#mili review
jailaster · 2 years
Song Review 3: Utopiosphere by Mili
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As what may be their oddest song on the surface, Utopiosphere actually elaborates on a key issue in a timely manner after A Turtle's Heart and Nine Point Eight - that is, what's Mag Mell like? Utopiosphere provides us a window into understanding Mili's interpretation of heaven looks like. This song is a clarification, a continuation. This song also presented me with my greatest challenge yet in this project of mine. But the reward was more than worth it, and I hope you'll see it that way, too. Allow me to walk you through my interpretation, analysis, and review on this little understood song.
Song Analysis
This song is very, very unique in its story and approach to telling it. The story? It picks up right where A Turtle's Heart and Nine Point Eight left off. I don't believe that the lead is the protagonist from either song but is rather just another average person who died. Our lead in this song was deemed fit to join Mag Mell and so off goes their spirit to join the ranks of the happily deceased. However, before they're allowed into the heart of Mag Mell where everyone else is, one must be put through a purification ritual to rid the body and spirit of evil and severe negative emotions. Through this procedure, purity of mind and body in ensured while allowing one to maintain the emotional dynamics that is the hallmark of humanity. At best, this procedure uncomfortable. And at worst, it's hell.
Step through the gate into utopia Sink into a world of melodia
The song begins with our lead at the gates of Mag Mell in a lobby or processing area of sorts. And our first taste of Mag Mell is provided here, too. A world of melodia? Mag Mell is indeed a utopia, although the role of music is unclear. It might be the primary form of communication, it might simply be heavily valued, or it might just be alluding to the ongoing festivities and parties of a world without evil. Whatever it may be, Mag Mell is the place to be.
Black lace euphoberia hurries away (La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la) Tiny legs leaves behind a track of cardioid (La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la)
What is euphoberia? It's an extinct type of centipede and was estimated to have lived over 300 million years ago. So, what's it doing here? Black lace and euphoberia. Black lace is traditional Western funeral attire while centipedes and maggots permeate the decomposing body. It appears that the spirits of the recently deceased get to keep their bodies in their new life. These things are fleeing the body because the angels - the guardians of Mag Mell are beginning purification of this person's mind and body, beginning with the physical portion. And so, the remnants of this person's presence on Earth - the funeral attire and centipedes/maggots - are leaving them. This process is being driven by the guardians as heard by their humming and singing in the background. And as the centipedes leave their body, they trace the path of a cardioid. Why a cardioid? It is an enclosed shape and traces out a deformed heart that starts and stops at the same place. There are two meaning being conveyed with this one object. One possibility is that the cardioid traces out our perception of time quite well. Our time in the beginning, our childhood goes by rather quickly. Then, our perception of time levels and becomes more regular in the young adult and midlife phases. Finally, it accelerates once again near the time of death as we become painfully aware both of our mortality and of how little time we have left. The other possibility becomes clearer in the next verse.
Twisted creation Phosphorescent apparition Heart disorientation Bemusement
This verse is commentary from the guardians. They note how twisted the cardioid traced before them is. Twisted both in shape and color, that is. I suspect the cardioid is intertwined with various colors, bright and dark, as a visual representation of what was contained in the deceased's soul. If this person is indeed your average Joe/Jane, then it is a realistic commentary on how humanity is stained by such evil persons and ideology. Or perhaps the shape traced out by the euphoberia is unique to each person? That's a very interesting idea to consider further. I'll keep with the idea that the shape is reflective of humanity, however, that is reinforcing the idea given by the colorful cardioid. A phosphorescent apparition. I believe this is the angelic figure featured in the official art. More precisely, it is our lead's soul being separated from the body for the purpose of allowing them to observe the process while their body undergoes purification. These last two lines are the guardians observing the reactions of our lead. Their reaction is one of unease and puzzlement. At their situation, yes, but mostly at just how much anger, envy, bitterness, resides in them. Since they're being admitted to Mag Mell, they must have been a truly good person at heart. But even the best of us have a measure of darkness deep inside. Perhaps more than we'd like to admit.
Merry go 'round and around Misery go 'round and around Quandary go 'round and around Merry go 'round and around
This verse is interesting. Each voice here is distinct, meaning there is at least four guardians participating in this purification procedure. And each one of them is helping move the different colors - the different emotions, positive and negative, around the cardioid. Perhaps this is social commentary, too, about how we are emotional beings, and that fact permeates throughout the lifespan. That we cycle between forms of merry and misery throughout the day and our whole lives. This part of the process is the purification of mind and soul, more details to follow in the next verse.
Tick-tock Time doesn't stop Prepare your doubts, eat them up Quaff down the pus of thoughts Red sand flows out Sweet mouth
Perhaps this procedure is dangerous or uncomfortable as the guardians are insistent on moving through and completing it as soon as possible as indicated by the first two lines. A lesser possibility is that they're eager to move our lead into Mag Mell to join the others, but I suspect this isn't the case because the guardians seem to be aged, matured, and forthright. Now, the purification of mind and soul is complete. The guardians urge our lead to eat and drink to reacquire the emotions that makes them human. They gain both doubt and cognizance, assumingly along with the rest of their emotions. Save for the darkest ones, of course. And now too is the cleansing of their body complete with the expulsion of the red sand. The sand is keeping in theme with the passage of time set by the clock and red representing physical artifacts of "evil" leaving the body. More on the theme of time later in this review. As a last note for this verse, the baby's cry after the third line is interesting. I think it serves two purposes. The cry itself perhaps reinforces the idea that the procedure is uncomfortable or harmful. This cry being from a baby might also serve the idea that this is a new beginning, literally a new life for our lead.
The sky is painted in lunacia Florets slashed open the vein of tears Misfortuna There is no escape, my dear
With the purification process complete, our lead is now welcome to join the others in Mag Mell. The sky, previously dull, now shows a cacophony of colors just like those seen in the official art. Lunacia sounds like lunacy. But here I take lunacy to mean crazy in the sense that the color show put before our lead is a wild display of color and motion. Here we get just a hint of the colorful, beautiful land that Mag Mell truly is. And with the sight presented before them, our lead sobs in glee and gratitude as they get to live in this stunning utopian paradise. As for the last two lines of this verse… I can only assume Misfortuna is the name of our lead. Perhaps this is our lead's new name or nickname, acquired from a summary of the deceased's life. In this case, misfortunate might be the adjective used to describe humanity on Earth from the perspective of Mag Mell and its inhabitants. Misfortunate in its setbacks from plagues, natural disasters, terrorism. For the last line, it is a reminder from the guardians that this is the new life for our lead and there is no returning to Earth. Although, the way that the lyric is given, "there is no escape", seems to contradict the idea that they are supportive in nature. Perhaps the guardians are a bit out of touch with the nuances of conversation and culture after having been removed from humanity for what I assume is a very long time. It might even be the case that they have never been a part of humanity and that these guardians are the founders of Mag Mell. Are they gods, perhaps? A very interesting idea to ponder further.
The world undergoes photosynthesia Transform endless anger to ecstasia Connect your nerves to the system of philosophiofantasia
Finally, with our lead ready to join the others in Mag Mell, the gates open. Under the light provided by these guardians this antechamber transforms and begins to disappear. This second line opens up a lot of possibilities. Perhaps since people are allowed to maintain the emotions, thoughts, and consciousness that makes us human, they're also provided a way to transform those severely negative emotions into positive ones? Perhaps that is truly what makes Mag Mell a utopia. Now, with their new mind, body, soul, and tools, our lead is given admittance to Mili's version of heaven. Describing Mag Mell as a system of philosophiofantasia adds complexity and even further depth to describing what this space is like. Perhaps it is a land of science and fantasy sort of in the way that Earth is. Or it might be whatever the newly admitted want it to be, the land transforming to meet their desires. Or there might be separate spaces in Mag Mell which people can travel to in order to get the desired experiences. So many possibilities!
Song Review and Rating
Wow. Just wow. I've, of course, come to love this song! It's actually incredible how much is packed in this small two-minute song. So much insight into Mag Mell was gained here alone. Where the first two songs left us hanging in regard to what happens after their deaths, this picks up right off. I love it. This was by far my greatest challenge yet in this passion project of mine. I've spent extra time crafting this story and analysis and I couldn't do it alone! So, thank you, @rainachain! I had most of the story and analysis sketched out by the time I realized I needed to ask for help, but she was still crucial in giving me confidence in my work and certifying that my ideas and themes were both grounded and fair. Below you'll find some final analysis and commentary on this song that didn't quite fit in with analyzing lyric by lyric.
I've considered the possibility that our lead in this song is the same lead from Nine Point Eight, but it doesn't quite work. Her new name being Misfortuna would certainly work, though! And while the euphoberia and florets would certainly fit, the black lace doesn't seem to. I can't figure that she was wearing black lace at the time of death, so that's the one caveat with that theory. Anyway, I think it is more fitting that our lead here was your average Joe/Jane so that the cardioid and commentary provided by the guardians is reflective of humanity as a whole rather than of one individual.
On the theme of time, perhaps the clock and the passage of time is integral along with the cardioid because history, emotions, and conflicts as a whole often is circular and repetitive. However, even though these hallmarks of humanity are often repeated throughout each generation, it's slightly different each time. And that's why we get a cardioid instead of a heart. Same pattern, different shape! Quite poetic, really.
A minor note: enough lyrics in this song end in the letter "a", enough to mean something. I think it's a small but interesting addition to the song that reinforces the idea that both Mag Mell is a place where music is highly valued, and that this purification process is being driven by the singing of the gods/guardians.
As a last piece of commentary on the story of the song, I suspect Utopiosphere is not Mag Mell itself but is rather the antechamber that I described our lead being in. I think Utopiosphere is another space crafted by these guardians/gods as a processing area for the newly admitted where the evil is expelled from mind, body, and soul. The area seems to be absolved soon before and definitely after our lead is actually in Mag Mell. This idea is not significant to the story, but it does seem to add to the idea that these guardians are gods of sorts, perhaps the founders of Mag Mell themselves. Maybe it is they who decide who gets in? An idea worth thinking about.
I rate this highly potent song an extremely well deserved 9/10
Author's Note
Thank you, thank you for reading all of this! As I said, this is only song number three, but it was still a very difficult challenge in crafting a plausible story. I expect to face a similar level of difficulty in the future, though! And perhaps even in this album with "Witch's Invitation". This song has strengthened me, however, and I'm ready to face whatever challenges I will encounter.
Truthfully, I wasn't happy with last week's analysis. I could blame the song for not giving me much to work with, but I still could have told a better story. This week, however, I'm elated! It's certainly not perfect in both storytelling and analysis, there are inconsistencies, but it's still coherent enough to make sense and be defensible.
Anyway! I again thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and liking these analyses. It means the world to me. This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for my followers, readers, and new friends I've made along the way thus far. I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season with your friends and family! And I will see you all next Friday!
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dwimpossblog · 3 months
Empire of Death - Spoiler-Free Review
Our spoiler free take on the concluding episode of Ncuti Gatwa's first series is here!
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holy fucking shit, they showed this to CHILDREN????? WHY??????? this is a horror movie and it's delightfully terrifying. like it's actually a horror movie about unkind people. i clearly need to see more Irish cinema. please drop recs if there's more like this.
My ★★★★½ review of Cáca Milis on Letterboxd
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chrysalizzm · 1 year
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c!ponk - [and it really does hurt when you love someone]
richard siken, a primer for the small weird loves / lovejoy, it’s golden hour somewhere / cryptofhoney, where the high wires drop (where the fat crows fly) / halsey, 1121 / paul simon, orchard on fire / mili, a turtle’s heart / chrysalizzm, little death / bibi, jotto / the paris review, survival as a creative force: an interview with ocean vuong / julie, flutter / frank bidart, the ghost / halsey, i am not a woman, i’m a god / a softer world, hindsight is bullshit
transcript and links attached here.
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amyyythestarry · 1 year
But, this one is just gonna be about the whole Hanako crying after Tsukasa took Nene.
So I’ve seen someone give their reviews on the new chapter and I totally admire their perspective. But also they open up a lot of new theories and thoughts about characters that I would have never thought of.
So I now think that Hanako wasn’t just crying because Tsukasa stole Nene ( That’s definitely one of the reasons ).
He’s probably also sad that he got left out!!
Ever since Tsukasa showed up in the broken clock tower, he was only focused on Nene. Appeared right in front of Nene, directly talked to her, was in her perfect line of view. Meanwhile, Hanako just couldn’t see him clearly more than one time.
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Talking to Nene directly about the ‘old Amane’. Hanako is just there.
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He finally got in front of them both. But he’s still only talking to Nene. Hanako is just there.
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Partly in Hanako’s line of view for a mili-second.
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Goes right over to Nene and stays there. Hanako is in the background again. Even while this happens.
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He can’t clearly see what going on behind him, when the kiss happens he strains to move his pupil. He knows they’re kissing because of the ‘mwah’, but he can’t see it! Only in peripheral vision. Only from the corner of his eye can he see just a little bit of what’s going on. And it’s right beside him.
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Tsukasa’s taking Nene away, and Hanako doesn’t have any other choice but to stand there, and reflect on what’s going on.
I feel like he was thinking “My brother came here, talked to Nene only ( Left me entirely out of the one-sided conversation ), kissed her and ditched me with just a single goodbye.”
Tsukasa only talked to him three times during the whole interaction!
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But the whole time he was having that one-sides convo with Nene. Hanako was still just there. The background character while all of this was going on.
Hanako was left out!
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He cries his eyes out by the fact that, not only his brother taking away Nene, but ALSO DITCHING HIM. NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM. Totally ignoring him and only interacting with Nene!!
Tsukasa seems to always talk to Amane whenever he is around. He always greets him in a hug or whatever, talks to him, includes him in the conversation, most of the time. Right?
Especially in Hell Of Mirrors. He was paying attention to Amane.
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And in the PP arc.
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But that wasn’t the case this time! Tsukasa didn’t give his brother a hug, a greeting “Aaamane” was all he got out of this chapter, and it was barely a greeting. Just to see if Amane was also frozen.
Not only did his brother steal his assistant, but he also COMPLETELY IGNORED HIM!
Betrayal indeed.
Amane probably isn’t used to that. Not used to Tsukasa brushing past him, more eager to talk to someone else more than he’s eager to talk to his big brother.
I’m not saying it hasn’t happened before. Tsukasa definitely has thought of other things besides Amane. Definitely. Amane isn’t the only thing that’s on his mind 24/7.
But Amane probably doesn’t want to hear that, that his brother doesn’t prioritize him over anything or anyone else. He wants to be comforted by the fact that his favorite person in the world is totally obsessed with him, he invades Tsukasa’s thoughts only, nothing else.
But, this obviously, probably showed Amane that’s not the case.
His brother left him out. He was left out. He doesn’t like being left out.
But he was, and at the end of Kamome too.
Most be a lot to take in.
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sanhatipal · 1 year
~~ Shards of Eden ~~
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This is my little cove, and where I post art and dump other things occasionally. Come inside,have a look~
I haven't lasted 2 weeks on any other site since the fall of g+, except maybe twitter but that also drove me nuts and I always took long hiatuses, but have been here constantly since 2018. Which...says quite a bit. I'm a doctor by profession,but here on Tumblr for fandom (pretty obviously) and art
My fandoms:
Pandora Hearts
The case study of Vanitas
Fate series (mainly Fate/Stay Night)
The House in Fata Morgana
Shadows House
Rozen Maiden
Tegami Bachi / Letter Bee
Witch Hat Atelier
Witch's Heart/Majo no Shinzou
07 ghost
D gray man
Some others I'm into but not that crazy about: Touhou, Madoka Magica, Princess Tutu, Tsubasa Reservoir chronicle, Totsokuni no Shoujo (and more but my head is empty). I like seinen, josei and a very specific brand of shonen: aka things enough to mess up my brain. I don't enjoy romance, sexual things(says the Fate fan..HAH. but seriously,I don't.), or mecha unfortunately
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I tend to draw Pandora Hearts, VnC and Fate fanart most
I collect figures,so you'll see them here,but since ,as you can see,most of my faves are a bit on the below the radar side,there hardly are any figures... you'll see custom figures here,and orginal character figures because I like those too.
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I like a lot of things,but mostly whimsical, folksy aesthetics,forests and plants, and glowy flowers and things like wisp motifs (there's no limit actually).My favourite colours are,as you might have guessed, the multitude of shades of red, deep maroons and browns. I love fantasy,and folk tales and Celtic things in general have been my passion for a long,long time ,though I also love things inspired by Alice in Wonderland .
As far as music goes...I sang soprano at a choir for a larger part of my teenage,and choral music is very close to my heart. My favourite genres of music are Celtic, especially Irish traditional, new age, classical/neo classical, sea shanties,and whatever Yuki Kajiura and Mili have going on.
Now...art! When not doing fanart,I like drawing fantasy illustrations, and one day I'd like to illustrate books but that's a pipe dream. I'm self taught,and use mostly watercolour and ink. I also love sculpting. It started with trying to sculpt figures and while that's still what I do most,I sculpt other things too,and in general it has to be the favourite of my scores of hobbies . I also do bookbinding...and music box strips ...and doll customs...yeah there's no rhyme or reason to what I do and don't actually.
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Sometimes I post photos of plants,I like taking photos and smelling wet mud
If you want to hop into my DMs to talk about fandoms or fanart,feel free! I would be very happy! Also I really love getting tagged and asked ,but often don't get around to responding because I'm a mess of procrastination...if that happens please don't mind, I really really appreciate it and it certainly made me happy,and I'll get to it as soon as I can.
If you've made it this far,thank you. It's been quite a long post,and thank you for reading,I appreciate it. Here are my other blogs:
@sanhatis-abyss absolute reblog hell,if you're looking for something I reblogged 2 days ago my condolences,you probably won't find it unless you scroll for hours. Sometimes I shitpost there , sometimes I scream about the latest thing that consumed me, that is ,if I don't accidentally do it here. Truly,an abyss.
@amaryllis-arachne my doll blog. I realise not everyone likes dolls,or photos of disembered plastic body parts,so I don't reblog those onto the abyss blog. Sometimes I put pictures of my own dolls there,and sometimes er...yes parts.
If you want my other links, they're all in the blog description. Except my Anilist, but it's really not worth anything,since I don't review or rate or anything,just use it to keep track. I do roughly-monthly uploads on YouTube of craft tutorials and drawings,but there's not much rhyme or reason to that either... anyways,hope you have a great day,and hope you find anything you like in this mess of a red coloured pit.
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adelaidedrubman · 2 years
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recently got the chance to commission @milidraws for a portrait of my cult chemist girlie jenna ready to cook up some mad science atrocities and look cute doing it. mili did a fantastic job and was wonderful to work with as always, i definitely recommend commissioning her if you get a chance!
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third-arch · 5 months
Account Update!! (Temporary post)
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If I’m not posting, I’m either writing, drawing, sleeping, doing college stuff/homework, or talking to my boyfriend LOL.
So I gotta fit in research and studying somewhere in there
Once my semester is over, I think I’m gonna start posting and talking about all of my Law merch.
Anyways, I already got some stuff that should be coming in and a figure that I gotta pick up from the post office (I was supposed to pick it up today but I slept in)
Here’s what I’m waiting on (pre/ordered):
Banpresto Law + Nika plushies
King of Artist Law (white tank top)
Fem Law figure
Nika Zine
So, if anyone’s interested, I’ll give a review of these once they arrive.
I'm not out to collect every single piece of Law merch there is. Usually it's "I really like that for months, I think it's okay now" lol.
I found all of these for like unbelievably cheap prices and they’re all official, so I’m like yay I love saving money :,))
Also there’s a Heart Pirates Zine, but I’ve really struggled to try to order it, so I’m not getting it. Maybe once orders open up again, I might change my mind idk. Just not interested.
A lot of writing and research stuff rn!! Doing research for No Surprises and working on Pt.2 of the Flower Crown chapter. I’m also working on chapters that requires me to know some stuff about nature and BLS, so I need to pull out the textbook and research that :,))
The fanfic emotionally takes alot of energy and thinking, so it’s taking a bit. Also working on a mini comic, but it’s becoming longer than I want it to be, so I’m having to shorten it.
In the meantime, I’ve been writing a lot of HC’s and mini drafts for Law and Kanna, so the more I post the fanfic, readers will have something to look at to wait.
Anyways, I've been drawing alot of prompts and such to practice with art!! I feel like I'm starting to find more texture possibilities with my most recent piece and utilizing different stroke sizes. Things are coming together more fluid for me, so I just need to keep drawing at least something everyday.
My next target of practice: Tokyo Ghoul artstyle. I really want something soft like that. I've always had this softness to my style that I wanted to keep, and I feel like it'll either vanish or bring out the best in me with art. So, there's that.
Anyways, thanks for sticking around guys. As far as music goes, $uicideboy$, Lil Peep, Mili, Radiohead, and Taylor Swift keep me rambling on haha.
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pangpingpong · 3 months
Refleksi 0307
Di fase dikit - dikit mrebes mili, buka reels ngembeng. Tapi hanya terjadi saat gue di kosan, sendirian, ga ada manusia lain. Kalau ada manusia lain sih masih dikuat-kuatin. Eh tapi kemarin pernah sih di kampus nangis aja gitu. Gegara bahas spoileran film (gue yang spoiler sih) grandma (film thailand itu).
Apakah ini yang dinamakan kesepian? Bisa jadi. Apakah ini yang dinamakan terlalu empati? Entahlah.
Sabtu kemarin dapat kesempatan jengukin keluarga temen kantor di RS. Beliau sendirian, bapaknya cuci darah, ibunya di rawat di ICU (sebelahan sama unit HD). Beliau juga yang gendong bapaknya ke mobil, nemenin selama HD. Satu minggu dua kali. Ga ada saudara, ga ada kerabat yang nemenin.
Gue? Ga merasa punya hak untuk bilang "Sabar ya" atau "Yang kuat ya". Karena keknya semua kalimat itu terdengar basi untuk beliau. Jadi cuma bisa meluk aja yang lama. Berusaha ngasih energi gue yang keserap banyak selama ngobrol di unit HD. Gue cuma berdoa, semua sakit ayah ibunya diangkat. Ga tau logikanya gimana, ilmu kedokteran cabang mana, patofisiologi macam apa yang masuk akal untuk itu semua. Gue cuma berharap semua sakitnya mereka diangkat.
Gue jadi bertekad besok kalau jadi orang tua harus sehat. Atau at least sekarang pas masih single harus berusaha jaga diri dan jaga kesehatan. Memang, sakit itu di luar kendali manusia. Memang, ga ada yang berharap untuk sakit. Orang yang sering olahraga juga bisa kena serangan jantung. Wallahu alam. Tapi kalau masih dalam jeda untuk boleh dan bisa berusaha, ya ada baiknya diusahakan saja dulu.
Siang tadi cek hasil review proposal di akun. Dan gak lolos review administrasi. Padahal ini satu-satunya proposal yang dikerjain dengan sepenuh hati, bacain metodenya bener - bener, ngerapihinnya beneran (Selama submit proposal di sim****b yak). Emang usaha manusia itu tidak selalu sejalan dengan hasil, Kata BuWina.
Kalau gue sih "Ya emang ga level PDP sih, kudu naik level. Soalnya uji klinis dan variabelnya banyak banget nget nget. wkwkw. Semoga next time bisa dapat funding yang sepadan dengan niat baiknya dan usahanya. Aamiin"
Tapi sedih juga, perkara style dapus ga cucok jadinya ga lolos seleksi (menangis dalam hati). Akan aku ingat rasa sakit hati ini dan bersiap sambil memperbaiki diri, agar ketika kesempatan muncul tidak akan aku lewatkan (ala - ala nasehatnya Mr Takeda kepada Hinata Shoyo yang ga bisa tanding lawan Kamomedai karena demam T___T).
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bladelineage · 1 year
limbus canto 4 spoilers (like im done w it and im reviewing t)
much better dungeon than 3 esp bc actual abnos and not just inquisitors dressed up as them. fights at the end were incredibly underwhelming and posed 0 threat to me. the mili song was just okay for now (didnt help that they loop a specific part of it until youve advanced phases) but maybe the full release will help. weird implications w demian and dante at the end scares me a bit as in what the fuck is gonna happen now. im happy for yi sang tho. gregor and rodion and sinclair didnt.. exactly get happy conclusions to their stories. i guess sinclair got a better one but now.. yi sang wants to live. and that makes me very happy. i didnt care much for him before but that chapter rlly does make me feel something. still dont care for dongrang tho. idk what that end was. bro i dont feel bad for you. amazing abnos tho and his distortion design admittedly went hard. overall honestly too easy for me but the sanity rework and then retool was much needed. like i dont wanna sound like a bragging jackass i just... didnt rlly have any close calls at all. i think the only time i almost lost someone was ryoshu dropping to 80 some hp (to which the next room had a gift that immediately healed her)
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suhyeos · 1 year
thank u mili for ur songs reviews
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jailaster · 2 years
About Mili
Mili is the first band's music I will be reviewing. They were the first band to have significant impact and meaning in my life for very good reasons. Their official name is "Project Mili", which begs the question: what is their goal?
Simply, I believe their goal is to explore what it means to be human. What it means to love, lose, hope, believe, hate, and live in both historical and modern society. What makes this project particularly wonderful is that it explores these larger-than-life concepts through the medium of music. This also results in insights into the smaller but relatable details of life that we can all connect with. 
Mili's songs are reflective of real life: they're a combination of joy and despair, happiness and sadness. They have a few straightforward happy and sad songs, much like how there are peaks and valleys in the journey of life. Most are a combination of the two moods, often through a gleeful melody and melancholic lyrics.
Mili is defined to be a post-classical band which is highly fitting. As seen in their first album, Mag Mell, Mili has roots in classical and have used that expertise in subsequent songs and albums to produce magnificent instrumentals. Their piano work in particular is always something to be marveled at. The eventually move on from their classical roots but it can still be seen occasionally in some of their latest songs.
Their songs are extremely deliberate. As with all music, of course, but they are deliberate in that they work towards building the theme and message that they want to convey. Their primary concern is the message, first and foremost. This is clear because in some of their songs the lyrics will either be rushed or will substitute a correct word for a simpler, shorter version of the word to make it fit with the instrumentals or time score. This is done with the compromise of grammatical accuracy, but it does not hinder the music by any meas. While this at first sounds counterintuitive, it makes sense when you consider that they do it for the purpose of keeping the message and theme within the flow and measure of the song. 
The sincerity and passion of this project is abundantly clear. Cassie Wei, the vocalist for the group, always gives it her all. For every single song, she puts in the work and the emotion to convey a message but also to demonstrate their seriousness to achieve their goals.
When they’re not working on their main albums, Mili is doing collaborations with other artists and commissions for video games and anime. They also have a few mini albums that are experimental and are unique, even by their standards. Their work in these collaborations and video games (in particular, Deemo, a mobile rhythm game) have earned them a small but dedicated following. They certainly deserve a larger fanbase for their work and more fanart for their lore and themes they spread.
This is Mili.
This is Project 617.
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opera-ghosts · 2 years
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OTD in Music History: Cesar Cui (1835 - 1913) is born in what was then the Russian Empire (now Lithuania) into a Roman Catholic family of French and Polish–Lithuanian descent. (The original French spelling of his family surname had been "Queuille".) An engineer and an academic military fortifications expert by training and profession -- he eventually attained the academic rank of "professor" in 1880, and the military rank of "general" in 1906 -- Cui is remembered today as a member of "The Five" or "The Mighty Handful," a historically important group of self-taught Russian Nationalist composers who studied and worked (and sometimes even lived) together from ~1856 - 1870. Other members of that group included Mily Balakirev (1837 - 1910), Alexander Borodin (1833 – 1887), Modest Mussorgsky (1839 - 1881), and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 - 1908). Frequently disparaged as the least musically gifted member of “The Five” (admittedly very little of his music is still heard today), Cui was unquestionably the most influential member of the group when it came to propagandizing their philosophy via the more dubious art of music criticism. As a prolific writer and polemicist on musical matters, between 1864 and 1918 he contributed almost 800 articles to various newspapers and other publications throughout Russia and Europe. This wide and frequently scathing coverage included reviewing concerts, recitals, musical life, new publications of music, and even prominent personalities. PICTURED: An 1895 autograph musical quotation written out by and signed by Cui to a fan, taken from his 1894 operatic comedy, "Le flibustier" ("The Pirate"). Although Cui was particularly proud of this work, it no longer holds the stage today.
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inventorymessblog · 28 days
# Mili # 6374 por Mili Miklos Via Flickr: Blog: Mili Miklos SL Blog (sponsors ads in comments) ✨Feeling fabulous in the new Gaia Anya Exposed Dress! 🌟 Paired it with my go-to LeLUTKA Avalon Head 4.0 and a.b Cheryl Face Applier for that perfect sunkissed look. Check out the full review on the blog! 💖 ■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Avalon Head 4.0 ■ Face applier❤a.b - Cheryl - Evo X sunkiss @ Access ■ Dress❤Gaia - anya exposed dress @ Ebody .......... Facebook Twitter Instagram PrimFeed PixelR AQConnect AQTwine
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divagandosempre-blog · 3 months
[Review] Mili: confronto glacial - Divagando Sempre
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moviereviews101web · 5 months
Intuition (2020) Movie Review
Intuition – Movie Review ABC Film Challenge – World Cinema – I Director: Alejandro Montiel Writer: Mili Roque Pitt (Screenplay) Writer: Florencia Etcheves, Alejandro Montiel (Story) Cast Luisana Lopilato (Recurrence) Joaquin Furriel Rafael Ferro Maite Lanata Juan Manuel Guilera (Nini) Plot: Pipa begins her career as a police detective alongside her mentor, the controversial detective…
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