#mikazuki villa
Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 7 Group 35
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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The Golden Deer: Claude Von Reigan, Hilda Valentine Goneril, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, Raphael Kirsten, Ignatz Victor, Marianne Von Edmund, Lysithea Von Ordelia, Leonie Pinelli
Mikazuki Villa: Iroha Tamaki, Yachiyo Nanami, Tsuruno Yui, Felicia Mitsuki, Sana Futaba & Ui Tamaki
Submissions are still open!
The Golden Deer:
You could technically submit any of the three houses and have them fit but I feel like none of them quite embody the spirit of found family like the Golden Deer. Other than being from the same place, there's nothing that inherently connects them to each other. There are a lot of barriers between them, class, upbringing, trauma. But despite all that they manage to come together in their own messy way. Their route is all about the importance of unity and coming together despite any differences that might exist and they show the strength that comes from embracing diversity.
Mikazuki Villa:
Mikazuki Villa is a boarding house owned by Yachiyo, and previously Yachiyo's grandmother. Yachiyo is a magical girl veteran of 7 years. Over those years, there had always been a group of magical girls staying at the house, whether it be just hanging out or living there. The first person was Mifuyu Azusa, another magical girl veteran who's been a magical girl the same amount of time as Yachiyo. Then Kanae joined them, although she died to a witch sometime after. The next to join were Momoko and Meru. Tsuruno joined after them. The group went out to hunt a witch one day, but Tsuruno couldn't make it. Meru ended up dying that day, but this time she had turned into a witch. Yachiyo started suspecting whether her friend's deaths were her fault becuase of her wish. Since her wish was "to survive" (in refrence to her career as a model) she wondered if her friends has died so that she could survive. Since both Meru and Kanae died protecting her. And then Mifuyu disappeared (she joined a magical girl cult, but Yachiyo doesn't know that), which was the final straw for Yachiyo. She ended up pushing Momoko and Tsuruno away. It stayed that way until Iroha arrived at the city, searching for her little sister, Ui, who she had forgotten about, as all evidence of Ui's existence had inexplicably disappeared. Yachiyo ended up helping her, along with Tsuruno. Yachiyo kept both of them at arm's length though. During the search for Ui they picked up Felicia and then Sana. Felicia was an orphan who's family was "killed by a witch" (she actually killed them by accident and wished to forget it happened, thats a whole other story tho) and would kill any witch in her path out of rage, hoping that she'll eventually find and kill the witch that took her family away from her. She lived as a magical girl mercenary before she was basically adopted by the others so that she wouldn't starve. She loves Dragon Ball (or the pmmm equivalent of it) and cows. That doesn't relate to anything, but I think it's cute.
And then there's Sana, who wished to become invisible. She was always a disappointment in her family, and eventually they disowned her because of it. Her family went on with life as if she never existed, ignoring her. She felt that it would be better off if she just disappeared, so that's why she wished what she did. Iroha and the group found her in the rumor of the Endless Solitude, where she lived with an AI called, uhm, Ai. Ai actually contacted Iroha to save Sana because she knew that she wouldn't be able to stay with her forever. Iroha was the first person to ever say she needed Sana, and after they destroyed Ai, Sana went with them. It seems a itty bit cruel to destroy Ai but it was necessary since her barrier was literally being used as a storage site for witches (thnx Alina. I love her though, Alina is my favorite Magireco character apart from Karin). Sana starts to warm up to the rest of them, and realizes this is what family is supposed to feel like. And then ummmm... Felicia, Tsuruno, and Sana get brainwashed and recruited into the cult by Mifuyu!! Yachiyo, who had started to let her guard down, decides to break up the team. She tries to push Iroha away just like she did the other group. But Iroha pushes back, and promises Yachiyo that she won't die. The two work together to find the others after that. They find Sana and Felicia, whose brainwashing had worn off (Mifuyu has actually helped them escape, as the brainwashing hadn't been her idea), but not Tsuruno. Tsuruno had actually been fused with a Rumor (thnx Alina) and was going to be forced to commit mass murder! Average Tuesday. They eventually find Tsuruno but realize somethings wrong with her. They were told by Mifuyu that, to free Tsuruno from the Rumor, they had to "connect hearts" with her (I forget the exact wording, but basically they had to fully understand her and then connect with her using their magic. "Connect" is actually a game mechanic that lets magical girls combine their magic). But, when Yachiyo tried to do that, it didn't work. https://youtu.be/Hc4ED9TBX18 (watch this) You see, Tsuruno on the surface is very energetic and happy and sunny all the time. She titles herself "The Mightiest Magical Girl" and has the power to back that claim. She's basically a straight A student at school with perfect attendance (until the brainwashing). And shes just a very kind person in general. Except she has a habit of bottling up her feeling and masking her worries. Meru's death actually affected her quite a lot. She blames herself for it, since she wasn't there. She feels pressured to keep up her appearance as "The Mightiest". Yachiyo even fed into it, though it was accidentally (she was going through some shit after Meru died as well). Yachiyo realized this after she recognized Tsuruno's expression as the one she wore after visiting an amusement park with Yachiyo and Momoko sometime after Meru's death. She was able to truly connect with Tsuruno after that realisation. And after that incident, the whole group made sure to support her so she didn't have to deal with everything on her own anymore. Ui was the last addition to the group after Iroha saved her from her state as a "half-witch". I'm not going to try to explain that here as it's unrelated.
Long story short, her best friends from the hospital (she had a heart disease, and Iroha's wish cured her from it) stopped her from turning fully into a witch, but to do that one of them had to erase all memories of her with a rumor. Yeah, her best friend was creating the rumors. The rumor implanted false memories of Touka and Nemu (her friends) trying to save all magical girls along with Alina, an artistic prodigy who was staying at the hospital after to a failed suicide attempt. Their key to saving magical girls was Ui's half formed witch. Which they formed the cult around. Ui got saved though! :D Buttttt her half witch broke into some peices scattered around, which the collection of is basically the main plot of arc 2. They made a home for each other and stuck together through the trials and tribulations of arc 1, even putting their life on the line for eachtoher. And all of this, is why Mikazuki Villa is THE BEST found family. I hope you've watched Madoka Magica before, because if not, this would make zero sense. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND BOTH MADOKA MAGICA AND MAGIA RECORD!! Magireco is a lil harder to find, but you find it on youtube at Magia Union Translations. Don't watch the Magireco anime, it sucks.
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
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(scanned, translated, and typeset by me as volume 7 is not out in English yet)
The scene from chapter 6 where Iroha convinces Yachiyo to stay by her side (because Yachiyo is afraid her wish will cause Iroha and the rest of her friends to sacrifice themselves for her) is so sweet! I love the Mikazuki Villa found family SO MUCH.
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neptunemagia · 2 years
word choice
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bluee-birb · 2 years
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stripesinkamihama · 2 years
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posting my magireco NA screenshots day 28!
Seeing pictures of so many of the girls together is so cool!! This moment in the story though was so wild, like I remember everyone frantically getting all the girls to Mitama's place while Mitama herself started freaking out because she would have to pick sides. It was so fun to see everyone's perspectives....
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magicaldogtoto · 2 years
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Mikazuki Villa in the Magia Record manga vs. how it looks in the anime.
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harvestmoth · 2 years
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happy congrats on bein a dad day yachiyo
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doomedlvr · 2 years
You saying Ui/Nagisa has opened my eyes to something fascinating
I’m so glad it has cause they rot my brain. Something about them both turning into hybrid witches, extended trauma with hospitals, being the younger sister of their respective sibling pairings, both being secretaries to goddesses in some form… oh and their just weird kids who should get to do weird girl things together
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wazzuppy · 2 years
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Yu Hong
The master of this emotion is unhappy with both the appearance and behavior of her Doppel. In contrast to her own desires to achieve great deeds through her own hard work, this Doppel creates an endless stream of wealth to satisfy the desires of her relatives in an attempt to preserve family peace. Though this is only a short-lived harmony. She believes that it exists in contrast to her own goals and prefers to keep it hidden. However, she may one day find that she needs this Doppel to protect the harmony between her family, no matter how fragile that harmony might be.
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ritasalami · 2 months
Amidst the current Yuu hype (which is only natural considering we´ve been teased for like 4 years now) I want to return to a new mechanic that was released not too long ago: Brand new personal memoria given to us in the Alinas Atelier event.
You´ve probably seen them around before: Ren can burn her HP down to 20% and gain enough MP for an instant Magia, Shizuku carries 50% chance to crit and Natsuki gets permanent MP regen and so on.
Now this opens up a lot of opportunites for older units to gain new power (that and the possibility to go beyond 100 SE). As I was thinking about which units could be next for this treatment I started thinking about possibly the most deserving squad there is: Mikazuki villa.
Aside from maybe Yachiyo who is a beginner friendly mirrors unit they serve very little to no purpose beyond very early play. (For example Tsurunos magia spam evade cheese is outdone by Oriko). So I think those girlies should get the next set of powerful memoria.
Before I get into my ideas of new tools for them girlies I want to talk about Iroha first. Iroha was promoted to a faction leader in arc 2 and all of the faction leaders have aura buffs which provide them and their teammates passive buffs for up to 5 turns. (e.g. Himena providing aqua attack up or Rabi providing damage up and damage cut etc.). Iroha as we all know does not carry an aura buff (the only non 4* unit to actually carry said buffs is Mayabu with damage cut to all).
So I think her new personal memoria should actually be an aura buff for the entire team that works similiar to the SE nodes from other leaders. I was thinking about something like Ailment res up + MP/HP Regen to all as nod to her protective and inspiring personality (plus having a unit provide passive mp to her team will give Iroha some usage for people with limited or no mp batteries). Now as far as the other girls I´m not sure if they should get selfish effects or be given aura buffs too in an attempt to breath some life into them.
Tsuruno could play into the luck idea. She could give her team something like attack/damage up or damage increase while also giving them chances (like chance to crit or to evade, maybe some anti-evade) for some fun rng. Otherwise I could see her pull up with attack up at full HP and a generous chance to evade similiar to Vampire Nagisa and Chisato.
As for Felicia I could see her gaining a generous amount of damage against witches up since she used to get super focused on witches and going on rampages. Other than that I have no clue what to give her so hit me up with any ideas.
Idk what to with Sana. Should we repeat the Sasara treatment and give her access to a turn of taunt and endor adept (MP when hit)? Honestly I´m just gonna skip this one tho it would be funny if she got some super agressive memoria in homage to her doppel.
Yachiyo is super basic but whether selfish or team wide - give her blast MP. Actually her granting blast mp to her teammates would be funny since all of Mikazuki villa have at least two blast discs. But that would be lowkey busted since it would also stack with pre-existing blast mp.
So yeah that was my unstructed ramble rant about the potential of the new personal memoria for our beloved Mikazuki Squad.
Also please give Hazuki and Ryo permanent MP regen too thankz bye
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honestlyboringperson · 2 months
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Name: Chiki Tamaki
Age: Physically 15, but is really 3 years old.
Wish: (Not a Magical Girl)
Power: Survaillance
Weapon: Telescope
Likes: Butterflies, Moths
Dislikes: Her current state of being.
Element: Light
Magia: Feelings of Past and Present
Teammate(s): None
Witch/Doppel: Made In 168
An extension of a certain doppel. Once was a false memory within a false city. She acts as an extra pair of eyes for the doppel of silence, and helps fill in the spaces it cannot. Gained sentience after a certain magical girl ascended.
In contrast with the rest of the magical girls in this series, Chiki Tamaki isn’t a magical girl. Giovanna, Iroha’s doppel needed a kind of familiar who could act as a surveillance cameras around the barrier. She makes sure the people within the barrier act as they should be and keep the status quo up.
She disappeared when Iroha was saved by both Kuroe and Yachiyo.
However, after Iroha became a goddess, her desire to stay at Mikazuki Villa materialized into Chiki and due to the Kimochi imbued in Iroha’s new form, it gave her feelings and a free will. But she was more like a ghost than anything else.
She feels a little jealous of the people living Mikazuki Villa, as she is unable to interact with anyone, while they are living together happily. She thought she was going to be alone forever.
That was, until she met a certain fortune teller and a guitarist haunting Mikazuki Villa as well.
Doppel Description
“I��m so lonely…!”
The doppel of wishful thinking. It takes the form of an imaginary friend. Although initially being an offspring of the doppel of silence, the master of this emotion has since gained a free will and has begun to despise her surrender state of existence. As a result, her doppel attempts to realize her dream of becoming real via stealing the emotional energy given off by other beings. However, it can only chip off a single shard of this energy and her dream of becoming real is still far away from ever coming true. If it senses it’s master’s sadness, it will attempt to cheer her up by doing silly dances, but it only ends up making a fool of itself.
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crystalkokoro · 8 days
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Winter outfits of the Mikazuki Villa girls!
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neptunemagia · 2 years
Felicia has two dads it’s Yachiyo and Tsuruno
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
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Mikazuki Villa’s mugs in Magia Record
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stripesinkamihama · 2 years
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posting my magireco NA screenshots day 72!
And today we have a group of lesbians standing in tye sunset... What are they discussing, I wonder?
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Best Found Family Tournament
Submissions are closed.
Give me as much propaganda and images as possible. It gives your fams a higher chance of winning.
Every piece of propaganda and every picture or gif I get. In the submissions and in my asks will be added to the poll post every round.
Please inform me if any of the images or information are wrong. Or if you have a better image that I could use.
If there are any questions or requests of any sort. Askbox.
I try to reblog all the propaganda I get in my reblogs, but if you want to make sure I don't accidentally overlook yours, please tag me.
Inspired by other cool blogs like @bluehairandpronouns-tournament @gender-swag-bracket @bestsiblingstournament @musicalcharactertournament @dead-character-showdown @t4tswagbracket @thegreatbigdetectivepolll @trafficlighttriobracket @thebestcartoontournament @noncanongayestbitchestournament @animatedfightthrowdown @bestcharacterwithfirepowers
Links under the cut
Round 1:
Part 1:
The Runaways (Marvel's Runaways) vs The Knights of Camelot (BBC Merlin)
The Wayward Children (The Wayward Children / Every Heart a Doorway) vs Gekkagumi (A3!)
The Faraway Friends (OMORI) vs The Spring Troupe (A3!)
Bee Happy (Matilda) vs The Night at the Museum Gang (Night at the Museum)
Winter Troupe (A3!) vs Gwendolyn, The Will, Lying Cat and Sophie (Saga (Comic))
Part 2:
The SHIELD Team (Agents of SHIELD) vs Hershel Layton, Luke Triton & Flora Reinhold (Professor Layton Games)
The Band of Boobs (Not Another D&D Podcast) vs Saiki and his friends (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
The Third Mates/The Choo Choo Crew (Not Another D&D Podcast) vs The Crystal Gems (Steven Universe)
Team Dark (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Kipo & Wolf (Kipo)
Dethklok (Metalocalypse) vs The Robinsons (Meet the Robinsons)
Part 3:
Interview with the Vampire Vampires (Interview with the Vampire) vs The Forgers (Spy x Family)
The Mechanisms (The Mechanisms) vs The Scooby Gang (Scooby Doo)
Izumi & Sig Curtis & Edward & Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs The Clump (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
The Hamato Clan/Mad Dogz (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rottmnt)) vs Team Victor (Vicious)
The Black Bulls (Black Clover) vs The Leverage Crew (Leverage)
Part 4:
MASH team (M*A*S*H) vs The Behavioural Analysis Unit (Criminal Minds)
Spider Crew (So I'm A Spider So What?) vs The Joestar Group (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
RTDL Quarted (Kirby) vs The Avengers (MCU Fanfiction)
Brave Vesperia (Tales of Vesperia) vs The Animorphs (Animorphs)
The Dolls (The Sandman) vs Team Rocket (Pokémon)
Part 5:
The Love Trio (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun) vs Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Black Star, Death the Kid, Crona, Patty, Liz (Soul Eater)
The Gaang (Avatar the Last Airbender) vs Die Wilden Kerle (Die Wilden Kerle)
Alex & Jonas (Oxenfree) vs The Gluttony Crew (The Evillious Chronicles)
Watari & L Lawliet (Death Note) vs The Cat's Whiskers (Paradox Live)
The Rowdy 3 (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) vs Mae, Greg, Angus & Bea (Night in the Woods)
Part 6:
The Crew of the Serenity (Firefly & Serenity) vs The Crew of the Iris (The Strange Case of Starship Iris)
Lucifam (Lucifer) vs Team Bleck/Bleck Squad (Super Paper Mario)
The Ericson Kids (The Walking Dead Game) vs Accelerator, Last Order, Aiho Yomikawa, Kikyou Yoshikawa & Misaka Worst (A Certain Magical Index)
Squad 312 (the Aurora Cycle series) vs The Fatui Harbingers (Genshin Impact)
13 and the Gang (Doctor Who) vs Franchouchou (Zombie Land Saga)
Part 7:
Dadvid & Momgwen (Camp Camp) vs Bucci Gang/Team Bucciarati (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Akanyatsura (Paradox Live) vs 11s Fam (Doctor Who)
Team Red (Carmen Sandiego) vs The Ghosts (BBC Ghosts)
Firefam (9-1-1) vs Murder Family (Hannibal)
The Golden Deer (Fire Emblem) vs Mikazuki Villa (Magia Record)
Part 8:
NYPD Major Crimes (Prodigal Son) vs Diasomnia Fam (Twisted Wonderland)
Warden Ingo, Akari, Rei & Professor Laventon (Pokemon Legends Arceus) vs New Who Crew (Doctor Who)
Nahida & Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin Impact) vs The Circle Kids (Tamora Pierce's Emelan Universe (The Circle of Magic Quartet))
The Shazamily (Shazam!) vs The Clawthorne-Nocedas (The Owl House)
The Losers Club (It) vs The Mondstadt Crew (Genshin Impact)
Part 9:
The Entire Your Turn to Die Cast (Your Turn to Die) vs Funn Funerals & Eric (Wooden Overcoats)
Because You Made Me Smile (or Extended Tenma Household) (Project SEKAI) vs The Aurinko Crime Family (The Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel))
Silco & Jinx (Arcane) vs The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (& Associates) (GLOW)
Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn) vs MSR (The X-Files)
Ash & Pikachu (Pokémon) vs The Thief Gang/House of Orphans (The Thief Lord)
Part 10:
Powder, Vi, Vander, Mylo & Claggor (Arcane) vs Space Runaways (Saga (Comic))
The Victors of District 12 (The Hunger Games) vs The Killjoys (Killjoys)
The St Cassians Chamber Choir (Ride The Cyclone) vs Six of Crows/The Crows (Six of Crows)
The Gangsey (The Raven Cycle) vs Paper Girls (Paper Girls)
The Bad Kids (Dimension 20 - Fantasy High) vs The Drawtectives (Drawtectives (Drawfee))
Part 11:
Team Natsu (Fairy Tail) vs Yutaka, Minoru & Tane (Our Dining Table)
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn (Final Fantasy XIV) vs Neal Caffrey, Peter & Elizabeth Burke & Mozzie (White Collar)
Scoobies (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont & Alucard (Castlevania)
I.M.P. (Helluva Boss) vs The New Mutants (X-Men Comics)
The Bad Batch (The Bad Batch) vs Leorio, Kurapika, Gon & Killua (Hunter X Hunter)
Part 12:
Date-Sagan Family (AI: The Somnium Files) vs God Kids (Trials of Apollo)
Crew of the Per Aspera (Rolling with Difficulty) vs Reyna Ramirez & Nico Di Angelo (Riordanverse)
The Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death) vs The Crisis Management Team (Tomorrow)
Joel Miller & Ellie Williams (The Last of Us) vs Hotel OJ (Inanimate Insanity)
Wangxian + Junior Quartet (Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Untamed) vs Phoenix (MacGyver)
Part 13:
Nightchord25 (Project SEKAI) vs The Wayfarer's Crew (The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet)
Jessica, Aaron & Erica Slaughter (Something Is Killing the Children) vs Color Gang (Animation vs Minecraft/Animator vs Animation)
Sk8 Fam (Sk8 the Infinity) vs The Pilot Program (Misfits and Magic (Dimension 20))
Killing School Trip Survivors (Danganronpa 2) vs Sea Salt Family (Kingdom Hearts)
The Ten Companions of the Dragonmark (How To Train Your Dragon (Books)) vs Cohen-Atwood Family (The OC)
Part 14:
Arya Stark, Gendry Waters, Hot Pie (& Lommy Greenhands & Jaqen H'Gar) (A Song of Ice & Fire/Game of Thrones) vs Old World Group (Everworld)
Lightning Thief Trio (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs California Bureau of Investigation (The Mentalist)
Adora, Glimmer & Bow (She-Ra) vs Disaster Trio/The Clone Wars Trio (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008))
Kim Dokja's Company (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) vs 13 Flame Chasers (Honkai Impact 3rd)
Ren Amamiya, Futaba Sakura & Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5) vs Batfam (Batman Media (Wayne Family Adventures))
Part 15:
The Soul Squad (The Good Place) vs The Paladins of Voltron (Voltron: Legendary Defenders)
Inheritance Gang (Eragon/the Inheritance Cycle) vs Strawhat Pirates (One Piece)
10's Crew (Doctor Who) vs Clementine & Lee Everett (The Walking Dead Game)
Wendy, Soos, Stanford, Stanley, Dipper, Mabel & Waddles (Gravity Falls) vs The Local Group (Rain World)
Five Eccentrics/Five Oddballs (Ensemble Stars) vs The Luminary, Erik, Serena, Veronica, Sylvando, Jade, Rab & Hendrik (Dragon Quest XI)
Part 16:
The Meta Knights (Kirby) vs The Queens from the Musical Six (Six)
Shroud Bros (Twisted Wonderland) vs Natsume's Protection Squad (Natsume's Book of Friends)
The Long Island Vampires & Guillermo (What We Do In The Shadows) vs The Octotrio (Twisted Wonderland)
The Lupin Gang (Lupin III) vs The Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings)
The Gang (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) vs Regina Mills, Emma Swan & Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Part 17:
Torchwood Team (Torchwood) vs MANKAI Company (A3!)
Julie and the Phantoms (Julie and the Phantoms) vs Yeo Joon, Kim So-Bin & Nam Soo-Hyun (At a Distance Spring is Green)
Second Nonary Game Group (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors) vs Chosen Siblings (Pokespe/Pokemon Adventures)
The Seven Birds/IPRE/Starblaster Crew (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Boys from the Dwarf (Red Dwarf)
The Tiny Giant Duo (The BFG) vs The Greendale 7/The Study Group (Community)
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