patient. This one was blank of tattoos, but still pretty thick with muscle. You couldn’t deny he was a handsome man, despite the blue lips, pale skin, and sweaty exterior.
You briefly heard Dr.Greene informing Michael’s friends of what was happening when the patient himself mumbled something. You quirked a brow, hummed, and leaned closer as you began to set up the nasal cannula. “What’s happening?”
“Hi, Michael,” you spoke gently, “my name is Nurse Y/N. Your friends brought you in because they were worried about you. Turns out, they were right to be. Your BP dropped to 100/120, your skin is blueing, your heartbeats rapid, inhale is clouded, and temperature is 104.5.”
“They actually care about me?” He weakly chortled, immediately coughing into his hands afterwards. You didn’t fault to notice the blood and carefully helped him settle back into the pillows.
“Hey, here,” you grabbed a cloth, wetted it under the sink, and carefully blotted at his hands, his lips.
He briefly smiled at you, eyes barely cracked open. “Youre really pretty.”
You blushed, scrunching up your nose as you set up fluids to run through his system. He was dehydrated, and you didn’t need a doctor to tell you that. “Thanks, Michael.”
You turned to leave, nodding at the boys as you passed. You found the telephone on the wall beside the room and dialed the memorized numbers. Soon, you were back in the room, pulling up the handles of Michael’s bed. You hooked his IV bag to the rod sticking up in the back, hung the clipboard by the front rung, and helped Calum push the bed through the door.
The two of you loaded the elevator, your eyes focused on the fluttering lashes on the sleep patient sleeping soundly below you. Calum was staring at the floor, eyes glassy with worry.
“Hes going to be okay, Calum. Worst case scenario, he ends up in the ICU for 4-6 days and Ill be watching him.” You giggled, smiling wider when Calum chortled.
“I thought you worked down here?” He twisted his hands on the handles, eyes fluttering around the elevator. Suddenly, it ringed and the doors opened.
You pushed along behind him, instructing him on which door to enter. “I was just covering for someone. I’m usually stationed in the ICU.”
“Oh,” Calum responded. You told him to take a seat in the waiting area and checked in with the x-ray administrators.
When Michael was wheeled into the room and transferred to the x-ray cot, you turned to join Calum. You sat in the chair beside him, arms crossed.
“How old are you?” He turned to ask.
“Why?” You shook your head, an amused expression on your face.
“Well, if he’s gonna be in the ICU for 4-6 days, I’m going to be there, too. Might as well get to know you before I’m up your ass for the next week.”
You liked this guy, and this unworried side of him. You could tell his humor would have you bent at the waist, head thrown back in laughter. You lifted a brow, smirked, and said, “Bold of you to assume I’m not going to be up your ass.”
“Try me.”
A beat of silence passed, both of your eyes turned away from one another, “I’m 23.”
Calum tilted his head towards you and smiled, “23. Youre young.”
“graduated early, top of my class,” you shrugged your shoulders with pride on your chest.”What about you? What do you do for a living?”
“Well, I’m surprised you weren’t fangirling when I introduced myself.” Amused with your twisted face, he continued, “I’m in a band. 5 Seconds of Summer. I play bass.”
You suddenly noticed his accent, which seemed to be faded from years in the US, “That makes, strangely, lots of sense. I can see you playing bass.”
He had huge dimples which deepened. “Maybe you can actually see me someday.”
“Woah, Hood, lets get through this x-ray first.”
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