#mihawk too tbh
acescorazon · 11 months
Chapter: 3/?
word count: 2514
Rating: M
Warnings: Crocodile , Explicit language, minor violence (slightly less than last chapter's lol.)
Chapter excerpt:
Crocodile glances around the room before looking back down at his papers, “It turns out with Buggy’s new status…” He pauses, grimacing slightly, “With the Clown’s new status, the marines won’t just come attacking us out of the blue, but these bounties will definitely be seen as a threat, possibly even a declaration of war, and we have to be prepared for when they do decide to come after us or the event of a buster call.”
A buster call?!
“W-Woah, woah, woah!” Buggy stammers, feeling the familiar sensation of dread rising in the pit of his stomach. “They…They wouldn’t do something crazy like blow up the entire island…right?” He asks, voice starting to crack a little as he speaks, “R-right?”
Mihawk speaks up, in a calm, flat tone, seemingly unworried about the possibility that the island could be wiped off the surface of the planet, “Of course they would,” he replies bluntly, “It’s only a matter of time before they try to annihilate us.”
[Previous part]
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Buggy manages to avoid both Crocodile and Mihawk for about a week after the official public debut of Cross Guild, only catching brief glimpses of his ‘underlings’ out of the corner of his eye here and there around the island, before his luck comes to a rather abrupt end one morning. Crocodile calls for their first official meeting, after ordering Buggy beforehand to clear out a space for a makeshift meeting room, and even now Buggy has no idea why they even need a meeting room or to hold a meeting…
The quickest ‘meeting room’ Buggy can come up with is a storage closet filled partly with weapons that he cleared out a little and then put a table, a whiteboard, and three chairs in, and as soon as Crocodile steps foot inside the makeshift room, he sticks his nose high up in the air and sighs, “Whatever, let’s just get started,” He says, tossing an overstuffed manila folder onto the table in the middle of the room and having a seat first. Crocodile is impossible to please, and Buggy questions whether he’s an actual pirate or some kind of corrupted CEO with overly high standards.
“As briefly discussed before, our first step will be putting bounties on the Marines’ heads.” Crocodile opens up his folder, pulling out a couple of neatly stacked papers, “I’ve compiled a list of over one hundred marines, categorizing and ranking them all from highest to lowest bounties already to make things go a little faster,” He hands his papers over to Buggy, who looks at him, stunned and slightly horrified, “You make the bounty posters for them and have them distributed, but do come and see me before you distribute them, I don’t want a repeat of last weeks incident.”  
Yeah…Neither does Buggy.
Buggy looks down at the papers Crocodile just gave him, scanning over the list in utter disbelief… There are so many names here…where did he get all these from?! Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp… Vice Admiral Tsuru….  Vice Admiral Smoker….He reads, and the list continues to grow from there. Crocodile has everyone from Vice Admirals to Captains, to lieutenants and even lowly ranking officers on his hit list, he has people Buggy didn’t even know existed on the list, and for once he’s glad he’s on Crocodile’s side and not one of his enemies.  
“Of course, I don’t expect anyone to be able to take on any admirals, or even Akainu, but you never know what’ll happen,” Crocodile states, handing over what has to be the scariest list of names Buggy’s seen so far. “Moving on, We’ll also need ships, weapons, medical supplies, and most importantly, men and land.”
Woah, woah…Buggy’s still not even over this whole marine thing, are they really just going to skip over the fact that Crocodile was able to compile a list of hundreds of marines within a week? Where did he get this kind of information? “For the time being I want anyone we can get, making these bounties and offering protection to any brave individual who’s willing to take on the marines and or make a criminal out of themselves is the quickest way to get more people on our side because as it stands we only have about two hundred and thirty-five men, and there’s no way we could withstand a possible attack from the government.”
Crocodile glances around the room before looking back down at his papers, “It turns out with Buggy’s new status…” He pauses, grimacing slightly, “With the Clown’s new status, the marines won’t just come attacking us out of the blue, but these bounties will definitely be seen as a threat, possibly even a declaration of war, and we have to be prepared for when they do decide to come after us or the event of a buster call.”
A buster call?!
“W-Woah, woah, woah!” Buggy stammers, feeling the familiar sensation of dread rising in the pit of his stomach. “They…They wouldn’t do something crazy like blow up the entire island…right?” He asks, voice starting to crack a little as he speaks, “R-right?”
Mihawk speaks up, in a calm, flat tone, seemingly unworried about the possibility that the island could be wiped off the surface of the planet, “Of course they would,” he replies bluntly, “It’s only a matter of time before they try to annihilate us.”
Crocodile, who seems equally as unbothered by the idea of a buster call, simply nods, “Exactly, which is why we need more men and land. These bounties will give us men, power, and higher status, but obviously, it’ll come with consequences. There will be a lot of injuries, deaths, and overall destruction by doing this.”
“So why are we doing it?!” Buggy exclaims, “This seems…”
“We can’t live in the world government’s world, can we?” Crocodile asks, still acting a little too nonchalant for Buggy’s liking, “So we’re going to create our own utopia.”
What the fuck does that even mean…?  
Oh, god. They’re going to die. They’re going to be blown to pieces and if they aren’t, they’re going to be executed in front of millions just like…
God, Buggy can’t do this. He can’t handle the idea of his home being blown up, or having to go back to Impel down, or, or being publicly executed. He-
He can’t just leave Cross Guild, Mihawk and Crocodile will kill him. But…remaining in Cross Guild will also get him killed. He’s really going to die. Any path Buggy chooses in life seems like it’ll lead to certain death, and he’s exhausted, he feels like he’s the one with a hit on his head. Buggy thinks back to when he was just a small-time pirate and finds himself missing those days where no one knew who he was or about his past. Back then he could run around freely without worrying about his men or his home being destroyed, but now even if he tried to run away from all his problems, there’s nowhere for him to hide.
God, he’s actually going to die.
There are tears in Buggy’s eyes as Crocodile rises from his seat, pulling out a photo before pinning it to the whiteboard in the room, “We can discuss ancient weapons in the next meeting, but for now let’s move on to land. In the event of a buster call, we’ll immediately have to get off the island and relocate. Now, I’ve picked a few islands out, but this one right here is the most interesting and closest, boys.” He points to the picture on the board, “This is Prickly Pear island, a spacious desert kingdom with a tyrannical king who’s starving his people and hoarding most of the country's wealth and resources. It’s easy pickings, we don’t even have to turn the people against their king, we just show up and ‘save’ all the citizens, and take over.” He grins.   
God, Buggy doesn’t want Emptee Bluffs Island to be blown up and he doesn’t want to live in the desert with Crocodile where he’s practically invincible, he just wants this nightmare to end...He just wishes he were still a warlord, no.. no, he wishes he were just a lowly pirate in Orange Town.  
God, he hates his life so much.
Their meeting lasts a lot longer than Buggy would have hoped it would, and he could hardly keep up with all Crocodile’s plans because, you know, there’s that new silly possibility of the world government blowing them to kingdom come… ahaha, so silly. Anyways once the meeting is over, he quickly gets the hell away from Crocodile and Mihawk as fast as possible and looks for men who can make the bounties for the marines because Buggy sure as shit isn’t going to do it himself, though he doesn’t know if they should really be doing this in the first place...
Whatever. Whatever, it’s too late.
Buggy counted one hundred and seventy-five different marines on Crocodile’s list, and the worst part: Crocodile says he’s actively trying to find out more names, and they’re…They’re fucking doomed. At this point, Buggy just has to pick which way he wants to die, and to be honest… He’d rather die by the Marines' hands than Crocodile’s.  
He finds himself anxiously roaming around and just… taking in the view of his island and all the men at work. Even with Mihawk and Crocodile around, Emptee Bluffs Island is bustling and filled with life, and to think that all that could be taken away in a moment's notice just because of Crocodile’s stupid pla--
“Hey, Clown.” God, what now?  Buggy thinks to himself, hating the way that Crocodile can’t be bothered to use his actual name most of the time. “I forgot to tell you that I want a main ship built right away.”
Buggy sighs, turning around to face his tormentor, ”But my men are already busy trying to fix the ships the marines didn’t completely destroy.”
“And? Find someone to build me a flagship, and make it quick.”
So bossy and annoying… Buggy closes his eyes and sucks in a deep breath, trying to remain calm. If he lets his pride and his ego get the best of him right now, he’s going to lose his life. For once in his life, he should just shut up… But the urge to tell Crocodile to go to hell is so strong…Crocodile’s so demanding, and Buggy… just wants to…
“Yes.” He replies a moment later, not wanting to get on Crocodile’s bad side again, he’s had enough of that for a lifetime. “Sure. I’ll get right on that.” He tries to end the conversation there and walk away, but Crocodile stops him, “One last thing, clown, about your appearance…”
After Crocodile has threatened to sell him into slavery, beat him senseless, took over his island, and gave him the world’s most unreasonable requests and expected him to fulfill everything in such a short amount of time, why was the straw that broke the camel's back Crocodile criticizing his appearance? “I don’t want Cross Guild to be seen as a joke. Get rid of the onesie and the annoying red nose.”
Get rid of the annoying red nose…
He told him to…He told him to…. Buggy stares at Crocodile, speechless, he feels like saying something he might regret, but it’ll get him killed. He wants to live… this whole time he’s been fighting for his life…and to throw it away so carelessly… “Understand?” Crocodile asks with a displeased look now on his face, not that Buggy knows why he’s looking at him like that.
Get rid of the annoying red nose.
This altercation marks the first (and last) time Buggy tells Crocodile to, “Eat shit and die.” and things go as well as one would expect them to as soon as the insult leaves his mouth. He really should have kept his big mouth shut, but he didn’t, and instantly ends up regretting his actions, like always.
Crocodile chases Buggy all around the island, face red and filled with rage as he screams every cuss word imaginable at Buggy, and Buggy runs away like he owes Crocodile money, which, coincidentally, he does. “I’msosorry,” He babbles out, and the phrase ‘I’m sorry’ has to be his favorite phrase considering how often he uses it these days, “I didn’t mean to…” Oh, who is he kidding? He met everything he said, but he doesn’t think he should get murdered for his words alone.
Buggy runs past a few of his beloved crew members: Cabaji, Mohji and Richie, and finally, Alvida, but no one seems interested in helping him out. They all watch as he runs by, looking confused, then horrified, then once realization finally sets in, they simply look the other way. Cowards! All of em are cowards, and they have absolutely no loyalty!  
Crocodile does end up capturing Buggy though, he’s incredibly stubborn and that is yet another thing that Buggy has come to find out about his new business partner. He also really hates being insulted, go figure, and ends up punching the shit out of Buggy’s poor face, again, leaving welts all over him as he so graciously reminds Buggy that he can gut him like a fish at any moment if he wanted to and that he’s lucky to be alive.
Buggy begs for mercy the entire time, but that only seems to anger Crocodile more and he calls him…What was it…? Oh, that’s right, he calls him ‘A worthless coward who should have never been made an emperor’, and then proceeds to tell him how much he hates him.
He makes Buggy feel so good about himself…haha…
They never come to an agreement, Crocodile just grows tired of kicking Buggy’s ass and leaves, and Buggy winds up filled with more hatred than before for Crocodile, picking himself and his teeth up off the ground after his beating, skull still throbbing from Crocodile’s wrath. Okay, maybe he deserved that ass-kicking, but he still thinks Crocodile went a little too far… Nevertheless, Buggy continues on with his day, now instructing some of his crew who are shipwrights to build Crocodile his stupid ship for stupid Cross Guild, hoping that for once his crew will do something half-assed and that the ship will end up sinking or capsizing when Crocodile (and hopefully only Crocodile.) is onboard.
((A/N: Redeeming this fucker (Crocodile) is going to be a BITCH. Trust in me and the process, we'll get to where we need to go though. Thanks for reading, i love you pookies~! ALSO P.S ...Think the next few chapters might have depressed Buggy sooo.. BUT TRUST IN THE PROCESS BABIES.))
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empressofmankind · 10 months
You know what is kind of fucking me up today?
Sir Crocodile is a Millennial.
Among the older Millenials, but still. Like, I clocked Buggy being in my disillusioned, self-loathing, back-pain plagued generation right off the bat, but...
I need to sit down for a minute.
It makes sense though.
That's the worst part.
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franeridan · 1 year
the whole one hour and forty minutes of op stampede are worth it even just for that half a second of interaction between mihawk and zoro actually thank you and amen 🙏
#he saves his ass#and then looks at him and smirks......#ahshshshsjdjsh that's his dad!!!! healthy father son rivalry i say!!!!#tbh I don't usually feel like watching op movie much#i..... don't exactly read op for the fights and the movies are usually just fights so#¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯#but sometimes I'm in the specific mood of seeing weird team ups or interactions so i end up watching a bunch of movies one after the other#stampede is............eh#it's okay ig a bit too exaggerated for my tastes but that's just the op movies usual taste#only the movies can make me question how things work in the op universe btw usually I'm down for anything#but then i watch a movie and I'm like “is that really how that is supposed to work...?”#Anyway I'm always up for seeing law being treated as part of the crew#and my zoro stan heart cries when i say this but I'm sorta always up for seeing law act as a sub captain for the crew huhuhu#sorry first mate i swear i would never try to take your spot from you#anyway law picking up robin was sweet law seeking luffy as a safe space was beautiful sabo's........#everything but especially his interactions with smoker were fun#but like the whole movie was really more of just a spot the cameo than anything 😂 it's okay!!!#I'm not lying when i say watching it was worth it even just for zoro and mihawk#that's the small stuff i watch the movies for anyway huhuhu#next one....gold. i don't think i watched that yet either#that's for another day tho now sleep
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
As wise writer can the same be said about mishanks? 100% sure?
It wouldn't be weird if we had a flashback of them or at least finally them meeting again (that would be great, please. I've been begging for Cross Guild to finally meet with Shanks for so long), but I don't think their characters are as linked as Shanks/Buggy to have the same level of importance in the main story. I'm pretty sure we'll have content of them, I just don't know to what extent, y'know?
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aseyaz · 2 years
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tell your man to calm the f down noa 😒 THERE WILL BE NO KILLING.
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im sorry hoolie but this is the man who’s gonna kill your husband so you better enjoy your last time with his cock him
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boy-kisser-inc · 3 months
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constantmourning · 1 year
I wanted to write headcanons for giving and receiving head with Mihawk, Shanks, and Buggy... So, here we are :) Can you tell who my favorite is?
18+! Nsft below the cut!
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Literally a King tbh
Such a giver??
Also loves to receive, but will die between your thighs if that's an option
Giving is his forte!
So soft and sweet! He is- URGH my heart! He loves making you feel good and wants to know you feel good.
Please be loud for him!! Literally does not care if others hear you.
Will pull back from you, rest his cheek on your thigh and will look up at you, reveling in how he makes you feel.
With receiving he is also soft and sweet!
Doesn't face fuck you unless you, like, really want it.
Tells you how good you are as you give him head. Like constant praise.
After you give him head he just has to return the favor!!! You were so good you deserve a reward!
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Mihawk really loves receiving but he will also give.
He is sort of a mix between Buggy and Shanks when it comes to giving and receiving.
Doesn't want to particularly die between your thighs (unlike Shanks), but he does love the sounds you make for him.
Is very, very skilled with his mouth AND fingers.
Will nip and suck on your thighs, making sure you mark you up.
Holds your hips steady so you can't buck into him when he's between your thighs.
Does not care if you're loud, but don't expect him to be too loud.
He LOVES receiving
Please, after a long day, please give him head! It helps him relax.
He is more likely to face fuck you than Shanks but doesn't go too crazy
Will praise you, just like Shanks. He prefers to not call you degrading things as he destroys your esophagus.
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Oh boy… buggy is a freak (endearing) for real
Not as much as a giver as Shanks, or Mihawk.
It's not that he doesn't like it… he's just very insecure okay??? He has too many negative thoughts when he's down there to really focus.
All he can think about is his nose getting in the way of going to town on you. He really does try…
After a bunch of reassuring he is good at what does! Like when he's really in a mood for a taste of you he could stay down there a while, even if his body has other places to be his head will be down there. You best believe that.
Will literally go crazy on you, be prepared.
He has no qualms about face fucking as long as you're good with it. If you give him the okay he will go buck wild
He doesn't mind degradation, so he will call you horrible little things while you give him head.
Also he will use his Devil Fruit abilities during sex, like he's got somewhere to go and you don't want him to leave? He will leave you his cock, he literally does not care.
He wants you so loud honestly! He needs others to know who you're fucking! He wants them to hear you gagging on him!
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bitchimasnake-sss · 11 months
"forgive me one last time" ft. the monster trio!
headcanons of highschool!au monster trio as your boyfriend begging for forgiveness after fucking shit up :) m.list
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- "yn" he mumbles, trailing after you in the hallways "stop trailing me" you hiss as you open the locker, shoving the books inside and taking out another "yn" his hands are wrapping around your waist, his neck finding home in the crook of your neck and he's whining again, "please forgive me, pretty please?" - it wasn't even like you got mad often tbh; dating luffy meant he is gonna do stupid shit and you're gonna have to deal with it but there was a limit to stupid shit too - you shove his head away from your neck, "romilda fuckin' asked you, "wanna go watch a movie??" and you said yes. how can you say yes to a date while you have a girlfriend?! do i mean nothing?!" "i didn't know it was a date!!" his hands are wrapping around you tighter, "i thought she was lonely and wanted to hangout with a friend!! you know i wouldn't have said yes otherwise ynnn~" "are you an id-" you huff, "i'm getting late for class, get off" you forgave his dumbassery on the regular but come on, now its insane - yeah you didn't forgive him - not until you came back to keep your books and take new ones for the next period and saw giant "i miss you" and "sorry" glittery stickers plastered onto your locker (did he steal those from a 3rd grader? youre not sure) - you huffed, opening the locker - your jaw went slack - the entire locker was full of your favourites. your favourite candy, the cookies sanji always makes during christmas (how did he get those rn??), your favourite soda and flowers - how did he manage all that in the time span of one period??? - at the side is a note in a scrawly handwriting, "you wanna go watch a movie with me? (asking you for a date, not as a friend who wants to hangout) boyfriend :)" - you ended up forgiving him only after he bought he a bucket of popcorn and kissed you during the end credits of the movie - he also had to buy you dinner from the baratie like a gentleman.
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- "zo," you huff, "it's like the thousandth time, ofcourse im gonna be fucking mad at you!" "i know" he groans, "i really know, but i'm sorry, please" "no. you can't keep saying you'd show up for my events and then fuckin' disappear like always!" - you're fighting in hushed whispers in the hallway, you didn't wanna cause a scene because you know how bad zoro finds public attention - you know he's busy training, busy with his friends and you know he loves you but a part of you wonders if he simply doesn't actually love you - he constantly fails to show up at your events, he has never outright called you his girlfriend in front of people who weren't his close friends and he has never even held your hand in public because he says pda makes him uncomfortable - you got him but it simply sounds like he's afraid to admit you both are together - "are you not happy with me?" your voice is breaking, crumbling into silent heaves, "do not lo-" "what?" his hands find yours, "no, ofcourse not. baby, i just had another practice and dad (mihawk) called me back home. im sorry, i couldn't say no to him" "i know b-" - he kisses you - in the middle of the fucking hallway, with other people around - he does it. that bastard. - his hands are tucking your hair behind your ear, resting softly on your cheek as he tip you backwards and kisses you till you cannot possibly breath "i love you" he says loud enough so that anybody within earshot could hear, flashing you a small smile his voice comes down to a whisper, "i'm sorry i suck at being a good boyfriend, i will get better okay?" - he follows through on that promise because the next time, he is standing at your event with a tshirt just reading "yn is the coolest" and a small, stupid smile on his face "was the tshirt necessary?" "yes" - ugh i love soft zoro
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- sanji had a (bad) habit of always backing you up - one might wonder what's bad about that but when he almost beat the shit out of a random guy for saying he didn't like your vibes - "sanji!" you pull him away, eyes widening, "stop it" "but yn" "you cannot keep doing this! you cannot keep fucking putting up a fight against anybody who doesn't like me-" "yes i can" "sanji." - it ended up leading to a fight and you stormed off into the class - you expected sanji to come apologize the very next period or atleast text you or something - but nothing. you didn't see him for the rest of the day. - not until it was 9 pm and all of a sudden, a cheesy pop song was playing outside your window and in your front lawn stood a drenched, blonde guy holding up a boombox and a giant wet, white sheet reading "FORGIVE ME YN IM SORRY PLEASE I LOVE YOU" - first of all why was he drenched? it wasn't even fucking raining - that brings your attention to his two best friends, luffy and zoro holding a hose at him from a distance (luffy is giggling, he's having the time of his life, zoro looks like he hates being alive) - "sanji why are STANDING IN FRONT OF WATER?!" "SO THAT YOU FORGIVE ME, MY LOVE IM SORRY" "YOU'D CATCH A COLD, COME INSIDE IDIOT!!" - well, he did bring a box full of home-made chocolate though, so you cannot be mad at him for long - did this event stop him from being a bit over-bearing? no, not really but eh, that's sanji for ya
a/n: cutesy little headcanon lol thankyou so much @scentisterror for helping me with this <3<3 m.list
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mera-mera-simp · 1 year
Op Characters Love Languages Pt.2 <3
Featuring: Mihawk, Iceburg, Marco, Shanks
Content: headcanons, fluff, GN! Reader
Pt. 1
Acts of service, words of affirmation and slight physical touch
This man goes over the moon for you
He loves you with his whole heart so of course he will
He'll cook for the most part (malewife fr) or help you if you've already started
He likes to whisper sweet nothings to you when you guys are just enjoying each other's company. Or he'll just tell you romantic things out of left field. You never see it coming.
He likes holding you honestly. It's never over the top with his physical touch though, in public at least. The most PDA he gives in public is holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around your waist.
But when you guys are away from prying eyes, he actively holds you in his arms and presses small kisses to your neck.
His love languages go both ways with giving and receiving honestly.
Wrap your arms around him and kiss him softly, and congratulations. You've made the world's greatest swordsman melt into your arms.
For the most part, he's a pretty stoic man, but you get him so smile every time you tell or show him that you love him.
Deep down, he's honestly a big softie <3 (I'm so down bad for this goth man, Dracule Mihawk my beloved)
Quality time and physical touch
This man is honestly the biggest lovebug there is in Water7 tbh
He gets so happy anytime he sees you (and you know for a fact he's brushing his responsibilities as mayor to the side to spend time with you)
He loves having an arm wrapped around your waist when you two stroll through the city
He'll make sure that you're safe whenever you guys visit the shipyard
And while he would absolutely adore to constantly brush off his work so he could spend time with you, he is the mayor. He'll just want you to hang out with him while he does some paperwork.
If it's late at night and he's still lost in his work, simply just come up behind him and drap your arms over his shoulders, he will instantly fall into your touch.
He gets so stressed and tense sometimes. Please remind him to take a break</3
Pepper his head and face with kisses.
Please just give him endless affection. He'll grumble about you trying to distract him, but there's no bite to it.
Remind him that you love him every once in a while. It's not that he forgets. He just likes to hear it sometimes.
Another physical touch and quality time guy
Bro is quite literally always by your side, he loves you so much
He always has his hands on you, too. Look away for one second, and there is the bird man with an arm around your waist
Clingy mf <3
You're constantly getting head kisses from his man
Honestly, he just likes kissing you. He doesn't even care if the crew is around
Spend time with him. He doesn't really care what he's doing. He likes having you by his side
He'll most definitely ask you to chill with him while he's patching Ace up from one of his ADHD ideas.
Or just take a nap with our beloved pineapple head <3
Either way, Marco is very obvious with his love languages
Please hold the bird man in your arms while he sleeps. He will he extremely happy
You'll get a sweet kiss when he wakes up
Okay say it with me; physical touch
This mf seriously can't keep his hands to himself
And he has absolutely no shame about it either
You can casually be chatting with some of the crew, and he will come up out of nowhere and pull you against him
He does not care that you were mid conversation with Benn. He wanted attention then and there.
Good luck trying to pull away from him. Man may only have one arm, but that grip is like steel
You're stuck <3
He'll see the pout on your face and immediately kiss and tease you
"Awe babe come on, I'm not doing anything!"
Cheeky motherfucker
He'll be ecstatic if you return the same energy
Run up and give him a big hug. He'll instantly return it
He will kiss your face all over and hold you tightly in his arm
He is another lovebug who isn't afraid to show it
He loves you so much and he is dramatic af about it
But that's why we love him<3
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kobb4ni2 · 4 months
Did you think I was doing sending more Sea Serpent Reader requests? No I still have more ideas!
How do you think Reader meeting the rest of the 4 yonkos/7 warlords would turn out to be? If we are going with the marine route I can see the Marines trying to hide Reader but how can you hide a 200ft long Sea Serpent that just cruising along the headquarters? If it was pirate/independent route I can see her stumbling upon them as she is traveling
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It’s been so long since I’ve writting tbh. I’ve been busy with a lot of things like taking care of my sister and school and sorry if this was short too😭 I only decided to do the Warlords for this one and not for the yonkos😔 BUT you can ask again the same ask but for the yonkos!!
Like you said mootie if we choose the Marine route there would be rumours that the WG is hiding an ancient god/dess and the Warlord isn’t exceptional to it.
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Jimbie would be whole entirely believe that they captured Sea Serpent! Reader, his ocean friends had told them about Sea Serpent! Reader awakening but they couldn’t confirm where you went after you woke up. And since Sea Serpent! reader is a LITERAL important figure to Fishmen's identity and culture, it pissed Jimbie the hell off when the found out that the WG aka the people that he is working under to keep his people uplifted. Using an important Fishmen figure and using them for their own selfish goals made him furious.
Jimbie wanted to confirm this but never even got a proper answer. But by pure luck Jimbie managed to meet you in person, Jimbie had to compose himself when he did because it’s their (hypothetical) land creator. Jimbie treated you will high regard and respect, he even hinted that if you ever needed help breaking out from the WG clutches he’d be there to support you and ready to turn his back against the government. Jimbie of course told this to Neptune I wholeheartedly agree that Neptune already knew that you awaken from your slumber via Shirahoshi, but he too was extremely furious when he heard that the WG captured Sea Serpent! Reader.
Doflamingo has ears everywhere and his Celestial Dragon blood just makes him more overwhelmingly powerful when it comes to dirty secrets against the World Government. So the second they confirmed your existence and your capture he already knew it, and his eerie grin somehow got wider (if that is possible) and even started laughing maniacally, Sea Serpent! Reader bear existence would shake the entire world and if Sea Serpent! Reader manages to break the chain from the World Government then it would be a world to behold.
Doflamingo would suspiciously start going to almost every Warlord meeting heck he would even suddenly appear at important marine meetings, he would devilishly tease them about knowing their “dark secret”. He would find out where they keep you and visit you deep at night a silhouette towering that is coming towards your window caused you to be awoken by the shadowy figure that covered the moonlight you would immediately see him. His grin goes wider every single second he sees you and at the end of a conversation, you’d see a red flower with a white bow that looks like a bunch of strings at the end of your bed.
Mihawk is a strange deal indeed. He would know about Sea Serpent! Reader existence/ knows that Sea Serpent! The reader is without a doubt real. He would also know that the WG already have their dirty hands with a chain wrapped around your neck. Sea Serpent! Reader met Mihawk when Sea Serpent! The reader was still free and roaming, she would have landed on his island thinking that no one was there but surprised Mihawk was there.
Imagine being Mihawk in this scenario, like you’re just sipping on your wine while reading a newspaper until you hear a loud though near your beach, and when you look outside you see a 200 feet mythical creature that is rumored to have existed hundreds of years ago just at your island resting while petting the monkeys that live there. A sight to behold indeed. Mihawk would usually tell any creature or people to leave his island if they’re lucky enough not to piss him off but this time was somehow an expectation he was interested in your whole being (not romantically yet), you brought out intrigue that is rare to Mihawk.
You decided to spend more time talking to him than expected and at the end of the day when the waves started pulling and pushing itself forcefully and the full moon helping so was the time you left him. Mihawk let you leave but what a mistake was that, day after day when you left all his mind, was plagued by you and your stories it was interesting at first that caused him to be attracted to you, but when he heard the reason why you haven’t visited him in a long time because of the WG, he started doing his investigations and found out where the WG kept you, and it was surrounded by Marines and even near some Admirals, as much as Mihawk wants to slice them immediately so he can meet you again, he had to control himself so no panic arises at the base. When he finally met you, you were shocked but better yet concerned about why he was even here, but he should have nonchalantly said that he was bored and heard some information about where you were and wanted to see you again. This became a routine to Mihawk he would memorize the schedule of who would be at the base surrounding you and visit you and at the end of each meeting he would leave petals of a flower or even a whole rose like Doflamingo but the rose was made in his garden.
Boa would have heard stories about you during her time as a slave from fellow fishman slaves. She only thought of you as a legend until quite some years there were rumours at the Marines that managed to transfer to Amazon Lily, Boa didn’t care at first until she too saw your tail playing with the Sea King protecting the island. It’s made her rather curious but decided that;yes-you do exist. But will she find out more about you? Nope, you possess no danger nor interest in harming her or her people. But when Boa heard that the WG might have captured you she felt very uneasy, she may not have shown it but even if that time she wasn’t close to you, she was concerned about what the WG did to you..especially the Celestial Dragons. She did more research about you and fortunately, after a boring ass Warlord meeting, she overheard Mihawk and Doflamingo (Doflamingo was scowling at Mihawk bc he sees the flowers Mihawk leaves) conversation about a certain “them” and Jimbie was also shocked, but by Boa’s observation knew that Jimbie knew more or even met you already then those two.
Kuma, Kuma, Kuma..boy where do I start? Kuma knew already about you since his childhood, he knew that the WG covered the whole history between you and Joyboy, knowing that your living existence is the key to their dark and dirty secrets. Kuma looked forward to seeing you like Joyboy and when he heard that Bonney had a friend that saved her from drowning, that had the exact description as you, surely it was a coincidence right? Years passed by and surely but slowly he knew that the WG was holding your captive, but he wasn’t fully sure until the day Dr. Vegapunk made him into a cyborg, Vegapunk told everything about you and the facts you shared with him, Kuma filled with Joy cried knowing that the world will hear the drums of liberation once again, and as a send-off gift to Kuma, Vegapunk show him S.Serpent so he can see what you looked like.
Crocodile would have heard about you via Robin, she saw Robin deeply interested in your story, that she would spend days reading books she already read about you, Crocodile didn’t care until he has found out that you are beneficial to his plans when overtaking Alabasta. But then started doing more research about you and was entrenched by you.
After he was freed from impel down, he then saw you siding with the Marines, he knew that the WG captured because of rumors from when he was spending time down there, but when he joined the Cross Guild he just found out that you already met Mihawk, he was jealous yes but he will now pry your eyes towards him than that clown and bird.
You meet Jimbie at Fishman Island after Shirahoshi cries and summons Sea Monsters and you are there waiting to strike whoever tries to hurt Shirahoshi. After the whole interaction Jimbie went to talk to you and King Neptune even asked you if you could stay at his palace, but you declared that you were going to travel the whole world. See if things have changed, Jimbie heck even the whole fishmen race tried to persuade you to stay but at the end of the day, they all respected your decision to leave. And not even a month after you left you already have a bounty on your head, because you flip down a Marines and Celestial Dragons ship. Jimbie was scared for you especially when your bounty poster had your face on it (majestic ahh, even if you massacred those in the boat) and you had a head of 1 Billion Berry meaning that the WG knew who you were.
When joining the Sun Pirates with Fisher Tiger, the first to greet him in his journey was you, giving him a peep talk about when it comes to being a pirate. Since you always stuck with the Sun Pirates you were somehow an unofficial crew member, both and Jimbie’s relationship bloomed like a dying flower. Fisher Tiger and heck the whole crew saw the glances and protectiveness that Jimbie shows when it comes to you, the longing, lovesick eyes Jimbie when he talks to you but still respects you as a fellow crew member.
Jimbie knows that you can protect your self but he’d always be at your side using his Fish-Man Karate to block any kind of canons on your way. After becoming a Warlord he knew that he may never even see you since he is closely connected to the WG but heck the Fleet Admiral is talking to Jimbie about maybe recruiting Sea Serpent! Reader as a Warlord 👀
Mihawk’s scenario is still the same but with a twist. Ever since that day you met him you would time to time again visit his island and even have dinner with him, you would tell stories about where you went those days when you weren’t here, he would act like he didn’t care but is ABSORBING every single words that falls from your sweet lips. Once time you turned into your human form but a little bit smaller but still taller than Mihawk, he could stop staring at your legs and whenever you trip he’d be there to catch you it’s now like a 6th sense of his. When you become a pirate you try your best to visit him but since you have a bounty on your head you try to avoid him so you can cause less trouble for him which causes Mihawk to be concerned. He spends more time looking towards the beach to even see a glimpse of you. But day by day he was growing tired of this waiting game, he then grabbed his hat and coat and began to look for the treasure that left his grasp.
Doflamingo would have already started sniffing your whereabouts even if you haven’t even shown yourself to the WG, he just knows that you are real and swimming even if you haven’t even met him yet. You both would have officially met at the sea when his crew was ramshaking an island that you swore to protect. Doflamingo would have never forgotten the day that he fell in love with you (obsessed) even if you beat his crew and subordinates and forced him to leave the island alone and never come back, he knew that he had to get his hands on you.
So he would visit the island he ramshackle and even used his power so no pirates or marines and touch the island, the people were incredibly scared of him at first but he pulled some strings so that they could trust him, giving them resources from Dressrosa, via food, education and many more. Until one day they held a festival meant for your arrival and when he heard of such a thing he forced the mayor or king (whoever is in charge of the island) to let him take care of the festival, everything must be perfect just for you. The food and music were ready every kid was happy and jolly even if the guy who prepared all of this was the same guy who destroyed their island just a few months prior. When you came out of the sea Doflamingo was just grinning ear to ear it was scary even to his crew. There you are, in person his trump card against the world and the same person who will stay by his side till his dying breath. God knows what will happen to you when Doflamingo manages to get you strung up in his twisted sense of love.
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op ep 1116 thoughts
tl;dr, there were some choices made re: pacing and blocking that i disagree with, but there was also some new material added that i am very into.
went too fast. for an episode named for buggy’s declaration the balance of time fell way more on sabo et al
the ‘roger patting shanks on the head’ moment has young, beanie-wearing buggy in the manga, why redraw it with this teenaged, black kerchief buggy look?! :/ i wanna feel the weight of years of buggy feeling inferior in this moment
the blocking is so weird. why start the conversation with the two of them so far apart and add a beat of shanks walking closer to ask buggy to come with him? what does that serve? it’s awkward, makes almost no sense—why is buggy trying to talk about this at such a distance?—and barely adds at all to the runtime of the episode. if you wanted to draw out the scene, there were better ways to do it
and then, instead of using the wide shot when buggy turns to run, letting them look small and isolated while they’re separating, you zoom in tight on buggy’s face? and cut super quick from that face to present day buggy? if you want to draw out this scene, do it by extending this running sequence! start out with the wide shot of buggy running away from shanks in the rain, take a few beats of that before getting up in teen buggy’s face, then transition from his face to present day buggy’s
why bother having buggy’s hands pinned on hooks if they can come free that easily and painlessly? he picks up the snailphone no problem like ten seconds after his hands get knocked off the hooks
tbh i don’t like him having use of his hands in this scene at all, the desperation of buggy’s head rolling over to the phone in the manga hits way harder (and makes crochawk’s inability to stop him feel more plausible, here they literally watch him pick up the phone and do nothing about it)
big top blaster my beloved 💜 she’s such a brightly colored disaster, i love her. wish the reveal trip to see her had been drawn out even longer, tbh
“this isn’t how i wanted my life to turn out… how’d it come to this…” → sepia-toned flashback of rejecting shanks?! i am. ill.
adding roger pirates flashback material as buggy starts to monologue at crocodile and mihawk? *chef’s kiss*
especially buggy saying “we weren’t able to go to laugh tale for some reason” while we see images of sick buggy and ‘we’ll go there on our own ship’ shanks………
“i’m disappointed in you, shanks” and flipping from teen buggy to present day buggy for a second… just for an eye twitch… ohhh, that’s nice
the hand slap!?! not just a fist raised in denial of shanks’ request but literally slapping it away??? excuse me?!?
instead of having shanks voice the “?!” response to buggy calling him a coward, we get a gulp? shanks retreating back into himself? which fits more with shanks standing there watching buggy leave than a confused or outraged sound would have, imo
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innerfare · 9 hours
Mihawk Relationship Headcanons 
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Summary: a random collection of Mihawk relationship headcanons
Genre: fluff
CW: None // SFW
He never imagined himself in a relationship. He’d had plenty of one night stands and situationships (he's notorious for allowing sexual tension to fester and never doing anything about it), but an actual relationship had always been off the cards. Until, that is, he met you. He didn’t really think too deeply about it, just started pursuing you. On some level, he knew he was putting you in danger, but he couldn’t stay away. 
Was definitely a victim of love at first sight. He fell first, and he fell harder. 
He is very secretive about his relationship with you, at first only visiting you in the dead of night and leaving before day break, appearing on your balcony like some sort of vampire or succubus. Shanks is the only person who knows about you, and he intends to keep it that way. 
Always brings you something- a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of wine, a piece of jewelry, a pastry he wants to share with you, a piece of lace, silk, or tulle he wants to see you in. Will also bring you books he thought you might like, souvenirs from far away lands, and even pieces of him to hold on to, such as his favorite dagger that now lives on your person (he spent an entire night teaching you how to use it and was ecstatic when you held it to his throat, definitely turned NSFW). Being in a relationship with him is basically like having tamed a wild animal that brings you dead mice he caught. TBH wouldn’t hesitate to bring you the severed head of an enemy if you so desired. 
Of course, he plays all of this off, either saying nothing or giving you a small lecture about how you needed that thing. “I happened to find a copy of that book you mentioned.” “I don’t suppose you have any use for this.” “I brought this vintage wine for myself but I suppose you can have some if you really want.” When he brings you flowers, he tells you it’s because your place is rather drab and if you won’t bother to liven it up, he’ll just have to do it for you (the man lives in a gloomy castle but shhh). When he brings you lingerie, he lays it on your bed without a word or says something along the lines of, “those panties you wore the last time were so cheap they chafed my skin. Wear these from now on.” Alludes to finding the jewelry he gives you in some sort of pirate horde he won’t go into detail on it since it’s in violation of his Warlord contract with the World Government, actually just purchases the pieces from various jewelers he meets on his travels; sometimes seeks out famous jewelers far off the beaten path if he thinks you’ll like that jeweler’s work.
Insists your relationship is not a relationship but is rather an affair. The sort of man to lie about cheating- not about not doing it, but about doing it so you don't get the impression he's committed to you. Won’t tell you he wants to be exclusive, but will yearn for it. Not good about communicating in general, very bad about just thinking things and hoping you’re thinking the same. 
For a long time, he didn’t even want you to come to the Muggy Kingdom for fear the Navy was watching him there and would find out about you. He also refused to speak to you over a transponder snail for fear they had tapped his. 
Never really warmed up to the idea of keeping you close but eventually grew so attached that he couldn’t stand to have you far away. Had no appetite if you weren’t at his table, couldn’t sleep if you weren’t in his bed, didn’t even want to take a shower if he couldn’t use your floral shampoo. Eventually, he convinced himself you were safer with him than without him, and that was that. 
Late nights cooking dinner (dinner is never before seven at Mihawk’s place). Afternoons gardening. Mornings spent discussing whatever’s in the newspaper. Evenings spent making out in the wine cellar because you went down to select a bottle for that night and got carried away. You sitting atop some ruins and watching him practice. Very domestic, but he hates that word. 
Won’t really tell you he loves you unless it’s a late night and he’s very drunk and you insist upon hearing it, certainly won’t admit to needing you, but will press a kiss into your hand and assure you he has deep affection for you. 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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bobtheacorn · 1 year
I think the thing that’s most compelling for me about the live action iteration of Luffy is that they’ve stripped away all the expectations of the Shonen Protagonist.
Right away they let him have some character growth and vulnerability that we didn’t get from the manga until several dozen or hundred chapter in! He’s allowed to be indecisive and to make the wrong call and to NOT know what to do and to get comfort and reassurance and advice from his friends!!!
Everything goes to shit - Zoro is mortally wounded by Mihawk - and after they drag Zoro’s bleeding body into the galley, Usopp is running around looking for the first aid kit and Nami is trying to staunch the bleeding and Luffy completely detaches himself from the moment because it’s more than he can process! He never for a moment thought Zoro would lose and here are the consequences. Nami has to call his name several times before he can even answer her! And even when he runs into the Baratie’s kitchen, he’s so flustered and upset that he’s nearly incoherent and the pathetic way he says “My friend is dying” is absolutely heartbreaking!
It’s such an interesting take to see so early on, because the few instances in the manga where Luffy has lost a fight or not know what to do or royally fucked up have been because he didn’t understand the situation or he wasn’t properly motivated, etc. His authority as captain and the whole “playing at pirates” thing isn’t even something that gets called into question until WATER 7, and it’s Zoro who calls him out because he’s so ready to forgive Usopp.
To do it NOW? During the East Blue arc???
To have it be Nami who tells him he’s shit at his job and that he Needs to take it more seriously because Zoro is DYING??
I’m frothing at the mouth about it tbh because Luffy takes that shit to heart - because it’s after this confrontation that Nami LEAVES. Luffy says it himself when he’s talking to Zoro while he’s unconscious. HE lost the grand line map, HE lost Nami, and HE feels responsible bc he might lose Zoro too!
All those failures - all that guilt - bothers the hell out of him and we get to SEE that!
Part of Manga Luffy’s charm apart from his emotional intuition is that he’s a lil fuckin bulldozer and he’s so arrogant and selfish and that head is empty zero thoughts 98 percent of the time - to soften those harder (arguably less palatable) traits and make live action Luffy just so fucking earnest and thoughtful and intelligent is such an incredible take I’m just obsessed with it! I’m eating it up!!! Bc he’s still LUFFY at his core!
He’s goofy and smiley and charming and fun and happy and easygoing and he’s dumb as hell and he’s constantly hungry and he loves to fight and he’s KIND and he sticks up for other people and he believes in himself!
He believes in other people’s dreams!
He doesn’t think you should let anything or anyone stand in your way!
He cares so much about his friends and he LOVES them and he’d die for them in a heartbeat!
But he’s also allowed to have a fucking panic attack when his friend is literally bleeding to death and oh boy do I love to see it!
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somanyratsinthewalls · 9 months
Hyacinth + lemon ice :)
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Mihawk is so dreamy I'd forgive him too tbh. Reader gets mad at her mysterious boyfriend for leaving and he *somehow* convinces her to forgive him... wink wonk
Pairing: Dracule Mihawk x Female Reader
WC: 2000
Prompt: “You know I’m sorry…” 
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You push through the doors to the lavish dining room wearing a ruby colored dressing gown and dramatically fling yourself into a chair at the end of the massively long dining table. You groan. Head in your hands, you were distraught. 
Your lover had left you almost 2 weeks ago. Not permanently of course… or so you assumed. Nearly 2 weeks ago Mihawk left the safety of your remote castle on some sort of business he promised would only take a day or two. And yet? Here you were. Alone. 
You were want for nothing, the castle was always filled with any amenities or food you might need, but you couldn’t help but long for a warm body next to you in bed and the firm touch of your warlord lover. Although you tried to push it aside, but you also worried for his safety. There was always an aspect of danger when he left even though he was beyond competent in both combat and negotiations, but you always tried to ignore it. 
He would always tell you, “There’s no use in worrying my dear. I’d slaughter every being on the seas if it was stopping me from coming home to you. Now get that thought out of your head.” 
And although he would tell you time and time again not to worry, you couldn’t help it. Why would he still be gone? You ran through hundreds of make-believe scenarios where Mihawk suffered a horrific death or is still enduring immeasurable horrors at the hands of some monster or maybe even-
“HELLOOO! You look like you need a drink bitch.” 
Suddenly, your biggest headache and current housemate materialized through the wall and laid out on the table in front of you. She mimics your position with her head in her hands and taunts you. 
“So your weird sword daddy hasn’t come back yet. He always shows up eventually, and you always forgive him like you weren’t wailing around these halls like a victorian widow for days beforehand. He’ll turn up and he’ll rip your clothes off faster than you can even tell him you’re mad. Come on, lighten up you old broad! Have a drink with me!” 
Perona suddenly has two ghosts bringing a bottle of whiskey and two glasses up from behind her and on to the table in between the two of you. You pick up your head and make a face. 
“I wish you’d stop calling me that, I’m only 5 years older than you.” You huff out. You roll your eyes but you grab the glass in front of you and gesture to one of Perona’s summoned ghosts for it to pour you a glass of whiskey. 
“Yeah but you’re the one stalking around a castle alone with your cats in floor length robes. You’re like, mentally, ancient.” 
“I take offense to that. So what? I like gothic architecture and solitude, is that a crime?” You take a heavy gulp of alcohol and grimace. 
“Okay, whatever. You’re the one fucking a vampire.” Perona takes her drink and chuckles. 
You motion for another drink. 
“He isn’t a vampire, Perona.” You take your drink and lean back in your chair. “He just likes hats.” 
You both make eye contact, Perona furrows her brow at you. You burst out in laughter, with Perona quickly to follow. 
— —
You wake up the next morning to the sunlight streaming through the lace curtains of your luxurious master bedroom. Your eyelids flutter open and you stretch and turn over to face the opposite side of the bed. Undisturbed. He still wasn’t home. You shoot up in bed. The whiskey Perona insisted you drink had helped you drift off to sleep without the worries about the fate of your lover. But now it was morning and he still wasn’t home. You groan and fall back into your bed. 
Where the hell was he? He had never been this late before… Was this finally the time he never comes back?
*whooooosh* *thump*
You hear the massive stone double doors to the castle open and close. You practically jump out of bed.
You toss the covers off your naked form and you go to your dressing curtain to put on a long emerald green robe with dyed feathers on the edges of the sleeves and the bottom. You didn’t even bother putting on slippers as you tear your way out of the master bedroom and down the hallways to the main staircase. You halt yourself at the top of the staircase and look down at the entrance to the castle. 
There stood your lover, Mihawk, looking a bit worse for wear, but all together fine. Once your brain registered that he was alive and well, the anger returned. 
You bellow from the top of the stairs. You swiftly begin to descend the staircase, your bare feet gliding across the stone. “Fourteen days? Not a call? Nothing?” Your robe flies behind you as you slink down the stairs towards Mihawk, not giving him a moment to reply. “I was convinced your smart mouth had finally done you in! You say you’ll be gone for a night and you show up at my door 2 weeks later? You could have called me you-“ Tears are streaming down your face. You finally reach Mihawk and throw your fists up to try to hit his shoulders.
Mihawk grabs your wrists before you could strike. He was tired, but you were distraught, you were no match for him. 
“My love… I am so sorry… Oh, how I’ve missed you…” Mihawk brings your wrists back down to your sides and embraces you fully. You pull back. “No! You can’t keep doing this!” You take several steps backwards once he releases you. “All I do is worry! You leave me here alone and don’t tell me where you are! I’m tired of this! I won’t do it! I love you, Mihawk!” You cry out and drop to your knees, overcome with emotion. 
Mihawk immediately drops to his knees in front of you, trying to stay on your level. He grabs the sides of your face with his hands. 
“I know, my love, I know. Something came up and I couldn’t find a way to tell you. Please forgive me, darling.” Mihawk tilts your face up to meet his above you. “You know I’m sorry…” 
As Perona predicted, you folded. 
He leaned in and captured your lips in a deep kiss. 
Mihawk swiftly swoops you up under your ass and carries you all the way to your shared bedroom, away from any unwanted voyeurs. He throws you back onto the bed with a gentle thud. 
“You may not believe me now, love, but I promise I won’t leave you worrying again…” Mihawk whispered into your calf as he kissed up your leg towards your aching center. He had already discarded his hat and jacket, making quick work of his pants with the other hand. Once shed of his clothing, he pulls your robe apart and settles his body between your legs and spreads them forcefully with his rough palms. 
“Mihawk I just got up, I haven’t bathed or-“ You grab his hair to pull him back, he shakes your grip off. 
“Let me enjoy you, my precious girl, you know I like it better this way anyway.” He smirks and begins kissing and biting your inner things. You sigh and relax into the sensation of finally having his touch on you again. After teasing for a few minutes, Mihawk finally reaches your now soaking center and dives in with his skilled tongue. You moan loudly as he sucks and slurps at your clit lewdly, driving you mad. He pulls away to watch your face as he slips two fingers into your clenching hole. 
“You taste so sweet, love, as always.” You whimper at his praises and the feeling of his fingers working your insides. He returns to your clit with his mouth and you feel yourself quickly being brought to the precipice of pleasure. You arch your back and bring your hands to your breasts to pinch your nipples, pushing you into the throws of a powerful orgasm. You cry out loudly in pure bliss. 
Your handsome lover pulls his face from between your legs and peppers your stomach and the valley of your breasts with wet kisses as he moves up your body. Your chest heaves as you are truly at Mihawk’s mercy. You were soft and pliant under his addictive touch. He whispers into your neck as he begins pushing his hardened member into your tight entrance. 
“Let me show you how much I missed you, let me make love to you.” You moan as he bottoms out inside of you and throw up your hands to tangle them in his dark hair. He pulls back and presses his mouth onto yours in a passionate kiss as he deeply grinds his hips into yours. He uses his hands to push your knees further back and spread towards your shoulders and you gasp into his mouth at the new angle at which he was able to penetrate you. 
“Shit, there!” You cry out. You felt your muscles start to tighten and that familiar warmth was building in your abdomen again. You slam your eyes shut and turn your head to try to bury your face in the pillow, but failing since you were on your back. 
“Already darling? I’m not done yet, you’re going to have to hold it.” Mihawk pulls back to get a better look at your fucked out expression. 
“I-I-, shit! I can’t!” You moan as he continues to deeply thrust into you. 
“No cumming. Not until I say.” Mihawk uses one of his hands to grip your cheeks and force you to look up at him. You were so caught up in trying to hold back your orgasm you couldn’t form words anymore, only whimpers and grunts. 
“Hold it a bit longer, my love, I know you can do it. You’re going to cum when I fill you. I promise it will feel so good.” Your lover picks up his pace and you could tell he was getting closer to his own peak by his ragged breathing. 
“Mi-hawwwkk! Please! Need to cum! Can’t hold it!” Tears started spilling from your lash line and down your cheeks. 
“Cum now.” He says sternly as he applies firm pressure on your clit with his hand. 
“Ah!” You scream out loudly as your sticky release spurts out around Mihawk’s cock that was deep inside of you. Your twitching walls trigger Mihawk’s orgasm and he lurches forward and spills his hot seed, coating your walls that were milking his cock so deliciously. 
Your lover pulls out of you and lays next to you on the silk sheets. He pulls you into his broad chest and you cuddle into him with a heavy exhale. 
“So, are you still upset with me?” Mihawk finally asks, stroking the back of your head. 
“Yes, but significantly less so.” You nuzzle your nose into his skin. 
“I promise I’ll call next time, alright love? I hate having you worry.” 
“You better, or next time I won’t forgive you as easily.” You retort. 
Mihawk smiles. 
“I’m not so certain about that.”
— — 
xx Mo
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Mihawk is the only person in the world of one piece that knows both sides of the shuggy breakup. He is ashamed of himself for being so invested in their bullshit, but it is telenovela levels of drama and he can't help himself. He takes it upon himself to engineer chance meetings or rile shanks up about buggy when he gets too bored, they are his bugs under a microscope, he is a 70s sociologist and they are his dubious social experiment
Mihawk is so fucking real for this because I would do this too. And tbh it isn't even out of character because the guy is just so fucking bored he'd do anything for a lil bit of entertainment and seeing these two suffer heartbreak multiple times is amusing enough for him to keep playing with them.
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
we got the roger execution scene!!! he looks fantastic, and he did SO well with the speech!
there's an older marine in a suit standing on the execution platform and i'm like 95% sure it's garp???? and if so, i love that they made that decision, hell yeah, it makes SO MUCH SENSE
luffy's little "Mutiny" joke when he asked the news coo to join his crew and it flew away....i found that way funnier than i should have 😂
the scene where luffy paints the first version of their jolly roger!! i loved it SO MUCH especially with the little detail of him having paint splatters on his face 🥺iñaki has impeccable luffy vibes and i can tell i'm gonna adore him in this role
we got to see buggy's devil fruit in action! i'm surprised they didn't lean more into the body horror aspect of it, but i still adore buggy. i wasn't sold on his hair last time, but it looks a lot better in this trailer tbh.
there's a scene where it looks like garp's ship is firing canonballs at the straw hats? which, unless it's a misdirect due to clever editing, that's a bit surprising that we get an altercation so early in the series. though i doubt they'd reveal the relationship between luffy and garp this early on in the series...hopefully
the scene where sanji is fighting kuroobi is really interesting because it looks like it's taking place in the baratie! my best guess is that they're overlapping baratie and arlong park a little? maybe nami spent too long away from arlong park so he sent kuroobi and/or chew to go fetch her back, instead of her voluntarily betraying the straw hats?
on that note, we get our first look at the fishmen, and they look surprisingly decent!! i don't have any complaints about their designs, and i'm a huge fan of arlong especially. no signs of hachi though...🥲
we finally got a sanji voice line, as well as some banter between him and zoro which was hilarious!! looks like they let taz keep his british accent, which i know some people were curious about last time.
the scene of nami sitting next to bellemere's grave 😭😭😭
"you're my captain. from now...until the end" HELLO? I'm gonna be PHYSICALLY ILL. I love him so fucking much, I'm never gonna get over this fucking line. I'm guessing it's probably after the mihawk fight
we got a good look at both mihawk and shanks! they are both, of course, absolutely stunning. Yoru looks really good too
the CGI on luffy's arms when he's fighting against arlong looks a LOT better than what we saw in the previous trailer against alvida!! it's a bit reassuring. i guess that one scene was just weird because of how much they were focusing on it. they probably did it that way because it was the first time we saw luffy really use his power in the series so they wanted to make a big deal of it
the scene where shanks puts the hat on baby luffy...😭😭
maybe i'm a bit late but in the logo, where it has luffy standing in the nose of the jolly roger, i only just realized it's manga luffy and not iñaki 😂
we got a good look at Coby!!!! Morgan looks absolutely flawless, they were definitely the right choice for the role. Also, in the last trailer we got a split second glimpse of Coby when Luffy was punching Alvida and his hair looked pale blonde due to the lighting, which I was a bit sad about. Glad we got to see in this trailer that they did actually keep his hair pink! phenomenal!
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