#mick's rat
biracy · 11 months
Do you think this rat ever gave people kinks
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mickules · 16 days
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Saw @modmad's post about your most likely childhood pokémon and that got me all nostalgic for this post I made waa~aay back in 2018 so I treated myself with a little re-draw!
In all honesty, a cat pokémon probably would have been more likely, but the truth is none of them really fit the vibe of the scraggly black and white south London strays we've always had so I've stuck with my favourite fat rat
Bless our various patient cats; I was absolutely that kid who picked up the sleepy cat and carried them around like a teddy bear whilst they complained about this heinous treatment.
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rockhousejai · 6 months
Mickey and Pluto idea I had
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Bonus stuff
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beclight · 7 months
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the last hours have been rough, man. but these doodles from earlier today cheered me up a bit.❤️
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sacr3d-joeyxx · 10 months
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Ah yes, ‘Sid’ in his natural habitat..there’s only one left an existence 
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roguetelemetry · 20 days
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arthursfuckinghat · 8 months
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Bluewater Marsh - Lemoyne
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snowytiger · 1 year
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DIGITAL ART JUMPSCARE. cometcare shitpost doodles :) (separate doodles will be under the cut)
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i do not like levi but hes so fun to draw like HOW DOES THAT WORK IM SUPPOSED TO DISILIKE YOU
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ferrysonas! cuz why not! and their colors are so yummy stroke probably tastes like raspberry sour candy/soda
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i dont think carl would be a competitive orbemon player but this sounds funny
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URETHRA!!! im surprised nobody ever did this meme with chem
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(i do not have a funny text for berry he just exists)
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gonebutinaniceway · 2 years
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Ah yes, my favourite duo: Christmas tree and ratman
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mikeybutnotway · 1 year
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"Pesticides" A poem on rats, by me
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mickules · 2 years
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Rule #18 Never harm an animal
Have you heard what they say?
About the school chicken coop in the roof garden? They say some seniors snuck up there once, planning on pulling some stupid stunt, but in the process one of the chickens got killed. By morning, those seniors had vanished without a trace. It was weeks later when they were finally found; porcelain like eggshells, perfectly picked clean, decorating the chicken nests like war trophies. They found their BONES.
Or so the story goes... perhaps it sounds too much like a ghost tale from a middle schooler with too vivid an imagination. And yet, you'll never do a frog dissection in a Hope's Peak science class.
Because the animals have an angel to protect them And he will not hesitate to be a demon to you.
They say he stalks his prey, a silent, persistent predator. A biting cold the only thing that signals his approach. Your breath crystallises in the air, he pounces. They all pounce.
Rodents squirming, thrashing, writhing. Tails congealed within his mottled poisonous flesh, conjoined, blackened and frostbitten beneath filthy bandages. A twisted Rat King Hundreds of hungry eyes swivel madly in their sockets, a chittering squeal and they all lock onto you. Singular in their purpose.
Have you ever spared a thought to how sharp rats' teeth are?
[rule#17] [rule#19]
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In the process of building an anita lane shrine and I just realised i can make a mini rosary for it !!
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ailendolin · 2 years
Silly Plague Ghosts headcanon: they have a pet ghost rat called Mrs Scruffypaws.
(Mick named her - he's been banned from naming things ever since).
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thatsauceysauce · 3 months
How slipknot members react when you come home with a hamster
(fun fact when i was writing this my hamster got stuck under my sink)
he was freaked out
wouldn’t go near the cage
after a while he got used to it
once when he tried to feed it he let it out
wouldn’t stop talking about how big it’s balls were…
screamed when you brought it inside
now he loves to watch it scurry around the room lol
He found out got a hamster when he saw it running around the kitchen
it bit him once and he never touched it again
always calls the hamster a ‘creepy little fucker’
hates seeing it on you, it just creeps him out
he wants absolutely nothing to do with the hamster because it reminds him of a rat
whatever makes you happy
when it’s out he usually just stands there and makes comments about it “why does it walk like that.” or “i can’t believe you bought a rat”
otherwise he likes watching the hamster do it’s own thing as long as it’s away from him
since it’s small he tried to let it crawl on the nose of his mask.. it fell.
he’s always buying it accessory’s for its cage
he calls it Pinocchio
he likes watching it run around on you, he thinks it’s cute
he got bit once and screamed
he likes to pet it, like a lot
he absolutely loves the fucker
Jim took it out ONCE when you were gone and he lost the hamster.
makes many jokes about hamster soup, why? you didn’t know
He managed get it stuck in his guitar
he takes pictures of the hamster literally ALL the time
he likes to walk around with the little guy in his pockets
he wasn’t happy at all
he prayed on the lil guys down fall
didn’t like how it always had your attention
always was calling it a rodent
He didn’t like it at all
until he did, he called it his pet
but he hated how it was loud at night
he thought it died when it was actually hibernating.
long story short no more hamster.
He didn’t have a lot to say about the new friend
thought it was cool
he wanted to get more after a while
he thought it was a gerbil for a while
he loves hearing it squeak, he thinks it’s cute
but he hates when he hears it scratching it’s cage
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Fifty giant rat sculptures are to appear next summer to honour Spiders From Mars guitarist Mick Ronson.
The six foot (1.8m) tall statues will form an arts trail across Hull and East Yorkshire ahead of the 80th anniversary of his birth in 1946.
Mick Ronson joined British rock band The Rats in 1966 before he rose to fame as David Bowie's lead guitarist. He died of cancer in 1993 aged 46.
Organisers said they hoped to raise up to £250,000 for "cutting-edge research" into the disease.
The Mischief of Rats sculpture trail is expected to be installed in April 2025 and open to the public in May 2025 for three months.
It follows previous similar projects including Larkin with Toads, A Moth for Amy and Puffins Galore.
One of the project directors, Rick Welton, said: “This is the most radical animal sculpture trail yet.”
He said the project was looking for businesses to sponsor the sculptures as part of the fundraising, which will culminate in a charity auction at the end of the trail.
"[It] will raise much needed funds to support the vital work of the Castle Hill Hospital based charity, The Daisy Appeal, which helps advanced and detailed detection of cancer, heart disease and dementia through highly advanced PET-CT scanning techniques,” said Mr Welton.
He said previous art trails had "proved highly successful" and had attracted thousands of visitors to the region.
More than £60,000 had been raised for charity by the Larkin with Toads trail, while A Moth for Amy garnered £85,000. The Puffins Galore project pulled in nearly £120,000, organisers said.
Artists will be invited to submit designs for each rat sculpture later this year.
Ronson grew up in Hull, where he formed the band that went on to become The Spiders From Mars.
The guitarist, songwriter, arranger and producer played on influential records including Bowie's concept album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972) and Aladdin Sane (1973).
He subsequently worked with some of the biggest names in rock including Lou Reed, Bob Dylan and Morrissey.
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waugh-bao · 1 year
5,6,7 Dean, Frank, and Sammy
8,9,10 Charlie, Keith, Mick
5. go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey
go on a six hour road trip: Dean, because he wouldn’t be too chatty.
sit next to on a six hour flight: Frank, because he always looked so cool coming off of planes in his three piece suits.
sit across from on a six hour train ride: Sammy, because I think he’d be entertaining/used to filling that kind of time on trains from his Vaudeville days.
6. go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with
go clothes shopping: Sammy, even though he’d probably pick out the most impractical outfits, because it would be fun.
go to ikea: Dean, because I feel like he’s handy/could actually put together the furniture.
go grocery shopping: Frank, because he was a talented (Italian) chef and apparently had an eye for good ingredients.
7. go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with
go to a wedding with: Sammy, because he’s the best dancer.
go to a party with: Dean, because he’s also an introvert and would want to bail ASAP.
go to a museum with: Frank, because he was quite cultured.
8. share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with
share a car with: Keith, because I guess you have to take your life into your hands every once in a while.
share a bank account with: Mick, because he did get most of the way through that accounting and finance degree at LSE. But only if he was also contributing and didn’t have sole control over it.
share a cake with: Charlie. On the selfish side, because he would likely be very gentlemanly and let anyone he was sharing with have all the best bits/as much as they wanted, and on the other end of the spectrum, because, like Mick, I think he should eat more.
9. watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with
watch a soap opera with: Charlie, because he was evidently a connoisseur of them.
go to a play with: Mick, because I feel as though he’s more likely to go into insufferable ‘actor’ mode watching a play than a film.
watch your favorite movie with: Keith, because he’s a big TCM buff.
10. netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against
netlfix and chill with: Charlie, but only in the most literal meaning of that, because every female journalist who met him seems to have ended up sitting on his bed watching shows and had a great time.
go ice-skating with: Keith, because he’d almost certainly be awful, but I think he’s the kind of person that wouldn’t get angry at constantly falling down/failing and just see the humor in it and want to have fun.
play dodgeball against: Mick, theoretically he would be very skilled as a gym teacher’s kid, realistically it would be fun to throw stuff at him.
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