#mini & moni music - rm
magicshop · 4 months
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their bond ♡
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btsiu · 2 months
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myobsessionsspace · 4 months
So Important
Watch Full Video
If you are or you’re gonna be a fan of them. Please remember this. Watch the video, it’s so good. I don’t know how many times I can reiterate this. They may make good music, they may give nice visuals, cool clips and sound bites, but above everything THEY ARE PEOPLE.
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marengogo · 4 months
I think I’ll watch this Album Exchange a lot.
So much was said:
Before I can even write anything about it, I think I need to watch it a couple of more times.
Joonie has been in so much distress, I’m so glad he got to let it all out 🙏🏾🩵
One thing I’ll say though is that I was shocked at the fact that JM and I might have the same fav song 😂🤣😂🤣😂
The whole of yesterday I wondered if I should just go ahead and declare Heaven my fav, but Nuts and Domodachi are fighting hard … I’ll give myself a couple of more days but I do think it is Heaven.
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littlebangtancorner · 2 months
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aricastmblr · 3 months
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교환앨범 MMM(Mini & Moni Music) - 지민 (Jimin) TEASER
BANGTANTV 11 jul 2024
교환앨범 MMM(Mini & Moni Music) - 지민 (Jimin) 📆 2024. 7. 20. 5PM KST #교환앨범MMM#MiniMoniMusic#Jimin#지민#RM
교환앨범 MMM(Mini & Moni Music) - RM
BTS BANGTANTV 25 may 2024
#Jimin #지민 #RM#교환앨범MMM#MiniMoniMusic#RM#Jimin#지민
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jkjmbtsarmy · 3 months
240711 BANGTAN TV Update (Namjoon + Jimin)
교환앨범 MMM(Mini & Moni Music) - 지민 (Jimin) TEASER
📆 2024. 7. 20. 5PM KST
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jungkookiexxx · 4 months
🎧 교환앨범 MMM (Mini & Moni Music) - RM
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ohwhale22 · 3 months
교환앨범 MMM(Mini & Moni Music) - 지민 (Jimin) TEASER
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lizziexmeow · 3 months
[ BTS UPDATE 🌟 TWITTER ] 240711 - 17:00 KST
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[ BTS MEDIA 🌟 YOUTUBE ] 240711 - 17:00 KST
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magicshop · 4 months
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every subunit dream about to become true can 2025 come faster?!
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cowgodmoo · 2 months
240720 - mini & moni music
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Minimoni - album exchange - JM's Muse
Well my friends, this was certainly something.
I'm going to talk about somethings in this video that stood out to me, not necessarily in the order they came.
I must say, JM did surprise me. We got a level of candor from him we have never got before. And when I say candor I don't mean JM has not been truthful with us in the past, he has. But he is JM. In situations like these, the master of telling us it all without telling us anything.
When it came to Face JM talked. He told us how personal Face was to him. How he took all his pain and struggles and put it into these songs that also represent a progression in a chronological order ending with SMF pt. 2. He told us all that, and then at the same time left it so vague not going into any details. But it wasn't only the album he didn't talk much about, as we all know. And do we talk about Letter and how so very vague he was when it came to that song? The surprise, the "fan song", which he basically would not say more than two words about?
Funny how open and calm and relaxed JM is while talking about this song, eh? Not a hint of shyness. Not a glimmer of evasiveness. Just saying it loud and clear.
And very curious how for a man that was basically working on the two albums practically at the same time in his 2 mini albums he had 2 songs for the fans... Nope. Not curious at all. Because one of those songs was definitley not for the fans. Not like this one, which he tells us to think of as a letter... very funny when he has an actual song called Letter in Face. Only thing is that that Letter was not addressed to us AT ALL, while this one is!!!
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You think his use of the word letter for Closer than this is a coincidence? Not thought out? Wrong once again. It's a conscious choice of a word !! One word that basically tells us EVERYTHING.
That was me kind of starting at the end. I just had to get it out of my system before getting into the nitty gritty of the rest.
Another thing we got from JM was just how easy it was for him to talk about JK in this 27 minute video.
First we get from him that JK was the first to hear the songs.
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He tells RM that he is the first to listen to the Album though. Meaning, RM would be the first to listen to the songs in the order they are put on the album, as per his concept.
JM tells us later on in the video how he finished recording the songs early June 2023. And here he says that JK heard the songs back during their trip (in July 2023). The use of "since" makes me believe it is the July trip rather than the later one to Jeju. And telling RM he's the first to listen to the album means that JK got to hear them right after JM recorded them, not necessarily all at once, and not in the order they are heard on the album.
Then JM mentions the fact that they are going into the army together.
Now this one is curious to me.
This video was shot a day before JM was off to Hungary to shoot his MV. Mid November. What I find curious is him bringing it up like it was something that RM was not aware of...
It comes up as part of their conversation about JM's voice, how he is in the process of learning how to sing again, in a way that will not damage his voice.
Talking about that he says this:
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RM steering him in the direction he wanted, which was the vocal tutors not JK... Lol.
This is clearly something the talk about a lot. And when I say they I mean JM and JK.
So JM talks about the vocal tutor and the things he has been doing to improve himself in that sense, and then this comes:
RM's reaction. "Oh right". So he knew. Which was understandable seeing that this was such a huge thing. Than why JM mentioning it? Well, probably explained by what comes next. But basically JM is telling RM, and us of course, that he is going to be practicing his singing with JK during their joint service. Yes haters. This is JM telling you that as much as you wish otherwise, the two of them are together right now, just doing their Jikook things when they can. And that includes, among many other things, having hours of conversation and practicing their singing.
So, here's what JM had to say:
Let's talk about this for a second here.
Complimenting JK, as he loves to.
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Stating the obvious. JM confirming that they spend time together. This is throughout 2023 and while there were those that were once again, as part of the Jikook rollercoaster, claiming the two weren't actually close, not to mention together.
JM's use of wording. This is very important. And I don't even think this was intentional, as in something he was trying to tell us. I think this was just him saying things as they are and the use the different terms is because the situations are different. What am I talking about? JM talking about JK:
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Talking about Suga:
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When he talks about JK it's "when he and I are drinking together"... it's a regular occurrence. Not a once in a while. Using that term "when we are drinking..." as opposed to the term he uses with Suga "We had drinks with Suga..." 2 thinks we get here. 1st is the use of "having drinks", which implies a once in a while occurrence, and 2nd the use of "we" oh so very naturally. It's the two, together, going to meet Suga for drinks. And even then, Suga being the third wheel, was basically figuratively just thrown right out of their car, left by the road side, them continuing on their ride together, lol.
Love how when RM says "that's why you didn't invite me" JM says "It gets a little deep". Love it because he's basically saying that his conversations with JK are deep (he did say he loved his mind) but also he's kind of also saying what we already know and what he also continues to tell us when talking about them going for drinks with Suga, and that is that they are so deeply into each other that there is no room for another in their interaction/conversation.
JM talks about how they can go on for hours about music when drinking together. One more of the things they do when drinking together, spending those hours together. Yes, JM just also confirmed that they spend HOURS together. Something done regularly as per his wording. And just one more of the things we learnt they tend to do while drinking. Together.
Talking about music, singing, dancing.
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Working out,
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Giving or getting hickeys,
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And having Ramyeon...
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Moving on.
Let's talk about Muse and what JM tells us about it.
JM and RM filmed this just before JM left for Hungary to film his MV for Who, so mid November 2023. The convo about the choice of name was kind of telling. We basically find out that Muse was not yet set as the name for his album. He was really thinking of SGMB as the name, which really also shows us how much they were influenced by The Beatles Sgt. Peppers lonely heart club band album.
RM asks him if it's connected with Face and JM says not so much. He explains that Face was about him, his feelings, getting clarity, or if you want - of autobiographical nature, while Muse is more vague, or if you want - NOT AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL!!!
There is no doubt in my mind that JM, who wrote these songs, used his own experiences and memories and emotions to write them (some he needed reminding of, lol), but at the end of the day from JM's explanation, the concept of Muse is not about himself and not about love. It's him expressing feelings through the universal language of love. We know that language, we understand crushing and attraction and love. And through those he was conveying how he feels about his work, his music, his performances.
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Excited over something... not someone...
And JM goes on...
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He tried to capture the emotions he was feeling as being like...
tracks one through five:
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track six
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In a sense, if we are looking at it from this aspect, then indeed, his muse could be that "she" represented in the song. Or, being the artist that he is, and keeping it all vague, it encompasses it all. Those very famous JM layers we see in his art. Through his writing and his concepts and performances and the MV and what it conveys to us.
But I do have to emphasise this: JM wrote the lyrics to Rebirth (a song he states he is his favourite), he took part in writing the lyrics to the other 5 songs (all other than Who). The songs are not autobiographical. That is clear. But as an artist the question is where he draws his inspiration for his lyrics from. We know RM can just make it as he goes, create from nothing, from an idea, from a book he read. JK on the other hand can't. This comes from JK himself. It's something he admitted he would love to learn, but he creates from his own trove of memories and experiences. Songs like Your eyes tell, Film out, not personal, and yet he draws lyrics from his own life experiences...
Does that mean that every single song he wrote is autobiographical? Hell no. It means that his expression comes from feelings and memories and experiences he had. We know JM wrote from his own trove for Face, and there are hints he did the same for Muse (without the autobiographic side of it).
Clarifying once again ... a conceptual album does not mean that the artist does not draw from his own life experiences, his feelings, while writing his songs. It means it's not autobiographical but at same time he might be feeding his own reality into those songs.
All this to say, once again, that even if a song is not about himself, when writing it he takes from his own life experiences and feelings. And that is how we end up with lines like this in Rebirth:
You are the light in my darkness Like the sunshine vibe
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This whole interaction:
The shining sun line. Yes, the reference to the sun again. And we know who the sun is.
But there's more. It's how JM talks about the line. It's about him saying he asked for permission from Taeyang to use the line in his song, all while the only word from that line that has to do with Taeyung is Vibe. But even more so their reaction to that line. Both of them. And RM at the end...
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And look who's peaking from the window... Lol.
*See comments for connection with Taeyang = sun.
Please tell me RM what is so very funny about that line "shining sun" that has you folding over in laughter???
When talking about writing Rebirth and how hard it was writing the lyrics to the song, he says:
RM's reaction though, lol.
That "Bro..."
The snicker.🤣🤣
JM couldn't remember the last time he had a crush. You know. That kind of heart wrenching one sided feeling towards another (well, you think it's one sided until you have the guts to explore it further).
I can actually help him with that one:
Go look at some good wholesome BTS content back in 2014 and 2015. That, my friend is JM crushing.
And that is also why Mr. leader had his little snicker.
So yeah JM, it was a very long time ago. Since then you discovered the crush was not unrequited, and you happen to be with that same person for what? 9 years or so?
And yet, RM's reaction. Again. Cause JM might have forgotten what it's like to have a crush for someone, but RM on his part, has not forgotten what it was like to have two members in the band he was leader of crushing over each other. That was the start of his nightmare as Jikook's babysitter, lmao.
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So yes, very amusing indeed.🤣
At the end RM says he loved Muse better than Face, but Rebirth is his favorite and he loves that song more than the whole of Face. He even thinks that Muse as an album is a lot better than Face.
Couldn't help myself, had to end the post with this RM about JM:
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"Such a good FRIENDSHIP!!!", screams someone in the barracks.
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jung-koook · 4 months
교환앨범 MMM(Mini & Moni Music) - RM TEASER
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bts-trans · 4 months
240518 Big Hit's Tweet
🎧 교환앨범 MMM (Mini & Moni Music) - RM TEASER (https://youtu.be/k9E9s7f-YIk) #교환앨범MMM #MiniMoniMusic #RM #Jimin #지민
🎧 Exchange Album MMM (Mini & Moni Music) - RM TEASER
#ExchangeAlbumMMM #MiniMoniMusic #RM #Jimin
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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aricastmblr · 2 months
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Después de la molestia de JK en ese comida de festa ahora si escucho primero las canciones de Jimin_MUSE X)
Jungkook escucho primero las canciones del álbum Muse de Jimin
rm es el primero en escuchar álbum Muse entero como quedo
BTS (방탄소년단) ‘찐 방탄회식’ #2022BTSFESTA 14 jun 2022
Jungkook molesto (de broma se ve le decía) porque jimin no le había mostrado a el sus canciones
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