astralysis · 4 years
Moon, planets, casseiopeia
Moon:  are you currently reading any books? If so, what books?
I’m trying so hard to finish Inferno, the first part of The Divine Comedy but it’s so difficult to immerse myself in. :( but I recently finished Cassandra by Christa Wolf and I have to say that it quickly became one of my favorites :)
Planets: If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Somewhere that feels like home, a villa surrounded by orange trees, bathed in the light of the evening sun perhaps.
Cassiopeia: What’s your favorite quote?
Oh, I have so many favorites but lately I’ve been feeling this one:
I want to tell you this story without having to confess anything.
- Richard Siken
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padmeisqueen · 8 years
Thank you @mischeif-managed77 for tagging me!
Top ten current favorite songs (in no particular order)
1.  I Lived by OneRepublic (this is always my favorite song)
2. Days In the Sun from Beauty and the Beast 
3. Evermore from Beauty and the Beast (Dan Stevens version)
4. Where You Are from Moana
5. Gone by JR JR
6. Unsteady by X Ambassadors
7. Yours Alone from Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man
8. Blue Ain’t Your Color by Keith Urban
9. Mess is Mine by Vance Joy
10. I Believe in You by Michael Buble
I tag: @sirikenobi167 @imalittlefluttershy @droo216 @welcometothefandxm @unlimiteddream90 @artsy-fartsyyy @emergencytoothpaste @littlechickenadventures @sanjiago @lachrymist
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Mischeif-managed77 is now dollypartons95theses
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narniaandplowmen · 5 years
Shout out to @mischeif-managed77 for being super amazing please go follow them
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magnificent-north · 7 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @lucypcvensie Thank you!! :)
If I were a…
month: September. The golden month. Lingering summer warmth, but a fresh chilly edge in the air promising autumn.
day: Wednesday. Middle of a fun, productive week.
planet: Besides Earth? Then Mars, for its secrets and potential.
god or goddess: Athena.
sea animal: Hard. Maybe a Galápagos marine iguana. They live on land, but are unique among modern lizards in their ability to feed on underwater grasses in the sea. They hang out a lot near tidepools on the coast, and I love tidepools.
piece of furniture: Comfortable deck chair in the sun. There better be flowers and a book nearby.
gemstone: Blue topaz, since it is associated with writers and scholars, and also since topaz is my birthstone.
flower: Foxglove.
weather: Cloudy day, no direct sun but still warm. Spots of blue sky.
color: My favorite color is pink. But if I were to be translated into a color, probably blue.
emotion: I don’t think I could equate myself - as someone who places a high value on logic and rationality - directly with a single emotion.
fruit: Rainier cherry. Hard, unbreakable core.
element: Water, craving constant forward motion.
place: Norway. Dramatic extremes, from fjords to peaks, from mild summers to heaps of winter snow. Midnight sun.
body part: Hands, getting sh*t done, or feet, wandering.
taste: Brunost. (A type of Norwegian cheese.) It’s a complex taste - rich, sweet, and savory all at once.
scent: Clean mountain air.
I tag: @myaekingheart, @highqueenlucy, @zannatinuviel, @justkingthough, @thepevensiies, @longlivethequeenofold, @mischeif-managed77
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jukeboxtheghostlove · 8 years
Thanks @mischeif-managed77​ for tagging me!
My current 10 favorite songs/just what I’ve been listening to a lot lately are...
1. My Heart’s the Same/Lighting Myself on Fire- Jukebox the Ghost, the transition between this is just so good 
2. You’re Still a Mystery- Bleachers
3. Island Radio- Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
4. Vines- Hippo Campus
5. Green Light- Lorde
6. Sweet Disaster- Dreamers
7. Coast of Carolina- Telekinesis
8. Lost Stars- Faded Paper Figures
9. Feathery- Milky Chance
10. Dopamine- BORNS
I tag EVERYONE WHO SEES THIS, I want to know what kind of music you guys listen to (also feel free to do less or more than 10)! Still gonna tag ppl I want to do it: @teawithmeredith @mynamerhymeswithhakunamatata @nicholaspetricchor @doriangrayshopsatforever21 @freshbrainstump @imtheziggy @spreadingrumours @carcrashinghearts
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acciopevensie · 8 years
Thanks for the tag @cathawayinspace !!
favorite book: this is wayyy too hard to answer, but Every Day by David Levithan is a pretty good one!
your feel good tv show or movie: Scam
one place you really want to go to: Italy
last person you talked to: my dad
garden or forest: garden
do you prefer taking the bus or subway: bus
childhood fandom: Harry Potter
top 3 fandoms rn: HP, Narnia, Teen Wolf
favorite month: February, I’ve always seen it as a very pink and happy month
describe your aesthetic: scarves, soft pink lipstick, reading on rainy days, and surrounded by cats and dogs
what do you wish for at 11:11: hmmm, I really don’t have any wishes, I would say I’m pretty content, but of course I do wish for the world to become a more open minded place
I tag: @princess-caspian @iliveinnarniaandstudyathogwarts @chochxng @mischeif-managed77 @themasterofthehallows @edmundtrash
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ofdregs · 8 years
Hi there! since obviously youve read six of crows, i had a question abt it.If i havnt read the grisha trilogy, could i be read six of crows and understand whats going on? I just bought both s.o.c. and crooked kingdom, not realizing they were spinoffs
yes! you can start directly from six of crows no problem. imo soc is richer in terms of worldbuilding, so it might even be more helpful to read it first to understand the world better
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officerrogers · 8 years
Wow, thank you 💖 💖 💖
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astralysis · 7 years
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dostoevsky, Hans Christian Anderson
F. Scott Fitzgerald: How would you describe your ‘ideal’ brunch attire?
Already answered! 
Dostoevsky: Do you sleep feverishly or perhaps not at all?
I don’t sleep at all but when I do, I dream of people who aren’t really themselves in a dark place. 
Hans Christian Anderson: What is your favorite fairytale?
Already answered! 
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padmeisqueen · 8 years
2, 9, 25, 70, 71
2. is your room messy or clean?
It’s a nice balance I think, it’s not crazy messy but it’s also not perfectly organized. Like my shoes are always thrown around on the floor. 
9. where do you shop?
For necessity stuff WalMart because I’m a broke college student lol. But clothes-wise I usually buy stuff from Kohl’s 
25. what color socks are you wearing? 
Pink with white polka dots!
70. what was the last concert you saw? 
Harry Connick Jr. for my sister’s birthday last year
71. tea or coffee?
Coffee, I really wish I liked tea but I just can’t get myself to like it
Thank you so much for asking!!!!
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astralysis · 7 years
1975, black nail polish, sunrise, combat boots, 11:11
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
Last night (this morning’s?) conversation with a dear friend of mine 
black nail polish:  do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
1. Leaning out an open window in some Mediterranean country while balancing a glass of wine in my hand 
2. Publish a book 
3. Run in a flower field at sunset with leaves in my hair and laughter escaping from my mouth 
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
I have many favorite quotes but i guess i’ll go with this one: 
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again 
- Victor Hugo 
it’s a lovely little saying that gives me a little hope 
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
i’m probably the most forgiving person out there. that comes with its own advantages and disadvantages but i think - im fine being this way 
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
1. for everyone i love to be happy 
2. peace on earth 
3. for the universe to end like how it began, with a big bang 
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astralysis · 7 years
wax, paper, stage, tiger, morale and cedar
Wax: can you keep a secret? 
Paper: What is your favorite novel? 
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. even though i didn’t like the ending
it combines all of my favorite things together: romance, mystery, and comedy 
Stage: Do you have a talent? 
maybe? i like to write but to me, i am never good enough. 
also i can pretty much cry over any movie 
Tiger: What’s your bravest moment? 
when i told someone i loved them 
Morale: Is your castle made of glass or stone? 
Cedar: What is your favorite season? 
weather-wise: fall 
aesthetic: spring 
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astralysis · 7 years
pink, painting, waterfalls, freckles, dimples, clouds
Pink: Pasta or Pizza? 
Pasta for sure, especially with bolognese sauce 
Painting: In what ways are you creative? 
Daydreaming for myself alternate lives, writing a novel that will probably never get published, and doodling when im bored in class 
Waterfalls: Describe your perfect date
it’s raining outside and we’re having lunch, dinner, whatever, at a quaint cafe and we smile and laugh over our shared interests. then we go outside under the same umbrella because i probably forgot mine at home and we walk around the city together enjoying each other’s company in silence before driving over to their place where we spend the rest of the afternoon watching movies while in each other’s arms. 
freckles: What’s something that makes you happy? 
talking and laughing over dumb things with friends until sunrise 
dimples: Would you rather be inviting on a hike or a night out? 
a night out definitely because i hate going outside. 
clouds: List your top 5 favorite songs and describe how they make you feel 
1. When We Were Young by Adele
this a sort of weird feeling to describe but i always feel like an old woman looking back on photographs of me and my friends took when we were young and then i start crying because what happened to us? what happened that we all started going our separate ways? it’s a theoretical situation but one that im afraid of 
2. Sorry by Halsey 
i tend to fall for someone who hasn’t fallen for me and i can’t really fathom the thought of someone falling in love with me. maybe i’m being a little presumptuous here but i feel like this describes my love life on both ends here 
3. Daisy Daisy by Jóhann Jóhannsson
the epitome of nostalgia and happy times during the summer when i was screwing around with my friends without a care in the world of what would happen next 
4. Perfect Places by Lorde 
it describes my current mood. i think it’s a fitting representation of the constant search of happiness that i’m trying to search for but i don’t know what it looks like or when will it come. i kind of... i don’t know. i’m trying to try different things to fill this sense of inadequacy i feel when im in college. stupid, reckless things. 
5. Tornadoland by Regina Spektor 
literally a documentation on my frustrations 
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astralysis · 7 years
Shooting star, eclipse, luna, galaxy, betelguise, solar system, and meteor for the space ask
shooting star: what are you like when you’re sad?
Bitter, unresponsive, pensive, probably crying. Strangely inspired. 
eclipse: what are you like when you’re happy?
Smiling a lot, jumpy and loquacious af, giving out lots of compliments, every sentence ends with an exclamation mark. Sometimes making brash decisions or crying by the end of it because it was such a Good Moment. Also easily peer pressured 
luna: favorite names?
August(us, a, o) - I don’t know why I like it so much. Lucinda, Sebastian, Esma, Magdalena. Antonia. Charles. Names of my friends 
galaxy: are you a sun, moon or star person?
Stars!! There are a lot of them and you can bet there will be some mentions of stars in anything I write 
Betelgeuse: what’s something that calms you down when you’re upset?
Looking at old pictures and reading some of my friends’ writing. Reading thank you letters, old texts, The Trumpet and the Swan, and one of those inspirational books 
solar system: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Ideally, I would be traveling everywhere and be living in dingy hotel rooms but i would probably choose Valencia, Spain 
meteor: do you have a favorite historical figure?
It’s a tie between Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie Curie. I always found Napoleon a funny figure in history, and Marie Curie inspired me to love science 
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astralysis · 7 years
6 11 16 31 37 for the TMI post
6. Any tattoos you want?
Nah. They look so pretty but I have a low pain tolerance 
11. Something you miss? 
I have two answers for this: 
The Disney trip from March. I was the happiest girl on the happiest place on Earth. It cleared my pores and cleaned my skin, and everyone else was so happy as well. 
Having the passion to do anything fun or useful. 
16. Favorite quote? 
“Everything you look at can become a fairy tale and you can get a story from everything you touch.” - Hans C. Andersen 
31. Last book you read? 
I have started many books but have yet to finish them. I’m a quarter of a way through Part I of Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust, though. It wasn’t as good as I thought it would be, but it is interesting enough to engage my attention 
37. Place you want to visit? 
I want to travel the world but my first stop would be Greece. I have an old friend there who I have been dying to meet. 
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