#might be a little bit the reason why this blog exists lol
anamericangirl · 30 days
It drives me kind of crazy how often I see you having to argue the same points over and over with people. It seems to me as if I should just be able to scroll your blog a bit, get a good idea of your feelings on things, and then know everything I need to know about how you'll answer. How do you deal with this strange, perverse popularity you've garnered? How many times do you think you'll have to tell people that an unborn baby is a person and entitled to all the protections any other person should be? Every other 'gotcha' and nice and narrow circumstance that someone could possibly ask about abortion should be a 'don't make me tap the sign' moment, right? Yes, aborting a child conceived of rape is bad because the baby is innocent. Yes aborting a child because the mother's circumstances changed is bad because the child has a right to life too. Yes, when you fuck someone you're consenting to the risk of bringing a new life into the world, and you don't get to revoke that consent later for any reason. I can't help but think these people keep trying to mental-backflip their way into a position where their beliefs aren't barbarically monstrous has to be coming from some feeling of guilt. At some point in their lives they coerced someone to kill their baby, or maybe they killed their own baby, and if they confront the idea that they took part in killing an innocent person they will burst into flames or something. They're desperate to try to convince people that they're actually a good person, that they're not monsters, and that they don't need to repent for the lives they've ended.
I'm convinced that most people are motivated by compassion, but it's so devilishly easy to trick and coerce people in misdirecting that compassion towards evil means. Change the lens and perspective on a situation and you can find someone gullible enough to believe what they're advocating for is good and righteous. When compassionate people are confronted with the notion they've been tricked and used for evil, I think they tend more often than not to break. They have to twist themselves back up into a deluded mindset to defend their minds and souls from the pain of admitting they were used, and in the process they only perpetuate more evil...
Anyway, I think you're great. The only thing we seem to be able to do with these people is to be a wall they can't break down or climb over. We have to be like concrete, so when they slam into us they only cause themselves pain. There can be no bending or breaking in the face of people that will take any sign of weakness as an indication they are right. If there's any chance of them coming back from where they are, then walls like you need to help guide them along the right path as they seek to slam through you.
I think you are pretty much right. Some of it might be guilt, some of it's misguided and warped "compassion" and some is just straight up indoctrination. That's why for the majority of them, once they make their initial argument they can't engage with you in an intellectual discussion after you challenge it. All they know is the line but they can't rationalize it because they surround themselves in echo chambers where they don't have to rationalize things. They're not used to engaging in discussion with people who don't just nod in agreement with them or don't accept what they say at face value.
And, like, yeah it does get a little tiring to have to say the same things over and over again when it's not hard to find my answer by taking a quick glance at my blog. I've literally addressed every single pro-abortion argument in existence at this point I think lol. But on the other hand I don't mind especially if it seems to be someone who I haven't interacted with before and is genuinely curious (even if it's something I've answered before) versus someone who keeps asking me the same things over and over again and is just completely ignoring my answer or thinks if they slightly change the scenario my answer will be different. And sometimes it's hard to differentiate between those two types of people lol.
For whatever reason, they just can't accept that there's never a time where you have to kill a baby. And that might be where a little bit of the guilt comes in. They see me and others say that and they immediately start trying to invent scenarios (some completely outlandish) where it's necessary to kill a baby. Because if they can't find an exception then that means they have actually been advocating for something truly horrible this entire time and none of them want to admit they've been doing that.
Thanks so much!!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I've been following your blog for a little while and just thinking out loud here I guess but I've been going over in my mind about the antis. Why? I've seen it discussed a bit and different reasons given for why they are how they are like for example, being raised in an over-protective way, feeling powerless to make any actual change so they turn to keyboard warrior-ing etc.
But there's one thing I haven't really seen discussed or mentioned anywhere and that's jealousy. The more I see people cancelled and called out the more I'm inclined to say it's jealousy. Or at least a big part of it is. When I see the people who have had problems with antis it's usually adults who have big followings and are quite talented at what they do whether it's draw fanart or write fanfic.
These people are logically good at what they do because they have spent much longer on their hobby/skills. Being privy to some behind the scenes drama in a couple of fandoms it's always turned out it's teenagers with smaller/less popular accounts or teenaged extreme self-shippers that cancel adults who draw and write nsfw of their crush.
Now you might say, well that doesn't mean anything. They really may be put off by sex and find it abhorrent etc. which would be a little bit understandable except in the cases I have seen, these same teenagers post/reblog and smuttiest memes/fanfics/fanart by younger creators. So it's clearly not a 'Ahh!!! Scary sex!!!' thing for many of them. It's a jealousy thing because these older people are doing it better and taking away attention from them.
It happened to me lowkey. I'm an adult that writes/draws NSFW of a particular character and I was taken to task by a screeching little self-proclaimed bitch about how dare I draw this and that and how lewd it was blah blah. To be honest it left me a little shaken at the time since I had never been attacked or 'called out' before. I ended up blocking them on everything but word and screenshots got around to me later that they were posting sexualised as hell content of this same character that they felt the need to protect from me. Yes. They needed to protect this fictional character from me.
Anyway, I'm not the greatest artist and my following isn't huge. It's just a little hobby but I've seen friends with much bigger followings get hounded by teenagers who have the hots for the character they draw/write and some of them just end up leaving fandoms completely which I think is sad. And for many of these teens it's just pure jealousy that they hide behind 'noble' motivations like protecting minors or whatever the fuck.
Lol sorry for the rant but I had to say that somewhere.
Yes. Everyone has been saying it's about jealousy for years.
It's not just teenagers though: poisonous idiots who are jealous that anyone else is popular and/or that others are more popular exist at every age.
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decamarks · 2 years
Have you ever thought of making an actual game? Even a little one?? Your 'Atom Amulet' art and gif look soooo good they legit fooled me for a bit when I first looked at them into thinking they were from a real game! Your enjoyment and respect for glitches and games as a medium is really neat, and tbh I'm super curious what you'd make! As someone who actually played a few weird old PS1 and computer games as a kid, sooo many attempts at 'retro low-poly style' games I see always break my immersion when I can see like.. too much anti-aliasing, too many things rendered in real time instead of prerendered (not extremely subtle stuff like raytracing or font choice, which gave away Petscop to a few incredibly observant people lol), etc.. part of the charm of old 3D games is devs clearly trying extremely hard to work with limitations of disc space and RAM! No one's cutting corners! Also the design for Atom Amulet's character is the kind I've been wanting to see SO badly in modern-retro games.. no one ever goes for 'rounded little creature guy who looks a little wonky' designs like you see in Creatures or SHEEP because they think it's too ugly! But it looks COOL! And that's part of why it really seemed like an actual old game to me at first.. I like your blog and art, your passion for games and glitches is really inspiring! Nice job on the animation and 3D art!
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON ;__; This made me really happy to read... Trust me, I have daydreamed extensively about the kind of games I'd like to make, so I've definitely got ideas for stuff like that. Animation and 3D art in general is my main focus right now though, since I've got a lot I want to create, and still a LOT to learn as well, LOL. I would probably be most interested in making a game with a small team or creative partner, since even small games can be incredibly taxing to create and I'd prefer not to mentally and/or physically implode. (My main problem is mostly finding those people... I'm not good at initiating this kind of thing.)
Anyway, I absolutely agree on being kinda disinterested in a lot of 'retro low-poly' aesthetics, just because they feel too divorced from the actual technology that gave the style a reason to exist in the first place. That's not to say at all I think this style should exist in a chronological vacuum, or that it shouldn't be iterated upon with modern technology, but that it just looks too clean too often, too streamlined! I don't want that! I want WONKINESS!!!
I don't think it's necessarily a fear of this sort of 'ugliness', or at least not always—it's more so that this wonkiness can be sometimes hard to achieve at all. Like. Hold on. I could write stupid poetical paragraphs about this concept, but I think this post sums it up 10,000 times better than I ever could.
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The primary function of a comic is to tell a story that is best shown through the format of sequential images. So you might expect that anything made for a primarily visual medium must look 'good' to be effective, right? But it doesn't; MS Paint's ugly palettes and pixelated pens only serve to amplify the expressiveness in this image. It looks silly and simplistic, and that's exactly why it works. Whether this was intended by the artist is irrelevant. It's effective not despite its strange, subtle stiltedness, but because of it.
It reminds me of this post about animation by PilotRedSun, which I think about a lot:
I’ve learned a bit of animation fundamentals, branched out to other styles . . . but I still adhere to the rule that every animation on my channel should have a dysfunctional aspect to it. When an animation contains an error, it distracts the viewer. Thus when an animation is composed of errors, it mesmerizes the viewer.
Video games are interesting to compare to comics and animation in this sense, because most games are made simply to be played. Despite being a visual medium, it isn't necessarily expected to look good; it just has to function as an interactive experience. This emphasis on functionality, created through technological limitations of the time, is exactly what originated low-poly and pixelated styles. Older video game art didn't need to be particularly beautiful, just purposeful. You take a concept, put it on the screen, and continue stripping away pixels and polygons until only its most minimal existence remains, because if you don't, you won't be able to fit it within your meager 64 MB cartridge capacity. It looks wonky, and may not really resemble the initial concept as you saw it anymore... but it works.
That's not to say huge, high-res canvases of pixel art and raytracing on low-poly renders can't be uniquely beautiful as well—I think the ways these styles are innovated with modern technology is just as intriguing. The fundamental aspects of these styles will always be worth exploring, because at their core, they're about conveying things in unconventional ways. Simplicity makes it stilted and strange, and 'ugliness' is what makes it so evocative.
But like I said, I don't think it's a matter of intentionally avoiding these more subtle sorts of strangeness. It's just that harnessing and embracing it to its full extent is very hard. Particularly because modern technology often just... lacks limits. You can do practically anything with it, and that's the problem. If you have a decent GPU and the capacity to follow basic instructions, you can make a simple yet frighteningly hyper-realistic 3D scene in mere minutes, the kind that older video game developers could have only dreamed of. And technologically, it's impressive, but that's it. There are no corners cut, no concepts compressed, and nothing your computer can't handle for you. As soon as the realistic refractions and flashy lights fade, you realize it's all a little empty beyond the subdivision surfaces.
It's easy to get lost in a world without limitations, because empty canvases are just as freeing as they are intimidating. Making beautiful things because you can is obviously fun, and often impressive, but it gets boring. Sometimes I simply want to see things breaking at their seams, stripped down to the point of struggling to exist at all, and working—and being not just beautiful because of it, but fundamentally fascinating.
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tiredassmage · 1 month
more bg blorbo posting!
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longer time blog friends may recall something of rhyst as my jedi knight from swtor, but he also has an older sister, rhiannon! and true to form, trying to get their looks right in bg3 was a hell i spent like three hours slogging through for each of them because despite how long i've had them as ocs, they're probably one of the bigger mysteries to me as far as appearance. [which i think, case in point, rhyst has gone ginger since the last time i've posted about him. dyed ginger at least as far as swtor edition is concerned, but ginger nonetheless!]
i've been back and forth on the details of these siblings... pretty much since i decided that they were siblings. and rhyst always gives me interesting conundrums because he's technically cut out of the same cloth as tyr is and a lot of that, thematically, still likes to show up and leave me feeling like a wet dog in flooding road pothole during a storm. that also meant for a while that him and tyr shared some similarities in appearance, too, and while i've decided my brain might explode if i tried to address that in the galaxy far, far away, i thought i could have a bit more fun with complicating everything in their fantasy land adventures, lol!
so! rhyst i have made as an oath of ancients paladin, and in my heart a paladin of tyr [i'll address that in two seconds, i promise, lol]. i've been lazy on downloading the deities mod i'm pretty sure exists for paladins bc i'm not ready to get into his playthrough for real yet [or rather, the latest one. considering he has seen. a few attempts already in bg. i swear, this man and not knowing what he really looks like driving me absolutely batty], but i might yet. anyway, that's not particularly important. he's the younger of the siblings by a year or two and is generally like a really, really happy to see you labrador. rhyst is kind of a burning idealist and kind-hearted. he's ready to look for the best in just about anyone, or at least acknowledge that, if circumstances had been different, people he winds up crossing blades with may have seen differently. he's fond of stories of heroes and i'd say he's... the kind of still young enough where he hasn't had his ideals and drives of "why can't we all just get along" thoroughly tested yet; the world hasn't had a chance to jade him.
rhiannon is a light domain cleric of kelemvor and sometimes the one that's a little bit more ready to start swingin' of the siblings. [though if you put them both in the same room, they can mutually come to a conclusion that bashing things is the correct way to resolve a problem, and will do so with gusto.] while both of them can hold fairly rigid to their sense of right and wrong, i think rhiannon has had a teensy bit more practical world experience and was the bolder traveler of the two of them.
and with harper heritage, both of them firmly stand by doing what needs to be done.
both are born and raised in baldur's gate, primarily by their mother, a city druid. what they know of their father is mostly stories, but rhiannon might've met him once or twice.
so, the reason i mentioned tyr [the oc] in all of this, lol, is bc i keep making bg-edition of his family group bigger, lol.
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the man, the myth, the legend, etc etc. tyr who i've realized i should probably start calling oliver in baldur's gate to steal a leaf out of one of his covers bc for all the 'finding new paths in life' after spending his first couple of decades working as an assassin, going by the name of the in-universe god of justice is maybe a bit more sacrilegious than i'd diagnose him with. not that the man is particularly faithful to authority and the divine, exactly, but he's also not looking to pick a fight with the god of justice. a few others, maybe more so, but that's getting ahead of ourselves.
so before oliver sort of settled down for good and moved out of the city, he did spend a little time with the harpers, and that kids, is how i met your mother. [badumtsh!] (whom i still have to name. rip)
it's a relatively short relationship i imagine, compared to the fact that oliver's now married with two other daughters (one biological and one adopted), but also pretty amicably ended. i think rhyst and rhiannon's mother wasn't quite interested in keeping up with the likes of the harpers anymore and was a bit more ready to settle in, where oliver still saw work to do [and involvements to atone for, which is perhaps deserving of a post of it's own because gods know him and alucren have. (gestures) Things going on between them].
so, ~unfortunately for dear mum, rhiannon and rhyst sort of inherited the harper's bug, and a nose that wouldn't leave a layman's "well enough" alone. rhiannon seeks to lay to rest the undead i think partly inspired by dear old dad's previous connections as an assassin, and rhyst pursued the path of a paladin inspired by heroic tales and talk of honor and following codes and oaths taken.
undecided just how involved in the plot i'll get them, but i do think it'd be a lil fun to at least have one version of events where there's a kinda silly family reunion to the tune the likes of "of course you'd be in the middle of all of this. how can we help?" [oliver and jaheira shaking hands and sighing over wrangling strong-willed kids]
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
(1) I’ve largely erred on the side of not saying this because I don’t care to rain on anyone’s parade, but since you mentioned feeling like the friendship between Tomura and Spinner can get blown out of proportion, I can think of at least one concrete reason for why that disconnect might exist. I obviously don't blame people for taking the official translations at face value, but I feel like Spinner's line about "bonding" with Tomura over games is another example of sentiments getting
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Ahhhhhh lot of good stuff here
Putting a cut for length but also people who just don't wanna see this type of response
I feel this way about a lot of peoples' interpretations of the League and their interactions. Not just Spinner and Shigaraki, but all of them. I feel like a lot of gestures get blown way out of proportion. Shigaraki's "I just want them to be able to live how they see fit" does not equal "Their happiness is my priority, and I'm going to work to create a world where they can be happy". I'm sorry but those two are not the same thing, and I haven't seen Shigaraki act in such a way either. Those two goals may point in the same direction (they don't because he's a fucking liar to his own face and so is Toga to her own face), but that kind sentiment did not suddenly mean that he is prioritizing their happiness and wellbeing above all else. If that was the case, well, they wouldn't have formed a giant ass army to take on the world at war and risk dying (which one of them did) and Spinner wouldn't be in the situation he is in now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
I don't want to rain on people's parades either, but my opinions are pretty clear and have been for a while and people have had plenty of time to block/unfollow me as they see necessary. So at this point, I don't hold back (I try very hard to avoid being super negative though about any character in general). I used to hold back my not so popular (in the villain corner of the fandom) interpretations on the League up until recently. As we've gotten closer to the end, I've decided that I'm just gonna put my opinion out into the void even if many people--specifically in the little circle of blogs I occupy--don't like it. And many don't, and that's okay. My opinion doesn't change unless the manga gives me a reason to change it.
Spinner and Shigaraki--I have a lot of issues here, MAJORITY of it due to fandom hyping them up as more than they are. And look, I don't care when stuff is clearly fanon or headcanons. Posts that are meant to be taken that way are usually pretty clear about it. But these are whole analyses based off of this overblown bond/friendship that literally only Spinner seems to acknowledge/be so attached to.
I don't doubt Shigaraki views everyone in the League as a friend in some capacity. I don't doubt that at all. I don't doubt that he cares and genuinely wants them to live how they want. However, I would like for someone to show me where he pays the same type of special attention to Spinner that Spinner gives to him. Imo, Shigaraki treats them all pretty equally--Spinner included.
I didn't know that about the Japanese, and yet, I still felt this way. Assuming that someone who has a good understanding of Japanese can correct your statement, I'm gonna take your word for it since I can't say shit otherwise lol. But cool--yeah that particular line is used quite a bit. And I get it! It's fun especially if you ship the characters or just enjoy their interactions.
But I feel like people overlook the fact that Spinner's idolization and attachment is literally negative and is a challenge in his arc, not some cute uwu friendship that was just about video games (when would they have played video games in canon??? WHEN????).
Spinner decided to seriously devote himself to Shigaraki (which in itself is a weird not great thing to do) during MVA, because it looked as if Shigaraki had made progress and overcome a barrier and become this all powerful destructive god who can make dreams come true (dreams for someone who wants to lash out at least). But MVA was not any of that. MVA was Shigaraki doing exactly what AFO wanted him to do--get worse emotionally, spiral more mentally and become even more unstable, and hate himself to the point that he sees no point in thinking or hoping for change for the better. Perfect, all according to keikaku. And THAT is when Spinner was like "FUCK YEAH THIS GUY". I know Spin didn't know that, but come oN guys THE TIMING OF IT IS SO FORETELLING.
AND IT WAS. Because look now. What has turned me completely off to this dynamic is the fandom hyping it up as a pure devotion that isn't stemming from a lot of self-worth issues and negative idealization. Spinner associates Shigaraki with destruction, rage, anger, and misery. That's also what Shigaraki associates himself with, and that's exactly what AFO wants. And man, he sure got it out of both of them.
And I'd like it if people acknowledged that more for what it is, but it's just reduced down to "two gamers that AFO groomed and took advantage of". And I feel that is just super oversimplifying what actually happened. AFO didn't groom Spinner from the age of 5, he took advantage of a vulnerability he was able to pinpoint super quickly after Spinner made it painfully obvious.
I like Spinner more on his own, and I like the potential for him to face the reality that him ignoring his gut instincts in favor of that dream of destruction he associates with Shigaraki eventually led to him making things worse for Shigaraki--unintentionally. I mean he hasn't made shit hit the fan YET--but man if things aren't looking ominous as fuck right now. AFO is counting on Spinner? Oof. But the potential for drama here is exciting, and I'm ready for it.
But yeah. I agree--it's overblown imo. It has become a plot point in Shigaraki's arc in a negative way. So I feel people miss the mark when they focus on how devoted Spinner is to Shigaraki during all of this mess, because that's exactly why things look the way they do lol.
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sui-imi · 11 months
UnderEats - progress update(?)
First, thank you to all the new followers. Welcome!
Second, I've been brainstorming some ideas for UnderEats and wanted to talk a little about it. Like an update? Makes me feel like a Game Dev hahaha.
But before that, I did want to say that I'm thinking of creating an ask blog for the company. I would answer questions and post future art there, and have only UE-related content on it. But that will take a little while.
Back to the second point. I'll put it under a cut, since I'll probably start rambling.
The background and setting are main priority right now. I'm still working on some of the finer details (and honestly, I'm wondering if some of these details are a bit overkill haha?).
To clarify, UE isn't an Alternate Universe. It's a company that exists to connect different food services and different customers across the multiverse. It doesn't exist in any one AU, nor is it bound by one.
Despite this, I did want to give it a "home base" of sorts. Ink has the doodlesphere, Error has the antivoid, so UE should get a 'home' of it's own. Which it does! (... Once i draw it.)
I'm also working on the "how UE exists" and "why it exists" parts. The "how" is still WIP, partly because I'm struggling for ideas, partly because I don't want to write myself into a corner by going too in detail. But I'll figure it out. The "why" is... also WIP. The biggest reason is because of Exec.
Exec is actually pretty important. They built the company up, found people to help, found people to work, etc. They have motivations and rules to stick by. But then I have concepts for the story that become contradictory because of said motivations. But if I change the motivations, the story concepts don't make sense either! And I don't want them to just sit in the shadows, not really doing anything.
So Exec will probably need to be reworked. I don't know how major (I think a redesign at the very least...). But it's definitely important.
I also want to update everyone's refs at some point. Adding more details, changing the colours slightly, some needing redesigns, etc. As well as the new refs I need to make for side characters... Whew.
It's a lot to do, but I think writing it down like this helps me to visualise each step. I really do love this concept, and I don't want it to just be "Roo and some other characters" (though considering Sans' popularity it might be LOL) (which is fine if it is. But I still want to flesh out the idea). So good luck to me.
I think that's all. Thanks to anyone who read all this.
tl:dr; working on background and setting of UE, exec rework, more reference art & redrawing refs.
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bthump · 10 months
This isn’t specifically about you and more about the anons, because I’ve noticed that you sometimes get requests to respond to meta posts other people make and something about that makes me a bit uncomfortable. Since your meta posts are widely liked by a big part of this community, it sometimes feels like you’re being kinda requested to „debunk“ other meta posts. Diversity in opinions is so important for a good fandom atmosphere and some of the anons you get seem to wanna stir up hostility and I don’t like it. Since I like some of your meta posts, but also find myself agreeing with other people, I just feel weird about this dynamic, you know? How do you feel about it?
I think that's a fair concern but honestly, I don't see it as inherently a problem. This might be my 00s internet bias here lol, but I tend to view meta on a public platform as fair game for response or external commentary - which includes my own posts. My meta is here to be read by anyone who wants to, and to provoke thought and discussion, and that's generally what I assume of others' meta as well.
Like I recognize that attitudes have changed in the era of mostly unmoderated spaces and reblogs and the lack of diverse comms with their own norms and discourse running rampant lol, and so it's often considered automatically rude to disagree with people now, but I think that can only extend so far. Like, I don't reblog posts just to disagree with them (unless they're a friend and I know they're cool with discussion) because I know it sucks when you keep getting notes from people who are liking or reblogging the take you disagree with, but I don't think that should mean not discussing other people's meta at all, as long as it's done respectfully of course.
And I understand why someone might want a second opinion on something they read. I think everyone should think for themselves and form their own opinions, and I completely agree that diversity of opinion is important in any fandom. But not everyone has confidence in their own analysis, or the learned skills for criticism, and I think it's reasonable to seek out other viewpoints and decide which seems most correct to you, or use them as boucing off points to figure out what you believe. I definitely don't want to be the only Berserk meta blog out there, and I'm more than happy to agree to disagree with most people. I'm not an authority on the story lol and people are free to agree or disagree with me however they see fit.
That said, I'm always a little wary about tone and intent, especially in Berserk fandom, because I'm not here to get into arguments and I try to make that clear. But I take most asks in good faith. Sometimes I might go a little too far with that lol, but honestly I'd rather come across as naive than hostile. If I found out that someone was trying to start a fight between me and someone else, or was using my posts to dunk on someone else, or if followers of mine took it as a cue to harass someone, I'd absolutely say something and stop answering those asks. (Hopefully we're all chill enough over here that this doesn't happen, btw. As far as I'm aware I've never incited anything like that and I've personally only ever seen fandom arguments started by people mad about Griffith fans existing, but tbf I also don't pay attention to whatever's happening outside of my dash.)
But yeah I don't think that's what's happening here, and I don't want to assume someone's trying to start shit unless there's clear evidence for that. Like in the last ask I got like this, the anon did specify that they agreed with the post they wanted me to comment on, and were just seeking more opinions/wondering what my own take was, and I think that's reasonable.
Idk, this is definitely one of those things where I know there are different valid opinions about etiquette. But I generally abide by the 'do unto others' rule, including here. I blog with the expectation that anyone can read what I write and agree or disagree, and that I might inspire other discussion. Sometimes I get nervous about being linked to notably hostile fan spaces, like the berserk reddit, but it has happened with virtually the same motivation as those anons (what do you guys think of this person's take?) and ultimately I'm fine with it, and even a little flattered.
All that said, at the end of the day I do think that it would be best for anyone who sends an ask referencing someone else's analysis to be specific about what they want to know, rather than a general 'what do you think of this?' question. Both because it shows why you're asking and what you're interested in and leaves less room for doubting your motivation, and because it makes it easier to answer.
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dreaming-of-lu · 4 months
am v fatigued rn so sorry if this is incomprehensible but im wizard anon from your other blog and i wanna say i appreciate you 👍 i dont write stuff that other people would be interested in consistently enough for me to ever keep up with my own writing sideblog (tho i do have one) so being able to pop in and submit stuff whenever i do manage to make something others might like has been great. worse at interacting with this blog bec i didnt know it existed for a while and am very tired and often forget to reach out when i think about it... but i do like your stuff 🤲 interacting with others on social media is just hard for me for some reason???? not used to reaching out and talking to others online i forget i can do that.
maybe if i get free time from my other writing stuff ill work up the courage to write some whump or something and submit it here, i know my fave things to write are niche or will get repetitive but if other people genuinely like/want lu x reader stuff centred around queerness, disability and hurt/comfort then i might get the itch for it.
apologies if this doesn't make sense. feel free to dm me (i think you know my actual blog) if you ever wanna discuss ideas/brainstorm/chat/etc. ill try to post little thoughts here more often if i get them, and engage more. i get why its discouraging i feel the same with my own stuff but i know im not abled enough to be as consistent as i want to, both in making and replying, so i usually try to put it out my mind. a thing me and my friend does is when we read each other's fics we go back and screenshot/copy paste specific sections we liked especially and add commentary or just point it out as a Good Bit, ill try to do that with more fics here and on tumblr in general i think, and i encourage others to do the same, as someone who puts Themes and Motifs into all their fics. i want people to notice them or let me talk about them lol
anyway. youre cool. remember that 🪄✨
- wizard anon
🧙 anon! Hemlooo! So glad to see you here too! It's completely valid for ya. Social media is a bit harder to interact cause well, you don't see the person's face and you're talking to a complete faceless stranger. It's definitely a bit more daunting and also gathering the will to think of words without scaring/nerving the person off. Either way, sometimes you just gotta be brave and take the leap.
The thoughts?
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I will be waiting for your tasty treats as always eue
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what’s gonna happen now??? (UPDATE on licorice brainrot blog)
I feel like I’m drifting away from Cookie Run a bit. I think Licorice Cookie was the main reason I stayed because I kept hoping that the game would do something with him, since he’s one of the main antagonists after all… and we do get crumbs here and there, but….
I don’t know… I feel myself growing impatient and bored now and y’know, I don’t wanna just, quit the fandom or the media or anything or stop liking Licorice Cookie.
I don’t know, I felt a slight glimmer of hope when Beast-Yeast was announced, but… it wasn’t what I expected. Of course, I can’t do anything about that and I’m sure they have good reasons for why the story is the way it is, it’s just… I don’t know.
I feel like during times like this, I could at least look forward to cookie run live events hosted by the social media managers themselves, but even those are a distant memory now, unfortunately. 
Last Cookie Standing, despite not being canon, was the most recent thing that kept Licorice Cookie relevant again, with crumbs of screentime and maybe a little depth to him. 
It just isn’t the same after realizing there will be no more of it. Of course, a lot of the social media team got laid off so I think that’s a huge part of it. But ever since then, it’s been… quiet.
Of course, when Licorice wasn’t relevant, I tried to attach myself to other characters as well and looked forward to any new ones they conjured up… but… it doesn’t feel the same. I want to like them, but I always go back to Licorice. I’ve been a fan of him for 2 years straight, lol… maybe that’s why it was hard.
The reason I’m going off about this is because of something stupid actually? Like I feel like I got irrationally upset over something that was out of my control.
So basically, JDK (VA of cream uni) is hosting an among us live stream, and originally licorice was gonna be it, but uh…. his VA couldn’t make it because of the superbowl. That was it.
I know it’s like, just pixels, and it’s not the end of the world or anything, it just really affected me negatively for some reason. More negative than usual. 
I’m not shaming him tho! It’s not his fault! He should be allowed to enjoy the Super Bowl! And I hope he has a fun time. It’s literally just me being me lol, no one’s at fault here.
But yeah, that’s why I made this post… over something completely miniscule lol. Which led to uhhh… bigger thoughts. And what my account will become in the following months…
You may know me as the licorice brainrot guy. I don’t know how often I’ll keep posting, if Beans AU will still continue (most likely it will because  I admittedly don’t want to abandon CR completely, things will just be slower lol).
If you guys are interested in my original characters (and maybe object shows especially), I’ll most likely make another blog that’ll be about an upcoming object show I might make! Yay, go indie animation!!! I can’t wait to make this a thing : )
It’s hard to find anything that will fit my boxes though, if I ever move on from cookie run. I’m looking for something less problematic, has a colorful cast of characters like total drama with unique character designs, and has at least one pathetic villain (licorice cookie moment)…
So far the only thing I can find is my own show lol, I’ve actually been obsessed with the pathetic villain of my own series just as well before I discovered the existence of Licorice Cookie : ) 
So if you like characters like Lico, I think you’ll definitely like this one ^_^
But yea, that’s about everything I want to get off my chest. I’m not leaving completely or anything lol but I think I want this cookie game interest of mine to take a backseat for a bit.
Until then, uhhhhhh I can’t think of anything to sign off with lol so have some cookie run doodles with licorice in em since you’ve made it this far 😈
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
[pardon me if ive already asked this, tumblr was acting up when I sent the ask]
so I've seen you queue a lot, why and how do you do it? I've been thinking about using the feature.
so how i use the queue is mildly different from how other people do because i use xkit on desktop to add a queue tag to things and to quick reblog/quick queue things. but i'll write you instructions assuming you're using base tumblr given that you haven't used the queue before!
so, the how to use it is fairly simple. if you click on "edit appearance" on your blog for desktop, you should see a setting titled "queue" that gives you the option of how many times a day you want to publish posts from your queue, and between what times. my queue is set to 36 times a day, all 24 hours, but many people (i'd argue most people lol) set their queue a bit slower. in addition, if you click on your account on desktop on the dropdown person menu at the top, there should also be an option titled 'queue'. you can change your settings there as well, as well as see what posts you have queued.
if you're on mobile, it's equally simple: click on the person button that takes you to your account, then click on the gear in the top right. there should be a menu option called queue that will take you to all of your posts in your queue, and a gear at the top that lets you set the frequency and what time periods you want your queue to be going during!
then, to add posts to your queue, go to reblog a post or make a post. at the 'post now' button there's a dropdown arrow. it should give you the option to add it to the queue. voila, you are now using the queue! you don't have to have a special tag like i do, i just like it because it makes sure people don't think i'm awake at like, five am or something, and also helps inform whoever i'm reblogging from that the reason i liked their post and then didn't reblog it for three days is because i have a queue, lol.
in addition, though, if you use tumblr mobile and like the quick reblog, go check your blog's settings. scroll to the tumblr labs settings, enable tumblr labs, and scroll to the bottom and there's a "quick queue" option. it adds a little clock to the bottom of posts that you can use to add things to the queue in the same way you quick reblog. if this is more convenient to you, use that (i don't because i tag my queue but if you don't have a queue tag that is probably much faster, similarly to how quick reblogging is faster).
as for why... my queue has between sixty and eighty posts in it at any given time and i OFTEN add more than the 36 posts i post from it a day to it during a day, which is to say if i DIDN'T have a queue, you all would periodically have your dash dominated by me reblogging like forty things at once then falling asleep. queue prevents me from doing that. it also guarantees my blog keeps posting reblogs for a bit which i like because one of the original purposes of this blog was "reblog people's cool fics, art, and other posts", and that remains a stated goal, so having the queue exists helps that. if i want to reblog something but i'm talking about something else/have recently posted a fic i want to focus on/am otherwise feeling like i don't want extra reblogged posts, i can also add that to the queue, which will keep posting obviously but at a much slower rate that swamps my blog less quickly. plus i've also been informed that apparently artists can like the fact my queue takes like two days because it gives them another activity bump a few days after their initial activity, but this is something i've only heard from a few people and frankly i did not think about at all so mileage may vary.
you, obviously, don't have to use a queue - there are a lot of reasons why people might not want to! for example, the fact that posts i queue take like three days to post leads to this funny thing where i have all my initial mcc posting and then there's a short wave of additional mcc posting that hits my blog several days later you can TELL how long my queue currently is if a big fandom event happens, i calm down, and then you see more reblogged posts, lol. but i personally like it, i think it helps!
as for what logic i decide what to queue and what not to queue by: typically if it has more than a 100 notes i put it in the queue and if it doesn't i just reblog it because i figure they want more immediate attention as opposed to delayed attention. however if i am on a spree of looking through a tag sometimes i ignore this and just queue everything i'm looking at so that the posts i reblog don't get buried and my followers don't get swamped so this is not a hard-and-fast rule. also if a post is about Current Events i'm less likely to queue it because of the time delay (so that the post remains current).
uhhhh... that's about it i hope this helps!
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lustbile · 2 years
Not really a blurb but I would like to hear your thoughts on this tho – so obv ppl keep saying that jeno got a samoyed smile but doberman body, then if he were a hybrid (sh!t, ive been religiously stalking ur blog for this ever since you announced your hybrid brain rot) which of the two dog breed would he be?
And would it affect his whole behavior? As example, one of the reasons samoyeds were bred originally was to keep the owners warm in the cold northern weathers and Dobermans are known well for being good guard dogs. Idk, the contrast is quite big soo 👀 (Up to u if u want to keep it sfw or not lol)
Samoyed-doberman anon here again ++ just lil personal thoughts that have been circling in my mind++ like the difference would be either oversized knit sweater Samoyed jeno that constantly follows u around (bc they r a breed that thrives on interactions with humans n also other dogs) and smothers you to the point of almost passing out not knowing that he's basically a walking furnace;
Or Doberman jeno that plays a bit too much into the territorial/guard instinct and gets silently jealous (bc he is a taurus man too) after catching whiff of another hybrid on you
This….. is plaguing me.
Can I say both? Like am I allowed to say both? Mixed breeds exist so I can say both right?
Like both personalities you’re giving me are so Jeno and it’s making my head spin. Like yes he’s all cute and cuddly and I’m thinking of when he had white hair. He’s such a companion and he loves to cling and he’s all warm. Just like, aside from his face, he’s giving big samoyed energy and I just want to grab him and cling
But!!! The doberman. Fuck I love dobermans and I can see him definitely being that way as well. Like yes he’s cute and cuddly. But maybe sometimes he gets a little rough around the edges. He’s made it clear on more than one occasion that he does not know his own strength. And I can also see him as being a big cuddle monster one second and then flipping and becoming so territorial and protective the next. And that thing he does with his eyes when he performs,,,, god like him doing that when he sees both other humans and hybrids looking at you because god forbid you go anywhere without him trailing close behind.
And i think I might get in trouble if I keep it sfw so let me also say. Maybe something happens. Maybe another hybrid sniffs at you or someone human hits on you even though Jeno is standing right there. And he just gets silently livid. Just brooding and frowning and scaring the person/hybrid off because big scary dog privilege™
So when you get home he looks clearly relieved, and for a second you chalk it up to him just preferring to be in his territory and his space. But it’s when he jumps on you, ripping your clothes off to drench you in his smell, that you realize no, he’s just happy to have you to himself.
And he’s insatiable, and that strength he’s unaware of is back. And he has you face down on the couch crying out before you can even blink. He’s growling and nipping at your neck. And he’s just overall trying to show you that you belong to each other and to show the same thing to anyone you see ever again.
But of course when it’s all over, it’s a like a switch. He’s big and cuddly and warm again, curling around you and laying on you. Not giving two fucks about how warm his skin is as he’s just happily lapping at your neck. Because JENO!! That’s why
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
sorry if my take sounds deeply incomprehensible i just kept going back on submitting it and knew if i didn’t ramble it all out in one take i was gonna chicken out again LMAO
don't worry about it at all!
i think an incoherent infodump every once in a while is good for the soul!
look, if we're being totally candid -
i have pretty severe adhd comorbid with bipolar disorder, which i do my best to mask - yeah yeah, i know you're not supposed to, but i doubt i'll ever truly shake the shame, especially given the things i've done as a result of failing to mask, both online and irl (the latter being much, much worse) - so i've resolved to do it for the rest of my life
i did talk a little bit about what i was like on my main blog here, which you might need for context:
(speaking of which, please don't actually follow or even go to my main blog just because you like this one - i'm 100% fucking serious. i'm a very different person over there to the point of being almost unrecognisable, even to myself - and i guarantee that side of myself wouldn't recognise me either; we're like two parts of a very fucked up whole. so for that reason i want to keep these two blogs separate; like i said, i'm bipolar, so that's where i let the venom out, and when i feel joyful again, i come back here. i'm more active here anyway, to the point where i basically consider this my main blog now - i mean, my bio isn't even up to date over there)
the point is although i plan to mask for the rest of my life, even i'm partial to an unprompted infodump or oversharing session every once in a while
that's the reason i want this blog to be a safe place for people to vent/infodump/just share their wildest takes anonymously, while still having a little fun by making it a tournament - it's partly to atone in a cringe kinda way, but also because this dumbass site has actually been a huge source of support in some of the darker points in my life
it's almost ironic in a weird way - i spent so much time targeting other people for their mental health problems, but when i had some of my own i came crawling back to those same people. maybe karma does exist lol
no, i didn't ever interact with any of them; but just lurking on their blogs and reading their posts helped normalise what i was going through when i felt so alone after receiving my diagnosis; though it was always in the back of my mind that maybe a year earlier i would've seen those same posts and done my level best to make them feel like shit for it just for the sake of a little dopamine hit
i'm a proud airhead, but i'm not naive - i'm not going to lie to you and say that tumblr is a safe space, partly because nowhere on the internet is safe, partly because i've read some of your takes and they terrify me, but mostly because i'm living proof of how awful this site can be
but i do want to at least create one semi-safe place on the internet after ruining so many other people's
jesus i'm fucking crying that's new lol
anyway sorry for taking your incoherent infodump and exchanging it with one of my own, that's probably more info about me than you ever wanted to know
but i hope this provides a little context for why i decided to start this blog
the point i was actually trying to make, because i'm pretty sure i never actually responded to what you were saying - never feel embarassed to submit anything! trust me, i totally get it; but i promise, even when i make jokes about some unhinged takes, it's all light-hearted, and if it ever comes across otherwise, please let me know! <3 <3 <3
i'm gonna take a quick break, i'll catch up with you all again later
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heliianth · 2 years
Hey! I trust your opinions on C!Dream. Whats your take on the claim that hes morally gray? There was discourse about it a bit ago
this was timed well w my plans to do a little cdream art spam LOL hi nonnie
i noticed the discourse passively but i really dont think any cdream discussions nowadays are productive nor introduce anything new so i dont really pay too much attention. there are like. 4 entire people i trust with cdream analysis in the world. and this is a complicated subject so hang in there with me.
my take is that "morally grey" has developed 2 meanings:
the first is the actual meaning—a character who is not wholly good and wholly bad internally and externally. usually this is an anti-hero (think the punisher or deadpool, people who do objectively bad things for a morally good reason). a subversion of the trope would be a morally bankrupt character doing objectively good things.
the second definition is like. a fanon definition—basically a character who does both good and bad actions.
my issue with the second definition is that it's so broad that it encompasses every interesting character ever. every well-written character with an arc has done good and bad things; this does not make them morally grey. i think it's redundant and cyclical to use it because you're not really saying anything beyond this character isn't a stereotype which is Not an observation that should warrant the amount of discourse the Morally Grey cDream Question gets. grey morality operates on two axes, and the second flattens it down to one.
moving on, i think the nuance that the morality of all stories exist on a spectrum is sorely missing in a lot of "lore discourse" circles. the medium of the dream smp means literally no one in the story is morally pure. they all kill shit and steal things and cause mischief out of boredom because it's minecraft and people aren't thinking about the implications that has on their character because they're having fun. being a little shit to your friends in video games is fun. i'm very lenient with this aspect as opposed to most people you might see because my enjoyment of the story heavily depends on the ccs' enjoyment being involved in it. TL;DR: dsmp operates on a grey-black scale of morality, not a white-black one.
the third topic i think we need to cover is the fact that most discourse abt the Morally Grey cDream Question results in people talking past each other. the reason why this is a hot button topic is because there are two almost diametrically opposed interpretations of cdream's motives—
1: that his desires for serverwide unity are unwarped and his definition of peace is recognizable to us, an audience that can judge things from a morally "objective" standpoint (as in—we're omniscient and can judge things w/out bias).
2: that his desires for serverwide unity are, in a way, corrupted by a limited viewpoint that externally justifies more internal desires for control. that cdream's personal definition of peace/unity that he operates within the boundaries of are unrecognizable to the audience.
i don't want to get into which one i think is right bc if you frequent this blog enough to trust my cdream takes i think you know already. i'm pointing this out because these two interpretations create a scenario in which the Morally Grey cDream Question can be answered simultaneously with yes and no, and both will be correct according to the first definition i provided.
if you answer based on "1," cdream fits the label of morally grey, because his objectively bad actions are explained by a morally good motivation (recognizable peace).
if you answer based on "2," cdream doesn't fit the label of morally grey, because his objectively bad actions are explained by a morally bad motivation that is self-justified (unrecognizable peace). imo the fact that he doesn’t think he’s a bad person is completely irrelevant because this is how all humans operate. no one legitimately wants to be a bad person on purpose. moot point.
neither statement are wrong and acting like either are objectively correct misses the core issue that is the debate on whether the type of unity cdream seeks fits the audiences' definition of it or not. the reason why the conversation so often goes in unproductive circles is that people are arguing over a product.
thats my take on whether cdream is morally grey or not. also thank u for trusting my opinion on this ur very sweet ^-^
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writing-plurals · 2 years
Hello, I just found this blog through a friend. I've crafted a story and I wanted to know if it was problematic or not, since I'm not plural and all I know is based around research on YouTube channels, plural friends, Google and basic human respect lol
So, essentially, it's sort of a play on DID in horror where, instead of being the monster, the characters are the paranormal investigators instead. I was thinking about making the narration happen through a diary, which would make the story epistolary like Dracula, because I heard that keeping a diary is a common thing amongst plurals and plus, since I planned these characters to live in the 19th century, they don't exactly have the best psychiatry in the world and are doing what they can to keep communication flowing. I don't have much planned about how the plot unravels, but I thought a lot about how and why some alters exist in this system, and as for now there are: 1) an archangel, because of religious trauma and the need to have a guardian, 2) a housewife, because parental issues, 3) a trying-to-be-protector-still-somewhat-persecutor alter who doesn't get along that well with the archangel because of his role in the system in the past, 4) a little that stays around the housewife and mostly stays away from the paranormal activities, 5) a factive of the system's first dog and it usually stays alert and shows up during emergencies. I also intended them to be low empathy, but still help the people around them, which is one of the reasons why they started with the paranormal investigation business.
Plus, I wanted the horror part of the story to be somewhat of a metaphor for trauma and generational trauma, so the plan was to have them slowly letting go of what they can not control (aka ghosts, entities and stuff) and also them getting a family. Don't worry, they're good parents, they're just really confused about this whole parenting world since they never had someone around them so they do have some moments where they don't know how to feel about this newfound responsibility/lets the child do whatever they want.
I guess I wanted to know if this would be problematic or disrespectful, since it all started as a "wouldn't it be funny if plural people were the heroes in horror stories for once" and I don't know how everyone feels about this? I talked to three systems about this and they seem to be fine with this story, and one of them even said that it was alright as it "makes fun" of the trope instead of agreeing with it, but I wanted to ask to more people that live with this just so I know the ratio? I don't know
Hi anon!
Before I inevitably go off on some kind of wicked tangent, I'm just going to say: concept? good stuff. I don't personally see anything wrong with what you've written here, but keep in mind I can't speak for the ENTIRE community here. We are just one DID system, but nothing here is inherently offensive or off-putting, and you can quote me on that.
I am not entirely sure what you meant in the third paragraph, where "they are good parents..." and such, so I will skip over that for now. An example case for this part would shed a lot of light on the subject.
Now, it's a GOOD thing for a pwDID to be the main protagonist of a media like this. It's good representation after all. With that in mind, make sure you do your research, you talk to systems, and all that. Make sure there is separation between the trauma the character has experienced and the trauma the character will inevitably face during the story— it's horror after all— and any other ideas that you might want to introduce. Bonus points if you can manage to describe dissociation in a meaningful and relatable manner.
Sorry for taking so long to write this. I'm actually one of the new mods, and the original admin of this blog had things they were doing, so it took a bit to get to. If you're still around, Anon, feel free to send in more asks to elaborate on how your story concept's going. We'd love to hear about it.
-Mod birdie
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jabbers-wild-world · 2 years
;; Alright, guys. I’ve made a very important decision regarding something that will be happening on this blog.
I’m not deleting the blog or anything, don’t worry! You guys are stuck with me forever! I just like being cryptic like that, lol. Now. Without further ado.
Going forward, you guys may occasionally see posts that strongly resemble diary/journal entries, being reblogged from a different blog than this one, though they will be written by me. Bet you’re curious, right? Well! I am going to make a sideblog here to post only these entries, and nothing else. Occasionally those entries will appear here as well. But these aren’t my own personal diary entries or venting posts, or anything like that.
They are going to be journal entries written by Caleb Wittebane! The journal we never got to see in canon! We’ve seen Philip’s/Belos’s journal. But did his brother keep one too? It was a common practice in the 1600s, so I’d reasonably bet that Caleb definitely kept a journal too. Fuck it, he probably gave his little brother the journal we’ve seen in the first place and was perhaps even the one who encouraged Philip to write in it, to record his thoughts, his observations about the new world they’d found themselves in. And aside from that, I have no doubts he kept his own journal too, especially since he would probably have figured that if he kept a journal himself, it would encourage Philip more to do the same.
So I will be writing entries for Caleb’s journal. His observations of the Boiling Isles, his thoughts on the people around him, his concerns about his brother (it’s an older brother’s job to worry about their younger siblings after all), perhaps even his musings and a bit of bad (or shockingly good, depending) poetry as he falls in love. Anything Caleb may have thought and experienced is fair game for me to write these entries.
Now, we know Philip donated his journal to the Bonesborough Library, which is of course how Luz and Amity got a hold of it. But where’s Caleb’s? Did Philip donate that to the library too? I’m willing to bet not. I’m willing to bet that Philip hid Caleb’s journal away, assuming he didn’t just burn it to be rid of it. Which.. I’m willing to say that he wouldn’t have even wanted to burn it. Philip loved his brother after all, and that journal would have been the only thing he had left after Caleb’s death. You know. Aside from his dead body and a long line of Grimwalkers made in Caleb’s image.
So yeah. I’d bet all the money I don’t have on the idea that, if his older brother kept a journal, Philip kept it and hid it somewhere safe and secure where only he could get to it. After all, what better way to recreate his brother within these Grimwalkers than by utilizing Caleb’s journal to foster just the right parts of his deceased brother’s personality? So with that in mind, and with the added idea that he may have occasionally gone back and read it to reminisce a bit, it’s very likely that Caleb’s journal would have been hidden somewhere in the Emperor’s castle, where Philip (by this point, Belos) could have regular and easy access to it. So probably in his bedroom, which was likely a place where all others in the castle didn’t dare enter out of respect (*coughcough* fear *coughcough*), and that means no one snooping and possibly finding the journal.
But why would Belos want to hide Caleb’s journal, if he had so willingly donated his own? Well, that would likely be because he wanted to cover up all evidence that his brother even existed, especially considering that otherwise people might try to look into the cause of Caleb’s death. As in, Belos’s likely premeditated murder of his elder brother. So of course he’d hide that. Maybe Caleb’s journal includes some observations from the elder Wittebane that showed Philip’s descent toward fratricide, linking Belos to his former identity as Philip Wittebane, which we already know he definitely went to great lengths to keep hidden. After all, Philip had been run out of a great many towns on the Isles, but Belos hadn’t been. Belos was a hero to the public. So yeah. Of course he’d hide possible incriminating evidence. But then, why not destroy it? Wouldn’t the risk of exposure outweigh any other use the journal may have? Hm.. maybe, but we know that Philip clung very desperately to his brother to the point of feeling abandoned and betrayed when Caleb found love with a witch. Perhaps he even idolized his brother to a certain degree. So sentimentality and a lingering need to ‘hear’ his brother’s voice ultimately wins out, and Belos keeps the journal.
So yeah! Long story short, Caleb had a journal like his brother, and as a creative outlet and muse exploration, I will be writing the entries in that journal which, because it has likely never been seen by the public unlike Philip’s, I will be referring to as ‘the Lost Journal’, or ‘Caleb’s Story’. I hope you guys look forward to this, because I definitely am!
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0tivez · 3 years
celebrating gojo's birthday!
note: it's my favorite manwhore's birthday! i love you, slut <3 here are my birthday headcanons for hoejoe. no shibuya cause fuck shibuya. also note that there is no shipping involved here, all the romantic looking ones are platonic cause we love platonic flirting
warnings: implied spoilers, little bitty angsty
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⁜ he actually doesn't like celebrating his birthday
⁜ he acts like he does, and he does it in the most extravagant way possible so people don't push it too much and leave it with maybe just a simple candle blowing
⁜ i don't think this man has ever received a genuine birthday gift ever in ages
⁜ yeah he probably got anything he wanted by his family but not something meaningful
⁜ i mean yuuji would absolutely give him the most heart warming gift ever
⁜ it could be a poorly drawn gojo as a birthday card and this man would keep it till the day he dies
⁜ despite what many might think, he wouldn't be happy with an expensive gift
⁜ enough angst for now
⁜ nanami doesn't leave his house on gojo's birthday and avoids all of his calls
⁜ he takes the day off too. as a japanese ex salary man. that's how much he cares.
⁜ gojo asks for nanami's nudes every year on his birthday
⁜ "you're gonna upset the little birthday boy??"
⁜ "how did you find my number?"
⁜ "you want little baby birthday boy to cry on his little baby birthday?"
⁜ "you're 29"
⁜ yuuji didn't know gojo was 29 lol
⁜ he learned it while asking megumi to buy candles for his cake
⁜ "why are there so many candles?"
⁜ "...gojo's turning 29"
⁜ "twenty NINE?"
⁜ one more year till nobara starts making fun of gojo for being old and crinkly
⁜ she probably bought him a face cream too lmao
⁜ yuta texted gojo with a selfie of him blowing a small brownie with a candle on it
⁜ "one more year without a girlfriend!!"
⁜ maki 'accidentally' smashed gojo's birthday cake on his face
⁜ he turned his infinity off 'on accident' too
⁜ strawberry cream cake
⁜ megumi wonders every year how he has NOT changed one bit, both physically and personally (maybe a little for the last year)
⁜ gojo asks about his birthday gift from shoko every year, so she gives him a kiss on his cheek every year, rolling her eyes
⁜ utahime acts like she forgot gojo's birthday every year when in reality she starts counting days weeks before, just so she doesn't forget and has to go to tokyo for some reason
⁜ yuuji called nanami to join the party, to which he replied with "i do not wish that man a happy birthday"
⁜ gojo sends spam texts to nanami and gets angry at him for not coming to his party
⁜ gets hundreds of birthday messages from his side hoes
⁜ mei mei asks gojo to give her money cause she deserves to be paid for bearing with gojo's existence for another year
⁜ shoko secretly helped yuuji with the planning, she told him what he might enjoy on his birthday
⁜ at one point, gojo took megumi's childhood pictures and started showing the others while telling embarrassing stories like an aging mother cause why the fuck not
⁜ leaves work early to go on a birthday 'date'
⁜ he just doesn't want to keep celebrating
⁜ all of these has become a routine for gojo. so, at the end of the day, ⁜ he goes home and sleeps. just... sleeps.
⁜ he used to like celebrating his birthdays in high school
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i wrote some of this in my faculty cafeteria bruh i'm taking this blogging shit seriously now
anyways happy birthday baby boy!! the babiest boy of them all happy birthday!!!! ≧◉◡◉≦
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