#mighty med jordan
clowniebutt · 1 year
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crayonverse · 2 years
head empty just experion having a conversation with jordan
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neurodivenport · 1 year
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new profiles new tweets
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lab-trash · 3 months
Kaz: Can't you two just get along? Connie's trying her best.
Jordan: No! I hate Connie. I hate her crooked teeth, I hate her stupid hair, I hate her... flipping and showing off.
Jordan: I hate her...
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connievalentine · 1 year
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obsessed with making these now (3/?)
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Here is the first chapter of that fake/pretend relationship fic! Hope y’all enjoy
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secretsandlabrats · 2 months
How would Jordan (from Mighty Med) react to the Davenkids?
Bree: I would like think that Jordan would feel neutral around her since she can probably can come off as girly to Jordan but she respects the fact Bree has more than one brother, so she knows that she can be aggressive.
Chase: Something tells me that she wouldn’t be the biggest fan of him because she would think that he’s like Oliver (only to be proven wrong by Kaz’s long yap about his boyfriend friend). So again she would feel mostly neutral but feel somewhat annoyed with him for how long he can go on about something.
Adam: She wouldn’t know how to deal with him so she might avoid him and she doesn’t know how to feel around him.
Leo: She would try to make an effort to see if she can like his personality after Chase was explained to her especially, after she heard that they were similar but not too similar. She’d probably like him more than the others.
Annndddd that’s all I could think of for this brain rot
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tabl3 · 14 days
who the team views as their best friend(s)
chase: he considers skylar as the person he's closest to that isn't family or his partner. then oliver after her, then taylor and logan pretty equally. if we're adding his siblings/kaz in, it would go kaz, leo, adam/bree a sliver below leo, skylar, oliver, then taylor/logan
bree: bree's best friend is taylor. they don't see each other that much anymore but stay in constant contact :). her list with skylar and siblings included would go skylar, adam, leo/chase a sliver below adam, taylor, kaz, oliver, logan, plus some of her exes that she's still friends with (owen, jake, ethan, etc) she isn't friends with caitlin anymore because chase refuses to let her contact her lol (rightfully)
kaz: oliver/skylar (obviously lol). he's also really close to leo and his friends from school. his order would be chase, oliver, skylar a smidge below, jordan/gus, leo, bree, adam (he's friendly with taylor/logan but not friends)
skylar: oliver/kaz (obviously x2) she's friends with them equally, so hers goes bree, oliver/kaz, chase, jordan/gus, stephanie (they became friends when they got a little older), adam, leo
oliver: kaz/skylar (take a shot every obviously) he isn't all that close to most of the davenports outside of chase and bree, so his is kaz, skylar, jordan/gus, chase, bree, and then adam/leo further down
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incorrectmightymed · 11 months
jordan: i know what this is about. you’re jealous of all the attention connie is getting. especially from oliver.
kaz: please, you think I care if oliver gives someone else some attention? how insecure do you think i am?
kaz: seriously, how insecure do you think i am? please tell me.
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unvexes · 1 year
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they’re dating. trust me. it’s real. (unfinished bc i didn’t want to color)
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hydrobromic · 2 years
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normo halloween
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clowniebutt · 1 year
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mushed-kid · 1 year
saw a tiktok and wanted to this myself, so…
my mighty med/lab rats/elite force lgbt+ headcanons
(including all the roles i wanted to add, not just the mains)
- Bisexual, very open and casual about it, (Often refers to himself as gay because it comes naturally and the difference isn’t that important to him)
- Cis guy, but he also doesn’t care that much (as in he would wear a skirt or dress, he just doesn’t)
- Doesn’t come out, he just lets people figure it out (“If you don’t know I’m gay yet, that’s on you”)
- Not afraid of getting into yelling matches or fights with homophobes for himself or his friends
- Trans ftm (come on, you guys also watched Oliver Hatches The Eggs, right? They were trying to send us a message!)
- His mom had refused to believe him at first, but when he didn’t stop claiming he was a boy no matter how many specialists and doctors she brought him to, she just accepted it
- She went full ‘you’re a boy’ mode, and he wasn’t allowed to do anything she considered slightly girly at all, (he was just glad she didn’t hate him, but now he’s very afraid of seeming feminine because he thinks people won’t see him as a guy anymore)
- Sits the Elite Force down to come out, but he works himself up about it and is so filled with nerves that he starts crying (the others panic thinking something is seriously wrong)
- Kaz is the only one that knew from before because they’re best friends
- Bonds with Chase about being trans
- Gay with comphet (because of his mother making him believe that was his only choice)
- Because of that, he hasn’t come out as gay (because he doesn’t know he’s gay yet), and sometimes he comes off as slightly homophobic (also due to the fact that he has very fragile masculinity and thinks guys can’t be feminine)
- The others get mad at him, but he doesn’t mean anything bad, his mom just kinda sucked (and it’s hard to shake some of the things she’s told him)
- Very afraid of homophobic and transphobic people, which is why he takes so long to come out to his friends
- Bisexual with a preference for women or lesbian with comphet
- I like her and Oliver so I hc her as ‘Doesn’t really care because it’s not a thing on Caldera’
- Cis girl
- Cishet
- Idk what more to say about him
- Gender fluid
- Pan maybe? I imagine him swinging every way because he really doesn’t care about gender
- Cishet
- Supportive, but very confused about everything (he always uses the wrong labels when talking about someone)
- Cis
- Aromantic (She thinks it’s gross)
- Cishet (Though she does kind off have a weird thing for Gus so I’m not so sure)
- Will hang out with gay people just because they’re gay so she can seem like a good person
Tecton & Megahertz:
- They’re gay and dating (I think this ship is kinda funny so… it’s canon)
- They’re both cis
Captain Atomic:
- Cishet
- Slightly homophobic
- Also very misogynistic
- Trans ftm (the constant joking about his height and how girly he is in lab rats? A Sign.)
- Came out when he was very young, he always knew
- Raised in a basement so you’d think he didn���t know about transphobia for a very long time, but he did, (Mr.Davenport talked to him about it and he researched it thoroughly)
- Bisexual
- Tries to avoid homophobic and transphobic people, and just ignores them, but it doesn’t always work. Sometimes he’ll just take it because he doesn’t want to fight, and it makes the other worry about him a lot
- Other times, Spike comes out and he goes crazy on them, and people leave him alone for a while after that
- Lesbian with comp het (she thought she was straight because that’s all she knew, and then she thought she was bi because she liked girls, but then she realized she didn’t like guys)
- Cis girl
- Will verbally kill a homophobe
- Everyone assumes he’s straight, because he never came out as anything else (he just doesn’t really care about coming out at all)
- He mentions something about a guy he likes/dated back in high school and everyone is super shocked
- “I thought you guys knew”, - “We thought you were straight!?” - “I never said that either” - “fair enough”
- Cis guy
- He’s not transphobic, and only makes those jokes about chase because he genuinely forgets chase wasn’t born a boy. (Chase thinks that makes him his biggest supporter even if the jokes sting)
- Will beat up anyone that says or does anything mean to his siblings about it
- Straight
- He/They (idk if that counts as non binary?)
- Would start fights with homophobes and then realize he’s fucked and needs help
- Got bullied for being gay even if he isn’t, definitely came home after being picked on and trying to hide his injuries from tasha (who notices and calls the school right away)
- Will still start fights with homophobes, now knowing that he can take them
- He’s an android so technically not cis, but he’s a guy (he fucking hates it/its pronouns because he’s not just a machine)
- Aromantic & Asexual (he’s very indifferent to both relationships and sex)
- Doesn’t really do relationships, but if he did, it would be more like his partner in crime (real crime not pranks)
- If he did get an evil sidekick of sorts, he’d probably be gay
- Will claim to have any gender of sexuality if it’ll help him out of anything, no matter how small
- Will also accuse anyone of being homophobic if it helps him in any way (Douglas hates both of these)
- Outing someone is the one thing that he doesn’t do (Douglas is so proud of that one)
- Will start a fight with anyone at any time, and realizes beating someone up for being homophobic won’t get him in trouble sends him on a mission to find every bully at school
- He claims it’s just because he won’t get in trouble, but Douglas knows that deep down he cares (because he does get in trouble at school, just not at home)
- I want to say cishet, but trans ftm is calling my name from afar
- Straight and borderline homophobic (he supports the people he knows and cares about, but in itself he thinks homosexuality is wrong)
- Will use his kids sexualities to look even better in media, with no regards for what they feel about it (They hate it)
- Outs people, but also tells his kids he’s proud of them no matter what and supports them, so they’re not very sure what he really thinks
- He’s just weird about it
- Will pretend he didn’t hear the homophobic or transphobic comment toward his kids if it means avoiding a conflict
- Cishet
- Very supportive of everyone
- Calls out homophobes and tries to inform everyone she knows about how important it is to be an ally
- Starts a group with some other moms to show support (the others think it’s a bit much, but she’s just being nice so they let her)
- Bisexual, but evil about it
- Strictly dated other bad guys/villains that he worked with, so most of his relationships sucked and ended badly (see; Krane and Giselle)
- Trans ftm
- Has a lot of kids, but honestly doesn’t know who any of their dads are
- I want Adam, Bree, and Chase to have the same dad, but I also kinda wanna say Adam has a different one, and that Bree and Chase are twins
- Daniel has another dad again, and Douglas realized he couldn’t raise the kid alone, so he had him adopted to keep him safe
- Will piss off a transphobe and run away from the fight
- She/They
- Will rip a homophobe to pieces without breaking a sweat (she also knows a guy, so getting rid of any evidence is easy)
and that’s everyone i could think of!
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baysfuffysocks · 4 months
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Art Dump!!
(Cus I never post here!)
Some designs belong to @tabl3
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lab-trash · 1 year
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So the goal is to eventually do all of these, and some of them I'm definitely doing for characters that I chose (ex. number 6 I'll be doing Kaz and Oliver, for obvious reasons)
But if you want, you can send in an ask or reblog with a number and pairing, or maybe even grouping.
These will take a while, most likely, so I'm sorry for that
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connievalentine · 1 year
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various mm specific text posts bc i have a need to fill this niche on the tag (1/?)
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