infosectrain03 · 4 months
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sahzadhusain · 2 years
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darksouls2yuri · 9 months
"S mode"? What the fuck is "S Mode"??? Ive never seen this before and ibhad to reset my pc when i set it up. This is vile you cant fucking install shit
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andreaskorn · 5 months
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Instagram @andreaskorn74
Ungewünscht: Social Media Post mit Fokus auf "Künstliche Intelligenz"
Mit der Unterstützung der Applikation wie Microsoft Designer sind nach Texteingaben phantastische Ideen zur digitalen Bildwirklichkeit möglich. Darum geht es in den meisten meiner bisher wenigen (19) Instagram Posts.
Intention: Zusammenführen besonderer phantastischer, harmloser Komponenten, die zu einem scheinbar individuellen Bild zusammen finden. Ein Spiel mit Stichworten und der Bildrepräsentationen.
Aber das ist Instagram wohl nicht recht. Über die Kritik habe ich ja bereits berichtet.
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Ich frage mich, ob nicht bei anderen Post (hier ein kleiner heutiger Ausschnitt von veröffentlichten Beiträgen) nicht auch K.I. motivierte Abbildungen gezeigt werden (von mir mit pinkfarbenem Rahmen markiert). Auch sind mir viele weitere Beiträge aufgefallen, die gegen den Richtlinien verstoßen, aber "online" sind.
Gleiches Recht für alle, oder? Was ist los mit Instagram?
(Nachtrag: am 15.4.2024 vermute ich, dass ein Internetlink im Profil auf meinen "Tumblr" Kanal wohl einen Verstoß darstellt. Erste weitere beliebige Trivialfotos ließen sich ohne Hinweise veröffentlichen, nachdem ich diesen Link gelöscht hatte. Das hätte das Serviceteam aber auch direkt mitteilen können. Mit meinen "Bildinhalten" hatte die Sperrung möglicherweise nichts zu tun, oder? Heute habe alle meine Beiträge wieder aus Instagram gelöscht, vielleicht gibt es einen Neuansatz oder eine Deinstallation, denn ich benötige dieses Kanal eigentlich überhaupt nicht, hier finde ich keinen Mehrwert)
+ + +
Dr. Andreas U. Korn, 14.04.2024
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nestofrmnics · 9 months
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Good morning, majority rule day in The Bahamas and I'm about to put on some relaxing music on Youtube and get back into bed.
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rebelcourtesan · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Tips and Tricks
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It's finally here. National Novel Writing Month is upon us. A challenger for writers to write 50k words within 30 days. This will be my sixth time participating and I've won each time using these tricks and tips below.
Write what you love. Write a romance, if you like romance. Write horror if you like horror. Action thriller, mystery, drama, etc. If you write what you enjoy, you'll have more motivation to keep writing and be inspired.
What helps my creativity is music, especially ambience or original soundtracks from videogames or films. Try to match what you're trying to write. Use the soundtrack from the Notebook for romance scenes, listen to the soundtrack from Resident Evil games or Dead Space for horror or tense scenes. Music and sound can really pull you into creating a scene. I tend to use Spotify as there is less distraction compared to Youtube, but use Youtube if you need to.
Do not look at other people's progress. Some people will blow through Nanowrimo in a week's time. While that's awesome for anyone to complete NaNoWriMo so quickly, it can discourage someone who struggles with writing. If you're someone that can easily be dishearten, I suggest not looking at other people's progress and focus on your own.
DO NOT EDIT WHILE YOU WRITE!!!! Seriously, editing will seriously mess with your word count and should be saved after you reach your goal or completed your novel. It's time consuming and will chop words off your total. Trust me, your first draft WILL NOT be the final version of your novel before publishing. It WILL go through several versions and edits before you can submit it for publishing. So save yourself the headache and wait until after completion to start editing yourself. However, for the challenge, it's okay to go back and add a scene, dialogue, or details in order to add more words to your count.
Use the NaNoWriMo website to help track your progress. It has a handy graph that will tell you how many words you have to write each time to reach 50k by November 30th. The amount goes up and down as you write more or less. It's a really good way to track your progress and give motivation.
Try to build yourself a cushion of words each day. Chances are with work, family, and real life, you won't be able to hit your daily word goal. So when you are able to hit it in one day, try to keep writing so you can take it easy some days when you're busy.
I suggest using writing programs that can be used on your phone and computer. During a break or lunch at work, commuting, waiting for class to start, or having to wait in a long line somewhere, you can take our your phone and write a few words while you wait. GoogleDocs is a free online writing tool that auto-saves your work and can be freely access anywhere with internet connection. You can also use Micorsoft Word since it has a Onedrive cloud where you can access your work.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
Wow yeah you know what onedrive hates even more than really really large files? 450,000 files each less than 3 KB that didn’t upload as they were generated because you changed your Micorsoft password and now just clicking the goddamn icon makes your very well specced computer lag.
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mimikoflamemaker · 1 year
UHHH This brings me so much anxiety
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top pick - search result from Microsof Bing via Micorsoft Edge
bottom - search result from google via Goggle Chrome - which looks the same in my Mozilla at home
And I can't even find my AO3 profile through google
Why?!? T_T
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theemporiumwordonix · 28 days
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infosectrain03 · 2 years
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zipwriting · 5 months
beginning of The Ambassadors
So there is a girl hunched over her ganer laptoppo writing in Micorsoft Word with some papers on her bed. she also has a hallway
her cat is on the wkndow staring at her. She's working and tired. There's an empty cup
she also has a bathroom across the hall
Papyrus emails her and it scares her. Conufeed she looks from her phone tk her gmail window on her laptop. He emailed her personal email. She looks at it fondly but just closes it. Stretches and thinks about going tk thr bathroom but goes back to typing and businessemailing
the cat jumps to the floor
she closes the latol, stretches, you can see her belly or something, she gets off the bed. Goes out her bedroom door
there's a scary pale man thing in the bathtub! It scares the shit out of her! It stands up and she runs to the kitchen. Somehow she gathers t two doorstoppers and locks the thing in the bathroom but that's stupid so she gets a chair bit thats stupid so she gets her couch into the hallway. The door will open a little but the thing can't get out. During this she heard it pulling hair off a hair brush (to eat it)
she is like that's okay I was going to move anyways and actually goes out side and it's nighttime in the coty and someone says she looks ugly and she goes back inside but the monster scares her again
she opens a portal onto a sailboat. Now she's in the shower. The boat is rocking back and forth and she is about to throw up but a voice is like. Elys? it's another monster but the framing is normal and she's like um there was someone in my house and he's like really?! And she's like yeah it came through my drain like IT but it wasn't anything like IT
Lizard monster is like what is IT?
elys is like fuck! That thing is gonna get my laptop! It's going to eat my cat
lizard is like do you want me to come back with you? Elys is like no but can I stay here? And he's like yeah sure of course and even though there is a couch they just sleep in his bed and she's like I can't handle this and he's like it's fine it will be fine. She's like, I need to get my laptop I meed to get my cloths I can't go to work like THIS! And he says it's Friday night and she says no way I didn't even notice
and he's like did you get everything done? And she's like no I should get ahead and he's like us laying in bed is probably boring why is this a comic and she's like it might be a video game actually and they go outside he climbs up to the back to do something to the sail and he falls and she freaks out jumps in after him and wakes up
in his bed
and then wakes up and her dresser is gone and she gets up (easier than getting up from work) sideways in front of her door and she freaks out and backs up and trips over a liter box
there has been an earthquake according to her phone and a missed call.
she fixes her dresser and hides behind her doorframe to look at the bathroom
she gets The Day After Yesterday by Alan Folsom and it appears one corner is blood stained. Like actually with dark blood on the candy apple red
she is too twiggy to theow it though. She goes to the bathroom and it's empty
or is it yea it is. Or is it yea it is. What about the view from
the medicene cabinet door mirror as seen through the bathroom mirror
Behind you behind you behind you
nothing. She draws the shower curtain but then undraws it she puts on her make up but only gets halfway done she looks under her arm in the mirror and grimaces at the shower
she goes to her room and gets dressed but feels watched (somw kind of Brechtian camera technique)
she opens a portal into an Ivy League style room
fuck she forgot to feed Jonesy. Realized he should have been bothering her and harangue her for breakfast she glares at her couch
she tells herself of course she atill has a an alive cat. Portals back. There's more people in the library now but half of them are goofy cartoons
Papyrus is there and he's like DIS YOU GET MY EMAIL and she is like I was asleep by then and he's like oh okay.
she goes to sit by some guy and the lizard. Guy says you like shit. She says I moved all my furniture around but ran out time. Asks the lizard if she actually looks bad
a tree is like yeah honey you do come with me and they go to the bathroom and she is scolding her for mourning wrong and she gets mad and leaves and says cut me some slack.
she gles back and asks the lizard if he's ever opened a portal in his sleep and a different tree laughs but it's not funny to them
there was an earthquake the other guy says
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darksouls2yuri · 1 year
btw before my wife started playing them for me the only halo game i had seen campaign gameplay for was halo 4 bc it game with my xbox360. and when i told my wife that she made like the most distraught face and was like "oh no"
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bloggershabitat · 9 months
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
Support for all Windows 10 Mobile devices initially ended on December 10, 2019 Microsoft has taken the last decisive step to end support for mobile devices on the proprietary Windows Mobile platform. Microsoft Let's remember that initially support for all Windows 10 Mobile devices ended on December 10, 2019, and on December 16 of the same year the application store for Windows Phone 8.1 was closed. End of an era: Microsoft has finally closed the app store for Windows 10 Mobile Microsoft has now stopped all major features of the Micorsoft Store app store for the Windows 10 Mobile platform. According to the official statement from the company, now in the Windows 10 Mobile App Store: Unable to load home page Recommendations (suggestions) are updated periodically, but details are not available Search function works fine Application information is updated periodically Purchased applications cannot be downloaded The downloads and updates page does not load According to reviews from recent users, some of these functions are still working. Apparently, this situation will not last long.
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bb-latvija · 1 year
Micorsoft ir integrējis BingAI savā SwiftKey tastatūrā operētājsistēmā iOS - tagad varat tērzēt ar šo robotu vai padarīt to par savu personīgo redaktoru
Microsoft turpina Bing mākslīgā intelekta ieviešanu visās savas programmatūras impērijas daļās – šoreiz tā ir SwiftKey tastatūra vai drīzāk tās iOS versija. Kas ir zināmsSwiftKey botam ir trīs funkcijas: meklēšana, tērzēšana un signāls. Pirmo divu mērķis ir skaidrs jau no nosaukuma – meklēšana tīmeklī ar SwiftKey un tērzēšana ar Bing, ja jums rodas jautājumi. Taču trešā funkcija ir…
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maripr · 2 years
i fuking hate micorsoft word
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