#microchip in my nose
pup-pee · 11 months
stereotypical bernard is a conspiracist haha drawing
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tim; i lov how normal civillian core u r
ber; i just shoved gummy worms up my nose & i think cows r propaganda 4 milk so that we drink microchipped liquids that mend into our bones
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
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Some friendships are endless. Even though Mel and Nina have been busy in Del Sol Valley the past 3 years working on a new project, a horror TV series, their bond remained strong as ever with their best friends.
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Mel: “Hey, what are you up to?”
Loren: Feeding these damn chickens Maeve bought..
Mel: What in the midlife crisis...chickens??
Loren: At first it was just the two but they keep having babies. I named the rooster and hen after your parents.
Mel: Oh, ha ha.
Mel: So, remember how I said we wouldn’t be back in Sulani until after we’re done filming this season?
Loren: Yeeeaahh..?
Loren: [exhales] I missed your gorgeous face, Nina! These 3 years have been way too long.
Mel: Uhh...you miss anyone else or just my wife?
Nina: Baby, don’t be jealous.
Maeve: Holy fucking shit. The Briars are back!
Mel: I knew you’d be happy to see me, Maeve. Bring it in-
Mel: Alright, what am I, old news?
Maeve: We love you Mel! But Nina’s our babygirl.
Loren: Besides, we all know once you know who gets here, we’ll barely see you.
Mel: That’s not true. We all hang out.
Loren: It’s been like that since we were like 11, Starboy. It’s ok, you two are soulmates. In fact, I’m sure Aiden’s already tracking the microchip in your ass as we speak-
Loren: OWW?!!
Nina: They’re so cute.
Loren: I think he broke my nose?
Maeve: Ay, bendito!
bonus -
Lyric via txt: “Omfg... if mom calls and ask that you come to some dinner for Mateo, SAY NO PLEASE. I can only deal with her once a year and it’s not Harvestfest yet...”
Mel via txt: “You haven’t talked to mom yet....”
Lyric via txt: “Don’t judge me. Ya mama is infuriating..”
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icaruskeyartist · 11 months
In theory, you understand that the human body is a bunch of electrical impulses running through a pile of organs, and that it's not that different from how technology works (a bunch of electrical impulses running through a pile of microchips and metal).
In practice though, in practice you're not sure how you've ended up like this.
"Oww..." Stupid fucking animatronics, stupid fucking Moon messing with you while you're trying to change out a flickering bulb. Maintenance isn't even part of your job description, but the STAFF bots can't reach this high and seriously, fuck management and fuck Moon.
At least you seem to be in one piece. Your mind is racing, panicking, and you sit up from where you fell, rubbing at your face. Clang. What? You pat your face, hearing bells, and definitely not feeling a human face. You're not even sure if you're feeling anything at all. There's pressure, but no real sensation beyond that touch.
You open your eyes and immediately fall back. As if that would let you escape the HUD overlaid on the entirely too bright nightscape around you. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
There's a groan and your head jerks towards the ladder. It'd fallen in the explosion, and there's a person laying with their legs tangled in the metal. Wearing a security guard uniform. And the hair is a familiar color. The HUD lights up, helpfully identifying the figure as they roll onto their back, blood smeared over their face. It's your name.
"What happened?" Your voice too, as the figure pushes themselves up. They stop like you did, and you watch as it takes in the very human hand they were balancing themselves on. You look down, seeing long, delicate blue and gray fingers instead of your own flesh and blood. Bells tied to your wrist ring gently as your non-existent gut drops. "What in Fazbear..."
A hand grabs your wrist, your hand, Moon's wrist, what is happening, and you're jerked closer to your own face. You look furious despite the blood, and your HUD gives you the less than helpful information that the security guard has a potentially broken nose and a large laceration just under their hairline. "What did you do to me?" Moon growls in your voice.
"What did I do?" Moon's voice trips you up and you fall silent, desperately trying to process how you could speak without breathing and you weren't breathing holy fuck
There is too much information flitting through your mind all at once and you are still being bombarded with the fact your body is injured. Your body, the meat and guts one.
"Yes what did you -- ow!" Moon lets you go to press a hand to his eye. The blood had finally gotten to it, and you wince in sympathy. "I'm bleeding."
"Well yeah," you say, and you're definitely not thinking about how you're talking. "You... I... You fell ten feet off a ladder. You're lucky you didn't break a leg."
"That is not what I'm talking about. Why are you in my body? Where's Sun?"
Oh, he's right. Where is Sun? The thought brings up a lot of information, from the actual star in the galaxy to an old set of programs from the theater, but there's no Sun in your head.
"He has to be in there." Moon is either reading your mind or has decided that you're especially stupid now that you're trapped in his body. Either way, he's talking and standing, a little wobbly when all the blood that's left through his head decides not to miraculously reappear. "Stand up. I'm not dragging you."
"How?" slips out before you can catch it. Moon laughs, and it sounds mean coming from your throat. You want to swallow or swat at him or both, but you can't do the former and just barely manage to avoid the latter. You manage to stand and follow, feeling rather tall. Is this how it felt to not be the shortest person in the room? It's kinda nice.
"Go," Moon orders when you stop just outside the daycare. "We are bringing Sun out. He'll know what to do." He shoves at you, smearing blood against the heavy material of your pants. It's smeared over his face as well, and he looks pale under the mess.
"Maybe you should sit. You've lost a lot of blood." Unbidden, inventory of the daycare comes up in your mind, helpfully informing you of the first aid kit and apple juice tucked away from curious little hands. "I can... Clean you up?"
"No. Sun." Moon shoves you inside with all his strength, and you stumble forward, tripping over the upturned ends of your slippers. Moon slaps the wall behind you and the lights of the daycare flicker to life.
The change is uncomfortable, like someone is scratching at a chalkboard inside your mind. You drop to your knees, groaning as Moon's hat retracts, Sun's rays unsheathing. You want to close your eyes but you can't. You have no eyelids, no easy escape away from reality. And when the change stops, you find a new set of instructions thrumming just under your conscious thought, all the tasks and lists and other things about running the daycare at peak efficiency and with the cheapest labor possible.
But Sun isn't there.
"Sunny?" Moon's words falter in your voice, and when you look his way, you can see the fear in his face. Of course. Moon wouldn't be used to having a face that could emote. Something flickers in your mind. Sympathy? No, more likely it's some part of Sun's coding urging you to ease a human's pain.
"Not here," you say, and there is a tiny amount of satisfaction at seeing his face fall. "Are you sure he didn't follow you into my body?"
"I don't heaf him," Moon says, but you roll your eyes. Or. You think you do. Sun doesn't have pupils or irises. Maybe that's been taken from you too.
"He doesn't come out in the dark." You grab Moon by the front of your shirt and drag him out of the shadows as he gives the most undignified yell.
You toss him directly under one of the lights, flinching as he doesn't catch himself and instead goes rolling across the hard rubber mats. Okay, so you are strong like this. Probably shouldn't be such a surprise. Still, it is just a little funny watching your body rag doll around. You just hope it won't hurt anymore once you're back in it.
"You good?" You ask, squatting next to your body. You pick up a wrist, and your HUD changes to reflect the heart rate of your body. It's pounding away in there, so Moon is still clearly alive. You roll him over, watching as he blinks blearily in the light. "Hello?"
"Hello," he says, shielding his eyes from the light as he sits up. He blinks, adjusting to the change, before staring at his hand. He flips it over, staring at his palm, then back again before grabbing at his clothes. "Moony, what did you do?" He asks and. Ah.
"Sun," you say with a sigh, and fall back onto your animatronic ass. Oh, right. You'd been squatting. "Moon was looking for you. Guess you're in there with him."
"What's happened? Why are you me? Why am --- am I bleeding?" He touches the tacky blood matt that's become of your eyebrow, recoiling in disgust and fear. He turns wide, wide eyes to you. You grimace. You recognize that look.
"I don't know," you say flatly. "I was on a ladder changing out one of the lights near the arcade when Moon decided to be a little shirt and got us both electrocuted. I woke up like this."
"Oh." Sun frowns and closes his eyes, leaving you to wonder what he was trying to do. Whatever it was, it wasn't working, and when he rubbed at his face, he flinched. "Can you help with this?" Sun asks, gesturing vaguely to the cut.
"I don't---"
"It's in your programming," Sun said, standing with more grace than you or Moon have managed this far. "Just access the file and you'll be able to stitch this closed."
"I'm sorry. You want me to stitch my own face shut?" You trail after him as he goes to the cabinet and pulls out the first aid kit.
"it's just a simple task. No more difficult than sewing a ripped seam back together." He hands you the kit, trying to sit in a kid sized chair before giving up and sitting on the table (visibly uncomfortable) instead.
"Just a simple task," you grumble at the kit, opening it with one hand. You don't have to ask how to retrieve a file at least. When you pick up a needle, you're bombarded with different methods of sewing a human's skin back together. To put it inelegantly.
Sun waits for you, leg bouncing rapidfire even as you kneel. You grab his knee and squeeze until he legs out a squeak of discomfort. "Stop that. I'm not going to poke out my own eye because you're anxious."
"Sorry." Pause. "Sorry," he repeats, more softly.
You don't reply, needing to focus on the directions that are bypassing conscious thought into action that your body takes while you scramble to keep up. You clean the wound, ignoring as Sun hisses in surprised pain, then pinch the wound shut. The needle is pre-threaded and sterile, and you make surprisingly small, neat stitches with the black thread, snapping it off and dropping the needle back into the box to dispose of later. You only need a small bandage to cover the stitching and then... You're done.
"Well shirt." You cock your head, confused. "Shirt. Fazbear. Birch." You pull at your faceplate, like you can physically drag the words out of your mouth. "Why the Fazbear can't I say shirt?"
"Bad language is prohibited in the daycare." Sun sounds tired, and when you glare at him, he is poking at the bandage. You grab his hand and force it down. That damned leg starts bouncing again.
"Okay fine. How do we switch back?" Sun stares at you. You stare back. "Well?"
"How would I know that?" Sun asks and you sigh, going to run a hand through your hair. You hit a ray instead. "Do you see anything in your programming that can help?"
"I can't see shirt." If you could, you would rip out this stupid censoring first. "Moon said you would know."
"Well, I don't. And this isn't good. The kids will be here in... in..." There's no clock in the daycare and you watch as Sun realizes that he doesn't have his programming anymore. No internal clock. No database of information that enabled you to sew your own flesh shut. He jumps up and all but runs to the security desk. You follow after, watching as he catches himself, freezing before he could reach for the phone.
"I'm not supposed to go behind the security desk."
You snort, shaking your head as you reach past him and stop, hand frozen. With a frown, you try to push past, but it's like shoving against a wall. There's no movement. Sun is watching and he slowly reaches past you, hand shaking as he pulls the phone display over.
"This is Fazbear stupid," you grumble, letting your hand drop.
"The kids are going to be here in an hour!" Sun is on a completely different level, and he turns to run and do something, no idea what, because he promptly trips over your own shoelaces. And of course he doesn't try to catch himself. If your nose isn't broken by the end of the night, you're going to be shocked.
With a sigh, you go and pick him up with a grip on the back of his shirt. "Okay, we've got an hour. It's time to learn some human 101 so you don't get my body killed before we can fix this tonight."
Okay anyway, this is why I sent you the ask @pillowspace. I think I'm going to open my askbox to prompts too because holy shit I felt my blood pressure drop while writing this.
I also used The Good Place curse substitutions except for Fazbear cause I think they did it best and also FE wouldn't pass up a chance for free promotion.
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stupid3fantasies · 9 days
~silly little intro post~
hi 💕 i won't bother telling you my name. i can be your pet, so you get to name me, right?
let me get some things out of the way:
-under 18 do not interact. leave immediately.
-everything on this page is to be considered fiction unless explicitly stated otherwise.
-i do not condone non-consensual acts between humans or otherwise. i'll repeat, everything on this page is fiction and fantasy.
now let's get to the fun stuff:
33f, fat, adorable here's what i'm into:
being a dumb little brat
old men
fat men
old fat men
humiliation/degradation about my stupidity
1cky things
m0nster fckng
r4p3 play
here's what i'm not into:
bathroom things
humiliation regarding weight
this is a side blog so i can't follow you here, but you can find my "normal" blog at stupid3 💕
feel free to chat with me about anything!
otherwise, here's a fun little blurb about my life. love you!
i live alone with my dogs in an old ranch in the midwest 🥰
i run my own doggie rescue, typically adopting dogs that are considered too aggressive to be adopted by most families. i have my own version of rehab for these guys and so far there's a 100% success rate.
right now i have 21 dogs in my care. they're all male, and they have free reign of the house, the old barn, and the acres of land out back that once served as a cattle range. plenty of room to run around and have fun 🥰
we don't have anyone around for quite a few miles on either side, so it's really just us against the world
i've got all different breeds: german shepherds, rottweilers, mastiffs, great danes, labs, dobermans, and all sorts of mutts and mixes
our lifestyle is... well, i guess not quite the norm. while i'm the one who adopted them, they're the ones in charge. that's a big part of that "rehab" that i mentioned earlier. it's important for them to get their aggression out in a safe way. while a lot of people think these guys were raised to crave violence, i've noticed that they're really just.. frustrated.
the open land helps to exert their energy. the regular meals and the warm places to sleep makes them comfortable. and i... well, i'm what they use to address that frustration.
while i have them all microchipped, i'm the only one that wears a collar because.... well, i'm their little doggie whore. i let my boys lead me wherever they'd like to go and mount me any way they'd like. they own all of my little holes. they get to take me from whatever i'm doing to use me if they need to. if i'm making their meals, cleaning, sleeping, showering, they are allowed to pin me and take me.
if you were to see me naked, you'd notice i have scratches all over. maybe some clumsy bruises here and there, and the occasional bite mark on my neck or shoulder, but i honestly wouldn't change any of it for the world.
i love my life, i love my doggies, and i love being owned by them. i love taking a big knot in my little cunt and cumming over and over on it as we're tied together, their cum squirting out from around it because they've filled me up so much.
i love when they want to breed me but accidentally take my ass. it's always a surprise and it hurts so much, but the way they rut even harder when they feel my body tense up from the pain is enough to make me such a stupid drippy mess.
i love when they can smell my ovulation cycle and i have so many cold wet noses searching up my skirt. their warm flat tongues licking against my cunt and ass, the smarter ones lapping at my nipples because they know it makes me even more wet.
i love when they pin my head against the arm of the couch and thrust into my mouth, treating my throat like my cunt. fucking my face like a stupid whore, some even forcing their knots past my lips, making me gag and choke like crazy.
but i love it the most when quite a few of my boys need me at once. all of my holes getting filled up and used. crying from pain and pleasure. all of their knots pressing into my most sensitive areas.
so yes, life is perfect. but... it can get even better. i think my boys could use a strong male figure in their life. they've trained me so well to be a pet, i think it's time that i have an owner too.
so if you want to own a stupid girl who is a good little whore who is trained to be a perfect little submissive slut then... well... i'm all yours! 💕💕💕
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saltygilmores · 6 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-3x8: Let The Games Begin aka Let The ShitCircus Begin Aka Clowntown (Part 2)
@ernestonlysayslovelythings: "Luke saying "Rory will rub off on Jess" seems like a missed opportunity for a joke" Indeed, my friend. He lobbed me a softball and I missed the catch. In all fairness, I was ducking it in hopes that said softball would miss me and bean Lorelai in the forehead. *cracks knuckles* *deep inhale*
Rory and Jess have just signed an 8 month No Rubbing Off contract. Rory is saving all Rubbing Off until marriage. Not her marriage, just a marriage (okay, fine,I plagarized this one) There will be no Rubbing Off until funding for the Handjobs For the Hollow initiative is secured
Shane : (emitting a series of swan honks) Translation: “I was rubbing off on him every day! Until he fucking cut off my hands!" At least I think that's what she said. There are different swan dialects. I’m still learning how to translate, doing SwanOLingo…
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After Kirk comes into the diner grief stricken about his missing Dance Marathon trophy, Rory arrives after, where she appears nervous and has a very stilted and awkward interaction with Luke, and my brain was so half asleep that I couldn't figure out why. Then I'm like...oh yeah. That whole Jess thing. Right. Someone just woke the hell up.
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I love that this scene is supposed to take place after school (confirmed by Kirk asking Rory where she was at 10am today and she says school) and Jess is rubbing his eyes like he just woke up.
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It's nice to see Rory looking at Jess like a deer caught in the headlights because she in quiet awe of him, as opposed to Rory looking at Dean like a dear in the headlights because she fears him.
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Tomatos sign! Another reminder that this feral kitten is a grown woman's arch nemesis and in a few moments she's going to say she wishes he would die in a house fire. Don't listen to him, Luke. Look at this kitten. He's clearly emaciated. He got seperated from his feral cat colony and he's hungry. *checks for microchip* *puts out a tin of tuna* *pspspsps*
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You would, miss Eats Parmesan Cheese Straight from the Can and Sandwiches With No Innards and French Toast Without Utensils. Soon to be Miss E Coli. We interupt this nonsense for some breaking news. As I was writing this, I was interrupted by an earthquake.
This must have been God breaking free of the heavens and blessing the union between Rory and Jess. Or more like Satan breaking free from the earth and cursing this bitch.
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Smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy, this SexCriminal.
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This was a grade a Filet Mignon Okuh right here. I will continue to delight in the fact that Rory and SexCriminalJess dated for 6-7 months and despite all the fretting from adults with nothing else to do but nose into the sex lives of adult teenagers, they never have sex, and after all that fuss and furious cockblocking she just ends up screwing Dean instead. The fact that the adults in Stars Hollow are so in awe of Jess' sexual prowess to believe that if Rory were to be in his presence unsupervised for mere moments, her clothes would just fly off and they'd be found humping on the floor is hilarious and infuriating but also, not completely untrue.
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"There goes my nephew the Gigolo" He's in awe the speed in which his nephew works, as it would take Luke over 4 years to get Lorelai upstairs alone to makeout.
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#SexCriminals Look at all this furious naked humping going on. By god, I bet she's already pregnant. This is the sexiest complete avoidance of eye contact I've ever seen. You better hurry and put a stop to this, Adults!
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That kiss was so chaste Mama Kim wouldn't even blink. She could bring them to church and use them as explemary role models for abstinence. They're even Leaving Room for Jesus. Luke:
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That was A MINUTE. I know we're going to hear from Lorelai at a future time about how Crusty impregnated her with the speed of a jackrabbit on Adderall, so Jess could theoretically knock Rory up in a few seconds using telepathy or something, but give the boy some damn credit. Can't you people let this kid have ANY fucking joy (or privacy) in his life? I am so mad. It takes a lot for me to get mad at Luke Danes. This is what Luke and Lorelai are imagining will happen in less than a minute:
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not to flood your inbox but... what if the mercs found a freaking cat on the battlefield or base.... i saw that video of soldiers playing with a lil kitten... i gotta know what the boys (and also miss pauling) would do.... would it be an immediate ceasefire so all 16 grown men can play with a kitten... would they use a merc's room to house it.... its ligerallyy a kittycat omg ....
What Would The TF2 Mercs (+ Miss Pauling) Do If They Saw A Kitten Mid-Fight?
Long title but cute idea!
Also never apologize for spamming my ask box, I love it, it helps distract me from the fact that I have no original ideas!
This is going to be a mix of on the battlefield and if they decide to keep the kitten!
Also rough because I only have a short blurb for the Blu team (sorry 😭)
Red Team (+ Miss Pauling)
Demo is the first one to see the kitten. I already headcanon that he has a cat he manages to hide from the other mercs, so he's ecstatic. Like eyes filled with joy, hopping up and down, and seeing kind of ecstatic. Immediately finds a way to get the others to stop fighting, if anyone dared to try and continue the fight he'd kill them immediately. Pets and comforts the poor cat because it's all scared :(
Engie is also very excited! He loves kittens, he would protect them with his life. He lays around and plays with the kitten once it's calmed down. Is already sketching out a cat tower and new room for the baby. Has made the executive decision that the Red team now has a team pet.
Heavy is right next to Engie, holding the kitten when Engie goes off to start sketching. Puts the cat on his lap and immediately almost starts sobbing when it curls up and starts trying to nap.
Medic comes over and I'm not going to lie this man is internally melting, it's adorable! But he's also slightly (insanely) worried because his birds always come first, and is always worried when anything threatens their safety. The other mercs eventually calm him down, swearing on their lives that his birds will be okay. He holds them to that, and eventually let's the other mercs keep it.
Scout is also a mix of super excited and sobbing "It's a fricken kitten! Look at it!" Definitely giving the kitten like a million kisses. Is acting so silly, and doesn't care. Booping it's little nose, slow blinking at it, showering it with love.
Sniper is indifferent at first until Scout steals his hat, turns it upside down, and drops the kitten in it. Then he has fucking heart eyes, a single tear running down his face from under his glasses. Turns away and just says fine to the idea of keeping it.
Spy is so against keeping the cat. It's going to be messy, it's going to be loud, and it's going to be expensive. No one else is going to take care of it. Classic dad does want a cat act. Guess who falls in love with the cat after one day?
Soldier is the most excited, hands down. Is so happy about the cat, it's so cute, it's so fluffy, it's just a baby! He's playing with the cat, giving it love, doing the most out of all of them. If the cat can't be found, you know he's with Soldier.
Pyro. Come on, of course, they're thrilled! Will let the cat crawl all around them, and also let it sleep on their gas mask. Just ugh, they're so cute together. Buys the cat little outfits and buys rainbow cat toys, dumps so much love, treats, and toys on this cat.
Ms. Pauling nearly tears down the door of the base after the match to come and see the cat. She is such a cat lady. She makes sure the cat is okay and even takes the cat to the vet to get all of it's vaccines and a microchip, ignoring Medic saying theirs no need, and claiming he can do it. Definitely began to visit the base more and more often, claiming she's only making sure they don't kill the poor thing.
Blu Team
I'll be honest, I don't think the Blu team would do well with having a cat. I headcanon these silly guys as dog people, they would probably be willing to give the cat over to the Red team for the benefit of the cat. They'd call off the match to keep it safe. All the mercs would sit and play, love, or cuddle with the cats with the Red mercs. Honestly, they enjoy the small break from fighting and just enjoy the time with a cat. Occasionally during a battle, they'll ask about the cat inbetween gunfire.
I was going to work on this yesterday and then I slept instead 😭
I was up until like one writing the anime one but it was worth it to get it out, this one took me a hot minute too, but I kind of love how it turned out, I love cats and love the idea of the Red team being big babies for a kitten. Also! I love adding Ms. Pauling to things, she's such a silly too.
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No such thing as luck @huxloween
"There is no such thing as luck Armitage! There is not! Either you are capable of something or you are not! They were! They stole a ship under your nose and you did nothing! And now you are talking that it was luck!? You are useless! A pffasking never-ending disappointment. There is no some magical force around that decide who will win there is only... "
Hux observed with satisfaction how Pryde gasped for air and fall down on the ground desperately trying to breath. Every member of the Supreme council found another place to look at. Kylo didn't move from his chair. There was certain smugness at his face and for once Hux could share it. He turned around to face Kylo.
"Unfortunate choice of words."
Kylo smiled.
"Indeed." Pryde went almost blue now, tears running from his eyes "However." Allegiant General caught his breath and touched his neck "You did nothing. That is true."
"Indeed. I did nothing. Care to hear my explanation? "
"I put a tracker in Dameron. A microchip. We can find him anywhere. In a few hours we will have a knowledge where is their precious base. And we will crush them. For good." He moved past Pryde and stood next to Kylo. "Did i do well? Supreme Leader?" He asked.
Ren laughed looking at him.
"Yes. Very well, General. Oh. Apologies. I forgot to reveal what is a purpose of today's meeting. I wanted to present to you new Grand Marshall of the First Order. Armitage Hux. The official ceremony will take place in a few days but you should start addressing him accordingly. Congratulations."
"Thank you, love" everyone froze again and Kylo chucked. "What?"
"He thinks that you are lucky bastard" Hux laughed and kissed Kylo shortly. Ren made dissatisfied sound when Hux moved away from him and kneeled down next to Pryde.
"Oh Enric. Just as you have said. There is no such thing as luck."
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lovearne · 2 years
The Park
Johnny "Soap" McTavish x gn!reader
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My page is 18+ only. I don't tolerate minors here, this is my safe place to express myself, and I don't consent to minors viewing my works or my blog.
Content: talks of ptsd, allusions to other mental health issues, grumpy reader, emotionally closed off reader, sunshine soap, service animals
Word count: 1.9k
No use of y/n and no descriptive of reader physically
Most days, all you feel like doing is curling in bed and cuddling with your dog. Today isn't most days, you've had an amazing day at the park with Zero, your comically named bulldog, the both of you sat in the overhanged day, not too hot or cold. He'd get up and play with other dogs and greet people, knocking children over by accident but giving them a big old kiss to make up for it.
Zero had plenty of water kept cool by the shade of the bag you'd brought, also some treats and food in case you stayed there past his feed time. He loved being outside, he was happy outside, and you were happy to see him so happy. He'd been good for your mental health, forcing you to get into a routine to care for the little stinker, but it helped a lot.
The day you got him you hadn't planned on getting a dog, but he was a small puppy left by himself in the middle of nowhere, abandoned. You'd been on a nature walk. Now he was a large lump of huggable, lovable, stinky bulldog.
You didn't much like when people encroached on your alone time, but when you were approached by a little long nose against your neck, you laughed. It was another dog, trying to figure out who you were, the dog moved on to smell Zero, the two happily sniffing each other before sitting down to chew on Zeros favourite toy. The unnamed greyhound and your bulldog quite enjoyed each other's company. You'd decided you would await the pet parent of the greyhound and just let the two play.
You watched both your dog, and the stranger dog, not wanting to miss a sign of agitation from either, you trust Zero, but you know how easily a mood can change, and all you knew about the other pup is that they love playing. The two eventually stopped chewing on the toy, opting instead to lay beside each other, the greyhound taking a drink from Zeros bowl.
When they were calm, you checked the greyhound over, no collar, and no identification. You stroked the animals fur, "it's ok baby, if no one comes before we leave, we'll get you check for a microchip. We'll have you home in no time." You said to the animal, they leaned into your touch, stretching their back. "What a good dog!" You praise as they moved their head to rest on your leg, zeros resting beside your thighs. You kept yourself busy, making sure to give equal attention to the two dogs, you were worried however, when the day progressed and none came looking for the lovely dog. Frowning as you pull your extra leash from your rucksack, you tie gently around the dogs neck, no collar so just softly as to not choke them, clipping Zeros leash to his harness, you went about packing your things, pulling out the on the go water bottle you have for him, clipping it to your belt hoop.
Once everything was packed you brought the two with you, walking down the park and back into the area of which you lived.
"Hey!" You heard, fixing to ignore it, you continued walking. The greyhound had stopped though, turning the other way, and when you looked down, you could see their tail wagging. "Bruce!! There ya are! I've been looking for ya!" A distinct voice called out, the way the dog reacted you knew the voice is their pet parent. You turn to greet the owner, seeing a guy, a little over six foot with a Mohawk.
"This is your dog?" You question, your face set hard with no emotion, the man looked a little shocked.
"Yes?" You sigh.
"Is it a statement or a question? There was no id on this dog. How am I to trust you?" The owner nodded.
"Aye, sorry. I'm Johnny." He says cheery, "and I've been looking for that little bastard all afternoon." They pointed to the dog, who you now know as Bruce. "He got away from me while we were stopped. Always slips his collar." You nod.
"Before j give you the dog, I'm going to request you show me a timestamps picture of him." The stranger, Johnny nods, pulling their phone out to show you. You seen the picture, Bruce was laying with his arms and legs sticking up on his back, happy as a pig in shit. You nod. "Alright, Bruce it was very nice meeting you." You address the canine, patting his head.
You and Johnny split ways, each head to your own houses. You got Zero ready to relax, taking his harness off and giving him a nice brush. "OK baby let's get you fed.
The next day, you were taking Zero for a walk, being colder, you were in a hurry to get the exercise in, walking a bit too briskly. Almost falling over when Zero stopped very abruptly. After gaining your balance you turned and seen the same dog from yesterday.
"Hey Bruce!" You said giving him a pat, not really acknowledging the owner.
The day after you were at the park again, Bruce and Johnny finding the two of you. They sat beside you, Zero moving close to Bruce and initiating the spark of both chewing on a rope toy.
"So," Johnny starts. "What's yours name?" You stare at him. He visibly tenses then relaxes. "You remind me of my coworker. He looks at me like that all the time." Your face softens a little.
"His name is Zero." You mumbled. Uninterest in your voice. Johnny smiles.
"I love tha name." He compliments. "Is there a reason behind it?" You nod. "What's the meaning?"
"Vet gave him a 0% chance of living to the age of one." He nods, face paled a little.
"How old is he now?"
"Three." You smile broadly. Your smile was the brightest he's seen in a while. He huffed and slapped your shoulder.
"There ya go!!" He encourages. Zero was alerted by the hit and sat up, glowering at Johnny.
"Shh, Zero heel. That's it good boy, lie down." You calmed the large dog down, Johnny must admit, he was insanely drawn in by you.
"Smells like it's gonna to rain soon, maybe we should move somewhere inside, yeah?" You nod. "My place is just down the road a little." You followed him.
Waking up to the two dogs on your bed, you smile. Zero and Hank, a dog you'd recently rescued, a whippet. The company of your animals is all you'd need. Zero was getting grey these days, his joints starting to give up. You'd purchased what you call your 'Zero wagon' a nice flat and comfortable wagon for him to ride to the park in. He was now an elderly dog, using ramps to get around in your house, and hank enjoyed them too, he had 3 legs and moved slower than he would've been before. His previous owner gave him up when he needed his leg removed.
He rode along in the hank wagon sometimes, sometimes he was happy for the walk down to the park. They both enjoyed the outside greatly, and the neighbourhood kids who loved petting Zero and getting knocked over by him now came and gave him lots of treats as preteens and teenagers.
"OK boys, let's go." You say softly, trying to wake the two sleeping dogs. Poor zero had been going deaf these past few months, you wake him softly by petting his back and putting your hand in front of his snout. When he woke he got up and started to lock your hand, you giggled. "Hey boy!" Hank also woke up, his right front leg pawing at you excitedly, standing on his two back feet. "Hey hank!!" You greet.
After your boys had breakfast, you got them ready to go to the park, putting on Zeros vest that said 'be patient I scare easy'. And Hanks vest that covers his still irritated amputation scar, it's been healed for nearly a year, you'd adopted him when you took Zero to the vet for his annual. The scar still gives him trouble, so it's best to cover the sensitive part up while going to play outside.
By the time you got the boys all ready and in the wagon, it was 9am. The perfect time to go to the park, packing the dogs lunches and a picnic basket, you head down to the park. The boys really love the wagon, the sit and watch through the mesh, or in hanks case, he stands holding the railing if the wagon with his paw watching as you pass people on the busy street, it being a school day there are children milling about waiting for school to start.
You chose a nice shady spot for you and the boys, laying down the large blanket for you and them, placing the multiple dog beds you keep in the wagon on the blanket. Right away, Zero chooses his spot, in a nice comfy bed, and Hank walks around a bit before he laid against Zero. You smile at their close bond, you get out three dog bowls and fill them with some water from the thermos, knowing that you'd be seeing a particular mohawked man in a few minutes.
Your assumption was correct, he approached the blanket full of sweat, with two greyhounds, Bruce being the slowest of the two, and Lassie, the younger, keeping up with him as he jogged over.
Bruce, the rescued racing dog, and retired service dog was older now too, he still tried to be of assistance and service Johnny with his ptsd and anxiety post life changing injury, as you'd learned a few months after meeting the man. He'd now retired from active duty but still worked on the base close to home. Lassie was his new service dog, Bruce retired 2 years ago, and he'd gotten her last year, she was a sweet little girl he is training her himself with the help of Bruce. She was rescued from the racetracks as well.
You had asked him why another greyhound, and he'd just replied that they made him feel like he was doing some good, as they were doing good by helping him. You knew jusy by watching Bruce, he hop in the wagon for the rude home as well. The poor boy looked about to pass out, he'd had a nice jog with his dad.
"Hey babe." Johnny had said after undoing both dogs from their leads, he leans over to give you a kiss.
"Hello husband mine." You joke at him, he smiles big.
"Hello spouse of mine." He giggles with you, "what are we? Sherlock and Watson?" You laugh a bit harder.
"Those two were best friends." He nods.
"I think we are quick little more than that love." He states, leaning to kiss you.
"Ugh, get away fiend! Pda who are ya?" He laughs.
"C'mon love i haven't had a kiss alllllll day." He pleads. "And you love pda." He reminds.
"You smell bad."
"You look bad." The two of you stare at each other and burst into giggles.
"After so many years I can't believe me and you still love each other." You state.
"5 Years really isn't that long sweetheart."
"It feels like forever." He nods.
"I love you." He says and gives you a peck on the cheek. You smile warmly at him. His smile matching in full.
He loved you so much, and was so glad to be the reason you don't look miserable all the time anymore, now it's just when he isn't with you. The two of you changed each other for the better and he couldn't imagine spending his life with anyone else.
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his-tamine · 9 months
Question anon is back to pester y'all 😎😎
This time with an opinion (??? what have you DONE to me WHY do I have opinions on sneezes what has my life become)
I think my favourite sneezes are probably the ones that "wind up" for a long time
You know, the ones that have you scrunch up your nose and squint your eyes, lips parted, breathing heavily, but have you wait such a long time to actually sneeze. Like you can try looking up or towards light but it still going to take it's time to arrive. Like... Waiting in silence for 30 seconds with the goofiest expression. But ah it's so good when it happens.
I may not have a snz kink but you bet your left liver I can appreciate a satisfying one lmao
Also don't judge me if I add that I find it very funny when I ruin someone's sneeze. Because I know a person that sneezes exactly how I've described and it always ruins it whenever I make them laugh mid "wind up", and then they chase me because I took away the satisfaction.
I'm not evil I'm just a little mischievous hehehe 😈
we did it, folks - we have officially implanted the snz microchips into non-snzfucker brains >:) nah but question anon you're so real actually,, nose-scrunch sneezes are the bomb dot com🤝 also whatt such dastardly deeds - to ruin a sneeze on purpose!? and not just someone... but someone you know!? unforgivable! truly, I've never seen such villainy in all my days... (/lh) 1000 years dungeon!!
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goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 28: Animal
Castiel whines pitifully, but the shelter attendants are either heartless bastards or too damn used to the sounds of sad animals because none of them even turn around to his cage. In the pound, it smells overwhelmingly of dog piss and fear. Castiel’s nose itches, and his hackles have stood on end since he got thrown in here.
He paces in the small confines of his cell, his brain whirring. The full moon is waning, already well past his zenith, hence the human thoughts pushing past the wolfish instincts.
In under an hour he’s going to change back and answer a lot of hard questions, since animal control doesn’t usually pick up naked, 20-something baristas slash grad-students.
Snout wrinkling, Castiel sits back on his haunches, and this time his worried whine is entirely involuntary.
He should have gone to the country with the rest of his pack, but he’d been desperate. 
Dean had invited him over for an extended stay as a trial run before they officially move in together, and, Castiel, at loath to give Dean any reason to doubt them, had to say yes. Not after the fiasco of the last full moon, where Dean found out his little furry secret, thanks to Castiel landing himself in the very same situation he is in now.
Gabriel had laughed himself silly at the sight of Castiel stuck in the cage, but he did the big brother thing and bailed him out before Castiel had to release the transformation.
But not before the vets inserted the microchip. “A reminder, bro,” Gabriel said, “not to get your ass caught again.”
Gabriel’s run afoul of animal control more times than Castiel can count on all four paws. But, unlike Castiel, he delighted in baiting the dog catchers, almost getting caught before leaping out of their grasp at the very last second.
Castiel isn’t sure if Gabriel has ever gotten taken, but his older brother is crafty enough to find a way out, that’s for sure.
Castiel squints at the lock – his wolf eyes are far more farsighted than his human ones – as he tries to figure out how to manipulate it without opposable thumbs. But he can only fit a claw or two through the chain link fence penning him in.
The door opens, and the other dogs bark and yowl. Castiel instinctively flattens his ears against the noise.
The shelter attendant opens the cage opposite Castiel and deposits a very drugged-up yorkiepoo. After he leaves, Castiel he hurls himself bodily at the latch.
It doesn’t even budge.
Silently swearing to himself, Castiel tries again. The metal groans but holds firm.
Castiel retreats to the back of his cage, his eyes closing into slits as he thinks over his options. None of them are good.
He’s just gearing up for another try at the metal cage, when the door creaks open with a familiar, whispered hiss of, “Cas!”
Castiel freezes.
Sure enough, Dean comes into view, his green eyes narrowed in concern as he frantically scans the cages for his wayward boyfriend.
Castiel howls, and Dean makes a bee-line for him. “Jesus,” he whispers, “Shut up, you dumbass. D’you want both of us to get caught?”
Castiel shuts up.
Dean unlatches the cage with a frustratingly easy flip of his human fingers, and Castiel nearly tackles him in a burst of newfound freedom. “Yeah, yeah,” Dean grumbles, gingerly patting the top of Castiel’s head, “I’m happy to see you too, buddy. Come on, we gotta move. Luckily, they’re understaffed at this hour.”
They sneak past the skeleton crew, and Castiel practically sprints to the Impala parked across the street.
“I suppose you’re not really a dog,” Dean says, frowning, as he opens the door for Castiel, “so don’t get any funny ideas about real dogs being allowed in my baby.”
Castiel wiggles over the seatrest into the back seat.
“Hey, watch it!” Dean yelps. “You’re blocking the rearview, Bad Moon Rising!”
Castiel settles down, panting, before he finally lets the transformation fall. An excruciatingly painful minute later, he finally comes back to himself, all his limbs tingling with pins and needles, shivering from the loss of his fur coat.
He meets Dean’s horrified gaze in the rearview mirror. “Christ,” Dean mutters under his breath as he wrestles out of his leather jacket. He hurls it into the backseat, and Castiel shrugs into it gratefully.
“Thank you, Dean,” Castiel rasps, and, god, he sounds awful.
Dean bobs a quick nod. “Anytime, man.”
Castiel scoots forward and braces his arms over the front seat’s seat rest. “How did you know?”
“I got an email,” Dean says curtly.
Castiel blinks. “Excuse me?”
At the next red light, Dean roots around in his pockets for his phone, unlocks it, and hands it to Castiel.
Sure enough, there’s a new email, an automatic one based on the generic language, that a pet registered under Dean’s name has been turned into the Lawrence Canine Shelter.
“Your brother has a strange sense of humor,” Dean says in an odd voice, “since he put my email down as your owner for microchip updates.”
“I’m going to kill him,” Castiel vows just as Dean finally loses it, filling the Impala with the sound of his raucous laughter.
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neoelysium · 11 months
OtLWD: It’s Never Pleasure, It’s Always Work
A/N: Just a short story (around 1100-1200 words, last time I checked) about a pair of elite mercenaries with a very complicated relationship. Some special guests show up too! Present day, canon-wise — 2131. Considering writing a part two to this, but expect to see more of these characters in the future regardless.
The job hadn’t been the highlight of Gen’s week; there was not an ounce of pleasure to be found in killing a couple dozen men, and prying a microchip — its contents a complete mystery to him — out of one of their cold, dead hands. Not the highlight of the week at all. He inspected the chip carefully, softly gripping it between his fingers before he pocketed it, dialing up his client.
“Hey, it’s Gen. Got your chip — okay. Yeah… I’ll meet you there in… let’s say fifteen? … Great.”
The client disconnected, prompting Gen to start hastily creeping his way through the building’s dark hallways, trying to hurry back outside to his car. Suddenly, however, he felt cold steel pressed to the back of his neck; it was a revolver, TriSec Arms Avenger — he’d had enough of them pressed in the exact same spot enough times to know, even if he had been blindfolded. He slowly raised his hands.
“Alright… You’re here for the chip. I’m not a fool, I can connect the dots — but you shoot me, whoever you are, and your problems will be greatly multiplied.”
The unknown assailant dragged the barrel across his neck, circling around his frame to face him. The ‘stranger’ sported a getup that was all too familiar to Gen: the turtleneck, the bomber jacket, the armored leggings, and the tactical mask, covering the entire face from the bridge of the nose down… Vanity O’Hare.
“Hello, Gen,” she said, pressing the gun into his jaw.
“Not in the mood to play, Vanity.”
“And I’m not here to play,” she retorted, finger fixed on the trigger. “The chip. Now.”
“Or what? You’ll disintegrate my lower jaw? You don’t have the fuckin’ nerve.”
She chuckled, low and muffled by the mask. “And who would ever know?”
“I’ve lived with bigger regrets.”
“You’re an awful bluff. Always have been.”
Vanity knew he was right, though she hadn’t planned on killing him, anyway; the revolver was merely a restraint of sorts, a tool meant to keep him in line.
“You’re right,” she murmured, pulling the gun away from his jaw. “But I can’t just let ya walk out of here with that chip. We both know that. No hard feelings, babes.”
Before he could even think to reply, Vanity swung her arm, hitting him in the side of the head with the butt of the gun, sending him to the floor. Optics glitched out and unfocused, Gen propped himself up on his hands, attempting to pull himself together. Vanity loomed over him as he rubbed his eyes and shook his head, trying anything he could to fix his optical issues.
“You don’t know this right now, but… I’m doing you a favor here, Magellan.” She took a step closer, kneeling down to his level. “Wanna talk about this later? Come find me at Astro’s.”
He struggled to see past the static, catching a glimpse of Vanity rising back to her feet. She stood there, tapping her foot on the hard stone floor as Gen continued his failed attempts to stand.
“I hate that you made me have to do this.”
Gen lifted his head up towards her — the last thing he saw, past the static, before it all went dark was the inches thick, lugged sole of her black leather boot.
Vanity sighed, scouring his pockets for the chip, ripping it from his jacket and tossing it to the floor. She gave it a good stomp, the same boot she had driven into Gen’s face sealing the microchip’s fate. She twisted her foot, shattering it into even smaller pieces. The chip, and whatever data had been stored on it, had been left totally unsalvageable. She took a deep breath before calling up a client of her own; revolver still in hand, eyes still locked tightly on Gen’s unconscious form.
“Van,” the voice on the line growled.
“How’s our chip situation looking?”
“It’s been destroyed, as asked… You’ll never guess whose hands I pulled it from.”
“Hmm. Last name ‘Hexton’?”
“Thankfully, no. Try ‘Magellan’.”
“Ya finally have to kill him?” Pain’s tone turned low and sinister.
“I’ve already told you I don’t want to kill him. He’s way too useful for that. Even you know that. Pretty cute, too, ‘specially when he’s all beat up like this… Would love to see him cry. I bet he’s a pretty cri—”
“Blech,” Pain groaned, cutting Vanity off. “So how’d you manage to swipe the chip if your man is still breathing?”
“I made him… take a little nap,” Vanity explained, chuckling as her eyes skimmed over Gen’s body. If it hadn’t been for the blood, he could have easily passed for simply being asleep.
“And you don’t think he’s gonna blow your head clean off the next time you two meet.”
“Before I left a boot print on his face, I told him to meet me at Astro’s, y’know, maybe hear me out... He’ll show. And he won’t make any boneheaded moves, either.”
“I’ll never wrap my head around… whatever it is… you two have going on,” Pain replied. “But who am I to judge? Our concerns are settled now. Job’s done, deposit’s gone out… and this call…”
“Is over?”
“Got anything left to say, kid?”
“Mm, not really.”
“That’s what I thought. Pain, over and out.”
Pain hung up, without either of them speaking another word. At last, Vanity was undistracted; she holstered her weapon on her hip, crossing her arms as she looked down at Gen.
“Fuck, maybe I should…” she paused, lost in thought. She nodded, appearing to have reached some sort of agreement with herself. “Okay, let’s try… MINDEYE?”
She paused again, as if waiting for a response.
“MINDEYE, can you hear me?”
Still, nothing. Not a single word in response.
“Am I still connected, MINDEYE?”
All of a sudden, there was static rumbling in her ears — behind it, the voices. They gradually began to sound clearer, more coherent, as the static faded.
“Our connection is decaying, user ‘Vanity O’Hare’,” the chorus of voices spoke; it sounded like hundreds, maybe even thousands, of individual voices speaking as a collective. “However, we are still here. For how long, approximately, remains a mystery.”
“Call me ‘Vanity’, please. Only Vanity. And I want you to connect to this guy,” Vanity commanded, scanning Gen’s body with her optics.
“Did ‘This Guy’ give you, or another user, permission to connect his consciousness to our network?”
“MINDEYE, just — there’s no time for questions, right? Connect to his fuckin’ brain and make sure he remembers to head to Astro’s in Langston Square when he comes to. Please.”
“Understood, Vanity — please connect your IID into his neural port and we will begin the upload.”
“Goddammit. No chance you’ll make yourself a body and help me flip his ass over?”
“We’re sorry, Vanity. We do not have those capabilities.”
“A lot of fuckin’ good being in the Breach does you.”
“It was — never mind,” Vanity huffed, straining as she rolled Gen’s hefty frame over, little by little. “Shoulda just let him take the fuckin’ thing…”
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oathkeeperoxas · 4 months
Today's saintspy kiss has more Cat! And kisses. There will definitely be kisses
99 Kiss to stop someone talking
“Do you think she’ll like being in a car?” Jude asks, peering into the medium sized crate that nonetheless is starting to look a bit small as Cat insists on growing what feels like centimetres per day.
“Why not?” Ethan says optimistically. One of the many, many things that Jude loves about him. His bright outlook on any situation.
“When I brought her here, I took her in the car,” Jude says, frowning as he digs the keys out of his pocket and opens the back door for Ethan. “She was whining and unhappy the whole time.” It had been terrible, and he’d been certain he was doing it wrong, and that this was a bad decision, and that there was no way it could go right–
Ethan’s joy upon meeting Cat had undone all of that doubt, but looking at the crate in the back of the car brought back some of those memories, despite Cat’s liquid dark eyes peering out at the two of them now holding seemingly no worries.
“She’s had a while to get used to us,” Ethan reassures him. “She was probably worried about everything being so new. But we’re not new anymore, are we Noodle?” He reaches back to put his fingers through the crate for Cat to lick.
Jude feels warmth bloom in his chest as he turns the engine over. “I did research the best vet in town, but if you see anything you don’t like let me know and we can go to my second option–”
“I looked as well,” Ethan says. “I think you picked the right one. And I don’t think that anything will go wrong. I have her medical records – we’re just going for a check up and a microchip, and to get to know the place.”
For Cat and Jude, both. Ethan seems unworried, but nothing seems to worry him these days. Though why should he be – without the insane stressors of his job, or maybe with all those years available for comparison, nothing that he encounters these days is anything he needs to bother raising his blood pressure about.
The trip into the nearby city of Valencia isn’t too long, but Jude keeps an eye on Cat in the backseat and Ethan both. Ethan has his sunglasses on, and is chatting idly away about the specs of some airplane – apparently there’s a stunt show coming to Portugal next month and Ethan wants to go. Most of it goes over Jude’s head, but the easy lull of Ethan’s voice is soothing, and so is the way that he leans back every few minutes to let Cat lick at his fingers and coo to her in a low voice, telling her that she’s a good girl.
They have an appointment, and Ethan picks Cat up again as they walk inside. They hadn’t been sure how she would react to other dogs or other people since she’s only been around the two of them in the past few weeks, but she doesn’t start making noise or look upset upon entering the clinic, despite there being two other dogs and a cat in the waiting area.
“Jude Hunt,” he names himself to the receptionist, and feels a hot thrill at it – at being so publicly Ethan’s, at choosing this name for himself, at choosing this man for himself. The deep seated throbbing happiness sits in his chest even when they sit down, Cat between them, to wait.
Ethan is scanning the other people in the room subtly in that way that he has. You wouldn’t pick up on what it was unless you knew what he was doing. Ethan’s still excellent at flying under the radar, though he’s removed himself from the game. But Jude sees him. And when Ethan’s roving eyes land upon him, Jude knows that he’s seen, too.
“Do you think we could take her out?” Ethan asks. “Keep her on the leash, though.”
“If you want to,” Jude says, and they wriggle open the crate. Cat sticks her nose out the moment that she can, and Ethan catches her as she tries to shoot past him. Jude watches the muscles in his arm flex as he keeps the growing dog at bay, and wonders for a second just how big Cat is going to get.
Ethan feeds her a treat, and she stands stock still, ears pointed, nose up, staring at Ethan and waiting for more.
“She can’t be that worried about the rest of them,” Jude says, accepting the leash from Ethan so he has both hands free. He’s been working on a few behaviours, and he gets Cat to turn around in place after a few moments, then lay down, and rewards her with another treat. Cat huffs and chews on it for a second before closing her eyes and apparently going to sleep.
“Yeah, not worried at all,” Ethan says. “That’s a good thing.”
They plan the rest of the day as one of the other dogs is called up, deciding if they’ll eat in the city afterwards.
“She looks like she’s fine,” Jude points out. “We can always go home if something happens.”
“It would be good to get her around other people,” Ethan admits. “Okay.”
Jude smiles, pleased that Ethan is agreeing to more time with them both, even though he probably should have assumed, but – it still takes him by surprise sometimes. That Ethan wants to spend time with him. That Ethan values him and loves him. It’s always good to linger on proof of that when he is given it.
“Mr Hunt,” the receptionist calls.
The pleasure of the name returns. Ethan lifts an eyebrow at him, and Cat scrambles to her feet when they both stand.
“We should ask about her diet and about her running and training,” Jude says, thinking out loud. “And about what’s best for her claws and coat, washing schedule, socialisation–”
Ethan kisses him. Jude freezes for a second before kissing him back, though he does give Ethan a bemused look when they part.
“What’s that for?” he asks.
“Let’s figure it out as we go,” Ethan advises. “No need to plan this one, baby. It’s okay. We’ve got this.”
Cat is pressed between them, perfectly happy. And Ethan’s eyes twinkle as he looks at Jude, pleased with them both.
“Just thinking about what questions to ask,” Jude murmurs.
“Good!” Ethan says. “But let’s ask them in there.”
Jude laughs. “Fine, fine,” he says. “Lead on, then, Mr Hunt.”
Ethan’s eyes gleam happily. “Anytime you want, Mr Hunt.”
Jude has to smile. Can’t help it. Warmth in his chest. This man – and everything that has happened to lead him to this place – he can’t help but be grateful for it. He’s certain that he doesn’t deserve it, but it is his and he is never letting it go.
“Okay noodle-kitty,” Jude murmurs as they walk inside the consult room. “Here we go…”
Cat sneezes in response. And Jude can’t help but take it as a sign that all will be well.
Send me a kiss for saintspy May 😘
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captainanndor · 4 months
Name this cat!
Last Friday while I was home sick with covid, I went outside to grab a delivery and a cat almost ran into my apartment. She was super friendly and sweet. Loves pets and scritches. Very vocal when I shut the door with her still outside, but she had goopy eyes, a runny nose, sneezing and coughing with a wet wheeze. I have a dog and cat so for safety I could not let her inside. My upstair neighbor has seen her around in the past, but the cat was always skittish and ran away. We weren't sure if she was someone's indoor/outdoor (or mostly outdoor) cat or an abandoned stray, but she was definitely well socializd with people. She camped out on our porch all night, so on saturday I called animal control to come check for a microchip. There was none so they took her in since she was sick.
She's now eligible for adoption! I am going to go visit her and, depending on if we can do some sort of short term temp visit to see if she'll get along with my cat (and can learn to get along with my dog, I already know she doesn't like him anywhere near her lol), probably accept the universe's offering of a new cat.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
But she'll need a name! The options I've come up with are:
• Porchia (Pronounced Por-sha, spelled like Porch, since that's where she came from)
• Loth / Lothcat / Tooka (The week before she showed up I was at Galaxy’s Edge and was unable to acquire a loth cat but the universe delivered its irl version)
• Rona (short for Coronavirus, which is why I was home on Friday to meet her) • Uri or Revi (depending on why she was coughing/sneezing. Short food Upper Respiratory Infection or Respiratory Virus - Revi would be double because I also had one haha)
• Nebula (a cursed inside joke regarding blindbox toys and getting something different/unexpeced/borderline undesired than what you were expecting - started with Guardians of the Galaxy blindboxes when I got 0 Rocket Raccoons that I wanted and instead got 2 of th exact same Nebula in a row, which is the one I absolutely did not want - and whose name my friends were all chanting hoping I got the one I specifically said I didn't want haha. Relevant because I was not interested in or looking to acquire a second cat, but here we are lol)
• Banshee (Avatar/Pandora hyperfixation leftover from Disney combined with her non-stop screaming when I wouldn't let her inside)
• Porchcat (Just pure accurate description as is acceptable for a Universal Cat Distribution System offering)
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msnihilist · 6 months
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
For the writer ask game.
Honestly? It's probably the fic that I'm currently working on, 'Lysis.' The entire fic has been fun to write, but I'm working on the last chapter now, and that's been my plot bunny — the entire other 25k words were all just build up for this one scene that's been living in my head since at least 2019.
As for why I've never written it, I'm not really sure. I was going to, back in 2019, but then I became demotivated by a lack of interest and my attention switched to other projects that were getting more love.
But now that I'm back in the Ben 10 fandom and more fucked up than ever, I mentioned this idea to a friend... Who then commissioned me to write it, ha! I'm a little over the 7k words that they initially paid me for, but whatever :p This is a story that must be told!
I described the scene in question to a friend over Discord, so I'll put that beneath the cut (so that my followers who don't want spoilers can avoid it).
CW for gaslighting, murder, and, um... consumption, I guess?
Remember that episode of Ben 10 I made you watch with me? This fic is about that character (Elena) manipulating and gaslighting the shit out of Ben, isolating him from his friends and loved ones so that she is literally his only option, and eventually culminates in her killing him to keep him with her forever :)
[context for non-Ben 10 fans: Elena is a yandere love interest of Ben's who attempts to manipulate him into being her lover by creating conflict that pushes him in her direction, and also by kidnapping his girlfriend and trying to kill his friends]
She's made of nanites, so the scene is about Ben (who's given up, because she broke him) coming into her arms willingly. Elena coos and holds him, promising that she's going to make everything better and he won't hurt anymore… And neither of them will ever be alone again. Then her microchips swarm him. They crawl into his mouth and nose, into his lungs and stomach. They're behind his eyes and in his brain, squeezing themselves into his blood vessels. Elena holds every single part of him, inside and out, and then she rips him to pieces. Her microchips absorb on every last one of Ben's cells. And as their consciouses merge, and Ben becomes one with Elena's mind, the last bit of him that's still "him" understands her and can see everything she has done to hurt him. And he accepts it. Elena doesn't let a single drop of his blood spill. She consumes Ben entirely, completely and utterly, and finally feels whole with the person that she loves nestled inside of her, safe and unable to escape
Or something like that, I haven't written the scene yet, lol :p
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autobot2001 · 11 months
Rare Pairing Fest Day 10; insects/ Animal
Pairing: Bayverse Crosshairs and Drift Post AoE Description: Crosshairs is annoyed at how much Drift likes nature, and Earth animals seem to like him. Until an Earth animal picks him as a friend.
Drift didn't think a family of deer would approach him as he meditates in the middle of the field. He watches them eating grass. He smiles, seeing the animals not care about the giant alien robot sitting in the middle of the field. Aware they think he's a statue. He slowly extends a digit, wondering if one of the deer will sniff it. Drift sits still for five minutes before a deer sniffs his digit. Not expecting the deer to decide to sniff all around his body. Everything is quiet until Crosshairs walks towards him, scaring the deer. "Crosshairs!" Drift yells, "you scared the deer." Crosshairs sits next to Drift, "so?" Drift looks at him, annoyed. A crow flies over the two, dropping poo on Crosshairs' helm. "Even the bird is mad at you," Drift laughs. "And you enjoy nature, bah." Crosshairs gets up and walks away. Within a few minutes, the family of deer return. Which Drift finds interesting. He smiles as a butterfly lands on his nose.
Crosshairs curses in Cybertronian while washing his helm, wondering how Drift can think nature is great. Hating, he can't remember how nature on Cybertron was before the war. He knew it was different from Earth, but how different? Considering how many similarities there are between Earth and Cybertron. Crosshairs sits by a tree.
It's a quiet ten minutes until a cat climbs onto crosshairs and meows. "I'm not a statue." Crosshairs thought the cat would run away, but the cat stared at him. What's a cat doing here? Crosshairs questions. Cade would tell us if he got a pet, and we're miles from the closest neighboring humans. "What are you doing here?" "Meow," the cat rubs against Crosshairs' faceplate, purring, "meow." While uncertain if he'll startle the cat, Crosshairs activates his holoform and picks up the cat.
"Considering how this cat is eating this piece of cheese, I think they have no home or are lost," Cade guesses, "I'll ask Joyce to have someone look around for lost cat posters." Crosshairs hates how the two can't go see for themselves. "Awe," the two hear Drift, "and I thought you hated Earth animals." "The cat decided to climb on me," Crosshairs explains. "I'm going to cook the cat some chicken and call Joyce," Cade tells the two, "can you guys detect tiny bugs on the cat? He might have fleas." Cade finds a picture of a flea to show the two. Drift's holoform fizzles out. Crosshairs walks out of the house.
Drift is waiting to scan the cat. The cat is chill as Crosshairs holds them up for Drift to scan. "No fleas," Drift confirms. The cat rubs on Crosshairs and purrs. Drift smiles, watching Crosshairs pat the cat.
The three mechs are undecided if the cat is eating as if they haven't in days. Even if the cat hasn't eaten in days, they know this could mean the cat ran away from home. The cat doesn't leave Crosshairs' side. Drift loves watching Crosshairs bond with the cat.
Joyce has someone pick up the cat to take them to the vet and see if they're microchipped the next morning. Crosshairs can't believe he's worried the cat might have a home and he'll never see the cat again. He can't believe he wishes he could talk to the owner and maybe he'd be allowed to visit the cat. "You ok?" Drift asks while hugging Crosshairs from behind. Crosshairs doesn't say anything as he turns around to hug Drift.
*The reader decides what happens, but I think this will be part of my AoE story. Either at the end or another in-between story, as I already have one. This one would be before that one.*
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icepixie · 1 year
Lower Decks 4x07
This was fun, and had a lot of good things:
Badgey, of course. And Logicey. And Goodgey, although I strongly suspect they'll go back to that well in season 5 and he's not going to be so good. (But it would be awesome if they use him in a different, non-murderous way!)
And the return of those other evil AIs, Peanut Hamper and AGIMUS! Who have fallen in love like! Excellent things to pair as the A & B plots.
Finally, we have Mariner and Rutherford doing a plot by themselves. Has that ever happened before? I've long noticed they never seem to get paired together when the group splits up. Boimler and Tendi to a lesser extent--I feel like she and Boimler have had more solo interaction than Rutherford and Mariner have.
The rehabilitation center for for evil AIs is just *chef's kiss*. Such a Federation thing to have.
Blue light on a computer means it can't be evil. Hee.
Peanut Hamper gets redeemed! Although frankly if this is the last we see of her, I'll be happy.
AMIGUS being inspired to take his therapy seriously is fun. I wouldn't mind him coming back, although I'm on the fence about whether I want the therapy to take hold or not.
"Boop on the nose! Boop on the nose!" (Not to mention "We can't take many more boops!")
D'aww, Tendi's first experience with proper sand! And her little green bare feet! When she brought that handful back with her to the shuttle, I just knew AMIGUS was going to wind up with sand in his microchips, but surprisingly he didn't.
The Sequoia scenes (with the grappler!) were lovely. I want to just pile these four into a blanket fort and let 'em loose. I loved Tendi and Mariner getting the hell out of dodge when Goodgey showed up, and Boimler being stuck upside down by grappler.
Badgey ascending to a Q-like existence was probably the only way they were ever going to be truly rid of him, and I liked that at the end he decided he didn't want to kill anyone through the power of knowledge!
...OMG, can you imagine Badgey vs. Q in a future episode? That would be amazing.
Something about Mariner and Rutherford hit weirdly, though. I think it was the dialog. It seemed like Mariner especially got saddled with some stock Background Character In Distress lines, whereas even though she was letting Rutherford take the lead, I would have expected at least some cursing when she did her "Oh no!"s. Their scenes just weren't quite as funny as I've come to expect from Lower Decks.
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