#midcin alyn crawford
shatcey · 7 months
Sid (part 2)
I just finished Sid's route and actually I liked it more than I expected.
The first… he's a pre-pre-version of Silvio (Jonah is a pre-version). And there's bit of Leon. If you know then you know.
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Oh, he has a pet dog. You would never have guessed…
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And he even has a very similar epilogue to Silvio's honey/romantic ending. Way too many similarities, don't you think?…
But even beyond that… There were quite many goodies.
MC on this route is quite active. She moves the plot, makes decisions and behaves like a real boss (no, not a princess, I don't see it as a job). She's smart and has pretty decent conversations. And some of her inner thoughts even made me laugh.
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There was a hint of a love triangle. Not too much, but it was interesting to watch the boys' reactions.
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But the story between these two has never been fully explained… Maybe on Louis' route… Well, then I'll never know.
Other boys often show up, and it doesn't look out of place at all. They either give advice or some sort of food for thought.
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And I like the plot. It has an interesting development and many unexpected twists… So far, this is the best story I've read in this game. Yes, this is only the third one, and I plan to stop on Byron, but… I love it. And even more… I'm thinking about re-reading it someday…
Oh, and I even found this very familiar background…
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I'm absolutely sure it was on Silvio's route. And I think I've even seen it in Villains… At least, it definitely was in Elbert's story of newbies event.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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midcinmancave · 11 months
“Road to Halloween” [Panels 27-32]
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The Princess is late, but can her friends save the day?       (Part 5 of 6) Prompts:         "Just in case this doesn't work."        "Who takes care of you?"        "No, you won't understand, ever."        "Is it over? Is it really over?"        "Do I look like I knew that?"
Fictober Submission #05 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Nico Meier, Albert Burckhardt, Rayvis Harneit, Leo Crawford, Alyn Crawford, The Princess Warnings:  None Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Comedy, Adventure Writer/Illustrator:  Princess Destiny (@destinyumechan)
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mclmora · 3 months
✧ 5 midcin flirts - headcanons ✧
~note: hiya, this is my first midcin post! i don’t really know if the fandom is alive, i’m just gonna drop these here because i still love this game. the pictures used aren’t mine, ct to the respective owners on pinterest & all headcanons are SFW! xoxo mora
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✦ Louis Howard.
his favorite instrument is the violin. he can’t really play it, he took a few lessons, but he’d rather listen to other people play it than playing it himself. he enjoys it more that way.
he is scared of big dogs. nothing ever happened, but hearing them bark agitates him a lot, he’s more of a birds/cats guy.
he despises alcohol. he drinks it forcefully every time when he’s in business dinners, he’d much rather drink tea or coffee. the taste is just too strong for him.
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✦ Alyn Crawford.
loves rings. he is a silver guy, and wears them whenever he isn’t working. also necklaces & chunky earrings too.
when he was a child he was obsessed with pirates. he readed so many stories growing up, and is the number one fan of pirates of the caribbean.
he used to have his hair super long, but had to cut it short to become a royal knight.
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✦ Giles Christophe.
has a secret tattoo in the low part of his back. he tattooed a little saturn planet, which is the planet he likes most (he loves space).
enjoys indian food so much. he loves spices and spiciness, his favorite dish is aloo gobi (a vegan dish, made of potatoes & cauliflower + typical indian spices).
hungry reader. he reads around 30+ books per year, of all genres. particularly, he fancies historical ones the most.
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✦ Nico Meier.
a huge sanrio fan. he loves keroppi, and has so many plushies all around his bedroom. actually, he loves toys in general. action figures, dolls, ect.
sweets addicted. he loves milka chocolate, chip chocolate cookies, strawberry cheesecakes & blueberry muffins, could eat these all day long.
believes in angel numbers a lot. very superstitious in general (he will shit his pants if he breaks a mirror).
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✦ Sid - Lloyd Grandier.
sports lover. he jogs every morning, loves basketball, swimming and so much more. he’s super muscled.
he is a huge fan of metal music. he loves Metallica more than anything and has several shirts of the band.
only wears baggy clothes. he hates tight fitting ones, he finds them to be incredibly uncomfortable and can’t stand that feeling.
~ heyyy. thank u sm for reading, i hope u enjoyed! i’m planning on doing more headcanons about louis because he’s my favorite and tbh i don’t know much about the other characters because i haven’t yet played their routes. but i’ll make up for that :)
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alice-revolution · 3 years
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Alyn by IRIASU
Long time no see. Candy time for picture rehabilitation ✧
He will remain as my number one prince consort 💖
-Admin Dahlia 🌹
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acrispyapple · 3 years
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Midnight Cinderella Candy Time
a new image series by IRIASU featuring Alyn Crawford ☆
source: bit. ly/3vx6466
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ikemenzer0 · 3 years
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Alyn having his birthday right as I'm revisiting my love for Love Live songs could only result in associating this lovely song with him...
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
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Damn, Alyn. 😉
You’re My Princess
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rikumorimachisgirl · 3 years
Love and Danger Part 1
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He's so sweet!
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aurora-godshawk · 3 years
Midnight Cinderella Prologue
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To anyone who as already read the prologue and want to re-read it, these are the steps how.
Other (the pumpkin carriage)
To anyone who that is looking to play the game go read the prologue for yourself it’s free! As an added bonus this is a free to play game with a chapter ticket  system. So it’s all free~
Midnight Cinderella Sneak Peek
So this was just a set of 10 pictures giving you a quick overview of what MidCin is like.
Arrival at the Palace
Here we find MC hastily running down the Palace stairs attempting to leave the Palace at night when everyone is asleep. when she finds herself falling down the stairs from tripping in her high heel shoes, but before she falls down the stairs someone catches her as she recalls the events leading up to this point.
MC recalls attempting to get into the palace by invitation but is turned down at the gates. She, like every other young bachelorette in the kingdom of Wysteria received an invitation to be selected as the new princess elect. However MC didn’t come to the palace looking to be the next princess; she came to the Palace for something far more simpler than that.
MC is a home tutor.
MC refuses to turn around and go home after coming this far, so she starts looking for another way into the palace grounds when she notices a rat dart up some vines growing on the palace’s walls. This gives her the idea to climb the vines herself and get into the palace.
Just then MC meets a knight on duty that catches her attempting to climb the vines into the palace. The knight asks MC who she is and to explain what she was doing.
Caught by a Knight
Here is where you chose your MC Name if you’ve just started.
MC asks the knight for help in getting into the palace. At first he refuses and MC recalls why she came in the first place.
MC came to the palace looking for a white flower that is said to grow in the castle courtyard and will grant a wish to whoever had one. It’s just a fairy tale but MC couldn’t refuse her little student’s innocent request when asked to get one so that the student can make their mother healthy again.
While MC is thinking the Knight notices the invitation in her hand, to which he points out that she should have just said from the start that she just wanted a shot at being princess. The knight helps MC over the wall and she learns that the knight’s name is Alyn.
MC after entering the palace begins looking for the castle courtyard to pick the flower but ends up in the parlor with all the other princess elect candidates. Here is where MC meets the Chamberlain Giles. Refusing to get distracted MC leaves the parlor but not without Giles noticing.
MC finds the castle courtyard and starts her search for the flower when she meets another new person. This man is both beautiful and elegant. He asks MC what she is doing and seeing now need to lie, she tells him the truth. Harsh but realistic, the aristocratic man tells MC to find her flower and leave. Before leaving MC gets the man’s name, Louis.
After Louis leaves Giles comes to fetch MC and help change her out of her muddy clothing.
Chosen to be Princess
This section was really short.
Giles gives MC a simple but elegant dress to replace her muddy ones. Giles also explains to MC that she is the new princess elect.  
Prologue Part 1
Part 1
MC was ushered back to the parlor where she was announced to all the other candidates as the new princess elect.
Giles explains to MC that outside of official business she doesn’t need to use their titles. He also explains that this decision is irreversible, she is the new princess that nothing can change that.
MC and Giles run into Alyn in the hallway where Giles tells him that she is the new Princess Elect.
Part 2
Surprised and amused, Alyn’s replies “You, the princess? We’ll see how well you work out.”
Here is where MC meets Leo. Eager to meet the princess Leo lays it on heavy with flirting.
Part 3
Giles begins explaining that MC will have much to learn on everything pertaining to her new role as princess. Giles also reminds MC that she would have to find a Prince Consort as part of her Princess Elect duties. Giles encourages MC by telling her, “After all-if I didn’t have faith in you, I never would have appointed you in the first place.”
MC then meets her new personal attendant, Nico. Giles then dumps MC on Nico and tells him to help her make her rounds in introducing herself to all in the palace.
Part 4
Nico places a pendant around MC’s neck before continuing to make her rounds introducing herself as the official princess.
When finished, MC takes a small break in the courtyard, while Nico gets her a drink. While sitting, MC notices a man she hasn’t met yet. He’s carrying painting equipment and she assumes that he is the palace’s court painter. And flanked by him is Louis.
Louis notices MC sitting on the courtyard fountain, he helps fix her hair and then notices her necklace. Surprise and angry, Louis drags MC off.
Part 5
Louis wants to know why Mc is Princess Elect. Angry with MC, Louis lashes out against her. He tells her that he doesn’t think she has what it takes to be the next princess and should leave as soon as she can. He also states that he doesn’t like a commoner ascending the throne.
Louis leaves MC when he hears Nico looking for her. He tells her that it’s dinner time and escorts her to the dinning hall. Over dinner MC asks Giles if she can take a trip outside the palace in the near future.
Prologue Part 2
Part 1
Giles informs MC that she can leave the Palace but she has to leave with protection, she is the Princess Elect.
MC, through Giles’s explanation, is introduced to a neighboring kingdom called Stein. They are very mysterious and Giles believes that news of her being selected as the Princess Elect.
Meanwhile is Stein, a man named Sid has arrived with information for King Byron and Albert of the new Princess Elect.
After her conversation with Giles, MC is escorted to her room with Nico’s help. There she passes out on the bed from exhaustion.
Part 2
MC wakes in the morning to both the sounds of birds chirping but also s ruckus outside her door. MC learns form over hearing other bureaucrats that the current King had fallen ill.
MC from the hallway hears the King speak highly of her and the weight of her responsibilities as new Princess Elect become very clear to her. While she’s going through this, Leo comes up behind her.
Part 3
Leo tells MC not to worry. If she leaves everything to Giles it will work its self out. MC remembers that the reason she came to the castle was to find a flower. She came looking because her student asked her to. MC accepted because she wanted to keep her pupil safe and happy.
MC, standing firm tells Leo that she won’t just sit back and let other handle all the hard stuff, it’s just not who she is. MC proceeds to fling open the door to the kings chamber where everyone has piled in.
Part 4
In front of everyone MC vocalize that she accepts the honor of being Princess Elect with great humility and pledges to do whatever it takes to serve Wysteria and its people. The King is very impressed at MC’s introduction and his happy with Giles’s decision.
There is a range of mixed emotions from the bureaucrat about MC. They range from adoration to down right distance.
Giles tells MC that he’s going to enjoy teaching her.
Part 5
Giles affixed a tiara onto MC heads. Solidifying her as the new Princess Elect. The tiara is a gift them the current King and is worn by the Princess.  Giles then gives MC the rest of the day off so he can attend to the King.
MC is left with Nico and she asks him if he will help he just for tonight, she wants sneak out of the palace to meet with her old pupil.
Nico aids MC by getting her a carriage and having it ready out front. On her out, running down the red carpeted Stairs MC trips ans falls into the arms of…?
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oocmidcin · 3 years
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midcinmancave · 11 months
“Road to Halloween” [Panels 33-38]
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The Princess is late, but can her friends save the day?       (Part 6 of 6) Prompts:         "Honestly, why would I care?"        "I don't know if they will accept this."        "I may not get another chance to say this."        "That's all? Easy."        "Are you with me?"        "It's not your fault." 
Fictober Submission #06 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Leo Crawford, Alyn Crawford, Rayvis Harneit, Giles Christophe, The Princess Warnings:  None Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Comedy, Adventure Writer/Illustrator:  Princess Destiny (@destinyumechan)
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iamnojedi501 · 4 years
✨MidCin Guys as Taylor Swift Lyrics✨
Hello all!! This post concludes my Taylor Swift & Cybird series! I have had a ridiculous amount of fun analyzing each suitor from these otome games in relation to TSwift songs. Thank you all for all the funny and sweet responses, you really validate me toooo much lol. Enjoy the Midnight Cinderella guys and check out the other parts if you haven’t already!!
Part 1: IkeVamp, Part 2: IkeRev, Part 3: IkeSen
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IkeVamp, IkeRev, IkeSen
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alice-revolution · 4 years
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<Artist : JuliS>
Permission to post was granted by the artist. Editing and reposting in any platform (FB, IG, Pinterest, WeHeartIt, etc) are prohibited. Please kindly like their arts on Pixiv.
<Alyn Crawford>
Admin Sugar ✨
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ythmir-writes · 4 years
onee-sama, If you could, will you write about the midcin suitors and their swords, pretty please? :) I've been seeing plenty of amazing weapons on my dash and I thought of you hehe. Stay safe and stay healthy too!
a/n: imouto – you are asking me??? to write about swords?? Ahaha! Ahahahahaahahh –  yes
do i love weapons? yes. have i been heavily influenced by growing up and seeing amazing weapons in games and anime? absolutely. did i research this? somewhat. do i have absolutely any idea how to describe swords in a fantastical way? i tried. 
any discrepancies as to timeline, i ask you dearest reader to indulge. the term sword is a broad term used to refer to all bladed weapons which are longer than knives. To properly describe a sword, one must look at the historical epoch, the region, and the intended use. Its precise definition thus may appropriately vary.
With all that done, I think we can begin.
Midnight Cinderella Suitors and the Swords they chose (or think they did)
Alyn Crawford has carried many swords to battle, but he favors a double-edged pallasch, grooved and ridged on both faces. It is a practical thing, resilient and heavy in his hands, bare of any decorations save his own Captain’s crest – the snarling mouth of a long-eared dog – carved on the knuckle guard, and twin droplets of rubies at the base of the blade.
Alyn received the sword as a gift from the Wysterian King on the eve of his acceptance into the Royal Guard select. Alyn remembers there had been no moon that night. He does not remember if the King had ever looked so sorrowful.
He carries it with him wherever he goes, sheathed, polished, and sharp, as a knight’s weapon is expected to be, ready to be drawn and used at a moment’s notice. The gleam of the silver blade does not give away its age, how many battles it has triumphed through, how much blood has been cleaned from it.
Alyn has named his sword Excidium, and tries very hard not to roar alongside it during war.
Leo Crawford similarly favors the practical and resilient sword, and carries an estoc. Much like his twin’s, Leo’s sword is bare of any decoration, save for red flames engraved and crisscrossing on the dull grey blade, from base to tip, and the Crawford crest of a bird in flight drawn on the leather wrapped around the hilt.
But unlike his twin, Leo prefers to leave space for some ingenuity. At the center of the blade is a smooth and edgeless portion that allows him to grip the weapon with his other hand to deliver a more powerful blow, or a more poignant point, thrusting and piercing into armor with relative ease and the quiet simmering rage he is careful to never display.
Leo has taken care of this sword since he was twelve. A relic, he would describe it, if he was flustered; a nightmare, if he was about to be damned. He carries it with him when he takes long and winding walks, whenever he visits the Crawford estate, and on days he thinks it would rain.
Leo will never say he has named it Ignis, after the embers stretched out in the sky on the night he had dug it from their parents’ grave. Nor will he ever say that whenever he wields it, he could, ever so faintly, hear their voices whispering to him again.
Louis Howard has never been one to participate in any degree of violence but a Duke must carry a sword, if not for practical purposes then at least, something decorative. It took a long time for Louis to truly choose a sword – until it was too little, too late.
The walloon he carries with him was not chosen so much as the only thing back then nearest to him that he could grip with his one functioning hand, to try to defend the one person he loved the most. And from then on, he had turned to it over and over again.
It is a beautiful thing, with a polished iron guard that had punched holes in the shape of flowers, and a blade the color of the sky that glowed whenever Louis held it, and sang whenever it cut through air. Louis tries not to relish how the sword is like an extension of his arm now, that he has never been seen without it, and that he sometimes stares at it transfixed through the night.
Louis has named his sword Agonist. But Louis really need not struggle, need not resist. He only need carry it with him always – or risk losing a loved one again.
Giles Christophe’s affinity with swords had always been in his blood, in his name, in his soul – so when he had been unceremoniously disinherited by his family without having been bequeathed a weapon, Giles threw everything he had into making his own.
His schiavona is an intricate thing. Forged to be slightly lighter than most to suit his needs, and with a sharper double-edged blade and pointier tip to make up for what he does not have. The guard is a dizzying and complex black metal work in the shape of an unfurled wing, formed by thin strips bending and curving around the hilt and enclosing most of his hand. One might even notice the distinctly shaped cat’s-head pommel – if they were lucky enough to get a close look. But who can really say?
Giles rarely carries his sword with him as his duties as Chamberlain require only his wit as a weapon. Many people are thankful for this, because it never bode well for anyone when Giles appears wielding his stark black blade.
Giles has named his sword Vindicta. He longs for the day when he could finally carry it without shame. He has not had enough of its screaming.
Sid carries a claymore, a daunting thing, with a long, straight, and broad double-edged blade, serrated at the tip, that would have made anyone else look gangly while wielding it. The angled guard made the hilt take the shape of a cross, and it is encrusted with multiple sapphires on both ends which glinted like the All-Seeing Eyes of old.
But do not mention this as Sid has never been one for superstition. The sapphires were there as pawn pieces, he would maintain, not because he they had been the first thing that caught his attention when he won them in a card game, not because he had always been able to predict a blow coming from behind. Not because, and this he would adamantly insist, the Eyes help him see.
Sid never walks the streets without his sword and makes a point to brandish it whenever conducting his business. Sheathed, if he was feeling charitable; through a body part, if not. A dark blue weapon that seemed to coax even the most unwilling tongues to speak.
Sid has named his sword Attestation. It would be best to never ask him why he keeps telling you the sword knows when you lie.
Rayvis Harneit carries a sashka, the curved, narrow blade and guardless hilt an ideal weapon for the streets the Nightwatch patrols. It is a striking thing, the blade unnaturally white like bone, and was carved with fangs on both edges, making it look as if it were serrated. Rayvis is careful not to touch them – too many have bled even when hit with the blunt end.
The scabbard that holds the sword is equally striking, gray painted wood that ended in a wolf’s snarling mouth. It would have been less unnerving if not for the stubborn stains in the shape of a hand around it.
Rayvis carries his sword only during his patrols as it is the last thing he received from his parents before their untimely end. A memento precious and useful. He hopes it would not be the last thing he is holding when he meets his own death.
Rayvis has named his sword Venari. He can feel its hunger grow with every strike.
Byron Wagner’s sword is a katzbalger, with an owl distinctly etched on its pommel. It is a mysterious thing, with a double-edged blade so black it seemed to have been sculpted from ink. It would not have been noticeable in the dark if not for the dozens of tiny gemstones peppered into the blade that sparkled at the barest hint of moonlight. It is no exaggeration to say that whenever Byron took his blade, it looked as if he wielded the night in his hands.
He received the sword from his father the moment he learned to speak. A treasure, surely, and the only gift he had received from the mad king that did not outright give him grief.
Byron carries his sword in the same way as the Steiner kings have done before him: sheathed in an even darker scabbard carved with ancient, looping Steiner symbols for eternal rule; always with him even in his sleep; and held as close as possible to his person, as to replace his heart.
Byron has named his sword Kaalam, and hopes to make a world where he does not always have to turn to it to make people understand.
 Albert Burckhardt’s zweihänder is a heavy thing. It stands up to his chin, with a double-edged blade and a large diamond shaped onyx where the hilt began. The hilt, in turn, is cruciform, brown on black and brown, and had just enough space for Albert’s two hands – not that Albert needed both to lift the giant of a sword – but everyone else’s seem to be an ill-fit, their grip not quite right, always slipping, always grasping it wrong, or unable to carry its full weight.
The sword is a family treasure, passed down the Burckhardt line to the child who was to truly serve the Steiner King. Albert remembers his mother had confessed to him that it was not Albert accepting the sword. It was him who was had been accepted. No one else could hold it without cutting themselves on the blade.
Albert carries the sword at his back with a special double leather sheath, its straps running across Albert’s chest to secure the heavy sword behind him. Sometimes, it almost feels as if it were giving him a tender embrace.
Albert has named his sword Ardent, like all the wishes he does not have the courage to say.
 Nico Meier does not look as if he knows how to wield a sword, and this grossly inaccurate impression has always worked to his advantage. The rapier he keeps at his hip only added to his veneer as an attendant, looking more decorative than useful. His sword had a golden hilt and a scabbard with gold rings at the bottom, both intricately carved with falling petals. The hand guard, though only two strips of curved metal, was masterfully done and inlaid with small tourmalines.
The rest of the sword was deadly – Nico makes sure of it. He keeps the point finely polished to prick at the slightest touch, and the edges of the slender blade sharp. What looked like a strictly piercing weapon could inflict a thousand cuts. Like its master, it is a misleading thing, and the story of where he came to own it changes every time he tells it.
Nico carries his sword as he would any delicate china, lightly, playfully, and with a certain flair, able to switch from his right to his left and back again with relative ease. The duality is second nature and one must do their best to keep up, or perish.
Nico has named his sword Constante, and ironically is the only true thing he believes in in this world.
 Robert Branche would always prefer holding his paintbrushes over a weapon, even to save his own life, but he does own an old schweizersabel, its knuckle guard still intact despite the wars Robert had tried to bury it in.
The sword’s blade is long and curved without compromising its sharp edge. And though it is a slightly dented thing, its re-curved quilliones scratched in every place, it has never lost a speck of its elegance. The green hilt still had its sheen as if in its prime, the knuckle guard still glinted despite several decades of neglect, and at an angle the carved runes on the blade would even seemingly shine, as if holding in some mysterious power, as if proud that despite all of Robert’s efforts, the sword remains by his side. Robert can read them. He will never translate it out loud.
It is hard for Robert to shake off old habits – the sword will never let him – so he continues to carry it wherever he might go, even for running simple errands for his home or his art. His grip would be iron-tight, keeping it firmly in its scabbard. And though it had been lifetimes since he had used it last, he knows he can never be too careful with a sword untouched by time.
Robert has never named his sword. He is afraid of its memories.
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acrispyapple · 3 years
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Midnight Cinderella Veggie Time
a new image series omake by IRIASU featuring Alyn Crawford (with Giles and Leo in the background) ☆
source: bit. ly/3hdX9ma
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