#miscellaneous tag game
footprintsinthesxnd · 5 months
Misc Tag Game
thank you for the tag @ronald-speirs , @yeahcurrahhe-e @grumpy-liebgott @blueberry-ovaries @hesbuckcompton-baby @1waveshortofashipwreck @l13bg0tt @executethyself35 and @theflyingfin
Favorite place in the world you've visited?
I loved visiting Belgium with my dad last October. It was a really special trip we shared together seeing where Easy Company were during the Battle of the Bulge and we shared some really special memories together.
Something you're proud of yourself for?
Getting through everyday. Since Christmas it’s been pretty tough between work and final exams and it’s been super stressful. Luckily I have some really supportive friends. Honestly I’m just glad I got through the last month and that I’m getting through February.
Favourite books?
- Parachute Infantry- David Webster
- The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
- The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
Something that makes your heart happy when you think about it?
My dog Finan. He’s the light of my life, no matter how bad something is he’s always there and he’s always such a happy little boy.
Favourite thing about your culture?
This was a tough one but I do love how much history Britain has. There are so many historical places from all different time periods and there are also lots of events held to celebrate/commemorate historical events.
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
So I first watched Band of Brothers in about 2014/2015 roughly. I then watched the Pacific about two years after that. Then Gen Kill last year. I didn’t join the hbowar fandom on tumblr until last year though.
Have you read any of Easy Company's books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I’ve read so many of them 😂 my favourite is David Websters Parachute Infantry. I know I’ve spoken about it before but he has such a way with words and describing the scenes, as well as his fellow paratroopers.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
It’s gotta be my baby boy Gene Roe. I love him so much. One of my favourite scenes with him is in Bastogne when he talks to Renée outside the aid station.
My other favourite scene is when he does the whole ‘you’re officers, you’re grownups, you outta know’. That’s probably one of my favourite scenes.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I write fics and I make moodboards/ edits.
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
I don’t really have one specific favourite actor or actress to be honest, there are lots I like and lots of movie I like.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
It’s not really a quote but it’s a saying my dad and I say to each other when things get tough
‘It could be worse, you could be in Bastogne’
Random fact your mutuals/followers don't know about you?
If you're a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader)?
I do not have a beta reader. I sometimes ask friends to read my work but if anyone wants the job it’s open.
Three things that make you smile?
1) my dog Finan
2) long summer days
3) my besties @malarkgirlypop @georgieluz and @mads-weasley
Any nicknames you like?
I don’t really have many nicknames but @georgieluz calls me Jessie which I love.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr:
@georgieluz @malarkgirlypop @mads-weasley @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @liptonsbabe @liptonwashere @supervalcsi @iceman-kazansky @next-autopsy @holdingforgeneralhugs @softguarnere @grumpy-liebgott @hesbuckcompton-baby @heystovepipeboys @blurredcolour @blueberry-ovaries and there are so many others
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
I’d like to think I wouldn’t die instantly. I feel that I have pretty decent survival skills and medical skills so I’d last a while I hope 😂
Favourite Movie?
I don’t have one favourite movie really, there are a lot of films that I enjoy. I like war films, historical films, romcoms, comedies etc so I can’t pick just one 😂
Do you like horror movies?
I’m not a fan to be honest. The only scary film I’ve seen and liked is ‘Woman in Black’ and still I spent a lot of time hiding behind a pillow the first time I watched it.
Tags: if feel like most people have already done this so I’m tagging anyone else who wants to participate
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codacheetah · 2 months
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I've drawn Loop Goop before but not my actual capital h Headcanons so. Here's how Loop bleeds in my mind
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clay-pidgeon · 9 months
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[id: A screenshot of the ao3 work “But can it run doom?” an ao3 work that displays the game Doom. The work is open in the pinterest app browser. /end id]
i might have to be put down for this
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xshinormx · 27 days
Get to know me tag game!
Tagged by @goldheartedchaoticdisaster, tysm!
Do you make your bed?
Nope. It gets messed up every night man what is the point
2. Favorite number?
3. What’s your job?
Nothing due to chronic illness reasons
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
Absolutely not
5. Can you parallel park?
Technically I did learn how, but it was like eight years ago and the instructor who taught me how traumatized me and I've avoided having to do it ever since (not just bc of the instructor, I just really hate driving), so in practice the answer is certainly no
6. Do you think aliens are real?
Yes, there's no way we're all alone in the universe
7. Can you drive a manual car?
8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
At this point in my life, it's just eating more carbs than I'm supposed to 😭
9. Tattoos?
Nope, I am way too indecisive for that kind of commitment
10. Favorite color?
Teal my beloved
11. Favorite type of music?
Stuff like Hidden Citizens and Tommee Profitt
12. Do you like puzzles?
13. Any phobia?
Heights, thunder, and bees (and all similar stinging bugs)
14. Favorite childhood sport?
Horseback riding
15. Do you talk to yourself?
Yup. No one else gets it around here
16. What movies do you adore?
Sci-fi and fantasy my beloveds
17. Coffee or tea?
18. First thing you wanted to be growing up?
A paleontologist
Tagging (if you want to): @janfraiser, @ramblingsofachristiannerd, @trekkingaroundasgard, @scottishaccentsareawesome, and anyone else who wants to!
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 months
was tagged by @majoris ❤️
Are you named after anyone? No
When was the last you cried? Watching Doctor Who season 2 finale
Do you have kids? no
What sports do you play/have you played? swimming, biking, and badminton
Do you use sarcasm? of course not, come on! *sarcasm intensifies*
What is the first thing you notice about people? how many certitudes they carry
What is your eye color? green with brown sparkles
Scary movies or happy endings? this is a false dichotomy but I don't really like scary movies
Any talents? like talent-show talent or are we talking generally?
Where were you born? planet earth
What are your hobbies? writing, staring at the void, reading, cooking, sleeping, petting my cat...
Do you have any pets? see above
How tall are you? tall enough that my feet touch the ground
Favorite subject at school? foreign languages
Dream job? Would be doing it if I knew
tagging uuuuuh @hemerae-ramblings @misshazelevers20 @pia-writes-things and YOU
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lord-aldhelm · 9 days
Miscellaneous Monday/Another WIP Game!
Thank you for the tag @thelettersfromnoone!
I must confess I have been so busy with several art projects, making gifsets, and household stuff that I have not had much time to write! I also haven't been feeling too well either. BUT.. The S2 Aldflaed story I have been writing I decided to split into two parts, since I did not fancy rewriting all of season 2. So the first part is going to focus on Aldhelm only, and will be a standalone fic as a kind of prequel to the one I am working on now. Below is the first paragraph of the rewrite.
The ride back to Mercia was grim. It was silent, save the sounds of hoofbeats and the occasional whinny from the tired horses, and the wheels of the cart rolling along the half-frozen ground. The grey, overcast skies mirrored the sentiment from the ealdormen, whose faces were downcast and their eyes set in a hard, distance stare on the road ahead. It was not the death of their king which prompted the solemn mood, although that was part of it. Rather it was what had followed immediately afterward in the court of King Alfred which had decimated their spirits.
No pressure tags (for whoever is writing and wants to participate):
@daethelflaed @gemini-mama @thelettersfromnoone @synintheraven @sihtricfedaraaahvicius
@thenameswinter99 @whitedarkmoonflower
@poetic-fiasco @alexagirlie @sigtryggrswifey @lonnson @itbmojojoejo
@garunsdottir @timetravelingpenguin1066 @bagheerita @solinarimoon @ladyinred2248
@king-alfred @arcielee @st-eve-barnes @foxyanon @holy3cake
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cyberrose2001 · 10 months
Get To Know Me Better Tag Game
I got tagged by @tfp-is-my-lifeblood-lol ! Thank you <3
(making a seperate post bc the original creator of the post I got tagged in wished to not get bombarded by reposts :) )
Rules: Tag ten (10) people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Single and never been in a relationship! (and ready to mingle)
Favorite color(s): Turquoise (but I’m really liking emerald green atm)
Three favorite foods: Dumplings, any kind of seafood, and ice cream 🍦
Song stuck in my head: What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish (still not over the barbie movie 😭)
Last Song I Listened To: Plans - Birds of Tokyo (a nostalgic song for me)
Last thing I Googled: The map for Sydney international airport, specifically the international terminal 😭 im gonna get so lost in there I just know it
Dream trip: Currently Canada. In fact, I’m going there in 10 days and I’m so excited! Heading to both the east and west side! My next dream trip would be to Norway to see the northern lights, it’s on my bucket list 🌌
Anything I really want right now: Uhhhhh to be warmer bc it’s fuckin’ freezing in my room rn, and for my headache to go away pls thank u
Tagging (let me know if you don’t want to be tagged in these! I’m just gonna throw down some names from the top of my head aksjbsb): @uselessmicrowave @robot-horde @transformersartist @mariacrow @image-thot @vivifruit
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why is it that Sydney Carton feels so much like a classic “period piece character” — both as a man of Georgian England and as a character written in Victorian times — yet also like such a timeless, eternally-relatable person who could just as easily have existed today?
because he was… a head of his time!
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crimson-catalyst · 7 months
#21, Blackjack!
im quickly discovering that since my Wrapped is like, half OC-related music, it is going to be VERY weird drawing guys while listening to music that belongs to Other Guys hahaha
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anyway this is a pretty angsty song, but Blackjack's a chill guy! he's just gettin existential over morning coffee. yknow, as you do.
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xiaoluclair · 10 months
tyag game ✨
tagged by the lovely beautiful stupendous dears @jussst-lurking, @sweatyflytrap @fueledbyremembering to picrew myself so
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me* and the birb.
(*artistic liberties apply)
I DO NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHO HAS DONE THIS YET. but, uh. tagging @cupidskissx @argentinagp @coffeecities @tsarinablogs @carronyaflowers @reigningmax 🌷💛
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anguis-sapphire · 4 months
My friend @hallowed-nebulae tagged me to do both a picrew and a quiz (thank you for that, Simon!). The initial chain of reblogs is very long at this point, so as a result, I hope it’s alright to create my own post so as not to clog the dashboard!
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..This is honestly one of the most accurate picrews of myself I’ve been able to make for a while, so shoutout to it for that. I don’t like having my hair behind my ears, and the mouth is too big, but other than that it’s really quite close! And the quiz result was interesting.
If anyone else sees this and wants to have a go at it themself, then please feel free to say I tagged you if you want!!
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Ok, so @lordrei tagged me in this.
Basically you use this template and assign an album to each color and then tag other people to do it, so that’s fun.
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Anyway, here’s mine! (Can you tell I like Kpop?)
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Red: The world EP. Fin: Will - Ateez
Black: unreal unearth - Hozier
Pink: Map of the soul: Persona - BTS
Orange: MOTH - Woosung
White: Face the sun - Seventeen
Purple: The dream chapter: eternity
Yellow: Ambitions - one ok rock
Green: Lungs - Florence + the machine ( @lordrei aye we have the same green)
Blue: 1989 - Taylor swift
Okay, tbh the only people I can think to tag are @ordinaries-into-extraordinaries and @sockfus please do not feel obligated to do it, but it was fun.
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @tc-doherty to share my answers. Thank you for the tag!
Are you named after anyone?  Not that I know of…
When was the last time you cried?  It was on February 8th of this year.  Because of some work stuff.  Sometimes my job is hard lol.
Do you have kids?  No.  But I hope to adopt one day.
Do you use sarcasm?  All the time.  Some might say too much.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Good question.  Probably general demeanor and basic politeness/manors.
What’s your eye color? Hazel :)
Scary movies or happy endings? Are these two mutually exclusive?  What if I like both? ;-;
Any special talents?  Ummmm… no.
Where were you born? Pennsylvania, USA.
What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, music, videogames, photography, and I’ve recently taken up origami, too!
Have you any pets? Not anymore :( my beagle, Chase, passed away last January.
What sports do you play/have played? I haven’t played anything officially since high school, but I used to play basketball and softball.  And I played flag football and soccer for one or two seasons, too.
How tall are you? 5ft. 3in.
Favorite subject in school? Honestly, this always depended on my teachers.  But generally, it was English or history or both.  I also greatly enjoyed my sociology and macro social work classes when I got to college.
Dream job? Idk, man.  A job that would let me dismantle the mental health system in America from the ground up :)
Tagging: @lilithfairen, @emelkae, @my-writblr, @dysphorie, @gracemlachakwrites, @pathsofoak, @bowl-of-shortness, @asher-orion-writes, @italiangothicwriteblr, @papercutsunset, @up-in-flames-writing, @writingpotato07, @sleepyowlwrites, @dallonm
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stxriesfromasharchive · 5 months
What Does Your Soul Smell Like?
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Iron Bull
Your Result: Fresh Linen key words: refreshing, wit, humor. you are a relaxing person to be around and leave a positive impression on almost everybody you interact with! you're always sending the funniest memes in the groupchat and when you really like someone you can talk to them for hours on end. compatible with: fresh linen, grass and rain, rosewater.
Tagged by: N/A Tagging: @sincerexsiren // @qceensofkings // anyone who wants it
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bourbon-ontherocks · 8 months
I was tagged by @hemerae-ramblings and @susanvstorm thanksssssss!! 😘
Rules: Tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better!
Relationship status: happy
Favorite colour: turquoise
Song stuck in my head: The entirety of l'Art du crime's soundtrack and especially the Van Gogh track for ~reasons (🥹)
Dream trip: I'd rather stay home, do nothing and chill with my cat at the moment than take a trip anywhere
Last googled: How to remove duplicates from sql query results
Anything I want now: to sleep. And also to finish my fic.
Last song listened to: The Kyrie Eleison from Johann Sebastian Bach's Mass in B.
Currently watching: L'Art du Crime.
Currently (re)reading: The Malaussène saga by Daniel Pennac
Current obsession: L'Art du Crime (and a little bit of HPI mixed to the blend)
10 of your comfort shows: L'art du crime, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Kaamelott, HPI (S1&2 only), Brooklyn 99, How I met your mother, Columbo, The Avengers (Emma Peel's seasons), Good Girls, GLOW
tagging: @sdktrs12 @joeyjoeylee @ficuscircus @jmeclatejerome @pixie-hood @luluonthemoon @icanthearyoufromhereplease
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mercyburned · 3 months
the rules are simple: post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
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finn collins ( the 100 )
judy alvarez ( cyberpunk 2077 )
valerie skinner ( cyberpunk 2077 )
victoria iordanescu ( cyberpunk 2077 )
angus hawke ( dragon age )
clare cousland ( dragon age )
jowan ( dragon age )
margo hawke ( dragon age )
nelaros ( dragon age )
sahar alami ( dragon age )
thea carlisle ( dragon age )
byleth eisner ( fire emblem: three houses )
ferdinand von aegir ( fire emblem: three houses )
hilda valentine goneril ( fire embleem: three houses )
sylvain jose gautier ( fire emblem: three houses )
eula lawrence ( genshin impact ; tester )
kaeya alberich ( genshin impact )
kreta / fakebedo ( genshin impact )
lumine ( genshin impact )
raiden shogun ( genshin impact )
thoma ( genshim impact )
gepard landau ( honkai: star rail ; tester )
seele ( honkai: star rail ; tester )
stelle ( honkai: star rail )
idk ! recommend someone to me.
clarke griffin ( the 100 )
maya vie ( the 100 )
christina carver ( divergent series )
10th doctor ( doctor who )
rose tyler ( doctor who )
rory williams ( doctor who )
sarah jane smith ( doctor who )
aerynn ( dragon age )
anders ( dragon age )
aveline ( dragon age )
dagna ( dragon age )
daveth ( dragon age )
faryn durik ( dragon age )
fergus cousland ( dragon age )
glynnie tabris ( dragon age )
leanne trevelyan ( dragon age )
ruvhen aeducan ( dragon age )
ryker foscari ( dragon age )
sigolène ( dragon age )
sigrun ( dragon age )
cherche ( fire emblem awakening )
gaius ( fire emblem awakening )
lucina ( fire emblem awakening )
sumia ( fire emblem awakening )
lapis ( fire emblem: engage )
yunaka ( fire emblem: engage )
corrin ( fire emblem fates )
subaki ( fire emblem fates )
alois ( fire emblem: three houses )
annette fantine dominic ( fire emblem: three houses )
dorothea arnault ( fire emblem: three houses )
linhardt von hevring ( fire emblem: three houses )
ignatz victor ( fire emblem: three houses )
squall leonhart ( final fantasy 8 )
jon snow ( game of thrones )
robb stark ( game of thrones )
theon greyjoy ( game of thrones )
amber ( genshin impact )
hu tao ( genshin impact )
yanfei ( genshin impact )
kaveh ( genshin impact )
march 7th ( honkai star rail )
ichabod crane ( sleepy hollow )
probably a lot more that i don't remember
a lot of fandom OCs or fandomless OCs
...and this list is just from tumblr going back to, like, 2013.
anders ( maybe )
robb stark
theon greyjoy
lapis ?
i stole it from @avaere !
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