#mike duarte x f!reader
mariamariquinha · 2 years
How about “You weren’t supposed to flirt back and make me feel these things, God damn it!” with Mike Duarte. Pretty please!
WELL, since you asked so nicely, honey bunny... SHALL WE?
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(look at this gif dammit)
You and Mike were neighbours for years. Not for long, but long enough. Sometimes you chased salesmen away from his front door, other times he reminded Mr. Travis, the neighbor across the street, who wasn't supposed to let his dog shit in your flower bed. It was a relationship of natural complicity between two people who knew each other and lived close. Sometimes you could run into each other at a bar or a club, exchange a few words and even buy each other drinks, but every time you had someone or he had someone.
Sexually, of course.
Relationships have always been a little off the charts for you, but you've always made peace with it.
You didn't ask him about these things. As a cop, Mike had reservations of his own - living in the Bronx, they were even more extensive. What you did know was that he took down gangs, arrived late, and had periodic company. This he never hid. There were several nights when you were sitting on the porch and saw him with some woman beautiful and charming enough for him.
Because he was handsome. Charming. Attractive. And that was the beginning and the end of your sympathy for each other.
One night, however, you went to a bar and your only company, a friend from work, had to cancel at the last minute. You were already there, after all, so you sat down on one of the counter stools and ordered a drink.
"A little dangerous for you to be out here alone, don't you think?"
He slid in beside you, forearm on the counter as he leaned in casually to look into your face. Mike was smiling discreetly as usual, the ambient light giving his eyes a different glow, and maybe it was the little alcohol he had drunk because you didn't remember his biceps being that big.
"I was going to say the same about you, Captain. No overtime tonight?"
"Oh no, we just closed a case, so…"
"Celebrating, then?"
"Congratulations!" You raised your cup, enough to make him giggle at your enthusiasm. "That's why I'm going out by myself, the cops are catching the bad guys."
"Not all of them," It was suppose to come as a warning, but you thought it was truly charming. Well, Mike. He probably didn't even notice his skills. "But what about you? Waiting for a date?"
"Pfft!" You frowned then, sipping on your drink.
"I'll take it as a no."
"Take it as a big no, man. Being honest, I don't remember the last time I got one of these."
"Now you're being a liar."
"Me? Lying to the police? I wouldn't dare," Your body turned to him slightly. "I was Girl Scout. Sincerity is my middle name."
"That dress doesn't look very Girl Scout to me."
Mike checked you out. Not discreetly, nor... trying to hide it, you know? He even tilted his head to the side to see your crossed legs and the scant fabric of your dress. It almost made you flinch - almost. But then you flipped your hair over your shoulder, smirked, and did the same to him.
"And I didn't say I was thinking about that when I chose my dress."
For a moment, Mike closed his eyes and groaned under his breath, lowering his head as if in defeat. It caught you by surprise, so you laughed at the mocking way he was reacting to your answer.
"You weren’t supposed to flirt back and make me feel these things, God dammit!"
"Feel? Feel what?"
"See? You're doing it again," He tsked, giving one step closer while shaking his head. "You know I've been trying for quite some time, yeah?"
"... Nooo."
"Well, now you know. And I came all the way here trying not to be an ass because you're... You're amazing-"
"And you have those eyes that makes me sure that you're a liar. How could you not have someone to take you home? To at least make you feel good? Because I'll tell you somethin', we've been pretending for a while that we don't want this and honestly? Tonight is a good night. So this is my bid."
"You want to fuck me," You raised your eyebrows and he scoffed, licking his lips before staring straight at your face.
"I'm shooting my shot. Risking our friendship."
Which was true. If you weren't interested as well, this could be a downhill without precedents. You could say he crossed the line, that he was proving himself to be an asshole after all, but that's not what crossed your mind, or what came out of your mouth.
"Or making it stronger."
A silence followed this words.
"So," You shrugged. "Your house or mine?"
A/C: I hope you like it! ❤️
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Stomping Grounds
Mike Duarte x F!Reader
Summary: Months after everything between you and Mike crumbled in the worst of ways, the two of you are put face-to-face all over again.
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol, light angst
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: What can I say??? I catch up on SVU and immediately decide that canon has no place here 😂 This is my first SVU fic, and by extension my first Duarte fic. I already want to write more for him lmao but one thing at a time
SVU Taglist (currently just tagging other people I've seen write or enjoy SVU things lol): @the-hinky-panda @bullet-prooflove @nessamc @proceduralpassion (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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It had been a long time since you were in the right part of the Bronx to run into Duarte. It’d been purposeful avoidance at first, but then it just became your new routine. The reasons for the switch started to fade from memory the farther your life moved on.
But then it all came rushing back the second you walked into the bar and saw Duarte there with Muncy and the rest of his team. There was no hiding from him, not when he was always clocking every single person who walked in or out of every room he was in. Clearly that was one thing that hadn’t changed. The first scan you took around the bar you found him already looking at you. You almost didn’t believe it until you heard Muncy's laugh. There was no way you were just imagining both of them.
If someone else hadn’t been walking in behind you, you would’ve frozen up right where you stood. You fumbled your way farther inside, too deep to just turn around and walk back out without it feeling strange, without it feeling like a missed opportunity.
You were about to go to the bar, get a drink to try and steel your nerves a bit before throwing yourself into the thick of things. You were a few steps away from being able to order when you heard Muncy call out to you. Being addressed by your last name felt so foreign now.
“We just ordered another round,” she said when you walked over. She greeted you with a grin and an awkward hug as she sat in her chair at the table they were all gathered around. “You can have Duarte's,” she said it like a joke, but you knew that when the drinks got brought over she would be handing one to you.
Judging by the look on Duarte's face, he wasn’t going to fight it, but he wasn’t going to be happy about it either. That seemed to be his MO with your after all.
“Was starting to think you left the Bronx altogether,” Duarte said, letting that be his greeting instead of extending you a real one.
To an outsider looking in, it would’ve seemed harsh. But it was Duarte, and pleasantries were never his strong suit. You considered the acknowledgement a win in and of itself, because you knew that if Muncy hadn’t called you over, Duarte definitely wouldn’t have. You couldn’t really blame him considering how everything played out. It wasn’t anything malicious, even if it had felt that way to him. The two of you were just the victims of the worst timing in the world.
You tried not to think about it as you caught up with everyone. They told you about everything that had been going on, the details they could spare at least. You gave them the broad strokes of what you’d been up to since you saw them. It was hard to separate it out, what you were telling them from the reasons Duarte’s jaw was clenched so tightly the bone of it was about to break.
You didn’t know if you should call it a shame or a blessing. Maybe it could be both. Regardless, you knew that it was unfortunate timing. After months of trying to figure out your place in Duarte's unit, you finally figured out that you weren’t meant to be in it at all. In fact, you figured out that the badge wasn’t for you in general.
That would’ve been unfortunate enough, but those realizations just so happened to hit you the day after Duarte had spent the night at your place. The first and last time.
It had nothing to do with him, with what happened between you. And you tried to tell him that. He didn’t hear it, though, didn’t see it in your eyes how much you meant it—all he saw was you turning in your shield.
The conversation flowed around the two of you. Duarte staying quiet wasn’t exactly out of the ordinary, but you felt the weight of it, the way that it was different this time. Apparently you were the only one, because everyone else was talking circles around him, throwing comments and jokes his way that he didn’t respond to. Despite the gray cloud looming over Duarte's head, you were having a good time catching up with everyone else. You’d always meant to keep in touch, but at first it was painful, and then you all were just busy.
Eventually, that same busyness slowly started pulling everyone away from the table. You could’ve gone too, before it was just you and Mike left. You saw it going that way, and as much as part of you wanted to avoid it, another part of you wanted to see what would happen, if anything would happen.
“I guess I owe you a round,” you said when it was just the two of you left, the first thing that you’d said directly to him all night, “since Muncy gave me one of yours.”
You half expected him to reject it, to get up and leave. Instead, he quirked his eyebrow and gave a small nod. “I guess you do.”
When you returned with your drink and his, you asked, “So how've you been? You’re the only one who didn’t give me a run-down.”
He watched you take a sip of your drink. “You know how I’ve been.”
You laughed. “Do I?” You shook your head. “You never answered any of my texts. At one point I was pretty sure you blocked my number.”
“I didn’t.” He took a long sip of his drink. “Thought about it, though.”
You sighed, toying with the glass in your hands. “I meant what I said, you know. It really was just—”
“Do you like it?” he cut you off. “Your new job, do you actually like it?”
“What, you think I’m lying just to save face?” You chuckled at the look he was giving you. “I like it a lot. And for what it’s worth, it’s not a new job anymore.”
He shook his head. “It’ll always be your new job.”
Hearing the sarcasm without the anger was reassuring. For a second things almost felt like they used to be. You missed him, truly. For as gruff and insufferable as he made himself sometimes, you really had missed him.
“So,” he sighed as he leaned back in his seat, “finally decided it was safe to cross back into my territory?”
You let out a small, slightly uncomfortable laugh. Of course he knew you had been avoiding him. He’d been doing the same thing, to be fair, which was why all of your texts went unanswered.
“Actually, no,” you admitted with a sad laugh. “I just had kind of a shit day, and this was where I ended up.”
“Shit day got shittier.”
You gave a small smile as you shook your head. “Not that much shittier.”
You nodded. “Yea. Stakes are different, obviously. Shitty day now doesn’t mean the same thing as it used to.”
“Those kids…” he trailed off, shaking his head.
The laugh you let out was a little more genuine. “I love ‘em. They test me, but I love ‘em.”
“How many of them are gonna end up on my radar in a few years?” he asked, always the brutal cynic.
You shrugged, trying not to let it faze you. “Hopefully fewer now that I’m there.”
He didn’t want to admit it, but he could see it on your face that you were where you belonged now. He wanted it to be with him, on his team, but it wasn’t. The tone of your voice, the look in your eyes, you never had any of that when you talked about your work with the gang unit. And he wanted to be happy for you, but he was still stubborn and selfish and admitting things to himself wasn’t the same as admitting them out loud to you.
“You like your boss?” he asked.
All his years of police work and yet he still couldn’t sell that sentence to you in a way that would stop you from seeing through it.
You smiled, nodding. “Yea, he’s, you know, he’s a good guy.”
He saw the look on your face and tilted his head back just slightly, just enough so that you knew he was trying to piece apart what your expression meant. “What?”
You had to laugh. “Nothing, nothing. He’s just, you know, he’s nice.”
“Hm,” Duarte drummed his fingers on the outside of his glass, “I was never good at that.”
You chuckled, not disagreeing with him necessarily. “He’s nice because he can be. You…it’s hard. It’s hard to do what you do and still be nice.”
“Good thing you got out then.” With his tone and attitude it was hard to tell if he was being snide or genuinely grateful.
“Yea…” your voice trailed off as you tried to figure out what you were trying to say to him. “I miss it sometimes. Not,” you chuckled quietly, “not all of it. But I miss parts of it.” You paused. “I even miss you sometimes, too,” you joked.
“Only sometimes?” he quipped right back.
You laughed. “Maybe if you were nicer I’d miss you all the time.” You were joking, of course, because of course you missed him all the time. And you could tell by the look on his face that he knew that too. Clearing your throat, you asked, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
You rolled your eyes, finishing off your drink before you asked, “You ever miss me sometimes?”
His expression was serious for all of a moment before he recovered, putting the same façade on that he always had. “Sometimes.”
It wasn’t much longer before the both of you squared up your lingering tabs. Neither of you said anything while you were still in the bar about how you were getting home. You knew that Duarte wasn’t going to drive, and you didn’t even have the option if you’d wanted to. You didn’t want to walk home alone, not with everything that had been going on in the city lately, but you also had no desire to get a taxi either.
Going against all the little voices in your head that were telling you not to ask, when the two of you stepped out of the bar and onto the sidewalk, you said, “Think you could walk me home, Captain? For old time’s sake?”
He hesitated, looking at you. You could tell from his expression that he was trying to figure out if there was a play here that he wasn’t seeing. He must’ve decided it was safe enough, because he nodded and started walking in the direction of your apartment.
It was a nearly-silent walk back. You wished you knew what the right thing to say to him was. You felt like you had said everything you’d wanted to say to him when it ended, but he never said anything in return. He still hadn’t ever said how he felt about any of it. Actions speak louder than words, sure, but you still wanted to hear something from him. After everything, it felt like you deserved at least that much.
“It’s been shitty, you know,” the words flew out of your mouth before you could stop them, “not hearing from you at all.”
“You looking for an apology?”
You rolled your eyes. “No.” You knew better than that. “But I just…you never said anything after I left. Like, at all.”
“If I had said something, would it have made a difference?” he asked, glancing over at you as you waited for the crosswalk sign to change. “Would you have stayed?”
You took a deep breath as you both walked across the street. “Would I have stayed on the force? No.” The two of you reached your building and you didn’t extend an invite for him to come up, hoping that continuing to talk to him as you walked through the main door of your building would do the work of that for you. “But just because I left the force, it didn’t mean, you know,” you hesitated as you started walking up the stairs, “it didn’t mean that I was leaving you.”
He scoffed quietly as he followed you. “In the same twenty-four hours that we—”
“I know my timing was bad,” you cut him off, already knowing what his argument was going to be, “but never once did I actually say that I didn’t want to be with you.”
“How else did you want me to take it, then?”
“I was done with the job!” you said, exasperated. “It wasn’t, it wasn’t right for me. There’s no way that you didn’t see that.” You glanced over at him as you said it and you saw the resignation on his face. “Exactly.”
“You could’ve been a good cop if you wanted to be.”
“But I didn’t want to be.” There was a long pause as the two of you walked down the hallway and came to a stop outside your door. “I hated that you just cut me off.”
“I hated that you quit,” he snipped back.
You chuckled softly as you took your keys out of your bag. “Touché.”
“I thought I was part of the reason that you left,” he admitted as he watched you slip the key into the lock on your door.
“I told you that you weren’t,” you replied. “If you’d read any of my texts, or listened to any of the voicemails I left—”
“I didn’t believe you.”
You looked over at him. “Because I’ve always made such a habit of lying to you?”
It was the most that the two of you had ever talked about any of it, and yet he cracked a small smile and you couldn’t help but to mirror it back to him. The two of you were standing in your doorway, both of you knowing that you were lingering longer than necessary, longer than you should’ve. You’d pushed your door open halfway, your hand still on the knob. You watched as his eyes flicked down to your hand before going back up to your face.
“I should go.”
“Do you want to come in?” You both spoke at the same time, resulting both of you to chuckle awkwardly, trying to figure out which one of you was going to follow through on what you’d said.
Duarte cleared his throat. “I shouldn’t.”
“Didn’t stop you before,” you said, more hopeful than you should’ve been.
“And look how that turned out.”
You let go of the door and stepped in closer to him, close enough so that you were chest-to-chest. “Nothing happens the same way twice.”
His shoulders rose and fell with the deep breath that he took. He looked at you, and you could feel the indecision radiating off of him. You knew that there was nothing you could really say that would sway him one way or the other—he was always going to do whatever it was that he wanted to do.
When he didn’t say anything for a few more seconds, you took it as your answer. You took it as one more loss. Taking a deep breath, you said, “Goodnight, Mike,” and pressed your lips to his cheek, over the stubble that he never stayed on top of shaving.
You went to step into your apartment, shut the door on all of this one more time. Before you stepped too far, he pulled you back to him and right into a kiss. His hands came up to cup either side of your face, thumbs brushing against your cheeks as his lips moved against yours. All the hesitancy, the manufactured distance he’d put between you, all of it was gone as you melted against him.
When he pulled away, he still held onto your face. He was close enough that you could still feel his breath against your skin, smell the alcohol that still lingered on it. You pushed forward just enough so that your lips brushed against his again.
“Just tonight,” he said, his voice low and rough. It almost sounded like he meant it.
You let him have it, if that’s what it took for you to have him. “Yea,” you agreed, stepping through the door and pulling him with you, “just tonight.”
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thatesqcrush · 2 years
Come Back Alive
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Duarte x f!reader. Spoilers for SVU 24x12 “Blood Out”
AN: listen in my SVU world, both Mikes aren’t dead, Barba’s a judge, and Rollins and Amaro are still there. Anyway, this is my fix it because I’m still not over what they did to Mike. For @adarafaelbarba bday bingo - Dangerous Woman, Ariana Grande (lyrics in italics).
WC: 1046, CW: see Blood Out - someone is attacked by a bunch of machetes. But it’s all HEA in this story.
“Babe, where are you?” you spoke into the phone as you chewed on the tip of your nail. “Call me when you get this. Love you.”
You let out an irritated sigh as you ended the call. You knew Mike had been under a lot of stress with BX9 and the Manhattan SVU. You left work early to surprise Mike. You treated yourself to a mani/pedi and then spent an obscene amount of money on a lingerie set that was nothing more than a strip of fabric. At home you set to task with dinner - one of Mike’s favorites. You opened a wine that both of you enjoyed - a barolo - and let it breathe.
You did your best to ignore your rumbling stomach. Your phone buzzed and you saw it was Mike. You let out a sigh of relief and responded to his text.
‘Getting a pack of smokes and then I’ll be home.’
‘See you soon. LY’
You grabbed the remote and started flicking through the channels. After putting on a movie, you decided to help yourself to a glass of wine. And then another. You brought back the bottle before you finished it all and decided to watch the movie. You couldn’t wait ‘til Mike got home.
The sound of an ambulance wailing caused you to wake up with a startle. You groaned, rubbing your eyes. It was eerily quiet.
You glanced at the digital clock and realized hours had gone by. You frowned at the realization that Mike still wasn’t home. Your gut gnawed at you. You were used to Mike working all hours - it was part of the job. Still, you couldn’t help but worry.
When you stood up, the empty glass of wine along with your phone that was on your lap fell and shattered to the ground. “Shit,” you muttered as you carefully toed around the shards of glass.
You returned with the dust pan from under the sink and then grabbed your phone from off the floor to see if Mike at least messaged you.
Your stomach dropped as you saw the dozens of missed calls and texts for you to call back. Your heart began to race and your hands shook as you listened to the voicemails.
Mike was hurt.
He was attacked by BX9.
Lots of blood loss.
You need to be here just in case.
It was that last message that sent you bolting to the kitchen to throw up in your sink.
Your phone buzzed. It was Muncy.
You answered, putting the phone on speaker. “Muncy what the fuck is going on?” You asked, your voice shaking. “Is Mike okay? Please don’t tell me he —“you couldn’t bring yourself to say the words, instead beginning to sob.
“There’s a car outside to take you to the hospital. I’ll explain more when you get here. Mike was attacked and he’s really hurt. You just need to get here now!”
You grabbed your purse and sprinted down the stairs of the apartment building. You could barely breathe or think straight as you flew down the stairs. You burst out of the apartment complex just as two uniforms showed up.
“It’s me! Mike’s—“
The officers nodded and ushered you to their car. The city passed by as a blur - lights and sirens overwhelming you. You began to cry again and clutched the small crucifix you wore on a chain.
You just prayed you weren’t too late.
Hours went by.
You wept on Muncy’s shoulder.
You went to the hospital chapel to pray.
Someone brought you coffee but you didn’t touch it.
Finally, two surgeons emerged. You squeezed Muncy’s hand tightly and she squeezed it back.
The surgeons said it was a miracle that Mike survived. He lost a lot of blood and required multiple transfusions. He was in bad shape but he would pull through.
You nearly fainted in relief. And then you promptly threw up again.
You found yourself sitting vigil by Mike’s bedside for days. You held his hand, rubbing concentric circles, praying that Mike would wake up soon. You needed to be there in case Mike woke up. Mike had a plethora of visitors. Muncy and Benson both tried - and failed - to convince you to go home and rest.
You were stubborn to a fault - a trait that sometimes got you called a pain in the ass by Mike. You refused each time.
One night you nodded off, slumped forward with your head on the bed, your hand still holding his.
You woke up to the feel of your hair being stroked. You opened your eyes and realized it was Mike. Your heart soared and you felt a tremendous weight lifted off your boulders.
Mike gave you a defeated smile. You leaned over him, cradling his face and then peppered him with kisses.
“I got hurt.” Mike croaked. “I live for danger.”
“You sure fuckin’ do,” you replied with a fresh set of tears. “Please don’t ever do that again.”
“Sweetheart, I’m probably going to have to put my papers in after this.”
“That’s okay.” You sniffled. “I want that. I want you home with me. I love you.”
“You are so beautiful.”
“Oh no, I look terrible.” You wiped your eyes and ran your hands through your tussled hair.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
“Benson, Muncy, Joe - the whole crew - they’re going to get these assholes. They’re not gonna stop until —“
“I know. They’ll start what I finished,” Mike replied. “I know. Now get up here.”
You looked at Mike warily. “Listen you almost became ceviche. I don’t think me climbing in bed is the best for recovery.”
Mike let out a deep laugh before wincing. “Ceviche! Ah, come on. I’m bulletproof at least.”
“I am never letting that go,” you teased.
Mike smiled. “I would hope not. But listen, I’m pretty doped up on morphine right now so I’m not feeling much pain. I’m good, baby. So get up here.”
You climbed into the hospital bed and carefully laid next to him. “You know how I’m feeling. Can we just hold each other and never let go for the rest of our lives?”
Mike squeezed your hand. “God as my witness. That’s the plan.”
Tags: errrr lmk if you wanna be tagged for Duarte. @plaidbooks @storiesofsvu @madpanda75 @beccabarba
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madmen-ao3feed · 5 years
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker, Doraemon (Manga), Go Diego Go!, MS Paint Adventures, Homestar Runner, Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Battle For Dream Island (Web Series), Digimon - All Media Types, Caillou (Cartoon), Berenstain Bears Series - Stan & Jan & Mike Berenstain
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/Esmé Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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ao3feed-orphanblack · 5 years
All Together™
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
by mellloyelllo
Words: 10, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Orange is the New Black, Steven Universe (Cartoon), A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Sharknado (Movies), Jaws (Movies), XXXTentacion (Musician) RPF, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Undertale (Video Game), Deltarune (Video Game), Roblox (Video Game), Family Guy (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, Garfield - All Media Types, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Universe Online, Victorious (TV), iCarly, Minecraft (Video Game), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Russian Doll (TV 2019), My Singing Monsters, Revolver - The Beatles, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), M&M's Commercials, Homestuck, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Donkey Kong (Video Games), Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964), Santa Clarita Diet (TV), Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, Free!, American Horror Story, Ирония судьбы | The Irony of Fate (Movies), John Wick (Movies), Fortnite (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game), Salad Fingers, Wonder Woman (2017), अलीबाबा और चलीस चोर | Alibaba Aur 40 Chor | Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Thieves (1979), Alice In Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Maroon 5, Twenty One Pilots, Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare, Everyman HYBRID, Everybody Else (Band), Everything I Never Told You - Celeste Ng, Arctic Monkeys, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Teen Titans Go!, Regular Show, Clarence (Cartoon), Flaming Carrot Comics, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë, Jane the Virgin (TV), H2O: Just Add Water, Shrek (Movies), Fish Hooks (TV), Shark Tank (TV 2009), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), The Stanley Parable, Hitler: The Rise of Evil (TV 2003), Fran Bow (Video Game), Hamilton - Miranda, Johnny Test (Cartoon), A Separate Peace - John Knowles, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Office (US), Five Nights at Freddy's, Phineas and Ferb, Moshi Monsters (Video Game), Neopets, K-pop, Poptropica (Video Game), Baby-Sitters Little Sister - Ann M. Martin, Super Planet Dolan (Web Series), Slazo, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), We Bare Bears (TV), Adventure Time, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Magiswords (Cartoon), Hey Arnold!, Rugrats & All Grown Up! (Cartoons), CatDog (Cartoon), Harvey Beaks (Cartoon), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter, Camp Camp (Web Series), Fairly OddParents, Camila Cabello (Musician), Anne with an E (TV), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, 5 Seconds of Summer (Band), Eminem (Musician), Club Penguin, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, Captain America (Movies), American Dad!, Country Music RPF, Tiger Cruise (2004), Karate Kid (Movies), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin (1992), Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom - A. C. Crispin, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Muppet Show, The Muppets - All Media Types, Sesame Street (TV), Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies, Apple "Get a Mac" Commercials, McDonalds "NHL Mini-Sticks" Commercials, Talking Tom and Friends (Cartoon), Nintendogs, Melanie Martinez (Musician), Little Witch Academia, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), Gravity Falls, Halloween Movies - All Media Types, The Nun (2018), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), How to Get Away with Murder, School of Rock (2003), The Cheetah Girls (Movies), Good Luck Charlie, Ant-Man (Movies), A.N.T. Farm, Codename: Kids Next Door, Powerpuff Girls, Mr. Pickles (Cartoon), Peanuts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Fallout (Video Games), Weather Girl (2009), Heathers (1988), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Burger King "The Burger King" Commercials, My Babysitter's A Vampire, The Amazing World of Gumball, The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Minions (2015), Despicable Me (Movies), Because of Winn-Dixie - All Media Types, South Park, Sanjay and Craig (Cartoon), Breadwinners (Cartoon), Robot and Monster, Fanboy & Chum Chum (Cartoon), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Original Work, Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, Godspell - Schwartz, Het Achterhuis | The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank, Ed Edd n Eddy, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Ed Sheeran (Musician), Sweet Home Alabama (2002), Furry (Fandom), Lego Ninjago, The LEGO Movie (2014), Lego - All Media Types, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, True Jackson: VP, Pinky and the Brain, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Multi-Fandom, Dance Moms RPF, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Mother 1 | EarthBound Zero | EarthBound Beginnings, Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu | EarthBound, Mother 3, Portal (Video Game), Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical - geekenders, Ariana Grande (Musician), Justin Bieber (Musician), Bebe Rexha (Musician), Taylor Swift (Musician), ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Liv and Maddie, Crash Bandicoot (Video Games), Shake It Up! (US TV), G-Force: Guardians of Space, G-Force (2009), Ancient History RPF, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Little House on the Prairie (TV), The Prince of Egypt (1998), Mulan (1998), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain, Number the Stars - Lois Lowry, The Giver Series - Lois Lowry, Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes, SuperLuv - Shane Dawson (Song), Kirby - All Media Types, Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Commercials, Cow and Chicken (TV), Block B, Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types, Groundhog Day (1993), Christian Bible, Islamic Lore, Jewish Scripture & Legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh, תורה | Torah, Hindu Religions & Lore, Orphan Black (TV), Black Panther (2018), Mad Men, Goosebumps - All Media Types, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pretty Little Liars, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Les Schtroumpfs | The Smurfs, Pillsbury Company "Pillsbury Doughboy" Commercials, Nickelback (Band), Rocko's Modern Life, All That (TV 1994), The Color Purple - Alice Walker, Doraemon (Manga), Go Diego Go!, MS Paint Adventures, Homestar Runner, Inanimate Insanity (Web Series), Battle For Dream Island (Web Series), Digimon - All Media Types, Caillou (Cartoon), Berenstain Bears Series - Stan & Jan & Mike Berenstain
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Oscar (Shark Tale), Brook Soso, Alex Vause, Piper Chapman, Megan Bloomfield, Graham Eaton, Lenny the Chocolate Moose, George Milton, Lennie Small, Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello, Lemony Snicket, Alexandrite (Steven Universe), Dominga "Daddy" Duarte, Artesian McCullough, Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe), Jade West, Joel Luschek, Noelle Holiday, Slim (Of Mice and Men), Slime (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft), Enderman (Minecraft), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Janae Watson, Sister Jane Ingalls, Sophia Burset, Baz (Sharknado), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time), Starfire, Cyborg (Character), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall), Stanley (Disney: Beauty and the Beast), John Bennett (Orange is the New Black), John Doe (Roblox), John Wick, Ruby (Steven Universe), Jane Doe, Justin Hammer, Carrie "Big Boo" Black, Peridot (Steven Universe), The Narrator (The Stanley Parable), Shrek (Shrek), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Ben Shapiro, Desert Glass (Steven Universe), GLaDOS, Winnie (Free!), Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap, Watanabe You, Franny Morello, Thanos (Marvel), Spider (Minecraft), May Parker (Spider-Man), Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Peter Parker, Lois Griffin, Michael Scott, Freddy Fazbear, Nevel Papperman
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Parker (Leverage)/Alex Vause, Megan Bloomfield/Graham Eaton, Barry Benson/Oscar (Shark Tale), Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Sans (Undertale), Sans (Undertale) & Peridot (Steven Universe), Olivia Caliban/Jacquelyn Scieszka, Blue Diamond/Greg Universe, Sans (Undertale)/Shrek (Shrek), Papyrus (Undertale) & Sonic the Hedgehog, Noelle Holiday/Susie (Deltarune), George Milton & Lennie Small, Artesian McCullough/Maritza Ramos, Alex Vause/Reader, W. D. Gaster/Sans/Reader, Ned (Pushing Daisies)/Harry Potter, Amethyst (Steven Universe)/Harry Potter, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Garnet/Jasper (Steven Universe), Alice (Alice in Wonderland)/Christopher Robin (Winnie-the-Pooh), Frank Castle/John Wick, Joel Luschek/Nicky Nichols, Alexandrite/Malachite (Steven Universe), Freddie Benson/Carly Shay, Star Butterfly & Steven Universe, Count Olaf/Esmé Squalor, Galina "Red" Reznikov/Gloria Mendoza, Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)/Pearl (Steven Universe), Enid/Red Action (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Carol Denning/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Chara/Frisk (Undertale), Tony Stark/Thanos, Peter Griffin/Johnny Test, Courage/Katz, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester, Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)/Eugene Krabs, Gene Forrester/Phineas "Finny", Creeper (Minecraft)/Sans (Undertale), Creeper/Steve (Minecraft), Creeper (Minecraft)/Reader, Gene/Jailbreak/Hi-5 (The Emoji Movie), Jailbreak/Smiler, Lord Boxman/Eugene "Gar" Garcia, George Washington/Martha Washington, Alexander Hamilton/Sonic the Hedgehog, Jim Halpert/Michael Scott, Eievui | Eevee/Pikachu, Kasumi | Misty/Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)/Harry Potter, Bonnie/Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Reader, Freddie Benson/Nevel Papperman, Gibby Gibson/Nevel Papperman, Lorna Morello/Nicky Nichols, Lorna Morello/Vince Muccio, Liane Cartman/Quahog Residents (Family Guy), Lois Griffin/Glenn Quagmire, Glenn Quagmire/Joe Swanson, Benny (In the Heights)/Alexander Hamilton
Additional Tags: Futanari, Mouth Sewn Shut, Everyone Is Gay, Kissing, Necrophilia, Murder, BDSM, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Must Read, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn, Discussion of Abortion, Abortion, Glasses, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Fuckin' Fluffy Mondays, Everybody Dies, Holocaust, I did this instead of studying for my finals, harambe trump, Cereal, Vore, Cock & Ball Torture, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Furry, Irony, Epic, Bromance, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Brownies, Mind Control, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2YSndqV
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Poker Games (Mike Duarte x f!reader) - Part 3
Tumblr media
Summary: Age is just a number.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Bad words, unprotected p in v sex, smut, talks about age gap, conversations about male sexual problems, insecurities and slight jealousy. REAL sex here, you know? 
Author’s Note: I don’t have control over myself. It was supposed to be nothing, just a drabble, now it’s a third part. Damn. 
Safe to remind that I don’t write for Law & Order fandom. Think of it as an outbreak. A big outbreak. I... Just accept it. Please. 
You usually had your moments of feeling sexy, perhaps bold, when it came to your appeal over intimacy with other people. When you started to see Mike (when you started to date him), it hadn’t changed, but somehow the idea of being in a relationship with someone so… like him made you put more effort on things like that.
All in all, he was simple about his needs. Pragmatic even. And someone could say it meant that the guy was closer to his 60s than you, that age used to make things a little more slower to him, but you weren’t this eager for sex 24/7. You understood him, so you didn’t press, nor felt frustrated.
What you couldn’t tell, in fact, was that he started to feel bad about it.
For Mike, it started to come slowly. After forty, he already felt that the virility of his youthful years was already starting to fade away, but as he always remained active, this was delayed for a good few more years. You came, other people came, and… fuck, you came. Younger, of course, and determined about the things you wanted, the way you wanted them. Mike had never been so excited and hard with someone, taken by a desire he hadn't had in a long time.
With that, there was also the insecurity of him not being able to meet your expectations over time. That you would get tired and give up on maintaining the relationship, since you could find someone younger and more determined in these respects. Work made him more exhausted every single day, turning what could have been more lively nights into deep naps on the couch while trying to watch a movie - the fact that you’d never complained made Mike bothered.
So he got to a doctor. That type of doctor. With enough tests in hand to map his entire family tree, the said doctor reinforced that everything was fine, that this was normal for someone his age and that he would just need to… rest more. In general.
“How often do you have sex?”
Mike almost chose to not answer the question, but he did after a beat of heavy silence.
“Two times a week. I guess.”
During good weeks.
“And do you feel that the stress of your work interferes with your performance?”
“... Maybe.”
The recommendation made him feel even more geriatric than he already was feeling - eating healthy, exercising, reducing workload, cutting back on alcohol. And as much as he wouldn't even consider having this conversation with you, eventually you would realize something was wrong because you were smart, good at what you used to do.
“Did you go see a doctor?”
He had forgotten that you two shared Google Calendar for certain routine appointments, which only came in handy when he heard you ask that while you two were getting ready to bed. Mike was finishing brushing his teeth in the bathroom and when he looked up, he saw you finishing applying your hand cream while looking at him through the reflection of the mirror.
“Mm,” You murmured. “And is everything okay?”
It was the intuitive side of you speaking again. From the time you’d been together, it didn’t take long for you to start to notice his demeanor - he wouldn’t go for a doctor’s appointment even if it was a life or death situation. Coupled with the fact that he hesitated in answering, giving you a single glance before going to wipe his face away from the subject, it was already obvious that something was going to come of it.
“You’re not sick,” You stated.
“Then what is it?”
He turned fully to you, watching both of your hands being placed over your hips and face becoming more serious. Not seeing a way out, Mike crossed his arms and leaned over the sink, considering each word that would leave his mouth.
“... Men things.”
For a moment, you didn’t press - that early firm expression gradually disintegrated into something more compassionate, because despite everything, you understood and that was why this thing between you two worked.
“We don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t,” He shook his head. “Not now.”
“Okay,” And you walked closer to him, placing your fingers over his forearms to make yourself welcome to his embrace. Mike didn’t look at you right away, eyes fixed on the floor even if letting your presence stay closer to him. “But remember that we’re a team, yeah? I’ll be here either way.”
“So gimme a kiss.”
Even with the amused smile you gave and even though he returned it, Mike just pecked your lips and walked off to the bedroom without saying another word on the subject. You watched him, saw that he was upset about whatever had happened, and you went to sleep staring at his back with a little pissed off too.
You had worked with Velasco on a small case and you had to go on the stand when the day of the trial arrived. In a way, the two of you had gotten along really well and had even gone so far as to call each other by first names. He was just Joe. Good Joe. Friendly Joe.
Mike ended up going to court to accompany you, trying to take into account one of those tips the doctor had passed on about taking time off from work even under similarly stressful circumstances, and saw the way the two of you interacted.
It was the first time he was really jealous of you.
“I didn’t know you two were that close.”
“You and Velasco. Or Joe.”
You were already in the car when this conversation took place, about to go back to the station. Mike didn't even disguise his intentions with those words and you looked at his profile for a while before answering.
“We aren’t.”
No one pressed on it, but the tension made place between you two. Particularly after that situation with the doctor, you often thought of ways to discuss the issue with him, to understand what he felt and progress from there. You liked each other enough to try to make it work - it hurt you to know that he preferred to remain reclusive in his own dissatisfaction instead of trying to dialogue.
That night, you didn't face his back to sleep because you also turned to your side. When you woke up in the morning, he was no longer in bed, and the message saying he went to his apartment made you sigh.
You took the first step. He had sciatic pain for days because he slept badly and you took some medicine to his apartment, only to find him using the bathtub with some grunts of discomfort. Opportunity seemed to have been served on a silver platter.
“Is it that bad?” You asked in a low tone, sitting at the edge of the tub and seeing him with his eyes closed.
“I should have listened to your complaints about that couch sooner.”
“Of course you should.”
At first, there wasn’t a second intention at the way you touched his face. Mike opened his eyes to stare back at you or the cleavage slightly exposed by the tank top you were wearing, then placed a hand on your thigh. No one said anything. You raised your eyebrows in question, he kissed your thumb that was close to his lips and that was enough.
Everything was very calm, without premeditation but perfect.
You did the work of leaning down and kissing him, first with a peck and then with your tongue, causing him to tighten his fingers on your leg and whimper lightly against your mouth. It had been a while since that had happened, Mike reacted immediately to his touch as if it were the first time. Gradually, with the kiss becoming more languid and your hand moving down his partially submerged body, you reached for his cock that was fully erect.
With hooded eyes, he obliged so easily to your touch that you couldn’t help but smile at the scene. The only palpable sounds around the place was his body moving at the water and your hand playing with his dick, up and down, sometimes massaging his balls because you knew he loved it. When he moaned (when he came), you knew that it would be the type of thing you wouldn’t forget.
You both kissed again. Mike mentioned that you were amazing, but you shook your head and said that it didn’t count if he was in a post-orgasm haze.
He got back to his morning runs, to the gym - and you started to try different things. The occasional take outs became more rare, the whiskey nights turned into wine ones (one glass for him, one for you) and now and then, when your body wouldn’t complain, you accompanied him in any of these activities.
In bed, it also became new. Not like he was already to the point of needing to find ways to get intimate with you, because Mike wasn’t on the verge of impossible erections or premature ejaculation, but you two thought that maybe this moment was also an opportunity to give next steps into the relationship. You brought toys, a game or two, not risking new positions because… Well, let’s not get too carried away. This made you laugh more, know each other better, become a single thing, per se, strong and loyal.
Mike thought about saying he loved you during those moments. Sometimes he would feel particularly emotional about something you did, whether it was bringing out some different healthy recipes or having an ugly laugh because you fell out of bed while you were in the middle of a make-out session, but he held back because he didn't want to make it all overly dramatic.
“Where are you going?” He mumbled one morning, arm curling more firmly around your body to keep you close.
“Work,” You giggled a little, not very convincing by the way you held his hand.
“It’s raining.”
“And will crimes in the Bronx stop being committed because of this?”
“... Yes.”
This time you laughed louder, enough for Mike to loosen his grip and let you turn to look at him. He was still groggy with sleep, intertwining his legs and opening his eyes little by little, the simple brightness of the room giving him more comfort to adapt.
“I really need to pee right now, why did you wake me?” His complaint wasn’t super serious, but you rolled your eyes at his teasing because he didn’t make a single movement to leave the bed.
“I also need to pee. If you're complaining too much, I'm going fi-”
“Don’t you dare!” Mike used his body weight to prevent you from getting up, smiling in victory before placing a kiss on your forehead. It was morning, after all, and you understood why there was something brushing your thigh when he got on top of you, but either way you kinda… clenched. Naturally.
And he noticed that too.
The first kiss was tentative, just a peck accompanied by a dirty smile. From the second, you both naturally took your time, tongues teasing one another while his hips pressed against your covered core. With the rain outside, you could almost forget about getting late, especially because it was so long sin-
“... I really need to go now.”
“Ugh, me too.”
It was the sound of rain that cut the moment short. You both felt that you could force yourself to continue, indifferent to the noise of the drops hitting the window urging your needs, but it was impossible. Not just for him. Lucky for you both, your house used to have a spare bathroom for visits, so the dynamic of two ridiculous people with weak bladders was a little desperate but organized. You even gave yourself a second look in the mirror, adjusted your hair, washed your face and used mouthwash as if Mike hadn't already seen you in the worst possible state.
You got back and wrapped yourself in the covers again, just in case. He came back seconds later, smiled at the scene and did the same thing, but the difference was that Mike already had a plan to follow, bringing you to him by a single pull of his arm to make you stay on top.
“I’ve dreamed about you tonight,” He bit your bottom lip before teasing it with his tongue. “Dreamed of that pussy… Made me so fucking hard, baby.”
There was no need to undress you, or perform any specific ritual - he pulled the fabric of your sleeping shorts to the side, along with your panties, lowered his underwear enough to release his member dripping with precum, and penetrated you in one go. You melted, grabbing a fistful of Mike’s hair while he buried his face between your tits.
It was so sensual, discreet, full of feelings and passion and… whatever the fuck you were feeling at the moment. The rain was still pouring outside, the bed creaking with your body bouncing over his cock, and even if the world was ending you wouldn’t bring yourself to give a single fuck, too fixed on showing him that you could wait, could do anything, just to show Mike that he was the one able to fuck you good like that.
“... Look at you… I love this…” He growled. “Love you so much.”
And you couldn't say anything because the phrase took you by surprise. In other circumstances, at least the less favorable ones, you'd say it was just the fact that you were in the middle of sex, fucking each other the way only you knew how to, with no regard for age or work or any shit like that. But no. Mike had a look of adoration, almost devotion, so open and honest that you believed it was true, that he loved you.
That made you smile. That made you kiss him, both hands holding his face and movements stilling, your hips rolling to give you time to savor his mouth. He hugged you during this moment, hands massaging and wandering your back as if to map every millimeter of your skin.
“I love you too, baby.”
If your phone rang while you were still making continuous, long love, no one bothered to do more than turn it off. When he got his phone, Mike insisted on saying that he would be late, that his car had broken down, that the traffic was bad, that they could wait.
They could wait as much as they wanted - his age, his doctor, his perspectives. There was only you there, making Mike sure that nothing would change the fact that a poker game brought him a reward way much better than paper clips, snacks or hundred-dollar chips.
No pressure tags:
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Drabbles-MC Masterlist
Because of the link limit, each character now has their own link on this post that leads to a separate post. But this is still where to go to find all of my fics!
(You can also go HERE to find me on AO3)
Fic-list under the cut!
👀 = smut, 💔 = angst
Mayans MC Characters:
- EZ Reyes Fics
- Angel Reyes Fics
- Bishop Losa Fics
- Coco Cruz Fics
- Nestor Oceteva Fics
- Neron “Creeper” Vargas Fics
- Hank Loza Fics
- Gilly Lopez Fics
- Marcus Alvarez Fics
- Che "Taza" Romero Fics
Michael “Riz” Ariza Fics:
- Reckless
- Wipeout
Miguel Galindo Fics:
- Business Trip
- Withered 💔
Guero Fics:
- Always Here Anyway
Canche Fics:
- Trustfall
Sons of Anarchy Characters:
- Herman Kozik Fics
- Opie Winston Fics
- Filip “Chibs” Telford Fics
- Jax Teller Fics
- Juice Ortiz Fics
- Happy Lowman Fics
- David Hale Fics
- Alexander “Tig” Trager Fics
- SOA/Mayans MC Headcanons
Narcos/Narcos: Mexico Characters:
- Javier Peña Fics
- Horacio Carrillo Fics
- Steve Murphy Fics
- Walt Breslin Fics
- Amado Carrillo Fuentes Fics
- Isabella Bautista Fics
- The Diegoverse Fics: A Series of OG Narcos OC Universes
- Hugo Martinez Fics
- Chepe Santacruz Fics
María Elvira Fics:
- Favors Owed 👀
Danilo Garza:
- Things Like That 👀
Amat Palacios Fics:
- Just A Bad Feeling 💔
Officer Trujillo Fics:
- Looking On
Andrea Nuñez Fics:
- At Your Service
Sal Orozco Fics:
- Cómo Puedo Ayudar?
Enedina Arellano Félix Fics:
- Adamant
Jorge Salcedo Fics:
- Debts Paid
Other Fandoms:
- MCU Fics
- The Bear Fics
- The Bikeriders Fics
- Top Gun Maverick Fics
- Suicide Squad Fics
- Kingsman Fics
- John Wick Fics
- Altered Carbon Fics
- Outer Banks Fics
- Stranger Things Fics
- Silent Night Fics:
- Speaking Volumes (Brian Godlock x F!Reader)
- Better Call Saul Fics:
- Should’ve Seen It Coming (Nacho Varga x F!Reader) 💔
- Fresh Start (Gabriela Castillo x Nacho Varga) [Crossover]
- House MD Fics:
- Not to Spoil the Ending (Robert Chase x Greg House)
- At Least (Greg House x James Wilson)
- Bullet Train Fics:
- Pretty and Unscathed (Carver x Ladybug)
- Emily the Criminal Fics:
- Waking Hours (Youcef Haddad x GN!Reader)
- Law & Order: SVU Fics:
- Stomping Grounds (Mike Duarte x F!Reader)
- On the Ledge (Mike Duarte x GN!Reader)
- Our Flag Means Death Fics:
- Retelling the Story (Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach)
- Here We Are (Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach)
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S Fics
- The One Where It’s The Right Time (Joey Tribbiani x Rachel Green)
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