#mine has holes that like. stay holes. closed off and shit.
autism-corner · 11 months
im so proud of my plant. hes like 3 years old at least and just. keeps growing as long as i water him. if i dont he'll just brown a bit but man. he flourishes so easily if i water again! the total length is at least taller than me (5'7) =w=bb
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lixxen · 1 year
I'll tear out your heart, it'll always be mine - The Spot x Male!Reader
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I have an idea of what Jonathon Ohnn would be like if he'd be in this situation. He is a bit silly and I love him so much. Gonna cross post on AO3 when I get out of work tomorrow (today? It's 3am).
Send me an ask and I'll answer any questions about this small AU and I'll maybe write more!! (I did. This is an alternate version)
Title is from this song.
Warnings: slight obsessive behavior towards the end. Violence (canon typical). SFW
"Oh shit-"
The words came tumbling out as limbs flailed and hands grabbed onto said limbs.
Y/n had been sitting at home, minding his own business in his apartment when all of the sudden a giant black hole appeared and a spotted man came falling out.
The man had landed directly on top of Y/n, causing him to yell and flail.
"Hey, hey! Stop m- stop moving!" The strange man almost cried out, grabbing at the stray limbs that were assaulting him.
A closed fist was thrown at the man's face, which made him yelp. Y/n's hand went straight through the giant black spot on the face and came right out next to the man's head. It barely missed him, but Y/n panicked. He yanked his hand back with a small disgruntled noise.
"Who the hell are you?" Y/n tried to grab at the man's face, going for the white part, but the man grabbed his hand this time.
"The Spot!" The man heaved out slightly, as if he was out of breath. Y/n stopped flailing as he gave the man a confused look.
"Like... That dude who people have been talking about on the radio stealing shit?" Y/n squinted at the man in utter confusion.
"YES! I mean. Yes." The Spot nodded quickly and let out a triumphant noise. "That's me!"
Y/n took a good look at the man on top of him.
His limbs were long and awkward, as if he was stretched out ever so slightly. It was disproportionate to his solid trunk of his body. His skin was a pure white, the type that a fresh Tshirt would be, with inky black dots shifting across his skin.
"You seem so much gangly and awkward in person." Y/n's words came out and he couldn't help but grimace at himself.
"You know, that is so rude of you " Y/n bet that if the Spot had a face, he'd look offended. "Has anyone ever told you to never comment on people's looks?"
Y/n let out a snort and the Spot let his arms go.
"Has anyone ever told you that dropping on top of someone in their home, uninvited, is rude?" Y/n responded and moved to push the man off of him.
The Spot moved to get up, letting Y/n push him off practically. The Spot stood above Y/n and watched as he had moved to sit back up.
"It's not like I wanted to be here."
Y/n did recall that the reports had said he seemed to not know how to use his power quite yet, so that made sense.
"Well" Y/n dusted himself off and looked back up to the spotted man. "I would like to ask you to leave. As much as I'd like to chat, I do have things to do."
"Feisty." The Spot grumbled and pulled a spot off of himself. He flinged it against the wall, where it stuck and grew in size. "See you around."
"Yeah." Y/n watched as the Spot climbed through the spot. "Sure."
It had been months since their first interaction, and Y/n couldn't seem to shake the spotted bastard.
More and more frequently, the Spot seemed to show up whenever he pleased. He would simply open up a spot in the middle of the living room, walk out to grab a piece of fruit that was kept on the dining room table, then walk back out.
Sometimes, if Y/n was unlucky, he would actually stay a bit and ramble to Y/n.
Y/n learned that his name was Jonathan Ohnn. He was an Alchamex scientist who had been effected by the destruction of Wilson Fisk's tower and other events in the last year.
Apparently the accident had turned him into the being he is today.
Without a job and family, the Spot just seemed lonely and desperate for any interactions and money. He stole small things so he could pay rent from some shady slumlord that had connections to Wilson Fisk. Nobody else would home some spotted lab experiment gone wrong, so he did what he had to.
Y/n almost felt pitty for the guy. It wasn't necessarily his fault that all of this happened. He apparently just wanted to study alternate realities and ended up aiding in the space time continuum being sliced open.
Y/n had given in by now, letting the man crash at his place sometimes. He would let the Spot sleep on his couch, giving him time to watch the spots slowly disappear from his skin as if his powers were connected to his consciousness.
Y/n was now leaning against the Spot as they watched a soap opera on his television. The skin underneath his felt akin to skin, if not more rubbery and smooth. Almost as if it was a giant scar. He was cool to the touch on his limbs, but his head and rest of the body was warm.
"I don't understand why she doesn't go for Daniel." The Spot mumbled as he shoved popcorn into the large hole on his face.
That hole seemed to be the closest he had to a mouth and eye. It consumed food when he wanted it to and would change size like an iris. It was so odd, as the man didn't excrete anything. Y/n made sure to ask about it. The stuff that went in disappeared, as if his body absorbed it as pure energy and matter.
"It's for the drama." Y/n shrugged and pressed his cheek against the Spot's shoulder. "I thought you lived for drama?"
"Not this kind." The Spot would have rolled his eyes if he could.
"I know." Y/n smiled and looked up to the Spot.
Their time together had given Y/n a soft spot for the man. Today was the day he was going to offer him a place to stay. There was a second bedroom he kept as storage. He could buy a futon easily. He wasn't completely broke, and if push comes to shove then the Spot could steal it.
"Hey, Spot." Y/n started.
The man looked down to him and tilted his head.
"You know you can call me Jonathan, right?" That was his only response.
"Yeah. Totally." Y/n nodded. "Would you want to move in, Jonathan? You're always here and you won't have to do anything drastic anymore. No more stealing."
Jonathan was oddly quiet. He was only like this if he was thinking. It was almost eerie, especially when the spots on him stilled.
"Yes. Sure. I..." Jonathan put a hand on Y/n's arm. "Are you sure? I'm a freak of nature and I don't have a job. I am a liability and a burden."
"You need to get out of your shitty apartment, so I don't see why not." Y/n shrugged. "You can have my extra room."
Jonathan hummed before sighing.
He looked as stressed as someone without a face could.
"I could. Would you genuinely not mind?" Jonathan turned his whole body towards Y/n, who moved to sit up and put his hands on Jonathan's knees.
"I offered, right?" Y/n offered a small smile.
Jonathan looked down towards Y/n's hands and placed one on top of them. Y/n could tell that something was wrong.
"No one has been this nice to me since this happened." Jonathan looked back up.
Y/n brought his free hand up to Jonathan's face, tilting his head slightly.
"I won't abandon you, I promise. I care about you." Y/n rubbed his thumb across Jonathan's cheek, watching as the spot on his face get smaller as if it was closing.
"Promise?" Jonathan asked quietly.
"Of course."
Y/n stared in horror as emergency services cleaned up the rubble that was once his job.
Spider-Man and a villain had came blasting through the window and ended up destroying his job. He had gotten bruised and cut up in the process, which wasn't bad.
But it was the fact that the mom & pop restaurant that he helped manage was destroyed beyond repair that was bad.
"Y/n." The owner, Mr. Giovanni, approached.
Y/n felt a pit in his stomach as he looked up from where he sat. The man looked red eyed as he sat down next to Y/n.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think we'll be able to come back from this." Mr. Giovanni spoke quietly, only for Y/n to hear as people rushed by. "I am sorry. I didn't want you to have to loose a job this way."
Y/n looked away, taking a deep breath and pressing his ash covered palms onto his closed eyes. Emotions bubbled up in his chest and he could feel his eyes water.
"Don't cry, dear child." Mr. Giovanni put a hand on Y/n's back. "I can help you get a new one. I have strings I can pull."
"I... I don't know." Y/n dropped his hands from his face. "Would it be soon enough to keep up with rent?"
It had been almost a year since Jonathan had moved in. A year of supporting two people on one income that was better than what most people in his situation would have. This would ruin their financial state.
"I would hope. But no saying if it would." Mr. Giovanni frowned. "That boyfriend of yours still don't have a job?"
"He isn't my boyfriend." Y/n shook his head. "But no. He has a condition that makes it so nobody wants to hire him."
Mr. Giovanni hummed and whispered how it was such a shame.
The two sat in silence before the fire department walked up with an officer.
"My name is Officer Morales. Could we have a minute?" The officer spoke to Mr. Giovanni.
Mr. Giovanni turned to Y/n before handing him his final paycheck and leaving.
Y/n sniffled as he pocketed the money and got up. The walk home was filled with anxiety and self pity. It bubbled with anger the closer and closer he got to his home.
Y/n stomped up the steps of the apartments, going up two at a time. He unlocked his door with more force than needed, pushing himself in harshly. He slammed the door behind him. The apartment rattled at the force.
"Woah!" Y/n heard Jonathan from the depths of the apartment call out.
Y/n took off his jacket, gripping it in front of him with both hands. His bruised and dirty hands shook as his angered bubbled up.
With a loud scream that ripped through his throat like fire, Y/n threw his jacket as hard as he could towards the wall and fell to his knees.
"Y/n?!" Jonathan called out and there was footsteps running through the small apartment.
Y/n's eyes welled up with tears as he started to hard sob. Hands found their way to his shoulders, pulling him up slightly.
"Y/n, what happened to you? Who hurt you?" Jonathan asked, his voice warbling slightly. "Are you okay?"
Y/n let out a hiccuping sob as he opened his eyes again. Jonathan's face spot was blown wide and did the solar flare that happened when he was upset. His spots were shaking and swirling, coming off his body in the way that he'd seen solar flares reach from and back into the run in videos.
The hands moved their way to Y/n's face, holding him in place and inspecting him.
"Y/n, why are you bleeding and bruising?" Jonathan's voice sounded like it was glitching and about to cry himself.
"A fight." Y/n tried to take a deep breath, but it kept catching on the lump in his throat. "Spider-Man and a villain crashed into my job. They destroyed everything. Spider-Man tried to stop him. But I got thrown by the guy."
Jonathan's face spot shrunk at the mention of Spider-Man and the villain.
Y/n knew he held grudges against the poor kid, as much as Y/n tried to tell him that the couldn't have known.
"They did what?" Jonathan rubbed a thumb against a dry patch of blood on Y/n's cheek. "What villain?"
"The one with the wings. Vulture?" Y/n sniffled. "My job though... It's gone."
"Your job is gone?" Jonathan slowly took a hand off of Y/n's face and put it through a spot.
"The place was demolished. Mr. Giovanni told me that he can't afford to fix everything." Y/n explained as he watched Jonathan pull his hand back to them, with a wet cloth in his hand. "He said he'd try to get me a job."
Jonathan was oddly quiet as he slowly wiped Y/n's face. Y/n couldn't tell what he was thinking as he dragged the cloth across the now scabbing cuts. It stung slightly, but Y/n didn't flinch. He was too focused on the pinprick spot on Jonathan's face.
"Jonathan?" Y/n frowned.
Jonathan hummed in response, the spot flicking upwards for a second towards Y/n's face.
"You're quiet." Y/n stared simply.
"It'll be okay. I promise." Jonathan was oddly vague. "I'll make everything okay."
"What do you mean by that?" Y/n frowned.
"Don't worry." Jonathan took the cloth away and tilted his head. "Now, let's go get you food."
Jonathan Ohnn was a simple guy.
He normally wasn't one to step up when someone fucked him over. He normally let things brush by. Why would he fight people when he knew that everything was worth it.
It wasn't until Spider-Man ruined everything that he had felt worthless. His life was suddenly ruined; he lost his job, friends, and family. He felt alone and like his spots were eating him alive. He didn't feel human.
That was until he accidentally stumbled upon Y/n.
Y/n had cared for him, even with how he looked. He became friends with Jonathan over months and then took Jonathan in. He felt tied to Y/n. The two were two strings within an interconnecting web; tied together and forever interwoven.
The amount of anger and pain that Jonathan had felt when he saw Y/n crying in their foyer, beaten almost to a pulp, had been the worst he had felt since he had lost his life.
It felt as if he had crumbled again. He never wanted to feel that again.
So there Jonathan was, walking into a bar off of 42nd. It was a known villain bar that no one messed with. Something having to do with the sacred ecosystem of crime.
Or something like that.
Jonathan stepped into the bar and watched as heads turned towards him.
"Holy shit." One man grumbled and turned away. "Someone let the spotted one in."
Jonathan didn't care. He looked around the bar until he saw the Vulture.
The man had cuts across his face, a bruise of two littering his arms from the fight that destroyed Y/n's job.
"Hey! Who invited the D-lister?" Some villain in the back called out and others laughed.
Jonathan felt anxiety spike in his stomach, but walked towards the Vulture. He hated hearing the whispers about him, calling him a shitty villain. A joke.
He was getting tired of being a joke to literally everyone.
Jonathan stopped in front of Vulture, who simply looked up with a raised eyebrow.
"What'd you want, dalmatian?" Vulture mumbled into his beer.
"You destroyed Giovanni's." Jonathan simply stated. "You ruined perfectly good people's lives."
A few men around laughed at that.
"What of it?" Vulture sighed and sat down his beer, fully turning towards Jonathan.
"Someone whose very dear to me worked there. You threw him across the room like a sack of potatoes." Jonathan clenched his fist.
"Shit happens. You know that. We've all heard your story." Vulture cracked his neck and turned away. "Now get lost, you joke."
Jonathan took a deep breath and punched the man.
Quickly, a fight broke out. The flailing of limbs and drawing of fists had ended with Jonathan being thrown out of the bar.
He cursed as he watched the bar owner slam the door behind him.
"Fuck them." Jonathan grumbled.
He stomped away, before seeing an ATM sign across the street.
Y/n looked up as Jonathan dropped a wad of cash onto the dining room table.
Y/n blinked and frowned. The cigarette burning between his fingers was getting close to the end.
"Please don't tell me that spat you got in with Spider-Man was to get that money." Y/n was hoping Jonathan wasn't going to fall into this slippery downfall.
"No." Jonathan shook his head quickly then paused. "Well. Actually yes. But that's not the point."
"Then what's the point, Jonathan?" Y/n had an uneasy feeling.
Jonathan had came back late. He was acting irrational, mumbling about God knows what. It almost sounded like tongues by how quickly Jonathan was speaking and waving his hands.
"I thought you quit cigarettes a year ago?" Jonathan deflected, pointing at the now burnt out bud.
Y/n held a sour expression as he rubbed the bud into an old and stained ashtray.
"I told you I have one every whatever when I'm stressed. I did quit." Y/n tossed the bud into the nearby trashcan before looking back to Jonathan. "Now, what'd you do?"
"Nothing!" Jonathan held his hands up in defense. "I was doing a job and I ran into my nemesis!"
Y/n hummed and rubbed his face with one hand.
"Y/n, you look tired. Have you slept? Do I need to fix the fan in your room again?" Jonathan kneeled down to put a hand on Y/n's face.
"I'm just. I can't sleep sometimes. Anxiety." Y/n smiled up at Jonathan. "You know how it is."
"I do." Jonathan nodded before taking his hand away.
Y/n watched Jonathan as he took a few steps away, opening up a cabinet and pulling out random items. He was seemingly collecting them for god knows what.
"I do have something to do tonight!" Jonathan's voice was bubbly like normal. He was seemingly excited for whatever he was doing. "It could help fix everything!"
"Do you want to share?" Y/n asked.
Jonathan shook his head quickly.
"No!" It sounded like he would be smiling. "I will need a lot of power though! I have plans for us. I can fix everything and make sure things will go how they need to be."
Y/n felt worried now.
Jonathan had never been like this.
"What'd you do?" Y/n asked again.
"I found something out about my holes!" Jonathan did a little bounce as he walked. "I can access the multiverse!"
Y/n noticed now that his spots were almost all gone. There was his main one, but that was it.
"Where are your spots?" Y/n frowned.
"Used them up. I'm gonna get more, don't worry. It'll all be okay!" Jonathan sat his items in a little basket and turned to Y/n.
"Are you going somewhere?" Y/n stood up.
Y/n had a horrible feeling. Jonathan's hole was warping and flaring. He looked more skittish than normal. Something was horribly wrong.
"Yes. I'll be back! I promise. At least a few hours!" Jonathan grabbed his stuff and turned to the door.
"Please don't leave me " Y/n stepped towards Jonathan, who paused in the doorway. Y/n held a hand out and hoped he would listen.
"I have to go." Jonathan's tone was soft and low. "I'm going to fix everything. I'll be back."
And with those words, Jonathan left.
Two days.
He had been gone for almost two days.
Y/n sat on his couch, watching as the news played. He was hoping that if he watched the news closely, he'd eventually see if Jonathan did anything.
But he hadn't.
Not since a building nearby had holes in it and what was called a mini collider being found. Y/n knew it had to do with him.
Y/n sniffled and lifted up the remote. He was about to change the channel, but the news suddenly shifted.
The bar on 42nd that was known for villains was now being live streamed from a helicopter. The building was on fire and many villains that Y/n vaguely recognized could be seen laying outside of the building.
Then, as if on cue, another was thrown out of the bar. Y/n could only imagine the sound of the body blasting through the wooden door and frame, crashing into the cement as bones broke.
It took Y/n a second to realize it was Vulture.
The others villains slowly started to move, but Vulture didn't move at all. Heads turned to their fallen friend before looking back to the door of the bar.
Y/n could see a rippling on the screen, almost as if it was gliching where the door of the bar was. Then the being stepped out.
It was a pitch black, almost warping, figure. The limbs kept glitching and lagging almost as they move. An arm lifted up and an inky hole appeared above the Vulture. Rubble fell through and crushed the villain.
Y/n covered his mouth and choked on the air in his lungs. It was terrifying to watch as police officers shot at the beings, but it did nothing. Then the being looked at the helicopter.
Y/n could now see a giant white spot on the face and a few on the being's body.
Just like Jonathan.
Then it clicked.
It was Jonathan.
Y/n let out a strangled gasped as he grabbed the remote and clicked the TV off. He moved quickly. Pushing himself up and turning his body to move towards his bedroom.
He needed to leave the apartment. What if Jonathan showed up? What if he hurt Y/n like he did to those villains.
Y/n only made it halfway before he heard a crackling.
In front of him, in a blink of an eye, Jonathan appeared.
He was an inky black that never stopped shifting. His white spots were even worse as they never seemed solid. He had an odd crackling noise to him that almost offended Y/n's ears.
"Y/n." Jonathan spoke first. "I'm back."
"You said a day."
It was the first response that came to Y/n's head and it made Jonathan laugh. His voice was warped and crackling like his body. It sounded almost autotuned. Terrifying.
"I kept getting stopped by annoying little arachnids." Jonathan shrugged. "But I am here now. I have to complete my journey before we can have everything."
Y/n took a step back, his eyes slowly watering.
"What do you mean?" Y/n couldn't stand to see Jonathan like this.
"Y/n, I'm doing this for us." Jonathan sounded like he was frowning. "They take me seriously now and I am getting back at the people who hurt you. Who hurt me."
Y/n shook his head as Jonathan continued.
"Spider-Man created me, ruined my life. He ruined your job. I took care of Vulture already." Jonathan held out his hand. "Please don't step away from me. Please."
His voice was pleading as he realized that Y/n was terrified.
"Y/n, please don't leave me. You promised me you wouldn't." Jonathan started to plead. "I know this isn't what you wanted, but I couldn't just stand around and let them do this. The things they said to me. About me. About you."
"You promised that you wouldn't do something like this." Y/n shook slightly as he backed away again.
Jonathan took a large step towards Y/n, who now realized how much bigger Jonathan had gotten suddenly. He was almost a half foot taller. Must be from a power surge.
"I'm doing this for us." Jonathan's voice whined as he took Y/n's face with his hands. "Look at me! I love you so much and I couldn't watch as you spiralled."
His voice had gotten louder, but Jonathan's hold was gentle. What you would call his skin felt like electricity now. It didn't sting, but felt like touching an old TV screen with your hands.
"You mean so much to me. I'd do anything for you and you know that." Jonathan's voice had quieted back down. "You don't understand the lengths I'd go for us to be together and safe."
"Then why did you have to leave?" Y/n was crying now. "We could have been happy here. I could have gotten another job."
Jonathan was quiet. His face spot had stilled slightly, as if he was debating something.
"I have to do one final thing. Then we will be together." Jonathan nodded. "I promise. Okay? Then you can get a job and I'll make sure no one can find us."
Y/n nodded and put his hands on both of Jonathan's.
Jonathan nodded also and pressed his forehead against Y/n's. The two stood like that for a minute before there was a noise outside.
Jonathan's head snapped up at the noise and his hands dropped from Y/n's face. He seemingly glitched as he phased through different spots to reach the window.
Y/n watched as he stuck a hand through a spot and yanked it back.
In Jonathan's hold was Spider-Man. The kid thrashed within Jonathan's hold and Y/n gasped.
"Jonathan! Don't!" Y/n took a few steps forward.
"I have to deal with this." Jonathan didn't look up. His voice was oddly flat. "I will be back."
A spot appeared next to Jonathan and Spider-Man. Y/n sprinted towards them, but it was too late.
Jonathan and the spider had disappeared into the spot. Leaving Y/n alone, once again.
Y/n let out a scream before he fell to his knees.
Nothing good was going to come out of this.
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akiratheartist · 2 months
Video Call
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warnings!: female reader, phone sex, masturbation, use of toys, fluff at the beginning and end, reader is referred to as “baby/babe” Chan is referred to as “baby/Channie/Chris/Chan
this is not proof read
I sat on the bed of my childhood room waiting for Chan to answer my video call. We were currently on vacation and both staying at our parents homes. My phone is set up against the blanket so when he answers he can see my full body. It is dark in my room and when he answers my screen lights up the silhouette of my body. “Hey baby!” He says happily. I giggle and respond with a smile and a small “Hey babe.” Chan raises an eyebrow at me and stares for a few seconds. “Is that my hoodie?” I cover the text on the front of the black hoodie that says ‘CEEBS’ with my hands. “Um. no..” I say trying not to laugh. “I was looking for that! Hoodie thief!” He laughs again. “Whatcha doin?” He speaks again spotting the notebook on my lap. “I was thinking of some song ideas..” It was a lie. I had planned to try and ‘accidentally’ reveal i wasn’t wearing any shorts under the hoodie like usual to see his reaction.
“Turn on the light so i can see you! it’s so dark in your room.” I reach over to turn on the lamp beside the bed and after i hear a click my notebook falls onto the floor. “Shit.” I say quietly and reach for it. It takes a few seconds for me to grab it since i’m too lazy to just get up and grab it but also once i bent over to grab it i felt my hoodie slide down my back. Once i sit back up i notice that Chan seems to have already turned red. “Sorry my notebook fell off the bed. Is something wrong?” I say knowing very well what it is. “Uh.. It’s just that when you grabbed it.. Your hoodie lifted up a little..” I pretend to be embarrassed. “Did it? Oh.. Sorry for flashing you then… I just didn’t wanna wear shorts cuz it’s warm in here…” I cleared my throat and waited for him to say something. “So um.. What type of song ideas were you writing?” I completely ignore his question and respond with my own. “Did you like it?” He looks confused. “I mean.. what you saw.. did you like it?” I wait for his response but all i get is a “Uh..” along with his staring gaze. “Channie..” I wiggle my hips a bit. “I wore these cute panties for you..they’re my favorite..” I watched as Chan’s eyes trailed down my body sending a slight shiver down my spine. “Yeah of course i like it.. You always look cute when you wear stuff like that.” After hearing this i almost immediately grab the hem of the hoodie and lift it off my legs high enough to show off my panties and a little bit of my stomach. I sat on my knees so he could get the best view. “Fuck.. Those are really cute baby.” His voice echos through my phone speakers. “Ever since I came to my parents house I thought about how much more harder it would be to touch myself without getting caught… I’ve been waiting for this all day Channie..”I slowly drag my hand down from my stomach to my clothed clit over my panties and I start rubbing my fingers in small circles at a pace that might just kill me but it was all worth it to tease Chan. “Damn i wish i was with you… Cant wait to see that pretty pussy up close.” And I don’t expect to be judged for letting the first time my boyfriend sees me touching myself to be over a video call. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to tease him a little before we actually have sex right?
It had only been about a minute of Chan watching me work away before i slipped my hand into my panties. A hand of mine came up to one of my tits and began playing around with my nipple from underneath the hoodie. I let out a few quiet moans and hums as i put on a show for Chan. “Feels so good Chan…” I bent my body backwards with the urge to arch my back. With me now on my back Chan has an even better view of my legs spread right in front of the camera. I hear him let out a quiet “Fuck..” I slipped two fingers inside my hole with a whine while I felt the burning gaze of Chan’s eyes through the camera. Suddenly I remembered a little something I had bought recently and taken with me just for a moment like this. I pulled my fingers out of my pussy and stood up from my bed. Once i walked out of view of the camera Chan began to ask questions. “What are you doing? Baby?” I unzipped a little bag and pulled out the glorious object oddly shaped like a microphone. I sat back on my bed and made sure it was charged up. Time to finally use this thing. “I wanna show you my new toy i bought..” I held it up in the camera. “What is it..?” Chan asked with a raised brow. “It’s called a hitachi wand. Wanna see how it works?” He nodded his head vigorously.
I once again sat on the bed with my legs spread open so Chan could see. I turned the wand onto the first setting and began teasing my clit through my panties with the vibrations. I hear Chan let out a moan from the other end of the phone. “Channie… Are you touching yourself baby..?” I watch him nod his head with an expression of pleasure on his face. “Yeah.. Fuck I wish it was your hand instead..” I turned up the setting to a three pulling a slightly loud whine out of me causing me to cover my mouth with one hand. “Your so fucking beautiful baby..” Chan says before letting out a particularly loud moan. I grabbed onto the hem of my panties and began pulling them down my legs to feel the wand against me better. Once i felt the vibrations against my bare clit I had to bite my lip to prevent moaning too loudly. I whined out Chan’s name many many times. “Please please please.. Fuck.. feels too good…” I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. “You gonna cum for me baby?” I heard Chan’s voice come from my phone again. “Yes! Yes! Fuck! I’m gonna cum so hard for you Channie!” I felt my orgasm rising in my body as i turned the vibrations even higher on the wand now at a five. “I’m gonna cum too baby..” Chan spoke between his moans. “I wanna see it! Please let me see you cum.” He moved the camera down from his face and revealed his hand stroking his cock at a fast pace. His shirt was also lifted revealing his abs. “Oh fuck! cumming!” I watched as white stripes of liquid shot out from Chan’s cock and onto the mountains of his abs. Shortly after my legs tightened around my hand until I had to quickly turn off my wand to prevent overstimulating myself.
A few heavy breaths later Chan spoke. “Shit… babe.. You sounded so wonderful.” I abandoned the wand after turning it off and sat up in my bed. “Damnit.. now i gotta clean up..” I said quietly earning a giggle from the other end of the call. “Hey! I will hang up on you!” I said and he pretended to be shocked. “Im not the one who came all over my bed!” I stood from the bed and flipped my camera around to show the wet spot on the sheets. “Jesus…” I jokingly gave him the middle finger before flipping the camera back to my face. “Well technically you still gotta clean up so…Suck on that!” “You first.” “Shut up.” I stayed on the phone with him while i cleaned up my mess before climbing back into bed. “You look so beautiful.” He said to me as i laid down. “Yeah right. You just watched me get myself off.” I rolled over onto my stomach. “So that means you cant be beautiful? And by the way, I’m gonna need that hoodie back tomorrow..” I raised an eyebrow. “Nuh uh.” He laughed at my response. “Alright we’ll see.. Goodnight baby.” I roll my eyes.” “Goodnight Chris. I love you..” “Love you too!” And with that i hung up my phone and drifted to sleep.
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techhasmjolnir · 6 months
Trivial Pursuit
Plot: It is a dark, stormy night... Wait, let's not use that trope for the millionth time, shall we?
You're home alone thinking your plans for the night are cancelled, but things change quickly when Tech comes home late and wants to pursue what the two of you originally planned...with a major twist neither of you envision.
Author's Notes:
This is my first time crafting a Bad Batch story, let alone a smutty one. I wrote this after receiving inspiration and encouragement from a friend of mine, and I'm quite proud of the final result. I usually don't write anything on a very short scale, so while this is a one-shot story, it is quite lengthy (word count is 12,450).
Some sections have notes in parentheses, listing names of songs and artists I paired with the scenes at hand. I strongly suggest looking them up as you read, in hopes you can make your own connections to the story that much stronger.
Important Notes:
This content is strictly for audiences 18+. The roles in this story assume female readers & Tech. Concepts introduced include: dirty talk, fingering, M & F masturbation, oral sex (giving & receiving), PiV, creampie, female ejaculation, and soft dom Tech.
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Summer nights on Coruscant bring one of two things – either endless, driving rain or nearly unbearable heat and humidity. Tonight is the former; the rain spatters angrily against the windows of your high-rise apartment in the Uscru District. Despite the inclement weather, the entertainment district still bustles with throngs of beings from every corner of the galaxy. You wisely choose to stay in tonight, knowing that you could have been out in any one of the district's numerous clubs, but then you remember that when it rains, the clubs become overwhelmingly claustrophobic with seas of bodies looking to stay dry.
Tech sent you a holo-message earlier in the afternoon, letting you know he wouldn't be home for dinner, as he and the rest of the guys were experiencing a few mechanical issues with the Marauder, and needed to stop for emergency repairs. You're disappointed, because it was supposed to be a stay home date night for the both of you, but you're pragmatic; machines are made to eventually break, and the Marauder is no exception.
Since you're already having dinner alone, you decide to load up your browser with half a dozen scientific journals you'd been meaning to catch up on. Pouring yourself a glass of desert wine (the real deal, too – you'd been lucky to exchange services with someone coming back from Tatooine who had a bottle directly from the Tuskens), you take your dinner and sit on the floor in the immense pile of thick, fluffy blankets you threw down to create a nest, of sorts. You know what will happen. You'll read one article. One becomes three. Three becomes six. Six becomes four hours later.
Who cares?, you think. Tech's not coming home tonight, the weather is shit, and I've nothing better to do than read and possibly get very drunk tonight. Sipping the desert wine slowly, you open the first journal, “Frontiers of Marine Science (Kamino).” You choose this one on purpose. You've been fascinated with Kamino for as long as you've been with Tech, hanging on his every word when he would tell you stories of when he and his brothers were young, and what the Kaminoans are like, although you suspect that there's a great deal he hasn't told you, and likely never will. Down the proverbial ash-rabbit hole you go...
You stare intently at the computer screen, not even cognizant of the last time you blinked. You sigh, and you realize it happened again. Glancing at the clock, you realize it's close to midnight. The wind has picked up even more, howling and threatening to drive the raindrops through the windows. You want to sleep, but without Tech by your side, it will likely be another restless night.
You get up painstakingly, stiff from sitting in one place too long, taking your dishes to the sink and washing them quickly before you turn off most of the lights, except the one that casts ambient blue-green light throughout the entire living room. The sound of the rain is spiking your anxiety and hurting your ears, so you put on some music to try and mask the sounds of the raging tempest outside.
“Much better,” you say to your empty apartment. “Now I can get back to more reading...and maybe I'll fall asleep before four? Fat chance,” you mutter.
Nestling back into your blankets, you pull your computer back in front of you and open the umpteenth article of the night. “Landscape and Urban Planning (Coruscant).” You laugh loudly at the title of this one, given the complete lack of any discernible “landscape” on Coruscant.
“Urban Planning? On THIS planet? Let's see what the so-called “experts” have to say on this topic.” As you delve into the article, you let the background music ease your mind to a more focused state. You'll never sleep if you can't quiet your mind. Tech...where are you? I need you...
(Peter Murphy – All Night Long)
You slip back into your reading easily, and it's not long before you're completely engrossed again. The state of hyperfocus takes over you so much, you don't even hear the tone of your security alarm chiming as it's being deactivated, and the front door sliding open with an audible hiss. Tech stands in the vestibule and reactivates the security alarm before removing his helmet and walking slowly into the living room, bathed in relaxing ambient light. He isn't surprised to see you're still awake; he knows when he isn't home, you rarely sleep more than a few hours.
He stops when he sees you bundled up in the middle of the floor, your computer on the coffee table, your eyes wide and glassy. He knows this look well, because as you're so fond of pointing out to him, he looks exactly the same way when he's working intensely on something. He smiles softly, and waits to see if you'll even look up and notice that he's there. When he notices you're pretty far gone, he chuckles quietly and puts his helmet down on a side table where you've got medical journals piled high. He knows better than to startle you, so he comes into the living room a little more and stops.
“Cyaré...I'm home...I am quite sorry about tonight, but we had a malfunction with the Marauder's hyperdrive and an unscheduled trip deviation was necessary. If it is quite all right with you, I would like to make it up to you...”
You don't acknowledge him and he sighs. He knows you heard him, but nothing has registered. It's been some time since you've been stuck in a hyperfocused state like this, but Tech feels like he's responsible for this one, and it's up to him to ease you out of it. “Cyaré, please...” he tries again. Nothing. His brow furrows and he walks over to the control panel that controls the audio system. The music isn't even loud, but he eases the volume down, and when the raging wind and rain outside is heard once more, it snaps you back to reality.
Blinking hard, you look up from your computer, and you see Tech standing there, arms crossed, looking down at you, and for a moment you could have sworn it was Crosshair in your living room. The switch flips in your mind and you finally realize it's Tech, and while he doesn't look exactly icy, he doesn't look at you with the warmth he normally does.
“Tech...?” you croak, your throat parched. You haven't even remembered to drink any water.
(Sundial Aeon – Iced Melancholy Spectacle)
“Mésh'la, have you been up all night waiting for me? For your sake, I hope you have not. You know how I feel when I find out that you have not been getting proper sleep. I ask you again, were you up all night waiting for me?”
Your pulse quickens as he speaks to you, for his tone is becoming increasingly frigid. You wonder if he's doing this to purposely get a rise out of you, because he knows you're incredibly easy to bait. Many times he uses this tone of voice with you before the two of you engage in sexual relations, because he learned early on in your relationship that he could send you into extended periods of arousal just through that alone.
“Yes...and no, Tech,” you reply meekly. “You know I have a hard time sleeping when you're not here, and the storm tonight has sent my anxiety into overdrive. I thought I could sit here and read until you got back...and with luck, maybe sleep a little before then.”
This answer appears to satisfy him, for he now walks over to you and sits on the couch just off to your side. You catch a bit of his scent as he sits down...metallic, earthy, sweat. Nothing you haven't smelled on him before, but longing for his presence and his touch all night turns those simple scents into potent triggers. Your pulse is still elevated from him speaking to you, and as you turn to look up at him, those beautiful golden brown eyes of his look down upon you, and his face softens with that little grin you've always found to be one of the sexiest things about him.
He leans forward slightly, resting his arms on his knees, and you can see that he's definitely tired. Tired, but not so tired that he isn't interested in spending any time with you now. As he glances at your computer screen, he can see what has to be at least a bare minimum of 30 open tabs in your browser. Moving over so he's behind you, he shifts his legs a little so you're sitting between his feet. His strong hands close on your shoulders, and before you know it, he's firmly massaging them. You've been sitting hunched over for so long, that everything feels taut and pinched.
“Y/N, please do not let this become a habit. I know your mind works very much like mine. But you need your rest.”
You can't help but groan softly as his long fingers manipulate your skin through the material of your light sweatshirt. It doesn't matter if his hands are under his work gloves, or if they're bare...there's something magical about the power of his touch that you can't get enough of. You let your head loll forward as his thumbs dig in around your shoulder blades, and this time you let something more akin to a pleasurable moan escape. Accidental, of course, but you feel like you could melt into a puddle under his ministrations.
“Mésh'la, was that what I think it was?” he asks, amused.
(EN Voice – Hold On)
“What was what?” you reply, confused.
“I think that was more than just a casual groan. Is this turning you on?”
One hand remains to work on your shoulder, but his other hand has now moved down your back slightly, and come around to the front, gently cupping your breast, then closing around it and squeezing lightly as his thumb traces across your nipple.
Your head snaps up as he does this, your back straightening up into his hand, and your eyes close, holding back the moan that desperately wants to leave your throat. This is what you've craved all night, and you bring your hand up over his, holding it lightly as he begins to flick his thumb over you, feeling the tissue grow firm under his touch. You feel a very gentle pulse in your clit, and a tiny contraction inside as he touches you, and this time you let him know how you feel, letting out a soft, feminine moan through parted lips.
“I will take that as a yes, cyaré... Don't hold back anything from me.”
This time he lets go of your shoulder, and his other hand comes around to take your other breast, repeating the process. As your drop the hand over his, you lean back against the couch, your head resting close to his groin. You look up and you can see eyes growing heavy with lust. As he catches your gaze, he takes each nipple and pinches them firmly. You gasp and feel the unmistakable heat beginning to pool between your legs. The first instinct is to reach down and lightly touch yourself, but as you move to do so, Tech takes your wrist firmly and holds it in place.
“I don't think so, mésh'la... Would you like to play a little game with me? It is something we haven't done before, but I have been thinking about it for awhile, and it would be fun for both of us.”
“What kind of game?” you ask dubiously.
“It is a game of intellect...however, there are several rules. The first is that I am the only one that may ask the questions. I know you are well versed in many disciplines, and in the interest of fairness, will keep them based in subjects you know well. The second rule is, you will only have a maximum of three minutes to answer me. The third rule is that if you answer correctly, you must remove an article of clothing. I will also remove something, starting with my armor and gear. When your clothing is gone, each successive correct answer will net you a physical action from me. The fourth rule is that if you are incorrect, or fail to answer at all, everything will stop and you receive nothing.”
“Oh, what?!” you fire back indignantly. “How is THAT fair, Tech?”
“I do believe this is called “being a tease, mésh'la... That is the correct phrase, is it not?”
You sigh a little huffily. “Yes, it is. But...you've piqued my curiosity, and more importantly, by the end of this I want both of us to be in post-orgasmic bliss. You got that?!”
His eyes widen a little at the slight aggression you fire back at him, but he can tell you've been worked up all day, and need some relief soon. He does too, because the thought of him buried to the hilt inside you by the end of the night has been on his mind all day. He feels his cock beginning to stir a little under his codpiece...no time to waste.
(Desert Dwellers & Phutureprimitive – Praise Her, the Fire Keeper (Phutureprimitive Remix))
“Move over a little, Y/N...let me sit next to you. It will be easier this way. Move the table out of the way, too. You know we're going to need the extra space.”
You smile at him cheekily as you shift the coffee table out of the way, leaving plenty of room for both of you. Those long legs of his have zero chance of having room with any furniture in the way. Images of you running your hands up the length of his body, stopping at his hips, pausing to lick and gently suckle on his cock flit through your mind and you feel your face grow briefly hot. We've never had sex in the living room yet... I wonder what kinds of questions he'll ask me?
Tech shifts the blankets around so that he can be next to you, and he stretches out his legs, letting out a groan of his own. Being cramped up in the cockpit of the Marauder all day left him just as stiff and sore as he was sure you were, being in front of your computer all night. You turn to look at him, and he smiles softly at you. What he's really thinking right now is beyond you, but you hope it's something incredibly wicked.
“Are you ready? I will set a timer for three minutes with each question. We will start with something easy, as a warm up. What is the definition of the “instar phase?””
“Tech, come on, this is super easy.” You look at his grinning face, eyes never leaving his as you give your answer: “this is the developmental stage of arthropods, such as insects, between each molt, until they achieve sexual maturity.”
“Of course, you are correct. Take off your sweatshirt, cyaré...do you have anything else on underneath?”
Without hesitation, you skin off your sweatshirt, and you're wearing the sexy black and red lace bra that Tech would have seen much earlier in the night, had he come home on time. Normally you wouldn't have bothered with a bra if you were planning on being alone at night, but you know Tech is very much a visual creature when it comes to sexual endeavors. You hear him sigh softly as he catches sight of you, and you see him pull off his work gloves, casting them off to the side. All you can think about now is feeling his bare hands on your flesh...your face, your neck, spine, and especially between your legs.
“Have I told you lately how beautiful you are, Y/N? You truly are one of the most exceptional creatures I have encountered in all of my travels.”
You can feel the heat rising in your face, and you're thankful that the ambient light in the room can hide the fact you're beginning to flush, but you know how perceptive Tech is, and he will pick up easily on other visual cues.
“Tech, I...” you begin, but you can't think of anything meaningful to say. How do you follow up after such a grand statement?
He flashes you that sexy grin of his again and you're melting inside. “Next question, love. Are you ready? What are eubacteria?”
It's been awhile since you had to discuss microbiology with anyone, but this was another easy question, and you're wondering if Tech keeps planning on asking easy questions just to get you naked faster. Not like it would bother you if that's the case, but he has more things to take off than you do...
“Eubacteria are simple celled organisms, many with rigid cell walls, often needing a flagellum for movement. They are considered “true” bacteria, along with cyanobacteria. They are often found within the intestines of animals, and can also be found in soil.”
“Very good, love, although you took a little longer to answer this time, and I know you knew the answer easily. Stand up and slowly take your pants off for me.”
Slowly, you rise, and your first inclination is to deeply stretch, because of being on the floor too long. You are tempted to make him wait, but you're afraid if you do, he might stop the game just to make you wait for another time. You hook your thumbs into the waistband of the soft, loose pants you like to wear around the house, and as your eyes lock on his, you begin to sway your hips a little and laugh as you draw your pants down over your hips, then let them drop to the floor. You've got on the matching panties that go with your bra, and you watch Tech's eyes move down to look between your legs.
You know he's wondering if you're wet for him yet, and you watch as he takes off the breastplate of his armor, and everything else off his arms. You can see the musculature of his chest through his blacks, and this time there's no denying that you're aroused. Your clit pulses with heat and you can feel yourself starting to grow wet, as you think about skinning his shirt off, tracing every line of his flesh...burying your head into the crook of his neck and showering him with hot kisses...
(Nor Elle – Silent Storm)
“So much better,” he breathes, running a hand down his chest, letting it rest on his stomach. He looks up and you and his eyes almost seem to shimmer behind his lenses. Oh yes, he's turned on. “Turn around for me, mésh'la, I want to see that beautiful ass of yours.”
You can practically hear the lust dripping in his voice now, and you comply, turning around for him. You're not wearing a thong, but there's very little material, and to sweeten the pot for him, you decide to be a tease. Curling your finger into the material, you lean forward a little and pull your panties aside, so you're completely exposed for him...and now he can see glistening moisture, inviting him home.
Hearing him groan softly and shift around a little as his codpiece suddenly becomes much more restrictive makes you smile. You know what you're doing, and you're damn good at it. Letting the material go, you turn back around and look at him. You look down and see that he's slipped his fingertips just under the material of his blacks.
“Do you have another question for me, or are you in shock right now?” you tease gently.
He laughs and removes his hand from his blacks, letting it rest on his stomach again. The urge to start stroking himself is incredibly strong right now, but this needs to be a waiting game. If he's going to make you wait, he has to, as well. He brings his knees up and puts his other hand behind his head, leaning back against the couch, trying to think of a more difficult question for this round.
“All right, this one is a little more involved, and I do not want you answering in a simplistic fashion. Tell me what happens when an individual suffers a crush injury.”
While you have plenty of knowledge of anatomy and physiology, it's been quite awhile since you've had to draw from it. You're frantically thinking back to your university courses in medical terminology and A & P, trying to remember. You are drawing a serious blank, and you look over at Tech, who smirks at you a little because he can see the creeping panic in your face.
“Time's fleeting, cyaré...you have a minute and a half.”
Fuck, come on! I know this! Why can't I remember it?!
You're looking around the room, grasping at straws, mind racing as you try to give Tech something...anything. You shut your eyes and you're not even conscious of the fact you've slipped a hand between your legs, rubbing your clit through the gossamer fabric of your panties. Tech cocks an eyebrow when he sees you doing this.
“Fascinating, my love, but you're at 45 seconds. I need an answer.”
Your heart is up in your throat, robbing you of your breath, and your voice. Still touching yourself, and feeling your clit pulse beneath your frantic fingertips, the connection is made. You don't know how, but here it is. You have to be at somewhere under 20 seconds at this point, and the minute you open your mouth, it becomes a raging torrent of words. He's not going to rob you of pleasure tonight, and if he wants an answer, he's going to get one!
“It's a reperfusion injury that appears after the release of crushing pressure. The mechanism is believed to be the release into the bloodstream of muscle breakdown products – notably myoglobin, potassium and phosphorus – products of rhabodmyolysis, the breakdown of skeletal muscle damaged by ischemic conditions. Devastating systemic effects can occur when the crushing pressure is suddenly released, without proper preparation of the patient, causing reperfusion syndrome. In addition to tissue directly suffering the crush mechanism, tissue is then subjected to sudden reoxygenation in the limbs and extremities. Without proper preparation, the patient, with pain control, may be cheerful before recovery, but then may suddenly die shortly thereafter. This sudden failure is called the "smiling death." TECH, WHAT THE FUCK?!”
The sudden obscenity catches him off guard, and he can't help but laugh at you, standing there, looking so flushed, with wild eyes and heaving chest. Just to tease you even more, he does a slow clap before speaking.
“I am seriously impressed, mésh'la... Not only did that outburst have the correct answer in it, but you clocked in with just two seconds left. I will not apologize for the question, but I will apologize for inadvertently stressing you to the point where you felt it necessary to touch yourself for me, without me ordering you to do so.”
You feel your cheeks go hot, instantly embarrassed that you've now accidentally shown Tech something you've always done when pushed to your maximum stress levels. “Tech, I...fuck. This is embarrassing. I'm...”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N. I have extensively studied what can happen to people with minds like ours, when we are pushed beyond our ability to cope with certain situations. You acted well within the parameters of normal behavior. That being said, I believe I owe you something now. I'm feeling generous, so for that answer, I'll take off more than one thing.”
He gets to his feet, and seemingly towering above you, he looks down at you as he unhooks his utility belt and drops it on the floor next to the rest of his gear. You can see that his breathing is becoming a little more shallow, and you wonder just how hard he is, hidden by that infernal codpiece. Off comes the armor on those lithe, muscular legs, along with the other utility pouches. Suddenly you don't feel so close to naked anymore, but now you wonder what he'll ask you to take off first. He sits back down next to you, looking up with eyes full of wonder.
“I can almost read your mind, Y/N. I will make it exceedingly easy for you. Take off your bra; it's beautiful, but those breasts of yours are so much more so. So much so, that once it's off, I want you to show me how you play with them when you're thinking about me.”
(Sister Machine Gun - Burn)
You almost let out a tiny squeak with his last sentence, but you find yourself actively wanting to show him. Besides, once you're done playing this game, you can always ask him to return the favor, and show you how he touches himself when he's fantasizing about you. Reaching behind you, you unhook the band and slide the straps down your shoulders, letting it fall into your hand, and holding it at arm's length, you wink at him, dropping it to the floor.
Swallowing hard, and trying to ignore the fact you've mostly soaked your panties through with your juices, your hands come to your chest, one hand squeezing, while the other pinches, rolls, and tugs at a nipple. You bite your lower lip and close your eyes, thinking about Tech pulling you down to the floor, unleashing his cock and taking you right then and there. Moaning softly, you show him just how much he affects you, and through doing this, show how much you adore him.
“That's it, cyar'ika, don't be shy...show me...teach me,” his voice getting husky with deep arousal now. “Please, baby, don't stop now...”
Breasts still in hand, you step in between his slightly parted legs, nudging his foot aside to make room for you between them. Tired of standing and feeling like you're a trophy upon a pedestal, you sink to the floor on your knees, sitting back on your feet. He has an overwhelming vision of grabbing and pulling you to his chest, sinking his tongue into your mouth for a deep kiss, bucking his hips up into you so you gasp at the sudden intrusion of his cock between your outer lips...
You flash a mischievous smile at him. He caves, as his hands come to rest on your hips, pulling you closer to him so quickly that you put your hands out in front of you to keep from falling. For a moment you hope you don't come crashing down face first on his codpiece, but you manage to get your hands on either side of him, your face a hair's breadth away from it.
A harsh gasp rises from you and you look up at him. He's unperturbed by your current position, and only wishes the codpiece was off so you could kiss him through the fabric of his blacks and feel how hard he is for you.
“I've got you, don't worry. Although I do believe it's prudent I ask the next question, don't you think? No, I won't ask another question like the last one...at least just yet. You look uncomfortable down there, love. Be a good girl, and sit in my lap. Here, let me help you.” Hands still on your hips, he pulls you toward him more so you can creep your way onto his lap. You don't want to sit down on him fully because you know he's hiding a massive erection under the codpiece, but you can still straddle him. You let your hands come to rest on his shoulders and he sighs contentedly, happy to finally have you in his arms after a particularly stressful day. Wanting to return the favor from earlier, your hands begin to gently massage his shoulders, and he's so tight and knotted up, he closes his eyes and lets out a soft moan.
“Mésh'la, please...you're distracting me!”
“Me? Distracting you? If that's not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is!”
“All right, I concede...so here is your next question. What is a myelin sheath?”
Finally, an easy A & P question! “The myelin sheath forms around nerves, including those in the central nervous system. Composed of fatty substances and proteins, it allows electrical impulses to travel easily along nerve cells.”
A triumphant smile crosses your face and Tech's expression softens once again, his eyes smoldering with invisible fire. You know your panties are coming off next, but it's the manner in which they'll be removed that's in the front of your mind. His hands move down from your hips to your ass, squeezing your cheeks firmly, fanning the flames of desire ever higher within you.
Your hands move from his shoulders to rest on the back of his neck, stroking the soft flesh lightly and for a moment he lets out a brief moan. In return, his fingers sink just a little lower down your cheeks toward your outer lips, and you gasp as you feel him beginning to move your panties aside. A fingertip begins to draw its way over your lips, slick with moisture. You moan his name unbidden, wanting him to sink that finger deep inside you, but he knows the game you're playing, and he's not willing to play that hand just yet.
“Not just yet, Y/N. You should know better than that. Get those panties off, NOW.”
The razor sharp edge to that last word sends chills down your spine. He releases your ass and lets you climb off him, and as you stand between his knees, you look down upon him. He's got his hands behind his head now, looking up at you expectantly.
“Take them off now, cyaré, or I rip them off you, and I'm sure you'd like to keep them intact, yes?” “Yes, Tech,” you murmur, not exactly sure you still want to keep holding his gaze.
Hooking your thumbs under the waistband, you begin to roll your panties down, skinning them off slowly in a little bit of a striptease. You swirl your hips to and fro as you part your legs just a little bit as you get them all the way down, and as you step out them, you chuck them behind you, not really caring where they land.
You feel wetness beginning to seep from you freely now, and you shift your legs apart a little more so Tech can clearly see that there's a thin bead of your juices getting ready to drip on the floor. He's never seen this particular phenomenon up close before and you smile as you watch his eyes widen in surprise, and his lips part silently.
“This is what you do to me, Tech. You make me so fucking wet, my pussy weeps for joy. All for you, baby...all for you.”
You slip a hand between your legs and let your fingers pick up your wetness before it falls. Time to show him something else you do when he's not there, and you're thinking about him... You trail your fingertips through the cleft of your outer lips, picking up a great deal of moisture. As you bring your fingers back to your mouth to suck them clean, you see Tech activating the release for his codpiece in a big hurry, and he almost whips it off to the side as it lets go, and now you see what he's been trying carefully to keep under control.
Under his blacks, you see the prominent outline of his cock, fully hard, lying long and thick, begging to be released. You can't see anything because of the material, but you wonder if he's also wet for you; you've always loved seeing him ooze pre-cum for you, and as you've discovered, he loves it when you tell him you love how wet he is for you.
“Mésh'la, I need you to move out of the way. Let me get my boots off, and then you're going to come back and stand over my face. I must taste you, before your next question.”
(Asura – Crossroads Limiter)
You waste no time stepping back to let Tech ease himself back up onto the couch so he can get his boots off, which he does in what seems like record time, kicking them off to the side before sinking back to the floor and urging you to come forward with a few short waves of his hands. Carefully planting your legs on either side of him, he lets his head rest on the back of the couch cushion and puts a hand on your thigh. He's breathing hard now and his free hand has slipped down between his legs to start touching his cock through his blacks. He doesn't want to reveal himself to you just yet, but the mounting arousal can no longer be ignored.
You have a hand on the couch's armrest for a little stability as Tech bids you to lower yourself down within reach. Another bead of your juices threatens to fall, but this time Tech is ready with his dexterous and skilled tongue, ready to catch it. His cock twitches heavily under his hand, and you can feel the heat of his breath against your outer lips as his tongue traces its way through them, picking up every bit of wetness he can, as if he's starving.
“Let me feed you, Tech...you're so hungry... Eat your fill, my love...”
He moans deeply against you as you say this, the vibrations tickling you, making you twitch and squirm. The hand on your thigh begins to close down and squeeze as his tongue probes deeper now, slipping through your inner lips, very nearly to your entrance and now it's your turn to cry out sharply. Your clit begs and aches to have attention lavished upon it, but as you slip your free hand down to start touching it, your hand is pulled away.
“Not just yet...you don't get to play with yourself until I tell you, remember? As much as I'd love to eat you out right now, go sit back down. It's time for your next question. What are the four main components of physical science? I do not need any elaboration for this response.”
“Wow, this takes me back to my high school days,” you chuckle. “Let's see if I still remember all of them!”
“You'd better, because you know what will happen if you fail...and we're too far along for this to become a disappointment, cyaré...”
You swallow hard at his response, because you know he's serious. You're both too far along now to have this be a night of completely ruined edging and orgasms. You remember two of them immediately, but the other two are escaping you, and panic begins to set in once more. He's watching you intently as he continues to touch himself, letting out intermittent moans on purpose to help keep you focused.
“Uhh, well, I remember there's physics, chemistry...I'm having trouble with the other two.”
You look over at him and he just shakes his head at you, one eyebrow raised as if to say, “you're smarter than this, and you aren't getting my help.” He lets his head rest against the couch cushion again as he strokes himself through his blacks, and the hem of his shirt has ridden up his stomach just a little. Looking down, you can see the head of his cock peeking out of the waist of his pants and you suddenly get the chills, knowing that it's only a matter of time before he lets that beast out to play.
“Time's a-fleeting, honey. You'd better hurry up, because if you want any hope of riding my cock tonight, you will answer me.”
“Goddamnit, Tech,” you mutter, trying to focus the incessant loud chatter in your brain. “Okay, it's physics, chemistry...” You look over at your bookshelves for answers, hoping there's something there that will jog your memory. Books on botany, biology, genetics...no, that's not it. Wait...biology? Terrestrial sciences...yes, that's it!
“One minute, my love. It'd be prudent if you stopped wasting time.”
Physics, chemistry, Earth sciences (like meteorology and geology), and...and...come the fuck on, I know this!
You look out the expanse of windows to see that the storm finally stopped, and the clouds are beginning to dissipate. The glittering lights of the Uscru District seem to twinkle like stars, and then the light went on. It's so simple, and it's been here the entire time! “30 seconds, mésh'la. You really like pushing your luck, don't you?”
“Tech!” You look over at him and he picks his head up, blinking a little owlishly as he refocuses on you. “It's physics, chemistry, Earth sciences, and astronomy! Told you I knew it...and you know I don't have the greatest long term memory.”
“I am aware of your memory capabilities, and know it is a limitation for you. You have done well, and you're one step closer to being fully rewarded.”
Sitting up, he pulls off his shirt, and that is a gift unto itself. You long to touch every single inch of his finely chiseled chest and abs, kiss your way from his mouth all the way down to his cock, taking him in hands free in a small display of dominance of your own. The vision is so real, you can almost taste him. He leans back against the couch and gives you that irresistible sexy grin, and one of his hands comes back down to touch himself, not caring that his cock is now peeking prominently out of his pants. He's content to stroke himself through his clothing for as long as it takes.
“Just one more question, and then the real fun can begin,” he says lowly, his voice reminding you of roiling smoke. “I've been thinking about coming home and fucking you senseless all day...so much so that Hunter asked me if something was amiss, because of how unfocused I was. You are my undoing, cyaré, but I would not trade it for anything in this galaxy, or any other.”
You feel a deep twinge of arousal deep in your chest as he tells you this, and you close your eyes and moan his name, making a conscientious effort to not reach down and touch your clit as you do so. At this point, all you want is Tech to be touching you, gently swirling his thumb on the underside of your clit as his fingers stroke your insides, bringing you to a juicy wet orgasm...
“Tech, I'm ready...what's the next question?” You reach out and gently touch his calf, stroking your fingers over the soft material of his blacks. “Please don't make this one that spikes my anxiety again, okay? I'm not sure I can handle much more of that...”
“I promise you, Y/N, it won't be a question that made you panic like that first one. I am still impressed with your response to that, by the way.” He grins at you and slowly closes his eyes, trying to think of a question that will yield a response that will tie in with all of this foreplay. You look over at him expectantly, wondering if he'll keep his word. Without opening his eyes, his silken voice flows with the query: “the arrector pili muscles are responsible for what phenomenon?”
“I think you've finally realized that the A&P questions are where I generally feel most comfortable, Tech,” you chuckle. Tapping a fingertip to your lip, you try not to glance over at Tech, who has slid one of his thumbs into the waist of his blacks, and is ever so slowly beginning to pull downwards. He's still not looking at you, but he knows that you're unable to stop watching him.
“Arrector pili...hm, arrector pili...pretty sure this one is a dermatological term, if I'm not mistaken,” you muse.
“Two minutes, love. You should be thinking much harder about the answer, than about me getting my pants off,” he fires back.
“I wasn't...! Tech, I wasn't even...”
He starts laughing at you and now he finally opens his eyes. “You're wasting time again, mésh'la! Must you always do this?”
You'd love to just say “fuck you, Tech,” right about now, but you know how well that would go over. Grasping your ankles, you rest your head on your knees as you look around the room again. There's definitely nothing here to give you any visual clues like last time. You look over at Tech, and your breath catches in your throat as you see that while you've not been focusing, he's gotten his pants down to his knees, and as you look up at him, he cocks an eyebrow and then winks as he's now got his cock in his hand, and he is fully primed. Sudden chills zip down your spine and you feel yourself breaking out in goosebumps. Wait a minute...
“Hey, Tech? The arrector pili muscles are responsible for goosebumps, also known as horripilation, piloerection, or the pilomotor reflex!”
“That's my girl...I knew you could do it. For your reference, you responded with approximately one minute left. You are going to come over here now and finish taking my pants off for me, and when you're done with that, my cock is going in your mouth. Is that acceptable?”
You know your face is flushed, and behind your eyes, you feel the strong heat of arousal burning. Tiny pulsations deep within you trigger wetness to begin flowing once more as you crawl over between his feet, and grab hold of his pants, skinning them off with ease.
Before you comply with his request to start sucking his cock, you do something that momentarily catches him off guard, as it's nothing you've ever done before. Since he's sitting with his knees propped up, you curl an arm around one of his legs and then lean against him, pressing your face to the hot flesh, closing your eyes and savoring the moment. It isn't just arousal devouring your mind and body now, it's the deep love you have for Tech.
“Cyaré, is everything all right? A note of concern is quite detectable in his voice, and he begins to reach for you. Are you feeling ill? What's the matter?”
You sigh happily. “Nothing is wrong, Tech...don't worry.” You open your eyes and look at him, smiling softly. “I love you, Tech. As you said to me earlier, you're the most beautiful creature I've ever encountered in all my travels. Now let me come and take care of you. I can't wait to have you in my mouth...taste your wetness...maybe even let you come there, too...”
He certainly wasn't expecting this reaction and for once, the chatterbox that is Tech, is silent. You giggle and then let go of his leg, moving on all fours until you're right up against him. “Let me help you, baby, please...”you plead quietly.
Guiding his cock into your mouth with one hand, you slowly ease him in. You hear his breath hitch for a moment and he moans quietly as you ease him a little farther in; your free hand knows just what it needs to be doing to make this even better for him, and as you take him in as far as you can, your other hand closes around his balls, slowly squeezing and massaging him.
“M...mésh'la, don't stop... Be a good girl and suck my cock...”
(Aquascape – Phoenix Dance) His head falls back against the couch cushion and his legs close around you just a little. One of his hands comes to rest on the back of your neck lightly, and as you begin to suck on him, you feel him stroking the flesh there, sending more chills shooting down your spine. You always love it when he touches your ears and your neck, because he knows how wet it can make you, and like clockwork, wetness begins to slowly seep from you again.
Closing your eyes to refocus, you begin to move your head to and fro, tongue gliding effortlessly along the underside of his cock, sucking hard as you reach the tip, pulling away to let the tip of your tongue flick rapidfire, eliciting a sharp cry from Tech, and the hand on your neck closes down suddenly, pushing your head back down as he bucks his hips, nestling himself back inside the safe, hot haven of your mouth.
You moan deeply as that incredible thickness fills up your mouth, the vibrations traveling all the way down his cock, earning you quick flexing and even more swelling. You'll have to be careful, or he'll come too soon, and you want to make this special night even more special for the both of you.
You release his balls from your grasp, and you pull your mouth off him, purposely leaving a long trail of saliva behind. You're going to need two hands to stroke him adequately. Inwardly, you can't help but laugh because although he's never directly come out and tell you, it drives him wild when you give him super sloppy blowjobs.
He looks down at you and your eyes meet, and when he sees your tongue connected to his cock only by saliva, he starts to breathe faster and shallower. He can't remember a time when your eyes have shone this brightly, consumed with both love and sheer primal lust. He brings a hand under your chin gently with his index finger, lifting your head up.
“Y/N, do you know how beautiful you are when you have my cock in your mouth?”
You shake your head slightly. “Tech, let me feed...I'm so hungry!”
He lets go of your chin and his hand comes to the back of your head again. He starts pushing you down and your hands guide him back in to your waiting mouth. “Eat your fill, cyar'ika, there's more than plenty...that's the way...”
Grasping his cock tightly, as you draw him farther back in your mouth, your hands corkscrew their way down his shaft, gliding easily as you purposely let saliva dribble out of your mouth. As your hands come up to meet the head of his cock, you pull your mouth away, letting one of your hands close over him, massaging and stroking the sensitive underside with your thumb.
Tech begins to slowly buck his hips, and you hold your hands still for him, closing firmly around him once more, letting him feel that indescribable tightness that mimics what it's going to feel like for him once he decides he wants to fuck you. His moans have become much more frequent and louder, and you know you're pleasing him exactly the way he wants.
“Your cock feels so good in my hands, Tech... So perfectly hot and hard... Do you want my mouth again, baby? I'll suck you dry, if you want me to... You're so fucking beautiful, Tech...I love you...”
“Mésh'la, let me go right now, I'm getting too close,” he chokes out.
Immediately, you release him and his breath comes hard and fast. You can see a light sheen of sweat building on his forehead from the strain of trying to remain totally in control and not lose himself. You scoot back on your heels a little, and put your hands on his knees. In a flash, his hands grab your hips and suddenly you're being picked up and heaved onto the couch, your legs spread wide open for him, glistening with wetness.
“Now it's my turn,” he growls, and he brings his mouth close to your entrance, giving pause to stop and smell you. His olfactory senses are not as acute as Hunter's, but he can still detect pheromones at moderate levels, and right now, the scent of your dripping pussy is almost enough to send him over the edge without even having to touch himself.
Hands gripping your thighs, he lets his tongue snake out and drag through the cleft of your outer lips, picking up the delectable salty and slightly sweet taste of your juices. You let out a gasp of surprise at the sudden intrusion of his tongue, and then you moan his name deeply when he slips his tongue farther in, letting it work its way just inside your entrance, greedy to consume everything you can give him.
You realize he never gave you permission to touch yourself, but the pulsing in your clit is driving you mad. Slipping your hand down just enough so your fingers can graze the slightly retracted hood and the lustrous pearl of your clit, you get no more than a few seconds of contact before Tech's hand comes up and seizes your wrist. He pulls his mouth away from you, your wetness smeared across his face.
“Cyar'ika, once AGAIN, you're not allowed to play with yourself unless I give you permission. Until I tell you otherwise, your pussy is mine do with what I please. Is that understood?”
You're so flustered and aching for release that hot tears begin to prick the corners of your eyes. Your voice wavers slightly as you plead with him, hoping that he'll either let you touch yourself while he works your insides, or hoping that he'll slide his cock in, filling you to your absolute limits, and bang you like a broken screen door.
“Tech, please let me touch myself, I wanna come for you so badly...”
“I'm not ready for you to come, my love. You will wait, and when it's time, you'll be given release...not a moment before. Now, where was I? Oh, yes, just about ready to slide my fingers into you. You've been such a good girl for me so far, Y/N. You will be rewarded soon, I promise.”
He lets go of your wrist and then turns to plant light kisses on your trembling thighs. His lips moving across your flesh feel like butterfly wings, and as he kisses his way down your thigh, he plants kisses on your pubic mound, before turning his attention to the treasure at the center of it all. You hold back a scream of pleasure as his mouth closes over your clit, and as he begins to suck on it, one of his fingers begins to push into you.
(Delerium - Serenity)
Your hands grope the couch cushion blindly, looking for something to hold onto as you watch him digitally penetrate you. No such luck, and you begin to swirl your hips gently in an attempt to get Tech to pick up the pace and start fucking you with those gorgeous long fingers of his. As you did to him, he now does to you, and pulls his mouth away to let his tongue flick effortlessly over your fully engorged clit, chuckling to himself as he pushes a second finger inside you.
Even now, you feel quite stuffed with just his fingers, and the thought of eventually taking his cock triggers another seep of wetness. He moans deeply as he feels the gush around them, and it doesn't take him long to find the tiny spot within your walls that when properly triggered, makes you come hard and productively.
Tech closes his mouth over your clit once again, swirling his tongue across it while alternating with sucking it like you would his cock, letting his head bob just a little bit as he does so. Your head falls back against the back of the couch as now he begins to move his fingers fore and aft within you, gently hooking the tips up so he can stroke that little sweet spot. He has no intentions of letting you come just yet, but he's more than content to edge you.
Deep seated groans of pleasure escape you as he continues his delicious torture. You feel yourself starting to grow close to orgasm, and as much as you want to come, you need him to fuck you good and hard first. “Tech, slow down, I'm getting close,” you nearly sob. You moan his name repeatedly in attempts to get him to stop, but he's purposely ignoring you.
“Cyaré, if you keep moaning any louder, what will the neighbors think?” he murmurs as he pulls his mouth away once more. He can feel your walls starting to constrict around his fingers, the telltale sign that your orgasm is getting ready to break.
The obscene squelching noises his fingers are making as he's stroking your insides is the other tell that you're ready to take him. He slows the gentle stroking and then carefully pulls his fingers out, reaching back down between his legs to start stroking himself once more, using your juices as lube.
“Fuck the neighbors, Tech, I don't care what they think!”
“I don't want to fuck the neighbors, love...I'm only interested in fucking you. Move forward just a little bit, please...” He shifts positions as you move yourself right to the edge of the couch, propping yourself up on your elbows. With cock in hand, he shows you exactly what he wants, stroking his thick length slowly, eyes locked on yours the entire time. “Tell me, Y/N, what shall I do with this, hm?”
You're trying to control your breathing, which has long since become erratic. Your face flushes with intense heat once again, and even though Tech is quite composed, it's taking every ounce of his being to stay in control. “Tech...please,” you whimper. You're not even sure how much you have left to beg him. “Fuck me, Tech, I can't wait anymore... Slide that big cock in me and fuck me senseless...”
“Are you sure, mésh'la? As much as I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your begging, there's one thing to which I cannot say no, when it comes to you.”
He doesn't wait for a reply from you asking what that one thing is, as he positions himself in line with your entrance, and slowly begins to push his way inside. This time that scream can't be held back, and your hands fly to his forearms, gripping them so hard your nails dig furrows in his flesh. He lets out a hiss of shock, rather than one of pain, and his eyes narrow. You've never been quite this way before with him, but as you pull his arms forward in an attempt to get him to push his cock in even deeper, he's more aroused than ever by this primal behavior.
His eyes close and his head falls back a little as he slides ever deeper into you, his girth stretching your inner walls to what feels like their maximum. You feel especially tight, and he can't help but let out a deep sigh, followed by an equally deep moan as you squeeze your walls around him, creating exquisite friction. It would be very easy to lose control and come inside you far too soon, but there's something he'd like to try with you tonight, that the two of you have never done before.
“Cyar'ika,” he groans, “take my cock...take all of it...you're so fucking wet for me...”
You begin to swirl your hips just as he finally parks himself inside you fully, the head of his cock lovingly kissing your sweet spot and your cervix. Letting go of the death grip you have on his arms, now you reach for his hands, closing yours around his as he begins to move. He rocks his hips slowly, watching himself move in and out of you, the sounds of your cries the finest music he's ever heard.
“Oh, Tech,” you moan airily as you squeeze his hands. “Harder...faster...this pussy's all yours, Tech. Ner cyaré...please, I love you...” You've never spoken a word of Mando'a before now, but you learned what some of the terms of endearment are, considering how frequently all of the guys used them with you.
Tech squeezes your hands hard and for a brief moment, you could swear he's getting misty eyed. “...Your accent is a touch peculiar, my love, but...it will suffice. Ni kar'taylír darásuum...”
He lets go of your hands, running his own from your hips down to your silky inner thighs. Closing his hands gently around them, he honors your request, and the lazy thrusting becomes faster and more insistent. Soon he finds a pleasant rhythm that sends you into a state of deep bliss, your moaning constant and deep.
Tech curls his arms under your legs near your hips, pulling you in closer to him as he begins to fuck you just a little harder, slipping over your sweet spot, teasing your walls to start constricting around him...calling for you to touch yourself and bring about the ultimate release... You bring your hand down between your legs one more time, giving pause before touching your hard, swollen clit.
“Tech, please...let me,” you nearly whimper. “Let me come for you...I want you to watch me come on your cock...”
He lets out a harsh groan as you squeeze him tightly, urging him to spill inside you. “Permission granted, mésh'la, but when you're at the eclipse, you must stop...” He slows his pace now, knowing that it can be difficult for you to get close to, or have an orgasm, if he's fucking you too fast. “It's all right, love, show me how you touch yourself when you're fantasizing about me...”
(Lords of Acid - Venus)
You pick up wetness on your fingertips by letting them run over his cock as he pulls back from you, stopping just before he's all the way out. He flexes hard under your touch, amazed by how sensuous you're being, moaning softly as you slowly retract the hood of your clit, the beautiful pink pearl underneath glistening with moisture. You close your eyes to help focus, as your fingertips begin to swirl over the hot nub of flesh; Tech slips his way back inside as you, exhaling sharply as he watches you touch yourself.
“That's it, Y/N, show me how...” he whispers hotly.
A deep sigh lets loose from you as your fingertips draw concentric circles around your clit, then along the sides, and finally underneath, flicking it gently like you would with your tongue on his cock. “Tech, you make me feel so fucking good...look how hard I am for you...” With each deep stroke from him gliding along your sweet spot, the pulsing in your clit continues to grow, and you know you're starting to get close. Everything pulling into a singularity, seemingly crackling with electricity...
As he watches you swirl your fingers a little harder over your clit, he instinctively knows that you're on your ascent. Your gaze meets with his once more, and his eyes are so full of love and deep desire as you share this level of intimacy with him. Faster you work yourself, and subconsciously your back begins to arch upward, your inner walls squeezing his cock like a vise.
“Cyar'ika, slow down, I can feel you getting too close,” he warns. “If it's all right with you, there's something I've always wanted to try with you...will you let me?” He starts pulling out of you as he makes sure you're not touching yourself anymore. As he does, you adopt a mock pouting expression. He's used to you doing this to him to be purposely annoying, but he's not having it now. “Don't be a little brat, Y/N, or I'll stop right now!”
You recoil slightly, and in a small voice, utter words you normally wouldn't for him: “I'll be a good girl, Tech, I promise. You can try anything with me, you know that. What do you have in mind?”
“Let me help you up, and I'll show you. I promise you, I think you will really enjoy this,” he says, getting to his feet, and taking your hands in his to pull you up off the couch. “Come on, mésh'la, follow me; we're not going far.”
He leads you around the back of the couch, then takes your hips in his hands as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. At long last, your lips finally connect in a deep, passionate kiss...his tongue slipping through your lips, moaning deeply into your mouth as your tongue collides with his. “You taste so good, my love...if I'm not mistaken, I do believe you've been drinking desert wine tonight, have you not?,” he murmurs, softly kissing the corners of your mouth, then your forehead.
You can't help but laugh at this. “Shit...you caught me, honey. But you know I can't help myself when it comes to desert wine!” Returning the favor, you cradle his face in your hands and bring your forehead to his, before kissing it gently. “So...what is it you wanted to try, Tech? The suspense is killing me,” you say, with a little bit of sass.
He returns to gently kiss you a few more times, his lips lingering just above yours as he whispers, “why don't you turn around, and I'll show you, hmm? Here, let me help you.” Suddenly, he spins you around and pushes you over the back of the couch. Yelping, you put your hands out to brace yourself as you're bent over, standing on tiptoes as Tech pushes your feet apart. You are fully exposed to him with no way to stop whatever he has in mind.
You hear him laugh softly as he drops to his knees, and then you feel his hands on your ass, kneading the flesh firmly before he begins to spread them apart. For a moment you think he's going to try and feed his cock into your ass, but instead, you feel his tongue plunge into your pussy, gathering every bit of your wetness. Back to your clit he goes, hungry mouth closing over it once more to suck and tease briefly, before pulling away and standing back up.
“I will never tire of seeing you spread open for me like this, cyar'ika... Now take my cock all the way, like a good girl!”
You moan loudly as you feel him press the thick head of his cock flush against your entrance once more. Taking your hips in his hands, he begins to push his way back in so slowly, it's agonizing. He groans deeply as your insides begin to swallow him whole, and once more, he looks down to watch himself disappearing inside you. As he buries himself all the way in, he flexes hard a few times, making you squirm and cry out as you try to get your feet on the floor.
“Don't fight me, baby... Relax, cyaré, I've got you,” he says reassuringly. You feel him pick you up by the hips just a little, relieving the stress in your legs, and now he begins to fuck you, slowly rocking his hips up against your ass, stretching your insides to the maximum. “Take my cock, Y/N, it's all yours,” he moans, as he feels you squeeze your walls against him once more, coaxing him to let go inside you.
“Tech, faster...harder...” you cry, eyes shut as he rocks you into a state of sheer bliss.
Something between a sigh and a deep moan rises from Tech as as he picks up the pace, hands gripping your hips tightly. As a moth is drawn to flame, his gaze can't be pulled from watching himself slip in and out of you effortlessly; it is an endless fascination. You hear his breathing becoming increasingly ragged the harder he fucks you, and you can feel him beginning to swell with each successive stroke. All you want him to do now is push forward with one final surge, lock himself in place, and come hard for you while moaning your name...
“You're so close, baby...come for me, please...fill me up!” you cry.
“Not...just...yet...” he groans, slowing his pace down yet again. He's panting heavily with exertion now, and his grip lessens on your hips. “There's just one more thing I want to experience with you before you and I both have our release...”
You want to scream in frustration as he pulls out of you, but you feel his chest pressing down on your back as his arms come underneath you to lift you up. Your legs feel like wet noodles, and you're afraid you'll fall to the floor, but Tech's strong hands hold you tight against him, his damp cock poking you in the back. Your heart is racing now, feeling slightly apprehensive over what he has in mind.
(Sundial Aeon – Our Eternity)
“Hold still, cyar'ika, I'm going to pick you up. Put your hands behind my neck and hold on. There's something I want you to see.” “See? Tech, what are you...agh, Tech!” you cry out as his hands come down between your legs, resting on your hamstrings as he begins to lift you up. You raise your arms and slip your hands behind his neck as he asks, your head resting against his shoulder. “Tech, this feels so strange,” you moan softly, eyes tightly shut.
“Bear with me, my love...this is new to me, too. Let us learn together,” he murmurs with his nose buried in your hair. Once he has you securely in position, he turns around and slowly moves toward the full-length mirror that is mounted on the closet. It doesn't dawn on you what he has in mind until he stops in front of it. “Look, ner cyaré...look at yourself with a set of fresh eyes.”
You open your eyes and see your reflections in the mirror, Tech looking at you with a serene, loving gaze, holding you perfectly steady, mere inches above the perfect curvature of his thick cock. The soothing blue-green light encompassing the living room serves to accentuate every curve and line of both your bodies. A small gasp of awe leaves you, as you're reeling from how beautiful both of you look.
“By the Maker, Tech...this is unreal,” you say quietly. “Look at us...”
“There are times when I feel like you do not appreciate yourself, mésh'la...as if you do not understand your importance or worth. I want you to see yourself the way I do...as a most resplendent star. With darkness spreading unchecked across the galaxy, I know your light will always guide me home.”
You feel a thick lump in your throat and you can feel yourself getting misty eyed. He's never spoken like this to you before, but you know every single last word is true. Tech is not one to mince words, nor speak half truths. Coming from the man who couldn't even hold your gaze for more than a few seconds at a time, and who was so shy that it took him months to gather the courage to ask if he could hold your hand... This is nothing but love of the highest order, girlie...if you needed any more proof of his devotion to you, this is it.
“Tech...” “Just breathe, baby. Here we go.”
With that, he lowers you down until you feel the head of his cock nudging against your entrance. Moaning lustily, your legs begin to tremble as he brings you down further on him, that beautiful heat and fullness taking over your senses once again. You watch your reflection as he fills you, clit pulsing wildly. You've never seen yourself being spread open like this and penetrated, and the enormity of how arousing this all is, is almost overwhelming.
“Fuuuuuuuck,” you moan deeply, “this pussy's all yours, Tech...”
He lets out a deep moan as he finishes lowering you into place, feeling you constrict your walls around him. “That's right, cyaré...it is!” Now you witness the extent of Tech's immense physical strength as he begins to lift you just a little so he can start fucking you. You watch the mirror transfixed, unable to tear your eyes away from watching him spear you; even in this light, you can see his cock glistening with wetness. Your clit peeks out from its hood, thick and swollen, begging to finally be caressed over the edge.
“Tech...let me come, please,” you manage to utter in between uncontrollable moaning.
“Move with me, mésh'la. I want to watch you come all over my cock... I won't let you go,” he replies gently.
With that, you start to bounce on his cock each time he thrusts upward, your eyes never leaving the mirror, watching Tech's musculature ripple as the two of you quickly find a common rhythm in your motions. You feel his chest heaving against you, breath coming hard and fast as he fucks you. It's when the low, ceaseless moaning starts that you know it's time for you to finish yourself off and give him the ultimate release.
Carefully you release one hand from his neck and bring it down between your legs. You've been edged so much tonight that an orgasm will not take very long, and you know Tech is well on his way to his, for you feel him beginning to swell just a little more inside you with each upward surge. Swirling your fingertips over your wet, hard pearl once more, the electricity returns quickly. Amplified by his cock sliding over your sweet spot, you let out a deep moan as you feel the tiny contractions beginning to swarm and intensify.
“Oh, Tech, I'm getting so close...” you groan as you tighten your grip on the back of his neck.
“I know, cyaré, don't hold back...let it all go,” he whispers. “Give me everything you have...I love you, baby.”
You feel everything beginning to pull inwards into that little singularity, every nerve ending in your clit ablaze, your very breath streaming fire. Tech slows his pace down just a little, moaning deeply as your fingers press into his neck. He can't tear his gaze away as you swirl your hips lightly, stroking your clit for all it's worth, just about at your peak. His cock swells yet tighter within you, and you know he's just about to come, too.
“Cyaré, please...”
“Tech, my good boy, I love you,” you gasp, before unleashing a near-scream as your orgasm breaks, writhing in his arms as the waves of pleasure flood your body.
His hands squeeze your thighs hard as he tries to get you under some semblance of control, before he bucks his hips up hard into you a few short times before you feel him swell to maximum within you. He buries his face against your hair as he exhales sharply, deep moans vibrating against you as he starts to come. Crying out his name as you feel him flex hard a few times, he finishes depositing the last of his seed, then immediately starts fucking you again, still riding the highs of his orgasm.
You're caught off guard by this, and your free hand comes back up around his neck to hold on for dear life. Each successive thrust means you're steadily dripping an admixture of fluids all over the floor, but you couldn't care less. Your gaze returns to the mirror, and you watch breathlessly as Tech runs blindly on sheer instinct. You're both bathed in sweat, your hair completely disheveled, and his lenses are starting to slide down his face a little... “Bear down, mésh'la,” Tech chokes out. “I want to see you push that load out.”
“Whatever you want, ner cyaré,” you reply. “Look up, baby, or you might miss it!”
Tech's attention returns to the mirror, a blissful smile on your face awaiting him. He buries his cock deep in you one last time, then quickly lifts you off him as you let your pelvic floor take over, pushing hard as his cock slips out of you. His eyes go wide in amazement as a gush of fluid comes out of you, spattering all over the floor, with some of it managing to hit the mirror, too.
You can't help but let out a gasp when you see what you've done, and then you start to laugh when you catch Tech's expression – he's completely dumbfounded. He starts to sink down to the floor, bringing you with him, carefully setting you down. Looking back at the mirror, you can see the wetness slowly rolling its way down, and you're feeling pretty proud of yourself for rendering Tech speechless. You look over at him and he pushes his lenses back into place, shaking his head a little.
“Cyar'ika... You are absolutely incredible. But I must ask...all of that...that wasn't all mine, was it?”
You grin and shake your head. “No, Tech, it wasn't. A good part of it was all mine. Pretty sure this is the first time you've ever made me do that, too.”
“Beyond fascinating,” he murmurs, tapping his index finger against his cheek. “I think I must explore this a lot more with you, if that's all right.”
You lean over and kiss the corner of his mouth softly, then slip your tongue in for a deep, loving kiss. “Anytime you'd like, Tech. I can't believe everything that's happened tonight, and I must admit, you are quite creative....”
He chuckles softly. “Contrary to popular belief, mésh'la, I do have good ideas from time to time.” Painstakingly, he gets to his feet and braces himself on the back of the couch, momentarily unsure of his ability to not collapse after all that. “Why don't you go fix up your...nest, and I'll clean all this up.”
You do as he asks, rearranging the giant pile of blankets before burying yourself within them. You feel like your entire body is glowing, radiating not just heat, but all of the love you have for Tech. Exhaustion finally sets in, and it's not long before Tech joins you in your nest, pulling you up on him so your head rests on his chest, his arm around you protectively.
“Tech? I want to do game night again some time, if you want,” you murmur sleepily.
“Oh, is that so? Even after all I subjected you to?”
“Mhmm...but next time, I get to pick the game.”
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“Well fuck!  I know it’s end of the day on a Friday, but you still have an hour and a half of work you owe me.  Jesus, you have already changed out of your ranch work clothes into going-to-the-roadhouse clothes.  You look ridiculous.  You go from being an actual cowboy working with the herds on a ranch to dressing like a wannabe city cowboy who goes to watch the rodeo during the day and then line dances, gets rowdy drunk, and gropes up some skank ho who believes every cowboy line you feed her before taking her round the roadhouse for a pathetic back-alley blowjob at night.  Good lord, those jeans look sprayed on.  There’s no way anyone can miss your junk up front…. 
“Wait, is that one of…  Did you open up one of my beers?  Jesus fuck.  When I allowed you to stay in the workers quarters around back as part of this job, I told you that food and drink was your responsibility.
“Look, we need to have a talk.  It’s been three weeks since I hired you on.  Now is as good as time as any to go over how you are doing.  Into the barn now!
“Holy shit, no wonder why you wear those jeans; your ass is on display.  I swear if you were to fart, that seam would split open. 
“Go into the center….  Got you motherfucker….  Urgh….  Ahh….
“Shut the fuck up.  I was roping cattle since I was nine.  Tying up a scrawny five-foot seven pseudo cowboy wearing very restrictive jeans is nothing for me.  Now look at you, your limb bound together so can’t move a muscle lying on the ground totally vulnerable.  Damn, my tying skills are amazing.
“Now let’s talk about your performance the past few weeks.  You suck.  You do a half assed job, and it shows.  You make mistakes, nothing major.  But still.  Now you want to cut out early?  Fuck that.
“When I hired you, I heard about your reputation of being a brat, not interacting well with others.  I figured you just needed a job with little interaction with others.  Now I understand fully that you are a fuck up.
“So, I am in a predicament.  What the fuck do I do with you?...  Shut up!  That was a rhetorical question.  See, my ranch is one of the smaller ones around, and I can’t pay as much as some of the corporate ones around here.  So I’m stuck with a worker who sucks.
“Heh, interesting choice of words hunh?...  You know I spent eight years in the Corps right out of high school?  Yeah, I don’t have many things from my time in.  But the one thing I use quite often is this: my Ka-Bar knife.  This knife is so functional, I keep it sharpened.  If you were impressed with my roping, wait until you experience how I handle this knife. 
“With one swipe, the seam of your jeans now has a hole in it.  And like that, I have further ripped the hole, so your entire ass crack is exposed.  Another tug,… now your cock and balls are free.  I should say your tiny cock. 
“Now you are in a predicament.  Your limbs are bound and your asshole is exposed for all to see.  Let me ask you again.  What am I going to do with you? 
“I see you drank half your beer.  I would hate to see the rest of it go to waste.  It should go into the sewer, your sewer.  Hold still.  The bottle is still cold.  Your asshole is twitching.  You ever have a beer enema?  No?  Well, half a bottle should be enough.  You feel it?  You should start to feel the effects quite fast….  You’re drunk hunh? 
“You know?  If I let you continue working here, I think I will require you to wear those jeans from now on.  It will keep your mind focused on who is in charge here. 
“And just to show you that I’m not a total asshole, I’m going to let you see my ass and dick.  That’s only fair.  I’ll just take mine off….
“This is a real cowboy cock.  Eight inches long and seven inches around.  I got a serious leak going on.  Check out my ass.  This is a real cowboy ass, not one poured into jeans.  This ass came about from decades of hard work.  You should see it up close.  Here, you aren’t going anywhere, let me just squat over your face.  Smell that?  That stink is not from not wiping, but being in the saddle all day in the sun.  That’s saddle stink.  You will learn to love it….
“What the fuck?  Did you just lick me?  Jesus fuck you did!  Holy shit!  Damn boy, either that beer enema got you really drunk or… you’re a faggot!  Oh my god, your dick is rock hard.  I got me a faggot working for me.  Here eat some more of my hole boy.  You seem to have no problem with the saddle stink.
“Oh man, you have done this before haven’t you?  I take it from you moan that you have.  Fuck, you are one nasty pig.  Wasn’t expecting this to happen from you, but fuck your tongue really belongs in my shitter.  You really got me leaking.
“I need your hole now….  No! I’m not untying you until I’m done.  This is not supposed to be comfortable for you.  I want you tied in that position. 
“Feel my leak on your hole?  That’s all the lube you are going to get.
“Scream motherfucker.  Scream!  Clamp down, don’t let one drop of beer go.  Oh man, does your hole feel good, and a beer filled one at that.  Fuck.  Quit squirming.  You are interrupting my rhythm.  I’m not going to last long.  It’s been a week since I last shot, and I am ready to breed this hole.
“I’m going to do it!  I’m going to cum.  You ready?  You don’t deserve this load.  But fuck I deserve to nut.  Here it cums.  Here it cums!  Ahh ahh ahh!  Fuck.  Ah.  Oh man.
“Going forward this hole is mine.  Part of your job is to serve my cock.  What my cock wants, it gets.  Clamp down.  I’m about to pull out.  I want my cum and beer to be in you for a while. 
“Fuck, you look good tied up.  Let me get you bound in a different painful position.  I’m going to untie you.  Keep in mind, you are sore from being in that position, you are drunk, I am bigger than you, and I know how to handle livestock.  So don’t do something stupid and try to run.  You are going to be tied down in one way or another this entire weekend.  Stand on these blocks and lift your hands up high….
“…There, you are.  You look good spread eagle with your wrists tied to those posts. And if I kick those blocks you were standing on, on your tip toes you go.  Well, I’m going to be back in an hour or two.  I’m going to call some friends over from the canyon.  They are a couple that got me into tying up and fucking queers like yourself.  You are definitely their type.
“Yeah, now you know what’s really expected of you for this job, I think you are work out fine going forward, don’t you think?”
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gothicbabydollz · 1 year
Mommy!mor riding your face??
I feel like my obsession with Mor is getting very obvious
↬ 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞 ↫
“get on your knees for me, sweetie.” Mor’s knuckles are whisper against your warm, flushed cheek. Barely grazing your skin. She looks angelic. Loose, golden spirals cascade down over her shoulders, framing her heavy breasts. Rising and falling with each breath, the only sign of her own neediness. Long fingers tangle in the roots of your own hair, urging you to do as she’d said.
You comply, keeping your wide eyes locked on her face. Hooded eyes watch as you lower yourself to the floor in front of her. Mor bites her painted red lip, power trip rushing to her head, loving the sight of you submitting.
Mere inches from her mound, you squirm on the spot. Desperation in your gaze as your eyes flicking repeatedly up to her face and back down again. You can smell her. Scenting the arousal seeping from her cunt. Only the grip in your hair holding you back from leaning forward and inhaling deeply. “Mommy.” You could swear her scent only grew stronger as the whimper slipped past your lips.
Mor pouts down at you, “I know, baby, you’re being so good for me,” she tilts your head back, slowly slinging a soft, toned thigh over your shoulder. You almost moan out, mouth watering, her heat so close to your face, you can feel her warmth. “Want to help make me feel good, isn’t that right?”
A string of whiney pleas escape your throat, cheek nuzzling into her thigh, mouthing at her skin. Mor gasps, feeling your teeth nick her skin. “Shit…okay baby,” she wets her lips, “Tongue, baby. Stick out your tongue.” Her free hand slips down her body as your warm and wet muscle passes the seam of your lips. Fingers slide between her legs, pausing to swiftly tease her clit, she moans before dipping further. Middle and pointer finger spreading her folds, letting you see her pink cunt, dripping with slick, tight hole clenching in anticipation. “See what you do to me, sweet girl? Lick. Go on, have a taste.”
Pleasured sighs fall from Mor’s mouth as you begin kitten licking her cunt. Your tongue swiping up between her folds, collecting the slick that had been building there. You moan loudly against her, the vibrations sending a visible shudder through her body. The tip of your tongue teases her pulsing hole. You watch Mor’s jaw drop when you slowly ease your way inside. She tightens, a choked, high-pitched sound leaving her as you wiggle your tongue, and she tugs your hair in response. “Now move- move your tongue to my clit.” She tells you, regaining her composure.
Your tongue finds her taut nub, flattening against it. “Good girl, stay like that okay?” Mor tests a buck of her hips, the leg she has wrapped around you tightening to give her more stability. “I’m just gonna use you now, sweetie. Gonna fuck myself on your pretty face till I cum all over you.” She smirks through a groan, grinding her hips down once…twice. Again and again. Finding a rhythm that hastens the coil winding deep in her belly.
You’re whining against her, hands reaching out to clasp onto her thighs. Your own squeeze together in an attempt to relieve the throbbing tension between them. “You like this, baby?” She cocks her head, lips parted to allow soft moans to fall out as they come. “Like being a warm mouth mommy can use to get off on?” It’s not a serious question. She knows you like it. She can see the glaze in your eyes, hear the need in your whines. Mor knows there’s nothing going on in that head of yours. And it spurs her on, quickening the pace in which she grinds her clit back and forth and back and forth over your outstretched tongue.
“Yeah, you do. Gone fuckin’ silly haven’t you, sweetie?” She grits out, panting, not letting her eyes leave your face, “That all it takes? A cunt in your face? Makes you all stupid?” Her hips buck more widely against your face, words breathier. “Or is it just mine, hm? Is it mommy’s cunt you can’t resist? Yeah?” All you can do is moan and whine, tears lining your eyes as the grip in your hair turns into a pleasurable pain. Yet, that seems to do the trick. You watch Mor shake, whining loudly, climaxing hard. The vibrations from your tongue had tipped her over the edge.
“Fuck. fuck,” She whimpers, guiding your mouth lower as her clit becomes overstimulated. She pushes your face into her cunt, winding her hips as your tongue laps at the cum leaking from her hole. She jolts when your nose bumps her sensitive clit, heightening the pleasure your tongue is giving her as your work between her drenched folds, slurping her slick and fucking into her hole.
“Good girl…don’t fucking stop.”
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trexrambling · 1 year
Broken Heels (III / III)
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Request: “There's a protective Dean and Sam some kind of thing. They're friends with fem!reader, a shy and graceful girl. A long time ago the brothers took her in and a deep friendship was born. She only helps with research because she suffers from a heart failure, which leads to her being often dizzy nauseated and breathless. The brother care for her and always keep an eye out on her. Dean is secretly in love with her and vice versa. But neither of them admits it. One night Dean brings home some of his flings and the girl is really cruel to the reader.... Reader spirals into a rabbit hole, taking the things the bitch said to her to heart.... And shit hits the fan?! Some angst, drama and fluff, protective Winchesters.” - by anon
Word Count: 2,120
Warnings: language, negative self-talk, heated/arguing conversation, angst, fluff
A/N: I broke this request into two three parts because it ended up being much longer than expected. This last part took me forever to finish, still not sure I love how it turned out but here it is. No beta, all mistakes are mine, please message me if you see any! Watercolor heart from the header image credit.
(Read Part 1) (Read Part 2)
You’re not really sure where he’s driving you, because it’s not back to the town you were hunting in, and it’s not towards home, either. It feels aimless, like he’s picking turns at random for the sake of the familiarness of being behind the wheel, like it’s the only thing that’s grounding him right now. The sun has made its venture into the sky, climbing with each passing minute and painting the wisps of clouds in orange and pink. The quiet in the car is becoming unbearable, the inevitable conversation that’s about to take place encroaching with each passing second.
You decide to just go for it, like that first jump into a cold pool. Just get it over with. It’s either that or tuck and roll out the passenger door. Though…the latter option might prove to be less painful when all is said and done.
“So…” you start quietly, “where’s Sam?”
“Oh, Sam’s still working on the case.” Every word is wrapped in frustration. His jaw is tight, fingers gripping the wheel with more force than necessary. You don’t have to check for a speed limit sign to know that he’s exceeding it.
“You left Sam?”
In a split second you find yourself almost relocated to the floorboards of the car, the lap belt cutting into your waist the only thing keeping you from sliding off the seat as Dean slams on the brakes. You manage to catch the upper half of your body weight with a hand on the dash, eyes wide as he veers off the side of the road and continues right on into the neighboring grassy field. The Impala’s wheels find a small rut, bumps in and out of it, the frame vibrating from the uneven ground. He goes a few more feet and then comes to a complete halt, throws the gears into park and shuts off the engine. You quickly undo the seatbelt to rub your stomach.
“Dean, what the hell-”
But he’s already opened his door and is exiting the vehicle, the loud slam of it shutting making you flinch. You watch him through the windshield as he walks a short distance into the field, then he stops and just stands there with his hands in his jacket pockets, his back to you.
You stay in your seat, staring at him, a bit stunned. You’ve known Dean for years, and in that time you’ve seen his rough edges, watched him dissolve into anger that would leave him unable to speak, observed his elated highs alongside the dismal lows. But you’ve never seen him like this… At least, not with you. Not because of you.
A steady breeze is blowing the tall, spring wildflowers around his legs, pushing small tufts of his hair in all directions. His stiff posture is a direct contrast to the serenity around him; a tranquil view from a distance that’s lacking all of its peace up close.
“Ah, screw it,” you mutter to yourself. You pop your door open and step out, the immediate onslaught of wind attacking your hair as you walk across the grass to stand beside him. You’re not really sure how you feel, not sure what to think. A short hour ago you’d been on a bus, trying to get as far away from him as possible. And now…
“Alright, spill. What’s going on with you?”
He turns sharply, fire in his eyes. “With me? What’s going on with me? Are you serious right now?”
He wants to pick a fight, to throw everything that’s built up out into the open, and part of you does, too. You fold your arms, meet his glare with a steady one of your own. “Yes, with you. How could you leave Sam to work a case by himself?”
Air snorts out of his nose in disbelief. “I left the case? Are we forgetting that you’re the one who just up and hopped a bus in the middle of the night? Without saying anything?”
“I texted Sam.”
“Oh, you texted Sam. Of course. My bad.”
You throw your hands up in the air in exasperation. “You literally just drove god knows how many miles and tried to run a bus off the road, and you’re acting like I’m the crazy one. I have every right to go wherever I damn well choose to. I’m not a child, Dean, I don’t need to get permission from you.”
“You didn’t even pick up your phone, Y/N. I’ve been calling you for hours, and I just kept getting your voicemail. What was I supposed to do, supposed to think? Since when do we not talk to each other? What the hell happened?”
His voice has progressively gotten louder with each question, and though he’s not quite yelling, the harshness has you blinking back an unanticipated bout of tears. Your mood shifts, the fight leaving you as doubt and dejection take its place.
Dean notices the change, and his eyes lose some of their sharpness. He rubs a hand on the back of his neck and lets out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… I just don’t understand much of anything that’s been happening the past few hours. Why did you take off? Why did you just leave us like that?”
You wrap your arms tightly around your midsection, fixate on the grass beneath your feet, and manage to softly say -
“Do you… do you really not know?”
He doesn’t say anything, which is ten times worse than all of the worst possible things you’re imagining he could say. You gnaw on your lower lip, anxiety building with each second that he doesn’t speak. You can’t take it anymore, can’t take this, whatever this is. So, like a broken dam, you open your mouth and let it all flood out.
“I know that we’re not equals. I know I could never hold my own on a hunt with you. Hell, I proved that last month, didn’t I? And you deserve someone who can have your back, someone who can actually help you when the time comes. I know you guys say I help, but that’s different. It’s reading lore and making lasagna, and anyone can do that. And to top it all off, I’m an absolute mess. I cough up blood and I can’t walk a mile without feeling like I'm going to faint. I’m like this broken thing, this deadweight that you keep dragging along with you for some reason. And I don’t get it. I really don’t understand why I’m still here, because…because you don’t need me.”
He’s still not saying anything. You give in to the weakness in your knees and sink down onto the ground, tugging your jacket around you and staring out at the borderline of trees in the distance as your fingers absentmindedly pick at the surrounding grass and flower stems.
“And then I was waiting in your room for you to come back from the bar, and instead that woman showed up. And she was just-” you chuckle dryly- “so delightful, by the way. A real charmer. And you didn’t ask her to leave, so I left. I got out of your way. And I just… I couldn't stay, Dean. Don’t you get that?”
He joins you on the ground, close but not quite touching you. You dare to glance at him from the corner of your eye, surprised by the solemness his features carry.
“You don’t-” he clears his throat, digs his fingers into the dirt- “you don’t really want me, Y/N. Not the way you think you do.”
You turn your head sideways, rest your ear on your bent knee so you can look at him. He avoids your gaze, but keeps talking.
“That girl…she’s easy. Someone I can lie to when she asks me questions, that I can be a completely different person for. It’s just an escape, a night that doesn’t matter because I’ll never have to see her again, never have to think about her again, worry about her again.”
Your face tightens. “And you want that?”
“It’s been pointless to want anything else. To let myself want something else. This life…it’s not safe to let yourself get close to anyone.”
“Well…sometimes you can’t help it. Sometimes it just happens.”
He looks at you then, the right corner of his mouth turning up slightly. “Yeah. Yeah it does.”
There’s a moment of hesitation, and then in one swift motion his arm goes up and around your shoulders, firmly scooping you into his side. You shuffle close and willingly lean in, resting your head in the crook of his neck. One of his hands stays wrapped around your arm, the other finding yours in your lap. A deep sigh leaves your body with the contact, the pent up tension you’d been carrying since last night dissolving with his touch.
“You’re the farthest thing from broken, you know,” he says softly. “And don’t you ever let me hear you say that we don’t need you. Sam and I are damn lucky to have you.”
“It doesn't always feel that way,” you whisper. “I still feel like I’m broken all the time. And not just because of my heart problems, but because of everything that’s happened to me, every mistake I’ve made, all the things I want to do, want to change… but I just can’t ever seem to get there.”
“I get that,” Dean says, giving you a small squeeze. “I’ve been there. But if I’ve learned anything, from Sam or Cas or anyone else in our lives, it’s that the broken heals. You just have to be willing to let it.”
You smile faintly, tilt your head up to look at him.
“Thanks for chasing me down. Literally.”
He meets your eyes, his face serious. “I didn’t sleep with her, you know.”
Your blink, surprised. “Okay…why not?”
He bites the inside of his cheek, but doesn’t answer.
You squeeze his hand. “You know, you deserve to be with someone you can fully be yourself with. Someone you can talk to without having to fabricate your life, someone that actually gets it. And it may not be easier, but…I think it might be worth it.”
His features change then, and he’s suddenly looking at you in a way that takes you back to a flour filled kitchen, with mixing bowls and a pie waiting on the counter while he’s standing over you, your hand in his, heat and tension and a deep underlying desire filling the small space between. You swallow deeply, take in a shaky breath through your nose.
His lips on yours cut you off, no hesitation as he tilts your chin up with his hand to draw your face closer. Warm fingertips trail down your cheek and then tangle in your hair as he gently pulls at your bottom lip. It’s a single, long, perfect kiss, and you can’t breathe properly, but you don’t really want to. He pulls away, kisses you lightly again, once, twice. And your head is spinning and your breathing is ragged and you can feel a goofy grin stretched wide across your face.
“You good?”
You nod, breathless, still smiling. You’re not sure if you can stop at this point. You’ve wanted this for the longest time, wanted him. And now that it’s happening, you still can’t believe that it’s real. It feels like a dream you never want to wake up from.
Dean releases his hold on you and stands up, snapping you from the moment. He stretches his hand out, a smile on his face. “Ready to go?”
You raise your eyebrows, still trying to collect yourself. “Go? Go where?”
Your smile fades, uncertainty underlying the pure flood of euphoria you’d just experienced. Were things already back to normal? Just like that? Did you imagine the last few minutes? Did the bus you were on crash, and you’re actually in a coma?
He’s smiling at you, waiting expectantly, and your face flushes from embarrassment. You grasp his hand, and he effortlessly pulls you to your feet. He doesn’t give you a chance to step away, though. He keeps a firm hold on your hand and tugs you back into him. Toe to toe, your chest flush against his, he cups the side of your face, erasing any of the doubt as he says -
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.”
And then he’s kissing you again, firmly holding you tight against him while he steals the breath from your lungs.
Tags: @iprobablyshipit91​ @senjoritanana​ @amythyststorm33​ @morgiex​ @sushiumex​ @akshi8278​
^Thank you for reading! You guys and your feedback are the reason I kept writing this one :) 
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decaffinatedfrog · 1 year
In his eyes PT.4
Joel Miller fanfic.
When your sister and her husband died, your left in charge of your niece. What happens when you encounter a man and another teen on a quick supply run?
PT.1 PT.2 PT.3
Hi everyone, This chapter might be a little long, sorry about that! Hope you enjoy. :)
You werent sure how to responde to his blunt answer. " were here" you heard Sarah say. Joel and Ellie shared looks at the house in front in front of them. It was clearly abounded, no protection on the doors or windows, just a plain old house that had been worn over time. "Are you sure this is safe?" asked Joel, holding is gun a little tighter. You and sarah shared a laugh. You had created a system that kept you alive for years.
You stepped in the house first and Sarah followed you. Joel was about to walk in but you gently put your arm on his chest, stopping him from entering. He looked confused, but your eyes motioned down to a small wire that was connected to a string. His eyes followed the string, that was connected to pans and pots on the ceiling. "It lets us know if someone is here" You mentioned quietly. "Smart" he mumbled back.
Once everyone entered the house, you led them to a room that was fully furnished. Sarah pushed the bed over, revealing a small hole that led to a bigger room. "Its the basement" said Sarah, casually jumping in. Ellie jumped in next but Joel hesitated jumping in at all. "Holy shit, Joel, you need to see this" said Ellie. That's all Joel need to hear to get in and you followed next. After closing the slot, you made yourself comfortable.
Joel looked around at your setting. there were two makeshift rooms, a small kitchen and a small living room. you had a shelf filled canned goods, and it seemed cozy to live in.
"Feel free to take whatever is on the shelf to eat." you said while walking away to Sarah's room. you could hear Ellie and Sarah talking about what to eat but you still needed to take care of your face, along with a couple stiches on your eyebrow. "Sarah Get me the kit!" you yelled from her room, but she was too busy interacting with someone that wasn't you. You heard a heavy footsteps coming your way. "She's uh, talking with Ellie. You can use mine" he said as he handed you their kit.
"Thank you. Its been a while since something like this happened. " you responded. Taking the kit from his hands, you started off by trying to stich your wound. It was going unsuccessful. "let me do it" said Joel, taking the needle from you. You flinched a little at his touch, but couldn't help but stare at his face. "Sorry for attacking Ellie. I didn't know she was a teen. not that it matters but, at the same time, I'm doing everything I can to keep Sarah alive." you explain with caution, considering he has a needle in your face. "I get it. Sorry about your face " he responded. Its clear that he doesn't want to keep the conversation going, so you stop. "Its a nice set up you have here. its .. cozy' he said while finishing the stich.
"Yeah, I'm trying to give her a good life. At least as good as it gets. Wherever we go, I try to make wherever were staying homey. We have been at this house for 6 months now, but were leaving soon. " you said back to him. He wiped his hands on his jeans, putting everything back in the kit.
Night time approached and you made sure to double check that the slot would be closed tightly. The girls had fallen asleep but you stayed awake. The pain on your face was barley bearable, but that was not your worry. Your next worry was where were you going next? What if the bullet would have hit Sarah? Will you be able to keep her safe?
Your thoughts were interrupted when Joel appeared next to you.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he said, turning around to walk away. "wait" you called out. Grabbing four cans of peaches, you gave him two and motioned him to sit. You both ate them in silence until he spoke first.
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
aw did you miss me baby?
even though i've been gone tasha bear hasn't left my mind, she really gets me so worked up.
there's this idea of another anon of Tasha being your brother's girlfriend just to get to you. Obviously tasha bear is such a perv and holy shit i love that so much about her, how much of a freak she is.
imagine Tasha staying over at your family's house to be with your brother, of course she is going to sleep in your brother's room .. or that's what you thought.
But tasha bear doesn't stay over to be with your brother, she just does it, so she can be around you and observe you in a more domestic environment, and you take advantage of that by wearing skimpy clothes, no bra so Tasha can see the outline of your nipples through your shirt, super short shorts and maybe sometimes you're wearing nothing underneath and in the perfect moment you let tasha see a peak of your wet pussy, always so ready for her.
So when the night comes and your brother falls asleep, Tasha sneaks to your room, sometimes she finds you ready for her, sometimes she finds you asleep. This time she finds you asleep, and you're wearing nothing but a little top, your pussy free. Nat gets hard instantly, only at the sight of you, pre-cum already leaking with the thought of taking you vulnerable like this.
She starts jerking off while lying next to you still asleep, but that isn't enough, she needs her cock to be wrapped by your pussy. So she hovers over you and gets in between your legs, slowly sliding in and whimpering by how good it feels, it always feels so good to feel your warm pussy around her cock, always wet and so tight for her, so the feeling always almost makes her cry (because we love that Tasha is a crier).
You start to stir awake and little moans start slipping off your mouth, and you meet Tasha's eyes. You love being awaken like this, you like your Tasha using you like this whenever she has the need.
"my little one, i'm sorry, but Mommy needed your pussy so bad. please let me use you like this, baby. F-fuck you feel so good, you're such a good little hole to use".
"i'm yours to use, Mommy" you say in a mix of a haze and your sleepy state.
"yes, baby, yes. This pussy is so mine to use, only mine, you hear that right? i'm the only one who can fuck you like this. Even if you tried my cock is the one you want, you're such a whore for my cock aren't you pretty thing? Look at how well you take me"
You just moan in response, about to cum because it's true, you only want your Mommy's dick, it's the only one who can stretch you out and make you feel as good as it's making you feel right now, you could never get enough of it, you want to feel Tasha's dick in all your holes forever, if you could, you would live with her cock filling you up every single second of the day. You were only hers, your pussy was only hers, you liked being her little slut and her little toy so much.
And you loved how needy Tasha was, she would fuck you and take you anytime she needed you, and you would gladly let her every time. She just cried for you sometimes, getting in between your legs with tears in her eyes, just because she needed your pussy so badly.
"f-fuck baby, Mommy's going to cum, you want my cum inside your pussy, don't you, little one? Want me to fill me up your pussy with my seed?" She pounded you faster and faster. "I want your pussy to be dripping with my cum, fuck I'd even like to see you covered in my milk"
She comes inside you, and you love how it feels, her shooting her milk on your pussy, making you cum as well in a scream of her name.
(this made me so horny while i wrote it, i'm dripping wet at my work)
-- ice bear anon 🐻‍❄️
oh my god, just imagine her watching her cum dripping out of your pussy after finishing in you MANYBFUCKING TIMES. she’d take a picture and whisper close to you, “maybe this time, ive gotten you pregnant.” GSKCIWKDIEJEISIWJUWSI
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lover-girl-estxx · 11 months
Nick Diaz x reader 23 he already has a ring on it
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*not my gif*
Nick was sore and covered in bruises, after his fight last night he couldn't even put his own hoodie on, couldn't walk. Now it's the next morning, I sat in bed looking over his bruised face, I kiss his cheek softly not to wake him up. I go into Cleo our 6 month old room but not finding her, I move to the guest room where Nate is staying for the night. "you had me worried" I said seeing him holding her sleeping in the bed "i know you were busy with nick so I thought i'd help" 'thank you...Your brothers not okay he can barley walk his eye is so big he can't see out of it" I said "I know it's the worst I've seen him" he said then I heard a crush from our room "shit" I hopped up and went in the room all the stuff from his nightstand on the floor, his one hand on his ribs the other on the nightstand. "are you okay?" I cupped his face "yeah i'm sorry I made a mess...I just had to go to the bathroom" "it's okay,my love...i'll help you. How bad is your ribs?" he shrugged "I don't know but it hurts" I lifted his hoodie a bit all black blue and purple "you want a ice bath?" "no i'm okay right now".
I helped him onto the couch "where my babygirl?" he asked and smiled "with Nate he said he'll be out in a minute" he nodded "i'll make you some food okay?" "thank you!" "yeah honey" I pecked his lips. "there's my baby" Nick said as I come out with two plates Nate was giving Nick Cleo. "here's a bottle" I handed him a bottle "thanks" he smiled down at Cleo. I was cleaning up from breakfast when Nick came hobbling in "Dana just called" he said "was he check up at ya?" I wiped my hands on a cloth "no for another fight" I laughed "you told him no yeah?" "No I told he yeah fight in three months "your joking right?" "no i'll start training in a week" "no Nick call him and say no" "Y/n it's my job i can't tell him no!" his voice started getting louder "you can't do anything by yourself, we talked about it last night that you were going to take a break" "you don't have a job! if I don't have a fight I don't make money!" "Your going to hurt yourself!" "that's the POINT Y/N! WE BARLEY GETTING BY! WE LIVE IN A SHIT HOLE! YOU THINK I HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE!" He yelled "don't talk to me like" I whispered "YOU"RE FUCKING PUSHING ME TO" , I walked out of the kitchen "i'll be back in a bit" I whispered to Nate taking Cleo "Y/n' he replied "i'm fine I just have to do stuff" I grabbed mine and her bag before leaving the house.
| 3rd Person POV |
Nate jumped up from the couch going into the kitchen "what the fuck was that?" he asked giving his brother a dumbfound look "I don't know" he shrugged "you can't talk to her like that! She would never even dream of doing that to you! She's your Wife and has known you since you were 16. she doesn't want anything to happen to you..She had to clean blood off your face last night,you couldn't even take a piss without her help. Your hurt and not ready to fight" "I know," Nick felt terrible about yelling at you like that, seeing the little bit of water in your eye's when you left crushed him "but this isn't the life I wanted to give them" "she doesn't care this life is doing her good, she spent a lot of time making this 'shit hole' your home, you just said she pushes you to yell at her! How?" "okay I get it will you walk me to my room?".
You didn't go far, just to the store had to pick up food and other stuff. You grabbed your phone out of your bag and texted Nate.
Y: Do you guys need anything?
N: wya
Y: store
N: No were good. thanks for asking
Y: k I'll be home soon.
"see look she's still asking about you" Nate threw Nick his phone.
| Y/n's POV |
I walked in the door with sleeping Cleo and her bag, "want to help me with the bags in the car" I asked Nate "I got it go put her down". I laid her in her crib and quietly closed the door. I walked into our room Nick sat on the bed with his bong in his lap, I got in bed on my side "I'm sorry..," he said moving his bong to the nightstand " I just wanted to give you more than this..take care of you the way you took care of me in highschool paid for my training.. Take you places, a big house..I wanted to give you everything and anything you ever wanted, I want to pay you back everything you gave me" he looked to his fingers in he lap "I have everything I want," he looked over to me, I placed my hand on his arm "I have you, your the best husband anyone could ask for. A beautiful daughter. A roof good food in the fridge..I feel safe.. that's what I have and this is all I ever wanted you have given me all that" I cupped the side of his face which he lean into "love you" i added "love you too" I pecked his lips
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aliceisinchains · 5 months
Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment Would you capture it or just let it slip?
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won't come outHe's chokin, how everybody's jokin now The clock's run out, time's up over, bloah! Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked He's so mad, but he won't give up that Easy, no He won't have it , he knows his whole back's to these ropes It don't matter, he's dope He knows that, but he's broke He's so stacked that he knows When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's Back to the lab again yo This whole rap shit He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
The soul's escaping, through this hole that it's gaping This world is mine for the taking Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order A normal life is borin, but superstardom's close to post mortem It only grows harder, only grows hotter He blows us all over these hoes is all on him Coast to coast shows, he's know as the globetrotter Lonely roads, God only knows He's grown farther from home, he's no father He goes home and barely knows his own daughter But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water His hoes don't want him no mo, he's cold product They moved on to the next schmoe who flows He nose dove and sold nada So the soap opera is told and unfolds I suppose it's old partna', but the beat goes on Da da dum da dum da da
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
No more games, I'ma change what you call rage Tear this mothafuckin roof off like 2 dogs caged I was playin in the beginnin, the mood all changed I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage But I kept rhymin and stepwritin the next cypher Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper All the pain inside amplified by the fact That I can't get by with my 9 to 5 And I can't provide the right type of life for my family Cuz man, these goddam food stamps don't buy diapers And it's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life And these times are so hard and it's getting even harder Tryin to feed and water my seed, plus See dishonor caught up between being a father and a prima donna Baby mama drama's screamin on and Too much for me to wanna Stay in one spot, another day of monotony Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail I've got to formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot Success is my only mothafuckin option, failure's not Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got to go I cannot grow old in Salem's lot So here I go is my shot. Feet fail me not cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
You can do anything you set your mind to, man
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heartbeatan · 2 years
Crimson Park (Chapter 4)
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Chapter 4
You released the button then turned to Jungkook. "Drop what you're doing and put your jacket back on.” You then rounded your desk and pulled out a small revolver. It was tiny and delicate and held two bullets which were basically bismuth pellets, but it was enough in a pinch if something went wrong. You could feel Jungkook’s eyes burrowing a hole in your head as he watched you load it, and as he followed you down the hall, after you closed and hid the office door.
“Stay in the foyer and keep quiet," you instructed him when you reached the open living room.
“Are we expecting a problem?” he finally spoke, his voice level but alarmed.
“I don’t think so.”
“I don’t like that you’re nervous.”
“I’m not,” you were curt. The truth was you were nervous, however, but he didn’t need to know that. Even though you had never had an issue with Mace in the past, you didn’t like uninvited guests in your space – especially ones who have murdered. You learned that lesson the hard way. You didn’t know what he was here for, or if he was even here for himself or on behalf of someone else.
“Okay, well… stay in our line of sight, and if something feels off or if you just want him gone, start playing with your watch.”
You nodded, then he nodded and turned to walk confidently towards the door, making himself look broad and large. The change in him from placid shit into a domineering reprobate was a shift you didn't expect, and it somehow not only calmed your nerves but turned them into steel. When the knock at the door came, you tilted your chin upwards and crossed your arms under your chest, achieving a look of no-nonsense power. Jungkook opened the door, and stepped to the side, just enough space to let Mace wander in, but not enough to give him the impression that his presence was welcome. Taesub was close behind, and he stepped over the threshold, releasing his grip on Mace’s arm then took his position next to the door. Jungkook followed suit.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I needed to see you today."
"Then you should have called yesterday for an appointment, instead of showing up at my door."
"You're my last resort. Trust me, I didn't want to come here." He took a step forward, but Taesub coughed loudly, and Mace stopped in his tracks, getting the message he was not to come any closer without an invite. "Can we sit down?"
"Tell me why you're here," you ignored his request. He fidgeted uncomfortably, well aware of the two large men standing at his back. He obviously wanted privacy from everyone else, but when you didn't budge, he began to speak.
“You remember Lacey?”
“I do.”
“She’s gone.”
“And that has what to do with me?”
“She’s pregnant. Or at least she says she is. She says it’s mine.”
“Congratulations,” your words were annoyed, rather than celebratory.
“I came back from a job last night, and she had left. She cashed out my vault,” you could see the panic in his body rise as he recounted the story, and you then had an idea of where this was all going.
“What was in the vault?”
“A pickup I had made from the night before. From the laundry mat. I was supposed to cash it today.”
“How much?”
“A hundred thousand.”
“Well, you’ll have to replace that money on your own, Mace. Before the meeting if you want to keep your fingers. You make more than enough,” although you knew Mace was a big spender, and despite his income, it was likely he didn’t have enough saved.
“I don’t have it all right now,” he sounded ashamed, but he looked up to you, pleading. “I just need a few weeks to get it. I need you to give me just a few weeks.”
“I don’t know what you’ve heard, Mace, but I don’t cover up for anyone.”
“Please, Y/N,” you cringed at the use of your name. You may have known people like Mace for years, but you still didn’t like that they used it as if you were friends. “I just need a few weeks. I’ll have it all back and paid, he doesn’t need to know.”
“Why don't you just put a hit on her and get the money back?”
“Because she's carrying my baby.”
“You said you weren’t sure.”
“But what if she is? How can I off her?" his speech sped up as the scenarios began to twist his mind. “She left me a note. She didn't want this life, not with a kid involved. You're a woman, surely you can appreciate that?” your blood boiled at the reference to your gender. Why the fuck should you care, you weren’t the one with a possible impending offspring.
“And you're a man about to be a father, you should’ve appreciated that too before you threw your dick around.”
“I can't get out - you know that. I'm stuck here just like you.”
“And you’ll have to pay the consequences, just like the rest of us.”
“This is the second time this happened to me. He won’t just garnish my wages this time, he will take me out, and then he’ll go after her. I can’t let that happen. He can’t know.”
You stood quietly, staring at Mace, his face greening, and you could see his attempts to blink back tears. There was something pathetic about how often he tried to buy women’s affection and then was surprised when they ran away with his cash. But part of you pitied him and understood him. He just wanted love and connection. A romantic amidst a sea of horror.
“How much do you have?”
“I have half right now but like I said I just need a few weeks.”
You exhaled heavily through your nose, your shoulders relaxed, perhaps finally aware that he wasn’t here to pull a knife on you. “Come in. Sit down.”
"So, how are we going to cover this one up?" Jungkook asked you after Mace left. You had both returned to the office and shuffled around in silence for a bit, but obviously the not-talking about it was getting to Jungkook.
"I don't do cover-ups."
"He left in a good mood. Obviously, you reached some sort of agreement."
"The money will be there on time."
"Where is it coming from?"
"You need to stop asking questions, Jungkook."
"You didn't give it to him, did you?" he laughed but then he looked at you and saw your expression which indicated that he was somewhere in the ballpark. "Did you?"
"I loaned it to him."
"You just loaned him $50,000?" he guffawed, waiting for you to refute the claim, but when you didn't, he continued. "How much money do you actually make?"
"I'm comfortable."
"That's what rich people say to hide the fact that they're rich."
"I'm comfortable enough that I can loan out $50,000 with the risk of probably never getting it back, because that guy will likely be dead before he can pay it off. But I am not comfortable enough to be able to do it for every person in this organisation whose lover cleaned out their safe."
"Why did you do it? I didn't get the impression you even liked him."
"I told you, I don't like anybody," you sighed. "But she'll suffer the consequences as well. Which maybe some people think she should since she stole it, but… I doubt she even knew what she was taking. And I get wanting to not hang around here forever - and, I get not wanting to raise kids when you're broke."
"So, you empathise with her," he stated in a slow, exaggerated tone.
"If that's what they call it."
"That is what they call it, Y/N." You shot him a hard glare for so casually dropping the honorifics - and maybe a little for calling you empathetic. "Ms. Park?" he quirked his head, trying again, but when your sour face hadn't wavered, he circled back to "Ma'am."
"Regardless, I don't want the headache. It'll become more work for me in the long run if it's not paid back in time."
"Won't Dongnam be upset if he finds out that it was stolen and that you paid it off? It might seem like a cover up to him."
"No. He knows this sort of thing happens. Guys lose money all the time. So long as it's there when he wants to see it, he doesn't care. He doesn't need to know, but if he finds out I'll tell him. Mace doesn't need to know that either."
"So, you're going to let him think you have some sort of leverage over him? Is that what all this is about?"
"That's not what this was about, but it was a welcomed side effect. I don't have a lot of alliances here the way others do, so I'll take what I can get."
"Makes sense," he nodded in understanding, and you two fell into another contemplative silence. It was then that you realised you had been running your mouth to Jungkook. You should have told him it was dealt with and left it at that.
"This is your first real test, Jungkook. Only four of us know about it, so if it gets out, I'll be looking at you first."
"Understood," he affirmed, unphased by your threat. "All right, well, that's one problem solved today. Let's get back to your issue. Like I said, use pseudonyms, and I'll be none the wiser."
You stared at him for a moment, recalling the same trepidation you felt before. But you considered the fact that if you guarded the issue too closely, Jungkook might get suspicious that you were up to something. And if he was reporting back to someone, he might be directing them right to where you needed them not too. With that in mind, you began talking.
"Like I said, Dongnam wants me to be the one to find solutions. Everyone else he hires are idiots - but they're ruthless idiots, which is why he likes them. So, the sex trade is going to be below, and he's going to want me to show what expenses we can cut."
"How much farther until they reach the target?"
"He wants profit to be 150% above cost."
"God damn, why so high?"
"Because, unlike guns and drugs which can be sold only once, these assets can be traded over and over and over again. So, he has a higher expectation."
"Feels weird to be calling women assets."
"Yeah, I never got used to that one," you exhaled long and hard. "But it was better than the previous working language."
Jungkook stared at some obscure space in the room as he thought, you could hear the gears turning in his head and you knew he was in his zone.
"What's the landscape here? Does he just have brothels that all operate the same?"
"No. There are the cheap brothels that are usually just a house with around 10 girls living in them. They share beds and eat shitty food, which is only getting shittier because they keep trying to squeeze the living costs. Then there's the escorts. They have a higher cost of living, fewer clients, but make bigger profit percentages."
"Guys are more interested in paying for the girlfriend experience."
"So, why doesn't he just eliminate the brothels and bolster the escorts?"
You laughed. "Because he's fucked up. He wants the brothels because they are cheaper, and therefore more accessible to the everyday man. It's ridiculous. He's exploiting the women there, but it's all in the name of the little guy," you splashed your hands in front of you to emphasise the absurdity.
"Okay, so what is it that brings men into brothels?"
"Recession," you laughed again. "It seems counterintuitive but it's true. Whenever men lose jobs and get financially stressed, they start spending money on prostitutes. Even the married ones."
"Seriously. That's when the brothels actually make more than the escorts."
"Well, that might be our solution then. Since we can't manufacture a depression, then we need to show that resources can be shifted based on what is on demand, and perhaps create a middle ground. The living situation at the brothels would improve with less people, and that might even bring in more clientele.
"Why do you say that?
"Well, I've never paid for sex before, but something about paying to sleep with someone who barely eats and lives in a dirty house while nine other Jane's and John's listen to us, would probably be enough to deter me no matter how desperate or lonely I was. It would feel… immoral."
You winced.
"It's a good idea but I doubt he'd go for it. He's old. He'd much rather shoot someone for falling short of target rather than adjust to the times and find a real solution," you sighed again as you thought about how you'd even put it all together. "It's going to take a lot of research. I need to think about it."
"Let's shelve it for right now, then? Since everyone else is above board, we'll fly through them first, then come back to it. Put our heads together."
You didn't like the idea of pushing off such an important task, but Jungkook had a point. "Alright."
You both stood in silence for a while, and the brief moment of relief and pride that you had solved a problem was very quickly replaced by melancholy.
"Are all the women there because they chose to be?"
"That depends on how you define choice - but yeah... most of them are, but certainly not everyone."
"I feel really dirty right now for being a part of this."
"You're not alone. I know I'm a monster, but this makes me feel like one. drugs I'm fine with guns I've made my peace with but sex I just don't like being a part of it
“Why did you choose to work for him then?”
“That again depends on how you define choice.”
"I do respect you," the words seemingly came out of nowhere, and knowing that Jungkook continued. "When you lectured me a while back, you told me I needed to respect you. I apologised, but I don't think I ever told you that I do respect you. It's been on my mind."
"So why tell me now?"
He sighed. "Because I think I'm coming to appreciate what you're actually dealing with rather than what's perceived. You're not what I expected. You're far more remarkable. I doubt a lot of people know that."
Something in your chest slammed against your ribs when he said it - and you weren't sure if it was a positive feeling of gratitude or a sickening feeling of unworth. Perhaps both.
"How about we get out of here?" Jungkook asked before you could figure it out.
"Why?" your voice was laced with scepticism, wondering what he had planned that this conversation sparked.
"Well, you scolded me for running myself ragged. I think it's time you take a break yourself."
"I don't have time to just take a day off."
"We don't have to go anywhere far; we can just get lunch."
"C'mon. I'll buy"
"I don't eat at places within your price range."
"Fine, then you can buy," he grinned as if he had solved an unsolvable puzzle.
"No. It’s inappropriate. I don't eat lunch with staff, and if people see us, they'll start thinking that something's going on."
"Since when do you care what people think?"
"I don't care about what they think, I care about what they'll do. I'm already on police radar, that'll get your profile bumped right away if they think we're involved. That goes for anyone else who is interested in what we do. They'll start coming for you trying to get to me. I don't need all that headache just because of one lunch."
"Alright, well. If you change your mind, I'm willing to take the risk if you are."
"Not today."
Later that evening, you were working alone in the office. You had completely lost track of time. It wasn't until you heard the intercom spring to life that you noticed how much the light in the kitchen had dimmed as the sun set outside the windows.
"What is it?" you buzzed back to Jungkook.
"Can you come to the security room, please. We have a situation."
Your mind raced as you strode briskly toward security, Mace being your prevalent thought. Perhaps he had shown up again, or maybe with others - maybe this had been some sort of setup you hadn't predicted. Needless to say, you were shocked when you finally stepped into the room, ready for war, and found Taesub, Joohyuk and Jungkook sitting around a table filled with opened boxes of takeout, while playing cards and drinking beer.
"There she is," Taesub smiled, and you could tell he was a little tipsy.
"What's the situation?" you asked, less alarmed now since they seemed unalarmed.
"We're short one person to play euchre. Come sit down," Jungkook pulled out the empty chair beside him and patted the seat.
"Needing a fourth to play cards is not what we call a situation around here," you seethed as politely as you could.
"I told you, man. She doesn't like to be tricked," Joohyuk spoke, and you realised that he was a bit drunk too.
"Come on, Y/N," Jungkook ignored your visible protest to his use of your name. "Just one game. You've been cooped up for days. Take a break."
"I don't do that."
"Fine. Call it an office retreat, then. Or a bonus!” he threw his hands up in triumph as he looked at the other two - like the thought was a Pulitzer winning idea. “Consider your company for one game of cards our employee bonus."
"Does that mean I'm off the hook this year to give you your actual monetary bonus?" you quirked your eyebrow.
"Wait, you give bonuses?" His bewilderment as he looked from you, to Taesub, then to Joohyuk to confirm if it was true was so comical you might have thought he was drunk too. "Well, then never mind. Get out of here," he pushed the chair back under the table. You could have used this moment to escape, or better yet you should have used it to scold, but instead, you found yourself wanting to play along.
"No, no," you exaggerated your empathy as you reached for the chair. "If my company is what my employees need rather than enough money to buy themselves a new BMW for Christmas, what kind of person would I be to deny them that?" You pulled your blazer off your shoulders and folded it over the chair before you sat down, then adjusted the tiny straps of the silk, cream coloured camisole you were left with. "Guess it's you and me," you looked to Taesub, who was sitting right across from you and was therefore your partner for the game. Everyone at the table gave their version of a cheer before Jungkook proceeded to deal.
"For the record, I never said I didn't want the money," Taesub mused.
"Well, how about we make it interesting, then?" you gave him an insidious grin.
"No!" Joohyuk nearly shouted. "I've seen what happens when you say shit like that."
"What did you have in mind, Y/N?" Jungkook chuckled at Joohyuk but was too intrigued to not hear your proposal.
You looked around the table, and then straightened your shoulders.
"If you win, you two will get double your usual bonus. If Taesub and I win, then both of your bonuses go to him."
Taesub's face immediately morphed into one of pure, sinister delight as he arrogantly looked to the other two. Joohyuk looked thoughtful, but annoyed that you had roped him into this quandary. Jungkook looked amused, and you could tell he was both ready and willing to accept the challenge, regardless of the money.
"I'm in," he said with a glint of cockiness in his eye.
"I'm sure as fuck in," Taesub mused. Then all eyes turned to Joohyuk, awaiting his level-headed response, that was probably going to sound something like "Let's just play a nice game of cards." But he shocked you all when he agreed with a nod.
You and Taesub won the first game but the protests from Jungkook and Joohyuk convinced you to play a best out of three for all the marbles. They won the second game in a near sweep, and you questioned if they had been cheating, but ultimately you didn't care. You were having too much of a blast to worry about being scammed - although you would never say as much out loud.
"Do you want another beer?" Jungkook picked up your empty just as you were all breaking before the final game.
"Please," you nodded, then turned to listen in on Joohyuk and Taesub's conversation about whether or not Eggs Benedict or French Toast were the better choice for a hearty breakfast. They sounded ridiculous as the conversation became increasingly heated, but you were amused by their arguments and counterarguments and found yourself ready to jump in at a moments notice when the time was right to give your two cents. But before you did, you felt a coolness brush upwards from somewhere above your elbow towards your neck. It was a soft touch; you weren't sure what it was until you looked just as Jungkook released the strap of your camisole over your shoulder. It must have slipped off of you again. For just a moment you caught a glimpse of panic in his eyes, as if the action of him touching you like that had stunned him as much as it stunned you. But he quickly recovered, handing you the beer that his wandering hand had also been holding.
He sat down, subtly scanning the table to see if the other two had noticed the moment, then went ahead and dealt the first hand. You tugged on the rebellious strap, attempting to will it to stay in place, but then realised that if it had wandered away again, you wouldn't mind - and that thought startled you even more than the moment.
"So, why did you guys decide to stick around tonight?" you asked Joohyuk and Taesub as you rounded the last few hands.
"Ahhh," Taesub released an exasperated noise. "I had no desire to go back to an empty house. Especially on a Friday night." You felt a twinge of sadness for him.
"I'm sorry. Do you know how much longer it's going to be?"
"Three more rounds over the course of the next year. I wish we could just pack up and move there, it would make this all so much easier."
You wanted to apologise to him for that too, but you knew he'd argue with you, and then it would become a thing. So, you turned to Joohyuk and asked his reasons for staying late.
"My house is empty too. Joseph went to visit his parents again."
"Do they live far?" Jungkook inquired.
"In the southeast, on one of the main islands."
"Whew, an expensive trip."
"Yeah, but… he is so close with them. He wants to move back there, but since we can't right now, I feel bad, so I buy him one of those frequent passes for his birthday each year," he shrugged.
"You think you'll ever move?"
"Hopefully," he laughed. "Every time he comes back, he berates me with a bunch of home listings. I'm thinking maybe I should just let him have it. We can use it as an income property for the time being," he then shifted forward towards Jungkook and gave him a sly grin, "That's why we need to win this bonus."
The conversation was light, and friendly, but you felt the familiar coldness settling into your chest, and your walls begin to build up brick by brick. They wanted to leave. You knew that already, and even if you hadn't already explicitly discussed it, of course you knew they would want to leave one day. They deserved that. And even though it wasn't of your own doing, you felt guilty bringing them here where life after Dongnam wasn't as easy as deciding to just move.
Regardless, one day, everything would change… again. Aside from death and taxes, change was the only other thing guaranteed in life - well, for everyone, except for you. Part of what chilled you was that they did have the option to pursue their future - and you didn't. You would still be here because you stood alone… the way you always stood alone and the way you'll always stand alone.
You looked at Jungkook, pretending to listen to whatever story he was telling at the moment. Despite your trepidation, he was a light that made its way into your exclusive and secluded fold. He had said he wanted to move up here, have a career under Dongnam, but you knew better. One day he'd find a girl, fall in love, have a family and then he would realise he had no real interest being stuck in a place like this. He just needed to learn that before he became trapped like you. You could never truly come to care about him, because you knew one day, he'd leave you too.
As the latest round continued, you felt yourself pulling away from all of them - your head swimming with regret, fear, guilt, and loneliness. The room felt the shift and the others unconsciously dialled down their jovial banter a little in response.
"You're up, Y/N," Taesub prompted you, displaying the Queen of Clubs on the turnover.
You looked at your hand. Right Bauer… the strongest. Ace and Nine of Trump, an Ace of Diamonds, and a 9 of diamonds. High risk, but possible.
You looked at the counters. You needed 4 to win, and they needed only 2. If you turned it down, there was a chance Taesub was going to call it, but you would at best be tied. But if you went it alone, you could make it. There were so many obstacles, though, even with the Queen hidden. Cards that seemingly were harmless but could take you down in an instant were still out there, and cards of yours you thought were strong wouldn't be strong enough under the right conditions… then you'd fail, and the game would be over.
You looked up from your hand, "Alone."
Joohyuk sighed in agony. Taesub let out an evil laugh and he set his cards to the side.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you, and you weren't quite sure through his poker face if it was a warning or a worry.
"I am," you said, but what you were really saying was "no."
Joohyuk played a king of hearts first, and you trumped with your nine, and Jungkook whimpered as he placed his Ace of Hearts and watched you pull the trick away from him. One.
You led with your Bauer, cleaning house with the right and the King. Then led again with your Trump Ace. Two. Three. You hadn't won all the points yet, but at least you hadn't lost.
You played your Ace of Diamonds and pulled from them a face card and a 10. Four.
Then, the moment of truth came, and you softly placed your Nine of Diamonds in the centre of the table.
Joohyuk threw his card down out of turn, knowing his spade in this scenario was as good of currency as a bag of dogshit, but Jungkook held back, narrowing his eyes at you, doing his best to hold your anticipation, until finally he placed a Jack of Diamonds over your Nine.
Joohyuk punched the air and let out a yelp, knowing that he still had another chance to get his bonus. Taesub groaned and scrubbed his face, questioning if he could go another hand under this high-stake stress.
"You got greedy," Jungkook smirked. "And now you're stuck with us for a bit longer. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you wanted to stay."
"I have to go."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I'm leaving." Taesub and Joohyuk exchange glances in a silent conversation as you stood up from the table
"I was just kidding. C'mon, sit down - we're almost done. We don't actually care about the money - we won't hold you to it."
"We won the first game and you guys won the second game, so let's just call it even and everyone gets a double bonus. I'll send half tonight. You should use it and take the weekend to go join your people."
"We can't leave you here," Joohyuk tried to reason with you.
"I'll be fine. I'm just going to stay inside anyways and work."
"I'll be around - you guys can go," Jungkook offered.
"There's no point. Go somewhere and take a break. I could use the peace."
"I don't have anywhere to go."
"Then find somewhere to go."
You turned and left the room, leaving the three men in a silence that would soon likely become whispers. You crossed your arms over your chest as you walked back to your door, but before you could make it too far, you heard footsteps rush into the hall.
“Y/N,” Jungkook called to you. You turned to him, standing tall and giving him an empty look. He jogged his way towards you, slowing when he was mere feet away. “You left your jacket,” he handed out the garment. You took it without a thank you and carefully folded it over your arm. He didn't move – so you gazed back up at him to see if he had more to say. But he just searched your face, and you could feel his scrutiny as he did, but for a moment you didn’t care. Part of you wanted him to see you.
"Are you all right?"
You bit the inner of your cheek and exhaled softly through your nose. You wanted to tell him that you weren’t okay. You weren’t sure why. Perhaps because he was new, and untainted like the others – sometimes it was easier to talk to strangers. Perhaps because of his near constant optimism – he would surely find a way to lift the crushing weight on your chest. Or simply because he was there - and what you wanted was connection… or to confide in… anyone… even if the only reason was they were standing before you. You just wanted… something to know you. But you couldn’t…
“I'm fine,” you hid everything you were feeling behind your authoritative, no bullshit, armour.
"Was it me? Did I say something?"
“I just want you to leave. I think we all could use some space from this place.”
“I told you; I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“I’m sure if you tried hard enough you could find something.”
“What I mean to say is… I don’t have anyone to go to.”
At least you both had that in common. You watched him and he watched you, and for a moment you felt as if he was reading your thoughts. He bit his lip, and his eyes began to wander around the hall and the floor as he formulated his thoughts. You waited patiently, not wanting to leave the hall even though every alarm in your head was telling you to go. But before either side won, he raised his gaze up to you, his eyes round and soft, hopeful but unsure.
“Do you wanna go somewhere with me?”
Your chest tightened, and your body instantly began to tingle. It was a frightening and exciting thought, but there was no way you would be leaving here with him.
"We already went over this - I don't want people seeing us together.”
“We can go somewhere secluded.”
“Like where?” you asked, not at all ready to change your mind by curious for his answer regardless.
He shrugged as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you like camping?”
You cocked your head and fought back the patronizing laugh burning in the back of your throat. “Do I look like the kind of person who goes camping?”
“Not really… but you always manage to surprise me no matter what I assume about you.”
Your pride bubbled slightly as his flattering confession. “Well, in that case you’re right to assume. I’ve spent more than enough nights in my lifetime sleeping outdoors. So, no, it’s not really my thing.”
"I'll make it worth your while." You weren't quite sure what he meant by that, but your brain assumed he'd make you pancakes over a campfire while you froze in the morning chill, right before forcing you to hike some trail that was riddled with bears while smelling like maple syrup. However, the places below your naval had a more adult interpretation. "C'mon… you deserve a break from this place too. We can keep each other company.”
Despite the threat of bears, you couldn’t completely stifle the voice in your head that told you to say “yes.” But you had to say "no." You had to push whatever needy, desperate, and naïve girl that had been having this conversation, back into her closet and let Crimson Park return to the hall.
“I don’t need your company, Jungkook," you let your voice flood the hall with disdain. "But you are right… I do need a break too.” You turned from him and strode the last few paces to your door.
“Are you going out?” he called to you.
“Yes," you reached for the handle.
"Are you sure?"
You stopped and looked back at him. "Yes,” you replied with more weight behind your word, angry he would question you - as if he had any right to question your choices. “Go camping, go to the compound, or somewhere… or stay here if that pleases you. It's your life," you twisted the knob and pushed.
"I'll take you,” he called.
“Jungkook…” you breathed. "I don't need you."
“I know you don't. But I want to.”
You turned your back on him and stepped across the threshold, "I'll be ready in thirty," he heard you say just before the door slammed behind you.
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Go to Chapter 5.
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Ileostomy closure: One month out
Well. It's been a month. Putting the details below the cut.
If you're expecting your closure to be easier than the initial operation, get ready because no. First, you are still going to have a HOLE IN YOUR BODY. The ileostomy opening has to heal from the bottom up, That takes six to eight weeks for it to properly close. In that time, it's going to f*cking hurt. If you don't have a wound care nurse, here's what you need to do.
Shower with a waterproof dressing cover in place.
Remove the tape with adhesive remover pads and clean the area around the hole. You can use the same peristoma cleaning wipes that I used before and after closure.
Rinse the hole with sterile saline wound wash.
Place a 2x2 gauze pad over the wound and use surgical tape to keep it in place.
Infection doesn't always smell or look oozy and gross. Mine started with worsening pain at the site, hardness, and heat. If your wound starts to feel worse instead of better, get to the ER.
Now, the reversal isn't the only thing you're going to have to deal with. Your intestines have been offline, and I also had a resection which was then closed off to heal. I did not poop in the conventional manner for three months.
Get ready for the smell. It's fucking horrible.
You'll also have a gastrograffin xray before your surgery. It's beyond horrible and punted me back into CPTSD therapy - flashbacks are no fun.
You will not be discharged until you poop. You'll be on liquids, then soft foods, and if they have to help it along, they will. Conversely, if you're having diarrhea, they're not going to intervene too much. Constipation is what they're afraid of, and the strain on the surgical site. Getting home is going to be stressful.
For me, since I am missing intestines and rectum, it's been challenging. First, I have to rebuild my gut biome. Secondly, pooping feels very different. With the resection, there's urgency but I am learning the signals that I'd better get to the loo. Constipation has been on and off, and I've learned to handle it with docusate sodium, Citrucel, and prune juice. Your doc might have you on a low-residue diet for the first two weeks, so get that prune juice.
Yes, it does really work.
Getting your shit together can be painful because of reconfigured innards. You no longer have a capacious rectal cavity to hold the output, so you could find yourself pooping not two or three times a day, but eight to ten times per day. Your new resection has to stretch to be able to reduce the number of times you'll go. You'll need to rebuild motility and your gut biome.
Stay hydrated. Not just water and juice, but something like Ultima Replenisher will help. Soups and broths, too.
Prebiotics - you can add inulin powder to kefir, yogurt, skyr, or whatever probiotic rich food you're eating. Fermented foods can also be on the list.
Walk as much as you can, it keeps things moving.
So far, I have not had any continence issues, urgency is pretty common, but I have been doing pelvic floor exercises pretty faithfully, and that can help.
More when I can think of it.
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gaymerasmus · 2 years
Can I request a tf2 matchup pls?
I apologise in advance, this is a long one.
Physical appearance:
- I’m not tall [*cough*like5’1*cough*] | I’m a bloody stick, some average meat but I’m still a lanky lil shit.
- Short undercut brunette hair with [somewhat emo] right-sweeping bangs, they naturally sweep left but look fluffier when swept right.
- I am in fact, whiter than sour-cream with very-very light freckles on my face, you gotta be CLOSE to see them.
- I have weird, blue-ish/green-ish/grey eyes. I swear I’ll never know their real colour because they pull a one-two-switcheroo depending on lighting.
- I wear big, thick-lensed, thin black-frame glasses and due to my rapidly declining eyesight I am practically blind without them.
- My right eyebrow has a slit cause I got bored, but I like it and it’s staying (and a piercing bc I can)
- I have size 10[?] gauges [/stretchers, whatever you call the things that stretch your earring holes], I plan to go bigger.
- I tend to wear a lot of black clothing and I have a very punk/alt/emo/grunge style. That, or I’ll look like a dad in cargo shorts and an over shirt thats given up.
About me:
- Trans guy | He/Him pronouns | Preferred name is Corvinn | Gay
- Aussie, very prominent accent, have been mistaken for a Brit because of ‘how I speak’ [I cuss more than a sailor]?
- Diagnosed with A.D.H.D., anxiety, depression and high functioning A.S.D. [that’s the main shit, the combination also causes insomnia lol] | Excess stimulation causes overloads and makes me temporarily non-verbal | My brain gets overly bored if there’s a lack of stimulation | I don‘t know SL because I started having non-verbal episodes in 8th grade. I’ll communicate using my phones notes app, tts or a very confusing game of charades | Stims include; flappy hands when emotionally overwhelmed, rapid leg bouncing when I’m anxious/focusing/listening to music, playing with my/the ear lobes of a person I trust for comfort | I twitch on occasion, I don’t think it’s serious; just painful-ish head/neck/shoulder jerks and non-painful leg/arm jerks accompanied by a grunt/verbal tic [I mainly squeak]/strained face | I have a bad habit of apologising/excusing myself after I twitch | Mental health is poor but I’m trying to get better and I think I’m heading in the right direction.
- Extremely self-conscious of my voice [think it’s too high] and height:(
- Self-taught aspiring artist of 8/9 years now | I do both digital and physical art | Tend to be more digital | When I do physical art it’s mostly sketching and watercolours | Plan to become a body artist in future.
- I’m easily excitable, but I’m told it’s annoying so I try not to but then that kind of leads to me not showing any outward emotion which also upsets people.
- I can sew and I own a sewing machine | Fun fact, I wanted to be a cosplayer when I was younger. Settling for a show-off in my textiles class [friend of mine’s a model/influencer and I’m gonna turn them into dress-up doll lmao].
- I was raised on shit like Korn, SlipKnot and LimpBizkit- I gotta fight to stay awake when metal is playing in the car.
- Favourite colour is all of them.
- I wanna get more piercings; left lower-lip, septum, and venoms.
- My Dad doesn’t think I can sing but a bunch of people have said otherwise. I’m currently at the point where I have no stage but I must sing.
- I’m interested in textile practices.
- The Walten Files
- Marble Hornets
- Creepypasta
- Slasher films
- Hazbin Hotel/Heluva Boss
- Horror and paranormal shit
- ARG’s [I suck, but I enjoy watching others]
- FNAF [here since 2016, will cause physical altercations if opposed]
- All of animation YouTube
- Video essays on weird and obscure shit.
- Beloved YouTube blorbos include; CJ the X, Grayson projects, HarleyTBS, Izzzyzzz, Quinton Reviews, Chad Chad, LS Mark, Danny Gonzalez, Drew Goodeen, Mama Max, Nexpo, Manlybadasshero, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Neytirix, Noah Finnce, The Click, Sagan Hawkes, Pagan Valley, Wendigoon, Strange æons, Super Eyepatch Wolf, TFIL, Game Theory, TomSka, Pyrocynical, and many more.
- True crime
- Current main hyperfixation; MCR.
- According to 2021’s Spotify wrapped, my top genres were; #1 - Emo | #2 - Otacore | #3 - Metalcore | #4 DreamSMP[???] | #5 - Indie Pop | I think my music taste currently lies in punk/punk rock, modern rock, metal, emo, ska, and a lil bit of vocaloid.
- I love animals. I used to have a pure black cat, he ded now tho:(
- Video games.
- Seafood
- Rumours
- Twitter drama [unless someone like TRO is feeding it to me in form of a video essay], if I have to hear about one more person being cancelled by a random group of 13 year old white girls over literally nothing I am going to flip my shit😀
- Country/opera/classical music [to be fair, I’ll listen to classical but it just sends me to sleep, it’s too slow for me, sorry]
- Trolls [I’m fine when it’s harmless and all in good fun but when it gets toxic is where I draw the line]
- And a lot of fandoms I refuse to name because they are really toxic and will stop at nothing to find me🚪🏃‍♂️💨🧍‍♂️
Sorry this is so long, hope it’s okay. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, no pressure! Anyway, it’s super la- early. I’m going to bed. Have a nice [insert time here]. Also, thanks and remember to take care of yourself!
Hullo hullo welcome and thank you!! You are paired with...
Honestly this one was a really close call, but when I really thought about it I couldn't get Mr. Explodey Man out of my head. He sees you as super passionate and well rounded, both qualities he can appreciate! This man comes from a very straightforward and strict upbringing, so having your radiant personality and look nearby is honestly pretty refreshing for him.
I can see your dynamic including a lot of hurt/comfort influences, as well as some partners in crime and like a little friends to lovers vibe. He's very much an optimist and loves keeping your spirits up! He understands a lot of what you're going through (*coughs*t4t*coughs*) so expect a lot of advice and validating comments. Definitely tries to get you into some mischievous activities when bored, trouble is this guy's middle name (it's actually Finnegan). That's not to say he doesn't mind lounging about the house, learning about one of your interests through videos you watch or just listening to you ramble. He might fall asleep on you if you're not careful tho.
Demoman is also a very adaptable man. He's been around and seen a lot in his time, so he comes perfectly prepared for nearly everything you may need from him. It does surprise him at first when exposed to your stims and tics, but only for a moment! He finds stims that show your trust endearing, and certainly doesn't mind getting anything you need if you're having a bad day. He definitely seems like the type to catch on to what the different stims mean pretty quick. If he notices you're getting anxious he may subtly rest a hand on your leg, or lead you away from an area until you're no longer overstimulated. Once he learns about your non-verbal bouts he always keeps a pen and notepad nearby. Just very subtle and gentle things that shows he cares because he really really does.
He also adores your music taste!! Very chaotic instrumentals and throaty singing gets him all kinds of hyped. He tries to pass that hype on to you and it works about 99% of the time. When you're both bouncing with energy he'll gladly take you out somewhere to burn energy (and cause trouble). The best thing about Tavish is that this man can make anything fun. Simple things like taking out the trash, running errands, even going on a quiet walk end up becoming your most cherished memories with him. He always hums a tune from songs you like when he picks up on you smiling more.
Expect to meet his mother!! I have a feeling he plays it a bit old school when it comes to relationships, so he'd absolutely insist upon you meeting her. He also just really loves his mom. When you're both ready he invites you to his (fucking huge) house for tea. He's very confident you'll hit it off right away! It starts slow, but once you mention your experience with textiles she beams. Having experience herself; she happily shows you some pieces she's made for her family and for her. She asks that you update her with anything you make in the future, so I think you can safely say she likes you. It makes demoman very happy to see you getting along.
To summarize; he absolutely adores your presence in his life. He'll try his absolute best to make you happy, and loves laughing with you about anything and everything. I hope you liked it!!
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years
What if there was a “Halloween 9/H30 ?”
So I've been looking at old fics and treatments of mine, and doing some revising and revisiting.
As you can guess, the subject of this post was an idea I had for a Halloween 9 (for lack of a better word), had we not gotten a Halloween 2018, and I thought I'd share some of the ideas I had for it. There’s also a Texas Chainsaw Massacre crossover I thought up to go with this. 
It was something I wrote down in 2019, and briefly revisited after Kills.
So here's what I had in mind.
1. It would have been a timeline merger, combining the 4-6 timeline with H20 -though this would take some timeline tweaking. 
There are two versions I had in mind; one set in 2003, following Resurrection (which I guess would just make it Halloween 9); the other is set in 2008, thus making it Halloween: 30 Years Later.
In the 2003 version, there's a joke that implies Freddy vs Jason occured around the same time, as its events are covered in a news report.
2. The story probably would have taken place on what I call a “white halloween” - when it starts to snow in late October. At the very least it would be very rainy, foggy and dreary, kind of like the atmosphere from The Ring. 
Where I live it was started to snow a bit in late October, which may have influenced this.
3. The plot would have initially focused on John Tate, after seeking out Michael for revenge, and learning the truth about his long lost sister Jamie, as well as her death and the Thorn Cult. 
As John seeks out the baby his sister gave birth to, John finds himself being stalked by the remnants of the cult, inadvertently leading them to Steven, with Michael following closely behind...and as it turns out, someone else is following them). 
Ultimately, Steven Lloyd - Jamie’s baby - becomes the main protagonist, having become curious about Laurie and Jamie, and wanting to understand where he came from.
4.There is a bit of a retcon with Michael and the curse; instead of being puppet to some demonic curse, he is more of a human manifestation of this primordial evil. His “curse” is more in line with the supernatural shit they pulled in Kills, with Michael himself being played up closer to the 2018 counterpart. 
Though in a bit of a twist, Michael is the one on the run and in hiding; it’s only when he learns that John Tate has found Steven and his adopted family does he go on the prowl.
5. The Thorn cult also “evolves” following the sixth movie. 
It would be revealed the Thorn conspiracy was pretty reaching, with it implied the Strode's might have fallen into their manipulations, with them setting up Laurie's encounter with Michael. That one at least is meant to explain a plot hole regarding Morgan Strode, and why Laurie mother came off as pretty aloof in Halloween II.
H20!Laurie’s reasons for faking her death are retconned to fit the Thorn Timeline; it was the cult targeting her that made her paranoid, rather than her comatose brother. The straw that broke the camel's back was when Laurie woke up to see a tape on her bed with a recording of her sleeping.
The cult is still operational, but severely weakened due to the lot of them being slaughtered during Curse, and nearly being exposed after the fact. People know about them, but they are usually disregarded as urban legends, with attempts to investigate them after the fact yielding no results. Nowadays, they see Michael as this “Dark Messiah”, but operate more in line with the Manson Family.
Michael ? Doesn't really care if they're following him, but he still accepts their aid because “Why the Hell not ?” They're covering his tracks, giving him places to stay and hide, etc. He might as well make the most of it
6. As for Steven, he differs by version. In the 2003 version, he's more like the Jamie Lloyd of his time. In the 2008 version, he's a quiet kid, but an enthusiastic music lover and theatre student.
Both versions find about his - ahem - origin, earlier in life, but very good at putting on a brave face. Although he does angst about it on the inside, he never really expresses this angst until he has a breakdown about it in the third act. I’m trying to subvert Steven being this “Emo Kid Son of Michael Myers”. 
Regarding “theatre student” Steven in the 2008 version ? He's a kid who rarely talks, but loves music, having a singing talent himself. There's a plot point where Steven signs up for a school production of Jekyll & Hyde, and gets the part as the title character. 
In one sequence, we see a performance, with Steven as Hyde singing “Alive”, juxtaposed with Michael killing his way through a group of police officers who initially manage to put him in holding. There's another point where Steven lip syncs to Pearl Jam’s “Alive” while he’s getting dressed in the morning (bonus points if you knew what that song is actually about).
7.  This is something I've been flipping the coin on, but there's the obvious storyline where Steven inherited this “darkness” from Michael, and the question is raised if he's becoming the next Shape ?
Throughout he displays some of Michael’s traits, from his strength and resilience, and his body language. When Steven's playing Edward Hyde, he's really getting into the role, to the point it becomes his "costume" on Halloween night. 
The reason I was iffy about writing that is because it's too predictable. At first, I imagined Steven growing up as this "anti hero" counterpart to Michael and taking revenge on the Thorn Cult...but at that point it feels like I'm writing an edgy OC, y'know ? 
I'm not even sure if I want Steven to kill. I still see him fighting Michael at one point though.
8. Besides Steven, we have a now teenage Danny Lloyd, taking the role of Steven’s seemingly aloof but protective brother. 
Having nearly been groomed by the cult, Danny knows what Steven is going through and is very protective, keeping Steven in the dark about what’s happening (Steven keeps the fact that he knows a secret). Danny has become very confrontational when it comes to Steven, be it a couple of pricks picking on Steven, or Uncle John Tate trying to unearth what Danny and his family are trying to keep buried. 
At the same time, Danny finds himself in this circle of friends, and is encouraged to become more active as a teenager, being invited to a Halloween party being held at a quarry. He initially refuses, but only shows up when he finds out both Steven and Michael are on the loose, correctly guessing that Michael’s heading there.
9. One my later ideas did involves a second masked killer - not a copycat to Michael, but a vigilante out to get him and those connected to him. Their targets all being surviving members of the Thorn cult, both active and “retired”. There’d be a Scream style whodunit mystery to go with it. Think Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, with Michael as the preverbal Joker. 
The problem I had writing that subplot was I could never decide one who the second killer would be; could it be protective big brother, Danny ? Could it be Paul Rudd’s Tommy going through his “Evil Dies Tonight” phase ? 
Could Laurie have faked her death in Resurrection, surfing the fall by being a Myers by blood - a twist I did genuinely consider - taking revenge on those who killed Jamie ? John Tate was my first choice, since it’d save him from being a bland and boring character, but I thought it was too obvious.
10. Terrence Wynn is shown to be still alive, albeit hospitalized and "retired", portrayed as the villainous version of the "How The Mighty Have Fallen" trope.  Think Sal Valestra from Mask of the Phantasm.
Wynn’s no longer running the cult and has aged horribly. Despite  the cult’s massacre in Curse, Wynn’s injuries did a number him and his age isn’t doing him him any favors. he now requires crutches to move, an oxygen tank to breath, and has a painkiller addiction. Wynn ends up living in isolation, paranoid that one day Michael will come to finish him off, or that a member of Laurie/Jamie's family will come after him. 
Just thinking about Michael and the Strode's nearly works Wynn up into a heart attack.
11. One thing I was interested in exploring was Laurie’s relationship with Jamie, even if it is posthumous. 
John Tate knew that he had a sister, but Laurie avoided talking about her; Steven knows off Jamie and wants closure when he learns of his conception. I had one scene in mind where they find old family videos of Laurie and Jamie, but Steven raises an uncomfortable question; “Did Laurie really love Jamie ?”
Steven has a hard time reconciling the loving mother he sees on these videos, and the woman who left her daughter behind after faking her death. In Steven’s eyes, Laurie let Jamie deal with the Boogeyman because she herself was too scared of him. When his family tries to assure Steven that Laurie did love Jamie, Steven asks “Then why did I happen ?” 
This was one of the reasons I considered having Laurie fake her death in Resurrection, and maybe be the cult hunting vigilante - Steven would ask his “Why did I happen ?” question to Laurie face.
12. Ultimately I’d see Michael surviving the story and having an “ambiguous” defeat. The climax I picture takes place at Halloween quarry party. Floodgates eventually open and Michael is ultimately swept up in a current after a grueling battle. No body is found, but Michael’s mask is found in a river bank. 
Steven and his family have a little closure, but there’s still the lingering feeling that Michael is out there, and it’d be implied the family are gonna work together in hunting him. 
I went with this ending because I wrote to have a follow up to another treatment I was working on - “Texas Halloween Massacre”. 
13.This post is long enough as is and I might make a post on “Texas Halloween Massacre”, but I also wrote it to be in the timeline of a Texas Chainsaw 3D rewrite. 
TLDR: The Texas Chainsaw 3D rewrite, wouldn’t follow the original TCM, instead the other sequels are “Broad Strokes” canon; Alexandra Daddario’s character, Heather/Edith is rewritten as the little girl from TCM III, now an adult; the overall story remains the same, but there are slight tweaks to the characters; there’d be more surviving Sawyer’s, including Drayton. It would also be set in the early 2000's.
Texas Halloween Massacre ultimately see’s Michael winning his fight with Leatherface, mortally wounding him with his own chainsaw, with his own chainsaw; all the Sawyer’s - except Edith - are killed off either by Michael or the protagonists; while Leatherface ultimately bleeds out from the fight, Michael is too injured and exhausted to continue his pursuit of the protagonists, allowing them to try finish him off.
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father-flame · 24 days
Recently I had the pleasure of claiming a fresh virgin woman. In her own words, she said she was waiting for the right guy, but it got away from her, and now she's in her 20s. When I asked her what qualifies the right guy, I was surprised at her explanation.
She told me that it wasn't the standard "checklist" (she did air quotes). And she seemed adorably embarrassed to tell myself and the group we were talking with, but eventually she got around to saying that she didn't want the standard fair, and proceeded to show me her Tumblr and some choice other sites.
Now, this girl was sexy. Tiny, breakable, breedable, the kind of girl that gets you throbbing every time she says "yes sir" just because I'm twice her age. She has to look up at me due to height difference, with cute eyes and pretty lips. She had been approached by several men and women of course, but nothing seemed to click for her.
The blog was excellent, her pics are great, even if she's too shy to show more than undies. But I soon figure out why she hasn't had a partner yet.
Her blog is nearly entirely cnc posts, thoughts, reblogs, ect.
After asking her some follow ups, I introduced her to some very knowledgeable friends of mine, specifically a few women that were familiar/enthusiasts for cnc. They hit it off pretty fast and the night went very well. Letting her learn more about cnc from practiced individuals and creating a safe environment for her to understand her kink and the risks behind it was the best option.
We also told her about fake doms, safe words, hard limits, she had a tone of questions, and we spent several hours just chatting at the table. Before we left the gathering, she offered me her number, which I of course accepted.
Just a few months later, after messaging with her semi-consistently, I got a message from a fellow dom and his sub that I'm very close with. Great people. They had apparently been talking with this girl as well and were becoming fast friends. They told me that this girl was totally ready to have her first experience, and to my mild surprise, she had asked them to see if I was interested.
Now, keep in mind. You don't often get asked if you're interested in taking another friend's virginity, even as deep into the bdsm scene that I am. Suffice to say, I was interested. We got together and the four of us talked. Set some boundaries, limits, safe words, and anything else we could think of before proceeding.
Less than a week later, I'm using this sexy little girls body like a toy out in the woods. I had hunted her through the woods and wilds, pinned her in the dirt and ravaged her virgin body. I enjoyed her.... Ohh how I enjoyed her... She begged for mercy, she moaned in the most adorable way. I could see her eyes grow wide as my cock was revealed to her, her breath catching in her chest as I tore her panties off her body roughly. I explored every inch of her as she squirmed under me, her perky breasts were my personal chewtoys, I shoved my fingers down her throat and let her drool cover her face and chest.
I'll admit, I wanted to breed her then and there. I hadn't been this turned on in a long time. After a few hours of using her, her body now covered and dirt and scratches, a warm load already pumped down her throat. I have her bent over a fallen tree, abusing her soaked hole relentlessly. I pulled her hair back and whispered in her ear.
"I'm going to fill you up now little girl, I'm going fill your little pussy with my hot cum."
She had a rather intense orgasm at that moment, moaning out to me. "I'm on the pill sir"
HOLY SHIT did I fucking cum. I firmly believe that my cock grew an extra inch in that moment, doing everything it could to fill this sexy little woman's deepest reaches. I don't even remember how long my orgasm lasted, but firmly remember the sounds she made as she felt my warm seed filling her up.
We stayed like that for a while, before I carried her back to the house for aftercare, we both needed a shower badly.
We are still very close now, we hang out frequently and play together occasionally. She hits me up for spontaneous cnc scenes sometimes, which I look forward too.
Why the long story just to brag about taking a virginity? It's about the aftercare people. A lot of "doms" wouldn't have invested the time, or would have enjoyed the scene and failed in the aftercare. Perhaps she could have chosen someone who didn't respect her boundaries or limits, or God forbid someone who wouldn't respect the safety or safe-words.
Ladies, gents, doms and subs of any persuasion. Be safe! Put in the effort, create a tangible trust. I could have half assed meeting her, I could have used her and been done with it. But I'm perfect comfortable saying that making her feel safe and cared for was an easy decision. And now we both get to enjoy something intense and complex with each other.
Be safe. Create safe.
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