#minthara x galatea
unreadpoppy · 2 months
Anyways, since Minthara is the least kissed companion, here's a Minthara kissing Tav (Galatea) compilation
Their first one has to also be the first here
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idk what i did here that the quality came out so good but this
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post killing Orin kiss
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These ones were taken in Jaheira's basement
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And of course the one last kiss (that i had to do twice cause I reloaded)
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and finally, the epilogue kiss
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unreadpoppy · 2 months
Sometimes a family is you, your dog, your girlfriend, and the murderous quasit that follows her around (aka, Galatea loves Shovel)
Minthara x Galatea feat. Shovel and Scratch.
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A/N:  I know Scratch can only give the help action, but I wanted to add a little healing to his abilities ok. Also, this was very much inspired by this drawing I commissioned, so be sure to go check out the amazing artist on Instagram!
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“Why does this creature follow you around like some lost duckling?”  Minthara said, looking at the demon-like creature who trailed a few steps behind Galatea. 
The tiefling frowned, not quite understanding who the drow referred to. She stopped walking, turned around, before looking around and asking “You mean Shovel?” 
“It has a name?” 
“Oi! I can hear you!” Shovel shouted, though Minthara ignored her. Noticing that, the demon added “I’m going to murderize you!”
“You’ll do no such thing, Shovel.” Galatea said sternly, putting her hands on her hips. “Minthara is off limits.”
“But Master-”
“You heard me.” Looking at the quasit’s defeated expression, Galatea softened. “But we’ll be heading towards battle soon. You can murder all you want there.” 
At that, Shovel jumped around excitedly, saying “Yes! Shovel makes enemies bleed, makes them die!”
While the quasit was distracted, Galatea turned to Minthara, who looked at the scene with a raised brow. 
“She used to be this necromancer’s familiar.” The tiefling explained. “Now she’s mine.” 
“I see.” Minthara hummed. “But you do seem quite attached to it.”
Galatea frowned. “I’m not. If anything, she’s the one that’s attached to me.”
Minthara raised a brow, smirking. “Oh, really? Then why does every time we do not share a bed, I find you sleeping next to her?” 
 “It is her that sleeps with me, not the contrary.” She did not want to admit it, but Shovel was very precious to her. Besides her invisibility being quite useful in battle, she found it adorable how the quasit would follow her around, almost like a child - a very blood thirsty child, but a child nonetheless - and Galatea felt the need to protect the small demon. 
But part of her felt embarrassed to admit that to Minthara. She did not know how to explain, just that it felt silly to say to her lover that she cared for the creature. Trying to deflect, she said “Well, you’re one to talk. I see how you spend your time in camp playing with Scratch.” 
“It is not playing. I am training that dog.”
“Throwing a ball and asking him to fetch is training?” 
“Of course. Teaching him obedience. Something your little quasit almost seems to lack.” 
Galatea swallowed the urge to speak of all the times she saw Minthara petting Scratch when she thought no one could see. Instead, she said “We have a battle ahead of us. Enough of wasting time with conversation.” 
Minthara looked at her suspiciously, but followed along. 
During the battle, Minthara could hear the shouts of happiness each time the quasit hit or killed an enemy. She had to admit, for such a tiny demon, Shovel gave some really powerful strikes. 
Unfortunately for her, their enemies struck much harder, and soon, Shovel was close to disappearing. Although she was a familiar, and Galatea would have the ability to summon her after combat, Minthara could see how the tiefling frowned or looked away whenever the quasit was hit, unable to do much as she was far away from her. 
But Minthara was close, and the necklace she wore granted her the ability to cast a few healing spells. As soon as the thought arrived, she shook her head - she would not waste healing on Shovel.
However, she knew Galatea would be upset at the creature’s supposed death and so, she reached a compromise. Whistling, she called upon Scratch, directing the dog towards the quasit’s aid. 
He lunged at the enemies throats, killing them. Then, he turned to Shovel, and gave a few licks on her face, giving the quasit enough strength to turn invisible and walk away. Then, she made herself known by killing another one of their enemies, the last one standing. 
As soon as the battle was over, Galatea rushed to Shovel, picking her up and throwing her in the air like a baby. “You did so well!” She said and then put her down. “Go, you can claim any of the fallen for food.”
Shovel made a noise of excitement and hurried to desecrate one of the corpses, quickly tearing through flesh and eating it. In the meantime, Galatea crouched down and pet Scratch, giving him a kiss on the face. “And you’re the best boy in Fâerun.” 
His tail wagged as he barked, as if he agreed to it. 
Minthara saw that, and before she could say anything, Galatea gave her a peck on the cheek. When the drow looked at her quizzically, she said “I saw what you did. Thank you for helping her.”
Minthara smirked. “It was Scratch who did so.”
“I know, but it was you who called him.” Galatea smiled softly, and then turned to Shovel, who had run up to her. Picking up the quasit and placing her on her hip and walking away, heading towards camp. 
Tired from spending most of the way walking around and fighting, Galatea was quick to fall asleep after arriving in camp, sleeping inside Minthara’s tent, on her hammock. Shovel, still excited from all the blood, was walking around, seeming lost. 
Minthara, who sat outside her tent, guaranteeing nobody would disturb Galatea’s sleep, saw that. She called Shovel to where she was, and surprisingly found that the demon obeyed. 
“Take this.” She gave Scratch’s ball to Shovel. “Throw it.” 
“You’re not Thunder Master.” She said in a defiant tone. 
“I am not, no. But if you do not obey me, your…Thunder Master will be upset.”
Shovel squinted her eyes, huffing and kicking some dirty before saying “Fine” and throwing the ball. Immediately, Scratch stood from where he was and followed after it, with the owlbear cub trailing behind. Soon, he gave her the ball back, barking. 
“What?” She shouted at the dog. 
“He wants you to throw it again. Play with him. It will please your Thunder Master.” 
Unable to compete with that, Shovel did as such, and soon, all three of the camp creatures were playing around, until they all tired. 
It was when the three were sleeping that Minthara gently picked up Shovel, and brought her inside her tent, handling her to Galatea. Even asleep, the tiefling recognized the quasit, quickly holding her like a stuffed animal, holding her close. Minthara half smiled at the sight, before laying on the hammock and holding Galatea from behind, a kiss on her brow before she too decided to rest. 
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
Poison kiss
Minthara x Tav (Galatea)
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A/N: Minthara's poisoned kiss happened to my Tav the other day and I couldn't be happier. I decided to write a little something, with my own spin on the scene.
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It was almost like a ritual. Everytime she wanted one, Galatea would ask “Can I kiss you?”, and everytime, Minthara would reply with “I am yours. Come to me.” 
The drow strided towards her, grabbing the tiefling by the back of her neck and bringing her head forwards, kissing Galatea roughly. Minthara was domineering, her tongue pushing past her partner’s lips as the tiefling held her waist, moaning slightly. The drow kissed like she fought in battle - hard and fierce. 
Once they were done, the drow’s hand stayed on her cheek for a moment, the two looking into each other’s eyes, smiling softly. 
“You give me courage.” Minthara said after they broke apart. 
Galatea smiled at her. “You t-” The tiefling swayed in place, not finishing her sentence. Minthara frowned, calling her name. Galatea’s body slumped forwards as she fell, and the drow was quick to catch her before she hit the ground. 
“My love?” She said, worriedly. She put a hand on the tieflings cheek, and tried checking for any mysterious injury when she realized what had happened. 
Minthara was quick to use a lay on hands to cure her lover and soon, Galatea was waking up. 
“What…what happened?” The tiefling asked, confused. 
Still holding Galatea, Minthara smirked. “Apologies. It seems that a trace of drow poison still clung to my lips after I took it this morning.” 
Galatea put a hand on her face and sighed. “Minthara…why were you drinking poison?” 
“I take small doses of various toxins with my meals to build immunity.” The drow traced her thumb on Galatea’s bottom lip. “You should do the same.” 
“I could consider it.” The tiefling raised a brow, smirking. “But only if you kiss me again.” 
Minthara chuckled and bent her head down, kissing her again, this time, more passionately. 
In the distance, Astarion, upon looking at the scene, shouted “Go to your tent, you two!” 
The drow quickly stopped and shot him a murderous look. She stood up, helping Galatea, and said “Just a moment. I must show the little vampling what happens when I am interrupted.” She gave her a quick kiss on the lips again and marched towards the elf, who had began running. 
Galatea laughed, shaking her head. ‘By the gods,’ she thought, ‘I love her.’
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
For the flower asks: thyme!
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Minthara x Galatea: Mercy
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A/N: This is before their relationship is established. Also, let's both pretend this ask hasn't been sitting on my inbos for a full month.
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With Ketheric dead, Minthara turned her mind to other pressing matters. While one of her enemies was down, there was still Orin and many others who served the Absolute to defeat. The road towards a cure for the tadpole was long, and she would need to prepare herself if she meant to survive.
But as she went over battle strategies with Galatea, one question went to the front of her mind. 
“In the goblin camp, why did you spare me?” She asked the tiefling. 
Galatea was taken aback.  “Why the sudden interest in that?” 
“It had been on my mind for some time, but while Ketheric lived, I needed to focus on that.” Minthara crossed her arms. “But now, he is gone, and I cannot help but wonder. Every other person in that camp met their demise that day, except for me.” She took a deep breath. “If I am to trust you, I must know why.” 
In truth, the tiefling already had her trust, and maybe more, if Minthara let herself follow her feelings. Galatea had spared her from a fate worse than death, she brought her along to their battles and agreed to end Minthara’s foes. She actively sought Minthara’s advice and listened to her ideas, taking them in consideration when making a decision. Besides, the constant praise of Minthara’s prowess in battle did not hurt either. 
But the goblin camp….it confused Minthara. Why go through the trouble of killing everyone else but her? When in the depths of her trance, the drow wondered if she had been also manipulated by this tiefling since the beginning. After all, Minthara knew she was a strong ally to the party, but she couldn’t help but wonder if that had been the plan. Kill everyone in her camp, so that she would have to be saved by them, inevitably making her indebted to the group. Maybe everything, from their conversations to the compliments were all part of Galatea’s plan to entrap Minthara in her web, just to discard her again when the -
“To be honest, I am not sure.” Minthara was snapped back to reality by the tiefling’s answer. 
She furrowed her eyebrows. “So you don’t know?” She crossed her arms. “You killed my whole camp, resulting in my humiliation in front of the general, and you don’t know.”
Galatea raised a brow “That is not what I said. Allow me to clarify.” 
Minthara straightened her back, scowling, preparing herself, in case things ended badly. “Explain yourself, then.” 
“If you are looking for one, straight, correct answer, there is not.” Galatea took a deep breath. “I knew that if we were to save the Grove and the tieflings for good, we had to eliminate the goblin threat. And to do so, we needed to kill the goblin leaders - You, Gut, and Razglin.”
Minthara nodded, a silent command for her to continue. “By the time we reached you, the others had been dealt with and too much blood had been sprayed. You had been knocked out, and when Karlach was about to deal the final blow, I stopped her.” 
Galatea shook her head and took another deep breath. “I’m not sure what exactly was that compelled me. Part of me did consider that perhaps we could make you join our cause. You did give Wyll a good beating.” The tiefling chuckled, remembering how bad the warlock had been even after days of healing. “But that was not the main reason. Maybe I was tired of the bloodshed we had done, maybe I did think you were dead, maybe I just wanted to leave.” She looked at Minthara’s eyes. “Or maybe, I just felt compelled to enact one simple act of mercy, after a day filled with death.” 
The drow scoffed. “If that is the reason, then you are a bigger fool than I thought. Allowing an enemy to live could have cost you your mission, perhaps even your life.” 
Galatea crossed her arms, raised a brow and slightly tilted her head.  “And yet, it didn’t, and you stand here, by my side, making plans for the future.” 
Minthara gulped. “Still, showing an act of mercy to an enemy is a poor choice. You’re the leader, you must set the example, be ruthless.” 
Galatea listened to her words, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She let her arms loose, and straightened her neck. “A good leader must, above all, practice balance.” She began saying. “If a king slaughters all his enemies, all those who oppose him without a second thought, he is a tyrant and will be overthrown. If a king is too lenient, too merciful, allowing his conspirators to grow in power, he is weak and will also be overthrown.” 
Galatea closed her eyes. “A good king knows when to use an iron fist and when to lend a helping hand. A good king must know this, lest his kingdom crumble.” She opened her eyes and looked at Minthara. “These are my father’s words, and although neither he or I are kings, these are the rules I follow in my leadership of this group.” 
She took a step towards Minthara. “Had I been merciless, I would not have you as an ally, and we would have lost many battles. But, if I hadn’t been ruthless when killing the goblins, Dror and Gut, I wouldn’t be standing here.” Their faces were close and it was at that moment that Galatea noticed how she was a few inches taller than Minthara. They stared at each other’s eyes, the fierce passion in Minthara’s being met with Galatea’s cold resolve. 
Minthara was impressed. It was not every day that someone was able to stand up to her. She smirked, briefly, and then said “Very well. I am satisfied.” 
Galatea nodded, taking a step back. “Good. Or else I would have believed you have a death wish.” She cracked her neck to the side, yawned and said “It is quite late, and the day ahead of us will be long. Rest well.” 
“You too.” Minthara said, and they made their separate ways towards their respective tents. 
That night, when she laid in bed, Minthara replayed the conversation in her head, thinking also of all their past interactions. The more time passed, the more Minthara began to admire Galatea. She was strong willed yet listened. She could be ruthless and still show kindness - something Minthara did not understand but could still admire. The tiefling’s intimidating demeanor was a wall she had put up to protect herself, but the drow could see its cracks, in the way she spoke with the other companions, in how she laughed and saw beauty in broken things. Minthara longed to know more about her, to tear down that icy facade until the blue haired girl was laid completely bare to her, in both body and soul. 
It was when Minthara’s thoughts began to take a turn for the carnal, that she opened her eyes, looking at her tent’s ceiling. “Straj.” She cursed to herself. Maybe her feelings for the tiefling were deeper than she had previously thought. Putting a hand on her face, she decided to think on this tomorrow and for now, only hoped for destiny to have mercy on her heart and her soul.  
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
Death and Resurrection (part 1)
Minthara x Galatea
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A/N: So this is going to be two short fics, about Galatea and Minthara reacting to the other's death and revivification.
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Galatea wasn’t one to cry easily. In fact, during their whole journey so far, Minthara had not seen the tiefling shed a single tear out of sadness. 
Today’s events changed that. 
In combat, Minthara could handle herself. Her strength and battle strategy, alongside her healing powers made it quite difficult for enemies to down her. But this time, she was being bested. 
Her enemies were proving too strong for her. She could see the rest of her companions also struggling - everyone had been cornered by enemies, making it near impossible for one of them to come help her without taking a serious hit first. 
But Minthara Baenre would not go down without a fight. As if imbued by a god-like strength, the drow delivered hit after hit, killing three out of her four attackers. But just as she was close to ending the last one, he got the best of her. 
It happened quick - the enemy shoved Minthara away, and entangled her with a spell. As she tried to squirm away, she could only watch as her enemy marched closer, kicking her sword away from her hand, and raising his own above his head. 
“Straj.” Minthara cursed as the steel pierced her chest and the world went dark, hoping that the damned skeleton would soon bring her back. 
Galatea had not seen where Minthara, Karlach or Shadowheart had been during the battle. It was only after all their enemies had been dealt with that she found the others.
“Where is Minthara?” She asked the other two, who just shook their head. The place was badly lit, and too many bodies scattered the ground. The three looked at each other as they began to scavange around for their drow companion. With both Scratch and Shovel having been killed and sent back to camp during the battle, the task was even harder. 
Galatea worried. She kept thinking ‘Minthara is strong, she is probably hiding somewhere to regain her health. She is fine’ to try and ease her mind, but she still worried. Even if her lover was marvelous in combat, she was not immortal. 
Could Minthara have been downed? Or worse - 
‘No’ She thought, the moment that the idea of Minthara’s death crossed her mind. ‘Don’t think that.’ 
After a good ten minutes, she heard Karlach scream “Come! I found her and it’s not good.” 
Galatea ran faster than she ever did to where the other tiefling was kneeling, Shadowheart following close. There were vines wrapped around the drow’s body and her body was badly bruised. Nearby, a sword was coated in Minthara’s blood - a sword Karlach had quickly hidden so as to not panic Gal even further. 
“No, no, no, no, no” The sorcerer said, as she and Karlach broke the vines. She held Minthara’s face, wiping away some blood. “Please, wake up.” She begged, but as the seconds passed, the realization began to dawn on her. 
Minthara was dead. 
Now, a companion dying was not something new to Galatea. Astarion had died various times in their journey, and he was still kicking. 
However, this time, it felt different. It was as if all rational thought evaporated from Galatea’s head as she held Minthara close and cried. She cried as she had never before, as if part of her soul had been ripped from her body. 
And because of that overwhelming storm of emotions she was feeling, she had even forgotten that before the battle, Galatea told Shadowheart to prepare Revivify. 
The cleric looked to Karlach, speaking with her via the tadpole. ‘If you make her release Minthara, I can bring her back.’ 
She nodded and held Galatea’s bicep, trying to pry her away from the drow. “Hey, soldier, hey, look at me.” She said softly. “We’re going to bring her back, but you need to give her some space first.” 
The sorcerer looked between her companions before gently releasing Minthara, and holding onto Karlach’s bicep. She held her breath as Shadowheart began praying, a warm glow emanating from her hands. She touched Minthara and they all waited to see if she would wake up. 
The first thing Minthara felt as she came to was that there was something dripping on her, which was strange, since there was no water nearby. 
Opening her eyes, she quickly saw what it was: Galatea was hunched over her, crying with her eyes closed. 
That was the first time that Minthara had seen the tiefling crying. She reached out a hand, and placed it on her cheek. Before she could say anything, Galatea gasped and threw herself on her, hugging Minthara close. Karlach and Shadowheart, though glad that their companion was back, decided to give the two some privacy, and walked away for a bit, looting the corpses around them. 
The drow awkwardly moved the two to sit, so that she could better look at the tiefling, who continued crying. The sight made her feel strange: she was not used to Galatea crying, and hated seeing it, but it gave her a weird comfort to know it was because of how much she loved Minthara that had caused it. She didn’t remember anyone ever being this upset at the possibility of her death. 
Shaking her head, Minthara held Galatea’s biceps and then tucked a stray hair behind her ear and wiped her tears. “Enough of this, I’m here now.” She said softly. 
“You scared me.” Galatea sniffed. “For a moment, I thought I lost you.” 
Minthara smirked. “I wouldn't dare.” 
 “You better” She put a hand on Minthara’s cheek. “Because if you do this again, I’ll drag your soul back from the Fugue Plane myself.” 
The drow raised an eyebrow. “I did not expect you to go that far.” 
“For you? Always.” Galatea leaned forwards and rested her forehead on Minthara’s. 
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
🎲 for the kissy ask. Generate one, baaaaaby
Wound Tending (Minthara x Galatea)
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The moment they arrived on camp, Minthara rushed to her tent. Removing her armor, she saw a nasty cut on her side, where one of their enemies had hit her. She had already run out of her lay on hand charges, and she was not about to go ask Shadowheart for help. With a sigh, Minthara picked up some bandages.
Then, the opening of her tent flapped and Galatea walked inside. “You’re hurt.” She walked up to her. “Let me help.”
“You’re not a healer.” Minthara groaned.
“Neither are you.” She raised a brow, putting her hands on her hips. Then, she reached inside the pocket of her robe, pulling out a familiar potion. “Besides, I got a potion of healing to spare.”
In one swing, Minthara drank everything, feeling the wound begin to close itself, although the area was still bruised and bloodied.
With a sigh, she looked at Galatea. “Thank you.”
The tiefling nodded. “Don’t thank me just yet.” She took the bandages from her hand, and pointed towards a nearby stool. “Sit there. I’ll clean this blood.”
“You don’t have to-“
“I said sit.” Galatea gave her a hard look, and thought Minthara didn’t appreciate being bossed around, she obliged.
Galatea briefly walked out, and came back with a bit of water and a sponge. She went to where Minthara sat and got on her knees in front of her, and began to delicately clean the wound, the water quickly turning red with blood.
The two stayed silent as Galatea worked, Minthara watching her with a furrowed brow. It didn’t take long for the tiefling to finish her work, wrapping the bruise with the bandages once everything was clean.
“There, all done.” She looked up at her lover. “What’s wrong?” She asked, noticing Minthara’s expression.
“I do not understand your insistence in doing this.”
“Is it so bad for me to want to take care of you?” Galatea frowned.
“No.” Minthara clarified. “I am just… not used to this sort of affection.” She said, with a sigh. “In Menzoberranzan, this - “ she motioned between the two of them “does not exist. Relationships are only carnal and temporary. I have not had someone be as dedicated to me as you are, at least without planning to stab me in the back. This is…. new. I do not know how to act.”
Love was not a concept that existed where she came from. Before the Absolute, she had never cared about a lasting relationship, and she did not believe love would ever be important in her life.
But now, she had Galatea and everything was different. Minthara could no longer imagine a life without the tiefling in it, and she did not want to. Before, she was complete, but now, she felt that something had been missing all along, an ache that only Gal soothed - and that scared Minthara.
She did not dare declare her love out loud. Not when there were assassins all around who could exploit that. She only hoped that with every kiss, every lingering touch, every shared thought, Galatea would know how she felt.
Minthara was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a kiss on her knuckles.
“I never ask you to clean my wounds after a battle and yet you insist on doing it every time.” Galatea said, holding her wrist, and moving to kiss it. “And although you awake before everyone else, you hold me for as long as you can, and I know you let me sleep longer than the others.”
She kissed her forearm, and then her elbow. “And everytime you kiss me, you do it as if it were the last time. You make it special.” She kissed her biceps. “And I always feel your lingering eyes watching over me, and I know that I am safe.”
Galatea finally stood up, and gently sat on Minthara’s lap, kissing shoulder, her collarbone, her neck and finally, she kissed Minthara on the lips.
Unlike the others time they did so, the kiss was sweet, gentle, slow, somehow filled with more affection than other times. When they were done, Galatea pressed her forehead against Minthara’s and whispered “I think you’re better at this love thing than you believe, Minthara Baenre.”
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
The Siren
Mermaid!Minthara x Sailor!Galatea
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A/N: So, it's mermay and I've been stuck with this idea for some time and finally wrote it down. Also, in this one, sirens are kinda like....they eat people, so get ready for Minthara thinking about that. Also, I know technically there's a difference, but I like to use siren and mermaid interchangebly.
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The ocean’s water had turned violent as the sky darkened. Minthara swam towards the surface, poking her head above the water. Clouds, heavy with lightning, gathered around, the sign that a storm was approaching. Squinting her eyes, she spotted a ship in the distance  and smirked. 
She dove underwater and followed the ship from a distance, and soon, it began to rain. Times like this were perfect for hunting. Nature would do most of the work, with rays of lightning causing a fire overboard and the violent waves crashing against the ship. Sooner or later, people would jump into the water for safety. 
It was then that the sirens struck. While Minthara’s preferred method was luring her prey to their watery grave with her song, sailors jumping to their deaths during a storm also had its fun. The way they would think they had just survived the worst, only for their hope to be immediately crushed as she dragged them underneath. 
Oh, how sweet it was, Minthara thought, to eat the heart of a man while his lungs filled with saltwater, as he tried to scream and swim away. 
And so, when the first body hit the water, Minthara grinned, quickly swimming towards her next meal. 
Galatea had warned the crew about the storm. The moment she had woken up, she could feel the familiar hum of lightning in her veins, warning her of what was to come. 
They chose to ignore her and now, the ship was going down. Wave after wave had crashed against them, and control of the ship had long been lost. She and some others were trying to get the row boats down, when lightning struck, causing a fire. 
It was in the midst of the chaos, that someone knocked into her, causing the tiefling to fall overboard. 
The ice cold water picked at her skin, as she swam to the surface. Gasping for air, she tried to find where the row boat was, but it was too dark. Galatea screamed for her crew, swimming around aimlessly. Given how strong the current was, her legs began to tire, and soon, she was underwater again. As her consciousness began fading, she only hoped that Umberlee would grant her a quick death. The last thing she felt was a hand wrapping itself around her arm. 
Female surface dwellers were not common around these parts. Minthara herself never had the pleasure of seeing one up close, only hearing the stories her mother and sisters had told. She always wondered if they tasted different then the men, if their screams were sweeter. 
It seemed that her questions would be answered soon, as she quickly spotted a blue haired female tiefling on the ship. 
Minthara had kept her eyes on the woman, seeing as she ran around the ship, trying to help but ultimately failing. She noticed how the water made her clothes clung to her skin, and the siren licked her lips, looking her up and down. She also noticed how her fellow siren also seemed to keep their eyes on the tiefling, and Minthara became even more determined to get her hands on her first. 
When her body fell on the water, Minthara swam towards her, racing against the other sirens. Her long, purple tail was strong, making her get there faster than everyone else. Besides, her intimidating stare made the younger ones open the way. 
She couldn’t kill the woman right then and there, as it would cause even more conflict and she wouldn’t be able to appreciate the moment. Knowing a beach was nearby, Minthara grabbed the tiefling by the arms, bringing her to the surface and swimming to shore. This prolonged hunt would make the kill even more satisfying, Minthara reasoned. 
By the time she reached the location, the sky had begun to clear. It was hard to swim in shallow water, but Minthara was able to place her victim on the sand, using her upper body strength to stay above her, her long, white hair sticking to her face. 
She took a moment to examine the tiefling. Her snow-white skin was cold to the touch, likely due to the rain. Part of her blue hair clung to her face and neck, while the other was played around her. Minthara brushed some of it to the side, taking a better look at her face, trailed her long nail from her forehead to her cheek, watching in amusement as the woman shuddered. Minthara also noticed how her neck was covered in black markings that reached her jaw, like tendrils. For a moment, the siren wondered what those meant. 
But, as the sun’s heat began to burn her scales, Minthara shook her head and remembered what her task was. Moving in position, she grabbed the tieflings arms, studying herself as she opened her mouth, her sharp teeth shining. As she was about to strike, the woman groaned, opening her eyes and Minthara stilled. 
Pitch black eyes met hers as the tiefling whispered softly “You’re beautiful.” 
Galatea’s consciousness had briefly come back to her a few minutes ago, when she felt the sun on her skin, and a faint touch on her face. She could feel the sand beneath her, as someone pushed her hair away from her face. 
She wondered, momentarily, she had died and this was how her soul was entering the next plane of existence. But as the feelings on her fingers came back, Galatea knew she was real. Someone had saved her and brought her to shore.
And so, after a few more seconds of gathering strength, she finally opened her eyes to see her savior and was met with an interesting visage. 
A purple woman with long white hair and red eyes stood above her. She was naked, although her breasts seemed to be covered in scales. Her mouth was open, rows of sharp teeth shining under the light but as Galatea looked at her, she could only think one thing.
“You’re beautiful.” 
She saw as the woman above her stopped, closing her mouth and frowning. Before any could move, a gunshot was heard, startling both of them. 
The purple woman quickly moved away from her and backed into the water, where Galatea finally saw her tail, as she dove underneath. Struggling, the tiefling began to get up, coughing, when she felt someone running up behind her and helping. 
“By all gods, are you alright?” She heard Astarion, a fellow crewmate, say “I thought that damned siren was about to eat your innards.” 
“I…” Galatea swayed a bit, as her legs shook. “I think I’m alright.” 
“Good. For a moment I thought I was the only one who made it out of that ship.” He put one of her arms around his shoulders, supporting her up. “There’s a place I know nearby, we can rest there for a while.” 
Galatea nodded. “Lead the way.” As she limped with him, she took a moment to look back to the water, wondering if she would ever see the siren again.
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
Minthara x Tav (Galatea)
Read on AO3
A/N: ok so this is my first attempt at writing some Minthara stuff. I played around with my character's background and thought 'what if her sister was one of orin's victims' and so it lead to this.
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First, there was silence. 
No one dared say a word as Galatea stared at the body on the floor. Just moments ago, Minthara recalled how happy the tiefling had been.  
‘I haven’t seen my sister since the Nautiloid’ She told the drow the day before. ‘I wonder if she’ll be relieved or angry.’ 
‘She’ll be happy.’ Minthara asserted. 
‘How can you be so sure?” Galatea had asked with a raised brow. 
She smirked. ‘Who wouldn’t be happy to look at you?’ 
Now that was all gone, as Briseida’s blood dirtied the floor. Minthara looked at her lover, reaching into her mind, to understand what she was feeling but she found nothing. Galatea’s mind was as empty as the expression on her face.
The silence was broken by the sound of the tiefling falling onto her knees on the floor. Minthara reached forwards, but Karlach stopped her, shaking her head. ‘Give her a moment.’ The barbarian told her through the tadpole connection. 
They all stood there, watching, waiting for what would happen next. Galatea’s hand found her sister’s face. She caressed her cheek and then closed her eyes. Then, she grabbed Briseida’s fist, which was closed around a letter. Minthara tried to see what was written in it, but failed to do so, as just as quickly as Galatea opened it, she crushed it in her fingers. 
Silence once again. The tiefling lurched forwards and hugged her sister, Galatea’s body shaking. Minthara moved forwards, putting a hand on her lover’s shoulder and whispering “My love -” 
She was interrupted by the shriek. Galatea had thrown her head back as the sound left her throat. It was worse than any other scream Minthara, or anyone else, had ever heard. It was loud, high pitched, and most importantly, unnatural. It was a sound that no one should be able to reproduce. Just hearing it, the drow felt like ripping her own ears off, to try and make it stop. 
It was as if Minthara could feel Galatea’s pain rattling in her own body. It was as if her heart, her very soul was being ripped off her body, and by the gods, it hurt. She had been through a lot, had lost a lot, but she had never felt such guttural pain as the one the tiefling felt. 
Although to Minthara it had seemed like hours, in an instant, the shriek stopped and silence once again reigned. And she just stood there, watching, as part of the woman she loved was lost that day. 
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
For the flower language prompts, how about:
Amaryllis or Larkspur for Galatea & Minthara (or whichever pairing you wish)?
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Minthara x Galatea: Familicide
Read on AO3
A/N: I swear this is more on the sweeter side ok, ignore the name, I couldn't think of something better. Also, am I going to use this as a way to very not subtetly retcon Gal’s background? Yes, and no one can stop me. Thanks for the prompt, Flame!
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The night was calm. There were no clouds in the sky, letting the moon shine in all her glory. There was a small breeze, not too cold to make one shiver. There were no sounds of animals to disturb sleep. 
This night, instead of sleeping in her bedroll, Galatea had joined Minthara in her tent, the two swaying inside the hammock. Her cheek was pressed against one of the tiefling’s breasts, her arms around her. It was a nice change of the usual laying down position she took when going into trance. 
While in that state, Minthara was still aware of her surroundings, and she felt Galatea’s grip on her tighten as she murmured something in her sleep. 
“I’m sorry…” Minthara heard her say. “I’ll be a better daughter…I just want someone to love me…” The drow slowly opened her eyes and looked at Galatea. Even in her sleep, she frowned, her eyes rapidly moving from side to side underneath her eyelids, her hands trembling as she continued murmuring. 
“Galatea.” She whispered, touching her shoulder gently. Then, Minthara was in Galatea’s thoughts, their tadpoles connecting their minds.
In it, Minthara was a young, tiefling child, overhearing two adults talking. One of them was an older, elven woman, and the other seemed younger, and more human. Her belly was large, indicating a pregnancy. 
“Hopefully, this one turns out normal.” The elf said. “Gods know there’s already too many bastards in this family.” 
“Galatea is not a bastard.” The pregnant woman whispered. 
“Oh? Then explaining to me, daughter, how does a half elf and a human give birth to a tiefling?” 
“Even if she is his, she is an abomination.” The elf gripped the other’s wrist, shaking her. “Our house was nothing until you married the bastard prince, and I won’t let that hellbeast ruin everything.” 
The vision dissipated, morphing into other moments of Galatea’s life, all of them included the older elf’s disapproval. Constants scowls, and whispers, and eyes of judgment flooded Minthara’s vision until their connection was ended by the tiefling finally waking up and sitting up. 
“I’m sorry.” She said, heart racing. “I didn’t mean-I don’t know what-”
“Shh, breathe.” Minthara said, placing a hand in Galatea’s chest. The tiefling grabbed her wrist as she slowly calmed down. 
After a few seconds, she said “I’m sorry you saw that.” 
“Who was the darthíir?” Minthara asked, with a small scowl. In the time they had spent together, it had not taken long for Gal to realize what the word meant. 
“My grandmother.” She said, laying back down on the hammock, gulping. “She always said the nastiest of things when she thought I wasn't looking.” She put a hand on her forehead, closing her eyes. “Although, sometimes I wonder if she knew I was there and said it on purpose.” 
Minthara hummed. “Is she still alive?” 
“I think so. Last time I saw her, she was doing well.” Galatea opened one eye. “Why?” 
Minthara shrugged. “Curiosity.” She laid back down and said “Now, go back to sleep.”
And while Galatea quickly fell asleep again, Minthara’s mind began to work. 
The following morning, Minthara said she would stay in camp for the day, alongside Gale. Galatea frowned, questioning the decision, but ultimately, did not protest. The moment she and the others walked outside of their camp, Minthara made her way to the wizard. 
“Gather your things.” She commanded. “We are leaving.”
“Excuse me?” Gale said. “You cannot order me around.” 
Minthara scowled, cursing in drowic, and then said. “As much as it vexes me to say, I require your…help, wizard.” She put her hands behind her back. “I need your skills in research to help me find information on Cormyr.” 
Gale raised a brow. “You’re not scheming something, are you?” 
“If I am, will that be relevant?” 
“Well, it depends.” He said, straightening his back. “If you’re planning on conquering Cormyr, then I shan’t help you. But if it’s something else…”
Minthara’s lips thinned into a line as she said “I wish to give something to Galatea, and thus, I require information of her homeland.” 
Gale smiled brightly. “I always knew there was a romantic in you.” He gathered his things and said “Very well. If it’s for a romantic gesture, I’ll give you all the help you desire.” 
When he turned his back, Minthara rolled her eyes and followed, as she doubted that he would consider what she had in mind as a ‘romantic gesture’
“Here.” Gale said, placing several books on the wooden desk. “This was all I could find about Cormyr.” He grabbed one by one, explaining its contents. “This one is a recipe book with traditional dishes, this is about customs and traditions, this one is a brief history of Cormyr and its noble houses-” 
Before he could continue, Minthara grabbed the book from his hand, opening it. “This is the one I wanted.” 
“Wonderful.” He sat down next to her. The drow gave him a murderous stare, and he moved his chair a bit, where he could safely sit and still look at the pages. “What exactly are you looking for?” 
Minthara frowned. “I’m not sure.” The wizard looked at her confused, and she explained. “As you know, Galatea comes from one of the noble houses of Cormyr, but she never told me which one. I’m trying to discover it.” 
“Oh, I see.” He reached for the book, and the drow allowed him to take it. “Do you have any clues?” 
She thought for a moment, thinking back to the dream. “I believe she mentioned her father being a ‘bastard prince’.” She told Gale, remembering the words she heard Galatea’s grandmother say. “There was also something about his house being more influential than her mother’s.” 
Gale nodded as he listened. He was aware of Galatea’s noble past, and that the surname she used, von DeWilde, was a fake one. But with the mention of her possible father, he began to skim the pages, looking for any mention of such a person.  “Bastard prince….I think I heard something about that.” 
After a few minutes, he landed on the pages talking about the Obarskyr family. He scanned the page, which contained brief descriptions of each member of the royal family, until he found something. “Aha. Here it is.” He pointed towards a name, before reading it. “Erzoured Obarskyr, bastard son of prince Emvar and Solatha Boldtree, Lord of Boldtree.” Gale looked a few pages forwards and said “I’m afraid this is all this book offers on him. Seeing as this is an old edition, perhaps a newer one might contain more information.” 
As the wizard looked for another book, Minthara found the family tree of the Obarskyr family, tracing her finger down until reaching this Erzoured’s name. This book marked him as the fourth in line for the throne, but Minthara wondered if that still hung true. 
Gale placed another book in front of her. “This one seems more recent.” Using the book’s index, he quickly found the page about the royal family. He began reading parts of the it outloud. “Queen Raedra assumed the throne in 1486 DR….as she still finds herself with no heirs of her own, her uncle, the legitimized Erzoured Obarskyr is the second in line for the throne, his daughters following behind.” 
The wizard quickly noticed that the book seemed to use a more informal tone, revealing information almost as if it were gossip. As he moved forward a few more pages, Gale neared the end of the book, as he found one page dedicated to the so-called Lord Boldtree. “Married Elinalore, a half elf legitimized bastard of House Cormaeril. The lord found himself in a scandal when his first daughter was born a tiefling with snow white skin and blue hair…” 
 “It’s her.” Minthara whispered. “That’s her family.” The drow snagged the book from his hands, reading the rest of it. It mentioned Galatea’s sister birth, and it even contained a section speaking of Cormaeril's house history.
Meanwhile, Gale’s jaw was on the floor. “I cannot believe this. All this time we had royalty amongst us.” 
“Yes.” Minthara drew out, closing the book and turning to him. “But you will not speak about it.” 
“What? Why?” 
“If this was something she wanted us to know, she would have told us.” 
Gale crossed his arms. “You should have thought of that before you went digging into her family history.” The drow gave him another deadly look and he gulped. “But I will not speak of it.”
“Did you find what you were looking for?” 
“Oh yes.” She smirked. “And much more.” 
Galatea had been rummaging through Minthara’s things, as she was trying to find a potion she had given the drow earlier that day when she found a folded piece of paper. Now, usually, she’d give Minthara her privacy, but when she noticed a familiar name peaking on part of the paper, she let her curiosity win. 
Unfolding it, she saw the names of various members of her family. Her parents, her grandparents, her sister and her cousins. And then, at the very top, she read: ‘To Kill:’ 
“What are you doing?” She heard Minthara say behind her. 
She turned around, frowing deeply and looked at her. “What is this?” She pointed towards the paper. 
Minthara gulped. She was not supposed to find that yet. “Do you not recognize your own family member’s names?” She tried to jest but it only made Galatea’s frown deepen. 
“Do not play dumb, Minthara, for you are not.” Galatea scolded. “Why do you have a kill list with my family names?” 
The drow inhaled a breath, moving to sit on a chair, beckoning the tiefling to do the same. Once Galatea was seated, the paper between the two, Minthara spoke. “After that dream you had, I wanted to give you a gift, so, the other day, when you and the others left, the wizard and I did some research on the library.” 
Galatea looked at Minthara intensely. “A gift?” She asked, coldly. “And why would the death of my family be a gift?” 
Minthara’s gaze hardened. “Because they have mistreated you, and they deserve to be punished for it.” 
Galatea sighed. “Minthara, they’re my family.” 
“And? Familial ties are not an excuse for this indignity. In Menzoberranzan, I-”
Galatea cut her off “ Oh, yes, but we are not in Menzoberranzan, are we?” She rubbed her forehead. “You can’t say you were planning on killing my entire family and think I would be fine with it, Minthara.” She said, looking at the drow. 
“But they hurt you, my love.” Minthara spoke in a soft voice. 
“Yes, they did!” Galatea said, exasperated. “And I live with it. Because this is how things are. I cannot simply murder any who oppose me.” She sighed. “In Cormyr, we believe that our greatest strength is our sense of unity. I don’t expect you to understand that.” Galatea said with spite. 
Minthara squinted her eyes, unbothered by her lover’s attitude. Instead, she chose a different approach. “You are right. I do not understand that, as I grew up in Menzoberrazan, where the Spider Queen taught us to doubt the loyalty of even our shadows.” She continued. “Nor do I understand your weird sentimentality over the ones who have wronged you.” She leaned forwards on the table and held Galatea’s hands. “But I do understand that I have no wish to see you burdened by your parents anymore.” 
“Do you know what was the last thing you said before you woke up that night?” Galatea shook her head. “You said ‘I just want someone to love me’.
Galatea’s head dropped, as she closed her eyes. “I used to say that whenever I felt lonely. It was the wish I made every birthday, and every time a shooting star graced our skies.” She looked at Minthara. “I guess old habits are hard to leave.” 
Minthara’s gaze softened. “But that is what disturbs me. You are loved. By me. Is it not enough?” 
“Of course it is.” She said. “You are far more than just enough.” 
“Then let me show it to you.” Minthara urged. “We do not have rules of courtship as strict as you surface dwellers have but we do have ways of showing affection. As my consort, I would let none smear your name.” 
Galatea’s eyes filled with tears and she said “You’d kill my family…just to show that you love me?” 
“Yes.” Minthara said earnestly. “Is there no bigger proof of affection than killing the other’s enemies, family included?” 
At that, Galatea chuckled, wiping a few stray tears. “Gods, Minthara.” She shook her head, and looked at her. “You truly are the funniest person I know.”
“I wasn’t joking.”
“I know, my love, I know.” She brought Minthara’s hands to her lips and kissed her knuckles. Leaning forward, the two still holding hands, their foreheads touched. 
“Galatea.” Minthara whispered. “I will not kill your family if you do not wish me too.” The tiefling nodded. “But I meant what I said: I will not tolerate anyone speaking of you as your darthiir grandmother did.” 
“I know you won’t.” She said, chuckling, and kissed the corner of Minthara’s mouth. Never in the Nine Hells did Galatea think she’d end up with someone as loyal and devoted as Minthara, and yet, she would not have it any other way. 
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
Party Banter #4
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Part 3 here
Series summary: A bunch of short scenarios involving Minthara and Galatea, based on some of the party's in-game banter.
A/N: This is longer than I intended. Also, some Halstarion on the side.
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Astarion and Minthara’s relationship had always been a turbulent one. The fact that the vampire used to bed Galatea only made matters worse, and each time the two interacted, there was a vague sense of hostility in the air. 
Galatea felt that Astarion was still upset that the drow came in between them, and that Minthara was jealous over her being shared with someone else. Regardless, the tiefling tried to keep things civil between the two, although as their journey progressed, that was looking even more difficult than defeating the elder brain. 
One such time was during their journey to Baldur’s Gate, after fighting Ketheric Thorm. Galatea and Minthara had just recently become an item, and the snide remarks coming from Astarion would not end. 
He had approached the drow silently, as she watched Galatea walking a few paces ahead. Astarion likened her to a guard dog, but kept the thought to himself. Instead, he said “So…what’s it like caring for someone other than yourself, Minthara”
She was aware of his previous history with their leader, and how…less than stellar things had ended between the two. Usually, when the elf tried to get on her nerves, Minthara would simply ignore his presence. This time, she gave in. 
“You have never tried it, I assume.” She said, not looking at him. 
He laughed, sarcastically. “Gods, no. It is a lot of work and last time I tried,” He looked directly at Galatea and then turned to Minthara “It did not end well for me.” 
“You say that but It takes less work than you devote to maintaining your foppish facade.” She began. Then, turning to him, she whispered. “It would not phase me if that was one of the reasons your past relations have not ended well.” Speaking loudly once again, she finished with “And, besides, it is far more rewarding.”
Astarion’s nostrils flared and he bitterly replied. “Well, at least I was a better man, for the brief period in which I was loved.” He looked Minthara up and down. “Can’t imagine anyone wanting to do that for you though, dear.” 
He began to laugh but was soon interrupted when a fist made contact with his nose. “What the hells!” He groaned, holding his nose, while Galatea looked at him angrily. 
“I cannot stand you and the constant snide remarks about us anymore.” She held the lapels of his shirt, shaking him as she said “If you talk about Minthara like this again, I swear by all gods-OW” She screamed as Astarion bit into her hand, freeing himself. 
“What’s going on here?” Karlach said, as she approached. The others too had come to see the commotion. 
The vampires wiped his mouth and said “Say, are you going to leave the drow too, when you grow tired of her as you did me?” 
“Son of a bitch!” Galatea ran and jumped on him, as the two began fighting each other like cats. Minthara looked at Karlach and nodded, each woman grabbing one of them, to separate the two. 
Minthara held Galatea, as she struggled to free herself from the drow’s grip. Astarion did the same. 
“Enough.” Minthara said. “We have an elder brain to fight and this is how you’ll spend your energy? I expect better from both of you.” 
With a huff, Astarion freed himself from Karlach’s grip, and marched off without a word. The others followed, leaving Minthara and Galatea by themselves. 
“You can let go now, you know.” The tiefling said and the drow relented. She clutched her wounded hand.
Minthara crossed her arms. “Care to explain yourself.” 
“I’m irritated.” Galatea sighed. “I heard the whole conversation. I know why he keeps throwing jabs at you and I both and I just-” she shook her head “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” 
“You’re right. You shouldn’t have.” She said, sternly. “I can fight my own battles.” 
“I’m well aware, but I’m also not going to stand idly while someone speaks like that to you.” Galatea looked down. 
Minthara’s gaze softened, as she uncrossed her arms and took a step closer. She held the tiefling’s wounded hand, covering it in between her both. A glow of warm, blue-ish light spread from Minthara’s hands to Galatea, and soon, her wounds were closed. 
“You’re sweet. Sometimes, I believe it is a detriment to your person.” She brought the now healed hand to her mouth, and gently kissed the palm. “I do not want to keep curing you because you decided to defend my honor.” 
Galatea nodded. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” 
Not far from where they were, Halsin worked on Astarion’s nose, while the vampire didn’t stop complaining for a single moment. 
“I just hate how they keep throwing those love sick puppy eyes at each other. It is irritating.” He said. “Gods, Minthara looks more like a guard dog than a lover with how possessive she is.” 
“And why does that bother you so much?” Halsin asked, wiping blood from Astarion’s forehead. “Weren’t you saying the other day that you didn’t care about them anymore?” 
The vampire huffed. “Not funny.” 
“I am asking sincerely.” 
He crossed his arms. “Well, it’s just…it’s annoying, don’t you think? Being surrounded by so much love.” Astarion said that last word as if it was something sour. 
“I, particularly, do not mind. However, I think you and Galatea were acting exactly like that before.” 
“Excuse me, it was completely different.” Halsin lifted one brow and Astarion turned his head. “You wouldn’t understand, and quite frankly, I am done with this conversation.” He began to move away, prompting Halsin to say one last thing. 
“I apologize. I didn’t mean to pry. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m all ears.” Astarion nodded and marched off. 
After that situation, things seemed to get slightly easier. Astarion began to spend more and more time around Halsin, which means that his constant yapping near Minthara had gone down. 
That didn’t mean that the provocations were fully gone. 
It was after a long day’s battle, everyone had settled in around a table in the Elfsong tavern, drinking and making casual conversation. As always, Galatea was sitting next to Minthara, as the drow complained about surface food. Astarion sat on the other side, circling his wine cup in hand, looking at the two of them. 
It was after the tiefling laughed at one of Minthara’s scowls that he stood up straighter and said “So…how does Lolth feel about romance?” The drow turned her attention to him, a murderous look on her face.
“I mean, I know things can get quite…brutal in the Underdark. Are you expected to bit your mate’s head off afterwards?” He finished his sentence with a smirk on his face, one the drow was too happy to get rid off. 
“Be grateful I no longer follow the Spider Queen’s teachings, daarthir.” She looked deep into his eyes. “If I did, you would be the first to fall into my web.” 
The elf’s jaw almost dropped to the floor, as his expression soured. “I can’t tell if you’re joking-” He turned to Halsin, asking nervously “She is joking, right?” 
The druid looked between the two of them, then to Galatea, and once again to Astarion before replying “Well, during my time in the Underdark, I never saw what you described happen, though the…metaphors of spiderwebs were constant.”
That seemed to distract Astarion, as he urged Halsin to talk more of his previous experiences. Meanwhile, Galatea turned to Minthara, brushing a strand of white hair from her face, and placing it behind the drow’s ear. 
“I am a bit jealous that I wouldn’t be the first to fall in your web.” She whispered in her ear. 
“There is no need for that.” Minthara turned towards her, a half smirk on her face. “If that were the case, you’d enjoy a much more privileged position.” 
Galatea raised a brow. “Oh? And where would that be?” 
Minthara didn’t reply, only moving out of the table and motioning for the tiefling to follow along. She quickly excused herself before holding the drow’s hands, the two moving upstairs to their room. 
But the two wouldn’t be the only ones sharing a night of passion, as after all had gone to sleep, Astarion and Halsin, having spent the rest of the time there sharing their thoughts of one another, would sneak off, only returning when daylight came. 
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unreadpoppy · 2 months
Jealousy doesn't suit you
Minthara x Galatea
Read on AO3
Summary: Galatea is jealous of Minthara and Karlach's growing friendship.
A/N: Some of this feels a tad OOC for me for some reason but idk. Some angst, but fluff at the end.
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Galatea watched as Minthara and Karlach had a sparring match. Usually, Karlach wasn’t one to care much about her technique in combat, much preferring to just head straight on and think later, but the drow had insisted and so she relented. 
Gal tried to focus on sharpening her own sword, using Lae’zel’s grinder, while hearing the two fighting. She tried not to pay attention to it, but it was hard with the constant grunting and occasional laughter from Minthara. When she finally decided to look up, she was not pleased with the sight. 
Minthara circled Karlach as she spoke. “Your hits are strong but your form is lacking.”
Karlach huffed. “You keep saying that but you haven’t shown me anything.” 
“Hold your axe like this.” The drow showed and then shook her head at how Karlach had done it, walking behind her. “If we are to defeat the Absolute, you can’t hold your weapon as if you were some dumb footed duegar.” She held Karlach’s arm, putting them in the proper place. “Like this.” 
For a brief moment, she was reminded of her childhood - her opening her arms to get a hug from her grandmother, only for the older woman to bypass her completely, and go for her sister, Briseidas, instead. Her eye twitched, just as Astarion approached her. 
“Green does not suit you, darling.” He said.
She shook her head, looking at him and then looking at her robes. “But I’m not wearing green.” 
Astarion rolled his eyes. “Oh for goodness sake” He inched closer and whispered. “The jealous type.” He looked between her and the other two. 
Galatea frowned. “I’m not jealous.”
“Oh no, of course not. Because it is very normal to eye your lover sparring with someone else with a look of murder on your face, while menacingly sharpening your sword.” He chuckled. “Very normal indeed.” 
“Oh bugger off, will you.” She said, taking her sword and walking away.
“You can try to deny it but it won’t stop it from being true.” Astarion shouted which prompted Gal to give him the middle finger, before leaving camp. 
Minthara watched the interaction, wondering what prompted such a reaction from her partner. She didn’t have time to do anything, as Karlach took advantage of her momentary distraction to tackle her to the ground. 
Galw was trying to teach her a new spell, but all Galatea could focus on was how close Minthara and Karlach were sitting next to each other. The two were sharing a bottle, the tiefling’s laughter echoing around camp. 
Galatea couldn’t help but wonder what they were talking about. Were they sharing stories of past victories in battle? Advice? Gossip? 
Were they talking about feelings?
Another memory came. Suddenly, she was a teenager, alone in her room, while various suitors pursued her sister. The walls of her house were thin, as she heard the laughter coming from the other room. 
The snapping of fingers brought Gal back to reality, and the spell she was focusing on dissipated. 
“You know, for this to work, you need to focus here.” Gale said, with a sigh. “You sorcerers think you know everything but-”
“Yes, yes, I know, we can still learn something from a wizard.” Galatea said, imitating his voice and rolling her eyes. “Cut me the speech, professor.” At his hurt expression, she shook her head and gave him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. My mind is elsewhere and it frustrated me. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
He gave her a nod. “Apology accepted.” He noticed how her eyes went to Minthara and Karlach, twitching when looking at the tiefling, and said “It would probably help you focus if you stopped trying to kill our dear fiery friend with your eyes.” 
She looked at him indignantly “I am not doing such a thing.” 
“Of course, and I’m the fiercest warrior ever.” He jested. “We all feel jealous from time to time. It’s natural.”
“I’m not jealous.” She replied. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” 
She rolled her eyes. “Just shut up and show me the spell again.” 
As the two continued with their lesson, Minthara couldn’t help but overhear parts of their conversation. With Karlach so close, she didn’t understand the full context, but she could see that something was bothering Galatea. 
She took another swing from her drink, keeping a mental note to investigate that later. 
Something was off with Galatea. 
As each day passed, it seemed as if the tiefling was avoiding her existence. Their conversations were getting shorter and shorter, only speaking what was necessary for their plans. Galatea had been leaving Minthara at camp more often, alone with Karlach, only to come back grumpier than ever. Even the occasional hand on Minthara’s back or waist when the two walked together seemed to be fading. 
What struck Minthara hard was when Galatea did not come to her bed. The two had an unspoken routine. Every night, the tiefling would go to Minthara, holding her as the drow entered her trance, and she would not leave until morning. 
But that night, such a thing had not happened. Minthara waited and waited, until she finally made her way to Galatea’s bed, where she laid down facing the wall. 
“Why haven’t you come to me yet?” Minthara said. 
“I am not feeling very well. I thought it best to leave you alone.” Galatea murmured. 
“If you are sick, you should speak to-”
“I am fine, it’s just…just go to your bed.” She sighed. “You’ll survive one night without me” Galatea whispered. Minthara frowned as walked away, determined to discover what was wrong. 
It was a few days later that Minthara figured out what it was. 
She was watching Lae’zel and Galatea sparring, and her lover was not doing well. Even if she couldn’t see the tieflings face, she could tell she was distracted. Minthara had seem her fighting gith before, and she hadn’t struggled as much as she was now. 
Lae’zel’s taunting didn’t help. 
“Our fearless leader and you can’t even put me on the ground.” She said, and Galatea snarled as her hits were parried once again. “If you keep up like this, we’ll never defeat the Absolute.”
“Shut up.” Galatea whispered, hitting again, with more strength this time. 
“You hit like Gale.” Lae’zel said, charging at her with another blow. 
Galatea pushed her, turning back to walk away “I swear by all nine hells-” 
“No wonder Minthara was advising Karlach, considering you can’t even draw blood.” Lae’zel shouted. Seeing the sorcerer tense up, she added. “Maybe she should stick with the strongest warrior.” 
It was that comment that threw Galatea over the edge. One last memory came to mind, when Galatea was much older. She heard, outside the room, as her grandmother listed all the ways in which her sister was much better than her, how they should ship her off to the first old man seeking a wife that they found, allowing Briseidas to find a better match. 
Minthara watched as the tiefling gripped her sword with a newfound anger, and charged at Lae’zel, using her horns to break the gith’s defense. Using both hands, she delivered hit after hit, until she was pushed on her back. 
Quickly rolling to the side before Lae’zel struck, she stood up, defending herself against the gith’s attacks. Then, her tail wrapped itself around one of Lae’zel’s ankles, throwing off her balance. Galatea kicked her sword from her hand, using one foot to pin that hand to the ground, while placing the tip of her sword near her neck. 
She stood above Lae’zel, panting. “Don’t you ever say that again.” Galatea said, roughly throwing her sword away, and left the party’s shared room in the Elfsong Tavern. 
The gith sat up, groaning. “That was a good one.” She stood up, crossing her arms and looked at Minthara, who was picking up the sword. “Though she seemed troubled. Do you know what it is?”
“Not exactly, but I do have an idea.” She said.
It was only on the next day that Minthara and Galatea found some time alone to speak. A few days prior, the drow had found some unexplored caves in Rivington, allowing them some privacy. The walk there had been silent, but she could see the frown on Gal’s face, of someone who had much to say but preferred to keep quiet. 
It was only in the darkness of the cave that Galatea said something. “Why have you brought me here?”
“I thought a break from the others might be good for you.” Minthara replied. “And…I can tell something is bothering you.”
Before she could continue, Galatea sighed heavily, rubbing her forehead. “By all hells, you too with this?”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s just that everyone else on camp seems to be intent on telling me I’m upset.” She began rambling. “First it was Astarion, then Gale, even Lae’zel approached me last night, and now you.” She paced around, not noticing some movement behind her.
Minthara noticed it and said “Galatea.” but she ignored her and kept talking. “Galatea.” She tried again, more firmly. When she realized it was a hooded man coming up behind her, she shouted “Galatea!”
“Get down.” Was all Minthara said, unsheathing her sword and swinging towards Gal’s head. The tiefling dodged, just in time to see Minthara beheading an assassin behind her. 
Galatea saw others approaching from the shadows, and she knew by the way they dressed that they had been sent by Orin. 
“Oh hells no.” She said, counterspelling a hold person meant for Minthara. As they all began stealthing and hiding in the shadows, Galatea and Minthara’s backs touched. 
There was a moment before anyone attacked, in which Minthara said “Straj! We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”
Just as the words left her mouth, one of Bhaal’s assassins attacked, causing them to separate. Galatea misty stepped to a rock on higher ground, where one of their enemies hid. They did not have time to react as she quickly cast thunderwave, making them fall to the ground. Then, she shouted “How is this my fault?” 
The assassin fell prone right next to Minthara, who growled as she finished him off, when the man tried to run. “If only you told me what was happening, I wouldn’t have brought you here.” Casting faerie fire, Minthara and Galatea were now able to see the remaining assassins. 
The tiefling groaned, flying down and attacking another enemy. “I told you, everything is fine!” 
���If everything is fine-” Minthara dodged an attack and knocked her target down with her massive shield. “then why have you been answering everyone so curtly as of late, hum?”
“That’s just how I’ve always been.” Galatea said, angrily, punching one of her enemies. 
“Oh please, do not lie to yourself, and much less to me.” Minthara beheaded another assassin, the blood splashing on her face. She turned to her, scowling. “Something is bothering you. It’s why you’ve been avoiding my bed.” Before she continued, she pointed at an enemy behind Galatea.
She turned around, pointing at her fast approaching target and disintegrating him in thin air. She looked at Minthara, only one assassin left. “So this is about sex, then?”
Minthara groaned, as she rushed past Gal, attacking their enemy “This is not about sex.” She said, with each strike of her sword. Once they were dead, she faced Galatea again, her white hair covered in blood. “This is about you and me and our relationship.” She began walking towards Galatea. “And I know you well enough to know something is wrong, but if you won’t tell me, I have no reason to believe you still want me.” 
“I-” Before she could finish, another assassin, one they hadn’t realized was hiding, jumped from a rock and in between them, ready to attack Minthara. He wouldn’t be able to, as just as soon as he appeared, Galatea ran him through with her sword. As he screamed in agony, Galatea shouted “Of course I want you!” He fell, dead, to the floor, and the tiefling panted. 
“Then tell me: what-”
“I am jealous.” Galatea cut Minthara off. “All week, I’ve been seeing you and Karlach doing everything together - sparring, talking, laughing. I saw you touching her, and the way she smirked at you and I just-” She sighed, shaking her head. “And she’s everything I’m not. Everyone loves Karlach, and truly, why would you not love Karlach? And then Lae’zel made that comment and it just…it made sense.” 
The drow raised a brow. “You give reason to that child?” Minthara said, finally understanding what was happening. With her hands behind her back, she walked closer to Galatea. “You are right. The two of you couldn’t be further apart. Karlach is strong, with a fiery heart and a strange optimism, for someone so close to death.” Galatea sucked in a breath, and Minthara could see the tears forming in her eyes. 
“But-” She continued, as she got closer and closer. “It was not Karlach who gave me a second chance, who trusted me when others wouldn’t. It was not Karlach who listened to me during my most vulnerable hours. And it is not her who holds me at night, who gives me the best armor and weapons she can find, and who deflects countless spells sent my way when I am not looking during combat.” She cupped Galatea’s cheek, her thumb softly wiping a stray tear. “To think there is space for anyone in my heart besides you is an insult to me.” Minthara whispered. 
Galatea sighed, relieved, turning her head around and kissing the palm on her face. “I am not used to this. To being loved like this, to being someone’s priority.” She then held both of Minthara’s hands in her own. I saw the two of you together and it reminded me of my home. How everyone in my family forgot I existed once my sister was born.” She looked down, taking a deep breath and then looked back up. “I panicked. I avoided you to lessen the hurt, not realizing that I was hurting you too.” She kissed Minthara’s knuckles. “Will you forgive me?” 
The drow gave her a small smile. “Yes, but on one condition.” 
“You will speak to me, Galatea, if you ever feel like that again. If something bothers you, I must know. Promise it.”
“I promise.” She said, smiling. 
“Good.” The drow leaned forwards and the two kissed. At first, it was sweet, but soon, Minthara deepened the kiss, her hands entangling in Galatea’s hair, as she brought her so impossibly closer. The two let go, panting, and Minthara walked to a nearby rock, beginning to remove her armor. “Now come. My blood runs hot after this battle and I have an idea for how you can make up to me.” 
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
Death and Resurrection (part 2)
Minthara x Galatea
Part 1
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The battle had been harder than expected but they were managing. Due to the amount of enemies, the party had spread out, one covering each corner. 
There were only a few enemies left when Galatea began to feel overwhelmed by them. Her spell slots were running dry, and as much as she tried to evade her attacker, flying away thanks to her sorcerer abilities, he wouldn’t stop pursuing her. 
As she misty stepped away from him, she saw the drow on the other side, downing an enemy. With nothing left to do, she screamed “Minthara!” 
Hearing her lover’s scream, Minthara turned around just in time to watch as the enemy ran the tiefling through with his sword. 
It was as if time had stopped. Minthara watched as Galatea slowly fell to the ground, blood oozing from her middle. She heard another one of her companions scream, and the little quasit - Shovel, she believed was its name -  ran to her mistresses’ side. 
Minthara’s body moved before her mind could catch up with what had happened. In an instant, she was killing all of their remaining enemies, ending their miserable lives like a predator on a hunt. 
She had particularly enjoyed killing the one who had hurt Galatea, drawing out his death for a long as she could. It was only when she felt a gloved hand on her shoulder that she stopped. 
“Enough, Minthara.” She heard Shadowheart say. “She wouldn’t have wanted that.” 
She turned to look at her. “How do you know what she would have wanted?” She huffed, before brushing past her to where Karlach knelt, holding Galatea’s hand. 
The quasit was next to her, big black eyes unsure of what was happening. The creature placed a hand on Galatea’s shoulder, as if poking her.  She never understood why was Gal so attached to the demon, but she did not mind it’s existence. “Is Master gone?” It asked, and Minthara couldn’t tell if it was sadness she heard in its voice. 
“Only temporarily.” Minthara said, kneeling on the other side of Galatea. She brushed the tiefling’s blue hair to the side, and tried to wipe some of the blood from her face. Gently, she placed Galatea on her lap, holding her with both arms. 
As she looked at her dead lover’s limo body, Minthara remembered the first one she bedded. The High Priestess from house Vandree. She had held her just like this, watching as the life left her. Although they had shared several nights together, Minthara could scarcely call what they had ‘love’, and when it was time for the priestess to die, it had not felt like this.
Minthara’s heart had not hurt as it was now. Her relationship with Galatea was much different. It was not only physical, as her previous ones has been. Their bond was much deeper than any other she had had, and she was not willing to let the tiefling go so easily. Although she knew she was fated to outlive Galatea, today would not be the day the two would be separated. 
Shadowheart had offered to bring her back, but Minthara said “Let me do it.” 
With one hand on her wound, and the other holding her head, Minthara began to whisper the words of the revivify spell. It was not a spell she used often, as it was rare for her companions to die, and when they did, Withers usually took care of it. 
But Minthara wouldn’t let a skeleton, and much less a child, bring her lover back. A warm glow emanated from her hands, and the wound on Galatea’s stomach closed, the warmness coming back to her skin. 
She watched patiently as Galatea gasped and opened her eyes. The tiefling looked at Minthara and placed a hand on her cheek. “Are you crying because of me?” 
It was only then that Minthara had realized the stray tears that had fallen. She swiped one of them and said “No. I cry because you did not get to see how I marvelously killed our enemies.” Galatea chuckled at that. The drow leaned forwards and kissed her forehead, and then whispered “If you think death can separate us, I suggest changing your plans.” 
Galatea smiled and kissed Minthara’s lips briefly. “Don’t worry. I do not plan on going anywhere.” 
“Good. Because I won’t let you.” The drow smirked. 
“I know.”
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unreadpoppy · 1 month
Saw this in @dark-and-kawaii 's blog and I really like these charts so I wanted to do one for Gal and Minthara
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it was doing this that I remembered how much older and shorter Minthara is kkkkkkkk
blank chart under the cut for those who want to do it
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
Party Banter #2
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Part 1 here
Series summary: A bunch of short scenarios involving Minthara and Galatea, based on some of the party's in-game banter.
A/N: Pretend that Lae’zel’s combat romance scene happens in act 3 ok.
Warning: the beggining of this chapter is very steamy.
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It was late at night, when Galatea sneaked off into her lover’s tent, making sure not to make much noise. Slowly getting in, she smiled, seeing that Minthara was already naked. While the rest of their companions had all gone to sleep, Minthara and Galatea’s activities were just beginning. 
After all, tonight was the night that Minthara would finally debut her most recent acquisition. 
She had first seen it when the group visited Sharess Caress. While the brothel itself paled in comparison to the ones at Menzoberranzan, the drow was intrigued by one obscured area of the establishment, hidden behind a curtain. Minthara momentarily left the group, and taking one peak behind inside, she soon found out what it was: a small shop, full of sexual objects on display. 
As the vendor happily showed her their items, Minthara found one in particular to be of great interest. The object itself was made of a material she couldn't recognize but it was shaped like a cock, with its tip slightly tilted to the side. It was connected to a bunch of leather straps, of which the vendor was happy to show Minthara how to put it on. 
When she reunited with the group, smirking, Galatea was quick to ask where she had gone off. Minthara’s reply was a simple “you’ll find out soon.”
And now, as the drow relentlessly pounded into her, Galatea grabbed the back of her neck, bringing her close, whispering “This is the best money you have ever spent” before kissing Minthara. 
After they both finished, Minthara slowly dragged the phallic object out of her lover and laid next to her. The two were tired, staying on the ground as they regained their breath, when Galatea heard something.
She sat up, looking around. 
“What’s wrong?” Minthara asked, frowning. 
“I’m hearing a commotion outside” She stood up, taking a peak behind the tent’s opening. “Oh gods…” she whispered, turning her head towards Minthara. “You should see this.”
The drow stood up, a brow raised as she looked in the same direction as Galatea. Soon, Minthara was smirking.
“It seems we aren’t the only ones having fun tonight.” 
Minthara, Lae’zel and Galatea had gone out to the city, to buy supplies for the oncoming fights. Usually, Shadowheart would have come along, as she was one of the few healers of the group but she woke up…undisposed. Tired, as she claimed, from a restless night. 
The tiefling approached the gith, a mischievous look on her face. “So, Lae’zel…it seems you and Shadowheart have finally gotten over your little disagreements.” 
The fighter took a deep breath. “That is none of your business.” 
“Oh please, the tadpole connect us all. Hard to keep secrets.” Galatea said. “Just admit it, you found love too.” 
Lae’zel shot her a murderous look, but before she could say anything, Minthara stepped in between them. 
“Speaking of which'' she began “a few pointers, Lae’zel. I heard you and your lover locked in combat, but the test you set was not rigorous enough.” 
The gith huffed. “As if you could come up with something better.” 
Minthara only smirked. “Oh yes. A personal suggestion, if you will.” The drow briefly looked at Galatea before turning to Lae’zel again. “Next time, tie them to the ground, and do not release them until you are both satisfied.” 
“Hm…you have given me ideas.” Lae’zel replied, smirking. She then chuckled as a very red faced Galatea picked up her pace, walking ahead, with Minthara sprinting after her. 
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
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Summary: After seeing her lover give her body to the incubus Haarlep, Minthara believes she ought to teach Galatea whom she belongs to. Wether she wants to or not. (SMUT)
TW: This is non-con ok, so be mindful.
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
The Siren - part 2
Mermaid!Minthara x Sailor!Galatea
Part 1
Read on AO3
A/N: I couldn't help myself and wrote a part two.
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Weeks had passed and Galatea was tormented by visions of that siren. At night, she’d lay in bed, and her dreams would be filled with purple scales and white hair. 
She didn’t dare tell the rest of her crew about it - or at least what was left of it. During the last storm they faced, only a handful had survived. Those not drowned had been murdered by mermaids, their heartless bodies washing up on shore. 
‘That siren must have cast some spell on me’ the tiefling thought, as she made her way outside the inn her crew was staying in, walking to the beach. 
The sea was calm tonight, a gentle breeze in the air. Stripping her clothes, Galatea walked into the warm waters, until her chest was covered. She swam a bit, wet her hair and mainly just floated, basking in the moon’s light.
Suddenly, something moving on the water caught her attention. For a moment, she swore she caught a glimpse of a tail. 
Galatea swam forwards, feeling a set of eyes watching her. “Hello?” She called, and heard nothing in return. Then, she heard water splashing, and turning around, she saw a female figure atop a large rock. 
“Hey, you! Stop.” Galatea shouted. The woman assumed a defensive stance, but when Galatea got closer, she saw who it was. 
The siren.
She looked just as Galatea remembered her: long, white hair, a tail filled decorated with beautiful purple scales, and fierce red eyes. The siren bared her white, pointy teeth at her, and Galatea raised her arms. 
“I know you.” She said. “You’re the one that saved me. Thank you.” 
The siren looked at her up and down, and then squinted her eyes, staring at her. Gal suddenly felt embarrassed, remembering that she wasn’t wearing anything, the blood rushing to her cheeks. 
She didn’t know if the mermaid could understand her language or even speak it, but she asked nonetheless “My name is Galatea. What is yours?” 
A moment passed, as she slowly crawled from the rock and dove into the water. Galatea’s breath hitched when the siren emerged in front of her, and all she could think was how beautiful she looked up close. 
“Minthara.” The siren said. 
“Minthara.” Galatea repeated, as if she was tasting the name on her tongue. Then, two stayed like that, floating on the water, looking at each other - analyzing each other. 
Under the light of the moon, Minthara noticed how Galatea’s skin seemed to glow, how her blue hair looked darked, and how her eyes had a spark of curiosity and intrigue to them. She was used to surface dwellers looking upon her with fear and hatred, but this was different. This tiefling, whom Minthara had just tried to kill a few days prior, was thanking her for saving her life, and she looked like she wanted to know more about Minthara. This…behavior disturbed Minthara.
Surface dwellers were prey, and when they weren’t, they were hunting and killing her kind. They were the enemy, and yet, this one looked at her with awe. She couldn’t tell if it was a trick or not. 
 When the tiefling tried to reach for her, Minthara deflected her hand and submerged into the water, quickly swimming away. 
“Wait, I just-” Galatea shouted but it was useless. She sighed, looking back at the shore. If she didn’t return soon, the others would probably think she was dead, and so, she returned to land, and spent the rest of her night thinking of Minthara.
Minthara should not have stayed so close to shore, but in her damned curiosity over last night’s encounter, she let her guard down and now, she was paying the price for it. 
Trapped in a net by a bunch of pirates, she was raised above water as the surface dwellers called her names. She hissed at them, but they did not dissuade as they brought her on board, quickly tying her up, making her escape impossible. 
And in the crowd of pirates surrounding her, Minthara sees the blue haired tiefling. She looks at her with a terrified and sorry expression, making Minthara thrash even harder against her bonds. 
She should have killed the surface dweller when she had the chance, but it was too late now. Minthara was well aware of the fate that awaited sirens captured by surface dwellers. 
Some are sent to carnivals, where they are kept inside aquariums for the amusement of others. Others were killed and dissected for study, their bodies displayed in museums. 
Minthara continued to struggle, until someone knocked her out. Her last thoughts as her consciousness faded were praying to any god that would her to turn her into seafoam, so that she would have no use to them. 
Minthara woke up to the sound of footsteps, her eyes opening just in time to see Galatea over her, a dagger in hand. 
“Coward.” She hissed at her. “First, you tell your comrades where I was so that they would capture me, now you won’t give me the decency of defending myself.” 
Galatea frowned. “What?” 
“Do not pretend to be stupid. You’ll kill me, so that you can have the glory of killing a siren.” 
The tiefling took a step back. “No, I-” she took a deep breath. “My crew found you by a coincidence, I hadn’t told them about you.” Then, she lowered her dagger and cut the ropes around Minthara’s wrists. “I came here to free you.” 
The siren frowned, preparing herself mentally in case Galatea tried to trick her, but the tiefling only continued to cut the ropes, until she was fully free. Minthara stayed silent as Galatea, with surprising strength, picked her up, and placed her on the edge of the ship, so that she could easily jump into the water. 
“Why did you do this?” Minthara asked. 
Galatea Shrugged. “You saved me. It seemed only fair that I do the same. Besides” she smirked “It would be a shame for someone as beautiful as you to die.” 
“You’re a fool to be doing this.” Minthara said. 
“I know.” Galatea sighed and then took a step back. “Very well, then. You must go back to the sea and I’ll go back to my cabin.” 
Minthara only nodded as she jumped into the water, hoping to never see the tiefling again. 
On the following morning, however, Minthara saw Galatea again. 
After the indignity she had gone through, she wanted revenge, and so, she stayed in the water, circling the ship, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She followed them, silently, like a predator on a hunt. 
When the ship suddenly stopped, Minthara thought the perfect opportunity had presented itself to her.  But just as she was about to poke her head out of the water, something had been thrown overboard.
Blood and blue hair filled Minthara’s vision, as she realized that they had thrown Galatea, who had various cuts and bruises on her body and a rock tied to her feet, on the water. 
Minthara held her, and it didn’t take long for her to realize that they had killed her. With a certain ease, she freed the tiefling from the chain that held the rock, and waited. 
A greenish glow enveloped Galatea. Her wounds slowly closed, as scales began to appear on her body, and her legs intertwined and became one, transforming into a tail of the same white color as her body. And finally, she opened her eyes, gasping. 
She flailed in Minthara’s arms, panicked. “H-h-how…why…”
She tried to ask a million questions at once, but Minthara shushed her. “Calm yourself. We must find a better place to talk.” 
Minthara held her wrist and swam, draggin her along. At first, Galatea struggled to follow along, but after a few minutes, she was swimming a bit better. 
Eventually, Minthara found a cavern and swam inside, allowing the tiefling a moment to rest. 
“Now, I’m sure you have questions.” 
Galatea nodded. “I…I should be dead.” She looked at her tail and her webbed fingers. “How did this happen?” 
“Although you surface dwellers have killed many of my kind, you have all failed to discover the siren’s biggest secret.” Minthara began. “We are not born, we are made. When one of you is unjustly killed and thrown in the water, the sea gods bless you with a second life, and thus a siren is made.” 
Galatea frowned. “Does that mean-”
“Yes.” Minthara cut her off, already expecting the question. “But we shall not talk about that. I want to know what happened to you.” 
The tiefling looked at her hands. “They discovered my treachery. Captain got mad that I lost him so much gold.” Galatea looked at Minthara. “I didn’t even had a chance to fight back. The others held me as he cut me. I believe this is why you hunt us.” 
Minthara nodded. “It is our revenge against those who wronged us.”
“Revenge.” Galatea repeated, her hands turning into fists. “I think I would like that.” 
“Will you help me?” Galatea asked. “I don’t know anything about being a siren.”
Minthara analyzed her for a second. The tiefling had intrigued her. So far, she had thanked Minthara and spoken to her without fear. She saved her when she needed it most. It seemed only fair for her to retribute the favor. 
“You are in luck, Galatea.” She said. “Our interests align.” When the tiefling frowned, she continued. “I was following your ship with the hopes of killing the ones who captured me. If you desire the same thing, then I shall aid you.” 
They looked at each other, and Galatea smiled, nodding. “I know where the ship is headed. It won’t be hard for us to track them down.”
“Good.” Minthara smirked, and swam to the entrance of the cavern. “Rest for now and try to get better at swimming. Tomorrow, we shall begin your training and our hunt.”
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