#miss trot
just-a-simple-dyke · 1 month
It's been too long since i've posted trot so here is one of my favorite group stages by the high school girls team
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pastafossa · 9 months
Pet loss below the cut.
Cato was my cat. That's the long and short of it.
From the first night I had him when he curled up against my neck to fall asleep with me, to his final night when he curled up on my chest to try and comfort me, there is not a single day I've been home that I haven't had my kitten chow with me. He was my tiny shadow, always trotting along after me or singing at me from around the house with that long Siamese wail or bringing me scores of socks he hid god knows where (although once he brought me an entire umbrella instead, which he was understandably proud of). He was by my pillow every night cuddled up against my arm, and we fit together like two puzzle pieces, like that little crook in my arm was designed for him, for his exact shape and size. He was with me through my health issues, through high school and college, through moving states, through covid, through tears, through the loss of other pets. He was there as I really learned to write, and there is not a single chapter of TRT that was written without his presence for at least a section of it even if it meant I had to stop editing or writing for a bit and just stare at the words instead because he wanted to be held NOW. And he even managed to hold off the cancer just long enough to walk with me through mom's hospital stay and her return home. I was his person, and he was my soul cat, a piece of me.
I was so torn last night. He was clearly in pain, dehydrated, wobbly, confused and restless, and couldn't get to the litter box. It had been really clear this week the moment was coming, that the cancer was going to take him soon. I'd had this big plan, to have it all happen at home in peace. He hated the vet, hated the stress, but it happened so fast, and I just... knew he couldn't wait for the vet's office to open so she could come here. He'd chosen his time and it was now.
I held him at the emergency vet when they gave him the sedative. I managed to choke out that silly singing tone that always made him happy, as I called him every last nickname he knew: my Cato-wato kitten chow, my Cato kins, my little Mr. meow meow, my sweet happy baby kitty. I made sure all he could see with those big beautiful blue eyes of his was me, as I petted his soft little ears and scratched his neck just the way he liked. And he actually managed to purr for me. He purred as he slipped away and the lights went out, and it was the last sound I ever got to hear from him.
I already miss you so, so much, my sweet old kitty, my Cato kitten chow. I'm sorry it couldn't be at home. But thank you for purring for me. Thank you for spending your journey with me. Thank you for the love you gave me. Thank you for the big meows and the headbonks and perching on my shoulder to interrupt with a breaking news story of Meow Meow. Thank you for the stealing of hundreds of my socks over 16 years and the way you always wanted to sit on me regardless of convenience or your own comfort. Thank you for letting me scoop you up for head smoochies, guarding me from nightmares, and solemnly supervising over 150 chapters of TRT. My soul cat, my baby kitty, my lovebug. I will always love and miss you. And one day I'll see you again.
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kelin-is-writing · 7 months
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3-aem · 7 months
i have this crippling urge to follow every message i write with a 😭
its got some bottom bitch energy tho, i kinda hate it.
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kathrynmhahn · 2 months
honestly, its so funny that i ended up moving back to florida right as hurricane season hits
as if i dont have enough trauma from this god forsaken state
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esmeraldablazingsky · 10 months
pre-4.2 I always saw furina as the type that would wake up at dawn and flounce around all peppy singing a little good morning song (all non morning people in the palais: why and how are you doing this) but given that her good morning line is like “I wanna keep sleeping” perhaps I am wrong… or perhaps she woke up early and hopped around like the most energetic person on the face of teyvat to keep herself from falling asleep again
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cinammonelles · 1 year
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Modern au Nea :D
I was flipping through a sketchbook I recently finished and realised I'd forgotten to post this here so here you go :P
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arcxnumvitae · 7 months
Luna has been mentioned in a D.isco chat which means I am contractually obligated to post York.
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blujayonthewing · 3 months
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just-a-simple-dyke · 1 year
The hot mom singing jagiya....this is doing things to me
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waitineedaname · 2 years
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My dad just called and let me know our cat, Lint, just passed away. He was thirteen and the sweetest cat I've ever known. There has never been a cat so good natured. He loved people and was afraid of nothing. There was not a single thought in his brain. He loved doritos and shower water. I'm going to miss him a lot
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flower-seller · 2 years
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Snow Flower
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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# 1 female trot singer who wants to go to Blackwater Park with silver
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shiroselia · 1 year
Dude it’s actually so fucking sad riding the trakhener nowadays if you were around for its original animations
I will never forgive the probably instagram kids who made SSE tweak them because while the third/current iteration of them are better than the second iteration which we Don’t Talk About they don’t even hold a miniscule candle to the first version and it really truly is the reason why the trakhener has lost so much favour for me while still being ultimately one of my favourite gen 3s, but man am I salty about it
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thehairtm · 2 years
ohhhhhohoh yeah baby…,,. YEAH, i’m comin BACK
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