munsifurdu · 2 years
گجرات سے بی جے پی کو بیدخل کرنے کا صحیح موقع: کھرگے
کھرگے نے اپنے ٹویٹ میں کہا، "اب تبدیلی کا وقت ہے بی جے پی کے 27 سال کے 'غلط حکمرانی' کو جڑ سے اکھاڑ پھینکیں اب گجرات کی تعمیر نو کا وقت آ گیا ہے۔ #MunsifUrdu
نئی دہلی: کانگریس کے صدر ملکارجن کھرگے نے منگل کو گجرات کی بھارتیہ جنتا پارٹی (بی جے پی) حکومت پر غلط حکمرانی کا الزام لگایا اور کہا کہ حکمراں پارٹی کو بے دخل کرنے کا یہ صحیح وقت ہے۔  کھرگے نے اپنے ٹویٹ میں کہا، “اب تبدیلی کا وقت ہے بی جے پی کے 27 سال کے ‘غلط حکمرانی’ کو جڑ سے اکھاڑ پھینکیں اب گجرات کی تعمیر نو کا وقت آ گیا ہے انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ گجرات میں اساتذہ کی 28 ہزار آسامیاں خالی ہیں۔…
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nousrose · 1 month
Man is made or unmade by himself. In the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the divine perfection. By the abuse and wrong application of thought he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master. Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored brought to light in this age, none is gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this: that man is the master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny. As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills. Man is always the master, even in his weakest and most abandoned state. But in his weakness and degradation he is foolish master who misgoverns his household. When he begins to reflect upon his condition and search diligently for the law upon which his being is established, he then becomes the wise master, directing his energies with intelligence and fashioning his thoughts to fruitful issues. Such is the conscious master, and man can only thus become by discovering within himself the laws of thought. This discovery is totally a matter of application, self-analysis and experience.
As A Man Thinketh
James Allen
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duelsatdawn · 5 months
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yuyamuya · 3 months
20240306 Vocabs from News
돌봄인력: caregiver
인력: manpower
확충: expansion
최저임금: minimum wages
권고하다: to recommend
한은: Bank of Korea
본관: main building
통화당국: monetary authority
이례적:rare, unprecedented
고령화: aging
저출산: low birth rate
구조적: structural
저성장: low growth
간병: nursing, care
수요: demand
공급: supply
급증하다: increase rapidly
급감하다: decrease rapidly
태부족: great lack
인력난: manpower shortage
경제활동 제약: economy activity limitation
경력 단절: career discontinuity
초래하다: incur
중위소득: median income
머붓다: to criticize
실정: real condition
실정: misgovernment
치솟다: rise
생계: living, livehood
살길: way of living
투입되다: be thrown in
국내총생산: GDP
달하다: to reach
전망: view/prospect
연평균: annual average
우려: worry, concern
고용: employment
차등: differentiation, distinction
국제노동기구: ILO
비준: ratification
우회하다: take a roundabout way
오죽: really, how, how much
개정안: revised plan, revised bill
반발: opposition
철회되다: be withdrawn
의제/안건: agenda
부결되다: be rejected
중차대하다: critical (매우 주요함)
민생: livehood of the public
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...the current technical methods for producing any given artifact are inextricably bound to standards of "efficiency" (of profit, labor discipline, etc.) that express distinctly capitalist imperatives. These imperatives often seem to take on a sort of malicious agency in our lives. Bordiga describes industrial fixed capital as "the enemy Monster that hangs over the mass of producers," monopolizing the collective knowledge of the human species such that "this Monster is killing science itself, misgoverning it, criminally exploiting its fruits, squandering the heritage of future generations." Even if scientific knowledge is key to the future of communism, then, the forces of production are not a neutral algorithmic apparatus that can be simply seized and run for better ends—they are the literal embodiment of the Monster that stands against us.
Phil A. Neel and Nick Chavez, Forest and Factory
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stairnaheireann · 3 months
#OTD in Irish History | 23 March:
1845 – Birth of John Thomas Browne in Ballylanders, Co Limerick. He was an Irish Catholic Mayor of Houston, Texas. 1846 – Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey speaks in the House of Lords on the state of Ireland and accepts that ‘Ireland is our disgrace’. If such be the state of things, how then does it arise, and what is its cause? My Lords, it is only by misgovernment that such evils could have…
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agoodcartoon · 2 years
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trump’s crimes and misgovernance were so frequent and numerous that they constantly overlapped. a good cartoon.
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In politics, an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
« Like Nazi Germany, the Russian Federation will fail to re-imperialize. Its military is demonstrably mediocre, its economy is about as big as that of Italy or Texas, and its governance has become increasingly ineffective and unstable as elites begin to jockey for power in what they view as the rapidly approaching post-Putin era. The immediate future could be even worse, especially if the regime remains guided by the whims of a single autocrat and continues to discourage technological innovation and economic growth.
In a word, Russia’s imperial aspirations are dead, even if the Kremlin thinks otherwise. And the man who presided over their destruction is Putin. »
— Political Science Prof. Alexander J. Motyl at Rutgers University. Writing at the journal Foreign Policy. (archived)
Prof. Motyl has an implied warning at the end of the article...
In the absence of defeat, a militarily and economically weak and misgoverned Russia will remain in thrall to the ideology and attempt, yet again, to re-imperialize—all but certainly with the same results: failure, death, and destruction.
If Russia is not pushed out of Ukraine it will have learned nothing and may pursue the same course elsewhere – even as it continues to decline. Putin's Russia is a persistent problem which will not go away if we ignore it.
Ukraine is not slacking, it is doing the actual fighting in this war. According to Putin's plan, Ukraine was supposed to be in Russian hands by the end of February of 2022. It has held off the world's second biggest (if greatly overrated) military over 20 months. It just needs help with supplies and up to date weaponry.
We just got news of a Russian missile launching ship being taken out by Ukraine. 🇺🇦 😃
Ukraine Says It Blasted Modern Russian Missile Carrier In Kerch Shipyard
What's left of the Askold, a Russian missile carrier so new that it hadn't yet officially joined the Black Sea Fleet...
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The aid the US gives to Ukraine in the long run will increase long term prospects for peace and stability in Eurasia.
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heartofstanding · 2 years
So the narrative of Henry V banishing his “unsuitable companions” from his household after his coronation and presence is generally considered to be untrue, exaggerated and/or considered a cover story for his own controversial behaviour.
But it also seems to me that this narrative has a lot in common with the narratives about Edward II and Richard II and their “unsuitable favourites” (i.e. Piers Gaveston and Hugh Despenser the Younger, Robert de Vere). The king (or in Henry’s case, the prince) is misled into misgovernance and wildness by “unworthy” companions, ignoring the “worthy” and leading the kingdom into despair. Then,  a purge of the household is performed and the natural order is restored. The main difference between this narrative relating to Henry V and Edward II and Richard II (besides the fact that Henry’s wildness occurred before he was king and was thus “safely contained”), is that this narrative has the “happy ending” in that Henry does not need an intervention, he recognises the need for and enacts the purge of his household on his own accord.
IDK. It’s a very interesting parallel. And of course the story is likely a fiction and even if it wasn’t, its first appearance is in a continuation of The Brut written in 1478-1479 so not only is it non-contemporary, it’s being written in Yorkist England so it likely doesn’t tell us about the “real” Henry V. But idk, I think it’s very interesting and that you could do a queer reading of a version of Henry V through it.
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We’re doing Much Ado in my Shakespeare class and I’m thinking about the OFMD Much Ado AU again
To recap—
Stede and Ed are Claudio and Hero (Ed sweetie I’m sorry to have to compare you to garbage man Claudio. It is for the plot)
Pete and Lucius are Beatrice and Benedick
Izzy’s Don John, obviously. Also because I want him to say “Pretty lady, I’m sorry for thy much misgovernment” to Stede
Olu and Jim are Margaret and Borachio (affectionate)
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soul-eater-novel · 1 year
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p142 「そんな……」呆然とするティルに、 “That’s…” Tir trailed off, at a loss for words.
リュウカンはさらに言う。 Liukan spoke again.
「よいか、若者…。人の世から戦が絶えることはない。人は戦争を起こさずにはいられないのじゃ。 “Listen up, youngsters. War will exist so long as humans do. Man cannot live without waging war.
わしがいくら薬を調合して怪我人を救ったところで、いずれ戦いに駆り出され命を落とす。 It doesn’t matter how many medicines I concoct to save those who are wounded — they will eventually lose their lives in battle.
わしはそんな者たちを数え切れないほど見てきた。全ては「戦争」という病のためじゃ。 I have seen it happen more times than I can count. They have all lost their lives to this disease called “war”…
こればっかりは、わしにも治せんわい」 And that is the one sickness I cannot cure.”
リュウカンはベッドに寝ころび背を向けると、「さあ、帰ってくれ」と言って後ろ手て手を振った。 Liukan laid down on his bed and turned his back to them. “Go on, get out of here” he said, waving his hand at them in dismissal.
「しかし、リュウカン様……」 “But, Lord Liukan…”
リュウカンの痩せた背を見つめ、ティルは言った。 Protested Tir, staring intently at Liukan’s boney back.
ここで引き下がるわけにはいかなかったし、彼の言うことに賛成できなかったからだ。 We can’t leave without him. We need his support.
「リュウカン様…、お聞きください。確かに今、私たちは戦争のただなかにいます。私は解放軍を率い、悪政を敷く帝国と戦っています」 “Lord Liukan… please listen to me. It is true that we are in the middle of a war right now. As the leader of the Liberation Army, I am fighting the Empire’s misgovernment of our people.”
「わかっておるわい」 “So I’ve heard.”
投げやりにリュウカンが相づちを打った。 Liukan murmured, clearly unmoved.
しかしティルは、言葉を続ける。 Tir forged on.
「僕らが戦う理由はひとつです。皆が笑い会える、戦いのない世界を築きたいと願っているからです。 “We fight for only one reason. We fight so that everyone can smile and laugh — we fight to build a world without war.
P143 僕らが勝利してそれが実現しても、あなたの言うようにいつかまた世は乱れるかもしれません。でも、リュウカン様……」 Even if we do win this war, it may be just as you say and the land will be thrown back into the chaos of war again one day. But, Lord Liukan…”
リュウカンが身体を起こしてティルに顔を向けた。ティルはリュウカンの目を見つめて、言い放った。 Liukan sat up and turned to look at Tir. Tir looked straight into his eyes and declared,
「だからといって、諦めていいのてしょうか。戦いから逃げていいのでしょうか。 “But does that mean we should just give up? Run away from this fight?
たとえ一時の平和であっても、僕らはそれを目指して戦い、生きていくべきではないでしょうか。僕らが生きている今この時を、大切にするためにも…」 If there is even a chance that we can achieve peace for a time, then shouldn’t we fight for that, and go on striving towards that goal? We must cherish the time we have, now, while we are alive.”
白い眉の下から、リュウカンがじっとティルを見つめた。ティルも皆も、口を閉ざしてリュウカンの言葉を待った。 The old man gazed at Tir from under his white brows. Tir and the others held their breath, waiting for him to speak.
大きくため息をついた後に、ついにリュウカンが口を開く。 Finally, he sighed heavily, and opened his mouth.
「若さゆえの理想じゃな……。だが、お主の言うことにも一理ある」 “Nothing but the naive ideals of the young… but there is some truth in what you say.”
リュウカンはベッドから降り、鉄格子を隔ててティルと向かい合った。 He rose from the bed and faced Tir through the iron bars that separated them.
「人というのは不思議な生き物でな。 “Humans are strange creatures.
長い人生のほとんどか不遇であっても、何かひとつ大きな喜びがあれば、それでけっこう幸せになれるものじゃ。 Our long lives are mostly filled with misfortune, but if we have even one encompassing reason for joy, that can bring us lasting happiness.
そんなことも忘れてしまうとは、わしも歳をとったかのう…」 I had forgotten that simple truth as I have grown old.”
リュウカンが笑みを見せた。 The old man showed them a smile.
「こんな老いぼれが皆の支えになるのなら、また薬を調合するのも悪くないかもしれんな」 “If this feeble old man can be of any use to you, then perhaps making medicine again wouldn’t be so bad.”
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year
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Dombi Heruka, lived late of the eighth century to the ninth century, is one of the eighty-four mahasiddhas in India. He is also a holder of the Hevajra Tantra.
In the country of Magadha, there was a man of royal birth who had attained siddhi from Hevajra. He had been initiated by the guru Virupa, one of the 84 mahasiddhas in India and source the Sakya school, and having been granted the instructions, he experienced their meaning. Though he regarded his subjects as a father thinks of his only son, the people did not know that their king had entered the door of the Dharma. But he was kindly by nature, so all the people unanimously affirmed: “This king is indeed a pious man.”
One day the king said to his minister: “The people are suffering in our country. Thieves and robbers are destroying property, and because of the people’s little merit, there are increasing numbers of poor and indiginous. To deliver the land from fear and poverty hang a great bell on the trunk of a tree. If anyone witnesses a crime or sees poverty let him strike this bell.” The minister did as he was told and fear and poverty were bought to an end in Magadha.
A while later a group of low caste singers came to the capital offering to sing and dance for the king. One of the singers had a 12 year old daughter who was very attractive. She had a lovely face and a good complexion; furthermore she was unsullied by worldly thoughts and had all the qualities of a padmini. So the King said to the low caste singer, “Would you give your daughter to me?”
To this the singer replied, “Your majesty is a king of Magadha, you rule 800,000 cities. Because of your royal wealth you do not have to work for a living. We are of low caste, denigrated and shunned by other classes of people. It is not fitting for you to make such a request.”
The King made his request again, but in a more forceful way; he took the girl after giving her father a sum equal to her value from the treasury. For 12 years the people did not know that she was the King’s tantric consort, but eventually it was discovered. Soon it became known to everyone throughout Magadha, the king consorts with a low-caste woman.
So the king abdicated in favour of his son and with his low-caste consort went into the jungle. There in an idyllic hermitage in solitude they continued practicing their tantric yoga for twelve years.
Meanwhile the kingdom was misgoverned. The quality of life diminished as virtue ebbed to a low level. A council agreed to request the old king to return to govern, and a delegation was sent into the jungle to find him.
The king, in union with his consort, came riding out of the jungle on the back of a pregnant tigress, brandishing a deadly snake as a whip. After the people had overcome their fear and astonishment they begged him to take up the reigns of government again.
“I have lost my own caste status by consorting with an outcast woman,” the king told them. “It is not proper for me to resume my original position. However, since death ends all distinctions, burn us. In our rebirth we will have been absolved.”
A great pyre of cow-head sandalwood was constructed, and after the king and his consort had mounted it, it was ignited. The huge pyre burned for seven days, and when it was cool enough to approach, the people caught sight of the two of them shimmering, as if covered in dew drops, in the spontaneously arisen illusory form of the Buddha-deity Hevajra in union with his consort, in the heart of a fully-blown lotus.
Stepping out of the fire the king addressed the ministers and all of his people of the four castes. “If you emulate me, I shall stay to govern you. If you will not help yourselves, I shall not remain to govern you.”
“Political power is of little benefit and the retribution is great. Those who wield authority can do little good, and more often than not the damage that flows from their actions leads to misery for all in the long run. My kingdom is the kingdom of truth!”
He spoke, and in that instant of immortality he arrived in the Dakini’s Paradise, where he remains for the sake of perfect awareness and pure delight.
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“A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world” (The Honourable Schoolboy - John le Carré)
Le Carré's sixth spy novel to feature George Smiley, The Honourable Schoolboy, follows the battle of wits between Smiley and Karla, his Russian adversary.
The mole has been eliminated, but the damage wrought has brought the British Secret Service to its knees. Given the charge of the gravely compromised Circus, George Smiley embarks on a campaign to uncover what Moscow Centre most wants to hide. When the trail goes cold at a Hong Kong gold seam, Smiley dispatches Gerald Westerby to shake the money tree. A part-time operative with cover as a philandering journalist, Westerby insinuates himself into a war-torn world where allegiances—and lives—are bought and sold.
Born in Poole, Dorset, on 19 October, 1931, David John Moore Cornwell, (better known by his pen name, John le Carré), was a British author, best known for his espionage novels, many of which were successfully adapted for film or television.
Le Carré graduated from Lincoln College, Oxford, in 1956, with a first-class degree in modern languages, whereafter he taught French and German at Eton College. He also worked for both the Security Service (MI5) and the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) during the 1950s - 60s.
Le Carré's third novel, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, became an international best-seller. It was adapted in 1963 as an award-winning film, with Richard Burton playing the lead, and remains one of le Carré's best-known works; this success, allowing him to leave MI6 to become a full-time author.
Having become disillusioned by what he saw as the indifference of the rich and the pervasive philosophy of greed in Britain, Le Carré adopted Irish nationality and moved to St Buryan, in Cornwall: in his words: “a tiny, desolate part of England, where the real effects of what I see as terrible misgovernment – central misgovernment – can be felt in detail upon agriculture, fishing, communication, and transport”.
John le Carré died at the Royal Cornwall Hospital Truro, on December 12, 2020.
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une-sanz-pluis · 1 year
All members of the Commons in 1450 would have had memories of Duke Humphrey of Gloucester and his duchess, Eleanor Cobham. When Duchess Eleanor was found guilty of witchcraft, the Stanley cousins had been among those keeping her in custody, and [of the twenty-nine persons accused of misgoverning Henry VI's person and desired to be exiled] Thomas Pulford, Bartholomew Halley, and Dr. Somerset had been involved in her case. Humphrey of Gloucester was already being thought of in some quarters as “Good Duke Humphrey,” and Thomas Pulford, Sir Thomas Stanley, and Bartholomew Halley had been participants in his arrest in 1447. Humphrey died suddenly when placed under arrest during a session of parliament and, while he may have died of natural causes brought on by stress, it was thought by some that he had been murdered. There were mutterings in 1450 that Pulford and Halley had drowned the duke. Five of the exiles benefited from Humphrey’s death: Sir Thomas and John Stanley, Edward Grimston, Thomas Pulford, and John Somerset.
Compton Reeves, "The 1450 Purge of the English Royal Circle", Medieval Prosopography, 2018, Vol. 33
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
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