#might look for someone with video skills in the future if that might seem relevant... but for now it will just be me
disaref · 1 month
Dwight in Shining Armor Reference
Fan page for keeping track of information in the show since we don't have a wiki an I don't know how to make one. Will primarily focus on notes for episodes detailing what happens in each episode but the scope may grow once that is done.
Asks and submissions are open, if you have something you would like to contribute or specifically request. If you are looking for something in particular, the more information (which episode, what's going on, etc.) you can provide the better I will be able to find it. Requests can be for photos for artistic reference or for written details/quotes/etc.
Episode posts will be tagged with #episode ref, the episode name, which season they are (#season 0) and which episode within each season (#s0 e0). They will also be tagged with all named characters in the episode, and any other prominent things within the episode (i.e. The Swine and Slosh Tavern will be tagged).
Episode Masterpost
Other useful links: Watch the Show, IMDb, Wikipedia, Youtube
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genshin-djinn · 3 years
Genshin Impact Chapter 1 Act 3: A Reaction.
Chapter 1 Act 3 is what took my experience with this game from “good game” to “masterpiece”.
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Genshin Impact has some problems— actually, it has a shit ton of problems. But during the fight against hordes of Fatui, with the Adepti channeling their abilities through my gang, flying through them as Oz, decimating them with Diluc— I just thought, this is the best time I’ve had in a mobile game in my life.
This game might not be perfect now— it’s only a quarter of the way done if we’re counting Karenri’ah. But it will be a fucking masterpiece once it’s all out. If this is the level of quality we’re getting for our archon quests, this game is going to be an amazing time on story alone.
I love Keqing with all my heart. If she were alive today she would be a socialist here to topple the ruling 1%. When ningguang asked Aether who they trusted more, her or Keqing, I hit the Keqing button as fast as possible.
I think one of my favorite things about Keqing is that she’s so completely honest, which is unusual for a Liyue politician. If she doesn’t like something, she’ll speak out against it. If she thinks something else should be happening, she’ll make it happen. She can probably be deceitful at times, but in general she’s straightforwards in that she wants a government for the people and by the people.
I can’t wait for her story quest!
pretty.... voice pretty....
Ningguang is cool. Her JP voice is very pretty, like she could do ASMR videos online or smth. One thing I decidedly did not like about Ningguang is how her personality just ???? flips? In the middle of the quest, for no reason other than “because plot”.
It’s established that Ningguang cares about two things more than anything— the Jade palace and Mora. Why, then, would she destroy the Jade palace for the sake of Liyue? I get that she’s a good person at heart at all, but I want to see more of her indecision, her brain saying “mora” and her heart saying “Liyue”. The way she just flips on a dime isn’t really strange but it does contradict with her preexisting characterization.
Childe’s Boss Fight!
The section of this quest from Childe’s fight to the Adepti + Qixing battle is just nonstop adrenaline.
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Childe is IMO a lot more fun than Dvalin (sorry Dvalin). I’m at WL5 and have a tendency to play fast and loose with important mechanics like.... dodging, for example.... and Childe’s Mask Electro form ended up destroying my team. I killed him with Guoba because everyone else besides Xiangling was dead. I
Another thing I really enjoy about Childe’s boss fight is that in the irrationalities of Childe as a character, it actually makes sense. Genshin is decent at making weekly bosses logical excursions— Andrius wants you to get stronger, Dvalin’s weekly fight is ~~all a dream~~; but tbh sometimes the weekly bosses don’t make sense. Andrius wants to train us, not murder us! How does dvalin, a dream slash memory that doesn’t exist, manage to knock someone out?
Childe as a weekly boss actually makes perfect sense. He’s an adrenaline junkie addicted to the thrill of fighting people— to put this in modern AU terms, he’s the guy who’s first in line to ride the rollercoaster that failed all of its health and safety checks. Childe wants to befriend the Traveler entirely because they’re stronger than him, so that he can fight them over and over again until he’s the strongest. Of course, this will never happen, because the Traveler is the MC and therefore is stronger than all others. However, in this way Childe being a repeatable boss makes 100% perfect sense— he actually wants to fight the Traveler again and again and again.
The one question I have about Childe is how in the living feck are the Fatui letting him join the Traveler and fight for them *against the Fatui*??? I think this might be touched on in Childe’s Story quest, which I’ll do in a bit, but like????? They let him keep his delusion and just walk over to Aether like “aight fam I’m on your team now”? How?
Jade Chamber/ Guizhong Ballista vs Sea Monster Fight!!
Basically, all my charged adrenaline from nearly dying to Childe just came to a head in this one huge fantastic fight.
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And Xiao :)
I absolutely loved seeing the Adepti and the Qixing work together. This fight was probably my favorite fight in the whole game— the music was amazing (soundtrack where), the graphics were so nice, the adepti were so feckin cool, using everyone’s abilities was n I ce. My adrenaline was reaching its highest point at this fight and it was just perfect. It was just so fecking fun after days of WL5 pain, having to pop like five ultimates to kill one hillichurl, to be able to just demolish swathes of enemies with Fischl and Diluc, run around like a madman thanks to Xiao, have infinite health idr who did that for me but bless them, just absolutely destroy.
Ever since I hit WL5 I haven’t been able to really just go insane during a fight and stop caring about HP/ when to use skills/ dodging and this have me that opportunity.
Zhongli’s Deal
*punches Zhongli across the room with the power of being the player character* I love this man so much.
Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli Zhongli. I AM VERY ANGRY AT HOW THE PLOT RESOLVED HIS STORYLINE. But it also makes a lot of sense. And I think, for once, Zhongli should be allowed to be selfish.
Because choosing to leave Liyue was a bit selfish. He’s leaving the country that adores him, loves him, gives him shit for free; to its own devices and then to a completely unknown fate once the new Geo Archon becomes god and takes over. But he made a frankly fantastic plan and can now leave the country, for now, in peace.
I was absolutely delighted to see Zhongli in Morax form. Making deals with La Signora, being a complete and utter puppet master who set this entire situation up and played Childe like a kazoo; but just like his dear friend Venti, I think Zhongli is happier when he’s just Zhongli, the eccentric mortal. He seems so much happier and so much more relaxed when he’s forgetting about mora and eating dinner with Aether and Paimon. Rex Lapis might have just put Liyue through the wringer, but he can now put down his 3000- year long reign and just be the happy, eccentric Zhongli.
Zhongli’s little bit of insecurity over being a “bourgeois parasite” makes perfect sense now— he doesn’t want to be seen as Morax, a superfluous god who’s using his name to get whatever he wants from the humans he watches over.
But also the part of my brain that feeds off lore nEEDS to KNOW what Zhongli got from Tsaritsa. What could be worth a gnosis? His own happiness isn’t enough— Tsaritsa is likely going to use his gnosis to try and destroy Liyue. What could be worth that?
My main thought would be either “someone’s protection” or “another gnosis”, but I don’t think the latter is possible. The former could be possible but doesn’t really make sense either— a) whose protection is worth putting an entire country, much less the world, in danger and b) the Fatui are out to kill everyone who isn’t Fatui, so they won’t agree to spare a major player in the war to come like that. Brain go brrr.
I’m very hyped for Zhongli’s story quest, which I think is coming with his banner on Dec 1, when Childe’s banner ends. I really hope that Zhongli visits Mondstadt and chills with Venti for a while, but anything with this guy would be fine lol.
We got a lot of lore this update and I am delighted by it.
Firstly, we get a tiny hint of how Visions are bestowed— “if a person shows true strength of will at a desperate and fateful moment in their life, the gods will look upon them with favor.” Vague but more than we had before.
Next we got some neat lore about Inazuma— firstly, that it’s led by a god named Baal and secondly that it steals everyone’s visions. I’m very hyped to visit because guess what fam aether doesn’t have a vision.
Final Thoughts
In case you can’t tell from my insane ramblings, I loved Chapter 1 Act 3 and I absolutely cannot wait to play through Childe’s story quest and Chapter 2 and beyond.
The Prologue in Mondstadt set the stage for Genshin. We started out in a fantasy environment with a fantasy tale of an immortal bard and a dragon. Mondstadt was an excellent introduction to the world of Genshin.
And now? We’re starting to build on that. Chapter 1 brings us another story of another god and their relationship with the country they watch over. Liyue is much less of a traditional fantasy setting and takes the darkness we saw in Mondstadt— a friendship ruined by manipulation and suffering— and build on it. Now we don’t just see the Fatui more often but we also see more of the Treasure Hoarders and the way both groups kidnap and experiment on humans.
Mond started to introduce us to the Fatui, but Liyue is where they really start bringing continuous plot relevance. Inversely, we saw much more of the Abyss Order in Mondstadt than we did in Liyue. I’m extremely disappointed we didn’t see any more of the Princess this chapter, but it makes sense given that Chapter 1 was really more about the Fatui than the Abyss Order.
All I’m trying to say is the Liyue arc was an excellent continuation to the stage Mondstadt’s arc set. Now, we’re on to the world of the Eternal Shogun, Baal! I’m really excited to meet new characters and experience new stories of Inazuma, but I hope we’ll continue to see Mondstadt and Liyue in the future. Mondstadt is likely going to be the most “boring” of the countries we experience, cuz it’s just so classically fantasy- themed, but it will always be the first country we explored in this world.
After Inazuma (if I had to take a shot in the dark, inazuma’s arc will take from December 23 to maybe March or April) we’ll go to Sumeru, which I am really extremely hyped for because it sounds extremely different from Mond and Liyue and we’ll meet Cyno and possibly even Collei! (just me extrapolating lol). I can’t wait to see where Genshin Impact goes story- wise, because its first major update has brought so much to the table.
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ralexsol · 3 years
On the Subject of Underverse S2
You read that correctly: this is a post about one of the greatest shows ever created, the Undertale animated series Underverse, written/animated by @jakei95​. I have a lot of theories that I’ve been pulling together ever since I watched both Underverse and Xtale (the Underverse prequel series). Maybe one or two have no basis in anything, but for some reason they popped into my head and I’ll stick by them until they’re proven incorrect. I will discuss the possibility of a Geno/Ink fight, Fresh!Ink, XI (you’ll definitely want to read their section!), and the fates of many different characters. This is quite the long post, so buckle up for a long ride.
Let’s begin!
I’m putting this theory first because it is the least important. At some point in time, I somehow got it into my head that there is supposedly going to be a fight between Geno and Ink. I have no idea where I heard about this, and when I searched for any specific videos or posts about the subject, I found nothing. But I personally think a fight scene between Geno and Ink would be pretty cool, so I’m adding this in here.
This is a more relevant theory. Ever since Jakei announced that Fresh!Ink would be a part of Underverse, I have wondered how he would be incorporated. I don’t know if she means for him to be in the future “Beach Episode” or something more serious. (Of course, I know almost nothing about this supposed “Beach Episode”, which is apparently when Epic!Sans will be showing up, so I really wouldn’t know.) But there is an important thing to remember: Ink and Fresh made a deal in the first season.
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Ever since I saw this Underverse - Xtra Scene 2, I have wondered what this “prize” could possibly be. What was Ink’s side of the deal? What did he promise Fresh? Hmm... maybe a new body to take over?
Ink’s body doesn’t have a SOUL- that’s basic “Undertale AU Knowledge 101″. What does this have to do in regards to Fresh? To my best knowledge, the actual parasitic creature True!Fresh feeds off the souls of other creatures to survive. In fact, his soul-feeding would kill his victims if he stayed long enough in one body, but he likes to play it safe and leave his victims alive in case he needs to use their body again. But he wouldn’t need to do this with Ink. Because of Ink’s SOULless nature, Fresh could theoretically feed off his body forever. Some might object that since Ink doesn’t have a SOUL, Fresh wouldn’t be able to feed off him. But then how does Fresh!Ink exist?
So, what was their deal? Fresh watches over the Xtale AU while Ink is gone, and after Cross and X!Chara are taken care of, Ink comes back and lets Fresh take over his body for a little while. There may be something else I’m missing, but the pieces seem to make sense.
For those of you who don’t know who XI is, I suggest you watch this video about Jakei’s Overwrite merch. This is when the character of XI was introduced to us, back on good ol’ April 1st, 2019. Haha, yes, the joke character of XI- funny April Fool’s Day video, a good laugh for everyone. Jakei has made a few comics about XI since then, but overall, XI hasn’t been involved in Xtale or Underverse so far. That has never sat right with me, and I’ve always thought there would be something more to him. I was proven absolutely correct when Xtale - The Movie came out. But before we discuss the little extra scene tagged onto the end of that video, I would like to point out some very interesting facts about XI.
On October 6th, 2019, Jakei posted a traditional speedart. Obviously, the art is gorgeous like always and every time I watch it I wonder if I will ever get to the level of skill she is at. But besides that, there is a very important aspect about this video. In the speedart, Jakei drew two pictures: one of X!Chara and X!Frisk fighting, and one of XI. In XI’s picture, they are depicted in full armor with a magical purple sword & shield.
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Hmmm... I wonder who this could possible resemble?
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Every time XI is shown, whether it be in comics or artwork, their bangs hang over their eyes. Their armor looks exactly like Kris’s from Deltarune. Heck, they both use a sword and a shield! What does this mean? XI is X!Kris. There is no way to deny this. This is why they are X!Chara’s and X!Frisk’s little sibling. I would also like to point out XI’s silver oval locket. I find it interesting how he has a different piece of jewelry from everyone else- all other important characters in Xtale have a matching golden heart locket. Does XI also have people he has given copies of this necklace to? Perhaps X!Susie and X!Ralsei, if they exist? But XI being X!Kris is only the beginning of this theory. Remember how I mentioned Xtale - The Movie earlier? Take a look at this picture.
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This is a five-second frame pegged at the very end of the video, after an entry written in wingdings by Mister XGaster himself. The message is as follows:
Entry Number Eleven: As clear as a reflection in a mirror, I have found the most perfect projection of forbidden visions. Get ready. Your time is coming.
Okay, just whoa. Not only is the entry #11, but the person standing there is XI. Oh, and let’s take a closer look at what they’re holding in their hand.
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I knew that silver locket was going to be important. There is no way that XI is not going to play a major part in either Underverse S2 or hmm... maybe a spin-off about the Xtale versions of Deltarune characters? To my knowledge, Jakei has not said anything about her plans after she finishes Underverse. She has her Metadora project, and I am aware that her husband @nyxtheshield​ is planning out his own Undertale series- someone will need to animate that, and I’m sure she would be able and willing to do the job. She has stated that there will be no seasons of Underverse after S2, and the finale will be 1.0. But that doesn’t mean she won’t make a new series. If she does, will it be about all the Deltarune characters? Will the other Xtale characters show up at certain points in it? Will XGaster play a large part in it? There is no way to know, as the idea of a new show is simply drawn from that there may not be enough time in S2 to fully expand what XI is.
In any case, XGaster states in the entry that “your time is coming”. This could either reference a new show or XI’s appearance in Underverse. I find it extremely interesting how XGaster words his message. “The most perfect projection of forbidden visions.” What does that mean exactly? XGaster has seen something in one of his many visions, obviously. The most perfect image of prohibited sights. XI is a person that stands for something that should not be allowed to exist. That makes sense- XGaster, a man, somehow got pregnant and birthed them, as shown in the Overwrite merch video. The “forbidden visions” might imply that he has seen something quite “cursed”, as us modern Internet-users would say. But then he tells this projection to get ready, because their time is coming. XGaster is telling XI to prepare themself. This just proves that XI and XGaster are tied together very closely, and that if XI does get their own series with X!Ralsei and X!Susie, XGaster will be involved.
Whew! That’s a lot of information to take in all at once. This was the big “theory” I wanted to discuss, so now we will move on to the different fates I believe may befall some of our beloved characters.
Ah, Ink. One of the true protagonists of Underverse. Remember: a protagonist is not necessarily a hero, just one of the leading characters. It has been seen that his story arc is the most important throughout the entire story. He is the one that inspired XGaster. He is the one that made XGaster’s plan succeed. And he very well might be the one to make it fail.
Wait, you’re asking me. I thought he was on XGaster’s side? What do you mean he will make it fail?
I didn’t want to address whether Ink was going to stick with XGaster or flip until a certain song was posted by Nyx two days ago on December 5th, “Soulless Heart”. If you haven’t listened to it yet, go ahead and click that link because the song is beautiful and absolutely necessary to continue on with this theory! The song is the Underverse 0.5 Ending Theme, and guess who it’s about? You guessed it, our good old buddy chum pal Ink. I’ve been listening to it on repeat since it came out, and it really is incredible. (Nyx, if you’re somehow reading this, I would like to personally congratulate you, because not only is the music amazing but mwah! Your voice is a joy, and I would not have any other singer do the vocals.) But the most important thing about the song is the lyrics. Here’s the first verse.
How long have I been longing
to be free and not broken
in this ocean of hollowness?
I don’t want to be forgotten.
Instantly, the lyrics hit you hard. This is about Ink, though, so you can’t expect anything less. Essentially, the song is about the emptiness that Ink feels without a SOUL. This goes along with one of his main aspects in Underverse. The only reason why he worked with XGaster to make sure XGaster’s game worked was so he could feel more emotions. As a chaotic neutral character, Ink literally only cares about himself and his personal goals. But what is interesting about this song is that he addresses the pain he has caused.
Sacrificial lambs
laid upon my path
now are broken worlds
killed by senseless wrath.
Ink knows that he has hurt people. I mean, in the present timeline when 0.5 is to be set, Ink’s actions just caused Error to literally “pull the plug” and destroy all the AUs. (Although, how many AUs were actually destroyed is impossible to determine, because there are still multiple Sanses that will be incorporated into S2 that were residing in their AUs at the time of their supposed destruction.) Ink knows that this is his fault. And now that XGaster has won, Ink will be receiving all those emotions he wanted! In the S2 teaser, which was released on the original Underverse 0.5 release date (the episode was unfortunately delayed due to issues with Nyx’s distributor, RouteNote), shows something very important.
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Look at those vials in his hand. Those aren’t just colored vials. Well, they are, but their colors are especially important. Look at their specific colors: orange, yellow, and amber. Previously, Ink’s vials have been seen as very straightforward: roy g biv, that sort of thing.
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You have one or maybe two variations, although in this picture there seems to be about four different aqua vials. But there certainly isn’t an amber vial. This goes to show that XGaster followed through on his promise, and Ink has a lot more variations in his color-coded emotion vials. The obvious conclusion from this is that he can feel a lot more things than he thought was possible- including guilt. With his newfound feelings, he could realize that what he did wasn’t just wrong, it was horrible. He might start to blame himself for getting all the AUs destroyed, which in turn might result in a betrayal of XGaster. With his emotions, he would become a real good person. But ultimately, without XGaster’s Overwrite abilities, Ink’s new emotions will fade and he will return to be the same old Ink as before. He will no longer understand why he sacrificed his emotions, and the cycle will start anew. Ink will never be truly happy, because being happy will always mean the suffering of others.
Or, Ink will stick with XGaster. It would be the same fate, after all; if the heroes defeat XGaster, Ink will still lose those emotions. This, though, might leave him feeling bitter and even more willing to do anything to get what he wants, which could potentially lead to him becoming a real villain. Perhaps XGaster isn’t the final boss of Underverse. Maybe the one to start everything will be the one to finish everything.
This wouldn’t be a real theory post without discussing our favorite fanfiction writer, would it? And yes, XGaster is literally a fanfiction writer. He has symptoms of OCD concerning the world-building of his universe and he just loves to add as much angst as humanly (or monsterly) possible. It just so happens that he lives in his own created universe, so his creations have the pleasurable chance at getting revenge.
Now, there are obviously two ways that Underverse can go: XGaster succeeds, or XGaster fails. This doesn’t necessarily mean that this will be the ending of S2. As I mentioned above, perhaps XGaster will be defeated at the end of 0.9 and 1.0 will be about everyone trying to stop Ink from taking the Overwrite SOUL for his own, I don’t know. In any case, I don’t really have anything to discuss about XGaster specifically, but I am pretty sure I know what his last scene will be if he happens to lose.
It is shown in the Underverse S2 Prologue - Owners that XGaster and UT!Gaster spent a lot of time together in the Void between the events of Xtale and Underverse. Not only do they hold an entire conversation together in Owners, but in Underverse 0.1 when Sans is hit in the head with a ball, he has a vision of the two of them standing together.
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In XGaster’s and UT!Gaster’s conversation in Owners, UT!Gaster tells XGaster that he will fail in his quest for perfection. XGaster brushes him off because he’s an egotistical prick, yadda yadda. But this conversation is important because I believe it will parallel the ending of XGaster’s quest. In the end, UT!Gaster will approach his old Void-buddy and tell him to just give up on his pointless venture. XGaster will turn to dust after saying something like, “I will never give up”, and then we have Ink going on a rampage. That’s pretty much all I have to say on them, but I thought it would be worth adding.
Lastly, we have the brothers. As with XGaster and UT!Gaster, I don’t have much to add with them. But I do believe they will both play a major role in S2. They will be the overseers of the battle to come. Out of all the characters in the Undertale fandom, they are the most omnipotent. They are the protectors of the Tree of Feelings, which is one of three trees to give the Multiverse life. In Underverse 0.4, when X!Chara accused Nightmare of “watching us all this time as if we were part of a show”, Nightmare responded by saying:
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Of course, Nightmare mostly means himself, Error, and Ink. Dream is much more active in helping people be happy, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t on the same god-tier level as his brother. Dream could sit back and watch the world tick, but he chooses not to because that goes against his morals.
In other words, Dream and Nightmare will probably affect the outcome of Underverse more than any other characters. They’re both pissed about what Error did: all those people that Dream cared about were murdered, and Nightmare can no longer generate negative feelings from innocents. They both have invested interest in this Multiverse war now, and their powers will certainly come to the forefront.
I believe that at the end of the story, the Multiverse will essentially go back to the exact way it was before Xtale was invented. XGaster will be dead, the Xtale characters will be put back in their AU, the other AUs will be restored, and at the end of it all, Dream and Nightmare will be once again pitted against one another. We may even see an alliance between them during Underverse S2 to stop XGaster, but afterwards, they will reestablish their rivalry. Unless the Omega Timeline comes into play, which it very well might, I don’t see the two brothers reconciling.
Thank you everyone who took the agonizingly long time to read this! I hope this shed some light on certain characters (especially XI) and encourages to make some of your own theories. Stay safe and good night!
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paraxcosmic-jae · 3 years
What is Logic?
That's a question I was bothering myself with. Even if you don't realize, the word logic gets used way more than you think in your everyday life. How many times do you hear these statements:
Use your brain! Just think logically! You just have to use your logic.
'Use your logic' this implies that everyone has their own logic. We all know that logic happens in your brain. Is it a basic way of thinking? A specific way to use your brain? Maybe it's just the basic human knowledge. But it's almost no doubt, it's a thing only humans have.
The statements with logic mostly encounter us when there's an issue. It must be our ability to solve problems. A strategy we use to cover the unknown. Maybe even filling up holes in our knowledge.
Let's say you encounter a hole in your knowledge: you don't know how to do something. So now you have a problem. If there's no one to help you you will reach a point where you have to do something. You have to start trying. This is undoubtebly a moment you will use your logic to at least get into the direction of a solution. You try and if it doesn't work you fail. But you have to try again. Using your logic and your newly made experience you find a new slightly different solution. This cycle keeps going until you have a solution.
So is logic just a connection between your knowledge? A thing that helps you use past experiences to solve similar problems? Is it something that depends on your IQ? An indicator of your intelligence?
We go to school to get smart. To develop our brains. The best example for logic is the unpopular subject, math. Math is really just a database of logic. It serves two main purposes: creating a basic communal logic for everyone (that went to school) and developing your own logic. Having one main logic we can rest on with rules and laws makes it easier for us to work together. It gives us a specific platform we all know and can work with.
As we learned, logic is based on knowledge and life experience. School isn't required to be intelligent. There's specific individuals who work better or worse in the education system. The things you need to be smart without education is life experience. What mathematics do for you is actually give you experiences to develop your logic without actually having to experience them in real life. Even if you might not actually need to use pythagoras in real life it is just another logic you know how to use.
Maths keeps on handing you a new logic, a new set of logical rules and teaches you how to use them. And after that you get to use it on problems it gives you. The same you would do with your life experience. It teaches problem solving with a seemingly unimportant example and neutral symbols. Neutral symbols so that you can apply them easier in real life. A and B are variables for problems in real life. Examples of possible life experiences and problems.
So it doesn't matter that you will never encounter someone that needs help loading 40,8 watermelons into their VW Polo but the fact that you learn how to solve problems in general is important.
Maths might actually be the most important and relevant subject in school.
I use my logic to teach myself specific tasks and hobbies. And even if my crappy version of Virgil Sanders' jacket won't help me pay rent it's something I do for fun. I'm teaching myself how to sew using my logic. I watch videos on the internet and use my logic to apply it to my own jacket.
Sometimes the task seems impossible to finish and I realize that it won't look very fashionable. When the task seems useless I tell myself that it improves my logic and my sewing skills. A skill that will help me in the future.
So when maths seems stupid, impossible and useless, please remember this post and keep going. Your logic will always keep developing and it will make life easier in the end. Even when you lost all motivation
as my psychologist said:
Interest = Motivation
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koiryuu · 4 years
Jitterbug (Hashiya Nanashi, feat. Hatsune Miku & MEIKO) analysis, from an autistic point of view
Disclaimer: This is based on my personal experience growing up with autism, and the experiences of the people around me. This song is also really gay by nature, so if MikuMei isn't your thing, this is your warning. Obviously this is in no way any sort of official analysis, and actually, ironically due to my autism, I may misinterpret some things or have a hard time not taking lines literally, so don't get mad at me if I get something clearly wrong. I'm just very passionate about this interpretation, and this song comes very close to representing a real (canon) autistic experience. No one else seems to comment on it from that point of view though, so naturally I had to write this up! This is also my first full analysis, and I'm not good at being concise, so please bear with me!
Overview: The video, for me, is a major factor in how Jitterbug comes across as an autistic narrative. The name itself, while it is still a reference to a 1920s dance (befitting of the electroswing style of the song), doubles as a meaning for someone who can't sit still, and actually on a personal note was an affectionate nickname my family called me as a kid, so that tipped me off right away. All throughout the video, I noticed most of all, the way Meiko moves her hands while she dances is very close to stimmy behavior, not really like how a neurotypical would normally dance (nor is it a part of the jitterbug itself). While Meiko is moving her hands like that, Miku very often has something in her mouth, either a kind of stick, or the laser pointer, definitely suggesting an oral fixation. Of course, both girls obscure their eyes with sunglasses (I think Meiko's aviators look so cool), and while that definitely has some metaphorical meaning as others have pointed out in their analyses of the song, it's really not uncommon for autistic people to wear shaders and/or noise dampeners to combat overstimulation and sensory issues. None of these things on their own prove anything, of course, as the video is often a small part of a song's meaning, so let's dive into the main course!
Lyric analysis:
I can't talk about any wishes, nor my ideals
Giving out the same, invariant answer all the time
For being the first line in this song, this really already punches home the idea that Miku is dissatisfied with herself, and, as is often the case with autistic people, doesn't even know how she's supposed to navigate the world. She either doesn't know her aspirations in life, or doesn't know how to talk about them without being judged.
You don't need a rotten yesterday
Dump it before you get betrayed
Meiko, being the free spirit in contrast to the masking, frustrated Miku, assures her that she can't just hold onto bad things that happened, being judged or not knowing herself, she needs to dump her perfectionist tendencies and learn to live as herself a little before her own precariously-built persona comes crashing down on her.
Just fully utilize it, tame it
Can't give it away nor dye it tomorrow
I'm fully ready
Meiko tells Miku that she has to learn to work with herself the way she is, find her talents and use them fully, rather than constantly trying to change or push her feelings deep down. She can't give away her personality, and she can't truly make herself different inside, no matter how hard she masks on the outside.
Hungry critics that can't even move
are just glancing at you sideways
The people who would judge Miku for who she is are just hungry for something to laugh at, someone to other or exclude, but when it comes down to it, they're no real threat. If she can just get over that initial hurdle, she'll realize her haters are just pathetically lapping at any entertainment they can get, and they're really not that scary at the end of the day.
Who cares! Ignore those idiots
Given this is the first line they sing together, it almost feels like an admission on Miku's part, she wants to believe Meiko and stand up for herself for once, even if it is just among them for now.
Come at nights, grab my hand and dance
The girls are obviously fond of each other (just gals being pals), and in a way, understand one another on a deeper level than other people understand them, having similar neurotypes. Dancing itself is sort of a wild, energetic activity, that can help express a wide variety of pent-up emotions, and the jitterbug itself is a pretty manic dance that fits the image rather well.
Use your eyes only for me and let's light it up,
Your one and only, scorching laser light
This line is honestly just gay. I don't think there's any deeper meaning to the laser light specifically, but it is a cute thing to call your funky spunky girlfriend, isn't it? It actually may be a reference to how Miku really is on the inside, bright and strange, and often blinding and scorching to others. She hides that side of her pretty well normally, but with Meiko it's not only fine to be bright and weird and full of personality, but actually encouraged.
Fitfully ranking things and aligning them vertically
Abandoning my heart, I convert them to numbers out of impulse
Honestly, upon my first translated listen of this song, I didn't think absolutely anything autistic was happening until this line hit me. This is so autistic in nature, I'm surprised that a lot of analyses leave it out. Miku not only sees the world in sets and orders and numbers like many autistics do, but actually feels (most likely from outside influence) that by her brain being wired to see the world like that, she's abandoned her humanity and become a robot.
The magic gradually faded out
Instead, pessimism flowed in and was entrenched
I'm taking a little liberty here, but many autistics with savant syndrome (and/or gifted kid syndrome) are praised in their youth for the amazing things they can do, such as doing complex math quickly or reading at a faster speed than their peers, but later in life, when those skills are either no longer relevant or have averaged out, the things they used to be praised for become seen as annoying, not something to brag about, or a burden. Miku no longer sees the way her brain works as magical and special anymore, it's a curse and proof to her that she's not like the people around her.
Struck speechless by the awful scenery,
Very clearly overstimulation.
I linger in the raining streets, soaked from head to toe
Some wait for the sun, some grumble about the rain
All pointing at me inside their umbrellas
This line could very well be taken literally, but it's most clearly just a way of describing how different Miku is truly. She doesn't see the same things as bad as other people, she doesn't see the same things as good either. She could be the type that embraces darkness in life, both literally and figuratively. People may not actually point, but she can feel eyes on her, and it makes her feel even more alienated. Even when she tries so hard to fit in, there are some parts of her that are too obvious to change, and she knows she draws attention anyway.
Who cares! Ignore them right now
Let's smile, choose my hand and sing
Feel the rhythm with your heart and dance
I'm not sure exactly why, but the line about feeling the rhythm with your heart made me feel really connected to the song. It might just be because of my own personal music stim habits, but either way it's another line about leaving behind your facade, being as true to your nature as possible, and just dancing out your worries to the beat of the song.
On this rainy stage, as bright as the scorching light
This line embraces the idea of Miku preferring the rain. No one else has to like the stage they set for themselves, because when they're together, it's just about them and what they want to do. Miku can soak herself in rain and bright, scorching light, and just exist with no one around to point and stare.
Eyes go dim and words are lost
While this can just be a reference to depression in general, it's worth noting that many autistics have trouble showing expressions, and/or go nonverbal, often in response to stress or unusually upsetting circumstances.
The colors of today have faded out
Still, it couldn't end because of someone
This can be a way of insinuating that Miku is actually suicidal due to how she's seen by others, and Meiko is the one thing keeping her here, or it could just mean that Meiko stopped her days from getting too bad in a moderate sense. Either way, pretty gay, and shows more how much the girls depend on each other in mutual understanding.
Who cares! Ignore those idiots!
Come at nights, dance and grasp your aspirations
Referring back to the first line, Meiko does assure Miku that not everything needs to be worked out for others' sake, but by spending time with your true self and unpacking your feelings, the future you're supposed to have and the things that truly make you happy will become clear.
I shall dedicate my entire life to you
Let's shine on, like the scorching light
Reach your hands out, until the very end
Miku is in lesbians with her. Ending the song on such a gay note is never a bad thing of course, but it is a little anticlimactic for this analysis. Though, the line of reaching your hands out might actually refer to their hand movements in the video, symbolizing to keep being weird and authentic as long as you can, but that may be a bit of a stretch (or a reach, if you will)
Final thoughts: I have seen other analyses (though not as in-depth) about the meaning of the song, and while they definitely do have some meaning and I can see it from that point of view, there are just some obviously autistic cues that I couldn't ignore that just swayed my perception of the song entirely that direction. I'm not sure if I only picked up that meaning because of my own experiences biasing my view, or if I actually am onto something with the original intention of the song. If you guys have any insight to offer on any of the lyrics, or if I missed or misinterpreted something, feel free to let me know! Thanks for reading this far, honestly! 🌸
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swissroad6 · 3 years
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Check local video games merchants or even internet vendors for top level deal in preordered games. If you choose to allow your preschooler to perform a video activity, always sit down with them after they practice it. Speak with them as to what is going on inside the game. Through making the experience a sociable occasion, you can create specific bonding time in between you and the youngster as they are accomplishing something they enjoy. Mother and father need to take time to try looking in the overall game console's settings for parent controls. Consoles could have these types of controls in their setting's menus. These could allow you to handle game titles by ESRB rating, the amount of time in the system and restrict online access. Using these manages set, your child can enjoy games far more safely and securely. Save money on video gaming via on the internet re- retailers or auction web sites. 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juliabohemian · 4 years
Nostalgia Bias
I recently came across a meme on Facebook, posted by a friend. The meme consisted of a reactionary joke about how Millennials don't know how to drive stick shifts or read in cursive, and that if we want to keep them quarantined, we should put them in cars with manual transmissions and give them the directions in cursive.
Ordinarily, I would keep scrolling past something as inane as this. Actually, that's not true. Ordinarily, there wouldn't be anyone on my friend's list, on any social media platform, who would post reactionary humor. I was truly surprised to see it at all, especially coming from this person, who has always seemed reasonably intelligent.
The first thing wrong with that joke is that it suggests that the generation struggling the most with staying quarantined are the Millennials. Which we know is not true. It is the Baby Boomers. Though Gen-X appears to be adapting best to the whole mess. Go team.
The second thing wrong with that joke is that we still teach children to write in cursive, in elementary school, as of 2020. The third thing wrong with that joke is that there are plenty of Millennials who know how to drive a stick shift.
One could just as easily say the best way to keep Boomers quarantined would be to lock them inside and hook up everything in their homes to smart devices. Ha ha. Isn’t that hilarious? Because old people can’t use technology, right. Yeah, except for all the ones who do. Betty White and Patrick Stewart, for instance.
I couldn't help myself, of course. I had to make a comment. Why? Because I genuinely thought that the person who posted the meme would realize that it was bullshit and be willing to acknowledge that. Needless to say, that's not how it went. I got the answer that I have gotten so many times in the past "yeah, I mean, that's TRUE I guess...but that doesn’t matter because it was rude of you to point it out.”
Was it, though? Ruder than the joke itself? Is politeness to a single individual more important than the feelings of an entire generation of people being maligned by a bad joke? I believe it was Dr. House who posed the question:
"What would you prefer, a doctor who holds your hand while you die or one who ignores you while you get better? I suppose it would particularly suck to have a doctor who ignores you while you die."
Now, I would like to point out that, as someone on the autism spectrum, I don’t socialize in the traditional sense. I relate to people by exchanging information. For me, that takes the place of socializing. That's probably why I am an educator. I like to teach people things. When I see something that I know is absolute bullshit, and I think there's a chance that it can turn into a valuable teaching moment, I cannot resist. Because it isn't just the person who posted it that is going to see my comment, but many other people as well.
Social media is wrought with misinformation. It’s pretty hard to avoid it. I cringe whenever I hear people using words like autistic or schizophrenic to describe the behavior of an ordinary, neurotypical person. Those are conditions for which there are specific diagnostic criteria. The same goes for diabetes, which you definitely cannot get from eating a bag of candy. 
So, what is it that makes people behave this way? Why would perfectly NICE, well meaning people willfully and knowingly spread misinformation? The simple answer is, they don't know it's misinformation. Which is the result of something called bias. 
Bias affects our critical thinking skills. It allows us to hold views that are completely incorrect and even harmful to others. And as we share misinformation that is based upon our bias, even via a format as harmless as a meme, it spreads. And it affects other people's views and behavior. 
The primary source of reactionary humor, such as that which I referenced above, is something called nostalgia bias.
Nostalgia is basically the belief that things from a previous era are superior to their modern counterparts, without the benefit of any objective analysis. Why are they better? Because they're old, obviously. No further analysis is required.
There are two types of nostalgia, historical and personal. The simplest way to differentiate between the two would be to consider historical nostalgia to be the product of anything that happens outside of yourself and to the larger group, such as your community, state or country. Personal nostalgia refers to that which affects you personally, your immediate family, your extended family unit, your school or workplace.
Psychologists have found that personal nostalgia (as opposed to historical nostalgia) can be a stabilizing force that anchors people emotionally and helps them to overcome trauma and loss. But on the flip side, historical nostalgia is likely to prevent people from being open to change by making them dependent on the memories of an idealized past.
I can't even count the number of times I have found myself on YouTube, watching a music video for a song that is (at least) 20 years old or more, and I made the mistake of scrolling down to read the comments. Because, inevitably, there will always be someone in there saying something to the effect of "they don't make music like THIS anymore" and/or "the music they make these days is crap!" And I roll my eyes because such a declaration is purely nostalgic and pretty much the antithesis of critical thinking. 
I am 42 years old. I remember hearing people say that “new music sucks” in 1984. Which is a relatively long time ago for me. But comparatively speaking, a mere hiccup for mankind. I suspect that people have been making such sweeping statements since long before I came into existence. They were bullshit then and they’re bullshit now.
There has always been bad music. Always. Just as there has always been good music. But what does it mean for music to be good or bad? Well, unless you’ve been academically trained in music theory or have acquired decades of performance experience, not a whole lot. For the average person it means that you either like it or you don’t. If you like it, it’s good. If you don’t, it’s bad. Really it’s only a valid measurement for the individual in question. Even if you manage to find 500 people who agree with your opinion, it's still not an objective measurement. Because art cannot be objectively measured.
It's important to consider the fact that genuinely bad music rarely survives to be appreciated by future generations. Meaning that the music that does survive represents the most popular, most commercially successful, most critically acclaimed work of that era. There's a reason why you aren't hearing Milli Vanilli on the oldie's station. Although, I suspect that is more likely related to the whole lip syncing scandal, but I digress.
It's also important to consider why people like or dislike things. Is it actually because they’re good or bad? Unfortunately, no. It's entirely a matter of personal taste. There are things that I like that I know are probably bad. Low budget, found footage horror films, for instance. No award winners among them. Some of them are comprised of video taken with a cell phone. But I love them all the same.
Like all art, music is very personal. We can hear a song and are immediately transported back to a specific time or place. For many of us, music is an escape from reality, or a window to another world. Thus, music is very much connected to our memory of events and the feelings that we attach to those memories. This is what contributes to our skewed perception that something is better because it is old. In actuality, it is better for us, personally, because it represents memories and feelings that we enjoyed or that we still enjoy. As more and more time passes, those memories become increasingly idealized in our minds. So much so that nothing new could possibly compare.
The arts are important to society. It is not logical to suggest that newer generations are producing inferior art, simply because their art does not appeal to older people. New art doesn’t need to appeal to older people, because it’s not really FOR them. They aren’t the intended audience. It’s not a reflection of their generation's interests, values or struggles. 
For some older people, new art is a reminder of mortality. It is a reminder that they are aging, or that they are no longer as relevant to society as they once were. And they deal with the discomfort of that by rejecting or invalidating new things. Which is a miserable way to live.
So, think critically, my friends. Even when you’re assessing something as harmless as a meme. Look for bias and when you see it, don’t be afraid to call it out. And as you get older, try to stay as open minded as possible. Or else, someday, someone might lock you inside a car with a manual transmission and give you an instruction manual written only in cursive.
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 2.7
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time in chapter 2’s Daily Life/Deadly Life transition, Ryoma’s corpse put a bit of a damper on Himiko’s magic show, Shuichi officially became Kaito’s sidekick and recognised this for exactly what it is, namely Kaito encouraging and supporting him, Kaito had more words for Gonta about being sure of himself and learned that Ryoma was trying to get stronger, and we left off as the newly-formed duo finished investigating the gym and headed out to check the other places of interest.
Let’s investigate everywhere else, then, starting with Himiko’s lab since it’s the closest on the way out of the gym.
Kokichi and Tsumugi are in here, even though just a second ago Kokichi appeared to be in the gym. Tsumugi says she’s here specifically to keep an eye on Kokichi because of the whole investigate-in-pairs thing, meaning she probably followed him here from the gym. So when on earth did Kokichi get the chance to sneak into Ryoma’s room and steal the motive video? He really should have just been suspiciously not there during the gym investigation and then turned up here now, making you assume he’d been here all along.
Kaito mentions that revealing Himiko’s trick would make things kind of boring.
Kokichi:  “Ooh! Kaito believes in Himiko’s magic!”
Kaito:  “That’s not what I mean. I was just thinking that her tricks are like magic that brings smiles to people.”
Tsumugi:  “Ah, yeah, I guess you could think about it that way…”
Kaito:  “Besides, it’s just like my dream to go to space! I believe I can travel across the Milky Way! I believe I will meet aliens! Flying around space with thoughts like that is the true spirit of adventure!”
He’s such a dork. And it makes sense that someone like Kaito would feel this way – he likes to believe in fantastical, impossible things not because he genuinely thinks they’re true but because pretending they are makes life more fun. This is why he kept insisting that those “adventures” of his he told us about in his FTEs were real things that totally happened to him!
He’s also practical enough to know when to drop the playfulness and actually be realistic, which is why he was trying to get Himiko to admit what the trick was earlier because people’s lives are on the line, but even so he finds it a shame to have to ruin the fun part.
And all this is quite relevant to the theme of fiction. Fiction is fun not because you genuinely believe it’s true, like when you’ve been lied to, but because even though you know it’s not true, for a little while you can immerse yourself in that world, suspend your disbelief and imagine that it’s true.
Kokichi:  “Kaito, that’s… the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! Your idealistic dreams won’t help this situation!”
Says the one who’s constantly insisting that lies are more exciting than the truth.
When you know what’s up, Kirumi’s meeting with Kokichi to lecture him and be motherly at him is quite obviously her desperate attempt to get herself an alibi for the time before nighttime when anyone could have entered the gym. Shuichi assumes that it’s because she’s fulfilling Kokichi’s earlier “request” for her to be his mom, but that’s just something Kirumi uses as an excuse to be doing this. In fact, there is a line in one of her FTEs where she mentions that she does not appreciate being called a mother, meaning that this is not a request she would usually take. If anyone happened to have got that FTE with her before this case, I wonder if that’d have raised some more suspicions about her actions.
Kokichi:  “She was starting to bore me, so I turned around to leave, and then…”
Kirumi:  “Stop right there… Our conversation is not over yet.”
Kokichi:  “I don’t gotta listen to you! You’re not worthy of lecturing the Ultimate Supreme Leader! C’mon, Miss Maid! Catch me if you can!”
Kirumi:  “Is that… a request?”
Kokichi:  “And then… I guess Kirumi decided to take tag super seriously…”
And this part, too. You can just see her thinking “wait, don’t leave yet, I still need my alibi!” She pretends it’s because of Kokichi’s “request” again just to try and give a plausible reason for why she’s doing this.
I find it a little odd that Shuichi doesn’t think he needs to confirm Kokichi’s account with Kirumi. It’s partially being presented as Kokichi’s alibi, after all, and if anyone would make up their alibi out of thin air, it’d be him.
Kokichi:  “By the way… you didn’t get captured by Gonta yesterday, did you, Kaito? Where were you? And what were you doing?”
Kaito:  “I was running around the whole time. I hid in bathrooms, bedrooms, all over the school…”
Kokichi:  “Hmmm, I see. …”
Kokichi has one of his sly grins for that last line. He knows that Maki and Ryoma had each others’ motive videos, and he knows Maki’s talent, so he assumes Maki’s the culprit. Here, he’s just learned that the only person without an alibi for before nightime other than Maki is Kaito. So what I think this is is him getting the idea for his plan to turn them against each other – or rather, to turn Kaito against Maki – during the trial.
Next I’m heading not to Ryoma’s lab even though the stairs to the upper floors are closest, but rather to the pool first, for reasons that’ll make sense later.
Kaito:  “The culprit probably got in and out from here! Alright! Investigate every nook and cranny!”
Kaito won’t rest until his sidekick has investigated every suspicious-looking nook and cranny!
*cough* Sorry, that was my Ace Attorney coming through again.
Monokuma:  “And then, that person will be rrrrrripped apart by the Exisals!”
Kaito:  “Y-You’d go that far?”
Heh, remembering the time you almost got ripped apart by an Exisal, Kaito?
Shuichi:  “It looks like… a little piece of fabric.”
Kaito:  “It’s just trash, right? Nothing to be worried about. We’re looking for the culprit! We don’t have time to pick up trash!”
Again with Kaito’s investigative skills being… not great. He does not have a good intuition for what’s likely to be important during an investigation.
Shuichi:  (Perhaps it’s just my intuition, but it does bother me. …I should learn to trust it sometimes. My intuition as the Ultimate Detective…)
But of course, Shuichi’s investigative intuition is good, and here’s him starting to believe in it even without Kaito’s direct encouragement!
Kaito:  “Hey, Shuichi… Does this pool really have anything to do with the case? We got all psyched up about it, but it doesn’t seem like there were any clues here…”
Yes, there were, Kaito. You’re pretty bad at this detective thing.
Kaito:  “Then why not just jump in and fish it out by hand? Oh! That’s right! They couldn’t get in the water!”
However, this does seem to be Kaito having figured out that the murderer only left stuff in the pool because it was nighttime, so props there I guess? Shuichi has also clearly figured that out, so it’s a little strange that he doesn’t try and argue earlier in the trial that the murder could have taken place at nighttime. I guess that’s part of the reason why he’s so unwilling to assume that only Maki or Kaito could be the culprit during that part, since that’s still in the back of his mind.
Kaito:  “Let’s go check out the other places. There’s no time to waste! Isn’t that right, sidekick!?”
Kaito is encouraging and good and a friend.
And now we’re heading back up to the third floor to Ryoma’s lab, even though the dorms are on the way to that. There is also method to my madness there.
Shuichi mentions the lab feels different from before but doesn’t spot why. Kaito doesn’t notice anything at all. Guys, both of you were hanging out in this very room two days ago; you should be more observant than this. The tennis net being down is kind of obvious.
While looking at the pool through the shower room window, because they already checked out the pool earlier, they think back to what Monokuma told them about the pool rules:
Shuichi:  “…can we assume no one was in the gym or pool at nighttime?”
Monokuma:  “…Well, at the very least, no one alive.”
Kaito:  “Why’d he say ‘no one alive’?”
Shuichi:  “I believe he was hinting that a dead person wouldn’t be considered to be ‘breaking the rules.’ Which means it’s possible that a dead body was in the gym or the pool at nighttime…”
Kaito:  “So there’s a chance Ryoma was carried to the gym after he was killed?”
You only get this exchange if you’ve been to the pool first, and it’s a helpful addition to figure things out, so I did things this way around because this gives me reason to assume this is the “canon” order that Shuichi investigated things in.
Kaito’s statement during the Debate Scrum in the trial is, “Rules probably don’t apply to corpses, you know”. For a long time before I knew this extra exchange existed, I assumed Kaito had managed to figure that out by himself. But, well… apparently not. Sorry, Kaito, I overestimated your detective skills.
Kaito notices the marks on this window frame, and…
Kaito:  “Now you understand, right, Shuichi?”
Shuichi: “What?”
Kaito:  “How amazing I am to have noticed such a super, ultra important clue… It’s all in a day’s work for Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!!!”
What a dork. Someone might be overcompensating a little for having not noticed anything else or contributed to the investigation in any way other than this. He apparently wants people to think he is good at investigating, even though he really really isn’t.
Shuichi deduces in his inner monologue that the shower room is quite likely to be the true crime scene…
Kaito:  “It seems like you figured something out… You seem more confident.”
…and Kaito notices this and encourages him because he is Good and definitely can contribute to the investigation by boosting Shuichi’s morale.
While investigating the tennis net, we learn that Kaito used to play a lot of tennis.
Shuichi:  “You were in the tennis club?”
Kaito:  “That’s why… it pissed me off so much that Ryoma was acting like that…”
Shuichi:  “Did you… know Ryoma from before?”
Kaito:  “I never met him, but I heard a lot about him. I mean, these days, there’s no one who’s played tennis that hasn’t heard of him. He’s been a tennis legend since middle school. He was like a hero to every tennis kid. And then… once I finally got to meet him, he became a coward…”
Here’s the reason Kaito has been so harsh on Ryoma and only Ryoma. Because Kaito looked up to him, like a hero. Because he was expecting Ryoma to be strong and cool and awesome and when he saw that he wasn’t, it really got to him.
Kaito:  “That pissed me off so much, I ended up being too hard on him. But regretting that now won’t help. There’s nothing I can do…”
And so, Kaito was too busy being hung up on that that he didn’t reach out to support Ryoma with his weaknesses like he absolutely would have done if it had been anyone else. If Kaito had done that, maybe Ryoma would have found a reason to live simply from their friendship and wouldn’t have sacrificed himself for Kirumi. Kaito’s trying not to wallow in regret because that’s not what he likes to do, but he’s saying this because he does regret not helping and knows he could have made a difference if only he hadn’t been so angry at him.
If you think about it, tennis really isn’t the obvious choice for Kaito’s favourite sport – you’d think he’d be more into a team sport that involves communication and working together. You know the reason I believe the writers had it be the case that Kaito was into tennis? So that Ryoma could die when he was supposed to. The whole point of Ryoma’s character was to tell the story of someone who willingly became a victim for a greater cause because he’d lost everything and had no reason to live. But that story is being told as part of a story which also contains the Luminary of the Stars, someone who instinctively tries to support anyone who’s weak and suffering and help them get stronger, and is really, really good at it. Just from that alone, Kaito would have helped Ryoma find a new reason to live and Ryoma wouldn’t have died the way the writers wanted him to. So there needed to be a reason why Kaito, despite his nature, wouldn’t help out Ryoma in particular, and to do that they had to give Kaito this history of having looked up to Ryoma, making him disillusioned and harsh on him when they meet.
In short: Kaito was too powerful and the writers had to nerf him to make this chapter work.
When I say “writers” here, I don’t think it’s particularly likely to include the in-universe writers. It’s possible, since clearly the no-reason-to-live thing was exactly what they were going for with Ryoma, motive video and all, and they also clearly intended Kaito to be someone who encourages and supports others. But I don’t know if the in-universe writers could necessarily have predicted the way that Kaito having looked up to him in the past would make him react to Ryoma’s weakness. After all, for most people, you’d expect having admired someone to be even more reason to want to help them, not less. The out-universe writers have the benefit of always being in Kaito’s head and therefore being able to know exactly how he would react to any situation. They can retroactively add things to his character on the fly to change his reaction and make the situation turn out how they want it to. But the in-universe writers just wrote everything about Kaito’s character into a Flashback Light at the beginning, and after that point they had no more control because he became a real person and not just their character any more. So it’d be much harder for them to predict exactly how he’d respond to things, and if it wasn’t the response they wanted, there’s a lot less they could do to change it.
(The alternative explanation from an in-universe writing perspective is simply that the writers had Kaito know about Ryoma because they thought it’d seem more realistic if a few of the Ultimates knew of each other, such as how Shuichi had heard of Kirumi too.)
Next, since we’re on the third floor, we’re heading to Maki’s lab to question her and Kirumi. Shuichi didn’t include this in his list of places he wanted to investigate other than the gym, so I’ve seen a lot of first-time players miss it and awkwardly wander around not knowing where to go. He really should have mentioned it.
Kaito:  “Hey, once we’re done with the trial, can I get a massage?”
Kirumi:  “But of course…”
I like how Kirumi casually agrees to this request despite knowing it’s impossible because by the end of the trial either one or the other of them will be dead.
Kaito:  “I didn’t see him at all yesterday, actually.”
Kaito did see Ryoma, actually, in the morning at the casino. But that was an optional scene that some players might not have got, so, yeah.
It’s interesting for Kirumi to be having this conversation about who was the last to see Ryoma alive… right in front of Maki, who was the actual last person to see him alive other than Kirumi herself, but she’s still not going to admit to it because she’s afraid of being suspected. Quite understandably, since she met with him alone in the middle of the night when she could easily have killed him and not been seen doing it.
Kokichi is also lying about the last time he saw Ryoma, mind you, since Ryoma came to him to ask who had his motive video, which had to have been after Kokichi had seen the videos and therefore after 11pm. So Kokichi is also keeping important information from everyone just because he thinks it’ll be ~hilarious~ to try and turn Kaito and Maki against each other and wouldn’t be able to do that if we knew the murder happened at nighttime. What a wonderfully helpful person.
Kaito:  “Hahaha! That’s pretty harsh! But my sidekick is working his ass off!”
Maki:  “…Sidekick?”
Kaito:  “Yup! Shuichi’s my sidekick now!”
Maki:  “Shouldn’t it be… the other way around? The dumb one should be the sidekick.”
Hee, I still love Maki’s jabs at Kaito. And Kaito being such a goof that he’s excitedly telling everyone about Shuichi being his sidekick now. Mind you, I think it might be significant that he’s choosing to tell this to Maki in particular, since he probably already has plans to try and make her into his next sidekick.
Kaito:  “Th-The dumb one? I’m more of a scientist type of guy… so this stuff really isn’t my thing.”
Maki:  “…Wouldn’t being a scientist be helpful for an investigation?”
Kaito:  “More importantly…”
I like how both Shuichi and Maki pointed out that being a scientist should be useful in investigations (thus proving that Kaito probably wouldn’t actually make a very good research scientist). And how Kaito conspicuously changes the topic.
Shuichi:  “You’ve been in here ever since this room opened up. Almost as if… you’re keeping watch. Making sure no one else enters.”
Maki:  “… Is this… an interrogation?”
Gah, Maki, assuming that he’s interrogating her because she has so much to hide and she’s terrified of anyone managing to get it out of her, even though all Shuichi wants right now is to know anything she knows about the case. (That said, his detective’s instincts are still honing in on the question of why she’s guarding this place even though it’s irrelevant to the current case, so she isn’t wrong to be wary.)
Shuichi:  “But you should at least cooperate with our investigation… Because all our lives are on the line.”
Maki:  “Even if I did cooperate, I wouldn’t be any help.”
Except for the part where she can tell them that Ryoma was alive at nighttime. That would be helpful. But she’s too afraid of being suspected, because she’s so used to the idea that everyone should suspect her that it doesn’t even occur to her that they wouldn’t.
Maki:  “Gonta did stop by, but I managed to chase him off somehow. All I did was tell him… ‘If you lay a hand on me, you’ll choke to death on your own tongue.’ That’s all.”
Kaito:  “So Gonta got scared off by that? Well, I guess he would hold back against a girl.”
This reads like another instance of Kaito being grazed by a Misogyny Bullet, like he’s supposedly brushing off how intimidating Maki is by going “lol but she’s only a girl, right?”. But I actually don’t think that’s it in this case. Kaito genuinely does not find Maki intimidating – even when he learns that she’s an assassin, he’s not the slightest bit afraid of her, because he trusts his instincts that she’s a good person. Therefore, it doesn’t occur to Kaito that her threat might scare someone, so he figures Gonta wouldn’t have been that scared either, and therefore assumes that Gonta took her gender into account, because after all Gonta has his gentleman thing and gentlemen must be considerate towards ladies.
Maki:  “Are we done here? You’re wasting your time talking to me. I don’t know anything.”
Kaito:  “Okay, I’m done here.”
Shuichi:  “Huh? You are?”
Kaito:  “Well, her alibi is a little shaky, but I don’t think she killed Ryoma. That’s what my instincts are telling me.”
Maki:  “…”
Look at Kaito believing in Maki, because his instincts are telling him she’s a good person and they’re right! And I love Maki’s silent glance away, like she’s wondering how the hell he can think that about her without any proof.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if Kaito could sense that Maki has more she’s not telling them – the way she ended the conversation really does sound like she’s trying to because she doesn’t want to have to say any more. Even if he did, though, Kaito wouldn’t ask her to tell them whatever she’s hiding, because he trusts that whatever it is isn’t anything malicious and that forcing it out of her won’t help things.
Kaito:  “But if you remember anything, be sure to tell Shuichi, okay? He’s my sidekick, y’know? He’s pretty good.”
Maki:  “…”
Maki’s silence this time looks like she’s sighing, probably in exasperation at Kaito’s… Kaito-ness. And I like how Kaito is asking her to tell Shuichi, not himself, if she remembers anything. More signs that this really isn’t about Kaito and Kaito’s just acting this way to give Shuichi as much help as he can to solve this case.
Finally, off to Ryoma’s dorm room. But while we’re in the dorms, before heading into his room, I examined Kaede’s door.
Shuichi:  (… Kaede… Your wish… the promise that we would make it out of here together…) [starting to cry] (I promised you… but…)
Kaito: [looking away and wincing]  “Shuichi, let’s think later. First we gotta deal with Ryoma’s case.”
Shuichi: [smiling slightly] “Ah, right…”
(Descriptions of their expressions included because they’re important and most people probably haven’t seen this exchange.)
I love this little moment. It really shows how much good Kaito is doing for Shuichi here, even though he’s been basically no help in terms of actual investigative work. Kaito obviously notices Shuichi staring sadly at Kaede’s door and starting to cry, and even though Kaito’s also in a lot of pain over the fact that they couldn’t keep their promise of not letting another murder happen, he’s able to help Shuichi stay focused on what needs to be done. And Shuichi’s small smile shows that he really does appreciate that Kaito’s here and understands what he’s going through and is giving him the nudge he needs. It would be hell for Shuichi to have to force himself through this investigation while feeling like this if he were alone. Friends are especially important in a situation like this, and Kaito is such a good friend.
Shuichi:  “You see, if we suppose the motive for the crime was the video… There’s a high possibility that Ryoma had the culprit’s motive video.”
This is a bit of a stretch, I think. He’s assuming something along the lines of what I’d been saying earlier – that the culprit committed murder simply to get their hands on their video. If the culprit committed the murder because they saw their video and were driven to murder because of it, there’d be no reason to specifically murder the person who had their video rather than anyone else. Unless there was something extra-incriminating in their video such as “this person is secretly an assassin”. But, you know, too bad Maki’s not the murderer and Kokichi is just causing Shuichi to jump to false conclusions because he stole the video for the sake of making things ~fun~.
…If Kokichi hadn’t stolen the video, then Kaito and Shuichi would have ended up watching Maki’s motive video right here. Huh. That would have been interesting.
I wonder if that’s actually the real reason that Kokichi stole the video: because he wanted to keep a monopoly on the knowledge of Maki’s talent, so he could reveal it whenever he chose. He brings out the video in the trial to talk about it being Maki’s, but he never actually plays it to prove that it’s hers, so he could still have talked about whose video it was without needing to physically have it with him.
Kaito:  “Alright! That’s just what I’d expect from my top sidekick!”
He’s your only sidekick right now, Kaito, of course he’s the top one. Also I really can’t see Kaito picking favourites among his sidekicks when he does have multiple of them.
Shuichi briefly flashes back to Kaito’s motive video and looks worried. I’m not sure why this worries him – he’s just decided that the culprit is likely to be the owner of the video Ryoma had, which would make Kaito less suspicious.
Kaito mentions that he’s been thinking maybe they should have watched the motive videos after all.
Kaito:  “They showed the most important people to us, right? So… maybe we should’ve watched them… Without looking away from the truth… At the time, I agreed with Keebo, but after thinking about it… I changed my mind. And… if we were worried about watching them alone, we coulda just watched them together.”
Shuichi:  “Watch them together?”
Kaito:  “Yeah… we shoulda gathered together and watched all the videos. Share everybody’s motives. Even if it’s something you can’t bear by yourself, it’d be possible with everyone. That’s what cooperation is, right?”
It’s a really interesting outlook he has on this. He knows that the videos show something awful and terrifying – your loved ones in horrible danger – but he thinks it’d be better to face up to that truth rather than running away from it while knowing that your motive video still exists and so your loved ones probably still are in some kind of danger that you just don’t know about.
And most importantly, he believes that if everyone watched them together, with the spirit of co-operation in their minds, then things would be okay. Someone seeing their motive alone would potentially become desperate to kill out of fear for their loved ones, but if everyone watched them all together and saw that everyone else also had loved ones that were just as important to them, they’d be less likely to do something selfish. The point of the videos is to drive people to murder by making them scared and desperate, but if everyone understands what everyone else is going through and they all support each other through that fear, then a murder should be less likely than if everyone tries to deal with their fears alone. That’s such a wonderfully Kaito outlook to have.
It’s also interesting that Kaito never tried to suggest this to everyone else earlier. He says that he agreed with Keebo at the time, but the thing is, Kaito didn’t say all that much during that initial conversation they had about what to do with the videos. I think it’s more that at the time, Kaito just wasn’t sure about the right thing to do, and so he didn’t object to Keebo’s decision despite not necessarily strongly agreeing with it either – being Kaito, of course he wouldn’t advocate something unless he was sure of himself. By the time he had made up his mind about this, it was probably too late to really bring it up in a way that was likely to persuade anyone, since they’d been decided on the opposite approach for a while and trying to rock the boat would only end up making him sound like Kokichi, which wouldn’t help at all in getting them on board with an idea rooted in co-operation and trust.
If Kaito had happened to make up his mind about this sooner, soon enough to bring it up during the initial conversation everyone had about the videos, then he almost certainly would have done – and if he’d brought it up in that context, maybe he’d have been able to get enough people to agree with him. This chapter would have gone very interestingly differently if they’d gone with his approach.
Shuichi:  “That’s… what Kokichi was trying to do.”
Kaito:  “Huh?”
Shuichi:  “Kokichi was trying to get us to participate in a motive video viewing party of sorts. That’s why he forced us into the same room. Do you think that was his way of ‘cooperating’? Do you think the same way?”
See, Kokichi was trying to get everyone to watch all the videos, but there was absolutely no spirit of co-operation involved in his way of going about it. He literally described the scenario in which everyone shows each other their videos as “not co-operating” a few days ago. All Kokichi wanted to do was make sure everyone saw their videos and let them all stew in their own fear and desperation alone, and then he could be sure that everyone and anyone could be out to get him and wouldn’t have to fear being “betrayed”, and Monokuma would get the murder he wanted and not cause them even more problems than they already had.
Kaito:  “N-No… if that’s what he wanted, he coulda just asked us.”
Exactly. If Kokichi actually thought of what he was doing as “co-operation”, then there would have been no need for him to go about it in such a coercive way. He could have just made the same argument Kaito made just now, if he really felt that way, and it might have convinced people.
Kaito:  “That’s what a normal person woulda done, but the thing is, he’s *not* normal. Maybe he did want us to cooperate, but there’s no way to know for sure. He’d never tell us.”
If Kokichi actually does want everyone to co-operate, then he is the most terrible person at actually getting that to happen. Trying to get people to co-operate by being as much of an unco-operative asshole as possible doesn’t seem very likely to work. He should be smart enough to know that.
Hm, you know, this discussion about Kaito and Kokichi’s opinions on sharing the motive videos serves as another example of both of them wanting to do the same literal thing but for completely contrasting reasons, which is also what happens in case 5.
Kaito:  “Looks like it’s time, bro.”
Shuichi:  “Y-Yeah… …”
Kaito:  “Hey, why do you look so worried now!? Don’t worry! You can do it. I believe in you.”
Shuichi:  (Believe in me…?) “Why? Why do you trust me, Kaito? There’s a chance that I’m the cul—”
This is a good time to point out something notable about the idea of “believing in” someone, namely that there’s kind of two versions of it. First there’s simply trusting that someone is a decent person and didn’t or won’t murder anyone. Then, once you already believe that about a person, there’s a further level of belief in their potential to be able to do amazing things. Kaito is affirming the latter kind of belief in Shuichi, because to him the idea that Shuichi wouldn’t kill anyone is already so obvious that it doesn’t even need saying.
But Shuichi seemed to mostly get hung up on the idea of the former kind of belief, to the point of asking Kaito about it. It’s probably because he’s just spent the whole investigation in Ultimate Detective mode where he has to suspect everyone and everything – especially after what happened last time with Kaede. I also wonder if he’s asking this because he’s still a little afraid to trust Kaito even though he wants to, and wants to know how trusting people can come so easily to Kaito.
Kaito:  “I believe in you because I want to. Do I need a reason other than that?”
Shuichi:  “…What?”
Kaito:  “Isn’t that why you believed in Kaede? I mean, sure, I might get betrayed in the end, but… If I worry about that, I won’t be able to believe in the people I wanna believe in!”
Kaito’s philosophy about believing in people is so good! He is not being stupid to believe in people the way he does. He’s fully aware of the possibility that his judgement might be wrong and he might get betrayed – but his desire to believe in them and the joy that’ll come from being able to do so wholeheartedly without letting himself worry about betrayal is worth that risk in his mind. By believing in people just because he wants to without any concrete proof, Kaito is simply being brave, and maybe a little reckless. And isn’t that just exactly how Kaito always is?
(This conversation about believing in people takes place in whichever location you happen to finish investigating in. But when it’s flashed back to during the trial, the background is always Ryoma’s room. So apparently that’s the canon place they have this conversation, which is why I saved this room for last. It would be nice to imagine they had this conversation within earshot of Maki, but apparently that’s not how it actually went.)
Kaito:  “Shuichi, we’re still young… I can’t die before I’ve had my first drink or gone to space!”
KAITO CAN’T DIE BEFORE HE’S GONE TO SPACE, YOU GUYS. I’m sure you know how Very Important this is. He will be mentioning something to this effect multiple times because it is so very important.
Kaito:  “If you’re not going to get yourself in gear now, then when!? Now’s all you’ve got!”
Some fuel for the “Kaito’s parents died” train, I think, with the sense that he knows life is short and you’ve got to make the most of every moment while you still have it, because there might not be a later.
Shuichi:  “… Yeah, Kaito. I know.”
Kaito:  “Yeah, that’s the expression I wanted to see. Heh, that’s my sidekick.”
Kaito is so proud of his sidekick for managing to push past his negativity and stay positive and it’s adorable.
Shuichi:  (I have to believe in myself. I have to *believe* that I can do this.)
And believe in the Kaito who believes in you!
…okay, look, I’m probably going to feel compelled to make that reference a few times, shush. It could not be more appropriate.
Tsumugi: “But I don’t even know where to start unraveling the truth… Aah… I should’ve played more point-and-click adventure games…”
Nah, Tsumugi, I’m pretty sure you’ve already played more than enough of those.
Tenko:  “I hear males pick on girls they like to get their attention! Which means Kokichi must like Himiko!”
Kokichi:  “Huh!? How’d you know!?”
While this part about Kokichi liking Himiko is almost certainly a lie, it’s interesting to see it come up here… when it also comes up in trial 5 from “Exisal Kokichi”. Either Kokichi was attached enough to this stupid little lie that he put it in his script, or Kaito was paying attention to this here and somehow decided that jokingly hitting on Himiko would be a way to make himself seem more convincingly like Kokichi.
Maki:  “…Sorry, but I don’t know anything. If you think a child caregiver can help solve a murder case… then we’re all in trouble.”
Maki’s making the same weak argument she was earlier. She’s just really hoping no-one is going to prod her too hard for information and force her to reveal that she met Ryoma at nighttime, because she’s convinced they’ll all think she did it if they knew that.
Kiyo:  “To kill because you have a reason to live… To die because you have no reason to live… Which, I wonder, is correct?”
Is there any reason they can’t both be? Or they can’t both be wrong? Also, the killer didn’t kill just because they wanted to live, but because they wanted to escape. Killing simply in order to survive is a foolish strategy in this killing game, unless you happen to have a life-threatening illness; I’ve been over this.
Kaito:  “You’re thinking too hard about it… Living things just gotta live. Anyway, no matter what happens to us, we gotta live!”
I appreciate Kaito butting into Kiyo’s weird amoral philosophising with his straightforwardness.
Kokichi:  “Yeah… you don’t really need a reason to live. That’s just the icing on the cake.”
This implies that Kokichi maybe doesn’t have a particularly strong reason to live and is just kind of along for the ride in life. He still does want to live, but if his determination to survive isn’t as strong as others’ might be then this goes some way towards explaining why he ends up willing to throw his life away just to “win”.
Kaito:  “Shuichi… before we head over there, let me give you some advice, hero-to-sidekick.”
Kaito considers himself the “hero” to Shuichi’s “sidekick”. I think this is the first time he’s mentioned this, and it’s a very important thing to keep in mind. Especially considering what we just learned about how he thought of Ryoma.
Kaito:  “If you want to give up, wait until after you’ve done everything you possibly can! Wait, no. That’s still no good… Okay! I won’t forgive you if you give up! You got it?”
Shuichi:  “Yeah… got it, Kaito.” (He’s right… I can’t give up. I made a promise to Kaede.)
Of course that would be Kaito’s advice, heh. And Shuichi is on board with it, since he’s so determined not to let Kaede down!
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There’s a conspicuous gap next to Shuichi in the elevator where Kaede stood before. I know the elevator scenes always just keep everyone in the same positions, but I’d have really liked it if Kaito had moved into that spot instead, as the one now giving Shuichi emotional support. It doesn’t seem right that he’d just keep standing in front of Shuichi not even looking at him now that they’re “hero and sidekick”.
Kokichi:  “You put a lot of elaborate detail into this courtroom. Almost like it’s for show.”
So in other words, Kokichi has deduced that this is being watched. And is he going to help us figure out what’s going on and escape by telling anyone else this fact? No, of course not.
Kirumi:  “Is this just for show? Are you showing this to the people outside and—”
Kirumi seems a little worried that her most important people might be about to find out that she became a killer for them. Not that that would stop her from doing everything in her power to save them. I guess she’s also reacting to this because if it’s true then it proves that everyone is currently still alive and she’s not too late to save them.
Monokuma:  “Puhuhu. Those people aren’t with us, so you don’t need to worry about them. Get it? They’re not with us. As in, they’re no longer with us, y’know what I mean? In other words, you 13 are the only ones left in the world.”
At first this kind of reads like Monokuma’s just saying the people outside aren’t relevant because they’re on the other side of the fourth wall so they don’t matter to this fiction… but then he implies they’re all dead, meaning he is actually playing along with the backstory after all. (And Kirumi is probably desperately hoping he’s lying about this, otherwise whoops.)
[Next post]
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On web page optimization.
every seo expert will certainly need to either recognize exactly how to edit a web site, or have an internet developer that they can rely upon to do on page optimization. There are many lists, actions, and finest methods for implementing a right method for on web page optimization. This write-up was not implied to enter deepness on this subject, however a quick Google search on finest practices for on page optimization need to work. The factor right here is that before any individual starts carrying out any one of the succeeding actions, they need to guarantee that their website is developed appropriately, and is friendly to the major search engines with adhering to the very best practices. https://omaha-seo.com/
most business are not updating their site daily. Actually most firms are barely upgrading their website each year. This is where a blog can be found in convenient. Blogs are really simple to manage, and also a lot of them are developed to be online search engine pleasant. A blog site is something that needs to be attended to daily. Blogs are what will certainly provide Google its fix of appropriate, updated, as well as unique content. Do not just duplicate as well as paste posts from other individuals as well as anticipate the internet search engine to appreciate your initiatives. Come up with material that is interesting to check out, yet offers its objective in seo Google reviews left best so make certain your blog site access and titles reflect the key phrases that you are trying to target. Ensure that you have the appropriate plug-ins in place specifically if you're making use of WordPress in order to ensure that your blog site is optimized for online search engine. Make sure that you have a correct understanding of tagging and also inner connecting. Utilizing your blog to create round interior links via relevant as well as critical support message placement will certainly make your website much easier to browse as a result guaranteeing Google's joy. 
Video clip search engine optimization.
it has become, and is becoming much more evident that Google is offering high quality videos favoritism in the internet search engine's. If you wish to be a wonderful seo specialist, or if you are just a business looking for search engine optimization, after that you must make certain that whoever you engage is video clip savvy. This element of Search Engine Optimization will certainly become one of the most crucial skills to have as well as make use of in ranking internet sites, driving traffic, capturing interest, as well as transforming leads. Videos have the ability to keep internet surfers on the web page that they have come down on. Every internet site is battling versus a bounce rate, and it is important that internet masters and Search Engine Optimization specialists discover means to keep individuals on their pages as well as their clients pages. Videos can captivate an audience, provide interactive direction, and also entice customers as well as clients to examine the service or product being supplied. In addition to being among the most easy to use ways to market, they are simple to make if you have the ideal devices. Nevertheless if you do not have the ideal tools, and your video clips stumble upon extremely amateur, you may be doing yourself a disservice. A video clip is a type of gamble or two-edged sword if you will. On the one hand if you do it wrong, you might diminish the service or product being used and also as a result drive customers away. On the various other hand, if you do it right, your video clip might go viral and also have the capacity to drive countless possible consumers to enjoy your video. BlendTec did it right by developing a collection of YouTube video clips called "Will certainly it blend". They produced video clips showing the toughness of their blender or food processors in a manner that was very amusing as well as interesting.
Social network advertising
social media advertising is going to be the future of relocating the masses. Social media site has currently shown to be one of the most reliable methods to collect groups and also promote ideas, products, services, as well as particularly firms. Because of the integration that accompanies blog sites and also several social media sites, it is very easy to get the word bent on those whom you are closest to. If you have 500 buddies on Facebook and also you send out a video clip that advertises your item, and then they suched as that video or re-shared that video clip after that you have the ability of getting to thousands of individuals in a couple of mins. Facebook, Twitter, and also LinkedIn advertising has turned into one of one of the most reliable methods to market as well as will only grow in popularity as the years take place.
Short article advertising
short article advertising is something that ought to be done regularly, and it must be done with the intent to generate as well as distribute top notch appropriate content to high-level short article directory sites. If the author can develop an adhering to in which individuals expect the posts that are being written, and they wind up picking up those short articles and also redistributing them, after that you have produced an advertising network that works around the clock by itself. In addition to obtaining appeal with constant write-up directory site visitors, you will certainly likewise obtain valuable back links to high-level internet sites. Getting backlinkses from a number of web page rank absolutely no internet sites will certainly do little to absolutely nothing to enhance the authority of your site.
News release advertising and marketing
There are lots of firms out there that will certainly attend to you a way to compose and also distribute high-quality as well as effective news release. PRWeb.com is among the leading press release distribution firms in the world. Other firms such as Businesswire and PR.com will additionally assist distribute your press releases. These business have actually constructed connections with information outlets across the country and also will certainly give you a better shot at getting observed by major and small information electrical outlets in addition to editors trying to find a story to compose. Press release advertising and marketing does set you back loan yet if made use of efficiently as well as constantly will prove to be a rewarding investment in your marketing method.
The search engine optimization methods listed above have the capacity to take any kind of good suggestion and area it on top of the internet search engine. As a matter of fact, if these methods are executed regularly, some companies will certainly find themselves "going viral". If a firm goes viral, as well as they have a great product or service, as well as have the capacity to scale up with quick development, after that there is no looking back. One of the most essential thing to eliminate from this post is the word "uniformity". Absolutely nothing that you carry out in SEO can be done haphazardly or sporadically. It needs to be done by someone who is devoted to controling their competitors as well as is relentless. If you do not prepare to do search engine optimization consistently, also just a little every day, after that you are really losing your time. The name of this game is consistency, and also as competitors expands more powerful, so will certainly the demand for consistency.
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craftsguide · 5 years
10 Important Skills and Traits Your Social Media Manager Will Need
New Post has been published on https://craftsguideto.com/awesome/10-important-skills-and-traits-your-social-media-manager-will-need/
10 Important Skills and Traits Your Social Media Manager Will Need
A decade ago, the role of a social media manager might not have even existed. Today, however, almost every company is involved in social media one style or another.
A quick look at Google Trends shows the rise in interest in the term “social media manager” over the years, and it seems that people have never been as interested in the term as they are today.
But what does it take to be a great social media manager? What are the skills to master and traits to have? How can you work on those areas?
In this post, we’ll try our best to answer all those questions. We’ll share 10 skills and traits that are crucial to being a great social media director and relevant resources to help you continue improving those areas.
Skills vs Traits
Throughout this post, we’ll discuss the various skills and traits we feel are most important for social media directors. But before we dive in, I rapidly wanted to share some of my learnings about the difference between skills and traits.
Here’s a great explanation of abilities vs traits from Red Letter Resumes :P TAGEND
Skills are tangible factors that you actually bring to the table. Things such as HTML, PowerPoint, Tax Preparation, Medication Compounding, Social Media Management, Lesson Planning, Accounts Receivable, Contract negotiations, etc. They are things that require you to develop a certain level of understanding, productivity or efficiency to claim expertise.
A trait is therefore defined as, “a quality that constructs one person or thing different from another”. These are the things that make you who you are, that are part of your personality: the things that stimulate you different from other people. The difference is that these are subjective. One person’s definition of being hard-working is not the same as another’s. Traits come without a quantifiable or standard measure. They are often, but not always, amplifiers of how you do or complete something that is a skill.
( Image from The Huffington Post)
When it comes to finding your ideal social media director, I feel you may be looking for the right mix of tangible abilities (things like copywriting and analytics) and traits( such as curiosity).
In addition, we feel that the role of a social media administrator these days owes heavily to the concept of a T-shaped marketer. We use the T-shaped marketer framework at Buffer to describe the depth of skills each of us has as well as the breadth of experiences and knowledge that we all hold.
Here’s a n example of how this might look for someone with a depth of ability in content :P TAGEND
7 skills top social media administrators share 1. Copywriting
Copywriting is a fundamental ability for social media marketing (and probably all areas of marketing ). Writing good copy is required in many regions of a social media manager’s role, from filling up your social media profile description to crafting tweets and Facebook posts.
To drive engagement and clicks, you have to fit a captivating story into your social media post and without great copywriting abilities that can be difficult.
To enhance your copywriting skills, I’d highly recommend studying a few copywriting formulas to help you craft inspiring copy. Discovering a copywriting formula( or two) that works for you can be a great productivity boost and also improve the quality of the social media content you publish.
One of our favorite copywriting techniques here at Buffer is the ‘Before- After- Bridge’ – you may recognize it from a few of our blog posts and social posts. Here’s how it works :P TAGEND Before- After- Bridge
Before- Here’s your world …
After- Imagine what it’d be like, having Problem A solved …
Bridge- Here’s how to get there.
Example :P TAGEND
For more great tips-off on copywriting, be sure to check out Kevan’s great post: If Don Draper Tweeted: The 27 Copywriting Formulas That Will Drive Clicks and Engagement on Social Media
Resources Copyblogger (Blog) 75 Resources for Writing Incredible Copy that Converts( Blog post by KISSmetrics)
2. Design( Graphics and Videos)
Research has found that social media posts with images receive more engagement and 43 percent of consumers want to see more videos content in the future.
Social media evolved a great deal over recent years, and we have removed from mostly plain text based updates towards visual content such as images and videos. Designing and creating visual content is becoming an essential skill for social media managers.
Canva’s Design School( Courses and articles)
Why Every Marketer in 2016 Needs to Be a( Part-Time) Designer: 53 Design Terms and Tips to Level-Up( Blog post by Buffer)
How to Create Social Media Videos on a Budget( Blog post by Social Media Examiner)
A Video Marketing Guide On Creating Epic Content for Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and More( Blog post by Buffer)
3. Public Speaking( confidence in front of an audience)
With features and apps like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and Periscope, live videos are becoming more and more important on social platforms. And marketers have noted this change, with 42 percent of marketers saying they want to create more live videos.
Why are marketers aroused about live video? I believe the answer is two-fold: reach and involvement. Facebook Live videos are more likely to appear higher in the News Feed when those videos are live than after they are no longer live. From an participation perspective, live content also provides opportunity for high-engagement and 1:1 interactions with audiences.
To tap into the live video trend, social media managers have to be confident enough to go live on social media to connect with their audience. Having public speaking abilities will help you to present your ideas, interview guests, answer impromptu questions, and chat with your followers in real-time.
If you want to see our awesome Social Media Manager, Brian Peters, in action, you can find his live videos here. And below is a short clip of Brian discussing viral content :P TAGEND
Toastmasters (Resources and community)
11 Place to Learn Public Speaking Skills for Free( Blog post by Inc .)
15 essential tip-off for mastering Facebook Live( Blog post by Mashable)
4. Customer Service/ Community Engagement
Social media is the top channel people going to see for client care, but merely 21 percent of businesses use social media for customer support. This entails there’s a huge opportunity here to provide remarkable customer service experiences.
As the face of your company on social media and the person who is likely to be responding to at least some of the messages your brand receives on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, it’s important for social media managers to have conversational abilities and empathy to help you clients on social media.
Community engagement is quite similar in many ways. A great social media community director is able to ask the right questions to facilitate engagement and answer questions about the product, company, or industry.
Support Ops( Podcast)
The power of vulnerability( Video by Brene Brown)
Customer Support Academy( Blog by Respond)
Social Media Examiner( Blog)
5. Behavioral Psychology
With data and analytics, you know what type of social media posts do well. Behavioral psychology tells you the why — for example, why are people continue to attract certain posts? Why do people share certain posts?
Knowing the what allows you to place trends and try to repeat past successes; knowing the why enables you to understand the underlying causes for those trends in order to try and create future successes.
For example, your data might tell you that your tweets with images are doing better than tweets with merely text. Based on just that information, you might create more tweets with images. However, it could be that your adherents prefer visual content. Without knowing the psychology behind trends, you might miss out on opportunities to create other types of visual content such as videos and GIFs.
You certainly don’t need a degree or high level of expertise in psychology to be a social media administrator, but a keenness to learn and understand psychology at some level is an important skill.
Nir and Far( Blog by Nir Eyal)
50 Must-Read Psychology Books( Blog post by Gregory Ciotti)
An Introduction to Marketing Psychology: How to Use Human Behavior to Make More Informed Decisions( eBook by HubSpot)
15 Psychological Study That Will Boost Your Social Media Marketing( Blog post by Buffer)
6. Analytics
The term,’ Analytics’, is used quite broadly here, referring to both social media metrics( e.g. likes, commentaries, shares, etc .) and business metrics( e.g. traffic, leadings, conversions, revenue, etc .). A great social media administrator is able to understand both types of metrics and tie them together to give an overall view of the company’s social media performance against business goals.
A social media administrator should be the guiding light in your business when it comes to measuring your performance across various social channels. As such, learning the ins and outs of social media metrics and judging which ones are meaningful for your business is essential for a social media manager.
For example, if your goal is to drive traffic from social media channels to your website and drive sales, being able to attribute traffic and conversions back to channels and even certain posts will help your team to understand what content is helping you to achieve your goals.
Knowing how to read and interpret data is now an important skill for social media managers.
Free Social Media Analytics Course( Course by quintly)
Google Analytics Academy( Resource by Google)
Startup Marketing Metrics for Pirates( Video by Dave McClure)
HubSpot (Blog)
7. Budgeting
As a social media administrator, you might be allocated a budget to work with. Apart from paid advertising, you might have to pay for things like a social media management tool, designs, images, or courses to improve yourself. Having some basic fiscal and budgeting knowledge can construct you better on the job.
While you might not need to be an Excel expert, understanding Excel and knowing what you can do with it can be very valuable.
( Image from HubSpot)
How to Spend a Social Media Budget( Blog post by Buffer)
Social Media Marketing Budget Template( Template by Demand Metrics) How to Manage Your Entire Marketing Budget[ Free Budget Planner Templates]( Blog post and templates by HubSpot)
Microsoft Excel- From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours( Udemy course)
3 personality traits great social media managers exhibit 8. Curiosity
A curious social media manager would immerse herself in the social media world, biding up-to-date with the latest development and experimenting with new social media marketing strategies.
Brian Peters is an epitome of this quality. When we detected that videos, especially live videos, are becoming popular on social media, Brian immediately started inducing more videos on Facebook and Twitter. When Snap Inc. launched Spectacle, Brian got it as soon as he could to try it out and figure out how marketers can use it in their social media strategy.
HubSpot VP of Marketing Meghan Keaney Anderson said this really well when she described her ideal social media hire :P TAGEND
“We really look for people who have their thumb on the heartbeat of how social is changing. It is one of the most rapidly changing industries right now, and I want someone who is paying attention to it, who is enthralled by it and fascinated by it. … Things shift so quickly. If you think about the social media channels that were dominant two years ago and the social media channels that are dominant today, it’s just a totally different world.”
How to Be a More Curious Person: 7 Tips for Becoming a Lifelong Learner( Blog post by HubSpot)
8 Habits of Curious People( Blog post by Fast Company)
9. Adaptability
Read more: buffer.com
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shareyrheart · 2 years
Why a person behaves in a certain way? Person perception, snap judgment attribution and cognitive distortion
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Suppose your boss bawls you out for doing sloppy job on an insignificant project. To what do you attribute your boss’s tongue lashing? Was your work really that bad? Is your boss just in a grouchy mood? Is your boss under too much pressure?
In assessing what a significant individual is like, people are particularly interest in learning why the person behaves in a certain way. This deeper level of understanding is vital if one is to make accurate predictions about the person’s future behavior. After all, when you are looking for a roommate, you don’t want to end up with an inconsiderate slab. To determine the cause of others behavior people, engage in the process of casual attribution.
Attributions are interferences that people draw about the causes of their own behavior, other’s behavior, and events.
When people ascribe the causes of someone’s behavior to personal disposition, traits, abilities, or feelings, they are making internal attributions. When they impute the causes of their behavior to situational demands and environmental constraints, they are making external attributions. For example, if a friend’s business fails, you might attribute the failure to your friend’s lack of business skills (an internal factor) or to negative trends in the economy (an external factor). Parents who discover that their teenage son has banged up the family car may blame it on. The carelessness (an internal attribution) or on slippery road conditions (an external attribution).
The types of attributions people make about others can have a tremendous impact on everyday social interactions. For example, blaming a friend’s business failure on poor business “smarts” rather than on a poor economy will obviously affect how you view your friend not to mention whether you’ll lend her money! Likewise, if parents attribute their son’s automobile accident to slippery road conditions, they are likely to deal with him very differently than if they attribute it to his carelessness. In addition, there is evidence that spouse’s attributions for each other’s behavior can affect their marital satisfaction.
Obviously, people don’t make attributions about every person they meet. People are relatively selective in this process. It seems that people are most likely to make attributions:
·        When others behave in unexpected or negative ways.
·        When events are personally relevant.
·        When they are suspicious about another person’s motives.
Some aspects of the attribution process are logical. Nonetheless, research also shows that the process of person perception is sometime illogical and unsystematic, as in the case of snap judgments.
Shortly after you begin interacting with someone, you start forming hypotheses about what the person is like. In turn these hypotheses can influence your behavior toward that person in such a way as to confirm your expectations. Thus, if on your first encounter with Rohan, he has a camera around his neck, you will probably hypothesize that he has an interest in photography and question him selectively about his shutterbug activities you might also neglect to ask more wide ranging question that would give you a more accurate picture of him. This tendency to behave toward others in ways that confirm your expectations about them is termed confirmation bias.
Confirmation bias is a well documented phenomenon. It occurs in casual social interactions as well as in job interviews and in courtrooms, where interviewer or attorney may ask leading questions. When it comes to forming first impressions of others, it is not so much that “seeing is believing” but rather that “believing is seeing.”
Confirmation bias also occurs because individuals selectively recall facts to fit their views of others. In one experiment, participant watched a videotape of a women engaging in a variety of activities. Half of them were told that the woman was a waitress and the other half was told that she was a librarian. When asked to recall the woman’s actions on the videotape, participants tended to remember activities consistent with their stereotypes of waitresses and librarians.
Thus, those who thought that the woman was a waitress recalled her drinking beer, those who thought she was a librarian recalled her listening to classical music.
They go blithely along, assuming that their version of reality is accurate.
Sometimes a perceiver’s expectations can actually change another person’s behavior this outcome is not inevitable.
Another source of error in person perception comes from distortions in the minds of perceivers. These errors in judgment are most likely to occur when a perceiver is in a hurry, is distracted, or is not motivated to pay careful attention to another person.
One of the ways people efficiently process information is to classify objects (and people) according to their distinctive features (Fiske, 1998). Thus people quite often categorize others on the basis of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and so forth. People frequently take the easy path of categorizing others to avoid expending the cognitive effort that would be necessary for a more accurate impression. When people are perceived as being unique or distinctive, they are also seen as having more influence in a group, and their good and bad qualities are given extra weight. Significantly distinctiveness also triggers stereotyping. This phenomenon explains why many people notice nagging women (but not men), noisy poor (but not rich), and jolly fat (but not thin) people.
Stereotypes are widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group. Stereotypes can be spontaneously triggered when people encounter members of commonly stereotyped groups– even in those who are not prejudiced. Stereotypes can exist outside a person’s awareness. Because stereotyping is automatic, some psychologists are pessimistic about being able to control it others take a more optimistic view.
In forming impression of other people and behaving in a certain way, individuals rely on appearance, verbal behavior, action, nonverbal messages and situational cues, individual make snap judgment about others unless accurate impression are important. To explain the causes of other people behavior, individual make attribution.
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yventuresgroupltd · 3 years
Y Ventures Group Ltd Success Comes From Learning: Read All About Lead Generation
Y Ventures Group Ltd Most excellent service provider. Lead generation is a topic many people know nothing about. Whether you are a novice or a pro at it, the fact is that there is always something new to learn. In order to do so, be sure to check out the article below and all of it's helpful hints.
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Perfect the art of a good call to action, in order to generate more leads for your business. A good call to action is highly specific, very relevant to the particular readers and always links to a landing page where the offer can be found for purchase or download. Make your CTA count for more valuable leads.
If you want to get the best leads, one of the most important things to do is prove to others that you are trustworthy. Avoid over-hyped ads that may seem cheesy. Use facts and a rational speaking voice. Be transparent and honest, and then people will probably be more likely to trust what you say.
Reward your current loyal customers for providing you leads. One way that many companies do this is by offering their current customers referral rewards. These rewards run from future discounts to actual cash back. This can be a lot cheaper in the long run than any form of traditional advertising.
Y Ventures Group Ltd Proficient tips provider. One of the highest visitor to lead ratios you will find online is with LinkedIn. Therefore, this platform should be high on your list of tools for lead generation. Put together a polished and professional profile that includes links to all your landing pages and make LinkedIn a valuable part of your lead generation success.
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Look at your competitors to see what tactics they use to generate leads. You don't need to reinvent the wheel when you are going to market. Oftentimes, your competitors have already done the hard work for you. If you see them using certain tactics heavily, there's a good chance they are doing so because it works.
Find ways to qualify leads that you've brought into the company. Yes, it's important to get as much data as you can, but leads are of different levels of quality. Some leads are more likely to be bigger customers than others. One way is to develop a survey to learn more about their buying habits.
y ventures group ltd Top service provider. If you have kids in school, trade referrals with other parents. For example, if your child is in karate classes, talk to the parents there and ask them what they do for a living. If you can trade referrals for each other, you might just start seeing some leads come in.
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When purchasing a lead database, it is important that the leads are relevant. Your product or service may require a certain niche of prospects. Spending money on a large database is a waste of time and money if no one bothered pre-qualifying the leads to fit your needs. It can be money spent with no return on investment.
Think about your consumers and what they are looking for when they are considering your product. For example, people that just got married may need to get a home soon, so you need to market as a real estate agent to their urgency. Someone who is just looking at moving into a smaller home, would need a different type of sales pitch.
Y Ventures Group Ltd Skilled tips provider. In order to grow your mailing list, hold a contest. You can do this on your website, on Facebook or Twitter, or even locally if your company is locally-focused. Just ask for an email address and name in return for an entry into your contest, and you can even give bonus entries to those who refer their friends.
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Don't overlook the importance of low-cost advertising to help generate new leads for your business. You can start to build up the interest of buyers by placing ads on blogs and popular websites. Make sure your ads have a great call-to-action in order to generate the interest of more buyers.
Use your website to convert leads. Many people that visit your product site may not buy. The key is to find ways to gather some information and target them in the future. It is important to remember, they were on your site for a reason. Gathering information means you can target them in the future and convert to a sale.
Keep things on a reasonable level, and do not attempt to oversell concerning your leads. If you are perceived to be engaging in puffery, you are unlikely to convert someone into a real customer. Really these days, most people shy away from any overselling situation. You must be presenting the product you're offering as a solid solution. The key is to offer the answer to a widespread problem.
Y Ventures Group Ltd Qualified tips provider. Start a social media campaign. Increase your brand awareness on heavily populated sites, such as Twitter and Facebook. These venues allow people interested in your offerings to easily share them with others. This type of word-of-mouth advertising can be invaluable. In addition to that, it is also very cost effective.
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Offer up freebies in return for contact information. For example, create a giveaway of a product you sell for those who submit their email address. You could give away a free ebook or a free consultation while building your email mailing list and generating a ton of new leads.
Ignore any preconceived notions that you may have about your lead generation campaign. Business owners often think that any ugly ad or one that's not too well thought out isn't worth publishing, when in fact it could still yield great results. The same thing can be said that perhaps a too polished looking ad may not get any leads generated.
Use videos and images to tell your brand's story. Article writing is a powerful form of content marketing for leads, but videos and photos can be even more powerful. This is especially true for mobile screen visitors to your site. Reading content on mobile devices can be less than optimal, but a photo or video can tell the story really well.
Y Ventures Group Ltd Expert tips provider. With so much great knowledge now at the ready, you should be able to master lead generation in no time. It's up to you to go forward and make the most of your sales experience. Using the tips you've read here, you should have no problem getting more leads tomorrow.
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