#midheaven square pluto
neptxn3 · 3 months
Astrology Notes III
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Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other natal placements involved
doesn’t resonate ≠ untrue 
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♅ Pluto in the 10th house has a tendency to come across as very overbearing in the workplace. This is having a routinely structure you want to have done precisely every day, so this makes you ask your coworker if they want you to do the coffee run for a meeting, staying past closing time to make sure everything is in place, doing 10x as much work as your coworkers because you like things in a certain order.
it also causes coworkers to think of you as someone who’s willing to step over them in order to appear as this solid leader who is better than them ( and often times this does manifest in the native) but mostly it is subconscious.
It honestly reminds of the devil wears Prada where Andrea gets so good at guessing what Miranda’s expectations are that she goes over the top in order to please her and it gets to the point she manages to snag the trip to Paris that has always been given to Emily in the singular year she’s worked at the magazine. Andrea being Pluto person who unknowingly becomes the ‘better’ assistant.
♅ There’s a natural discomfort when one has the Moon placed in the first house, especially if placed in signs like Aquarius or Capricorn due to the fact that their emotions are put on display which is a forced vulnerability. 
I actually find fire placements (not typically Sagittarius) who actually find enjoyment in their faces being easily read? One because fire placements are less inclined to hide their feelings, and two because they can be a bit impatient to get their point across 
♅ Virgo placements are kinda funny in the sense that they’re not necessarily clean freaks, they won’t go out of their way to clean someone’s room because it’s dirty, but they are obviously very precise with their own mess, they don’t like being messy themselves you know? It’s not seen as a second nature to clean but rather an obligation for them because they need clean spaces in order to be productive with an active Mercury influence. 
I actually find it very common for Virgo placements to have an “organized mess” too. They know where they left their green paperclip in their messy rooms (it’s under the left desk leg). 
♅ Taurus placements , fixed signs in general, but especially Taurus placements grow up with a specific set of beliefs and morals that they follow through and through. It’s because of their fixed nature that they will refuse to change, in fact Taurus placements consider their perspective to be so correct, if afflicted, Taurus placements can be the hardest to evolve in your chart. 
♅ cancer risings tend to attract very dangerous men/women due to Scorpio being in their 5th house, this is actually why cancers fall under the sweet damsel in distress who dates the big bad boys in romantic tropes a lot lol but yes they actively seek people who have a dark reputation or damaged past as lovers
♅ People with Mars in the 12th house are often accused of being unmotivated and lazy by people in their life but it actually stems from the fact that mars is uncomfortable being in a house that’s connected to the unconscious mind while craving the open expression of anger and ambition mars naturally is. I actually find they overthink their actions. You can remind a person with mars in the 12th house to take out the trash before bed because the garbage collectors come tomorrow and they will spend the whole day cleaning the house, drain their energy and say “I’ll just wake up early and do it tomorrow” but they never do 😭 They confuse themselves!! 
it’s also interesting to note a person with a 12th house prominence that includes mars will be defensive about their said actions. “Take out the trash” “I was already planning on doing it but now I don’t want to”. I include 12th house prominence because a mars in the 12th also has stealthy actions and thoughts 🤫
♅ People with their 4th house ruler in the 7th house will have emotional withdrawals if their routine does not involve socializing with others. You’ll typically see this in people who choose to search for roommates during college, move in with close friends to “save on rent” or choose to never move out of their parents home ( I support this in this economy lol)
you’ll also see this in people who are serial daters, not to say that their relationships don’t impact them greatly, but they feel a requirement to express their feelings with others. 
Could make great therapists too actually
♅ Mercury square saturn people need precise instructions whenever they do something. Mercury can be very sporadic in square aspects because their communication is being misconstrued the same way a radios antennae need to be arranged in a certain way  in order to get signal. With Saturn representing structure, they prefer very detailed instructions on pretty much anything. You need them to get a wrench? It’s on the left? Top, middle, or bottom? And what color is it? Is it in the back or front of the cabinet? 
Also, Mercury square Saturn people, we’re you the kids who’s dad yelled at them for holding the flashlight the wrong way when fixing something? 
♅ I find it very funny when Aquarius placements are dubbed the people who change the world with their innovative ideas because you will connect that to them actively trying to improve society but it’s actually because they just want life to be easier to navigate for themselves. They’re the type to invent flying cars, not for the next Industrial Revolution that will forever change man once again, but because they want a cheaper way to save on overseas travel 😭. Don’t get the wrong idea, a lot of them realize their potential and eventually use their ideas for good, but it usually starts off as very personal and self serving. 
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martian-astro · 3 months
Astrology observations (use whole signs)
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🍃 Venus in 1st house people have THICK hair (I have Venus in 1st and 3 of my friends have it as well, and we all have really voluminous frizzy/curly hair, that's hard to manage)
🍃 Saturn in 3rd can mean that you'll start college later than your peers ( I have it and my student visa got rejected 3 times😭😭 and by the time I started college, all my friends were already in their third year)
🍃 Saturn in 3rd can also mean that you start dating later than your friends or it could mean that you just aren't THAT interested in casual relationships, you probably want something serious.
🍃 Mars in 1st, if in friendly signs, can mean having a really high sex drive, sexual attraction is very important for you in a relationship. (I have it, Mars in 1st in Aries, and it's true for me, I also have rahu there so I play a lot of sports to control this, like I really exhaust myself to the bone, meditating also helps. hypersexuality is not good, so just make sure that you don't go overboard)
🍃 Moon trine Saturn people are really respectful towards women. They were either raised by a single mother or their mother made the important decisions in the family. I have it but I also know a guy who has this and he's just the sweetest and even though his mom is a sahm and his dad earns, his mom is the more powerful one��, like his dad just earns and gives all the money to his mom. It's really cute.
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🍃 Venus square midheaven people were often bullied for their appearance when young, from what I've noticed, and that's why they grow up to become people pleasers, because they don't want to be the "outcast" again. A lot of self esteem issues as well. You guys are the type to wake your partner up in the middle of the night and ask them "do you love me" and then they probably reply with "we've been married for 10 years"
🍃 Neptune square ascendant is that "HOW DO I REALLY LOOK" placement, they're the ones who get really frustrated because they look different in the mirror and camera. (I have this 🥲👍) It sucks, also you guys are obsessed with personality tests
🍃 Venus in 1st house people care a lot about a person's appearance in a relationship, it's not wrong but just make sure that it's not the ONLY thing that you focus on. I also think that it sort of stems from your own insecurity, like you guys think that you aren't attractive so being with a conventionally attractive person makes up for it, IN YOUR MIND, so work on increasing your self confidence
🍃 Moon opposite Venus people want to be affectionate but the fear of getting rejected stops them from doing so. ( I have this and sometimes I get this urge to just hug or kiss someone, like on the cheeks, friend, family, romantic partner, but then I assume that the person won't like it, so i give up. Here's the thing, ASK, this is what I started doing, now whenever I feel like that, i just go- can i kiss you on the cheek, if the person says yes, I do it, and back off if they say no) oppositions and squares are not bad aspects okay, you just need to learn how to deal with them, so yeah, ask people, don't be scared, they won't bite, some of them might, but don't hold yourself back because of them 😘🫂
🍃 Sun square Pluto women, are men scared of you?? (If yes, then, AS THEY FUCKING SHOULD). I have this and i think men find me intimidating (I'm the least intimidating person EVER), but also, I feel like, this makes you kind of unable to deal with men, you always wanna be in control, a lot of trust issues, you also think all men are shit (WHICH THEY ARE) but also you guys need to realise that some men are actually......kinda.....good🤢, almost threw up while writing this, ewwww, actually you know what, keep on having trust issues, BE IN CONTROL
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astrosky33 · 10 months
Aspect Associations 1
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Venus sextile Mars: The aspect of extreme charm
Venus rules over charm/attraction and Mars rules over lust/flirting. It can indicate someone has a way with words and is very good at flirting. Sextile’s are also harmonious aspects that can be associated sometimes with sexual energy, enhancing the effect of this aspect
Example: Jack Harlow
Pluto sextile Midheaven: The aspect of worldwide fame
Pluto represents areas where we have a lot of power and the Midheaven rules over career, public image, and fame. Sextile’s open pathways for areas of growth, so their fame just continuously grows, sometimes even after death
Example: Elvis Presley
Venus trine Jupiter: The aspect of easy wealth
Venus represents attraction and Jupiter represents success/wealth. Trines represent talents as well as things coming at ease and are a harmonious aspect. With this aspect you can attract lots of wealth with minimal effort
Example: Mark Zuckerberg
Venus trine Neptune: The aspect of extreme musical talent
Venus rules over harmonies (not just harmony in general), Neptune rules over music, and Trines represent our talents/things that come at ease. People with this aspect have natural talents involving music
Example: Ariana Grande
Mercury square Jupiter: The aspect of underestimated intelligence
Mercury represents the mind/intellect and Jupiter represents knowledge/wisdom. When these two aspect each other it indicate extreme intelligence. However, if they square each other because squares are challenging aspects, it can cause people to have a false perception of your intelligence
Example: Marilyn Monroe
Jupiter trine Chiron: The aspect of dark humor
Jupiter represents humor and Chiron represents karmic wounds. Often people with this aspect joke about their trauma due to this. The Trine makes them have naturally humorous dark jokes
Example: Theo Von
Mars square Pluto: The aspect of ops
Mars represents conflict/aggression, one of things Pluto represents is toxicity, and squares indicate challenges. Often people with this placement regardless if they’re someone who’s toxic or not will attract lots of ops (enemies)
Example: Nicki Minaj
These aspects are most relevant when under an orb of 4°
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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starsworldd · 1 year
What are placements that can indicate people being obsessed with you?
some placements that indicate people being obsessed with you:
- scorpio venus
- pluto-venus aspects
- venus in angular houses (especially if close to mc or asc and sometimes dsc)
- 5th house placements
- scorpio placements (especially mars and mc, but can also get a lot of hate and may also be more known for looks)
- aries sun (this obsession is different though it’s more like people tend to follow what these people do because they have assertive energy)
- leo sun/rising
- pluto, venus, or mars in the 11th
- pluto aspecting ascendant
- venus/neptune aspecting ascendant
- cancer rising/moon
- taurus rising
- aquarius rising
- leo and aquarius in big 3
- neptune in 1st house
- personal observation — venus-saturn or capricorn venus (the glow up is real)
thank you for the ask :>
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Sun in the 1st House - This is a great year to center yourself and to focus on your needs. This is the start of a new chapter, and the influence of this placement gives the native enough energy and hope to bring about positive change. You might feel more excited about daily life and waking up every morning will feel a little bit easier. Enthusiasm comes naturally, and this placement will ease any other negative influences seen within the solar return chart. You might have several lightbulb moments in regards to your identity, and at the end of the year you’ll be feeling more confident than ever.
Jupiter in the 10th House - Opportunity is on its way. Jupiter is expanding all themes regarding the tenth house. The native is going to develop a strong sense of reputation and will notice a change in status by the end of the year. Their ego may inflate a bit, but this can be good if used wisely. Getting recognized, promoted, or an increase in salary are to be expected with this solar return placement. If the native travels under this influence, they will receive a lot of attention for their journey. Gaining favors from people in authority should also be relatively easy. 
Venus Conjunct Ascendant - The native is going to feel a lot of affectionate feelings and a need to express them. A sense of love is going to be elevated within all connections and the native will benefit from this influence. This is a great time to take on relationship problems. The native will seem especially attractive during this time and will probably go through a glow-up of sorts. Their personal style is being defined, and they’ll have the energy to put extra effort into their appearance. Negotiations will go well and will work in their favor. 
Sun Trine Midheaven - During the course of this year, the native is gaining an understanding on who they are and how that aligns with their wants and desires. Garnering achievements or some sort of reward is to be expected with this influence. The native is going after their goals and has all the support and tools on hand in order to do so. They are being encouraged to use their skills and resources in a focused manner. 
Moon Square Saturn - This aspect points to a lot of frustration. The sign of both the Moon and Saturn can give indication of what exactly the source of contempt is. The native might be lacking emotional control and is learning how to manage this. 
Pluto in the 6th House - A change in routine is very much needed with this influence. The native might take on a new position at work, giving them a new list of responsibilities. Or, they might start developing a workout routine or exercise plan. The native may start to notice changes to their body, ranging from weight gain/loss to aging. If you have any health issues, make sure to get checked up sometime this year. Physical trauma to the body might occur this year. The native could find themselves being more accident prone than usual. 
Saturn in the 9th House - There isn’t going to be much adventure this year. In fact, vacations or travel plans may end up delayed or canceled. If you are in college or university, this might be an especially hard year for you. Expect restrictions in school and from mentors. Assignments that used to take no time at all might start to take days instead. It would be a good idea to take a gap year during this time, or just a break in general. Saturn does reward hard work and effort though, so this decision is up to you. If you know you have it in you to keep pushing, then don’t give up.  
Mercury in the 4th House - Now is the time to make plans for future stability. Natives under this influence need to start thinking about domestic issues. Home renovations and fix-ups are a good idea when Mercury is in the fourth. Redecorating your home is also something that should be done during the year. The past is going to weigh heavy on the mind, and it would be good to focus on comforting your inner child. 
Moon in the 12th House - Mediation is a skillset that absolutely must be used and developed during this time. A lot of emotional fulfillment can be found through charitable work and spiritual practice. Emotional cycles and chapters in your life are going to be coming to a close. This is a time to retreat, reflect, and recharge. Embrace solitude. 
Mars Conjunct Uranus - Be cautious of accidents. Please drive safe and follow directions when using machinery. 
Mercury Trine Mars - Expect a lot of speed and energy entering your life. If this is a tight aspect, then this year is going to fly by. The days will go by quickly, and there is going to be a lot to do. 
Moon Trine Pluto - Go to therapy! This is an excellent time to connect with the subconscious. Deep rooted feelings and emotions are going to reemerge, but this will be beneficial and help aid the healing process. 
Uranus in the 11th House - If you’ve been feeling drawn to social justice and activism, this would be a good year to start getting involved. You might make some unexpected friends or unexpected changes may occur within your friendships. A wish fulfillment might randomly manifest during this year. The native will be able to come up with solutions for whatever setback might occur. You might realize that the straightforward path you were once trekking isn’t as straightforward as it once seemed. Issues within society might be affecting you on a more personal level. 
Chiron in the 11th House - Your connections with friends, and your hopes and dreams might undergo some damage. This might be a lonely year and the native is going to face rejection at one point. They are going to be told “no” over and over again, it is going to be a painful process. You might not fit in where you currently reside. 
Mars Square Ascendant - Unfortunately, the native is going to have to put up with a lot of bullshit under this influence. They might get bullied, harassed, or violated. It is important for them to avoid arguments and for them to try and walk away first during disagreement. People might assume they’re in a bad mood when they’re actually not. 
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There’s a reason I keep my insights underground – outsiders mutilate them into misunderstandings.
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catmarlowastrology · 1 year
🌑 Pluto transits to the Midheaven: Pluto represents transformation, power, and rebirth. A Pluto transit to the MC is a time of profound change, usually after a period of upheaval or challenges that prompt you to reconsider your career and life direction. The focus is on issues of control, power dynamics, and deep, transformative processes. This can be a period of intense self-reflection on what truly matters to you in your career and public life.
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piscesscake · 9 months
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pluto square midheaven
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Melanie Martinez Kurt Cobain Lily Rose Deep
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gloomingblossomousia · 11 months
Scorpio szn is up and my scorpio dominant chart is buzzing with chaos, thunderstorms and monsoons
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
Hello crystalsenergy!
I am wondering if you could please help me figure out my career? I came across your post below and found it deeply insightful. Here are my placements:
Leo 10th House
Mars, MC, NN 10th House
Saturn trine MC
Pluto square MC
Mars conjunct MC
10th House ruler in 11th House Virgo
Thank you very much ♥️
I truly appreciate it.
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hello! how are you? ^^
looking at your birth chart, i see career possibilities that involve creative work, with expression (Sun in 10th, Mars in Leo, Leo Midheaven), influencing people, decision making, leadership (Mars conjunct Midheaven).
the interesting thing about the Sun touching the 10th house is that it brings personal power and the ability to stand out regardless of the area the person is in. you'll show confidence and security about who you are, and you may be considered an "authority" or simply a reliable connoisseur of something.
Mars in 10th house brings a lot of obstinacy, interest in acting with focus and determination in your career, it is an interesting position to pursue your goals. use this to your advantage. in addition, this placement refers to an influential person, that has the power of persuasion (which increases with Mars in Leo), bringing a magnetism of opportunities to demonstrate your potential to the public (public, outside world = 10th house).
on the other hand, you may struggle with issues involving the 10th house, as you have a North Node located there. you may have to deal with doubts about your potential in the outside world, fearing to throw yourself into some goal, you may have difficulties with understanding the concrete world, which, at the same time, is strongly present in the rest of your personality .
Pluto square Midheaven can also bring up deep issues to be dealt in the area of ​​reputation, problems with the "concrete world", what is outside the home. you may have a desire or need to transform things around you, but you have a hard time with it. moreover, necessarily Pluto is also square with your Imum Coeli (4th house). thus, you may have to experience in your life a tension, deep problems and that can sometimes seem "hidden", in relation to transforming your intimate life, your emotional or even your family; and transforming the external world, the conceptions of career and of authority. in the sense of your professional life, this aspect can be used to achieve changes and perceive the repetitive and bad patterns in the career, in that area you have chosen (or career as a whole).
themes that i see about your professional life: entertainment; expression; leadership; creativity; business, coaching.
sorry for delay x
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astr0logywh0r3 · 4 months
placements that could indicate being mysterious
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༺saturn in 1st house/conjunct asc (reserved personality)
༺scorpio mercury/8th house mercury
༺8th house sun
༺venus in 8th house
༺scorpio midheaven
༺lilith in 1st house/conjunct asc
༺lilith square, opposite, trine, sextile asc
༺pluto-asc aspects/pluto in 1st house
༺scorpio rising (in some cases they can have an intense personality)
༺planets in the 12th house
༺moon-pluto/scorpio moon/moon in 8th house
༺lilith in 10th house
༺moon conjunct neptune
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harmoonix · 5 months
Astrology Observations
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I'll be seaside
Sitting on the sand drinking a mai tai
Waking up and soaking up the sunlight
💙 - Neptune in the 1H/9H/12H native is like the Universe's kid, very spiritual, very empathic, very emotional, understanding the space and the outer space nature
💙 - Sun in the 8th/9th/12th house natives literally are a balance between spirituality and empathy, you have to be there at the right moment to feel it
💙 - Libra in your big 3 (Sun, Rising, Moon) can make others charmed by you, also you give a big impression to people when they first meet you
💙 - Scorpio in your big 3 (Sun, Rising, Moon) are intense placements, they love playing with the fire and fire loves "playing" with them
💙 - Venus conjunct/sextile/trine Moon will make you so peaceful/calm. People around you love this energy and you give harmonious vibes
💙 - Ascendant aspecting Uranus (all aspects) are very aware of the things happening around them. Is like they always have the 3rd eye open
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💙 - Neptune aspecting your Sun will make you shine so bright that you can get hate for being in this "light", you stand out, but haters gonna hate
💙 - Aries & Capricorn Moons are both so defensive of their loved ones and i admire that so much about them they wanna this energy of "Don't mess with me"
💙 - Neptune aspecting the ascendant has beautiful eyes, there is a saying like "The eyes are the mirror of the soul". people fall in love with your eyes before anything
I'll be seaside
Watching all the seagulls flying so high
Looking at our future looking so bright, so bright
💙 - Pluto aspecting Midheaven have so much power in their lives that other people have the feeling to control them for that. Take care of yourself and your energy
💙 - Uranus in your 3rd house will make your voice to stand out, your voice is very powerful in this placement and I also mean the way you communicate and tell words
💙 - Jupiter in your 6H/10H. Jupiter is blessing the native with a good personalty and good job/also a lot of influence and devotion to the world
💙 - Having a Water Moon is the 1# biggest sign that you should be a spiritual person, because Water Moons are psychic
💙 - Mars in Sagittarius/9H can be very revengeful, you did something bad to them, they'll return the same thing to you
💙 - Mars in Cancer/4H can act the same, but the thing with them is that, they will know your weakness/sensible point
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💙 - Capricorn & Libra combo placements in a chart indicate a lot of diplomacy/politeness, very elegant and charismatic too
💙 - Jupiter in your 5H/11H can fullfil your desires on a long term, if you truly want or wish something (good) to happen, try to manifest it
💙 - Lilith in your 6H/8H/10H/12H can act mischievous, you never know what they'll be thinking about or their plans
💙 - Mars square/conjunct/opposite Uranus will act messy when they're annoyed, Mars here is uncontrollable or just wild free
💙 - Scorpio Venus/Mars can meet potential "partners" who can take advantage of them which is not totally okay, make sure people appreciate for everything you have to offer
I be busy, busy, nah
Busy doing nothing all day
Y bailando con toda mi gente, y
Veo que no me dejas de ver
💙 - Saturn/Lilith or Pluto in the 11H can indicate lots of betrayals, can be romantically or friendly or even from family members
💙 - Earth Moons/Earth Sun gives "old soul" and what I mean with that is, they're experienced in life and they seem like they went through a lot
💙 - Mercury aspecting Pluto or Neptune can have people hiding things from them, secrets, dark "plans" and others, even gossip
💙 - Can someone tell me why a fire Venus will always make me think of a hot song you hear during summer that you cannot forget?? Adore them.
💙 - A Chart with fire as predominantly element will act too impulsively/stubborn sometimes even too "wild" at times
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💙 - Lilith in Aries/Cancer/Sagittarius/Aquarius wants to break the norms and the things that are always seen as "toxic", they want to break free from everything that pains them
💙 - Lilith (h58) is the most dangerous Lilith in a chart so here are some observations about it
Lilith h58 aspecting Chiron can indicate unsealed traumas/bad experienced from your life
Lilith h58 aspecting Midheaven gives no fuck about nobody, they don't care what the world thinks about them "You have just one life, live it how you want"
Lilith h58 aspecting Venus will act toxic in love if they feel threatened by their partners energy
Lilith h58 aspecting the ascendant is very rebellious, very rude or mean at times, few know this "rude" energy can be just for protecting themselves
Lilith h58 aspecting Mercury will not be afraid to call people out when is needed, they may use a very dirty way of talking
Lilith h58 sitting empty in a chart like a black whole, absorbing energy of all forms,
💙 - Mars in the 7th house/Mars in Libra despite the drama about how Mars is chaotic in Libra, they tend to have romantic relationship and energetic spouses, + they're being so assertive in their relationships
💙 - Neptune/Pluto or Saturn in your 6th house can drain your energy fast, that's why is good to take a break after you did some work so you don't end up exhausted
Mientras la música suene
Aquí pegaditos al mar
No me pienso mover a otro lugar
💙 - Venus aspecting Mars has a bold energy. What's attractive about them is that they can attract all types of people with this energy (from jealous people to really indifferent ones)
💙 - Mars aspecting Moon (in harsh aspects) get angry or frustrated fast, is not like they're about to explode instead they just feel like screaming out in a pillow
💙 - Midheaven aspecting Neptune or Jupiter can work in environments where spirituality can be used a lot, like a spiritual guide
💙 - Having Moon in your 9th house, beside having a good love life, this aspect can indicate a lot of creativity and knowledge. Also a love for exploring the *unknown*
💙 - Jupiter aspecting Lilith h12 (harsh aspects) since Jupiter will expand even in harsh aspects, their sexual energy can just grow and grow until it hits some the point of hypersexuality
💙 - Saturn in the 1st house natives have the chance to reflect on themselves after every fail, always overcome your fears and mistakes
💙 - Lilith in Capricorn/10th house is the native who seeks for recognition and success, these placements also indicate a stubborn person with a traditional ethic
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💙 - Mars in Taurus/Mars in the 2nd house has an intense determinations to achieve anything they desire, this placement also indicates staying good with money or financially
💙 - Lilith in Leo/5TH or in Leo Degrees 5°, 17°, 29° have a big pride, this placement can also he know for their perseverance and sharp mind
💙 - Moon/Venus/Rising/Juno in Sagittarius gives "you're always be my ritual" thanks to Sagittarius's ties with the 9th house who can indicate rituals
💙 - Sun in the 7th/Leo in the 7th house/Sun at 5°, 17°, 29° degrees can put their partners on the 1st place in a relationship, but also your partner mirrors you with a strong vitality
💙 - Neptune in the 4H is actually a dark placement if we go in the depth of themes of Neptune because after all, Neptune represents addiction, natives with Neptune in the 4H can go into addictions from a young age or from childhood for example like smoking, alcohol, bad influences
💙 - Neptune aspecting Venus/Neptune in the 7H always day dream about their partners or future partners. Even crushes.
💙 - Sun in the 9th/Jupiter in the 1H natives are very spiritual/religious deep down in their hearts, it can be a very dear topic for them
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💙 - Virgo in your big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) will make you to be devoted no matter what, your humanitarian nature makes you such a kind person!
💙 - Cancer/Pisces and Leo Mars can skip arguments, they don't like it and don't wanna fight, so most times they choose to just walk away
💙 - Mercury in the 1st/5th/11th houses will gift a person with good humour, if Mercury is in the 8H they can have a dark type of humour, dark jokes too
💙 - Neptune or Pisces rulling your 2H or 3H can give you a very addictive voice, Mercury - Neptune aspects too
💙 - When you have your Saturn Retrograde it feels like having a second parent/father. Like Saturn is tutoring you on your life path
If you're looking for me
I'll be seaside
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💙 - Sun or Rising in Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26° can make the native to be more "earthed" more down to earth, more calm
💙 - Lilith h12 in Pisces or in the 12th house can indicate ancestral wounds, which is a highly deep wound related to your ancestors idk why this placement reminds me about Mulan's ancestors fighting in the temple in the animated movie
💙 - Since no one mentions this, having your Jupiter in the 9H or in Sagittarius doesn't always mean you gonna meet your spouse in foreign lands but also in highschool or university, you can be highschool lovers for example or even highschool lovers in foreign lands as a combo of both, also either you or your partner will have a different ethnicity!! Jupiter at 9°. 21° degrees too
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I always give my 10/10 everytime there is an avatar thematic 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼, is the highest grossing movie for a reason after all 💅🏼
Hope you all have a good day for those to read my posts 🥰🥰
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astuteology · 30 days
Placements that give you mysterious, intimidating, and untouchable ethereal look/aura😏💋
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Starting from the obvious ~
Scorpio sun/moon/venus/mars/ascendant/rising.
Scorpio mercury. (your speech, the way you talk, your choice of words, and your tone)
Scorpio mc/midheaven.
Scorpio descendant.
North/south node in Scorpio/aries/virgo/Capricorn/taurus/leo. (The placements need to be studied)
Aries sun/moon/mars/venus/rising/ascendant.
Aries mc/midheaven.
Aries descendant.
Capricorn mc/midheaven
Capricorn descendant
Capricorn sun/moon/mars/venus/rising/ascendant.
Mars in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/10th/11th/12th.
Venus in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/10th/11th/12th.
Virgo sun/moon/mars/venus, rising/ascendant.
Mc/midheaven in aries/taurus/cancer/leo/virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn. (Placements need to be studied)
Lilith in the 1st/2nd/5th/6th/7th/8th/9th/10th/11th/12th.
Venus in the 1st/2nd/3rd/5th/8th, 9th, 11th.
Pluto in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Leo sun, moon, mars, venus, rising/ascendant.
Taurus, sun, moon, mars, venus, rising/ascendant.
Aquarius moon, venus, descendant.
Saturn in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 10th.
Uranus in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Neptune in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th.
Sun in the 1st, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Moon in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th.
Mercury in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 12th. (You are too cute to approach)
If it doesn't resonate with you, look for these ~
Lilith conjunct/square/opposite venus/mars
Lilith conjunct, square, opposite sun/ saturn/Jupiter
Lilith conjunct, square, opposite uranus/neptune/pluto
Ascendant/rising conjunct, square, opposite sun, venus, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Descendant conjunct, square, opposite sun, venus, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Mc/midheaven conjunct, square, opposite sun, moon, mars, venus, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto.
Sun square venus, mars, saturn, neptune
Neptune square/conjunct mc/midheaven.
Mars conjunct/square saturn
Mars conjunct/square pluto
Saturn square/conjunct uranus
Sun square/opposite/conjunct mars/pluto
Vesta conjunct saturn
Ceres conjunct/square/opposite pluto
Ceres conjunct venus
Vesta conjunct neptune
Any major, love, sex, beauty and negative asteroids making an aspect with the planets, degrees less than 2. (Asteroids such as..psyche, eros, vesta, medusa, lucifer, lilith, Cleopatra, aphrodite, casanova, lust, bella, sirene, etc)
And if these also don't resonate, look for these:
Any of the planets at 0°/1°/2°/5°/6°/8°/10°/12°/13°/17°/18°/20°/22°/23°/25°/28°/29°
Prominent nakshatra- rohini, ashwini, mula, krittika, vishakha, jyeshtha, ashlesha, revati, uttra phalguni, purva phalguni,mrigashira, anuradha, swati, ardra.
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starastrologyy · 3 months
Wealth in Astrology🖤
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Please do not repost anything I write on other social media platforms x I only have a TikTok & a Tumblr.
Wealth in a natal chart
Jupiter in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
Part of fortune in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
People with the ruler of their midheaven in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th tend to earn a substantial amount of money from their careers.
Venus or Jupiter in the 8th can indicate marrying a wealthy spouse.
People with Uranus, Jupiter AND Venus in the 5th house are more likely to win money from games of chance such as the lottery. Please note you have to have at least two of these for it to apply to you.
Some people argue Venus-Pluto contacts (trine,sextile, & conjunction) specifically can indicate wealth. However, I’d argue that you’d want to see if the conjunction is happening in one of the ‘money houses’. Pluto is also the planet of extremes so this aspect is truly one where you’d need to look at other aspects & the chart in its entirety to see how it will unfold.
North Node in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th house.
Jupiter/Venus ruled 2nd, 8th, or 11th house cusp. (Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, or Taurus) over these houses.
People with 8th house placements (especially Venus or Jupiter) are more likely to receive an inheritance, marry a wealthy spouse, or make money through investing/trading.
People with 11th house placements (Venus,Jupiter) have the potential to earn a significant amount of money from their careers.
Planets in a natal chart that are at the 29th degree *in Cancer* are considered to be financially auspicious as that is the millionaire degree. I want to emphasize that the 29th degree is a Leo degree, but what I’m referring to is planets that are in the sign of cancer that are at the 29th degree. I hope this makes sense.
Wealth by Transit
Long-term transits to the 2nd house can indicate a change in your finances. However, I have found this to be especially true if for example Jupiter is transiting your 2nd house *AND* making a trine or conjunction to your natal Venus.
Uranus transits to the 2nd house can indicate an unexpected change in your finances. However, you want to look to see how it’s aspected to see if this change is likely to be positive or negative. If Uranus in the 2nd is making a square to Venus that can indicate a sudden loss of wealth/money.
On the topic of Uranus, when transit Uranus makes transits your 5th house your chances of winning at a game of chance are higher. But, this is only true if transit Jupiter is also transiting the 5th house or if you have your natal Venus, Jupiter, or part of fortune in the 5th .
The best transits for money are Jupiter/Venus transiting the 2nd house OR Transit Venus/Jupiter making a conjunction, trine or sextile to your natal Venus/Jupiter. You also want to look out for transit Venus or Jupiter making an aspect to planets in the 2nd, 8th, or 11th houses. Squares & oppositions can indicate difficulties or losses connected to money. So, sextiles, trines, and sometimes conjunctions are preferred.
Transits of the benefics to the ruler of your 2nd house can also represent a financially auspicious time.
Solar Return
Jupiter in solar return 2nd house can often indicate an increase in wealth that year. This is especially true if Jupiter is making a trine or a conjunction to the Solar Return Venus.
Ruler of the Solar Return Ascendant in the 2nd house, can indicate that you will have a very financially focused year. That is also true if the sign that is over your Solar Return Ascendant is the same sign that is over your natal 2nd house cusp.
I have also seen Pluto in the 2nd house of a Solar Return chart indicate a significant change in an individual’s personal finances/resources. However, we would need to see how it’s being aspected to determine how it would play out for you as an individual. Trines & sextiles (and sometimes conjunctions) are preferred.
Solar return part of fortune in the 2nd house tends to be auspicious for finances.
Solar return Jupiter making a trine to the Midheaven. However, this is most likely to be true if Jupiter is trining your midheaven from the solar return 2nd house.
The ruler of the Solar return Midheaven in the 2nd house can also at times indicate a change in personal finances (in connection to your career). This is also likely to be true if the sign that is over your solar return midheaven is the same sign that is over your natal 2nd house cusp.
Chart Readings are still open! Link is in bio for those interested 🤍 reviews are on my Masterlist x
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janesgms · 10 months
Asteroid Industria
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✨️ Industria (389) Persona Chart Edition ✨️
Having a 5th house stellium can indicate that you will work in the creative field or with children in general, it can also indicate that your own children will interfere in your career like bringing your children with you to your job (and this can cause problems to you depending on the planets we're talking about).
career examples: being a teacher, a pediatrician, a performer, an artist
Sun conjunct mercury indicates your job has a lot to do with communicating yourself/speaking in general, your job is a lot about languages or just communicating in general.
career examples: being a teacher (again), a singer, a mailman, etc. it reminds me of hermes in greek mythology
Having a 2nd house stellium is a huge indicator of having a job that brings you financial comfort and gains in general, you're probably the "official" supporter of the house financially.
Virgo stellium in this chart shows someone bery hardworker, to the point where it's even obsessive depending on the planets and aspects, people can even take advantage of you because you have no problem with doing the "dirty work".
7th house moon is an indicator you have a soft heart in your job space and a lot of peoole with bad intentions take advantage of your kindness, you need to set your boundaries, seriously.
3rd house venus = gossips about your love life in your job space?? 👀 just a guess
Neptune square moon can indicate that you're very uncertain or lost when it comes to choosing what your heart wants for a profession, you feel like there isn't a dream job for you and you'll just get on with life lol. I think this also applies specially if you have pisces personal placements or a stellium in this chart.
On the other side, and kind of surprisingly, moon conjunct neptune can indicate that you've always dreamt about a certain job and it fits you like a glove.
Mars in the 8th house can mean you like to work alone, secretly, you don't like to be ordered around much and you hate when people invade your privacy in your work space.
Having a libra venus in this chart can indicate your beauty and charm have a huge impact on your job.
celebrity example: Taehyung from BTS
Having a libra midheaven can mean your aesthetic has a huge impact on others, you can influenciate a lot of people from your profession.
celebrity example: Lana Del Rey
I think Taurus stellium is a huge indicator of talent and a gorgeous aura in general that makes people pulled in by you in your job space. You'll probably work in the comestics/fashion area (sometimes people forget that venus also rules taurus but let's give them some credits too here lmao)
Mercury in the 5th house: you communicate yourself so pretty, so beautifully in your job, your words and/or voice let people in awe, this has a siren effect but not necessarily a singing voice. Your words can be hypnotizing and your diction too
7th house venus or stellium can indicate your romantic life impacts on your job immensely, even negatively if you're not careful. Also, it can mean you'll find your significant others in your profession field.
Pluto sextile sun means you impose yourself beautifully in your profession, you have an impact on others in a gracious but unforgettable way.
1st house moon can mean you pour your heart out when you're really trying hard to leave an impression through your job. This can also means you care a lot about how others perceive your appearance and this affects you really personally
5th house venus is so pretty, I wish I had it in my chart lol, this person really knows how to use her creativity to make her job properly, she has a natural talent for what she does.
Having a combo of positive aspects between the moon/venus/asc in this chart can indicate your femininity is very in tune in your profession field, you can come off as really beautiful and "in form"/put together when you're working, you just know how to have the ideal vibes, you know? This is very beautiful.
1° Sun means you can show your ego pretty easily when you're in your job space, unless neptune is aspecting it or it's in pisces, then you can hide it pretty well, but you still can be very certain about your abilities and even your appearance, this can indicate a natural leader.
A Leo or Aquarius MC is the true trendsetter of their professional field, they have the best ideas and they're always ahead of others, they can be really inovative. Leo can do it in a more traditional way that still works and leave an impact, in a big and colorful way, aquarius make it in a standing way that leaves people shocked with their ideas, they do that crazy thought that others are scared. The Leo MC knows that they're the royalty and the Aquarius MC knows that they're the mastermind. This duo can work greatly together, their ideas mix pretty well.
1st house Mars in aries are such fast workers!! they do their job pretty fast
I've talked about virgo stellium, but Capricorn stellium are the TRUE workaholics and they do the hard job without an ounce of laziness, they're down for anything as long as it makes them satisfied with fulfilling a useful meaning to them and with ✨️money✨️ of course lol
Speaking of capricorn, having a Capricorn MC means you have fame of doing your job impeccably, you're not joking in your area lol.
If aries/1st house placements are fast workers, taurus/2nd house placements are the opposite. They appreciate the details very much and they hate doing a job for the "half", they can be slow workers but their talent makes it worth it.
8th house pluto and/or mars can indicate you're pretty envied in your job space 🤫 be careful with gossips, lies and secrets...
Scorpio moons do not put their souls in their jobs, their jobs ARE their souls, they pour everything in their profession. They turn their traumas in art
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paradoxical-plutonian · 11 months
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"Fate", July 5, 2023
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