#its what the plot calls for pookies.
acescorazon · 11 months
Chapter: 3/?
word count: 2514
Rating: M
Warnings: Crocodile , Explicit language, minor violence (slightly less than last chapter's lol.)
Chapter excerpt:
Crocodile glances around the room before looking back down at his papers, “It turns out with Buggy’s new status…” He pauses, grimacing slightly, “With the Clown’s new status, the marines won’t just come attacking us out of the blue, but these bounties will definitely be seen as a threat, possibly even a declaration of war, and we have to be prepared for when they do decide to come after us or the event of a buster call.”
A buster call?!
“W-Woah, woah, woah!” Buggy stammers, feeling the familiar sensation of dread rising in the pit of his stomach. “They…They wouldn’t do something crazy like blow up the entire island…right?” He asks, voice starting to crack a little as he speaks, “R-right?”
Mihawk speaks up, in a calm, flat tone, seemingly unworried about the possibility that the island could be wiped off the surface of the planet, “Of course they would,” he replies bluntly, “It’s only a matter of time before they try to annihilate us.”
[Previous part]
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Buggy manages to avoid both Crocodile and Mihawk for about a week after the official public debut of Cross Guild, only catching brief glimpses of his ‘underlings’ out of the corner of his eye here and there around the island, before his luck comes to a rather abrupt end one morning. Crocodile calls for their first official meeting, after ordering Buggy beforehand to clear out a space for a makeshift meeting room, and even now Buggy has no idea why they even need a meeting room or to hold a meeting…
The quickest ‘meeting room’ Buggy can come up with is a storage closet filled partly with weapons that he cleared out a little and then put a table, a whiteboard, and three chairs in, and as soon as Crocodile steps foot inside the makeshift room, he sticks his nose high up in the air and sighs, “Whatever, let’s just get started,” He says, tossing an overstuffed manila folder onto the table in the middle of the room and having a seat first. Crocodile is impossible to please, and Buggy questions whether he’s an actual pirate or some kind of corrupted CEO with overly high standards.
“As briefly discussed before, our first step will be putting bounties on the Marines’ heads.” Crocodile opens up his folder, pulling out a couple of neatly stacked papers, “I’ve compiled a list of over one hundred marines, categorizing and ranking them all from highest to lowest bounties already to make things go a little faster,” He hands his papers over to Buggy, who looks at him, stunned and slightly horrified, “You make the bounty posters for them and have them distributed, but do come and see me before you distribute them, I don’t want a repeat of last weeks incident.”  
Yeah…Neither does Buggy.
Buggy looks down at the papers Crocodile just gave him, scanning over the list in utter disbelief… There are so many names here…where did he get all these from?! Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp… Vice Admiral Tsuru….  Vice Admiral Smoker….He reads, and the list continues to grow from there. Crocodile has everyone from Vice Admirals to Captains, to lieutenants and even lowly ranking officers on his hit list, he has people Buggy didn’t even know existed on the list, and for once he’s glad he’s on Crocodile’s side and not one of his enemies.  
“Of course, I don’t expect anyone to be able to take on any admirals, or even Akainu, but you never know what’ll happen,” Crocodile states, handing over what has to be the scariest list of names Buggy’s seen so far. “Moving on, We’ll also need ships, weapons, medical supplies, and most importantly, men and land.”
Woah, woah…Buggy’s still not even over this whole marine thing, are they really just going to skip over the fact that Crocodile was able to compile a list of hundreds of marines within a week? Where did he get this kind of information? “For the time being I want anyone we can get, making these bounties and offering protection to any brave individual who’s willing to take on the marines and or make a criminal out of themselves is the quickest way to get more people on our side because as it stands we only have about two hundred and thirty-five men, and there’s no way we could withstand a possible attack from the government.”
Crocodile glances around the room before looking back down at his papers, “It turns out with Buggy’s new status…” He pauses, grimacing slightly, “With the Clown’s new status, the marines won’t just come attacking us out of the blue, but these bounties will definitely be seen as a threat, possibly even a declaration of war, and we have to be prepared for when they do decide to come after us or the event of a buster call.”
A buster call?!
“W-Woah, woah, woah!” Buggy stammers, feeling the familiar sensation of dread rising in the pit of his stomach. “They…They wouldn’t do something crazy like blow up the entire island…right?” He asks, voice starting to crack a little as he speaks, “R-right?”
Mihawk speaks up, in a calm, flat tone, seemingly unworried about the possibility that the island could be wiped off the surface of the planet, “Of course they would,” he replies bluntly, “It’s only a matter of time before they try to annihilate us.”
Crocodile, who seems equally as unbothered by the idea of a buster call, simply nods, “Exactly, which is why we need more men and land. These bounties will give us men, power, and higher status, but obviously, it’ll come with consequences. There will be a lot of injuries, deaths, and overall destruction by doing this.”
“So why are we doing it?!” Buggy exclaims, “This seems…”
“We can’t live in the world government’s world, can we?” Crocodile asks, still acting a little too nonchalant for Buggy’s liking, “So we’re going to create our own utopia.”
What the fuck does that even mean…?  
Oh, god. They’re going to die. They’re going to be blown to pieces and if they aren’t, they’re going to be executed in front of millions just like…
God, Buggy can’t do this. He can’t handle the idea of his home being blown up, or having to go back to Impel down, or, or being publicly executed. He-
He can’t just leave Cross Guild, Mihawk and Crocodile will kill him. But…remaining in Cross Guild will also get him killed. He’s really going to die. Any path Buggy chooses in life seems like it’ll lead to certain death, and he’s exhausted, he feels like he’s the one with a hit on his head. Buggy thinks back to when he was just a small-time pirate and finds himself missing those days where no one knew who he was or about his past. Back then he could run around freely without worrying about his men or his home being destroyed, but now even if he tried to run away from all his problems, there’s nowhere for him to hide.
God, he’s actually going to die.
There are tears in Buggy’s eyes as Crocodile rises from his seat, pulling out a photo before pinning it to the whiteboard in the room, “We can discuss ancient weapons in the next meeting, but for now let’s move on to land. In the event of a buster call, we’ll immediately have to get off the island and relocate. Now, I’ve picked a few islands out, but this one right here is the most interesting and closest, boys.” He points to the picture on the board, “This is Prickly Pear island, a spacious desert kingdom with a tyrannical king who’s starving his people and hoarding most of the country's wealth and resources. It’s easy pickings, we don’t even have to turn the people against their king, we just show up and ‘save’ all the citizens, and take over.” He grins.   
God, Buggy doesn’t want Emptee Bluffs Island to be blown up and he doesn’t want to live in the desert with Crocodile where he’s practically invincible, he just wants this nightmare to end...He just wishes he were still a warlord, no.. no, he wishes he were just a lowly pirate in Orange Town.  
God, he hates his life so much.
Their meeting lasts a lot longer than Buggy would have hoped it would, and he could hardly keep up with all Crocodile’s plans because, you know, there’s that new silly possibility of the world government blowing them to kingdom come… ahaha, so silly. Anyways once the meeting is over, he quickly gets the hell away from Crocodile and Mihawk as fast as possible and looks for men who can make the bounties for the marines because Buggy sure as shit isn’t going to do it himself, though he doesn’t know if they should really be doing this in the first place...
Whatever. Whatever, it’s too late.
Buggy counted one hundred and seventy-five different marines on Crocodile’s list, and the worst part: Crocodile says he’s actively trying to find out more names, and they’re…They’re fucking doomed. At this point, Buggy just has to pick which way he wants to die, and to be honest… He’d rather die by the Marines' hands than Crocodile’s.  
He finds himself anxiously roaming around and just… taking in the view of his island and all the men at work. Even with Mihawk and Crocodile around, Emptee Bluffs Island is bustling and filled with life, and to think that all that could be taken away in a moment's notice just because of Crocodile’s stupid pla--
“Hey, Clown.” God, what now?  Buggy thinks to himself, hating the way that Crocodile can’t be bothered to use his actual name most of the time. “I forgot to tell you that I want a main ship built right away.”
Buggy sighs, turning around to face his tormentor, ”But my men are already busy trying to fix the ships the marines didn’t completely destroy.”
“And? Find someone to build me a flagship, and make it quick.”
So bossy and annoying… Buggy closes his eyes and sucks in a deep breath, trying to remain calm. If he lets his pride and his ego get the best of him right now, he’s going to lose his life. For once in his life, he should just shut up… But the urge to tell Crocodile to go to hell is so strong…Crocodile’s so demanding, and Buggy… just wants to…
“Yes.” He replies a moment later, not wanting to get on Crocodile’s bad side again, he’s had enough of that for a lifetime. “Sure. I’ll get right on that.” He tries to end the conversation there and walk away, but Crocodile stops him, “One last thing, clown, about your appearance…”
After Crocodile has threatened to sell him into slavery, beat him senseless, took over his island, and gave him the world’s most unreasonable requests and expected him to fulfill everything in such a short amount of time, why was the straw that broke the camel's back Crocodile criticizing his appearance? “I don’t want Cross Guild to be seen as a joke. Get rid of the onesie and the annoying red nose.”
Get rid of the annoying red nose…
He told him to…He told him to…. Buggy stares at Crocodile, speechless, he feels like saying something he might regret, but it’ll get him killed. He wants to live… this whole time he’s been fighting for his life…and to throw it away so carelessly… “Understand?” Crocodile asks with a displeased look now on his face, not that Buggy knows why he’s looking at him like that.
Get rid of the annoying red nose.
This altercation marks the first (and last) time Buggy tells Crocodile to, “Eat shit and die.” and things go as well as one would expect them to as soon as the insult leaves his mouth. He really should have kept his big mouth shut, but he didn’t, and instantly ends up regretting his actions, like always.
Crocodile chases Buggy all around the island, face red and filled with rage as he screams every cuss word imaginable at Buggy, and Buggy runs away like he owes Crocodile money, which, coincidentally, he does. “I’msosorry,” He babbles out, and the phrase ‘I’m sorry’ has to be his favorite phrase considering how often he uses it these days, “I didn’t mean to…” Oh, who is he kidding? He met everything he said, but he doesn’t think he should get murdered for his words alone.
Buggy runs past a few of his beloved crew members: Cabaji, Mohji and Richie, and finally, Alvida, but no one seems interested in helping him out. They all watch as he runs by, looking confused, then horrified, then once realization finally sets in, they simply look the other way. Cowards! All of em are cowards, and they have absolutely no loyalty!  
Crocodile does end up capturing Buggy though, he’s incredibly stubborn and that is yet another thing that Buggy has come to find out about his new business partner. He also really hates being insulted, go figure, and ends up punching the shit out of Buggy’s poor face, again, leaving welts all over him as he so graciously reminds Buggy that he can gut him like a fish at any moment if he wanted to and that he’s lucky to be alive.
Buggy begs for mercy the entire time, but that only seems to anger Crocodile more and he calls him…What was it…? Oh, that’s right, he calls him ‘A worthless coward who should have never been made an emperor’, and then proceeds to tell him how much he hates him.
He makes Buggy feel so good about himself…haha…
They never come to an agreement, Crocodile just grows tired of kicking Buggy’s ass and leaves, and Buggy winds up filled with more hatred than before for Crocodile, picking himself and his teeth up off the ground after his beating, skull still throbbing from Crocodile’s wrath. Okay, maybe he deserved that ass-kicking, but he still thinks Crocodile went a little too far… Nevertheless, Buggy continues on with his day, now instructing some of his crew who are shipwrights to build Crocodile his stupid ship for stupid Cross Guild, hoping that for once his crew will do something half-assed and that the ship will end up sinking or capsizing when Crocodile (and hopefully only Crocodile.) is onboard.
((A/N: Redeeming this fucker (Crocodile) is going to be a BITCH. Trust in me and the process, we'll get to where we need to go though. Thanks for reading, i love you pookies~! ALSO P.S ...Think the next few chapters might have depressed Buggy sooo.. BUT TRUST IN THE PROCESS BABIES.))
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 6 months
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Words: 6,924 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: the prison Warnings: language, mild gore (killing walkers), really none! it's mostly fluff! Summary: Daryl realizes how touch-starved he's been and exactly who he wants to satisfy that with. Really just sweet, vulnerable Daryl.[he is baby in this fic 100%]
Daryl startled awake, shooting straight up on his bed.
“Wow! Sorry! I was trying to wake you up gently!”
He looked up at her with a steely glare. Then he let out a sigh and his shoulders slumped, the frantic alarmed feeling passing quickly as he realized it was just Carol. “The hell ya wakin’ me up for at all? I didn’t fall asleep until the sun was nearly up,” he growled, swinging his legs down over the edge of the bed and planting his feet on the floor. He still had his boots on.
She gave him a sympathetic look. “Sorry… but I really could use a hand. The water line is clogged up with mud again. The others are going to keep the herd on the fence occupied and thin the numbers down while I try to clear it. I could use you to watch my back.”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, alrigh’. Just gimme a few minutes. I’ll meet ya out in the yard.”
“Okay, Pookie” she teased him, smiling. She reached to affectionately smooth a hand over his tousled hair but he deflected it hurriedly and shot her another look that made her laugh. “I’ll see you in a minute,” she chuckled.
“Yeah, go on and get outta here… Pain in my ass,” he grumbled, climbing to his feet.
As Carol’s footsteps retreated outside his cell, he glanced at his reflection in the cracked mirror hanging on the cell wall. His hair was a mess and he did what he could to hastily smooth it with his hands before abandoning the effort with a grunt. He hurriedly grabbed his crossbow and fixed his knife in its sheath at his hip. Relacing his boots to make sure they were tight, he called it good and made his way through the prison.
As he stepped outside into the sunlight, he could already see that things were busy despite the early morning hour. Rick and Carl were in the garden plots with Hershel and everyone else seemed to either be chopping and stacking firewood or working down on the fence. It was rare for Daryl not to be the first one awake and it left him feeling off-balance. He hadn’t been sleeping hardly at all and it must have finally added up to pure exhaustion since he’d actually caught a few hours until Carol woke him.
His blue eyes, squinted against the light, searched for you out of subconscious habit. He spotted you alongside Glenn and Maggie on the fence. He felt his heart skipping a beat.
The gravel crunched under his boots as he headed to meet Carol who was waiting at the gate that led to the alleyway between the fences. She greeted him with a tight smile. “Ready?”
“Yep. Good to go,” he replied.
Carol opened the gate and Daryl followed her in. Soon they were passing by you, Glenn, and Maggie putting down walkers through the chainlink.
“Are you alright, Daryl?” Maggie called out, shading her eyes with a gloved hand. “I thought maybe you were sick or somethin’,” she said.
“Yeah, unusual for any of us to be up before you,” Glenn agreed, leaning on the metal rod in his hand.
“Christ, ev’rybody’s got somethin’ to say about it,” Daryl retorted. “Can’t a man get a couple hours of sleep for once?”
You turned after putting down a particularly large and loud walker, gore dripping off the end of the sharpened makeshift spear in your hand and you wiped at the stray strands of your hair that were sticking to your face with your arm. You skin was already glistening with sweat despite it being far from the hottest part of the day. You smiled at Daryl, squinting against the sun. “I didn’t say anything,” you laughed.
“Yeah, well thanks for that,” Daryl said, meeting your eyes. “Yer the only damn one…” He gulped, always a little nervous when your full attention was on him.
“Alright, alright,” Carol said, laughing. “I think we’ve teased poor Daryl enough for actually sleeping. Just keep the herd down this end, away from the water line, okay? We’re heading out to clear it now.”
You all nodded and returned to the task at hand. Daryl couldn’t help glancing back at you over his shoulder a few times, until he slipped out of the hole to the outside behind Carol and closed it back up behind him, lacing the sturdy wire back through the fencing and pulling it tight.
Carol pulled the water line up out of the creek and began twisting apart sections of it to clear out the mud and muck. “Yuck… no wonder we were hardly pulling any water in,” she said, shaking a particularly large chunk of red Georgia clay out of the nozzle.
“Mhm,” Daryl hummed, chewing on his bottom lip. His eyes scanned the surrounding tall grass and trees for any approaching stray walkers, but he found that they continually seemed to return to you on the fence almost on their own.
“Hey. Hey!” Carol was suddenly laughing. “Did you hear me?”
“Huh?” Daryl’s eyes snapped back to her. “Sorry.”
She cocked an eyebrow at him and a small, perhaps slightly knowing, smile curved her lips. “Distracted?” she asked.
He shifted. “Are ya done?”
Carol laughed to herself again and dusted off her hands. “Yeah, I think so.” She walked back to the stream with the end of the hose and dropped it back into the creek. “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?” she asked as the two of them started back up the slope toward the fence.
Daryl shrugged. “Dunno. Maybe work on my bike. Probably due for a tune-up,” he drawled, slinging his crossbow back over his shoulder.
She nodded. “Sorry I woke you up. I was shocked you were still sleeping to be honest. I waited around a bit but—"
“Nah, s’alrigh’. I probably needed to get up anyway,” he replied, glancing ahead toward the fence again. The herd of walkers was dwindling with the efficient work of you and the others but the bodies were piling up on the outside now. Clean-up duty would be needed.
“Well, you should head inside and eat something,” Carol said. “I know you haven’t had anything yet today.”
He ran a hand back through his hair and nodded. “Yeah… maybe in a bit. I think ‘m gonna start pilin’ up those carcasses. We’ll need to burn ‘em later and it ain’t no good havin’ ‘em up against the fence, attractin’ new walkers.”
Carol stopped. “Oh. Yeah, true. I’ll help. Looks like they’re about done anyway,” she said.
He nodded and they strode over, dew down in the longer tufts of grass wetting their boots and hems. There were maybe six walkers left clawing at the fence and they were quickly cut down to three as he and Carol approached on the outside. Daryl pulled his gloves from his back pocket and tugged them on as Carol walked over, watching the last upright body fall onto the pile a moment later.
“How’s the water line?” you asked, gripping the fence, the tips of your fingers poking through.
“Should be all cleared out now,” Carol said. “Nice work,” she said, referring to the pile of bodies at her feet. “Daryl and I will start pulling these away from the fence and piling them to be burned.”
“Alright. I’ll come help,” you said, setting down the metal rod you’d been wielding and briefly wiping at the sweat glistening on your forehead with your forearm again.
“You sure? You’ve done more than your fair share of hard labor today,” Carol said. “Looks like Maggie and Glenn are already heading back up to rest.”
“Yeah, it’s alright. I don’t mind,” you said. “It’ll go faster with three of us.”
“Alright. Come on out! Thanks,” Carol said, giving you a grateful smile.
You nodded and hurried to let yourself out the makeshift opening to the outside. Daryl had already dragged away four bodies in the time it took for you to make your way over. You offered him a wide smile that had his heart jumping and he paused before he grabbed another walker, lacing the fingers of his gloves together in a nervous gesture. “Ya alrigh’?” he drawled. “Ya ain’t gotta help with this. Ya did a lot of work on them from the other side,” he said. Your cheeks and chest were flushed red with heat and effort and the cotton of your t-shirt was clinging to your damp skin.
You shrugged. “I’m all good. It’ll get done sooner this way,” you said. He watched your eyes flickering up over his face a couple times and he became suddenly self-conscious.
He cleared his throat. “What?”
You laughed lightly. “Oh—it’s just—you’ve got this one piece of hair sticking up—it’s been defying gravity since you first came out here. I’m just a little surprised it’s still hanging in there,” you joked. You pulled your gloves off and stepped up to him. “It’s just sticking straight up,” you laughed again, attempting to smooth it gently.
An electric shiver ran up Daryl’s back as your fingers combed through his hair. “What’s it matter?” he drawled, attempting to sound gruff and not what he was actually feeling… which was completely jittery. “Ain’t like ‘m tryin’ to win a beauty contest out here.”
“Oh, so you want to be a unicorn? Got it,” you teased him, redoubling your efforts and using both hands and your fingernails to try to combat the stray strand, but it only sprung right back up. You laughed again, your eyes crinkling at the corners. A fluttery feeling burst between Daryl’s lungs. You sighed and shook your head, stepping back and crossing your arms, surveying him. “Nope. Won’t cooperate. I guess you are stuck as a wild unicorn today,” you said. “At least until it comes in contact with a wet comb.”
“Comb? I dunno if I’ve even got one of those,” he joked. “Thanks for tryin’,” Daryl said, half-sarcastically. You only flashed him another grin. You pulled your gloves back on and headed back to the fence to grab a walker. Carol stopped beside Daryl and he grabbed the body she was dragging by the ankles and helped her swing it onto the newly-formed pile. She gave him an appraising look when she stood up, her eyebrows lifting slightly. “What?” he asked.
“No, nothing,” she said, smiling vaguely. But it certainly wasn’t lost on her that when she had attempted to ruffle his hair, her hand had been pushed away brusquely.
Daryl ducked his head and went back to work. You were still at the fence when he walked up beside you. You were attempting to untangle a disgusting mass of limbs to pull a single walker out. Your nose wrinkled and you let out a noise of disgust. “I don’t think I will ever get used to the smell of them,” you mused aloud.
Daryl looked up, about to respond, but suddenly your feet went out from under you and you were landing hard on your back, all the breath pushed out of your body. “Y/N!”
There was a surprisingly strong hand that had emerged from the pile of bodies gripping your ankle and low, muffled growls emanated from a walker beneath the heap that was not quite dead.
Daryl jumped into action immediately, stomping his boot down onto the grasping arm until it released you and then quickly tugging you away by gripping you under the arms. He collapsed down on the ground behind you and you came to rest partially against him, still gasping for air as your lungs had not yet returned to normal, still seized up from the fall. You found yourself completely unaware that you were laying back against his chest as you just focused on trying to breathe. Daryl didn’t dare move.
Carol came running over at full speed. “Oh my God! Are you okay?!”
All you could do was nod urgently, unable to talk still. You pressed a hand to your chest and willed your lungs to start drawing in air again. Your heart was pounding.
“Fucker didn’t scratch ya ,did he? Please, tell me he didn’t…” Daryl gasped. “Carol, check her ankles quick!”
Carol quickly bent over you and looked, sighing with relief. “No, she’s clean.”
It was about that time that your lungs started working again and you realized you were sort of on top of Daryl. “Oh, shit,” you breathed, sitting up and turning. “I’m sorry. I—I’m leaning on you,” you said hurriedly.
Daryl shook his head, his brow still furrowed deeply. “S’alrigh’. Are ya okay? Ya sure?”
You nodded, trying hard to slow your breathing and heart rate. “I’m okay. Just startled me more than anything.”
Daryl climbed to his feet and offered you his hand. He pulled you up. You both watched as Carol kicked a body aside and plunged her knife into the head of the walker that had grabbed you and was still moving. “Got him,” she said, straightening up, her knife dripping blood onto the grass.
It was then that you realized your hand was still in Daryl’s. He hadn’t let go. You could feel the calluses on his palms from digging with the shovels the week before and the calluses on his fingertips from drawing back his crossbow. His thumb was closed gently over the back of your hand. He seemed to have realized then that the moment had passed when he should have relinquished his gentle hold on you and he suddenly drew back, wiping his hand on his pants as if that would rid it of the electric tingle on his palm. “Are ya sure yer okay?” he asked again.
“Fine. I’m fine… just knocked the wind out of me for a minute,” you said.
“How was that one not dead?” he growled, moving to peer down at the body.
“Here,” Carol said, pointing at the neck. “Looks like whoever was trying to put it down just missed the back of head.”
Daryl straightened up, looking worried still. “We’ll have to remind ev’rybody to be more careful on the fence. What if somebody had gotten bit ‘cuz that fucker wasn’t quite dead?”
“It could’ve been my fault,” you said quickly. “I was working the fence too.”
“Well, I doubt ya need the reminder now,” Daryl said seriously, giving you a concerned look. You only nodded. “Look, why dun ya just head back up to the prison for a bit. Get outta the sun and get some water.”
You cocked your head as you looked at him. “What? No,” you laughed. “You think that’s enough to scare me off? Hell no, Dixon,” you said, already smiling at him again. “Let’s get this shit done.”
Carol smiled and shrugged. “You heard her, Dixon,” she teased, leaning down to grab another corpse by the wrists and pull it away.
The pile moved away from the fence and ready to be burned, you and Carol were about to start back to the prison when there was a rustling in the brush nearby. A scraggly looking walker wandered out and started toward the group of you, reaching up with hands that were missing several fingers.
Daryl unsheathed his knife with a well-practiced movement. “I got it,” he said, jogging over to put it down with a skillful stab to the head. He paced back, wiping his knife on his pants. “I’ll ask Rick where he put the gas/oil mixture for burnin’ this later. Ain’t no reason we gotta do it in this sun. Let’s head back up,” he drawled.
You nodded in agreement and pulled your gloves off, glancing at him with a half-smile. “Hey, do you have your bandana on you?” you asked.
“Mhm,” he said pulling it out from his back pocket and offering it to you. “Why?”
You took it, stepped in close to him, and dabbed at a spray of blood on the side of his neck from the walker he’d just put down, wiping it away. “You didn’t feel it?” you laughed. “Apparently it was a juicy one.” You held his bandana out to him again.
“Thanks,” he said, feeling his face flush a little with heat. He noticed Carol watching the interaction with that same vague smile on her face. He ducked his head and cleared his throat. “Alrigh’. Let’s head back inside them fences… One close call is more than enough for today.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
When Daryl saw you again in a few hours, he could tell you’d cleaned up after your morning shift on the fence. Your hair was down, framing your face and was shining in the sun. There was no more sweat or grime clinging to your skin anymore. You waved as you caught his eyes already on you and he gulped as you made your way over.
Daryl, on the other hand, was still just as filthy as he had been when you all left the pile of walkers outside the fence behind, perhaps moreso. His hands were covered in oil and grime from working on his bike. He felt suddenly self-conscious as you stopped beside him in your fresh clothes.
“I was looking for you,” you said.
“Me?” Daryl straightened up next to his bike.
“Yeah. Carol said you haven’t eaten anything all day,” you said pointedly, your eyebrows lifting.
He shrugged. “Just ain’t gotten around to it yet, I guess,” he drawled, fiddling with the tool in his hands.
“I see. You’re just entirely too busy to take care of yourself?” you retorted. As you talked, you reached out and wiped away a smudge of oil on his forearm casually.
Daryl, however, couldn’t be casual about the spark he’d just felt from that little touch of your fingertip. It jumped up to his arm and seemed to have made its way to his heart, because it was now racing. He gulped.
“Well, what if I fix you a bowl of something and bring it out? You worked hard this morning. You should eat,” you said, cocking your head at him. “We can’t have you suddenly passing out out here and faceplanting onto the cement,” you teased him.
He fixed his blue eyes on you for a long moment. “Ya ain’t gotta do that. ‘M almost done out here. I can come in and—”
You grabbed his arm again and Daryl almost stepped backwards from the way his body seemed to react to your touch again. It was nearly overwhelming. “Daryl, what I asked was if you would eat it if I brought it out. It’s a simple question,” you said, shooting him a playful look. “So?” Your hand was still on his arm. It was light and gentle, but he could feel the softness of your skin. He stared at it for a long second and then managed to clear his throat enough to respond. “Y—yeah, I’d eat it, I guess.”
“Good,” you said, nodding. “I’ll be right back then.” You disappeared back inside.
Rick happened to wander by carrying the gas can for burning the pile of walkers just a minute later. Daryl was bent over his bike, muttering expletives under his breath. “Ho—watch out!” Rick said suddenly, and Daryl shot up as he felt Rick’s hand brush his back.
Daryl jumped, spun around, and shook him off. “What the hell, man?” Daryl growled.
Rick laughed and held his hand up, palm out. “Sorry! You had a huge horsefly on your back! You’re welcome.” He shook his head. “With that reaction next time I might just let you get bit,” Rick joked.
Daryl shook his head. “Sorry. Ya just startled me is all.”
“It’s alright,” Rick replied. “I’ll go take care of those bodies.” He gestured with the gas can.
Daryl nodded. “Alrigh’. Be careful out there. Fire will probably bring more of ‘em in.”
“I’ll take Glenn out with me,” Rick said, and then he was off.
A moment later you were back with a bowl of food for him. It was some kind of noodles with some venison and a few fresh tomatoes from the garden. “Alright. Break time, Daryl,” you demanded. “I need to make sure you actually eat, since apparently you won’t.”
Daryl tugged his bandana from his back pocket and mopped at the oil on his skin the best he could.
You set the bowl in his hands and your fingertips brushed his skin. You didn’t seem to notice. For Daryl it was impossible not to. “Thanks,” he murmured, grabbing a seat on a nearby concrete block.
“No problem.” You came and sat down next to him, sighing good-naturedly and looking out over the green grass of the yard. Rick was just lighting up the pile of walkers outside the fence. A breeze was blowing the tops of the trees around, sending the leaves fluttering and changing their hues. Fluffy clouds drifted by lazily.
Daryl dragged a hand across his mouth. “Mmm. S’good. Thanks,” he murmured, hurriedly taking another bite. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he’d started eating.
You smiled at his voracious eating habits and leaned your chin on your hand, your elbow propped on your knee. You reached over again with your free hand and attempted to smooth that same stubborn strand of his hair that had been sticking up all day. Goosebumps rose up Daryl’s back.
“Thought ya gave that up as a lost cause,” Daryl said through a mouthful, holding absolutely still while your fingers were in his hair.
“I did. Was just… I don’t know,” you shrugged, smiling. “I kind of like it.”
He shot you a look like you were crazy.
“What?” you laughed. “It’s endearing!”
“Yer nuts,” he joked, ducking his head again and turning back to his food. He didn’t see you biting your bottom lip as you looked at him, a fond and soft light in your eyes.
_ _ _ _ _ _
That evening, most of the group was gathered around a bonfire out in the yard. You’d all roasted scraps of venison from a deer Daryl had shot the day before, supplemented with vegetables from the garden and everyone was full and happy. Carol was rocking Judith and cooing over her. Maggie, Glenn, and Beth were playing a rowdy game of cards. Rick and Carl seemed content to watch the people they loved enjoying themselves and you and Hershel were off to one side talking about plans for fall crops when cool season time rolled around again.
Daryl was the only one who had wandered away by himself and seemed to be standing watch on one of the guard platforms. You noticed his broad-shouldered silhouette against the sky and excused yourself.
He turned at the sound of steps on the rattling metal stairs and straightened up when he saw you come around the corner.
You looked up and smiled at him and his heart jumped. “Hey,” you greeted him.
“Hey. Everythin’ alrigh’?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said, nodding. You came to stand beside him at the railing and leaned forward on your forearms. “You okay? Were we all too rowdy down there?” you asked.
“‘M good. Just thought somebody should be on watch, ya know?”
“Mmm,” you hummed, nodding.
“It doesn’t always have to be you though,” you said. “You take on a lot. You’re allowed to relax too. Your worth as a person isn’t tied to what you can do for the group.”
He looked at you with a semi-startled expression on his handsome face.
“And I see now that you needed to hear that,” you said your eyebrows lifting. “It’s true.”
You turned and looked back out over the shadows settling into the yard and the warm orange glow illuminating your found family.
Daryl was chewing on his bottom lip thoughtfully. He lifted a hand to rub at his right shoulder, wincing a little as he rotated it.
“What’s the matter?”
“Nah, s’nothin’. I must’a tweaked it when I was movin’ my bike this afternoon. Tha’s all. S’fine.”
“Hmm. Alright. Turn around,” you said, straightening up.
“What?” Daryl asked, one of his eyebrows quirked up with the question.
“I said turn around,” you said again.
“Just turn around!” you laughed. “What, are you scared of me?”
“Maybe a little,” Daryl replied, a half-smile turning up one corner of your mouth.
Your hands landed on your hips and you cocked your head at him with attitude. He surrendered and turned so his back was to you.
Your hands landed gently on his shoulders and you worked your fingers into his stiff muscles. They seemed to melt beneath your touch. “You are tense,” you said. You moved to massage his sore shoulder and you could feel that one specific spot seemed particularly tight and inflamed. Your touch became gentler and Daryl’s eyes shut. He was almost leaning into the light workings of your hands. “How’s that feel?” you asked him.
All he could get out was a satisfied hum which made you smile.
“You definitely pulled something over here. You’ll have to go easy on it for a bit.”
“Mmm,” he hummed. “Maybe ya can just keep doin’ that ‘til it’s all better,” he drawled.
You laughed lightly. “I take it this feels okay then,” you said.
“Mhm,” he hummed again.
You smiled to yourself. The man deserved a little TLC. After all, you had scared the shit out of him when that walker grabbed you. You’d never forget the sound of his panicked voice yelling your name.
Just then, there was more clattering on the stairs and your hands left Daryl’s shoulders as you both turned to look. Carol came around the corner and stopped short. “Oh—sorry. I hope I’m not interrupting, um, anything,” she said, smiling.
You felt your cheeks flush and Daryl was feeling the same thing in his chest and face. “No. Not at all,” you said, leaning back against the railing.
“I was just looking for Daryl,” she explained.
“You found him,” you said. “I should head back down and see if Rick needs help getting Judith down for bed anyway.” You glanced back over at Daryl and gave him a small smile. “Night. See you in the morning. Night, Carol.”
Daryl watched you go until you disappeared into the deepening darkness. Then he felt Carol’s eyes on him. He turned at looked at her and her expression and postured, crossed arms and all, could only be described as smug. “What?” he asked, nestling the edge of his thumbnail in between his teeth and biting down.
“I’m really sorry if I did interrupt something,” she said pointedly.
“Interrupt what?” he drawled, a little irritated.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head at him. “Let me just ask you something. How come eight out of ten times if I go to ruffle your hair or wipe a smudge of something gross off you, I get my hand smacked away, but Y/N always seems able to make contact, hmm?”
Daryl’s brow furrowed. He simply stared back at her. Internally though, his mind and his heart were working in overdrive.
Carol laughed. “You don’t have to answer. I think we both know why,” she said with a satisfied smile.
Daryl sighed and ruffled a hand back through his wavy hair before resuming his position leaning on the railing next to Carol.
“You do like her though, don’t you?” Carol asked.
Daryl only continued to stare out over the dark yard, chewing on his bottom lip in that signature way of his. Carol’s smile widened and she nodded.
“I thought so.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Well, you beat all of us awake again today. I guess everything is back to normal,” Glenn said, kindly reaching out to give Daryl a friendly pat on the shoulder as he passed him. The archer flinched and Glenn gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry,” he said quickly.
“Oh—nah, s’alrigh’,” Daryl drawled. “Just startled me… And yeah. Hope ya slackers had a good snooze. Some of us gotta get shit done around here,” he joked, shouldering his crossbow and heading toward the door to leave.
You happened to be coming back in with Judith in your arms and Daryl nearly ran into you, stopping short to avoid the collision. You laughed and greeted him, one of your hands reflexively landing flush in the center of his chest and staying there until the two of you had side-stepped around each other.
Glenn came to sit beside Maggie again, handing her the cup of tea he’d just gotten for her. “Did you see that? How he flinched?” he asked, a little sadly, his head indicating Daryl before the archer slipped out the door.
“Mhm,” Maggie nodded. “But did ya see that?” she asked, a faint smile tugging on her lips now. She nodded toward you across the room where you were sitting with Judith.
Glenn shook his head. “No. What? I was at the stove.”
Maggie’s smile widened. “Daryl nearly ran into her. She put her hand out and it landed right in the middle of his chest and it stayed there until they made their way around each other. And it almost seemed like Daryl didn’t want to step away from her. He didn’t flinch. He may have even moved in closer. He couldn’t stop lookin’ at her,” Maggie said.
Glenn nodded slowly, his eyebrows lifting as realization dawned on him. “Well, last night… the two of them disappeared from the bonfire... You don’t think—?”
“I don’t know,” Maggie laughed jovially. “But if they aren’t, they should. Daryl needs that. And he’d be good for her too. He’s always been so protective of her and you can just tell there’s somethin’ there.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
It was late afternoon when you spotted Daryl taking a break out in the yard. He was sitting on the stump used to chop wood, the axe leaning up against the wood pile nearby. Having just finished sorting some of the newly discovered supplies with Carol, you were ready for a break yourself.
“Hey,” you greeted him, tugging another round of wood over next to him.
“Hey,” he returned, watching you take a seat beside him. He found himself wringing his hands a little nervously.
As you settled in next to him, your arm floated behind him for a moment, your palm gently rubbing across his shoulder blades, almost giving his back a gentle scratch, and then tapering off down his spine in an affectionate gesture. Daryl froze, fluttering bursting to life in his chest again. Electric tingles ran up his back. He swallowed hard. “Why d’ya do that?” he asked suddenly.
You turned and gaze him a questioning look, the small smile dying on your lips. “Do what?”
“Ya know, ya rub my back or—or try to smooth down my hair—”
Your eyes went a bit round and then your brow furrowed, casting shadows over the rich color of your irises. “Oh. Does it bother you? I’m—I’m sorry, Daryl. I probably should have asked you if you were okay with me breaking the touch barrier like that with you. I’m really sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I won’t—”
“What? No. No, it doesn’t—I, uhh—I just mean—” Fuck. How could he explain this without having to confess all his deeply held feelings for you on the spot? “It’s—it’s nice… is all,” he finished lamely.
Your expression relaxed. “Yeah?”
He nodded, pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth. “I just—I ain’t ever really had anybody that—that did that kinda stuff with me, ya know? I mean—” he broke off. He didn’t want to go there. He’d had sex. He wasn’t completely inexperienced, but it had never felt anywhere near as intimate as your fingertips brushing his arm did.
Your lips formed a soft pout and the worry lines in your forehead reappeared. “You mean, touched you… affectionately?”
He nodded a little, keeping his eyes fixed toward the horizon, unable to look at you in that exact moment. “Yeah.”
Your heart ached. You nodded. “I see…” you breathed. You paused thoughtfully for a moment. You thought of all the people in your past who had touched you with love of all kinds—your parents, your best friend, hugs from extended relatives and friends, playfully holding hands as a child, touches with past partners… To think Daryl had never really had any of that broke your heart. You turned toward him and your fingers landed lightly along his jaw, gently turning his face toward you so you could see his bright blue eyes. You clasped his face for a moment and his eyes closed for just a split second. He actually leaned into the touch of your palm and you felt another pang in your chest. “I’m sorry,” you said softly, your fingertips trailing off his skin. “You should have had people your whole life touching you with love and friendship and care. And I’m so sorry you didn’t. We all need touch. It’s something fundamental to us as humans.”
You were close together, your knees almost bumping together.
Daryl’s eyes flickered between yours. “Yeah… I dun think I realized that until—pretty recently,” he said. “But ya don’t, uhh—I mean, I’ve noticed ya don’t… do the same thing with ev’rybody. I mean—not—not exactly the same,” he ventured.
“You noticed?” A small smile came back to your face. “No. You’re right. I don’t,” you agreed. You gave him a significant look and his heart began absolutely pounding in his chest, like he was running for his life, hard and fast.
“Oh…” he drawled, his eyes going suddenly unfocused.
“Yeah,” you said with a laugh, your cheeks heating with a blush. “Um, listen—come find me after dinner tonight. I’ve got first watch in the guard tower. Alright?” You stood and Daryl found himself looking up at you, wishing you wouldn’t go.
He could ask you to stay… but he just nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “Alright. Tonight.”
“Great,” you said, flashing him a smile that made him glad he was sitting down already. You would have nearly knocked his knees out. How was he going to make it through the rest of the day? The waiting would be excruciating…
_ _ _ _ _ _
Daryl looked up at the guard tower and could see your silhouette out on the platform against the warm splash of color from the setting sun. Inside the tower, a lantern glowed softly, illuminating the windows. He made his way up the winding stairs, trying to swallow his nerves to the best of his ability, but he found it wasn’t much use. He wiped his hands on his pants, suddenly aware that his palms were sweaty.
He pushed into the tower and found the door out onto the platform standing open. You looked over your shoulder at the sound of his boots and smiled at him, before returning to leaning on the railing, staring at the hues of salmon and orange and deep reds blazing across the sky as the sun sunk behind the trees at the horizon.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” you asked, meaning the sunset.
Daryl licked his lips nervously, but he was looking at you. “Yeah,” he drawled.
“I like how the sky is never the exact same. No two skies are alike. Something is always different with the colors or the clouds or the particular shade of blue. It makes me feel like even though the world has gone to complete shit… it hasn’t really. You know?”
Daryl leaned onto the railing beside you on his forearms and drank in the scene, humming his agreement. “Mhm.” He nervously shifted. “Um… why’d—why’d ya ask me up here?” He couldn’t stand the strenuous anticipation and wondering any longer.
You turned giving him a sympathetic smile. “Sorry. You’ve probably been wondering all day. Well… I was wondering if I could kiss you and this seemed like a nice place to do it—private, nice view, stars will be out soon, unlikely to be interrupted…”
Daryl thought he must have heard you wrong. “Wait—what?”
You smiled at him, your eyes sparking with light. “I’d like to kiss you, if that’s alright?”
He stared at you. “Ya wanna kiss me?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“Huh… well—what if I wanna kiss you first?”
You gave him an amused look, cocking an eyebrow at him. “Then, I’d say this works out for both of us?” you laughed.
He ducked his head for a moment. “Cuz I’ve wanted to kiss ya for—for a long time now. Prob’ly longer than you’ve wanted to kiss me,” he admitted. He shot a cautious look at your expression but you still just had that serene smile on your face.
“Daryl—” you said, stepping in toward him and gently taking hold of the front of his vest, “I don’t care who initiates it, but I’d like it to happen n—”
You didn’t get the last word out, because Daryl’s lips landed flush on yours and his hand was tangling into your hair, the other landing lightly on your waist. He seemed a little tense at first, nerves maybe, but quickly you melted into each other, your knees weakening, and he tugged you against him as your arms looped around his neck.
Your hearts were racing in time together and you were both breathless when you broke apart, pulling back only enough to breathe. Daryl’s fingers drummed anxiously on your lower back.
“Was… that alrigh’?” he asked.
“Alright?” you repeated. “It was perfect,” you said.
He looked relieved. “Good. ‘Cuz… it was for me too,” he said softly. “And I’d like to do it again, if tha’s alrigh’?”
You grinned and arched into him, crashing your lips against his. This kiss was fiery and hungry and you didn’t break apart for a long time. Daryl held your body firmly against his and the two of you moved without any clumsiness or reticence, reading each other easily and sinking into it.
The sun was now nearly completely gone and the first stars were appearing in the inky sky. The moon was rising. You bit your bottom lip, looking up at Daryl. “I was hoping you’d stay until my shift is over.”
“Mmm,” Daryl nodded, his hands still on your waist. “Alrigh’. But s’gonna be hard to keep watch with ya distractin’ me.”
“Well, there are two of us… only one of us really needs to be watching at a time,” you joked, laughing lightly. You stroked your fingers through his wavy hair, brushing it away from his face, and his eyes closed at your touch. “I brought a blanket up to sit on. Come on.”
Daryl settled down on it first and then nudged his head in a way as to request that you sink down against him. His arm draped behind you and landed on your hip. His fingers moved a little absently, feeling your softness and angles. “Thanks,” he said suddenly.
“Hmm? For what?” you asked, looking over at him and catching his eyes for a moment before he ducked his head and shrugged.
“For bein’ you and… bein’ the way ya are with me,” he drawled. He didn’t know how to voice that as long as he’d known you, every little touch you gave him, innocent or maybe more, felt like nothing he’d ever felt before, and he found himself craving it, craving you. But he’d never known for sure, beyond the doubt instilled in him, if it was one-sided or not. Now, he knew.
"You don't have to thank me. You deserve to feel wanted, Daryl. You are." You smiled at him and then tucked yourself against him, your head resting under his chin, your hand moving softly on his bare arm, leaving tingles in its wake. The last light of the sun disappeared and was replaced with the cool glow of the moon and endless stars, and the two of you soaked in each other. Daryl seemed more confident as the minutes passed and drank you in, slowly touch-starved no longer and hoping he would never be again.
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catiuskaa · 8 months
missed me, missed me, now you gotta...
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SUMMARY: minho wasn’t grumpy, nor he was jealous. but he hasn’t been the same ever since he fell in love with you.
REQUESTED! by a sweet annonie right here. pookie, your idea was lovely to write! lil grumpy minho, im melting… it’s a bit short, but I hope you like it! <3
CW: use of (crack) text messages to convey the plot, starring: han quokka as cupid + reader’s bsf, clingy minho as king of my heart, and ngl, type 1 diabetes fluff ahead. keep insulin shots close just in case! lol
WC: 1.1k
A/N: i love how i’m slowly turning into a minho blog/page lmaoo, only minho: the man, the myth, the legend!
The same ringtone buzzed again during rehearsals. Its ding had sounded so many times already that it had started to get repetitive really quickly.
Minho frowned as he looked in the mirror, retouching his rolled sleeves just once more for what he secretly knew it had been more than twenty times. In the span of ten minutes. Maybe even less.
But Minho wasn’t ‘grumpy’.
He so wasn’t.
His day had been normal so far. He had no reason to be grumpy. Not one what-so-ever.
He had woken up in between your arms, and even if he had ‘complained’ about it, he loved being the little spoon. And also, his cats jumped on the bed and, just for once, none of them landed on his face.
There had been just one thing.
Well. Technically more than one.
You had rushed outside this morning. You claimed you didn’t have time to have breakfast with him, because you were late for something he didn’t really get. Because of that, you hadn’t come over to the JYP building with him. He had to drive over alone. And you hadn’t pecked him goodbye at the entrance like always.
But he. Wasn’t. Grumpy.
Not. At. All.
> sunggie: girl, did you hide his cats or smth?
< minho’s owner: lol, wdym dude?
> sunggie: he looks like he’s going to kill me.
> sunggie: And he loves me! Wtf??
Han shrieked in his place in the sofa, his phone almost falling off his hands. He quickly turned it off, hoping that the grumpy dancer hadn’t seen the old or new messages.
“Who were you texting?” Minho frowned, deeper this time.
“Oh.” Jisung chuckled. “Just checking in on noona.”
“My girlfriend?” The way Minho enunciated the title felt a bit possesive. Jisung eyed at him weirdly for a second. Even he felt weird himself.
Jisung nodded sheepishly, turning his phone back on but quickly opening a random app.
“Yeah. I owed her a call back.” He shrugged, nonchalantly accepting that he had opened Subway Surfers, and started to play.
As the catchy music came from Han’s phone, Minho shook his head.
Not grumpy.
Not at all.
But the thought that you had been texting Han and didn’t text him —instead of him— did funny things in his chest.
Now, keep in mind that Minho would never describe himself as a jealous man.
He trusted you with his cats, of course he trusted you regarding your relationship. But he had barely got a hold of you all day. And Han had. By call and text. Like he was doing now.
Not grumpy.
< minho’s owner: you dead yet?
Jisung groaned.
> sunggie: no! you made me lose my score!
> sunggie: and I don’t have any keys! ㅠㅠ
< minho’s owner: sucks to suck, lol
< minho’s owner: but what’s wrong with my future husband? did you do something?
> sunggie: he’s moody since he came in this morning.
> sunggie: you weren’t here tho. smth wrong between ya?
< minho’s owner: no…? just had to run to work early…
And then, something in Jisung’s paboracha brain connected. Probably because of how he had named your contact in his phone.
> sunggie: omg
< minho’s owner: what?
> sunggie: that corny dumbass
> sunggie: he’s so stupid
< minho’s owner: bitch what is it???
> sunggie: he’s moody bc u didn’t come in with him today!
You hesitated. Could that be it?
< minho’s owner: really? u think so?
> sunggie: bitch I know so!
> sunggie: imma go get boba for the boys, get your ass here and come w/ me
Jisung’s brain started to work at cupid’s speed.
< minho’s owner: omw. be there in 5’
“Guys, I’m gonna go get boba. Do any of you want something?”
The rest of the gang blabbered something while some kept going over the steps of the choreography and the others rested on the couch, doozing off or on their phones. Han quickly noted down everyone’s orders, not before being squinted down by Minho. He held back a shiver.
“Clingy prick…” Jisung mumbled, leaving quickly.
He walked out of the JYP building, waiving and half bowing to the staff members and other artists in the building.
< minho’s owner: just parked! ^^
Jisung entered the boba place next to the building, smiling at the cashier as he read down the orders on his note app, and stood aside, waiting for the drinks.
“Hey!” You smiled widely at him, taking off your scarf, merely leaving it hanging on your shoulders. He clapped your hand, playfully slapping your back.
“Working hard?” Jisung snickered, pointing at the bag on your other hand.
You side-eyed at him, giggling softly.
“Took some snacks before heading off.” You shrugged. “We can sneak these in, right?”
Jisung scratched the back of his neck. “We’ll… come up with something.”
You both struggled carrying the drinks, teasing each other and betting who’d make a mess first. But all giggles came to an end when the security guard stared at you.
“Name and business?” He asked in a low huff.
Your body stiffened.
“She’s my sister,” Han chimed back. You were in fact far from being his sister, but that didn’t matter when the guard seemed to nod. “She’s just helping me carry the drinks inside.”
“And the bag? What’s inside?”
You cleared your throat, smiling. “Clothes for him to change once he finishes training.” You lied.
Thank God for his imagination. And for his stupid idea of shoving your scarf and his hoodie into the bag of snacks.
“Ok. You may come in.” The guard smiled politely.
Only after the both of you had gotten into the elevator you allowed yourselves to let out a sight full of relief. You two then smirked, high-fiving.
“Thank you, bro.” You teased in a snicker.
He cackled. “You’re welcome, sis.”
You both laughed and joked until you reached the training room.
“The person you dream of is back!” Han cackled.
“Noona!” Felix grinned happily.
“Yeah, that’s me!” You cackled at Jisung’s faked frown.
You smiled and greeted everyone as you entered, leaving a certain bunny boy for last.
You sat next to him on the couch, and without missing a beat, he took your legs and layed them on his lap.
You took a sip of his drink, and he stared at you, almost with a squint.
“You’ve made me jealous of fucking Han Jisung.” He stated matter-o-factly, making you practically choke on the tapioka pearls.
You coughed. “What?”
“You texted him all evening. And me? Not even a good luck kiss this morning.”
“Aw, are you grumpy, kitten?” You grinned teasingly, speaking only towards him in a soft tone to his ear. You pecked his cheek.
He needed more of those.
Grumpy, huh?
“Yes. Very.” He mumbled, hiding his blushed and pleased grin in the crook of your neck. “Need more kisses.”
“Well, you know how it goes.” You mumbled in a snicker. He hummed at you, waiting for you to explain.
You kissed his forehead softly, his hands stroking your thighs.
“Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me.”
~Kats, who can write this in one sit, but can’t figure out how chemistry works (yes have exams, why did I choose this for myself, help)
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f1rodrigo · 6 months
the mclaren boy mystery | part two
l. norris / o. piastri
summary: in which your boyfriend is a formula one driver for team mclaren and when you finally decide it's time to start hinting to the world, the internet is confused on exactly which driver is your boyfriend. pairing: social media au || lando norris / oscar piastri x reader fc: jazmyn makenna a/n: sorry this took a little longer than i expected! it was so fun to make though. i didn't want to say who she's actually with because i feel like it's fun for the readers to have to figure that out too! so please share any guesses you have lol i'm interested to see what people think the outcome will be. hope you enjoy and thank you sm for reading<3
part one | sweet relief series | valentine's day drabble
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。
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liked by yourbrother, maxverstappen1, and 101,225 others
yourusername happy birthday to my favorite brother, i love you and am so grateful to know i have someone in my life who looks after me like you do<3 here's my fav pics of us of course they're all racing related lol, our first love
view all 982 comments
yourbrother "my favorite brother"... As far as I know I am your only brother 😐
⤷ yourusername 🥱🥱🥱🥱 technicalities
yourbrother Thank you least favorite sister, miss those days. Have to get back out on the karting track, been too long since I've beaten you
⤷ yourusername been too long since you've been beaten, you mean?
⤷ yourbrother Yeah, yeah we'll let the track times speak for themselves
⤷ user1 ok but we have to admit the brother sister banter is kind of adorable
⤷ user2 no bc she seems so sweet 😭
user3 nah because what is max verstappen doing in this girls likes now????
⤷ user4 and the plot thickens 😯
user5 she saw everyone calling her a fake f1 fan and said take a look at this
user6 yn hater club how you guys feeling right about now
⤷ user7 🤡🤡🤡🤡
user8 honestly kind of hope she's dating one of them
⤷ user9 yall switch up so fast please 😭😭
user10 seriously..... you HAD to only post f1 related photos lmfao so totally pandering to the landoscar fans
user11 f1 school of wags next graduate
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liked by mclaren, yourusername, and 1,891,218 others
landonorris DOUBLE PODIUM!!!!!!!! couldn't have asked for a better race, congrats @/oscarpiastri and a huge thanks as always to @/mclaren 🧡
view all 5,871 comments
user2 mclaren double podium... oh i used to pray for times like these
user3 oscar piastri you are insane omfg
user4 MY POOKIES LOOK AT THEM !!!!!!!!! 🫂
user5 save me landoscar SAVE ME
yourusername jumping up and down screaming and crying losing my mind
⤷ landonorris you should probably get that checked out....
⤷ user7 nah nah nah this is so giving gf of the bestie banter
⤷ user8 agreed hopping on the oscaryn train 💪🏻
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yourusername added to their story
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oscarpiastri added to their story
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liked by kellypiquet, oscarpiastri, and 789,012 others
yourusername qatar gp smiles <3 practice timeeee
📸 @/kellypiquet
view all 1,281 comments
kellypiquet so beautiful
⤷ yourusername all you
landonorris eye spy a mclaren car down there?
⤷ yourusername ? i just see a tractor
⤷ landonorris not funny. 😐
⤷ yourusername i certainly laughed
⤷ oscarpiastri same actually
⤷ user1 i dont know how much longer i can take this
⤷ user2 GUYSSSS i am telling you its so oscaryn
⤷ user3 WHAT literally look at the Proof its so landoyn 🥱
⤷ user4 i am giggling we're literally in a shipwar
user5 she's so pretty i'm sorry guys i love her 😵‍💫
⤷ user6 well yes!
user7 patiently waiting for one of the mcl boys to main feed post her then we know for sure ‼️
⤷ user8 at this rate it still won't clear anything up
lilymhe miss u beautiful
⤷ yourusername omg i miss u more ms lily
⤷ user9 she has The wag stamp of approval WE MOVE!
user10 theres four e's at the end of 'time'....... landos number is 4 i've got it guys 😃😃
⤷ user11 seek medical attention STAT
⤷ user12 bro thinks this is a taylor swift album release
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, and 789,012 others
yourusername oscar piastri sprint race winner AND mclaren double podium, better start calling me the good luck charm
view all 1,281 comments
user1 nah bc you're onto something.....
user2 she can't be serious 😐
⤷ user3 well no shit it's just an instagram caption
user4 i cannot be the only one who finds the caption extremely weird
⤷ user5 nah i'm with you i've never liked her 🙄
⤷ user6 its just so odd like forcing yourself into the mclaren narrative completely taking away from the boys achievements writing it off as your own doing...
⤷ user7 omfg yall are so dramatic just say you're jealous they're not dating you lmfao
⤷ user8 no fr because it is not that serious it's clearly a joke like she loves them cmon now
mclaren BRB getting your paddock passes for the duration of the season
⤷ yourusername i'm giggling, i love you guys 😙
⤷ user9 see mclaren is fine with it so yall should be too
⤷ user10 now i'm going to need all the haters to sit DOWN and shut the fuck UP
oscarpiastri wait can you send me that picture
⤷ yourusername i literally did already but okay
⤷ oscarpiastri ok could do with less attitude
⤷ yourusername you have not seen real attitude piastri
⤷ oscarpiastri 😧
⤷ user11 i think this just converted me to team oscar
⤷ user12 nah this is literally landoyn confirmation
landonorris 🍀
⤷ user13 i am picking up what he's putting down
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part one | sweet relief series | valentine's day drabble
@landoscar-f1 , @urfavnoirette , @imsiriuslyreal
821 notes · View notes
saved1byabs · 1 month
Cw: restraints, ellabs x reader, dom!ellie, porn with plot, switch!abby, sub!reader, abby tied up 🤭, nsfw, no use of y/n, hella teasy, use of pet names, no virus au, weed used, probably alot more :3
req from pookie!! (basically girlfriend!abby watching best friend!ellie fuck the brains out of you)
@joel-girl here you go !!!
It started with a late night facetime call between you and your girlfriend, abby, eventually inviting you best friend ellie to join. Ellie had given the idea of all three of you going to her house after you finished work the next day, and your plans were in order.
you busied yourself with making drinks at the counter, the evening rush suiting as a distraction for later. You noticed when abby walked into the coffee shop, smiling at you and leaning against the wall as your shift closed out.
taking off your apron, you pocketed your tips, clocking out and immediately kissing abby's cheek as she led you out to her car.
Texting ellie the two of you were on the way, you wore a smile.
"els told me she visited her dealer, got us something for if the movie got too boring"
"mm, so like every time you two hang out?" Abby smirked, her hands resting on your thigh as she drove.
"well.. yes, but it'll be fun if you decide to smoke with us" you smiled, looking up at your girlfriend with the eyes she always said yet too.
"..fine, love, only a little though. I still gotta get you hole safe" she said, squeezing your thigh as you now wore a wide smile.
"yay! You're the best baby" you smiled. Abby looked intimidating, but she was a total fucking softie.
the drive to ellies house only had a little conversation, most of it being you humming along to Abby's music.
watching your girlfriend pull into ellies driveway, you wore a smile, unbuckling your seatbelt and attempting to open your door before abby could do it for you, though she beat you and opened it with a smirk.
"Mm, what are you trying to do pretty girl? Maybe i'll have to cut the movie short and fuck you until you-" she was cut off by ellie exiting the house, now sporting a slight grimace.
ellie walked towards you both, smiling and side hugging you as abby pettily held onto you. You kissed her cheek, ellie laughing softly as your girlfriend glared down at her. Ellie and abby had been friends, and most of the anger between them was for shits and giggles.
following ellie inside, you glanced around her living room, a few rolled joints and a lighter on the coffee table and a guitar sat on the couch, a few movie disks arranged on the floor.
"so, what do you guys wanna watch?" She asked, moving the guitar back into its case before flopping down on the couch.
you looked up at abby, waiting for her answer as you grabbed a joint and lit it, deeply inhaling as you zoned out for her answer. She took the joint from your lips, inhaling before blowing the smoke in ellies face. Tonight would be long.
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somehow it had escalated further than ever before. The three of you were always flirty, but it changed when ellie had cuffed your fucking girlfriend to a chair.
the effects of the weed had done so much to all of you, abby didnt even complain when ellie had grazed her hand all over you, simply watching with a smirk.
ellie had looked down at you, quietly whispering in your ear and asking if it was okay to continue what she was doing. She had already marked the fuck out of your neck, and made your lips beyond swollen. You desperately nodded, a needy whine escaping your lips as ellie crawled over you.
She turned you around, making sure abby could see you as she smirked down at you on the floor, tearing your underwear down to your ankles and sitting herself on your waist.
ellie looked up at abby with teasing eyes, making sure your girlfriend was watching when she ducker her head between your legs, holding eye contact as she licked your soaking pussy.
you held tight onto ellies hips, a whine escaping your lips as you felt your best friend's hot tongue on your heat. Abby was conflicted, not quite mad but hoping she would get a chance with both of you.
ellie laughed down at you, snickering as abby watched.
"Hm, love, wanna give your girl a little show? Make her watch while i make you cum?" She laughed, pissing abby off while making you grow even wetter. You let out a small, desperate whine, only pushing ellie further as she leaned back down.
her hands rested on your thighs, her eyes piercing into abby's as she licked across your clit, kissing you gently before taking the soft bud between her lips, looking down and focusing on you. She sucked hard at your clit, earning moans from you as she rubbed her tongue along your wet pussy.
digging her face further between your legs, she kissed your leaking hole, pushing her tongue in and out while placing kissed along your pussy. She glanced up at abby, smirking as she moved her lips from your pussy and pushed two fingers easily in, earning a deep moan from you.
abby let out a groan, pulling at the cuffs around her wrists as an attempt to fuck either you or ellie senseless. Ellie just laughed, digging her fingers deeper into you as you moaned against the floor, only making ellies smirk widen and abby try harder to be freed from her restraints.
ellie pushed a third finger into you, once again a sharp moan escaping your lips as she fucked in and out of you at an ungodly pace, your legs threatening to close around her hand. Abby watched as she fucked you, nearly escaping the cuffs as ellie leaned her head down against, sucking on your clit while still moving her fingers. Your moans were gurgled, biting down on your lip as your muscles clenched around her fingers.
all that did was make her go faster, fucking you so aggressively as your voice broke, your legs shutting around her face and hand as your built up tension broke, cumming against her as she just fucking laughed again. abby grew angry when you came, beyond pissed it was on another womans fingers. She managed to break the cuffs, immediately getting out of the chair, preparing herself for a long night.
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littlestardude · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞☆Dating Kenny HCS|| Reader x Kenny McCormick
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✰ - SFW & NSFW - ✰
Plot: Just sum HCS!
Note: I love Kenny McCormick so fucking much he's so pookie smookie, also first post yippee!
TW: Drugs, death bcs of drugs (its Kenny he comes back-), incest ment (concerning rats), smut HCS at the end
Gender: AFAB Gen neutral
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✰ - SFW - ✰
FLIRTS NONSTOP. all day every day, he just doesn't fucking stop. But the moment you flirt back.
Bro is dead, 6 feet under, giggling and kicking his feet
Has trouble falling asleep and sometimes you'll wake up and he'll be just staring at you
"Kenny what the fuck are you doing... "
"You're so pretty... Can I not stare at my partner in the middle of the night!? :(("
Demands you cuddle him to sleep
Did I mention touchy?
Super fucking touchy
Literally has to be touching you all the time as if you we're his phone in his pocket or he'll freak out
Actually learned the value of life once you stepped in. He's died only once.
Why you ask? In his words
"I can NOT just say no to free drugs"
Drugs in question were something called... Crazy 8...basically 8 fucking drugs mixed together.
Yea he wasn't gonna survive.
Now you have to keep an eye on him, and tell him to just stick with weed
Oh yeah weed
Bro is toasted most of the time.
AND reeks of weed 24/7
Anytime you smell weed the first thought that pops into your head is, "where's Kenny? "
Basically weed is a comforting smell to you now 💀
Asked you to get high with him
You were reluctant at first but then you tried it... Let's just say it's a common occurrence now
You think he's flirty when he's sober? When he's high omfg.
Compliments like crazy, and can actually take compliments back when he's high
You adore high Kenny because he literally turns into the silliest mf alive
Super duper touchy when you're both high, like on top of each other the whole time
Piercings out the wazoo
Tattoos to come...
You let him shower at your place so he actually became CLEAN once you started dating.
Like his hair is actually touchable now, and not greasy
He's still a rat boy tho, and does dirty rat boy things
Actually HAS rats
You came over one time and he introduced you to his ratty children
"This is Frankie, and Frankie Jr, and Frankie Jr Jr, and that's Maggy, and Rosie and- FRANKLIN JR GET OFF YOUR SISTER RIGHT NOW! >:("
"Um, Ken... I don't know how to tell you this but rats dont care about incest..."
Almost cried, "it's like medieval Spain all over again... "
You pat his back, "it never gets easier... " you sighed dramatically
Loves animals, you guys wanna get a dog and cat together!
He loves you and adores you so much
He thinks you're the best person to ever come out of this cruel world, and he tells you that all the time
You also love him. So much. You think he's the prettiest, sweetest boy
You tell him that most of the time when you think he's asleep, he usually isn't because he loves hearing it
Back to the weed thing, LOVES when u guys order McDonald's when ur both high and have the munchies
Bro can throw down 2 big macs, 1 double quarter pounder, 20 piece chicken nuggets, and 2 orders of large fries and still be like
"I need something sweet... " 💀
Anytime you're out with your friends, Kenny's usually wearing his parka and you're the only one who can understand Kennish
Also holding hands the whole time
It took you awhile to get used to the fact you had a super clingy partner but you got used to it
You guys were able to get a place together eventually after high school
It's super shitty but it's home <3
You'll eventually upgrade after grueling work and endless shifts
But you definitely make time for each other
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✰ - NSFW - ✰
(The fun begins *rubs hands evily together*)
SWITCH KENNY SUPREMACY!!! Literally does not mind either, as long as he's with you and he's naked? And you're naked? Bros chilling
Fucking loves oral, receiving and giving
First time he ate you out, you were on cloud mf 9, seeing stars n shit
He LOVES your thighs, like before he eats you out he just likes kissing and squeezing your thighs
HOWEVER. The first time you sucked him off. Omg, HIS thighs were MESMERIZING.
Something about boys thighs... Just seeing them pushed together, your fucking weakness.
His thighs are pale and ever so slightly plushy... Help me
He grabs you and stimulates you in the best fucking spots
You guys will just be chilling watching a movie, and he'll just go like
"Babeeeee... " that's literally all he needs to say bcs you know what he wants.
After some time of just being on his dick it kinda hits you, "I'm on his cock, I could literally do what ever I want... " you think, evily
You'll shift your body around to where you're looking at him and he already knows what's coming, his hands are IMMEDIATELY on your hips
And you start slowly bouncing up and down
Doesn't take him long to start making noises
He's very vocal during sex, he sees no point in staying silent
Plus the first time he moaned super loud during sex you literally came on the spot.
Now he can't help but moan and whimper when you're on top of him because he knows you love it
Usually urges you two to take a shower after sex
Sometimes ends up into shower sex if the both of you still have the energy
You bought a shower stool so you both could fuck in the shower because one time he almost slipped and will NEVER live it down
"You stepped on the soap babe... You almost went flying"
Yea a shower stool and those mats for the shower floor
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overtaken-stream · 7 months
Thinking about Modern AU!King who is a police officer
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This loses its plot... For a reason unclear to me. Also, rats and snitches although annoying are my guilty pleasure characters
Happy Valentine's Day My Pookie(s)!
Also, it's been a minute since I've last written smut, sorry if it's underwhelming and ooc for King, blame it on the stress of having to enforce laws all day.
Warnings: Choking, breeding.
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King is an officer in his own right, wearing the black patrol uniform shirt that flexed with his moves, not exactly tight but enough to make the muscles under it visible, the lightweight body armor leaves his hidden underbelly to the imagination.
The officers at the station are jealous of his physique, while women fall over themselves at the sight the man brings. His sense of justice is firm, the way he speaks and treats the criminals he catches is enough for people to swiftly figure it out.
Alber doesn't complain about his job, even when his co-workers encourage it, with that scowl constantly on his face it's hard to differentiate enjoyment from irritation. He is a man of few words outside of work, is what every person thinks. It's what they assume.
They don't know about the bribes he accepts in the alleys when no one is watching, not when the criminal proposing it is shaking in their boots, afraid to say a word about Alber's betrayal of Just, they could never use the blackmail material even if they wanted to.
His co-workers don't know about the second face he puts up in front of them, a mask not much different from the real Alber, but distant, one that can be overshadowed if kept in one place too long.
They don't know about his connections to the underworld, his relation to the King, let alone the Emperor.
There's only one person aside from his Relations who knows of true him.
He arrives without a mask to uncover, a cozy place he calls home awaits for him with open arms.
Your face is bright as you greet him. Arms tight around his neck and your fragrance in his complexion is not enough to distract him from the fact that he can feel your breasts through the layers of clothes separating you two. Your whole body is hanging off of him, yet his muscles are unfazed.
He is home.
! !NSFW! !
The exhaustion in his gut is replaced by a pool of arousal and he can feel his pants tighten.
Only after grabbing your thighs and putting them around his abdomen, does he catch your gaze before firmly latching his lips with yours, tongues intertwined together as you gently cup his face, the soft temptation of your lips swings the craving in front of his face. The mess of saliva is nothing compared to what he wants to do after a frustrating day.
Getting to the bed and not fucking you in the middle of the living room is a hard task to accomplish considering all King wants to do is rip the clothes off and taste the sweet nectar already.
Your back meets the silky sheets and hands tug at King's shirt, eyes glazed over and lips covered in saliva. You are truly an apple of Kings' eyes. In seconds it comes off, leaving the fruits of your labor sprawled on the table as the shirt goes flying off. Not wasting a second, King leans over you, hands grasping at your attire until the nude figure lies before him.
The tips of his eyebrows turn down, framing an evil smirk on his lips, not a single malice could be felt.
You can feel the butterflies flutter in your stomach. Can feel your insides clench down on nothing. Flush rises on your face and in the moment your legs try to close around the hand now resting in front of your heat, but to no avail.
``Don't get shy on me now.``
His two fingers glide slowly on your clit before plunging swiftly inside, picturing your shivering walls is driving him to get on with it, your sweet wail does not help. His lips seal yours shut, stealing sharp hisses from you as he stretches out the fingers and drags them unhurriedly but with pressure out and in. His teeth clash along yours, lips eat away yours until he engulfs you, it's what you feel anyway. His furrowed brows are that much more handsome on his heated face. His passion takes your breath away and blows the air right in.
Digits are knuckle deep as he finally fastens his pace, thumb pressuring your clit and rubbing harshly on the button, you turn your face sideways, mouth agape and eyes shut, with no shame you let loose the sounds that'll make the neighbors turn red and King fall deep into perversion.
``Oh? You like that? Like how my fingers feel?``
Your hips have a mind of their own, chasing the height without your permission. King lets you hump his wrist, too busy shoving one more finger down the pleasure hole and spearing them into you, it touches every right place, pushes on every button, tightening every knot you have and making your eyes water from the ecstasy.
``O-oh-ugh—yesss! Fuck yes...♡``
You barely respond, the loud and wet sounds your pussy emits as his thumb finally pushes on the right angle and keeps it there, giving you the pleasure you've been wanting since you woke up. It snaps the rope holding your body together.
``G-good girl. Fuck...``
Mind blank, a whine emits from your bruised lips, thighs quivering around his wrist, holding him in place as your hips unexpectedly jerk forward, your pussy releases the orgasm with a cloudy hue, glistening around the fingers until King gets himself free and brings his face closer to your opening, it seeps the slick out like drool from your maw. King treasures every drip you produce.
Once you've calmed down you realize that it's rare for him to talk during sex but man should he do it often.
With quick work he gets free of his pants, finally feeling relief and getting unrestricted access to what he wants to do. The deep gulps of air you take are quickly forbidden when his fingers rest on your throat, wet and smelling of your sex. The gentle touch almost makes your eyes roll.
He is so impossibly close, resting his whole body on top of you, all the while holding himself up by the elbow as to not crush you.
The tip of his shaft rests between your pussy lips, rubbing your essence all over it while it beats against your clit, heavy and engorged.
Kings one arm clasps the bedding while another flexes against your neck, lightly tensing its grasp. You can only bring your digits to caress his abs built and maintained over the years. The sheen of sweat covers your body.
His hips jerk forward to push in his length carefully, it slides in with ease thanks to your previous orgasm. The stretch gives way to the burning pain at first, until it devolves into entirety. The way you feel around him steals small groans from King, the spikes of pleasure stab at his heart the longer he stills inside.
He can't hold himself back and you don't want him to.
The euphoric movement of his hips slamming against your cunt and his hand wandering closer to your chest, all the while struggling for breath is overwhelming in the most sinful of ways. The sound his body makes as he connects lights up your world which is already rocking with his actions. It's unbearable for you to contain all of it. Your face goes red and his grip is only making it angrier.
Your heavy eyelids close, legs shake, but he dares not to stop, a high pitched whines emit from you, who's grabbing at his hand that's squeezing and rolling your nipple in between his fingers.
He is nowhere near done with you.
How can you keep up with him?
You don't.
The next morning, a bouquet of bright red roses awaited on the bedside table, alongside angry blue and red marks littering your back and breasts, nipples sore and swollen, there's still cum dripping out of you, and a present lying on top of a love card reminding you of the special day.
You can't wait for him to get back so that you can show your gratitude.
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k-martins · 8 months
I'm late, but what matters is posting the results, so hello!
Let's move on to placing them:
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RYOMEN "You finally got a role" SUKUNA
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Also known as the one who is intimately aware of our couple's desires, desires and fears (after all, he shared a body with both of them), Sukuna is the main plot device when it comes to bringing Itafushi even closer together. It's thanks to your existence that ITFS started, isn't it? LOL.
He's a threat, he's a calamity, he's a bored old man, but most importantly, he's responsible for the line "congratulations, you've won a role" where he not only recognizes Yuji's new power, but also that our pookie pink haired girl is ready to save her sea urchin. After all, it's quite propitious for Yuji to save his soulmate in the domain called "pure and mutual love" LMAO!!!!
Fortunately, Sukuna comes in last place because he gave several traumas to ITFS, including murder, body snatching, mental and emotional manipulation, violence and a lot of anguish. He's a bad bitch we love to hate!
((I couldn't get any art from them that wasn't a ship T-T ))
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NOBARA "Boys are disgusting" KUGISAKI
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It was a close battle with second place, but I confess that not even Nobara could compete against him T-T. Our beautiful queen full of thorns is the most common third wheel in the canon, being present in moments that helped in the growth of ITFS, such as their conversation after the exchange event (where we see Yuji blush and smile after Megumi praised him hihi) and when our boys take each other's hands as a sign of trust after the fight with Kechizu and Eso. She's also the queen who helps these two idiots notice their feelings in fanfics, so what better than third place for her!!!!
It's a shame we can't see her reaction when she hears the phrase "so start saving me, Itadori", but I bet she would scream something like "get a room, you two, gay idiots!".
Anyway, Nobara, know that you will always be famous and our boys will make you proud as they finish off Sukuna and ride off into the sunset T-T
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Who but the main advocate of love to come second? Yuta has shown himself to be a huge supporter of itfs since his return to the post-Shibuya manga, from helping Yuji deal with his inner demons to agreeing to save him because he was someone important to Megumi (shoot me in the head if Megumi didn't ask Yuta save Yuji when he learned that his senpai would be the executioner).
He also had to watch from a box seat the dramatic ITFS meeting after the horrors in Shibuya, so he knows how serious Megumi and Yuji are about protecting each other. Yuta is also doing everything he can to make these two stay together, not taking long to jump against Sukuna to save Megumi and opening his beautiful domain of PURE AND MUTUAL LOVE!!!! Yes girls, Yuta is the last romantic on earth and he will be the key to our ITAFUSHI coming back to us T-T.
This boy is just not in first place, because first place belongs to him alone.
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SATORU "Personal feelings?" GOJO
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THE HONORABLE!!!! MEGUMI'S FATHER!!! THE MOST ROMANTIC EVER!!!! SATORU GOJO TAKES FIRST PLACE!!!! He was the first to notice ITFS in the SECOND EPISODE and makes a point of always bringing these two boys even closer with his discreet (and some extravagant) plans. An example of this is his readiness to accept saving Yuji because it was a request from his dear son, going against the ENTIRE JUJUTSU WORLD just because he knows what it's like to love someone who is condemned to death (stsg tears run down my eyes).
He also placed the boys next to each other, supported their relationship, blessed them, and was willing to save his son so that none of them would suffer (someone shoot me).
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Official results!
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This is the end, but we'll give some honorable mentions.
- Toji Fushiguro (his VA said that Toji would find Yuji a bit annoying at first, but would soon like him too, which is understandable, since Yuji is fantastic)
- Choso (Anyone who loves Yuji will be loved by Choso)
- Nanami Kento (no explanation, I just feel it)
- Tsumiki Fushiguro (I don't need to see this to know your opinions)
- Aoi Todo (He would always support Yuji, no matter how annoying his crush is)
- Gege Akutami (come on kitty, we all know you secretly love itfs and stsg and are cooking a beautiful and wonderful wedding for them, no need to be shy about it ;) )
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gojosuagrbaby · 17 days
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!Loser Toru oikawa x!Bimbo Fem reader
!warnings; RAUNCHY. just basically filth !porn with little to no plot, !afab reader,!cunnilingus, oral!f receiving,!i cant spell, !penetrative sex, !unprotected sex !reader is a bimbo,!drunk sex, !mentions of alcohol use, !mentions of marijuana use, reader is implied to be hooking up with Atsumu, !degrading,! praising,! cock drunk reader
authors notes: loser oikawa brainrot is real. need him so bad its not okay anymore T-T, i got inspo when i was on call with my pookie bear brainstorming and we were listening to songs and woman by harry styles started playing..and here we are! THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD, i was proofreading it then i got lazy ;p. this is my first time actually writing smut so it might be a bit choppy..soz!!!!enjoyyy!!!
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Loser!Oikawa has always been a little genius, hes always been the top of his class but somehow was never lucky enough to get noticed by girls. Not until his second puberty that was which might i add only came in the middle of his second year of college.
Loser!Oikawa decided to pick astronomy as an elective and almost creamed his pants when he saw you walk through those doors. hair down and in the sexiest baby blue tracksuit he had ever seen. your makeup was on point and he couldn't help but throb a little when you batted those pretty eyelashes at him while blowing a bubble with your gum.
"Do you have a spare pencil? i think i dropped mine in the hallway" a sickly sweet smile on your face. if he could he would have gave you every last pencil he owned.
Loser!Oikawa who spends every class barely paying the professor any attention, spending a solid 80% of the class staring at you hoping you'd ask him for litterally anything . and i mean anything. a pen, a sheet of paper, the world, anything you wanted he'd give it too you.
Loser!Oikawa who finally worked up the courage, after 4 weeks of taking that class , to finally introduce himself to you and he died right there when you smiled and told him your name. that sent him over the edge.
Loser!Oikawa who proceeded to go back to his dorm (thanking the stars his roomate wasnt home) and fist his cock to the image of your pretty little mouth wrapped around him, chanting your name like a mantra. he has never came so much in his life.
Loser!Oikawa who was so happy when you started sitting beside him in classes making small talk with him. Astronomy soon became the highlight of his week.
Loser!Oikawa who noticed how the fattest pout on your glossy lips when the professor handed back your most recent midterms at the end of class.
"Is everything okay?"
"No i am so failing this class if i do it'll throw off my entire grade for this year and ill have to repeat" you sounded to sad on the brink of tears. he throbbed.
"Hey i'm sure you didnt even do that bad, it was a pretty hard exam to be fair.."
"I guess.., what did you get anyways?"
Shit. He could easily lie and tell you he got an unbelievably low score, but both of you knew it wasnt possible for him to score lower then 97.
He sat there with the silence hanging in the room.
Uh oh.
Loser!Oikawa who's eyes almost popped out of his head when you basically threw yourself at him begging him to tutor you. and how could he say no? he almost moaned when you gave him the biggest hug known to man and he could feel your tits pushed right up against his chest.
Loser!Oikawa who spent the next couple of weeks tutoring you in between classes. You slightly picked up on the crush Toru had on you unbeknownst to him of course. You two had grown so close in those weeks. So much so that you invited him to your part to kick off spring break.
"If i pass this class, No WHEN i pass this class you just have to come Toru"
His name sounded so good out of your mouth. He wondered how much better it would sound if he was fucking you.
" I don't know [Name] i'm not exactly close to anyone you know and i don't want to ruin you night by clinging to you the whole night"
He was lying. Of course he wanted to go but he also knew how much of a soical butterfly you are and he would inevitably be left in a corner with some drunk couple dry humping beside him.
"I pinky promise you'll have fun, trust me."
So that.s how Loser!Oikawa found himself in front of your door two hours after the party had started. You did in fact pass your exam. He knocked at the door waiting a few minutes for it to open. just as he was about to turn around and go home, you opened the door smiling so brightly once you saw him standing there.
" TORU OH MY GOD I.M SO HAPPY YOUR HERE!" you were clearly drunk and maybe a little bit high evident by your low glossy red eyes.
"Yep! i almost wasn't gonna come but you did make me a promise..so here i am!" you giggled the most angelic thing hes ever heard. as he trailed behind you to the kitchen he couldn't help but stare and your figure in the dress you were wearing. it was teal-ish and barley covered your ass. it had a halter neck which you had the remaining fabric tied in a pretty bow. he wanted so badly to rip the garment off you.
Loser!Oikawa who after being forced to do a round of shots 'catch up' as you called it, stood in the kitchen smiling to himself as he watched you squeal with excitement as you heard you’re ‘fav song’ play. You’ve said that about the last 7 songs.
Loser!Oikawa who watches you run to the center of the living room screaming the lyrics to the song. swaying your hips to the sensual beat he watches as other bodies join you, mostly pairs, to sway and grind with each other. he softly sang along getting more buzzed from the liquid courage.
All was well until he showed up. Some random dude who came up behind you slowly wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close. Toru was seething as he watched this guy whisper in your ear making you giggle that infectious laugh that he wished was reserved for only him.
'I hope you can see the state that i'm in, while hes touching your skin'
The longer the scene unfolded in front of him, the more he felt his body tingle with jealousy. He felt like a child being forced to share when he wanted to keep you to himself. Hes selfish, and hes fully aware of that.
'He's right where I should, where I should be...'
Downing the last of his drink, he stood there throwing daggers at the pair. He was angry, but not at you. he could never be angry at you. As the song finished and you made your way back over to the kitchen, New toy boy in tow, Toru felt his body act on its own.
He made his way over to where you were standing too entranced in the other man, who he soon came to learn as Miya Atsumu, to notice his presence behind you. Not until you turned your head to the side while Miya was planting kisses up the side of your neck that you noticed Oikawa.
The energy of the situation shifted drastically once you realized who loomed over you. You weren't sure if it was all the alcohol or even the weed you smoked but Oikawa looked so unbelievably sexy right now. I mean he's always been so sexy too you with him being such a dork. It always turned you on slightly and when he'd stretch you got to see how built he really was. But right now? You wanted him to fuck you ASAP. his glasses had long been discarded. his hair was slightly disheveled and he looked pissed. You wanted him bad.
"Oikawa! whats up babe? you enjoying the party?"
He didn't respond just slightly nodding his head.
"Well dude if you don't mind were kinda in the middle of something right now, so..."
This time the blonde spoke. and that sent Oikawa over the edge. He grabbed your hand and stormed away dragging you behind him. You were yelling at him to slow down for a second finding it hard to keep up with his long strides. He couldn't hear you though. his ears were ringing and everything became muffled.
When he entered you bedroom he slammed the door behind him leaving you standing there eyes wide in shock. This was NOT your Toru Oikawa. you've always known toru to be soft and patience and overall kind of a push over. But the man standing in front of you was none of those things.
"Oikawa What the actual fuck is going on?! why did you-" before you could even finish your sentence you were stopped by Toru's mouth on yours. moaning softly into the rough kiss you wrapping your arms around his shoulders you pull him closer. your whole body burning up with lust.
As the kissing became even more intense you pulled away smiling at the brunette who was looking at you with blown out pupils.
“Get on the bed.”
“You heard me. Get on the bed.”
You have never seen him being so commanding before. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on. In fact this was the most turned on you’ve ever been.
Doing as he said you made your way onto the bed sitting on your knees waiting for him to come over to you.
grabbing a your hair and yanking it slightly to pull your head to the side he began attacking your neck, Leaving a trail of purple marks to bloom in his wake.
“You think you’re so cute slutting yourself out like that huh? letting other men grab you and touch you hm?”
not trusting yourself to speak you just moaned in response.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that. To dance with you and kiss you? i bet you don’t because all you care about is getting your holes stuffed don’t ya?”
He was being so mean and yet you could feel yourself getting wetter with each new insult he threw your way. Making his way back up to you he grabbed your face forcing you to look at him. His cock throbbing as he saw the fat tears well in your eyes.
“Poor baby’s crying now. You didn’t mean it did you baby?”
“N-no Toru, just wanted to make you jealous is all” you mewled out. tears falling and staining your pretty face. you weren’t crying because of him being mean. you were crying because you were so incredibly horny and he wasn’t doing anything to help.
As if he read your mind he began to kiss you again letting his hands roam around your body until they reached close to where you ached for him the most.
while his hands slowly scaled your thighs you moaned as he inches closer to your core.
“Toru please”
“What is it baby what do you want?”
“Want you to touch me, please i promise i won’t go near Atsumu anymore just please touch me”
he was so done for.
He had fantasized about you moaning and begging for him for so long he never expected for it to actually happen.
humming in response he decided to be nice and give you what you wanted.
“lie down baby, i’ll make you feel good. promise.”
doing as he said you laid down on the bed staring up at your ceiling in anticipation while he parted your legs. pulling your panties to the side he moaned at the sight of your cunt.
“so fucking pretty” he mumbled to himself. as you raised your head to try listen to what he said, he dove right in. licking a bold stripe up your center that had your head falling back and the most pornographic moan leaving your mouth.
as he continued to work his skill full mouth against your core you were lost in a world of ecstasy. Oikawa found himself rutting against the edge of the bed, his dick growing harder as you continued to moan his name. It’s like all his birthdays came at once.
“Toru please please please i’m gonna cum please don’t stop, oh my god” blabbering incoherent words to a pussy drunk Toru only drove him to bring you over the edge.
slipping in two of his fingers to replace his tongue that he now focused on your clit, lapping up every single drop of you not letting you go to waste.
“You taste so good baby, So fucking sweet, you’ve got the prettiest pussy you know that yeah?. she’s so fucking wet for me”
Now he was blabbering. The vibrations of his voice is what made you cum. and hard.
Riding out your high on his face Toru still kept lapping you up even in your overstimulated state. It wasn’t until you forcefully had to lift his head up that he stopped.
“Toru is too much,i want you in me please need your cock so badly” you managed to squeeze out in between moans. surely the whole party has heard how desperate you sound now.
“Yeah? I dunno baby i don’t think you deserve it after the stunt you pulled earlier. Why don’t you beg for it angel?”
You did just that. Pleading with the lanky brunette to “Stuff you full of his cock”. Fat tears falling from your eyes as you beg with such desperation, the lust in your body physically hurting, the only cure being Oikawas touch burning in its place.
After what felt like an eternity he finally shushed you with a kiss so gentle you almost missed it.
“Awh i think you’ve apologized enough sweetheart, lay down for me. let me make you feel all better~/.” he whispered in your ear as he guided your back gently to the bed, positioning himself in between your legs with your ankles resting on his shoulders. Lining himself up with your entrance you both took a sharp breath as he pushed in.
Toru swears he could have came right there from how warm and soft your insides were. Bottoming out fully you both moaned in ecstasy. The stretch from how big Oikawas cock was, was enough to make your eyes roll back into your skull.
“Ru, please move please, need to feel you fuck me so hard please” as you pleaded some more, toru could feel his cock get unbelievably harder.
Pushing your knees closer to your chest, Oikawa continued to drill his cock deep into your cunny. Hitting that soft spot that made your eyes roll back further and your mouth drop into a soft 'O' shape. He marvel in your moans as your tits bounced around.
"Whats wrong baby? going too deep?" he asked, false concern dripping in his voice. All you could do is whine is response, not trusting your voice quiet yet, He could get used to seeing you like this. Hair splayed out across your pillow, eyes brimming with fat tears threatening to fall. You were so cock drunk he'd be surprised if you even remembered your own name at this point.
Chanting his name like a mantra, you began to claw at his biceps your body warning him of your approaching orgasm before your mouth can even catch up.
"T-Toru please right there, so close, 'm so close,fuck, wanna cum, need to cum all over your cock please please-" you didn't even know if your sentences were even making sense at this point but you didn't even care, only caring about being able to finish.
"Yeah? go on then baby, shittt-cum all over my cock."
Like a devote follower listening to her god, you did just that. the most intense orgasm ripped through your body ass your whole body shook, back ripping off the bed in a high arch as you clung onto Oikawa for dear life, who continued to fuck you through your mind numbing climax to reach his own which followed not long after.
Moaning and whimpering in your ear, Toru came with his head buried in the nook of your neck, biting down on the sweet spot that connected your neck and shoulder to try and cover his own pathetic moans. Now it was his turn for his body to shake as he filled you up with his load, not wanting a single drop to go to waste.
after a few beats of silence with the two of you just trying to catch your breath, the brunette lifted his head from its place in the nook of your neck and spoke first.
"Are you okay? i didn't go to far did i? im sorry i dont know what came over me i just saw you with Miya and-"
Before he could continue to blabber on you shut him up. planting a slopping kiss on his lips which he graciously returned, as the kiss once again became more heated the door burst open to reveal a drunk and most definitely pissed Atsumu Miya.
"What. the. fuck."
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heartbinn · 4 months
My darling I would love to read your take on this idea. Love ya 😘
SeungIN x MaleReader
I.n steals puppy's favourite hoodie and when seung goes looking for it (annoyed) Mn sells him out. Innie just wanted to be covered in his hyungs scent. You offer Seung you're favourite hoodie in exchange and he's finally happy again and gives you a shy kiss and mutters a thank you. I love the idea of Seung getting all giddy, shy, and fluffy when Mn offers his hoodie. Then he goes the chase innie down XD
"Where is it" "Very descriptive hyung" "You know what I'm talking about" "Wouldn't have a clue 🤷‍♂️" "My favourite hoodie?!" "Oh pfff innie is wearing it" "YOU TRAITOR!!"
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Steal Stole Stolen
Seungmin + mreader + i.n
-warnings; /fluff/
-not proofread
A/n ajdhsjdndnxn finnnnnnnally getting to write this.... im sorry pookie im doing my job i swear!!!!!!
Also i kind of changed some things beacuse i needed a plot going sorry ml😔🙏
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8pm, quite late for the members to still be at the studio. Channie would usually send them out before seven to have dinner.
But today, two members remained behind, Mn, who seemed to not be able to get the footwork right, and I.N, who was willing to stay behind with his boyfriend to teach him.
"No- no, Mnnie-" He laughed a little. "You're supposed to step back in and back out there.. okay.. hold on let me check"
Jeongin crouched near the mirror and started the chorus, the song playing loud, and Mn trying to get it right. He stopped at the middle of it though. "Ahh i can't do this.. my knees hurt"
"Ahh but i see where you dont get the beat" The other replied. "You just have to hear it out it's okay, you'll do it perfect overtime" Standing up, he walked over to Mn, pressing a small kiss at the corner of his lips. "Mhh i'll be back in a minute okay? I'll go shower, you stay Mnnie"
And with that, and of course, another peck, he was out the door, leaving the practice room. Mn really should shower too, but he likes to calm down first. He sat down near the mirror, sitting back against it.
Just some minutes later, the door opened again. Mn didn't pay much attention to it, thinking I.N came back and continued scrolling on his phone.
Thats when he heard a small huff. He looked up, catching a glimpse of his other boyfriend, who pouted his lips forward.
"Minnie?" He called out to him. "How come you came back? What's wrong?" Seungmin seemed to lift the pillows from the couch and put them back, looking behind any and every object and furniture.
"Where is itll.." The puppy was clearly annoyed.
"Where is what..?"
"You know what im talking about"
"No i dont..?"
"My hoodie.."
"And.. you're cold?" Mn questioned. "Or like.. i remember you taking it off but.. i think you brought it with yourself when leaving."
Minnie pouted his lips again, something to keep him distracted. "Im not cold.. i j's need it.."
"Uhmm which hoodie again? Cus i know i have the black and green one in my closet over at the dorm but.."
"Its the grey one.. with the chinese writing on the back" He replied. Ohhh yeah thats one of his favourites.
"Ohh that one, yeah Innie took it" Mn smirked, enjoying to sell him out for once. "He's showering right now though"
Seungmin groaned. "Oh my god so i have to wait for him?!" He sighed and sat down next to Mn.
"Calm down minnie, he should be back soon" Mn giggled and after a few minutes, he spoke again. "Do you want mine?"
Seungmin immidiately looked at him. "Your.. what?"
"My hoodie? You're cold no?" Mn watched and laughed as minnie kept looking at him, his cheeks slowly turning red.
He looked down, covering his cheeks. "I.. guess.." He muttered, watching as Mn immidiately took his hoodie off, handing it to him.
Minnie reached for it, his eyes glued to Mn's stomach which got slightly exposed when taking off the piece of fabric.
"T-thank you.. love" He muttered, leaning over and pressing a small kiss against his cheek.
"Aww not my lips?~" He cooed, enjoying the way Min's face kept turning into a darker shade of pink.
But of course, after muttering something to himself, he connected his lips to the others. Just for a few seconds, until he pulled back and buried his face deep in the hoodie.
He seemed to be drunk on it too, inhaling the scent and smiling, giggling like he just got a compliment.
It's rare to see him like this and so cute..
But the moment only lasted, until the door opened and innie stepped in, his hair slightly wet, while.. wearing the exact hoodie minnie was searching for...
"Oh hey minnie" i.n greeted, closing the door behind him.
Seungmin seemed not to lift his head from the hoodie.
"Innie, where is my hoodie.."
"Ah- um hyung-" his face turned red. "Um.. i don't know.. i didn't take it..."
"Mnnie told me you did though.."
"Ah- Mnnie!! You just backstabbed me like that?? You traitor!!" Innie acted dramatic as Seungmin seemed to finally lift his head, immidiately noticing his hoodie.
He stood up, chasing after jeongin who just ran out the door, not wanting to give the hoodie back.
Mn laughed, standing up and walking out. "Hey! Wait for me too!"
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showmey0urfangs · 3 months
eagerly awaiting your thoughts on the finale & season as a whole queen, whenever you might be ready to share them! i watched ep 8 and have just been staring at my ceiling lol.
Hi Anon! Actually, I got to see the finale a few weeks back but I couldn't discuss it until it aired for obvious reasons. I was very curious to see how the rest of the fandom would react to it. As you've probably guessed, I'm not crazy about it, though there are some moments that I really enjoyed.
My main gripe with this episode is that by changing the book plot point and making Lestat the one who saves Louis while Armand was apparently intent on both he and Claudia dying, it creates a massive plot hole where Armand's motivations make even less sense than they did at the end of ep 6 (I talked about this in more details in another ask). Now Armand doesn't kill Claudia because he wants Louis more than anything in the world and he sees Claudia as competition (which she never even was in this version but okay). Now he wants to kill both of them, and he does this because...he's a villain who does villainous things muahaha! Who the fuck knows, tune in next season to find out...maybe
It points to the same sloppy writing that is recurrent throughout this entire season. The writers introduce major deviations from the books—which, great we love that, imo the show does best when it creates its own fresh new storylines, as evidenced by ep 5 and most of present-day Dubai—but then they turn around and still try to shoehorn in the same story beats from the book and it just doesn't work anymore, so the whole thing ends up feeling incoherent and contradictory.
Do I think Armand would have any qualms about killing Louis under different circumstances, absolutely not! My pookie hunts down and dismembers rogue fledglings as a pastime. In fact, the only reason he doesn't obliterate Louis and Claudia to ashes the minute they set foot in Paris is precisely because he falls for Louis and becomes so obsessed with Louis that he would do anything to have him.
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If they were gonna change that plot point by removing Loumand's love story entirely then commit all the way and at least give us another plausible motivation for Armand putting on a whole ass fake trial and pretending he could not prevent it™ when his intent was to kill Louis anyway. What was the pretence for if not for Louis' benefit? What was the aim of his big machiavellic plan if it was not to get rid of Claudia and the coven in one fell swoop so that he and Louis could be together? Who the fuck knows, tune in next season to find out...maybe.
I also have a problem with the final twist/reveal. The way the show frames it, it doesn't come down to Louis finding out that Armand had a hand in Claudia's death. He already knew that, though not the full extent of it—because he's a dumb dumb who believed that Armand was oh so helpless next to the fierce vampire Sam. No, what pisses Louis off the most is the reveal that Armand didn't save him at the trial (although Armand still does free him from the coffin even though he's the one who wanted him killed in the first place, go figure).
But you see, Lestat loves Louis the mostest because at least HE saved Louis from the revenge trial...that he planned and rehearsed for months. So ShackLestat, as we're calling him, gets a bit of a rushed impromptu redemption arc with a tender hug and a kiss while Armand is thrown into a concrete wall and sent packing.
The final reveal is not about Claudia, it was never about [her]. The reason Louis resents Lestat in 1949 and pulls his little CW teen drama stunt in Magnus's tower hasn't changed; Lestat still crossed an ocean to rehearse a play that would burn his daughter alive and still stood by as said daughter was burnt to death. Armand is still the POS who sold them out. That hasn't changed much either. The decision of who Louis forgives comes down to who rescued him—which of his two toxic husbands was the better knight in dusty armour that chose him over Claudia. But who tf cares right? Loustat reunion everybody, yay! 🎉
I have so many other discrepancies and inconsistencies I could talk about, but at this point, I've made peace with the choices the show made. It's clear that the strikes had a huge impact on the writing and the overall quality the show might have had in a more ideal scenario. Hopefully, s3 will fare better, especially since RoJo—just like he keeps reminding us in every interview—will be writing about a character that he actually gives a fuck about for a change. 🙃
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
INFECTION --> Part 1
made this for my Pookie @tatumis-a idk the concept reminded me of you and I think you'll like it hopefully
42!Miles x Fem!Reader --> Last of Us AU
WC: 1k
A/N: This is basically just a random little AU I wanted to write out for myself 😭 only a short beginning to what is probably gonna end up being a long series. its not gonna follow the plot of the original TLOU but its gonna be fairly similar to stay tuned 🔊  🗣🔥
This was your chance
You lowered yourself out of the window as quietly as you could, silently praying you wouldn't alert any of the guards stationed near the dorms.
You'd been planning this day for weeks. The day you'd finally escape the prison the government called a camp. The enslavement they called schooling.
It wasn't schooling and it wasn't a camp. It was a way for them to turn scared little kids into soldiers for their useless army. So they could send more and more young people out into the fields to die from cordyceps for nothing.
Tomorrow would be the day you'd graduate. 16 years old. Ready to be another soldier. Another pawn.
But you weren't going to let that happen.
You fell to the ground with a thump, immediately dodging behind one of the many wilted bushes surrounding the bottom floor. You watched as one of the guard groups walked by, flashlights aimed towards the ground in front rather than the surrounding areas.
You took your chance to quickly move past, walking along the streets as inconspicuously as you could. You hid from any guards that walked by, hoping they wouldn't notice you in the darkness.
The strict curfew kept the streets empty while the patrol attempted to weed out the few stragglers left behind. It was well past 11pm and basically everyone was asleep by now.
It only took you a few minutes of brisk walking to reach the fence, the only thing separating the camp from the outside world, riddled with infected and rabid animals. Mercenaries and gangs. Psychopaths and murderers.
Yet you had a feeling that the outside world would be a lot better than being entrapped in this suffocating line they expected you to call home.
The outside world would be a lot more welcoming than the government would let on. After all, if the Fireflies could survive, why couldn't you? A "terrorist" group who's sole goal was to save humanity from extinction.
To find a cure.
And now you were going to find them.
Because it was only the Fireflies that could truly make you feel like you belonged.
Like there was something worth living for.
A cure...that would save everyone.
You tossed your backpack over the fence, following after it. The sharp edges of the metal scraped at your hands, leaving behind scratches and drawing blood. You ignored the pain, biting back groans as you heaved yourself over, falling to the ground on the other side.
You immediately felt...vulnerable. Exposed.
Out there, you could be met with anything.
The groans of infected could be heard in the distance. You could always hear them this late at night, but right now their moans seemed much more harrowing.
But you shook off the fear. Finding the Fireflies was the most important thing to you right now.
And that's exactly what you were going to do.
Two days later
You stumbled as you ran through the mall, the sounds of growling and moaning disappearing into the distance behind you. You knew they couldn't follow you into here, the place was too fortified, but you kept running just in case.
You turned the corner quickly, arm outstretched to grab onto the wall and keep you from falling. Your head was turned over your shoulder, looking behind you to make sure you weren't being followed. That was a mistake.
When you looked back in front of you, you immediately stepped back, arms up in the air. Standing in front of you, leaning back against the wall with crimson red leaking out of his side, was a young boy with a gun in his hand, pointed directly at you.
"Step the fuck back." He hissed, shaking the gun at you and cocking it threateningly. You obliged, silently taking a step back and nearly jumping as your back hit the wall. "Look man, I'm not gonna hurt you-"
"Shut up." You nodded, looking down and keeping your hands up while he inspected you, head tilting to the side slightly. "What's your name?" He asked questioningly, voice as icy cold as possible.
"Y/N." You replied, slowly looking back up at him. His gaping wound caught your eye. His shirt was ripped, as though he'd been slashed at with a knife...or with claws. When you squinted your eyes slightly, you could make out...
a bite wound.
Suddenly you stood up straight, your heart dropping into your stomach. "Wh-what is that?" You asked softly, pointing towards his side. He looked down and his eyes widened, a flicker of fear flashing across his face. "Nothing." He said quickly. "Keep your hands in the air."
"Were you bit?" You asked cautiously, putting your hands back up. He hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. But-"
You cut him off. "Let me go. You're going to die anyways, don't take me down with you."
"I'm not going to die!" He exclaimed nervously, voice trembling and the gun in his hand shaking slightly. He cleared his throat, pointing the gun at you once again. "I'm not going to die."
"Let me guess, you were bit this morning? By one of those monsters out there?" You asked, tilting your head back slightly. "Come on, man. Just let me go."
"I-I-" he hesitated. "You're not gonna believe me." he said quietly, shaking his head.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "What's there to believe?"
He stayed silent for a moment. "This bite...its two weeks old." he whispered, slowly moving his gun down. When you realized he wasn't going to hurt you, his words began to sink in.
"You're lying." You muttered. "You're lying! That's not possible. Everyone turns within three days." You took a cautious step towards him, gesturing for him to show you the wound. "Let me see it."
He leaned back against the wall and sat down, lifting his shirt up slightly. You crouched in front of him, the sight sending a wave of nausea across you. "Oh my god." You whispered softly. He flinched.
The wound was...healed, somewhat. It looked old. Definitely older than other bites you'd seen. It wasn't infected. But how was that possible?
Everyone turns within three days...
"How are you alive?" You whispered.
He stared at you back at you, his eyes filled with what you could only understand as pain. "I don't know."
Tags: Tags: @therealloopylupin2099 @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @puff-hugs @d0uble-tr0ubl3 @choccymilkdrinker @breadglasses @sunasslut69 @a-cinnamonbunny @ask-1610-miles @axels-garden @miniaturesuitfox @spotconlon55 @s6onder
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frostythefrostedfox · 4 months
I can't really see sonamy working out in the long run, either one of or both characters would have to be ooc if they were a couple, I can only see it as alot of giving and sacrificing mostly from Sonic's end, because so far shown in the games canon, Amy hasnt had alot of patience with him and wants a more typical kind of relationship with sonic with dating and all that, which sonic just isnt all that in to.
Considering how much the average sonamy fanbrat clings for dear life to two tposing models in a leaked screenshot and one out of context leftover line, it has always seem like they are looking for validation rather than consensus, they tend to turn any conversation from "exposition of motives" to "explaining why i am right", and you cant win that one, you never will.
The reason why so much sonamy related stuff feels so OOC for both of themy care very little about representing the actual characters and more about representing what they want these characters to be, usually turning them into mouthpieces for whatever bias or story they want to tell, which in turn explains a lot of their love for other OOC representations of their pairing, like Prime Sonic and Thorn, or IDW Sonamy. Their story reads great if you read it in a vacuum, but as soon as you contrast whatever they wrote with the writing in the games, it becomes apparent that these are not the same characters, replacing Sonic with Domingo, by writing him to be, usually, a self centered prick that has to learn the value of *insert positive trait here*, or a little penis man that trips on his balls everytime he takes a step and needs someone to believe in him so he can do this with the power of love and friendship; and replacing Amy with Consuela, this lovey dovey perfect girl that has never ever done anything wrong, has never made Sonic feel uncomfortable, has never stalked him and has never ever in the history of ever tried to force her views and herself into sonic's lifestyle.
For some this shit was never about "why would these two character become better by being with each other" and more of "Me and my pookie". For a while several depictions of sonamy (i would call it fanon, but that would imply there is a canon counterpart, and guess what!) have always struck me as some weird self insert, and it usually reads in one of two ways
First: Self inserting as Sonic, the one being chased, the thing gets morphed into some early 2000s romcom plot, "she is annoying but i care about her", where, at the end, the pursued reveals that they have always had an interest in the pursuer and that trying to get away was their way to try and fool themselves. Usually this goes with the motif of "I wish that were me"
Second: Self inserting as Amy, this is the toxic and problematic one, because more often than not the author ends up agreeing with the concept of "Love as a transaction", where their interest must always be reciprocated because they did these many things, they have been around for this long or they have met this set of arbitrary requisites.
I really don't wanna be that person, but to me these behaviours tends to speak a lot more about its poster than about the subject of the post, and the fact that you're usually met with such defensive, offensive and sometimes aggresive behaviours (because the shit that some of them say is really eyebrow raising and I wanna believe is just a passing comment that does not represents their actual views on said topics and issues) from the fanbrats upon mentioning it, hinting at it or bringing it up, makes me believe it
If you have to change two characters so much before they can be compatible with each other, maybe they don't belong together, and maybe, just maybe, you're just looking way to deep into something that holds absolutely no meaning for validation of your ideas that you yourself made believe were real, and acting the way that some do whenever the topic aint "how great sonamy is" kinda points in the direction of "I know it but im afraid to admit it"
At the end of the day people can like whatever they want and I'm sure that most sonamy fans are normal people, but if you're one of the fanbrats that just gotta be so vocal and loud about it, don't act all offended when the others complain, or worse, do the same
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ramennoodlezzzao3 · 3 months
nobody asked me to answer, but I’m gonna anyways 😝
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
Idk how to do that lol
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I couldn’t find any fics that I wanted bc I’m too specific, so I started writing. It was purely for fun and I wasn’t fully thinking about the fact that people might actually read it AND enjoy it lol
  🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
me and some of my moots from TikTok created this playlist lol (it’s, like, 14 hours long)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? Idk what that means but ima go off of what I’m thinking and that is just editing while proof reading and I enjoy it! 10/10
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🙏👉😁🔥💀 (no, it’s not abt the burning church 💀🙏)
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
I’m new here, I have no EXTREMELY close moots so idk. But @paul-ster seems pretty chill so probably them (
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I HAVE SO MANY I LOVE! But if I had to choose rn Soracha for the author and “Ron Weasley and His First Year at Hogwarts” by snoopy_owl. Two of my favs!
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
none, believe it or not. I constantly check it for ao3 updates. But I also have three separate yt accounts so I get regular emails abt comments and updates and I normally check them everyday. The only exception is one email I use for spam sites like grammarly, that email has 408 unread emails.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
ooo, neither tbh. Unless its a one-shot or a mini fic where I add a S/O or like my unpublished Uber fic where I had to add several OG characters, I don’t like adding new ones bc I think it disrupts the story a lot and I normally don’t read fics when people do that. And personally, unless it’s the ones that are supposed to be halrious and satire, I think self-inserts are kinda cringey bc most people who write them over-sexulize the characters and add weird stuff in that makes me cringe (key word: MOST not ALL) but also I just cant imagine myself dating someone let alone my comfort characters.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I don’t think I have any
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
I just can’t get into the writing mood. But when I start it’s really hard to stop
  🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
PURLY! I love to think Curly calls pony “Mi Amor” or like calls him pet names in Spanish. I think it’s really cute
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
literally don’t be fake as hell. Don’t be all shy and sweet like, if you are comeback or Yapping king/queen then tell me bc we can yap together. Like, If I can call you Pookie within the first four interactions, we are besties, considered us married at that point
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I’m redecorating my room, I got a new puppy, and- wait, bitch, who gives a fuck, let’s be honest 💀🙏
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
can’t say bc it’s an unpublished chapter of a on going fic 😝
  🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Harry Potter is kinda an ass
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t write anything too bizarre so I can’t think of anything
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
strive to accomplish what you set as a goal, not what society set as a standard or a must
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
My comfort character gets ignored hard core, makes new friends, get into shenanigans, and then a lot of angst ensues. Who would write it best? Mmm…Fictionalcharacter graveyard or Soracha
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
if you have a scene you want to write for a fic, start writing it but ONLY WRITE THE DIALOGUE. You can add who said it but I do it all the time and it gives me new ideas and gradually helps me continue a fic. It’s also easier to add detail in between when you are focused on that instead of getting to the next dialogue scene.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Nick Sturniolos iconic “Then he will taste the rainbow while he goes out”
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
“I LOVE THIS, I CAN’T WAIT FOR ANOTHER CHAPTER!” Then they go on an entire yap session about how they think the fic will turn out or parts they’re excited for. It always makes me happy to see someone enjoy my hobby as much as I do even though we have different perspectives 🤭
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Alr, ik im gonna get backlash but i cant stand Cherry Valence. 1. I will give it to her, she’s a downright badass.
2. her hair is really pretty
3. She was nice to pony at the drive in, I’ll give her some points (still don’t like her too much tho)
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
Not much. Okay, this is gonna sound so fricking clique but that last lie I told was “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired” even though I know damn well I’m probably depressed asf
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
I have only older siblings and every time one moves out, I stop talking to them so I don’t become the annoying youngest sister, so I’m afraid their gonna forget about me, and they probably will. I only have two siblings that still live with me so that’s only two more people left to forget me before I’m totally alone lol. (Depressed, see?)
  🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
book writers that can describe really well.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I think I’m too impatient and give myself an unrealistic deadline for stuff
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them a lot!
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I’ll add that later lol
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
it was a name my family wouldn’t be able to find. I’m embarrassed to write bc my family LOVES to pick out your insecurities and hobbies and never let you live them down.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
again, I’m new here, so nobody here is my “supporter” but @shae-pine has liked all of my posts so ig them? I got to say, that “The Youngest (The Favorite)” fic I really liked! Ur also just the sweetest person ever! 😭🫶🏻
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
I have 7 (I had 8 but my cat passed away yesterday, RIP in the comments for Sophie 🩵)
I won’t post pics because that’s a large file 😭🙏
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
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🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
self insert, too much OOC scenes, pairings I don’t like, oc’s/characters unless it’s the character I’m reading abt, pure smut or p*rn, over sexulization or romanticizing R*pe, over detailed non-con, specific characters are dead, and the fic doesn’t focus on a character that I wanna read about.
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hidden-snow · 7 months
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Just wanted to put this out there for anyone who might think otherwise; I will not apologize for who I am.
I have been accused so many times by people I thought I could trust. I've been taken advantage of, spit on, and treated like shit all my life. So if I come back with a nasty bite, just know its because I'm not a fucking dog. I've not been raised to lay down and roll over to expose my belly to motherfuckers who think they can dictate my life.
I don't give a shit whose feelings I hurt. Because you obviously didn't give a shit when you trampled over mine. So let's get one thing fucking straight right here and now:
Hello people.
I'm the one and only Hidden Snow. I had a writing account before with over 400 followers. I was in an amazing discord server. I loved the people in it. I was happy and I'd just started to grow comfortable with the people around me.
And then one day? I talked about my obsession over Hazbin Hotel. Yes. That show that a certain creator had made.
One of the server members made a comment that they hoped the creator would lose the show. And I responded. I stated that I hoped Vivziepop wouldn't lose the show. ONLY because I knew different people would change it. They'd change the characters, the plot line, everything. I didn't want the show to be changed.
And then, somehow, I got accused of supporting Vivziepop and genocide, despite me simply wanting the show to stay the same. Then, my amazing lovely @strongheartneteyam got accused of being racist when she attempted to stop the fighting and to control the situation so things would become peaceful again. The accuser claimed that they were going to go on Tumblr and accuse her publicly. So of course, to support my lovely pookie, I went on Tumblr and warned the people so that they'd be prepared for it.
In response, the accuser posted a "call out" post, claiming that I'd bullied them and that I was racist and "scared of them" because they were black. I CANNOT express how many times this same person, during the argument in the server, showed blatant racism against white women in particular.
To top it off, I never spoke to this person. Not a single time. I was mainly a lurker in the server, but the people I interacted with, I was familiar with them. This person, I didn't even know existed until they popped into the argument. And by that point? I had left the discussion to keep from saying something I might've regretted.
So tell me. Tell me how I was a bully and a racist when I never interacted with that person. Not even once. I have no idea why but I guess a lot of people nowadays only listen to half the story and then judge.
I lost many mutuals. I felt lost and alone, shunned by my "friends" despite me not actually having done anything wrong. I got tired. So I deleted my account. I took a week for my mental health. And I got angry. So fucking angry.
So here I am. And I will tell the truth, blatant or not. You can see it as bullying. You can see it as me being a horrible asshole. But I don't care anymore. Because I'm not going to let some petty big shots attempt to ruin my fight anymore. I'm not going to let them turn off my voice, just because it makes them upset or uncomfortable.
I'm done being a doormat, appealing to the bigger accounts in an attempt to win their hearts over. If you want to try and ruin me, fucking do it. Do your best. Because whether I lose followers or gain followers, whether I receive death threats or not, I'm still going to stand by my word and the truth of what I'm saying.
When I needed a shoulder to lean on? When I needed someone to hear out my side of the story so that I could clear my name, they shunned me instead. They ignored me and chose sides by ignoring my pleas for the truth to be revealed. They say they were "remaining neutral" in the matter, but when you listen to one side claiming something and then turn a blind eye to the other side, you're not staying neutral. You're picking sides. So yeah.
That's all I have to say on the matter. If you've found me through some of the bigger accounts complaining about me? Congratulations. You've found the asshole speaking their side of everything that has happened.
Because of these people, I wanted to end it all. Not just my career on Tumblr, but my life as well. I've never had my name drug through the mud unjustly before and I had no idea how to react. But now, I'm reacting. And I'm going to come back with a vengeance. I'm going to fight tooth and nail to show the sides of these accounts that have been shown to me. The sides that are hidden from their followers.
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seeingivy · 1 year
What’s your writing process like? Do you outline or storyboard?
LOVELY POOKIE. MY LOVELIEST POOKIE YOU ARE. WHAT A DARLING YOU ARE. this is a very very fun question im very honored you asked/want to know.
this usually depends based on what im writing.
shorter fics or one shots, like family rules (which is one of my most popular fics hehe) kind of comes to me in a vision. think of these type of fics as like - ronnie is being delusional before bed and imagining a life with gojo before she goes to sleep. except it does not stay in my head and then I post it here on seeingivy dot com
my very special taylor as gojo series is its own breed. before, it would be i listened to a taylor song and got an idea and I was like yup. thats the one.
but most of taylor as gojo lately has been requests (WHICH I LOVE THAT YOU GUYS LOVE TAYLOR AS GOJO) so I will literally blast that song till something comes to me. ive been on and off streaming between call it what you want and story of us and nothing has hit me like lightning yet - so I will take more time to ruminate as these two songs are very special to me and I want them to be good.
as for my lovely, lovely long fics, this is less structured, which is even funnier:
I'll get the idea and scattered scenes will come to me. i'll have a rough idea of the plot in my head, of how I want things to go, and kind of work out the story points as I go
Idk what kind of reaction this will evoke, but 90% of important plot points do not come out until I write them
historia/y/n feud was not a thing until two days ago. the girlfriend scene was not pre-planned the met gala was not pre-planned. y/n getting stranded was not planned. this literally all happened yesterday cuz I was like oh what if.....
there are certain scenes that I think of that earlier on tho just make me really excited to write -> I always wanted their first kiss to be them practicing kissing for a scene, I wanted there to be a jjk crossover and for sukuna to be AN ANNOYING SHIT, and there's a bunch of other scenes like that in my head that i'm really, REALLY excited to write
so basically no plot. I actually don't even know how method acting ends actually. this is literally all just vibes - idk if that is horrifying to you a reader or exciting but the story comes to me as it comes to me and I work things out and build them in
this is also why I can fit so much fan service in my stories - whatever you guys show interest in (for example, armin was never meant to be a polaroid fiend but you guys thought it was cute and now made it a thing) you want laufey? I give you laufey? you want the greatest by lana del ray? ok its coming
that being said, pls interact with your authors stories!!!! literally if you tell me you like a song, you like sukuna being a bitch, you want gojo being a menace I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN (to the best of my abilities) and you should always, always tell your authors what you love about their writing bc it makes their day + gives all the lil warm feelings so just take the time to appreciate!!!
anyways. idk if this gave any insight to you if you're a writer or if you're a reader i might have just like giving you a panic showing you what the inside of my mind is like. anyways. love you.
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