#mini combine harvester
bewindiasblog · 1 year
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Greengold 220 Track mini Combine Harvester is considered one of the most sophisticated agricultural equipment for Indian wet and muddy soil to use and harvest a huge area in no time. This harvester is ideal for harvesting paddy, wheat, sunflower, grams, pulses, soya beans, etc.
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vdsocialnetwork · 2 months
Balkar combine New Model 2022-2023 Full Review with Price #balkarcombine...
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myfieldking · 7 months
Mini Combine Harvester at Best Price in India
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One notable brand offering mini combine harvesters in India at competitive prices is Fieldking. Renowned for its quality agricultural machinery, Fieldking provides efficient and cost-effective mini combine harvesters well-suited for the Indian farming landscape.
When considering the mini harvester price, Fieldking stands out for providing a balance of affordability and performance. Farmers can rely on Fieldking to deliver a high-quality solution that meets their harvesting needs without breaking the bank.
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pparacxosm · 1 day
blue-eyed son
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(homeless era!patrick zweig x jaded businesswoman!reader; tw themes of poverty; tw strangely intimate vaguely unnerving eating scene; maybe i got carried away with characterising the motel receptionist; but it was necessary; tw corporate ennui; tw scathing outlook on new rochelle; i’ve never even been to new rochelle; there is a real prompt from the NYT mini crossword in here, and the answer was ‘aches’ but ‘zweig’ is also five letters; also maybe i got carried away with reworking the dialogue from the motel scene; but i maintained the essence of tragedy; in fact i enhanced it; tw enhanced essence of tragedy)
‘Not too shabby…’
The blue light miasma permeating from the screen of your brickheavy, moltenhot company laptop casts taunting shadows across your visage as you stare at the subject line of the email from your boss. You drag your finger across the mousepad and click.
Just got off the phone with Mr Smith from Kanonda Corp., and they had some great things to say about our chat today. Kudos to you for handling that. Just a quick reminder, though, that your numbers aren't quite up to par this month, so let's work on ramping those up. Keep it up!
You find three things hilarious about this email: 1) the use of the words our chat when you’re pretty sure you endured those three hours of Mr Smith’s overt attempts to incite a clunky game of footsie under the wobbly table in the shitty steakhouse in bumfuck New Rochelle completely solo, 2) the notion that adding an exclamation mark to the phrase ‘keep it up’ makes it read more like an encouraging pat on the back than a barked order, and 3) the use of the words your numbers when there’s about five other assholes on your team who aren’t in bumfuck New Rochelle, whose combined time spent sitting on their asses in the office, if harvested as energy, would be large enough to power up a small town for all four days of this wretched business trip.
Actually, the “kudos to you” is also pretty funny. Your boss, the comedian.
You shut the lid of the computer, drawing your knees to your chest and ignoring how the sharp lump of an errant spring in the old mattress is digging straight up your ass. You’re nursing a lukewarm can of Coors you’d snagged from this motel's halfway functional vending machine. You’re trying to ignore the noise from the room next door, where some douchebag is doing his best impression of a broken washing machine in bed.
New Rochelle sucks. New Rochelle sucks dick. The weather sucks dick. The food sucks dick. Your job sucks dick. Sunny Skies Motel sucks dick. And you’re considering redownloading Hinge, and setting your radius to ten miles and your standards to hellishly low, just so that maybe you can suck a dick, too, because you’d hate to feel left out.
The company you work for so graciously comps the room in the seedy motel. Real nice. The room reeks of piss and potpourri, old cigarettes and beer, and looks like a relic from the 70s. As in, peeling, avocado-green wall, visibly stained moth-eaten carpets that are an alarming shade of brown, and an ancient CRT TV whose only available channels are reruns of sitcoms from the 90s. Everything about this place wails ‘temporary,’ but, to you, there’s the stark, resigned misery of a lifetime sentence. The room is like your life, in a way: suffocating and stagnant, with no change in sight.
It's the kind of motel that no one would ever choose to stay at if they had a choice, or, perhaps, a modicum of self-respect. But you, poor you, eyes going misty as you look out the window facing an alleyway, are beginning to contend with the fact that you have neither of those things.
You’re lying supine on the bed, arms spread out like a crucifix effigy, and your back is learning every lump and valley of the shitty mattress. You’ve downed your beer, and it’s sloshing about in your belly, and there’s a dampness gathering beneath the underwire of your bra.
You cast a glower to the thermostat, an old model with yellowed plastic and faded lettering. You note the temperature display.
“65, my ass.”
And who are you talking to? The roaches? They’re probably waiting for you to die of heatstroke so they can dine on your miserable, sweatstrewn flesh. The vent shudders droningly, spewing tepid air like bad breath, and you do consider just lying there. Sweating out your bitterness. But no. You need your bitterness. Your bitterness has always served you.
Like this, bitterly, you peel yourself off the bed, swinging your legs over the side.
You slip your tights-swathed toes into the firm leather of your kitten heels, tugging the hem of your skirt down your thighs, but choosing not to bother with the rolled cuffs or the top four unbound buttons of your button down, the dampness where the fabric clings to your back and armpits growing cool as you step out into the nighttime.
You’re twentyeight, which is seventyfive in corporate years.
You’re a wonder with a spreadsheet, and you work hard, and you’re reliable, but these are the sorts of things that only get you so far.
So they send you to New Rochelle. Fine. Here’s their thinly veiled, lastditch attempt to motivate you, or something.
And everyone’s probably sipping on fancy espresso in their cushy corner offices or having lunch in some upscale bistro back home. And you’re in sucksdick New Rochelle, wondering how many different ways a woman can feel disconnected and uninspired.
The Sunny Skies motel lobby is a hollow shell. It is lively as a morgue. The vending machine flickers with the weary lament of someone who is sick of dying. Not pained, or begging mercy. Just over it. Someone who wants to get the dying part of being dead over with.
There’s another roomtemp Coors can in there singing you siren songs, but you’re trying not to be tempted.
You’re stood in front of one of the twin front desks, tapping your manicured nail against the countertop.
You’re staring at a small sign behind the front desk, and trying to ignore the strange sort of aura of decay that seems to hang in the air. Sunny Skies knows her days are numbered, and it shows. Your eyes flick up to look at the clock as you hear footsteps approaching.
Enter Sally. Dear Sally. Sally and her jet black pixie cut and cold shoulder blouses and perennial disinterest. You identify with Sally on a deep, primordial level, because Sally has that soul-sucking look that only comes with years of forcing enthusiasm when you don’t feel any, and you can only hope to one day wield with as much grace that distinct emanating air of exhaustion. Sally is your hero.
“Can I help you?” she asks flatly, casting you a bored, fleeting glance over her narrow pink rectangle rimmed spectacles.
God, it’s artistry.
“I think the air conditioning in my room is broken?” you say. You pull out your phone and flip open the cover, retrieving your key card, because you have one of those flip phone cases. “I need someone to come take a look at it. The last repair guy said he’d pass the message along and no one’s come by yet.”
Sally takes the card and looks up at you sceptically.
“Are you sure it’s broken? Sometimes the thermostat just needs to be reset.”
You bristle a bit at the implication that you don’t know how to work a thermostat. You respect Sally like a soldier respects a war general. Which is to say, do you particularly like the woman? Fuck no.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you say firmly. “I tried resetting it myself like the last guy told me to, but it’s still not working.”
Sally sighs and jots something down on a piece of paper.
“Alright, I’ll send someone up to take a look at it,” she says. “Is that all you need?”
You want to say no, that that’s definitely not all you need, that you need to go home to your quiet, cozy, doesn’t-smell-like-musty-carpets apartment, to lay on your comfortable bed and eat a warm meal.
You just nod curtly.
“Yes, that’s everything. Thank you.”
Sally turns away to pick up a phone receiver, but freezes for a moment, her head tilted in an odd direction. You follow her gaze, your eyes landing on a figure at the far end of the lobby.
The first thing you notice is that he is a total mess. His hair is sticking up in different directions, like a child’s hair after a windy day, and his clothes are rumpled and chaotic, as if he’s just woken up.
You’re trying to determine if he’s extremely tall, or if it just looks that way because you can see his entire two legs with how short those shorts are.
You’re trying, too, to determine why he strikes you as being somewhat out of place here.
You suppose harsh fluorescent lights can sort of warp a person. But there is something almost striking about him. His face is sharp and angular, all hollowed-out cheekbones and fierce, saxe blue eyes that house the sort of self-loathing hunger you only see in Eastern European gay porn. And they are staring directly at you.
He approaches the counter, and comes to stop at an odd place, almost slightly behind you. And you can feel a splendid heat radiating from his body, and you shift uncomfortably to put some distance between you.
Sally, from behind the desk, has been watching the man with a wary sort of glare, but she looks at him now with the same flat, exhausted expression she had used with you. No bullshit Sally. Unaligned and unimpressed.
“How can I help you?” she asks, monotone all the same.
This guy looks at her for a moment, still staring directly at you out of the corner of his eye, but then shifts his gaze to Sally completely.
“I need a room for the night,” he says. His voice is slightly hoarse, as if unused for a while.
Sally is already unconvinced.
“Do you have a credit card?” she asks, her fingers hovering over the chunky computer keys.
The man digs around in the pocket of his athletic shorts and pulls out a wallet whose leather has long ago seen the best of its days. He rummages around in it for a moment before pulling out a credit card and handing it over.
Sally holds the card between two fingers and begins to type something, eyes narrowed at the monitor. She looks at a screen for a moment, then looks back at the man.
“This card is declined,” she says matter-of-factly.
The man’s forehead creases up, a look of the defeated suffusing across his face.
“What? No, that can’t be right,” he says, but he sounds like he thinks it probably can be right. “Can you try again?”
Sally sighs, but, for her part, types the number in again.
Then she waits.
And a moment later, she turns the computer monitor to show him the word DECLINED on the screen in angry crimson.
His expression swims somewhere toward frustration and he leans forward, his voice taking on a hint of desperation.
“There has to be a mistake, that’s my only card.”
Sally looks at him with an air of very mild irritation colouring her general apathy.
“Sir,” says Sally, “I can see the balance on the card. It’s declined. You don’t have any other cards?”
The man’s face shifts again—his face is really very expressive—now bordering on despair.
“No, no other cards,” he says. “Is there anything I can do? I really need a bed for tonight, I’ve been driving all day, I’m exhausted…”
And—what, is he gonna seduce Sally? The thought alone is so funny (not him seducing Sally, really, but rather Sally being seduced by him, or maybe just him trying and failing) and you pull out your phone to keep from laughing, or, at least, then you can blame Twitter, or something.
Sally holds up a hand to stop him, her bangles jingling.
“Listen, sir. We don’t give rooms out for free,” she says, tone all no-nonsense. “If you want a bed for the night, you need to have a valid form of payment. Do you have cash?”
Now this man’s head is bowed, and he is visibly deflated. He looks up to meet Sally’s gaze, sadness and helplessness doing a miserable pas de deux behind his eyes.
“No, no cash either,” he says quietly. “I don’t have anything. I just need somewhere to sleep tonight. Just one night. Please.”
And, at that—at that, if my fleeting glance serves me correct, Sally’s expression softens a little. I think Sally probably watches a lot of AGT. She clearly has a soft spot for a pathetic story, but her job is, of course, to keep the motel from going under. And Sally has no golden buzzer here.
“Sir,” she says firmly, “I have bills to pay too. If I just gave away rooms without payment, we’d be a homeless shelter, not a business.”
Fuck, that’s funny, too. In a way. You’re actually not so tempted to laugh anymore, because this is all becoming a bit painful to witness.
The man lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Can I pay in the morning, then?” he asks, and you can’t see from here, but his hands may be clasped together, because he certainly sounds like he’s pleading. “I’ll have cash by then, I swear. I’ll sign something, give you my driver’s license, anything. I just need a place to stay. Please.”
Sally leans forward on the counter, her tone growing a little terse. Whatever softness she’d started feeling now seems so far gone it may as well have never existed at all.
“Sir, I can’t do that either. If we let someone stay in a room without upfront payment, and you just disappear, then we’re out of a room and out of money. I’m really sorry, but we don’t make exceptions.”
And, to her credit, she does sound sorry, but she’s certainly not budging.
The man is definitely practically begging now.
“I won’t disappear!” he stresses, “I swear, I— Listen, I’m a tennis player. The tournament down the road. I just need a place to stay so I can rest before my match tomorrow. If I win, I get seven thousand dollars. I just need a bed for the night, that’s all. Please, you have to help me.”
Yeah, no, this is really painful. Like, uncomfortably so. You have the cruel thought of just turning around and leaving, and going back to your hot room, to go about your own—now considerably lesser seeming—wallowing, but an even crueler part of you regards this whole thing as a slow motion train wreck.
And, in your defense, you’re only halfway eavesdropping, because you’ve now struck up a passive aggressive argument with a coworker over a Microsoft Teams chat.
Sally raises a brow.
“A tennis player?” she asks dubiously, eyeing his disheveled appearance.
The man nods urgently.
“Yes, yes, I am! My name is Zweig, Patrick Zweig. You can look it up. I just need a bed, please, just one night. I’ll sign whatever you want, give you anything, just please.”
Sally now looks really unimpressed by his plea, her face betraying a hint of disdain.
“Yeah, sure,” she says, her voice laden with sarcasm. “You’re a tennis player. And I’m Beyoncé.”
And it’s funny again. Fucking Sally. You should try and ask her for a drink before you leave. She’ll say no, but you should ask.
The man’s face contorts in abject sorrow and impatience.
“Please, ma’am, if you just look me up—” he begins, but Sally cuts him off before he can continue.
“Sir, do you think I just have time to look up every person who comes in here claiming to be somebody?” she asks, her face growing increasingly pinched with annoyance.
It is then that Sally turns to face you, whose fingers are now really tapping away at your screen, because your coworker’s a bitch, but then,
“Ma’am, do you know who this man is?” Sally asks, gesturing a rednailed hand toward him as though presenting a case on Deal or No Deal.
And fuck if you hadn’t halfway tuned out of the conversation, because you’re suddenly being put on the spot.
You look over at the man, who is fidgeting and biting his chapped upper lip, and his wide blue gaze is a mural of anxious anticipation and pleading hope, and—okay.
So you hadn’t really been paying attention. But you now feel a palpable twinge of something resembling sympathy.
This guy’s face is so earnest and desperate, like an abandoned, infant monkey, or something equally as devastating, and there is something about… whatever he’s got going on that really compels you to give him the help he is so desperately seeking.
But that’s the thing. You were so busy insisting to Deirdre over Teams that saying you’re so articulate is, in fact, a microaggression, that fuck. You really don’t know who this man is.
But he’s looking at you, so desperate and pathetic, and his bottom lip may as well be jutted out and quivering, yet there is something—something—about him that intrigues you. In a stupid way. The way a kid may be intrigued by the mushrooms that have appeared between the wet grass after it’s rained.
So—okay—you give it a think. Because you do think he said it, his name, at some point. Your eyes flick over him. Your phone is still raised up to your face.
“… Peter Zeppelin?” you shrug, raising a brow.
And the guy’s eyes widen comically, and his face falls like the London Bridge, and Sally gives an amused sort of scoff. That seems to be the final nail in the coffin for her, and she holds up her hands in a resigned sort of there you go motion, going to turn back to the computer. And Peter Zeppelin—who is not Peter Zeppelin apparently—all but throws himself over the counter, and now you do see his hands clasp together, with all the desperation of Jesus in Gethsemane.
“No, no, no, come on, come on, that was close!” he says desperately, “Patrick Zweig, that was close, come on!”
But Sally seems done entertaining him, and the poor guy’s face twists with a dozen different alloys of disappointment and frustration and acceptance as he sees the conversation is over, and the gavel has been banged.
But despite his disappointment—and there are veritable oceans of disappointment he’s working with here—there is a hint of something else in his expression, something almost like amusement.
He shoots you a sidelong glance, as if trying to understand you. And you cannot help but notice the way his eyes linger, but you quickly look away, feeling a scattering prickle of guilt cascade over you, and you almost shiver. And why should you feel guilty, if you were only honest? You can’t be sure. Because you feel it all the same.
He lets out a sigh and gathers his things, wounded by the harsh blow of reality straight to his heart, it would seem. This was surely among the saddest interactions of his life.
But, as he turns to leave, he shoots another glance over his shoulder, his gaze once again finding you with magnetic haste.
It is a strange look he wears. A mixture of disappointment, curiosity, and something almost like… interest. You drop your arms, your phone hanging at your side, because that’s enough for you to feel a jolt of something. Something. Something you quite literally try to shake off as soon as he has departed, like a crestfallen cartoon character with all his belongings in a bandana on a stick over his shoulder. But his image seems to linger in your mind. His plaintive eyes and disheveled mien causing an odd sort of sensation to rise up in your stomach. You think it may be nausea.
Or the guilt is really having its way with you.
And the door swings shut behind him with a loud thunk, and you’re feeling a pang of regret, even. And fucking Sally, of all people, is giving you an odd look, as if to say you couldn’t have helped that poor man out a little more?
And you want to say hey, you mythic shrew, I don’t even know him, which is true, because you don’t.
And even if you had, would that have made Sally drop to her knees and throw him a room key? Who are you, arbiter of fame? You want to ask her. If you were less of a masochist, you probably would ask her. But the guilt makes a funny little home in your tummy, and you start to think it’s what you deserve.
You think, at some point, you were generous. In some tender, faraway time in your life, you housed a massive soft spot for anyone who needed help, you couldn’t help it. You’d grown up in a household with a Methodist and a Social Worker, and compassion and kindness were espoused with breakfast in the mornings. And now that you’re working in a cutthroat office full of bloodthirsty Type-A’s, you’ve been made hard as granite. Great.
You’re walking through the parking lot towards your room, and you spot a beat up Honda, its park job beyond redemption.
And who should you see slumped in the backseat, looking utterly dejected, but Peter fucking Zeppelin. He is staring at something on his phone, the glow illuminating his face in the darkness. And you’re holding another Coors from the vending machine like a world class capitalist shit stain.
Seeing him like that, so defeated and alone, makes the spot of guilt you’re nursing in your belly stand up and do a little jig.
And is it your fault? No. Kind of? Either way, you feel the tug of responsibility, and an unfamiliar need to make amends.
You reach your room. You unlock the door with your keycard. You do not walk in. You linger, of course, staring across the parking lot at the man sitting in his car. He hasn’t moved, still slumped down, head bowed over his phone. Your guilt seems to metamorphose into something more discomfiting, and its jig becomes a stomp.
Why refuse to help him?
It is so unlike you, that coldness.
You stand there for what tires you like an eternity, more than a little torn. But, ultimately, the image of his big blue pleading eyes, and the way they had laved you in abject despair, wins out. You’ll see them in your nightmares if you don’t do something. You can’t leave him like this, alone and dejected in his car. You certainly want to. You’d love to go back into your too warm room and drink your too warm beer and hope for Sally to have a come to Jesus moment. But you really can’t.
With a weary, longsuffering sigh, you gather your courage and make your way across the parking lot towards the car, your heels clicking against the tar.
You knock the knuckle of your index against the window, “Oi! Zeppelin!”
And the man’s head jerks up.
He looks… surprised to see you standing there. But there’s a gleam of expectation in his eyes.
The door is locked when he first goes to open it, which—good. At least he has a sense of self-preservation. And then he unlocks it and takes off his grey track jacket and scrambles out of the car with a disoriented sort of grace, stepping out and straightening up to his full height.
So, yes, he actually is very tall. Much taller than you’d realised, actually, and you have to crane your neck to look at him. The light from the motel sign illuminates his face, accentuating his pallor and the tired lines around his eyes.
He is standing very close, this homeless stranger, and it suddenly occurs to you not to let your softness get the better of you. You look him up and down.
You wait for him to speak.
You want to see how he’ll react. And a furtive little part of you hopes that he’ll be a little angry, a little annoyed, at your still getting his name wrong. Because then you get to keep your guard up and maintain your distance, because even Mother Theresa knew the implications of standing alone with a large man in the middle of a motel parking lot in bumfuck New Rochelle.
His eyes, weary, harden just a fraction, the dim apparition of a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“It’s Zweig,” he corrects, his voice frayed at its edges but firm. “Patrick.”
He isn’t quite angry, but there’s a glimmer of irritation there, just enough to give you the satisfaction you hadn’t realised you’d been craving, and a strange sense of triumph tingles through you.
Oh, how much easier to be cold and standoffish when you have something to work with.
“Right, right, sorry about that,” you say, your voice dancing almost imperceptibly with sarcasm.
You cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at him, as though… assessing.
And then Peter—not Peter, Patrick—looks at you for a moment, his weary eyes registering your defensive stance and your rigid gaze.
He seems to recognise something. Something. A need to maintain something. To push him away and make a run for it before it’s too late. And yet, he doesn’t quite seem offended. Or even irritated, anymore. More amused, really, as he gives you a slow, crooked smile.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, the corners of his eyes crinkling in an odd, charming, almost absolute sort of way. Like he’s smiling, and that’s all he could be doing. Even as the smile itself has all sorts of nuanced implications. “I’ve heard worse,” he says.
The way he is looking at you, that easy grin, makes the guilt in your tummy flutter and still and wait. It does feel like he is seeing something, and, of course, that isn’t nice.
You feel a growing unease at his active refusal to react the way you expect him to, and maybe want him to. You work in white collar. There’s nothing easier to delineate than an angry guy. A guy frustrated by your callousness. But this guy seems almost entertained by your standoffishness. It is unsettling. Maybe strangely captivating. But mostly unsettling.
“You look exhausted,” you say, and you make sure any detectable concern is ostensibly feigned.
“Yeah, thanks for noticing.”
Simple. Dry. A note of humour.
He reaches up and runs a hand through his messy hair, the movement drawing your eye to his long, lean arm, the way it strains against the fabric of his helplessly rumpled T-shirt.
So you start feeling irritated again. Uneasy, unsettled, annoyed, these are easy things to start feeling, and you start feeling them. But not for this guy himself. Not necessarily. No, more by the way he is making you feel. And you think, fuck, has it been so long since I’ve had a beer that I can’t hold it down? And maybe that’s it. Or, maybe, you can’t help but find him marginally attractive. The fabric of his shirt, worn to gossamer, brushing over and revealing a glimpse of a toned, hirsute chest. His athletic shorts, which seem laughably short now, or maybe his legs seem laughably long. And strong. Maybe he should run for money, that’s a thing, right?
So anyway, you’re unsettled. And you find yourself growing even colder in response.
“No, you look really exhausted. Like medically. You look like you’re about to pass out. You look like you just crawled out from under a freeway overpass,” you say, and the words come out a tad sharper than intended, which was already quite sharp anyway. “Are you sure you’re not just some bum pretending to be a world-class tennis player?”
This time, his smile turns into a full-blown toothy smirk.
“Oh, I’m a bum alright,” he says, leaning against the side of his car as he regards you with that flaying sort of intensity. “A real loser, actually. The kind of guy who ends up sleeping in his car in a motel parking lot because he’s too broke to even get a room for the night.”
The guilt in your tummy—remember that guilt?—yeah, well, it feels uncertain if it should even be there any more. If it shouldn’t be replaced with something more commensurate with the dense thump of your heart. But you don’t want to let him see how much his self-deprecating attitude has affected you. And you don’t want to let yourself see his reaction, if you were to give into a very strange sudden compulsion to tell him he isn’t a loser.
Instead, you roll your eyes.
“You’re really laying it on thick, aren’t you?” you say, a wry hoist of your brows. You press your face against his car window, cupping your hands around your eyes so you can see in through the tint. “Where’s your guitar? Are you gonna start singing an acoustic version of ‘Hallelujah’ and begging for change?”
He chuckles at this, eyes lingering on the little patch of fog left by your mouth on the glass. “Ah, did you miss it?” he says, feigning sympathy, but his smile is still so wide, “I was strumming like a beast over on that street corner earlier. Gave my strings to this other homeless guy, though, in the end, figured he needed it more than me. Not ‘Hallelujah’, though. Dylan’s what really gets peoples’ hands in their pockets.”
“Righ… t.” You hesitate. You hesitate, because—well—he’s singing.
Yeah, no, he’s definitely singing. He’s closing his eyes and leaning against his car and singing Bob Dylan.
“Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son? I’ve stumbled on the side of ten thousand graveyards.”
And—okay—those are the wrong lyrics, but the song choice certainly feels relevant to his current situation.
“It’s a hard—” He’s still singing. “—it’s a hard, it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna—”
“O-kay,” you say, and he opens his eyes and for all their fatigue they are glimmering with mirth.
You try to remain expressionless, but his undeniable charm and abiding levity considering his obvious predicament make it difficult for you to justify being mean.
“You seem awfully comfortable with your circumstances,” you observe, a vein of scepticism threaded through your voice. “Most people would be freaking out right now, you know.”
He shrugs, hands in his pockets now, and makes an ambivalent sort of noise. “Well, what good would that do?” he says. “Won’t magically make the cash appear in my account.”
He pulls a hand from his pocket, the nylon rustling, and runs it through his hair again. You find yourself watching the movement, watching his hands now, which you think look oddly large. You’re unsettled again. Or maybe you’ve been unsettled the whole time, and you’re just still unsettled.
“So, you’re just gonna sit there in your car all night and hope a miracle happens?” you ask, a strange tremor in your voice that even you cannot presently put a name to. “You don’t have any… I don't know, friends you can call? Or parents you can beg money off of?”
And his expression seems to go dour at that, a noticeable trickle of humour draining from his eyes. “Parents are out,” he says bluntly. Pauses. Gives a humourless laugh.
Doesn’t mention friends, you note. But then you’ve never had many either.
Your guilt seems to settle again, deciding it is needed, and it is accompanied by whatever had had your voice tremoring seconds ago. You cannot help it. This is fucking sad. The way his self-deprecating remarks have suddenly turned into self-deprecating revelations. It’s fucking sad. And you don’t realise you’re staring into the middle distance all sadly until he’s ducking down into your field of vision, eyes searching your face, vaguely bemused, but sort of disgruntled.
“You feel sorry for me,” he says—says, not asks.
And then he straightens, and you think he’s gotten taller.
“Well, you’ve got no friends, no family, no money, and nowhere to go,” you say, trying to keep your voice neutral, despite the fact that, yes, you find you are feeling quite sorry for him. “It sounds like you’re in a pretty shitty situation, Patrick.”
And where he could probably break down into tears—and maybe he should; you’re willing to give him your lukewarm beer and rub his shoulder a bit—a glimmer finds his eye. A fissure in his nonchalance. A look of surprise, and what almost seems like hope. He doesn’t even try to disguise it, and his smile is coming back, with the ease of something never departed.
“Hey! Look who remembered my name,” he says, and his voice has suddenly gone weird and tender, and the change sort of makes you shudder.
“Ah, shit, did I?” you say, looking down, rolling the beer can in your palm and letting it flick off your fingers and land in the other hand. You toss it back and forth like that a few times, and you’re trying to be… not too much of anything. You try to be Sally, unaligned and unimpressed.
It's hard, though, with the way he smiles like he knows something you don't. Like he's in on some kind of secret. You’ve always had a weird suspicion that everyone is keeping something from you. No one could surprise you, as a child.
Patrick—fuck, there you go—has the impish simper on his lips of a cat who’s just seized and maimed the canary.
“You did,” he confirms, voice still strange and heavy, like it’s laden with something.
You try to keep your gaze focused on the can—left, right, left, right—and the metal makes a little tck noise each time it hits your palm, the liquid inside sort of singing as it moves. But your eyes meander up to his legs, where a small patch of bright red road rash is visible on his knee. The guilt in your belly is up and dancing again, but it seems to have invited a whole bevy of other emotions alongside it. Stupid stuff, like sympathy, and shyness, and lots of other somethings of various discomfort.
And then you say, “Well, don’t get used to it,” and the can slips from your palm and onto the ground.
“Okay,” he says, stopping the can from rolling away with his foot.
And then he’s bending down to pick it up, and then he’s freezing, crouched down, like his whole body is wincing, and he makes a noise, like a guilty sort of noise, and he looks up at you, and says,
And stands up and sighs, shakes his head like he’s made a mistake, and shrugs his shoulders and says, “I’m used to it,” with a rueful sort of smile.
“Oh, are you?” You hold your hand out for the can, but he doesn’t give it to you.
He makes a tsking sort of noise, his elbow raising to rest on the top of the car, “I think I am,” he says, like it pains him, “I think you’re just gonna have to keep remembering my name.”
“Well, I won’t.”
“But you did.” He parrots your intonation.
Everything suddenly seems very loud. The sound of crickets chirping, the buzzing of the neon signs, the nylon swipe of his tiny shorts as he moves. He keeps moving.
“Because I feel sorry for you,” you say, and things seem quiet at that, as if for that, “You’re right, I feel sorry for you.”
He sort of kisses his teeth, nodding slowly and glancing off to the side in thought. And when he looks at you again, it’s with a gleam of vulnerability, like he’s conveying a silent message that you cannot quite decipher.
It is disconcerting.
His vulnerability is like a gaping black hole, something that will suck you into oblivion. You don’t really know what to do with your hands now. You wipe your palm off down the side of your pencil skirt.
“You’re not gonna spend the night in your car, are you?” you ask, like, maybe, if you ask, he’ll come up with a new plan of action.
But no. No plans. Only questions. He suspects you have a plan.
“Why?” he asks, “Are you offering me a place to crash?”
His smirk is returning, though it doesn’t reach his eyes. He is clearly a seasoned scholar in deflection, but he bears the cross quite poorly, and his words send a shiver down your still-damp spine.
Sunny Skies is the kind of place you'd expect a scene out of a thriller to take place.
You can picture the headline now: Woman found murdered in cheap motel room, career dead in the water long before.
You hesitate for a moment, torn between your better instincts and your uncanny appetite to help this man.
You know what you should do; you should tell him no, leave him with the beer, and walk away. Keep yourself safe from getting involved in his mess of a life, and potentially being found days from now with a racket jutting out your abdomen, long since festered in a pool of your own blood because the damn air conditioning still won’t be fixed. Fuck, Deirdre would love that.
But the way he’s looking at you, that deep dark supernova vulnerability you’d spied in his eyes just moments ago, it makes you hesitate.
“I…” you start to speak, then stop, sighing as you fiddle with your nails. “I'm gonna ask you something.”
Patrick's smirk falters slightly. He seems to sense that something significant is about to happen, and he tenses, as though bracing himself for an impact.
“Shoot,” he says, a thinly veiled wariness in his tone.
“Why the tennis?” you ask, your eyes on his, flickering, searching, like a bloodhound. “Why are you still doing something that’s clearly not working out for you? Why not give up and do something different? Something that pays, for one.”
And, now, you really do steel yourself for anger, but, to your surprise, anger doesn’t come. Nor do defensiveness or hostility.
Instead, he’s letting out a cynical, protracted sort of pfft noise. “You think I haven’t asked myself that a million times?” he says, his voice cloistered in irony. “There’s only tennis. Since forever. Maybe I fucked up with that, but that’s what I did, and now it’s all there is. I’m not exactly standing before you with too many marketable skills. I can run, I can hit a ball, not much else.”
And you’re frowning at that, at the resignation in his voice. You want to say something, some platitude about not giving up, about trying harder, but you know he won’t appreciate it. Instead, you ask another question.
You ask, “If you had a choice, what would you do instead?”
Again, Patrick surprises you. He doesn’t scoff or obfuscate. He actually just thinks about it for a moment, his whole face turning introspective.
“I don’t know,” he says eventually, his voice low. “I guess I never really thought about what else I might be good at.” He runs a hand through his hair again, letting out a soft sigh. “It’s hard to imagine another life when this is the only one you’ve ever known.”
And that just makes you frown harder. You really want to say something now. But you don’t. Because you can’t. Because what would it be?
He’s an almost-has-been who’s fallen from the top of the ladder and is now scraping the bottom.
He'd once had it all, and now he has nothing.
How do you comfort someone like that?
You look at him for a moment, his lingering charm swirling like a wandering bee around you, pulling on your senses. You think about Ted Bundy, and how he lured women to demise by strumming their heartstrings like Bob Dylan. But then you suppose that any man trying to victimise a woman is not first going to try their luck on Sally, so. Well. You make a decision.
You make a decision, and take a deep breath, looking him straight in the eye. “I have a deal for you.”
He chuckles at that, his eyes dragging downward, a slow descent. He looks at your dishevelled working girl get up, and you realise, with a passing breeze that wafts the acrid, musky, but vaguely not unpleasant scent of him toward you, that your shirt is still half open, and your cleavage has been on exhibition this whole time, but you’re only realising now, because he’s only looking now, and he wasn’t looking before, and he says,
“I’m sure you do,” and he says, “You got a contract for me to sign?”
“My room has a queen and a sofa pull out couch,” you say, not-so-furtively, furtively creeping your fingers up to pull your shirt closed, “You can stay tonight—“
“I can’t let you sleep on a sofa pullout couch in your own room,” he says, and he’s able to feign absolute concern for but a moment before his smile is back again.
“—you can stay tonight,” you repeat, “on the couch, on one condition.”
He crosses his arms, the beer can slipping beneath his armpit, and you don’t even want it anymore, not the least because it’s now probably undrinkably warm.
“Let’s hear it,” he says.
You pause before responding, to make sure you haven’t been briefly possessed and given the suggestion by passing poltergeist, that it’s actually what you want. Maybe you’re tired, or charitable, or maybe it’s just whatever strange, striking quality he seems to have, but you say, “I’ll let you stay in my room if you let me come to your match tomorrow.”
And now you have managed to shock him. He’d been expecting some sort of request for a favour, or payment, but certainly not that.
“You…” his eyes are searching yours for sincerity, “… want to watch me play?” he asks.
“I’ve never seen a tennis match before,” you admit, and, for a fleeting, ludicrous moment, you feel a flush of embarrassment at your confession. “It might be interesting. And…” you steel herself, not sure you’re going to go through with sharing the next bit, “I’ve had a really shitty time here. My meetings here were… horrific. I could use some entertainment.”
He lets out a soft laugh at that, though maybe it’s a scoff. “You want me to entertain you?” he says, and his cadence is jesting, but there is something else there too, something in his eyes that makes your heart start thumping densely again. “You realise tennis can be pretty boring unless you know the sport, right?”
You shrug, affecting an air of nonchalance. “Hey, I’m willing to give it a shot. I have one day left in New Rochelle, and a day at the courts is a lot better than another day stuck in a meeting from hell. At least with you I’ll be watching someone actually do something, instead of pretending to care about some idiot’s idea for a corporate wellness retreat.”
Patrick’s eyes house a genuine amusement, his smile wide. “Corporate wellness retreat,” he says slowly, raising an eyebrow. “You in finance?”
“Worse. Way worse. Marketing,” you admit, like this is the most harrowing thing you can say. “But it’s all the same, really. It’s mostly idiots with big egos in boardrooms trying to out-bullshit each other.”
“So you’d rather watch idiots with big egos trying to out-bullshit each other on a court,” he nods solemnly, but, in a way, he’s issuing a warning. A beat, then he asks, “You always this sour?”
And you bristle for a moment, your pride affronted at his words. But you quickly relax as the irony of your current situation occurs to you—you’re letting a practically homeless tennis player stay in your hotel room, and you’re letting him joke at your expense.
And you suppose, not for the first time, that you deserve it, to some extent.
“Oh, no, usually I’m a blast,” you say wryly, and then, smiling vaguely with an odd sense of honesty, “But it’s been a long three days, and I’m not exactly in the best mood.”
He spends a moment studying you, taking a thoughtful breath. “You work too hard,” he says, as though coming to a profound conclusion.
“And you don’t work at all,” you reply, “Maybe we should swap problems for a day.”
“You got a house? I’m in.”
“An apartment, yeah,” you say, your voice lilting as though genuinely considering the prospect, “But I don’t have a car. Maybe we should just merge and form a symbiotic, corporate drone/middling athlete hybrid life.”
And there’s a pause there, and everything sounds loud again. The vague nyoom of each passing car rattling your teeth, because, in a way, what you’re suggesting is intimacy. And it’s beginning to occur to you that, though perhaps in different ways, you and Peter Zeppelin are two unspeakably lonely people. And to suggest such a thing as beastly as to share what’s tender, well… it feels a little unkind. A gentle brush against an open wound hurts the same way a slap does. 
Patrick takes a moment.
Then, sucking in a contrite bit of air through his teeth, he shakes his head, “I couldn’t wear a suit.”
“You could wear a suit,” you respond, shaking your head, rolling your eyes like he’s being silly, like that’s a silly thing to say. But now you’re picturing him in a suit which certainly feels like an untimely gust of air against that very same wound.
“I couldn’t,” he insists, shaking his head like he’s resigned, “I couldn’t, I’d look ridiculous in a suit.”
“You’d look great in a suit.”
“So, it’s a deal then? I get a bed to fall into tonight, and you get a ticket to the Patrick Zweig extravaganza tomorrow?”
You laugh at that, a sharp, amused ha, because that’s certainly some audacity he’s got on him.
“Slow down there, cowboy,” you say, and you’re smiling. “You get a sofa pull out couch to fall into.”
Patrick’s face swims with feigned despair at your words, a mock-offended noise leaving his mouth. “I thought this was a mutually beneficial arrangement,” he says, a picture of exaggerated disappointment. “I scratch your back, you scratch mine.”
You sputter a laugh. “I’m letting you stay in my room,” you remind him. “Free of charge, might I add. I think I’m scratching your back plenty.”
His eyes widen. He gives a dramatic sigh. He says wow like he just can’t believe it. He pretends to sulk. But the twinkle in his eyes ruthlessly betrays his amusement. “Okay,” he nods, like he’s doing something very big of himself, “Okay. I’ll take the couch. I’ll be good. It’s just a shame such a beautiful woman will be sleeping all alone in a massive bed.”
Something hot definitely flares deep in your gut, burning away all the guilt and concern and embarrassment and whatever else. There is something to being called beautiful by a man who looks like… well, like him. You’re not above admitting that he is becoming increasingly more handsome with passing time, like his face is blooming and ebbing and flowing before you. And that weird, vaguely unshowered musk is making your nostrils flare with something primordial.
“You’ll survive,” you say dryly, though your heart is back to thumping like a heavy fist.
The sound of the shower running is a vague cloud of pitter-pattering, an ambient thrum, and you can hear the water rushing through the pipes behind the wall like a faraway steam engine.
You’re sat against the headboard, your nuclear reactor of a work laptop balanced on your knees, the fan whirring, the bottom permeating your skin with a volcanic heat and probably giving you radiation poisoning. You’re typing like a court stenographer, a sharp, erratic clacking of your nails against the keys, accompanied by the muted rush of waterflow from the next room over. You’re traversing the minefield of your emails. The light of the computer screen casts a pale, eldritch glow on your features, your brows creasing in irritation as you quickly scan and delete all your accumulated unreads.
You’re still in your tights, skirt, and button down, but now you’ve untucked the button down as well. You’re still sweating. The room is still a tepid rat hole. And it’s washed in the warm dingy glow of the beside lamp.
The only other light in the room comes from the ensuite bathroom, the door slightly ajar, leaking out a bright white beam that illuminates the swooping, swirling streams of mist that flow out.
You think the water pressure here’s a bit aggressive, but Patrick nearly sheds a tear when the sharp stream of hot water thrashes against the aches and knots in his muscles.
His whole body is sore. He sometimes feels like an earthbound corpse. It isn’t just the hours spent in his car, but it’s also the ardour of the matches, the unheard of notion of a good meal. The stress and toil of his lifestyle has taken its due toll on his flesh and bones, and here, in the shower, haloed by the thick fog of water vapour, he allows himself a moment of vulnerability.
The water sluices through his hair, emulsifying with the soap and sweat, creating a slick, frothy, chalky-floral scented trail down his face, chest, and arms. He lathers himself everywhere with the little motel bar soap until it is the size of a coin.
He braces himself against the shower wall for a moment, jaw slack and breathing laboured, letting the water batter his shoulders, feeling the muscles there tighten and loosen simultaneously under the hot, cascading stream. The steam and the heat seem to soothe something inside of him, and, for the briefest moment, he feels something approaching peace.
So Patrick is having his spiritual awakening in the shower, and you’re at the mercy of your emails. Deleting messages from your boss about the meeting notes and potential follow ups.
And Patrick spends the first ten minutes in there making unholy sorts of noises, like his skin is being torn off, which is a little disconcerting, but you figure he’s not had a nice long shower in a while, so you leave him be. And the next five minutes are just heavy breathing. And then he starts singing.
“It’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall!”
Which would be fine, but your irritation’s mounting; each new communication in your inbox serves as a needling reminder of the tragic, tedious day you’ve just had. The tragic, tedious life you've been living.
You rub your temples, and Patrick’s singing the guitar refrain of the song, and you’re trying to ease your burgeoning headache, but it’s proving stubborn. The more you read, the more you just want to thwack something. Or scream. Or both.
And so it is bad timing when Patrick emerges from the bathroom.
You’d been expecting an awkward moment. He seems the type to wear his towels irredeemably low on his waist and you weren’t particularly keen on knowing the intimate distribution of all his body hair.
But Patrick walks out in something else.
Patrick walks out in a baby blue Hello Kitty robe.
Patrick walks out in your baby blue Hello Kitty robe.
And you’re pretty sure your blood turns molten.
Your eyes widen like saucers, and your lips part softly. It is certainly both the most absurd and, perhaps, endearing thing you’ve ever seen, and you feel almost strange and lightheaded at the sight. You’d been imagining all sorts of stilted scenarios in your head, but this… this is beyond any of those.
“What… the hell are you wearing?” you manage to sputter, your chest kindling with both embarrassment and amusement.
Patrick glances down at the robe.
You’ve had it since you were nineteen, is the thing, and it only just fits you now, so, naturally, it looks absolutely comical on him. The sleeves come up to his mid-forearm. The hem is immodest, to say the least, rivalling his shorts in that regard. And the plush belt only just about encircles his waist, but he had the decency to tie a tiny knot at the front.
He looks back up at you. He seems remarkably nonchalant.
“Ah, this?” he says. “I thought it was, like, a complimentary thing. Y’know, like the little shampoo bottles?”
And he has the nerve to add a little shrug for effect, though, when you look closer, you can see the corners of his mouth are twitching slightly with suppressed laughter.
You don’t know whether to laugh or cry. A possessive part of you—well, the possessive part of you—wants to incinerate the robe with him in it, because he’s definitely naked under there. You can see the damp hair on his chest peeking out from the neckline, and water runs in rivulets down his legs, dripping on the carpet, and he’s getting your robe wet.
But the image of him raiding the bathroom, thinking he’d found some sort of freebie, is so strange and amusing.
You raise an eyebrow, trying to keep a straight face.
“You thought the motel—this motel, Sunny Skies motel—gives out Hello Kitty robes as complimentary items?”
Patrick grins in response. He is utterly thrilled with the effect he is having on you.
“Hey, Hello Kitty is a timeless icon,” he says.
And your eye twitches. You feel a little deranged.
“Yeah,” you say, enunciating sharply, eyes still a little wide, and you slowly move the laptop from off your knees, “That’s why I bought the robe.”
“You know, you’re not a very generous hostess,” he says, like he’s been sitting on the grievance for a while.
You release a laugh that is halfway a winded breath, “Oh, really?” because he’s not exactly getting a five star guest review on AirBnB either.
Patrick he tsks and nods slowly like he’s sad to break the news. And he saunters around the poky room, hands hiked high in the pockets of the robe.
He gives an exaggerated once-over, inspecting the room, before his gaze settles on you. You are now cross legged, leaning forward, your laptop immolating in front of you as your fingers fly across the keyboard.
"Can't believe this place actually has a TV," he muses, walking over to the small, ancient box. He glances at the remote, lifts it, and turns the TV on. A bright red screen flashes No Signal.
"Nevermind." He flops down on the edge of the bed next to you. "What’re you doing?”
You suppress an eyeroll, or violent screech, or spontaneous second degree murder at his question.
He knows what you're doing, but he's clearly itching for some sort of attention, a stray pawing at the restaurant door in search of warmth. And you wonder how long it’s been since he’s spent so much time with someone. You're a little hesitant to indulge him, partly because you're still processing your callously stolen garment and all the flesh with which it’s become familiar.
"Email," you say tersely. "Work stuff."
"Oh, right, right," Patrick nods and nods, as though only now realising that you're in the middle of a task.
He peers over your laptop screen, looking at the rows of email threads.
"Looks stressful," he comments.
You spare him a glance. His proximity is a tangible, intrusive thing, and robe gapes open, exposing a damp triangle of his chest and collarbone, his bare feet crossed at the ankles.
“Yeah,” you say, not even bothering to sheathe the irritation in your voice. “It is.”
For his part, he seems unfazed by your tone, or at least not willing to acknowledge it. He continues to peer at the screen, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
And you don’t know why, but you feel a strange, singeing humiliation at his scrutiny. You and your stupid mire of spiritdecimating emails. You feel pathetic enough to belong in a museum. An abstract sculpture portraying modern melancholy.
“Can you not... stare, please?” you croak, then clear your throat, your fingers against the keys growing jerky and feverish, like the sputtering adrenaline of something soon to perish. “I need to finish this.”
“Sure, sure.”
Patrick holds up his hands in surrender.
He looks around the room for a moment, as though contemplating his next move, and when he seizes beside you, like he’s just spotted a motion-activated grenade, it is so noticeable that it actually makes you stop typing and look up. He is facing away from you, is the thing.
There's a moment of silence. You watch his back. It looks like he’s not even breathing. The hum of the laptop fan and the low drone of the TV and the thick, tepid waft of the ventilation system compete with each other.
Slowly, slowly, as though you, too, have spotted the bomb, and you’re bracing yourself for flakspray, you look over his shoulder. And oh. Oh.
You see what has arrested his attention.
On the bedside table is a little black cardboard to-go box, Meyer’s Butcher & Grill printed atop in block lettering.
You blink. You had forgotten about the box completely. A relic of a day you hope will be extracted irrevocably from the flesh of your cerebral matter via some sort of alien abduction or government experiment.
But Patrick—well—he hadn’t been tightly shutting his legs as the polished toe of a hoary businessman conspicuously crept up his shin. He didn’t have to feign interest in golf for three hours while a cracked leather seat scraped the back of his knee.
No, Patrick is looking at that box like it houses nirvana. When he leans forward a bit, you can see how his throat moves involuntarily. He swallows. You see the muscles in his jaw flex with primal intensity.
For a moment, neither of you speak. The moment is heavy with tension, like the air before a storm.
And this seems to be an apt metaphor, because there is suddenly a deep noise, like the sky churning after thunder. And it is coming from his body. And it is such a loud, visceral noise of human urgency that you almost recoil.
A strange mix of shame and pity swell in your throat. The box, as it were, had filled you with such a strange sort of repulsed nostalgia that you really had let it slip your memory. You have no interest in its contents. But this man’s raw response rekindles the abject guilt in your tummy.
Patrick turns to you. He turns to you very slowly. And you can see how his eyes are almost glazed over. He wears the look of a man staring at the Holy Grail. A tentative shock, like he’s been marooned on a deserted island for a dozen years, and has just stumbled upon civilisation.
He opens his mouth. His jaw is slack and leaden. His tongue pools with saliva. And if a string of drool slips past his lip, it’s the least you can do not to mention it.
After a while, he manages thickly, “What… uh. What is that?”
“It’s, uh… steak. From the restaurant.”
He nods. He nods very slowly. As though he’s been rendered physically incapable of saying any more, though his words come suddenly, “Steak?”
“Uh, yeah. Filet mignon, I think. The… fucking… guy ordered it, but…” you feel, in a fleeting moment, a feral sort of fear, like a fawn caught alone by a wolf in the forest. And it’s silly, obviously, but that’s how intense his gaze is right now. You clear your throat, “I mean, I’m not hungry.”
Patrick’s breathing is growing increasingly laboured. His tongue flicks out of his mouth, the wet muscle glistening in the dim light.
A moment passes.
“You can, uh…” you hesitate, a bit transfixed by his carnal hunger, your voice sounding oddly fragile, “You can have it… if you want…”
Patrick's eyes flicker almost imperceptibly at this. And you’re sitting there, and you expect him to just go ahead, and, maybe, in the background of your mind, you feel bad that the meal’s gone cold.
But he’s not eating. No, he’s suddenly become very still, as though waiting. As though trying to discern your sincerity.
"Are you sure… you don’t want it?" he asks.
And there is something about his voice, small and corporeal. It sends a strange, hurtful waft of pity through your chest. It sounds like it’s been scraped over barbed wire. It is raw and vulnerable and painful.
And you have the sense that, even if you did say no—which you wouldn’t—he has the look in his eye of someone who will definitely end up eating that steak, one way or another.
You shake your head, clearing your throat, “No, no, of course not. Take it. Please. It’ll just go to waste.” And your voice is sort of coloured by the notion that you’re on the verge of tears.
For a moment, Patrick's reaction is oddly unreadable. It's as though he can't quite believe his luck. And then, he turns, scrambling for the box as though it may spontaneously disappear now that it’s his.
He tears the lid off and, from here, his face looks cast in strange shadows, a shimmer flickering past his face as the low lamplight catches the foil in the carton.
There is something about the instant greasy, bloody aroma that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You’ve never liked steak. But he's already reaching inside.
Patrick can’t seem to chew quickly enough. He almost whines softly with each swallow.
It’s an animalic scene of consumption.
You think of hyenas mauling their prey, but he also looks very small, and vulnerable, and certainly odd, because he’s still wearing your robe.
He devours the meat voraciously, and he doesn’t even bother to wipe away the stream of red dribbling down his chin, but he has the decency to hold the box right under his chin so he doesn’t make a mess.
His fingers are covered in blood and mashed potatoes. There’s a little plastic container of chimichurri in the corner of the box, but he seems content ignoring it.
You have a strange sense that this whole ordeal is something you shouldn’t even be watching. And that, when a loud knock sounds at the door, you should be sort of embarrassed, but you don’t know why.
“Maintenance.” The man at the door seems so bored as to be disgusted. He towers over you, and is peering down, arm resting against the doorframe. He is gnashing open mouthed upon a wad of gum.
You are suddenly conscious of your dishevelled appearance, and find yourself scrambling to button your shirt up.
“Um?” you say, skewing your face a bit confusedly as you slip the buttons closed.
You let your sleeves roll down, the rumpled flare of the open cuffs falling over your wrists.
“Air conditioning maintenance,” the man repeats, as though you are a bit dense. You notice, now, he has a friend behind him.
And, “Oh!” you say, “Right, yeah, the air conditioning, the thermostats showing 60, but the air’s still hot.”
He blinks down at you, his head lolling to the side, and he tongues the inside of his cheek. His arms are big as boulders and tattoo strewn.
“You try resetting it?” he says.
Your jaw clenches.
“Yes,” you smile tightly. “It’s still not working.”
He harrumphs and then sort of coughs loudly and then sniffs, “Yeah,” he drawls, “we been getting a lot of complaints.”
“Lotta complaints,” he friend chimes boredly, tugging up the sagging waistband of his comically oversized grease stained jeans. He is idly twirling a screwdriver.
And then the one in front, the larger one, flicks his gaze over you. And then over your shoulder. He seems vaguely disinterested, for his part, in the story behind your blowsy, tousled appearance, and the half naked man tearing into a steak takeout in a Hello Kitty robe behind you. You figure working in a motel begets much stranger sightings, but you cringe to think of the conclusions he may be drawing. A disillusioned businesswoman and her famished prostitute? Does he think the robe gets you going? You shake your head of the embarrassment.
"Ah... ma'am," he utters, shoving his hands into the pockets of his faded overalls. "You and... your friend need to vacate the room for about twenty minutes while we work on the unit."
Outside, Patrick strikes his chest two times and manages a distasteful burp.
A draught sweeps past and the hem of the robe he’s still wearing sways dangerously. You aren’t even wearing your shoes. The soft soles of your feet lay flat against the warm tar through the thin gauze of your tights.
You’re holding the Coors can, still unopened, warm to the touch between your fingers, and Patrick’s got a cigarette he bummed off one of the workers between his lips.
“Nice outfit,” the guy had said—the shorter one, with the baggy jeans and crew cut and scar on his temple.
“Thanks,” Patrick had grinned, unashamed.
“Are you supposed to be smoking?” you ask.
The night is sticky in the mouth, sultry and thin, like a yawn.
The candescent red pearl of the cigarette’s end bobs with Patrick’s each inhale. The smoke curls past his lips like wisps of grey fog, the humid wind carrying them off like fragments of a weary conscience.
Patrick shrugs. Inhales deeply, his eyes trained lazily on the sky above.
You’re far enough from him, now, that when you look at him, he’s a strange tableau all on his own. This boy not yet a man, scantily wrapped in vivid blue, his too long legs and too large feet and too farfetchedness. He stands against the hellscape of Sunny Skies. Sickly yellow-orange streetlights casting looming shadows that writhe like living things on the ground.
His lips and fingers still glean with the greased detritus of his cold steak dinner.
“Night before a match?” you ask then, and you find yourself following his gaze heavenward. The sky is effectively starless, but you appreciate the deep shade of indigo. “Doesn’t seem smart.”
“Smart,” he echoes.
He reaches up to pinch the cigarette, takes another drag before tugging it off his lips and flicking some ash off. You watch how the smouldering grey specks float down to the ground before dissolving into nothing.
When you look up at him he is looking at you.
“It’s not Wimbledon,” he says, like he’s breaking the news to you, a meandering coil of smoke swirling from his now halfway smirking mouth, the plume veiling the dim streetlight glow in an almost tender way. His voice is kind of loud, when he’s speaking to you now, because there’s a few feet of parking lot between you, but it’s quiet enough that he could just talk normally, if he wanted. But he doesn’t. He says, loudly, pointing at you with the brilliant orange end of the cigarette, “Helps me relax.”
He shrugs again, brings it to his lips again, and slowly turns around. And you think he’s hiding, but he’s made a full rotation by the time he exhales, the smoke streaming out his lazy smile and billowing all around his face, so you suppose not.
“It’s mostly a mental game,” he says, gesturing with the cig again, bringing it close to his temple in a way that makes your brows knot in slight concern, “Tennis. I could be the most disciplined guy ever—“
The concern in your furrowed brows turns to dubiousness. “Could you?”
“—could cut out drinking, cut out smoking, eat all the green shit, sleep at nine. But if I’m fuckin’ pulling my hair out about stepping onto a court, I’m fucked.”
You think he has a point. You think you remember a therapist, at some point, saying something about compartmentalising. But you don’t really know what that means. You stopped seeing her after three sessions, anyway, so who are you to cast judgement on discipline.
Still, “Where did you say you’re ranked again?”
Patrick chuckles at that, a slight nod as if to say touché. He takes another deep drag, the ember smoldering bright for a moment before the smoke spills past his lips again.
“Two hundred and one,” he says, and he’s ostensibly unwounded by this sentiment.
“Not exactly Federer or Djokovic,” you say, and it seems like he’s strolling towards you now.
“You want a good show tomorrow?” he says, hiking a hand into the waisthigh pocket of the robe.
“Oh, I expect one.”
He pauses, closer now. Cocks his head at the can in your hands.
“You want that?”
You snort, hide it behind your back as though he’s got object impermanence.
“You can have it if I see you win tomorrow.”
Patrick scrunches his nose up at this, like a kid who’s smelled something nasty and doesn’t know how to keep it off his face, but he’s really just considering, and maybe disgruntled at the dissipation of your giving mood. But he tilts his head to the side, raising his brows like he’s conceding.
Then, looking down at the robe.
“You want this?”
You laugh, “Yes?” you say, like it’s obvious.
But he seems surprised, “Still?”
“I’m naked!”
“I’ll run it through wash twelve times. It’s mine.”
He throws his head back, making a real show at being putout by this. A protracted groan of longsuffering leaves his lips.
And now you’re really laughing. “You can buy your own with your prize money. Warm beer and a new robe, that’s the height of luxury.”
He takes his hand out of the pocket, claps it hard against his chest as if wounded, and his lips shape around the cigarette in a way that’s almost artful. He takes a long, terminal inbreathe. Drops the cig. Crushes it beneath the sole of his foot. Faces away, and all you see is a large, cascading cloud, swishing away from him and out into the night.
“First my beer,” he turns around, “Then my robe. What next? My car keys? You’re gonna take my car keys and hold them hostage until I win.”
You make a face of sort of abject disbelief, though you’re still smiling.
“My beer,” you say, slowly, like you’re speaking a different language, eyes still sort of manic with the shock of his gall, “And my robe.”
The robe in question is now halfway open, but then he seems unconcerned with modesty. The dark hair on his chest looks almost silver beneath the street lights, the faint glimmers of water still clinging to his skin catching aglow.
“That’s a real shame,” he says, and he’s walking towards you, the hand he had slapped in his chest to show you how you’d spurned him now stroking the soft material of the robe with a carelessness that borders on intimacy, “I feel like it brings out my eyes. Don’t you think it brings out my eyes?”
Your gaze flicks from the robe, to his eyes, and back again. He’s standing in front of you now, and he’s sort of towering over you. He has an ease when he moves, like a stray cat or a rogue cowboy. Or something else. You suppose you can’t think of it.
“You can get another blue robe, Patrick.”
He shuts his eyes. He’s savouring your saying his name, or mourning the robe, or both. But probably the latter with how his fingers caress the lapel.
“One that fits, maybe. Definitely one with a higher thread cou… nt.” You hesitate. Because he’s singing again.
“Oh, what’ll you do now, my blue-eyed son?” he’s doing something with his face; something like he’s trying to feign a compelling hurt, but he’s smiling too hard. “What’ll you do now, my darling young one?”
You laugh, and he’s close enough to you that when your head falls forward it hits his shoulder, and your nose brushes against a plush outline of Hello Kitty, and he smells like cigarettes and motel soap and—well—you because of the robe.
“I’m going back out before the rain starts a falling! And it’s a hard—”
“Okay,” you say, because he’s getting louder, but you’re still laughing and grinning wildly.
“It’s a hard—sing it with me—it’s a…”
He holds the note. His eyes are still closed. You roll your eyes and you don’t step away from him, and you’re still holding the beer behind your back.
Your voice is low, but, “A hard rain’s gonna fall,” you supply grudgingly—well, you’re still smiling—and he throws his arm around your shoulder and pulls you against him and sings, loudly,
“It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall!”
“Okay,” you say again, pushing away from him, and having to sort of extricate yourself from his hold by slipping beneath his arm. “Very nice, you want some cash?”
“Whatever you can spare,” he says.
And you’re so intrigued by the way he looks at you. He has the sort of face that demands to be catalogued in intimate detail. His eyes crinkle at the corners now, in a way that makes them look almost wolfish.
“I love tennis,” he says, and he says it loudly, because you’re seven feet apart in an empty parking lot, and it makes it seem like he’s declaring something.
An empty Funyuns packet drifts by like a tumbleweed.
“I love tennis. That’s why I do it.” He seems resentful, but resigned.
You hesitate, but when you open your mouth to speak again, he beats you to it,
“Doesn’t love me back though,” he’s shaking his head, sporting a huge rueful smile that seems to coruscate in the night, “Doesn’t love me back.” He huffs a sigh. “Story of my life.”
Across the lot, the two maintenance men emerge from your room.
Inside, the air conditioner blows frigid.
You're starting to think everything isn't half bad. You're a good person, letting a homeless man crash on the pull out couch in your dingy motel room, and you leave New Rochelle tomorrow. At this rate, you should extend an olive branch to Deirdre.
You brush your teeth. You change into your pyjamas, the satin of which Patrick is a little disappointed to see a lack of Hello Kitty printed on, but he doesn’t mention it.
He himself is now wearing a T-shirt, and a pair of boxers, and if he quite literally kissed the robe goodbye when he gave it back to you, then you don’t mention it.
And now he’s sprawled on the pull out couch, a thin sheet draped across his lower half. And you’re cross legged on the bed, the duvet gathered around you, and you’re doing your NYT word games because that’s part of your nighttime routine, even though you tell people it’s tea or reading or yoga. This is kind of like reading. You have to think about stuff.
What’s a five letter word that means ‘has a lingering soreness’?
Anyway, so, Patrick is sitting—kind of halfway laying—on the pull out couch. One arm behind his head and the other across his chest. And he’s wearing an expression that’s both intense and a little vacant, like he’s trying to read your mind.
Or like he’s having a silent argument with himself.
Or he’s just tired.
Yes, definitely tired, you think. His eyelids flutter, like they’re desperately trying to stay half open, and he’s sort of drifting in and out of awareness.
He’s quiet for a while, staring wearily into the ceiling like it houses the solutions to all the world’s problems.
And then he closes his eyes fully, and rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.
Your own gaze follows that hand, his right hand—the hand not behind his head—the one that falls from his face back onto his chest, the one that’s rubbing his sternum like he hasn’t had a good sleep in years.
And he can tell that you’re staring. So he clears his throat and opens his eyes, catching yours. And you look away instantly. Maybe a little too quickly. Certainly a little too guiltily.
He smirks. He knows he’s caught you. And you keep your eyes averted, because you know that he knows. But you can feel his stare still on you. And you can sense a kind of curiosity in it.
Earlier when he’d said it—just a shame such a beautiful woman will be sleeping all alone in a massive bed—you’d laughed. You’d laughed it off. And you’d taken a bit of pride in being the sort of strong, independent woman who cannot be charmed into sharing a bed with a stranger.
But that had been then, and now it is—well—now, and the pull out couch, in retrospect, looks firm as stone. And here you are, sitting in this (comparatively, which must be emphasised) comfy bed, and, not for the first time, you feel like a heartless cow.
There are rings around his eyes, dark shadows like bruised flesh. And there’s just this look to him—something weary, but not just in that way that says he hasn’t been taking care of himself. It’s more an aching kind of weariness that’s sunk into the very marrow of his bones.
Patrick is watching you as your eyes flit from the bed, to him, and back to the bed. His eyes follow yours. The way he looks at you is vivid and penetrating. It makes you feel like he’s seeing all of you. But he still looks like he’s struggling to figure something out.
He lets his gaze linger for a moment longer, and then he sits up and leans forward, elbows resting on his knees and hands hanging limply between his legs.
Looking at the way his shoulders are hunched over and the way his neck kind of juts out when he cranes his head forward is kind of reminding you of a pigeon. Or maybe a falcon. No, probably a pigeon. But a handsome, scruffy, feral little pigeon, maybe. And you’re staring at him, trying not to focus too closely on any one part of him.
He rubs the back of his neck, lets his shoulders sag, and looks back at you, and now he has this kind of pleading look on his face.
And you can’t tell if it’s genuine or if he’s faking it to get what he wants, but there’s that veritable exhaustion in his eyes that’s making him look so vulnerable.
And so you say, “Get in the bed, Patrick,” and you say it like he’s been sitting there begging you relentlessly, even though this is the quietest he’s been all night.
He’s surprised. Surprised that you’ve suggested it, but that it was more a statement than a question. And he’s studying you intently again, and he’s trying to figure you out, and you’re trying to figure him out, and there’s a tension in the air that was there before but feels heavier now.
And he looks like he’s about to protest, like he’s going to put up some sort of token fight, but then he nods and says, “Uh, yeah, that’d be great, yeah,” and the relief in his voice is clear.
He scoots off the couch and walks towards you in these slow, silent strides, and when he’s standing in front of you, you look up at him—you forget, whenever he recedes, that he’s quite so tall—and he looks down at you, and there’s something expectant in his gaze, like he’s waiting for you to tell him that you were kidding, and he’s bracing himself for it.
His eyes flickering all over your face, you can see his individual lashes, and the freckle on his lip, the faint lines around his eyes, the way his nose is a little crooked, and you have to really look up at him, and that makes you feel a little small, a little vulnerable, and then he says,
“You’re serious,” like he just doesn’t believe you, like what he really wants to say is you’re shitting me, but he’s too tired not to be polite.
And you shrug. And you nod. Just once. A little nod, but it’s sincere. He can tell it’s sincere.
You do the stupid, twenty-year-old, wall-of-pillows thing. Because you refuse to go top-to-toe when he’s just been outside barefoot.
You peek your head over the pillows, like a child looking over the wall between two neighbouring gardens, and you look down at him. And he looks up at you.
He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly through his nose, but he doesn’t break eye contact.
You’re a little unnerved by how unblinking he is, but you don’t look away either, and you both just sort of linger there silently for a few moments more.
“What time do you need to be there tomorrow?”
And he looks away a second and furrows his brow in thought.
“Eight,” he says, and he looks back up at you, and you can tell that he’s trying to stay awake.
“I’ll wake you up at six,” you tell him, playing with a loose thread on the pillow, and you’re whispering very quietly like you and he are the last two kids up at a sleepover, “Maybe six thirty. I wanna shower first. Then we can go get breakfast, we can get, like—McMuffins or something. Then we’ll go to the country club.”
And he does something like a nod, though it’s a hardly discernible motion, and his blinks are getting longer with every beat. You don’t know if you should say more, so you just wait a moment, and he’s still staring at you. He’s still looking at you like that. His jaw a little bit slack. He looks a little less present each time he blinks, his eyes closing a little longer each time, and his eyelids are drooping.
But he’s got that look like he’s trying to read your mind. And then his brows sort of twitch.
And you give him a suspicious look and whisper, “What?”
But he just lets out a heavy breath of a laugh and gives a little shake of his head. And he’s got a small, amused smile on his face as his eyes fall shut, like he’s thinking, if you only knew.
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
Okay! So, is there an RPG that's more rural, like farms and fields, windmills and carts, swamps and forests, but also still like big monsters and magic? Vibes wise, something akin to Amphibia the show, or Atomicrops the game. I'm sure one could just repurpose any regular RPG to make a world like that, but I'm curious :3c
THEME: Farming Plus
Hello friend, so I have a few games here that feel at least slightly fantastical, as well as a game that definitely works as a post-apocalyptic kind of game, although I don’t think any of the games listed here have the cartoonish-ness of either Apmhibia or Atomicrops. My main goal was to find games that felt like they communicated a slice-of-life style of game, while making room for a setting that feels outside of our normal experience. I hope you still find something that works for you!
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Take Root, by katykoop.
You've achieved the dream! You have a farm, in a cool place full of forests and the mysterious dungeon keep, and there is the promise of glory-- with a festival at the very end of the year. Play against several farmers, with a world master controlling it all, to win by having the most points in your farm display. 
Each season is condensed into 9 days,  with harvest on the 4th and the 8th. Unlock cool items through random events with NPC's, buy livestock, and traverse the dungeons of Dungeon Keep. 
This is take root. 
Take Root is a very procedural game, with each player responsible for their own farm, which they are tasked with caring for until harvest and the bringing of your fruits to market. The phases of the game are (predictably) sorted into 4 seasons with 9 days in each season, with two market days per quarter of the year. Different seasons have different basic crops, and certain items are more valuable than others.
However, you’re not just farming in Take Root - you’re also venturing into dungeons, and trying to romance select NPC’s. Diving into the Dungeon Keep is dangerous, but could have you coming away with rare items that give you money for seeds or items that allow you to fulfill mini quests - such as wooing the love of your choice, for example. The end of the game results in a winner - the player with the highest accumulated points, acquired through selling items, adventuring, and romancing NPCs.
All in all, Take Root is streamlined and simple, and yet manages to combine both dungeon delving and farming into one neat little brochure.
Farmtasy Simulator, by Guanaco Games.
The goal of this game is to build up your farm by managing resources, while dealing with threats both mundane and fantastic. Using cards for the encounters and dice to determine the outcome of actions taken, the player will gain resources and try to figure out how best to use them to continue building their farm. This game is meant to be played with one player and a GM. Farmtasy Simulator can be used as a supplemental mini-game for an on-going fantasy campaign, or as a standalone to enjoy some agricultural fantasy hijinks.
This is meant to be a two-player game, with one player and one GM. The character has dice and five stats with varying modifiers, while the GM has a deck of cards that they will pull from over the course of each year, used to generate encounters that will make the farming difficult. Farmtasy Simulator appears to be primarily designed as an add-on to another game, incorporating farming mechanics into a larger story. I think it might be a neat way to watch time pass for one character who’s trying to settle down and start a farm - perhaps each player takes their turn running through the simulator with the GM, or the GM use this as a mini-session with the only other player available to build their backstory before they went adventuring.
What’s So Hard About Farming?, by K.Petker.
This is a game about working on a farm and dealing with the triumphs and hardships of such a life.  It might not be any kind of farm or farmers you’re familiar with, but the connection to the growing green and the earth is still there.  Regardless of the season, there’s work to be done.  And things might get a little weird.
I don’t own this game, but my experience with What’s So Cool About…..? games is one of light rules and plenty of freedom to let you take those rules where you like. What I expect from this game is just enough rules to give you a reason to roll dice, and the rest of the world is up to you.
On the plus side, this means that if you want to farm in a swamp, or in a post-apocalypse… well, you can do that! On the downside, the experience won’t fundamentally change according to to the setting unless you decide to do a bit of game design yourself, which is a delightful challenge for some, and an unnecessary amount of labour for others, so take from that what you will!
Mectors, by Harper Jay.
After the war, thousands upon thousands of bipedal mechanized fighting vehicles (or “Bimechs”) were left scattered across the land. Many were brought back to the capital cities to be repaired or scrapped, but the majority of them were too damaged to be easily transported. With the war won, the victors simply left their mechanical refuse in the battlefields to rust and wither. 
In Mectors, players take on the role of a farmer, miner, fisher, carpenter, or some other worker in a labor intensive field. Mector Owners come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some own a Mector that’s been in their family for generations. Others came across theirs recently, through purchase or luck. And a rare few have managed to piece their own together using scraps from decommissioned Mectors, but this is even harder than it sounds. No matter how they got it, they now have a powerful tool with a long history.
I’ve recommended Mectors before for a similar request, and I think it definitely holds up as a great option for a fresh take on the slice-of-life farming sim - because it involves mechs! The setting is post-war, in a country that has learned to beat their technological swords into highly efficient plowshares - and the troubles that plague your settlements are less sinister and just the problems of a small community, such as the mushroom fungus spirit who is willing to guide lost travellers out of the cave, but also can’t seem to stop herself from feeding them mushrooms that also leech away their memories. If you want to tell stories about people solving everyday problems, set in an agricultural setting that’s wholly divorced from our own, I recommend Mectors.
Weeds in the Waste, by Megan Cross.
Weeds in the Waste is a solo storytelling game about tending a garden in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
Determine the state of your wasteland, create your gardener, plant your seeds, and tend your garden as you play through the seasons in the wastes. It is a narrative, storytelling game played using 2d6s and a 6x6 grid, as well as a series of prompts. 
As primarily a solo game, much of the tone and pace of Weeds in the Waste is set by you, the singular player. This includes describing how the world ended, and how your garden started, as well as what kind of gardener you are. The game moves through different phases for every season, indicating what parts of your hard work pay off, and what parts are unfruitful.
The end game (and reflection phases) revolve around what withers, and where - which I think is truly reflective of the post-apocalyptic themes in this game. Try as you might, the current conditions of the wasteland can only be so fruitful, and you will have to learn how to live with a drastically reduced yield in comparison to the work that you’ve put in.
There are also rules for multiple players of Weeds in the Waste, so you can also make this a collaborative effort, answering the questions together, and strategically planting your crops as best as you can.
I’d Also Recommend….
My Small Town Farming Recommendation Post (some overlap with this one)
Grandpa’s Farm, by Tyler Crumrine.
Iron Valley, by M.Kirin.
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adarkrainbow · 5 hours
Fairytales - the dark season (3)
Today's title: Over the Garden Wall
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"Over the Garden Wall" is a 2014 animated mini-series, created by Patrcik McHale (the man behind "The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack" or "Adventure Time"). It tells the story of two brothers, Wirt and Greg, finding themselves lost in a strange, magical and sinister forest called "The Unknown". There, they try to find back their way home while encoutering all sorts of strange situations and excentric characters, ranging from the comical to the nightmarish. But as a bluebird called Beatrice, claiming to be a girl transformed by magic, leads them to a good witch supposed to help them, the presence of an ominous "Beast" and the frequent sightings of a mysterious Woodsman lead the children into something far more dangerous than they expected...
Personal categorization: "Fairytales by autumn light"
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"Over the Garden Wall" was originally conceived as "Tome of the Unknown", a Halloween-special series centered around two brothers trying to escape a deal they made with a cartoonish devil by collecting the pages of the titular "Tome of the Unknown", a book of forgotten stories. The project was massively modified to create the story we have today, but this origin explains a lot about the show's feel and aesthetic.
"Over the Garden Wall" is not an adaptation of any specific fairytale, and yet all agree that it has the exact feeling of a traditional fairytale - mainly due to how the show builds its world by combining in its plot and visuals various fairytale-adjacent sources. "Over the Garden Wall" is a mixture of Alice in Wonderland, Don Quixote and The Wizard of Oz, designed after vintage Halloween imagery, early 20th century cartoons, New England folklore and Gustave Doré illustrations. With, sprinkled on top, nods to Hans Christian Andersen's stories or Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel opera. It might sound like a mess, and yet it is all presented in a short, concise and flowing way through a self-contained set of ten episodes, no more no less.
You will find there a perfect show for the "dark season" of wonders, as the story goes along from harvest festivals to the depths of winter, and uses many tropes and topoi of traditional fairytales in order to tell the story of these children lost in an uncanny otherworld.
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sw33tsnow · 9 months
Enchanted by the aching wounds
- (I) / (III)
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Mercenary!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Harpy!F!Reader
Summary: In a world filled with chaos, mankind and mythical creatures refuse to maintain a harmonious interaction. But it seemed not all would comply the exact same.
Warning: NOT FOR MINORS, size gap, mentions of violence, mentions of death, blood, vocabs, timeline ("once upon a time") Wordcount: 2k7
I've been working on The UK history for my field and came up with this blog's idea. I'll try my best to bring the vibe (might appear some grammar errs)
Inspired by: Maleficent (Angelina Jolie's role) and the incredible mini-serie Songs that sound like sea-foam - @halcyone-of-the-sea
Mother Nature - Nak created everything. She shaped mountains with scarce ores for the Dragons to guard, blew the wind and guided the Elves and Centaurus to bring seeds to the arid steppes. Whenever a precious life passed away, Nak would shed Her tears of sorrow and they would flow into vast oceans, becoming a great home for Sirens and Mermaids. Oases and islands, the same as floating land on the water surface, surrounded by sand and deep inside where the trees were so dense, there are jungles guarded by the Harpies. That's your kind, being called by an intimate name - the Aborigines, given by Nak and friends from other species. The reason was because jungles were the combination of nearly all the quintessence that Mother Nature has ever formed. Harpies' deep knowledge of flora and fauna impressed the meadow fairies to come back to learn, your kind's mastery in predicting the taste and temperature of liquid attracted the water fairies, and the respectful manners toward the mountains always pleased the Dragons.
Then the Sky came. He called Mother Nature his muse, allured Her and succeeded in making Her give birth to a short-lived, disgusting species called human. They're stupid, always curious and impatient. Nak wanted you - her beautiful children to treat them like family, just like the Sky treated Her. Yet unexpectedly, the Sky abandoned Her along with these brainless mortals for his new interest - the Moon. When He was still by Nak’s side, their passionate love resulted in endless harvest and warm sunlight illuminated the entire land but when He left, Mother Nature was drowned in inconsolable grief and forgot Her duty, causing what we called The ice age today. Those weak mankind rebelled because they couldn't stand the harshness which nature has given them. They sharpened their own weapons and started to hunt food, they exploited the mountains to take away the essence, and then started dividing territories and killing their own kind to assert their power.
Mother Nature's fury has risen, Her tantrum was beyond imagination. The mountains roared and spewed boiling melted rocks that burned fields dared to cross their path, the calm coastline was replaced by angrily tsunamis, the vast pastures turned to lifeless soil, and the forests became somber and dreadful. Mother Nature was unable to dissuade. She was your mother, their mother, but the mortals didn't know better. Instead of reconciled and coordinated, foolish humans with vague knowledge began to imitate your kind. They formed classes as you have your clans, their patriarch preferred to be called king, and your warriors were called guards in their language. They robbed your ores and molded the gold into cramped shapes entitled crowns, wearing them on their heads as if to represent their power. With endless greed, the mortals yearned for exotic garments and accessories so they did not hesitate to slaughter your brothers and sisters only for feathers and claws as the materials.
Faith vanished when the whines from families who lost their members and the desperate prayers couldn't reach Nak, She has banished you all, Her own blood. The survivors from all remaining species have gathered in the far-off island, separated and protected from the ugly world which mankind has conquered.
Afraid of being hanged for failing to track the left traces of you fairies, the vassals forged stories to delude their majesty. Spreading rumors about your kinds’ extinction and turning you fairies into mythical creatures that they chose to tell their later generations as bedtime tales. 
Reckless and brutal
The stories that you heard from the elders as a child told you all. Mankind is truly bloodthirsty. Time flies like an arrow, the war raged non-stop, the deafening explosions of the weapons they called 'guns' and the mournful screams of all things did not subside for decades. The mortals did not give up easily as they silently seeked for you creatures with the excuse that you fairies would take revenge. They massacred villages, shed no mercy on newborn infants to harmless old ones, women were captured to satisfy their animalistic desires and men who defied orders were killed unhesitatingly. However, not only you fairies had to shed blood, humanity also refused to spare their own people. 
Well, you aren’t on the same page. Humans are indeed ugly and cruel, but they have superior intelligence, which was clearly unfair. They learned from their previous mistakes in order to correct and improve themselves. Without special-given abilities, mortals built their own boats to help them travel on the sea, put up their own huts called houses to live in and start a family, they also learned how to herd animals and grow crops. 
That's also why you're here, chained below the sodden hold of an enormous royal cruise.
Your naked body was covered in wounds and coagulated blood stains from the whip, your hair disheveled and your legs were shaking from the loss of strength from being knelt for too long. The surrounding dark space limited your vision, there were some collision sounds that came from some valuable objects, the whimpers of animals and the jingling sound of the chains on your neck and your wrists as they bump into each other. On the main deck, the nobles were eating, drinking and dancing to the melodious music of the violin, guests all wearing masks as requested in the invitation. This ship's indeed well-known as a venue for clandestine auctions. Alcohol, jewelry, paintings, drugs or any other illegal items would be converged here for the wealthy to throw their money around. Attendees were way more crowded than usual thanks to the rumors about a special creature on display waiting to be owned here - you, to be more specific.
During the final purge on the island where you fairies were hiding, your parents sacrificed themselves to protect you from impending death. All by yourself, you had to hunt for your starvation, had to learn how to fly and use the gift you were given - mankind called it magic, without receiving any guidance. You came to realize that you were the last Harpy, the last child of Mother Nature - Nak while eavesdropping on a conversation between pirates. Couldn’t hide forever, you disguise yourself as a human-being and blend in the human society. Years of working like a dog, you have earned enough money, which the mortals used to trade for goods, and opened a pub of your own. You have learned their language to communicate and lived in peace for such a long period until a group of strangers ambushed and brought you to this cruise. Even though the time serving for pirates and monarchs' forces has whetted your battling skills, you’re outnumbered and were forced to surrender. 
They brutally tortured you, stimulating your wild's instinct to rise and revealing your true self before their eyes. They treated you like an animal, feeding you filthy stuff that even the most foolish creature wouldn't put in their mouth just to keep you from dying. If you dared to resist or went on hunger-strike, they would avoid damaging the valuables of your body and force you to submit by slicing your flesh. Devastated, you no longer have the strength to find a way to escape but accept your fate, being locked up and sold like an actual commodity.
In the hidden corners of the ballroom, four men with sturdy built frames were quietly observing every movement with hawk eyes. All four of them were dressed in late Victorian formal attire, after all it’s considered a formal event with plenty of royalties appearing. Standard plain white shirts with detachable white collars tucked inside the waistcoats, ascot or ties by choice. Their trousers and frock coats were not the same shade, perhaps to avoid unwanted attention. From head to toe, the costumes were meticulously tailored based on each individuals’ measurements because the job they undertook required quite a lot of manual work.
Beneath the giant painting hanging between the two paths leading to the balcony, a brunet with a black mask was staring at the end of the hall. That’s where the door leading down to the lower deck was, where his team had to reach as claimed by the instruction. The term of the contract was short and simple - his team’s party wanted the most valuable 'thing' in this auction.
Normally bland businesses like these would never be accepted, but they’d be fools if refused such huge sum. What’s more?  Free of charge handmade pieces of clothing and the chance to sneak those expensive liquor wouldn’t be unpleasant after all. 
The gentleman had begun to move. He lightly tapped on the bench where two charming men were sipping wine as if commanding, they immediately finished the booze before standing up and followed him. The brunet gave an oblivious glance as if observing the surroundings, a tall figure appeared out of nowhere and joined them as all four men quietly disappeared behind the door, not being seen by anyone.
Carefully removing the masks and cumbersome collars, the men gently pulled out the small arms attached to shoulder holsters hidden beneath their long coats. Checking the magazine again, a masculine face and neatly trimmed beard, seemed to be the Captain, motioned the other three to stick with him as they entered the hallway.
"What exactly are we looking for, sir?" The pretty boy with dark skin whispered in curiosity.
"We shall find out soon, son" The Captain replied 
Their eyes never left the dark path ahead. Gently approaching the hold, there were two guards positioned by the stairs armed with rifles absentmindedly chatting with each other. With his index and middle fingers pointing forward, in the back, the tallest man moved like a ghost behind the guards as he pulled out a knife grabbed around his thigh to stab one’s neck before raising the gun to shoot right between the other’s eyebrows. The cheers along with music and the guests' lack of alertness successfully masked the loud gunshots just well. They gathered up and began to hide dead bodies into the nearest wine barrels. Bounty hunters and petty thieves would leave evidence and traces behind but these men were professionals, could possibly tell by their swift movements.
All sorts of illegal services are offered in the black market in order to complete dirty jobs which customers didn't want to get involved with. And The One-Four-One, one of the most well-known mercenary teams, utilized by both the government and merchants, they're qualified plus always ensured to complete deals in their agreement. As long as they’re paid properly. 
Your dizziness was gone by the loud noise coming from outside, gunfire, you confirmed. Pulling yourself together, you dragged your sore body deeper into the darkness of the hold as your pointed ears perked up due to the sound of expensive leather heels on the wooden steps. Adjusted your breath and narrowed your eyes, you peaked up to the direction where the noise came from while purposely clacking the chain to entice those humans. As soon as two bulky men carefully approached and stood in front of you, using one leg to knock one of them down, you snatched the gun from his hand and aimed straight at his forehead. Your right knee firmly pressed on his chest and your left foot pinned his wrist down, not allowing him to sit up.
"Steamin' bloody...."
"Shut yer trap or ‘ll crush ye barnacles" You gritted your teeth and forced the gun harder against his head. Your gift could not be used if your mind were unclear, so there’s no other way but to improvise under this circumstance.
Opposite of the silky feathers image, the primaries of your wing were like sharp blades pointing at the adam's apple of the man behind you as goosebumps exploded on your entire body. The man was quiet, so quiet that you almost couldn’t realize his present when you attacked the human below you. He calmly pierced down at you, only his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and messy blonde hair were visible because the man wore a tubular cloth around his neck. His high nose bridge and lips were hardly seen beneath the stretchy material as it pulled up to cover more than half of his face. 
"Savvy?" You asked with an unemotional face and voice.
"Easy, ma lady.....easy" The dark-skinned boy knelt on the floor, one hand raised in the air to show that he had no intention of harming you, the other hand gently placing the gun on the wooden steps.
You didn't let down your guard, only turned your eyes to the boy, his wine-red cutaway spread out on the wet floor so delicately.
The blond didn't step back, he put his gun back in the holster and slowly took off his coat. You followed his every move as you retracted your wing, bringing it to block the front of your body while crawling down from the man lying on the floor. The faint scent of gunpowder and burnt orange peel tickled your nose as the blond man draped his large coat over your smaller shoulders, his calloused hands grazing your shoulders, leaving an indescribable itchiness on your skin. After helping the shorter man on the ground to his feet, they all backed away so as not to tower over you.
"Ye're one of them, eh, ma lady?" Your pupils shone brightly in the darkness as you focused on analyzing the older man in front of you.
"....Are ye mercenaries?" Sounded more like a statement.
"Aye ma'am" The man you have just pinned down to the floor was now brushing his suits while answering you with a grin on his face.
"Apologize for my previous acts" You glanced, "Am I yer negotiation?"
Your voice hoarse and your lips chapped due to dehydration, but still managed to deliver your words clearly. You retracted your wings and horns back inside. Couldn't stop peeking at mountain of a man leaning against the pillar, your claws which have been replaced by mankind’s fingers dug into the thick garment he handed you. 
"No" the blond grunted, "The requirement was the thing, they'll get the thing."
Word for word. You silently thanked him when he finally opened his mouth and spoke, his voice low and seductive, better than you expected. The gentleman was always silent but his expressionless eyes never left you. His decisive words and gentle gestures made you drunk, years of going through your heat by yourself, controlling desires has never been this difficult to you. 
"Simon" Simon, you mumbled, your lips thinned to a line as if just his name was enough for you to smile like an idiot.
"Blimey, Cap, ye saw how she held me down"
You understand why the Captain hesitated. Mercenaries’ jobs were neither easy nor safe, would’ve to pay with your life if you’re negligent. But the ridiculous hair man got his point, not only your other self could never be a burden, you alone were completely qualified for their team.
"Miss, ye ever been on battlefields?" The Captain sighed before asked you
"If the Tudors And Stuarts count" You answered bluntly, "Also an old salt on Sir Francis Drake and Anne Bonny's ships". Tilting your head, you slightly smiled as their eyes widened.
An impressed whistle was blown, the boy with the red cutaway walked over and patted the Captain's shoulder, whose face looked down and shook his head in defeat. The blond gentleman walked over to where you sat to unchain you as the oldest man cocked his head like a command, careful not to hurt you.
"Thank you" You said with sincerity, rubbing the scratched and bruised skin on your throat and wrists.
"Can ye stand, ma lady?" You nodded in response, "I still can walk, they spared my legs out", but seemed to receive disagreement from the rest.
" ‘ll carry ye" The blond spoke softly, "Allow me" 
Lifting you up effortlessly, he placed you on his bulky arm and the other held the gun. Nodding to the other three, you all quietly disappeared from the dark hold. 
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thesims4blogger · 1 year
COMMUNITY BLOG: Saddle Up With the Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack
EA has shared a community blog for the announcement of the next The Sims 4 expansion Pack, Horse Ranch.
Saddle Up With the Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack
Invite your neigh-bor Ranchers over as we welcome Horses
There is no better feeling than coming home to your very own stretch of land inspired by the great American West. Players can explore the rustic locale and curate their ideal ranch life – whether that be a barn full of animal friends or a relaxing cabin on the prairie, each moment is sure to feel authentic and meaningful.
In The Sims™ 4Horse Ranch Expansion Pack, players will have the opportunity to raise, train and form special bonds with majestic Horses, and fall in love with adorable Mini Goats and Mini Sheep. You can saddle up and meander into town to learn all about country living from the locals.
Now, mosey on over to your rocking chair and get ready for a story that’s about to be the talk of the ranch!
Suly Suly, partner. Welcome to Chestnut Ridge, a rustic world inspired by the wide open skies of the iconic American West. This picturesque world is perfect for waking up in the morning to look out at the big open countryside from the ranch of your dreams, whether that be a traditional cabin or a modern farmhouse.
Get the whole family involved! And by the whole family, we mean Horses, too! Sims will now welcome Horses into their families and care for every aspect of their lives. Each animal will provide a unique contribution to the ranch (even if it’s just to be adorable).
Sims will work hard and play harder, experiencing all aspects of a working ranch. Sims can experience mucking a Horse Bed, lending a hand on the ranch and more. From keeping all of your animals happy and clean to harvesting Prairie Grass for the Animal Feeder, Sims can delight in knowing that all of their hard work is worth it. When the work builds up, Sims can hire a Ranch Hand to help!
For your Sims that like to DIY, they can craft their own Nectar by stomping a variety of fruit… or potatoes… or even trash! The bottled Nectar can be consumed in multiple servings and it will have different effects. Sims can age it in Nectar Racks for more Simoleons.
Sims can fill their ranch with animal friends to carve out a life together. Their Horses – including adorable Foals – are part of a Sim’s household and have lots of special interactions with both Sims and other Horses. Sims can shear the Mini Sheep and milk the Mini Goats for Simoleons, eventually inviting locals to come and see how adorable they are!
While living on a ranch has its moments of peace and solitude, Sims can saddle up and ride their Horse into town to check out the lively social scene. Your Sims can meet friends at the bar, blow off steam at the dance hall, or train at the equestrian park. Sims can even host or attend a Ranch Gathering with a cookout and dancing, or a Ranch Animal Day, where they can interact with the animals.
We’ve heard and seen all of your requests for Horses, and we are elated to announce that players can now customize hoofed friends in Create a Sim, or get new Horses by rescuing, breeding or purchasing them. You can choose from real-world breeds, change the horse’s head shape, mane, tail, feathers, body mass, coat length and more!
The very best part – Foals can be born on your ranch! That’s right, players can have their Horses nuzzle under the stars to make the perfect little Foal, a combination of both of its parents…and they may even unlock a unique Trait. The joy of breeding and raising Foals on your Sim’s ranch is one you won’t want to miss. Each Horse has its own personality, and the Foal will learn both from the family and trainer!
Sims can explore by trotting their way down a long and winding trail or by going downtown to New Appaloosa, ride around Riders’ Glen, the Ranches’ Neighborhood. Be sure to check out Galloping Gulch, the National Park Neighborhood, which features plenty of scenic trails through the large rock formations as well as campfire spots and picnic areas. Your Sim may come across Dreadhorse Caverns where the adventurous can enter and try their luck at exploring!
Horses have four Skills: Temperament, Agility, Jumping, and Endurance.  Horses develop Jumping Skill by practicing on Horse Jumps.  They develop Agility by practicing on Horse Barrels.  All of these skills apply to the competitions that take place at the Equestrian Center. Winning competitions results in Simoleons, rewards such as plaques for your walls and metal signs you can display on your big Ranch Sign.  They culminate in the Ultimate Horse Championship!
“Indigenous people have always had a deep, spiritual relationship with horses,” says Stacey Parshall Jensen, The Sims’ friend and sensitivity reader who collaborated on The Sims 4 Horse Ranch. “They’re a symbol of power. They provide healing and represent freedom and bravery to our Indigenous culture.”
Together with The Sims team, Stacey worked to co-create food, home items, and clothing that are represented in Horse Ranch, reflecting elements of Native American culture. To celebrate the launch of this pack, The Sims team is making a donation to Sacred Healing Circle, a 100% Indigenous founded and led organization working to support Indigenous communities through preserving traditional methodologies and practices, including the Native American Horse Preservation and Research Program. This program helps to preserve the Native American Horse, as well as protects the traditional and historical knowledge surrounding the horse and Indigenous People in the Americas.
Preorder The Sims 4Horse Ranch Expansion Pack now to start playing immediately when it launches on July 20, 2023 on PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC via EA app for Windows, Origin™, Steam® and Epic Games Store. The Sims 4 has officially launched on the Epic Games Store as well, another download destination for this Expansion Pack.
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hadrians-wall95 · 4 months
Today, something a little different! Because Votann aren't. Good. In 10e, and Games Workshop are kinda lame anyway. A game of One Page Rules! The Reach Industrial Conglomerate (RIC) has deployed the Hekaton Fortress Noble-6 to extract resources that happen to be in the middle of a City on Harvest World Marwick. The Sanguine Knights dispatch a Calvary Detachment to Shoo them off:
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The Sanguine Melta ATVs are the most immediate threat to Noble-6, thus it trundles forward, immediately destroying one.
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The other one gets a chance to respond, and takes off 3 of Noble-6's *18* hit points. I love One Page Rules. The Lone Champion, the Hammer Chief, goes to claim the objective. He will sit. there all game. With his 4 inch move. But he did his job. The Khal of the RIC and his Veteran 10-man squad drop out the right door of the fortress, to set up against a bike advacne.
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The right Flank has more issues. The Techmarine can heal basically anything in my opponents list, and the Baal Predator puts out. So many shots. The RIC bikes duck behind the bridge, waiting for the right moment to take the crossroads objective. (One page Rules has no victory points. It's battlefront rules. You own it until an opponent steps on it. If you both have minis within the outer hazard circle, it's contested. Shaken units can't hold objectives. This is going to become. *Very* important)
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This quickly turns into a battle of the bridge. Whoever holds it will end up taking this battle.
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Both tanks trundle onto the bridge. It groans in protest. The Death Company Bikers are shot down by the Magma Guns on the RIC. (Splasers, Baby!). The Baals Machine Guns Whirr, it's Hunter-Killer Missle Sings .. and yet it all plinks off Noble-6's Hull (I would not roll below a 5. That thing could've easily taken down the Hekaton. And each of his characters has fusion pistols. There's no *strength* in One Page Rules. Just a roll to hit a roll to defend. He was throwing a lot of AP 1 and 2, which work like tenth.).
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Finally, the battle for the crossroads begins. The bikers move in, and are able to fight the RIC off point with Morale Checks and Charges. The Rich had left too little, and the biker squad in full (the machine gun bikes are separate activations). Was too late to respond. Although they, too, would quickly break (a 4+ is brutal for this. Morale fucking matters in this game). It's looking like an RIC Loss..
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Untill the last moment. The other Trike was able to capture the now unattended objective 4. A tank charge from the Baal Predator Induces a failed moral check on the Hekaton, meaning that this day ends in a draw. As the sun sets and artillery roars, both sides are ordered to fall back... This isnt over though....
(overall I had a lot of fun, my opponent seemed to as well. This was a learning game, so I'm sure we both made mistakes rules wise (even with a single sheet) and tactical. Today, we told a tale of combined arms versus bikes. I think next time it may be more Iron Vs Iron....)
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sarasa-cat · 6 months
My on-and-off twin first play throughs of Stardew Valley continue.
Have been playing more on my ipad late at night as a bed time wind down activity so that farmer -- my disaster farmer whom I started first -- is now a few days past the autumn harvest festival.
For some reason, I haven't had success triggering heart-scenes with some of the characters (and not ready to look at the wiki to find out why) but, between this playthrough and the other on my PC (currently in late summer), I've seen everything up to 6 hearts for Shane and for Sebastian (plus anyone else at a lower level I'm forgetting). More on that in a bit.
It took me a lllloooooonggg time to successfully get the community center quest rolling and, tbh, I think the ipad version had a bug that made a certain something in the community center ignore half the clicks/taps on it. Anyhow, that's now in the works.
Lots of thoughts about this game and how relaxing it is. But not a relaxing that quickly becomes boring and I'm the sort who gets bored really easily. The game's constraint of a ticking clock that force me to decide what I will do each day (so many choices, so little time) mixed with me doing short term and medium term goal setting combined with no such thing as a game over or a "bad" choice makes it all very relaxing. Plus, the game is very pretty with its saturated pixel graphics and the music is pleasant. And, while some players might opt to craft more stuff ASAP that makes farming "easier," I am finding the first year (first three seasons) of farming to be fun as a haphazard, simplistic, hands-on horticulturalist. This is very chill in a good way. Although, lol, so much watering by hand when it doesn't rain. ;)
Also: why must my cat insist on repeatedly BLOCKING my progress when watering? Such a cat. SUCH A CAT.
Orange cat. Lol.
But it is all part of the charm of the game. Which makes it relaxing.
Fwiw, Verdi the disaster farmer (who lives on my iPad) has no intention of marrying Shane --- and after the 6 heart event I fast-scrolled-vaguely-spoiled myself on the rest of his story, huge emphasis on vague --- and I do give CA credit for writing this character in the way that Shane is presented.
Must say that I am infinitely amused by the recipes (and other letters) that Shane sends to the farmer. His story contains a good deal of content for a game like this.
I think my plan for Verdi is to be very easy-going and thorough with the game --- after all, it is a perfect game for the iPad mini which just adds coziness on top of more coziness. I think I'll have her level up all of the romance-candidates to 8 just to see their stories and get to know them before making the decision that is right for her. If that takes a long while, perfect. Her game wants to go on for a very long time.
As for Violet, on my gaming machine (which is a far less cozy place to play), who is very spreadsheets and wiki pages strategic, she decided shortly upon arriving in that town that Sebastian was her INTEREST. I think once I have seen enough of the game from Violet's POV, I'll start messing around with mods and so forth.
As per earlier conversations regarding some of the characters feeling young, at least for me the implied youth of 4-out-of-8 romance characters doesn't really bother me or affect my decision making. I can imagine my player characters as younger or older, as per who I feel like RPing. Overall, just not fussed about that, and I like the fact that the game has romancable characters who feel like they span a little bit of an age range.
Have been amused with how the rhythms and messages and vibe of the game have leaked over into my day-to-day life.
Not quite ready to put it all into words but the cozy good feelings are good.
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glowyjellyfish · 5 days
Currently working to set up my Ubermega Test of Time. It helps that I already had an Ancient/Classical downloads folder prepared, but it does NOT help and in fact hurts that I used the method of “shove several old downloads folders together and then delete whatever doesn’t fit the theme”, because that leaves me with WAY too much junk. Especially if I am going to have multiple societies advancing at different rates, potentially getting very far ahead—I need to keep this downloads folder SMALL so I have room to add some stuff from later eras! So that’s been a little project. I cleared a fair amount out, but still have tons more. I’ll probably just bite the bullet and delete all alphabet soup from this downloads folder—most of it is gonna just be medieval anyway! I’ll check with DDO first, and see if it will help me find and eliminate orphans. I will probably need to get rid of a lot of medieval stuff that I once thought maybe might work in the Classical era, too.
Other than that, it’s going well. I gutted Belladonna Cove, Desiderata Valley, Pleasantview, and started Bluewater Village but got a crash so I decided I was done. The rules I came up a while back with involve everyone starting out living on the same lot, for the community aspect, but I quickly decided that won’t work for these premade hoods that start with 20-25 sims. So I consolidated families a bit and combined a few households, but am leaving them mostly in separate camps of the standard 8 sims or less. For the first era, my sims will only be allowed to plant seeds they dig up, and are not allowed to make more seeds from the harvest—they are hunter-gatherers just learning the concept of agriculture—but for each gardening badge the sims of one culture earn, they get one random Sun&Moon crop that can be planted in the next era, and unlocking a number of those is one of the two achievements to advance from a hunter-gatherer band to a horticultural tribe. I also have some plans to assign climates to each subhood and limit crops based on the climate, but I will have to make sure it’s balanced with the unlocking rule.
I’m also planning to play very Maxis-Match, with only Maxis-made supernaturals (well, and a Multi-PT mod so that alien descendants have a little more diversity and a less insane family tree, and keeping hereditary supernaturalism). So in this world, the Summerdreams will just have their elf ears and be normal sims. I MIGHT start the Cordial sisters as witches right off the bat, but I haven’t decided. I also am debating whether to rope the Picasos into Desiderata Valley and make Jessica and Sophia Jocque be sisters. DV really does need a couple more sims.
Currently, my plan is to have all the excess bin sims and college sims be a pool for when I need new sims—a subhood has run out of marriage options, some ROS event I haven’t figured out yet brings in a new family, or a Roman Empire needs some slaves to bring back from random conquest. That is, the bin sims that are not already attached to a particular hood. The Burbs are going in Pleasantview, all the Capps are going in Veronaville, etc., but the Ottomases and the Newsons might be in trouble. I’m also going to try to keep each subhood fairly isolated through Band and Tribe stages, and start outside communication in the Chiefdom stage. (Oh, I am splitting the Ancient aka the Neanderthal era into three mini-eras, Band, Tribe, and Chiefdom, which segues more neatly into the Ancient/Roman era.) I think the ideal scenario is for the society that first developed into the Classical era to conquer the other subhoods, only for barbarian invaders from the last unconquered subhood or, possibly, from the sim pool, to take advantage of the empire’s crumbling decadence to bring it down—but that doesn’t leave a lot of room for a New World to be colonized down in the Renaissance. If I can swing the former, then the remains of the sim pool could be used to create the New World at the beginning of the Renaissance. Maybe I’ll save the college sims for that? Obviously I still have a lot to think through—luckily I have been tinkering with my own ideas for Test of Time variant rules for years, it’s just a matter of figuring out what appeals to me to actually play, and paring down a lot of wild ideas into one system.
This should not take terribly long to set up, since I’m not remodeling any lots. I just need to pare down the downloads folder a bit more, finish gutting each subhood and sticking the sims in lots, give them all Ancient makeovers and traits, set up each lot—really not planning complex builds just yet, they will start with tents and hammocks—and throw together some Hunting Grounds and Water Hole type lots. Easy peasy.
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vdsocialnetwork · 2 months
Mini Combine Balkar New Model 2021-2022 Full Review With Price
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forest-falcon · 1 year
WIP Whatever!
Felt Autumn-y today so rattled this off whilst cooking dinner. Not written in a while so just trying to get something out. Hopefully will add a bit to it soon. 🍁🍂🎃🌿🍃
"Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins! It's pumpkin picking daaaaay!"
Gordon skidded through the living room, almost knocking over the carpet washer, which had taken up permanent residence there with the turn of the season.
"Where are my octopus wellies?"
He rummaged through the old wooden chest situated near the front door. A myriad of odd shoes piled behind him as he discarded trainer after flipflop belonging to his older brothers.
"You're picking all those up." Virgil appeared, arms folded at the mess.
"Am not! People can put them on their feet, duh." Gordon grinned and donned a pair of John's favourite sandals. These would do. He wasn't one for socks anyway and the octopus wellies had probably seen better days...wherever they were.
"You can't wear those."
Virgil materialised a mug of hot coffee from thin air. Now that he was a teenager, Virgil was all about having his coffee in the morning. Mr. adult-y pants. It was a phase. It would pass. Gordon was sure of it.
"And why not?" He wiggled his toes, knowing full-well why not.
"John will feed you to the combine harvester if you baptise his favourite sandals in mud." Virgil quirked a bemused eyebrow.
"What?...Skinny Space Noodle? He couldn't catch this fish."
John wouldn't even try. John was more tactical than that. He'd simply bat his pretty green eyes at his eldest brother, and mini-mum would find a way to get them back; though it looked like not-mother number two had beaten Scott to it on this occasion.
"I don't know..." Virgil's voice echoed from somewhere within his brew.
"How fast can you run in sandals?
"Faster than Johnny-boy, that's for sure!"
"But not faster than me."
Virgil tipped his head back to noisily slurp the final dregs from his mug. Gordon saw his opportunity to slip the net. Darting under Teenage Mutant Ninja Virgil's arm; he took off at a speed befitting a startled ray.
He wasn't even sure he cared about the sandals per se; it was more the principle of not being bossed about. Virgil was not his mum.
Where to hide, where to hide?
Kitchen? No, dining room! He could barricade himself with the chairs...
...Goodie-two-shoes may be bigger than him, but he'd wager that Mr. Muscle wouldn't fit so easily behind the far side of the table.
He had this. He-
A mammoth hand clutched his shoulder.
Gordon flailed and kicked, but Virgil had him shrink-wrapped in one of his soppy bro hugs.
"Now give Johnny back his shoes."
"NEVER! Why do you care anyway? They're not even your sandals!"
Virgil leaned back slightly so that his hug lifted the squirming squid clean off the floor.
"Last chance."
"Finders keepers, astro-boy weepers!"
"Alright. Can't say I didn't warn you, pumpkin."
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naosara · 10 months
Your Turn To Die - Death Game By Majority - is not a good game.
Now, I might be a simple country boy who doesn't understand things like "words" and "themes" but I can say without a doubt that the countless people who are saying statements like "THE WRITING IN THIS GAME IS AMAZING!" could possibly be mentally handicapped. Let me explain why:
YTTD-DGBM (That's a mouthful) is pretty much if you took the worst parts of Battle Royale, Saw and anime. Then, with that mess combined, you added into Town of Salem/Mafia elements. Oh, also don't forget Ace Attorney. All that in a jumbled mess with only the bland/terrible parts and none of the good. You play as a highschool anime girl who is kidnapped and thrust with a bunch of other extremely anime people into various not possible scenarios where no one acts like a humans
The biggest problem with YTTD-DGBM is the writing. The characters all fall into classic anime tropes and it tries to add suspense or scare to scenarios where is to the point of being so absurd that it defies all logic and therefore makes us not care. Take for example one chapter where our boring anime characters must win various mini-games by defeating ghosts and skeletons with flashlights to win chips - a certain required amount otherwise they are murdered by pipe cleaners draining their blood or being melted/exploded by neck bomb collars. Oh, also, in this game, are various robots/clones who look EXACTLY like humans and have AI memory chips implanted of previous dead contestants an- You know, never mind. It's too long to explain and not worth reading about.
Now you might read that and think "Wow, that sounds insanely dumb." Which, it is. The overall plot is some organization trapped these kids in these absurdly dumb scenarios and is murdering them because... - Oh wait, we never find out because the game is in Early Access and the final chapter isn't out. But, I wouldn't worry too much about it because I believe that whatever the writing staff comes up will be entertainingly awful. My guess? Harvester style theme where it is a crime ring trying to make the main highschool girl the ultimate crime boss/assassin by subjecting her to stupid puzzles and this dumb-ass game that would make the tiny Saw puppet shake his head in shame.
What YTTD-DGBM does right, despite the terrible script, plot holes, and other writing problems is the logic puzzles themselves. Nothing feels "unfair" and there was only one voting session requiring a solution that was insanely stupid, but the majority of the game is good and requires you to use those big brain muscles.
So, all in all? YTTD-DGBM is a bad game and not worth playing unless you can get it on the super cheap, maybe 5$-ish. It's a shame too, because deep down there is an essence of good game there just muddled by terrible writing. /C
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shadowtemplepdx · 1 year
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This is a great time of year to start thinking about making infused herbal oils as you hopefully have some dried herbs laying around that you’ve collected throughout the harvest season.
The first thing you need to make an infused oil is dried herbs. It is very important that the herbs are totally dry before you combine them with oil, as they can cause rancidity otherwise.
Many different types of herbs work well for making infused oils, especially lavender, rosemary, calendula, plantain, yarrow, comfrey, and mullein.
If you don’t already have your own dried herbs, Mountain Rose Herbs (a local herb business for me ) has a great selection of medicinal herbs to choose from.
Then you will need to choose the oil that you want to use. I usually use a high quality, light sunflower oil, but there are many types of carrier oils that you can choose from.
Once you have those two simple ingredients, there are several ways of making infused herbal oils.
While making an infused oil sounds like it could be complicated, it really is as easy as putting two ingredients together and letting them sit in the sun for a few weeks.
The first one is probably the easiest, but it does take the most time.
This method is best when using oils that don’t go rancid quickly, like coconut or jojoba, as exposure to sunlight can degrade some oils more quickly.
Simply put the dried herbs of your choice into a jar and cover them with oil.
Stir the mixture gently with a spoon to get as many of the air bubbles out as possible.
Then put in a sunny windowsill for several weeks to steep.
Alternatively, you can put the jar in a cool place out of direct sunlight. This will help to preserve the quality of more light sensitive oils, like sweet almond oil.
When you feel it’s ready, simply strain the herbs from the oil.
Cap with a lid and use as soon as possible. Once oils have been infused they have a shorter shelf life, so I try to only make as much as I’ll use within a few months.
Any extra you might have should be stored in the refrigerator for future use.
There are quicker ways of making infused herbal oils, as well.
You can use a double boiler by putting the herbs and oil in a metal bowl over a pot of simmering water.
Make sure that the oil doesn’t get too hot as to fry the herbs, and it should be done in a matter of hours.
I’ve also used a mini slow cooker on the warm setting to make calendula oil with good results.
A box style dehydrator would also work well, especially if you are already using it for something else.
The last method is oven extraction.
Put the dried herbs in oil, cover, and put in a low temperature oven for several hours, making sure not to cook the herbs.
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
Thinking about what an “Eightbound” equivalent would be for the other 3 “God Legions”.
Deathguard would probably be a sort of “Harvestman”, Bloated beyond their armour, seeking out the most sickened of the enemy for harvest. A jovial monster followed by Nurglings.
I was also thinking an equivalent to AOS’s Pusgolye Blightlords? Like, flying Plague Marines (perhaps fused with the Demon Flys?)
Emperor’s Children would probably look like “Mini Fulgrims”, serpent form and everything, as the Marine and Demons combine to take the form of “Perfection”.
Either that or Marines that look like “One Man Bands”, that grow extra arms to play extra Noise Weapons (with help from on-board Demons).
Thousand Sons, instead of wasting Marine Resources on Possession, I envision something more akin to a Demon Engine. Perhaps a “Possessed” version of the Castellax?
I also had an idea for a “Rubric” that contains the “Dust/Armour” of Asperents (plural) that got “Dusted/Rubriced” during their initiation, thus the Tsons combine these lost ones into a single larger armour, perhaps as a Bodyguard unit or Library Security?
Much to think.
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