#mingyu x Wonwoo
renaiswriting · 9 months
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Pairing: Mingyu/Reader/Wonwoo
Mafia!Wonwoo, Mafia!Mingyu, Bartender!Reader
You can read Tainted Hearts HERE
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taeyongdoyoung · 5 months
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summary: a vampire and a werewolf want to put an end to the war between their families. in their dangerous attempt to achieve peace, they find love where they least expected... pairing: werewolf!mingyu x vampire!wonwoo x witch!reader genre: adventure, fantasy, a lil romance warnings: mentions of blood, burns, cutting, death, killing, suicide & other supernatural themes author's note: the title is inspired by taylor swift's bad blood, while the plot is vaguely influenced by romeo & juliet with the lore loosely based on twilight & the vampire diaries; some song references in italics hehe word count: 6.2k
Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Seoul, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where bad blood makes good hands unclean.
The werewolf Kim clan and the vampire Jeon clan had been enemies for as long as Mingyu could remember. He didn't recall a time when the two families didn't fight over something. There was an unwritten rule that the werewolves shouldn't go into the vampires' territory and vice versa. And for the most part, the agreement was followed. But occasionally, there were casualties. Occasionally, Mingyu lost a distant cousin or an uncle to the feud between the Kims and the Jeons. He was so tired of it. He wanted peace so desperately. Little did he know, he was not the only one who felt this strange longing.
Wonwoo was exhausted of this war going on between his family and the Kim one. He no longer wanted to participate in the pointless fights. He no longer wished to see another vampire fallen victim to the vicious werewolves. He had no idea how it had all started so it seemed completely devoid of meaning to him. Wonwoo wished he could find a way to put an end to it. Once and for all. And just then, as if some magic force had heard his plea, a piece of paper fell into his hand. From the sky. Right there on a balcony in summer air. He was stunned but nevertheless, he read the words written on it, which said:
What you seek you shall receive Go to the golden mountain If you wish your heart to grow Be prepared a sacrifice to give Drink from the magical fountain May all bad blood cease to flow
At the same time but in a different place, a twin paper landed in Mingyu's tent. It was cryptic as hell and it might as well have been a trap. It might be something that the Jeons, those smartasses came up with to cause more damage to the Kims. And yet, he was in such need for peace that he wanted to try whatever it took to find a solution that would ensure a tranquil future for him and his family. He put a couple of snacks in a bag, a few bottles of water and went out into the night.
Wonwoo did a similar thing, gathered a bunch of essentials, only he was caught by his younger brother and sister.
"Where are you going, hyung?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah, you're acting suspicious!" Somi exclaimed.
"I'm going on an adventure," Wonwoo said simply.
"Take us with you, oppa!" Somi pleaded.
"I have to do this alone. It's too dangerous," Wonwoo was firm in his decision.
"Promise you'll come back!" Jungkook insisted.
Wonwoo knew he shouldn't make promises he wasn't sure he could keep. But he owed it to his precious siblings to reassure them that everything will be okay.
"Promise," he said and walked out of the door.
A couple of hours later, Mingyu found himself in the golden mountain. He could immediately sense something was wrong. It smelled like…death and decay. He sniffed aggressively into the air and seconds later he found himself pressed against a tree. By a stinky vampire!
"What are you doing here, Kim?" Wonwoo asked him.
"I could ask you the same thing, Jeon!" Mingyu growled. He tried to transform himself into his werewolf form and yet there must have been some sort of magic inside the golden mountain that prevented him from doing so. His suspicions were proven to be correct when he managed to escape from the vampire's grasp. Aha! He was slower than usual. Which meant he couldn't use his vampire speed around here.
"How…" Wonwoo was shocked by how quickly the werewolf had fled. "Why are you running?"
"Because you wanna drink my blood!" Mingyu screamed as he kept going.
"No, wait…I just wanna talk!"
"Yeah, right, and fish can fly!"
"Some can actually!" Wonwoo pointed out.
"Nerd!" Mingyu cried out and then he saw a big light in the air that said the exact same words in the paper! What even?! Something compelled him to stop running and moments later, Wonwoo hit his nose into the back of Mingyu's neck.
"Ow," he complained, taken aback by the fact that Mingyu was no longer trying to escape. "No way!" he had a similar reaction to Mingyu's upon seeing the mysterious words.
"Wait a second…" Mingyu started connecting the dots. "Don't tell me you received one of those as well."
He was probably taking a huge leap of faith but something was telling him that if the vampire wanted him dead, he would be dead already. Mingyu took out the crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to Wonwoo.
Wonwoo's eyes widened in shock and he pulled out an identical-looking paper from his own clothes.
"What are the odds?" Wonwoo laughed bitterly.
"So…if we both want peace between our families, then I suppose we should work together," Mingyu offered sweetly.
"We might not have another choice," Wonwoo nodded reluctantly. "I'm Wonwoo, by the way."
"Mingyu. I would say nice to meet you but I'm not fond of lying," he tried to joke.
Wonwoo shook his head, amused by this encounter.
Seconds later, the sign in the air disappeared. In its stead was a golden door. Seemingly leading nowhere. Right in the middle of the mountain. How strange.
"Shall we?" Wonwoo suggested.
"Vampires first," Mingyu gallantly waved his hand.
Wonwoo didn't want to waste energy in arguing and opened the door. Mingyu followed him and the two were immediately greeted by the most beautiful creature they'd ever seen.
"Welcome!" you said. "If you've come this far, it means you've already taken the first step towards peace."
"Who are you?" Wonwoo asked.
"My name is Y/N. I'm a witch and it is my purpose to guide you through the seven challenges you must face if you wish to bring peace to your families."
"What kinds of challenges?" Mingyu inquired, suspicious of this whole situation.
"Well, it wouldn't be fun if I told you now, would it?" you chuckled mysteriously.
"How do we know we just won't get killed or something?" Wonwoo insisted.
"You don't. Guess you'll just have to believe that the possibility for a better future is strong enough to get you through these challenges," you explained patiently.
"Did you come up with these challenges?" Wonwoo wanted to know.
"So many questions," you laughed once again. "No, my ancestors did, I'm just a carrier of their will. Here's what I'll tell you. If you work together, you have a very good chance at succeeding."
"Not very reassuring," Mingyu complained.
"Still better than no chance," Wonwoo sighed.
"And if you complete the first six challenges successfully," you continued. "I will help you with the seventh one."
"I'm assuming the seventh one is the hardest," Wonwoo muttered.
"Clever boy," you smirked. "Are you ready?"
"Not really," Mingyu shrugged. "But let's do this."
"Well, good luck, guys. I'll give you a hint for the first challenge. If I eat I live yet if I drink I die. What am I?"
"Huh?" Mingyu looked at Wonwoo in a confused manner. "Any idea what this means?"
"No, but I don't like the sound of it."
You disappeared and in front of the two men, a wall of fire appeared. Great, so the hint was fire.
"So we just have to jump above it. It's not very tall," Mingyu observed.
"No, Mingyu, you don't get it," Wonwoo responded. "I will literally turn into ash if the fire touches me. I'm a vampire, remember?"
"Right," Mingyu nodded. "Well, then, hop on my back and I'll jump. I'm tall enough and I'll make sure the fire doesn't touch you."
Wonwoo shook his head hesitantly.
"I don't know…"
"Do you trust me?"
"Not particularly, no."
"Smart answer," Mingyu grinned. "But do you want peace or not?"
"More than anything," Wonwoo replied.
"Then, hop on."
Wonwoo did as Mingyu suggested and closed his eyes. In no time, the werewolf jumped and the fire was behind the two. Wonwoo opened his eyes and got off Mingyu's strong back. You had returned.
"Congratulations, you have completed the first challenge!" you greeted them cheerfully. "Keep up the good work and peace shall be yours soon."
"Well, that was easy enough," Mingyu smiled confidently.
"Easy for you to say," Wonwoo shuddered at the thought of fire.
"Do you guys want a hint for the second challenge?"
"Yes, please," Mingyu asked, guessing that since the first one was something dangerous for Wonwoo, then the second one would, logically, be something lethal for Mingyu.
"This is a type of color But it’s not yellow or blue You’ll need this type of bullet If a werewolf’s after you," you recited dutifully.
The answer was glaringly obvious. Silver.
"No," Mingyu groaned in fear as you vanished once again. The two somehow ended up in a room. There was only one way out and forward - a door at the end of the room. And in front of the door was a machine designed to shoot silver arrows. How fun. "What are we going to do?"
"Let me think," Wonwoo tried to analyze the situation in a way that would ensure Mingyu's safety. "If I run on zig-zag with you glued behind me, we might be fast enough to go behind the machine and open the door."
"But the arrows could shoot you?" Mingyu gasped in horror.
"I think they won't. The first challenge was designed to scare me and the second challenge is designed for you."
"It's very risky."
"Well, we can't let that stop us."
"Let's do this."
The two began running and surprisingly, the machine started shooting arrows their way. However, it was only capable of doing so in a straight direction, so it didn't manage to hit them once. With some great luck, Wonwoo and Mingyu squeezed themselves behind the machine. Yet, Mingyu was too impatient to grab the door handle, which, was, of course, made of silver. It burned his hand pretty badly but it wasn't lethal like arrows or even worse, bullets, would have been. Wonwoo immediately opened the door and pulled Mingyu with him to the other side.
"Are you okay?" Wonwoo asked, overwhelmed by a sudden concern for his werewolf companion.
"It hurts but I'll be fine," Mingyu tried to convince himself as well as Wonwoo.
Wonwoo quickly bit his own finger until a small streak of blood appeared.
"Drink this, it will help you heal faster."
Mingyu looked at Wonwoo doubtfully but went ahead. In no time, the burns disappeared and his hand no longer hurt.
"Wow, thanks a lot!"
"Thank me when we've completed all challenges," Wonwoo puts his hand on Mingyu's shoulder in a friendly manner.
You once again surprised them with your sudden arrival.
"Two in a row! You're really something else," you cheered them on loudly. "I was about to offer some healing herbs but the vampire beat me to it."
Wonwoo bowed dramatically, making Mingyu and you laugh.
"I won't ask whether you need a hint, because I'm feeling generous. I’m often running, yet I have no legs. You need me, but I don’t need you. What am I?"
"Ugh, another riddle," Mingyu was so done with them.
In front of the two men appeared a table. On the table, there were two cups filled with some kind of liquid. Next to the cups was a note:
"One may kill a vampire. Another may kill a werewolf. Drink all to move forward. Drink none to stay behind."
"I'm guessing one has vervain and the other wolfsbane. We drink the wrong cup, we both die. We drink the right one, we go to the next challenge," Mingyu started thinking out loud.
"What if I drink both cups?" Wonwoo suggested boldly. "That way I can ensure that you will move forward."
"Are you crazy?" Mingyu exclaimed. "First of all, there is no guarantee the witch will allow me to do the rest of the challenges by myself. Second of all, there is no guarantee I will succeed without you. Third of all…I don't wanna do this alone."
Mingyu sounded so vulnerable and like a lost puppy in that moment that Wonwoo felt so bad he cursed himself for offering something so dark in the first place.
"You're right, sorry I mentioned it. Do you have any better ideas?"
"Let's think about the riddle instead of rushing to poison ourselves," Mingyu replied. "I'm often running, yet I have no legs. You need me, but I don't need you…"
"But of course!" Wonwoo shouted triumphantly. "Water! It's just a trick, Mingyu. There is nothing but water in both cups!"
Mingyu eyed the two cups suspiciously.
"They don't smell like anything," he pointed out.
"Do you trust me?" Wonwoo repeated Mingyu's question from earlier.
"Not even a little bit," Mingyu teased. Even though a part of him was beginning to…
"Great. Drink up."
"Oh, what the hell." Mingyu and Wonwoo both grabbed a cup at random and downed them in one go. Nothing. No burn. No pain. No death. Just plain old water.
They both let out a sigh of relief and started laughing.
"We did it! We passed the third challenge!" they grabbed each other's hands happily and started jumping in circles.
You appeared yet again to congratulate them.
"You two are so smart, I'm genuinely impressed!"
Wonwoo and Mingyu let go of one another's hands, as if embarrassed that the witch witnessed a vampire and a werewolf behaving like this.
"How about a little break?" you offered.
"Not another challenge?
"Nope. Just a small something to reward you for getting so far."
Mingyu and Wonwoo exchanged a look.
"How do you plan to reward us?" Wonwoo raised an eyebrow.
"What would you like?" you smiled mischievously.
"Something more useful than those riddles," Mingyu asked.
"Okay, okay, no more riddles. Wonwoo?"
"Help us in the sixth challenge, as well. Not just the seventh one."
"Ambitious. I like that. Alright, then. Make sure you pass the fourth and fifth and I will give you a real advantage in the grand finale. Now, how about a snack to gather your strength?" you said and handed Mingyu a couple of big, juicy hamburgers. The werewolf gulped the first one hungrily.
"I'm a vampire, this is like plastic to me," Wonwoo complained.
"I know, silly," you chuckled and offered your wrist. "Come on, help yourself."
"How do I know it's not a trick?"
"Why would it be a trick?" you blinked at him innocently. "Mingyu already ate his burger and he's still safe."
"It's just a burger. I don't think the blood of a witch has the same value."
"Aw, I'm touched," you cooed. "Fine, suit yourself, then. Starve if you want."
Wonwoo shook his head, determined to reject the temptation.
"I'm not hungry."
Your smile suddenly transformed into a quite sinister one.
"Good. You just passed the fourth challenge."
"W-what?" Mingyu, who'd just swallowed the last bite of the third burger, asked in shock. "But…we didn't do anything, did we?"
"Wonwoo did," you explained. "The virtue of restraint is incredibly rare among vampires nowadays. Him rejecting my blood so easily shows that he is truly determined to achieve peace."
"But…me eating the burgers is okay, right?" Mingyu kept worrying.
"It's okay, Mingyu, don't worry," you laughed. "Still, previous participants never made it this far."
"Wait…we're not the first ones?" Wonwoo was shocked. "Others from our clans have tried these challenges before?"
"Of course. They all failed, though. These challenges are held once every seven years. Since…since the feud between your two families began."
"But…why?" Mingyu asked.
"I'll tell you if you make it to the end."
"Is the fifth challenge a hidden one like the fourth? I mean…you said we were having a short break, I didn't even know it was a test," Wonwoo complained.
"You asked for no more riddles. You didn't say anything about tricks," you pouted, the picture of blamelessness.
"Witches, man," Mingyu murmured, causing Wonwoo to smile. You didn't look offended by these words, considering the circumstances. Still, you were just doing your job, so you refused to feel bad for it. Besides, you genuinely believed that your actions would help them succeed. You wanted peace just as badly. For your own reasons.
Suddenly, the full moon shone brightly in the sky.
"Oh, come on," Mingyu groaned, as he felt overpowered by his transformation into his wolf form. It was more painful than usual and he experienced such intense anger towards everyone and everything. He wanted to ravage the vampire and the witch. Consequences be damned.
"Control it, Mingyu," Wonwoo tried to calm him down as he saw the werewolf approaching him and you like a predator stalking his prey. "It's just another trick. You have to show restraint, like I did. We're so close to success, don't give up now."
"You know what they say. A wolf can change his coat but not his character," you laughed maniacally.
"Stop goading him!" Wonwoo reprimanded you. "Mingyu. Remember why we're here. Remember what we both want. Peace."
It was like that one short magical word unlocked something inside the werewolf. His eyes that were full of rage seconds ago became full of warmth, kindness and hope. And in no time, Mingyu was back in his human form.
"Peace," he repeated, shivering, as the poor guy was naked after returning to his humanity.
You snapped your fingers and by magic, his clothes were back on him.
"Astonishing. I've never witnessed anything like this before," you were truly amazed by their willpower.
"I take it the fifth challenge was a success?" Mingyu wanted to make sure.
"Not only a success. It was your golden ticket to the grand finale," you beamed with excitement.
"So, what is the sixth challenge?" Wonwoo inquired.
"You'll have to fight each other. The winner gets to move forward to the seventh challenge."
"Excuse me?" Mingyu cried out indignantly. "We didn't go this far only to end up hurting one another, we're supposed to go through these challenges together!"
"You promised you'll help us!" Wonwoo was also flabbergasted by the turn of events.
"And I will, relax. I'll give you a hint. The challenge requires you to fight. That's all it says. Nothing about killing," you winked and once again disappeared.
"Damn, she's got to stop doing that," Mingyu complained. "So cryptic."
Wonwoo laughed quietly.
"I don't wanna wolf out on you," Mingyu confessed.
"And I don't wanna suck you dry," Wonwoo responded.
"So what now? How do we fight each other without harm? How do we decide on a winner to go to the final challenge?" Mingyu was panicking as he couldn't seem to find a solution.
"Look, there's the table from the cups of water challenge!" Wonwoo observed, surprised by its return.
"But of course!" Mingyu exclaimed. "We can arm wrestle. A fight without killing."
"You're a genius! Just don't break my arm, alright?" Wonwoo smiled.
"No promises," Mingyu teased and the two knelt on two sides of the table. Mingyu easily defeated Wonwoo and then they were confused that nothing was happening. No seventh challenge.
"Maybe we're both meant to win to move forward?" Wonwoo suggested. "Like you said, these challenges ought to be done together for true peace to be achieved."
"Oh! Right!" Mingyu took hold of Wonwoo's hand once again, not putting any strength into his grasp this time. "Go easy on me, night kitten."
"Right back at you, moon puppy," Wonwoo teased back and as Mingyu allowed himself to be defeated, a large sign lit up the sky, announcing the beginning of the seventh challenge.
"Grand finale, here we come," Mingyu declared in amazement that they'd gotten this far.
You greeted them as enthusiastically as ever:
"It truly is a wonder you made it to the seventh challenge, I can't believe the peace between your families is so close."
"It's too early to celebrate," Wonwoo, ever the realist, observed. "The final one is the hardest, no?"
"Yes, but I intend to keep my promise and give you a strong advantage. As it was hinted at in the piece of paper you received, you have to be prepared for a sacrifice. Only that will put an end to the bad blood between the Kims and the Jeons."
"What kind of sacrifice?" Mingyu asked, already anticipating the worst.
"A blood one," you stated grimly.
"You've got to be kidding me," Wonwoo rolled his eyes.
"We don't want to kill each other, I thought it was clear we came here looking for peace!" Mingyu cried out.
"I know you grew attached to one another throughout the course of these challenges," you nodded morosely. "However, the prophecy doesn't specify who has to be sacrificed. You…you can kill me, instead."
You gently placed two daggers in their hands.
Wonwoo and Mingyu were beyond appalled by your suggestion.
"But…you're just doing your job," Wonwoo murmured. "Why would we kill you when you helped us get this far?"
"Yeah, I'm with Wonwoo," Mingyu was adamant. "You didn't do anything wrong to us. There has to be another way."
"It's the only way," you announced, your eyes tearing up. "If you don't do this, you'll fail the seventh challenge and you'll be automatically turned into ash like all the previous participants were when they couldn't pass one of the challenges. Don't you want peace more than anything? I'm not important, just one life that could potentially save the lives of many vampires and werewolves. Is this not why you came here?"
Mingyu and Wonwoo looked at each other, weighing out the pros and cons. The witch's point was a solid one. But was it really worth it? They would have to endure the rest of their lives haunted by what they'd done…Was it really peace if it was marred with innocent blood?
"I'm not doing it," Wonwoo decided and dropped the dagger.
"Yeah, me neither," Mingyu agreed and let go of the weapon.
"Even if you die instead by the design of these challenges?" you were amazed by their willingness to sacrifice themselves, to abandon their cause just to save her - a witch they'd just met.
"Even so," Wonwoo confirmed his previous decision.
"How much time do we have?" Mingyu wanted to know.
"I don't know. Like I said, no one's ever gotten this far," you admitted.
"Can't we try something else? These challenges were full of loopholes and tricks and whatnot. Maybe another kind of sacrifice?" Wonwoo kept trying to think of a way out.
"I've got some snacks in my bag? And water?" Mingyu suggested.
"I'm pretty sure my ancestors would not be satisfied with snacks," you chuckled bitterly.
"Be prepared a sacrifice to give Drink from the magical fountain May all bad blood cease to flow…" Wonwoo repeated the last lines of the prophecy.
"We did drink from cups of water but there was no magical fountain so far," Mingyu mused out loud.
"That's true," you replied. "And there's the sacrifice and blood part…maybe I'm reading this all wrong."
"What do you mean?" Wonwoo was desperate to hold onto any piece of hope.
You grabbed one of the daggers from the ground.
"Give me your hands," you urged them.
"Erm…" Mingyu eyed you with suspicion.
"Quick, I'm not sure how much time we have left," your eyes were telling them that you genuinely wanted to help.
Wonwoo took a leap of faith and gave you his hand. You pressed the blade into his skin until blood started pouring out and soaked the earth beneath you. Mingyu figured he had nothing left to lose as he might be dead very soon and also offered his hand. You did the same thing with him. And finally, you cut your own skin. As the blood of a vampire, a werewolf and a witch started drenching the soil in the golden mountain, the three creatures witnessed something they hadn't expected. The blood started turning into water and soon enough a small fountain emerged in front of their eyes.
"The magical fountain!" Wonwoo exclaimed.
"Hurry, we have to drink from it!" you rushed them, the prophecy finally being fulfilled.
The three beings took turns taking sips of water and their bloodied hands were healed in no time.
"Does this mean we succeeded? We passed the seventh challenge and peace will reign between our families?" Mingyu was curious to know.
"I guess there's only one way to find out," you shrugged mysteriously. "Go back home and see for yourselves."
"You promised us something," Wonwoo reminded you. "You said you'd tell us why the feud began in the first place if we make it to the end. Here we are."
"Clever boy," you once again said the words from your very first encounter. "It's a long story, though. You sure you don't wanna check up on your families first?"
"Don't try to weasel your way out of this," Mingyu warned. "We want answers. We've spent long enough living in the dark."
"Nicely put," you laughed. "Very well, then. But first, let us sit down."
The three creatures sat in the grass and so, you began telling the story of how the Kims and the Jeons had started resenting each other.
"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful witch named Yunchae. She was not only as elegant as a flower but was also smart and kind and her whole family adored her. Tales of her beauty reached the vampire and werewolf families. Haneul the vampire and Kwang the werewolf fell madly in love with her. Yunchae, being so sweet, began spending time with both of them separately. She was unaware of dangers such as jealousy and genuinely considered both of them her lifelong companions. One thing led to another and friendship blossomed into love. One dark night, when there was a full moon, Kwang the werewolf wanted to surprise Yunchae so he came into her chambers earlier than the appointed hour. When he saw her embracing Haneul the vampire, Kwang, affected by the curse of the moon, was overwhelmed with wild rage and possessiveness. In his anger, he ended up tearing Haneul apart. The vampire had been caught unprepared and could not defend himself. Yunchae, in her grief, stabbed herself to death. Kwang, upon seeing his beloved lying cold and shaken by the consequences of his actions, could not accept the reality and threw himself off the tower where Yunchae lived. Upon hearing about the tragic turn of events, Haneul's family and Kwang's family began blaming each other. Yunchae's family was so distraught by the loss of their precious flower that they cursed the Jeons and the Kims to be in constant war unless representatives of the two families desired peace so strongly they were ready to risk their own lives. And here we are."
Wonwoo and Mingyu were silent for a while, trying to think of what to say. The story was so tragic but Mingyu wanted to lighten the mood.
"They were so stupid. Why couldn't they just have a threesome and call it a day?"
"Mingyu!" Wonwoo scolded the werewolf for his slightly inappropriate joke.
You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling awkward.
"Anyhow, this is all in the past. The curse should be lifted by now. I wish you all a peaceful life."
And with that, you vanished into thin air.
"Seriously, when will she stop doing that?" Mingyu groaned.
"She just did. Do you think we'll see her again?" Wonwoo was doubtful but had to voice his concerns.
"Who knows? Maybe we were all meant to find each other."
Mingyu and Wonwoo returned to their homes and they were relieved to find how things have changed. As if by magic. The werewolf Taehyung was freely chatting with the vampire Jungkook. The vampire Somi was holding hands with the werewolf Dahyun. Peace truly reigned between the Kims and the Jeons. Whenever Wonwoo or Mingyu brought up the issue of the past, everyone reacted with surprise. As if there was never any feud. It turned out only the two winners of the seven challenges and the witch who'd helped them get this far remembered the truth about the history of the three families.
Time passed and Mingyu found himself wanting to see you and Wonwoo again. Though dangerous, that one night he spent in the golden mountain was the most magical memory he had and he couldn't stop replaying it in his head. He wondered if Wonwoo felt the same way. Now that peace was established between the Kims and the Jeons, Mingyu could easily go to the castle where Wonwoo lived and ask him to hang out and maybe accompany him to the golden mountain in the hopes that they would find you somehow. Since the challenges were over, he had no idea whether you would still be there or whether you lived somewhere else, but it couldn't hurt to try.
"Hey! Psst!" Mingyu started throwing little rocks at Wonwoo's window in the middle of the night. He could smell him from a mile away.
"What the heck, Mingyu?" Wonwoo exclaimed in surprise as he came out on the balcony. "It's 1am!"
"I thought vampires didn't sleep!" Mingyu pointed out.
"We don't but I lost a very important game because of you," Wonwoo complained.
"Oh, boo-hoo. What I came here for is much more important," Mingyu insisted.
"What is it? Don't tell me there are problems between our families again…" Wonwoo whispered, worried that something bad had happened.
"What? No, everything is fine. I just wanted to see you…" Mingyu confessed nervously. "And ask if you wanted to find Y/N again. Go on another adventure in the golden mountain."
"Huh? But why? We passed all the challenges. Why would we go back there?"
"Because…I can't stop thinking about that one night. If it's just me, I'll leave you alone and go by myself. But if a part of you, even a small one, feels the same…then, please, come with me, night kitten," Mingyu begged, his eyes wide and moist with unshed tears.
Wonwoo didn't want to admit it but he knew exactly what Mingyu was talking about. His no longer beating heart was warm all of a sudden and he couldn't bear the thought of rejecting Mingyu's tempting offer. Still, he tried to play it cool.
"Whatever, moon puppy. Wait for me down there," Wonwoo said and hurried out.
When he faced the werewolf outside, Mingyu attacked him with a tight hug.
"I knew it, I knew it!" Mingyu squealed happily. "I knew you'd come! We're gonna have so much fun!"
"Gee, alright, relax," Wonwoo muttered but deep down, he was overjoyed to receive so much affection from his…what were they? Once enemies but during the challenges, they had become allies, something like companions. But now that there was peace, what label could he put on their strange…was it friendship? Before he could come up with an answer, Mingyu grabbed his hand and led the way towards the golden mountain. Wonwoo couldn't bring himself to push him away. He wondered why…
As they arrived at their destination, they started calling your name but to no avail. With the challenges over, it was logical to assume that you went somewhere else. They should have asked you where witches lived before you'd vanished in that typical but super frustrating way of yours.
"What do we do?" Mingyu asked. "Should we summon her somehow?"
"She's not a demon," Wonwoo chuckled. "Do you know any other witches?"
"Nope. You?"
"No. How can we possibly find her?" Wonwoo sat down and touched the ground with his hand. Mingyu mirrored his movements. And as if the earth beneath them recognized them, flowers started growing and glowing in the dark!
"Wow!" Mingyu was in a state of disbelief.
"Incredible," Wonwoo stated and as the picture before them transformed into an image out of their wildest dreams, they finally heard a familiar voice.
"Looking for me, fellas?" you asked.
"Y/N!" Mingyu grinned happily and rushed into your arms. Wonwoo was more reserved…for now.
"Hello there, big puppy," you laughed affectionately. "What brings you here? Don't tell me there's trouble in paradise."
"No, actually, we just wanted to see you," Mingyu admitted.
"Why didn't you show up rightaway when we called your name?" Wonwoo inquired bitterly.
"Hello to you, too, Wonwoo," you shook your head, scolding his manners. "How have you been? Very well, thank you. And you?"
"Hi," Wonwoo corrected himself curtly. "Now tell me."
"I couldn't hear you, so to speak. However, most witches are linked to the earth and your touch sent a signal to me. Does that answer your question?"
Wonwoo nodded but didn't press the matter further.
"Where do you live? How can we find you more easily next time? What do you do now that the challenges are over?" Mingyu started bombarding you with more questions.
"Whoa, there, relax, Gyu. Let's just say I know a place that can give you answers."
"Lead the way!" Mingyu replied enthusiastically as you took hold of his hand.
Wonwoo stood there for a couple of moments, thinking.
"You coming?" you wanted to find out.
Wonwoo followed you wordlessly. Something was off about him and you intended to find out what pretty soon.
You showed them where you lived - in a small cottage near a beautiful lake. You told them that they could come visit whenever they felt like it and Mingyu offered that you also come to the werewolves' camp sometime. Now that the challenges were completed, you spent your days creating spells and gathering herbs. It was peaceful and you couldn't ask for more. Or so you thought. As the three of you explored the golden mountain, you felt closer to the werewolf and the vampire than during the challenges and enjoyed the time spent together more than anything. You could tell that Mingyu felt the same way as he was very cuddly and clingy. Wonwoo, however, was more difficult to read. As morning was nearing and you were all exhausted from your late-night adventures, the three of you ended up sitting in the grass. You and Mingyu ate some sandwiches, while poor Wonwoo starved. You offered him your blood (no tricks this time), but he refused. In your defense, he said he wasn't hungry. Mingyu fell asleep with his head in your lap, so you took this opportunity to ask Wonwoo what was up with him.
"Why are you so cold?" you confronted him directly.
"I'm a vampire?" Wonwoo reminded you needlessly.
"Not literally, you dumbass. During the challenges, you were different. What changed?"
"I know the whole truth now."
"What are you referring to?"
"I'm scared, okay?" Wonwoo admitted. "What if…history repeats itself? What if both Mingyu and I fall in love with you and we all end up hurting each other? What if this peace we fought so hard for is fragile and gets destroyed quickly?"
"It won't, I promised you," you reached out and held Wonwoo's hand gently.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because…we're here now and we're happier than ever. And besides, if we fall in love, we can do like Mingyu suggested our ancestors should have done," you joked.
"Ha-ha, very funny," Wonwoo rolles his eyes.
"I'm serious, though. Would you kill Mingyu if he fell for me?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"No, he's my...friend," Wonwoo confessed, surprising himself.
"Do you think Mingyu would kill you if you…if you felt the same?" you kept up with the hypothetical questions, even though it all seemed very real.
"He managed to control himself pretty well during the full moon challenge, so, no, I don't think he would."
"Would I kill you? If you two fell in love with each other?" you teased.
"I don't know. Would you?"
"Of course not, my sweet vampire friend," you chuckled.
"Good. Then, I guess my fears were unjustified," Wonwoo felt more at ease.
"Yay! So, threesome?" Mingyu suddenly joined the conversation.
"Mingyu!" you exclaimed.
"Hey! I thought you were sleeping!" Wonwoo was taken aback.
"I was, but I kept having dreams about you two. Must have been because you were talking about me, weren't you?"
"Are we so transparent?" you groaned.
"Nah, it's just that I'm irresistible. Witches and vampires alike can't stop thinking about my puppy charms," Mingyu kept talking.
You leaned down to kiss him to shut him up. Then, you reached out to Wonwoo and gave him a kiss, as well. The werewolf, no longer in the mood to sleep, also embraced the vampire and touched his lips with his own.
"The sun will rise soon," Wonwoo observed sadly. "I have to go unless I want to turn into ash."
"The rules don't apply in the golden mountain. You're safe here," you explained. "You can stay as long you wish and leave when it's dark."
"How about the moon?" Mingyu was curious. "Why did it affect me if the rules don't apply?"
"It was just an illusion designed by my ancestors as part of the challenges. If you were here in the golden mountain during a full moon, you wouldn't have to transform anymore."
"Pretty convenient way to get us to stay, don't you think?" Wonwoo eyed you suspiciously.
"Mm, but don't take advantage of my hospitality. I'm totally coming over to check out your castle next time!"
"How did you know I live in a castle?!" Wonwoo was shocked.
"A witch never kisses and tells," you winked and disappeared.
"Man, not again!" Mingyu complained loudly.
"Just kidding," you came back and rushed into their arms.
The End
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
Midnight Appetite
Wonwoo x Reader x Mingyu 
Summary - You have found yourself in possession of an invite to the exclusive host club The Midnight Appetite. Within moments of walking into the establishment, one of the hosts sinks his claws in, staking his claim on you for the night. It isn’t long, though, before he adds another to your table. This isn’t how you thought your night would go. 
Genre - Smut / Host Club AU
Warnings - Smut, a tiny bit of member x member action, slight degradation, name calling, flirting, baiting, virginal fingering, teasing, nipple play, just all the things lol 
Word Count - 5k 
Tag List - @dontflailmenow​ @trashlord-007​ ~ Hope you like it! <3
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   Craning your neck you stare up at the skyscraper in awe, the majestic glow of soft blue rays coming from the moon shimmering across glass in a playful dance. It’s bigger than you were expecting.
   A man in an immaculate suit adorned with a flat hat opens the door for you and ushers you inside. The interior doesn’t dull in comparison; white lights illuminate modern art and marble floors, with citrus scents guiding the way towards the reception desk.
   Flashing the platinum card you had been gifted, the receptionist shoots up from her seat, running around to the front of the desk to escort you back towards the elevators. She continues past four giant steel doors in the main lobby until the building forks. She lets you know she can’t go any further before pointing down the long empty corridor, white walls and bright lights leading the way.
   Continuing on by yourself down the lengthy hallway, the lights start to dilute with each step until you reach the end of the corridor where they dull to a practically nonexistent orange hum. There’s a single red button between two elevator doors; you push it and wait.
   The lift pings and the first set of doors open. The light inside is blue and reflects off the glass of the elevator walls, the full view of the park behind the skyscraper before you. The elevator is right on the edge of the building.
   “Good evening. Can you please hold up your card and ID?” A voice asks from above causing you to jerk back in alarm. Grabbing your lavender Michael Kors handbag from your side, you flick through your items until you clutch your purse. Finding the familiar card, you hold it and the platinum card up above your head. “Thank you and welcome to Midnight Appetite. Enjoy your ride. We’ll be waiting eagerly with bated breath.”
   Scoffing, you run a hand through your hair and look out the wide windows in an attempt to ignore the heat spreading across your cheeks. Sensual spa music plays from the speakers, loud enough to be heard but soft enough to allow for conversation as the lift starts to ascend.
   The blue light tinted the outside world in a serene melancholy and the busy streets become a distant blur the further you rise. The city lights flicker silently, sinking into the darkness surrounding the buildings they hide within.
   There’s a chair in the corner of the small room, no doubt for patrons who can’t stand for more than five minutes; the ride up is not for the faint of heart. The building is one of the highest in the city, and this particular elevator seems intent on having you bask in the glow of the skyscape.
   It’s breathtaking, you can’t deny it, but you wonder if such an expensive establishment could perhaps invest in a quicker form of transportation. Biting your lip, your mind reels at the possibilities of what lies beyond these doors as you move closer to the cool glass, letting vertigo set in. Surely you’re close now?
   Right as you debate whether or not you should sit the elevator levels out with a ping. The doors open on a lavish scene; plush red carpet leads from the elevator to a line of sleek black booths, most already filled with other customers and their chosen hosts. Chandeliers light up the area from vaulted ceilings, providing an intimate atmosphere cast in shadow as blue tones emanate throughout the room from the display case sitting proud and centre. The high-end alcohol sits pretty for everyone to see. The place reeks of money, every material is of the highest quality. The spacious area alone tells anyone who dares to walk through the doors just how much you need to be willing to pay to play.
   “Well hello gorgeous.”
   Gorgeous? Holy fuck. Look who’s talking. Soft strands of midnight black hair tease his face. He towers over you in a grey pinstripe suit, pastel pink tie loose around his toned chest right below the third unclasped button. He’s all leg; but it's his catlike eyes that hint of untold intimacy and sly smile that captivates, producing a need to know just what he has hidden behind that sleek exterior.
   “Ah, hello,” you say to Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome, flashing your platinum card. His eyes flicker to the card then back to you. “I– It’s my first time coming here, so I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
   “A virgin?” he asks, his teeth peeking out as his smile turns into a wide grin. “They are gonna eat you up.”
   “Don’t scare the lady,” a voice says from behind you. You turn and are greeted with a bleach blond in a black turtleneck who upon seeing you gives you a toothy grin, his eyes practically disappearing as his face becomes all smiles and cheeks. Cute!
   “I wasn’t scaring her. I was warning her.”
   “You’re harassing her,” another host says, joining the group. His skin is airbrushed porcelain, his white locks caressing ethereal features. “You want to come with me?”
   “Hey, back up bud, I saw her first,” Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome says, entwining his fingers with yours. “I’ll take care of her.”
   “She’s free to choose who she wants, Mingyu,” the bleach blond says with a frown. “Jeonghan’s right – you’re harassing the lady.”
   “I’m not harassing her,” Mingyu says, his grip tightening slightly before he pulls you next to him, lifting your fingers to his lips. Swallowing hard as heat floods your face, you turn away from the other hosts in an attempt to conceal yourself. “We had a connection. We were in the middle of a moment before you two fools interrupted.”
   “Come on, Hoshi.” Jeonghan leans in, his lips brushing against your neck and whispers, “If this idiot does anything you don’t like, come and find me and I’ll drop everything to… entertain you.”
   Mingyu grunts out a gargled retort while pushing Jeonghan away with one hand and circling your body with the other. What have you gotten yourself into?
   “Good thing you put your platinum card away before they saw you,” he says, leading you down the red carpet. “They would have stuck to us like glue, sniffing at you like a bunch of dogs.”
   “Oh, is that so?”
   “Of course,” he says, his teeth back on display as he smiles at you from over his shoulder. “You’re an important guest. Plus, well, I mean I’m sure you have a mirror at home. You know you’re gorgeous.”
   Biting the inside of your lip you look down at your feet, letting him take you further into the club, his hand still clasped with yours. Walking past one of the tables, a host wearing several chains around his neck and a see-through shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination winks at you.
   “Come on, big boy. Don’t be like that.” You hear her husky voice before you see the woman. She’s drunk, her words slurring as she pushes a large man up against the wall behind the second-to-last table in the back. “You’re so sexy when you act so timid, baby.”
   Mingyu sighs, dropping your hand and asking you to wait a moment before he advances towards the couple. The other man dwarfs the woman but he shies away from her, searching the area like a caged animal about to make a daring escape. He’s wearing thin round reading glasses and a chequered vest over a collared shirt and you have to admit, you can see the appeal.
   “Don’t play dumb. Tell me how much I need to spend to take you home.” One of her hands is in his hair, the other is palming his crotch with a look of intoxicated glee plastered on her face. That is until Mingyu grabs her wrist, pulling it away from the gentle giant, allowing him to manoeuvre his way out of her grip. “What the hell?”
   “You can’t afford those… services, Ma’am.”
   The woman actually blushes, her free hand going to her face to cover a flash of a smile. Mingyu leans close to his co-worker in the vest for a moment before leading the woman away back down the way you came.
   The vest walks up to you, his eyes on the ground as he shuffles his feet and holds out his hand. “Can I take you to your table and keep you company while you wait for Mingyu?” The words are mumbled and hard to hear over the soft music and chatter in the air.
   “Sure.” He leads you to the corner table and you shuffle into the booth behind him. “What’s your name?”
   “Wonwoo. What about you?” You tell him your name and he tells you how lovely it is, his eyes fluttering around the room, never making contact with yours. Wonwoo is stunning. Flawless skin, chiselled bone structure and kind eyes.
   “Let’s order something to drink! Oh. Sorry.” He looks down at his lap, hands twiddling together and you can’t help but want to mess with him. He hands you a menu and you glance at the selection briefly before ordering a bottle of the Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut 1990 Millennium Cuvee Methuselah. His eyes dart up, finding yours at last. “You’re aware that they mark everything up here, right?”
   “Of course,” you answer, with what you hope is a saucy grin. It is. His eyes widen for a moment before he looks away again, his eyes unable to stay still.
   “Sorry to make you wait,” Mingyu says, sliding next to you, his thighs brushing up against yours, sandwiching you between the two men. “Did you want something to drink?”
   “I’ll get it,” Wonwoo says, shooting up in his seat. Mingyu gives him a strange look before nodding, allowing Wonwoo to scurry down the carpet on his way to get the champagne.
   “I hope he didn’t do anything weird.” He rubs your thigh with the tip of his pinky, a lopsided grin adorning his face.
   “No, he was a perfect gentleman.”
   “Of course.”
   “Did you really expect him not to be?”
   “You might be surprised,” he says while leaning in to smell your hair. “That’s where that delicious scent is coming from. What type of shampoo do you use?”
   “Do you really care about my shampoo?”
   “Not really,” he admits with a chuckle. “But isn’t it nice to be doted on?”
   Before you can answer, Wonwoo is back with another host. No, not a host, his boss. This one oozes authority. He’s wearing a simple black suit, perfectly tailored. It screams money, couture. This is his establishment. He’s come over to see who you are and if you can pay.
   “Boss, what brings you here?” Mingyu asks with a quirk of his brow before his eyes settle on the champagne. “Ah, you noticed we have a platinum card guest.”
   “You should have told me.”
   “And leave our esteemed guest alone?”
   “You literally just escorted someone out.” The boss has thick lips and straight black hair that covers his brows, giving him an air of mystery that adds to his don’t-fuck-with-me attitude.
   “Oops,” Mingyu says with a shit-eating grin.
   While they start a heated argument in hushed whispers, somehow in denial that you can hear their conversation, Wonwoo places the champagne bottle down on a tray with ice and several glasses. You’ve only seen it once before (it’s pretty rare, you’re surprised to find it here) and you forgot how big it is, the size equivalent to something like eight regular bottles.
   He pours out the champagne with meticulous detail, each cube of ice lowered with a tiny tong, his hand covering the glass to keep it from spraying before offering you the glass. Swirling it, you inhale the fruity aromas before taking a sip and letting it linger on your tongue. It tastes like citrus. You take another sip and it goes down like silk.
   “You should pour yourself one too,” you say pointing towards the bottle.
   “What about me?” Mingyu asks, sliding back next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
   “I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay.”
   “We got it from here, boss,” Mingyu says, flicking his wrist in a ‘get lost’ gesture. The boss gives you a tight smile before walking over to another table. Mingyu leans in, his lips caressing your neck and whispers, “I’m so glad he’s gone so we can be alone.”
   “What about Wonwoo?” Wonwoo’s eyes shift to you then back to his drink as he sips on the champagne.
   “What about him?”
   “Well, we’re not really alone.”
   “You want to be alone with me? How shameless,” he says, his fingers playing with your hair as he places gentle kisses along your jawline.
   “Did you want me to leave?”
   You grab the ends of Wonwoo’s fingertips as he stands. The tiny touch is enough for him to sit back down. He doesn’t look at you and you can’t help but want to tease him more, to make him suffer. Just a little. Is that bad?
   “You don’t really strike me as the kind of person who wants to work at a place like this.”
   “The money is too good to refuse,” Mingyu says before nibbling on your ear.
   “Not you.” You turn to Wonwoo.
   “Me?” At your nod he gulps down the alcohol and says, “Oh, well, I kind of just fell into it.”
   “How does a big guy like you fall into something like this?”
   “Careful,” Mingyu warns as Wonwoo pours you another drink. “You’re playing with fire and I really don’t want to see you get burned.”
   You quirk a brow before looking back over at Wonwoo. “Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s cute. I’m sure there are a lot of women that look for that kind of thing. The kind of guy who they can dominate, the kind of man they can control.”
   Wonwoo pauses, a look flashes across his flawless features that you can’t pinpoint – it’s quick, almost imperceptible – before he hands you the drink, a small smile on his lips. The mood has changed. Did you hurt his feelings?
   “Why are you still talking about him when I’m right here?” Mingyu asks with a pout, pulling back from you. “I’m feeling neglected.”
   “Have some pride in your work and maybe you won’t be neglected,” Wonwoo says, sipping on his second drink. His deep voice coils around your body, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
   “Have you ever kissed a man before, Wonwoo?”
   The question slips out without warning. Heat floods your face as you try to remain calm, keeping your chin up you stare at the flabbergasted male. His mouth’s agape, his eyes widening for a single moment before he sits up straight, pulling his shoulders back and somehow adding to his already impressive girth.
   “Is that something you’re into?” Mingyu asks with a smirk, looking between you and Wonwoo. When you don’t answer he scratches the back of his neck, looking back over his shoulder at one of the other tables before glancing back at Wonwoo.
   “Mingyu here’s devastatingly hot, am I right?” you tease, rubbing your hand up and down Mingyu’s thigh. “Looking at this stunning face every day? Must be hard to resist. And this body,” you say, grazing your nails down his chest over the silky material of his shirt, your eyes never leaving the cool stare of Wonwoo.
   “I– ah, huh?” Mingyu’s smile quivers as his ears tinge pink, his eyes darting around the room. Interesting.
   “Sex on legs. I wouldn’t be able to control myself if he was my co-worker.” You place your hand over your heart and sigh. Turning back to Mingyu you drink him in. It may be a part of the show you’re creating but he really is show-stopping beautiful. “Plus his hands. And his lips. He really knows what he’s doing if you get what I mean.”
   Mingyu stammers, stumbling over his words which all end up sounding like a gurgled mess. He shakes his head, turning it slightly away from you as he touches his face in an attempt to hide before jumping up. His arms flounder out until they make direct contact with the Louis Roederer. It happens so quickly. Mingyu’s face lights up into a comical expression of shock as the bottle tips and tumbles across the table. It makes a resounding crack against the floor. The silence is deafening as the three of you look at the broken glass and liquid as it seeps into the carpet.
   “Huh,” you say looking at the wasted champagne as it deepens the red material next to your table. “That’s a shame.”
   “Yeah,” Mingyu whispers as Wonwoo shakes his head before getting up and walking down the aisle no doubt in search of something to clean up the expensive mess. Mingyu stands next to the broken glass, his body facing the other side of the room, his head hung.
   Moments later Wonwoo is back, cleaning products in hand, followed by Jeonghan who comes bearing gifts. His fingers brush across his lips as he looks down at the mess Mingyu has made in an obvious attempt to cover a smile. He pushes past Wonwoo’s outstretched arm holding a pair of thick gloves and instead shimmies across the booth towards you, holding out what he calls the complimentary wine. It’s unmarked so you have no idea what it is.
   “I thought I told you to come and find me if he did anything stupid?” His fingers paint patterns on your back. “A woman of your calibre shouldn’t be left alone with someone so… inexperienced.”
   “Inexperienced? Screw you buddy,” Mingyu says, stepping over Wonwoo as he cleans up the remnants of the Louis Roederer to slide into place on your other side. He pulls you close to his chest before adding, “You’re not needed here.”
   “How cruel, both to me and this exquisite jewel you’ve hidden all the way in the back here in an attempt to dull her shine,” Jeonghan says, wrapping his leg around yours as he fondles your neck. His lips press up against your jaw, his line of sight set on Mingyu as he whispers, “Let me take care of you. I can make your every fantasy a reality.”
   “Get the fuck off her, you cretin!”
   “Knock it off, Mingyu.” The boss is back.
   “Me?” Mingyu stares up at him dumbfounded.
   “Yes, you,” he says before giving Jeonghan a look who in turns rolls his eyes then shrugs, leaning in and littering your neck with kisses before pulling back and tapping the tip of your nose with a wide grin. He excuses himself as the boss lowers his voice, his attention on Wonwoo. “Come chat with me in the corner for a moment when you’re done with that.”
   Wonwoo nods as he finishes up with the tiny handheld vacuum cleaner from his arsenal of cleaning supplies, the soft hum barely reaching the sound of a sigh. He scrubs at the carpet for a few moments as Mingyu pours you a glass of the mystery drink.
   “Ah, so. Ha,” Mingyu stumbles over his words as you sip on the fruity white champagne. Citrus and nuts tease your taste buds as you watch Wonwoo walk over to the dark corner. They speak in hushed whispers. Straining to hear them, you place a finger on Mingyu’s lips and tell him to make himself a drink. He pouts but he does as he’s told.
   Keeping your eyes on Mingyu and the table, your ears perk up, twitching when a legible word is uttered from the muttering mess in the corner. Epic mistake. The spilling of the wine no doubt.
   Mingyu starts to redden at your intent stare, searching the room, his neck floundering back and forth. Money’s worth.
   Looking down at your glass you swirl it around a few times. Man up. Frowning, you look over your shoulder towards the pair. They both nod in your direction before turning to face the wall. It’s harder to hear them now.
   Mingyu has collected himself once more, filling up your glass with a charming smile. Resisting the urge to mess with him again (because who knows where he’ll spill the wine this time), you instead lean back and let your body sink into the couch.
   “Remember what I said.” The voices are clearer now. A quick glance towards the corner reveals that they’re walking back towards the table. “If you can pull this off you’ll be the number one host. With all the benefits that provides.”
   “I apologise again for the commotion earlier, please let me kno–”
   “Don’t worry, Boss, I got this,” Wonwoo cuts him off, patting the boss on the shoulder before sliding back next to you. The boss is still for a moment before nodding and walking back towards the other tables.
   “What was that about?” you inquire with what you hope is your most nonchalant expression.
   “Nothing important.” He dismisses the question with a flick of his wrist. “Do you have everything you need?”
   “I’m fine.” Your eyes drift over to the corner then back between the two men.
   Mingyu also looks over at the corner before asking, “What was that about?”
   “Nothing to worry your pretty little heads about.” Wonwoo ignores Mingyu’s sputtering attempts at speech as he continues, “Not gonna lie, I couldn’t really concentrate on what was being said when all I wanted to do was get back here so I could be close to you. To touch you.”
   Mingyu huffs and you raise a brow. Wonwoo ignores both gestures. His hand sliding across the silky material of your dress, comforting and warm before he slips under it and inches his fingers up the inside of your thigh. Heat spreads out across your face, your hand stilling his as you look around the room.
   “No one can see,” he whispers, leaning in to nibble the sensitive flesh of your ear. They most definitely can. “I’ve been wanting to touch you like this all night. Haven’t you?”
   “What?” The muttered word spills from your mouth as you look over at Mingyu who looks as dumbfounded as you feel.
   “Haven’t you been thinking about what these hands could do to you?” His hand slips past yours reaching towards your core. “All I’ve wanted to do since I first saw you walk through that elevator was taste you.”
   A sharp inhale passes over your parted lips as he slides his fingers across the thin material of your panties. Arching back under his touch, he eases you to the left, letting your head slip into Mingyu’s lap. Reaching back, your nails dig into Mingyu’s dress shirt as Wonwoo continues to massage your clit.
   Pink tinges Mingyu’s face as he looks down at you, his eyes widening for a moment then shifting over to the man currently kissing his way up your thigh. You jerk back, tossing your head back and forth against Mingyu as ripples of pleasure dance across your skin. “Are you really going to do this here?”
   “Seems like you’re enjoying it,” Wonwoo says with a grin. You hadn’t noticed it before, too engulfed in your own pleasure, but Mingyu’s cock is hard against the back of your head.
   “That’s not really the problem.,.” he drifts off, looking out across the room.
   “Are you feeling left out?” Wonwoo smirks, pulling back from your thighs. Wrapping his hand around Mingyu’s neck he pulls him close, holding him mere inches from his face for a moment above you before pulling him into a kiss, his other hand moving your panties aside to touch the warmth of your cunt.
   Moaning under the men, you rock your hips against his hand as he dips in, first one finger then two. You arch back again, driving your head back further against Mingyu, eliciting a stifled groan from the man. Wonwoo chuckles, the sound muffled by the other man's tongue as Mingyu pulls him in closer to deepen the kiss, his other hand slipping inside your dress and under your bra, grabbing a chunk of your tender flesh roughly under his grasp.
   Fire trails across your skin. You need more. Wrapping your leg around Wonwoo, you try to pull him closer but he doesn’t budge. All you can think about is his thick cock filling you to the brim. Your toes curl as you jut your hips up in desperate want, your fingers clawing at the still fully dressed men. This has to be a crime.
   “What a thirsty little slut you are,” Wonwoo says, pulling away from Mingyu to look down at you, continuing to plunge into your wet pussy at the same pace, his thumb rubbing gently against your nub. “What do you want, hmm? Tell me and maybe I’ll give it to you. If you’re good.”
   “I want– kiss. Kiss me,” you stutter out as Minngyu also turns his full attention on you, his fingers exploring your hot skin. Between the two men you don’t have time to think, let alone form a coherent sentence. Sensory overload has you trembling in pure bliss underneath them. “Fuck!”
   “You think you can handle my cock? Look at you? You’re an utter mess just from my fingers.” He pulls his fingers out of your tight cunt and you whine, squirming under him. He shoves his fingers in your mouth until you suck them clean. “Okay, baby, if you can come for me with just my fingers I’ll let you ride my cock.”
   “Please,” you cry out, letting the word turn into a whine until Wonwoo places a finger on your lips.
   “Let’s try not to bring any attention to ourselves, shall we?” he says, his lips turning up at the corners as he strokes your hungry pussy. “Why don’t you play with her a little? And, Mingyu, do try to keep her from getting too loud.”
   Mingyu bends over, kissing his way down your neck towards your heaving chest. Right as his lips latch onto one of your breasts, Wonwoo's fingers slam into your tight cunt and you let out a low moan. Mingyu quickly shoves two fingers into your mouth and you suck on them while he flicks his tongue against your nipple.
   Nothing else matters to you besides the hands and lips on your burning skin. The sound of your wet pussy and lips sucking tender flesh almost lost under the erratic heartbeats pulsing sharp against your eardrums as you quiver under the sensations engulfing you.
   Every movement brings new waves of pleasure as you begin to chew on the fingers lingering inside your mouth. His fingers taste like salt with an undercurrent of the spilt champagne and you wonder what his dick tastes like. Your breath hitches as the speed of the men increase in unison, as if both can feel the other’s ravenous energy threatening to swallow the room.
   Nails trail up the expanse of your now exposed stomach, your dress tangled above your head to hold your hands in place. Not sure when it happened (let alone by who) you don’t have time to dwell in the thought as teeth dig into your flesh, desperate and hungry. You can’t see who’s doing what anymore, your sight blocked by the body hovering over yours, the sensation of not being able to see only adding to the intense feeling of rapture taking over your body.
   Every thrust digs deep within your core, every caress against your over-stimulated clit, every flick of the tongue against your skin has you close to boiling. Your skin is hot enough to fry on yet somehow not burning the men devouring your body, their movements continuing as if they intend to drive you insane.
   Warm lips. Hotter fingers. You’re close.
   “Come for me, baby,” Wonwoo says, his voice deep and guttural as he somehow quickens his pace. “God, I want to fuck you so bad. Don’t let me down now, baby.”
   Finding comfort in alternating between sucking and chewing on the fingers in your mouth, fire bubbles from within. You shiver as heat spreads out across your skin accompanied by goosebumps as the volcano within erupts, bringing a stream of lava along for the ride. Every muscle clenches (even muscles you didn’t realise you had) as ripples of pure bliss convulse throughout your entire being. Light kisses litter your chest as strong hands stroke your thighs, encouraging you to ride out your high.
   “Oh my God,” you whisper under your breath as you try to regain your composure, each breath bringing you closer to a soothing calm.
   “Sexy.” Wonwoo stares down at you as he eases his fingers out from your gushing pussy and brings them to his lips. “Delicious.”
   Mingyu is slipping your dress over your head and sliding it back down your body, his hands smoothing out the material longer than necessary. Adjusting your panties, you run a hand through your hair before you sit back up, ignoring the radiating heat throbbing from your cunt and across your face you attempt to act as if you didn’t just orgasm at a host club.
   Mingyu pulls you against his chest, his teeth grazing your neck as he whispers, “You’re so fucking beautiful. I don’t think I’ll ever get the image of you drowning in pleasure under me out of my head.”
   “Shall we replace it with something else?”
   “What?” Mingyu asks as both of you frown. The buzzing sounds ease until the hustle and bustle of the club becomes sharper, reminding you of where you are.
   “Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private so we can continue without worrying about how loud you are,” he says, his eyes drifting over you both as a grin creeps across his alluring features before he pulls you to your feet. He motions for Mingyu to follow as he glides you towards the elevator. “And trust me, you will be. Loud, that is. I hope you don’t have to do anything tomorrow.”
   “Because”–he leans in close, his lips brushing against your lips–“I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to walk once I’m done with you.”
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| I feel danger on your lips but it tastes good |
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― pairing : Mingyu x Wonwoo ― content warnings : fluff, smut, vampire au, mingyu feeds from wonwoo ― word count : 4.976 ― summary : «don’t venture so far from your room at night,» Mingyu spoke with an alluring smile, «you’ll never know what lurks in the dark.»
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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The flames seemed to be alive, burning so bright that it seemed like the sun was rising extremely early that day; the orphanage was completely engulfed by a fire that sadly, no one managed to extinguish before noon.
Wonwoo woke up with a startle, breathing heavily as he did that same night years ago, as he did what he could to help saving few of the children still trapped in the building.
"Well, good morning”, he thought, as he reached for his glasses on the nightstand, and eventually decided to get up and get ready for the day. Wonwoo was twenty-two now, and he resigned himself that he wouldn’t be as lucky as the other adopted children; however, his life seemed to had taken a decisive turn since the day he started working at the very expensive mansion where a very young Count Kim Mingyu was living.
That morning, Wonwoo had had waited for few minutes before the heavy front door of the mansion moved, and few seconds later a woman was peeking her head from behind it.
«Hello,» Wonwoo greeted with the hint of a curt bow, «I’m here for the-»
«The butler position!» the woman excitedly interrupted him, now almost standing in front of him; Wonwoo nodded, and she answered with a gentle smile, fidgeting her hands in the white apron falling from her waist.
«I’m Ljudmila, the head maid.» she offered, making enough space for Wonwoo to get inside the mansion. He briefly introduced himself, and when she told him that she would explain his duties so that he could start the following day, he questioned whether someone else had applied for the position.
«No,» Ljudmila shook her head, not looking at him; her frown seemed to deepen, and with it – Wonwoo noticed, so did the wrinkles on her forehead and around her eyes. «I believe you didn’t hear about rumours on your way here, or anything suspicious?» Wonwoo shook his head, and the frown disappeared from Ljudmila’s features.
«You can walk into every room in this castle, except of course for the ones you will find locked. The Master’s room are in the east wing of the mansion, but you don’t need to meet him for the time being.» Ljudmila’s voice was authoritative yet kind – it was obvious that she had been doing this for many years as she explained in details what would have been Wonwoo’s duties at the mansion; needless to say, he was so happy to hear that he would have his personal room that he almost forgot to listen to the rest.
Ljudmila, however, quickly noticed that Wonwoo rarely spoke and brushed it off thinking that he must have been very reserved, something quickly denied from the letters that accompanied him. Apparently the poor boy was one of the youngsters living in the orphanage that caught fire few years earlier.
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The days went by quite slowly and monotonously, something that Wonwoo definitely didn’t dislike. Most importantly, Ljudmila must have said something to the other maids because – despite everyone being friendly to him, no one actually pushed too much for a conversation. Needless to say, Wonwoo was incredibly thankful to Ljudmila.
Among the things Wonwoo definitely wasn’t going to forget was his second day on the job, since everyone was almost incredulous about him being still alive, for whatever reason.
«Good heavens!» the cook had welcomed him in the kitchen that morning, «now this is something unexpected!» he laughed his thunderous laughter echoing in the room.
«What do you mean?» Wonwoo asked, his eyebrows furrowed in doubt. Did he sleep too much? No, that couldn’t be, the sun had just risen in the sky and yet there he was, washed up and dressed up for the day.
«It’s not a good idea…» one of the maids unsurely voiced her thoughts, however, Ljudmila almost appeared out of nowhere.
«Everyone, cut it out!» she quickly and nervously walked around the kitchen, faintly hitting both the cook and the maid that spoke with a the edge damp rag, without actually hurting them, «the poor boy has just arrived, are you – think about my sanity! I’ll grow older of twenty years in three days if you keep this up.» she sat on a nearby chair, breathing an exhausted sigh before smiling kindly at Wonwoo, who was silently looking at that bizarre interaction.
It was clear to Wonwoo that there was something up with this mansion – or even the Master himself; however, Wonwoo was definitely more determined that any danger lurking around.   After all, he needed the job, didn’t he?
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During the few months Wonwoo had started working as a butler, he definitely managed to make a lot of good memories, but honestly, the only things permanently engraved in Wonwoo’s mind were his encounters with his Master.
The first time it happened, Wonwoo had woken up from a nightmare and after tossing and turning in his bed without managing to fall asleep again, he decided to take a silent stroll around the garden; however, the moment he reached the path sided with roses in bloom, his feet came to an abrupt stop.
There was someone standing in the middle of the garden and right next to the fountain, his back was turned and therefore he couldn’t see that Wonwoo was there. Judging by what he could see from the distance, the boy was probably Mingyu himself, Wonwoo thought, since he stood perfectly straight and his hair seemed to be as dark as a starless night.
It was like one of t he fairy tales Wonwoo had read in the orphanage; the stranger turned his head a little, and time seemed to stop. Less than a second later, Wonwoo found himself walking away, his heart hammering in his chest for whatever reason; his feet carried him back to his room, where he locked himself in just to lie on his back, his hands firmly placed above his heart in the vain attempt to calm down as he was blankly staring at the ceiling and waiting for the morning to come.
The second time, Wonwoo was silently heading back towards his room, probably a little later than usual since he couldn’t help but rearrange the whole library in both chronological and alphabetical order, when he heard confident steps echoing in the hallway, coming from the opposite direction.
It was dark outside, and the butler was wandering a little too close to the east wing of the mansion, he realised – however, a little too late. Wonwoo heard the faint clatter of shoes hitting against the perfectly clean marble floor slowly but steadily approaching, and instinctively froze in his steps; he quickly glanced around, noticing that it was definitely too late to hide.
A tall figure appeared at the end of the corridor, and Wonwoo quickly realized that it must have been his Master, the same person he saw in the garden; the more he approached him, the more Wonwoo swore he could feel his heart quicken his pace.
Master Kim was a gorgeous young man, Wonwoo thought, it was clear to him, even if the only source of light was the moonlight shining outside of the large windows that lined the hallway; he was tall, his body seemed to be well proportioned and his skin seemed to be the same colour as honey.
However, Wonwoo thought, his mind must have been playing tricks on him because he could swear that his Master’s eyes seemed to be a deep yet bright shade of red.
«We finally meet, …» Mingyu purposely faked to be oblivious to the youngster’s name.
«Wonwoo, Sir.» the boy answered, his eyes now staring at the marble floor, since he felt incredibly small under the other’s authoritative gaze.
«I hope you managed to find yourself at home here, however, don’t venture so far from your room at night,» Mingyu spoke with an alluring smile, «you’ll never know what lurks in the dark.»
Wonwoo felt his cheeks heathen as he apologized to him, and once again, he quickly walked towards his room, once again with his heartbeat hammering in his chest so loudly that Wonwoo was afraid his ribcage was going to explode from the intensity of it.
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The menacing and mysterious aura around his Master disappeared a week later, as soon as Ljudmila asked Wonwoo to bring Mingyu his breakfast.
«Knock on his bedroom door three times, he’ll let you in,» she instructed, «don’t open the curtains, he’s got a terrible temper in the morning if he hasn’t fed – oh please, don’t tell him I said that. Place the tray on the mahogany desk in the middle of the room and then wait for him to dismiss you. Okay?» Wonwoo nodded immediately, picking up the tray filled with fruits, warm milk and a crystal vial filled with a reddish liquid that definitely didn’t look normal – or edible, at all.
«Are you sure that was a good idea? The boy doesn’t know that he’s working for a vampire.» the cook – already busy cutting a large amount of carrots for lunch, asked his long time friend and colleague.
«I’m getting old,» she answered, sitting on the chair in front of him, and starting to help him in his task, «this year I will be fifty four, and believe me, I want our Master to have someone reliable at his side.»
«You could have warned him, though.» was the only thing he answered.
«Don’t you remember how each one of us eventually found out? We both seen Mingyu grow up, and I believe you know better than me that Wonwoo’s is in perfectly safe hands.» she explained, smiling fondly at the memories of an extremely young Mingyu, running through the kitchen and eagerly wanting to taste human food.  
The east wing was symmetrical and perfectly equal to the rest of the mansion, still, the feeling of being allowed to venture inside it for the first time was more than enough for his heart to pick up pace in anticipation.
Wonwoo knocked three times against his Master’s door, before hearing his faint order to come in, just like Ljudmila had said. The bedroom was huge and, surprisingly enough, the furniture seemed to be really minimalistic.
“Less for me to clean”, Wonwoo thought, as his eyes quickly scanned the room. A mahogany desk with a large velvet-covered chair stood in the centre of the room – behind which stood the door-window leading to the small terrace attached to the room; to his left, a small bookcase formed a corner between two walls while to his right, there was a wide canopy bed where he easily found the target of his task.
His Master was sprawled on the mattress, his clothes were half unbuttoned and the sheets looked like he had tossed and turned all night without getting a minute of sleep.
«My dearest Ljudmila, believe me, I will die soon if I don’t personally feed on a human.» Mingyu sighed, his eyes lost in the ceiling above him, as he ran his fingers through his hair with a distressed movement.
«Your- your Grace» Wonwoo cleared his voice, immediately capturing the other boy’s interest, who was watching at his every move as his life depended on it, «Ljudmila is busy, she sent me.»
Mingyu was quick to lift himself on his elbows, studying Wonwoo’s movements as the butler placed the tray on his desk; while he was there, he took advantage of the situation and quickly re-arranged the order of few papers, just to make a little more space for him, if he decided to eat.
As Wonwoo re-adjusted his glasses, he heard his Master sigh, «Fine, but you’ll have to feed me, bring the blood to me, please.»
Wonwoo stared both at the ample filled with the ominous coloured liquid and then at Mingyu; did he hear that right?
Mingyu, however, noticed the confusion in the other’s eyes and chuckled briefly, tilting his head, «I guess Ljud didn’t tell you anything.»
«About what-» Wonwoo abruptly cut his own sentence with a sigh; he run a hand through his hair, before eventually, he took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, «what was she supposed to tell me?»
«For a start, that the Master of this mansion is a vampire.» Mingyu answered with a confident smile, finding Wonwoo’s reaction a weird mixture between adorable and cute.
«You really want me to fall for that?» he questioned the boy who was still looking at him with a confident and mischievous smile.
«Fall for “that” as in, fall for me?» Mingyu teased as he decided to get up from the sea of sheet he was lying comfortably on top of; with few confident strides, he closed the space between himself and Wonwoo, now standing in front of him.
Without realizing, the butler instinctively took an imperceptible step back, but the desk was there to stop his short and useless attempt to keep a reasonable distance.
«First thing first, I know you noticed my eyes when we met,» Mingyu tilted his head down to meet Wonwoo’s gaze, who definitely couldn’t deny the fact that normal people didn’t have bright red eyes.
«Most importantly, now that we are so close,» Mingyu leaned towards the butler, who instinctively leaned back on the desk, his hands reaching behind himself in order not to fall, «I can’t help but notice that your blood smells delicious, Wonwoo.» Mingyu spoke with an alluring and husky voice, every trace of the lively and teasing Master from seconds ago seemed to have disappeared; Wonwoo’s heart started to quicken its pace, as he was having troubles identifying what he was feeling.
Actually, he was almost sure that among the mixture of confusion and astonishment he felt at the sudden revelation, he could also find a little bit of anticipation, especially when he was certain to have felt Mingyu’s teeth ever so sightly graze at the exposed skin on his neck that the collar of his shirt didn’t cover.
The intimate moment they shared ended shortly after, when Mingyu lifted his head, tilting it back so that their gaze would meet.
«Do you believe me now?» Mingyu questioned him with a smile, and as soon as Wonwoo’s gaze fell to the two pointy fangs that were oh so visible in his Master’s dazzling smile, he eventually came to the conclusion that his words were true.
Actually, thanks to the other servants, he had always known that something was up with the mansion, he was just glad that it didn’t turn out to be haunted with ghosts.
Satisfied with the butler’s answer, Mingyu went back to his bed, and Wonwoo quickly recomposed himself.
«Should I get an empty cup of tea or-» Wonwoo nervously adjusted his glasses, which were about to fall off the bridge of his nose.
«You were really going to obey that silly order?» the vampire stared at him with wide eyes; Wonwoo nodded, and with a lively laugh, Mingyu fell back in the sea of white sheets.
From that day, much to Ljudmila’s happiness, Wonwoo became Mingyu’s personal butler.
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Few weeks later, Wonwoo knocked against Mingyu’s bedroom door, scoffing while hiding an amused smile as the only answer the vampire decided to give him was a groan.
«Good morning, Your Grace.» Wonwoo politely greeted Mingyu, who was lying in the usual sea of sheets he loved, with his pillow tightly pressed against his head.
Now, Wonwoo had spent enough days at the vampire’s side to realize that something in his behaviour definitely was off; he quietly placed the tray of breakfast on the desk, before quietly approaching the bed.
«Is everything okay?» Wonwoo gently questioned, reaching out to touch Mingyu’s hand over the pillow, but eventually halting his movements; the vampire kept silent, and the butler crouched next to his bed, finding it impolite to sit on his sheets.
«You can sit here.» Mingyu mumbled few seconds later, gently patting the empty spot next to his waist; Wonwoo thanked him and complied.
No one spoke for few minutes, and the both of them fell into a comfortable and weirdly intimate silence; Mingyu didn’t move his hand from the mattress, and Wonwoo didn’t realize that their fingertips were almost touching.
«I simply have a headache, you can go if you want to.» the vampire’s hoarse voice broke the silence, but somehow, Wonwoo believed that he wasn’t telling the whole truth.
«I’m your personal butler, meaning I don’t have much to do if you’re sleeping.» Wonwoo lied. He definitely had something to do in the morning: collect mail from the entrance hall and sort it in order of importance before bringing it back to Mingyu – who most importantly had requested Wonwoo to drop formalities when they were alone. Then he needed to collect his freshly washed clothes from the laundry room, and then he promised Ljudmila he would help her clean the crystal chandelier in the living rooms, not to mention -
«I get very bad headaches and really dizzy if I don’t drink human blood.» Mingyu confessed,  his pinky finger unconsciously touching Wonwoo’s index finger.
«Haven’t you been drinking blood every day, though?» Wonwoo curiously questioned, barely moving his hand, so that their fingers touching wouldn’t be as casual as it was few moments ago. Mingyu groaned, and that was the only answer Wonwoo thought he’d get; eventually, the vampire sighed, lifting the cushion from his head, his gaze adjusting to the partial brightness in the room.
«You’re perceptive, little one,» Mingyu teased, «however, that’s animal blood – which for being clear, is definitely not the same.» Wonwoo hummed, as he seemed to be lost in thoughts for few seconds, he asked the vampire if there was anything he could do, but Mingyu simply sighed, shaking his head.
«I appreciate your concern, but unless you want me to feed from you, there’s nothing you can do.»
A whirlwind of thoughts seemed to float inside Wonwoo’s mind after he heard Mingyu’s magic words. Of course, he thought the vampire was insanely attractive and of course, he found himself more than once fantasizing about the possibility of kissing those full lips; moreover, he had to admit that the fact that Mingyu was both extremely clumsy and effortlessly funny was enough for him to get fond of t he vampire every day a little more.
Actually, his blooming feelings were completely reciprocated by the vampire, but nor him nor Mingyu had ever considered the possibility, and therefore, when Wonwoo spoke a faint «okay, let’s do it.», Mingyu thought he was hallucinating.
«I’m not undressing more than this,» Wonwoo clarified, as he stared at the vampire, lazily sitting on the bed; the butler was basically still completely dressed, with the only exception of his gloves and his jacket. His shirt was completely unbuttoned, and thanks to the partial darkness of the room, he didn’t notice how Mingyu’s gaze hungrily travelled on the glimpse of toned skin that he could see.
«Works for me, but if things get messy I’m gonna stain your shirt, and you’ll have to tell Ljud.» Mingyu shrugged, a breathless chuckle escaping his lips as he heard Wonwoo groan in agreement, since he didn’t want to feel Ljudmila’s beloved damp rag on his skin anytime soon, especially for something he didn’t do.
Wonwoo lowered the suspenders keeping the shirt in place, letting the pieces of fabric dangle from his belt loop; he quickly got rid of his shirt, before folding it and placing it next to his jacket.
Following Mingyu’s direction, Wonwoo climbed on the mattress, and awkwardly sat on his lap; the vampire was keeping his left hand behind himself for balance, while his right hand immediately reached out to gently hold the other boy’s slim waist.
«This should be the part where you relax.» Mingyu mumbled, as his hand hesitantly slid from Wonwoo’s waist to his thigh. He tentatively widened the palm of his hand, just to squeeze the skin ever so lightly; needless to say, he found Wonwoo’s sudden whimper an addictive sound.
«If I do, we’ll be touching touching.» Wonwoo answered, hesitantly; despite his embarrassment, he didn’t want to move away, and as he felt Mingyu guide his hands to his chest, he let him, relaxing a little bit further against the other.
«I’m about to drink your blood, so it works for me,» the vampire shrugged, hiding behind a nervous smile, «are you sure you’re okay with this?»
Wonwoo didn’t need time to think about it before answering that yes, of course he was; a faint tug at his left thigh was what made him spread his knees a little more, completely sitting on Mingyu’s lap.
Now, clearly the both of them noticed that the other one was half hard but still – thankfully, no one decided to mention it. Mingyu’s lips immediately found Wonwoo’s collarbone, trying to focus his mind on his task of feeding before he decided to succumb to the lust and the attraction he felt for the younger boy.
«It- It tickles.» Wonwoo whispered, his shoulder instinctively twitching, making Mingyu move the direction of his open mouthed kisses a little upwards. If he were to be honest, that amount of kisses definitely was not necessary, but still, Mingyu didn’t exactly know why he was paying so much attention to it; whether it was because he wanted Wonwoo to fully get comfortable in his presence, whether he was loving the feeling of the other boy tightly gripping his shirt while trying to hide needy whimpers, Mingyu thought he would gladly stop time in that moment, so that they could enjoy it a little bit longer. Mingyu felt Wonwoo giggle again, and he breathed a little exasperated giggle as he leaned back once again.
«I’m sorry, it really tickles a lot.» Wonwoo apologized, and the both of them ended up finding that situation incredibly surreal to the point where they were thrown into a fit of small giggles.
«I’m good now, I promise.» Wonwoo took a deep breath as the both of them seemed to have calmed down; his hands found once again their place against the vampire’s chest – tightly gripping Mingyu’s shirt.
Wonwoo didn’t know what to expect, since the only time he had heard about vampires were in fairy tales; was their bite supposed to hurt, was it supposed to bring him a weird kind of pleasure?
Whatever the butler was trying to prepare for, he definitely didn’t consider the fact that Mingyu decided to place his hand on his nape, just to connect their lips; Wonwoo immediately reciprocated in a clumsy and passionate gesture, and he believed he could feel the butterflies in his stomach do somersaults as soon as he felt Mingyu groan against his lips as soon as he faintly tugged on his hair. They ended up kissing passionately until their lips felt swollen, and as they were both panting to catch their breath, Wonwoo gently guided Mingyu’s head to his neck.
It was crazy how a simple gesture was about to make him come untouched, but Wonwoo thought that nothing could have prepared him for the feeling of Mingyu sucking on his blood; it was weird, he had to admit, but at the same time, Wonwoo felt like his blood was being turned into a molten core gently spreading through his body. His senses felt heightened in an almost inhuman way, and the feeling of Mingyu’s arms gently but firmly holding his body close were driving him to hypersensitivity; whatever was happening, Wonwoo definitely didn’t want for it to end.
«Are you sure you feel better?» Wonwoo questioned, watching Mingyu nod as he wiped the small amount of blood falling from the corner of his lips.
«I know it’s really not romantic and I kind of planned to do things a little differently, but I really like you,» Mingyu confessed out of the blue, his gaze searching for Wonwoo’s as he felt him instinctively tense up in his lap, «and I really want you,» he added, moving his gaze towards the other’s lips, «heavens, how I want you.» he mumbled again, the huskiness and arousal in his voice were enough to drive Wonwoo’s mad.
The butler studied the vampire for few seconds, but still, he found no trace of lie in his gaze, especially because he has proven more than once that he didn’t have a single reason to lie to him. Wonwoo relaxed once again, his arms snaking around the vampire’s neck. «I really like you too,» he mumbled against Mingyu’s lips, feeling them part as if they were magnets, «and I really want you too.» That morning, Mingyu and Wonwoo ended up making love for the first time, showering each other with the eager affection of a blooming love, as their fingertips remained tightly intertwined.
For the whole day, no one among the servants asked where the Master and Wonwoo were; if the reason was Ljudmila threatening to kill everyone who suggested to look for them, that’s something neither Mingyu or Wonwoo needed to know.
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Few weeks later, far too early on a Sunday morning, Mingyu groaned, turning the other way as he tried to fall asleep again. He stretched out his arm, realizing that Wonwoo must have woken up already; with an annoyed sigh, he silently cursed his servants for being so loud in the morning for no reason at all.
Eventually, Mingyu ended up shifting on Wonwoo’s side of the bed, trying to enjoy what was left of his lover’s warmth, but the noise didn’t seem to stop anytime soon; the vampire crooked one eye open, just snort while trying to hide an amused laughter – of course, Wonwoo hushed him immediately with a quick gesture of his hand.
«I told you, that I don’t want us to get married, not yet!» one of the maid’s loud voice echoed from the courtyard. Wonwoo was hiding behind the heavy curtain, following the interaction with extreme interest while carefully avoiding for too much light to peek into Mingyu’s room; he knew that light didn’t affect his lover, but he also knew that his temper wouldn’t be great if he were to be woken up with too much sunlight peeking inside the bedroom.
«But why not? Is it because of your parents? You didn’t tell them you’re pregnant, did you?» the gardener immediately retorted, his voice filled with irritation and astonishment. Wonwoo did his best to hide his surprised gasp, the tray –  on which Mingyu’s dressed for the day were neatly placed, now digging a little more in his waist.
«I knew it!» Wonwoo faintly mumbled to himself while bringing his free hand in front of his mouth – still unaware about the fact that Mingyu was awake, and therefore earning another amused giggle from the vampire.
The argument between the couple went on for minutes, and Wonwoo was too immersed in his activity that he definitely didn’t notice Mingyu eventually walking up and walking towards him.
«What’s the commotion?» Mingyu’s hoarse voice spoke right against Wonwoo’s ear as he hugged his waist from behind, and the butler almost had a heart attack on the spot.
«Shh!» Wonwoo quickly silenced him, ignoring the fact that on that moment, he was definitely being louder than his lover. «One of the maids is pregnant, the gardener asked for her hand in marriage.» Wonwoo briefly explained. Mingyu gave him a brief nod, yawning and scratching his chest; he absently took the tray from Wonwoo’s hands – who immediately let him, and right after he placed it on his desk.
The next few minutes looked something in between from ridiculous to adorable; Mingyu, a vampire, was peeking from behind the curtain and repeating whatever Wonwoo’s ears couldn’t hear while Wonwoo, his butler, was mirroring his actions while moving his right hand as if to urge him to tell him more because «I didn’t hear it! Oh, damn that gardener’s thick accent.»
Mingyu yawned again, kissing his lover’s shoulders three times before eventually walking to the side of the door-window in order to open the curtains; Mingyu took the other’s hand – and of course Wonwoo let him lead them to the small balcony.
«I thought we were eavesdropping in a discreet way.» the butler mumbled with a small pout, not enjoying the fact that his fan had been cut short; however, now that the couple was on the balcony, Wonwoo definitely noticed that a large part of the servants had gathered in the courtyard as well, everyone suddenly interested and invested about the issue.
For a second, Wonwoo’s gaze met Ljudmila’s exasperated one, and as she shook her head, he chuckled briefly.  
«Say, Wonwoo, what if we give them something to actually gossip about?» Mingyu’s alluring voice was once again speaking next to Wonwoo’s ear. The poor butler didn’t even have enough time to turn around and ask the vampire what he meant, when he found Mingyu’s lips gently crashing on his. Immediately, Wonwoo returned the gesture with equal fervour, as if it was the first time him and Mingyu were kissing and they haven’t been doing it on a daily basis for weeks.
Mingyu’s hands gripped Wonwoo’s waist, and pulled the younger boy flat against his chest; he didn’t need to check to be sure that the lovers quarrel had been already forgotten in order to talk about how «did you see the way young Master Mingyu was dragging Wonwoo to his bed?»
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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fairygodshipper · 6 months
minwon/meanie fic thread 💎✨
[i've been deep into seventeen recently and i wrote some minwon/meanie fics. posting them here!]
series: i can't run away
Fandom: SEVENTEEN (Band)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Jeon Wonwoo/Kim Mingyu
1. don't want to let go (so i let go) Tags: Pre-Slash, Sickfic, Fluff, Light Angst, Feelings Realization, One-Sided Attraction, (Or is it?), Canon Compliant, Idolverse
“Careful.” Wonwoo mumbled softly as he continued to prop Mingyu up. The younger’s eyes widened in shock, not even being aware that Wonwoo was close by and that his reflexes were sharp enough to catch him. Okay, maybe ‘catch’ was a strong word. Wonwoo wouldn’t dare do that, not anymore.
mingyu’s injured, but why does his heart hurt more than his back?
2. eyes meeting, hearts apart
Tags: Sickfic, Fluff, Light Angst, One-Sided Attraction, (It's not), Pining, Companion Piece, POV Jeon Wonwoo, Canon Compliant, Idolverse
“Careful.” Wonwoo’s voice was gravelly from disuse and he cringed from the sound of it. Still, he prayed Mingyu didn’t think it was embarrassing and merely lifted him even more. As he did so, Mingyu seemed to stiffen in discomfort, making Wonwoo exhale in shame. He couldn’t even do this one thing right — he was a mess.
wonwoo has thoughts about mingyu. a lot of them.
3. if i could, i’ll do whatever
Tags: Getting Together, Fluff, SVT UNESCO Forum, Paris (City), Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, POV Alternating, Canon Compliant, Idolverse
“Do you want to do this?” Mingyu presses on, always the gentleman. His forehead comes dangerously close to Wonwoo’s, wide eyes searching the latter’s expression. Wonwoo doesn’t need to ask what this means. He feels the anticipation thrumming through his veins, betraying the fear his mind supplies. “Yes.” he responds firmly.
they should’ve known the city of love would finally get them together.
let me know what you think if you've read them! 💗
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phantombohemian · 2 years
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MinWon in [INSIDE SEVENTEEN] COSMOPOLITAN KOREA Magazine Photo Shoot Behind📷
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kaesficrecarchive · 4 months
[mingyu x wonwoo]
fever dream high (you know that i caught it) by mondeblue (9/9 | 47,214 | M)
“Are you staying over tonight?” It takes Wonwoo a moment to realize Mingyu’s talking to him. He looks up again, and finds Mingyu already looking back. “I don’t think so,” he answers. “Why?” Mingyu shrugs, but Wonwoo thinks he can see the tips of his ears turn red. “I don’t want a repeat of, uh, last time.” Seokmin laughs. “Oh, you mean when you hooked up with someone right in front of him?” he says gleefully. “And you didn’t realize he was there until-” “I was there, you know,” Mingyu tells him. “You don’t have to remind me.” (or: mingyu makes the worst first impression in the history of first impressions. wonwoo just wants to maintain plausible deniability.)
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sowhat17live · 11 months
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Title - How did love become love.
Genre - Fanfic, BL, Psychology, Best friends, Angst, Romance.
Mingyu's gaze was becoming more and more heated as he stared at Wonwoo's back. His eyes wandered around Wonwoo's broad shoulders, wide back but slim waist and his throat felt parched for no reason.
Mingyu could feel his desires for Wonwoo. These desires are becoming more uncontrollable with the passing days and Mingyu almost couldn't handle these passionate emotions for his best friend these days.
But, all these emotions are hidden behind Wonwoo's back cause when Wonwoo turns back to face Mingyu, there's still an innocent and loving smile of a friend and brother on Mingyu's face for him.
When on a camping trip with all their friends in the mountain, one of them came up with a crazy idea which made the other not be able to look at him with the same gaze as before again.
(Image credit- Google)
Hey guys, here's the introduction to my new story. I feel the intro is a bit cliche but yeah whatever😁. This story is not going to be smut but there's going to be adult content.
Actually while trying to edit the pics for this story I tried to be cool but *sigh* it's very simple. Though I feel the pics are meaningful to me cause I was inspired to write this story because of the song 'Bittersweet' itself.
Also, this story is gonna be a part of the series 'Can't help but love'. There are going to be other ship stories too. :)
I hope you like it❤
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emocheol · 3 months
seventeen when you call them by their name
instead of a pet name
a/n: i forgot how long writing 13 different scenarios takes T-T
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after a long day of practice cheol entered your shared apartment late at night.
even though he was trying to be quiet you still heard the click of the front door and his fumbling around in the entryway. so you decided to get up and greet him.
“seungcheol?” you asked sleepily, rubbing your eyes as you walked out of your bedroom.
he was so taken aback by his name that he didn't even reply for a good 30 seconds.
“i'm sorry for being home late,” he frowned, “don't be mad.” he whined softly, thinking you were upset with him. why else would you use his full name?
you looked at him quizzically and slotted yourself in his arms, he seemed to relax significantly at your touch.
“i'm not mad, what makes you think that?” you questioned, looking at him with raised eyebrows.
“you called me seungcheol,” he pouted, “what happened to baby?” his pout intensified, his lip jutting out further.
you couldn’t help but chuckle at his antics, “i’m sorry, baby,” you teased, emphasizing the pet name, “i didn't know you liked it that much,” you cooed, putting your hands on his cheeks and smushing his face.
“don't tease me,” he grumbled, pretending to be upset, which just elicited another laugh from your end.
“fine, fine,” you said with your hands raised, mocking a surrender, “let's go to bed, baby, you've had a long day,” you suggested, pecking his lips and taking his hand to lead him to the bedroom.
you had been basking in jeonghan's company all day. it was a rare off-day for the idol and you spent every second possible with your boyfriend.
you were currently in one of your lulls of conversation, just sitting in comfortable silence on two different ends the couch while you both scrolled on your phones.
you saw a funny video while scrolling and knew your boyfriend would love it so you looked over at him and called his name.
“hey, jeonghan? look at this video,” you giggled, holding your phone screen in his direction.
but your boyfriend didn't pay you any mind. thinking he didn't hear you, you called for him a little louder.
“jeonghan? hello?” you scooted closer to him on the couch when you went unanswered again.
you poked his cheek and turned his head to make him look at you when he still didn’t answer.
“hello?” you questioned, noticing his nonchalant expression.
“oh? were you talking to me?”he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“yes? i said your name twice!” you whined, knowing he heard you but he was clearly ignoring you.
“no, you said ‘jeonghan,’” he said, making air quotes with his fingers, "and that's not my name," he pouted finally, showing a side of him that you didn't often see.
you realized what he was talking about and tried to hide a grin at his demeanor, “aww, i'm sorry, let me try again,” you cooed, going back to your previous side of the couch to reset.
“hannie... my angel, my sweetheart, my precious?” you tried, “come look at this video,” you laughed, his attention already on you as you listed your names for him.
“of course, my love,” he smiled, getting up from his spot and cuddling up to your side, “look at how easy that was,” he whispered, plucking your phone from your hands and watching the video that you had pulled up.
he pulled you into his arms and nuzzled his cheek against your head, scrolling and looking at more videos with you. “you're crazy,” you said with a laugh, pressing a kiss against his cheek, but you wouldn't want it any other way.
“joshua?” you called out from the kitchen while you were making dinner. he had been playing video games in the living room ever since his practice was over.
hearing his full name from you made his ears perk up and he quickly shut off his game, rushing to the kitchen.
“love?” he asked softly, putting his hand on your shoulder, already thinking he had upset you he didn't want to anger you further. “is everything okay?” he asked tentatively, testing the waters.
“huh? yeah, joshua, everything's fine can you just-”you said as you stirred the pot on the stove, not looking up at him while you were focused on perfecting the food.
but, when he heard his full name again and the classic 'everything's fine' line he quickly jumped to conclusions and deduced that everything was not fine.
he cut you off before you could finish talking and immediately went into apologizing.
“i’m sorry, love, i don't know what i did to make you upset but i'll fix it, okay?” he said with a weary smile, still with his hand on your shoulder, “was i on the game for too long? did you want me to help you cook? was i too loud?” he rambled, facepalming as he thought he had messed something up and made you mad.
as he rambled you slowly started to look over at him, his words confusing you to no end.
“why would i be upset?” you asked, looking at him as if he was crazy, which he was.
“what?” he questioned back, “you called me joshua and you haven't looked at me and you said everything was ‘fine’, that's like textbook upset partner.” he said, as if it was totally obvious.
you blinked at him a few times before you burst out laughing, “god, babe, you're hilarious!” you exclaimed, slapping his shoulder as you laughed. now it was joshua's turn to be confused since he was positive that you were upset.
“you’re not upset?” he questioned, you shook your head as your answer while you were still doubled over laughing, “why did you call me over then?” he asked.
you pointed to the glass jar on the counter next to you after you had composed yourself, “i was going to ask you to open that jar, dummy,” you teased.
joshua blew out a breath and quickly opened the jar with ease, “that's... it?” he questioned.
“yeah, that's it, you can go play your game some more,” you smiled, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
“but you called me joshua...” he grumbled, you never called him joshua!
“which is your name, if i’m not mistaken,” you pointed out, pinching his cheek. he swatted at your hand and groaned.
he opened his mouth to start complaining more before you quickly stopped him. “okay, okay, i’m sorry babe, you can go play your game again.”
joshua gave you a firm nod, as if he was finally satisfied with your name for him. “okay. let me know if you need anything.” he grinned, kissing your head and then strolling back to the living room.
“you’re a child,” you whispered to yourself, continuing dinner with a smile on your face.
“but you love me!” he called back, somehow hearing you. well, he’s not wrong.
‘thanks, junhui!’
that was the text that you had sent your boyfriend after he told you he bought you a book from the town he was currently in on tour.
he loved gift giving and he knew you loved books so he scoured every bookshop in the town to find the perfect book for you. he excitedly sent you a picture of the book he bought and that was your reply to it.
it made his head spin with reasons of why you could be mad at him.
calling him ‘jun’ was already a rarity in your relationship, but ‘junhui’? he wasn’t sure you’d ever called him that.
‘are you mad at me?’ he texted back, getting straight to the point.
you took nearly 10 minutes to reply, 10 agonizing minutes for jun.
‘not at all, i’ll see you when you get home’ was your response.
now this reply made him absolutely spiral, good thing he was returning home today. but because of your replies to him he made a few extra stops before hopping on the plane.
when you finally arrived back home from work you opened the door and was met with your sheepish looking boyfriend and what looked like a mountain of books behind him.
“babe! what are you doing here? and what is with all the books?” you exclaimed, jumping into his arms and hugging him tight.
jun was taken aback by your reaction, his mind stuck on the thought that you were mad at him. “i thought you were upset with the book i got you… so i kind of bought as many as i could fit in my luggage to make up for it,” he said, his cheeks slowly turning red when he realized you really weren’t mad at him.
you pulled your head back and gave him a look, “what made you think i was mad?” you asked, pulling away and starting to pick up the different books that were piling up on your coffee table.
“you called me junhui…” he whispered, saying it out loud made him feel stupid, it was just a name, his name in fact.
“are you saying that you bought me a hundred books because i called you by your first name?” you questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.
he nodded his head sheepishly.
“you are too cute!” you exclaimed, giving him another tight hug, “for the record, i’d tell you if i was mad at you,” you made sure to clarify.
“okay…” he said softly, looking at the absurd amount of books, “should i return all of these now, or-” he began to speak before you cut him off.
“absolutely not,” you said quickly, snatching a book and sitting on the couch beginning to read.
jun slowly made his way next to you and laid his head in your lap, getting comfy while you read aloud to him.
“honey?” you called out in your apartment, waiting for hoshi to reply to you. you needed help folding the laundry and hoshi was always eager to help you do whatever you needed.
you heard a distant, “give me a minute!” come from your shared bedroom where your boyfriend was no doubt playing video games again.
you rolled your eyes at his response and started folding the laundry on your own, giving him a few minutes before calling for him again. “honey? i need your help out here,” you called again, waiting to hear his footsteps.
but instead you got another, “just a sec!” which made you pull out the big guns. hoshi hated you calling him by his name, he said he sounded like you were scolding him. but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“kwon soonyoung! i said i need your help!” you called out even louder than before, knowing that would get him.
once his name left your mouth you heard fumbling coming from the room and the door opening quickly, his feet slapped against the floor as he ran over to you.
he already had the expression of a kicked puppy, “i told you not to call me that!” he pouted, standing in front of you.
you gave him a look and pointed at the spot on the couch next to you, “sit,” you said simply. of course, he followed with no question.
“‘m sorry!” he whined when you wouldn’t talk to him, “i was doing really well! you know how hard that game is, and we were winning!” he tried to explain, sloppily folding clothes next to you as he rambled.
“soonyoung?” you said, cutting him off with his name again.
“what,” he said with a frown.
“just fold the damn laundry,” you said with a sigh, grabbing the clothes that he had folded and redoing it properly.
“you’re scary when you’re mad…” he whispered, starting to fold every item of clothing meticulously so you didn’t have anything to be upset with.
he spent the rest of the day giving you his undivided attention and trying to make up for making you upset.
when you finally called him ‘honey’ at the end of the night his face lit up and you forgot why you were even mad with him in the first place.
you were out shopping with wonwoo when something caught your eye from the window of a store. you tugged on your boyfriends coat sleeve.
“wonwoo-” you started, but you were quickly cut off.
“try again.” he said simply, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“wonwoo?” you questioned, tugging his arm again and making him stop walking.
“try again.” he repeated, pulling his phone out of his pocket and pretending to scroll on it.
“wonwoo, what are you-” he cut you off once again with a look.
“one more time, sweetheart,” he said, pointing you in the right direction. this made it click in your head and you just scoffed.
“babe?” you tried, finally his attention turned towards you and he showed off his award winning smile.
“yes, sweetheart? what do you need?” he asked, his voice sweet as honey.
“you're impossible,” you laughed, “i want to go into that store,” you pointed at the clothing store next to where you were stopped.
“then let's go,” he grinned, pulling your hand and leading you into the store, “you know if you call me by my name people might not think we're together,” he said as if it was an obvious fact.
“we're literally holding hands and wearing matching outfits,” you pointed out, which just earned a shrug from your boyfriend as he started grabbing different pieces of clothing that he thought would look good on you.
sure, he was a subtle guy, but he wanted everyone to know that you were his.
“jihoon, i'm home,” you called out into the apartment. you had a meeting that lasted much longer than usual and it was already dark out when you returned.
your boyfriend had been home all day and by the smell of fresh food you could tell that he had been cooking.
you slipped off your shoes in the entry way and tossed your bag on the couch before slipping into the kitchen and coming up behind your boyfriend. you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your chin on his shoulder while he stirred the pot in front of him.
“jihoon?” he questioned, scrunching up his face at the mention of his full name. he didn't hate when you said his name, you just never did. “what're you calling me that for?” he asked directly, not assuming anything.
“i realized i don't call you by name, do you not like it?”you asked, lifting your head up and looking over at him, your arms still around him.
“i don't mind, i'm just used to baby,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “or babe,” another kiss, “love, sweetheart, honey, my one and only,” he listed, pressing a kiss to your face in between each pet name.
you couldn't help but smile at the affection you were receiving from your boyfriend, you pressed a few kisses to his cheek in return and let him resume his cooking while you watched from a seat at the island.
“but you're okay with jihoon?” you asked, wanting to make sure.
“i’m okay with you calling me jihoon,” he said, turning over his shoulder to look at you, “but don't use it too much.” he said, giving you a pointed look.
he wouldn't say it out loud but he loved the sweet pet names you gave him, even the ridiculous ones.
“what did i do?” was the first words your boyfriend uttered when he walked into your shared home.
you looked up from your spot on the couch and tilted your head at him. “what do you mean?” you questioned, not understanding him.
“i mean, i can tell you're mad so i give you permission to yell at me, just tell me what i did first.” minghao said, bracing himself for whatever you would say to him. by no means did you fight often but whenever you got angry at him he would take it.
“i’m not mad at you,” you said, opening your arms, waiting for your boyfriend to join you on the couch. when he didn't come over you deadpanned, “well now i'm mad that you're not cuddling me.” you joked, waiting for him to come over.
he slowly walked over to you and pulled you against his chest, giving you a cautious look.
“then what was up with that text?” he questioned, pulling out his phone, “you said, and i quote, just wait until you get home, minghao,” he recited, “when have you ever called me by my first name?” he said like it was obvious.
“oh! i made your favorite dessert!” you said with a happy smile, pointing to the kitchen where his treat was freshly made and waiting on the counter.
his face went soft at your happy mood and he gave you a short kiss, “thanks, love,“ he said softly, “but your text did not make it sound like that.” he chuckled.
“oh right, i didn't want to give anything away so i called you minghao, was that too mean?” you asked, hoping you didn't make him worry.
he sighed with a smile and shook his head, “just a bit,” he said honestly, “you never call me minghao,” he pouted, half jokingly but also half seriously.
“i’m sorry, love,” you said, kissing his cheek, “i won't scare you like that again,” you teased, jumping up from the couch and pulling him up with you.
“come eat! i made it all for you,” you said with a smile, leading him to the kitchen and plating his dessert with a smile.
mingyu had a cold. and when mingyu got sick he got dramatic. he was currently cuddled up in bed while you took care of him.
you would take his temperature, give him medicine, cook him some soup, and keep him as comfortable as possible while you worked from home.
“mingyu, do you want some soup?” you asked softly, pushing his hair off of his forehead and feeling for a temperature.
his eyes shot open and his lip jutted out. “mingyu?” he questioned softly, “why are you calling me mingyu?” his voice wobbled a bit. but can you blame him? he’s a sensitive man.
“because that’s your name, baby, you don’t like it?” you asked, holding his hand, your voice softened at your boyfriend.
he shook his head at your question, he was always ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’ or ‘gyu’.
“sorry, baby,” you cooed, “but do you want any soup?” you asked again, hoping it would fix his mood.
“don’t want soup, i want a kiss,” he said with a little mischievous smile, then puckering his lips.
you rolled your eyes, he knew you couldn’t say no to him, especially since he was sick and was on the verge of tears after you called him his first name. “you’re such a baby,” you groaned, “if i get sick it’s your fault,” you reminded him.
“then it’ll be my turn to take care of you,” he said as if it was obvious, leaning up a bit and catching your lips with his.
sure, mingyu was a big baby. but he was your big baby.
dk had been stuck in practice all day while you had a free day. so, being the loving and doting partner that you were you decided to make your boyfriend some dinner. which also included making dinner for his 12 bandmates, but you didn’t mind. you were like a big family.
you were let into the building and made your way to their practice room, hands full of bags carrying multiple different containers full of food.
the boys were all sitting around the room during a break and you popped your head inside, leaving the bags in the hallway.
a few people looked over at you when you opened the door, but every head snapped your way when you opened your mouth.
“seokmin?” you asked, which caused some murmurs among the group.
dk couldn’t remember the last time he was called that name.
‘you better fix whatever you did wrong’ ‘why is she mad at you?’ ‘what did you do?’ different members began to ask all at once to your boyfriend, sending him into even deeper of a panic.
he jumped to his feet and made his way over to you. you didn’t look mad at him, but now he was worried. he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you into the hallway and closed the door to the practice room behind you.
“is everything okay? did i leave something on at home? did i forget to take out the trash?” he asked seriously, thinking of what he could’ve possibly done to elicit you calling him his first name.
you gave him a look in response, furrowing your eyebrows at his rambling. “no… i made you guys food,” you explained, pointing to all the bags on the floor by the two of you, “was just asking you to help me bring it in.”
“huh?” your boyfriend questioned, looking at the bags and then back up to you. “why’d you call me seokmin, then? i haven’t heard that name in ages!” he whined, tugging at your hand.
“oh? i texted jeonghan and told him i was coming over, he told me to call you seokmin,” you laughed, not thinking that he was going to take it that much to heart.
dk sighed and grabbed the bags, pecking your cheek, “thank you for dinner,” he said softly, opening the door to go back into the practice room with you trailing behind him.
his members all looked over and started laughing, apparently they were in on it too.
“you guys suck!” he groaned, “i’m keeping all this food to myself now,” he said childishly, hoarding all the bags by the two of you and trying to keep everyone else away.
eventually he caved and you all ate together, everyone thanking you and still poking fun at your boyfriend.
“seungkwan,” you tried to get your boyfriends attention, standing across the kitchen island from him.
his eyes left his phone and found yours, narrowing in the process. he didn’t say anything so you frowned.
“seungkwan?” he continued to stare at you and you grew slightly agitated since he was seemingly ignoring you.
“can you reply?” you asked with an attitude, crossing your arms.
“i’m just waiting for you to get it right,” he said, mirroring your body language and the amount of sass.
his words only confused you more. “get what right? you’re crazy,” you mumbled, basically having a staring contest with him.
seungkwan just scoffed and rolled his eyes, “my name! i’m waiting for you to get my name right,” he said as if it was obvious. “i am not ‘seungkwan’ to you.” he explained, putting his name in quotations with his fingers.
“are you waiting for me to call you sweetie?” you asked finally, a smile slowly starting to spread on your face. your boyfriend may be a little sassy but he was truly a sweetheart.
“maybe,” he replied simply, his arms still crossed as he waited.
you hummed at his response and then made your way around the island to hug him. “alright, sweetie, i was just going to ask where you wanted to eat tonight,” you grinned, pressing a few sweet kisses on his cheek.
his attitude instantly melted away at the pet name and he pulled you closer to him, “wherever you want, angel,” he replied simply.
it was that easy.
vernon isn't phased by much. but he does get a little salty when you use his first name on him. he says it sounds too much like a mother scolding him. so, of course, you tease him with it sometimes.
“hansol! can you come to the living room?” you called out in your home, not sure which room he was in.
soon you heard his footsteps and he walked into the room with a scrunched up face.
“yes, darling?” he exaggerated his pet name for you, hoping you'd get the hint.
you spun around in a circle and posed, showing off your new outfit to your boyfriend.
“what do you think? you like my new outfit?” you asked with a blinding smile, posing in a few different ways as your boyfriend watched.
“i think it looks lovely, babe,” he exaggerated again.
“thank you, hansol,” you replied with a sweet smile.
“you look gorgeous, sweetheart,” he tried again.
“thank you, hansol,” you repeated, trying to keep your laugh at bay.
“positively perfect, my love.”
“i appreciate it, hansol.”
“absolutely stunning, angel.”
“you’re too kind, hansol.”
“that’s it, i’m ignoring you for the rest of the day.” he finally said after surveying you for a few minutes. he turned on his heel and walked back to your shared bedroom.
“no!” you called after him, “i’m just joking,” you said in between laughs as you walked fast behind him to catch up.
he shrugged his shoulders and sat back down at his desk, continuing his previous task before you had called him to the living room.
“don’t be sulky now, i was teasing,” you pouted, putting your hands on his shoulders and turning his chair to face you.
“it’s fine, y/n,” he said with a grin, now using your own name back as revenge.
“hey! you can’t call me that!” you whined in response.
“watch me.” he smirked, flicking your forehead gently.
oh how the tables have turned.
this man rarely hears his name from anyone. it’s always ‘dino’ from his friends and ‘honey’ from you.
so when you started calling for ‘chan’ while you were asleep it made his heart break.
‘who is chan?’ he thought to himself, you couldn’t be cheating on him with another guy. right? you wouldn’t do that, he knows you.
but still, once the thought got placed into his head (by no one but himself) he couldn’t help but shake it.
the next morning he was nervous, he didn’t know how to confront you, or what he would do if his suspicions were correct. so while you were making breakfast for the two of you he mustered up the courage to go into the kitchen and talk to you.
“good morning, honey,” you said with a cheery smile, noticing him right away as he made his way next to you. you caught his lips with a quick peck but noticed that he seemed a little tense. “something wrong?” you asked, concern lacing your voice.
dino just wrung his hands together and frowned. “do you have something to tell me?” he asked softly, already feeling on the verge of tears as he looked down at his feet, not making eye contact with you.
“no? what’s this about?” you asked, turning the heat down on the stove so you could give him more of your attention.
“i just,” he started, “well um…” he tried again, “i heard you talking in your sleep and you were calling out for some guy named ‘chan’ and i know wouldn’t cheat on me or anything but who is chan?” his words spilled out of him and he was talking a mile a minute while you looked at him, your eyes widening.
he was bracing himself for the answer to his question, ready for the worst.
“honey…” you said gently, taking both of his hands in yours and making him look at you, “you are chan.” you explained, trying to hide your smile since he was clearly so distraught.
“huh?” he asked, not understanding what you were getting at.
“honey, your name is lee chan,” you reminded him.
you could see the gears shifting in his head before his cheeks immediately heated up. he snatched his hands from yours and slapped his face. he was chan. and he couldn’t feel any stupider.
he was so used to being honey that he forgot his literal name.
“forget this happened…” he mumbled, walking away as you stifled your laughs.
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renaiswriting · 8 months
Tainted Hearts (part 1)
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo/Kim Mingyu/Reader
Working in a bar hadn't been your plan A; for God's sake, it hadn't even been part of your plan D.
But it hadn't been falling for them either.
Warnings: mentions of guns, mentions of alcohol, mentions of driving under the influence of alcohol. I think that's all.
Word count: +2.9k
Tainted Hearts Masterlist | Next
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When your professors told you at the beginning of your university studies that it was more than likely that each and every one of their students would end up working at anything instead of what they had been studying for all those years, you thought it was just a joke. Something to break the ice the first time you met.
You remember how you even let out a loud laugh.
But, two years and seven months later, you found yourself cleaning glasses again to be filled with whiskey for the third time that night.
Working in a bar had never been part of your plan A; for God's sake, it wasn't even part of plan D, but there were bills to pay and a stomach to feed, so every night you prepared to stand for about ten hours.
The bar already had your usual customers, even though it was relatively new (compared to how long the others had been in that part of town), and it was already known that at eight o'clock you would have the three known alcoholics in town waiting at the door.
With so many hours of work at night, your sleep cycle had completely turned around, so you would get home around seven in the morning and spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon resting the hours you had not been able to sleep previously.
Your schedule often clashed with other people's schedules, so you were grateful that you had begun to form a friendship with your co-worker. It could feel quite isolating when your life was mostly nocturnal and you were surrounded by friends with jobs that went from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon.
Your eyes wandered around the tables that were being occupied; everyone seemed to have some glass in their hand, and none of the others that were empty seemed to need to be cleaned so they could be occupied again.
"Only an hour left." Your coworker, Evelyn, cheered you on, gathering several shots on the same tray to carry everything to the table occupied by a group of ten rather noisy college students. A few shouts of happiness could be heard as Evelyn approached them.
They were not your favorites; usually their tips were pretty low, and they made too many nasty comments trying to impress their friends.
So, with Evelyn, you took turns serving them, although you'd be lying if you said that on more than one occasion you hadn't made her think it was her turn when it was really your turn, but you'd make it up to her by giving her some of your own tips.
"Just one more hour," you repeated to yourself.
That night, luckily, wasn't too busy, so you allowed yourself two seconds to sit down.
Your legs, although they were used to not resting for long periods of time, were already starting.
You cursed the moment you agreed to go for a run that evening with one of your friends.
"No time to rest," your boss scolded you when he saw you sitting down. The gentleman was already in his late fifties, bordering on sixty.
His face was plump and his cheeks were a constant pinkish, almost reddish hue, which you doubted if it was from the constant alcohol in his system or if it was from the clear difficulty the gentleman had in breathing and speaking at the same time.
"Go and clean the toilets; someone vomited all over the floor."
The gentleman ignored your clearly disgusted expression, taking one of the cigars that were on your side of the bar, which were supposedly for those wealthier customers.
Evelyn sent you a look of almost pity for what was about to be in store for you.
But it quickly vanished when the annoying group of college students whistled for her attention.
The bathroom was probably small for a place that was expected to sustain long nights full of people drinking alcohol-like water. It was so small that you were even surprised that it had been approved in the first place.
And just as you expected, the place was filthy.
The mere smell of vomit was triggering your own nausea; you felt the gagging in the back of your throat.
Holding your breath, you tried to clean up as quickly as possible, feeling your eyes start to water from the disgust you were feeling.
You had to remind yourself again that you had no choice but to work and put up with such things.
It seemed that no matter how hard you tried, no place would return your calls after you left them your curriculum.
It didn't matter how desperate they claimed to be in the recruitment ads.
You emerged from the small space with such a huge gag that, for a few moments, you feared the worst.
Luckily, as you walked away from the bathroom, the feeling of nausea was leaving your body.
You still felt disgusted; you feared that the ghost of vomit smell was permeating your hair and clothes, but Evelyn made no mention of it as you walked past her and stood on your side behind the bar, so you quickly told yourself to stop thinking about such things.
"God, I hate him." Evelyn muttered, looking for a few seconds too long in the direction of her boss, who was sitting with some gentlemen who clearly had money.
He loved kissing the asses of those who smelled like money from miles away.
The cigarette he had pulled out in front of you was still in his mouth, unlit.
It was forbidden due to the poorly ventilated system.
You laughed, although there was not much humor behind such a laugh. Your liking for the man was the same as your coworker's.
But neither had any choice but to bow their heads and accept the orders they were given without much to say.
The few times they had made their opinions clear and refused to do certain things, their paycheck had been greatly reduced.
So they often ended up working unpaid hours or doing the work of five people each.
"I wish he'd fall down and choke on that damn cigar." Evelyn sighed in annoyance.
"And be out of a job?" you replied with a smile.
"I'd buy this place." She replied with a look that screamed confidence. Her eyebrows were bushy, making her eyes stand out. She was a very pretty young woman. "I suppose I could hire you." She shrugged. "Your toilet cleaning skills are out of this world; It's truly a natural talent." She joked.
Evelyn's eyes shot straight to the front door as something caught her attention, the corners of her lips automatically lifting in a smile that hid a certain mischievousness.
"Oh my, oh my! Hottie one and Hottie two just walked in. Oh," she sighed melodramatically, "what I wouldn't give to attend them instead of..." Her voice gradually dropped as her eyes moved to the group that still hadn't moved from the table they had been occupying for quite some time. One of them had passed out on one of the tables, his face completely slumped on the red plastic.
None of his friends seemed very concerned, each more drunk than the other.
Your eyes followed the movements of the two men who had just entered; it was almost impossible to take your attention away from them even if you tried.
They were tall and quite muscular; they stood out even if they weren't trying.
Evelyn had been fantasizing and talking about them from the moment it was your turn to attend to them.
They didn't come to the bar often enough to be known to Evelyn or yourself, but she hadn't stopped talking about them since the moment the two of you had started to become so close that it seemed as if celebrities were visiting the place rather than just customers.
They both made their way to one of the tables farthest away from the rest, the one they usually use.
You still didn't know how, but Evelyn had managed to discover one of their names, Mingyu.
Evelyn had sworn to you that she had searched every social network there was, with no success whatsoever.
And when the frustration took the best of her, she resigned herself to asking her boss, under the excuse that she wanted to know more about a possible client with a lot of money to spend at the bar.
The answer she got was to stay away from him and any of the friends he brought to the bar. To just do what she was being paid to do—serve drinks—because anything to do with them meant trouble.
This clearly only made Evelyn's desire to find out more about them grow even more; it was as if all the words that had come out of her boss's mouth had gone in one ear and out the other.
So much had this been the case that your boss had ended up forbidding her to attend to them, leaving you alone to carry out such a task.
For your part, unlike Evelyn, the words of your boss had had their effect, so you limited yourself to saying just what was necessary before disappearing behind the bar to bring them their drinks.
Mingyu was always the one doing the talking; his companion, whose name you had no idea, always remained silent, his eyes studying the surroundings of the bar.
Your feet automatically went to where the two of them were sitting, discussing something heatedly.
Mingyu's arm was leaning on the table, his torso completely turned in the direction of his friend, his ear close to the other man's face, trying to hear what he was saying to him over the background music and the shouts of the college students.
The other man's cold eyes connected with yours, and his lips stopped moving, following your movements with an expressionless face.
You couldn't stand the eye contact for more than two seconds, forcing you to avert your gaze to the floor until you had no choice but to raise it to address them when you were already in front of their table.
Mingyu gave you a cheeky smile. His eyes were big and round. And if it weren't for your boss's warning, you would have taken them as warm and inviting.
They were in stark contrast to the other man's monolids.
"Gentlemen, will you be alone tonight or will you be accompanied by someone else?"
"Just us tonight." Mingyu replied, "I hope you won't be disappointed."
"What can I do for you tonight, then?" You asked directly to Mingyu, since he was always the one who spoke to you. None of his friends seemed interested in you, not even the one who was sitting next to him and the second most familiar face in the whole bar after Mingyu.
"The usual." Mingyu shrugged, his smile intact on his face. "Or anything, I don't much care." His eyes moved to his friend's. "And neither does he."
You wanted to praise your mind for memorizing their orders to perfection, down to the most insignificant detail, since it helped you avoid having to spend more time writing them down in front of them.
Mingyu's honey-like skin seemed to be glowing under the lights far away from the bar; the corner was so far away from them that their skin was only barely kissed by such harsh light.
You allowed yourself to look at them once you were safely behind the bar.
Mingyu's slightly long hair was tugged behind his right ear, some of it starting to move to his face, hiding it from your view as he had returned to his position towards his friend.
You had been surprised to see only them that night, as the last few times they had attended in large groups of more than five people.
They always sat as far away from the rest of the people as possible, and as the discussions began, you would find them looking over their shoulders to make sure no one was nearby.
You were sure you had once seen one of them leave a gun on the table.
That was the time your stomach sank and you practically ran to the back of the bar, so shaky and pale that Evelyn forced you to go home early to rest, fearing you would pass out right there.
You contemplated whether to tell your boss or not, since there was no other sort of security working there, but before you could even attempt to walk near him, they all left the bar with a huge tip for you on the table.
It had been more than what you had made that whole week.
So, while it was scary, in some way, you continued to attend them without complaining to your boss.
You needed the money, and they never failed to give it to you.
You were terrified of someday making a stupid mistake and pissing them off, but, other than that, you thought you were... Okay.
"I don't understand why they're coming to a bar if they're going to drive next." Evelyn muttered, her chin resting on her palm as she stared at them unabashedly, sighing with each passing second, neither of them making any attempt to look in her direction.
"And you're going to tell them they can't drink because they're going to drive?" You asked sarcastically, your knees bumping against the cold floor as you desperately searched for a bottle of gin.
"Obviously not." Evelyn replied, rolling her eyes. She had slurred the last word so much that it had been lost in the background noise. "But they shouldn't be doing it."
"I agree, but who knows, maybe later they'll be picked up by one of their friends, or they'll call a cab." You shrugged; you didn't want to think the worst of them, but the thought of letting them drive off drunk left a bitter taste in your mouth.
"I'd hurry up if I were you; the boss is already sending us looks that are anything but discreet."
You stood up so quickly that, for a few moments, you lost your balance, having to hold on tightly to the wood of the bar.
"Wow, are you okay?" Evelyn asked, rushing to grab you by the arm to help you stand.
"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine." You assured her, and still somewhat wobbly, you very carefully approached the place where Mingyu and his friend were.
They both stopped their conversation again when they saw your approach; this time Mingyu had been the first to notice your presence, sending a big flirtatious smile in your direction.
"Need help with that?" he offered, both of his hands stretched out in your direction, taking part of the tray you had rested the drinks on with his large palms.
His fingers brushed against yours, and you'd swear his skin was a few degrees above normal. "I think you have a fever."
As soon as the words left your mouth, your eyes widened as you realized you had broken your number one rule: never interact with them more than strictly necessary.
Mingyu's friend frowned, quickly moving forward and taking Mingyu's hands away from yours, taking a few seconds to compare Mingyu's temperature with his own.
"It's not going to help; your hands are always freezing." Mingyu spoke, answering some sort of mental question his friend had apparently asked him. The eyes of the man whose name you didn't know yet moved to Mingyu's, looking at him seriously. "It's normal."
Mingyu shrugged, breaking free of his friend's grip to grab his drink. His eyes rested on your figure, and one of his eyebrows was raised as if telling you, See, I'm fine.
The glass was completely empty within seconds, and he let out a sigh once his lungs were filled with air again.
"I'll need one more of this, if you don't mind." He said, his voice sounding more like a tease than serious.
"Sure thing." You replied.
The other man's eyes connected with yours for a brief second, and it was enough to send some shivers down your spine.
"Should I— uh?" You stumbled with your own words, not quite knowing how to continue under the other man's intense gaze.
Mingyu gently bumped his shoulder into his, causing him to finally look away from you to focus on Mingyu.
"What?" The man asked. His voice was low and mesmerizing. His face still remained quite emotionless, but there was something in his voice that made you realize he wasn't truly upset with Mingyu.
"You're driving tonight?"
The man nodded. "Brick cannot make it tonight."
It was as if your ears pricked up every time the silent man opened his mouth, your whole body trying to catch every little sound it could.
He slowly slid the glass until the crystal clinked against Mingyu's wrist, who, smiling at his friend, carefully lifted it to his mouth, his eyes moving to Mingyu's Adam's apple.
You jumped to the voice speaking directly at you. The man's eyes were on you, almost as if he was expecting that to be enough for you to understand what he wanted.
"I'm sorry?"
"Water. I want water."
"Of course." You excused yourself, flying out of their sight in embarrassment.
God, that was going to be such a long hour.
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babyleostuff · 3 months
when you call them your husband | ot13
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❥ seungcheol 
goes through five stages of a mental breakdown, because what did you just call him??? if you ever called him your husband in front of people, cheol would turn into a stuttering mess with cheeks as red as a tomato. if you did it when you were by yourselves he’d start whining like a bitch, getting shy as hell, because why are you messing with his heart like that? on rare days, though, he’d embrace the husband figure and start calling you “wife” and make you shy
❥ jeonghan 
so smug - no one would be able to wipe that studpid ass smirk off of his face. it does mess with him a bit, though, because come on - calling him your husband??? but he’d try his best to act unaffected, because it’s jeonghan, and he needs to be cool :))) (i’m going to repeat this so many times throughout this headcanon, but all of them would start to freak out a bit thinking about a day when this won’t be a joke anymore, hannie included)
❥ joshua 
is he really surprised when you call him your husband? not really. he knows he’s a husband material, and you often make jokes about him being your husband anyways. that doesn’t mean he isn’t freaking about it on the inside, though, because no matter how many times you call him that as a silly little joke, it still makes him so incredibly happy that one day, he’ll really be your husband, and you won’t be calling him that as a joke anymore
❥ jun 
one of the “turns into a shy, blushy, and a stuttering mess” squad. he’d malfunction at first, point at himself, and melt into a puddle of fluff, and love. one - how dare you call him your literal husband as a joke??? second - give him all the kisses, and hugs, because his first instincts is to run away, and break out in tears from all the love. he doesn’t really know what to do with himself after you say that word, but you can be sure it’ll be in his head for the rest of the day 
❥ hoshi 
soonyoung would be confused for a second, because “wait, are you talking about me?” and when he’d finally understand that, yes - you were talking about him (because who else would you be talking about), he’d get so smiley and giggly and shy, and just turn into the cutest bean. he’d immediately cling to you, wrapping his arms around you and trapping you in a warm hug, giggling like a maniac
❥ wonwoo 
cue shy wonwoo with his lil cat smile. he can’t help the butterflies fluttering in his tummy, and as much as he’d want to tease you for calling him your husband, he’d be too shy to actually do it. you calling him that would make him so happy for some reason, even though he knows that you mainly do it as a prank or a joke to mess with him. don’t do it in front of people, though, or he’ll run away
❥ woozi 
“anything for you, baby.” woozi always indulges in all of your silly antics and jokes, and this time it’d be no different. he’d try to act as unaffected as he could, but his acting skills are not always the best, so you’d still be able to catch a glimpse of a small smile and blushy cheeks. he isn't the type to think about marriage, kids, and your domestic future together, he prefers to focus on what you have now, but hearing that word coming from you, would make his heart flutter a bit faster
❥ dk 
“yes, i am.” smiles cutely at you, and gives you a bone crushing hug, while freaking the fuck out on the inside. he won’t comment on it too much in the moment, but the way he’d be extra clingy throughout the day, giving you ten times more kisses, and hugs, and pouts, and any physical affection. the thought of becoming your husband some day is so??? because it will happen someday, and that’s kind of crazy
❥ mingyu 
cue mingoo giggles, because that man would not be able to behave himself after hearing the word husband from you. will whine, smile, laugh, hug you, pick you up and spin you around like a lovesick teenager, and when he finally calms down, he’d give you the biggest smooch. even though you had marriage talks plenty of times before - you both knew you’d get married some time in the feature, hearing it from you - saying it so casually, messed with his heart so much 
❥ minghao 
as someone who has mentioned a couple of times before that he wants to get married, hearing the word “husband” coming from you would make him so so happy and giddy, to the point where he’d just stand there with a lovesick smile on his face, and the urge to hug and kiss the life out of you (he wouldn’t though, he has to keep his composure) (but don’t worry, he’d kiss your forehead and tell you how much he loves you) (all with an adorable blush covering his cheeks)
❥ seungkwan 
turns into a shy and blushy mess. seungkwan’s first instinct is to hide his face in his hands or your neck, so you wouldn’t see the effect that the word had on him (even though you could clearly see how it affected him). then he’d probably proceed to yell at you (lovingly) for making such mean jokes (he wants to be your husband now, boyfriend is not enough)
❥ vernon 
at first he would think that he had misheard you, so you’d have to repeat the word two or three more times, because why would you ever call him your husband? and when you’d clarify that, yes - you did say the word “husband”, and yes - it was directed to him, vernon would just stare at you with big eyes but no thoughts. you’d laugh at him immediately, because the lack of his reaction was even funnier than if he’d react. then he’d say “thank you” and proceed with the rest of his day with the word “husband” floating around his head
❥ chan 
leechan.exe has stopped working. looks at you with the biggest puppy eyes, pointing at himself, as if he was asking if you were really talking about him. it’s so crazy to him that you’d call him that even as a joke, because hearing the word “husband” coming from you is??? hello??? and the fact that someday he’ll really be your husband??? you can expect chan to be a bit more clingy than he usually is (a bit more pouty too, because what do you mean you called him that as a joke?)
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @soul-is-a-strange-kid @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @chillseo @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @aaasia111 @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau
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shuagirl · 18 days
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 seventeen's reactions to meeting their little selves ( their new born baby).
warnings. dad!svt x fem!reader, established relationship, fluff, baby / newborn scenarios, emotional content, pure wholesomeness <3
( marvy ) yoyo just clearing out my drafts out for you guys . ignore any mistakes please !!
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…Choi Seungcheol: As soon as you place your newborn in Seungcheol’s arms, he’s overwhelmed with joy. Tears well up in his eyes, and he holds the baby close, his protective instincts immediately kicking in. “Look at you,” he whispers, his voice trembling with emotion. You’ve never seen him so vulnerable, yet so strong at the same time. He cradles the baby gently, his large hands careful and tender. Every few seconds, he glances at you, eyes filled with gratitude and love. Seungcheol promises right then and there that he’ll protect and cherish your baby with all his heart. He’s in awe of this tiny life you both created, and the reality of being a father hits him in the best way possible.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Yoon Jeonghan: Jeonghan can’t stop smiling as he gazes at your baby. He gently touches their tiny hands, marveling at how small and delicate they are. “Hey there, little one,” he whispers sweetly, his voice soothing and gentle. He leans in closer, his eyes filled with warmth and adoration. You can see how natural he is with the baby, as if he was born to be a father. Every little movement or sound your baby makes brings a new wave of joy to his face. He’s in his element, already planning all the sweet moments and gentle guidance he’ll give as they grow. Jeonghan’s heart is full, and it’s clear he’s ready to pour all his love into this new chapter of your lives.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Hong Jisoo: Jisoo softly sings a lullaby to your newborn, his voice calm and melodic. As he holds the baby close, he gazes down with a look of pure love and pride. “You’re so precious,” he murmurs, a gentle smile playing on his lips. You can see the contentment in his eyes, knowing that he’s holding the best part of both of you. Every note he sings seems to weave a spell of calm around your little family. Jisoo is proud and content, feeling an immense sense of fulfillment. He’s already imagining the future, filled with music and love, teaching your child the beauty of song and the importance of kindness. He’s never felt more complete.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Wen Junhui: Junhui laughs with excitement the moment he sees your baby. He talks to them in a playful manner, his voice filled with energy and joy. “Hey there, tiny one! I’m your dad,” he says, his eyes twinkling with delight. He’s full of enthusiasm, his laughter infectious. Every little coo or wiggle from your baby sends him into fits of giggles. Junhui is already planning all the fun and playful moments he’ll share with them, from silly faces to playful games. His heart is bursting with happiness, and you can tell he’s going to be the kind of dad who fills your child’s life with endless joy and laughter.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Kwon Soonyoung: Soonyoung beams with happiness as he holds your newborn. He can’t help but make playful faces to get them to smile, his affection evident in every gesture. “You’re my little star,” he coos, his grin wide and bright. His happiness is contagious, filling the room with warmth. Soonyoung’s playful nature shines through, but there’s also a deep tenderness in the way he cradles your baby. He’s already imagining all the dance routines he’ll teach them, all the ways he’ll encourage their creativity and joy. His heart is full of love, and he’s ready to shower your child with all the affection and fun he has to give.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Jeon Wonwoo: Wonwoo quietly admires your baby, a gentle smile playing on his lips. He holds them carefully, his touch light and tender. “You’re amazing,” he whispers, his eyes filled with awe. You can see how deeply moved he is, his usual calm demeanor softened by this incredible moment. He’s content to just watch the baby’s tiny movements, memorizing every detail. Wonwoo’s love is quiet but profound, and he’s ready to be the steady, reliable presence in your child’s life. He may not be the loudest or most expressive, but his love is deep and unwavering. He’s already planning all the ways he’ll support and nurture your baby as they grow.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Lee Jihoon: Jihoon looks at your baby with awe, a mix of shyness and tenderness in his expression. He’s a bit hesitant at first, but as soon as he holds them, you can see the love in his eyes. “Hello there,” he says softly, his voice almost a whisper. He’s incredibly gentle, as if afraid to disturb their peaceful sleep. Jihoon’s heart swells with emotion, and he’s already thinking about all the lullabies and songs he’ll write for them. His shyness melts away as he starts to bond with your baby, his natural tenderness coming to the fore. He’s ready to be the most caring and dedicated father, pouring all his love into this tiny new life.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Lee Seokmin: Seokmin is full of joy, his smile so wide it looks like it might split his face. He can’t stop grinning as he holds your baby, his eyes sparkling with happiness. “You’re perfect,” he says, his voice thick with emotion. He sings softly to them, his voice a gentle lullaby. Every note is filled with love, and you can see how deeply he’s already bonded with your child. Seokmin’s joy is infectious, and you can’t help but smile along with him. He’s ready to be the most loving and joyful father, filling your baby’s life with music and laughter. His heart is so full, and he can’t wait to share every moment of this new journey with you.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Kim Mingyu: Mingyu is very emotional as he holds your baby for the first time. Tears well up in his eyes, and he can’t help but smile through them. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he whispers, his voice full of awe. He cradles the baby gently, his large hands surprisingly delicate. Every little movement or sound from your baby brings a fresh wave of emotion. Mingyu’s heart is overflowing with love, and he’s already imagining all the ways he’ll protect and care for your child. His emotions are raw and powerful, and he’s not afraid to show them. He’s ready to be the most dedicated and loving father, cherishing every moment with your baby.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Xu Minghao: Minghao is calm and serene as he holds your baby, his touch gentle and reassuring. “Hello, little one,” he says softly, his voice a soothing balm. He strokes their head softly, his eyes filled with a deep, quiet love. Minghao’s presence is calming, and you can see how naturally he takes to being a father. He talks to the baby in a gentle, melodic tone, his words full of love and promise. Minghao is ready to be a calm and steady presence in your child’s life, guiding them with love and wisdom. His heart is full, and he’s already planning all the ways he’ll nurture and support your baby as they grow.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Boo Seungkwan: Seungkwan is excited and animated, his energy filling the room as he holds your baby. “Look at you! You’re amazing!” he exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder. He talks to the baby with enthusiasm, his voice full of love and excitement. Seungkwan’s reactions are so spirited that he makes everyone around him laugh. He’s already planning all the fun and lively moments he’ll share with your child, from games to songs to endless laughter. His heart is bursting with joy, and he’s ready to be the most fun and loving father. Seungkwan’s energy is infectious, and you know your baby will always feel loved and cherished.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Chwe Hansol: Hansol is amazed and a bit speechless as he holds your baby for the first time. He smiles gently, his eyes wide with wonder. “Wow, you’re really here,” he murmurs, his voice filled with awe. He holds the baby close, careful and tender. Hansol’s usual cool demeanor melts away in the presence of your newborn, revealing a softer, more vulnerable side. He’s ready to be the kind of father who’s always there, offering quiet support and endless love. His heart is full, and he’s already imagining all the ways he’ll share his passions and interests with your child. Hansol’s love is deep and steady, and he’s ready to pour it all into this new journey.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
…Lee Chan: Chan is overjoyed as he holds your baby, his smile wide and bright. He can’t help but dance around a bit, his excitement palpable. “You’re incredible!” he exclaims, his eyes shining with happiness. He keeps looking at the baby in wonder, his heart full of love. Chan’s joy is infectious, and you can see how deeply he’s already bonded with your child. He’s ready to be the most enthusiastic and loving father, sharing his energy and joy with your baby. Chan’s heart is bursting with happiness, and he can’t wait to fill your child’s life with love, laughter, and endless fun.
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SHUAGIRL © 2024. please do not copy, translate, or modify any of my work. all of my works are not permitted to be posted on any other sites.
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hoshifighting · 1 month
Seventeen's reaction when reader stops breathing during orgasm
as he feels you go completely still beneath him, he’d stop everything he’s doing, his eyes wide with panic. "hey, are you okay?" he’d ask urgently, shaking you gently until you start breathing again.
he slowed his movements just enough to give you a moment to catch your breath, his eyes never leaving your face. his hand comes up to gently stroke your cheek.
as your face contorts in pleasure and you tighten around him, he realizes what's happening. he was worried but also intensely turned on by the raw, uncontrolled reaction you were having.
a grin spreads across his face as he watches your blissed-out expression, the realization dawning on him that he's fucking you too good. "mhmm look at you," he chuckles, his tone teasing but relieved. "couldn't handle all of this, huh?" he continues to thrust into you, enjoying the way your body responds to him.
Jeonghan would be startled, his playful demeanor instantly replaced with concern as he feels you stop breathing. he’d pause immediately, his eyes searching your face for any signs of distress. "baby, breathe for me," he’d urge softly, his fingers brushing your hair back from your forehead.
the moment you start breathing again, he’d let out a relieved sigh. he slows down just enough to prolong your pleasure, whispering dirty praises in your ear about how beautifully you cum for him.
would be immediately alarmed, panicking as he realizes you’re not breathing. "oh my god, are you okay?" he’d ask frantically, shaking you gently until you start breathing again.
when you reach your climax and exhale deeply, he smiles softly. "that's it, beautiful," he murmurs, his hands soothingly rubbing your sides. "you did so well, just keep breathing."
''please don’t do that again."
Jun's brow furrows in concern when he notices you tensing and not breathing. "are you okay? don't forget to breathe," he says softly, his hands caressing your sides. "I'm here, just relax and let it go."
when you cum and release your breath, he lets out a relieved laugh. "there you are," he whispers, pressing kisses along your neck. "you did amazing, baby. just relax now."
"hey, Y/N, are you okay? please breathe," he’d say frantically. Hoshi’s heart skipped a beat when he saw you stop breathing momentarily during your orgasm. his movements became more controlled, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
as you finally came, your body trembling in response, Hoshi let out a soft, encouraging moan. “fuck, you’re amazing,” he kept his movements gentle but firm, prolonging your pleasure and ensuring you felt every wave of your orgasm. “that’s it, mhmm” he encouraged, his voice soothing and filled with admiration.
Wonwoo notices your body’s reactions with a keen eye, fascinated by the way you stop breathing and tense up as you get closer to orgasm. he slows his pace just enough to tease you, "just relax, I'm here with you." "gonna' cum for me just like the good girl your are? hm"
he smiles in relief, when you cum around his cock "there you go, love..." he whispers, his hands gently rubbing your back.
''hey, don't hold your breath like that," he almost scolds, voice laced with concern. he cups your face, making sure you focus on him. "It's okay, just breathe with me."
As you cum, he breathes a sigh of relief along with you. "that's it, you're okay," he whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple.
from the moment you start to fuck, Minghao is attuned to every detail of your reactions. his gentle but firm touch is designed to keep you grounded. as you get closer to your climax, you forget his earlier instructions and starts tensing up. your breath catches, and you can feel your body tightening.
"breathe," he commands, his voice dominating. when you cry out, overwhelmed by the intensity, he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "shh, shh, breathe," he repeats, his tone brooking no argument. "you did so well."
his eyes widened when he realized you had stopped breathing in the throes of your orgasm. his large hands stroking your sides soothingly. “hey, hey, breathe for me,” he coaxed, his voice gentle yet firm.
when you finally reached your climax, and he felt the gush of liquid from your squirting, Mingyu couldn’t contain his excitement. “holy shit,” he muttered, a wide grin spreading across his face. he watched in awe as you rode out your orgasm, his hands steadying you.
Seokmin’s eyes widen with concern as he notices you slipping into a trance-like state, your breath catching and body tensing up. "Y/N-nie?" he slows his pace momentarily, trying to gauge your reaction. ''breathe, baby, come on,"
realizing you need a sharp jolt to snap out of it, Seokmin thrusts sharply into you, forcing your body to react. the sudden movement makes you gasp, drawing in a much-needed breath. as you exhale, the tension in your body releases, and you cream around his cock, the orgasm hitting you. "good girl..." he continues to move, more gently now. "I’ve got you."
"baby, you gotta breathe for me," he decides to stimulate you more, hoping to get a reaction. one hand moves to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles while his mouth latches onto your nipple, sucking and licking it. "come on, beautiful, I need to hear you," he murmurs against your skin.
feeling your body react to the extra stimulation, Seungkwan continues, his touch becoming more insistent. "breathe, baby, breathe" he repeats, his fingers working your clit faster. your body jerks, a gasp escaping your lips as you finally take in a breath. he grins, knowing he's got you back.
Vernon immediately senses something is wrong so he stops thrusting into you, "are you okay?"
you whine, frustrated by the sudden pause, and manage to gasp "keep going." you start to breathe again, your chest rising and falling more steadily. Vernon grins, relieved but still cautious. "alright, but you gotta keep breathing, okay?"
he moves slowly at first, making sure you’re breathing steadily. once he's satisfied you're alright, he picks up the pace. "you gonna cum for me, baby? just like that, keep breathing,"
the pleasure builds quickly, and with Vernon’s attentive eyes on you, you feel safe to let go. your body tenses again, but this time, you remember to breathe. "fuck, that's it, baby." Vernon groans, feeling you clench around him.
his sharp instincts kick in, and he knows he needs to keep you breathing. without slowing his thrusts, he bites down gently on your neck and tugs at your hair, the sudden sensations pulling you back from the edge just enough. "breathe, baby, yes, breathe" he growls into your ear, his voice low and commanding.
the mix of pain and pleasure forces a gasp out of you, and you start to breathe again, albeit shakily. Chan doesn't let up, his thrusts relentless as he works to bring you to your peak. "that's it, keep breathing," he encourages, his tone firm. "I want you to scream my name when you cum." he pulls his face away from your neck, his eyes locking onto yours.
as you come down from your high, Chan slows his movements, his hands still holding you close. he scolds you gently, "you need to remember to breathe, okay? I want to feel you cum properly without scaring me like that."
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svtswhorehouse · 1 month
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OT 13 : drunk or high sex — nsfw
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Seungcheol : drunk sex. oh. he gets rough, but like, a good kinda rough. lowkey, gets possessive and loves marking you. make sure you check your neck before you go into work the next morning cause he will leave hickeys !!! likes making sure everyone knows who you belong to and will admit to it, he has no shame.
Jeonghan : high sex. you’re telling me you wouldn’t want to make out with this man when he’s on cloud nine ? i mean, he already has “fuck me” eyes like come on. A TEASE. will tell you to wait when you start to whine cause he’s taking his sweet time. TONGUE DOES WONDERS. your eyes will never not be rolled into the back of your head. lowkey likes it when you pull his hair.
Joshua : neither, but not opposed to trying it out. prefers to be completely present and in the moment. will try it out a few times, kind of has the “if it happens, it happens” mindset. will never say no to you though. if anything it happens more when y’all are tipsy than when y’all are drunk.
Junhui : high sex. will probably make a weird joke mid-fuck and have you being like ????? wtf. but it’s okay cause it’s jun and he’ll have you seeing stars regardless. might have to take a break and switch positions cause weed makes him sleepy.
Hoshi : hear me out, high. thought he was too giggly and accident prone when drunk and didn’t wanna kill the vibe. A MUNCH !!!! like you know how people get the muchies when they’re high ? yeah, hoshi just goes down on you whenever he gets them. would be on a mission to make you squirt.
Wonwoo : high sex. honestly, you wouldn’t even be able to tell he’s high, his composure is insane. lazy sex, but he’ll still do all the work because there’s no way he’s gonna let his princess do any. tbh, really really good at rolling and will hold it up to your lips making direct eye contact while you take a hit.
Woozi : neither. man barely even drinks, what makes you think he lights up ? doesn’t need to be under the influence of anything to get you off and he can prove it to you too.
Dokyeom : drunk sex. giggly !!! all sunshine and smiles. will probably make dirty jokes just for fun, but it’s okay cause at least he makes you feel good. he’ll def pamper you with a bunch of kisses before, after, and during the act. king of aftercare when drunk, even if he knocks over everything in his way by accident but y’all can just deal with that in the morning.
Mingyu : BOTH. would not be opposed to getting cross faded. will take a hit and blow it straight into your mouth to initiate a makeout sesh. passionate and rough about everything !! will most likely end up fucking on every surface, from the couch to the kitchen counter — i would make sure you wipe that off if I were you. after, will either make you food or do a late night convenience store run with you.
Minghao : high sex. slow, sensual, and passionate. honestly might last hours just cause you two get carried away. y’all spend like an hour alone just making out until your lips are all puffy and red. not a talker when high, but he does like to make a lot of eye contact.
Seungkwan : drunk sex. tried it while high once and felt like he wasn’t productive enough ???? for some reason he’s always go, go, go. feels like he can do a lot more and please you better when drunk. a cutie pie, always making sure you’re alright at all times. will probably make you get off on his thigh and you’re not opposed cause have you seen his quads ?????
Vernon : HIGH FOR SURE. man is definitely a stoner in another life. chill. so chill, that you would have to initiate something and he’ll just go along with whatever makes you happy. might whine, but if you hear it, pretend you didn’t. also, has worn his red tinted glasses a few times during the deed for some reason ???? (ifykyk)
Dino : drunk. honestly probably got drunk cause he was trying to calm his nerves. would want to initiate it, but in the end he probably took so long that you did. his biggest fantasies come out when drunk and would either ask to try titty fucking or you’d end up sixty-nining.
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smileysuh · 2 months
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🌙 starring. Kim Mingyu & Jeon Wonwoo x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. If one neighbour is a Doberman, then the other is a Golden Retriever. They’re like night and day, and yet, you’re drawn to both, as if some gravitational or celestial power is pulling you to them… it also helps that they both have motorcycles. How had it been so easy to ghost Wonwoo in the past, only to find yourself at a crossroads with his roommate seven months later?
tw/cw. Threesome, unprotected sex, multiple sex scenes, big dick Mingyu, creampie, oral (f/m receiving), blow job, deep throating, hand job, Eiffel tower/spit roasting, breast worship, nipple pinching, nipple licking, panty kink, eating pussy through panties, fingering, squirting, pussy stretching, praise, dirty talk, ‘sir’, dom!Wonwoo, switch!mingyu, blindfold/sensory deprivation, voyeurism, listening to your neighbour have sex, masturbation, reader reads erotica, mutual masturbation, slight dacryphilia, blindfold/sensory deprivation, inklings of humiliation, etc… I pet names: (hers) angel, baby. (Mingyu’s) gyu. (Wonwoo’s) sir. 
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 19.8k
🍭 aus. Biker!meanie, booktok!reader, neighbours!au, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. This was not supposed to be this long. I don’t know how this happened. 
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“Who keeps messaging you?” your cousin asks, trying to act nonchalant as he sips his margarita, but you can feel his eyes on you as you stare at your phone.
“The Harley dude,” you sigh, quickly reading the text message.
“The guy who missed your first date because he was napping?” Jeonghan nearly chokes on his drink, setting it down in favor of flashing you a judgemental look.
“Yeah, the same guy who also tried to rebook our first date as a group ride night with all his friends,” you roll your own eyes at the stupidity of men. While the idea is fun, it’s not the way to get to know someone new. 
Jeonghan lets out a low whistle. “Sheesh.”
“You can say that again.” You set your phone down, grabbing at your bellini, and relaxing against the patio chair, trying to soak up the sunshine in an effort to calm yourself.
“Well? What did he say?” your cousin presses.
“He said his entire week is free if I want to meet up.”
“And what did you say?” 
“Nothing.” You tip your head back, letting out a contented breath. “He had two chances, I’m not about to give him a third.”
“Summer is almost over,” Jeonghan points out. “I know you wanted to find some hot dude with a motorcycle and ride off into the sunset. You’re getting low on time.”
“Honestly, Hannie? This Jeon guy is not worth it.”
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After a long winter, it’s finally getting warm enough that you can open your apartment windows and enjoy the fresh air. Trees are beginning to blossom, birds are singing songs that act as white noise while you sit at your dining table completing the last few emails for your remote job.
As you’re finishing up your very last correspondence of the day, new noises join in with the robbins and wrens. These noises, however, are nowhere near as pleasant.
There’s a banging outside your door, a few thumps, and a distinctly male voice cursing. 
Living in a fairly quiet apartment complex, these sorts of sounds aren’t something you’re used to, and they can only mean one thing; your landlord finally found new tenants for the two-bedroom next door that’s been vacant for over a month. 
With a sigh, you close your laptop, wrapping your sweater tightly around your body as you venture toward your door. You can’t help the curiosity bubbling inside of you, and after another deep breath, you decide to take a peak into the hallway beyond.
Two men are struggling to get a couch through the doorway into unit 317. You stay silent, watching the way one man’s biceps bulge with each maneuver. His hair is on the longer side, dark strands licking and curling at his throat, which is covered in a light sheen of sweat from the effort of moving. 
“Come on Cheol, we’re almost there,” he encourages the man holding up the other end of the sofa. 
“Fuck you, Mingyu,” the other says, stepping back into the apartment and out of your view.
You wait patiently, and after a minute or so, the pretty man moves into the hallway again, giving you a full view of his face. He lets out a deep breath, shaking out his muscular arms- that’s when his eyes meet yours, and you swear your heart skips a beat in your chest.
His mouth curves into a wide grin. “Hi! Sorry if we bugged you with the noise- that couch was not making moving easy.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him quickly. “You must be my new neighbours.” Your gaze shifts past him to the second man, who has appeared in the hallway too.
“Nah- I mean, I am, but this is Cheol, he’s just a friend,” the pretty man tries to explain, stopping in front of you. He wipes his hand along his jean leg, then holds it out to you, “I’m Mingyu.”
You allow him to shake your hand. Despite his attempt to wipe some of the sweat away, his palm is still a little clammy, although, you’re shocked to find that the physical contact isn’t unpleasant. 
You tell him your name, watching Cheol trudge past you to the elevator. “So if that guy isn’t your roommate, who is?”
“My buddy Wonwoo. He’s actually visiting family in Korea right now, won’t be moving in till the end of the month.”
“I see,” you nod. “Well, welcome to the building.” 
“Thanks,” Mingyu beams again. “If all our neighbours are as friendly as you, I think we’ll like it here.”
“If I’m being honest, we’re a quiet building, lots of us are kind of reclusive,” you try to explain, choosing your words carefully. 
You hear Cheol let out a chuckle as he waits for the elevator, and you wonder what he’s found so funny.
“Quiet,” Mingyu repeats, letting out a breath. “Noted. We’ll do our best not to be a disruption.”
You want to believe him, but something in his grin tells you not to. 
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It’s been about a month and a half since Mingyu moved in. You’ve not seen him, or his roommate, although, you have heard them through your shared wall a few times. One of them - Wonwoo you’re guessing- is pretty into video games, because yelled lines like ‘I’m trying to revive you, dipshit!’ and ‘stop fucking dying so much then!’ have irritated you and interrupted your soft girl movie nights. 
From what you can tell, Mingyu’s elusive friend who was visiting Korea is now sharing his bedroom wall with you, and at two AM on a Tuesday night, your suspicion is confirmed. You wake to noises that aren’t gamer screams, they’re screams of pleasure. 
Muffled cries of “harder, daddy!” and “please!” have your skin tingling as you shift under your duvet, feeling suddenly very hot. 
As you lay there and listen to the sound of a headboard beginning to hit the wall, you try to decide if you’re annoyed, or horny. The tingling between your thighs, and the heat along your neck makes you think it might be a combination of both.
Part of you wants to bang your fist against the wall, but you’re much too shy to risk any sort of confrontation. Instead, you simply lay there, fighting the need to slip your hand down your sleeping shorts.
You figure the sex will be over soon, but five minutes stretches into fifteen. The woman’s cries have stopped, but the low thumping of a bedframe against the wall has only gotten more intense. 
You’re no stranger to kinky shit- you’re an avid reader of smut afterall, and being a voracious reader, your mind comes up with reasons why the girl may have stopped begging. Had Wonwoo put something in her mouth to shut her up? Panties perhapse? Or had he flipped her into doggy position, pressing a hand to the back of her head to force her face against the pillows?
If Mingyu had been hot, his best friend must be sexy too- guys like that travel in packs, and Cheol hadn’t been bad on the eyes either. You imagine a faceless man, muscled and gorgeous, railing some girl not four feet away from you, with only a wall keeping you from seeing the perverse act. You feel dirty, like a voyeur, and you’re equal parts relieved and saddened when the noise finally stops. 
You sit in silence, listening to your own heavy breaths for a few minutes, wondering if the sounds will pick up again.
They don’t, and soon, you’re drifting off into a lusty sleep.
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You’ve been awoken to the sounds of sex three times now. The idea of approaching the property manager to file a noise complaint has been on your mind, but you can’t find it within yourself to make waves.
Due to all of this, when you finally bump into Mingyu in the building’s shared laundry room, you see it as the perfect chance to quietly resolve the issue without causing trouble. 
He’s dressed in gym shorts and a black muscle shirt that shows off his expansive shoulders as he moves wet clothes into the dryer. Standing in the doorway of the laundry room, you’re once again struck by how beautiful your new neighbour is.
With a deep breath to find courage, you appraoch him, going for the washing machine next to his. “Hi,” you greet him.
“Oh, hey neighbour,” Mingyu grins, pausing what he’s doing to look you up and down.
You’re hyper aware of the sleeping shorts that hardly cover your legs, and the sweater you’d tossed on does little to hide the fact that you’re currently braless. Even so, if you don’t bring up the noises now, you’re not sure when you’ll get another chance.
“Hey, do you uh…” your words come out quiet, and you try to raise your voice a little, wanting to sound confident, “do you think you could ask your roommate and his girlfriend to keep it down?” 
“Huh?” Mingyu’s brows furrow in confusion.
“The person whose room is next to mine,” you try to explain. “They’ve been kind of loud with uh… a girl, recently.”
“Oh!” You can practically see the lighbulb go off in Mingyu’s eyes. “Sorry, you said girlfriend, and that part stumped me. The last time was about a week ago, yeah?”
“Something like that.”
“Don’t worry, I already talked to him a few days ago. Told him to get his fuck buddies to keep it down- they’re annoying, huh? I thought I was the only one losing sleep over it.”
“Definitely not the only one,” you let out a small laugh. “If I’m being honest, I was considering talking to the property manager about it, but I don’t like to cause issues, so I’m glad we’re on the same page about this.”
“We’re for sure on the same page,” Mingyu assures you. “Thanks for not talking to the manager about this- hey, listen, what if I give you my number, and if it happens again, you just have to text me and I’ll go bang on his door or something?”
“I’d appreciate that,” you grin, watching him pull out his phone so he can grab your digits. “Honestly, I work from home, and for the most part, you guys have been pretty great neighbours.”
“Ooh, one of those post covid remote jobs,” Mingyu nods in understanding. “I mean, I’m out during the days usually, I work at a tattoo shop across town, and Wonwoo sleeps most of the time so he can be awake for his evening bar job.”
“That actually kind of makes sense,” you admit. “I never see you guys around.” 
“Well…” Mingyu leans against the dryer, flashing you a boyish grin. “We could change that. You could come over sometime.”
Your heart leaps into your throat. From his body language, and the suggestion, you’re pretty sure this gorgeous man is flirting with you. “I, uh…” you swallow thickly, “maybe.” 
“Well, I have your number, and now…” Mingyu types something into his phone and a moment later yours dings, “you have mine. So if you want to take me up on that offer, just shoot me a text.” 
“Okay.” The words comes out kind of shaky, and you internally smack yourself for becoming so shy from this pretty man hitting on you.
With a wink, Mingyu leaves the laundry room, and your thoughts are scattered for the rest of the day.
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It’s been too long since you’ve seen all your friends from highschool. Soonyoung, Seokmin and Seungkwan are three of the rowdiest guys you know. They love doing bar crawls with you whenever they’re all in town and can find the time. 
Seungkwan lives in another city these days, studying law at a prestigious university. Soonyoung travels the country with dance troup. And Seokmin spends hours every day at the theater practicing for new performances and productions.
They’ve taken you to a bar you’ve never been to, and you’re enjoying the booth style seating. Millennial and old classics are playing through the speakers, and every time a good song comes on, the three men start singing, whether it be Cher, or Britney, or even Kesha. 
You’re a few drinks deep, but they’re even deeper, and it’s gotten to the part of the evening where they want to hear everything about your love life. 
“Okay, book girlie,” Soonyoung slurs, throwing his arm around your shoulders, “spill the beans. Who you fucking?”
You laugh, pushing at his cheek to get his face away from yours. He wreaks of tequila and the Gucci cologne he practically drowns himself in every night before going out. It’s not the most pleasant combination.
“I’m single,” you insist.
“We all know you always have your eye on someone,” Seungkwan insists, leaning over the table to point his finger at you. “Tell us.”
“Okay, maybe there is someone I’m interested in,” you admit.
All three men let out delighted squeals and laughs. “We knew it!” Seokmin exclaims.
“The issue is, he’s my neighbour, and dating in your apartment building can get messy,” you explain. 
“We love messy,” Soonyoung insists. 
“You love messy,” you correct.
“So who’s this hot neighbour?” Seungkwan asks, wanting to dive into the gossip.
“His name is Mingyu.” You let out a sigh. “He’s tall, and handsome, and his arms-”
“Does he have a motorcycle?” Soonyoung interrupts you. “We know you love men with bikes.”
“I don’t think so,” you shake your head. “But it doesn’t matter. My motorcycle phase was last summer.”
“Baby,” Seungwan frowns dramatically, “Honey, sweetheart- You’re a booktok girl. We all know kinky little sluts like you need their bikertok boy to make their fantasies come true.”
You hate it when Seungkwan reads you to filth like this, and you hate it even more that he’s so right. You’ll always have a soft spot for men on motorcycles- or is it a wet spot?
“Anyways, Mingyu is cute, he gave me his number and invited me over-”
“Bitch, go fuck him!” Soonyoung bellows a little too loudly, and you immediately slap a hand over his mouth, looking around to see if anyone heard him.
That’s when your eyes land on a man behind the bar. His curly dark hair is cute, but when you study his regally handsome face, you realize you recougnize him.
“Fuck,” you whisper, immediately lifting your drink to hide behind it.
“What?” Seungkwan turns in his seat. “The bartender?”
“Babes, he’s been checking you out all night,” Soonyoung grins, cuddling closer to you.
It’s only Seokmin who studies you and asks, “Do you know him?”
“The bartender?” Seungkwan scoffs, as if it’s a stupid idea, although, when he turns to look at you again, his jaw drops. “Fuck, you do know him! Girl, spill!” 
“Do you guys remember that Harley dude from the summer? Jeon? The one I ghosted after he missed our first date then suggested a ride night with all his friends to make up for it?” you ask, lowering your voice and continuing to hide behind the glass in your hand.
“Shit, that’s the Harley dude?” Seokmin’s eyes widen in realization. 
“Fuck me, this is awkward,” you groan, taking a large sip from your drink. “Can we get out of here?”
“Babes, we just ordered another round,” Seungkwan points out, lifting his full Gin and Tonic to show you. 
“Don’t be like this,” Soonyoung pouts. “Harley man is a bartender, so what? He can’t ruin our night. Maybe he doesn’t even recougnize you!”
“If he’s been staring, I bet you he does,” Seungkwan points out, taking a swig of his drink.
“Thanks, Seungkwan,” you say sarcastically, “that really makes me feel so much better.”
Your friend only grins, raising his glass. 
You do your best to be calm, but you can’t control the racing of your heart. Your gaze keeps shifting to Jeon, and then, the night takes a turn for the worse: Mingyu walks in, followed closely by Cheol, and some other guy you haven’t met.
The group walks right up to the bartop, and you note the way Mingyu grins at Jeon, holding out a hand so the two can do a slight hug over the counter before the three men take their seats. 
“Shit,” you whisper, downing your drink. 
“What?” Soonyoung also whispers, following your gaze.
“That’s my neighbour,” you explain. “This is not good.”
“Looks like they know each other,” Seungkwan points out.
“Again,” you sigh, “not helping. Fuck me, I need to go to the bathroom.”
You stand abruptly from the table, darting off to the space at the back of the bar. In the ladies room, you splash your hands with cold water, trying to chase away the fire that licks across your skin. Your heart is still thundering in your chest, and deep breaths don’t do anything to help. 
You feel like you’re caged in- like there’s no way out of this bar without running into Jeon and Mingyu. 
You’re not sure how long you stay in the washroom, trying to relax- you give your friends time to finish their drinks, and you’re hoping that when you exit, you can simply escape with them, using the three men as a human shield.
When you exit the bathroom, however, you run directly into Mingyu, who’s just coming out of the men’s room.
“Sorry-” he apologizes, only to look you up and down. “No way! Neighbour? Damn, I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“Oh, hi,” you say awkwardly, forcing a smile.
“How’s your night going?” You usually like Mingyu’s happy energy, but right now, it feels nearly overwhelming.
“Good, you?”
“My night’s going great- hey, listen, I want you to meet someone!” Mingyu grabs your hand, and before you can stop him, your large neighbour is dragging you back out into the bar. 
As he tugs you closer and closer to Jeon, pieces begin to click in your head, and when you reach the bartop, you’re not even surprised when Mingyu says, “This is Wonwoo, my roommate!” He had mentioned Wonwoo worked at a bar, after all. 
“Hi,” you say awkwardly, forcing get another smile.
Jeon - or Wonwoo - looks you up and down. God, he’s even more handsome than his Tinder pictures had made him out to be. But fuck, you’ve heard him fucking other girls through your bedroom wall over three times- and you’d ghosted him-
“Hi,” Wonwoo echoes, his voice all deep and sexy in the loud noise of the bar.
You feel like the wind has been knocked out of you. 
“Wonwoo, this is our neighbour, you know, the one I mentioned.” There’s an insinuation in Mingyu’s tone, and the fact that he’d talked about you to Wonwoo has your stomach erupting into erratic butterflies that threaten to catch in your throat.
“Right.” Wonwoo’s tone is so unimpressed, and you’d bet your life the man is holding a grudge over the whole ghosting thing.
“Wait, Y/N, you should join us for a drink!” Mingyu suggests.
“Actually, I’m here with friends, I should really get back to them,” you say awkwardly, tugging your hand away from Mingyu’s grip. “Thanks for the offer though.”
“Right, yeah, okay.” God, Mingyu looks like a kicked puppy, but then he flashes you a smile and your heart melts. “Listen, text me, just to let me know when you get home safe.”
“You got it,” you agree quickly, giving him a tight lipped grin before you nearly stumble over yourself to get back to your table. “Guys, we have to leave, now.” 
“What happened?” Seokmin asks, clearly concerned while Seungkwan sighs and pulls out a wad of cash.
“They do know each other,” Soonyoung blurts out.
“Turns out Harley Jeon isn’t just Harley Jeon, he’s also Wonwoo, Mingyu’s roommate,” you quickly explain, grabbing your jacket to wrap around your body.
Soonyoung’s eyes light up in realization. “And they were roommates,” he whispers.
“And I ghosted one of them!” you whisper yell back. “The same one who I’ve heard fucking multiple girls through my wall over three times!”
Seungkwan lets out a chuckle. “Girl. You’re fucked.” 
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Jeonghan lets out a deep sigh. “You know, when Seokmin texted me to come check on you for some Grade-A Tea, I never expected any of this.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes. “I know I’m in deep shit.”
“Nah, you’re good,” your cousin assures you, standing and stretching. “You’ll figure it out.”
“I wish I had the confidence in myself that you have in me,” you breathe, also rising to your feet. Jeonghan’s been over for a while now, and after giving him all the gossip, you feel like you could use some time to yourself. 
“You’ll get there,” your cousin assures you, heading toward your front door so he can slip into his shoes. “Keep me updated.”
“I will. Thanks for coming to see me.”
“Of course,” Jeonghan opens your front door, stepping into the hallway before pulling you into a hug. “If I didn’t have a board meeting tomorrow, you know I’d stay longer.”
“I know. But I’m good,” you assure him. “I think I’ll sleep early tonight. This week has been a lot.”
“Sounds like it,” he nods, releasing you in favor of heading over to the elevator. Before he can press the button, however, the elevator dings, the doors opening. Wonwoo steps out. He stops infront of Jeonghan, giving him a once over before his eyes shift to you, still standing by the doorway to your unit.
Then, to your annoyance, Wonwoo grins, shaking his head and brushing past your cousin.
Jeonghan gets into the elevator, the doors closing, and as Wonwoo walks past you, you can’t help but make waves. “What?”
“I never said anything.” Wonwoo stops in front of you, hands nonchalantly tucked in the leather pockets of his jacket.
“You gave me a look,” you insist. 
He shrugs. “It’s just gonna break Gyu’s heart to know you already have a man in your life, that’s all.”
You roll your eyes. “That was my cousin.”
“Sure it was.”
“It was!” You can’t help the way your voice is raising.
“And the guys at the bar?”
He turns to leave, and you swallow thickly, mind reeling for a comeback.
“I just don’t see how you can be making assumptions about me,” you state.
Wonwoo stops, gaze finding you again. “What do you mean?”
“Just that.. I mean… I’ve heard you fucking girls, mister Jeon, if that’s even your real name!” 
He actually grins at your words, eye brows raising in surprise. “Girl, actually, singular. It was one girl. A recent hookup. She’s not into gags like the others, they’re generally pretty quiet for you, aren’t they?” 
You’re so shocked by what he’s just said that you physically take a step back, jaw dropping.
“Oh, and by the way,” Wonwoo heads to his door, reaching into his jacket for his keys. “Mister Jeon is what people call my father, I’m sure you know that I prefer to be called Daddy.” 
He unlocks his apartment, flashing you a wink before he heads inside. You stand in your doorway for a solid ten seconds, processing his words before you go back to your room to scream into a pillow.
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After the events of the week, and work on top of that, a nap the moment you're done sending the last emails of the day is exactly what you need.
Birds are singing outside, your window ajar. The warming air carries the scent of blossoming buds, and you relax against your pillow, enjoying the feeling of your duvet against your skin.
You’re just drifting off when a loud engine jolts you back into consciousness. You flop onto your back, staring at the ceiling. 
You’ve been a motorcycle fan for long enough to know the sound of one when you hear it, and as the revving continues, you’d bet your right hand that some jackass is doing burnouts in the alley outside.
It’s probably some enthusiastic douchebag who has finally brought their motorcycle out of the garage after a long winter-
Actually, wait. You know an asshole with a motorcycle. An asshole with a Harley to be exact. 
Fucking Jeon Wonwoo. 
God, you hate that man.
Grabbing your pillow, you burry your head under it, wishing for the sounds to stop. 
Surprisingly, soon enough, you hear the motorcycle take off, with two more engines revving up to follow. 
Your apartment complex used to be so nice and peaceful.
It used to be.
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After your nap had been interrupted, you’d trudged around for a while. It’s the evening now, and you have no energy to cook, so you’ve ordered takeout. When you head down to the lobby to  grab your food, you bump into Mingyu.
“Look at us, always running into each other,” he grins, watching you step by him to bend down and pick up your takeout.
“Seems like a common theme,” you agree, letting out a sigh.
“You good, neighbour? You look tired.”
“You want the truth?” you ask, straightening to look at him.
“Always.” He holds the door open for you to come back into the apartment complex. 
As you head to the elevator, you choose your words carefully, after all, you’re pretty sure Wonwoo was culprit behind the motorcycle incident two hours ago. “I just… I was trying to have a nap after work, been tired lately, and some guy was revving his motorcycle outside my window. He woke me up and I was too irritated to go back to sleep.”
As you enter the elevator, you notice Mingyu’s skin turning pink, and his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly. “Actually… uh… I, uh…” He rubs the back of his neck. “I have a Harley, but uh, I got a new sportsbike, and that was me doing burnouts to test it out a little.”
Your heart lurches into your throat, your jaw dropping. When it comes to your neighbours in 317, you always find yourself conflicted. You’re annoyed at him, but at the same time, the fact that he also has a motorcycle makes this ten out of ten man even ten times hotter-
“Oh,” you look down at your takeout. 
“I’m really sorry,” he apologizes quickly. “It won’t happen again- you won’t tell our building manager it was me right? Like, we’re good?”
“Yeah, we’re good,” you let out a breath. “I mean, technically quiet hours don’t start till ten pm, and this was like, five, so I guess it’s my own fault for trying to nap so early.”
“Not your fault,” he assures you. “You definitely look like you need some rest- if it helps, I promise no burnouts near the apartment.” Mingyu even crosses his heart, and your body relaxes, shoulders slumping as you crack a smile.
“Okay, that would be nice.”
The elevator dings as it reaches your floor, and the two of you exit together, closing the short distance to your door. 
“Your takeout smells good,” Mingyu notes. “Maybe you could put yourself in a food coma and pass out for a bit, I promise there will be no noise issues tonight.”
“That sounds nice, actually,” you admit.
“Also uh… you know, you still haven’t taken me up on that offer about coming over sometime.”
When you look over at Mingyu, you find him leaning against the hallway wall, staring down at you with soft puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah, I’ve been busy-” you search for an excuse. “Also, I mean, I don’t know if Wonwoo would be good with me coming over.”
“Why wouldn’t he be?” Mingyu shrugs, which is when you realize that Wonwoo must not have told Mingyu anything about your failed dates or the ghosting. 
“He just didn’t seem to like me very much when you introduced us,” you blurt out, grasping for straws.
“He always has a resting bitch face, don’t take it personally,” Mingyu assures you. “Seriously, come over sometime, we don’t bite.”
Mingyu might not, but you get the sneaking suspicion that Wonwoo does.
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The reverse harem adult romance your reading had drawn you in when you’d first opened it, but as time goes by, your mind keeps wandering when you reach the sex scenes. 
Threesomes have you imagining Wonwoo and Mingyu, and try as you might, you can’t shake the image from your head.
It doesn’t help that they fit the character personalities, one puppylike lover, and one more stoic and dominant. You can’t help but wonder what the two would be like in bed, and with a groan of frustration, you slot your bookmark between the pages and set the novel down on the bed next to you.
As you sit there, deep in thought, you think about what Mingyu had said about owning a Harley. 
That’s when you realize, last summer, when Wonwoo had suggested a Harley ride night as a date- if you had gone with him, would you have met Mingyu?
You decide that Mingyu definitely would have been there.
It’s interesting how the domino effect works- or maybe this is invisible string theory; the idea that, you can pass someone, or have missed chances, but one way or another, that person will always end up in your life.
What would have happened if you’d met Mingyu that way? 
What would have happened if you’d met Wonwoo that way? 
At the moment, there’s no question as to which of the two neighbours you prefer. Mingyu is happy and welcoming, he always has a smile, and you could see yourself having a great relationship with him- if things were to take a turn that way.
But on the flip side, Wonwoo is more similar to the type you’ve dated in the past.
If one neighbour is a Doberman, then the other is a Golden Retriever. They’re like night and day, and yet, you’re drawn to both, as if some gravitational or celestial power is pulling you to them… it also helps that they both have motorcycles. 
How had it been so easy to ghost Wonwoo in the past, only to find yourself at a crossroads with his roommate seven months later?
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You’re outside your apartment waiting for an Uber when two familiar men on motorcycles pull up in front of you. 
Wonwoo’s on his Harley. It’s all black, and although you’re not very well verses with motorcycle types, you’re pretty sure it’s a Fat Boy or a Street Bob- but as you stare at the wheels, you begin to lean toward Street Bob. 
Mingyu, in contrast, is on a red Kawasaki Ninja, which is evident by the name on the side. He lifts up his visor when he comes to a stop two feet away. “Hey, neighbour,” he greets you. “Waiting for someone?”
“An Uber is picking me up.”
“An Uber?” Mingyu looks around. “Where are you headed?”
“A family thing. We’re going to be drinking so I figured I shouldn’t drive,” you explain.
“Good idea,” he nods, then, without skipping a beat, he asks, “Wanna ride?”
You gaze shifts from Mingyu to Wonwoo, and you can practically see the Harley rider roll his eyes. With an aggressive rev of his engine, Wonwoo bolts off, leaving you and Mingyu in his dust.
“Uh, don’t you two have plans?” you ask.
“We did, but we were just going for a ride. I can take you where you need to be and meet him later,” Mingyu shrugs. “Seriously, don’t mind him.”
You’ve been on a motorcycle once before, and you know enough to understand that the short romper and light spring jacket you’re wearing is not enough to protect you on the back of a bike. And that’s the least of your worries. “I don’t have a helmet-”
Mingyu begins to undo his, and you watch in shock as he pulls it off, shaking out his hair and offering you the red head gear. “Take mine.”
“Isn’t it illegal to ride without one?”
“We’ll be fast- but not dangerous, I’ll be good, I promise. Where are we going?”
With a deep breath, you pull up your Aunt’s house on your phone’s map app, showing it to Mingyu. 
“I can get you there in ten minutes, easy,” he says. 
“This is not a good idea,” you warn, although you accept the helmet. 
“Cancel your Uber,” Mingyu urges softly. “Let me do this for you.”
With one last sigh, you cancel your ride, then, you allow Mingyu to help you onto the back of his bike. 
“Have you ever been on one of these before?” he asks.
“Once,” you admit, adjusting the helmet on your head before you tentatively wrap your arms around Mingyu’s large body. 
“Just hold on tight.”
“Take care of me,” you retort.
Mingyu grins. “Always.”
A moment later, he’s revving his engine, and the two of you take off on his bike, your clothes whipping around and contorting flat to the curves of your form.
You hold Mingyu tighter, and he takes one hand off his handlebars to rest it over yours for a second, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
When he pulls onto the main road, Mingyu is true to his word about not being dangerous. He doesn’t lane split or push the bike too hard. When you come up to traffic, he waits patiently, resting his elbow on your knee as if this is something the two of you have done together a hundred times before.
You become so lost in how attracted you are to Mingyu- how you have to hug him tight when he accelerates, that the trip is over before you know it. He pulls up to your aunts house, turning to offer you a hand so you can get off the Ninja. 
Your legs feel wobbly as you step on solid ground, and Mingyu helps you with the chin clasp of the helmet, removing it easily. 
“Thanks for being my backpack,” he smiles.
“Thanks for giving me a ride,” you grin back.
“If you want, you can text me when you’re done, and I’ll get you home safe. I’ll even bring a spare helmet this time, and maybe a proper riding jacket for you.”
“That would be really nice actually.”
“You got it, angel,” Mingyu flashes you a wink before he pulls the helmet onto his head. You move to the sidewalk, standing there to watch him as he gives you one last nod and takes off, the engine loud enough to be heard even as he makes it two blocks away in record time.
A low whistle startles you, and you turn to see Jeonghan standing in the driveway. “Damn, that dude was hot.”
“That’s my neighbour,” you sigh.
“Which one?”
“The good one!”
“You should take him up on that offer of hanging out,” Jeonghan suggests.
“And you should keep your nose out of my love life.”
Your cousin simply laughs. “Never going to happen.”
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The jacket Mingyu brings for you when he picks you up from your family gathering is long enough to be a dress. You struggle with the thick material as you try to get on his bike, and you can see Mingyu grinning from the opening in his full face helmet.
“That’s it,” he encourages you, allowing you to settle behind him.
You pat his thigh when you’re good to go, and the two of you slot down your visors before he takes off.
It’s the late evening now, and being on his bike feels different in the dark. The city lights whip past you, and the lanes are pretty empty for Mingyu to go faster. Now that you’re both in full protective gear, there’s not as much of a need to be safe, although, as you hold tightly to your neighbour, you realize this might be as safe as you’ve ever felt.
You trust Mingyu, in a way that you can’t quite explain. 
As it was before, it’s easy to get lost in the act of being on Mingyu’s motorcycle, and before you know it, he’s pulling into your apartment complex’s underground garage. 
You hate that the ride has ended so quickly, and you hate it even more that you have to let go of Mingyu’s large, warm body. You stand next to the motorcycle while he gets off of it, and you wait patiently for him to take off his helmet before he helps you with your own.
“Do you have plans for the rest of the night?” Mingyu asks while the two of you walk toward the elevator.
“Not really,” you admit. In fact, you’re feeling a little tired. You hadn’t drank as much at the family dinner as you thought you would, and sleep sounds pretty good right about now.
“Do you wanna come see my place?”
“I really shouldn’t-”
“If you’re worried about Wonwoo, he went to work before I came to pick you up,”  Mingyu tells you. “Come on, just one drink or something. Don’t you wanna compare your one bedroom to my two bedroom?”
You are curious to see what sort of decorations these two men have- they’re mid to late twenties at best, and you love to laugh. 
“Fine, one drink,” you let out a breath as you enter the elevator, turning to look up at Mingyu. “Why do you care so much if I come over? Like, honestly?”
Mingyu meets your gaze, fiddling with the helmet in his hand. “I guess maybe… because I like you.” He shrugs. “You’re a good neighbour, and an even better backpack. You look cute in my jacket- why wouldn’t I want to get to know you better?”
“That’s a good answer,” you admit with a laugh.
“I’m glad you liked it,” he grins. 
When the two of you exit the elevator, you follow Mingyu past your apartment to his own door. You watch the way he pulls out his keys, fumbling a little to get into his place. He lets you enter first, and you step into the foreign home with a curious gaze.
You slip out of your shoes, undoing his jacket around your shoulders as you wander further into the apartment. The two men are cleaner than you would have expected. The furniture is minimalist, and mostly cream coloured- which isn’t a shade you would have thought would match the motorcycle riding, black wearing men. You wonder how the couch in the den is so well kept- there’s not a hint of stains on the nicely textured cover, no beer or food-
There’s no dirty dishes in the sink, no miscellaneous bowl of car keys and other shit that guys always tend to carry in their pockets.
In fact, this place almost looks like a ‘girl sanctuary,’ the type of pintrest board apartment inspo you’d find online. 
“What do you think?” Mingyu asks, coming up behind you and helping you take off his jacket.
“It’s really nice,” you say honestly. “Not what I expected.”
“I’m a bit of a neat freak,” he admits with a chuckle.
So he’s big, muscled, kind, rides a motorcycle, and he knows how to do housewife cleaning duties? How did you ever manage to score a jackpot like him for a neighbour? 
“Anyways, take a seat on the couch, I’ll grab some beer. You drink beer, right?”
“Sure.” You move to settle into the sofa, and Mingyu brings over two cans of lager from the fridge, cracking one open before he hands it to you. 
“Cheers,” he grins, gently clinking his can against your own. 
You take a sip, focusing on the way Mingyu sits on the other end of the couch, angling his body toward you. “So… you mentioned you work at a tattoo parlour? How did you get into that?”
“I’ve always been into art,” he explains. “My buddy Cheol was more into tattoos with me, opened up his own shop and encouraged me to apprentice with him after I graduated from uni with my arts degree. I wish there was more to it, but I really just got kind of lucky.”
The list of his good qualities just keeps getting better and better- a university educated man? Yes please.
“I guess, maybe what I’m wondering is why you don’t have any tattoos yourself?” you ask, looking at the beautiful unblemished skin shown off by his muscle shirt.
Mingyu laughs, also gazing down at his arms. “Would you judge me if I told you I’m scared of needles.”
“That’s cute,” you grin, sipping your beer. 
“You’re cute,” he retorts, mirroring your motion and trying to hide his smile behind the can in his hand. “Anyways, you said you’d been on a motorcycle before?”
“Yeah, just once.”
“Tell me about it?”
“There’s nothing much to say,” you admit. “Went on a date with a guy, he mentioned he had a sports bike, offered to take me for a ride, so I said yes.”
“So…” Mingyu taps his fingers along his beer can, “you like guys with bikes?”
You let out a laugh. “Maybe.” 
“I’m feeling better and better about my odds,” Mingyu smiles. 
“Your odds are very good,” you tell him. Now it’s your turn to drink in an effort to hide the massive grin on your face.
“Yeah? I was a little worried, I mean, I gave you my number and you didn’t text- took a little bit of convincing to get you on my bike, to get you into the apartment- I hope I didn’t overstep anything there.”
“No, you’re fine,” you assure him. “I can just… be a bit shy sometimes.”
“It’s cute though.”
Your skin heats at the compliment, heart thundering in your rib cage. “What about you? I’m into bikes, are you into cute girls?”
“A hundred percent,” he nods. “They’re my favourite kind.”
“Do you have any experience dating neighbours?”
“No, but I’d like that to change.”
“Do you think being neighbours could complicate things?” you enquire.
“I mean… if I didn’t see you as girlfriend material, then yeah, I’d never turn a neighbour into a hookup, but then again, I’m not huge into hookups to begin with,” Mingyu explains.
“You know… I’m trying to find even one red flag about you, and I’m seriously coming up empty.”
“Is that such a bad thing?”
You smile, looking down at your nearly finished beer. “I guess not.”
“How about you? Any red flags?” he asks. 
Aside from the downright pornographic books you read on the daily? “Probably not.”
“Probably not, huh?” Mingyu chuckles. “Maybe I should be the one keeping a look out for red, but then again, with rose tinted glasses, red wouldn’t stand out that much to me anyways.” 
You’d not expected your night to turn out like this. You’d figured it would be a nice family dinner, some drinking, then an Uber home and sleep. Instead, you’ve been on Mingyu’s bike twice, worn his jacket, his helmet- and now you’re here in his house, with your hot neighbour flirting with you in the most wholesome way-
In your tired state, you’re feeling a little overwhelmed. Your shyness is taking over- the fear of the unknown, of making a misstep, clouding your enjoyment of the peaceful space Mingyu has created in his apartment.
“Listen, don’t take this the wrong way,” you sigh, finishing your beer, “But I’m really tired-”
“Yeah, no worries, I said just one beer and it looks like you’re done,” Mingyu is quick to down the rest of his, reaching out to take your can so he can move to the kitchen. He places the empties under his sink, and you follow, keeping your distance.
“Thank you for this though. I know we didn’t talk for that long, but I feel like I know you better,” you admit. 
“I’ve still got a lot of questions for you,” he grins. “But I’ll save those for another time. I’m not about to get in the way of a girl and her beauty sleep.”
“I appreciate that.” The two of you head to his door, and you slip your shoes on.
“Can I give you a goodbye hug or something?” Mingyu suggests. “It would feel weird letting you leave without one.”
You nod, allowing Mingyu to pull you close to his chest. He’s so tall, your cheek pressed tight to his well defined pecs- and fuck, he smells good. This isn’t the overpowering Gucci type cologne that Soonyoung wears, it’s a more muted, spicy yet clean scent. It’s the type of scent that encourages you to take a deep breath, your body relaxing as your neighbour hugs you.
“Thanks for coming over,” Mingyu whispers.
When you go to pull away, you find yourself tilting your head to look up at him. Your eyes meet, and it feels as if you’re hanging in a moment frozen in time. Your breath catches when his gaze dips down to your mouth, and you know what’s coming next.
His hand cups your cheek, stroking your skin, and he gives you ample opportunity to pull away, but you don’t. You simply stare into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, waiting for him to make the move that you know is going to capture your heart completely.
When his lips finally touch yours, that sense of relief washes over you again. You shift in his embrace, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck to pull him closer. Mingyu lets out a soft sigh of contentment, parting his mouth ever so slightly so he can lick at your lower lip.
You mirror the motion, your tongues gently clashing. 
You’ve met some guys who try to force their way into your mouth, who try to dominate you- but Mingyu isn’t like that. He’s soft and fluid, reacting to your movements moreso than anything else. His hands slip down to your hips, holding you close while you kiss each other.
No first kiss has ever felt this natural, and like with riding the bike, it becomes so easy to get lost in your neighbour.
When you finally break away, you’re both breathing heavily. You can taste the beer on your lips, and it makes you release a small laugh, giddy joy surging through your entire body.
“That was…” Mingyu swallows thickly, “wow.”
“Yeah,” you agree. “Wow.” 
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It’s been two weeks since you started getting to know Mingyu better. You’ve gone on motorcycle dates, stopped at food trucks while enjoying the sunshine of spring, and when Wonwoo’s not around, Mingyu has invited you over for movie nights.
While there’s been lots of kissing, and a growing desire for more, the two of you haven’t gone much farther than second base. You kind of like taking things slow with Mingyu, he’s very good at not applying any pressure, and you adore that about him.
You’re hanging out in your apartment when Mingyu calls you, asking if you have any garlic he can borrow for his meal plan. Part of you thinks it’s a little late for dinner, but you agree anyways. 
Sometimes you think he comes up with this sort of thing just to see you, stealing kisses at your door- but this time, when he comes over to grab ingredients, he doesn’t simply wait in the hallway.
“Can I come in?” he asks, peering at your apartment beyond.
“Come in?” you repeat.
“Yeah, I mean, you’ve seen my place, and I haven’t really gotten to see yours yet.” He sounds nonchalant, but you can tell that your personal space - the way you conduct yourself in your own home - is something that makes him curious.
“Okay.” You step away from the door. “Come on in.”
Mingyu bends down to kiss you as he steps over the threshold, and you grin against his lips, enjoying the way his hands softly grab your waist. 
“I’m guessing you didn’t really need garlic, did you?” you tease.
“Nope, I ate dinner after work.” Mingyu takes his shoes off while you close the door behind him, and he looks around your apartment. “It’s nice in here.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you want to give me a tour?” he asks.
You let out a giggle. “Okay.” 
You’ve never given a formal tour of your apartment before, but you do your best, showing him through the kitchen and the small living room area. You’ve got certain knick knacks that are special to you, and you explain them to Mingyu while he listens with a smile.
Finally, you make it to your bedroom. Before you can even open your mouth to say anything, Mingyu’s arms are wrapping around you, his chest pressed to your back, lips on your throat.
He already knows your sweet spots, and you let out a soft sigh, tilting your head to make things easier for him.
“Do you want me to stop?” he whispers in your ear, nibbling gently on the lobe.
You hadn’t expected this tonight, but you’re at a point now where you don’t want to wait. Mingyu isn’t the type to use you and leave you. He’s made his intentions clear, and the sexual chemistry between the two of you is undeniable. 
You find yourself turning in Mingyu’s embrace, cupping his cheek so you can draw his lips to yours. He lets out an immediate groan of satisfaction, and it goes straight to your core, which flutters with delight. You kiss him deeply, pouring all your wants and desires into the meeting of your mouths.
Then your hands find the bottom of his shirt, and before you know it, you’re stripping the fabric from Mingyu’s body and tracing your hands over the muscles you love so much.
His body jolts when you tease your nails across his lower abdomen, and it prompts Mingyu to reach down, cupping your ass and easily lifting you up. Your legs wrap around his hips, tongues clashing in a lusty battle as he carries you to your bed.
Your hands trace along his strong shoulders as he lays you onto the mattress, looking down at you with blown pupils. He’s breathing heavily already, and you can see the bulge of his cock through his jeans. 
You’ve grinded against him before, sitting on his lap on his couch while he rubs your tits through your comfortable evening sweaters, so you know how big Mingyu is, but knowing he’s about to be inside of you makes your heart race in an entirely different way.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Mingyu asks again, straightening to look down at you.
“Uh huh,” you sit up, meeting his gaze. Then you reach out, undoing his buckle while keeping steady eye contact. 
“Fuck,” Mingyu groans, chest heaving with each breath. “You don’t have to-”
“Don’t have to what?” you tease, moving onto the zipper, which you tug down roughly.
“Don’t have to-” he swallows thickly. “I want to make you feel good.” 
“What if you do that after?” you suggest. “I want to make you feel good first.” 
“Fuck, Angel, okay.” 
“Yeah?” You raise a brow at him, hooking your fingers in his jeans and briefs.
“Yeah,” he nods quickly. “Do whatever you want- whatever you want.”
You tug his pants down, allowing them to bag at his knees. You’re already much too focused on the cock in front of you to care about getting him fully undressed.
Your eyes take in Mingyu’s rock hard length. You’re not great with measurements, but you swear he must be seven or eight inches. He’s got a pretty mushroom tip, all flushed and pink. There’s a prominent vein running along the underside of him, and it makes your mouth water.
You haven’t sucked cock in a while, but you’d read a very good erotica about it last night, and you know exactly what to do. 
Grabbing the base of him, you angle Mingyu’s cock slightly upward, running your tongue along the vein.
“Shit,” Mingyu groans, hands flying to your head. He doesn’t apply any pressure, simply strokes you as you take the tip past your lips, suckling on it and twirling your tongue. “You’re- fuck, you’re good at this.”
You let out a happy hum, and the vibration makes him twitch, pushing him further into your mouth. 
Your eyes are closed now, and you allow yourself to enjoy the act of pleasuring Mingyu. After being so patient with you over the past few weeks, he deserves it. The sounds he’s letting out are more than enough encouragement for you, and soon, your drool begins to drip down to your fingers, making it easier for you to pump his neglected shaft.
There’s no way in Hell you’ll ever be able to fit all of him in your mouth, but unless he’s used to dating women schooled in oral aerobics or some shit, you doubt any of his past lovers have ever achieved that feat either.
Instead, you focus most of your attention on the tip, knowing that the head of his cock is where he’s got a lot of his nerve endings. 
Your tongue dips along his slit, tasting the salty precum. Mingyu moans loudly above you, fingers threading through your hair.
“If you keep doing that, I’m gonna cum too fast,” he warns you.
Part of you wants him to cum, so you go even harder- only for Mingyu to gently pull you off of him.
You blink up at the gorgeous man, pleased to find that he’s flushed. His chest, shoulders, neck and cheeks are all a pretty pink colour, and he’s panting heavily. “Seriously, Angel, I don’t want to cum yet.”
“What if I want you to cum?”
“I’m not making you swallow the first time we sleep together,” Mingyu states, and you can tell that it’s a hard boundary. “And I’m not cumming on you either- I think…” he licks his lips, “I think it’s my turn to make you feel good now.” 
He nods. “Yeah.”
Then Mingyu leans down over you, grabbing your shirt and tugging it off. Your pants are discarded next, left on the floor next to his own while he adjusts you on your bed.
He’s left your bra and panties on, and when his lips find yours again, you kind of appreciate that he’s intent on more foreplay.
Your core is aching through the cotton fabric, and your nipples are pressing up toward the cups still confining them. It’s driving you crazy as he kisses you deeply, but then one of his hands reaches up to massage you through your bra, and you let out a sinful whine.
“Take it off,” you whimper, “please.”
Mingyu’s mouth moves from your lips to your throat, and he reaches under you, undoing the clasp. He gently pulls the bra from your form, and his kisses finally make it to your breasts. 
His soft hair is teasing your skin with each kiss, but when his lips wrap around your sensitive nipple, you can’t even find it within yourself to care about the slight ticklish sensation. Mingyu’s got your full attention now, his teeth gently dragging across the hardened bud, making you cry out even louder.
You grab at his broad shoulders, holding onto him for dear life, wriggling under his large form. 
His cock is pressing between your legs, rubbing against your pussy through the thin fabric of your panties.
“Fuck, Gyu-” you whimper. “I want you so bad.”
He groans in response, moving to your other breast to pay it as much attention as he had the first. Your neighbour takes his time, and you enjoy every second of it, although you’re absolutely desperate for more.
You want him to take the lead, as you lean more toward a submissive temperament in bed, despite the ballsy way you’d approach sucking his cock for the first time.
You wonder if he’s aching the way you are- if he’s throbbing with need for you the way your pussy is already trying to clench around nothing, anticipating the cock that’s going to split you open in a way that no man ever has before. 
Unable to help yourself anymore, you reach down between your bodies, grabbing his length and pumping him gently. Mingyu groans against your breasts, giving you one last lick before he brings his mouth up to your own again.
“Angel, fuck-” he practically whimpers, thrusting toward your hand. “You’re not ready yet.”
“I’m ready,” you try to assure him.
“Trust me,” Mingyu’s hand slips into your panties, two fingers teasing your core, “As wet as you are, you’re not ready for me.”
“Gyu-” You want to argue, but when he pushes two digits into your core, you realize he’s right. Because even with two fingers, you feel like he’s stretching your tight walls. 
You’re so wet that it makes it easy for Mingyu to begin finger fucking you, his mouth finding your throat so he can kiss your sweet spot desperately while you continue to stroke his cock. 
“Wanna make you cum once,” he groans, “before- fuck, before I take you.”
Your core throbs at his words, and it’s clear from the smile you feel against your skin that Mingyu can feel the way your body is reacting to him.
“Do you like when I talk dirty to you, Angel?” he asks.
“Yeah.” You nod, applying more pressure as you stroke him off.
“You’re already taking my fingers so well, who got you this wet?”
“You did, Gyu,” you whimper.
“Can you cum with just fingers? Or should I rub your sensitive little clit too?”
“My clit-”
His palm immediately finds the bud of nerves, and you let out a strangled gasp, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. “Fuck-” Your hand stops on his cock in favour of grabbing both of his shoulders.
“Like this?” he asks, applying a little more pressure that has you wiggling beneath him. 
“Yeah, just like that,” you groan, threading your fingers through his hair, guiding him to continue kissing your throat while he finger fucks you open.
“Have you wanted this as much as I have?”
“Even more,” you confess.
“Not possible,” he retorts, but by the squelching of your pussy, you’re pretty sure you have him beat. You don’t have the energy or the mental focus to fight him on this, so you simply give in to the pleasure he’s providing you. “So good for me.”
“Gyu-” you whimper, legs shaking as your orgasm builds much too fast in the pit of your stomach.
“Always so good for me,” he continues. “The best backpack. The best neighbour. The best girl-”
You cry out as your orgasm slams into you with no warning. Something about this brand of praise has made you feral, and your core throbs around Mingyu’s fingers as he works you through your high.
“Just like that,” he coos. “So good for me.”
You draw his lips to yours, kissing him breathlessly. He kisses you back, tongue invading your mouth and gently stroking your own.
You’re practically shaking by the time your orgasm is over, and Mingyu pulls his hand out of your panties. “I’m gonna take these off now,” he tells you, pressing a kiss to your nose. “And grab a condom.”
“Actually…” You bite at your lip, meeting his gaze. “I’m on birth control.”
He pauses for a moment, and you can see the wheels practically turning in his head. “And… I mean, I know I’m clean-”
“I’m clean too,” you assure him. ‘It’s uh… it’s been a while for me, since I… well, you know.”
You can feel your skin heating at the admission of your near celibacy over the past few months. While you’ve imagined fucking all sorts of heros and villains in your books, the only thing that’s been inside you recently has been your six inch glittery pink dildo.
“And you uh… you want me to cum inside?” Mingyu clarifies.
Mingyu lets out a shaky breath, then he nods. “Okay, yeah, I can do that.”
He tugs your panties down your legs, and before you know it, the two of you are completely naked. Mingyu returns between your thighs, his arm muscles bulging as he holds himself over you, one hand grabbing the base of his cock so he can tease himself through your pussy lips.
“Can I convince you to let me eat you out first?”
“I need you,” you tell him, on the verge of crying if you don’t get your way.
“Another time, then.”
“Another time,” you agree with a laugh.
The tip of his cock teases by your clit and it makes your entire body jolt at the sensitivity.
“If it’s uh… if it’s too much,” Mingyu licks his lips, tearing his gaze from your core so he can look you in the eyes, “if it’s too much just let me know and I’ll stop.”
“Gyu, please, I’ll be okay-” you try to assure him, although, you’re not sure if you’re even certain with yourself on this one. There’s a possibility you might not even be able to walk tomorrow, but that’s a risk you’re more than willing to take.
He brings the tip of his cock down to your wet hole, gently pushing into you. The head alone is enough to have you moaning, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and throwing your head back against the pillows.
“Yeah,” his breath is hot against your chest, “I know, I’m sorry.”
It’s so endearing that the man is sorry his cock is so big.
“Don’t be sorry,” you let out a laugh, “I’ll just have to get used to you.”
“I like the sound of that,” Mingyu admits, pushing another inch past your wet walls. “Fuck, you have no idea how good you feel.”
“Just wait till you’re fully inside of me,” you whisper, closing your eyes and doing your best to relax your body so you can take him.
Mingyu lets out a groan, hips gently thrusting so he can coat his cock in your wet juices. Each movement has him burying deeper and deeper, earning sounds of pleasure from your lips. 
Your nails claw at his shoulders, but it’s clear that Mingyu is too focused on your pussy to even care or notice. 
“Almost there,” he tells you, capturing his bottom lip between his teeth.
Nothing in the world has ever felt like Mingyu, and as his hips finally come flush to your own and he lets out a sigh of relief, you know that there’s no coming back from this. 
You both groan “Fuck” in unison, crashing your lips together a moment later as he begins to move. He starts off slow and gentle, his cock hitting spots so deep that you swear he’s rearranging your guts
You’ve spent years reading erotica, imagining what great sex would really look like, and now, you’re finally experiencing it for yourself.
You’ve never gone completely mind numb for someone before, but with Mingyu, you’re reduced to feral instinct. Sounds like the ones leaving your lips right now are not sounds that have ever come out of you before, and you swear you’ve never been this wet in your life.
Each thrust has Mingyu’s tip rubbing against a place that has you seeing stars, and as he picks up his pace, it’s the most you can do to keep kissing him even while wanting to scream with pleasure.
Your nails dig into his shoulders, and when Mingyu releases a grunt, bringing his mouth to your throat so he can gently bite at your skin, you realize he kind of likes the pain.
The thought has your pussy tingling with even more delight, and Mingyu groans loudly.
“So good,” he moans. “So fucking good.”
“Don’t stop, please, fuck- no one has ever fucked me like this before-”
From the way Mingyu fucks you even harder, it’s clear he also has a praise kink. It’s funny how often praise and pain go hand in hand in pleasure.
You’re thankful for all the books you’ve read about this sort of thing, because they allow you to read Mingyu in a way that you’ve never imagined being able to read someone. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and you adore it.
Mingyu lifts his thigh, angling himself better on the bed so each thrust can go as deep as possible. Your headboard is hitting the wall now, and part of you almost wishes Wonwoo was home so you could annoy him with the sound as much as he’s annoyed you with it.
But at the same time, you’re glad Wonwoo is probably at work. As interesting as being a vouyer is when you’re the one listening in, due to your interesting past with your Harley loving neighbour, you’re not sure how you’d feel about him being privy to this intimate moment you’re sharing with Mingyu.
It’s clear Mingyu is completely present with you. From the sounds escaping him, you know that he’s not thinking about anyone else listening in. His ability to be completely enraptured by you makes it easier for you to get lost in him again, and when you draw his lips to yours, your mind goes pleasantly blank once more.
You’re not sure how long he fucks you like this, but soon, his hand finds your clit again, and you realize he wants you to cum with him.
“Can you give me one more?” he asks, looking down at you with those eyes you’ve come to adore.
“Yeah,” you nod, already feeling the tightening of your abdominal muscles. You’re still sensitive from your first orgasm, and it’s way too easy for him to get you there again, especially with the way his cock drags against your inner walls and sets your entire body on fire.
“Fuck, you’re getting so tight, Angel, holy shit-” Mingyu groans deeply, pressing his forehead against your own. Each panting breath, each whimpered moan and grunt that escapes Mingyu has you closer and closer to the edge.
He should seriously consider getting a job reading erotica for money, like on the Quinn app or something, because fuck, no man has ever sounded this sexy before. 
“Come on,” he encourages you, “I won’t be able to last, fuck- you’re gonna cum with me, right?”
“You’re close?”
“Yes-” You dig your nails into his shoulders, closing your eyes and focusing on the way he’s circling your clit. 
“Please, please, please,” he practically begs, bringing his lips to your ear. “Be a good girl and cum for me again, come on, Angel, cum on my cock.”
You explode around him, crying out. Your legs tighten around his hips, and Mingyu’s entire body shudders as he cums with you. You can feel your core throbbing around him, milking him of his cum as he fills you to your absolute limit.
You’re both gasping, holding each other like life lines while orgasms ravage your bodies. It’s Heaven, but from the way your muscles are contracting, it’s also a little bit of Hell. Nothing has felt this good, but you know you’re going to be exhausted in the morning- fuck, you’re already exhausted.
Mingyu’s thrusts have faltered, but he tries to ride you through your highs. Soon, he’s half collapsing on top of you, your sweaty chests pressed together. Then he’s kissing you desperately, and it feels like you’re both pouring a thousand unsaid words into the meeting of your lips.
You make out for a short while, and then Mingyu pulls out of you, reaching for the kleenex box on your nightstand. “Here,” he offers, holding it between your thighs to stop any cum from dripping onto the bed.
“Thanks,” you let out a small laugh. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom.”
“Good idea.”
Your legs are wobbly when you stand up, and it reminds you of the first time you’d gotten off the back of his bike.
You don’t mind Mingyu making it hard for you to walk, in both ways.
Inside the bathroom, you do your best to use the toilet and clean up the cum. After double checking yourself in the mirror and deciding to brush your teeth for good measure, you head back to your bedroom… which is where you find Mingyu flipping through the most recent book you’ve been reading.
Your heart lurches into your throat, body freezing in the doorway. 
“I didn’t know you read this sort of thing,” Mingyu muses, looking up at you.
“What?” you squeak.
“Erotica,” he responds casually. “This seems interesting though.”
You slowly approach the bed, joining Mingyu under the covers while he reaches to put your book back on your nightstand. 
“Uh…” you don’t even know what to say. “I didn’t mean for you to see that.”
Mingyu laughs, pulling you close to his chest. “Why not? It’s not like I’m judging you.”
“You’re not?”
“Nope. Why would I? I think I read somewhere that men like visual porn and women lean towards the written stuff, nothing to be ashamed of.”
He really is the perfect man.
“Plus, I keep seeing shit on tiktok about booktok girls needing their bikertok boy, I don’t mind filling that role for you.” Another nonchalant comment that makes your heart do somersaults. “Although… aren’t all of you booktok girls into masked men and threesomes and shit?”
His words make you hide your face against his chest, shyness overcoming you. 
“Sorry, was that an overstep?” he laughs, rubbing your back with a large, warm hand.
“No, I’m just not used to talking about this, especially not with guys I just slept with.”
“The erotica you read is the fantasy you’re interested in, it would be a shame never to talk about it,” Mingyu muses. “That threesome between the demon knight and the guardian angel seemed pretty interesting.”
“God, you really weren’t supposed to read the book on my nightstand.” You can feel your skin getting hotter with embarrassment with each passing second.
“You’re adorable.” Mingyu cuddles you closer. “Look, I’m just going to put this out there, and if your answer is a no, then it’s a no… If you ever did want to try a threesome, Wonwoo would be into it.”
Now your heart is really racing, and your entire body stiffens in Mingyu’s embrace.
“Shit, my bad for even suggesting it,” Mingyu apologizes immediately.
“It’s not that…” you take a deep breath. If you’re going to continue things with Mingyu, he needs to know about your past - however unimportant it is - with Wonwoo. “Look… I uh… I matched with Wonwoo on a dating app last summer, nothing came out of it, but, I don’t know, I still feel awkward around him.”
Mingyu is silent for a few seconds, and you’re too scared to look up at his face, too scared of the expression you might find there.
“That would actually explain a lot,” Mingyu says finally. 
“It would?”
“Yeah, when I first introduced you two, he was more of an asshole than usual. And that first time I offered you a ride on my bike, he just took off. I kind of chalked it up to him being socially awkward sometimes around cute girls, but, now things make a bit more sense.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”
“It’s all good,” Mingyu assures you, rubbing your back. “Honestly, I’m pretty tired. How do you feel about the two of us staying here tonight, cuddling till we fall asleep, and talking more about this in the morning?”
You let out a sigh of relief. “That actually sounds perfect.”
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Twelve - Wonwoo
As if listening to you and Mingyu fuck the first time wasn’t enough, Wonwoo had been woken up at three am, and then again at seven to the sound of your moans carrying through his walls.
His room is dark thanks to his black out curtains, but in the blackness of his room, Wonwoo finally snaps. He’d done his best to wear noise cancellers the first time, to put his head under his pillow the second, but now, Wonwoo has lost all of his resolve.
Your small whimpers are simply too hard to resist, and as Wonwoo’s hand slips down to his aching cock, he can’t help but wonder what would have happened if things had worked out with you all those months ago. It could be him that you’re under right now, not his best friend, and that’s a conflicting thought. 
Wonwoo lets out a quiet sigh as he begins to stroke his hard length. He closes his eyes, focusing on the muffled sounds of pleasure that make it through the walls.
When Mingyu had first mentioned that Wonwoo’s escapades had been keeping you up, he’d dismissed it, but now after being woken three times, he can see your annoyance. 
He’ll have to try to go easier on you. 
As Wonwoo works himself up to your moans, he wonders if you’ve ever been in this exact situation; touching yourself while he got off with someone else just a few feet through a wall.
The thought sends a shiver up Wonwoo’s spine and he shifts under his duvet, tossing the fabric off of himself, abdominal muscles clenching with delight.
From the sound of Mingyu’s thrusts and the headboard hitting the wall, Wonwoo’s pretty sure Mingyu is close already- fuck, he would be too if he had you to bury his morning wood into. And from the noises escaping you, Wonwoo knows you’re just as close.
He applies more pressure to his aching cock, speeding up his strokes- Wonwoo wants to cum with you and his roommate, although he’s not quite sure why. 
Sure, once you both cum, his entertainment is over, but there’s a need to be paired with you both, something that goes beyond a voyeuristic act like watching porn, which he could easily switch to when you’re finished if he wanted to prolong the experience.
A muffled “Fuck, I’m close” has Wonwoo’s entire body tensing, and as your moans crescendo, the tightly wound knot inside of him snaps. He lets out a gasp, pumping his cock while ropes of his own cum paint his chest. 
He wishes his hand was you, but the image of you instead of his hand is enough to make another wave of pleasure pass over him. He works himself through it to the point of overstimulation, finally stopping when the headboard sounds cease.
Wonwoo lays there for a moment, eyes closed, catching his breath.
When he finally turns his phone flashlight on and looks down at his chest, he realizes he’s cum more listening to you and Mingyu fuck than he’s probably ever cum inside of a girl.
It’s then that Wonwoo realizes how truly screwed he is. 
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Seungkwan had nearly spat out his drink when you’d revealed Mingyu’s offer to invite Wonwoo into your bed. Soonyoung’s jaw had dropped, and it’s stayed that way. Seokmin looks like he’s having a panic attack, his cheeks all flushed, his hands tugging at the neckline of his dress shirt.
“So what are you going to do?” Seungkwan asks finally, taking a sip of his Gin and Tonic with his wide eyes glued to you.
“I’m honestly not sure,” you admit, letting out a sigh.
“Bitch,” Seungkwan rolls his eyes, “don’t give us that. You read smutty threesome shit all the time, and here you are, being propositioned by your hot neighbour and his best friend, who both ride motorcycles, I might add- this is a fucking no brainer and we all know it.”
“You’ve been wanting a proper fuck session forever,” Soonyoung agrees.
“It’s actually like… one of your biggest things,” Seokmin points out, nodding. 
“But don’t you think this would be messy?” you ask. “Like, if these were randoms I’d never see again, it would be one thing- but they live next to me, and I’m low key dating Mingyu. Wonwoo doesn’t seem like the polyamory type.”
“Babes,” Seungkwan reaches a hand across the table to squeeze your forearm, “This doesn’t have to be polyamory. Wonwoo can just be some dude that fucks you with his bestie sometimes. You can mostly focus on Mingyu, I mean, after all, we all know you and Wonwoo don’t even really like each other after the whole… ghosting thing.” 
“Which is so valid,” Seokmin assures you, also reaching out to grab your hand. “Who suggests a group motorcycle trip as a first date, that was very stupid.”
“Plus, didn’t you mention hearing Wonwoo fuck some girl through your wall?” Soonyoung asks, playing with the straw in his bellini. “I bet you’re wondering why she was being so loud. I mean, obviously his dick game must be good.”
“I have been wondering,” you admit. “Mingyu is so soft with me, so good and gentle- Wonwoo seems like he might be the opposite.”
“And you’ll never really know until you give this a try.” Seungkwan pats your hand encouragingly. “I think you have your answer, babes. Go make those smutty dreams of yours come true, or you’ll regret it the rest of your life.” 
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Mingyu’s been coming over more and more often. Even though his place is just next door, he tends to have a preference for holding you until he passes out in your bed. You don’t mind, being in his arms helps you get the best rest you’ve had in ages, and you never feel closer to him than you do when you wake up next to him in the morning.
It’s a Sunday, and you’re laying in bed. Mingyu had gotten up, decided he’d wanted you for breakfast, fucked your brains out, and now, you’re stroking each others skin while you catch your breaths.
“Are you thinking about something?” Mingyu asks, and you realize he must have noted your silence.
You take a deep breath, looking up into his eyes. He’s done his best to foster an environment of safety- you know you can talk to him about anything, and now seems as good a time as any to broach a few subjects that have been weighing you down.
“What are we doing?” you ask.
“We’re cuddling?”
You let out a laugh. “No, I mean… what are we doing? Like… I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you, and from the way you spoke at the start of all of this, it sounded like you were looking for a relationship, but ever since you mentioned inviting Wonwoo into bed, I guess I’m just a little confused about… the trajectory of this. Sharing the girl you want to date exclusively with your bestie just doesn’t seem like a usual start to a new relationship.” 
“Valid question,” he nods. “I can see where I caused some confusion… I guess, I mean- It’s not that I want to date you exclusively, I already am dating you exclusively, and I have been since the start.”
While this is news to you, you suppose it’s not the most surprising thing. Mingyu has been spending so much time with you lately, he’d have to be Superman or the world’s more snakey person to be able to juggle anyone else.
“When it comes to the whole Wonwoo thing- If I’m being honest, we’ve been friends forever. We’ve had like… three or four threesomes together? So I guess I feel comfortable inviting him because we have that foundation of trust there, and based on the stuff you read - correct me if I’m wrong - but I think a threesome is on your bucket list.”
Now this is some hot gossip. You’d never for a moment considered the idea that Wonwoo and Mingyu have shared girls together before- but now that the idea is out in the open, you feel stupid for it having never crossed your mind. 
“So there really wouldn’t be any jealousy or any problems if Wonwoo joined us?” you clarify.
“There never have been before. Wonwoo’s not the relationship type. If I honestly thought there would be a problem, I wouldn’t have brought it up,” Mingyu tells you. “Sounds like you’re open to it.”
“I am,” you admit. “Also… I’m exclusively seeing you too, by the way.”
Mingyu laughs. “I know, Angel. Wonwoo is an exception, the only exception.”
“So…” Mingyu pulls you tighter to his chest. “Are we gonna bring this up with him?”
“Do you want to ask him?”
“I think we should do it together.”
The idea of bringing this up with Wonwoo makes your heart race. “You think he’ll react okay?”
“Angel, he matched with you on Tinder before, and tried to take you out three times, even if you did ghost him, you’re way too sexy for him to ever say no to.”
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When you’d arrived at Mingyu’s place after dinner, he’d suggested a movie night. Wonwoo usually gets off work around one am, and with his Harley, Mingyu expected him to be back at one thirty at the latest. 
Around midnight, you’d fallen asleep, with Mingyu following close behind, and when the sound of the front door unlocking finally pulls you from your slumber, a quick check at the clock tells you it’s already past two.
Mingyu groans behind you, pulling you closer, pressing his lips to the back of your neck. 
Wonwoo walks into the den area in time to see the exchange, and he pauses by the open concept kitchen, staring at you in the dim darkness of the space. 
“What are you doing out here on the couch?” he asks.
“We were waiting for you,” you say softly, pushing at Mingyu’s hand in an effort to wake him up fully.
Wonwoo stays quiet, and after a moment, Mingyu finally groans and sits up, turning to look at his best friend. Mingyu rubs at his eyes, yawning. “We have something to talk to you about,” he mumbles.
“Let's hear it,” Wonwoo sighs, setting his helmet and gloves onto the kitchen counter before he goes to remove his leather jacket.
“You know what… maybe it’s too late for this,” you suggest, turning to look at Mingyu.
“Don’t be shy,” he encourages you, pulling you closer and kissing your throat. 
You note the way your body reacts, head tilting to the side to give him better access. It’s clear that you’re not as afraid of being watched as you’d thought you might be, and when your gaze shifts to Wonwoo, you find him staring at the place where you and Mingyu’s bodies connect.
A muscle in his jaw feathers, and you see the way his fist clenches at his side, but he stays silent.
“Do you want me to do it?” Mingyu asks.
“Yes, please.”
Mingyu gives a reassuring kiss to your cheek. “I know you two have a past-” he begins.
“She told you about that, did she?” Wonwoo interrupts.
“Uh huh, she’s a good girl like that,” Mingyu holds you tighter. “Anyways, I know you two have a past, and I know you’re attracted to each other-”
“Mingyu.” There’s a warning tone in Wonwoo’s voice now, and it makes your skin tingle. 
“I’m too tired to do this right,” Mingyu sighs, “but listen, she wants to try a threesome, we’ve done threesomes, I figured I’d put it on the table, if you’re interested.”
Wonwoo stands in the kitchen for a moment, then he lets out a sigh, turning and placing both of his hands on the counter. He looks down at the ground, and you wonder what’s going through his head.
“Aren’t you two dating?” he asks finally.
You open your mouth to respond but decide to shut it, turning to Mingyu to allow him to answer. “Yeah, I mean, we’re exclusive.”
“How can you be exclusive if you’re inviting me into a fucking threesome?” Wonwoo snaps.
“Because you’re you,” Mingyu shrugs. “Why do you seem mad?”
Wonwoo lets out a deep sigh. “This isn’t the right way to start a relationship, Gyu.”
You find it comical that Wonwoo - of all people - is trying to school Mingyu on how to treat a girl. 
“I’m pretty confident in us,” Mingyu grins, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You kind of love how sure he is, and it makes your trust in the budding relationship feel even stronger. “Look, if you don’t want to-”
“I want to.” 
It feels like the air is knocked from your lungs. Yes, you’ve considered this for weeks, but part of you never really thought it would get this far, never thought Wonwoo would actually agree-
“I’ve been listening to you two fuck through a wall for weeks,” Wonwoo continues. “Of course I fucking want to.”
“So what’s the problem?” Mingyu asks, brows furrowing at why his friend still sounds so angry.
Wonwoo turns to look at you. “This is going to complicate things.”
“Only if you let it,” Mingyu argues. “Look, you’re both overthinkers, and I get that, but with me here, I’ll keep us all grounded, I promise.”
“It’s not that easy,” Wonwoo sighs.
“It can be, if you both let it be.” He sounds so sure, and you want to believe him on this-
“So is this just going to be a one time thing?” Wonwoo asks, and you note the way his gaze shifts from his roommate to you. Then you feel Mingyu’s eyes too.
“Uh… I hadn’t thought that far,” you admit.
“We could always just go with the flow,” Mingyu suggests.
“You know I’m not that kind of guy,” Wonwoo retorts.
“Honestly, I know it was just a simple case of ghosting, but you two don’t seem to actually like each other that much,” Mingyu points out, “unless I’m misreading something. So how about we give it a shot, and go from there?”
Wonwoo looks to you, and after a moment to consider it, you nod, he mirrors the motion soon after.
“Fine. I’m in.”
“Can you try to sound more enthusiastic?” Mingyu teases. “This is my Angel I’m letting you get a taste of.”
“Don’t test your luck,” Wonwoo warns. “Are we doing this right now?”
“I’m already half hard just thinking about it,” Mingyu grins. “Are you up for this, Angel?”
Things are happening a little fast for you, but you worry that if you don’t bite the bullet and try this now, you might chicken out if you give yourself enough time to overthink and talk yourself out of it. 
“Let’s do it,” you respond. 
Wonwoo stares at you from the kitchen, and you wait to see who will move first. Finally, Wonwoo nods. “Okay, my room.”
He walks away without another word. Mingyu is quick to get up, reaching down to tug you to your feet. You’re a little shocked at how abrupt Wonwoo is being, and how quick Mingyu is to act on Wonwoo’s locational choice.
You’ve never seen the inside of Wonwoo’s room, and you find it even more minimally furnished than the rest of the apartment. With nothing but a bed, a dresser and a gaming station set up, Wonwoo clearly has very few loves in his life. There are no books, no clothes strewn about- it almost looks like a room straight from the Ikea Catalogue with the theme ‘my ocd teenage gamer’s sanctuary.’
The only thing of any true interest, is a tiled wall mount light piece, and from the way Wonwoo is standing near it and looking down at his phone, you’re pretty sure it’s bluetooth. As Mingyu leads you to go sit with him on the bed, the tiles begin to change colour, and you’re not even surprised when Wonwoo goes for a red hue that makes this entire situation feel correctly sinful.
Mingyu sits behind you, prompting you to settle on his lap. His hands find your thighs, stroking you through your sweatpants. You can tell he’s waiting on something, and when Wonwoo finally looks up at the two of you, setting his phone down, you realize just how much power you’re about to hand over to the man you’d ghosted all those months ago.
Wonwoo approaches you and Mingyu, coming to stand right in front of you. He meets your gaze, but he’s quiet. You hold your tongue, knowing that now is not the time to start being a brat.
“So,” Wonwoo says finally. “My guess is Mingyu’s been going easy on you since you started fucking.”
Mingyu lets out a laugh behind you, and you find yourself wanting to defend him. “I wouldn’t say he’s been going easy on me-”
“I’m going to make an assessment, and you’re going to tell me if I’m wrong,” Wonwoo states. “You look like the kind of girl who wants to be dominated. The shy ones can sometimes be the kinkiest girls you’ll ever meet, and something tells me that if you’re interested in a threesome - interested enough to let me be the one to come in here and fuck you - you’ve got some specific itches that need to be scratched. Mingyu’s a vanilla boy. He doesn’t even like to call sleeping with a girl fucking. I’m betting he gives you everything you want, never makes you work for it, or beg for it, or any of that shit. The guy wakes up three times a night to rail you for fuck’s sake. So I’m guessing, even though he probably meets most of your needs, there’s something you’re missing that Mingyu thinks I can provide.”
Mingyu’s mouth finds your throat, pressing soft kisses that wordlessly tell you he’s not about to answer this assessment, it’s fully on you.
“I…” you swallow thickly. “I guess, I mean, that sounds correct.”
“You’re happy with Mingyu.” It’s more of a statement than a question, but you find the need to answer it anyways, so you nod quickly. 
“Very happy.”
“But he doesn’t dominate you.”
You shake your head.
“And tonight, you want someone to tell you what to do.”
You nod.
“You want someone to make you scream the way I made that other girl scream, the girl that kept you up at night. You want what I was giving her.”
“God, yes,” you admit, letting out a shuddery breath. You can feel Mingyu smile against your throat, and he wraps his arms tighter around you, holding you close to his chest. You can feel his cock straining up against your ass, and it’s driving you wild already.
“What’s off the table?” Wonwoo asks. “Be thorough.”
“I think… no anal. Hard pass on anal, at least, right now,” you start. “And… please don’t be mean to me? Like… don’t degrade me?”
“If you’re our good girl, there will be no reason to degrade you, will there?” Wonwoo says smoothly, reaching out to cup your jaw. His thumb brushes by your lips and you open your mouth for him, accepting the digit that presses flat to your tongue. “See, you’re just a good girl looking for direction, there won’t be a problem tonight.”
He removes his hand, and part of you mourns the loss. 
“Everything else is on the table?” he clarifies.
“Nothing gross.”
“Nothing gross,” Wonwoo repeats with a laugh. “I guess that’s all subjective, but I get what you mean.”
God, you wonder what dirty, nasty things this man has done in his lifetime. 
“Safeword?” Wonwoo asks next.
You take a deep breath, only needing a moment to consider one. “Harley.” 
Mingyu groans behind you, his hands teasing up your thighs, closer and closer to where you need him while he begins to suck on your sweet spot. You can tell from his reaction that the safe word pleased him, and you know that everyone is aware how close you are to letting the fun actually begin.
Wonwoo has done his due diligence, now, he just has to do you.
“Gyu, how about you get her warmed up?” Wonwoo suggests, and the man you’re sitting on wastes no time with the request. Mingyu immediately slips his hand under the waistband of your sweatpants, fingers finding your clit through your panties while you squirm on his lap.
“Fuck,” Mingyu groans, “she’s so wet already.”
“That’s no surprise,” Wonwoo says nonchalantly, pivoting and moving away.
You watch him go, curious as to what he’s up to. Mingyu, meanwhile, is focused on getting your attention. He pushes your panties to the side, stroking your pussy, teasing as if he’s about to dip his fingers into you, only to circle your clit again.
You snap way too easily, turning to press kisses along his jaw. You reach a hand up to cup his cheek, prompting him to meet your lips. All it takes is a little tongue action for Mingyu to also break, finally slipping a digit into your wet core.
You whimper at the feeling, grinding down on his hand. The wiggling of your hips adds friction to the front of Mingyu’s pants, and he releases his own groan of pleasure. 
He adds a second finger and you find yourself gasping. Your thighs spread to accommodate Mingyu. His slow stroking is driving you wild, and the ever constant pressure on your clit only intensifies the situation.
“Lay her down,” Wonwoo’s voice snaps you out of your Mingyu haze, and you break the kiss to blink up at Wonwoo.
You notice something in his hands, but before you can get a better look, Mingyu is pulling his hand from your core and standing up, taking you with him. 
He gently places you onto the bed, tearing off your pants. His fingers go to hook in your underwear, but one tutting sound from Wonwoo makes him stop in his tracks.
“Leave those on for now,” Wonwoo instructs. “You might be skipping things because you’re needy, but I remember your panty kink.”
Panty kink? Mingyu has a panty kink?
You wonder how much Wonwoo knows about Mingyu’s sexual preferences, things that you haven’t even learned yet.
No matter how worried you were about this before you agreed to a threesome, it’s becoming more and more clear that Wonwoo might carry the keys to unlocking Mingyu’s full potential in bed- now, you’re worried what that means for the fully monogamous aspect of your relationship.
“Take off your shirt and bra for us,” Wonwoo prompts next. “I want to see you.”
His voice had softened at the end of the request, and the fact that Wonwoo has a good mix between commanding, and a tone that’s almost on the pleading side, has you immediately making good on what he’s just asked of you.
You slip your shirt off, tossing it onto the floor. Arching your back, you get at the clasp of your bra, and soon, it joins the discarded fabric next to the bed.
Mingyu gets onto the mattress between your thighs, his hands stroking up your legs, which spread for him again.
“Here,” Wonwoo tosses the thing he’d been holding onto your chest.
When you pick it up, you realize it’s a blindfold.
Wonwoo meets your questioning gaze. “Put that on. You trust us, right?” 
You swallow thickly, then, you slip on the blindfold, obscuring your vision completely.
“That’s our good girl,” Wonwoo muses, and his satisfaction has your core throbbing. He’s being a lot nicer than you’d hoped he would be- part of you had wondered if this would a rage fueled fuck, revenge for the ghosting. But the way Wonwoo’s treating you- it’s clear he has no animosity toward you for your past, regardless of the cold way he’s been acting toward you up until tonight.
Even with the blindfold, it’s clear who’s still rubbing your legs. And when Mingyu shifts his weight, bending down to press kisses along your inner thighs, you know it’s still him.
Although there aren’t any surprises happening in terms of who is touching you, with your vision cut off, every brush of Mingyu against your skin feels even more intense. Without the pressure of keeping your eyes open, or following the action with your gaze, you can simply lay back and enjoy what’s happening.
Mingyu’s mouth reaches your core, and his breath through the fabric makes you twitch.
When his tongue makes contact with your wet panties, you both let out groans. The world seems suspended in anticipated pleasure, if even just for a moment, before Mingyu practically dives in.
His tongue pushes at your panties, and the teasing aspect of his muscle prodding at your core has your stomach already twisting into knots. It’s like he’s trying to devour your underwear, trying to push his tongue through so he can get at you-
You’d never imagined keeping your pussy covered with a thin piece of fabric would reveal to you how desperate Mingyu is to properly be eating you.
Your hands reach down, tangling in Mingyu’s hair, and you begin to grind against his face, using his nose to add pressure to your clit.
Something brushes by your nipple, and you practically jump at the contact. Then, the soft bud is pinched between two fingers. It’s not a hard pinch, not enough to hurt, but enough to have your pussy throbbing even more from the idea of pain. 
You also know that it’s Wonwoo who has finally decided to touch you, and you’re kind of scared of the effect that’s having.
Mingyu doesn’t even notice his friend beginning to play with your tits, he’s much too distracted by licking your core through your panties. You’d bet that if you took your blind fold off right now, you’d find his own eyes closed, his mind completely consumed by the act of being close to your pussy without really being able to get at it.
“Does he feel good?” Wonwoo asks.
“Uh huh,” you nod, tightening your grip in Mingyu’s hair so you can grind harder against his mouth.
“He’s already nearly breaking,” Wonwoo muses, “how far along are you?”
“I-” You swallow thickly. “I don’t know.”
“I want you to enjoy the teasing, want you to be brought to the edge like this, and when you’re finally about to snap, I’ll let him pull your panties to the side. You can ride his face while you cum for us.”
Your muscles clench at his words, and you nod quickly. “Okay.”
“Where are your manners?” He pinches your nipple even more roughly, and you let out a delighted squeal.
“Okay, yes, thank you, thank you, Wonwoo,” you correct yourself.
“Good girl.” The pinching subsides, but you almost miss the pain. “You look good like this.”
“Thank you!” you blurt out, not wanting to fumble your manners so early just because he’s being sweet to you.
Wonwoo’s fingers leave your breast, and your focus shifts to Mingyu again. He’s begun rubbing his nose against your clit, and you’d bet that Wonwoo’s words about getting you to the edge have inspired the motion.
Mingyu knows that clit stimulus will get you there faster than the teasing of his tongue along your panties, and you give yourself to the pleasure he’s providing.
Wet lips wrap around your nipple and your body jolts. One your hands immediately flies to the back of Wonwoo’s head, threading through his soft curls while he sucks on you. He releases a groan of satisfaction. You respond with a whimper of your own, pushing your chest up toward his mouth.
Nothing has ever felt like this.
Having two sexy men worship you is making your body short circuit faster than it ever has before.
You can feel your orgasm rising in your stomach, and before you even know it, you’re letting out a gasp. “Fuck, I’m close- shit, thank you, fuck, I’m gonna-”
You can’t even finish your sentence, Mingyu tugs your panties to the side, pushing two digits into your hole while his lips find your clit, sucking the sensitive bud while he groans like a starved man.
Wonwoo’s teeth simultaneously graze your nipple, and the combination of stimuli is enough to throw you over the edge.
Your pussy clamps down on Mingyu’s fingers, waves of pleasure exploding out from your core. The loudest moan you’ve ever released sings out of you, and your grip tightens in both of their curls. You’re used to having one anchor, Mingyu, who you hold onto to keep you from floating too high to cloud nine, but now, even with two anchors, you still find yourself drifting away into a state of bliss you’ve never even dreamed of.
Wonwoo’s free hand finds your neglected breast, and a pinch at your nipple has even more electric energy surging through you, your back arching at how intense this all is.
Mingyu hasn’t stopped between your thighs, his fingers are unrelenting inside of your throbbing core, his tongue flicking your clit better than any vibrator or toy ever has.
You cum, and cum, and cum-
Mingyu releases a sinful groan, and you can feel something splash your inner thighs. Mingyu pulls away from your clit, licking up the liquid-
Wonwoo’s mouth leaves your breasts, and you can feel his gaze slipping between your legs.
“Fuck, I didn’t know you could squirt, baby,” he muses, massaging your breast in a way that almost feels loving.
“I didn’t-” you struggle to speak amidst your moans, “I can’t-
“No one’s ever made you squirt before?” Wonwoo finishes your sentence for you.
“No, sir, I mean- yes, sir-”
You hear Wonwoo let out a chuckle, and he pinches your nipple, making you cry out even more. “Sir, huh? Looks like our good girl has really learned her manners, Gyu.”
You’re not sure where the title had come from, but calling Wonwoo ‘sir’ had just felt right, it still feels right, as you writhe against his bed sheets.
“Okay, I think that’s enough,” Wonwoo sighs. Fingers brush by your cheek, and the sudden touch makes you flinch. “She’s crying, Gyu.”
Mingyu groans deeply, his fingers coming to a stop in your pussy. When he removes them, and both men pull away, you can finally take a deep breath after the intensity of your orgasm. Your entire body shudders as you try to steady yourself after what they’ve just given you.
In the periphery, you can hear a wet sucking sound, and you’d bet your life that Mingyu is licking his fingers clean.
“Squirting all over him like that got your boyfriend hard as fuck, baby, I think I’ll be nice and let him fuck you now.”
God, there’s so much you want to think about with that sentence- specifically the way Wonwoo just referred to Mingyu as your boyfriend, a term that you haven’t yet used- but you’re also so needy for Mingyu’s cock now that you can’t sit and ponder the relationship development. 
“Yes, please, Mingyu, fuck, need your cock-” you whine, reaching down to tug your panties off-
Another set of hands grabs the fabric, and before you can fumble to get your underwear down your legs, Mingyu simply tears them in two to get at you.
His cockhead is rubbing against your soaked folds a moment later, and you let out a whimper of desperation. 
“Fuck, Angel, you’re doing so good for us,” Mingyu groans, slipping the head into you.
“Gyu-” you whimper, grabbing at the bed sheets, your eyes rolling into the back of your head from the stretch of his girthy tip.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he tells you, one hand flattening on your abdomen to keep you still. “I could slide all the way in like this-”
“Do it,” Wonwoo says simply. “Bet she’d fucking love that.”
“I would,” you agree, whimpering at the idea of him filling you up with one powerful thrust. “Please, split me open-”
The words no sooner leave your mouth than Mingyu is doing just as you’d asked. In one motion, he sinks the entirety of his cock into your wet, ready hole. 
His hips hit flush to your own, and you release something between a cry and a scream. Your inner walls struggle desperately to accommodate the large intrusion that your body is still not used to even after fucking Mingyu countless times.
Before Mingyu, ‘Like a Virgin’ had just been a Madonna song, now, it’s something you understand completely.
Mingyu’s mouth finds your neck as he leans his entire, large, muscled body over your own. His lips are hot as they suckle on your sweet spot, and you grab at his strong shoulders, wrapping your legs around his hips.
He starts slow with his motions, only pulling out slightly. With each small rut, his cock sinks so deep that it hits a spot that makes you go mind numb.
You’re a gasping, wriggling mess for Mingyu, and from the sounds leaving his own lips, you know he loves it.
His pace starts to increase. You can feel your pussy tingling with each thrust, the vein along the underside of his cock stimulating your walls perfectly.
Mingyu draws your lips to his own, and you find yourself in a desperate clash of tongues. 
“How cute,” Wonwoo’s voice draws you back to reality. “For the record, baby, I’ve never seen Mingyu this into someone.”
God, why is he being so nice to you?
Why does the thought that you make Mingyu come undone unlike anyone else have your pussy throbbing?
Your hand moves before your mind even registers what you’re doing. It flails out toward Wonwoo’s voice, and you’re pretty sure you make contact with his thigh.
“What are you doing?” Wonwoo asks, tone shifting.
You break the kiss with Mingyu, and his lips find your throat while you address his friend. “Wanna touch.”
Wonwoo is silent, and moments feel like minutes. Then, you hear a belt buckle, and a zipper being pulled down.
“You just wanna touch?” Wonwoo prompts. 
Before you can even respond, Mingyu is nipping at your ear. He’s breathing heavily, fucking you faster. “Do you wanna suck him off, Angel? I won’t be mad if you do.”
This is a threesome, it wouldn’t be fair if Wonwoo didn’t get a bit of you too…
“Yes, what?” Wonwoo prompts.
“Yes, I wanna suck you off,” you clarify, doing your best to make your voice sound confident.
Mingyu groans, and then he pulls off of you. You whine at the loss of him, but he flips you onto all fours, pulling your ass into the air so he can push his cock into you again. You do your best to steady yourself on your hands, and the bed dips in front of you, signaling Wonwoo’s arrival.
“Here,” Wonwoo’s voice is soft, as soft as his touch when he pulls the blindfold off of you. “Wanna see that pretty face when you choke around my cock.”
In the red light from the tiled wall mount, Wonwoo looks insane. Yeah, a little insane in the crazy way, but insanely sexy too.
He’s taken his shirt off, and you’re shocked to find washboard abs that make you drool immediately. His curls are all flouncy and illuminated by the red, like a halo, or even devil horns. His jeans are undone, but he doesn’t have his cock out yet, which you kind of appreciate.
Although you can see his length straining against the black denim, he didn’t immediately stick his dick down your throat, he’s giving you time to adjust to the new position.
You blink up at him, and Wonwoo smiles, cupping your cheek. “You’re doing so good, baby.”
“So good,” Mingyu echoes, digging his fingers into your hips as he begins to fuck you like a mad man.
“Sir,” you breathe.
“Yes, baby?”
“Can I suck you off now?”
Wonwoo’s grin widens. “Go for it.”
You realize he’s not going to help you take his cock out, not yet at least. It’s difficult to hold yourself up with one hand while Mingyu fucks you, your free one reaching for his jeans. You hook your fingers in the fabric, trying to tug them down.
Part of you thinks Wonwoo likes watching you struggle. He’s said he’d be nice, wouldn’t degrade you, and he’s not, but this feels like it’s bordering on humiliation. 
Here you are, getting fucked stupid, holding yourself up on one shaky hand while the other tugs desperately at his pants, trying to free his cock so you can have it sink down your throat-
“You’re cute,” Wonwoo muses, finally giving in.
He pushes his pants down, his cock springing up against his abdomen.
He’s long. Maybe not as long as Mingyu, and not as thick either, but that just means you might actually be able to take him fully into your mouth, unlike your boyfriend’s monster cock that you can’t even fully suck halfway.
Even though Wonwoo isn’t as big as Mingyu, he’s confident in himself, and that makes things all the more sexy.
He grabs the base of his length, holding the tip out for you.
Meeting his eyes, you open your mouth, sticking out your tongue.
Wonwoo taps himself along the wet muscle, then he teases the tip just past your lips- you go to wrap your mouth around him, only for him to pull back with a laugh. “Eager, are you?”
You nod, “uh huh.”
He doesn’t even tut at you for your lack of manners, after all, you’re still holding your mouth open for him, unwilling to close it if even for a few moments to say a ‘yes, sir.’
“I guess I can give it to you,” Wonwoo sighs. Although he’s trying to sound unbothered, you can tell from his leaky red tip that he’s just as turned on by this as you are. You can see through Wonwoo now, and you wonder how that’s going to impact your opinion of him.
This man who likes to seem hard and domineering, who likes to appear nonchalant- you wonder what kind of thoughts are swimming in that pretty head of is.
Wonwoo slips his cock into your mouth, and you immediately begin to suck it, twirling your tongue along the tip. He pushes in another inch, testing your abilities. His eyes are fixed on yours, and you stare up at him, wanting to please.
Mingyu fucks you harder, prompting you forward onto Wonwoo’s cock. You take more and more of him, doing your best to relax and focus on the pleasure Mingyu is giving you, rather than the uncomfortable feeling of a heavy dick on your tongue.
You enjoy giving oral, but you’ve always found it easier to have some other stimulus to anchor yourself- Mingyu’s cock splitting you open is just the right amount of distraction. When Wonwoo hits the back of your throat, you hardly choke, too enraptured by Mingyu behind you to carefully about your gag reflex.
“Fuck, that’s good,” Wonwoo tells you, having watched for your limits and reactions.
He begins to thrust now, matching Mingyu’s motions. It’s a push pull, and you kind of love being used like this, having two cock filling you up. They’re almost synchronized, and it turns you on that they’ve done this before, that they’re familiar with each other.
You couldn’t imagine a better pair to lose your threesome virginity to.
Wonwoo’s hand grabs your hair, and you watch as he throws his head bad, letting out a groan.
Fuck, he’s so sexy- they both are. Mingyu’s grip on your hips is even tighter, and you know what that means.
“I’m close,” your boyfriend announces.
“Well I just started,” Wonwoo retorts. “Hold it.”
You’re shocked that Mingyu doesn’t even fight back, his thrusts simply slow down a notch. Wonwoo, meanwhile, speeds up, and you do your best to hollow your cheeks around his cock, sucking on him like you’ve never sucked on anyone before.
“You’re good with your mouth, baby,” Wonwoo praises you.
“She’s so good,” Mingyu agrees, reaching a hand around your body so he can rub your clit.
You jolt at the contact, pussy clenching desperately around Mingyu’s cock.
“Fuck, Woo, we’re both close-” Mingyu groans, resting his forehead against your shoulder, his breath hot across your skin.  
“I guess I can make this quick,” Wonwoo grunts, hips shuddering.
Mingyu draws fluid, lazy circles on your clit, speckling your shoulders with kisses while he ruts slowly into your core. You suck on Wonwoo diligently, like it’s your job- after all, it is your job to make him cum in order for you and Mingyu to get there too.
The pressure in your abdomen is getting tighter and tighter, you’re not sure how much longer you can hold off, especially with the sounds Mingyu’s making-
“You two are so needy,” Wonwoo muses, letting out a small chuckle. “Fuck.” 
“You gotta let her cum,” Mingyu practically begs. “She’s squeezing me like a fucking vice, dude- this is torture.”
Wonwoo’s hips jolt at Mingyu’s words, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You feel your muscles constrict around both of them, and they both groan in response.
“You’re too good at this,” Wonwoo tells you. “When I cum, you both get to cum.”
It’s not an outward admittance that he’s close, but you can tell he is. His stomach muscles are clenching with effort as he uses your face, and the small groans of pleasure leaving him are higher in number now.
He fucks your face even faster, and Mingyu takes this as a cue to begin fucking you properly again. “Can you rub your clit, Angel?” he asks. “I need to grab your hips.”
You moan a sound of affirmation around Wonwoo, holding yourself up on one wobbly hand while the other slips between your legs.
“That’s it,” Mingyu groans, straightening behind you and taking hold of your hips with both hands. His pace matches Wonwoo’s now, and you can feel your orgasm so close-
You can almost taste it.
In fact, you can taste Wonwoo’s, a strangled gasp escaping him as he cums down your throat suddenly.
“Our turn, Angel,” Mingyu moans, pace quickening to a speed that would almost be painful if it wasn’t so pleasurable. Your fingers are rough on your own clit, and you do your best to swallow every drop of Wonwoo’s spend.
When he pulls out of your mouth, you breathe in a strangled gasp- only for moans of pleasure to escape you uncensored.
“Fuck, that’s it, Angel, almost there, almost there-” Mingyu groans. “Fuck, cum for me, cum for us- fuck, cum on my cock-”
His words throw you over the edge. You lean forward, resting your cheek against Wonwoo’s thigh while your orgasm overtakes you. Waves of pleasure surge through your body, making you shake- Mingyu’s hands hold your hips steady, keeping you where he wants you while he fucks you through your high, coating your insides with his thick cum.
You’re both moaning messes, completely given over to the ecstasy that you find in each other.
Your hand falls from between your legs, and soon, Mingyu’s motions stop. He keeps himself buried inside of you, trying to catch his breath.
“I’ll get some tissue,” Wonwoo says. He pulls away from you, and you collapse face first onto the bed, shuddering from the aftershocks of your high.
Mingyu’s hands begin to stoke your body, a silent assurance that you did well for them.
Wonwoo comes back with tissues, and Mingyu pulls out. You bring the kleenex to your dripping hole, careful not to get any cum onto Wonwoo’s bed-
Which is when you remember you squirted all over the comforter already.
You lay on your back, giggling to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” Wonwoo asks. Fingers go to pinch your nipple and you flinch, rolling away from him.
“I got squirt all over your bed,” you tell him.
“Naughty girl,” he says, but there’s an inkling of pride in his tone.
“It’s okay,” Mingyu says, reaching to pull you off the bed. “I’m going to go clean her up, you can throw your stuff in the laundry, and we can stay in my room tonight.”
You’re not sure why the idea of sleeping next to Wonwoo feels more intimate than the fact that he just came down your throat, but ten minutes later, when you’re snuggling between the two men, you find yourself almost unsure of how to act.
Mingyu’s already passed out, soft snores filling the room, and it’s Wonwoo who notices your unease as you shift under the sheets.
“Relax,” he tells you, his hands drawing you to his chest. “You’re safe with us.”
For some reason, his words actually calm you down, and after a few more deep breaths, you pass out on the chest of the man you’d ghosted over half a year ago.
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It’s been two months since you and Mingyu invited Wonwoo into your bed. Two months of great sex, but it’s even deeper than that.
Mingyu is outwardly your boyfriend, and he loves showing his claim over you every chance he gets, but Wonwoo is still on the fence about where he fits in your relationship. 
You’re at the bar where Wonwoo works, it’s a place you’ve been becoming more of a regular at. Mingyu is out with Cheol, but he’ll be meeting you shortly. Right now, all there is to do is wait and try not to flirt with Wonwoo too hard while he mixes drinks. 
Wonwoo is chatting with another regular, an old guy who keeps looking over at you. Finally, the man asks, “How do you two know each other?”
You and Wonwoo exchange a look. You wait for him to define the relationship, after all, out of everyone in your odd little throuple, Wonwoo’s the one who likes to go slowest when it comes to relationship milestones.
After a moment of consideration, Wonwoo responds, “She’s a friend. Dating my roommate.”
“Ah, okay,” the man nods.
It hurts for Wonwoo to not claim you the way you wish he would, but at the same time, you understand his hesitancy. 
When you’d first started fucking Wonwoo, you’d thought he was a doberman to Mingyu’s golden retriever, but now, you think he’s more of a black cat. If you move too fast or too sudden, you’re afraid of scaring him off, and that’s the last thing you’d want to do.
With a sigh, you lift your drink to your lips. You suppose having one boyfriend who claims you with all of his heart makes up for having another who is still unsure about what to call you.
But it doesn’t mean things hurt any less. 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I'm happy I was able to get this fic out in time for spring :) when I tell you this shit was five months in the making-
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🔮 preview.  Mingyu gives you all the love you’ve ever dreamed of from your romance novels. And Wonwoo gives you all the kinky sex you’ve fantasized about from the erotica you read. It’s the best of both worlds, and as Wonwoo sinks his cock into your wet pussy, you begin to suck on Mingyu.
cw/ tw. Exhibitionism, unprotected sex, sex in an alley, sex over a Harley motorcycle, eiffle tower/ spit roasting, quickie, blow job, deep throating, dirty talk, praise, cum/filling kink, inklings of humiliation, Wonwoo is a little rough,  etc…   I petnames. (hers) baby.  
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.7k I teaser wc. 220
🌙 staring. Wonwoo & Mingyu x afab!reader
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“I’m just gonna head outside with Cheol for a quick vape break,” Mingyu tells you, giving you a kiss on the cheek before he exits the bar with his buddy.
You turn to Wonwoo, who is busy mixing some elaborate drink for a group of cougars a few seats down. It’s a decent night here at his workplace, it’s summer now, so most evenings are good for him.
“Is this seat taken?” You turn to see the regular from a few months ago standing there, and you’re quick to offer him the chair, after all, you and Mingyu will be leaving soon anyways. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” the man asks.
You exchange a look with Wonwoo. “Yeah, I uh… I met you a few months ago,” you try to explain, pointing at your bartender. “I’m this guy’s friend.”
“Right, dating his roommate, now I remember,” the man nods.
Wonwoo has stopped what he’s doing, and he’s staring at you.
There’s a hint of danger in his eyes, and you’re not quite sure why. Then he sets down his drink, coming around the bar, and grabbing your arm. “Come outside,” he instructs. 
“What? Now?” you ask in shock, looking around at the bartop that's full of people who need drinks. “You’re working!”
“I don’t care. Come.”
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