Imagine thinking that ‘Palestinian’ lives are worth anything when every one of them supports the barbarism that allows them to rape and murder actual women and children as if that’s just a normal train of thought and not blatant genocide.
Quite frankly? These numbers should be higher. No peace for rapist dogs and genocide supporters.
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princess101855 · 11 months
1. Who is your favourite historical person?
19. What’s your favourite historical book?
28. Do you have a favourite “dream team” of historical figures living at the same time in a specific era of history?
1- That's a hard one...depends on the day tbh. Hm...Wu ZeTian is one because her life story is so fascinating, and Elizabeth I of England for today. *spent 5 minutes thinking about this one.
19- If it's historical fiction...The Iron King series by Maurice Duron and anything written by C.W. Gortner. Actual history books...I love miiltary history (have a specialization in it with my major), so the Tim Cook books, or The Silk Road by Peter Frankopan.
28- Hm...the only real dream team I can think of are in the Tudor era from 1487-1603, especially around the 1530's to 1550's when a bunch of the fascinating monarchs were living and hating each other.
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cyberthingchaos · 1 year
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cruelfeline · 1 year
Honestly, though. If you're one of those gamers that complained about Cuff and Frey's dialogue, to the point of turning it off, you're going to miss so much.
So much of their relationship is tied up in the banter. And so is information about the world! Like, there are specific dialogues where Cuff teaches Frey about the realm they're in, about its historic purpose. Visoria with its archives and its livestock. Praenost with its miiltary. Avoalet with its justice system and river-based economy. Junoon with its herbal medicine and highly individualized society.
The game is so empty without these things. I imagine that that's why people whinged about it feeling dull and bland: because if you don't let Cuff and Frey do their thing, you just... miss out.
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argumate · 2 years
"I wouldn’t call that a backdown " Threathening miiltary actions up to the point of shooting down Pelosi's plane (they did this multiple times!) and having it be ignored with no consequences is a surrender no matter how you spin it. China laid down a red line and the US cheerfully stepped over it.
the only (non-American) public figure who explicitly called for Pelosi to be shot down was Hu Xijin, right? I was going to say that's like asking Tucker Carlson for an opinion but actually it seems like Fox News was torn between Pelosi-bad and China-bad on this particular issue, what a dilemma for them.
but yeah I was not expecting Pelosi's plane to be shot down and I don't think anyone else was either otherwise she would not have gone, but the "consequences" are the aforementioned missiles and a temporary I Can't Believe It's Not A Blockade of the island as a reminder that they can make it a real blockade if they have to.
I mean what would you expect them to do, start a war right then and there just because? they'll continue amping up military pressure as before.
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onlinebookclub-org · 4 years
Book of the Day June 17th -- International Thriller, Rated 4/4
Free on Kindle Unlimited: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/shelves/book.php?id=426470
Devil in False Colors (Lara and Uri, #3) by Jack Winnick
This book has earned a perfect 4/4 by the OnlineBookClub.org Review Team!!
Devil in False Colors makes a fine introduction into the adventures of Lara and Uri. They are a pair of secret agents with the common goal of eradication of international terror.
This is the third book in the (currently) five-part Lara-Uri series on international terrorism. However, it can be read on its own before the others. It is a complete story.
Come get your copy for only $2.99 or read it for free with Kindle Unlimited:
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sylvrain · 2 years
omfg. i had already told mom the DoD works on military films right. well she didn’t care obviously. but today i told her about Top Gun and the Vietnam War, the Tailhook scandal, Maverick and the “talking points” and the contract I saw, and she LITERALLY SAID “Why do you care? Just enjoy the movie. It’s just a movie” I have no fucking words
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
Some Military!Bros GaviiVerse
Just a collection of quotes from fics in honor of Nutty’s proclaimed Military!Bros day. I wanted to include more, but apparently all my writing is either Earth&Sky or FishTank. Even Voyage which is supposed to be all the boys so I was sure I was going to have a quote in there.... it’s a lot through our Virgil.
From Scenes from Gordon’s Bedside -Chapter 2 Mostly Scott and Virgil, but Gordon’s the catalyst
Scott hasn't even changed into civvies yet. He should probably. But there's something about the uniform that keeps him stabilized. It's the uniform and what it means and the "thanks for your service!" that keep people from seeing right through him, keep them from noticing instead the bags under his eyes, and that, if he had the energy to change into clothes that match how he feels, he would shatter into a million pieces.
He's been running on fumes, almost 56 hours from the first phone call, through whatever strings his father had to pull to get him temporary shore leave, and finally landing on terra firma again. It was as if the world jeered, flinging Scott along with him the second Gordon Tracy was thrown into the sea at speeds the human body could not withstand. Except Scott had not yet hit the water and Gordon had.
Hell, Gordon had.
And it's Virgil standing there nervously, drained in front of him, trying to appear stronger than he felt, that sends Scott the last bit over into the water.
Oh, God. Gordo. 400 f*cking knots.
His head spins with memories of chaos energy, and he sees a mop of strawberry blond choosing his own clothes for the first time, running to him with mis-matched socks and a wicked grin; the summer vacation Gordon spent finding the best shells because he wanted Scotty to see how cool they were and how much he knew about them; the second before the Olympic scoreboard revealed 1st place and Gordon's tears of joy as he stood on the podium proudly, whispering along with the national anthem.
From Firefly’s Glow - Chapter 1
Gordon had learned to appreciate all of Earth's life at a young age. He was never a rescue scout like Scott, as there was a bit too much focus on badgework for his tastes, but his youth was spent making mud pies, watching bird's nests, and observing caterpillar chrysalises all the same.
The summer Gordon was six, Scotty had taken him out to the barn late at night and showed him how to make a lantern of fireflies. Their adventure pack (really Scott's school bag, repurposed) held a flashlight, mason jars, a couple pieces of mesh to put overtop the glass, and two bug nets.
No brothers were allowed – this was for him and Scotty only.
He'd abandoned the bug net for his hands pretty quickly, and within a few minutes, he'd managed to catch five or so for his lightning bug lantern. Of course, Scott had managed to catch more because he was older and also because he'd shared this memory with all his brothers and this was only Gordon's first time.
It had been so pretty, the fireflies dancing in the mason jar, their lights slowly dimming and brightening in a mellow cadence that soothed his soul. But then, he realized their little bodies, which were used to flying around in the expanse of the sky, were suddenly confined to the glass container of the jar. And he saw not beauty but pain.
It was a lovely, bittersweet memory he kept close to his heart because it represented a key moment of his youth: first growing up with Scott as an older brother and also the first time he'd felt a creature's cry reach him. It was the same wail he felt when he read about oil spills off the coast of Alaska and illegal fishing nets that should not still be in use, and, god, the absolute trash humanity left in the oceans for poor sea turtles to choke over.
Scott hadn't understood where the tears came from suddenly, but Gordon remembered his brother kneeling in front of him so their eyesight was level, and he recalled him asking what happened and what Gordon needed, completely uncaring that his jeans were getting dirty in the fertilized soil. And the best thing about Scott was that he was the type of older brother that didn't laugh or ignore him when Gordon said "they want out" through blubbering tears. He just helped Gordon release their fireflies back into the night, and instead they spent their evening counting their happy flickering until the numbers lulled Gordon to sleep.
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oscarmikeradio · 4 years
188 - Andrew Farrer - Warrior Reborn
188 – Andrew Farrer – Warrior Reborn
Andrew was a guest on Oscar Mike Radio for #158 . (https://whoobazoo.com/oscarmike/2019/…) He was launching the Nashville, TN Irreverent Warriors Silkies Hike in 2019, and working on rebuilding himself. February 19th, 2020 Andrew graduated from Veterans Court. We talked about how that experience was good for him. He is a new man. Along with doing Veterans Court, Andrew feels Irreverent Warriors…
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starry-eyedmoony · 2 years
People acting like nothing is going on in this world is so surreal.
The graduation I just went to is one of the only big things I've been to since the pandemic started (except for pride, which was outdoors, had more masks and more space).
I was literally the only person in a mask as far as I can tell. It was outdoors, but it was very tight in the bleachers. Someone even brought an infant. It makes me almost feel crazy to be worrying, but I know it's still a problem. It's just wild how people have just decided to pretend things are normal.
I had an additional dose of that with thinking about gun violence. Everyone knows about the shooting that just happened. But also, a graduation that was down the street from my house like a week ago people got shot just outside of where it was being held. And no one talked about any of it or considered that. But I'm not even sure it had even been on there radar bc it happened an hour away from them which is fucking wild. They weren't even noting who all was there, anyone could come into the stadium.
And then, the shit with the flag an military just is so weird. Like I thought it was weird before, but I haven't been to a graduation or event that they do that in since 2019. They had to present the colors, do the anthem and the pledge (why both of them??), then spent time asking different kinds of miiltary people (active, vets, and then the kids who were going into the military straight from school) to stand up for applause. The more I learn, the more disgusting everything about that is. Celebrating violent imperialism is baked into so many big public events -- it's sickening.
And to top it all off, everything was loud as fuck.
I'm glad I got to see her graduate and I wish I could see them all more. I really do miss my family even if I don't know quite how to be myself around them. But holy shit the world feels like such a weird place.
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burritodetodo · 7 years
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I’m gonna go serious again. Today there was a very important march against the goverment (via the Supreme Court) decision to reduce condemns to military/police/priest/etc genocidals. It’s something we, the Argentinean people, hold for 34 years and counting against the impunity of those monsters who dissapeared and murdered 30k people, stole babies, tortured young people and many more horrors.
I’m ver, VERY proud of ourselves as society. We stood against the civilians who are in political power positions and were part of that miiltary dictatorship. Those “people” who wan impunity for their friends and partners. Do you imagine German justice releasing Nazi war criminals of the Holocaust in 1960s? It didn’t happen. Argentinean “justice” want to do it here with those 1976 genocidals, but we are stopping them and collapse the streets as necessary.
It happened before. We can’t ever let it happen again.
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Hawaii volcano eruption UPDATE Kilauea crater sees collapse EXPLOSION spew steam 4,500ft Miiltary Update News : Hawaii volcano eruption UPDATE Kilauea crater sees collapse EXPLOSION spew steam 4,500ft (Video/Thumbnail Picture just For Ilustration) Visit me here : Subscribe & More Videos: https://ift.tt/2lbhhY1 Thank for watching our Video, Please Like and Share #kilauea, #thelatest, #thelatest
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succorcreek · 7 years
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Friggin Fridays: Trump Goes On Extended Vaction as "Rome Burns" Friggin Fridays: Trump Goes On Extended Vacation as "Rome Burns" Rome = the USA What a week of Trump Sharknados: Trumpnados See this weeks posts on shockin yes shocking Trump assaults on decency and acts where he feel's he's above the law: Nixon's Playbook Pulling out of Puerto Rico Full Trump Assault on Gays and Transgenders Pulls of of UN Unesco Furthering Tweet Assaults Trump adds NBC to the list Corker: what's the Trump Ultra Shitlist and the one article we ask you to please see: Salmon and Alaska Killing What happens with psychopathy plus mania hypomania?Trump Symptoms of Hypomania a note from Scooter X: "Hey this week has all the signs of the psychopath with that form of mania you've called hypomania: driven more aggressive/mean not sleeping grandiose elevated mood despite circumstances. Will Trump's Extended Vacation include a road trip with bromantic Putin? and just now: Kellyanne Conway lies about fake news SKILLED IN THE DENIAL LIE Trump tries to sneak in his repeal affordable care again. Sessions has many threats and punishments and a time limit for Sanctuary Cities Many presidential orders this week: Trump increased travel restrictions lessened immigration quotas and asylum quotas and vowed to send back illegal aliens that had served the US Miiltary and language and intelligence experts (that has worked full time for the military for several years each). Time for an EXTENDED VACATION BECAUSE ALL THAT WEEKEND GOLF HAS WORN ME OUT! And his love for Russian Putin is again affirmed: Psychopaths Pirates Vampires and more: Run flee tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive: Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books Kindle Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs bipolar disorder criminal goal driven grandiose hypmania / mania of bipolar disorder risk taking trump hypomanic #trumpbully #stopbully #trumpmentalhealth http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp
Friggin Fridays: Tru
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nbcnightlynews · 8 years
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Hawaii volcano eruption UPDATE Kilauea crater sees collapse EXPLOSION spew steam 4,500ft Miiltary Update News : Hawaii volcano eruption UPDATE Kilauea crater sees collapse EXPLOSION spew steam 4,500ft (Video/Thumbnail Picture just For Ilustration) Visit me here : Subscribe & More Videos: https://ift.tt/2lbhhY1 Thank for watching our Video, Please Like and Share #kilauea, #thelatest, #thelatest by Mr Jordan
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succorcreek · 7 years
Friggin Fridays: Trump Goes On Extended Vaction as "Rome Burns"
Friggin Fridays: Trump Goes On Extended Vacation as "Rome Burns" Rome = the USA What a week of Trump Sharknados: Trumpnados See this weeks posts on shockin, yes shocking Trump assaults on decency and acts where he feel's he's above the law:
Nixon's Playbook
Pulling out of Puerto Rico
Full Trump Assault on Gays and Transgenders
Pulls of of UN Unesco
Furthering Tweet Assaults, Trump adds NBC to the list
Corker: what's the Trump Ultra Shitlist
and the one article we ask you to please see: Salmon and Alaska Killing
 What happens with psychopathy plus mania hypomania? Trump Symptoms of Hypomania a note from Scooter X:  "Hey, this week has all the signs of the psychopath with that form of mania you've called hypomania: driven more, aggressive/mean, not sleeping, grandiose, elevated mood despite circumstances.
Will Trump's Extended Vacation include a road trip with bromantic Putin?
and just now:  Kellyanne Conway lies about fake news, SKILLED IN THE DENIAL LIE
 Trump tries to sneak in his repeal affordable care, again.
Sessions has many threats and punishments and a time limit for Sanctuary Cities
 Many presidential orders this week:
 Trump increased travel restrictions, lessened immigration quotas and asylum quotas, and vowed to send back illegal aliens that had served the US Miiltary and language and intelligence experts (that has worked full time for the military for several years each).
And, his love for Russian Putin is again affirmed:
Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
Run, flee, tell others! 300 topics on this listed below in the Cloud Archive:
Click Here: Catalog of 100 Books, Kindle, Hypnosis Binaural Subliminal CDs
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2kHzChY #trumppirate #trumpgangster
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