#missed watching it stream because i was playing minecraft with friends LOL
lowkeyrobin · 4 months
hehehe I just saw you write for Karl 🤭 anyways can we have Karl with an s/o that's way clingy. Like just will walk in during stream simply because they missed him. Or will just be with him in a stream holding his hand to where he just moves his hand with yours lol
-🎀 anon
KARL JACOBS ; clingy
summary ; youre a clingy partner and karl loves it 🫶
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 896
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Karl will be streaming and just chatting and you'll walk in, a blanket around you cause it's like midnight, and you just sit on his lap and curl up, face buried in the crook of his neck. He'll just look down at you with the biggest grin and wrap his arms around you.
"You okay, baby?"
You nod and drift off to sleep in his arms.
He continues talking but a bit more quiet, aware that you just wanted him near while you slept. His hands didn't leave your back once the rest of the stream. Once he finished up, he carried you to bed very carefully to make sure you wouldn't wake up.
You stir awake due to the movement and lack of heat, seeing Karl climbing into bed.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
You sleepily shake your head no and just pull him over towards you.
he's the small spoon 100%
constantly kisses your knuckles in your sleep and leaves kisses on your forehead and cheeks
he does a quiet little giggle when he looks at you bc you're so cute hwjaekjenw
he wraps his legs like completely around your hips so you can't leave BAHAHGSHS
he likes just resting one hand on your neck and the other he just tangles in your hair
You'll both be out with friends and sit next to each other, and you'll hold his hand and rub his knuckles with your thumb.
The way he crumbles holy shit.
He'll look over at you like "dude I'm trying to focus they're talking" and you'll give him a smug little smile because one, you're holding his hand and two, you're getting attention out of it.
Quackity takes notice and does the childish little "oOoOoooOOo" as well.
Another instance would be you walking into his stream cause you missed him and just like sitting in the background or next to him to enjoy his presence. Sometimes, he'll just grab your hand on instinct to hold it, but he'll be talking, and so your hand just kinda moves with him because he talks with his hands.
If he gets excited, he does the same thing. He'll instantly throw a hand back to you to hold yours, and you just comply. Chat always notices this.
If he's playing a horror game or a horror Minecraft mod, he'll use you as a human shield. You're the barrier between him and the screens. He's terrified of that thing in the fog that's built like a giant animal. (watch Calvin's videos of his series of into the fog, the scary ass black entity is what I'm talking about)
"y/n, sit on my lap, please, I need a human shield"
"that's a whole crime but okay"
"y/n, y/n help! he's gonna get me STOP"
when he gets jumpscared, he'll hide his face in your back, and his arms instantly wrap around your midsection
you eventually play for him because he's too scared to even look up
once he hears you get jumpscared by the thing in the fog he instantly starts the "see what I mean? it's scary when you're the one playing!"
Sometimes if you're too lonely and lazy to get up while he's streaming, you'll donate and use TTS to talk to him. He finds it adorable but he hates the fact you willingly spend money to talk to him and he sets up a little TTS thing that only you can use. Think Philza's "___ would like to share something, lul" tts setup for his friends.
"Karl, I made dinner it's downstairs, I'm watching a movie if you wanna join 😔😔"
"y/n/n I'm sorry! once I'm done I'll join you, I swear"
"Dude what are you building..."
"come here and help me then!"
"stop! I can hear you laughing downstairs, you're so mean"
"laughing with you, not at you"
"blocked. banned. bye bye!"
'y/u/n donated $20!'
"y/n! stop!"
"mwahahhaa you'll never stop me"
"You look like a Picasso painting"
"... I'm taking that as an insult, y/n/n"
"Wait- who painted the Mona Lisa then?"
"Holy shit"
constant compliments + and/or failed ones
he appreciates it all though don't worry
Constantly loving him through acts of service, he feels bad because he feels like it's more of a chore to you. You assure him that it isn't, and you pull out the same complaints when he gets you things because he's a gift giver.
Obviously, you two are both physical affection people as well, so sometimes you'll just snuggle up wherever and shit. Movie nights are the best. He usually falls asleep first, and you chill on the couch with him to finish the movie or start a new one while his head rests in his lap.
Carrying him to bed is the most common thing ever.
minecraft dates
constantly getting each other flowers
you always have a hand on each other lmao
the most drawn out hugs when one of you has to leave for a while lmao
he straight up carries you around the house for valentines day or your birthday
like if he sees you walking he'll fake cry and everything 😭
gas station snacks on road trips go hard with him
cuddling in the backseat at night like halfway up the coast 🫶
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remimibanana · 5 months
Thank you, Pomu!
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By the time I post this, Pomu has graduated (╥﹏╥)
I want to take this time to thank her. THANK YOU POMU FOR EVERYTHING!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I ALWAYS HAD FUN WATCHING YOU!!! (*´▽`*)
I tried writing this twice elsewhere but it didn’t save both times much to my dismay so I’m doing it here because it’ll save and I can add pictures.
All my sappy rambling below the cut!
I didn’t watch Pomu as much, in all honesty. Just like I don’t watch many of the vtubers I like since I don’t have time to watch streams in general. Woes of being a uni student.
But from the ones I did catch, and the clips I’ve watched, Pomu never failed to make me laugh or smile. Not once.
My favourite clip is where Pomu is reacting to a Nintendo Direct with Elira and they laugh their butts off at the casting for the Mario Movie. I’ll never forget Pomu going “CHRIS PRATT?????” and then subsequently laughing insanely alongside Elira.
I’ll also never forget when she said that the Mario Movie will be good upon seeing Jack Black lol
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Another one of my favourites is where Selen is totally drunk and is playing Minecraft. Pomu is in the server and when Selen tells her that she’s stuck in Seffyna’s wool shearing farm thing machine, she just straight up leaves LMAO
When Selen says she'll have to kill the sheep she's stuck with, Pomu comes back going all NO NO. Pomu gets stuck in an attempt to help Selen, Selen kills the sheep anyway and then they break the farm in an attempt to get out and then they try to fix it.
They fix it and then Seffyna comes in and Selen snitches when Pomu ditched LOL
I love drunk Selen and I love how Pomu was practically a babysitter lmao
I love this clip so much.
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I was watching Pomu’s Totsumachi, and at the end of it she mentioned that she wanted to wipe ass at Pokémon Black since she was doing a challenge where she would beat the game with six Chandelure.
I wrote YESSSSSSSSSSS into the chat, and pretty much after I did, Pomu said “YESSSSSSSSSSSSS”! It happened twice! It felt so cool, you know?
I’m not sure if it was my comment exactly but I’m going to pretend it was. Delulu is the Solulu, my friends.
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Speaking of the Totsumachi, I was there for when Pomu talked to Vivi! I honestly didn't know too much about Vivi, I saw a few clips here and there but I really like her now after this!
They talked about Gaia Online at the very end, and Pomu mentioned how she wanted to try and log back into her old account. I heard of Gaia Online but I never played it. I played Moshi Monsters, Poptropica and Secret Builders as a kid. I'm old, I know lol
My interest was piqued and I made myself a Gaia Online account. It’s so early 2000’s, I love it. Reminds me of the old internet, it was much more happier and fun.
Feel free to friend me if you have an account.
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I actually watched the entirety of the stream where she played Pokémon Black, and I’m so glad I was able to be there to see her complete the challenge! She beat the Elite 4, N and Ghetsis with six Chandelure! It was so entertaining and honestly nerve wracking to watch!
The RNG at one point was so bad, Stone Edge never missed and Flame Body never hit lol
It was a lot of fun.
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As you can see, I sent Pomu a super chat! I have this tradition where I send one to those who are graduating as a final goodbye and to show my support for one last time.
I did it with Pikamee, Mysta, Mika and now…Pomu. The list keeps growing...
Why does every person I like leave ;;
I also became a member! I wasn’t going to initially, but I wanted to show my support and use emotes for the first and last time. I joined the lowest tier at first, but decided I wanted the Member Wallpapers, so I upgraded.
I managed to get them all, which I’m really happy I did! Pomu’s membership got paused after her graduation so there’s no way to access any of the perks anymore.
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For Pomu's graduation stream, I caught all of the Crab Game with Niji EN and the final part. One of the reasons I sent the super chat in the Pokemon Black stream was because I wasn't sure if I would be able to catch the graduation stream at all.
It started at 3:30am for me and I had no idea how long it would go for. I'm a bit surprised it went for 10 hours, but I'm glad it did because I was able to watch a bit of it at the very end!
I think it's better I sent the super chat in the Pokémon Black stream, since I love Pokémon and Pomu! It feels more special to me.
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I think graduations only prove how fast time flies and how one day, the people I like to watch will go too. I know its bound to happen and it is a part of life but still...it hurts to see those who you like to watch go.
I remember waking up one morning and seeing the notice of Pomu graduating, I went "WHATTTTTT??? POMU???? NOOOOOOOOO". I really didn't think she would graduate, but it was right there. People were sad, and I didn't know how to feel.
I felt like I didn't watch Pomu enough or support her enough as I could have. I still feel the same way. I did show my support at the very end, but it shouldn't take a graduation. I should have showed my support from the start, or watched her more. You never know what you'll miss until its gone, I suppose.
But I can't change the past. I'm happy I was able to watch her at the very end, and that's what matters! I'm glad I could say goodbye, watch a full stream from her and have fun until the very end!
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Once again, thank you Pomu! I wish you all the best in life! We're all Pomu at the very end, aren't we?
I'm going to take the PP Energy Pomu gave us and be more confident this year! I won't let you down, Pomu! I'm going to work hard to be the best person I can be.
If I could be anything like Pomu at the end, then I think I would be happy. Someone who is so kind and is like a beacon of light people go to.
Pomu was a pioneer, and I hope she knows just how much she was loved by all. We will never forget you!
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metfell · 2 years
about ranboo not wanting to do mc stuff: i'm not sure whether or not he does want to do minecraft stuff, because he's mentioned missing playing on origins and missing the late night mining streams but not wanting to bring it back because he thinks that no one will watch/people aren't interested in them (which is very wrong)
king idk how to tell u this but thats like the number one type of stream people miss from you minus like. lore. they love ur mining streams where you just hang out and talk. they love you and your friends' silly modded server. people talk all the time about missing that type of content theres an audience for it and a pretty big one at that :( i wish i could say all that to him lol
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katberk · 3 years
Headcannons for a Deaf Reader Part 2
💚This man would already know a lot of sign language
💚’Asking’ you if you need anything before he streams/records a video
💚He doesn’t mind if you hang out in his room with him (no face cam=cuddles)
💚Tea kettle laugh is definitely a must so once again your dream is to hear that laugh (I mean like who doesn’t!)
💚Getting into fights he sometimes forgets to sign, also when he does it’s probably to fast to even comprehend
💚George and Sapnap being the absolute best people
💚Drista days! (She really cares about you and you teach her sign everyday for a class)
💚Drista thinks that you’re the best thing to happen to her brother
💚Cuddles and snuggles and just soft Dream
💚Protecting you no matter what
💚Kisses before and after long streams (he lets you sit on his lap though so...A LOT OF KISSES FROM THIS MAN)
💚Patches always on your lap
💚Dream doesn’t really see any problem with signing all the time! He actually thinks it’s pretty fun
💚Thank god you can’t hear him scream at the top of his lungs when something doesn’t go his way
💚Kinda on the idea for you to participate in the war
💚Calming him down when he gets accused for staging his videos
💚This man is Robin hood! Stealing your heart the first time you two made eye contact
💚’Why do you think I’m Robin hood?!’
💚’Because you stole my heart! You’re the thief that I fell in love with silly!’
💚Love him like he loves you
💙This man is SUPER soft for you
💙Sleepy cuddles all day
💙Rarely fight with each other
💙If you do fight it’ll be for petty reasons
💙Like Dream he probably knows a lot of sign already, but he needs a refresher
💙His voice is already soft so hopefully one day you’ll be able to hear his voice
💙’I love you’s’ back and forth
💙Sometimes he gets confused with some stuff you teach him so it’s a pretty slow ‘class’
💙He talks to you about his colorblindness while you explain more about being deaf
💙quite mornings
💙He’s your little magic boy
💙Building that little mushroom house with you while the war was ablaze definitely happened
💙You guys probably argued a lot over which wood to use or where an item should go
💙He lost after you slammed yourself on him and started squeezing him to death
💙’I believe we should have dark oak Y/N!’
💙’I think spruce would look a lot better!’
💙’Spruce?! Are you insane!’
💙’Yes Gogy....now drop the dark oak planks’
💙”Help chat....please”
💙You won btw
♥️I can see Sapnap over exaggerating his hand movements
♥️Hugs and soft pecks on stream (If the relationship is out)
♥️During fights his hand movements definitely do something
♥️Apologizes super fast (comprehending it is again super difficult)
♥️I can see him brag to everyone about you (he’s just that kind of man)
♥️You want cuddles now?! Well grab those blankets and pillows because he’s gonna probably kill you with love
♥️Dream is to definitely hear this man’s voice (I don’t really have to explain why)
♥️Is he your knight in shinning amour?! YES
♥️Doesn’t care if you’re deaf or not
♥️Lilly would always be on your lap purring so you would feel the vibrations
♥️The man is soft, but strong
♥️He’ll protect you with his life
♥️Again kinda glad you can’t hear him scream in fear/anger when he’s doing a video/stream
♥️Everyone gets hate so comforting each other is very important in this relationship (I don’t understand why people hate on Sapnap?!)
♥️Sometimes he forgets that your deaf and whispers “I love you” or “good morning/good-night” (😂🥰)
♥️Jokes all around
♥️Shows you around the SMP with signs (yes, he would do that)
♥️*Welcome to the SMP Y/N*
♥️’Why are you writing on a sign?!’
♥️*I don’t wanna take my hands off the keyboard*
🌼Wilbur Soot🌼
🌼Already knows sign language
🌼 Still asks you to teach him
🌼Makes you feel his guitar when he plays so you can feel the vibrations
🌼Nice streams with jokes and laughs
🌼Definitely dreams to hear his singing
🌼Calm days
🌼Singing on stream
🌼Tommy being annoying to both of you
🌼Making a cute house where both of you would live with signs that have quotes
🌼Having a great time ‘talking to you’
🌼Walks on the beach where he describes the sounds to you 🥺
🌼Sad that you can’t hear music
🌼Tries to make you as comfortable as he can
🌼You guys don’t really get into fights, but when you do it’s pretty hard (Don’t worry though)
🌼Glad to learn about this disability so he can help and understand more
🌼I can imagine you putting your fingers on his throat to feel the vibrations (closest thing to this man’s BEAUTIFUL voice)
🌼’What are you doing?!’
🌼‘’Listening’ to music’
🌼”Smart Y/N....smart”
💜He’s pretty decent at sign
💜You can’t stop me from thinking that he’ll ask for you to sign bad words for him 🥺
💜I see him joking about it, but not to the extent of being hurtful
💜Chat loving you and believing that you two being together would be the end of the world
💜Just like Wilbur I can see him putting your hand on his guitar to feel the vibrations
💜Fights would probably have one person speaking angry Spanish and the other doing some angry sign language (😂)
💜His laugh, voice, singing! (I would miss this so much)
💜Karl being your best friend (Karl is just so wholesome)
💜Watching Mexican Soap Operas
💜Him translating for his chat and signing to you at the same time (stupid sub titles)
💜Always seen with him and vice versa
💜Jackbox is chaotic (All of his videos with him are chaotic)
💜When you guys are together in Minecraft....no one’s safe
💜Late night talks
💜He believes that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to him
💜”Yo Mamacita!”
💜’You said something?!’
💜’oops! Sorry, no’
Hope you guys enjoy! This took awhile lol

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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Eret 11 MAY 21
Cat and DSMP Part 1/1
Cat! Goose!
Goose my beloved.
Eret’s streaming very late for me again. So I’m not staying the whole time.
Hello Elaina. Enjoy Goose.
Fundy! Kinda...
Fundy hearing the donations. LOL.
Fundy enters a stream and it starts to scuffed. Scuffed just follows Fundy wherever he goes.
A wild my beloved on the cube.
The Drista stairs.
Wait what. Why is the tower gone?
I have missed some lore.
Ah... it’s part of the nightmare thing.
Eret offering Fundy housing like a good almost adoptive parent.
Sounds like Fundy about lost a lung. Good gracious.
The bargaining between these two.
Cat, Handsome, said cube was massive
You know what that works.
It’s hard to keep the audio right for Eret’s stream for my headphones. It’s either too quiet or the loudest my headphones can go and my family can hear it.
On stream explosions. Noice.
Wow youtooz. Not super cool. Permission is usually a good thing.
Eret keeps on sizzling.
Getting dirt for scaffolding. Going old fashioned Minecraft for this.
“Why is the Cube kinda hot” cue Eret losing faith in her chats sanity.
Cube go poof.
Oh. Red stone. That’s dangerous.
I like this song. Oh klahoma. Gorgeous song.
Love joy is such a fun band. I want to make a plushy of the cat.
It’s kinda sad that Eret can’t see themselves the way chat and their little fandom sees them. Most all of us think they look fabulous.
Not Arson. Just bombing. A bit of anarchy by the king.
Demolition. Now there’s the word.
Controlled ish demolition.
Ah I’ve almost saved enough channel points for water. Nice. I’m not going to redeem it I’m just going to keep hoarding the points.
Flame Arrow. Nice.
Eret cleaning up the SMP eye sours.
Watch me attempt to sleep to Eret here in an hour or so, but keep getting distracted.
Explosion time.
Someone get ready to clip it.
Bye Bye Cube. Let’s go.
Gotta get a song that fits the vibe.
Hayloft. Time to go poof.
Turning up my brightness just to watch this explosion in the best way possible.
Still wearing the red dress I see.
I hope the music isn’t too loud to get this part muted.
Drum roll...
Drum roll continues...
Drum roll still going...
That was so smooth and good looking!
Overall a very good explosion.
Just a little bit of a hole in the other building.
Twitch Pr-
Poor being’s so confused with his hair. Someone help them.
Twitch bleep.
Everyone attempting to give hair styling advice. Everyone’s trying to help the being.
That bird is majestic. I remember seeing that tiktok.
Animals just decided Eret was the animal whisperer.
Yes! Disney Princess Eret fanart! Someone make it, I shall reblog all of it.
Likes to hug cute animals and cute animals like being hugged by her. Nice.
It’s alright. Names are difficult. I have to like put name tags on people to learn who they are. That or name tags on their space (like on campers bunks and door decs on dorms)
It does feel very February. But I’m very ready for summer because that means I get to do my favorite job.
Hooray. I hit 15k points.
Eret trying to prove to us a ponytail won’t work. Like we aren’t going to hype them up no matter what.
Gotta heart in the chat. All Eret’s chat does is hearts and encourage. It’s a lovely place.
Oh Eret forgot his cat ear sub goal. It’s alright I know I forgot.
Pride is next month. Nice.
Oh. We’re almost halfway already. Why does the world spin so quickly?
We forgot a dirt tower. Whoops.
I would wear Eret merch. I like it when people release merch around Christmas. Then I can ask for it as a gift.
Oh it wasn’t a dirt tower.
Just looking at Elaina’s stream in the stream selection screen it like very cozy.
All the way up the Drista stairs.
Look it’s the museum!
Eret’s got most of the builds around there. The museum. The fortress. Nice.
Some things are too historical to remove. Somethings are historical because they are being removed.
Oh no. L’sandburg.
It’s taking over the summer home.
Ah the lore is coming. It just seemed to be too early.
Hello unofficial ranboo Raiders.
Foolish making the awesome tall thingy!
Foolish’s builds are so neat. I want to watch Foolish’s streams more. Maybe just in the background but I start wanting to delayed liveblog and that requires attention.
Oh the giant portal turned out well. Sorry that was the lady’s foolish stream I watched.
Shulkers. The forbidden mob.
Eret with just a pit in the desert filled with llamas. Bones. And discus.
The mansion has been finished?
Alright is better than bad. It’s alright to be alright.
Lucky being not getting tired. I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and I was so so tired. I also had just no appetite.
Eret doing an smp tour. And looking at foolish’s builds.
Flickering the switch on the rainbow beacons.
Eret just knowing where everything is.
Kinoko is super pretty. Just for the aesthetic value of the kingdom I appreciate it.
Yeet. Just defenestrated himself out the window.
Oh? Spectator fly over the smp?
That would be really neat to like. Watch in VR. I think I’ve only used VR maybe twice.
Pretty Rainbow beacons.
The nurse who gave me my vaccine hid the needle from me because I mentioned to her that I was afraid of needles. It wasn’t a big deal at all.
30 minutes till I attempt sleep. Woo.
Goose my beloved. Someone make the gif because I’m not quite sure how to make it.
Oh yeah. Goose in Marvel. I hear MCU and think Minecraft cinematic universe. Not marvel.
Ghibli is so nice. It really romanticize small moments of life.
Yeah the characters are all really supportive in Ghibli movies.
Someone subbed for nine months “that’s enough to make a child” -Eret
That mansion is like a maze. I’m so lost already.
Everyone encouraging Eret and telling her she looks pretty. Good.
Eret needs all the hype and encouragement.
Antarctic empties flag. Yeah it does have a similar color pallet.
Michelle! Hello!
Fortress work. Nice.
Do it. I’ll listen the Eret play other games.
I don’t usually watch game play for non Minecraft games. But I’ll listen to it all.
Hbomb and Eret living in the same city feels like two worlds that shouldn’t meet. But it’s awesome that they have.
TOS means against twitches terms of service. Nice. Glad to finally have an explanation of what that means.
Look at our handsome and pretty streamer. All the hype.
I keep turning down the stream to hear the show my mama has on because I’m curious about what happens.
Yeah. Backseat gaming can be annoying. That’s part of why I share my thoughts here just in case I do start backseat gaming.
Almost to the sub goal. Hooray!
Ooo food.
No no. I see where they are coming from. Eret does give a bit of cat bus vibes. I can’t explain it but the vibes are there.
Creeper causing issues at the fortress.
Ed Sheepran my beloved.
I should draw more ferrets. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I’ll draw us doing stuffs.
Actually I kinda want to make a little animatic of some heels walking across the screen followed by a hoard of ferrets. I think it’ll look cool. But I need the artistic ability and the ability to not scream making that.
Woop. Ad time. Off to the void of where ever the ads game me.
Bread. Flowers. Ted. Crown. And of course Eret.
We V O I D and get our streamer bits.
Hush the chat is V O I D and the occasional emoji or emote.
The void being centered looks good. Maybe that’s just the symmetry speaking but it’s good.
Oh. We hear the being. The being in void mode. And spooky mode.
Chat just starts yelling corpse.
Hydration. I try to stay hydrated. But I fail often if I’m not doing something active.
Casually makes and snags tree.
Eret does read chat often. It’s strange. And it is weird how often it ends up being you.
You can tell I’m a tumblr peep. I may say stuff in chat but I’m fully not expecting or wanting to be noticed by the streamer.
Others hitting darkness o’clock and saying goodnight.
It’s sleep to the stream hours y’all. Whoop.
I need to visit the parks out west. I’ve only really seen the eastern US ones. But I have been to the Great Smokey Mountain park which is gorgeous.
Eret thinking of his friends triggers when naming his cat.
Eret’s builds are so casually pretty. Not like Foolish’s which are intricately pretty. Not like Phil’s or Sam’s which are complicated pretty. All pretty. Just different breeds of pretty.
Alrighty. It’s sleepy hours for me. As much as I love Eret I want to read some fanfiction and daydream a bit before I head to sleep.
Have a good rest everyone and may all your coming meals be delicious.
Wait no is it our turn with goose?
Eret honey that’s the ceiling.
Cat stream. Cat stream.
Sleepy kitty. A cat cam would be good.
Yeah. That happens with cats. Especially strays.
Goose captured the computer mouse.
Goose straight up chose Eret and Elaina.
Goose really just chose not to leave.
Oh my stream connection is acting sad. But I want Goose content.
I want to draw Goose now.
Maybe I’ll do water color for Goose. I know I tried to do that with Boots (Fundy’s cat)
Hopefully there will be some Goose face screenshots I can see. Maybe I can see him well in the Tiktok.
Artists just violently refusing payment. Sounds about right. The MCYT artists just kinda go “yeah give credit and we cool”
Cowboy cat. Nice.
I want to paint Goose in the cowboy hat.
Hype train! That we are zooming.
Bucket sponge?
WATER BUCKET FROM WET SPONGE! Tiktok people giving all the cool info.
Go Goose. Catch the computer mouse and the screen mouse.
Just sitting here at 11:30 at night getting screen shots of Goose for painting purposes.
Goose please. Look at the camera babe.
My phone is dying. And I can’t charge it and type.
Alright the camera is off the cat. The cat is also blocking the screen.
But no cat on camera means I’m getting some sleep. If I do any of the projects I’ve mentioned I’ll let y’all know.
Have a good rest everyone.
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getofy · 3 years
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matchup: #1 - hq boy w/ an extroverted fem reader!
—a/n: wow im genuinely so sorry for taking so long. literally school is ruining my life and i also um,, haven’t been doing the best this past month. i really hope this makes up for it !! it’s kinda long so my bad...also this is NOT proofread lol i apologize if it sucks aaaa.
DISCLAIMER: while this is a personalized matchup, they’re still headcanons, so basically anyone can enjoy them! :]
hello @/meremoomoo ! you are so cute and tysm for being patient about ur request. i debated who you would go well with for a while, but in the end i came up with...
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suga has a personality type of INFJ, which compliments your ENFP personality type well.
“...you may benefit from perseverance in this relationship. your sensitive, sympathetic nature may at times overtake you, leading you to make decisions that feel right but are not really the wisest option. this person, whose approach seems so cold at times, can help you to tune into your powers of objective reasoning and ensure that you are not letting emotions rule your life.” —some website i found
while INFJs are not the most compatible with ESFPs, your other personality type, wonderful things can still come out of INFJ/ESFP dynamics! 
“your differences mean that you actually have a lot to offer one another. your counterpart may inspire you to slow down and think more deeply about the meaning of things, rather than just doing what feels right in the moment. in turn, you can help them to get out of their heads and enjoy life for what it is.” —some website i found
sugawara and you did not start off on the right foot at first...
the two of you were in the same class and sat very close to each other so he decided that he really wanted to get to know you.
he also just really likes becoming friends w/ people lol
since you were always laughing loudly with your friends during break time, he deduced that you had a good sense of humor.
he decided that jokes seemed like the right way to get to your heart win you over!
easy enough, right?
apparently, he had caught you on a bad day because his attempts to be friendly were not received well. at all.
poor suga.
he does his best to be kind to everybody, but at the same time, he does love to poke fun at others. he probably took one of his jokes too far or something?
or maybe you really were just having a bad day?
who knows.
anyways, after that awkward encounter, he did his best to avoid you.
it’s not that he hated you, it’s just that he thought you hated him. it sort of bummed him out because you seemed cool, but he wanted to be respectful of your feelings!
*sorry it’s not enemies to lovers, but it’s close enough i hope ?
the class had finished testing early, so the teacher decided to put on a movie.
(basically it’s just an incredibly depressing dog movie. like, if you’ve never seen it then just imagine the saddest movie you’ve ever seen 10x)
anyways, you ended up crying. very loudly.
sugawara was incredibly concerned for you, since you seemed to be genuinely distraught, but he didn’t say anything
eventually, the teacher caught on to your disarray and excused you from the room so you could go calm yourself down.
after some time, the teacher tells suga to go check up on you to make sure ur not dead or whatever lol (you were taking a while).
he was hesitant to do this since he knew you weren’t too fond of him, but suga decides to do it anyways since he didn’t want to be a disobedient student.
he finds you sitting on a bench with tears streaming down your face
and MAN!!
all at once, suga gets this overwhelming urge to make you feel better. but like, as in, he-never-wants-to-see-you-in-this-kind-of-state again-otherwise-he-might-breakdown kind of urse.
despite not being super close to you, he had gotten so used to your large smiles and extroverted demeanor, that watching you cry felt foreign to him.
he missed your smile.
he soon realizes that seeing you upset hurts him because he genuinely cares about your well-being.
so he decides to make it his personal mission to make you smile again.
suga takes the spot next to you voicelesslyand tries his best to talk you through your dismay.
you don’t seem to mind the company, and to his delight you don’t seem to hate him as much as he thought you did!!
suga is very grateful for this
anyways, he manages to cheer you up, and the tips of your lips turn up into a small grin—just like he wanted them to.
whew this man’s heart skips a BEAT baby and he is lowkey spiraling lol he’s so confused like why is this girl’s smile making me feel some type of way
he had been so focused on what you thought about him, but he had never once stopped to consider what he thought about you (until this very moment, of course).
turns out suga was incredibly fond of you
yeah, that’s how he knew.
suga brain go brr 4 pretti girl
you two had been hanging out more frequently as of late
and getting to know you was only making suga‘s crush grow EXPONENTIALLY
after many nights spent in long contemplation, he came to the conclusion that it was time to ‘man-up’ and just rip off the band-aid that was being honest about his feelings.
he buys a single flower (tanaka’s advice) and waits by your locker
very very simple and sweet confession typa beat :(
literally SO nervous pls help . he’s scratching the back of his neck and holding the flower out to you with a slight twinge in his cheeks.
“y/n...i know you weren’t too fond of me at first, but i...i don’t know i think we’re great together! and now that we hang out and stuff i was thinking that maybe we could-“
yeah you cut the poor boy off and said yes to put him out of his misery.
literally verbally celebrates when you accept his flower. does a lil victory dance and everything.
ugh yall r so cute.
somehow the most wholesome and chaotic couple to ever exist???
you guys spend like every waking moment together it’s adorable
noya and tanaka would jokingly hit on you and suga would pretend to be actually jealous.
i hc him as being a somewhat possessive-y boyfriend so do w that what you will
total best friend kind of lover but he’s also a sweetheart and rlly romantic + respectful abt ur needs:(
y’all r super comfy w each other !!
sugawara is usually the kind of person that’s always there for other people so he appreciates the fact that you’re the same way! you guys bond over your shared therapist/mom-friend tendencies, and quickly become the support systems you so desperately needed prior to getting together.
he’s there to listen to you about your problems and vice versa.
he adores how you can meet and sometimes even exceed his energy. it’s a nice change of pace since he usually gets scolded by daichi. </3
thinks it’s cute how much you care for animals! you’ll often find him staring at you in wonder as you pet a random dog on the street lol.
will spend hours on end watching you play video games on FaceTime. after a while, he ended up buying his own console and now you guys play together!
he’s fairly competitive, and will whine whenever you destroy beat him in a game!
he’s so cute pls
one of his favorite things to do after a long day is sit and play slower paced games such as minecraft and animal crossing with you.
whether it’s about your fav historical monument or about a new show you saw, suga will listen to you talk for hours and never get bored. usually he’s always got something to add to the convo though. sometimes you guys get overly excited together and end up speaking over each other in the same way.!
is INCREDIBLE at getting you to calm down?? like, if you ever need to be put in your place, suga knows exactly what to say to do it. does this make sense? lol. you guys have big ying and yang energy sometimes i feel.
you’re his BIGGEST supporter. whenever he’s put into games, you’re always the LOUDEST one cheering him one.
it really touches him to know that you’ll always be there to root for him!! even mr.refreshing gets down sometimes, so it’s incredible to have someone as positive as you by his side constantly reassuring him.
he’s a big animal person as well so you guys like going to volunteer at shelters together!
this was actually your second date HAHA.
if a dog is within a 40 ft radius from y’all, it is almost guaranteed that you guys will sprint to go pet them.
since you’re both athletic, you guys help each other practice sports together! suga’ll throw u soft toss and help you run drills and hype u up before games. & you’ll help him work on his technique and such <33.
y’all totally gossip together wow. you said you were a bit on the meaner side of the spectrum and lowkey he doesn’t mind AT ALL. he lives for it HAHAHAHA.
he literally thinks you’re stunning so it upsets him whenever you get insecure, but he’s always got the right thing to say to cheer you up! genuinely just,,,, so good with his words. if you’re having a bad night, he’s ready to come to your rescue with a gentle smile and funny one-liner and maybe a documentary if you’re lucky enough.
in his eyes, everything about you is beautiful. your hair. your freckles. your body. your laugh. your smile. everything!! he’s going to do whatever it takes for you to love yourself in the same way he loves you.
this man so whipped smh 🙄🙄
tl;dr: suga thinks you hate him. you don’t. you start hanging out. he confesses to you by the lockers. you start dating. you are infinitely better at gaming than he is and will never let him forget it.
YOUR ANTHEMS (in no particular order):
darling by christian leave
pleasantries (with your lover) by mustard service
upside down by jack johnson
sunflower, vol.6 by harry styles
what do you like in me? by nasty cherry
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit premission
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mcytheap · 3 years
cc!Jack Manifold - watch him?
i want more people to watch jack manifold so here are some pros and cons
Pros - he’s funny. often at his own light-hearted expense, never punches down. - in minecraft he is either a genius or has hilariously terrible luck: will fall in the same trap 3 times, weapons break at the perfect wrong moment, he goes afk to talk to chat and dies to a mob - chatty, smaller streamer vibes. always talking to chat and interacting with his tts. claims he reads all donos after stream if they don’t get played. - sometimes sings. i think he sings well but not always because he’s just winging it for fun. it’s nice. - even if he’s shouty and excited his streams radiate chill energy - he does good impressions. once again he is funny. - good stream schedule (i think). frequent streamer but not daily. usually between 1 and 3 hours, so not overwhelming. - frank. says what he thinks about science, culture, etc. often much more informed on a topic than you might assume, and eager to be informed if he’s off-base
Cons - sudden volume shifts. he’ll be doing those chill vibes then get excited and shout - pretends to be sad/have his feelings hurt. it’s just a bit but i think he plays at it too long. doesn’t do this too often - mutes discord to talk to chat. endearing from the chat pov but he forgets about the people he is talking to and literally never goes back. i get second-hand abandonment issues for them lol
Mixed Bag - pretends to be mad. i think this is funny but only because i know he’s faking it. mileage may vary. he’s able to turn it off right away. - media share streams. eh they’re hit or miss. i think when he worked full time he used them as a content method because he was really tired and it showed. they’re more fun if he’s answering chat questions, talking to a friend, etc.
Feel free to add more things if you want?
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girlofthefandom · 3 years
Famous Person Karl Jacob’s Stream delayed live blogging Part 1
Some much is happening on the smp. It’s almost funny. I’m only watching the Karl Jacob’s stream but the chat is chaos enough.
Eret’s not even streaming and he’s still one of the funniest people here.
Aww poor Eret. Eret just wants to show off their rainbow castle.
Castle time!!!
Eret with his timing on his horse being the coolest person there.
Continues Under Cut
I love how you can tell Eret put so much work into that. Oh well at least Ranboo tried to compensate him.
And Eret trying to teach him to ride the horse.
Can you all tell that I am only watching this stream for bits of Eret content? He always streams so late at night I never manage to catch it.
Good gracious is everyone on just because of the special guest? Only two of the many people on are streaming. What kind of person are you? Here for Tommyinnit or here for Lil Nas?
I leave to get a cookie and Karl is in a box being drowned. What in the world did I miss?
Ah good. Eret is still chatting. Quackity is doing... Quackity things. I also love Foolish running in with bonemeal. Everyone wants a piece of the famous person pie.
Everyone following Foolish just cause. I love it. And poor Karl not even noticing.
I have started copying and pasting my previous posts into my delayed posts. Still updating this is going to be hard
I love Eret just playing the game in the background
Look at the musical beings bonding. Awwww
Latched Up. Look at everyone bonding.
Don’t panic and keep on climbing.
Finally caught up copying and pasting. And I’m loving the windows idea
“How are you just floating?” Careful balance my friend.
In stashing this in my drafts I have learned I have 70 followers on here. I know two of those are my friends but the rest of you have no business being here. Welcome anyway.
Don’t mind me, opening chat just to claim some channel points.
I hope the remember to get the Lore Shield back at the end of this. I don’t want to deal with the feral that the fandom will be if they don’t.
I’m sorry pole? Did I just completely zone out and miss everything?
It started raining in the game and I got a severe weather warning for my region at the same time. Lovely.
Thunderbolt and light night very very frightening
I understand sleeping to Minecraft rain sounds. Minecraft and Animal Crossing rain sounds are top tier rain sounds.
Karl is working so hard while also having to much fun. I’m so happy for him.
Two of these guys don’t really know how to play too well but it’s still good.
Karl’s doing his best
The storm outside my house has me so distracted. Is the thunder I’m hearing from the game our outside my house? I will never know.
The lighting is approaching. Beware.
Corpse still thinking about them making music. Music brain people are so cool to listen to. I hope they make a song. I don’t listen to either of their music really but I would listen to that song.
I wonder who reached out to who with this? Is Lil Nas using Karl and the DreamSMP for promo or is Karl promoting using Lil Nas? I don’t really care this is still fun.
Please don’t beat up a sheep.
All sorts of IRL cannon being confirmed. Lol.
I love Karl going back on anything he says if the guest disagrees.
Experienced Players Parkoring around the edges. While the inexperienced players are just running around on the floor. I remember those days.
Yes Please! Trend Lil Corpse X
Teaching which block to aim for. I remember struggling through all of this.
Hooray! Sleeping!
He won’t die. I agree Corpse.
A very sketchy tour. Built a house. Slept.
Oh yeah they did remember the shield. Good. It only took him remembering Twitter will cancel.
No honey, don’t press dnf. That was a joke.
And poof goes George.
Oh and again.
Three “cannon” deaths.
Oh next time? Already? Well that’s neat.
We’re going from everyone being on the dream smp and/or streaming on the smp to nobody
Love the lil seeds in the front floating.
Karl got the screen shot and ran.
That wasn’t as bad a stream as I expected it to be. I always thought the celebrity guests were over hyped.
That was a big lighting strike outside my window ok.
I love the next time stuff and how he apparently isn���t on a real computer.
Unlock the end just to let Lil Nas fight the enderdragon. Where’s dreamXD when you need him.
Everyone left. Now he’s gotta hunt someone to raid
Wait who are we raiding?
Aww now the chat is being wholesome and hearting. Very nice.
Oh no. Lore based. Lore based is dangerous.
Tales is still going to be nuts and amazing nice nice.
Streaming tomorrow? A lore stream. Oh no. I’ll just catch up on here. I can’t do a stream.
Bye Bye Everyone!
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chemicalarospec · 4 years
Genuinely Don’t Say Anything Interesting Here But I Like Talking So Thus I’m Posting This
okay I did like nothing productive today but have a ramble on youtube fanbases, specifically the new gen of mcyt. This was two posts and then I made it one so sorry when I repeat myself. I did edit it tho lol. But that means I also inserted more, so this is just all over the place now. 
me from the future: oh god. all over the place. wait wtf this is so long. I don’t even have much to say I just like writing the same sentence three different ways and refusing to cut any of them. I’m sorry; I don’t know how to edit; this is informal AF. (can I use three semicolons? at least one of those is wrong anyways lol.)
edit: I’m so sorry I forgot about having a “read more” last night laksjdflksjad. Also idk if I even agree with myself lmao.
it’s so funny how mcyt is like The Thing now. It’s not cool to like it anymore lol, cuz everybody does. (This is a me thing. I like being special lol. I also self-define “cool” so you should not take it to heart when I say it’s not cool.)
I mean, just thinking about the Dream SMP as something I *do* want to get into, it doesn’t feel like “our thing” -- it’s has the feel of a HUGE fandom. Seriously, I’m in the phandom, which ngl has been dead since 2018, and the fanbase for the SMP has a much different, bigger feel. Idk what i’m getting at, it feels imposing? looking at the Dream SMP fandom seems similar in scope and slightly in atmosphere to pre-2019 phandom, at least to me, and it’s actually making me grateful that I joined now and not all that time ago.
Also I brought up the “our thing” bit because of the mcr post that goes “funny how MCR seems like our little secret and the biggest thing in the world at the same time” and I kinda thought that was just how all fandoms worked? idk I was going to assert that the truth is different but I thought some more and now I’m not sure.
but yeah I like the “our little secret” feel and somehow the phandom has (re)gained that while technoblade (and the new gen of mcyt as a whole) is loosing it.
I mean, I’ve been watching Technoblade since the bedwars winstreak. He had less than a millions subs but most people I brought him up to actually did know who he was. He was big but he wasn’t *famous* -- we all knew about him and we all cared. Like the only person who knew who he was and didn’t care had a little brother(s?) that loved him (wait why is this all in past tense this is all still true). (Yes AFC this has become a callout post for you mocking techno lol.) (If you’re still reading my miNeCRaFT yOuTuBeR fAnBaSe MEta. cringe culture is dead tho; I don’t have to say it like that.) 
Anyways, I didn’t follow Technoblade’s Dream SMP streams and now I feel like I’d just be tagging along if I did get into it. (also didn’t watch SMP Earth lol.) This is because I’m a gate-keeping jerk. Or hate missing out. One of those two things. 
(awkward transition where I don’t know how to make my tangent meaningful and have to make it back to the original train of thought I violently interrupted)
As a long time Techno fan, I’m really proud of the growth he’s experiencing, but a little sad too as the community is being -- well, I don’t want to say “infiltrated,” as I don’t want to shade anyone who was simply late to the party -- perhaps diluted? overwhelmed? yeah, overwhelmed by newer fans, and becoming “unmanageable” in a sense; it feels like we’ve lost a bit of our sense of community with the influx of new fans -- no shade to any new fans! This is just the way fandoms work. When the crowd is larger, it becomes harder recognize each member as a person, even if everything else is the same. (”The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.”) (look this is how my brain works deal with it)
I just really like this small community feel, and it’s a bit daunting looking at the smp fandom. 
Also the growth Dream experienced this year is genuinely ludicrous. I mean, the wide appeal of shipping is part of it, not going to beat around that bush, but there’s just so much and I wanna read an essay from a long-time fan who saw it on why he’s got so much growth. 
I really hate to shame fans and stuff, but part of it, at least for me, is that most of these new fans probably aren’t “minecrafters” like we were. I doubt the majority of them grew up on Stampy, DanTDM, and whatever the other ones I didn’t watch were. I mean, some of this is because Child. For them, the distinction is really pre-quarantine post-quarantine i guess? Really, whether they played Minecraft or not. Again, I know it’s bad to shame fans, but apparently I’m just a terrible person and I feel like it’s more shallow or disingenuous to get into MCYT when it’s popular without already being into Minecraft. 
WAIT that’s it -- Minecraft community, as a whole, is special. It’s a LARGE umbrella of fandoms in general, but that’s the thing: they’re all more communities than fandoms -- from the casual builders to the pro parkour players to those who watched the og youtubers to those who followed the Great Potato War, there was Minecraft Culture. 
And the expanded fandom that’s sprung up around the Dream SMP and possibly Dream in general (???) is more of fandom. It feels like a fandom. People treat it like a fandom, they talk about it in fandom spaces, it is fandom, a modern fandom. Not a quaint “little” Minecraft community. 
I’m not going to say it’s because of the shipping, but... I have no data but at least I can say that it certainly creates an appeal for Fandom People as opposed to Minecraft People. And then also it’s just a fandom thing so it makes the space more fandom. 
Also I realized this is all based upon a feeling, so where did the feeling come from? I was reading in-fandom texts a lot today, and I think the storyline actually might have something to do with it. Also maybe the “talking behind their backs”? I can’t be bothered to remember what I’m comparing to what at this point but that’s definitely done in a lot of other spaces I’m in, so idk.
OH FRICK I’ve mostly been *in* the fandom spaces for real things lmao. (Read: I’m 100% making up everything at this point.) 
(awkward transition because I inserted the last two paragraphs later on)
And really, I played minecraft today for the first time in months. But it’s still with me, you know? The memories of being introduced to it, growing up with it. Going to the Nether with my cousins, my uncle’s giant survival mode cathedral. Mojang being bought by Microsoft and everybody hating it. (... me, my brother, my two friends, essentially... how did we even know??)
[I had part about the minecraft.net writers here but it was completely unrelated so it became it’s own post. I should do that more.]
(With every sentence the target audience of this post gets smaller.)
What was I saying? I’ll just wrap up. 
TL;DR: Dream SMP fandom feels like a fandom and not a Minecraft community and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I’ve realized I prefer a community feel, which makes me grateful I joined the phandom now. Also I shouldn’t be allowed to post things past 9:00pm. 
Oh my god I’m so sorry to all my mutrals. My tired loquacious reflex has kicked in. This is essentially a dan and phil stan blog, and though I know a few of you know what I’m going on about, I’m so sorry to the rest of you. 
Well, at least *I* think I’m a fascinating person with interesting things to say hahahahha. 
This is like a diary post. Should I post this? Yeah, other people should share my thoughts lol. OH NO: Late-night Tumblr fandom ramble posts are the new social-justice tirade/generally useless blog-like Goodreads reviews. At least it’s what Tumblr’s made for :P. 
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tubb0 · 4 years
stream liveblog: tommyinnit 8/22
I woke up literally a minute before he started so thats cool
he’s in a mood
he says he’s going to spend more time editing his videos (and upload less)
he also says his plan is two smp videos and then ‘something cool. something you might recognize’ 👀
oh so someone is building a tesck to compete with walmart. good.
theres a nether protal in tommys tower. he is not pleased
I just woke up idk whos been doing stuff but they’ve been quite busy
tommy is upset that tubbo was streaming with someone who ‘stole his brand’ (wearing a red t-shirt)
chat says his name is also tom
now hes in call with tubbo, yelling
‘you’re not just gonna go speak to this guy with more red in his shirt than me’
oh he hung up on tubbo
shippers will have a fierld day with this one (I desperately hope they don’t exist since these are children but yknow I’m sure they do)
you can see the corner of tommys bed when he fullscreens his facecam. he doesn’t have sheets or a mattress cover on his bed. do what you will with this (unless its weird then please dont)
tubbo_ has joined the game
tommy says he will ghost tubbo
also hey its fine to have a crush on tommy if you’re around his age but you dont have be weird and pushy about it
tubbo is doing the sad walk and tommy shot him
tommy: best friendship ended with tubbo. jack manifold is my new best friend
tubbo_ has left the game
chat is babying tubbo again :/
tubbo_ has joined the game
<tubbo_> sorry
tubbo_ has left the game
‘I always knew this day would come. thats why I was always mean to tubbo. I knew he would rob me.’
tubbo_ has joined the game
he left again... his spaghetti is ready
tommy is thinking of ways to but tubbo to work in order for them to earn back his friendship
wait did ponk steak tommys horse? I thought bbh did
anyways retrieve horsechamp
chat says niki lost ylyl because of tommy
wilbur was not pleased that she finds him funny (joking of course)
anyway niki is so pretty
it has just clicked for tommy that the horse is in fact his horse
oh hes on the run
tubbo has returned from eating his poggers spaghetti
tommy is stuck in a hole
tubbo: you know the pope? anyway heres my bee box!
tubbo keeps talking about the pope
tubbo has decided he doesn’t need tommys friendship and left the game
tommy says hes ‘like dream. his only friends are the numbers.’
he called tubbo and theyre both yelling now
tubbo claims to want more mature friends than tommy
tommy is accusing tubbo of being on drugs
the pope returns
‘this is like a divorce’ ‘yeah except I dont care’
they spent a second questioning catholicism
tubbo please why do you keep talking about the pope
tubbo brought up death and tommy shut that down real quick
tubbo out here with definitions
dream has joined the game
dream is only kind to tubbo and yet wont follow them back on twt
there something so endearing about hearing someone moving further from the mic when they laugh
chat is talking about the vlog gun so tommys watching wilburs stream
tommy: *upset about wilbur trying to break the vlog gun* tubbo: does this mean we can be together for mmc??
tommy hit tubbo of his balcony and now tubbo is regretting coming back online
tommy just murdered dream by hitting him with a minecart
ah fuck chat lost it and my streams starting to lag
skeppy is threatening to burn the doscs to avenge dreams death
tommy to tubbo: our friendship really hold this server together
did he lie?? absolutely not
deals are being made
well not really. tommy is trying to get a disc in exchange for dreams stuff
some pvp may occur
stream title has been changed to ‘war’ things are getting serious
tubbos wifi is failing us
oh the boys are fighting
a few thing happened in so little time but to summarize the way that tommy and tubbo trust eachother and silently cooperate is very cool. I aspire for this friendship.
for some reason its always so weird to me when I hear just dream talking to tommy and tubbo
I think its because drram is so stubborn and assertive but tommy does not care or put up with it so no matter what dream always seems to have the lowerhand which doesn’t happen often
I’m confused why is chat making such a big deal about wilbur ending his stream
ah a confrence with president soot
the other day everyone was afraid the server was dying but this seems like the start of another war
wilbursoot has joined the game
do you ever get so caught up in the drama of these stream and then it hits you that these are just a bunch of losers playing minecraft
wilbur... to be fair tommy didnt mean to kill dream... he warned him too
wilbur whispered to tommy to run while he was negotiating with dream and I think he told tubbo to kill dream but tubbo might also just be doing that for fun idk
dreams bringing up server rules... do it. ban tommy. your server will die immediately.
wilbur has scolded tommy and now tommy is ignoring him to plot with tubbo
I like the dynamic between tommy, tubbo and sapnap very much
sapnap has joined the game
oh my god I have to pee
lmao dream said tommy scams him often and tommy went 😬
‘everyone will call you bream for bitch dream’
tommy gave him his stuff
oh but some was never picked up
yikes dream is actually mad
damn tommy and skeppy are really going at it
chat says skeppy had the sword that dreams mad about uh oh
hehe tommy is very funny
tubbo is bargaining for tommy since dream killed him and is threatening his cow
if chat is right and skeppy actually has the sword hes pretty good at kying because I believe him but also I don’t know him well so
tommy is telling tubbo to kill skeppy now
aw skeppys stream sniping thats no fun
but anyway was that not the sword dream was looking for that tommy just showed in the chest????
so is sapnap on their side now? I think I missed something
no chat seems just as confused as me so
sapnap about betraying dream: it just seemed interesting idk
I think hes lying
chat has a point... I cant tell if tommy doesn’t realize or doesnt care that dream is watching his stream
wait that was cool
dream pearled away from sapnap but tommy saw the pearl and waited there so he could attack
ok but anyway while theyre chasing eachother around how did the minecart kill dream?? I’m pretty sure it does no damage and if I’m wrong dream was still in enchanted netherite and I doubt he was running around on like half a heart... unless he just did a /kill on himself for the drama??
tubbo broke all the ender chests and put them inside one... hes so smart
oh ok so tommy doesn’t care if dream is watching
fuck a bug flew in my eye
ponk and skeppy just reading the deaths in chat and making small comments lol
tubbo what
sapnap please
I’m very glad dream isnt in vc anymore because I bet he’s very upset and he gets scary sometimes
dont get me wrong I love him but yknow
oh no sapnap dont :(
tommy is getting so nervous about tubbos wifi going out because then itll be him against everyone else online lmao
tubbo: our relationship cannot be toxic because I am not in love with you :))
no tubbo not the pope again
tubbo please my head hurts
woah tubbo just killed tubbo while dream started killing him
oh he logged out and now dream is killing tommy
at this point dream is purposely not communicating with tommy and I’m getting nervous
oh hes back
go tubbo go
yknow what a man can do with 55 sticks?
tubbo accidentally locked himself in jail lmao
tommy is calling dream clay
he does not care
dream logged out (unrelated to above statements)
woah wait what tubbo is leading tommy somewhere secret that he cant even show on stream
tubbo you genius what do you have planned
tommy is playing his vlog to entertain stream while tubbo directs him to the secret
wtf tubbo
also they said sounds have to be off so I think the location might be in the nether or something because sounds will apparently give it away
dying is the only way they can leave??? but it cant be the end though right?
cuz like the achievements would show up
I don’t want to be too much of a snitch in case any of them actually are lurking on here but anyways tubbo is very epic
both tubbo and tommys mothers are teachers?
but they have a point dont skip your classes to watch someone play minecraft!
tubbo is such a good friend
they also say their in a tournament on the 31st so look forward to it
tommy is really throwing shade at shippers this stream. good for him.
oh and lowkey dnf shade too haha
ha tubbo almost leaked one of tommys video ideas
tubbo just wants to play fall guys
tommy is too self aware
but also he has a point. chat always sides with tubbo because they baby him
its kinda weird ngl
ahh my wifis going out :(
they’re watching the sunrise on tommys balcony while listening to blocks
oop tommy ended the stream because chat was being weird
gg tommy
anyway good stream go check it out if you havent already because I left some stuff out either because I type too slow or didn’t want to leak secrets :))
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
currently watching punz’s mcc vod and have not gotten an ad so far so there is that
ikr??!? like their system is just so bad. I love learning, I love knowledge and knowing stuff but gosh. also half my lecturers are just not good. like all they do is read off the slides like I can do that myself :/ :(
oh god know I could never be an updates account. I don’t even know how they get half their information like how does one figure out that dream commented on some random tik tok??? I meant that I’ve been a person that has seen a tweet feom an updates account that dream is on some stream and gone to that stream. yeah I never know what’s going on cause I never have the energy to catch up with stuff I’ve missed but also I have this like need to know everything so I just have like half the information. I don’t even know how dts work on twt. like sometimes they tell people to off themselves in qrts/replies or like dm them probably too, which is so, so shitty. but yeah it’s kinda laughable how they have to censor all the words. but yeah no dts are not cool in the slightest. I’ve never gotten any of that because for the most part I have a very limited online presence and like I wouldn’t get to worried by it or anything but it’s such a shitty thing to do. god the kaveytfon thing was so ughh. and all I saw of it was clips and summary threads. yeah I get that. it’s a bit annoying cause some of my irls are gamer nerds that dislike dream cause “he cheated,” “he scripts manhunts,” “he’s bad at the game,” “he encourages his toxic stans,” and some other “anti” arguments. but what can you do. like I was just talking about minecraft once and one of them was like “oh but he so cheated” like yeah dude we’re well past that now these days we’re shitting on dream for making questionable sounds on a discord podcast /j. yeah like 100% I know dream can handle it and his friends will back him if needed I just feel really sad for him sometimes. maybe it’s just me cause I sometimes have annoyingly emotional reactions to things unnecessarily. bbh popped off with that one tweet on main.
nah we just say uni here and I didn’t know if you also said uni in america or just college. ohhh I see. we just say uni here. ohh that makes sense. and that’s pretty handy! here the only subjects I’m required to do are any that could be a possible prereqs for any major that I may choose to do. a friend of mine who is now going to college in america is doing spanish too! haha yeah my english language teacher once said something about it like two years ago and it’s never left my head ever since.
brooo no,, beets are good!! well not always but I like them in one specific sandwich that I used to have for lunch in school when I was in yr10. but they’re definitely a great plot point. ughhh I 100% agree with the silly lore stuff. it’s so fun and I love it but all the fandom does is whine. like first they’re like “oh I miss silly lore” and then they’ll get silly lore and be like oh not like that. I will never forgive people for writing of l’sandburg. I was asleep for most of it but it was still great. so true!! that was jack manifold right? smartness man ever. everything that ever happens on the dream smp is canon, there is not “semi lore” or “just a bit.” I add the “bit” argument because I’ve seen it used to excuse some c!actions recently. lmaoo yeha like I enjoy high production lore especially if they’re passionate about it but there’s just something about silly minecraft roleplay that I love. like when I first joined the fandom, it was through animatics and then watching the actual streams was so different but in a good way
no we haven’t!! it’s on the list of stuff we still don’t know about. glad to know you agree that enderwalk and c!dream and best friends. idk much about ballsmp but it looks fun and 3rd like looks cool tok like I’ve seen artwork and it interests me. and I really wanna get into hermit craft. if I do with any of them it’ll probably be hermitcraft. wait I do not know about that but that’s absolutely hilarious. I may just not remember cause I feel like I do know about it but my memory is unbelievably shoddy.
oh hahahaa I was asleep for that bit but I heard about it lol. ahahahah george and sapnap just there after dream just leaves is so funny. never fails to make me laugh/not laugh when dream just leaves that quickly. dreams been on a roll since like mcc like he’s done so much. liek today he was even on bads stream playing gartic phone !! I missed it live cause I was busy but imma watch the vod now!
alright I’ve just gotten through like the half of punz’s mcc vod that I had left and not a single ad so woooo for that!
Yooo pay to win actually wins!
Lectures are a bitch I keep falling asleep in them!! Which is bad because I always decide to try and sit up front to show dominance but I keep falling asleep
Oooh sorry I thought you meant that you ran one. Yeah no how tf to they do it??? Everything ccs do seems so fucking random??? Also my brother hates dream not because he cheated but because his fan base is bad? The only fan base you know ya little shit is me step up fucker. I am emotionally attached to dream so I understand
Calling it university isn’t super common here and I don’t think most americans even know the difference. Honesty it’s more about what the school calls itself, so like theres Harvard University & Bowdoin College but you mainly refer to them by their names anyways.
No all beets are bad and I will take 0 criticism on this they’re bad in real life and they’re bad in minecraft!!! Did I forget to add that jack manifold said that I was pretty tired when I wrote it and kinda gave up my b akjdkd. Animatics are banger but they’re just 3 times more banger when they have to be taken out of context. I just started watching 3rd life from grian’s pov and I’m enjoying it so much! The idea is super interesting also big fan of any game that has proximety chat
I miss the garlic phone thing! I had a busy day but I wanna watch it after jack & scott ylyl
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cadoger · 3 years
Not to like ruin the mood but I'm really not ready for the summer. I know exactly how it's gonna go down. Every single one of my friends is gonna travel and be rich in another country while I sit alone in my room playing minecraft and watch streams like that's just my life now. I don't even have the energy to look for a job I just can't do it rn. My therapist tries so hard to help me and she reminds me all the time how I missed every opportunity in my life because I was scared. That's just really terrible and sad I don't even know what to do lol I can't get over the fact that I missed every chance of getting a job in the past two months. But it's so tiring to make phone calls and write emails I just want to calm down for a bit like I finished all my exams and I graduate next month but it doesn't feel like an achievement, more like a forced and expected death of a pet idk. And honestly I don't even feel all the bad stuff happening to me, more like as if I'm experiencing it from the past / the outside. So it takes more energy to care about anything in my life as my immediate reaction to anything bad is offing myself lol
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lyokoko · 4 years
March 16th, 2020
I’m flying back to salt lake right now. The past three weeks were such a beautiful time in my life because I got to be with the love of my life for the second time in Philadelphia. It’s a crazy experience to go from one place and flying to a completely environment. I grow a lot of attachments and love for the place each time I visit, and the best part of it is seeing my boyfriend, the one I’m most attached too. There’s so much I will miss. Silly things like the yoshi and minecraft noise, heart signs, and eating way too much flan. Our 4am late night walk adventures to dunken donuts and the crackhead energy of that overly filled cream cheese bagel. Sharing all our meals together and eating until we’re on the brink of fullness, and still wanting more food after. Tuning into our animes together and getting disappointed when an episode ends too early or on a cliffhanger. Showering together and doing stupid things like getting stuck in the tub because we decided to lay down and cuddle mid shower. Wrestling each other and him actually body slamming me on the other hand I put him into choke holds. Walking around the at night and seeing the twinkling city lights around us as well as a beautiful violin performance. Being such a champ in bowling and eating all the ice cream. Tweezing out his facial hair and watching him shave. Our endless amount of cuddles. Seeing basically all of his family this time around and the kitties too. Getting all the cuddles and all the kisses. Waking up in the morning with him next to me. I’m going to miss it all. It was so much fun being here. I feel like such a lucky girl to be with this beautiful boy who I adore and love so much and can call my best friend and lover. Just being with him makes me feel like things will be alright, and if they aren’t alright we’ll figure out a way to make it better than alright. I want to create a beautiful life together and enjoy this the time we have with one another. One that’s worth living for.
There were a few hiccups along the way this trip. Sucky things like my endless period of actual period and spotting. Me probably being way too emotional and crying and miscommunications. I can’t help it though I feel sad when things don’t work as expected in my head or the times where I want him to just try harder or differently but instead it turns into something else where I feel hopelessness instead. Especially when we said we would keep things healthy, I always keep it in mind and do my best to do so but there are times where I don’t know how to handle things. I am grateful that he opens up to me though and answers me when I ask him. We just need to work on the aftermath of having a conversation about the problem and coming to a conclusion where we are both feeling better by the end of it because if he feels bad then I feel bad and we both end up in the dumps and we stop talking and just forget about it but in reality it isn’t forgotten but just brushed aside which is bad for us both. I really do feel like an outsider when it happens. Like I shouldn’t be there or that he doesn’t want me anymore and then my chest feels heavy. I’m not sure about what insecurities he has with me or what doubts but I want to ease them and make him not second guess my love for him. Even when these disagreements come up it doesn’t take away from the relationship if we both are willing to better ourselves for one another and do better the next time.
We seriously ate so much this time. First off hotpot at home, green eggs cafe with their delicious salted caramel banana chip French toast, along with salmon love nox egg benedict, his dads sour soup this time filled with beef tongue and pork, sushi, dim sum, fried chicken at home with your dads fish sauce, our crispy jellies, oh and I almost forgot about us adding the truffle hot sauce in everything lol! Our home made banh xeo, cheesesteaks, huge supply of flan, dunken donut runs, banh mi, egg rolls, salty tofu, pastries, insomnia cookies, pho, beef, clay pot fish, bagel with way too much cream cheese on it, iced matcha, vanilla coffee he gets, all those taro drinks for him and delicious oolong milk tea for me, oh and I can’t forget emergen-c! We kinda be eating though, at crazy hours sometimes too. I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend that knows how to cook. My baby is a chef though! It’s honestly so attractive and I appreciate all his cooking he does. We started off sleeping at normal hours and by the end of my stay there it became completely flipped around. Staying awake all night till 5am or later and sleeping all day.
I’m sad that I have to go back to reality and have less time to spend with my boyfriend and going back to our different time zones. I’ll work on myself more in the meantime. And we’ll focus on other parts of our relationship and communicating. We’ll text each other, FaceTime calls, play animal crossing and continue to watch animes together. LDR starts again starting now. I’m super excited for animal crossing especially! I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a to create a discord server for it and I think my boyfriend is going to stream it too.
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