#mirage nyc
sethhulsey · 7 months
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Mirage at tv eye nyc 02-23-24
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fehinti · 1 month
My fave Waffles did her big one at the Brooklyn Mirage this past Sunday 🤩🤩
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xxzoruaxv · 1 year
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went to see excision last night
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felopunk · 5 months
NYC invigorating Italo-hardcore outfit MIRAGE are back with a new 12" "Legato Alla Rovina". Their latest release shifts ever closer towards the forefathers of classic Italian punk with 8 new tracks in the vein of Nerorgasmo and Upset Noise. Martial drums and commanding riffs are the backdrop to sonorous mad-preacher style vocals, while maintaining a reverence for post punk influence. Members From: AMMO, ACID CASUALTIES, ETC.
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kdkntmshi · 1 year
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sonic-gonzo · 2 years
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Last night at Madison Square Garden NYC - The KILLERS (300922)
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loganlynn · 3 months
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Party gay doin himself a gay party
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prattlinpeach · 4 months
Indian Motorcycle, New York New York, Yum, Freemont Street, and the Strip!
Was that enough? Well…there is one thing I left out, but I will tell you about that in another post, promise! Let’s start with Saturday morning first thing. We got up, no alarm, thank you very much! Headed downstairs to grab some food, ran into Uncle A, Auntie L was still asleep, he had already had breakfast, but stayed and sat with us while we had breakfast. We chatted, caught up, it was a lot…
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snoftshell-snurtle · 5 months
i am now reading mirage. HIGHLY recommend.
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snackugaki · 1 year
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more AU visdev shenanigans because I have both a problem and am trying to trick myself into doing visdev for my actual  projects
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
lny visit 1 | 2
AU musings under the cut cuz truly, i have a goddamn problem and most of it is from my brain always go brr
uhhh... hm... Mirage spoilers pmuch right out the gate... probably IDW, and prrrrobably Next Mutation spoilers for the kids who haven’t started/caught up because surprise that’s where I pull from (aside from the 87 cartoon and 90s movies because who doesn’t pull mainly from their childhood turtles)
April being into punk, goth, alt, what have you just makes sense to me
...because she gravitated to the outsider nature of those subcultures since she, herself, didn’t feel like she quite belonged anywhere
which is natural when you’re a drawing made real
(it’s fine, she’s flesh and blood now)
shout out to poly styrene, april loved her
keeping them short kings just like my childhood turtles
Jennika absolutely comments to Donnie if he’s found any good cheese in any walls lately
god i hate plowing through the first couple of passes of a design
alas, the process
Venus ended up being dressed in hanfu since other clothes didn’t fit her quite right; a specific group of old women were ecstatic at breaking out hanfu patterns to use.
Chung I doted on Venus so much, the only thing that kept her from becoming spoiled was when she started taking up cultivation alongside Chung I and his sect
nothing more humbling that carrying 3 buckets of water up a steep mountain side while your sifu hurls mystic blasts at your feet
Venus progressed pretty quickly though; enough to be trusted with plans to circumvent Vam Mi’s return and reconnoiter with the sect’s allies in NYC
(it didn’t work but it’s okay they defeated Vam Mi anyway)
shit now I have to come up with a name for the sect hhhhh
Chung I’s sect is one of ?? who, like the ninja, have a responsibility (among others) to regulate the mortal plane with the less mundane ones
Venus IS training to serve in his role (give or take one of her brothers or sisters being bestowed the responsibility)
hmm... Venus likes keemun tea best if she has the choice, and for soup... oxtail soup and black sesame soup
and because it was fkkn metal in Next Mutation, Venus is primarily a pugilist who occasionally uses her cultivation techniques ; she trains a little with a fan when she gets to weapons training but she prefers the spear (link has blood and some real violent fighting but fuck Fog Hill is fucking siiiiick)
...a nickname Venus gains is ‘the spear fairy’ ‘cuz i’m indulgent :)
the supernatural side of NY was already getting antsy and unruly when Venus arrived so of course she and the boys ended up fighting upon first encounter
The fight happens after hours at a local walk-around market; Raph barges in and Venus fishes around for something that isn’t the requisite staff she was saddled with before setting out (because she knows how to deal some damage with it and she wasn’t about to do that to complete strangers she didn’t know the alignment of)
she ends up using a mannequin; one arm came off so Venus attacked with that and defended with the upper part of the mannequin; Raph was getting outmatched while Mikey and Donnie were laughing in increasing volume
at a certain point Leo tried to intervene but Venus assumed it was a double team, ripped the other arm off the mannequin and defended with both against Raph and Leo; eventually her hood was flipped and they saw she was a turtle so cue Venus using the opportunity to get them both on the ground and about to smash the now armless mannequin torso onto Leo and Raph before Donnie called for a truce
at which point, as is established, Mikey quipped up at the scene, “I call this... ‘Venus de Milo, triumph over dorkus maximuses’”
Leo DID try to address her by her actual name but his not-quite-right tone made her pity him and insisted he just use Mikey’s new nickname
Venus absolutely asked why the boys were running around half naked when she came across them; they didn’t have an answer they just shrugged and let Mikey change the subject with asking if she’s tried NY pizza yet
Venus is ambivalent in the end, she knew humans wore clothes since their bits are just ...like, out there dangling around; the yaoguai around her also dressed and thought they were just adhering to the custom out of simple consideration
Venus eventually gears up like the boys to help hide her mission from the sect trying to resurrect Vam Mi
Leo gives Venus a spare mask of his; it came from a bin of incorrectly dyed masks when he was attempting shibori dye experiments
Mikey was so enthusiastic about it, having only known April at the time he asked if he could try out braiding her mask tails since Leo didn’t bother tailoring it after he botched the dye job
Splinter helps Venus make contact with her sect’s allies ala Rescuers Down Under
NM!Venus canonically knows how to pick locks why not in this AU too
The boys take Venus to the library one night, Donnie pleads for Venus to break into the reference shelves, stoops to fibbing a little that information she might find handy could be in those shelves (they weren’t)
A hilarious exchange happens between April and Venus when Venus cycles through like 3 dialects and 2 languages before finding out April speaks Canto; Venus starts calling April Ah ze, in kind April calls Venus Ah mui
hmm hmmm... still torn between April meeting the boys once as little kids then running into them again when she’s an adult or having her meet them as little kids but connecting a little earlier, 1-2 years from graduating HS
mostly just cuz I wanna have this AU April taking them to GWAR concerts so they can enjoy being out without getting clocked 
Casey and Raph absolutely dressed as the Bash Brothers for a couple of halloweens
I like the idea of Casey thinking of himself as the fifth turtle brother because it’s sweet, thassit AU canon it is done
I feel like Jennika probably ran into April and Casey at separate music venues; befriended Casey first tho
Jennika spent two years in China with Venus, getting her handle on her new turtle body; when she came back she nearly cleaned out 3 thrift stores and basically commandeered a portion of Donnie’s lab for almost a year to tailor clothes for herself
Donnie basically made himself a mini-clothing manufacturing  factory by salvaging and rebuilding embroidery, pattern cutting, and industrial sewing machines
Jennika and Mondo have jam sessions
The brockhampton parody in this AU is northbrockton, Jennika and Mondo are rotational members
Mondo can speak hawaiian pidgin, he speak liddat when he go an talk story with Mikey ova some grinds, Mikey also starts picking it up
 Mondo sometimes refers to Mikey as Braddah Honu
One of the stolen waste/mutagen barrels from That Night rolled and got shunted conveniently to a desolate lot where it leaked for years
Mondo came across it looking for a place for his band to jam without getting interrupted, pop goes the lizard mutation
tl;dr a video of urban explorers stumbling on it got onto Mona’s feed (and I’m smudging her original start as a physicist to a biophysicist) and since she’s a can do sort of girl she goes to check it out herself before reporting it to the proper organizations-- bam, mutant lizard Mona Lisa rip
that same video came across on one of Donnie’s feeds, Raph’n Mikey go to investigate and come upon a distraught lizard Mona Lisa; Mikey uses her assumption they were also originally human to bring her back to the lair and get her calmed down
god it’s so messy, thankfully Splinter, Leo and April are far better at helping Mona come to grips with her mutation, Donnie helps out in setting her up to survive the first couple months of transitioning between her old human life to navigating her mutant one
For me, she’s now Mona Lisa Saperfeld purely for this exact reference link
Raph and Casey also get the occasional treats from the local bodegas, but for running off extortionists and other assorted dipshits with too much time an not enough supervision
Jennika, Mondo, and Mikey are constantly replacing each others’ high scores in Guitar Hero and DDR in Donnie’s arcade
When Donnie, Casey, and Raph are left in the garage for too long... they end up making the weirdest shit (link to a Handy Geng playlist, a dude who makes funky inventions)
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whowebber · 3 months
How much do yall think would be the rent of a mirage apartment in NYC.
I need it for my fic.
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fehinti · 1 year
I saw my wifey Waffles again last night and she killed it per usual 😍😍🔥🔥
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I arise with spidersona art..
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This is Kinetic-Spider (yes, I misspelled it on the drawing, I am a dumbass)! They're
-On the ref, you can see that they're from Earth-4709, a universe where global warming has taken full effect.
Personal info:
-They're Demisexual, Demiromantic, and Gender fluid. They go by any pronouns.
-Their name is Kettle, they don't like sharing their last name because of their family.
-They are 17, birthday being May 9th.
-They are 5'4 with a mostly athletic build having been a competitive cheerleader in the past.
-They're afraid of spiders.
(yes, they are technically a self insert of me)
-They have temperature based power, mostly for adaptation and can only control their own body temperature, but they can melt metal and even free helium.
-When in water, the farthest they can freeze with their body is about a 20ft radius, and can also evaporate a 20ft radius at their current max.
-When hot enough, they can make opponents hallucinate (like when it's hot in the desert and you see a mirage)
-Can survive long periods of time without food and water, bone can't break (can be pierced though), can also survive in the vacuum of space if they really wanted to.
-Their temperature can effect how well their webs work, either melting them entirely or freezing them in the web shooter.
-They get massive headaches from being in either state too long (depending on their outside environment), they have a chance of their limbs dying or their blood vessels bursting (but they have a specialized suit to protect them from this and specialized gloves and boots to help), slowed movement when cold, and dehydration.
Some backstory:
-They were bitten by a radioactive tardigrade spider, so they're really adaptable.
-The spider was an experiment that broke loose from Alchemax, that experiment being in the same vein of deep water gigantification, seeing how animals may fuse together in the hot temperatures of their world to survive.
-They're a 17-year-old who moved from Denver Colorado to NYC after becoming emancipated from their abusive family. NYC is where they were bitten by that spider (a really ugly looking spider too).
-Their canon event was when they shared their identity to their best friend's family. Their best friend's mom flew off the handle, trying to kill them, but their best friend stepped in the way, getting killed in the process. The mother was arrested, the youngest kid went into the foster system, and they buried their best friend. This left them all alone.
-Now, they're a senior in highschool, living in a shitty apartment in a shitty part of town, working a job whenever they can, paying off debts, and trying their best to afford food. All of this while still being the Kinetic-Spider for NYC.
-Will have the standard spiderman villains, but creepy because they're all genetic experiments.
-Alchemax in specific will be an antagonist because they want Kettle's DNA for further experimentation. So they want to catch them alive. They've done past experiments with blood samples, injecting a serum into someone. When they injected the serum, the person overheated then rapidly cooled to extreme temperatures, blowing up the room, killing everyone inside that room.
-Mercenaries hired by Alchemax to find and capture Kettle.
-Family keeps harassing them
- Obviously going to have school and work issues. They've just got a lot on their plate :(
How they joined the Spider Society:
-Was probably fighting an anomaly when someone came to help them (probably Lego spiderman smh my head).
-They noticed their powers and abilities and said "why the hell not?" And just scooped them up.
-bada-bing bada-boom, in the spider society.
-They now spend most of their time in the spider society HQ, finding it WAY better than their live back home.
-They probably spend most of their time with Pav, Hobie, Peter B Parker, Spider Noir, and Gwen, loving the chaotic energy, but they're willing to hangout with everyone.
-Probably didn't join the chase for Miles Morales because they didn't want to kill him on accident, and everyone was too close if they wanted to use their powers. (They got yelled at by Miguel for that, but not kicked out because they've never actually seen Miles).
Small headcanons/details:
-When they first got their spider powers, they probably melted through their bed and froze the melted mattress over night. Definitely didn't show up to school for a week till they understood their powers, claiming that they were at a mental hospital or something.
-They're an artist, having designed and made their whole suit over time.
-Their spider sense was horrifying at first because they couldn't feel when people were looking at them or were near them till the got the spider sense, so now they're hyper aware of it all.
-Probably almost killed a bad guy in an early fight, also being the one to call an ambulance for them.
-Has anxiety and probably AuDHD, so there's a LOT of sensory issues that they have to deal with, but being too hot is no longer a problem. They can adjust their body temperature till they're comfortable.
-On hot days at HQ, they're used as the walking AC (can also be a space heater on cold days).
-Peter B Parker and Pav have asked for them to heat up their food on many occasions (sometimes resulting in a melted storage container on bad days).
-Definitely pranks Miguel with Hobie and Pav, and definitely has had their ass handed to them by Miguel.
-Didn't realized that their costume was similar to Pav's till someone pointed it out.
-Would help out Miles once Hobie explains the situation to them.
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xxzoruaxv · 1 year
i can’t wait for electric zoo, me and my friends are gonna make kandies soon so we can trade wif peeps
ahhh i can’t wait!! first ever edm festival let’s goooo!!
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
Mikey and April
They are each other’s stray cats
When Mikey meets April he literally acts in the exact same way he would if she were a frightened kitten. Beats up the thing threatening his creature, scoops her into his arms, and says to his brothers, “Can I keep her?” And then takes her home and gives firm instructions they should get him when she wakes, he’ll be listening to music. Tell me it wouldn’t be the exact same story on Mikey’s part if she had been a cat.
And meanwhile April allows her creatures to approach at their pace, let’s them into her home, bribes them with food (okay food Mikey and Donnie ordered but still), and tries to keep them—especially Mikey—away from fragile items. They are all cats in this show. Except for the, uh, rat. Sorry Master Splinter.
April and Mikey understand each other on a spiritual level. It isn’t very long after they meet that the banter begins, with her pretending to have ruined his comic books and him turning the lights off on her. They have fun and make each other laugh. They’re also very respectful of each other’s boundaries. Like when Mikey comes into her shop during a fight to say hi, when she protests and he realizes, he immediately gives the most sincere apology we’ve heard from him at that point in the show (maybe ever?) and backs right out. Or when Mikey wants to be a superhero and all of his brothers are making fun of him, but April rolls up her sleeves and helps him find an outfit. It takes them very little time to earn each other’s trust, and once they have it they never betray it.
I think the show under utilized their youngest sibling solidarity. Makes sense because Robyn is in one episode, and I don’t think age order is even stated (is Robyn younger in 2003? I’m pretty sure she’s older in Mirage and I like younger sibling April so I’m gonna pretend Robyn’s older). Anyway it would’ve been fun to see April remembering what being the youngest is like and sticking up for Mikey, reasonably or unreasonably. Could’ve been a cool bonding opportunity with Angel, too. But not very plot relevant so makes sense. I guess.
This friendship is so important for Mikey because she really is his first human friend. Donnie and Leo both seemed closer with the Professor (especially Donnie, but Leo is also shown to be trusting of the Shredder and the Utroms so I feel like it’s implied that the human thing isn’t a big deal to him), and Raph is close with Casey before he gets close with April. Mikey is the turtle who would want human friends the most. He shows the most interest in NYC culture and verbally states a desire to be part of the community more than once (the greater good thing). April’s first reaction on meeting them is screaming and fainting, so not great, but things turn around pretty fast and that had to have done a world of good for Mikey’s confidence.
You know how he’s obsessed with monster movies? I don’t think the irony is lost on him. Especially considering how quiet he immediately gets when Don points it out to him during Notes from Underground. The internalization of societal prejudice against him specifically is strong with this one. And in Mikey’s world, at fifteen, “society” irl is pretty much made up of April, Casey, and people who want to kill him. Thank goodness for April and Casey.
Some headcanons:
April is Mikey’s maid of honor just like he was hers
They are the party planning duo. Birthdays with the Splinterson-O’Neil clan are off the charts
They would have so much fun shopping together
April buys all the Turtle Titan merch
Most likely duo to argue about food. Does pineapple go on pizza? Sushi yes or no. How much hot sauce is too much. Why are you adding cilantro I hate cilantro—
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odessa-2 · 10 months
where is C and FMN gin?Or the pic with T and the business man...in London was to cover she was seen alone in NYC ...and S was there?
In beginning to think the FMN Gin is a mirage just like Tony.
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