#midterms improve my mental health
squigliez · 7 months
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tuesday, march 19th 2024
it's been a while! my assignments for last week took up all of my time. I've started to receive a few of my grades back, and I'm mostly feeling like I'm falling behind. for now - 80% in physics, chemistry and sociology, 62% in biology and 40% in philosophy (worst one!).
didn't do too well on my mock this Saturday either 😕 I'm trying to not let this affect my next midterms, which are maths tomorrow, literature on Thursday and sociology and philosophy again on Friday. I'm very tired, have been feeling a bit ill, totally unmotivated to go to the gym and my mental health hasn't been the greatest.
a few weeks ago I had to quit dancing, which is the thing I love most in the world, because it became too much for me. I'm still very upset and miss it daily.
however, I got some good news today! I improved by 20% on my essay!! if I keep this up, by the standard exam in November I'll be able to get close to a full mark.
let's see what the rest of the week has in store for me. I have an event on Sunday for which I’m very excited, as well as a few fun things coming up in the next couple of weeks.
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lewmagoo · 1 year
Sorry if this is too personal but I remember you saying you went to a Christian college. What was the experience like? Only reason I ask is because I’m writing a paper about religious institutions. Ignore this if you want :)
i feel a rant coming on. forgive me for the oversharing that's about to happen.
so here's the thing. i grew up in church. a christian environment was all i'd ever known, so going to a christian college just felt like the right, and safest, decision for me. all things considered, the college i went to wasn't as bad as other, more strict christian colleges (e.g., hyles anderson college. look that one up, bc it's a damn doozy), but it was still extremely conservative and rule driven.
it's the place where i started questioning my beliefs for the first time. a lot of things felt very cult-y there, such as, having to go to chapel every single day and we would all stand at a bell tone that happened at the same time everyday, and sing a hymn called the doxology. there are very strict dress standards, which wasn't a problem for me because again, i was used to it after growing up in church. my problem was with the administration, and i'll tell you why.
during my first two semesters there, two very close family members died. i had to go home on two different instances for funerals. the first time i went home they were very accommodating and worked with me. the next one i had to leave for, they made me feel like i was an inconvenience for having to leave. the dean i talked to was more concerned about my studies and me staying on track for midterms than she was about me having to go home to mourn a literal death. it seemed like an annoyance to her to have to excuse all my absences, as if i had purposely arranged for someone to die so i could get out of school. i remember leaving that meeting in tears and calling my mom sobbing over it.
next was the way their counselors handled things. during my second year there i was deep in the throes of depression. worse than i'd ever been before. i had a professor who had, on several occasions, humiliated me in class. and it was math, my struggle subject, so the way he treated me made it 100x worse. and i couldn't drop it bc he was the only one who taught that specific section and it was a prereq for my major. and to top it all off, during that time, i was subjected to a very traumatic event that deeply fucked me up. so i decided to go to one of the campus counselors because i was at the end of my rope. it was a mistake, because she gave me no tools to help myself with. she basically told me i just needed to pray more, and she quoted bible verses and told me to read god's word. and that was one of my last straws.
i decided i was leaving the school after that semester. and it was the best decision i ever made. my mental health has greatly improved since then. i will never go back.
apologies if this wasn't the answer you were looking for. if you want a more streamlined answer please dm me lol
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lance12201 · 2 years
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When looking for something to do with my midterm assignment, I wanted it to be with someone in sports. I thought this was particularly interesting to use as an example mental health and beauty standards for people who like to view these types of magazines. The photo does seem to be photoshopped, obviously, but this is much deeper than just photoshopping a picture.
When people look at these magazines, they want to see motivation and tips on how to improve their fitness. They want to live a healthier lifestyle. Andy Roddick was never mentioned in the cover of the magazine, but he was photoshopped on the cover so someone who is seen as a good looking athlete could represent what they are trying to push to their audience. If you follow their tips in the magazine, you will look like that. And that just isn’t true. I tried to capture an unrealistic picture in my painting because someone to look like what I depicted could never happen. I feel like you can be much happier in life and improve you mental heal a lot easier with being yourself and setting small goals than listening to a lot of unrealistic tips in a magazine that has someone photoshopped on the cover.
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edward-trongco · 6 days
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Interview Question:
“As a college student, what would you say is the most common problem you’ve encountered so far?”
Insights from the Interviewee’s Answers:
After conducting the interview with Japhet Joy M. Lood, one of the most significant challenges he highlighted is time management, which appears to be a universal struggle among college students. He explained that the typical college experience involves juggling multiple commitments simultaneously, including academic responsibilities, social activities, extracurriculars, and, for some students like him, part-time work. This intricate balancing act creates a constant pressure to manage time effectively, yet often results in feelings of overwhelm and stress, particularly during crunch periods such as midterms and finals week.
He elaborated that the issue isn’t solely about the volume of tasks but also the unpredictability of college life. Many assignments and projects come with fluctuating deadlines or sudden increases in workload, which make it difficult to plan ahead. For instance, he recalled instances when long-term projects that seemed manageable at the start of the semester suddenly became overwhelming when combined with other pressing tasks like exam preparation. This, he said, often leads to a “snowball effect” where procrastination creeps in, making everything feel more difficult to tackle as deadlines approach.
He also shared that having a strong peer support system has been incredibly helpful. Collaborating with friends and classmates not only keeps him accountable but also allows him to share the burden of difficult subjects. Group study sessions, for example, have become a regular part of his routine, helping him grasp difficult concepts while also managing his time better. According to him, this social approach to learning not only makes the workload more bearable but also reduces the feelings of isolation that can sometimes exacerbate stress.
Furthermore, he talked about the mental strain that accompanies poor time management. Beyond just academic stress, he pointed out that the struggle to balance everything takes a toll on his mental health, leading to anxiety and burnout. He noted that, despite knowing the importance of self-care, it’s often the first thing to be neglected when school pressure mounts. Taking time for hobbies, exercise, or simply relaxing becomes difficult to prioritize, even though he knows it would improve his overall well-being and productivity.
It came to my mind that time management tools can be really helpful for college students. Despite being dumped with loads of school works, every tasks can be completed in a required time with the help of time management tools. This can improve the school-life balance of every students.
In conclusion, Lood's experience paints a picture of college life that is fraught with challenges but also full of potential for growth. It shows that time management is not just about efficiency, but about balance, self-care, and learning how to adapt to the dynamic nature of college demands. His journey illustrates that while tools and peer support can help ease the burden, there is still a need for a more supportive academic infrastructure to empower students to succeed in all facets of their lives.
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angpagsibol · 2 months
WEEK 7- Summer is giving…
It’s not just the physical health that I am after to for this project. I want to also improve my whole wellbeing. Summer time has come and this made me happy because there are a lot of opportunities that I can do outside. It allows me to explore the outside world and I believe that summer is a season of happiness for all.
For this week, I didn’t reach my goal for my hours of sleep because it was midterm exam week so I have to study overtime. Sometimes, I sleep at 11 then sometimes at 10:30; not consistent basically. I had too much stress for this week because of exam but I am totally happy because my church mate invited me to have some unwind activity with them. We went to Cate’s Park to have some fun. This activity actually help me release some tension and stress that’s in my body. That socialization and connection to the nature help me to get through. For my 1 year stay here in Canada, it is only my first time to touch and feel the water from a beach and it was so called🥶 It’s a core memory for me though.
Sometimes, socialization also heals us. It helps us to release the tensions and stress that we are experiencing. It actually helps a lot especially to our mental health. Aside from that, it is important nnot just to focus on our physical health, but we should also take good care of our mental wellbeing.
P.S. Hopefully I will pass all my exams🙏🏼
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ohtea3 · 4 months
Midterm Reflections: SDG guide to make an impact in the community
It's 2015, and the United Nations has just called a universal call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure all people enjoy health, justice, and peace. Who will respond to this call? (WHO)
Can you believe it's already midterms? That means we're halfway through the block, and by now, I have begun to understand the multi-dimensional layer it takes to be a community OT. As I grow fonder of the community, I keep asking myself how can I make a significant impact with the little time I have left. The task sometimes seems almost impossible and overwhelming, as there’s so much to do and so much more that can be done… This blog will highlight the work I intend to do in the community using the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDG) as a guide.
Before I begin, let me briefly inform you about the SDG- In 2015, the United Nations came together to create a plan for a better future called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It comprises of 17 goals to make the world fairer, safer, and more prosperous by 2030 (UN). The SDGs build on the progress made by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), launched in 2000. The MDGs made a big difference in reducing poverty, improving healthcare, and promoting education globally, with the exception of developing sub-Saharan Africa, leaving millions of people still lagging behind. This is why an urgent global call to action was required…
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The SDGs are a call upon governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to ensure quality education and healthcare and promote peace and justice, among many other goals, as explained in the link below:
This one is related to South Africa and is more relevant to us.
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So, what are we, as community OTs, doing to work towards these goals?
In my last blog, I mentioned how my mornings occur at the New Clinic where we do health promotion. Here, we inform the patients about OT, screen for possible clients, and educate and rehabilitate those in need. We see a variety of cases from psychological, physical, and pediatrics, such as mums with postpartum depression, workers with low back pain, elderly people with arthritis, and kids with developmental delays. This aligns with SDG 3, “Good Health and Wellbeing’’, in which we aim to promote physical and mental health and well-being for all ages. This goal concerns maternal and child health; you can read more about that in my first blog! We also run an active aging group for elderly ladies to promote healthy aging, prevent age-related diseases, and encourage social participation.
The next goal we intend to work towards is SDG 4: “Quality Education.” This goal aims to ensure all learners have access to ECD centers such as creches (4.2) to prepare them for primary school. In Kenville, there are many creches, but the kids are often under-stimulated and do nothing all day. As OTs at the creches, our role is to stimulate and bridge that gap to prepare the kids for primary school. We do this by using play, building cost-effective and stimulating toys, and upskilling teachers to support the learners better. The goal also aims to improve youth literacy and numeracy skills (4,6). At the Kenville primary school, we see many learners unable to read, write, and count. As OTs, we can use alternative and fun learning methods to help learners meet their grade requirements and write legibly.
Moreover, we try to promote SDG8, “Decent Work and Economic Growth.” With our individual clients, we provide vocational rehab for those who are struggling to work due to an illness or injury such as pain, edema, or a hand injury. At the New Clinic, we run a project called KITE, which employs a local community member to work to sell donated clothes to earn an income. We have also been trying to run a job skills program to upskill community members and teach them financial literacy skills. We also aim to tackle youth unemployment by running a study skills group and career guidance for high school learners to educate them about careers and colleges, to improve their marks, and to be able to meet university requirements.
Another goal we intend to work towards is SDG10: “reduced inequalities.” At Kenville, we see income and social inequalities such as poverty, gender-based violence, xenophobia, and the effects of patriarchy on women. This perpetuates a cycle of poverty and marginalization. As OTs, we try to reduce inequalities by focusing on advocacy, education, and social inclusion. At the high school, we discuss pressing issues such as bullying, substance abuse, and teenage pregnancy to help combat these issues. We also run expressive groups for the youth to provide a safe space for the kids and to promote self-esteem and a sense of equality within the community. This links with the last goal as well…
Lastly, we aim to work towards SDG11, “Sustainable Cities and Communities”. This goal aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Kenville has a lot of litter and pollution; we can try to start community clean-up initiatives and environmental education programs; this can be done with the youth soccer kids as they are the ones playing on the fields. We can collaborate with local organizations and businesses to make community resources more sustainable and safer. Our goal for this block is to get a shipping container to work from and improve the youth soccer field (i.e., build goals and clean space). We also need to ensure our programs implemented are sustainable and continue even without us present through caregiver/ teacher/social worker education or, better yet, advocate for an OT post within the community. As OTs, we can also make and provide assistive devices and adapt the home environment to make it more inclusive and safe for people with disabilities.
As you can see, OTs have an active role within communities in helping meet sustainable developmental goals. For the last 3 weeks, we have ''unconsciously'' been working hard, in accordance with the SDG, to help create communal change, promote health, reduce inequalities, provide quality education and work opportunities, and achieve a sustainable and safe community.  By focusing on these five SDGs, we aim to create a ripple effect of positive change within our community. It's important to note that each goal has many sub-goals; we, as OTs, work within our capacity to meet these goals as much as possible, despite the various barriers - such as corruption, poor service delivery, discrimination and occupational ennui of clients- yet our impact is still significant. Considering we have 5 years until our goals should be met, there is so much to do, indicating the need for more/permanent OT services at the community level. Seeing the importance of the SDG to promote health, justice, and peace, as well as the link between the SDG and our OT role, I ask you, have you responded to the UN's call as a future or graduate OT?
Until the next blog
Peace ✌️
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1d1195 · 5 months
Once again none of this will make sense bc it’s all over the place lol
So I’ve been a bit absent for so many reasons and for once it’s not my mental health lol so idk if you remember but i mentioned something about my allergies killing me but turns out it was so much more than allergies 😭 like bestie I GOT SICK! Like sick sick 😭 nothing serious thankfully but it has been very inconvenient timing! I’ve had three midterms to do this past week and sadly I could not get out of them so i basically did them while being on flu medication 😭 like I was not there at all lol I was for sure going through it lol I simply just couldn’t exist and I really had to force myself to be present for those exams lol but I’m a bit better now! A great improvement compared to the beginning of the week lol still not 100% but better!
I sadly had to cancel my plans to go out this weekend too 😔 tragic since I was looking forward to seeing my friends lol
ANYWAYSSSSS in my state of been on too much flu medicine (or is due to the mental illness🤪) I kept getting certain songs stuck in my head and this lyric “ I know it’s hard for you to take a compliment but my life began the day you came into it.” This reminds me of you and your stories! Like it’s very sad and sweet depending on how you view and I know I’m generalizing it but alot of your stories, at least for me, are always so sweet yet can literally break me lol
ALSOOOO bestie I read part 4 and it was so good!!!! I WAS NOT EXPECTING THEIR FIRST DATE AT ALL?!? So that was a nice surprise lol and the fact that they didn’t even make it to dinner it was just kinda cute for them!! Like i don’t think it seems a bit rushed only because at this point they have known about each other for a while and like it’s fiction so this is fine lol but ahh i love that they finally kissed lol im so excited for the next few parts!! Also please don’t feel rushed or pressed to post! I know how busy May will be and it’s okay for missing a weeks of posting!
Also it’s so adorable you get told you look like Belle! Getting compared to a Disney princess is cute! Unless you hate it then idk how to deal with that lol oh blue being your fave makes sense considering your blog theme is blue! I personally don’t have a fave but I do gravitate towards purples and blues but I don’t wear them lol and the thing about undertones and stuff I simply don’t understand that😭like it’s all so confusing for me hahah
I’m sorry your week didn’t start off well :( and knowing that two coworkers had to step in seems like it was rough! I’m sorry that you had to go through that! But I hope you’re better now or at least feel a bit calmer! Being in one’s head too much can be a very tricky and sometimes hard to get out of! I hope your week went a bit better. Hope that your treat yourself a bit this weekend and that you do something that makes you smile!!! I love you so much!!!-💜
I hate getting sick when the weather is getting warmer! (However, in my head, you told me you live on the West Coast and it's always kind of baseline warm so I assumed you were in California but maybe I'm mistaken but if that's the case I guess it's always warm but now it's warmER--anyway!!!) I'm so sorry you were under the weather! I figured midterms were taking most of your attention but fighting illness at the same time 😭 what a tough week!
I know how you feel. My friend invited me to get Chipotle and I declined because I simply reached my limit this week on people and everything. I felt so bad! I actually think she was kind of upset but like I just couldn't fathom going out for an hour+ when I had more stuff to do. Also I was a little annoyed that she made me feel bad about it. Idk, I'm a very independent person so if I want Chipotle, or ice cream, or something...I just go by myself 🤷‍♀️ I used to go to a restaurant between work and my grad school classes and would grade papers all alone at my table. Idk. I got tired of not doing things I wanted to do because I was alone so I just did them by myself.
😭 that's a very sweet lyric! I know exactly what you mean! (It reminds me most of Dolcezza). It's very hard to take a compliment in general hahaha I see that's a Miss Hayley Williams song, I will have to give it a closer listen 💕
TBH I didn't want to describe a dinner date scene 😂 so I thought it would be kinda cute this way I wanted them to actually be more intimate but it will have to wait for the next part No promises yet but I will probs be missing a few updates for sure. The check-ins that I usually post on Thursday are def out the window rn. But honestly the next part of Ding might not be posted till Thursday instead.
I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE UNDERTONES THING EITHER. My sister explained it to me and I just repeat it every now and again. I'll take being Belle. She likes to read, is very sweet, and I would so push Gaston into the mud given half the chance 🤣🤣
The rest of my week went pretty well actually. I'm feeling a bit burnt out but it is what it is. This week will be a long one but I should get a two-week stretch without a lot going on.
I hope you feel better and get lots of rest this weekend!
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lonniiechen · 11 months
11/8/23 Self-Care Blog Update
This week with self-care is a little shaky. I wouldn’t say I had a great week but I wouldn’t say I had the worst either. It’s a good half and half. I feel like I’m just simply living pretty head emptily through this quarter. However, I can’t since I have midterms coming up this week and next. Unfortunately, it is hard to find the motivation to keep going due to the immense assignments and pressure with everything going on around me. I’m not getting enough sleep and my diet is horrible. I either binge snacks as a tactic to keep myself awake or I don’t eat at all. I need to fix these habits and my overall mental health. On the bright side, the quarter is half-way over! Yay! I am looking forward towards Thanksgiving. Never wished for Thanksgiving to come faster. LOLLL. I definitely would hope to improve my overall health by finding that perfect balance between school, work, and social life. There’s just so many external factors to everything right and it’s hard to even begin searching for that balance. Nonetheless, I will keep trying my hardest and giving my all in everything I do. I truly after these next two weeks I can take dance classes again. My friend has been asking me to take contemporary dance with her for the longest time but I can’t because I don’t have time!!!! Every night I always make sure to do my skincare and wash my face to the least. It’s hard to make a routine when my routine is so abnormal right now. It’s the final stretch though! So I have to preserve through and continue because I’ve put so much of my efforts into this already. I just can’t wait to workout and dance again. Almost there. 
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thatsnotme424 · 11 months
16th and 17th october
precisely 12 days for my midterm exams. i want to improve my grades and finally prove to my parents that i am not the dumb, lazy, ungrateful child they think i am. so im going to start this blog to just let all my feelings out while staying anonymous. you can refer to me as candle if you want to (i know no one is going to read this but still). i have been studying rigorously for the past 5 months and i am finally going to get the chance to prove myself.
my parents are not the typical type. they know that i am specially gifted, because i got into a very prestigious school in my state which requires like 2 entrance exams. they know that i am very smart but for the past few years my mental health had taken a major toll and it affected my studies a lot. i used to just sit in front of my laptop and read stuff or watch YouTube or just whatever! i didn't study at all. my parents started to think i was just being lazy when i was actually in severe depression. they started to yell at me every single day. we would have arguments which would just result in me ending up in even worse situations than before.
my classmates used to bully me for being dumb too. i knew they didn't mean it but it hurt. until last year they used to call me dumb and stupid and just because i didn't score well on tests! they started ignoring me and just regarded me as the person who no one liked, but still talked to. of course not all of them did that, but most did. even the teachers started to target me. i was really mad at myself. i talked to my best friend about this and she talked to all our friends and to our class about my situation. she really changed my life and i got a little happy.
that sliver of happiness made my life worse. i started gaining confidence and people started taking me seriously. i started getting even more distracted and didn't pay attention to my academics at all. i was spending all my time just doing nothing and then a day before my tests i would start to panic. i was a perfectly fine person on the outside but inside, things were different
i never took time to analyze my situation. i never considered that my mental health was important and everything about me except my grades mattered too. i got very suicidal. i started self harming again because i didn't know what else to do. it got to the point that every single day i would carry razor blades with me and would cut on my thighs and stomach in the bathroom. i never let my friends find this out because if they did, they would think that i was doing that for attention. i lost all my interest in my hobbies. i stopped singing, i stopped painting. i stopped doing everything i liked because i felt like i did not deserve happiness.
since then my situation has changed my my habit of self injury has not. now because of the fear of failure, i just wake up, study, get ready, go to school, study, come back home, study and study some more until i pass out on my desk. i don't get enough sleep. i don't eat enough food. i dont exercise and i dont show my real emotions to anybody.
right now i'm taking time to write this because i was walking across my room to get my books and i glanced in the mirror and i saw a ghost. i was seeing the studious girl my parents expected and the smart girl who everyone likes but then i saw a shadow. a malnourished girl with huge bags under her eyes and an emotionless face. her eyes did not have a single spark in them. i saw a hollow outline of her limbs with only a trace of human left in them.
that's when i decided that i needed to change.
for the past 5 months( aka the new school year) i have been scoring my best possible on every single test. i have completed every single assignment weeks before the due date. i have tried to keep my scores to the expectation of everyone. i have been faking smiles here and there, trying to fit in. everyone is just thinking that im finally improving, but no. i may be scoring better now, i may seem a lot more happy now but inside, i am not improving at all.
my past traumas keep haunting me day and night, i feel constantly burdened and at the same time feel like a burden. but then again its like sometimes i dont care what everyone else thinks and that im content with my life and my situation. its like i feel happy and sad at the same time. its like im depressed but also having the best time of my life. i dont know what to do.
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scarletcharlotte · 2 years
February 14th, 2023 - Bumpy Beginnings
Coming into the middle of the week, and so far have made no progress in the improvements I seek to make. Fell to my own hubris once again. Tomorrow is a new day, and it will be better, I'm certain. I have a midterm tomorrow morning, 10am, which is a truly terrible start to the day, and I am not too excited about it. I think I'll do okay, I've been studying for days now.
On the subject of changes I am trying to make in my life, they are as follows:
I am trying to lose weight. I know that weight loss can be a sensitive topic, and for a lot of people, trying to lose weight often comes with negative motivations behind it. I certainly do not like myself or my appearance very much, but is more than that. My weight is have negative effects on my health, and it needs to be dealt with.
In accompaniment to weight loss, I want to improve my diet and increase my physical activity. Whether I'm trying to lose weight or not, these things need to be worked on. My diet is very poor. My OCD causes a lot of hang ups around food for me, and it is hard to make changes which are in active opposition to my brain.
My sleep schedule needs a lot of work. I am a student, and it becomes harder and harder to wake up for my 8:30 lectures the longer my sleep schedule goes unchecked. I'm often awake until 4 or 5am, and sleep until 2 or 3pm.
These are the three main things I want to change for myself. They will all better both my physical and mental wellbeing, and this is the year I make these improvements to my life. I'm hoping this blog will help me guide myself through what I know will be a difficult journey.
with hope,
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quillsink · 3 years
a sadness runs through him, i’m with you, & things we lost to the fire?
a sadness runs through him - how’s your mental health?
Lmao it’s okay I guess? Like back in January I had pretty much lost my will to live but I got better after summer holidays because yk no school. In June OCD acted up and my life went to shit, now I’m a bit better and depression isn’t THAT bad!! I only cry like, 3 times a day and I know that’s not great but tbh it’s an improvement. OCD still haunts me (fuck OCD tbh) but its only like half an hour a day.
Anyways midterms are stressful as hell and my self esteem is plummetting cuz I feel like I’m worthless and no one likes me but that’s a matter for another time-
i’m with you - who’s one person who always makes you feel better?
things we lost to the fire - what’s something you’ve lost that you miss and you’ll never get back? it can be physical or emotional
Honestly? The innocence of childhood. Not knowing what depression is. Not knowing what discrimination is. Not knowing what it’s like to fear for your life because of soemthing you can’t control. I miss thé innocence I had as a seven year old.
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cjenvs3000w22 · 3 years
What I've been thinking about - Growing up
When I saw this week’s blog didn’t have a prompt, my first instinct was to text my roommate to complain about it; “how am I supposed to know what to write about if there is no guidance!?” But before I hit send, I realized that’s what I will write about this week - Growing up and the absence of guidance as we enter adulthood.
People say that moving away for university is when you are truly on your own for the first time; you don’t live with your parents (finally haha), you are in charge of your own meals and health, your school work is all on you because no one is nagging you to do it all the time, and frankly if you don’t no one is checking up on you to see why you didn’t submit an assignment on time. As a third year student, I have lived away from home for the majority of the last 3 years, and it definitely has its pros and cons. Pro number one, I have my own room while I’m in Guelph and don’t have anyone telling me that I need to go to bed (I share a room with my sister at home and this is a regular occurrence). Con number one on the other hand, I miss home cooked meals. My specialties in the kitchen include grilled cheese and peanut butter toast, that’s about it! Being an adult on my own now though, it is important that I am fueling my body with good nutrients to keep my brain sharp in school and my body healthy to fight off unwanted…viruses, for example…, but as a person who is a picky eater, I don’t eat as many vegetables as I probably should, which my mom would tell me all the time if I were home.
Moving away from my horrendous eating habits, another thing that has been on my mind related to growing up is stress. With midterms coming up and graduation starting to come into view, I have found myself in a constant state of stress. I am fortunate though to have roommates that can help me through the dark when I see no light, and my mom just a FaceTime call away when I need her. Not everyone is this fortunate and have to work through the dark times on their own. If I ever feel like I am going through something alone, or am simply not ready to talk about it out loud yet, here are a some ways I get through it:
Going for a walk - this is a great way to free my mind and get myself out of my room. Oxygen is also great for your brain after a long “grind session” during midterm season
Cry - although it sounds counterintuitive, I find putting on a sad movie and crying everything out can be a good release, maybe not the most healthy way to deal with it, but it works for me
Take a shower - I know personally when I get in a depressive mood, I tend to stay in bed for as long as days at a time, so jumping in the shower just to rejuvenate myself and cleanse not only my body, but my mind is a way out of the dark
Music - sometimes the most simple things can cheer you up, so for me it is music; whether it is listening to my vinyls, or pulling my guitar out, music is something that has always spoken to me in a way that nothing or no one else ever could.
Reading/self care - I have one spot in my room dedicated to reading, it’s just cozy and warm and a great place to get lost in a good book. Self-care, in any form, is important for your mental health. This can include any of the above listed things, as well as doing your skincare routine, doing your makeup/hair, or even just getting dressed and out of your pjs can be positive actions taken to improve your days
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Left: my vinyl set up, with some of my favourites from my collection on display; Right: my cozy reading nook
When it comes to stress and anxiety, I am no expert, but part of growing up is being able to work through the hard times on your own. This post kind of got a little out of control, but I’ll end by saying, once we are on our own, every decision we make (or don’t make) without guidance from parents or teachers or friends has set us on the path we’re on now, and although the journey may be hard, the final destination will be worth it.
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This magazine-book type thing helped me through a lot, great tips and tricks for improving mental health inside
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lpenvs3000f21 · 3 years
Week Five Free Written Blog!
I cannot believe we are more than halfway done our fifth week of the fall semester! I remember walking to my seminar on campus three years ago thinking to myself how fast the next three years would fly by just the way high school did, but surprisingly, it felt quicker.
I have found week 5 and 6 to always be the most intense weeks of the semester. This is the time when we have midterms, essays due, and must work the hardest on group projects. On top of that, I am applying to law school and graduate programs and volunteering. This may be the most important year of my life as I need to continue networking with peers and professors, maintain high grades, and ultimately choose my career path which I will be immersed in probably until the day I retire.
With all this stress, I have not been enjoying nature as much as I want to. The last time I stepped outside was Monday morning, and that was just to sit in a car to come back to Guelph after the Thanksgiving weekend. Fall is one of my favourite times of the year because the leaves on the trees turn to a beautiful array of reds, oranges and yellows, and the air becomes cooler and crisper. I feel that this time (especially at the peak of its beauty) goes by so quickly, and I have not had the chance to enjoy it! As written in chapter three of our textbook according to Aristotle:
“leisure time is the resource of true citizenship, that individuals should be able to use leisure time well. Leisure is better than work and is its end”.
While hard work is crucial in achieving academic and professional success, so is leisure. Leisure does not suggest laziness, rather to me, means to engage in other hobbies, learn new things to help you grow as a person and to enjoy life. For example, maybe you find leisure in art, books, podcasts, athletics or even just a walk in the Arboretum! “Pleasant experiences seem necessary to maintain a high quality of life. They increase self-reliance and self-esteem, improve mental and physical health, and alleviate anxiety” (Beck et. al, 2018). This is important for all of us to remember, as we are all in the same boat with the stress of school. I have made it my goal for these next two weeks to go on at least a twenty minute walk daily. Hopefully once the craziness dissipates, I can enjoy longer walks or take up my hobbies. This is a healthier break than scrolling through social media or watching Netflix because let’s be honest, most of us do this every few hours without realizing! I hope that you are continuing to enjoy nature (especially while it is still warm outside), and if you have fallen off-track the way I have, get back into it! Take a few minutes every day to get away from your computer and immerse yourself in something you love! Best of luck on your midterms and assessments!
Beck, L., Cable, T.T., & Knudson. D.M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage for a better world. Sagamore-Venture.
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chateautae · 4 years
🐘 Elphie anon:
Hi Sammy! Do you still remember little ol' me? I wanted to send you an ask or message when ch 8 initially came out but online class kicks you hard until you fall only to punch you stomach when you're finally able to stand back up. But honestly, reading ch 8 (the angst, the comfort, the yearning, the haWt smut) feels like a reminder of the things that we have in this life that we can enjoy to the fullest, and sometimes we take em for granted; like the taste of air in our lungs and out, breathing solemnly, taking the time to remember we're living despite the aches. It's a (maybe) weird thing to say but stories like yours make me happy that I'm alive.
My heart and wishes goes out to you, and for anything and everything that is imporant to you. I hope you're taking care of yourself (eat well, take rest, even just deep breaths in between hectic schedules) and that your midterms (??? Are they done srry idk) are going well. Much more, that your mental health is in the condition that you want it to be, good or improving; I really wish that you're happy and peaceful.
38k of chp 8 is a killer, I enjoyed every single word of it. I read that you think it isn't your best, and I understand that kind of sentiment, but really (just reread it) it still stands solid that you are a very gifted writer. I especially love that period of yearning and very undefined plus conflicting for OC and Tae, their feelings made me feel so hopeful for them. But for every scene that passes and they still haven't came to understanding what the conclusion is for their relationship really amplified angst and my heart can't help but feel hopeless. And then, the club part came and just wow, the dynamics of this duo is just so HaWTtttttT.
I do want to applaud you for those heavy scenes, esp for the anxiety. I think you did a nice job with detailing the effect of the nightmare and thw memory of a toxic relationship on YN, it felt so familiar and raw. Idk im sorry if im wrong, but there's some parts of her actions during that scene that i do. (I hope it wasn't very distressing for you to write, romantic angst is heavy but these kind of things can happen to anyone, hearts and hugs idk hhfhfhf)
The smut cant even---- oh my, I think I developed 463738292 more kinks just because that smut. The eye contact and the "say my name" just yeeted my soul out. My soul really said "fkc this i want a gOod man right noW, i need That Sht EYE CONTAct" and I'm too young for kids and I'm not saying impreg kink, but imreg kink. Good sex choices yall.
Sammy, you beautiful and talented soul, all the best for you luv, im pumped for the tae work out fic. You deserve the universe, hun. Hope everything works out good in your present and future.
Congrats on hitting milestones!!!
My-my writing makes you feel alive? Oh God, I need to take a moment because that is literally so beautiful for any author to hear. I’m so so glad my writing has been of any help to you and can bring you happiness, it’s all I ever want as a writer. I’m so happy you loved the chapter despite the length because it was SUCH an insecurity of mine when uploading, and I feel so warm hearing you loved reading about the characters and their feelings!! 
Seriously I’m over the moon hearing that because I approached this chapter with lEnGtH since this couple has too many of their own obstacles to tackle and many feelings to navigate, so I needed to address their inner turmoil and reconciliation carefully! I did not have the heart to write an instant makeup or have them sweep things under the rug because their issues were too pressing, there needed to be a period of separation where they could individually work things out and realize they genuinely love the other enough to give themselves another shot. This rift showed their personalities indeed clash but it’s the way they accept the other and deal with their issues is what defines their relationship!
Wow, I’m actually impressed you picked up on that about the nightmare... yes it’s from my own experience. Kiseok is based on a real person in my life so I think that’s why those scenes feel so raw, and at times it was hard to write them because they were so close to home but it’s also a form of healing for me, so everything’s okay my love ❤  
YES THE SMUT SCENE I actually still need to edit it again but I’M GLAD!! Hehe eye contact and name kinks and impreg kinks are VERY hot and I’m glad I’ve brought you to the dark side 😈
Thank you so much for this elphie anon!! Your message was a treat to read and has kept me motivated to keep writing, you’re such a sweetheart, and I hope you know how wonderful your kindness is, and of course I’ll always remember you🥺💓
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hquirks · 4 years
Karasuno & College AU Pt. 1
School: Karasuno
Genre: headcanons, fluff, crack, slice of life 
Warnings: mental health breakdowns 
A/N: This is a Haikyuu!! Headcanon where the Karasuno first years attend the same college and experience their first semester. This is written under the assumption that they attend a Japanese college that follows an American college system. Lastly, most of these headcanons were based on our own personal experiences in college and from our friends.
Disclaimer: This is very...long LMAO. We’ve been working on this for the past 2 weeks on and off. We just had a lot of feelings but we had so much fun! We’re sorry but we hope you enjoy!!
By: Noodle ✨, BananaMilk 🐯, & FriedOmurice 🌊
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Sports Communication Major
Gets scouted by a university’s volleyball team for either middle blocker/winged spiker
Procrastinates so HARD like does his essay that’s due at 8 am the night before. He PASSES his classes especially the ones for his major and what he is randomly interested in but he is still a mess when it comes to studying.
Though Hinata would be the person you see openly crying out of sadness and doom at 1am in the library
While he has gotten better in taking care of his body, however like any college student, he lives on redbull and coffee especially during finals. 
Tries to not pull all nighters but will due to his procrastination and inability to get work done efficiently
Lives in the same dorm building as Kageyama but on different floors. They burst into each other’s rooms unannounced all the time since they’ve established long ago that they are best friends and do not give a fuck. They banter with each other 24/7 (their respective roommates have grown immune to their loudness and bickering.)
Hinata’s roommate is Inouka from Nekoma!! They both get along really well and are able to live well together so they stay roommates the rest of the years in college. Hinata is a little messier than Inuoka but he keeps his messes to his side that Inuoka never minds.
Their apartment is super wholesome bc since they’re always encouraging each other, they leave little notes like “You got this!!”, “Good luck on your exam!” or “You’re amazing and awesome! Don’t forget it!” Also, the apartment just looks really homey, very lived in.
He becomes kinda popular at school because he just ends up befriending all his classmates (and is even closer to the people in his major) and also because of being on the volleyball team!! Hinata gets recognized everywhere even when he’s off campus and everyone says hi to him, and he never minds.
As a freshman, he attends all of the freshman events and all the free events that happen every day Friday!!!! His favorite Friday event is when they get to stuff an animal (either their school mascot or another animal) and are able to dress it up and keep it! (His favorite is an owl dressed like a volleyball player that he named Little Giant)
Tries to get involved with other clubs but because of volleyball and his inability to juggle more than 3 things, he doesn’t (but still ends up becoming friends with the people in the club bc they think he’s so friendly and fun)
Ends up going to a lot of events held by the clubs he’s befriended! He kinda of becomes a recruiter for the clubs because if he finds someone who talks about an interest, he recommends them one of the clubs. (The clubs are forever grateful because they always get an influx of people during fall semester every year.)
His first semester grades consists of:
- The Coming of Individuality (mandatory freshman course): C+ - Japanese Literature: C - Sports Media and Society: B - Principles of Sports Reporting: A - Biology 1: C-
Hinata has a breakdown about his grades because he does not want to lose his starting spot on the volleyball team. However, he improves much more due to the help of his friends like Yachi and Inuoka the next semester.
Sports therapy
Also gets scouted as a setter by the same university as Hinata
Since Hinata is adamant about attending all the freshman events and free events the campus offers every Friday, he eventually gets pulled into going with Hinata even though he doesn’t want to. 
Thanks to Karasuno and Hinata, he has softened over the years and has learned to be more sociable with others, but he still prefers to hang out with the first years squad and is still a quiet person. 
In their first dorm year, Kunimi and Kindaichi were planning to room together & they were looking for a third roommate, and Kageyama was assigned to their room
They eventually grow mutual respect towards each other
His grades are better than when he was in high school because he actually likes his classes, but he still sucks at general education subjects
He lives on coffee and 5 hour energies to get through finals. He has to cut down on the 5 hour energies because he ends up not sleeping for 3 days straight and he starts to get worried.
Kageyama eventually caves in and tries to join other clubs that do not revolve around volleyball thanks to his friends. Somehow, and the first year squad is still confused as to how, he grew to love the cooking club and he gets really excited whenever they’re trying out a new dish! (He also thinks that as an athlete knowing how to cook and take care of his body is crucial). 
One day when they’re hanging out at Yamaguchi and Tsukki’s apartment, he cooks for them a recipe he learned from the club. The others are really apprehensive at first to taste it, but are genuinely so surprised that it actually tasted REALLY good and immediately start showering him compliments and yelling. Kageyama’s brain goes mush and all he can say is HINATA BOKE(Hinata: WHAT??? I was complimenting you and I wasn’t the only one, Bakageyama!!) 
Besides going on his daily runs, he will also find time to go to the gym early in the mornings. He brings Hinata along with him and they just end up competing at the gym. They become regulars and befriend the front desk people and the security guards.
Because of how popular and good-looking he is, he ends up developing a fan club but doesn’t know about it until one day Tsukki points it out. It’s right after midterms in their 1st year and all five are out to eat. Tsukki’s gets annoyed because there’s just been a hoard of girls (& guys) following them in the restaurant.
Tsukki: can you tell your fanclub to leave us alone?
Kags: ...my what???
Tsukki, unimpressed but not surprised:....
Hinata points out that he has a fanclub like the Great King and Kageyama just blanches...he wants to be like Oikawa but not like this LMFAO
Kageyama’s first semester grades:
- The Coming of Individuality (mandatory freshman course): C+ - Principles of sports therapy A+ - General Japanese 1 C- - Calculus 1 B+ - Ethical Issues in Sport A-
World History major (Honors Program)
Very orderly with his course plans (LEARNING CURVE WHO??)
The guy who plans his week ahead and actually diligently studies. Since Tsukki is BUSY all the time in college, his planner is DETAILED and NEAT. He carries it with him all the time in his backpack or pocket since it is so small and portable. If needed whenever his plans do change, he would carry small sticky notes to plan it out on the spot and make sure everything goes smoothly still. Plus he hates it when it looks messy so sticky notes are a must.
Doesn’t usually go to events on his own willpower. He usually gets dragged into events by his upperclassmen (Kuroo and Bokuto) or Yamaguchi begs to go with him because he doesn’t want to go alone. 
Enjoys going to the college’s on-campus museums during his spare time. He visits seasonally since the museums change up one exhibit every few month dedicated to a certain event or artist. His favorite is the art museum because it’s quiet and calming. (Also, he’s undisturbed by the others...)
Doesn’t want to be the group manager but becomes one anyway because he just can’t watch others “ruin” his grade. 
Has some university credits already from his AP classes / dual enrollment so he’s already finished with some general education requirements but still needs a few more. 
He can actually graduate a semester early BUT decides against it because his apartment lease goes through the next semester and doesn’t want to be bothered with finding someone else to take his spot. (He won’t admit it but he would kinda sorta miss the 4 idiots...)
Sometimes he forgets to eat (Yamaguchi usually reminds him plus they end up going to lunch together too). Often buys starbucks sandwiches on the way to class.
He has his own starbucks cup. He always drinks the same thing, so the workers remember his face and order. Sometimes they make his order ahead of time because they know. Loves their chocolate croissants. 
That bitch who drinks BLACK coffee every morning for enjoyment!!! He also drinks espresso for necessity during finals
Arrives to class early so he can get the really nice seat in the back and doesn’t want to sit next to anyone
In class discussions, Tsukki is a classic smartass. He will not hesitate to give out his opinion and often plays devil's advocate for the class.
He doesn’t join the school official volleyball team, but joins the volleyball club instead because he has to juggle between being in the honors program, being a research assistant, and playing volleyball
Doesn’t want to admit it, but still supports the boys at the official volleyball team. Goes to almost every game in disguise.
Tsukki’s first semester grades:
- The Coming of Individuality (mandatory freshman course): A- - European History and Culture A+ - History Research Seminar: A+ - Crime and Punishment in Japanese History: A+ - Empires, Nationalism, and Revolution: A+ 
Won’t say it, but is actually pretty upset that he got a A- in Coming of Individuality
He majors in psychology and minors in business administration. 
Knows where all the university gardens are and has a favorite spot when he studies sometimes if he wants some fresh air.
In continuation, he knows and goes to all the nice trails and parks around the city. He tries to go when he cans and he often brings the other first years when they all have the time. (Everyone except Tsukki enjoys it...but Tsukki grows to love it as well.)
Yamaguchi and Yachi go together to pet the therapy dogs every Friday by the library and cry from the cuteness and love they receive. They have a favorite dog that is a shiba inu named Mizu who is the ABSOLUTE sweets and gets so many belly rubs from these two.
Yamaguchi works at a boba place to cover his loans. The first-year squad comes over often to study and hang out with him (really though they tease/play around with him). He is a STAR employee, having been there most of his 4 years and is employee of the month frequently. Knows the regulars’ orders by heart and is doted on the little old lady who comes in with her dog every Sunday morning.
He LOVES all the good food. He knows all the low key, hole-in-the-wall places that DELIVER on food. His favorite food is teriyaki chicken. It’s basic but also HAS to be quality chicken and chicken.
When Yamaguchi wants to cry from the stress of doing SOOOOOO MUCH (school, job, research assistant, and psychology club), he goes to the psychology building because it’s colder and has fewer people. He discovered a spot there that no one ever goes to and cries there. 
He actually found his mentor/ researcher boss who was a psychology professor and researcher who saw him one day and asked if he was okay.
He joins the psychology club and gets so involved!! He does the mentor/mentee program and because he loves helping people so much, he ends up having so many mentees and even adopting a few who get abandoned
Even though he’s already busy, he actually becomes secretary this 2nd year, VP 3rd year, and then president his last year!
Yamaguchi does NOT do coffee, but he loves tea and anything relating to tea. His favorite boba flavor is matcha green tea. 
Because of this, he becomes obsessed with matcha in general and will get matcha flavored anything
Yamaguchi and Tsukki are roomies (duh). People don’t get why they live together with their opposite personalities, but they eventually see why 
Yamaguchi first semester grades: 
- Psychology of Personality: A+ - The Coming of Individuality (mandatory freshman course): A- - Social Psychology: A+ - Introduction to Statistics 1: B- - Introduction to Finance: B
Has always been a good student and works hard for his grades but his first semester grades suffer a little(freaks out about his B’s) because of all the stuff he has on his plate, however, he learns to handle it better and understands that a B is still okay!! 
Graphic Design Major
Binge-buys Shein and YesStyle Clothes the first week
This QUEEN has taken every self defense lesson she could get her hands on and bought herself pepper spray as well. Even though the boys felt they were fine, she gave them pepper spray to put in their bags(practically shoved it in their bags because she wants them to be safe too)
She gets a lot of compliments for her cat keychain from others, but none of them really know that the keychain can be used for self defense and Yachi bought it because it was cute and effective. 
Her campus has a building for all of the student life and activities and there’s a small bowling alley. Lemme tell you, she’s a serious bowler; like her scores are always in the triple digits. She goes every Wednesday religiously all four years (except during midterms and finals week) because it’s half priced.
OFC she joins the bowling club and competes throughout her college years. Y’all already know she’s winning the medals. 
THE QUEEN OF SAVING MONEY AND COUPONING!! She will always snag the free, semesterly coupon book in the plaza when they give them out. She ends up grabbing 4 (2 for her and 2 for her roommate)
Yachi LOVES sweets so when she’s feeling stressed, she usually eats sweet things or cries and if she’s REALLY stressed she’ll do both. Her best friends are her tears, a tub of chocolate ice cream, and videos of animals(cats, dogs, pandas mostly but cats are her fav mostly) plus tiny food cooking to make her feel better.
In clubs that she joins, she often becomes the multimedia chair and everyone loves her designs and ideas!! 
She interns during her 3rd year as a local business where they use her design as the new logo for the company!! Because of how well the design was, she ends up catching the eye of a major company (one she’s been looking at for a while) and they offer her a job after graduation!!
The boys are super proud of her and surprise her with a congratulations party for her success!! The boys are tearing up at how much Yachi has grown as a person(imagine Kiyoko when she presented Karasuno with the team flag and all the second and third year boys CRIED. That’s what happens basically) 
Yachi’s first semester grades: 
- The Coming of Individuality (mandatory freshman course): A+ - Perceptual drawing: A+ - Typography: A+ - Principles of Art History 1:B+ - Introduction to Statistics: A+ 
Yachi is SMART and has great grades, but her anxiety affects her when she’s dealing with big projects for her classes. She eventually gets better every semester and learns to manage her anxiety when it comes to big assignments! Bottom line, she evolves to be a BOSS. 
Coming of Individuality: freshman required course
- Hinata, Yachi, and Yamaguchi agree to be in the same class Hinata convinces Kageyama to take the course with him
- Yamaguchi asks Tsukki to take the course with him and Yachi, which he agrees, but Tsukki doesn’t know that Hinata and Kageyama are also there
Plants Drops!
- Every 3rd Thursday of the month, the gardening club has a plant drop where they give out plants for free in their campus’ plaza
- So, Yachi and Yamaguchi are the first ones to find out about it, and end up dragging the other 3 to go with them
- Tsukki thought he would hate it but he got this little cactus that he’s kept alive all four years and brings it with him when he graduates into his new apartment - Hinata tries to keep the plants alive but ends up forgetting about them so he has to opt for cacti only; though, he does end up keeping one plant alive for the rest of the semester but forgets about it when he goes home and leaves it in the dorm - Kageyama ends up keeping two plants alive, both little ferns, and names them banana and strawberry (his favorite milks) They still go every 3rd Thursday even if they have plants because it gives them an opportunity to see each other if they have been busy
Yamaguchi and Tsukki’s place
- The undisputed hangout place for the first year squad (Tsukki worries that Kags and Hinata will break something every time they come over) since it is so close to campus.  - They often come over in between classes to chill and eat their food in peace while watching Netflix or playing Mario Kart or Super Smash together.
MANDATED (Tsukki didn’t want this but the others wanted this to happen) first-year lunch hangout
- Every Friday at exactly 11:15am, the first-year squad would eat lunch together at a local food stand on their campus called Tikis to catch up for the week.  - They chose Friday because they tried all the other days and decided collectively that Fridays were the best.  - The food stand usually sells a variety of food (usually soul food) and switch it up every week but it has some of the BEST food on campus (& even the city) - Without a doubt, the first-year squad ALWAYS make sure to leave space for their mandated Tikis lunch when doing their schedules every semester. No excuses. 
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