Teasing Masterlist
Astraphobia (ao3) - NightlightStories luke/ashton G, 2k
Summary: Just as a studio session ends, a thunder storm starts. Too bad for Ashton who is secretly really scared of them. But luckily Luke is there to help his friend through it and maybe hear about some other truths that Ashton hadn't revealed before.
Come Thru (ao3) - bitchnluke luke/ashton E, 10k
Summary: Luke was used to being a playboy bunny, and he loved the pampered life of a playboy bunny. So yeah, you could say he was a spoilt brat. One day, his daddy tells him he is no longer his daddy, and that he has a new one. That his new daddy was the CEO of playboy bunny, which happened to be the owners nephew, Ashton Irwin. His old daddy tells him to go make Ashton loosen up and have fun.
Do Your Thing (ao3) - antisocialhood luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 5k
Summary: And to make matters worse - if that's even possible - Luke has to have the bluest balls in all of Sydney. It's been a good week and a half since Calum last initiated their sexy time, and like, Luke can definitely initiate it on his own usually, but Calum's not coming up for bed until the wee hours of the morning when Luke can barely keep his eyes open let alone his dick ready for action.
or, Calum's been talking about Luke's dick to two very familiar, and teasing band members who just want to see it for themselves.
Everybody Wants a Taste (ao3) - reversecow michael/ashton E, 5k
Summary: Michael's a twitch streamer and Ashton's his sexually frustrated roommate. ------ aka the twitch thot fic Michael deserved the minute he bought those kitten ear headphones
Hiccups (ao3) - mikeyreject michael/luke T, 812
Summary: "How do you get rid of hiccups?"
"I don't know just put my dick back in your mouth"
It's Okay, Princess (ao3) - lashtonaf luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Luke likes being a tease, if he knows that Ashton will punish him for it.
just a warning (ao3) - larryandlashtonlmao luke/ashton E, 720
Summary: Luke is being a little tease, and Ash is fed up with it.
Love, Are You Real? (ao3) - senioritastyles michael/calum/ashton T, 4k
Summary: Michael hums happily, rubbing one eye with a closed fist as he lets go of Calum’s hand in favor of speed walking toward Ashton and thumping against his chest in a tight hug. Ashton buries his face in Michael’s sleep mussed hair, holding him just as firmly and listening to Calum’s feet slap quickly along the floor until the youngest boy wiggles under Ashton’s arms and holds him right over where Michael’s arms are.
Ashton adjusts his arms so they fit snugly, one around Michael’s right side and the other around Calum’s left, leaning his face down to kiss the tops of their heads. “Morning.”
Or: Some domestic Mashlum for your reading pleasure.
Mile High (ao3) - lovelylarry (leeanndarling) michael/ashton N/R, 1k
Summary: Michael teases Ashton and gets him hard before their 15 hour flight home. Ashton doesn't appreciate it one bit.
(But Michael takes care of him on the plane because he's a loving boyfriend like that)
patience is a virtue (ao3) - ObsessedWithBands michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: After Michael teases Luke in front of people, Luke gets him back by making him be patient...
...until Luke can't handle it any longer.
Plaid Shirts and Morning Kisses (ao3) - beendreaminglikeafool michael/luke T, 1k
Summary: Luke wears one of Michael's plaid shirts.
Playing With Chemistry (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 17k
Summary: It's the busiest week of the year at the escape room Ashton manages, and it's hard enough without Michael Clifford tempting him at every turn.
So pretty (ao3) - beendreaminglikeafool michael/luke T, 1k
Summary: 'You look great!' Luke smiled, unable to stop himself from admiring the way the other blonde looked.
'Could say the same for you, but...you're kinda...' Michael motioned between Luke and the door that his curly head was peaking from.
or: Luke is slightly nervous about wearing a dress for his date with Michael.
When You're Looking Like This, I Just Can't Resist It (ao3) - flowercrownmikey michael/luke T, 4k
Summary: "He tried to channel the attraction with badly timed insults and petty fighting, and it worked. They were good friends who insulted each other and annoyed their other friends and nobody suspected a thing. It was boyish and natural and fuck, Michael wants him so badly."
OR// Michael has a crush and they're banding with pretty girls in the woods... (The fetus camping fic nobody asked for?)
Worst Behavior (ao3) - mukeinruins michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: "It felt good, didn't it babe?" Michaels voice was slow and velvety. Luke was blushing and sweating a little. He didn't know whether it was the extra body heat from Michael or just the context of the situation that made him feel this hot.
Luke has fun, Michael finds out.
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bunbins · 5 years
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haven't posted selfies on here n awhile and uh my hair is mega short now ! a queer look ! 💕🤠
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truthorclifford · 5 years
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topperthornton · 6 years
The Matchmakers Playbook
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Summary: The absolute main rule for Wingman Inc.? Never fall for clients. But some rules are meant to be broken, right?
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol use (eventually), mentions of sex
Word count: 1,803
A/N: WOW HI WELCOME TO MY FIRST MULTI CHAPTER FIC! I watched the movie ‘the matchmakers playbook’ last night bc i’m highkey in love with nick bateman and instantly fell in love with the concept so this fic is based around that. I’m nervous bc I haven’t written in AGES but here we go, wish me luck. It’s a college/slight fratboy/highkey fuckboy au. Enjoy!
It wasn’t like he chose this life, really.
He didn’t wake up one morning and think ‘holy shit, I’d be awesome at helping the girl get the guy.’ No. Some might say he was forced into it by his best friend, Ashton. It wasn’t all bad. The worst parts are when clients are late.
Like right now.
She was seven minutes late, three more and he would leave. Michael was sitting in some washed out coffee shop. The drink he had ordered for her was getting cold and his patience was growing thinner by the minute. He was waiting for a girl with a blonde pixie cut and glasses that had applied to have Michael help her get the baristas attention. Michael didn’t know why. The barista was nothing special, he had lavender hair and green eyes. But the worst part? His name was Awsten. Yeah, and it was spelled like that. It almost made Michael not want to take this case. That’s when the tiny bell above the door rang and a petite figure bounced in.
“Michael!” she called. He turned.
“You’re late,” he says. She sighs and sits down next to him.
“I know, I’m sorry. I had to walk my dog and he wasn’t having it today,” she explains. Michael didn’t care. “I’m Lainey.”
“I know, I read your file,” he says. She brings her extended hand back into her chest and clearly looks like she wants to sink into the floor. “So. Awsten, huh?”
She blushes and there’s a pause before Michael glances over her shoulder and sees the barista is looking at them.
“Touch my shoulder,” he demands. Lainey scrunches her nose up in confusion. “He’s already seen you and jealousy is an emotion commonly felt before falling in love,” Michael explains. She does as she’s told.
Michael looks over her shoulder again and sees the purple haired barista glancing their way. “Now laugh,” he instructs. Lainey lets out the smallest and fakest laugh he’s ever heard and he has to fight not to roll his eyes. Awsten made his way over to them.
“Hey guys, can I get you anything?” he asks.
“Yeah I’ll send my girlfriend up if we need something,” Michael replies, his eyes not leaving Lainey’s blushing face. Awsten rolls his eyes and looks at her.
“Hey I know you. You’re Lainey, right?” he asks with a smile. Lainey nods.
“We have music class together,” she tells him. Michael kicks her under the table and she lets out a small yip.
“We should get going, we gotta study for that test. Right, babe?” Michael stands and holds out his hand for his fake girlfriend. She grabs his hand.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow, Lainey,” Awsten waves. Michael pulls her out of the coffee shop before she can reply.
“What was that?” she asks.
“First off, you have to be discreet. If he asks if you have a class together you say you’ve never seen him,” Michael explains.
“Fine,” there’s a pause. “So that’s it then? He’s in love with me? Your magic worked?” Michael scoffs at her snide remark.
“I’ll pick you up before class tomorrow and we’ll continue then,” he says before walking away.
“Did you forget?” Calum asks. Michael laughs.
“Forget what?” he teases. He was driving to Calum’s house right now since his new roommate was moving in today and he wanted to throw a welcome party or something.
“Michael I swear to god if you forgot-”
“I’m on my way now, princess,” Michael smirks. He can hear the sigh or relief Calum lets out through the phone.
“Don’t forget to pick up the chips and dip before you get here,” Calum hangs up before Michael can reply.
Michael was late.
When he finally got to Calum’s newly shared home, his hair was a mess and he smelled like the cheap perfume that the girl he had met in front of the grocery store was wearing.
“You’re late. Even Ashton got here before you,” Calum growls as he walks through the door.
“But I brought the chips and dip!” he replies, shoving the brown paper bag into his friends tattooed arms.
“Did you really have to hook up with someone that easy before you got here?” Calum asks, shutting the door behind him. Michael turns so they’re face to face.
“I did. And she has a name, you know. But I didn’t quite catch it because she couldn’t say much with my cock down her throat,” Michael smirks.
“Charming,” an unknown voice says from behind him. He turns and is met with a girl he has never seen before sitting at the kitchen counter. She was wearing sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt and Michael assumes it’s Calum’s new roommate in her ‘moving day’ clothes.
“You have no idea, sweetheart,” Michael says to her. She rolls her eyes and turns to Calum.
“He belong to you?” she asks.
“Unfortunately,” Calum answers, setting the bag on the table and taking the contents out. “Y/N, meet Michael. Michael, meet my new roommate, Y/N.”
“I’d shake your hand but I don’t want to know where it’s been,” Y/N says. Michael is surprised by her quick comeback but brushes it off.
“Could be in the same place as it was with her on you,” he shrugs. She rolls her eyes and turns to have a conversation with Calum when Ashton walks in.
“Hey Mike. How was the meeting this morning?” he asks. Michael shrugs again.
“Give me a challenge next time, Ash,” he snickers.
The rest of the party is slow, more people come and go. Michael occasionally glances over at Y/N but she is never looking his way. Or at least he didn’t catch her staring.
“I hate mornings,” Ashton says as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Michael chuckles as he ruffles his friends hair and makes his way to the fridge in their shared dorm.
“You going to class today?” Michael asks as he gets out the milk for his cereal.
“I wouldn’t be up if I wasn’t,” Ashton says.
“Fair,” Michael shrugs, turning to his empty bowl on the counter.
“Hey you’ve got a meeting after class,” Ashton tells him. Michael shoves a spoonful of chocolate cereal in his mouth and turns around.
“Is it Lainey? Because I’m meeting her before class.”
“No, it’s a new client. She wants some guy named Luke Hemmings,” Ashton explains, staring at the file on his computer. Michael laughs. He knew Luke and he hated him which Ashton knew. That was probably the reason why he made Michael meet with this mysterious girl in the first place.
“Okay, I gotta get going though. Lainey’s got class with douche pants and I gotta walk her to class carrying her books and then kiss her on the forehead,” Michael says, leaving his milk filled bowl on the counter.
“Okay, just meet this client at the bench by the fountain. Oh, and her name is-” Michael has already slammed the door before Ashton can tell him.
Lainey’s hand was surprisingly soft. It wasn’t part of the plan but when they got close to her class, he impulsively grabbed her hand for that extra spice for Awsten to see. They had been walking for what felt like forever before Michael finally saw that flash of lavender hair.
“Stop here,” he says while pulling Lainey to a halt. She turns to face him and he hands her the stack he was carrying before softly kissing her forehead and he can feel the eyes on both of them.
“Did he see us?” Lainey whispers. Michael nods.
“Now, he’s gonna ask for your number. Give it to him but don’t answer when he texts you. Wait until the third text and give very short answers. If he calls you, don’t answer,” Michael instructs.
“What if he doesn’t ask for my number?” she questions. Michael glares at her and she surrenders.
“I gotta go. Tell me how it goes,” he says before running off.
For the first time, Michael was early to class so he was taking his time in walking there. He’s staring at his phone with his headphones in the whole time before he collides into a solid figure which causes them to tip over.
“Oh shit,” Michael mutters to himself before pulling his headphones out and bending over to help them up. “Sorry, man.”
Turns out he had run into a girl. Not any girl, too. Calum’s new roommate, Y/N.
“It’s fine,” she says quietly, grabbing his hand and standing up. There’s an awkward pause as she brushes her pants off.
“So class doesn’t start for another three minutes,” he reminds her. She looks up at him, her eyebrows raised in confusion but interest. “It’ll be tight but we could go around the corner and I could-”
“Oh my god!” she shrieks in disgust.
“Down to two minutes, one of us might not finish but it could still be fun,” he suggests.
“Is this what you do to all girls?”
“Pretty much.”
“You’re gross.”
“And you’re down to a minute and not even I can perform miracles. Your offer expired,” he tells her.
“I wasn’t interested anyway,” she informs, walking past him. He pauses. Not interested? No one has ever been ‘not interested.’ Then it all made sense.
“Oh, in men?” he asks, following her.
“In you. So leave me alone,” she says before finding her seat.
The class was long and boring. Michael spent about two thirds of it winking at girls across the room while he chewed on his pencil eraser. Y/N had seen pretty much the whole thing and rolled her eyes every single time.
The bell was music to Michael’s ears as he packed up his things. Then his phone buzzed so he stopped to see a text.
‘New message from Lainey: it worked!!! he asked for my number!!!!!!’
Michael smiles at the screen but doesn’t reply since he realized all of his classmates had already left the room. He’s almost about to walk back to his dorm when he remembers his meeting at the bench in front of the fountain. He groans before making his way there.
“No fucking way,” he mumbles to himself when he sees Y/N sitting cross legged on the bench, waiting for him. Michael chuckles and makes his way over to her. “Waiting for someone?”
She looks up at him. “Yeah I am. And it’s pretty important to me so can you please leave?” she asks. He shakes his head and sits down next to her. She scoffs and begins to stand up.
“So. Luke, huh?” he teases. She doesn’t move.
“How did-”
“Ashton and I are the founders of Wingman Inc., I’m your new love coach you hired,” Michael smirks at her.
The color leaves Y/N’s face.
“Oh fuck.”
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harryshomebaby · 3 years
23: Coffee and cigarettes - the night game
this one is a chill bop
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maluminspace · 6 years
Hi lovey! Thank you for sending this!One of my fave blogs ever is @mikeyreject! I strongly recommend you follow 💖
Send me a 🌹 and I’ll rec you a blog
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gaypansies · 7 years
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💫 what era is this? (they/them) 💫
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otpmalum · 7 years
Cedar - What is your favorite season?
i love spring and fall because it’s like perfect weather almost all the time like it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold i lov it !!
tender asks
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stacispratt · 7 years
papaya and kiwi ?
papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?oh,, goodness,,,,, (un)lost by the maine or no more bad days by this wild life, shown to me by the love of my life @sapphicmikey
kiwi: what's something that fascinates you?history!! and um.... prolly little dumb things like makeup and music?? i’m not sure!!!
ask me fruit questions!
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ashtonfightme · 7 years
9 and 17
9) best opening act?DUA LIPA i love her music sm 17) funniest concert memory? oh my go f kfjfjfj at slfl ashton did a handstand and i almost cried?? like michael DROPPED him because he was holding ashton’s legs up and he fell
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bellimie · 7 years
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Another year, another post of me telling you all how much I love you. To my mutuals I want to say you guys are awesome and even if we don’t talk that much (or at all) I probably secretly love you more than you know. You guys are all amazing and it’s a blessing seeing all of your posts everyday, you’re what really makes this whole place fun for me.♡ To all of my followers I want to say thank you and I love all you guys so much, thanks for putting up with me y'all are the true heroes here and I love you. 
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Body Worship Masterlist
Art Affair (ao3) - Hoodie, orphan_account michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: "Why the fuck would you want me for a model?"
"Because you are exactly what I would want. A rebel but you have class and you aren't like everyone else. I would really love to paint you."
Body of a God (ao3) - ashton_cuddles94 luke/ashton E, 1k
Summary: To Luke, Ashton was a god. He wasn't just beautiful, he was a gorgeous oil work, every brush stroke delicately painting him. Ashton was a statue carved from marble, every bump and curve meticulously creating his silhouette.
Drowning in You (ao3) - beendreaminglikeafool luke/ashton M, 2k
Summary: Never thought he’d trust a random guy he met twenty minutes ago to have his way with him, but Luke just wanted to stay in that euphoric headspace that showed no sign of stopping. And Ashton looked like one of those people that any soul could trust, even in all his naked glory.
or: Luke gets fucked at a Halloween party
Endlessly (ao3) - thesoulsailor calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 27k
Summary: Calum is the undisputed king of his high school, Ashton speaks through colours, Luke doesn't let anybody touch him and Michael is so getting killed by for hiding that snake in their teacher's drawer.
Everything Is Blue (You're Spilling Like An Overflowing Sink) (ao3) - Migs michael/luke, michael/calum, calum/oc E, 1k
Summary: The thing about Michael Clifford is that he is undeniably beautiful. He shines with the power of thousand stars and burns brighter than the sun. Calum would do anything to be part of his solar system.
Follow You Down (ao3) - lilacpages michael/calum E, 12k
Summary: It’s so stupid, because Michael knows these people are insignificant, and yet, he so easily allows himself to be persuaded by them. His mind races as he reads through the various criticisms, overanalyzing and coming to paranoid, disheartening conclusions that yeah, his voice was completely off and his guitar was out of tune and that all of these people are right.
In The Dark (Like Meteorites) (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum/ashton E, 26k
Summary: Ashton falls for Calum at a nightclub, and then for Calum's boyfriend, too.
I Only Wanna Talk (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum E, 16k
Summary: He thinks it should feel wrong, kissing Calum here in the dark, when the thousand dollars he paid to have this is sitting neatly in its envelope just feet away. But it doesn’t feel wrong, not at all. In fact, it feels unnatural not to be kissing Calum.
Or, more simply, Michael falls in love with a prostitute.
lend me your eyes (i can change what you see) (ao3) - mywonderwall luke/calum E, 5k
Summary: “You’re thinking too hard,” Calum murmurs, even though Luke hasn’t said anything. He pulls his lips off to bite at Luke’s lower jaw, just how he likes it. “You’ve got to relax.” He places a warm, solid hand on Luke’s chest, and Luke can feel his own heartbeat bounce up into Calum’s hand, then back down into his ribcage. Thump, thump, thump.
like a prayer (for which no words exist) (ao3) - satellitesunset (awkwardcaterpillar) ot4 E, 2k
Summary: It's overwhelming, being kissed, grazed, and revered in a manner not unlike worshipping like he's something divine and holy, someone worth praising and devoting to, he's both the saint and sinner, the painting and temple being venerated.
- or ashton-centric ot4 gang bang
More (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 E, 1k
Summary: 3 times that Ashton’s boys have been appreciative of his body
+1 time Ashton looks in the mirror.
Pamper (ao3) - mikeyreject T, 1k
Summary: Michael takes the day to spoil and take care of himself
that’s why you like it (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum, bryanna/ashton E, 69k
Summary: Calum starts doing workouts in the garden over the summer and Michael spends the whole time with his hand down his pants (until Calum takes matters into his own hands).
You Lit a Match with Your Nails on my Back (ao3) - macandgay michael/luke M, 3k
Summary: Michael snickers, “Shut up. I don’t fucking know. I never scratch peoples backs.” But he follows Luke’s request anyway, almost digging his nails into the cool skin and gliding them down his best friend’s side.
“Don’t bust a nut on me.”
“Shut up dumbass,” Luke snorts, blushing immediately. He was glad it was dark or Michael would probably tease him even more. “Just feels good. Don’t stop.”
You Need Some Get Right, Mama (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum E, 2k
Summary: Calum Hood didn’t mean to walk in on Michael Clifford, his best friend, his band mate, his crush, while he was sleeping. He didn’t know he was going to sleeping on his stomach, wearing something that was definitely not boxers. But, he’s glad he did, because it is the hottest sight he has ever had the privilege to have.
OR the fic where Calum walks in on Michael sleeping in panties. Sex ensues.
You On Top Got Me Feeling On Your Booty (Give Me That Sugar With The Sweet Talk) (ao3) - Migs luke/calum E, 3k
Summary: Luke is a camboy and Calum is his bodyguard.
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bunbins · 6 years
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mermaid calum moodboard for @bigknive 🧜🏼‍♂️🌴💕✨
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truthorclifford · 6 years
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I’d like the apologize to my haters for being an absolute snack
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topperthornton · 6 years
The Matchmakers Playbook; Chapter 2
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Summary: The absolute main rule for Wingman Inc.? Never fall for clients. But some rules are meant to be broken, right? 
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: Ah! It’s here! I’m sorry it took me so long to put this out but here it is! Hope you guys like it. I did my damn best so no one can criticize me. Love you guys! Feedback is appreciated
Chapter one
“No fucking way,” he mumbles to himself when he sees Y/N sitting cross legged on the bench, waiting for him. Michael chuckles and makes his way over to her. “Waiting for someone?”
She looks up at him. “Yeah I am. And it’s pretty important to me so can you please leave?” she asks. He shakes his head and sits down next to her. She scoffs and begins to stand up.
“So. Luke, huh?” he teases. She doesn’t move.
“How did-”
“Ashton and I are the founders of Wingman Inc., I’m your new love coach you hired,” Michael smirks at her.
The color leaves Y/N’s face.
“Oh fuck.”
“Come on, sit next to me,” Michael says as he pats the spot on the bench she was just sitting on. She stands there frozen, unsure how to process the information she just received that she would have to team up with her roommates gross fuckboy of a friend.
“I’m good here,” she says, adjusting the strap of her bag that was on her shoulder.
“Let’s go for a walk then, shall we?” he says as he stands up and wraps his arm around her. She didn’t even try to move, she just let it happen and let her feet wander with him as they walked down the path.
“So, how does this work? You talk to him and tell him how amazing i am or something and then he magically falls in love with me?” Y/N asks. Michael laughs and pushes her against a tree gently before leaning his hand on it next to her and staring into her eyes.
“No, baby girl. There’s a series of rules I’m going to give you that you’re going to have to follow,” he tells her.
“Did I stutter?” she tenses up and shakes her head while pressing her own lips together. Michael takes a deep breath and then relaxes his shoulders.
“Look, just do what I tell you to and this will be over before you know it, got it?” he asks.
“Clear as day,” she answers.
“Good. We start tonight, we have a lot of work to do,” he says and he removes his hand from the tree.
“Excuse me?” she calls after him.
“I’m just saying. Oh and if Luke tries to text you, ignore it. If he calls to make plans say you’re busy with your new study buddy,” Michael shrugs before turning around to leave.
“Is that you? Are you my new study buddy?” she asks, not having moved from the tree. Michael turns around to face her again.
“Y/N, from now on I’m not just your new study buddy but I’m your everything,” he smirks before walking away before she can answer.
“My new client is Y/N?” Michael asks as he bursts into his shared dorm with Ashton. Ashton is sitting at the kitchen table on his laptop which he doesn’t look up from when Michael shrieks at him.
“You left before I could tell you who it was,” Ashton answers as he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Michael groans. “What are your plans for her?”
“I’m taking her to dinner tonight, probably gonna have to take her shopping tomorrow to find her an outfit that isn’t baggy and will actually make bread stick look at her,” Michael says as he opens up the refrigerator to grab himself a beer. When he turns around he notices Ashton staring at him, his eyes crossed, unamused. “What?” Michael pops the top off the bottle as he stares back at his roommate.
“Bread stick?” is the only thing Ashton replies with. Michael rolls his eyes.
“Shut up.”
She’s early.
When Michael walks into the restaurant, he finds Y/N sitting alone at a table for two. The candle in the middle had nearly burned down to the wick and the bread sticks right next to her were surely cold by now. He paused for a second to take her features in.
Her elbow was resting on the table and her head was in her palm. She had a look of boredom painted on her face. It was clear that she desperately wanted to pull out her phone or a book or anything to distract herself but didn’t want Michael to yell at her so she just sat there alone in silence. She was staring out the window at the pink and orange clouds and she looked-
Michael stopped himself. Yes, she was very attractive. No! No she wasn’t! He knew he can’t be thinking about clients like this. No matter how the setting sun made her skin tone so gorgeous and her eyes shiny. Gah! Knock it off!
He shook his head before walking up and sitting down right across from her. She blinked a few times and brought her hand down back into her lap and looked at him.
“Hey,” she greeted.
“You’re early,” Michael states.
“So are you,” she replies. Michael rolls his eyes and scans the room. “What are you looking for?”
“Your lover. He always comes here after he’s done studying in the library,” Michael says as he looks over her shoulder at the tables behind them.
“That’s why we’re here?!” her eyes grow big and she buries her face in her hands. “I thought you wanted to go over the rules or something so I could be ready. I didn’t think we’d face him right off the bat!”
“Trust me, baby girl. The sooner we get started the sooner we get this over with,” Michael says before he spots a blonde quiff sitting alone in the corner. “He’s here.”
Y/N looks up from her palms, her eyes even wider than before. “Did he see us? Is he looking?” she whispers.
“Why are you whispering? It’s not like he’s going to hear us,” he rolls his eyes as Y/N blushes. “No, he’s not looking. He’s eating. God, he must be clueless.”
She looked at Michael, her nose scrunched up in confusion. An idea pops into Michael’s head and he smirks to himself. He stands up slowly and brings his chair to a different side of the table so he’s sitting next to Y/N instead of across from her.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
“Shh,” he hushes as he brings one hand to her neck. He can see the color leave her face as he leans in. Michael’s pink lips attach to her neck and leave a lingering kiss. He can feel her stop breathing and he knows he’s in the right place so he decides to have some fun. He gently sucks on the spot on her neck that he kissed before crawling his way up to her ear and whispering. “You look so fucking gorgeous tonight, baby girl,” and moving back to his seat.
Y/N is speechless. The words are clogged in her throat and she can’t speak, let alone breathe. She sits there, staring at him and his puffy pink lips that she wanted to kiss so badly. But two things stood in her way. The first being she knew his reputation. He was only doing this to help her get the cute boy in her biology classes attention. He didn’t really mean any of that. He had probably done this to thousands of girls before and she was just chopped liver.
The second obstacle that stood in her way was a voice that came to her right.
“Y/N?” they asked. Both Y/N and Michael tore their gaze away from each other to find the source of the noise. It was Luke. He was standing right in front of their table, staring down at the girl that looked so tiny compared to his tall features.
“Luke!” Y/N shrieks before smiling and standing up to hug him. Michael buries his face in his palms and wants to kick her under the table. No physical connection, that was an obvious rule.
“Hey, I was just about to leave and I saw you sitting here and thought I should come say hi,” Luke says as she pulls away from him. Michael jumps up and decides to take the situation into his own hands since he knows Y/N will just screw everything up if she keeps talking or hugging or staring at him like that.
“Hey man, I’m Michael,” Michael greets as he holds his hand out. They knew each other and Michael hated him but he had to give off the impression that he was a perfect gentleman for Y/N.
“Luke. Nice to meet you,” Luke replies as he shakes Michael’s hand.
“So how do you know my girl?” Michael asks as he puts his arm around Y/N. Both hers and Luke’s eyes go wide.
“Your girl?” Luke asks.
“Yeah, my girl,” Michael softly says before planting a kiss on Y/N’s cheek.
“We’re partners in biology,” Y/N answers, as Luke is too shocked to say anything.
“Yes. Yes, that we are,” Luke confirms.
“Well it was great to meet you, Luke, but Y/N and I have an amazing date planned so we’ll have to catch up later,” Michael says as he grabs her bag, hands it to her, and then takes her hand in his own.
“I’ll see you in class, Luke,” she smiles at him.
“Yeah. Yeah! You will. It was great seeing you,�� Luke says, sadness clear in his voice as he looks down to see them holding hands.
Michael then almost pulls her out of the restaurant before either of them have a chance to say anything else.
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margotism · 7 years
lets just never forget michael’s love and passion for video games, remember when he did a livestream playing league? it was amazing…. also during that livestream one of his friends made a ‘rape joke’ and this was his answer
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