#miraculous-yugioh crossover
miraculouswolf99 · 8 months
Miraculous Dueling Chapter Two
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Chapter Two: First Day At The Academy
Adrien was practically vibrating in his seat as his bodyguard took him to his new school. There was nothing else in the entire world that would make him more excited than he was at that very moment. His first day at an actual school. A duel school where he would be able to learn and practice something that he was actually passionate about. 
His father, of course, had not been happy that he had gone behind his back to sign up for the school. But, Adrien doubted that anything ever could make his father happy since he was always looking for improvement in basically everything around him. His father was also not the biggest fan of dueling. He was the owner of a fashion company, after all, not a dueling one. However, Adrien was able to talk him into letting him stay enrolled at the school by bringing up the connection to his mother and how she and Adrien used to duel a lot. So, Gabriel allowed him to stay enrolled to keep the connection to his mother alive. One of the few times that Adrien was able to win any type of argument with his father. Okay, if he was being honest with himself, it was really the literal first time he ever won an argument with his father.
When he arrived at the school, Adrien was very intrigued by how the school actually looked. The exterior of the school is tan with a slate blue cobblestone roof. The building is three stories tall.
The front of the building has eight large arched windows, each slightly inset with a striped design above them. The steps leading up to the entrance door widen as they approach the sidewalk and vice versa towards the entrance. The double entrance doors are dark oak, with gray handles. Above the doors is a white banner with a red outline hanging down. Above the banner are four rectangular windows, a large circular window, and a smaller circular window on each side.
The central portion of the school is an open-air courtyard. The entrance to the courtyard has a diagonal black and white checkerboard pattern, with a slate cream under this design. On either side of the entrance doors are a wooden bench and two chalkboards. Along one side wall of this area is a door leading to a utility room. The nurse's office, which a placard indicates is handicap-accessible, is located along the opposite sidewall.
The courtyard is made up of slate-gray concrete, with white lines painted on to make a basketball court. On either side of the courtyard is a basketball hoop hanging by a white rope. There is also a set of green metal stairs on either side of the courtyard, leading up to the second-floor rooms. Next to the stairs are green support pillars, supporting the platforms above.
Around the perimeter of the courtyard are various rooms, including locker rooms with adjoining bathrooms, and several classrooms, among them a science classroom.
The second floor has a green overhang, cream slate walls, and thin green metal pillars for structural support of the overhang. The platform jutting out from the wall, designed to allow people to get around the second floor, is made of green metal.
The second floor also has the entrances to the various classrooms, including an art studio room. Most of the classrooms have large windows and a birch door. Other rooms have no inward windows and a dark oak door with a window. At the bottom left of the stairs leading to the library is the headmaster's office.
The third floor at the front of the school has only one room, the library. The stairs leading up to the library are a light slate cream, with a slate orange and light brown banister. Just underneath the slight overhang of the banister are small white stone rectangles, positioned evenly throughout. Just at the apex of the two stairs is a stone design of a fleur-de-lis, with a downward-facing bow and flowers within the bow. The doors to the library are dark oak, with large windows and no discernible handles.
The third floor along the school's rear perimeter houses the cafeteria. Access to the cafeteria was shown to be via stairs from the first-floor courtyard.
Adrien was glad that Natalie had given him a map of the school. Otherwise, he would just have been completely lost. And by the look of the school, it certainly was big enough for it to be a duel school.
Now, the only problem that Adrien had was making friends since he knew no one around him. He reached into his bag and held his deck in its deck case. It comforted him. He knew that he was a good duelist, but it was more the memories of dueling with his mother that actually comforted him.
Adrien walked into the school as nervous as ever. He could already see a lot of students that were already there, just hanging out before class started. He kept his head down so that he was not mobbed by fans. He was not there for attention, he was there just to be a student.
Looking around, he was glad that no one had seemed to notice him yet. It gave him the chance to look around a bit before he would go to class. And he definitely noticed the wide range of people around. There was a blond girl, with two long ponytails, that was dressed almost like she had turned the sky into a dress with it being a blue dress covered in cloud designs. She was talking with a black-haired boy in a red sweatshirt that also looked to be wearing a rainbow shirt while also having painted nails. Looking another way, he saw a short girl with dark pink hair that looked to be dressed as some type of skater and she appeared to be arguing with a really tall boy in a red and white short-sleeved sweatshirt who looked to be very athletic. There was also a girl with ombre-designed brown and red hair that was staring at her phone, a boy that seemed to be doing small magic tricks for a short blond girl dressed entirely in pink, and many other types of students around.
Adrien certainly never had been around so many types of people before. He was usually only ever with other models and they typically were all very similar to him since models had to all be the same skinny and beautiful body type. Seeing all of the unique people around made him smile.
The ironic thing about him looking around him so much was that he was not actually watching where he was going. So, he ended up walking right into someone.
"I am so sorry," Adrien apologized immediately.
"Why am I not surprised that I would be the one you would run into, Adrien," a familiar voice said.
Adrien finally looked at who he had bumped into and it was Lyon. Vallia was close by. It made Adrien start to wonder if the two of them ever willingly separated. He knew they were twins, but they still spent a lot of time together.
"Oh, Lyon," Adrien breathed a sigh of relief that he had not bumped into a bully or a rabid fan. "Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going."
"I can see that," Lyon said. "You seem a lot more interested in the school than most other new students would be."
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"Well, to be honest, I did not go to any type of school before here," Adrien admitted. "I have been homeschooled my entire life. Tutors were brought in by my dad to teach me. Along with a tutor to teach me Chinese, a piano teacher, and a private fencing instructor as well."
"That is a lot to place onto one person," Vallia said. "Especially onto a teenager."
"My father knows what's best for me," Adrien shrugged. "Besides, he's allowing me to go to the duel academy, so I'm fine."
That made the twins share a look with each other. What Adrien was saying was really ringing some alarm bells in their heads. But, they did not know Adrien that well yet, so they were going to take a "wait and see" approach to this.
"So, who is your main teacher, Adrien," Vallia asked, changing the subject.
Adrien pulled out his school schedule. "Some teacher called Bustier."
Both Lyon and Vallia had to fight not to let out some groans. They were obviously not fans of the teacher.
"Well, lucky for you that she is also our teacher," Lyon tells him. "And believe me when I say that you need luck when in that class."
"Huh," Adrien was confused.
There was then a hyper and loud girlish shriek. The kind that would more likely be heard at a boyband concert than inside of a dueling school. But, with a literal model now attending the school, it made sense for someone to make that noise. And since there is only one girl that could sound like a complete brat while letting out an excited shriek, the twins knew exactly who it was.
"You are about to find out in about three... two... one," Vallia counted down.
Adrien was then basically tackled by a very excited blond girl. And judging by Adrien's face, he knew who she was as well.
"Adrikins," Chloe Bourgeois, the spoiled brat of the school, shouted as she was the one that was tightly hugging Adrien. "You're actually here!"
"Oh... Uh... Hi, Chloe," Adrien was visually uncomfortable with how she was hugging him. "But can you let go, please? I told you that I don't like it when you do this to me."
"You're so silly, Adrikins," Chloe completely brushed off what he just said. "You love me and you know it."
"He said to let him go, Chloe," Lyon glared at the blond girl. "You really need to learn to listen to something other than the sound of your own voice."
Adrien almost jumped when he heard Lyon's voice. It was different than before. It was so cold and icy. It was as if he could cause a case of frostbite just from speaking to someone like that. Very different from the previous gentle and kind voice that he had been using before. It was like his entire personality had done a complete 180 twist.
"Don't make me call daddy," Chloe threatened Lyon.
But the icy teen only rolled his eyes in response. Vallia also did not look impressed by the threat at all.
"You have tried that threat lots of times on me, Chloe," Lyon says. "It did not work, then, and it will not work now."
"Your dad may be the mayor of this city, but what use can he be against those that have three other governments behind their backs," Vallia also sounded a little colder than usual.
Chloe glared at them but did not say anything else to them. She turned back to Adrien with some very fake sweet eyes.
"Come on, Adrikins," Chloe latched herself onto Adrien's arm and started trying to pull him in another direction. "I can have Sabrina show you around. I would do it, but playing tour guide is for commoners."
"Chloe, let go," Adrien finally pulled his arm from her grip. "I can find my way around myself just fine. Thanks for the offer, though."
Chloe pouted like a child that was just denied the candy bar that they wanted.
"Suit yourself, Adrikins," she said. "But make sure to stay close to me since I am the best student in this WHOLE school." 
The twins rolled their eyes, clearly thinking something completely different. They definitely were not fans of Chloe and they made it very clear.
"I'll... uh... think about it," Adrien turned her down in the nicest way possible by making it seem like he would just think about it.
That clearly had gone right over Chloe's head as her smile at Adrien did not falter at all.
"I'll see you in class, Adrikins," Chloe walked off.
Lyon and Vallia both gave Adrien looks that were very obvious questions as to why he had let Chloe hold onto him even after he told her to let go. He had obviously not liked it and had told her as such. But the look on his face when she refused to let go and brushed off what he had said about not liking it said that he had expected her to act like that.
"Chloe's family has been friends with mine for a long time," Adrien explained. "I've known her since we were in diapers."
"That doesn't give her the right to treat you like that," Vallia said. "She was treating you like a piece of meat that belonged to her."
"Chloe is not that bad," Adrien said. "She is just really friendly with me."
"Yeah, so friendly that I felt the need to get a crowbar to get her off of you," Lyon rolled his eyes. "We better get to class before the bell rings."
He walked off. Vallia and Adrien followed him, but the blond model could not help but look at  Vallia as they did.
"Is Lyon alright," he asked her. "He acted... well... cold when Chloe showed up."
"Behold, your first meeting with the Ice Prince, Adrien," Vallia tells him.
"Ice Prince," Adrien was confused.
"Lyon is a very private person," Vallia explained. "We come from a very rich family and you are aware that our card shop is the most popular in the city, maybe even the whole country."
"Let me guess, you guys always have people trying to warm up to you in order to try and get the best cards either for a discount or for free," Adrien guessed.
"You have no idea how much that it happens," Vallia sighed.
"I was aware of Lyon's nickname already, but I figured that it was more because of his style and how he does sound a little cold when he talks," Adrien says. "Plus, I also know what it feels like to be used because of some fans wanting me just for my looks or my money instead of wanting me for me."
"That is always what is hard for us," Vallia said. "We hardly ever know who to really trust because of how we have money, connections, and other things that people would want to take advantage of."
"Trust takes years to build, but moments to destroy," Adrien was sure he heard that quote from somewhere before.
Vallia nodded. "It's why Lyon is an Ice Prince. Not only to keep away those that would use us for what we have but to also make sure bullies do not mess with him. He has been burned by broken trust before and he has not been the same since."
"He was not like that with me," Adrien was confused as to why he did not get the Ice Prince when he first met Lyon.
"I am sure that Lyon also told you that he is good at reading people," Vallia said. "He probably saw that you were not like others and would not take advantage of him. It most likely helps that as a model, he would know that you would have the same type of trust issues as him."
"It's not that I have trust issues," Adrien said. "If anything, I trust too easily. That's what my cousin Felix says, anyway. But, I am just wary of strangers just coming up to me and instantly trying to be my friend."
"Well, at least you know not to trust everyone," Vallia giggled.
The two of them and Lyon all walked into the classroom together. It certainly was a big room and Adrien actually liked how it seemed like a very light and friendly environment because of the large windows that let in so much light. He also liked how big the desks were since that allowed for a lot of space to lay out cards in order to make strategies as well as to do all normal school work too.
Adrien looked at all the students that were in the classroom already as well as the ones that were coming in. There was the pink-haired girl, athletic boy, and ombre-haired girl that he had noticed before, plus the blond girl that was in all pink. But there were also nine other students in the room. And that included Chloe and her best friend Sabrina. There was also a goth girl, a tall boy in a skull shirt, a red-headed boy whose hair covered one of his eyes, a girl with rainbow hair, a boy wearing headphones on his head, a boy that looks like a nerd stereotype from a high school movie, and a blue-haired girl carrying a box that looked like it had come from a bakery.
All in all, it was a very interesting class.
"Nino," Vallia called out to the boy with headphones. "We have a new kid in class. This is Adrien. Since Aurore is in Mendeleiev's class this year, you have a free seat next to you. Do you mind?"
"Not at all, dudette," the now-named Nino smiled at Vallia.
But then Chloe latched herself onto Adrien once again. It made Vallia seriously start considering going out and getting a crowbar. Even if she could not actually get her hands off of him with it, she would be more than happy to knock Chloe out with it and get her hands off him that way. 
"My Adrikins will be sitting with me," she declared.
"But...But I sit next to you, Chloe," Sabrina looked really upset at just being thrown out of her seat like that.
Chloe ignored her. "Come on, Adrikins."
"Chloe, stop," Adrien tried pulling his arm away from her again. "I am perfectly fine with sitting next to Nino. I decided to come to school because I wanted to make friends."
"You will be much happier sitting next to me than some commoner loser," Chloe refused to let go of him again.
"Chloe, you can either let him go and let him sit where he wants, or I will beat you a lot faster than last time if we duel again," Lyon threatened her.
Chloe actually let Adrien go, but to turn to Lyon. He did not even blink at the glare that she sent his way.
"You only beat me because you got lucky," Chloe yelled at him.
"Then I also must have gotten lucky the other dozen times we dueled as well," Lyon had on a very icy smirk.
Adrien used the opportunity to slip into the spot next to Nino before Chloe had a chance to grab onto him again. He caught Sabrina's eye and she gave him a smile and a nod as a silent "thank you" for not letting Chloe just throw her out of her seat like that.
"Is it always like this," Adrien asked Nino as he saw Chloe failing to get under Lyon's skin.
"More or less," Nino shrugged. "Think of it like a welcoming to the class since no one is ever really welcomed until they witness one of Chloe's temper tantrums."
"Things will never be boring around here, will they," Adrien asked him.
"You have no idea," Nino chuckled, patting him on the back. "Just wait until  duel practice starts."
That was definitely something Adrien looked forward to.
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bakawitch · 4 months
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So in this au Plagg and Tikki are evil in like a Thanos lawful evil way. Spoiler- they're sort of the big bads in the au. Eventually, while Bakura and Mazel are still in possession of their jewels, they make a wish (that I haven't been able to word yet) that partially strip Tikki and Plagg of their powers and transfer them to Bakura and Mazel. So now they're demi-kwamis! Tikki and Plagg are mostly human now. Only some minor abilities remain and their immortality. The other kwamis don't really like Baakhu and Manuu since they essentially messed up the kwamis mysterious plan.
Anyway, so in the present time, Adrien and Marinette get these kwamis instead, and Tikki and Plagg return as villains either instead of Gabriel or as a new opposing force against the heroes alongside him. Next up is Adrien's and Marinette's hero designs!
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Could you please do Marinette Dupain Cheng from Miraculous x Asuka Tenjini from Yu GI Oh gx
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Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng x Alexis Rhodes/Asuka Tenjōin
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug | Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Relationship: Romantic
Submitted by @yukii0nna
Sometimes I forget YuGiOh has different names for characters in Japanese. Got me real confused when I saw this familiar face and didn't recognise the name XD
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yukii0nna · 2 months
Cold Iron shipping headcanons
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Old ship that I am now close to in JLM.
Basically it is childhood friends/ friendly rivals to lovers, folks. Vanilla but good tasting none the less in my eyes.
They basically became friends when they were both after they talked about what they wanted to do in life and they became close ever since.
They both like to have sass games where they playfully snark at each other at times.
Marinette usually gives Alexis jewelry she made in her style.
Alexis encourages Marinette to get some rest when she's working too hard on her designs.
Snarky feminine(Marinette) x Sweet Butch(Alexis).(What, she was a tomboy. I'm just gonna showing it more).
They sometimes talk about strategy together still they fall asleep.
They both wear each other's colors for good luck in special occasions after they finally start dating.
@zexal-club @punkeropercyjackson @bakawitch @fair-night-starry-tears @insomniac-jay @moonage-gaydream @missputotyra @honeypotsworld @lovelyllamasblog
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celestiall0tus · 9 months
Merry Christmas y'all. I bring my gifts to those that wanted something a little special from me. Lastly, we have @trixiegalaxy
I present a cover for their miraculous au crossover project with Miraculous and Yu-Gi Oh Vrains:
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Hope you enjoy and below are all the resources I used in the cover:
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twisted-art-wounders · 5 months
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In the crossover Kaiba is akumatized into Visualizer with the power to capture anyone/thing into a card and can bring anything captured under his control.
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trixiegalaxy · 1 year
I just had a fun Miraculous AU idea (got inspired by a book i saw in Wattpad);
Yu-Gi-Oh Miraculous Vrians!
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I don't mind if people make artwork or write their own fan fiction of this. As long I'm credited for the original AU idea. I also posted this on DeviantArt.
In this AU, the kwamis are a special type of AI programming that is also called the "Miraculous Ignis". These AIs were secretly created by a third party during the Lost Incident. But when Professor Wang Fu (aka Master Fu) learns that these AIs were going to be used for evil purposes, he stole them from their creators and went into hiding. Fu managed to steal all the Miraculous Ignis', except for the Butterfly and the unfinished Peacock Ignis', which went missing during the theft.
10 years later, Gabriel Agreste uses the Butterfly Ignis to become the hacker terrorist known as Hawk Moth, who hopes to use the rest of the Miraculous Ignis' to waken his comatose wife, who used the Peacock Ignis too much without knowing it was incomplete. To lure out the Miraculous Ignis, Hawk Moth would hijack people's avatars in LINK VRAINS and turn them into his own mind controlled super villians. Also, to accomplish his goals, both Gabriel and his assistant, Nathalie Sancoeur, secretly infiltrate the hacker terrorist group called "The Knights Of Hanoi" under the codenames "The Collector" and "Catalyst". In hopes of not only finding the Miraculous Ignis, but to capture the original six Ignis' as well.
Meanwhile, Professor Fu decides to give the two most powerful Miraculous Ignis', the Ladybug and Cat, to Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste. They become LINK VRAINS' newest heroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir, who help the hero, Playmaker, fight against both both Hawk Moth and the Knights Of Hanoi.
Other details of the AU (with spoilers of Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains);
The Kwamis Ignis have the same type of body design as the original Ignis', but they still have their animal fixtures. For example, the Cat Ignis would still have his cat ears, tail, and green cat eyes. While the Ladybug Ignis have her red body with black spots (and maybe ladybug wings on her back). They also have the same personalities as in the Miraculous Ladybug series canon.
Similar to the Miraculous Ladybug series canon, every Kwami Ignis are kept in their own jewelry shaped electronics, which connect to the holder's duel disk by Bluetooth. The holder's duel disk also changes form when they log into LINK VRAINS (which helps hide their identities).
The Miraculous Ignis have their own separate animal theme Cyberse cards. For example, the Ladybug Ignis has a ladybug theme Cyberse monster cards, and the Cat Ignis has a cat theme Cyberse monster cards.
The Miraculous Ignis gives their holders the same powers/abilities as in the Miraculous Ladybug series canon. These powers can also be used as skills in a LINK VRAINS speed duel.
Also, like in the Miraculous Ladybug series canon, Hawk Moth can only akumatize people who are filled with negative emotions/thoughts. Plus, they have to have their own duel disk and deck.
People who are not logged into or even don't have an account in LINK VRAINS can still be akumatized.
In this AU, the akuma enters a person's duel disk as a virus and always goes into a person's ace monster card. While their super villain avatar takes form similar to their ace monster. That person's deck is also transformed when they become akumatized.
Marinette still dreams of becoming a fashion designer. While as a duelist, she doesn't have too much confidence in her skills. Marinette is the only one of her friends who doesn't have a LINK VRAINS account (not until she became Ladybug, but no one else knows that). When she's not using the Ladybug Cyberse deck, she owns a fairy type desk.
Adrian is still a fashion model for his father famous fashion brand in both Den City and sometimes in LINK VRAINS. Adrian enjoys dueling but doesn't have much time to do it for fun because of his career. When he's not using the Cat Cyberse deck, he owns a warrior type deck.
Marinette and Adrien (plus their friends/classmates in the Miraculous Ladybug series canon) go to Den City High School. And are in the same class as Yusaku Fujiki (aka Playmaker). Their class teacher is Miss Bustier from Miraculous Ladybug.
Ladybug and Cat Noir doesn't know the true identity of Playmaker. And Playmaker doesn't know their true identities either.
Yusaku/Playmaker didn't really trust Ladybug and Cat Noir at first. And didn't want them to become part of his fight against the Hanoi. But Playmaker later began working with them when he realized he wouldn't be able to fight both the Hanoi and Hawk Moth's akumatized villains.
The Knights Of Hanoi had no knowledge of the existence of the Miraculous Ignis until Hawk Moth started to attack LINK VRAINS with his akumatized villains.
The Hanoi also wasn't aware of The Collector actually being Hawk Moth, not until in episode 38 and 39 when Hawk Moth tried to take control of the Tower of Hanoi by akumatizing Revolver (the leader of the Hanoi).
Ryoken Kogami/Revolver managed to learn the true identities of Ladybug and Cat Noir but agrees to keep the secret after meeting Professor Fu.
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theblueskyphoenix · 1 year
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So fun fact about me: I am a fan of Miraculous Ladybug. I find it to be a fun show and the concepts to be intriguing. Writing isn't anything ground breaking and it can be down right frustrating at times but yet I find I still get some enjoyment out of it. Just one of those unique scenarios of "Yeah I know this isn't great but it's interesting to watch to see what happens." Plus it's inspired me to want to give my hand at making something like it at some point but that project is still in early development. I'll talk about it once I have more stuff figured out. 
For now, I wanted to do a fun little AU with Atem and Lotus where they were the Chat Noir and Ladybug of Egypt. Or in this case, Khem Mau and Ruby Scarab. It's pretty straight forward what they did. Fought against the forces of evil, got some escapism from their regular lives (Atem liked being able to be himself more at Khem Mau than he was in his normal life as a prince and Lotus got to do more than just be a performer. She loved the fact she could help people.) and eventually developed a relationship. (And unlike Chat Noir and Ladybug, these two didn't keep their identities a secret forever. It took time since both were scared how the other would judge them but after awhile, they finally went through with it and it made their bond even stronger.)
So just something fun. Designing these two were interesting since I'm putting them in colors I usually wouldn't. Especially Atem who I don't generally dress in silver or green for that matter but he doesn't look too bad in it. Lotus was a little harder because polka dots can be a bit tough to make look good but I think I pulled it off alright. 
I plan to do some refined art pieces later so this piece was just nailing down their superhero outfits.
And... Yeah! Hope you enjoy!
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zexal-club · 8 months
@yukii0nna You know how whenever Zexal Club and Just Like Magic cross with each other, it's noted that Mari and Marinette look the same in-universe?
Them singing 'I Am A Girl Like You' from Barbie in The Princess And The Pauper.
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Sort of inspired by your Isekai AU, but "Purchased Powers" AU.
Basically, Chloe takes a big interest in magical artifacts either post almost being killed by several Akuma or post Pollen and starts trying to buy magic and magitech trinkets. Many are scams or fakes, or just don't work, but sometimes, they do, for goof or ill.
Some crossover one's that could also be naturalized into the setting:
Yu Yu Hausho: Trial Sword, which could make the Banshee Shriek, or Signature Special Sword, ETC. Steaming Spheres, Cape of No Return, Fruit of the Previous Life potion, or the Shadow Sword.
Jacki Chan Adventures: Cat of Cartomb, The Twelve Talismans, Shadowkhan Masks, Demon Archive, Armor of the Immortal, Wrist Bands of Shiva, Demon Chi Relics.
Concept Art: The seeming magic flute used by Melody in the early Miraculous concept art which seems to have its own powers and works as a lightsaber.
Kämpfer: Kämpfer bracelet, enhance one's physical abilities and grant a magic gun, or sword, or explosive spell.
Yugioh: DiaDhank, can possibly learn to summon monsters, Millennium Items, Shadow Charms.
Bleach: Quincy Bangle, Seele Schneider, Gintō, Sanrei Glove.
Beyblade: Bit Beasts
Could also visit places items are contained and drag plot back with her, or just have them ordered in, and plot may or may not follow.
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lazywriter8 · 6 months
I’ve been rewatching yugioh and noticed how similar Pegasus and Gabriel Agreste are. They both went to all the trouble and journey to search for magical items to bring their wives back (miraculous x yugioh crossover when ??)
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miraculouswolf99 · 9 months
Miraculous Dueling Chapter One
Miraculous Ladybug and Yugioh are two of my favorite fandoms. I have previously written an idea for a crossover between these two fandoms. That is not the idea I am using for this fanfic because this is going to be a long-term fanfic project. It was inspired by @shattered-heartless and their own Miraculous/Yugioh crossover story. There will be salt, dueling, original characters, and so many more things! Enjoy and please become members of my Patreon for more original content!
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Chapter One: His First Deck
Adrien was forever grateful to the Gorilla. He really did love his bodyguard since he was a lot more parental than the other adults in his life. 
Currently, the child model was browsing through a card shop that he had asked the Gorilla to take him to. Adrien had recently gotten an email that he had been accepted into the Francois Dupont Duel Academy. Though, he was one-hundred percent sure that he was only accepted because he was a famous model for his father's fashion company. He knew that it was the wrong way to get into the school, but he loved dueling.
While he was a model for his father's company, dueling was what Adrien loved the most. His mother had been a really good duelist and she and he had a lot of little duels together when he had been little. He used an extra deck that his mother had since he was too young to really have a deck of his own, but he loved every second of it. But after his mother disappeared six months ago, his father locked up his mother's cards and never let him touch them.
So, that was why he was not at the Garden Family Card Shop. It was one of the most well-known card shops in Paris. It was run by the Garden family, a family of Greek citizens that moved to Paris since they were given a golden opportunity to open a card shop in the city of love. The youngest of the family, twins Lyon and Vallia, were actually both students of the duel academy as well from what he knew.
He browsed the shop to see if there were any cards that he could connect with. His mother had used a deck of fairy cards, but he wanted something he had personally chosen himself.
"You obviously look like you need some help," a male voice with an accent said.
Adrien nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice. Turning around, he saw that it was Lyon Garden. He could easily see why he was known as the Ice Prince given that he was dressed entirely in silver, white, and blue. Plus, his bright blue eyes were very cold even with a sense of warmth in them.
"You're Lyon Garden," Adrien was shocked.
"I know," Lyon smirked. "I also can see that you are definitely a newbie to the world of dueling. But, you also have a great love for it."
"You can tell all that about me just like that," Adrien could not help but raise an eyebrow.
"I have always been able to tell who a person is," Lyon says. "It's better to see inside of a person's true heart than it is just seeing good in others. Call me the ultimate realist."
The way he spoke definitely had a level of coldness to it that added to the fact that he was known as the Ice Prince. Not that Adrien could really blame him since having the best card shop in Paris also meant that a lot of wannabe duelists would try and cozy up to the family in order to try and get the best cards out of them.
"I...I used to play with my mother's cards," Adrien tells Lyon. "I loved playing with her, but I never had my own cards."
"You came to the right place, then," Lyon went behind the counter. "We have starter decks, custom decks for those that order them, decks of specific archetypes, and many other things in the shop. We also have duel disks for those that do not already own their own. My older brother, Apollo, also teaches new duelers on the weekends."
"No wonder your shop is so popular," Adrien said.
"We do our best," Lyon smirked. "So, do you have an idea on what special summoning technique you want to focus on?"
Adrien had to think about that. His mother's deck only used special summoning when it came to regular monsters. She did not have any fancy monsters like fusion, synchro, ritual, XYZ, pendulum, gate, or link monsters. Adrien knew about them, but he never got the chance to use any of them. And he really wanted to.
(AN: Gate summoning/gate monsters are my own original idea. It will be explained more as I continue the book.)
"I think I would want to use fusion summoning," Adrien decided.
"That is a very good choice," Lyon got out the decks that they had that all had fusion monsters. "These are all decks that all have fusion summoning as part of them."
Adrien looked at the decks. There was certainly plenty that he could choose from. Looking at them, there were definitely some that caught his eye. The Amazon, Fossil, Melodious, Lunalight, Elemental Hero, Destiny Hero, Cyber Dragon, Gladiator Beast, Gem-Knight, Gem-Beast, and Gravekeeper cards all looked very interesting to him. He definitely had to take a few minutes before he decided which to use.
His hands hovered over them until he decided which of the decks that he wanted to choose as his own.
"The Elemental Heroes," Adrien picked up the deck.
Lyon smiled. "That is a very good choice of deck. Would you also like to buy a deck holder and a duel disk as well?"
"Yeah, that sounds good," Adrien says.
Adrien ended up choosing an emerald green deck case to match his eyes. He also went with a duel disk that would look like a long curved blue blade.
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(AN: I will be using duel disks inspired by those from 5D's and Zexel.)
"I hope to see you in school soon," Lyon says. "It has been a while since we have had any fresh meat."
"Fresh meat," Adrien was made a little nervous as he saw the smirk on Lyon's face.
"Lyon, don't scare the poor boy," said a female voice.
Adrien turned and saw Lyon's sister, Vallia, enter the shop. Vallia was the complete opposite of her twin in terms of how she presented herself. She was known as the Flower Princess because of her more sunny personality as well as how she always had flowers in her hair.
"You never let me have my fun," Lyon playfully pouted as his sister used his shoulder as an armrest.
"Your fun involves you using that Ice Prince persona to scare the living daylights out of people," Vallia giggled.
"I still don't see what is wrong with that," Lyon smirked.
"Brothers," Vallia shook her head fondly at her brother's antics.
Adrien could only just stand there awkwardly. He felt like a third wheel even though Lyon and Vallia were siblings and not a couple. But, they were twins, so it was only natural that they would be able to just talk to each other like no one else was around. Made him think that if the two of them ever teamed up for tag duels, their opponents would be seriously doomed.
"You... You two do attend the FD Duel Academy, right," Adrien finally spoke up.
Both twins nodded.
"It had the best reviews for duel schools when we moved here," Vallia said. "We attended duel school in Greece, so we wanted to continue that education here since we are living here currently."
"We also went to a duel school in Japan when we lived there a couple of years ago," Lyon tells Adrien.
"So, you three speak Greek, Japanese, and French," Adrien was amazed.
"Our father's parents are also American and still live in the states, so we also speak English as well," Lyon said.
That certainly threw Adrien for a loop. He would figure that the twins were smart, but he did not expect that they would be this smart. He spoke English as well, but he only spoke Mandarin and French other than that. 
"Wow," was all that Adrien could say.
"We would appreciate you keeping the fact that we lived in Japan to yourself, please," Vallia requested.
"I will," Adrien said but was confused. "But why?"
"Japan is known to have some of the best duelists in the world," Lyon explained. "Like Yugi Moto and his brother Atem. Not to mention Jaden Yuki and Seto Kaiba. If people find out we lived there, we would be bothered so much by those trying to use us for those types of connections."
"Oh," Adrien said. "I can understand that. I am a model and the son of the fashion company owner, so you know that I also have people wanting to be around me for favors. Especially those that either want to meet my father or want to work for my father."
"Isn't your father a recluse that has not left his house in almost a year," Lyon raised an eyebrow.
Vallia slapped her brother on the shoulder.
"You do not just ask a question like that to someone," she scolded him.
"I don't mind, actually," Adrien says, calming Vallia down. "Yeah, my dad does not leave the house. I don't know why, but he just never leaves."
"Well, we won't pry," Lyon stated.
"Since you two attend the school, can you tell me anything about it," Adrien asked them.
Adrien paid for the deck, the deck holder, and his duel disk. But they all continued to talk as he did this. He was starting to like these two. Since he had grown up very isolated from a lot of people because of his dad being so overprotective, the only other person that Adrien really counted as any kind of friend would be his childhood friend, Chloe Bourgeois. It was another reason why he wanted to go to the duel academy. Because he wanted to make more friends. 
"Well, there are different classes and clubs based on dueling skills as well as summoning techniques that are used," Lyon tells Adrien. "I personally use gate summoning while my sister uses XYZ summoning."
"There is also a very fun little rivalry between some classes," Vallia giggled. "It is all in good fun, so it never goes too far. It is really only individual students that do not get along instead of entire classes hating each other."
"That is actually so cool," Adrien said.
"There are always dueling between classes as part of exams," Vallia says. "There is a written part, but there are also duels between the classes to see how our skills have increased as well."
"I mostly just feel sorry for those that have to go up against those like Kagami and Luka," Lyon chuckled.
"I am guessing that those two are really good," Adrien said.
"The two of them are some of the best duelists in the entire school," Vallia says. "Kagami is also from a family of champion fencers and is part of the school team. She is a very fierce opponent that is known for having probably the mother of all poker faces."
"Luka is also the twin brother of our friend Juleka in our class," Lyon also tells Adrien. "He may be one of the nicest guys that you can ever meet, but his dueling is no joke. He and Juleka say that their mom is basically a pirate, so you can definitely say that they were both raised to fight for anything that they want."
"You two certainly know some unique people," Adrien could not help but smile.
"When you have been to as many places as we have, you tend to always be able to find interesting people to interact with," Vallia shrugged. "Otherwise, life would be so boring."
"Plus, we have a saying in our family," Lyon said. "Being normal is vastly overrated. In other words, we pride ourselves on being unique since normal is just boring."
Adrien was about to ask about their own class when he got a text on his phone. It was the Gorilla telling him that they needed to get going before Adrien's father learned where they were because of the tracking stuff he had on Adrien's phone.
"I have to go now, but I hope to see you two in school," Adrien quickly packed up all of his purchases and left the card shop.
"You are usually not that nice to new people," Vallia tells her brother.
"There is something different about him," Lyon replies. "Something in his eyes that tells me he is a lot more than just a model with an overprotective parent."
"Well, since he is a model, that does mean he has a lot of practice putting on masks and other things to hide how he really feels," Vallia says. "There is a reason why I hate that teen and child models are actually a thing. No teenager or kid should have to deal with the pressures that came from always having to try and be society's definition of 'perfect."
"He told me that he used to use his mother's cards when he would play with her," Lyon tells his sister.
"That definitely says a lot about him," Vallia said. "Some of the best types of dueling memories are made with the parents they have that also duel."
"It will definitely be fun to see what he can do with a deck of his own," Lyon admitted. "While he may be a little out of practice, he will most likely be quite the opponent once he gets used to his new deck."
"He chose the Elemental Heroes deck, right," Vallia asked as she watched her brother put away the other decks that Adrien had not chosen.
"That's right," Lyon tells her.
"That definitely is a deck that provides a challenge when truly mastered," Vallia said. "After all, Jaden Yuki is one of the most well-known duelists in the world."
"Not as much as Yugi Muto and his brother Atem, but Jaden also is a very good duelist," Lyon says.
"Do you think that we should have warned him about brats like Chloe and sore losers like Max," Vallia asked her twin.
Lyon shrugged. "There is no better way for him to learn than to learn the hard way."
Vallia giggled. "You can be really evil when you want to be."
"Not evil, but just a realist," Lyon stated. "Sometimes, you have to experience the downsides of life to really learn that they are out there."
"If there is one thing that I know about you, it is that you really love slapping people with reality," Vallia giggled again.
"Well, I see no reason for rose-tinted glasses," Lyon says. "I think that the world would be a lot better if reality is what people see and not just everything being sunshine and rainbows. It only leads to things like letting bullies run free, never standing up for yourself, and thinking that a slap on the wrist is the best way to make bad people change their ways."
"You really hate Bustier, don't you," Vallia knew who her brother was mostly talking about.
"The woman needs lessons on how to be a teacher," Lyon stated. "Plain and simple."
Vallia could not help but agree with her brother.
*****Meanwhile, In A Cliche Villain's Lair*****
A man stood in the center of the room, covered by shadows. In front of him was a truly adorable little creature. Floating in the air was a little lavender-colored creature with little purple wings and a darker purple swirl design on its forehead. But even as adorable as it was, the poor thing looked terrified of the man in front of it.
"So, you are the kwami of metamorphosis. Nooroo," the shadow man glared at the creature. "You would give me the power to turn others into superpowered human beings."
"Y...Yes," the now-named Nooroo stuttered out. "My power is empowerment and my power is used to create hero champions."
"Which means that it can also be used to create supervillains," the shadow man evilly smirked.
"But my power if not supposed to be used that way," Nooroo weakly protested.
"I am your master, so you will do as I tell you," the shadow man yelled at the creature.
"Y...Yes, master," Nooroo could not disobey the orders from the man that owns his card.
"The ladybug and black cat mystical cards are also in Paris, correct," the shadow man demanded an answer from Nooroo.
"Y...Yes, master," Nooroo answered. "I... I can sense them, but I can't tell their specific location. Just that they are in the city."
The man glared even more at the creature, making Nooroo float a little farther away from him. He had hoped that when his card was found, it would have been found by a good person. Unfortunately, that was not the case. And with a power like his, that was not a good thing.
"I will get my hands on them no matter what it takes," the shadow man declared. "Nooroo, dark wings rise!"
There was a flash of dark purple, sending out a wave of magic that was only felt by certain creatures. A floating little turtle creature, another kwami, shook as he felt it.
"Master," the creature cried out as it flew right to an old man that was in the room with him. "I felt Nooroo! He's in evil hands! What do we do!?!"
The old man turned to look at a gramophone that he had in the room.
"It is time, Wayzz," he told the kwami. "The ladybug and black must be activated to get back Nooroo and his mystical card. Or Paris will be doomed to very dark times."
Somewhere else in Paris, two other cards were glowing inside of the decks of two others. A glowing white card in one deck and a glowing pink card in another. It made the owners look at each other as they were well aware of what that meant. Two more kwami floated next to the two of them.
"Looks like we are going to have a very interesting year," the boy said.
"Beware, you two," a floating little wolf warned them. "Nooroo's power is very strong. You will need to prepare for really tough opponents."
"We will do our best," the girl says.
"Your best is what is going to be needed," a floating monarch butterfly kwami warned them. "Hopefully the ladybug and black cat will be out there as well."
The two humans nodded in agreement.
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bakawitch · 4 months
And the Babug au continues XD
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The alter ego forms are done! Miu is more of an anti-hero/villain, but Lady Deshret is definitely a hero, often referred to as the Oracle of Khepri.
There's probably also like an organised villain group that Miu Shen isn't affiliated with, and Lady Deshret is fighting against who secretly influences the monarchy from the shadows. Deshret is favoured by high priests and the crown while Miu isn't. There's probably like a plot point where Deshret also turns against the Pharaoh when she realises that he's just a puppet for the villain group and teams up with Miu to stop them.
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Summarizing TV shows I've never seen
Breaking Bad: takes place where high school musical did. Jesse and Walter. 99% sure Walter's the bald chem teacher. Jesse is either gay, homophobic, or both (?). There's a lawyer woman named Skylar who Walt may or may not be hitting on the side, not sure. Meth.
Yugioh: kid has cards that can summon magical creatures. I think there's a hell realm. There's one guy, Marik, who is actually two guys in one I think, but I wouldn't swear by it.
My Hero Academia: something to do with toe joints????? Is that like. correct???? I distinctly remember something about that. There's the frog guy, bakugou (the zuko one), Deku (not the zelda tree), and the girl that looks like May from pokemon or Suki from ATLA.
Fairy Tail: I actually have seen this one but couldn't tell you a damn thing about it. There's a guild thing. Lots of fanservice. Guy with the scarf.
Miraculous Ladybug: guy and girl are in love but also superheroes who are in love and nobody knows the oter is in love and a superhero? Shenanigans ensue. They're a ladybug and a cat but in a superhero way and not a furry way.
Fox 911: copaganda but firefighters????? no idea. Swifties really like it.
Friends: I've seen SOME episodes. Two of the guys look like the same guy to me and I can't tell them apart. Friends say I'm the phoebe because she's kind of got a hippie vibe. Rachel and Monica are not wlw apparently but you could have fooled me. SMELLY CAT. Also what's his name... david schwimmer. His character is kind of annoying to me. He had a monkey once? Also CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!!
Supernatural: dude. NO fucking idea. Superhell. The two guys might be gay? or brothers? There's a third guy I think???? Someone's gay and someone's got a brother? They had a scooby doo crossover. Demons.
Doctor who: time travel in a phone booth??? There's a bunch of doctors. fifteen of them? One said feminist rights or something???
Supernatural: Sadie Sink, who people said I looked like in my red hair era. I think we're both just scots-irish 20somethings though idk. 80's. Byler. A lot of bowl cuts, unfortunately.
Amphibia: frogs and a blonde girl???
Moral Orel: No idea but it kind of scares me /lh. @blossyossyossy likes it.
Modern Family: family issues but there's a bazillion of them. My mom says I look like Haley dunphy. Idk who that is. Funny enough, Haley dunphy and Sadie sink look nothing alike yet I've been told I look like both of them. I don't see either, tbh.
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yukii0nna · 7 months
Inspired by @writing-heiress
Official Art with my ocs and the official characters
Sumire and Jack looking at each other though a mirror
Jaden, Isamu and Sryus jumping into a Well.
Eric and Carly work on a new story on a desk.
Alici smiles with a look of pure murder at Divine.
Marinette and Ling performing an Unison raid.
Judai talking to Loke on a starry night sky with a telescope.
Malori playing with Johnny and Jade on their bikes.
Camilla with her mouth stitched shut and her eyes bleeding
Katie and Zack on a date in a meadow
Adrien with slit like eyes in his normal form smiling
Vivian sitting down,one half smiling in her civilian form,the other half in her Empress form glaring.
Haru,Lila and Yuga with chains on their necks, looking hopeless.
Izuku and Isamu training under Serena
Zexal Club
Kikyo floating with her Madoles
Yuma casting a fire spell
Mari planning to prank Shark
@punkeropercyjackson @julieemarine @zexal-club @liviavanrouge @marrondrawsalot @insomniac-jay @bakawitch @anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @kousaka-ayumu @leo-thecactus @starry-night-rose @gritsandbrits
And yes you may add your own
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
Saturday Status Update
The wait time for a request is: 47 working days
Upcoming charts (if the sample size is large enough):
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Hetalia: Axis Powers - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Deltarune - 10 most popular characters (AO3), 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Masters of the Universe - Ratings, 10 most popular ships (AO3)  
Terminator - 10 most popular characters (AO3), 10 most popular ships (AO3)  
My Hero Academia - Overhaul, Rei Todoroki  
Supernatural - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Symphogear - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Sam & Cat - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Once Upon a Time - Ruby
The Sandman - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Team Fortress 2 - The Scout
Miraculous Ladybug - Chloe Bourgeois  
Avatar: the Last Airbender - Aang (explicit versus non-explicit), Ozai (explicit versus non-explicit)
Better Call Saul - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Genshin Impact - Ratings
Sonic the Hedgehog - Big the Cat
Yugioh - 10 most popular ships (AO3)  
Overwatch - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
The Blacklist - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado  
Teen Wolf - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Addams Family - Wednesday Addams
Kingdom Hearts - Ventus  
Pokemon - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Critical Role - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
The Adventure Zone - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
It (2017-2019 films) - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
The X-Files - 10 most popular ships (AO3), Crossovers
Xiaolin Showdown - Kimiko
Naruto - Rock Lee
Project Sekai COLORFUL STAGE! - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Abbott Elementary - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Stranger Things - Nancy
Warrior Cats - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Star vs the Forces of Evil - Jackie
Grojband - 10 most popular ships (AO3), Crossovers
Total Drama - Duncan
Have a more elaborate request?  Or want to jump the queue?  Or you want to support me as a content creator?  Buy me a Kofi!
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