#because motherfuckers keep trying to start shit with people I know
snackugaki · 1 year
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more AU visdev shenanigans because I have both a problem and am trying to trick myself into doing visdev for my actual  projects
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
lny visit 1 | 2
AU musings under the cut cuz truly, i have a goddamn problem and most of it is from my brain always go brr
uhhh... hm... Mirage spoilers pmuch right out the gate... probably IDW, and prrrrobably Next Mutation spoilers for the kids who haven’t started/caught up because surprise that’s where I pull from (aside from the 87 cartoon and 90s movies because who doesn’t pull mainly from their childhood turtles)
April being into punk, goth, alt, what have you just makes sense to me
...because she gravitated to the outsider nature of those subcultures since she, herself, didn’t feel like she quite belonged anywhere
which is natural when you’re a drawing made real
(it’s fine, she’s flesh and blood now)
shout out to poly styrene, april loved her
keeping them short kings just like my childhood turtles
Jennika absolutely comments to Donnie if he’s found any good cheese in any walls lately
god i hate plowing through the first couple of passes of a design
alas, the process
Venus ended up being dressed in hanfu since other clothes didn’t fit her quite right; a specific group of old women were ecstatic at breaking out hanfu patterns to use.
Chung I doted on Venus so much, the only thing that kept her from becoming spoiled was when she started taking up cultivation alongside Chung I and his sect
nothing more humbling that carrying 3 buckets of water up a steep mountain side while your sifu hurls mystic blasts at your feet
Venus progressed pretty quickly though; enough to be trusted with plans to circumvent Vam Mi’s return and reconnoiter with the sect’s allies in NYC
(it didn’t work but it’s okay they defeated Vam Mi anyway)
shit now I have to come up with a name for the sect hhhhh
Chung I’s sect is one of ?? who, like the ninja, have a responsibility (among others) to regulate the mortal plane with the less mundane ones
Venus IS training to serve in his role (give or take one of her brothers or sisters being bestowed the responsibility)
hmm... Venus likes keemun tea best if she has the choice, and for soup... oxtail soup and black sesame soup
and because it was fkkn metal in Next Mutation, Venus is primarily a pugilist who occasionally uses her cultivation techniques ; she trains a little with a fan when she gets to weapons training but she prefers the spear (link has blood and some real violent fighting but fuck Fog Hill is fucking siiiiick)
...a nickname Venus gains is ‘the spear fairy’ ‘cuz i’m indulgent :)
the supernatural side of NY was already getting antsy and unruly when Venus arrived so of course she and the boys ended up fighting upon first encounter
The fight happens after hours at a local walk-around market; Raph barges in and Venus fishes around for something that isn’t the requisite staff she was saddled with before setting out (because she knows how to deal some damage with it and she wasn’t about to do that to complete strangers she didn’t know the alignment of)
she ends up using a mannequin; one arm came off so Venus attacked with that and defended with the upper part of the mannequin; Raph was getting outmatched while Mikey and Donnie were laughing in increasing volume
at a certain point Leo tried to intervene but Venus assumed it was a double team, ripped the other arm off the mannequin and defended with both against Raph and Leo; eventually her hood was flipped and they saw she was a turtle so cue Venus using the opportunity to get them both on the ground and about to smash the now armless mannequin torso onto Leo and Raph before Donnie called for a truce
at which point, as is established, Mikey quipped up at the scene, “I call this... ‘Venus de Milo, triumph over dorkus maximuses’”
Leo DID try to address her by her actual name but his not-quite-right tone made her pity him and insisted he just use Mikey’s new nickname
Venus absolutely asked why the boys were running around half naked when she came across them; they didn’t have an answer they just shrugged and let Mikey change the subject with asking if she’s tried NY pizza yet
Venus is ambivalent in the end, she knew humans wore clothes since their bits are just ...like, out there dangling around; the yaoguai around her also dressed and thought they were just adhering to the custom out of simple consideration
Venus eventually gears up like the boys to help hide her mission from the sect trying to resurrect Vam Mi
Leo gives Venus a spare mask of his; it came from a bin of incorrectly dyed masks when he was attempting shibori dye experiments
Mikey was so enthusiastic about it, having only known April at the time he asked if he could try out braiding her mask tails since Leo didn’t bother tailoring it after he botched the dye job
Splinter helps Venus make contact with her sect’s allies ala Rescuers Down Under
NM!Venus canonically knows how to pick locks why not in this AU too
The boys take Venus to the library one night, Donnie pleads for Venus to break into the reference shelves, stoops to fibbing a little that information she might find handy could be in those shelves (they weren’t)
A hilarious exchange happens between April and Venus when Venus cycles through like 3 dialects and 2 languages before finding out April speaks Canto; Venus starts calling April Ah ze, in kind April calls Venus Ah mui
hmm hmmm... still torn between April meeting the boys once as little kids then running into them again when she’s an adult or having her meet them as little kids but connecting a little earlier, 1-2 years from graduating HS
mostly just cuz I wanna have this AU April taking them to GWAR concerts so they can enjoy being out without getting clocked 
Casey and Raph absolutely dressed as the Bash Brothers for a couple of halloweens
I like the idea of Casey thinking of himself as the fifth turtle brother because it’s sweet, thassit AU canon it is done
I feel like Jennika probably ran into April and Casey at separate music venues; befriended Casey first tho
Jennika spent two years in China with Venus, getting her handle on her new turtle body; when she came back she nearly cleaned out 3 thrift stores and basically commandeered a portion of Donnie’s lab for almost a year to tailor clothes for herself
Donnie basically made himself a mini-clothing manufacturing  factory by salvaging and rebuilding embroidery, pattern cutting, and industrial sewing machines
Jennika and Mondo have jam sessions
The brockhampton parody in this AU is northbrockton, Jennika and Mondo are rotational members
Mondo can speak hawaiian pidgin, he speak liddat when he go an talk story with Mikey ova some grinds, Mikey also starts picking it up
 Mondo sometimes refers to Mikey as Braddah Honu
One of the stolen waste/mutagen barrels from That Night rolled and got shunted conveniently to a desolate lot where it leaked for years
Mondo came across it looking for a place for his band to jam without getting interrupted, pop goes the lizard mutation
tl;dr a video of urban explorers stumbling on it got onto Mona’s feed (and I’m smudging her original start as a physicist to a biophysicist) and since she’s a can do sort of girl she goes to check it out herself before reporting it to the proper organizations-- bam, mutant lizard Mona Lisa rip
that same video came across on one of Donnie’s feeds, Raph’n Mikey go to investigate and come upon a distraught lizard Mona Lisa; Mikey uses her assumption they were also originally human to bring her back to the lair and get her calmed down
god it’s so messy, thankfully Splinter, Leo and April are far better at helping Mona come to grips with her mutation, Donnie helps out in setting her up to survive the first couple months of transitioning between her old human life to navigating her mutant one
For me, she’s now Mona Lisa Saperfeld purely for this exact reference link
Raph and Casey also get the occasional treats from the local bodegas, but for running off extortionists and other assorted dipshits with too much time an not enough supervision
Jennika, Mondo, and Mikey are constantly replacing each others’ high scores in Guitar Hero and DDR in Donnie’s arcade
When Donnie, Casey, and Raph are left in the garage for too long... they end up making the weirdest shit (link to a Handy Geng playlist, a dude who makes funky inventions)
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allophonicmess · 2 months
Too Sweet
Logan Howlett x fem!Reader
Act 1
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Remember that inspo I posed the other day? I coudn't let it go and decided to write a three part fic based on it.
Warnings: spoilers for Deadpool& Wolverine, descriptions of a panic attack, angst, implicaded age gap
word count 2k
No beta and English isn't my first language
there will be fluff later on but sadness first:
Too Sweet
Logan felt a great mix of emotions since he had followed that red-ass clown Wade into this universe. Most of it was anger, confusion, rage… But In that moment as he was sat on the black beat-up couch among Wade’s friends… He was overwhelmed.
Not by sensory overload, although that casserole that blind Al had made did stink up the place with garlic-
He was overwhelmed by the feeling of happiness, joy and companionship of the people around him. He hadn’t felt that way in ages if he ever did at all. He never felt that way with his team before everything happened.
He liked them, sure. But this company of weirdos shared a Kinmenship he never got to experience.
“Hey, Peanut! Are you angrily staring off into space to allow for good exposition?” Wade had plopped down on the couch right next to him. His jeans-clad thigh rubbed right up to his. At this point, Logan had given up on trying to keep him out of his personal space.
The older man frowned and stared at Wade next to him. His beer was getting warm but he didn’t feel like giving up his spot on the couch.
“The fuck are you talking about?” He huffed, taking another sip of his beer. But Wade just clicked his tongue, scooting even closer to Wolverine.
“Aww, you know what I mean! You are big and gruff and don’t talk that much… It’s kinda hard to capture you in writing you know. There are only so many words in the English language to describe your grunting and-“
“Are you done?” Logan sighed, finishing his drink. He was starting to regret coming with Wade. Getting drunk in some shit hole of a bar sounded better than listening to Wade's babbling.
“See! That’s what I mean. Sigh is nice, sure but it doesn’t quite capture the nature of those beautiful noses you make, big boy.” Wade petted Logan's thigh, which the older man quickly pulled away as he stood up abruptly.
“Jesus fucking- Can’t you annoy someone else? You got all of these muppets to talk to. Stop bothering me god damn it.” Logan placed the empty bottle down on the couch table. He scanned the room, looking for someone else that Wade could annoy to death. His eyes landed on the brunette… Vanessa… He knew that something had been going on between Wade and her. He never told him the details but from the pining look Wade gave her and the sad as fuck sighs he made, it was clear that the motherfucker wasn’t over her.
“Go and talk to the girl for god's sake. She might be the only one here to appreciate it.” He grinned at Wade, enjoying how his stupid grin faltered even for just a second. He leaned down on Wade's level, whispering to him in an overly joyous manner. “It might even get you laid.”
They stared at each other for a hot minute. Both men tying to provoke the other into action. But Logan was getting bored so he pushed “I might try if you don’t have the balls-“
“Fine!” It came out way too loud. Wade got up quickly trying to keep up his jolly attitude. “Fine, I will. But not because you said so.”
“Or threatened you.”
“You didn’t threaten me.”
“Sure, if you need to believe that” Logan got back onto the couch, now stretching out lazily across it. He closed his eyes, pretending to snooze.
There was no witty comeback, which surprised Logan. But it only came to show that Wade was serious for once.
Logan would never tell but he warmed up to Deadpool. He respected the man, despite his annoying and borderline brain-rotting bad humour. But he had principles. He cared for those around him, loved them dearly and would do anything to protect them. He did in fact. Logan spread out on his worn leather sofa is proof of it. He hated to admit it but Wade was the better man of the two. He didn’t let those he loves down, running away like the drunk asshole Logan is. Wade would have come to help her, would have-
The obnoxiously loud ringing of Wade’s apartment doorbell ripped Logan out of his self-deprecating talk. He blinked against the bright ceiling light and watched as Wade sighed softly. He had just started his conversation with Vanessa and it seemed to be quite a good talk from the looks of it. He seemed frustrated to be ripped away from it. Wade nodded softly, towards Vanessa, excusing himself but he was stopped by Colossus.
“No please Wade, I get it. You seem to be engaged in an interesting conversation.” The 7’5’’ metal man said, touching Wade by the shoulder to turn him back towards to woman. Logan huffed, he wasn’t the only one trying to get Wade laid.
The giant stomped towards the door, turning the doorknob that looked comically small in his silver hand to let the latecomer in.
“Hi! I’m so sorry for being late. I still had to finish some work. It’s the end of the semester, you know how it is.” A sweet voice called from outside.
Then two things happened at the same time. It was like a push and pull.
Ellie, Yukio, even that odd taxi driver… they all turned towards the door in excitement. Smiling and wooing at the woman that just entered the apartment with a cake carrier tucked under her arms.
Logan on the other hand? He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He sat there, staring as Colossus pulled her into a big hug, lifting her off the ground before taking the container off her hands to allow the others to greet her. She was smiling, laughing at some joke Ellie had cracked at her.
She looked younger. Maybe she was, who knows how time worked in this universe. Or it was the lack of stress she had to face, no heartbreak, no constant rejection from a bastard that couldn’t see that the best thing was right in front of him.
“Ah, there you are! We were starting to miss you!” Wade pulled her into a tight hug. He seemed to be content. And the older man cursed himself for even caring about it.
She hadn’t noticed him yet, or so he hoped. Maybe she didn’t know him. It would be for the best.
“Yeah, I already told Piotr, I had to finish some lesson planning at the academy before the school year is over.” She replied as she greeted Vanessa and the rest of the group.
“Oh right. You are the only one that actually knows what she’s doing at that school.” Wade joked, earning a playful remark from Colossus.
So she also studied at a human university before starting at the school, Logan noted. He was still stuck on the couch, feeling unable to move as he kept staring at her.
“You know her?” The sudden comment coming from right next to him made Logan flinch.
“Whoa, relax man. I just noticed you staring at her for like 5 min straight. And you don’t seem too happy about her being here.” Ellie stood next to him, casually watching the scene just as he did.
“None of your fucking business.” Logan managed to spit out. While he did get startled, the interruption helped him to finally feel able to move again. And it happened just at the right moment. He needed to get the fuck out of there.
Ellie just huffed, watching Logan get up on shaky legs. It could just be from the constant level of alcohol in Logan’s blood, making his knees weak, or the age. But she suspected that there was more.
Yet Logan’s attempt at a quiet escape was hindered by Piotr, calling him to come to the kitchen to introduce the two.
“Come to kitchen! I want you to meet my good friend Y/N. She also works at the school. You will like her”, the man sounds proud. He should be.
Logan ignored him, pushing his way through the small crowd with shaky steps. Why was he sweating for god's sake?
“No” He called, breathing was getting harder again.
“I’m good! I’m-“ He finally reached the door, rattling the doorknob and cursing that his fucking fingers got shaky. Everything was too loud and too hot and too-
“Wade, it’s fine. He doesn’t have to.“ She tried to stop the two men next to her from calling the man over. He was clearly in distress and it hurt her to watch him fumble on his way out. There were only so many people that were scared of her outside the battlefield.
She had met “their” Logan, but only briefly at some anniversary event. They had simply mismatched their time at the school. He left shortly after Y/N started working and they hadn’t met much. She wondered what the other her must have done to him to cause such a reaction.
Finally. Fucking finally. The door opened and Logan simply burst into the hallway, rushing down the steps to feel the air rush back into his lungs. A fucking embarrassment. That is what he was. The Wolverine scared shitless by a woman that doesn’t even know him.
But the other one did and it killed her.
“Logan, what in the ever-loving- fuck was that?” Wade had run after him. He just couldn’t leave it alone, could he?
“Fuck off.” Logan breathed weakly. He felt tears prickling in his eyes and it made him hate himself just a little bit more.
“You just running off? Scared of a girl?” Wade kept pushing, following Logan as he walked down the familiar street towards his bar of choice. That being the cheapest and quietest he could find in the city.
“Scared you can’t get one off? I don’t wanna make predictions but man, I think she is into the dark brooding type” he kept pushing “ Or you know what? If I can’t get Vanessa laid I might try with her, I mean she is quite-“
That made Logan snap. Turning around and impaling Wade against the closest wall. Both sets of claws out and push into the other man's torso. He only groaned in return.
“Don’t you fucking dare! Don’t you fucking-“
“Okay, okay, whoa ow… man-“ Wade coughed, lifting his hands in surrender. “ I was only joking man. Unfair. Fuck. I am unarmed-urgh”
Logan retracted the claws letting Wade drop to the floor. He knew the man was joking, he should. But it was all too fucking much too soon. He wouldn’t let it happen again. And how to best prevent the inevitable heartbreak? Don’t even let her get close, to begin with. She didn’t deserve it. She never did in the first place and he would do anything in his power to stop it from happening to her.
“So, you are just leaving me hanging? It’s your party too, you know.” Wade got up, inspecting the bloody holes that stained his new shirt. He cursed softy.  “Damn, it was brand new. Ruining a perfectly good shirt for the exposition”
“Don’t wait for me,” Logan said, turning away from Deadpool. A cheap bottle of whisky was waiting for him to calm his nerves and forget about that fucking stunt. He won’t see her again, not even talk to her or talk about her. It’s for the best. She would agree if she knew,  Logan was sure of it.
New requets for being added to the list via comments on the Masterlist post, please. That helps me to keep things organized :)
Do comment here for feedback and spreading some love ❤️
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visenyaism · 4 months
jaehaerys administration dashboard simulator
🫧maidenpooled Follow
listen i know all kingsguard are bastards but jonquil darke put a cigarette out on me. i think i huave shivers
ok bootlicker. you know what she did
🫧maidenpooled Follow
boots not the only thing id lick
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🌸queencrowned Follow
this could literally be me and my brother if it weren't for my bitch mom trying to send me to the other side of the fucking continent
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doctrine of exceptionalism meatriders when someone asks them why 75% of dragonstone is blonde and me and half of flea bottom have gleaming amethyst eyes and/or beautiful delicate cheekbones
🥀maegorwife Follow
that's different...targaryens are literally divinely ordained by the seven to rule because they're stronger and better than us...that's why they have the dragons it is in their sanctified valyrian blood
cannot stand this fucking website. spending my last silver stag on tyroshi blue hair dye im not going to be associated with you people.
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oh so when maegor has seven wives he’s “aegon’s true son” and “cool” but when i have three boyfriends suddenly im a “whore”
🫀lustywench Follow
op i support you but they did call him “the cruel” for that it was a very important part of the story that he was in fact maegor “the cruel”
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doing all of this with a FAITH OF THE SEVEN URL...girl you better pick a hell and start hoping
#bring back the faith militant
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hey isn’t it weird that so many of the king’s children have suddenly and mysteriously died lately. under the care of the maesters. what if they’re planning something…,
ugh i wish🙄 speed that shit up fr
likes charge reblog cast
me when im in a being dead combination and my opponents are jaehaerys' whole army of childraeyn of the corn
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yoooooooo theyre quarrelling again.
alysanne targaryen if you're reading this i could change your life just give me one chance let me hit
there are gold cloaks outside of my house
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⚔️errantmaid Follow
kingsguard dick is good as fuck when you don't have a motherfucker in your ear saying it violates a sacred vow made in the eyes of the king and the seven😜
⚔️errantmaid Follow
the king chopped it off and sent him to the wall i fucking hate this place can't have SHIT in king's landing
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hey has anyone seen princess gael. it's been literal months and she seems to have up and disappeared with no official announcement from the palace? would be the third female relative to go missing in the king's custody after aerea and saera....
🐝beeeeeeeeeeeeesbury Follow
damn that's crazy. im sure shes fine though anyways i'm a big fan of this new road the king built theres a lot of nice new roads does anyone else like the roads
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🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow
day 18262 of not fighting the brackens. this is boring as fuckkkkk what am i supposed to do. pretend to care about the triarchy?
kill yourself
🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow doxxed. get your dumbfuck horse breeder knights ready because our strongest and noblest raven warriors are on the way to your nasty ass keep right now bitch
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hadersversion · 30 days
yet another drabble about dad!logan because i’m watching the wolverine and love sick over this man!
obviously logan is a girl dad…as we seen many many many times. i can definitely see him wanting a BIG family, once you got him started and he’s seen you pregnant with HIS child? oh, that motherfucker will BECOME a mother fucker. he’s like a rabbit with you, constantly on you.
the one thing i keep picturing is the two of you setting up the nursery together. he obviously did the heavy lifting and painting, which cause a fight between the two of you constantly. “im pregnant, lo. i can do somethings, ya know?” “i know, bub, why don’t ya set up the library while i finish putting the dresser together?” it’s all about compromise…in some way? but the two of you spend hours in there together, trying your hardest not to lose your mind over ikea’s confusing directions and the missing screw that fell somewhere in the room. logan is trying not to lose his cool in front of you, mumbling under his breathe. but you know once you leave the room, he shouts swears and knocks the boxes over. it makes you laugh as you grab waters in the kitchen. but once the nursery is done, you two are so exhausted you fall asleep on the floor using the baby’s new pillows. though it was sort of uncomfortable, you two felt content knowing that the room was done and your baby would be here soon.
but your first kid is a girl, his heart swells when he sees you holding this perfect bundle of joy that’s a perfect combination of the two of you. but you swear a tear leaves his eye when that beautiful baby girl opens her eyes and they look exactly like yours…logan never had a favorite color before until he looked into your eyes. and now he gets to see it even more through your daughter. you knew logan was protective over you, that was a given. especially since you were pregnant but once the second his daughter came into the world, you could’ve swore he took over the role of mama bear. he would hover over ANYONE that touched them, made sure they washed and sanitized their hands multiple times, he would even ask people if they were feeling sick before they even entered the room. you had to convince him people didn’t need to wear a mask and gloves in the hospital room. but once the team met baby wolvie, he felt at ease. a little prideful showing off your guys’ daughter, actually showing off his smile to show just how happy he is.
he’s definitely going 10 mph on the drive home, cursing under his breathe at people beeping and swerving around him, not wanting to yell in front of the baby. “logan, you can speed up a little bit. she’s not going to fly out of her car seat.” “stop being a backseat driver, would ya hun? i got this.” “whatever you say old man.”
the first night was obviously tough with the baby crying and making a fuss over everything. you cried, logan held you, you both were frustrated and upset. it was tough, you knew it wasn’t easy but holy hell this was shit. but you had that support system, the man you loved helping and comforting you. but once that sweet baby girl settled in your arms and finally slept longer for an hour, you both gave each other a tired smile as he kissed your head. “you’re glowing, mama. absolutely gorgeous.” “shut up, i know i look like shit.” “shut the hell up, why would you say that?” “because you look like shit, papa.” you both laugh and pass out on the couch, receiving the best sleep ever in each others arms. until the baby monitor goes off less than two hours later.
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winterzsurprise · 1 year
Taking care of you || Miguel O'hara
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Pairing: Miguel O'hara x f!reader
Summary: Miguel comes home after a rough week and a half out of his universe and you decided that the only way to take care of him was to web him down.
Tags: NOT BETA READ, SMUT, bondage, overstimulation, denied orgasms, multiple orgasms, blowjob, blindfolds, he bites you and paralyzes you, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks), big dick Miguel, sub Miguel (ig??? he still try to get the upper hand throughout)
Words: 2k
I was struggling because all the words I know are aggressive because I watch gaming streamer (Quackity & Roier) and I don't think moaning pendejo or chinga tu madre is very sexy.
Spanish speakers, tell me what moanable curses you guys have, it's for science (I am begging u)
mi vida - my life || cariño - honey || mi amor - my love || dios mio - my god || mierda - shit || puta madre - motherfucker
When Miguel came home after a long week and a half, he’d expect a heartful meal to consume before passing out on a warm bed beside you. To get bound on the chair with a special web fluid designed to keep him down in the dimly lit apartment is not one of those expectations.
Being a Spider-Man with no spider senses, his first instinct was to break out of the binds, calming down and unmasking once he caught a whiff of your scent.
“Mi vida? What are you planning this time?”
“Nada, is it a crime to want to take care of you?”
Your touch burned through his suit as you dragged your fingers across his chest. After days without being to see nor feel your presence near him, the desire in his chest grew from a pea sized to universal.
“I’ll give you thirty minutes to finish what you planned before I break out of this shit.”
You grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look over his shoulder where you stood so mysteriously with no indication of your clothing visible to his eyes.
“You won’t.”
Miguel chuckled. “Why not? I can probably break out of this if I want to.”
“I’ll go back home to my dimension for a month and you wouldn’t even be able to find me since you’d be busy with work.”
He frowned, cursing under his breath to which you giggled at.
“Are you going to break out, mi amor?”
He said nothing, turning away bitterly and you took it as a win. 
“Now, let me take care of you.”
When your lips first touched his neck, a spark went off in his veins. He grunts as your hands start roaming his chest with feather-light touches, forcing him to retract the suit to be able to feel your warmth on his skin to complete the gaping hole in his chest.
There was something about Miguel being tied up, hopeless and responsive to your touches as depravity clawed at his chest.
The frustrated groan when you pulled away to reposition yourself to sit on his lap told you everything you knew, the tent poking you when you sat on him was also a confirmation. Placing a kiss on his cheekbones, you pulled out the blindfold from your pockets and he groaned.
"Oh shush."
You've read somewhere about blindfolds enhancing the experience as a whole, something about taking out one sense amplifying the others and decided to try it out tonight.
And Miguel having sharper senses than most Spider people only made your plan irresistible to not do.
Tying it around his eyes, you find yourself enamored with how vulnerable and submissive he looks right now.
"Darling, you look so pretty like this."
He scoffed. "I would look better on top of you, cariño."
"Fair enough."
Unbuttoning his shirt, you placed light kisses on every inch of skin exposed to your eyes while he'd sigh at the feeling of your lips on him. You weren't able to unbutton it all nor push it away due to the webs but you deemed it perfect as long as his pecs and some parts of his collarbones are out in the open.
Turning your attention to his pants, you captured his lips with yours and it instantly grew heated with a hunger not even a meal alone can satisfy. Pulling his fly down, your hands rose to tug at his hair to which he groaned, a reaction you've never had in the past.
Is it really effective?
Pulling away, you tugged on his waistbands and pulled them down to reveal his girth standing at full attention leaking with pre-cum.
"Fuck… touch me."
“You’re not in control here.”
Even then, you wrapped your hand around his dick and even that alone got his breath stuck to his throat.
Maybe you should bring the blindfold more often…
Pumping him leisurely, he threw his head back, melting into the chair, thighs spreading wider as the enhanced ecstasy spiked his veins, stirring every fiber of his system awake.
"Mierda, th-that feels so good…" 
The sight of his glistening chest heaving heavily as sweat beads on his forehead is enough to make your nose bleed till the next year. A memory forever ingrained in your mind. 
You trailed kisses on his collarbones and up to the side of his neck. Miguel's streams of mumbled Spanish curses and shaky exhales should be classified as a drug with how addicted and how greedily you were engulfing every noise he makes.
"You look so pretty like this baby, it makes me want to tease you a little."
He said nothing, reveling in the nirvana you offered him so generously. His hips struggled and writhed in the small space he was allowed to, chasing his promised euphoria with desperation.
But before he could notify you, you unmounted him and he let out a frustrated groan. Miguel was about to rip the binds until you got to your knees, only to web his feet to the chair legs as well and he grew more tempted to do so.
"Come on! Even the feet?"
"Gotta secure the package, darling."
Placing chaste kisses on his weeping head, the complaints died down in his throat. You then laved your tongue around his slit, gathering as much of his pre-cum and he groaned, dick twitching in your hold. His taste is heavy on your tongue and you moan.
You missed him on your tongue.
Taking his whole cockhead, Miguel flinched, arms struggling behind him as you hollowed out your cheeks and sucked hard while circling your tongue around his girth, providing him multiple sensations surrounding his girth.
"Dios mio, remove this blindfold. I wanna see you." He said, almost begging. "Please?"
"No, you look prettier this way."
Your hands stroked the places your mouth couldn't reach and Miguel's thighs trembled. His pants and borderline whimpers sounded like a sweet melody, the sight of his perspired skin glistening under the moonlight with his head thrown back burning itself at the back of your lids.
You'd stop at nothing to be able to see him like this again.
Then you heard a snap from the webs and you halted, pulling away to his absolute dismay.
"No no no no, ay puta madre—"
"Stop struggling and maybe I will continue."
He didn't say anything, his fuzzy mind struggling to conjure any good bargain to bring up.
"R-remove the blindfold then I'll consider."
He groaned, almost whiny and you grinned. Miguel slowly settled down, suppressing himself from breaking more threads. Once you deemed him behaved enough, you dipped down to take him in once more.
Relaxing your mouth, you sink in another inch of him before descending as further as you could go and pumping the other areas you knew you couldn't reach. The groan that left his lips was guttural, almost animalistic.
"Fuck, I'm near. Deeper cariño, I know you can do it."
Pinching his shaking thighs, you quickened your strokes while waiting for any tell tale of his climax. When his breathing picked up and his abdomen pulsed, you pulled away.
And Miguel whimpered.
And he realized it a little too late, cheeks darkening as he groaned in embarrassment.
"You did not hear that."
You laughed lightly. "But it was cute."
"Fuck your cute and pretty bullshit, why did you pull away?!"
You grinned. "I liked seeing you struggle."
"Ripping this off gets very tempting every passing second."
"I'll run away and don't think I won't do it."
The sound of you shedding off your shorts stopped him from mumbling incoherent complaints. You swung your leg over his thighs and placed yourself above his weeping dick. With his sense of smell
"Don't break from the webs, alright? If you do—"
"You'll run away, I know. Just fucking get on with it."
"So impatient, what if I don't do anything at all?"
"I will break off these chains and take you on the floor. Don't tempt me." He growled, pushing his arms out, stretching the webs as a demonstration.
Rolling your eyes, you lined him against your heat and sank down, the hardest part of your plan for the evening. Despite trying your best to stretch yourself out earlier before his arrival along with the drenched state you're in, it proved useless with how difficult it was to have him.
You hissed as the burn of the stretch lit your veins on fire and Miguel grunted, arms twitching at his sides.
"St-stop clenching so hard!"
"Not my fault you have a big dick!"
As you take in more of his inches, Miguel grew crazy at the warm tightness surrounding him reawakening the denied orgasm earlier. The blindfold taking away his sight only magnified the pleasure flooding his system to the brim. The coil in his abdomen tightened and he threw his head back, absolutely light-headed and drunk on ecstacy.
"Le-let me bite you, yeah? It'll go away. Fuck…! I'm so close..."
You didn't second guess his intentions, falling to his shoulder with your neck bared to his lips. Trusting your Spider-Man genes, he spared no time leaning down and sinking his fangs into you.
You gasped at the feeling of his incisors piercing your skin as your mind grew fuzzy and your body numbed itself to paralysis. Miguel, desperate for his climax, plunged his entire length into you before thrusting savagely in and out of your heat.
The sound of a hundred threads ripping off cuts through the air, his arms surged from behind the chair to curl around you. His heavy exhales, borderline whines, made your brain short circuit as he chased after his denied orgasms ferociously.
Panting openly on your shoulders with your name vaguely murmured like a mantra, you moaned at his sounds as he came with a shout, the feeling of his liquid arousal spurting into you made you shiver with delight but the shaking thighs beneath you only fueled your arousal further.
"F-fuck…! Thank you cariño. Mierda..." 
The paralysis ebbs away while Miguel continues to convulse, albeit weaker than before. Mouth hung open as he threw his head back, hands falling to your waists.
"How rude, you didn't even consider my pleasure, mi amor."
His grip on your sides tightened as you bounced on his dick and he faltered, trembling as he gasped and groaned at the overstimulation nipping at his senses. His hands tapped your thighs, asking for some rest and you slowed, waiting for him to use your safeword.
When he didn't, you picked up your previous pace and grinned.
"But when I did that, did you stop, cariño?"
He didn't answer as streams of Spanish curses and colorful words escaped his mouth. 
"Exactly, so take it like a king, alright? Maybe I'll forgive you for getting off the web."
You rolled your clit in tight and fast circles, growing merciful for him as his sounds turned into whimpers and pleads. The sinful sight of his sweaty self blindfolded and body intoxicated by ecstasy along with his beautiful noises was enough to bring you to the edge.
With a few strokes and rolls of your beads, you came. Warmth explodes from your chest to your fingertips and you let yourself sag to his shoulder whilst he grunted at the stings of overstimulation still mouthing at him as your walls pulsed around him.
"Fuck…! G-get off…"
He didn't even manage to get his sentence out when he exploded again inside of you and practically lost consciousness with how lax he turned beneath you.
Concerned, you tapped his cheeks. "Baby, are you still there?"
It took a while but he eventually answered, removing the blindfolds himself to peer up at you with glazed eyes. "Barely… You won't leave right?"
"Yeah, I was joking."
You smiled, placing kisses on his forehead, cheeks, and lips. Miguel's face bloomed at this, grinning slightly.
"You did so well, darling."
He only nods. "I'm confiscating that solution by the way, you're not webbing me up again."
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wannabeschyulersister · 3 months
under pressure
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You were going to kill Richie. Strangle him until he was blue in the face. What sane person would send someone 47 texts while they were at work?
The door to the Bear was locked but you pounded on it until Fak answered it. “(Y/n)! What are you doing here?” He genuinely looked happy to see you.
“Hi Fak. Where the fuck is Richie?” You got straight to the point.
“He’s uh, in the back I think.” Fak knew better than to keep babbling on when you were upset.
You walked across the recently buffed floor to find the tall motherfucker that doesn’t know basic texting etiquette. Once you walked into the kitchen, it was pure chaos. There was shouting (mostly coming from Richie).
“Richie!” You yelled causing everyone to stop in their tracks.
Richie’s eyes widened a little, “Hey-“
You moved towards him and immediately shut him up, “You texted me 47 times! My phone literally froze from all of the texts! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What’s wrong with me?! I was textin’ you because your boy is losing his fuckin’ mind!” Richie shouted back.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Richie grabbed a piece of paper off the counter, “Look at this shit! He’s changing the menu every fuckin’ day and also has this bullshit list of non-negotiables.”
You grabbed the paper from him (more like snatched it) and quickly glanced over it. It did in fact seem like Carmen was losing his mind.
“This doesn’t give you an excuse to text me like I owe you money or something!” You handed him the paper back (more like threw it) and made your way to the back in search of Carmen. He wasn’t in the office or near the lockers. You opened the back door and he was leaning against the wall.
He looked up when he heard the door opening and was surprised to see you. “Hey, I thought you were comin’ later tonight.”
“That was the plan but Richie is a dick.”
Carmen chuckled and reached out for you. You set your bag on a nearby box and let him pull you closer. He rested his head on your shoulder, “I think I’m fuckin’ this up.”
“And by “this” you mean the restaurant?”
He nodded a little against you, “Everything is fucked.”
“It did seem a little chaotic in there today. Richie said you want to change the menu every day?”
“It’s what the best restaurants do. It’s insane, I know but we have to try.”
“Doesn’t it seem a little insane to try that though?”
“It’ll be worth it. I don’t want to let anyone down. Everyone’s countin’ on me. I want to get Syd a star. I want to help Richie and Fak. Tina. And Marcus-“
You placed your hand on the back of his head soothingly. “I know, Carm.”
“I can’t disappoint everyone. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Carm, you make me proud each and every day. What you do in that kitchen is magical. Sure, sometimes a little dramatic,” that made him laugh, “but you’re amazing at what you do. This place, it’ll start off bumpy, it wouldn’t be easy. But once you all settle into your groove, people will be fighting to get into this place.”
Carmen tightened his grip on you and took a deep breath. He lifted his head and looked at you. You could see the anxiety practically written on his face. He was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. You wanted so badly to take the burden off of him.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He mumbled before kissing you softly.
“You’d have to deal with Richie’s crazy ass by yourself.”
Carmen laughed again and rested his forehead against yours, “What a nightmare.” You loved looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
“When Sugar is out on maternity leave, I want to step in to help.”
Carmen was a little surprised about what you said, “Really? But- but what about your job?”
“I’ve talked to my boss. I’m going to use some vacation time and then reduce my hours so that I can do both.”
“No, (Y/n). I can’t have you spreadin’ yourself so thin. I don’t want you stressed.”
“I’m going to be fine. I want to be here with you and to help the others.”
“Carmy, I’m not taking no for an answer. Don’t you want me around more? I’ll take some stress off of your plate. I’ll be here late nights with you with no one else around…” you trailed off hoping he’d catch the hint.
He smiled a little bit, “Late nights?”
You nodded, “Yes, late nights.”
“I like the idea of that.”
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imdead770 · 9 months
bro you should write x reader fluff headcannons for each of the outsiders characters
The Outsiders x Reader fluff - Dallas Winston
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Authors Notes - 1. This is such a great idea. This is a great ask, woah. Thank you so much. 2. I'll do one for each of the characters, but I'm in a Dallas mood. 3. These aren't complete thoughts, more random sweet shit they'd do.
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Dallas Winston
• Let's start with the basics
• Dallas Winston? Sweet? Damn you're lucky.
• When he confessed to you it wasn't a direct confession
• Called you pet names before you started dating
• But you're dumbass thought that was just his personality
• Which it is. You're right. He flirts 25/8.
• One day just asked you if you wanted to catch a drive-in
• And you were all 🤯
• Dallas Winston??? Actually asking someone out??
• The gang was practically flipping tables
• At the beginning he's still keeping up the act
• You know the one
• The " I'm from New York, fight me bitch " act
• But once he gets comfortable with you he's more " I'm from New York, love you bitch "
• He literally never calls you by your real name
• Doll is 100% his go-to
• Sweetheart, doll-face, the occasional darlin' and princess
• If you ask what your name is he'll probably ask which one
• He's actually surprisingly good with dates?
• Like the number type of date and give me your number type of dates
• He could list your birthday, the day you first kissed, the day you first fucked, easy.
• Never will though
• Gotta stay tough
• But he also is pretty good with balancing his time with you, the gang, and whatever else he does
• We all know he wouldn't hold your hand
• His hand's either around your waist, your shoulder, or in your back pocket
• He's practically attached to you
• He's not affectionate, but his hands always somewhere on you
• Like a moth to light
• He kisses you so much??
• Not pecks, he isn't Soda.
• If he's kissing you, he's making sure you remember it.
• Mf makes out with you anytime he gets a chance
• You're bored? He's kissing you. Trying to sleep? His tongue is already in your mouth. Accept it. You wanted this.
• Worst part is you can't even complain cause he's a damn good kisser.
" Dal- "
" Yeah? What, you got a problem, doll? "
" I hate you.. "
• You made out for like 3 hours.
• You're literally tired 90% of the time cause this motherfucker has too many hormones
• Not just kissing.
• You normally go over to his room at Bucks and sleep
• If you have strict parents he'll sneak into your room
• Not really a cuddle guy, but he'll let you rest your head on your chest or he'll drape an arm around you
• I don't think people talk about this enough
• You fidgeting with his chain as you lay on him, both of you half asleep as he slowly smoked
• 😭🫶
• Whenever he's in jail and you visit him he'll give you his chain so you have something of his
• 😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶
• Has two pictures of you in his wallet
• One of your face, helps him get through jail and long nights
• Another of your body, either in lingerie or stripped, whatever you were comfortable with. The reason for this is self explanatory.
• Johnny's gotta move down to 2nd place because he loves you so much
• He's a close second though
• He skips classes a lot, so you've probably skipped with him before
• He went to school more so he could see you more
• Still almost flunks out though because he's busy starring at you
• This is getting long so I'll wrap it up
• He's still a little bitch, but he tries to get better for you
• Him and the gang are so grateful for you because his life would've gone to shit without you
No idea who to do next so please comment because I'm too indecisive 🙏
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llamagoddessofficial · 10 months
I have a question related to the prison au. Sorry if this has been asked before but what if Mc didn’t com in as a nurse but rather a therapist. Like the jail’s first therapist and it was all mc’s idea because Mc thinks that if the prisoners have more of am emotional outlet they won’t be as aggressive to one another and will become better people/monsters after they get out. And Mc wants to make a difference for them because Mc knows that their jail life isn’t the best. Mc can tell sans is trying to manipulate them, and isn’t affected much by reds attempts to charm her as much, and Mc can see threw skill’s scary and can understand him more and teaches him how to communicate how he is feeling better.
Sans: Unlike pretty much all her other counterparts, this Mc is onto Sans' shit from the very start. Originally assigned to him as a mere formality, she immediately clocks that this motherfucker is much scarier than anyone has noticed before. His 'therapy sessions' are more like mental chess matches between two very perceptive people. Her aim is to genuinely try to treat him, genuinely try to get to the bottom of why he's turned into this terrifying mastermind, and perhaps even help him; there's not much else she can do. No one will believe her. Sans knows that, too.
Sans loves it. At last- someone who really, actually understands him, and the monster (not Monster) he's become. Not someone from his past lingering endlessly on who he used to be, not another pawn buying his 'harmless' persona. He loves having someone who is finally, finally in on his game. He was already fascinated with her from the start, this just makes it so much more intense- he loves being able to drop the mask. He loves the challenge of having to find ways to manipulate that are outside of his usual routes. He loves her, she's all he lives for.
She wants to help him? Cute. He'll show her what the world is really like. Then they can be puppetmasters together.
Red: She's assigned to Red to 'help' with his constant violent outbursts, after he gets in a particularly brutal fight and has to choose between attending therapy or lengthening his sentence. He's not the first violent offender she's dealt with, and he's definitely not the first flirtatious patient... but he's definitely the first that seems so utterly determined to charm her. She's firm on not breaching her ethics and she won't allow herself to do anything more than just get along well with him.
Mc actually makes a big impact on his mental health. The instinct to open up to her is a hard one to ignore, given his affection for her and their great rapport, and Red just likes her more and more with every issue she helps him work through. He doesn't like that she absolutely refuses to be with him, and he sees it as more of a challenge than anything.
When he gets out, he'll make sure she knows he's still very interested in some private sessions...
Skull: Giving Skull a therapist kinda feels like putting a band-aid on a completely severed torso. But it was a legal requirement. He cycles through therapists who either immediately refuse to treat him, or get a few days in and THEN refuse to treat him. Mc is just another in a long line of therapists that the prison expects to see rolling in.
... Except... he's so good for her. He tries to talk, he's calm and never bites, he's highly engaged with the tasks she gets him to do with her, he quickly notices that the better he does the more they make her spend time with him. The less violent he is, the more she talks to him in that lovely soft voice. Anything for more of her voice.
... Issues arise when Mc starts to understand that Skull has developed feelings for her. Deep feelings. He's always trying to kiss, nuzzle or hold her- it feels unethical to keep treating him. But it's also a well established fact that her presence in his life has probably saved several lives. If she tried to tell the prison that she didn't want to treat Skull anymore, she'd probably get a response along the lines of "we don't care, just keep him from eating anyone's hands".
She's not really got much of a choice.
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weebsinstash · 10 months
When I say with my entire being in my heart of hearts that I know with certainty that this-this-this THING right here would do the absolute most unbelievable petty gross obsessive dahmer level shit to you
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He's petty he's evil he's got a childlike fascination for seeing what breaks people down and I hate him I hate him I hate him but ALSO what that dick do tho? 🤔
Mahito is the yandere over here doing shit like imprisoning you for his own selfishness and perhaps genuine affection but making you live in absolute deplorable conditions because He's Not Fucking Human And He Doesn't Even Know How To Feed You. He locks you away and disappears for an entire day and comes back with like a single can of wet dog food that he watches you eat from a squatting position like 5 inches away looking at you like Harley Quinn and the egg sandwich. Motherfucker would take all your clothes because he wants to see more of "the natural shape of you" and then doesn't understand why you start shivering. Or he deliberately keeps you like that because he wants to see how long it takes you to crack and beg him for help. He wants to see the depths of your pride as you refuse to grovel, curious of the lengths you'll go, the limits of your body against the chill
This depraved fuck will do dehumanizing little emotional experiments on you where he does shit just because he wants to see how you think and feel and what you'll do and I mean like he'll do SOME REAL SHIT. I'm talking maybe he's stalking you and you can't fight or use cursed techniques and you think he's just like, a human shaped spirit or something who's just a trickster, he's not being violent or getting you alone or anything yet, and then you come home to your apartment one day and he's literally disemboweled your cat on your coffee table and he's playing with pieces of it and says you were giving it more attention than him and sits there pouting as you scream and even tries to like touch you or hold your hand or hug you with. The fucking blood covered hands. like he would be so fucked up on purpose, "awww do you need me to hold you? You're so sensitive but i dont mind :3"
This man out here like "wdym you want me to stay away from you, all I did was kill your cat kill your mom kill your neighbor kill your best friend kill your boss' cousins' landlords' newborn baby BUT WAS THAT REALLY SO BAD 🥺" and does something infinitely worse to scare/coerce you into tolerating his presence
I'm not really uh into body horror or gore but as a side detail I feel like. Uh. There's like a legitimate risk of him actually unintentionally REALLY hurting you and has to use his powers to heal you. Like the one good thing he does is if he were to have you on death's door or like horribly injured he could just. Fix it. He twists a limb in a way he doesn't know it's not supposed to go and breaks it and then puts you back together like a broken toy while ooo'ing and aaa'ing at the way your skin stretches over the grotesque misalignment. Dare I say the horror of "him putting things that are way too big or weirdly shaped in you" also yeah he's one of the things he's putting in you and he's got a really gross like fascination with learning all about that stuff
He's really living just to see how many different ways he can make you cry and how many different emotions he can get you to display, just absolutely dedicated to terrorizing you while also chasing his own internal weird repressed desire for his own sort of belonging. You could be sitting there sobbing and he's either borderline getting off on it or he's standing there MAKING FUN OF YOUR CRIES like deadass even fake crying back to you
And the worst part is he'll do all this fucking shit to you and then the night comes and he'll still be over here like "and you'll let me cuddle you while you sleep right? 👉👈" and he'll be doing that Every. Single. Night. And what are you gonna do, try and kill yourself? Have fun risking accidentally making yourself a Curse and being stuck with him basically FOREVER
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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p — CHOI BEOMGYU x gn! reader. g — humor, fluff. w — swearing, beomgyu is embarrassing but that's nothing new with my recent works. 1.6k words.
note — inspired by this post. i'm supposed to be studying rn.
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everyone in your department knows that choi beomgyu is not to be trusted.
no, it’s not like he scams people with overpriced products on the university buy and sell forum. he doesn’t give you wrong answers during tests to fuck you over. he isn’t seeing multiple people at once behind their backs like a shitty fuckboy, either.
but when choi beomgyu tells you that there’s a buy one take one promo at the coffee shop near campus, you should probably think twice before rallying your friends over because of your shared coffee addiction. it’s the reason why hueningkai showed up to a department party last month wearing a penguin costume when the theme was business-casual. it’s the reason why choi yeonjun sends a string of curses to the group chat bi-weekly because he’s told that there’s a quiz today, only to arrive at an empty classroom.
it’s all harmless. it’s all fun and games and for a good laugh— but nevertheless, everyone knows to think twice before listening to the honeyed words that fall from choi beomgyu’s mouth. the problem is, the bastard is charismatic and he knows it. “he’s weaponizing his pretty face like a motherfucking gun,” you mentioned to soobin one time. so even if people are ware that he’s slimy little bitch that likes to fuck around a lot, they still listen to what he says. even when in doubt.
well, they’re all fucking stupid.
“hey, let’s compare hand sizes!”
and you refuse to be branded as a gullible idiot, too.
the sandwich you’re having for lunch suddenly feels dry on your tongue. “gimme your hand,” he insists, and you narrow your eyes at him. what...what the fuck is this bastard trying to do? “i wanna know whose is bigger.”
now, that’s a familiar line. it almost made your heart flutter when he’s batting his eyes at you so expectantly with that pretty face of his from across the cafeteria table, the fingers of his right palm outstretched and ready to catch yours upon your consent.
almost. but there’s no way in hell you’re humoring his dumb ass.
“sure,” you respond. and, after wiping your lips with a napkin, offer out your open palm for him in the air.
his face brightens— a tiny smile pulling at his lips.
beomgyu reaches out for your hand. before he can press his palms against yours, you quickly fold it into a middle finger.
it’s almost funny how his expression quickly tumbles into despair.
“eat shit, motherfucker.”
you clean up your tray and leave your dumbfounded friend behind. you have no idea what his intentions with that was, but you aren’t risking making a fool out of yourself at the suggestion that beomgyu might be trying to (pathetically) hit on you. he’s probably just concocting some more mischief— especially since you’re one of the people he has yet to victimize with his dumb jokes.
so you’re not surprised when he makes another attempt. but what you don’t understand is why he keeps trying to hold your hand.
“booooring. this class is so boring.”
he’s sitting next to you inside the lecture hall. so far, not that out of the ordinary. you do your best to catch up with your professor’s discussion, but from the corner of your eyes you see beomgyu finally giving up and melting his head into the desk, burying his face into his arms. “this sucks,” he muffles, before craning his head and you can feel him staring at you from below. “aren’t you bored?”
“i’m trying to pay attention, beomgyu.”
“pay attention to me,” he whines. “i’m bored. let me scribble on your hand to pass—”
“please shut the fuck up.”
at some point, it’s starting to confuse you more than annoy you. all signs lead to a boy simply trying to get the attention of his crush, but this is choi beomgyu you’re talking about. you just can’t trust him. not even when he always tries to follow you around in the hallways. not even when he drops a warm latte at your desk every 7AM class.
“i know how to do palm reading. do you wanna—”
“i’m not superstitious,” you immediately put up your shield to his spear. “thanks for the coffee.”
you really don’t understand him.
“there was a hit and run incident yesterday. you should hold onto me just to be—”
“red light. let’s go.”
you seriously don’t fucking get him.
“aaaah! i’m falling! grab my hand, i’m falling to my death!”
what the hell is he trying to do?!
“beomgyu, it’s a four-foot deep pool,” you deadpan, face flushed and it’s definitely not just from the heat of the sun. he perishes into the water with a splash. my god, what’s going on with him? you shake your head, trying to ward off an incoming headache. 
really. if this wasn’t beomgyu doing this shit, you’d be a hundred-percent convinced that he’s trying to make a move on you. that he likes you and is trying his stupidest to catch your attention. but it is beomgyu, and everyone knows he can’t be trusted unless you want to be laughed at. being this week’s joke isn’t on your bucket list. so no matter how many more attempts he’s going to make, you will be impenetrable. you will not be fooled.
that is until he shows up all serious in front of your classroom the next week. 
students are pouring out from the door, and you’re a heavy obstacle from their rush to go home because for some reason, choi beomgyu is there— also obstructing the traffic flow in the hallway. 
“what is it now?” you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at the worryingly large bouquet he has in his arms. “are your hands cold? do you want me to hold them to keep you warm?”
“that would be nice,” he replies. you seriously want to hit him. “but, no. that’s not what i’m here for. i decided that it might be best to stop asking for your hand because you might actually punch me this time.” this is a public area, you’d like to remind him. and that dangerously constructed statement of his is eliciting murmurs from the passersby surrounding you. you feel your face flush. 
“if you phrase it like that, people are going to get the wrong idea.”
“let them misunderstand, i don’t really care,” he shrugs. “what i care about is clearing up the misunderstanding between you and me. i don’t think we’ve been on the same page for the past few weeks.”
you furrow your brows. “what are you getting at?”
“taehyun told me that you think i’ve just been fucking around with you,” he says. “and i have to admit that i definitely have nothing to blame but myself and my reputation. but i want to tell you that i have been seriously, seriously serious about you.”
“sure,” you snort. “i definitely trust you, beomgyu.”
he frowns. “dammit, taehyun was right. you really don’t trust me.”
what did he expect? for the past year and a half that you’ve known him, he’s been nothing but unserious and troublesome. beomgyu brings mischief wherever he goes and you don’t want to make a misstep and be caught in that shitstorm— not even when your heart is racing a little too fast for comfort at the moment. not even when those flowers actually look really pretty.
“but i expected this. i’ve come prepared,” beomgyu tells you. what is it this time? you exhale. had he been normal, you might’ve trusted him at his first attempt to shoot his shot with you. “i’ve come to the conclusion that in order to get your trust, i need to stop messing around with everyone. and that begins with being completely, absolutely, unapologetically honest.”
again, this is a public area. people are staring and you’re starting to get a bad feeling.
“i’m in love with you.”
holy shit.
“i’ve been in love with you ever since taehyun introduced us to each other, i think.”
there’s fire somewhere. 
“that was over a year ago!”
that somewhere is your face.
“yeah, and?” he raises a brow. “that means i’ve liked you for over a year. i can do the math. i’m not stupid.” you want to throw yourself into a ditch and die.
“beomgyu, tell me you’re kidding.” not even your hands can fan out the inferno overtaking your face right now. somehow, there’s a lot more people around you than you remember, and while you’re suffering from a sudden onslaught of unprovoked feelings, beomgyu looks relatively unfazed. “you can’t be serious. if you’ve liked me for that long, then why haven’t you done anything until recently?!”
“funny story,” he starts. there is nothing funny about this at all. “i didn’t think i had a chance until soobin hyung told me you thought i was pretty the other week.”
soobin, that fucking rat. 
the context wasn’t even a positive one! you said he was using his pretty face for evil!
like what he’s doing now.
the words get stuck in your throat when you notice that beomgyu actually looks earnest. he’s not smiling or laughing— but patiently waiting for you to say something in response. your mouth is dry. your ribcage is shaking. it doesn’t fucking help that there’s three dozen people watching the scene unfold. couldn’t he have chosen a more appropriate place to pour his fucking heart out?
“you know what, let’s go.”
it’s an act of impulse. you quickly grab him by the hand and lead him away from the crowded hallway with hurried steps. “damn,” he says, trailing from behind you. “i didn’t have to try and convince you this time.”
what’s ironic is that this is the most honest you’ve ever felt of him. his palms are clammy and slipping through your fingers. he’s making jokes, but his desperate squeeze is telling you more than what he’s actually saying. “everyone knows to think twice before listening to me. but everyone also now knows that i’m pretty much in love with you, so that’s a win for me.”
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THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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prettyboypistol · 5 months
TF2 Mercs on Your Birthday! TF2 x M!Reader (platonic or romantic)
Super excited when you tell him your birthday and throws a big(for Scout, anyway.) party with streamers, haphazardly iced cupcakes, and a small little boombox with a mixtape for you!
Tried to make you a cake but fucked up a little bit, so he turned the non burnt parts into cupcakes.
He really does mean well- really! He was so excited to hear about your birthday since you two are kind of close in age! What? You're older than him by a decade! Doesn't matter to him!
Since you and him get on like a house on fire, he gets you a cake and formally celebrates your birthday
As soon as you two start drinking he starts sobbing about how he's known you and doesn't let go of you
This video fr
this motherfucker is so fuckin EXCITED for you. They're majorly bouncy and gifting you the best drawings/plushies
Tries his best to stay lucid the entire day. but the stress of trying to make sure your birthday is amazing
Doesn't do much for your birthday, but does little things for you throughout the day like sharing with you, joking with you, etc.
He'll tell you happy birthday and buy you a beer at the end of the night as a gift.
Maybe a little handknit scarf or something.
I hope you like bingedrinking and movie watching because he got the day off for both of you and none of those hours are going to be spent sober.
Goes on a rant about how much he loves you and cares deeply about you at like, 5 PM. then falls asleep on your shoulder.
Treats your birthday like every other day- after all, he doesn't know how you feel about your birthday.
If you ask for something nice or drop hints that it is your birthday, he'll cook you a nice dinner and make you a little doohickey.
Asks to spend the evening with you just sitting and shooting the shit with you.
A lot like Engineer, doesn't bring it up unless you do. He doesn't know if your birthday is a rough day for you so he's not going to ask unless you say something first.
If you're privvy to something though, he'll run into the gas station and get you your favorite candy as a little gift.
Offers to go hunting with you to "Get'cha away from the loud crowd for a bit."
If he likes you, there will be a bottle of fancy wine at your room's door with a birthday note attached, but he won't mention that it's him(but he will comment about how that bottle must have cost a fortune)
He's the more strong silent type, but if people keep bothering you about things then he'll be your dashing rogue and sweep you away to his smoking room where he'll offer you a marijuana cigarette and some whiskey.
"Why? It's your birthday, after all. Those buffoons give me a headache."
Probably forgets your birthday, and at your next doctor's appointment when he goes over your file, you correct him and say how old you are, he goes "Oh! Happy birthday!" and continues on.
Secretly he's sad that he missed your birthday and gets you a cupcake or something sweet as a late birthday gift.
hums "happy birthday to you" while operating on you for about a few days.
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goatedgreen · 6 months
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Okay lets analyse this one for realsies. Im gonna go through each character in this tweet and go through reasons why i think they either would or would not be crying first, then im gonna put them in order of who survives the roast sesh.... join me on this wonderous journey.
Let's start with Atsumu.... where to even fucking begin. sorry to the Atsumu haters but i truly believe he would not be crying first. First of all he has known Osamu since he was born and while Osamu is the "nice twin" the bar is truly in hell and that motherfucker is mean to one person and one person only and that person is his twin brother Atsumu. This mfer has been conditioned since birth to roast and be roasted. Not only that but this guy was CANONICALLY hated by everyone in his middle school, and his only reaction to that information was "So?" HE DOES NOT CARREEEE. And, I will say, while the other characters shown here are bitchy, they usually target people in petty ways that make fun of their skills (with the exception of Daisho who would probs call Atsumu a single loser but he'd likely just get annoyed by that not cry) and Atsumu knows that his skills are too good for anything they say to hold weight., He has the ego the size of the fucking gym. he's fine.
TSUKISHIMA on the other hand.... dare i say it not the strongest contender ... I dont think FIRST. but this guy is wayyyy more sensitive to criticism than people generally give him credit for. LIKE YES BEFORE YOU JUMP DOWN MY THROAT, he absolutely has the whole "keep booing me it only makes me stronger" thing going on in the Inarizaki game BUT YOU FORGET SO QUICKLY how absolutely insecure this guy is. until yamaguchi kicked his ass into gear in the training camp, he was of the impression that trying to get better at something he enjoyed was fruitless because there was always going to be someone better than him. Someone insightful like Oikawa or Atsumu would def be able to pick up on that insecurity and target him for it. I think his strongest talent is of course provoking people so much that they cant see how much they're affecting him, so he gets a lot of points for pettiness that would keep him from crying first because theres no way he's gonna LOSEEEE to someone like Daisho or Oikawa. BONUS POINTS on his behalf though is he was the only one on the team at the end of season one who WASNT CRYING about their loss. And i think the only one on karasuno who we havent seen cry (as far as i can remember).
Now listen.... fanon Oikawa is for sure crying first because for some bizzare reason people characterise him as a pushover twink. Canon Oikawa told USHIJIMA to remember his worthless pride so he could crush him in the future. like... he's kind of taking names a little. i'll allow him a small slay for his efforts of being a bitch to Ushijima. Oikawa is SMARTTTT and has a lot of emotional intelligence, so can for sure target people's insecurities with pinpoint accuracy. He doesnt get SUPER easily riled up when he's "in the zone" and only lashes out when he's backed into a corner. he hangs out with what is probably a team of people scientifically designed in a lab to HUMBLE HIM DAILY, so he has built up somewhat immunity to being insulted and targeted for bully behaviour. LOSES TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS OF POINTS for being kind of a sore loser and someone who FOR SURE cries when angry or frustrated.
Daisho.... why is he even here (sorry to those who love him). Listen... this guy is petty, and he lowkey cheats, and he takes immense joy in riling people up for shits and gigs... BUT WHYYY IS HE HERE LMAOOOO. to be honest, i dont think he would cry first purely for the fact that he doesnt know these other guys well enough to really gaf about what theyre saying to him. on the other hand, that makes him kind of an easy target because he's so irrelevant to these other guys lives that they could probably make him feel like shit for that reason only. he gets bonus points for being the only one in a canonical relationship (oikawas girlfriend we never meet that he broke up with doesnt count, in fact it loses him points).
WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID. the final order i think is, Oikawa goes out crying first, not because he's upset but because he got sooo fucking mad at Atsumu's unbothered behaviour he had to leave and he was angry crying while doing it. Daisho is next because Tsukishima said some shit like "bro who even are you lmaooo irrelevant ass" and he remembered he sucks at volleyball and got upset, he's okay tho bc his gf is there to comfort him. Atsumu cries next but not because of anything Tsukishima says, he just gets so fucking bored of Tsukishima not giving him interesting reactions to his jabs that he starts doing weird shit like standing on his head and he ends up hurting himself and crying because he is a big baby. Tsukishima is the last one standing .
That is of course assuming that Oikawa doesnt kill them all first with his Super Triple Homo Spin Serve that killed all of Karasuno. People forget so quickly that he is the most diabolical anime villain of all time...
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appleblueberry-pie · 9 months
More yandere 42 Miles Morales
I can see Miles having increased courage and confidence when he's with you. He'll say anything and everything that he thinks is important for you to hear, and he loves you too much to not tell you whatever is on his mind.
He wants to hold you so close to his side, feel your body heat radiate onto him. He wants to stare at you forever and wants you to stare at him too. He's dehydrated and you're his only drink of water, his salvation. He needs to have you, every part of you to himself and will remind you everyday.
You swear he's an insomniac with how often you catch him up at night when you guys text. But when he sleeps next to you, he's out and will stay out for a damn while. Hell, he'd wake up acting like he's in a fucking raisin bran commercial just cause you there.
Loves to whisper how he feels to you just to make you squirm. A romantic and flirt, only times ten because it's for you. Caresses your side, face, leg, head, whatever he can get his hands on. He loves you and will show you and tell you.
It definitely gets worse when you reciprocate it. He tell you a little flirt joke and you wholeheartedly/seriously respond back with confidence? He doubling down on you and won't stop cheesing. Don't run away, it's too late for that, he'll pull yo ass back and make you finish what you started.
If you text him, he'll text back in under a minute, no matter the circumstance. Nothing stops him from reaching out to you ever. If somehow you two end up arguing and god forbid you end on a bad note, he'll blow up your phone.
Another call starts up as soon as the last one ends if you don't answer. Sweet nothings of him begging you to answer the phone turn into threats to pick up(without him realizing it because he's too scared and angry to care about how it sounds) very quickly.
I'm laughing at you if you think turning your phone off and going to sleep will work. He will break into your house and wake you up.
"Fuck you turn your phone off for? Pensabas que esa mierda era graciosa? (You thought that shit was funny?) Huh? Don't ever fucking play with me like that." Doesn't care if everyone else is asleep. Just wants to get his message across to you.
That's probably the worst he'll get when he's "mad" at you(he will never truly get mad at you). Don't even ask about how he get when other niggas try to fuck around with you. oh my god. You tell him someone tried to touch you?
"Baby, look at me." Eyes stern, yet frantic. His shaky breathing is scaring you, but you can't let him see that. His hand grabs your chin, his hold making it hurt. "I need you to tell me that that's the only thing he did to you. Are you sure that's all he said? All he did?" He whispers it as if a hundred people surround you both wanting to listen in on what's being said. You nod and he shakes his head. "Cause I'm gonna kill that motherfucker. You hear me? Nobody fucking touches you."
He stares deep into your eyes, you can't tell if he's hyperventilating or not. All you want is for him to calm down, because seeing him like this is too much for you. You don't know if telling him was even worth it at this point.
"NOBODY!" He shouts it in your face and you violently flinch. He immediately consoles you and apologizes constantly. "Lo siento, lo siento, lo siento. Por favor, perdóname, cariño. Te quiero muchísimo. Solo quiero mantenerte a salvo.(I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. Please forgive me, darling. I love you so much. I just want to keep you safe.)" He whispers it in your ear and rocks you side to side. He can't stay still for the life of him. He sits you down on the bed and begins pacing.
Whispering to himself and clenching his hands. He then sits down next to you and holds your hands tightly. "I'll be back in at most 2 hours. I'll do whatever you what when you come back. But you gotta eat and catch up on your rest, okay, mi amor? I love you. And I care for you. And I want you to know that whatever happens out there?.....it ain't ever gon' break what we got. Alright?"
He slams his lips onto yours, kissing you passionately in a way he's never done before. A mix of emotions fill you and you can't find the words to make him stay. To make him stop. When he separates the kiss, he rests his sweaty forehead on yours. "I fucking love you." He whispers before leaving.
He would never ever isolate you or lock you up. He heavily prefers seeing you as the best YOU that you can be. He is obsessed with your personality, talents, hobbies, desires, speech, the way you walk, scent, everything. Taking that away from you is like murdering you. He can't live with himself if he did that to you.
Your family loves him, so it'd be hard to escape the relationship when they love him almost as much as they love you. He could give less of a fuck about your friends. You don't need them like you two need each other.
Try to mention anything bad he's done "for you" in the past? Will "assure" you to not worry about it and will justify his actions. "Don't worry about that nigga anymore, mami. I dealt with it. Y'all gon be cool now, okay? So don't worry your pretty self about it anymore and lets get you home. You look tired."
He LOOOOOVES when you coddle him or take care of him. His dream is to lay in your comfortable bed together while you hum him a song and you rub his back while his head lays on your comfortable chest. Every advantage is in his hands when he's sick because he has you to take care of him. He just becomes more delusional when he's sick, basically. Getting fed, maybe praised, cooed at, extra attention and care. Please. He leans into your warm hands like a touch-starved puppy.
Hates it so much when you lead him on strongly but then just shut it down entirely. Flirting with him, pulling him in by his jacket, constantly glancing down at his lips while giggling at his stupid fucking jokes. Then you just turn your head and walk off??? Man, fuck you. Follows you around whining constantly.
Eats absolutely anything you make. I canon he has a humungous appetite. Know how to make gumbo? Half of it's gone in 30 minutes. You'll have to feed him 4 servings every time you cook. That nigga eats everything. "Baby, this good as hell." Yeah, I bet! Knocks out when he's done. Good luck waking him up.
Anyways, he can get really bad at times. But most of the time, he's everything you could ever ask for.
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c0la-queen · 5 months
You | Tord x Reader
Here we go! I'm sorry if this isn't my normal quality, I wrote it while fighting off a headache... but also, I wanted to be a little silly! Because these are silly guys! I hope you enjoy the slight cliffhanger I left it on, hehe! Mwah, mwah!
Warnings: Tord is a bit of a weirdo, stalking behavior, obsession, Tord is 100% making assumptions about you and your personality, love this little freak <3
Words: 1.5k
Being a quiet person is not always an easy thing.
Some people would think it was. You never have to worry about saying the wrong thing. There were less chances of you offending anyone from your words.
Or, some people think the opposite. "I could never handle being so quiet" they say. It must be a headache to be around so much noise.
And… they were right, in Tord's opinion. It was nice to not have to get stuck in awkward conversations. He had the added bonus of being intimidating, so people eventually got the hint and stopped trying to talk to him. However, he also had to keep enough Advil on hand to tranquilize a small horse, considering he decided to live with the three loudest motherfuckers on the planet. Pros and cons, and such.
There were times when it proved to be nice, though.
Like right now.
The odd occasions where he had the day to himself. Tom and Matt were at work, Edd was visiting his parents, so that left Tord to his lonesome. What a great day.
As much as he would have liked to spend the whole day in the house, he couldn't. He needed to go grocery shopping - the fridge looked abysmal. At least it was warm and sunny outside. Still, he dragged his feet. He really didn't want to go to the store.
He was the son of the Red Leader. He had seen much worse shit. He had killed men in cold blood without batting an eye. He was not going to be bested by the looming possibility of social interaction.
…maybe he needed therapy?
If Tord ever managed to invent a time machine, the first thing he was going to do was find the person who developed wireless earbuds and give them a kiss.
Being an intimidating looking person was a great way to ward off unwanted conversations. But there were always people who had no sense of self preservation and chose to try and talk to him anyway. Wearing earbuds while he was out helped with that. Nobody was stupid enough to try and deliberately get him to take his earbuds off. (Except Edd and Matt, but they know that they'll get away with it.)
The basket handle on his arm was starting to dig into his arm as he stood in front of the pasta aisle, watching his pet idiots (roommates) argue on the group chat over what type of noodles to get. Edd wanted Ziti, Tom wanted Angel Hair, and Matt wanted Bowtie… for some reason.
Tord was busy calculating the risk vs. reward of banging his head against the shelf until he bled out of his ears when it happened.
You happened.
Through his music, he heard the sound of laughing and giggling. He glanced to the side, expecting a gaggle of obnoxious, immature 20-something year olds with the sole purpose of ruining everyone else's relaxing shopping experience. And that's mostly what it was. But, standing in the middle of them was you.
Hello, you.
You were laughing, just like the others. But not the fake laughter of conformity - no, it was real, genuine laughter. Tord didn't think he had heard anything so beautiful. He even paused his music just so he could hear it in its pure form.
The more he looked, the more he saw of you. You were like the sun, so golden and bright compared to these others you were standing with. He could tell you weren't like them, he could tell you weren't using some made up personality to try and fit in.
What the hell were you doing with people like that?
Then, you were moving. Your little group had apparently decided the joke wasn't funny anymore, so you were moving on. Disappearing into the next aisle. Disappearing from his life.
Tord threw a couple boxes of noodles into the basket without even looking at it, shoving his phone back in his hoodie pocket and moving on to the next aisle. He pretended to deliberate over what brand of laundry detergent to get as he subtly watched your group at the other end of the aisle. He was able to get a better look at you.
You were wearing a brightly colored cardigan, wool by the looks of it, that perfectly matched the colors of your earrings and purse. You liked to coordinate your outfits. You had on a little skirt that teased just enough of your thighs to draw attention without being slutty, but you also had black tights on. You liked to look attractive while still feeling like you were being modest. Your earrings and the clip in your hair looked like they had been bought from the girls' department store in the mall right across from Matt's store, that was always playing mind numbing pop songs and had unicorns everywhere. You liked cutesy, almost juvenile things.
Tord wanted to know more. He wanted to know everything about you.
A peaceful day all to his lonesome where he would force himself to get groceries before wasting the day away on the couch quickly shifted - now, he was spending the rest of the afternoon with you.
Well, almost.
You and your friends were walking around town, enjoying the warmth and dipping into any stores that caught your attention. Tord was also walking around town, a good distance behind your group, enjoying your warmth and drinking in every detail he could get.
And he had learned plenty.
He had no idea why you were friends with these people. From what he could tell, you were stifled in this group. They would talk over you, ignore things that you pointed out, refuse to go to stores that you wanted to go to, tease and taunt you, and walk ahead of you. Despite it all, you always kept a smile. You kept shining, kept illuminating the area around you.
They don't deserve your light.
Oh, but you knew that, didn't you? You knew, but you were so sweet and gracious that you gave it to them anyway. Maybe if you shone bright enough, warmed their skin enough, they would finally give you attention.
Tord would give you that attention. He already was, and you weren't even giving him your sunlight.
And he never would ask you to.
No, your sunlight was going to be a gift that he had to earn. It would be a blessing that he was going to work hard to have bestowed upon him.
He would never exploit you.
Like they did.
Tord slipped into the coffee shop, running a hand through his hair. The warm weather was causing a light amount of sweat to gather on his skin.
He pretended to look across the overfilled menu, taking in the names of all the absurd drinks available. He already knew what he was going to get.
"Hi, welcome in! What can I get started for you today, sir?"
The barista was smiling at him too much. Her eyes drifted down his chest, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. Her pupils her dilated. She was checking him out.
Not that he cared. On an objective standard, she was pretty. But she didn't shine. She wasn't sunlight. She didn't brighten up the entire room just with her smile. She didn't make the birds sing by just looking in his direction.
She wasn't you.
"Iced Americano."
"Will that be all for you? We have a whole menu of signature flavors. I'd recommend-"
"Just an Americano."
The barista blinked in surprise when he cut her off. Typical. A pretty person with a shallow mind that couldn't comprehend the idea of a person not being interested in them. She huffed softly before ringing him up and telling him his total.
He paid, then turned to go sit and wait for his order to be made. He didn't get very far, though, before he almost ran into someone.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I totally wasn't looking where I was going!"
It was you.
You were talking to him.
You were looking at him.
You were so warm.
"It's fine."
As Tord fled like a fucking coward, you gave him a sweet smile. You smiled at him. And he just walked away. Asgardians above, his father would have been so disappointed in him.
His phone buzzed in his pocket as he sat at a window table, watching your friends snicker at the coffee shop mascot.
"Mate, you've been out shopping for like 4 hours. Where are you?"
Edd's voice drifted out from his phone speaker as Tord pressed the screen to his cheek.
"Something came up."
"Did you get the bowtie noodles? Did you? Tord?"
There was a muffled 'Matt, get off me' and some shuffling fabric before Edd's voice returned.
"The fuck do you mean something came up?"
Tord glared at the boy you were talking to, watching you give him an adorable pout. Oh, the things Tord would do to you.
"I found the perfect girl for us."
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unknownperson246 · 3 months
Can we get a stalker Vince one? Maybe GGG era Vince
✮⋆Rockstar Stalker⋆✮
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Words: 1,126
warnings: *smut* *p in v* *dirty talk* *weapons* *fingering* *stalking* *breaking in* *cussing* *slight degradation*
You were scared to step outside because someone had been stalking you. It was a mystery because they did not reveal themselves to you. It was the year 1987 when Motley Crue's Girls Girls Girls album came out. You were a fan of Motley Crue and you wanted to go to one of their concerts with a friend. You bought the tickets because your friend agreed that she would be there with you. Your friend bailed on you at the last minute so you gave the ticket to a random person and you went yourself. You drove up there and You couldn't believe you were at a Motley Crue concert in the front row watching them and cheering them on as the concert went on. You get a clear view of everyone on the stage. Vince wouldn't stop staring at you but you brushed it off because you thought he could be looking at anyone there are a bunch of people and things here to stare at. After the concert was over you felt amazed like you just woke up from a dream. You were walking to your car after you left the stadium. You saw a man's figure in the shadows. You thought it was your stalker.
“Huh, who could that be?” You say curiously.
You decide to ignore it for now because it could be anyone who is leaving the stadium. You enter your car and start to drive. As you drive you can see an expensive-looking car following behind you in your rearview mirror. As time goes on and you get closer to your house you can see the car still following you.
“Son of a bitch that better not be you motherfucker” You say while staring at the bright headlights in your rearview mirror.
 You grab the knife you kept in the glove box of your car. You decide to stop on the side of the road to see if the car is still following you. Your hand was gripping your knife in case your stalker was going to step out.
“Please let it not be that creep” You whisper under your breath continuously.
 To your surprise, it kept on driving. You let out a breath of relief and you continue driving home. Once you were home you saw the figure of a man standing in your bedroom through your upstairs window you saw the door wide open. You start to freak out. 
“Fuck this piece of shit won't leave me alone damn it,” You say annoyed.
You remember that you keep a gun in every room in case someone breaks in. You suspect it was the person stalking you. You grab your gun from the living room and courageously walk in with the gun pointing at where you thought the man was standing.
“LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU BASTARD” You yell at the top of your lungs shooting at different places in your room. 
When you look at the man it's Vince Neil. Vince Neil was standing in your bedroom. Could Vince be my stalker? You thought to yourself confused. You stand there flabbergasted having no idea what to even say to him.
“Yo- Your Vince Neil” You stammer.
“Fuck yeah, I am” He smirks.
Your gun slips out of your hand because you think this is all a dream. He was still in the outfit he performed the concert in. You were trying to remember if you took any hallucinatory drugs before you left.
“Hi baby girl,” He says smirking. He approaches you.
“Why the fuck? Have you been the one stalking me?” You ask.
“Yes. You just look so beautiful and you caught my attention. I am your crazy stalker and you can't be with anyone else besides me. You drive me insane woman.” He says smirking.
“Vince, I don't believe anything right now. A rockstar has been stalking me” You say in disbelief.
“Well now that you know it's me I want to mark you as my girlfriend,” Vince says, his eyes heavy with lust. 
You don't say anything. You knew he was harmless even if he broke inside your home. Vince approaches you and starts to nibble your neck. You didn't stop him because your dream of being a rockstar's girlfriend was becoming real. This was your once-in-a-lifetime chance to be with a rockstar who was crazy about you.  He was obsessed with the idea of you being his girlfriend. You weren't going to miss this opportunity. 
“Hm I see that you like your crazy rockstar stalker boyfriend, don't you?  Only sluts date rock stars like me” He whispers in your ear. 
“Vince I want to be your whore” You say to him after you rip his stage clothes off. 
“Fuck me,” You say to Vince.
“That's what I was planning to do. I am going to fuck your pretty little cunt so hard” His breath is becoming heavier. You can feel his cock burning with lust. You can feel how hard he is. He takes your pants off and he starts to stick his fingers in you with his leather gloves on.
“Do you like that my slut?”
“Oh I love it” You moan lightly as Vince sticks his long finger further into you.
“Your cunt is mine” He growls like an animal in your ear. 
He pushes you on the bed and starts to put his cock in you. His hips align with yours and he starts to thrust his cock at an unreal pace.
“Oh, Vince fuck me” You cry out you could feel his hard cock in you.
“Fuck Vince” You sigh loudly. 
Your nails dig deeper into his back every time he thrusts inside of you. 
“Good girl you're being so cooperative baby,” He says while his hard cock shoves itself inside of you every second.
His hips continued to slam into yours for 15 minutes.  
“Vince I’m going to come” You cry.
“Let it happen baby girl” He groans and grunts.
Before you came Vince threw his head back and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. You felt something shoot up inside of you.
“Oh fuck.” he groaned.
 You could feel his dick getting slightly softer. Before you knew it he dumped his wet load inside of you.
“It's your turn now sweetheart,” He said after he kept thrusting inside of you.
 You could feel your legs shaking like there was an earthquake. You felt a similar knot in your stomach. He kept hitting your g spot and with that. He could feel your pussy tightening on his cock
“You're so tight” He groans.
 You come all over his cock. You both take heavy breaths. You still couldn't believe you just became the girlfriend of a rock star. 
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silvershiningtarot · 2 years
PAC 18+ What’s The Destiny With You and Your FS In This Life?
*Take five seconds to breathe in and out, this took a lot of my energy but I hope you enjoy it and this is general reading take what resonate with you and your partner. You can pick more than one pile if you whatever resonate with your partner. Don’t look at pictures because they pretty, trust your instinct.*
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Pile 1: The destiny between you and your FS in this life is that for some of you, you have a boy. Some of you are getting pregnant 🤰. You and them meant to call out the bullshit about people, most of you might have some intruders in your relationships. This old woman or this babymama or an ex might be sniffing around in your relationship with them. I heard them saying “She stressed me out”. Just be careful, it seems like this intruder will try to get your FS back to them. Or your ex will try to take you back. FIGHT BACK!!! You two will be done with people and these fake ass people. You two will start ghosting these motherfuckers. But I also feel that sometimes you or them will ghost you sometimes because space is needed. You and them are on a High Vibe Soulmate journey. You two mirror each other heavily, they will trigger you and you’ll trigger them. You two meant to be partners. This is your destiny with them. So you both are meant to start a business together for some of you. Or most of you is mostly like partnerships as a romance couple💘. BY THE WAY! I wanted to mention that you two are going to expose this intruder, or this intruder will expose you two. Boo 👻 ugly. So maybe 🤔 some of you wanna keep this relationship private but this fucking intruder will expose your relationship out to the world. Your FS might lived in Harlem or y’all might go do business over there. You’ll be riding your FS Face if you know what I mean 😋😛🤤🤤. Haha 😂 I can them say “I’m hungry for you”. So get ready ladies and gentleman. Haha 😂 I said it some of you might have so grip kitty 🐱 and most of you might have wet kitty. They’ll be into you deep, so they will always be attractive to you. I swear forbidden fruit 🍎 oh my goodness, they will take your virginity. You two are surprising each other’s with gifts 🎁. For some of you, this might be your true love ❤️ and you two will make each other happy. See!! Do you hear me calling! Do you hear them, they will send you messages even now they are. Oh yeah y’all be spoiling each other, very expensive stuff and dinners and restaurants. I feel like your FS is a nerd but in a good way they are. You two will have inside jokes and make fun of each other. Some of you might be your karmic soulmate and most of you I do believe this is your high vibe soulmate and two of you are on that journey together. This is your destiny with them. I’m hoping to take that chance with them. You or them have gotten cheated on and this ex will be an intruder. I think this ex cheated on them with a friend, both of you are impatient, don’t like to wait and vice versa. I don’t know if you or them are begging for forgiveness. Both of you need to stop covering up your feelings, be honest with each other no matter what because exes and people sense problems in a relationship especially if you lack in communication! So communicate with your partner always and vice versa. I don’t give a shit if it hurts their feelings or yours. You better be honest with them. These exes and intruders aren’t playing around; they will want your FS with them again. Your FS or you might be a celebrity for some of you, I sense that maybe 🤔 might become a famous doctor or musician or just have followers. You two will be in business together. Your destiny with your FS is that you two have a higher purpose, so this is a big mission between you and them. You two have to ascend on a higher level to become spiritually awakened. Yass!! You two are destined to get out of darkness for some of you, you’ll get your freedom back and find your way out of it. Proud of you guys. Don’t be begging forgiveness from anyone. That goes for you and your partner but I’m also getting that if you two argue that yes they will beg for your forgiveness. Vice versa. Yasss!!! This is destined to be your high vibe soulmate for some of you, oh my goodness I’m screaming 😱. You two are soul tied for life. You’ll grow old with them and they will grow old with you. I believe that’s what they want too. So yeah this is your ultimate soulmate for some of you.
Extra Information: They are quite shy ☺️. They keep to themselves, they are quiet good listeners and vice versa as well. They will be concerned about you and you’ll be concerned about them. You two are each other’s best friend. I think that you two are an aggressive couple. Yes your partner is quiet and shy but when they argue with you, they have a strong tone. This is very much an old history love story between you and your partner very much wayyy back! Some of you might have been Juliet and your partner was Romeo. I feel like your love story starts from there. Or Egyptian times. This is very much a star-crossed lovers. This is your true love ❤️. I heard them say “Don’t give up on us, don’t give up.” They would want to be your Prince Charming becoming your knight. Let them be your hero. This is destiny for the two of you. Two of you might have a quick marriage and spiritual marriage. You two will go in a new direction together. Cutting off cords with people. I feel like you or your partner is social media fronting. They are the key 🔑 to your heart, they’ll be securing your heart. They made some mistakes in the past but don’t judge them and same thing with you as well. They won’t judge you. Somebody will be low-key hating around the two of you. Oh yeah for some of you that your FS is a rapper for some of you they are. Or you can be a rapper or become one. That’s why the two of you will do music together and you’ll take over the world with them. They have sexy eyes or you have sexy eyes. The ex knows their secrets. I don’t know if you or them might be mind controlled. Because what kind of industry they are in or you are in so please be careful and patient. They got captivated 🫣 I don’t know if you or them got trapped or this ex fucking trap them. You two will join accounts together, yes this is a partnership between you and them. Sometimes you and them will be giving each other the cold shoulder, being childish and petty ugh 😣 lame 😒 but you two will solve the issue together. You two think that it’s wrong timing ⏱️ but it isn’t this destiny and you two will heal your inner child and watch cartoons together and be humble. Masculine still searching they will be finding themselves again and they had lost themselves once.
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Pile 2: For this pile, I sense that you’ll be the bride to be. They will give you a promise proposal to marry you, that’s so sweet 🥲 and funny that they’ll surprise you with engagement ring 💍. So you are destined to be married to your partner in this life. This is a fated connection. I sense you and your partner are the perfect match. But here’s the thing: either you or your partner will be clout hungry. Do anything for attention, trying to get famous or being a fake gangster. I think that they will put a lot of work into your ring. You or them or the both of you have low self esteem. You two lack self-confidence and probably people pleasers. Also feel like you two will join accounts together, becoming one together. Oh yeah see this is a marriage completion for some of you this is your true partner. You meant to marry them and this is your destiny with them. Two of you will solve the issues together. You two will be dealing with a lot of childhood trauma and I’m sorry that shit sucks. For some of you this is your soulmate and it is destined in this life that you two will be married. Future spouse and future wife came out so yeah this is your future partner and you are their future wife. This isn’t a joke like fucking deadass. Some of you ladies might be fuck girls as to where playa playa, you don’t want no string attach to you. I heard some of you guys have committed phobias. Don’t hurt them because you are not ready to be in a relationship and please be honest with them. Most of you dealt with unrequited love, maybe an ex cheated on you or dismissed you like they never had like you in the first place. Don’t take it out on the person who can make you happy 😊. You two will be heavily attracted to each other and they can’t get enough of you and you can't get enough of them. I’m hearing that song by August Alsina “ I can’t get enough of your drugs”. So yeah they won’t get enough of you and vice versa. You two will argue and fight a lot about the past, they will get on your nerves and you will get on them. Space is needed for the both of you, once you two come back from that space you’ll make amends with them and vice versa. Both of you will have a mutual understanding, they’ll respect your boundaries and decisions and vice versa. This is part of the plan, this is part of your destiny with them. They’ll be so tongue tied around you, they're not gonna know what to say to you. Because the both of you are stupid in love with each other but in a good way. I feel that most of you might settle for the love you think you deserve. Bullshit!! If there's someone out there treating you like shit dump their ass, I don’t care if they are friends, family, or even just someone you are talking to. That goes for your partner as well. When I think of A-List celebrities I think that you or them or the both of you will be well known for what you do. Having a lot of followers, hosting Hollywood parties and probably Instagram famous celebrities is what I’m feeling. There’s a lot of misinformation here. I don't know if you or them or someone will get the wrong info. Don’t trust the media or gossip. They might bottle up a lot of emotions, holding it in and vice versa. Someone kept your partner silent, I felt that this might happen in past life with the two of you before. They are struggling in music careers again for some of you might be doing music or they are. But nobody is listening to their message and maybe a label shoved them to the side. This is you or them destiny to not trust your family, if you have fucked up families then that family is from your past life that hurt you, shouldn’t trust them. Vice versa. I won’t say that your partner or you are like that but there’s some sexually nasty people on social media they might be watching you so be careful. You or your partner might be desperate for attention, I don’t think your partner didn’t get much attention at home when they were younger. You two might be going through a lot of personality clashes as in were mixing up your energy with other people.
Extra Information: You two go through a lot of low self-esteem. Don’t mix up your personalities with other people and I felt that you and your FS do that a lot. You or your partner is young at heart and it’s like a teenage dream with you and them, it’s a dream come true. You two might have a sex under the moon, or you two love having sex under the moon 🌙. Oh yeah, a lot of hot sessions with each other. Deep kissing, making out a lot. Passionate couples. You two are the fast paced couples, it’s like you can’t go at a slow pace with them. You might move in with them for about six months. You two are cheerleaders blasting each other's music, or whatever career they have or you have, they will blast you out. Oh see I was right! Business soulmates you two are, meant to work together. Build a company together, sharing opinions and ideas. Both of you will respect each other’s creativity and some of you might be unstable and not confident. Your partner has a dominant energy, they’re masculine as hell. They don’t play that shit. They are fighters and so are you. Fucking fighter! You’ll beat up anyone for them and vice versa and yes act like your person is here so you two are manifesting each other come into your life and vice versa. Both of you are wounded warriors, been heartbroken 💔 and you are trying to uplifted your femininity and masculinity. That’s for the both of you. If you or them are bisexual like men and women, if your partner likes men they are cool if they aren't that cool. If you like women and men, that's cool with your partner. I feel like your partner would love to watch you have a good time. This is your soul family, you guys are soul friends. You two will be soul searching for each other, this is fate between you and them. I do feel like your partner is controlling and like things their way and that’s how they like it. Private marriage you two will be having I’m feeling. Ultrasound oh yeah you having a baby. You two will be petty to each other. Your partner is charming and they are a fuck boy, very much player. You will be having a new perspective and same thing with them. You two will love waking up next to each other and y’all souls been searching for each other and you had found them and they had found you.
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Pile 3: You and your partner are going to be more than friends. I think you two are going to confess your feelings for each other. I felt that’s part of your destiny with them, you two will have private dates and I think that they’ll make a confession to you that they like you and vice versa. This pile is similar to pile 1 but some of you are having a boy, so you two will be pregnant together. 🤰🏾I think that you two will be traveling together in Harlem, you two will be arguing about your situations, the both of you have to compromise with each other. Understand each other's feelings please. I felt that the both of you will be like the black power and probably be part of a movement like black lives matters. So both of you are probably part of the black culture. I feel like you or them want someone to talk to. Because the two of you have been lonely, sad and depressed lately. Send each other sweet text messages and maybe their love language is words of affirmation. I think that most of you are twin girls. Witches that’s good. I believe these girls will be light-workers or you two are light-workers healing ❤️‍🩹 wounds. Oh by the way you two will be triggering each other. I felt that some of you are nerdy or they are nerdy. I believe that you and your partner would love making each other laugh. If you or them or the both of you are gonna have unsupportive friends, I believe that’s a part of your destiny with them to realize that you too have unsupportive friends that don't support you or them. (Which is unfair in my opinion). Anyways, I don't know if you or them were a prostitute and they did some serious stuff while they were struggling or they were gonna sign some bad deals they might go into prostitution. That can be you! Look for my advice, please always double check what deals you make. Don’t sell out!. Oh yeah two will trigger each other, because of the past mistakes and these friends will trigger you guys too. Nunya haha 😂 it won’t be nobody's business anymore what the two of you do, even in private nobody won’t know crap. If an ex friend or girlfriend or whoever is trying to text them or you, two of you will say “NUNYA”. So fuck yeah good for y’all. I sense that some of you might be your high vibe soulmate, for some of you. But most of you believe that this is your true love ❤️, in this life. You two will grow old together, this reminds me of pile 1 very similar. You two have to deal with some karmic patterns, you'll have to get out of that comfort zone, all these past life fevers, you two will overcome it. I believe that your partner is very controlling and very picky as hell and vice versa. I understand in a sense I’m picky myself, but they like things their way, only their way. Please check them on that. I feel that you two have a Disney love story, like this very much like a fairytale story. You two will have your own love story. I think that you and some of y’all partners are out of this country, they don’t live here in America. For some of you, but most of you have a different background from you, they are probably religious. You two will have a interracial marriage, again because you two come from different backgrounds. I don’t know if some of y’all parents or their parents won’t approve to this marriage, but who gives a shit, love is love. Be happy 😃 you two. I feel that you and your partner love having debates with each other, having deep talks about anything.. which I love! So hell yeah! Both of you love having playful arguments and changing up subjects, I sense that the two of you are some babblers and so what, making fun of each other and just having a good time. Both of you love talking to each other, you guys have incredible conversations and chemistry. Very much of the preachy couples is what I’m sensing. There be times that when you two have debate it can get very passionate that leads into arguments and then some make up sex… 💋💋🤤yummy! You’ll be sorry because you said some things and they will be too. Then go straight into the bedroom, start fucking your brains out each other. Which I love.
Extra Information: You two won’t let these arguments get between you guys. You’ll never give up on them and they’ll never give up on you. I don’t know if you or your partner got bipolar disorder, you two will go through a lot together, especially through the rough times, I won’t go any deeper than this but maybe you or your partner got abused as a child or adult. Either way I’m sorry but it messed up your partner's mind or you. I can hear them crying saying “Nobody cares or nobody gets it.” I’m so sorry 😢 that shit brings tears to my eyes 👀. Both of you felt unrequited love by people who never returned back to you, maybe one of you will try to make up with your family. But some of you will feel like you made a mistake by trusting your family. So again in this life you won’t be trusting your family ever again. I feel like that’s part of your mission with them. A lot of clarity will happen for the both of you, so lifted up your veil and you’ll see the truth about your family or them. It’s going to trigger the fuck out of you and them. A lot of misinformation, you two or them will have a WTF moment, what the fuck just happened here. Because someone is going to be telling lies or either you or them or someone will be bragging on social media and running off with the mouth 👄. Be careful and always be honest with your partner no matter what. Again!! Oh my gosh, you’ll be marrying your husband soon! This is part of your destiny with them in your lifetime, you’ll have a happy ending with them. This might be your Boss daddy for some of you, they wear a suit and tie, probably a CEO of their own company, which is a good thing ladies and fellas. Yes you’ll have a happy ending with them and vice versa. This why you not going to fuck with your family anymore biological family, is because you meant to make your own family with them. Have your own kids and a husband. What does family mean to you? When you start to make your own family, you’ll realize this were you belong and feel loved 🥰 no matter what by them and your kids.
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Pile 4: I feel like some of you might spend time in your husband's hometown in Harlem or traveling. Spend your anniversary with them down there. But I feel like most of you will be spoiled, I mean like really bratty. Oh in a sexual way you can be Daddy’s little girl or being that Diva. I think that they are BDSM. Some of you might be detached because I don’t know if this cougar old lady is going to interrupt your relationship. Or they had bad intentions with your partner. They might have had an entanglement with this old lady. Which sucks. But I believe that you two will become more preachy about black people or delve into black culture, studying it and learning about your culture. That’s you and your partner's destiny. You’re not delusional at all. This is your FS and vice versa, I think that denying this connection makes you feel like you don’t deserve this type of connection or love. But sweetheart you do because it meant to happen for you and your partner. This is your business soulmate, maybe that’s why you or them think that oh it’s not meant to be romantic but it is. But it is destiny for you and them to work together, collaborate and build a company together. I do feel like they will fight for you, both of you gotta make the effort. See! Sacrifice love, I think that one day you two will just say fuck it! Let’s do this and so they’ll fight for you and vice versa because you two have been through hell together even as business. I feel like you or them knows some secrets about Hollywood, so basically the two of you will start up a business together, some of you are musicians or they are. Directors or actors or actresses. They will be scrolling down through your Instagram page and vice versa, they are very opinionated people and same thing with you. I won’t say the two of you are judgmental but very opinionated people. So what! You or them have sexy eyes 👀 , I heard dreamy people have dreamy eyes. I felt that you two arguing for the first time you’ll be nervous for the first time with them. So the first argument with you two will be very scary 😦 or nervous 😬 as shit. Everything is all going good and then bam 💥 disagreements. So you will shoot at your shot at them. Because you two will trigger each other. Your Destiny in this lifetime with your partner, so many people will be cock blocking you guys, even friends and family. The reason why I said family is because karmic family. Some of you have karmic with families this is part of your destiny, learn the lesson you need to learned from them and then move on. I do feel like some of you will have family interrupted your relationship with your partner, a lot of you have friends who will cock block in the relationship always stick their nose into y’all business all wanna be up in your partner. I sense that this is a codependent relationship here, you two just wanna be alone but too much inference here. Yeah! I was right friends a lot of you is friends because I see just friends, so it will be buddies maybe some exes involved, I feel that some of you are friends with your exes or that can be your partner too. Just friends with an ex, my advice to you on that, don’t do that at all that’s why they are an ex for a reason!. Yeah these buddies will be jealous of y’all relationship. Same thing for some of you these family will be jealous because you are giving your time to your partner and not to them. SMFH! 😠😤. I felt that a lot of you is having a boss daddy, very CEO partner or some of you already have a CEO partner, they wear a suit and tie and very handsome they are. Some of you might meet your partner online, or start dating them online. You two will have a happy ending with them because you meant to relocated somewhere else, end those cycles with other people and focus on marriages. This part of your destiny to make your own family with your partner. You are going to cut off all ties with them, set the boundaries, I can hear them say “They rather respect the boundaries or they can bounce that ass.” Woah 😳, I told you that this is your dominant.
Extra Information: I sense that a lot of you have anger issues, because all these wounds from family and vice versa with them. Some of you got bullied from school, I felt the same way with your partner as well. I feel like they have anger issues, especially with family with them and these exes. I believe someone stole from them, maybe an ex ex-girlfriend or a friend stole from them like their money and they have trust issues and vice versa. They dealt with flip flops ass people and in this life you two will deal with fake ass people that’s part of the destiny. They are still searching for themselves because they’re afraid of losing themselves again to these people and afraid to give up their heart ❤️. You or them have lost love or they are still in that stage of giving up on love or they feel like they don’t deserve love in their life and I feel that for a lot of you. But you do deserve it and so does your partner as well. 🤪😜I feel that both of you love pleasuring your own self. Masturbate, getting so creamy for them and they love touching themselves watching you. I felt like some of y’all partners are bisexual or that can be you too. Doesn’t take away that he ain’t dominant because they are, or I felt that a lot of you that are bisexual yourself, they don’t mind that more people in the bedroom. As long as they see you satisfied then they are happy. Yass!! Again MAKE OUR OWN FAMILY! Damn! Meant to make a family with them, this is your husband and you two are cut off these biological parents of yours. No more of those. Maybe you or them wear evil eye 🧿 around your neck or maybe wear a bracelet. You two are protected, your spirit guides telling you are on the right path, focus on you and vice versa. Both of your spirit guides are watching over you and them because this dark feminine spirit isn’t right at all, they have bad intentions and energy so be careful with this dark feminine whoever she is or family. Oh yeah forgot to mention that you or them is going to have a promotion, I feel that with you because your partner is a CEO of their company. A lot of you are going to make your own business with them, creating new opportunities for people and creating new ideas 💡. They are going to be in love with you, they will introduce you to their family, and friends. I do feel like that for some of them they are good with their family members and friends but a lot of them aren't good with their families and friends because they stole from them.
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Pile 5: You’ll have an unbreakable bond with your partner, nobody can touch you two. You guys are the firecrackers 🧨 the second someone tries to touch you two, oh yeah shit is about to go down. I believe that this is your star family, you two came from the same stars ⭐️. I also believe that you two are a soul family as well. For a lot of you this is your divine soulmate, they love being around you, compliment you etc. For some of you I think that your partner is older than you, or again you might have to deal with some older man who is a manipulative ass person. I sense that your partner is gonna tell you that “I once loved her”. So you won’t be worrying about the past coming back to you guys, they’ll accept the past for what it is and vice versa. I felt that they’ll love taking bubble bathe with you, or they would do something romantic 🥰 with you and if you having a bad day they’ll draw you a bathe nice cozy bubble 🫧 bathe. So you can relax and vice versa. Again this is the past, you or them had entanglement with this old lady or they are in one with this old lady right now. I feel like you shouldn’t judge them. That’s part of their destiny as well, so they can see what type of person this lady is to them. A lot of you and your partner already dealt with this type of situation before they were probably married to an old lady once before they got divorced by them. She was manipulated and abusive to them. I ain’t going any further with that situation let them tell you about it. Or some of you might have some entanglement issues y’all self. Anyways I believe your person lived down in New Orleans or they might take you down there and show you around their hometown and neighborhood where they used to live. In the beginning stage with you two, I feel like it will be Lust at first sight as in where you’ll be attracted to them and they’ll be attracted to you off the back. You’ll love your partner's energy, you’ll love being around them and their energy. I heard they are full of light. You or them might have exposed this cougar on social media or they had already been exposed already. Or I sense that you two will come out in the public eye and say you two are in a relationship. It will be you two in this relationship together, arguments, disagreements and etc. it will be y’all two together fighting. I don’t see inference with this pile. You are going to see through their stupidity and arrogance and vice versa. I believe that they’ll try to impress you with their stupidity. I don't know why but I believe so. Once you two call out each other’s bullshit, you’ll start to see yourself maturing, accepting the reality of what you did wrong to them and vice versa. Both of you dealt with this situation before. Karmic families, who were not involved in this fight. They were some trickster for some of you and they gave you false ass promises they didn’t keep and vice versa. You felt misunderstood, not being heard or felt like an outcast with your own family and it’s a bit similar to pile 4. But you two will ride it out together, I’m also getting that karmic family on your partner's side the most. Because it seems like both of you have been tricked or they were tricked into believing that this family or person was the one for them, I told that cougar lady! She tricked them into believing that they were the one for them and they weren’t. They had lose a lot of money 💴. I feel that. Two of you just want a new beginning and move in from the past. But you can’t not until you two learn the lesson you need to learn from these friends and families in this life. That’s part of y’all destiny together. This is your past life soulmate, so if you guys wanna read about what happened in your past life with them you should check it out. Anyways for some of you I believe this is your karmic soulmate as well. I won’t sugarcoat things. You meant to marry your karmic partner. A lot of you this is your past life soulmate, maybe your twin flame 🔥 or your high vibe soulmate. Anyways it is part of your destiny to reconcile with them again in this life.
Extra Information: Give you that love, secure and safety with them. I feel that they feel misunderstood too by their family. You meant to solve this issue with them, even if you two have a disagreement about your situations, you two will solve these issues by making amends and discussing the issues right then and there. I feel that you are younger than them or they are younger than you. But I sense that you are younger than them. I was right!!! Aah-HA! If you feel like your partner is being fake or imposter then if you spot it then you got it. But I also got a sense that you two mirror the fuck out of each other, you two will trigger each other. I was right, yeah don’t trust their family. They have ill intentions, they would make them feel bad or sick because they are some drama queens. OH MY GOSH!! Haha 😂 Woah 🤯 intense, intense and intense! Yeah their family will be starting the online drama, they are some clout chasers bro! Your partner doesn’t feel smart enough at all, I think this ex or this fucking Family member made them feel very unintelligent. So they self-doubt themselves a lot, or vice versa. Maybe you don’t feel smart enough because you’ve been bullied by a teacher or a student or at a job where your boss made fun of you for your intelligence. My advice to those people who you and your partner feel that way is …. FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM ALL!! Oh yeah I’m getting it now, your partner got rob by their own family and they would smile in your partner face and then rob them for their money 💰. What a bastard they are. But if they didn’t go through with it before they went through with it right now. And vice versa with you. Not with family but with people. You two have a strong ass chemistry ⚛️. A lot of you are very passionate with your partner and same thing with them. I heard your partner they are too nice, they are sweetheart, I won’t say weak yuck 🤢 I disliked that word but I would say they have a beautiful heart ❤️. They would still take care of the people who had hurt them and include yourself as well. Y’all love for y’all families and people is deep. A lot of disloyal friends and bosses ain’t shit. You aren’t delusional about your partner, this is them right there. Confirmation whoever you guys are thinking about or feeling about this is them for you. Vice versa. You ain’t delusional at all. It’s meant to be with your person, forbidden love ❤️ I think that some of their families won’t let you guys be together but they can’t stop destiny at all. This is a prophecy between you and your partner no matter what. You’ll have a spiritual marriage with them, it’s going to be very like a dream come true, like a fairy tale. You two will retell your stories to the world and I believe they’ll make movies, books and shows about you two together. A true love story. Oh yeah again if you two dealt with con-artists before they were already gone if you aren’t then you are dealing with them now. Both of you will mature together as y’all own family. Activate each other’s spirituality. Some of you are entertainers and I mean entertainers in the bedroom too. Yass! Anyways you two will hook up in the bathrooms having quickies sex everywhere🥰😍Woo is it hot in here or is it just me. Dang! I was right !! Hahaha 🤣 a lot of you this is your high vibe soulmate but some of you this is your karmic soulmate. You two are truly connected to each other and vibrate on each other’s souls. Again I was right. You two are meant to be together even as karmic soulmates y’all meant to be together. You’ll have your happiness with them and they will have their finally! Good luck 🍀 for the two of you and y’all destiny. Remember this destiny no matter what happens it meant to happen.
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