#minnie’s haberdashery
pedroam-bang · 2 months
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The Hateful Eight (2015)
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theheadlessgroom · 10 months
"She's the only one who'll hire me," Randall shrugged, almost defeatedly; having put up with Minnie and her haranguing for so long, he'd long since moved past being outraged by it and was more resigned to it than anything. "She may bite my head off at every opportunity, but she knows I won't complain because no one else will hire me. She's unpleasant, but at least she pays me."
Funnily enough (in a bittersweet sort of way), Minnie knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of an unwarranted chewing out; having worked her way up the proverbial ladder years prior, she too was often yelled at by her old boss, the previous owner of the haberdashery, a rude and dismissive man who seemed to hate everyone equally, if that was some consolation. After the old man had a heart attack, Minnie bought the place from his widow and took over it completely-honestly, Randall would've thought her experiences under such a harsh boss would soften her up once she made it to the top, but no; she was just as mean as he was.
"Well, at least I won't be working for her for too long," he continued, flashing an impish little smile to Emily, while Dorian was still eyeing the door, still trying to hold his tongue, as Randall continued, "I look forward to leaving her a nice, nasty little resignation letter before we go-I'll be sure to tell her she was a miserable boss, and I hope she has a miserable time finding someone to replace me!"
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fununtitled · 10 months
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Best and Worst bridge to have Flyers - FunUntitled Let's Play
Aloha Mercen-Ikes! As we fight on a bridge with pit-traps... does anyone know the show where Minnie Mouse sells bows? Also we learned the word haberdashery from the Suite Life.
You can watch the entire Let’s Play video on our YouTube channel
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the-splitdiopter · 5 years
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The Hateful Eight, 2015 - Dir. Quentin Tarantino
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ily-honey-bunny · 4 years
I dont know why cottagecore is such a big deal when CABINCORE is where its at. Imagine; it’s snowy. You, your driver, and your prisoner are going up to Red Rock. You pick up some weary travelers along the way. You’re forced to stop at Minnie’s Haberdashery. There’s blankets, a warm fire, and a very suspicious pot of coffee. Everyone looks like they either want to kill you or kill your prisoner. You take all of their guns. Samuel L Jackson is there. You’re finally content with life and at peace with the universe.
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filmcourage · 3 years
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(Watch the video interview on Youtube here)
Production Design Behind Minnie's Haberdashery in THE HATEFUL EIGHT - Yohei Taneda Full Interview
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hungry-hobbits · 4 years
Bliss- 3 or Terror- 6 for petegrouch pls
i did terror 6 cos i’m awful and you encourage that but i might def come back to that bliss prompt
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Things weren’t going well, but then again there were only two ways a situation like this could go and there was always a chance of things going belly up. Luck just wasn’t in their favor.
Pete was dying, no getting around that – a bullet to the lung would do that to you, of course. He just never expected it to happen the way that it was going to. No, he never thought he’d die old in his bed. He imagined going out with flair, not bleeding to death in a general store in Wyoming. He at least had the satisfaction that there was the potential of Mannix and Marquis bleeding out before he did, then he could have the last laugh if he could muster it. A soft chuckle then lights out, maybe.
Watching his friends die and be maimed, he realized this is what the fine folks of Minnie’s haberdashery must’ve felt when the Domingre’s started their attack; fear, anger, confusion. The Brit was in too much pain to wax poetic about the ironies of the whole situation, he’d leave that for more educated fops. Or maybe Grouch, if the cowpuncher miraculously lived through this and thought to dedicate a page in his memoirs to this whole traumatic and dramatic affair.
The slamming of the cellar door jolted Pete out of his blurry edged thoughts. He looked at Daisy sadly, knowing there was very little he could do to comfort her after what she’d been through and seen. He owed a lot to the Domingre’s, so dying for them wasn’t a stretch. But it hurt.
“May I sit in a chair?” Grouch sounded exhausted, he had every right to be, but he kept his temper in check. He didn’t want to set off either of those bloody bastards.
“Yes you may.” Marquis generously agreed to Grouch’s request, his and Mannix’s firearms trained on him as he made his way to the table nearby.
And there Grouch paused for a few moments, more time than they gave Jody to come out of the cellar.
“Well go on,” Mannix taunted, “sit.” He motioned to the table with his rifle.
Grouch took the chair in his hands and began to cross the room.
“What d’you think you’re doing?” Mannix hated Grouch, not really for any good reason except a false admittance to attempted poisoning, but Grouch really didn’t care about Mannix’s personal opinion so much so as he cared about the rifle in his hand.
“I’m sittin’.” Grouch didn’t look up, had to step around John Ruth to get over to the fireplace where Pete was. He smiled softly at Pete and pushed the hair from his eyes before sitting down, “You said I could.”
“I meant at the table.”
“Oh leave it be. What do we give a shit where they sit? They’re gonna die.” Marquis pointed his gun between Pete, Grouch, and Daisy with a sweaty, and bloody smirk plastered on his face. It hurt him to laugh. That was fine with the remaining gang members.
 Pete looked up at Grouch, blood in his teeth diminishing the charm of his English smile.
“I don’t know if we can charm our way out of this one, Joe.” Pete spoke softly and pressed a hand over the hole in his chest, not that it would do anything to mitigate the damage already done.
“Yeah seems like this is gonna be the end of the road for us, ‘less we get lucky.” Grouch took the hand that dangled limply off the arm of the chair into his own and gave it a squeeze, “But we had a good run?”
“A great one, really.”
Grouch looked to Daisy and thought about making a move to her. It wasn’t right that she die sitting there chained to the jackass that brought her out to bum-fucking Wyoming. It wasn’t right that Jody was in the cellar giving the rats a good supper.
Daisy wiped what bits of Jody and John Ruth she could from her face and hair, but there wouldn’t be any way for those stains to come out for a long time. She’d be the only one who could see them, was the thing. She looked to Grouch, tears cutting a hint of a line through the muck and grime of her busted face. She shook her head the slightest bit and Grouch settled back in his chair.
“Don’t even think about it, you ugly son of a bitch.” Mannix wasn’t good for much other than talking shit and pulling triggers what with his busted leg, it seemed, but he was good for it. “I’ll blow your ass six ways to Sunday.”
Maybe we could make it the next two days, Pete rested his head towards Grouch’s, just looking up at him. He had faced a worse blizzard when he was in Switzerland – Wyoming was nothing compared to that. The snow could let up sooner. They could be rescued before the next afternoon. Probably not, but it was a nice thought.
Daisy started in on a speech against their captors, letting them know what for and how badly they fucked up (very badly, if you were wondering). Pete was only half paying attention, what with dying and all, but he was glad to see someone was giving them a much deserved earful. Grouch rubbed the back of the Brit’s hand with his thumb, a very needed and soothing gesture he never much appreciated until now. Amazing what you care about when you’re knocking on death’s door.
“We should’ve stayed in Mexico,” Pete grumbled.
“Yeah.” Grouch nodded, “Yeah.”
It was going to be a long night.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Little Darling - Chris Mannix x Reader Ficlet
Synopsis: After surviving Minnie’s Massacre (as you and Chris had come to call it) you two enjoy your settlement in a little cabin a few miles west of Red Rock. 
Notes: Here’s a short Chris/Walton for those of you who’ve been missing him! 
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The whole Sheriff of Red Rock thing really did turn out to be a lie. You had taken Chris for his word when he had told everyone that, and even though it pisses you off that he was able to fool you, you're impressed at how good a liar he was.
It had been a year since what you two had referred to as "Minnie's Massacre" for short had happened. You and Chris had made it out with your lives, which is more than can be said for the others. Major Warren, who you had taken a liking to after some time that night, had been injured too badly. He urged you both to leave his “blood-soaked ass”, and “get the hell outta dodge and start a new life.” So, that’s what you’d done with Chris. 
Chris being from the south, and you disliking the cold, it made sense you two would move away from the bad weather. Massachusetts seemed to be the best option, even though it was a struggle for Chris to leave his Southern roots behind. But the nice little cabin you two had found was perfect, and made up for it. 
You check the soup over the fire, and sigh, settling in with a blanket. Chris was thinking of actually pursuing a career in law enforcement now, since he believed he handled everything at the Haberdashery well, or as a Sheriff would have. You agree, but you’re hesitant to encourage it. Chris would probably make a better farmer or something. 
“Hey cutie,” he smiles, walking over and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“Hi,” you smile back, “Dinner’s almost ready.”
“Well cut my legs off and call me shorty, can’t wait. But first...” He collapses on the floor, and drapes you blanket over the two of you, wrapping his arms around you underneath it. “Mmm. First we do this.” You cuddle into him, closing your eyes and reveling in feeling so safe and loved. “Love you more than this blanket, little darling.” 
“That’s saying a whole damn lot, Chris Mannix,” you grin, leaning back into him, “You’re always cold as the Wyoming tundra.” 
"Hey. You know something?" Chris murmurs, your head resting in the nape of his neck.
"I think this damn well might be heaven."
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rebeccaelysium · 4 years
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Comics and Film
Creative submission, adaptation of The Hateful Eight, Chapter 4: Domergue’s Got a Secret
­­­To begin adapting The Hateful Eight’s Chapter Four sequence I wanted to isolate the thematic and formal elements that I felt most conveyed the ‘essence’ and narrative of the scene and film. In particular, I had picked this scene as it marked a stark subversion of the genre and narrative and played upon the unsettled audience expectations to swiftly change the course of action and integrate a darkly humorous murder mystery that derailed the expectations of the previous build-up. The elements that I chose to amplify were the abstracted change in genre, chronology, and narration. Along with the symbolic focus on colour and how it tracked through the scene, linking the coffee pot not only to the poison vial and the poisoner Joe Gage, but as the locus for sequence’s narrative eye. To further exemplify the significance to the coffee pot as the locus of the narrative gaze, I added steam twisting out and breaking the gutter leading through the panels and space beyond to suggest a larger world beyond that of the panels and unifying the concept that the page is a segment on the larger ‘game board.’ To form a sense of connection and coherence from the original film format of the Ultra Panavision 70mm I used narrow and wide panels to replicate the cinematic essence. I abstracted the intense realism and authenticity that Tarantino used in the build-up and as backdrop for the ensuing caricatured murder mystery and changed the character appearances, backgrounds and colour to be more stylised in favour of the sepia colour and shading having more focus on character expressions. Subsequently, this lead the reader’s gaze to the coffee pot and insinuated the significance of colours. In particular, I think the use of metaphorical colour and it’s narrative momentum was most successful in evoking the intensity and conveying suspense across the pages and the payoff of the revealed Cluedo board layout of Minnie’s Haberdashery. The intensity of the colours and how they correlated to characters and corresponding different time zones in each ‘room’/ panel worked effectively to push the hyperbolic abstraction and mimetically mirrored and intensified the change in both genre and tone in the film. The simultaneous view of different actions and time zones was heavily inspired by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly’s Pax Americana with the use of the panel and gutter composition in conveying a unified scene with divergent and simultaneous time zones in examining a murder scene. Some elements that I struggled adapting were the atmosphere and tension of Ennio Morricone’s score which artfully builds tension playfully and suspense-fully whilst remaining dark and foreboding, along with translating the song which Daisy Domergue sings as an integral part of the reveal of the plot against John Ruth. I attempted to use chiaroscuro and intense contrasting lighting to translate some of the atmosphere of the sequence from Morricone’s score and used more traditionally shaped speech balloons in order to differentiate the tone of voice from dialogue to song, but could perhaps have pushed experimenting with the shape further to enhance the visualisation of musicality.
Original Film by Quentin Tarantino
Adaptation and art by Rebecca Elise Smith 
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theheadlessgroom · 9 months
"I don't think she's ever mentioned how they met and married," he shrugged, thinking a little more about it-he wanted to say she may have mentioned in passing that they married after she took over the haberdashery, but even then, he wasn't sure. Minnie seemed to like gossip unless it involved her, and outside of complaining about her husband, she talked very little about her past.
"I'm sure it goes without saying now, but...I only ever want to marry for love," Randall smiled shyly, as he took Emily's hand in his, eyes full of quiet adoration as he gazed at her, his future wife. He hoped the two of them would have a long and happy marriage not only like they did in the future (how bittersweet it was to think that, even as ghosts, even when they were apart, they were still happily married, they still loved each other), but like his parents, who were happy together all their days, even in the face of so much discrimination from their neighbors.
"I never want to be that miserable," he continued, pale cheeks turning a soft pink as he gave Emily's hand a gentle squeeze. "And...I know I-we-never will be. I just...I can't see it happening! Even if I didn't know the future from what you've told me, I...I have a very good feeling that we'll always love each other, no matter what happens."
He punctuated this with a kiss to her knuckle, his heart skipping a little beat when he did so-theirs was a love that had already survived so many ages, and he believed in his heart of hearts that, even as they changed the future, it would stay that way.
#((it really does go to show that; doesn't it? every day is a surprise!))#((you take a gamble one day; and it goes on to change the trajectory of your life!))#((and you're absolutely right! june's heart belonged to wilhelm; even after his death))#((and although remarrying could potentially mean financial stability for her and randall))#((it'd fly in the face of her morals; like you said! even in death; she loved wilhelm))#((and still wore her wedding ring long after his passing; even if the public wasn't so discriminatory))#((towards where wilhelm came from; and by extension where randall comes from))#((i don't think she would've remarried then either-even if it were easier for her to find a husband))#((that wasn't discriminatory; i don't think she'd have done it!))#((i think also another reason for not remarrying is that she doesn't want the memory of her child's father))#((to be erased from randall's mind-his memories are few but he still has them-))#((i think she'd also feel that; even if her new husband treated her right; he may not treat randall right))#((and she doesn't want to potentially put her son at risk by bringing a bully into the house!))#((y'know; what if she remarried a widower who already had kids; and the new husband favored his kids))#((over his new stepson; or his kids treated their new stepbrother like dirt?))#((nope; she's not gonna do that. was it hurt? yes. would she do it all again? yes she would))#((because even if it was hard; it was all worth it for randall; and they still managed))#((and they still had each other; which mattered the most to them in the end!))#outofhatboxes#beatingheart-bride#V:Days of Future Past
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dontsteponthelegos · 6 years
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(via Minnie's Haberdashery from The Hateful Eight in LEGO)
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danisergeluk · 4 years
Kijken naar The Hateful Eight. Geregisseerd door Quentin Tarantino, met Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell en Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Wyoming, enkele jaren na de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Premiejager John Ruth is met een voortvluchtige, Daisy Domergue genaamd, op weg naar een dorpje dat luistert naar de naam Red Rock om haar voor het gerecht te slepen. Onderweg komen ze twee mannen tegen, ex-majoor en berucht premiejager Marquis Warren en Chris Mannix, een zuiderling die beweert de nieuwe sheriff van het dorp te zijn. Vanwege een hevige sneeuwstorm worden ze gedwongen te schuilen in ‘Minnie’s Haberdashery’, een tussenstop die zich bevindt op een bergpas.
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louieography · 7 years
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Storm clouds roll over Wilson Mesa and the Schmid Ranch south of Telluride Colorado. The colors are transition to gold here in this scene but soon the scene will be covered in snow. In the movie The Hateful 8, the horse drawn stagecoach rode into Minnie's Haberdashery for some relief from the winter storm. The buildings from the movie are located in the bottom left of this scene. . . . . . #fall #fallcolortour2017 #telluride #sanjuanmountains #fujifilm_xseries #xt2 #exploringthefrontier #colorado #goldseason #storm #clouds #mountains #film #hateful8 #movies (at Wilson Mesa)
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passionateangeleyes · 5 years
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Welcome to Minnie's haberdashery
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