#midnight cinderella alyn crawford
mclmora · 3 months
✧ 5 midcin flirts - headcanons ✧
~note: hiya, this is my first midcin post! i don’t really know if the fandom is alive, i’m just gonna drop these here because i still love this game. the pictures used aren’t mine, ct to the respective owners on pinterest & all headcanons are SFW! xoxo mora
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✦ Louis Howard.
his favorite instrument is the violin. he can’t really play it, he took a few lessons, but he’d rather listen to other people play it than playing it himself. he enjoys it more that way.
he is scared of big dogs. nothing ever happened, but hearing them bark agitates him a lot, he’s more of a birds/cats guy.
he despises alcohol. he drinks it forcefully every time when he’s in business dinners, he’d much rather drink tea or coffee. the taste is just too strong for him.
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✦ Alyn Crawford.
loves rings. he is a silver guy, and wears them whenever he isn’t working. also necklaces & chunky earrings too.
when he was a child he was obsessed with pirates. he readed so many stories growing up, and is the number one fan of pirates of the caribbean.
he used to have his hair super long, but had to cut it short to become a royal knight.
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✦ Giles Christophe.
has a secret tattoo in the low part of his back. he tattooed a little saturn planet, which is the planet he likes most (he loves space).
enjoys indian food so much. he loves spices and spiciness, his favorite dish is aloo gobi (a vegan dish, made of potatoes & cauliflower + typical indian spices).
hungry reader. he reads around 30+ books per year, of all genres. particularly, he fancies historical ones the most.
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✦ Nico Meier.
a huge sanrio fan. he loves keroppi, and has so many plushies all around his bedroom. actually, he loves toys in general. action figures, dolls, ect.
sweets addicted. he loves milka chocolate, chip chocolate cookies, strawberry cheesecakes & blueberry muffins, could eat these all day long.
believes in angel numbers a lot. very superstitious in general (he will shit his pants if he breaks a mirror).
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✦ Sid - Lloyd Grandier.
sports lover. he jogs every morning, loves basketball, swimming and so much more. he’s super muscled.
he is a huge fan of metal music. he loves Metallica more than anything and has several shirts of the band.
only wears baggy clothes. he hates tight fitting ones, he finds them to be incredibly uncomfortable and can’t stand that feeling.
~ heyyy. thank u sm for reading, i hope u enjoyed! i’m planning on doing more headcanons about louis because he’s my favorite and tbh i don’t know much about the other characters because i haven’t yet played their routes. but i’ll make up for that :)
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acreattaviacco · 8 months
While it's never released in EN but 100days Princess
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shatcey · 7 months
Sid (part 2)
I just finished Sid's route and actually I liked it more than I expected.
The first… he's a pre-pre-version of Silvio (Jonah is a pre-version). And there's bit of Leon. If you know then you know.
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Oh, he has a pet dog. You would never have guessed…
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And he even has a very similar epilogue to Silvio's honey/romantic ending. Way too many similarities, don't you think?…
But even beyond that… There were quite many goodies.
MC on this route is quite active. She moves the plot, makes decisions and behaves like a real boss (no, not a princess, I don't see it as a job). She's smart and has pretty decent conversations. And some of her inner thoughts even made me laugh.
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There was a hint of a love triangle. Not too much, but it was interesting to watch the boys' reactions.
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But the story between these two has never been fully explained… Maybe on Louis' route… Well, then I'll never know.
Other boys often show up, and it doesn't look out of place at all. They either give advice or some sort of food for thought.
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And I like the plot. It has an interesting development and many unexpected twists… So far, this is the best story I've read in this game. Yes, this is only the third one, and I plan to stop on Byron, but… I love it. And even more… I'm thinking about re-reading it someday…
Oh, and I even found this very familiar background…
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I'm absolutely sure it was on Silvio's route. And I think I've even seen it in Villains… At least, it definitely was in Elbert's story of newbies event.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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Alyn Crawford ⚔️
Fashion Grab Bag Story: Angels and Devils
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writing-fanics · 2 years
Otome Games.. I write for
Midnight Cinderella (Alyn Crawford: Rayvis Harneit (all characters]
Is it Love: Mystery Spell (Peter: Drogo)
Obey Me! (mammon atm)
The Arcana (Asra atm)
ikemen vampire (all)
mystic messenger (all)
Dangerous Fellows (all)
my horse prince (for the cursed fanfiction)
Royal Midnight Kiss (Prince Edward)
Sweet Scandal Returns (yoshioka shintaro)
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midcinmancave · 11 months
“Road to Halloween” [Panels 27-32]
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The Princess is late, but can her friends save the day?       (Part 5 of 6) Prompts:         "Just in case this doesn't work."        "Who takes care of you?"        "No, you won't understand, ever."        "Is it over? Is it really over?"        "Do I look like I knew that?"
Fictober Submission #05 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Nico Meier, Albert Burckhardt, Rayvis Harneit, Leo Crawford, Alyn Crawford, The Princess Warnings:  None Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Comedy, Adventure Writer/Illustrator:  Princess Destiny (@destinyumechan)
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phantomlover04 · 1 year
No Trust
Summary: King Byron said many times that he does not let others sway his decisions, but what if the ones closest to him are the reason there is a strain in his relationship with the Princess
Warning: Angst, tears, breakups, bad guys and fluff at the end
The sky was black, and the rain was pouring, Antoinette sighed softly as she looked out the window. She wishes that she didn’t say anything, but she couldn’t keep it in anymore, but he needed to know how they were making her feel, how he chose their point of view instead of hers, how even though he mentions many times he values her input he would never accept them and only took the advice of them. And now because of what was said, she returned the ring and he left, she told everyone that she doesn’t want to be disturbed for any reason, not even for King Ronold.
She couldn’t help but to dream of him and how much she wanted to be back in his arms while she cried herself to sleep. Back in Stein, King Byron was no better, ever since he returned from Wysteria with the ring heavy in his pocket, at first, he didn’t see what she was talking about and few days later he noticed how much Albert was slightly pushing his own agenda and trying to get a new princess for him or how Albert put it a “REAL” princess with TRUE noble blood. Byron didn’t say anything at first until a few days later when Albert and Nico were at it again as always when he suddenly stood up “Enough, now I see what the Princess was talking about, you both have influenced my decisions and especially you Albert, no wonder she didn’t felt at ease here and why she called off the engagement. Nico write to the Princess that and say that I am sorry for what I said to her and would love to see her again.” After that Byron left his office and went to the stables. He took a ride to clear his mind and prayed that Antoinette could forgive him.
It took a few days before she was able to get out of her chambers, Giles was kind enough to listen to her and one of the maids made a cake that her own mother always baked when she was upset. It was a month before a letter came from Spinner, the letter was from Nico that King Byron was sorry for what said and would like to talk to her. Antoinette gave some food and water to Spinner and while he ate, she ripped the letter and put inside a pouch with the necklace she had received from him long ago and she tied the pouch to Spinner’s leg before he flew away. “I do not want to know about anymore personal letters from Stein and Giles. You can take care of the official letters that we receive from them.” With that Antoinette got up from her desk and went back to her room for the rest of the day.
When Nico came back with the ripped letter in a pouch, he understood that it would take some time before the Princess could forgive him but when Nico pulled out the necklace that is when he felt a pain in his heart. Dismissing both of them, he took off his patch and began to cry, whispering to the necklace that he clutched in his hand for his love, his Antoinette to forgive his stupidity. Over time the mood of the Princess changed, once all cheerful to one of somber mood and never with a smile on her face. Even though she was trying to forget him she couldn’t, the love she has for him was too great and the pain of their separation was ever more that she cried herself to sleep every night since the first letter arrived and true to her request, Giles made sure that any letters from King Bryon was swiftly returned unopened. Bryon would see the returned letters, sighed and tried his best to get back to work. 
This is how it went for the next few months and everyone in both kingdoms felt the sadness from both of them and guilt was eating Albert the most that he did the only thing he thought he would never do, ask Nico for help. Nico didn’t say anything because he felt terrible as well and was more than willing to help get the Princess and King Byron back together. So when a quick dispatch was sent to Giles requesting help from them on trying to get them back together and quickly sent a response back while getting Alyn and Leo to his office to discuss the plan. A few days later, Giles arrived at the Princess’ office “What seems the problem Giles” Antoinette asked “King Ronold has requested for you and Alyn to go to the forest to investigate some disturbing reports that children have been dumped due to being illegitimate. He would have gone himself but he felt that this situation needed a delicate touch.” Giles told the lie like it was the absolute truth, when he came to the King a few days ago, asking for help, The King was more than willing to help and came up with the ruse, knowing that Antoinette would not be able to refuse to help children in need. He was right, because right after she finished the report she was working on, she quickly changed and went to the stables where Alyn was waiting for her with a horse and Hedwig ready to go.
Albert and Nico came to King Byron’s office with reports of poachers in the forest, putting his papers that he was reading down and out the door. Once at the stables he summons Spinner to fly ahead.. Antoinette and Alyn were the first to arrive at the forest and she gave Alyn a look before asking why they were at the forest near the border of Stein. “I am sorry but this is where the children are rumored to be dumped.” he shrugged as he got off, “Why don’t you go ahead and see if there is any truth to the reports, I will be there is a second,” she gives him another look before making her way into the forest. At the same time on the other side of the border, King Byron and Spinner arrived in the forest and he made his way into the forest. Unfortunately they were not the only ones there at the forest, indeed there were two poachers and were about to kill a wolf and her two pups when out of nowhere they heard the Princess call out for the children and make her way to where they were.. They were not the only ones who heard her, Byron thought he was dreaming and shook his head and continued to where he thought he heard her voice. Arriving at where the wolf family were, she was shocked and then quickly went to try to free them when she heard a dark laugh “ I would not do that if I were you, it is a wild animal you don't know when it will destroy that pretty face of yours.” Antoinette stood up and stood between the wolf and them and the wolf growling at the poachers and out of nowhere two flashes of white nose dived and attacked them, it was Spinner and Hedwig trying to protect the Princess. One of them came towards her and tried to attack her but with help of the owls she was able to use one of their weapons against him and killed him but the other one got behind her grabbing her by the neck and was about to stab her when he let go and fell to the ground dead. Antoinette turned around, dropped her weapon due to seeing Bryon with his sword out and panting because he heard everything and ran as fast as he could due to seeing the owls’ nose diving to protect his Queen. It took her a minute to register what had happened and forgetting what happened in the past, she went running into his open arms, he kissed her passionately, not letting her go and she returned his kiss with equal passion. A few minutes later Alyn arrived and got to work on healing the wolf before they left, not before howling in gratitude. When they returned to the castle, everyone from King Ronold to Albert and Nico were waiting for them.
After dinner, Byron and Antoinette went to the garden to talk. As they made their way to the garden, Byron took off his eye patch because he wanted to truly see his love, his Antoinette. Taking a seat close to the fountain, he began to apologize and explained that he now understood what she was talking about. “For now on, as God as my witnesses, I promise that you and your opinions will come first.” Looking into his eyes she knew that he was telling the truth and smiled sweetly at him. Out of nowhere he stood up as Spinner swooped down and dropped something in his hand, and Byron got on one knee “Would you do me the greatest honor and say yes on becoming my queen, my love” he places the sapphire ring on her finger “Yes, a thousand times yes” she whispers as he rose up and gather her into his arms kissed her like he never kissed her before. For the rest of the night, he proved to her that he never stopped loving her and he will never break his promise.
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s0phos-writes · 2 years
midnight cinderella - rewrite
listen, i KNOW its just a silly otome, its not that serious but this is the way my brain works: i like something bad, i have to make it better...
so first of all, this dang princess system? makes no god damn sense so that's the first thing i would change - why does one man choose a random girl to one day rule the country? no wonder so many people oppose it lmao not even in like "ew a commoner" way, more like a "i didn't vote for her" way so
step 1: give more info and backstory on the princess system and also make it more than just some guy picking her like?? make trials or tests or SMTHG INTERVIEW AT LEAST THERES NO WAY PICKING A GIRL BY HER LOOKS AND NOTHING MORE IS AN EFFECTIVE STRATEGY FOR CHOOSING SOMEONE TO RULE A WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY like i get the idea is that giles saw smthg in the mc that made her different from the others bc she was in the garden, not waiting around to be picked but like c’mon,,, if ur gonna do it that way MAKE IT MORE EFFECTIVE!! in some way like idk show some interviews with the other girls and how they like only want riches or cute boys or status or something,, then show giles secretly conducting an interview by going in the garden and talking to her about stuff dude SOMETHING!! If ur gonna pull that “shes different” bullshit
secondly, this is a dumb dumb complaint for an otome but i want to fix the MC... I KNOW!! THEY R GENERIC SO U CAN PROJECT!! but generic MCs still have some kinda personality and i usually hate them lmao SO
step 2: make the MC less generic and more realistic and interesting ! simple as that lmao xD the MC in the game is too blushy and stuttery for my tastes so we'll tone that down. i like that she "steps up" once she has been chosen for this "duty" and that she always wants to project an air of positivity and optimism but let's make it a bit more complex,,, like what if she's one of the people that opposes the princess system? how would she reconcile being chosen for something she doesn't even believe in? also she was a teacher before she was plucked from her normal life and, in fact, was at the palace in the first place because of her kids so let's bring that element back in full force.
so those are the 2 big things that i would change when rewriting these silly otome routes... now to get more specific...
alyn's route
i don't remember a whole lot about the actual story but it's a princess and knight story where they technically can't be together without one sacrificing something for the other and also there's a twin brother story that doesn't really go anywhere?? a lot of potential for my favorite thing (tragic siblings) ALSO consider: sooner childhood friends to lovers ???? HELLO???? ITS!!! ABOUT!!!! THE YEARNING!!!!!
nico's route
so for this one i would switch up things a bit, it's sorta an AU where the MC accidentally becomes the cinderella bc everyone thought she was someone else and she gets in too deep that she's afraid to reveal the truth. she discovers that nico is a spy for that other country!! she doesn't immediately rat him out bc she understands what having a possibly life-threatening secret is like, she just uses it as a way to make him do whatever she wants THEN he finds out she's an imposter so they keep each other's secrets to save their own asses... u know what this needs? enemies to friends to lovers… they grow from inherently hating each other to understanding each other and even tho the way they did it in the game was trash, i did want to use kidnapping as a plot device bc ofc who doesn't love a little damsel in distress every now and then lmao
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alice-revolution · 3 years
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Alyn by IRIASU
Long time no see. Candy time for picture rehabilitation ✧
He will remain as my number one prince consort 💖
-Admin Dahlia 🌹
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incorrectmidc · 2 years
MC: I’m an idiot.
Giles: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long night.
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shatcey · 8 months
I started playing "Midnight Cinderella" quite recently. This is a pretty old Cybird game. In fact, it's so old that it doesn't work on new phones. So, I found my old one and downloaded it on it. I saw a few references here and there, so I was curious. And it itches so much if I cannot satisfy my curiosity. Oh, Liam… I understand you so well… I'll definitely tell you a bit about my impressions later, when I finish all the routes I wanna read. But… since today is the birthday of the twins from this game, Leo and Alyn Crawford, I'll say a few words about them.
First and foremost, they are a pre-version of the IkePri's twins, Licht and Nokto. In the prologue, Leo behaves very much like Nokto, and Alyn has some resemblance to Licht. I haven't played Alyn's Route (and, frankly, don't plan to), but I've almost finished Leo's route and I can say a bit about him.
At first, he seems like Nokto, annoyingly similar. He's constantly flirting, has a reputation for being an extremely frivolous womanizer…Not my type at all. But Leo is not what you expect him to be. He has more similarities with Clavis than Nokto. And despite the simplicity of the game, the boys here are insecure, they have a lot of cockroaches in their heads, and they don't explain anything at all. So most of the time I was at a loss. And that kind of thing makes them more real than you actually want them to be.
But even so… I actually like Leo. His story is quite dark and even sometimes depressing. And it would be nice if he shared his problems with someone… He has a brother, and Giles is his friend… At least Leo's acting like his friend on Giles's route… But no, he preferred to deal with problems in the most unhealthy way.
Stubbornness sometimes equals stupidity.
But even so, he's so very sweet…
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Happy birthday, Leo. Take care of yourself. Not everyone can be a psychotherapist, as MC in this game prove.
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Alyn Crawford ⚔️
Premium Story: Heart to Heart
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acrispyapple · 3 years
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Midnight Cinderella Candy Time
a new image series by IRIASU featuring Alyn Crawford ☆
source: bit. ly/3vx6466
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midcinmancave · 11 months
“Road to Halloween” [Panels 33-38]
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The Princess is late, but can her friends save the day?       (Part 6 of 6) Prompts:         "Honestly, why would I care?"        "I don't know if they will accept this."        "I may not get another chance to say this."        "That's all? Easy."        "Are you with me?"        "It's not your fault." 
Fictober Submission #06 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Leo Crawford, Alyn Crawford, Rayvis Harneit, Giles Christophe, The Princess Warnings:  None Rating/Genre:  General Audience, Comedy, Adventure Writer/Illustrator:  Princess Destiny (@destinyumechan)
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0hitzsabrinaa · 3 years
Does @cyikemen still make updates on Midnight Cinderella?? Has the game been completed or unfinished
I recently want to get back into finishing Leo’s route but do they still release stories or anything 😭😅
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ikemenzer0 · 3 years
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