#miles the magnificent memory machine
thankyouforholding · 14 days
When you keep messing up on the mouth organ and Miles says "close but no cigar" over and over.
Magnificent Memory Machine? Make that the Magnificent MISERY Machine.
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stillhavetodothat · 1 year
Replaying Nancy Drew without Cheating - Part 7: The Haunted Carousel
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Ah, yes, a game that I rarely even think about when considering the Nancy Drew universe as a whole. I didn’t even know Ingrid Corey’s name was Ingrid Corey when I first sat down to play this game. I didn’t remember Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine. In fact, this is having me question if I have ever actually finished the game in the first place, because aside from who the culprit was, I didn’t remember a thing about that ending. The last scene was just a lot of clicking around in blind hope, trying not to die. Unfortunately, this meant that I got to see a whole lot of this face.
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Honestly, thank god I didn’t ever finish this one as a kid, because that face would have given me more nightmares than Joseph’s in FIN (and that already scared me shitless enough).
But anyway. CAR. And not cheating when playing it. I was able to move through the story pretty quickly, without getting stuck, until I had to play the harmonica for MtMM. I played those 6 notes over and over again, and he kept telling me to try again. I was getting ready to throw my laptop in a rage. Eventually when I went away, talked to some other people, and returned, I was able to replay the 6 notes and he finally accepted the answer. This had to have either been a bug, or it was set up in such a way that I couldn’t move on to solving the riddle unless I had had another conversation first? I don’t know. Either way, that was maybe the most frustrating moment in my entire journey so far, and the one I was most willing to risk my no-cheating streak for. BUT ALAS, I prevailed!
Some thoughts about this game:
1. Why does the location suck so bad? This game is about a theme park, but you can only go to a few attractions inside the park, a couple stuffy offices, and the butt-ugly hotel room across the street. Herein starts the trend of games where very little wandering takes place. Obviously other games have maps with marked locations on them, but they also have an entire museum, an entire soap opera set, or a huge forest and underground tunnels to explore. Idk, this game felt slightly claustrophobic to me for some reason. And I would have loved to be able to wander through the park itself to feel a little bit more immersed. Missed opportunity.
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I will say that this hotel room captures the feel of New Jersey perfectly, though.
2. For a game whose namesake is a “haunted carousel,” we see very little haunting and honestly very little carousel. Half the game is running around solving convoluted riddles for a helpless Joy, and the other is doing Ingrid’s job for her, leaving very little time for much else.
3. Speaking of Ingrid, why on earth is an engineer asking me, an 18-year-old stranger, to fix circuitry and program software updates? And some of her passive aggressive comments (”It isn’t exactly rocket science,” “He’s not exactly a mechanical genius,” and “You can check in the binder if it’s too cryptic for you”) made her a VERY unpleasant suspect. Being a park engineer is YOUR job, girl, not mine. However, she IS the most beautiful suspect in the games so far. LOOK at her bone structure.
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4. For some reason, I remember the burning-down-the-hotel thing as an explosion, where you get to see the entire hotel get engulfed in violent flames as you stand outside in horror. I mean, getting the call from Paula Santos is good and all, but it was disappointing when I was gearing up to see some serious destruction (I even left the iron on, on purpose, just to see it).
5. I felt like Nancy was particularly annoying in this game. She hears Harlan is an ex-con, and immediately tries to get him fired over it (extremely anti-woke of her...why have I never realized how terrible she really is?). Instead of ordering a soft drink with her burger, she ordered a tall glass of milk (barf). Half the time she pronounces carousel “carouSEL,” which irked me for no reason at all. Obviously Joy and Ingrid were battling for the Most Annoying Character award this game, but seems like Nancy decided to throw her hat in the ring, too.
6. I was about to shit all over Nancy for being a hude nerd and thinking finding a book on carousels was “cool,” but then I read it and was actually enthralled. I even read some tidbits of information to my fiance, and he was also fascinated, and even asked some follow-up questions (very detective of him!). So I will apologize to Nancy for that, but only that!
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7. The first game where Nancy has a cell phone! Hilarious that she has to pull out her blank notepad and a pencil for every single impromptu call, but at least we are spared running back to a specific room just to make a phone call. AND, we get to answer phone calls in this game, too, not just make them! So futuristic.
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8. This is also the first game where you have to actually get information from one of your regular phone contacts (Bess, George, Ned) in order to move forward in the game. I have been generally avoiding calling any of those contacts throughout these play-throughs, since it is mostly just recapping stuff I’ve already done. This left me racking my brain trying to remember where we are supposed to learn about shorthand to translate the Glory note, thinking it was in a book somewhere, when really it really required a phone call to Bess all along.
9. This is also the first playthrough of this game where I actually got to mention the Poppy Dada piece to Elliott, and hear him say that she thinks he is hot (she ain’t wrong). I love discovering new experiences in older games, and love when games make references to games that preceded them.
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10. This picture of Mike DeSalle and K.J. Perris is the best part of the game, hands down. The hair! The mustache! The crossed eyes! The awkward holding of the jewelry!
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11. Not to brag or anything, but I managed to beat Barnacle Blast the first time through. Not sure how this is even possible, since I have been dreading that very game since I started STFD. I must be getting more dexterous in my old age.
I know I just bitched about CAR for several paragraphs there, but I did enjoy playing it. The ending was actually really great, and it made sense when you think about other clues that were pointing to it the entire game (the fact that Elliott kept calling me “Nance” was suspicious on its own - you can never trust anyone who gets too friendly. See: Lisa, Joe). This is Nancy Drew, so any and every game is a treat for me. Even if I have complaints.
Never been so excited to get out of New Jersey. Onward and upwards to the PNW, and one of my favorite games of all time!
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drewlyyours · 1 year
Rating Nancy Drew Game Moms for Mother’s Day:
Every mom starts out 5/10 for being mom
(Warning: these are just my opinions and I’m a silly lil guy so)
(Oh and spoilers I guess)
Kate Drew (Nancy’s mom)
-3 hid things from her family because she was a spy and she dies for it :(
+5 teaches her daughter about how loved she is and about the beauty of music and poetry and helping others
Camille Hurley (doll mom)
-5 didn’t have kids
Ethel Bossiny (Jane’s tutor while her mother is gone)
-5 never breeded
+7 breeds chaos consistently
-5 or teaching Jane to be in a cult
+5 for upholding family tradition!
-2 scary as all hell
+4 helps teach Jane life skills and academics while her parents are gone
-3 look where that got her
Linda Penvellyn (Jane’s step-mom)
-5 Jane has only been in her life like a couple months and hates her
+8 stays even when her husband is not around and she is depleting mentally and physically due to the strain and literal curse this child is putting on her
Renee Penvellyn (Jane’s mom)
+5 Jane’s favorite mom
+2 opera singer!
-1 hard divorce :(
-4 literally isn’t around and this affects child quite badly
Mrs. Petrov (Linda’s mom)
+5 literally gets a detective to go investigate why her daughter wasn’t feeling well
-2 doesn’t go herself
+2 would probably fight the entire Penvellyn family (including Mrs. Drake) for her and that’s goals
Mrs. Drake (plant mom)
+3 loves her plants more than people
+2 won awards for best plants
-1 feeds people to her plants
+1 feeds her plants people
Marion Aborn (“fill-in” mom for Emily)
-10 not a mom
+10 fills in when Emily’s mom died
-10 basically a literal kidnapper and thief
+1 makes pie
Ezra Wickford (Dexter’s adoptive… dadmom)
-5 not mom
+10 invented chocolate milk
-4 dexter’s daddy issues
+2 the scrapbook
Kasumi Shimizu (Yumi and Miwako’s mom)
+5 literally the glue that held their family together
-2 died
Whomever mothered Lori Girard
-5 clearly did bad
Jing-Jing Ling (my mom)
+5 makes fresh-baked cookies every day made of love
Charleena Purcell (mother of all romance novels)
+5 changed Fatima’s life forever
-3 bad at fan interactions
+1 has an illustrious air about her which is the perfect condition for romance novels
Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine (Joy’s Robot Thing)
-10 is a consciousless robot
+2 made with love and the purpose of distributing love and advice to Joy
+10 even bad memories have a place in a good life
+2 the one consistent thing in Joy’s life even when it may annoy her
+1 I will cry
Rita Hallowell (cat mom)
+5 for literally being the most iconic duo
-2 Usher becomes a legend for constantly wandering aimlessly at Waverly likely seeking his mother after her death
Hannah Gruen (Nancy’s housekeeper)
+5 caring for Nancy when her mother died and being wonderful always
Emily Griffen (dog mom)
+2 probably got dogs from the pound and fed them when no one else would
Sally McDonald (dog mom)
+2 takes dogs in even when already stressed in life
+1 keeps all of them
+2 has a lots of land for them to play and be friends and have good doggie lives
Rosalie Thornton (Clara’s mother)
-3 won’t freaking tell her kid who her father is and then dies
-2 look where that got her!
Clara Thornton (Jessalyn’s mother)
+1 this point is from Charlotte cause I feel like she would think the guilt this woman carries about that is punishment enough
+3 literally loves her daughter so much truly
-3 lies consistently to her daughter
+2 she has trauma and her family history is kinda disgusting and has been disgusting to her… I kinda get it
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obscurum-passagium · 4 months
32 for the ask game :)
32 - If you had to get rid of one game and instead combine it with another one, which games would you combine and why?
so we all know that i fucking detest SPY and that CAR is such an astronomical fumbling of what could've been a really interesting setting, so let's combine those two.
revenant--it's gone. hate that shit. bridgette/zoe--she's combined with niacin woman (i'm sorry i've only played CAR like once. ingrid? i think it's ingrid.) i think there's a guy in SPY called alec or alex, he can be a guy at the park doing those card shuffles you can't win, and it turns out he's not actually employed and you can rat him out or not. i don't care about the other characters. they can all be in here. to quote karl marx, "who give a shit".
game takes place at night like in this post. we'll say its in scotland, objectively a better place than new jersey. you can drink milk, you can have cookies, you can order a haggis sundae. yes, you can still burn down your hotel room. miles the magnificent memory machine is a bomb. god i forgot about joy trent, okay, she's like, been milf-ified in this version. nancy imprints upon her like a baby bird and thinks it's her missing mom. the game is about a haunted carousel at a park where nancy's mom went mysteriously missing when she was a child. "nancy you have got to come quick! there's a carousel that starts up for no reason in the middle of the night and it might be cursed with your missing mother's evil spirit!!!"
we still end up on a goose chase for a haunted carousel / carousel horse. there's a lot of sexual tension btween nancy and every character, esp the milf-ified joy trent. there are shadow people stalking nancy through the park at night. we need an amulet. when we find the missing carousel horse, two options immediately come to mind: we find out that the horse has been nancy's mom the entire time (this cannot be epxlained) or nancy's mom is INSIDE the horse. or parts of her are, and she was buried in pieces around the park. that could be a fun end-game collecting puzzle! i would play this game
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tabbycatcreates · 8 months
The most memorable thing about the Haunted Carousel is Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine
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perpetuallylocked · 1 year
I love your aesthetics! Do you have any tips for someone who wants to start making them? Which Nancy Drew game is your favorite and why?
My best advice is just to go for it! If you go way back into the archives of this blog, you will see that my first aesthetic posts are haphazard and in a very different style than what I post now. Once you begin, you will grow as an artist. Taking that initial leap is the first step!
Now that my sappy, saccharine advice is done, here's some advice that was probably more in the vein of what you were asking.
1) Try and create a color scheme within each graphic. I usually try and match up two or three colors throughout all the pictures that I use.
2) Consider the brightness and darkness of the pictures when putting them together. You probably won't want 7 dark pictures and then 1 super light, bright picture.
3) The angles and viewpoints of the pictures matter. A mix of close-up and far-away shots works really well.
4) The content of the pictures matters, too. 4 pictures of faces right next to each other might look kind of awkward. A mix of objects, faces, and places can really capture the feel of a game.
5) The pictures don't have to be exact matches for the objects and places in the games. Sometimes I have stumbled upon pictures that are immediate matches for what is found in the game; other times artistic liberty is needed, especially for rare places (Niko's study from DED or the very specific train cars in TRN, for instance) or objects (such as Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine from CAR or the relic device from MED).
To answer your last question, Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon is at the top of my list. First of all, any mystery on a train gets bonus points in my book. The cast of characters is insanely fun and the Hardy Boys are sheer perfection in this game. To add to that, the location becomes a character in and of itself. The atmosphere is impeccable, the puzzles and mini-games are all enjoyable to me, and I love a bittersweet historic backstory. It's everything I want when I play a Nancy Drew game wrapped up in one misty blue and gray box.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Ferris Wheel Day
Ferris wheels have always been associated with childhood; it’s no surprise how loved they are around the world, as people who aren’t afraid of heights get to see the horizon of the world around them.
Ferris wheels, however, are a most recent invention over the past 200 years. That’s why National Ferris Wheel Day exists! National Ferris Wheel Day is all about teaching people the history and cultural significance of this magnificent machine.
Learn about National Ferris Wheel Day
National Ferris Wheel Day has been designed to honor George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr, who is, of course, the inventor of the Ferris Wheel! We’re sure that most people reading this have fond memories of going on a Ferris Wheel, whether at a theme park or at a tourist attraction. Ferris Wheels are a lot of fun, coming in different sizes and enabling us to see for miles and miles! You may have even had your first kiss on a Ferris Wheel!
Since the Ferris Wheel has been invented, there have been some incredible Ferris Wheels built around the world. This includes Canada’s Niagara Skywheel, which enables you to look over the Niagara Falls. It’s truly breathtaking. You also have The London Eye, which looks over London’s Thames River. Another famous Ferris Wheel is the Tianjin Eye Ferris Wheel in Tianjin, China. What makes this Ferris Wheel so spectacular is the fact that is erected over a bridge that spans the Hair River. There are so many incredible Ferris Wheels, so we definitely recommend doing a bit of digging online on this day. You could even make a bucket list of Ferris Wheels that you would like to visit!
History of National Ferris Wheel Day
George Washington Gale Ferris invented the Ferris wheel in 1893 when at age 33, he introduced his invention to the World’s Columbian Exposition.
This exhibition was also known as the Chicago World’s Fair, where people at the time were celebrating the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ landing in the New World. When people saw it for the first time, they immediately saw it as the United States’ version of the Effiel Tower.
Ferris’s creation stood at an enormous 260 feet high, with 36 cars encased with glass and locked doors, and weighed in at a total 26,000 pounds. After the exhibition, the Ferris wheel ran from June until October 1863. It wasn’t until 1894 that the Ferris wheel got taken down completely.
The dismantled part of the Ferris wheel was actually made into good use; During World War I, the scraps were used to make battleships, specifically the U.S.S Illinois. Now, Ferris wheels are everywhere, from carnivals, festivals, and can be seen at any kind of celebration.
This holiday honors his birthday as well as his invention. People celebrate this holiday by taking the time to ride the Ferris wheel and feel the wonder and excitement that comes from it.
Some make it a lover’s date, as it is the perfect place to gain some intimacy. Others come with their friends and family to take part in the event and some just take the time to learn about the different kinds of Ferris wheels around the world, which is fun in its own right.
How to Celebrate National Ferris Wheel Day
Head to your closest fairground, theme park, or showground and go straight to the Ferris wheel for some awesome fun! Bring your friends, family or lover with you when you go, and make it a date.
The theme parks that have been built over the years are truly incredible. If you plan ahead of time, you can make sure that National Ferris Wheel Day is one to remember by visiting one of the most thrilling theme parks in your area. Not only will you be able to go on a Ferris Wheel but there will be plenty of other rides for you to enjoy as well, from rollercoasters to dark rides and themed experiences. There is something for everyone!
Take some time to learn about the ingenuity involved with inventing the Ferris wheel, and look up all the most well-known Ferris wheels from around the world. Host a party and make the theme all about Ferris wheels.
You can also take some time to learn about the different facts associated with Ferris Wheels. If you take a look online, you will see that there are some really interesting facts. For example, did you know that the largest Ferris wheel in the world is found in Las Vegas? It is called the High Roller and it is 550 feet tall! You can also look up some of the more classic Ferris Wheels. For example, there is the Wonder Wheel of Coney Island. This Ferris Wheel has been standing for over 100 years now and it was constructed by the Eccentric Ferris Wheel Company. You’ll find it in New York.
Of course, the day has been chosen because it is the same date as the birthday of the inventor, George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. So, why not learn a bit more about him? A civil engineer, born in Galesburg, Illinois, George is known for the Ferris wheel concept and the original Chicago Ferris Wheel. He lived a short life, dying at the age of 37-years-old. This was shortly after the death of his father. Both died of typhoid fever. Despite having a short life, George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. certainly achieved a lot, and you will find a lot of interesting reads about his achievements.
If you’re an avid collector, start collecting antiques associated with Ferris wheels and help share your love of Ferris wheels with your friends.
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kit-foley · 2 years
Miles the magnificent memory machine was rlly just a robot therapist huh
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Miles: Humans need shared experiences.
Joy: I’m regretting sharing this one.
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ndgamesheadcanons · 3 years
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Submitted by the blog creator
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hotchkiss-and-tell · 3 years
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I asked @perpetuallylocked to choose between Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine and the Dread Isle monkeys. After seeing her take on Miles I was inspired to try my own aesthetic for him by focusing on his jumble of parts.
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I saw this on Pinterest and had to do it.
1. Nancy is the leader no matter what. Either that or she rebels and gets into trouble.
2. Frank is a great second in command after Nancy. Good mastermind and strategist.
3. George is big brain. Techie. Wrinkly brain.
4. Henry heals our hearts.
5. Mason is a genius. A dumb one but a genius.
6. Idk I can see Alexei as a sniper. Also “Markovic” and “Marksman” kinda go togther.
7. Joe would love blowing stuff up. Also he’s very smart and would actually be a good person to handle the explosives.
8. Robot.
9. Zoe is amazing and I think the only reason Nancy caught her breaking in was because she knew Nancy couldn’t do anything and wanted to taunt her.
10. Patrick is always helpful though. He gives us crackers. But he is dumb. (or is he?)
11. Deirdre’s always been a lone wolf. But she’d be a good asset for a squad like this.
12. This guy’s body just screams “sexy” and “tank”. He’s built like a... Something really thick and sturdy. idk. A tree but with more sex appeal.
13. Alec is a badass, case closed. Private investigator, skip tracer, spy? Also he’s fun so win-win.
14. Ryan is an engineer, a mechanical genius, and endless entertainment.
15. Ned is always the support. Whether it’s fighting or emotional, he’s a good support.
16. Sonny is so chaotic, where else would he go?
17. Jamila is so cool. She blends in and no one suspects her. Perfect scout for any situation.
18. He’s... Kind of a hacker, I guess. 
19. This guy is a ranch hand, which means he lifts bales of hay and chops wood and all that jazz. Also look at him and tell me he isn’t a powerhouse.
20. Dylan goes places. Enough said. Also look at his outfit.
21. I think Tino would be good for stuff like that. Idk he seemed to survive an assault with plastic dinnerware so maybe he’d be good at this.
22. Bess boosts everyone’s morale. She’s just a load of cuteness and charisma.
23. Grigor is a theater kid, which means he can probably sing, dance, act, do props, set design, set building, lights, fly systems, etc. Jack of all trades.
24. I hate Alicia Cole.
25. Jane is the last resort. They don’t use her until the last moment. She’s too powerful.
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Day 13: Best Quote
There are two of these in the challenge and that’s fantastic because I can’t choose between two specific quotes. This one is kind of serious and something I’ve been trying to keep in mind as I go about my life. It struck me the first time I played the game and on many replays. I even have plans to embroider this quote on a set of tea towels I’m making! 
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ragnarthemess · 5 years
Oh the things you make late at night.
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Forbidden 5
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Summary: You're Tony's sister and you just so happen to be very attracted to the one man that gets on your brother's nerves, Steve Rogers. Unknowingly to you, the older man also has his eyes on you despite your circumstances
Warnings: none
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
The man whom you shared your DNA with plopped down in the seat next to you at the kitchen island. The past couple days you’ve been keeping to yourself now more than ever and Tony was determined to find out what’s wrong with you
“You’ve been MIA for a while now, what’s going on?”
Liar, you knew exactly why you haven’t been your usually sarcastic, annoying self and it all had to do with what almost happened with Steve. You couldn’t tell your brother that the man he has a love/hate relationship with is the reason that you haven’t been yourself lately
“Good morning”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear
Steve strode into the kitchen looking handsome as ever with Sam and Bucky following closely behind, he quickly glanced at you both as he maneuvered his way around the kitchen making his breakfast. Bucky patted you on the back, pulling out the chair on the other side of you
“I should get going, Thor’s waiting for me in the gym” sliding out of your seat you took your phone and water bottle up off the counter quickly removing yourself from the crowded room
Why are you like this Y/N?
You can’t keep avoiding him all the days of your life
Groaning you leaned against the wall of the elevator as you recalled the memories from that night. The way that his scent evaded your senses, the feeling of your smaller hands in his larger ones, the feeling of his stubble brushing against your fingertips, the way his hot breath fanned against your lips as you both leaned into each other’s touch
Closing your eyes, you envisioned being back in that same position with Steve
The doors slid open and you stepped into the hallway that led to the gym. Thor’s grunts could be heard as well as the punches he’s dishing out on the punching bag. Pushing the door open you were pleasantly surprised to see Thor’s sweaty, shirtless torso. His back was positioned to you so every flex of his back muscle was visible to you and it was indeed a magnificent sight to witness
“Thor it’s way too early for you to be looking this good”
Upon hearing your voice Thor paused his workout to smile over at you, his chest rising and falling as he regained his breath
“I could say the same about you”
Placing your things down on the nearest bench you made your way over to the treadmill to start your warm up. He resumed abusing the poor punching bag as you picked up the pace a bit. Steve hadn’t only benched you from going out on missions but he also banned you from over exerting yourself when it came to training. Usually, you would be sparring with Nat or doing hand to hand combat with Bucky or Steve but seeing as you were recovering you were now stuck with the treadmill
Increasing the speed, you began jogging. The AC/DC blasting through the gym speakers gave you the push you needed to change your pace. You despised cardio with a passion, one time you chose to go running with Steve, Sam and Bucky, that was the stupidest decision you have ever made in your entire life as you gave up after hitting mile two. Bucky slowed his pace so that you could keep up, at one point he slung you over his shoulder as he caught up to the others, in times like that, being manhandled by a super soldier isn’t as bad as it sounds
Sweat coated every inch of your body as you pushed yourself, droplets landed on the machine every stride you took. You weren’t keeping track of how long you’d been on the treadmill but you knew that it had to be a good while because Thor now stood in front of you with an annoyed look on his face
“I’m bored, let’s get to the fun stuff”
Thor reached over and hit the off button and you quickly came to a stop, confused you tilted your head to the side waiting for him to elaborate more on ‘the fun stuff’. His bright smile only made you more skeptical as you worked on regulating your breathing
“Let’s do some sparring” helping you off the machine he led you over to the mat where you all used for combat training
“Thor I can’t remember?” bending down you reached for one of the clean towels on the rack when suddenly you were flipped onto your back, Thor stood over you with a shit eating grin on his face
“You can’t or won’t?” he knew that you hated when he taunted you especially when it came to training, you knew what he was trying to do and you knew that you were not about to back down from a challenge
“Game on then”
Smirking you hooked you kneed him in the back of his thighs and quickly swiped his feet from under him. You both began throwing punches at one another, you knew that he was mainly doing this for your benefit because he knew just how much you missed the action. Thor got a hold of your hand and pinned you down on the mat beneath him, his long blonde hair fell from the pony he had it in, framing his face
“Yield you puny human”
“Not today” hooking your leg around his waist you used your strength to flip you both over so now you were the one on top. Rolling his eyes, he couldn’t help but smile up at you proud to see that you’re still capable of holding your own
Still straddling Thor’s abdomen, you both caught up on a few things that’s happened. He told you about his nonexistent relationship with Jane and you told him about the almost kiss you had with Steve. You both had been so caught up in the middle of your conversation you both hadn’t noticed Steve’s presence
His heart dropped seeing the position that you and Thor were in, he hadn’t bothered to work out anymore instead he turned on his heels and headed up to his room
Guys should I do a Steve POV next chapter? Let me know!
Tag list:
@madisondelstan @thenumber1simp @mac99martin @n3ssm0nique @sltwins @artisancowbells @denisemarieangelina
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knittingbee1987 · 3 years
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Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine
The Haunted Carousel
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