#mickey supremacy
naaaaayyyhaay · 2 years
Hot Take: Ian doesn't actually deserve Mickey
Ian never understood the lengths Mickey went to for him and it breaks my heart because Mickey always wanted to make him happy and always went so far for Ian and he never appreciated it.
My Reasonings include but not are not limited to the following...
strike one: not visiting Mickey in prison even though when he was bipolar and in the psychward Mickey didn't abandon him
strike two: not wanting to throw his parole to be with Mickey in prison for another year even though the whole reason why Mickey was even in prison was because he ratted in order to be with Ian
strike three: having second thoughts about marrying Mickey at town hall
TRIPPLE THREAT: the whole "promise ring" ordeal where he was a huge hypocrite because he was saying that they didn't need to get married because it was just a piece of paper but the whole reason why the seriously broke up in the first place was because of Mickey literally being forced to marry Svetlana and Mickey still wanted to be with Ian and didn't care about the marriage to Svetlana because he only saw it as a piece of paper but Ian disagreed and ran off to the military, so MAJOR hypocrisy there.
((bonus: forcing Mickey to come out even though he wasn't ready to and his life would be in danger, trying to run off when Terry caught them together even though Mickey attempted to protect Ian but Ian basically only stayed because Terry put a gun to him, and of course lets not forget all the cheating he did while he was going through his manic episode although i understand he was not in his right mind that still doesn't take away all the pain that Mickey had to endure because of his actions.))
oke this was just a much needed rant that I feelt i needed to get out, again this is my own personal opinion so pls keep that in mind if you even made it through this whole thing lol. but if you did i would love to hear any thoughts or discourse on what my fellow Gallavich stans think :) oke its literally 2am and i've got work tmmrw aahhh
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sleepyheadgallavich · 6 months
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I miss the way you say my name
The way you bend, the way you break
Your makeup running down your face
The way you fuck, the way you taste
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heymacy · 2 years
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floydsglasses · 1 year
Stupid Top Gun Maverick has altered my brain so much that I literally can't listen to Slow Ride the same way anymore, not without having the entire bar scene playing in my head.
Like in the back of my head all I can hear is
"Rooster, as I live and breathe."
"Hangman, you look good."
"Well I am good rooster, I'm very good."
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saltytwi · 5 months
yeah villain julius is cool and all but i wanna show you my vision: julius who just wants to be a better oldest brother. a julius who just managed to reunite with his younger brothers + sister (felicity inclusion!! i love her sm i dont wanna exclude her) after decades and now he tries to be there for them throughout their lives. he doesnt want fame and other stuff, he just wants to vibe w his younger sibs
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Weird (1/?)
wanted to experiment & see if I could pull off a short comic series 😔
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hi hello omg ily hi 🦇 -- i'm here regarding mickey planning his escape while sharing a cell with damon. i would like to hear more of damon's trials & tribulations. why is he so desensitized by the time we meet him? please, i would like to know 😌 -- bye ily see ya later 🐝
beeba oh my god - imagine seeing you here hello 🤭 (x)
so i think the great escape came in stages. first stage is mickey trying to put together a plan - sketching shit out on the blank papers he smuggles into their cell. we know he loves a list and a plan (groomzilla notebook.) but every time damon gets nosy about why he's so hellbent on getting out, he redirects. or snaps. or something other than talk about ian because while yes, he's grown attached to damon and trusts him and likes him enough to wanna tie him in on the escape and fuckoff to mexico, there's just some things he can't talk about yet.
stage two involves the shitty toilet wine that they somehow get their hands on. it's the first time mickey's had some liquid relief and his ass gets sloshed as hell. real chatty about things he's been keeping close to his heart. this of course means he ends up spilling about ian. i mean The Whole Kit And Kaboodle. im talkin one of these moments:
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and damon is like. ..........right on, okay. not what i thought the big reveal was gonna end up being but alright. gay-ass.
stage three is when mickey finally stops being horrified by his wine drunk slip-up and realizes he actually is very motivated by talking about ian and the possibility of seeing him again. and while this is good, it also means he overshares (because of course he does.) damon sharing stories about girls he's been with during those long, bored nights turns into mickey laughing and relating it to something he and ian has done and if damon's not sparing details, why would he? it's just a thing that happens. they share. he and ian got up to a lot of sexy shit in the past, why wouldn't someone wanna hear about it, ya know? it helps motivation. good for morale. and now he can stop lying about why he needs dudes who know how to kidnap and why they're making a stop at an old high school field.
so yeah, hearing about ass eating and nipple pinching is nothing for damon. the only difference is the man of the hour is actually in the car for it this time, smiling back at mickey.
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samantitheos · 10 months
A great historical moment can be recognized by its pixels alone.
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It's giving Mickey Henry.
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 10 months
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sleepyheadgallavich · 5 months
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You're under my skin man, the fuck can I do?
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ronanceluvrr · 2 years
Ronance Tiktok #61 & Gallavich Tiktok #1
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chicanomick · 2 years
How i think Tami, Mickey, and Sandy's friendship stated!
dedicated to the sweet @ianandmickeygallavich <3 Hope everyone enjoys
For Carl's 21 first birthday, all the Gallaghers go to a bar to celebrate his first legal drink
At some point during the night Mickey, Sandy, and Tami are left alone at the bar with Carl's current partner and they're all lowkey antisocial assholes so they sit in complete silence until Carl's partner makes some excuse to go find him
As soon as they leave Tami faux whispers something like "is it just me or is carl's new girlfriend (mildly insulting comment)"
And all hell breaks loose
By the time the Gallaghers come back to collect their partners, they're gossiping and laughing loudly amongst themselves, various shot glasses littering the bar.
They have their fun but they don't immediately make it a thing, all of them refusing to admit they're lowkey besties at this point. Settling for sitting together at every family gathering when everyone else is drunk or distracted to have their weekly dose of gossip
Sandy is who initiates the hangouts outside of their relationships with the Gallaghers. During a weekly cookout when everything is loud and on the edge of too much Sandy suggests they take a walk around the block.
Tami makes Mickey push Freddie on the stroller and somehow they end up eating at a taco truck before all three of them return to the cookout lighter and laughing like old friends
From there on they make a group chat where Sandy basically sends links and dates followed by "who's down?"
Those quick meet-ups for lunch to scope out restaurants turn into night outs
Somewhere down the line, Debbie breaks up with Sandy. It's not the first time they 'take a break' only to get back together in a couple weeks, but Debbie says it's serious this time.
The group chat goes silent. Sandy is usually the first one to initiate contact but she's gone radio silent, and neither Mickey nor Tami want to admit they miss their hangouts
That whole week they are noticeably more stressed, Ian knows better than to suggest Mickey needs to hang out with his friends because not even surprise blowjobs in the shower are helping
Lip wants to rip his head off because Tami nags so much more now and for the first time unironically wishes Mickey showed up at his house
That weekend Mickey and Tami wait a total of two hours before swallowing their pride and asking Debbie where Sandy is.
Debbie: how the fuck should I know? we broke up
They go back to their seats but something is clearly missing. They're still able to gossip and banter but it's lacking a certain something
Finally, Mickey groans and says "fuck it, she's my cousin." And pulls out his phone.
Thus they begin their friendship
Tami drags them to Target with the promise of buying them Starbucks
Sandy drags them to bars to "feel young again!" (Being the youngest and only single one)
Mickey drags them to "scope out" any new restaurants/sketchy food trucks
The Gallghers don't know if their joining forces by will is a good or bad thing
This got a little long but currently working on a short one-shot because I love them so much and have so many scenarios and ideas for them!
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deathclassic · 11 months
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todd-queen · 1 year
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black tshirt supremacy!!!
ALL gif credits to original creators (I just don't remember where I got them, my bad)
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samantitheos · 2 years
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👉🏻👉🏻 My Etsy shop.
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