#minotaur sfw
amnesiamilk · 1 year
The Minotaur .
too human to be with the animals .
too animal to belong with the humans .
betrayed by his mother , thrown into a labyrinth.
never to see even a drop of rain .
called a monster , a murderer , a man eater .
His own body against his brain.
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cheesomancer · 3 months
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Riding a bull (literally this time) 🌻
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pdqsketch · 4 months
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Pose practice
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x-monochrome-x · 9 months
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i thought this idea was phenomenally silly. imagine going into the one greek labyrinth myth thing and that guy is all thats stopping you (he will bite you and stab you with his horns) perhaps you could say. a. a minitaur
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shadohood · 20 days
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Imagine if I had an urge to draw original art, but knew that very few people will ever see it, so I do it way less then I should.... Could never be me.
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hyenakat · 1 year
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a handsome miner <3
(commission for @/Cascade1927 on twitter!)
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When the sweet rolls are so good, you have to have the last bite
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captsalazoo · 5 months
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Minotaur Barbarian character I'm gonna play for an upcoming DnD campaign, what a polite and handsome gentleman !
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mxnsterbabe · 1 year
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Male Minotaur/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 2,004 Tags & Warnings: mentions of injuries Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist | Link to Request
When Dimitris is injured on the job, he has to stay home and heal. Luckily for him, he has a doting wife who is more than happy to care for him.
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As you slowly opened your eyes, you found yourself waking up to another day, your seventh morning since Dimitris, your beloved husband, had been injured on the job. The sunlight filtering through the curtains painted a warm glow on the bedroom walls, casting a comforting light over Dimitris' massive form as he lay asleep beside you. You studied his serene face for a moment before leaning in to plant a tender kiss on his rough, furry cheek. He stirred ever so slightly but remained asleep, his breathing steady and deep.
Stretching your limbs, you sat up on the edge of the bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. As you stood up, you couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for Dimitris, who was still recovering from his injuries. You knew he was resilient, but the thought of him in pain made your heart ache. Determined to help, you made your way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of you.
The floorboards creaked softly under your feet as you shuffled to the kitchen, still half-asleep. As was your routine, you reached for the small speaker on the countertop and turned it on, allowing the soft, soothing melodies of your favourite playlist to fill the air. The familiar tunes brought a sense of comfort and relaxation, a perfect companion for your early morning routine.
You hummed along with the music as you opened the refrigerator, scanning the contents for the ingredients needed to make Dimitris' favourite breakfast. You decided on a hearty meal of scrambled eggs, bacon, and a heaping side of fruit.
You took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of fresh coffee brewing in the background, as you cracked eggs into a bowl and whisked them together with a fork. The sizzle of bacon cooking in the pan was music to your ears, accompanied by the gentle strumming of the guitar from the song playing in the background. Your movements were methodical and graceful, a well-practiced dance that you had performed countless times before.
As the eggs cooked, you thought about the five years you had spent with Dimitris. From the moment you met him, you knew that he was your soulmate, and your love for him had only grown stronger since. Despite the differences in your backgrounds and the challenges that came with being married to a minotaur, you had built a life together that you were proud of.
You plated the food and poured two cups of coffee, taking extra care to ensure that everything was perfect. As you did so, you found yourself smiling at the thought of Dimitris enjoying the meal you had prepared for him. You knew that your support was essential to his recovery, and you were determined to provide him with everything he needed. He would have done the same for you.
With breakfast ready, you balanced the plates and cups in your hands, making your way back to the bedroom where Dimitris lay sleeping. The soft music continued to play in the background, filtering through to the quiet bedroom.
As you settled onto the bed, you saw that Dimitris had begun to stir. His piercing blue eyes fluttered open, and he greeted you with a warm, appreciative smile. Setting the tray of food down on the bedside table, you leaned in to kiss him again. The feel of his soft, warm mouth meeting yours was as exhilarating as it had been when you first fell in love. 
"How are you feeling this morning, love?" you asked, concern lacing your voice as you brushed a stray lock of hair away from his eyes.
Dimitris let out a soft sigh, but his smile never faded. "I'm not going to lie. I'm not used to sitting around like this. It's been a while since I've felt so... helpless."
You reached for his large, calloused hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I know it's hard for you, Dimitris, but you need to rest and recover. You're strong, and you'll be back on your feet in no time."
He smiled at your reassuring words, his massive hand engulfing yours as he gave it a gentle squeeze in return. "Thanks. I know I can always count on you to keep me grounded."
You smiled back, your heart swelling with love for this incredible creature who had captured your heart so completely. "That's what I'm here for. Now, let's enjoy this breakfast I made for you."
Dimitris chuckled softly, the deep rumble of his laughter sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. "You always know how to spoil me, don't you?"
You grinned, lifting the tray onto his lap so that he could enjoy the meal you had prepared. As the two of you ate, you chatted about anything and everything that came to mind. Honestly, while you were upset that he was hurt, you enjoyed the chance to be with him. His work as a police officer always kept him so busy, it was a rare treat to spend mornings with him like this.
Eventually, talk turned to Dimitris’ recovery. You didn’t put off asking about it, exactly, but you knew it was a sensitive topic. Still, you liked staying updated.
"So, how has the physiotherapy been going?" you inquired gently, trying not to push too hard but wanting to ensure he was on top of his recovery.
He grimaced slightly, taking a moment to swallow a bite of his eggs. "It's not my favourite thing. It's uncomfortable and frustrating, but it’s necessary."
You nodded, offering him an understanding smile. "I know it's tough, but it’ll be worth it in the long run."
Dimitris looked into your eyes, his expression softening. "I know it can't be easy dealing with me being all mopey. You know how much I appreciate everything, don’t you?"
You chuckled and nodded, reaching out to touch his arm. "Dimitris, I'm just grateful that you're recovering. I'd do anything for you, you know that. We'll get through this together."
He smiled warmly, the affection in his gaze making your heart flutter. “I couldn't ask for a better partner in all of this."
As you finished your breakfast and cleared the dishes, Dimitris expressed his gratitude once again for your unwavering support. You offered him a bright grin and leaned down to ghost your lips across his. 
“I love you,” you mumbled against the kiss.
“I love you too.”
Once breakfast was finished, you suggested that both of you spend some time on the balcony, enjoying the warm sunlight and the fresh air. Dimitris hesitated for a moment, then agreed, knowing that a change of scenery would do him good.
"It sounds good," he said with a smile. "I could use some fresh air."
You could see the determination in his eyes as he prepared to get up, even though it was evident that the process was challenging for him. His sprained ankle was far from the worst of it - he’d slipped a disc in his back too, and he was covered in dark, nasty bruises beneath his thick fur.
You stood by his side, ready to offer your support as he carefully shifted his massive frame to the edge of the bed. His size and weight made the task daunting, but you were determined to help him.
"Take it easy, Dimitris. I'm right here to help," you reassured him.
Placing one hand on his back and the other under his arm, you gently guided him as he pushed himself up, taking care not to put too much pressure on his strained ankle. Once Dimitris was on his feet, you encouraged him to stretch his leg a little before venturing to the balcony.
"Let's do some gentle stretches before we head outside," you suggested.
You held onto him as he slowly bent his knee and flexed his foot, wincing slightly at the discomfort but determined to push through it. You offered words of encouragement and praised his efforts, letting him know how proud you were of his progress.
"You're doing great, love. Just a few more stretches."
With the stretching exercises complete, you carefully assisted Dimitris in navigating the short distance to the balcony, your heart swelling with pride as you watched him take those slow, lumbering steps.
"Almost there, Dimitris. The sun feels amazing today."
Stepping onto the balcony, you both took a moment to bask in the glorious sunshine, its warm embrace enveloping you like a comforting hug. The sky was a brilliant blue, dotted with the occasional fluffy white cloud drifting lazily by. Birds flitted about, their cheerful songs creating a beautiful song.
You helped Dimitris settle into a comfortable chair, propping his injured ankle on a cushioned footstool to alleviate any strain. You then cuddled in beside him, your hands intertwined, as you both soaked in the peaceful atmosphere.
"It's so beautiful out here," you remarked, taking in the sights and sounds of nature.
Dimitris nodded in agreement. "It really is. I can’t wait for a real summer."
As you leaned closer to Dimitris, resting your head on his broad shoulder, feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, he wrapped an arm around you. He drew you nearer, and you were happy to lean into his embrace.
As you both sat there, listening to the birds singing their joyful melodies, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to share this moment with Dimitris. The two of you cuddled together, enjoying each other's company in the gentle embrace of the morning sun.
You cosied into Dimitris' side, his thick black fur providing warmth and comfort that enveloped you like a soft blanket. The heat radiating from his body chased away any lingering chill from the morning air, and you felt safe and protected in his strong arms.
Dimitris seemed to enjoy the closeness as well, his chest rumbling with contentment as his large hand came to rest on your arm. His claws, though formidable and sharp, grazed gently across your skin, tracing delicate patterns that sent shivers of delight down your spine.
"You know, I could get used to mornings like this," he murmured, his warm breath tickling your ear.
You smiled, nestling even closer to him. "So could I, love."
The two of you continued to relax on the balcony, the sounds of the bustling world below fading into the background as you focused on the beauty of nature and the warmth of each other's presence. The sunlight cast a golden glow on your entwined forms, a testament to the love that had only grown stronger over the years.
Over the years, your love had only grown stronger, and in moments like these, it seemed as if nothing could ever come between you and Dimitris. The soothing sounds of nature and the warmth of your husband's presence began to lull you into a state of drowsiness. Your eyelids grew heavy, and you felt yourself starting to drift off once more.
As you nestled closer to Dimitris, seeking the reassuring comfort of his embrace, he seemed to sense your growing fatigue. With a gentle smile, he adjusted his hold on you, making sure you were securely cradled against his broad chest.
"Feeling sleepy, love?" he asked softly, his voice a tender rumble that only served to deepen your drowsiness.
"Mmm," you murmured, too drowsy to form a coherent response. "Just so cosy and warm here with you."
Dimitris chuckled softly, planting a tender kiss on the top of your head. "Sleep, love. I've got you."
With those comforting words, you allowed yourself to fully relax into Dimitris' embrace. The soft sounds of the birds and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze served as a soothing lullaby, while the warmth of Dimitris' fur enveloped you like a cocoon. 
As you drifted off to sleep, held securely in Dimitris' loving arms, you knew that no matter what challenges life threw your way, you would always find solace and strength in each other's love.
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sylveon-and-velveon · 1 month
Another edition for my main Voltron AU, "Escaping Reality"
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Ratnus, from Universe KLO-BWQ The prince of the Boquiva Kingdom, who escaped and ran away with the help of Isho and zis friends. Cursed to look more human and "freakish" to the other Minotaurs, thanks to his parents' obsession with fairytales. Locked within the castle walls all his life, resulting in the inability to understand emotions and socialise. But god dammit the others love him for who he is!!
♡ Commissions are always open! ♡
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gaertan · 11 months
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The bull , The maiden, and The seer
Some of my latest gym sketches! The bull , The maiden, and The seer )
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oddityartz · 5 months
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when the
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pdqsketch · 3 months
OC Animation
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winterwoodragon · 10 months
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Minotaur moment
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keavahdoesart · 2 years
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transmascdagothur · 1 year
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My new minotaur oc plus bulls daedra parents! It's sort of a long story, but Calyx the dremora and Krathok the daedroth are friends and ended up on nirn together, and they have some deep feelings for each other that only the mortal plane can bring forward. So they find this orphaned minotaur calf near a ruin and raise it together, and yes it's absolutely a bad idea and chaos ensues. But bull ends up growing up into a fine young man! For the most part.
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