#thank you so much for asking :)
lesbianlotties · 1 month
the world needs to hear your thoughts on lottienatlee 🎤🎤
lottielee vs. lottienat debate OVER. we're all winners here
you don't have to choose between saint/worshiper and antler queen/antler queen. we can have it all
lottie matthews. in love with two blondes that are on opposite sides of the faith spectrum. her number one believer and her fiercest non-believer
two girls that think they're irredeemable in love with a girl that believes god made them perfect as they are
we literally don't talk enough about natlee. complete opposites. you'd think they'd hate everything about each other. but plot twist! they have such soft spots for each other <3
unfortunately there are zero self-preservation instincts in this house. my god why we are putting together three girls that show suicidal tendencies on screen
in the pilot, you see lottie and nat laughing at laura lee. me, an intellectual: it's an inside joke. they're in love with her. they're both fiercely protective of her
can you imagine them ruling the wilderness cult together? literally a holy trinity!!
they would balance each other perfectly! with lottie, nat keep her grounded, and laura lee always believes in her. with nat, lottie challenges her, and laura lee bring her comfort. with laura lee, lottie inspires her faith, and nat reminds her they're all human
they're this boygenius quote: Lottie: The difference between Nat and Laura Lee is Nat thought she was damned to hell from birth and Laura Lee was like, “Can’t wait to meet my BFF, God”. (God might also be Lottie btw)
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juniemunie · 5 months
there is a possibility that you stoped liking jeverus?😭
OH NO I still adore jeverus, i just ended up hyperfixating into different fandoms again im so sorry ahjcjejckkd
Pls enjoy
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chaikachi · 1 year
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"Believe me when I say...
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I know it can feel impossible.
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Like every single day is a struggle against some unstoppable monster we can never hope to beat...
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...but we have to try.
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If not for us, then for the people we've already-
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...for the people we haven't lost yet."
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sonoftheria · 29 days
Bdubs message!! What do you like about the guy?
ok forgive me, i ain’t good with words. but THERE'S LOTS….. lets focus on his dedication. it stands out to me the most. whether it be in relation to his personal work, his craft, his constant desire to develop skills further and ability to welcome new techniques and information and obsess over details, and impulsive need to teach and make it more accessible for others…
as well as the clashes he faced between his personal desires and family commitments (wife, kids, family business, etc) and how he handled it with great importance, engaging in deep self reflection … now how careful he is with his time. his level of maturity with both self fulfillment and self discipline and just general self improvement is really inspiring.
also dedication to small things like… bits that he refuses to let die and the commitment he still has to all of them (decades later…). he just loves hearing his friends laugh no matter what!!!! and when he's being messed with – you just know he's got the biggest smile on his face.
speaking of… he is soooo affectionate it makes me sick. he loves his friends so so much and shows it in so many ways he is just so SWEET and direct with it. the amount of pet names he has for everyone………. my god. i think about that clip of him from one of his decked out streams where he is watching the hermits just nerd talk and he is so full of admiration. i can’t handle it. he is so endearing to me. ol’ bdubs bundle of joy <3
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kairos-polaris · 18 days
Beloved, why do you ship jonelias? Why do they consume your waking thoughts so?
I am glad you asked :D
So! I really enjoy uneven "problematic" power dynamics and this was what originally attracted me to jonelias. I listened to mag 92 and thought "jonelias seems like something I would ship" because even then I could tell they fit my taste. I also just like protagonist/antagonist ships, complicated relationships are my favourites
mag 92 is one of my favourite episodes as a jonelias shippers for a couple of reasons. at first it was solely the conversation between Jon and Elias and how it was about Jon getting changed by Elias, because of Elias. Jon was being openly vulnerable! "Am I still human, Elias?" he asks Elias who has just confessed to murder and keeping people hostage. Jon, who had so much respect and admiration for Elias' expertise, turns to him even in that moment. It is Elias who he seeks reassurance from, he asks another monster if he is one
Another aspect of mag 92 I am obsessed with is the opening statement and the way Elias puts Jon above everyone else (telling him to discard everyone in his pursuit) while also placing Jon on the same level as him
(Side note: I am still not sure if I prefer Jon to sit on Elias' lap/have Elias clean his wound or to focus more on what they don't do, on the gaping distance between them that they both wish wasn't there but both have their own reasons to not bridge it. Both are so good)
Vampire metaphor! Jon is a walking vampire metaphor and Elias is his maker, his creator. I am so obsessed with the idea of Jon feeding on Elias, pulling fear from his mind and Elias enjoying the intrusion and the freedom the compulsion brings. He said it felt tingly! Freak (affectionate). Also, telepathy and mind meld is so delicious
What I love most about jonelias is what I love in others ships: obsession and fully knowing each other. Beholding allows to take knowing and seeing your partner to another level, Jon and Elias can know and see each other in ways other people in their lives can't
Moral corruption is inherently fascinating to me and especially Jon. He gets worse throughout the series, his only anchors to humanity are his own guilt and the people around him who more often than not just reinforce that guilt (this makes sense in the context of the story but you can't guilt yourself into being a better person and that's why it doesn't really work for Jon but I digressed). I like thinking about all the ways Jon could be worse, the ways Jonah could push Jon into following his worst impulses, into choosing to be a monster instead of drowning in guilt to not feel helpless and powerless
I love jonelias when it's about all the things they wish to do but don't because they have other priorities, because they know but don't understand each other just like their patron. I love jonelias when it's Jon giving in, letting go. Of his morals, of his guilt, letting Elias shape him into something new. I love the idea of Jonah Magnus who worships no god, not even the one he serves, adoring and worshipping Jon and especially the parts of Jon that he himself had shaped. The Pygmalion and Galatea of it
Jonah chose Jon! He saw him and knew he was right! Jonah wants the Archivist and he wants the Archivist to be Jon. Sure, Jon was marked by the Web first but Jonah picked him too and I love it. It's fascinating from both of theirs perspective, Jonah feeling proud he made the right choice and Jon having a complicated mix of feelings about it. He hates that he was chosen and he just a little happy that he was chosen and he hates himself for it
Another thing I really like is the way they say each other's name! Elias calls Jon by his name a lot and I hate when people act like he doesn't
Jon and Jonah are very similar and I find that fascinating too. They are both workaholics and nerds and losers and freaks!! And I love them for that. And and and I really do think they could have eventually been truly equal if not for Jonahs prioritising his evil plan
Also they are sexy, I don't make the rules
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nyastri · 2 months
Hello! I would love to hear about your modern au 🥺
Aw thank you! First off I should cover the basics.
The chain are all related, but divided into three families:
-Time, Twilight, Wild are brothers, raised by Grandpa Deku with the help of Uncle Rusl
-Warriors, Wind, Aryll are siblings, Warriors basically raised the family until Grandma took them in
- Sky, Legend and Hyrule (they're twins :D) and Four are brothers, raised by their Uncle Alfon until he died, and were then taken in by Grandpa Smith
If they don't belong to the same family, then they're cousins. They're all still close though.
If anyone would like to know more please ask, I'd be happy to respond!
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hippolotamus · 3 months
Hi! Not a day goes by I don't think about Mirrorball. Tell me everything!!! 🥰😁
Hiiiii!!!! This is incredibly humbling and motivating. I’m so delighted you’re enjoying it. @hoodie-buck also asked for ‘everything’. Here’s the tea and lore 🪩
There’s a Spotify playlist. It’s currently incomplete, but has The Vibes of the story so far. Including the T Swift song it was inspired by. It’s lovingly curated with my own picks as well as suggestions from friends.
This whole fic started by me listening to Mirrorball and messaging @jesuisici33 about how it just gave me the biggest pole dancer!Buck vibes. The lyrics ‘and when I break it’s in a million pieces’ are so very him. Putting on this performance constantly and hiding his insecurities. Believing he’s got this one thing going for him.
The line ‘I’ll show you every version of yourself tonight’ gave me baby queer Eddie vibes. Like he has this sort of epiphany as he encounters more and more of Buck, and is shown different facets of himself.
Finally the lines hush, when no one is around my dear / you’ll find me on my tallest tiptoes / spinning in my highest heels love / shining just for you. I see this as Buck with Eddie. Buck is still unapologetically himself but when he’s with Eddie he’s more. Because Eddie doesn’t see him as a body or someone who’s only good for physical pleasure. Eddie sees him as a person and potential partner.
The goal is it will be lovey, flirty, lusty, sexy, angsty… all the things 😉
Who’s who:
Buck: 23 years old, exotic dancer (stage name Arsen) at Liquid Alchemy. Attended ballet classes with Maddie as a kid. He wasn’t officially a student but would watch her all the time and imitate the moves.
Eddie: 25 years old, Baby Queer, single father and mechanic. Works at a family owned garage with a group of [pick your poison] phobic jerks. Frequently harassed by his younger sisters to “live a little”. Stress eats peach cobbler [this started as a throwaway line that’s now become a running Thing for Eddie].
Chim: emcee and music maestro at Liquid Alchemy
Hen: works as a mechanic at the same garage with Eddie. Doesn’t take shit from anybody. Has definitely accompanied Eddie to Buck’s club at least once.
Bobby & Athena: co-own Athena’s together. Athena’s is a local diner Eddie frequents with Chris as well as for his panic peach cobbler.
Maddie: I haven’t determined exactly how she fits in this story yet. But she definitely will.
npt some beloveds @stereopticons @daffi-990 @tizniz @loveyouanyway @diazsdimples @bucksbiawakening @bi-buckrights @giddyupbuck @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @saybiwithme
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Okay so for me modern au! Wyllstarion is like this:
Wyll (charming, well-mannered, put-together, in tasteful jewelry, making a respectable collared shirt look hot as frick, most eligible bachelor in town) politely and coherently reciting their very long group coffee order to the barista while Astarion (grumpy, snobbish, curls perfectly styled, still extremely hot but also discovering autonomy for the first time in 20 years which- go off king!-so it's is mainly manifesting in the most ridiculous hodge-podge of style and clothing you've ever seen like an 10 year old on an early internet dress up game) stares daggers at all the 20-something prospecting suitors making heart-eyes at his very charming but incredibly oblivious boyfriend, who tips the barista kindly for dealing with the very long coffee order, and then tips them again when Astarion complains about it. And then they leave the cafe with their drinks and Astarion flips one of the customers off behind his back and tips down his heart-shaped sunglasses, of which he and Wyll have a matching pair. The end.
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inkblotgalaxies · 9 months
*cut to me SLAMMING open the door*
Theodore Laurence goes by “Laurie” in Little Women because his male classmates would call him “Dory” when they heard his first name.
But Theodore is a relatively common first name, no? Hell, there was a Senator for New Jersey named Theodore not even twenty years prior to when the book takes place. Also “Dory” seems like a bit of a stretch since the Anglo pronunciation is “Thee-oh-door”…
And then it hit me.
Laurie is half Italian, canonically.
And since he has a pretty darn English surname (though it’s technically also French in origin as well as Old English and yes, I had to check), I can only assume that his mother at the time probably wanted to have a little Italian weaved into his name somewhere, and compromised to a degree knowing that her husband was American.
So, take Theodore, and then Italian-ize it. Teadoro. Great, now make it American. Theodore, but with an Italian pronunciation that, say, a very young child would pick up from his mother calling him that over and over again. Tee-oh-doh-re. Do-re. Dory.
… If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go press my head against the wall and scream for a few millennia.
Gahh I love this book!!!
EDIT VIA AN UPDATE: A lovely individual has pointed out that the nickname was Dora not Dory and that he was, in fact, in Europe when given that nickname, ergo it’s more a misogynistic joke (though I have also seen that it was a common shortening at the time? More research must be done) and that Laurie just hated the nickname. So take this more so as a headcanon than anything else considering I misremembered but hey! Still a neat thought!
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kitkatt0430 · 4 months
do you have a favorite season or episode of Leverage? i love seeing you post about this show :)
Leverage is one of those shows that it's so hard to pic favorites because it's all so incredibly, satisfyingly good.
The first season is probably the worst which is still putting it head and shoulders over the best season of so many other shows that I love. It was hurt by being aired out of order, which thankfully the other seasons didn't suffer from, but it has so many little details in there that become running gags throughout the series. Plan M, Hardison dies. Let's steal an <X>. Parker stabbing a guy with a fork. Hardison's stories about his Nana. Eliot's very specific catchphrase. Sophie's struggle with being an actress vs being a grifter. Alice White. Hurley. Sterling. Old Nate.
I think the Pilot and the two-part finale are my favorites from that season though it is a very close call with basically every other episode.
The Pilot of course gives us the crew and becomes incredibly important to understand the motivations of the final villain of S4. So, so much is established in this episode. The heist at the start, the mini-con at the hospital, and the main con to get their revenge. The walk-away where they all fail to walk away.
And then the two part finale. Nate's ex wife shows up and everyone basically falls in love with Maggie because she's awesome. Sterling truly establishing the Sterling always wins rule with his second win. Nate being able to punch - in the face - the guy who turned down the insurance claim for the medical procedure that might have saved Nate's dying son. Sophie trying to have her cake and eat it too, only to ultimately chose the team over herself. Old Nate becoming the Leverage mascot (to real Nate's chagrin).
Season 2 is probably my second least favorite because I think Sophie leaving the team is somewhat... mishandled? Overall they handled the actress needing time off while pregnant well, but she leaves the team to find herself but is upset that Nate gives her that space and encourages the team to do so as well? Like, yeah, he needs to be better at asking for help and it's his big failing this season but he's very much trying to respect what Sophie asked for and given shit about it. But this is quite possibly the only overarching storyline the show fumbled which is sooooo impressive. (Glances at the Flash and it's many fumbled storylines.)
The first episode of this season is hands down favorite. The team gets back together. Parker as a lock picking nun. The Team taking over Nate's apartment (and then refusing to leave for three seasons). The fact that this episode sets up the series finale. Because it does. The whole reason Nate decides to give in and rejoin the team for more than just this one job at the end? Is because this is where he realizes what really happened behind the scenes of the 2007-08 financial crisis, which leads directly to the target of The Long Goodbye Job.
(holy shit is this show amazing at callbacks and maintaining continuity)
I also really love the Two Live Crew Job for introducing Chaos and The Lost Heir Job for bringing in Tara for the rest of the season (only complaint is we barely get any more of her after this season). Though if I were to pick a second favorite episode of the season it'd be The Bottle Job because I love them saving the bar together and it has the first hints of Jimmy Ford being revealed (explaining further why Nate is the way he is).
I think Season 3 and 4 tie for me as second favorite seasons. S3 has the plot with the Italian and finally stops using Nate's personal failings as the driving impetus of the season finale. Eliot being so very ashamed of the man he used to be is incredibly touching (someone hug this man) and makes it all the more impressive what kind of man he's become now.
I love The Inside Job for putting Parker front and center. Introducing the man who raised her, but also failed her in a way that makes Nate quite likely want to punch Archie in the face. The show never outright calls Parker autistic, but she is. She so clearly is. And it's very plain to see that was factored into the set design for where Parker lives. It was part of Archie's reasoning for keeping her separate from his family - though he can say 'she wouldn't fit in' all he wants, the truth is clear in how he says it. But despite how he failed her, the episode is about showing that Parker does have a family now. The Leverage Crew. And they love her because she is the way she is. Because if she were any different, she wouldn't be their Parker. And they are willing to fight for her and trust her and follow her lead.
I love any episode where Hardison gets to be artsy, so The Scheherazade Job is beloved. How dare he be so talented? So, so, so multi-talented.
The Studio Job gives us Eliot's softer side and Christian Kane's wonderful country singing voice.
The Three Card Monte Job introducing Jimmy Ford in the flesh and giving us the wonderfully fucked up relationship he has with Nate. They love each other but they're too much alike to get ever get along. Each one has a very different code of ethics that clash irreconcilably.
The Rashoman Job is just incredibly well played, with the actors in the flashbacks being slowly updated as it's revealed this person or that person was actually one of the Leverage Crew pre-show. Sophie's accent in the flashbacks getting increasingly incomprehensible until she's basically speaking what the wingdings fonts look like when you try to type normally with them.
The King George Job giving more artsy Hardison who hacks history and probably needs a nap. Sophie's complicated backstory and her realization that cons where she thought no one really got hurt may have actually gotten people hurt after all - a character story beat that Leverage Redemption picked up for her and continued beautifully.
The San Lorenzo Job is absolutely stunning. Sophie shines here (and yet again does not know how to keep out of sight at her own funeral) absolutely stunningly as she builds herself up as a sort of Princess Diana/Evita type before her "assassination" that helps seal the deal of their election theft scheme.
Season 4 tying itself so neatly back to the job that started it all when it turns out the rich dude trying to manipulate them is working with Dubenich. It's impressive how well they pull off the reveal. But he's not the only big call back to Season One we get here. Parker's Alice White persona and the friend she made - Peggy - come back. Hurley comes back.
The Van Gogh Job is the best, best, best of the season. It doesn't pull any punches in saying "hey, this romance we're doing between a white girl and a black man? that used to be illegal. It is in living memory that these relationships could get black men lynched by racists with little to no repercussions. And talented black men would have their achievements handed to white men because 'that's the way it was.'" It puts the main actors into the roles of characters in the past just to make sure it hits hard because we know these faces. We're emotionally attached to them. Holy shit this episode.
The Hot Potato Job where the problem kid of the school field trip Nate and Parker hijack just needed people to treat him like a person, not a problem, to behave well. The way he bonds with Hardison and helps them smuggle the potato out at the end? I love this kid, I want to learn he's working for Leverage International one day.
The Carnival Job where the mark's kid is kidnapped and they burn their con because a child's life is more important. Eliot fighting concussed and with his eyes shut because he will be damned if he fails to save this little girl.
The Grave Danger Job managing to be the best 'buried alive' plot I have ever seen on a tv show (and it is a staple plot of tv shows from the 90s/early 2000s). They steal a police car and an ambulance for the sirens. It gets series with Parker calling Hardison 'Alec' and being at the most emotional we've seen her all show.
The Office Job being done in the style of The Office (and then the mockumentary follow up in the behind the scenes featurettes) is just priceless.
The Girls Night Out/The Boys Night Out Jobs being so perfect in how they intertwine over the course of the same night.
The Radio Job showing us just how much Jimmy Ford loves his son.
The Last Dam Job giving us "my son would be ashamed of me for killing someone. My father? My father would buy me an ice cream." Dubenich ultimately destroying himself while Nate walks away.
Season 5 is my favorite season, though. It's the culmination of where the show was heading from the start. Parker has grown so much from the first season that she's able to run her own con - something Sophie and Hardison have both attempted and failed - and with the rest of the team out of town to boot. Parker and Hardison clearly got the brew pub as a gift for Eliot, while realizing he'd never accept if they don't reverse psychology him into it. Sophie buying the theater and finally discovering her talent for directing as well as overcoming the blocks that kept her from bringing her prodigious acting talent to the stage floor. Nate achieving the goal that's driven him since the start of Season Two.
I love the French Connection Job for giving us more Chef Eliot. His relationship with food is lovely and this is my favorite exploration of it. Parker finally learning to appreciate beauty in art because of how she grows to understand how Eliot connects with cooking and learns to appreciate the artistry that goes into food.
The Gimme a K Job hits home personally for me - one of my sister's best friends (who was also the older sister of one of my best friends) was a cheerleader who hit her head in a cheer stunt gone wrong where the spotter messed up. It took a very, very long time for her to truly recover from that concussion (and thus why I know tv shows are bullshit for having people just walk that off) and knowing her injuries might have been less severe if cheerleading safety were taken more seriously...
The DB Cooper Job being another excellent episode built around Flashbacks staring the main cast in different roles. Agent McSweeten has to know something is up with the Leverage Crew, but he clearly respects and admires all of them. Especially Parker.
The Broken Wing Job giving us Parker on her own putting together a temporary crew from the wait staff and pulling off a con all on her own, while injured. (The whole reason why she wasn't with the team, in fact.) And it's so damn impressive of her.
The Rundown Job being as close to confirmed Eliot/Parker/Hardison as we're going to get outside of word of god (which we have!!!!) and it's beautiful to watch them work together without Nate and Sophie. It's also foreshadowing for them working together when Nate and Sophie retire.
Similarly, The Frame Up Job gives us how far Nate and Sophie have come as a couple and is as close to Nate/Sophie/Sterling as we'll probably ever get. (No word of god on this one, just me being overwhelmed by Nate and Sterling's impressive divorced-couple vibes. They're more divorced than Nate and Maggie, who are actually divorced.)
The White Rabbit Job where they almost push too far with their gaslighting routine but Parker is able to save the day by connecting to their mark in a way she didn't know how to when the show began. Her character development is such a highlight of she series so the repeated payoffs in this season are just... golden.
Every single thing about The Long Goodbye Job. Once again, all the callbacks to previous seasons. Eliot/Parker/Hardison being heavily hinted at again. Sterling letting Nate go because Nate was right, no matter what the law says. Parker inheriting the lead of the team from Nate. Sophie performing on stage the same play from the pilot, but being excellent at it this time. The episode's whole plot - again, cannot stress this enough - being a callback/having been foreshadowed by the season 2 premiere.
As you can tell, I love this show. It's beautiful and incredible and I was so, so relieved when Leverage Redemption premiered and I could instantly see that they'd done the impossible all over again. They'd recaptured the magic of the original show.
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aparticularbandit · 1 month
Favorite Mugi hcs?
Also if ya need someone to talk to my DMs are always open
Thanks for the question (and the offer)! <3
My Tsumugi headcanon currently falls into two separate things, so I'll share a bit from both!
The Twist Does Not Exist:
Tsum-Tsum! ...because then even her nickname is a reference. >.>;; (Also some people make this zoom zoom to reference a certain Mazda commercial, but she hates that. It annoys her. The only person who gets away with this is probably Junko. Who also probably came up with the original nickname in the first place.)
Always has some sort of show on in the background while she's doing stuff (homework, cosplay, housework; Tsumugi is constantly tuned into something). Her favorite shows, she full in pays attention, she's not multitasking, she's analyzing, she's looking at art design, she's coming up with new cosplay ideas, but most shows are on in the background while she's doing something else. There's kind of a scale with this - the more she cares, the less she does. Creating cosplay during the show is top tier of multitasking before she goes full in.
Has definitely worked in a cosplay cafe. At least once. At least once. (She's not comfortable about being in the spotlight, but it's easier when she's in cosplay as a character who loves the spotlight. Because then she's not her.)
Is drawn to louder, more energetic characters.
If she sees someone cute, she immediately wants to put them in cosplay. Like full-on sparkle in her eyes, will drag them into a bathroom/changing room, need. (If you've seen/read Fruits Basket - like Mine, from Ayame's shop! But Tsumugi and cosplay.) Kind of like immediately dragging Kaede to the bathroom to show off her cospox. That same energy. But for a different reason.
Actually does not have a lot of friends. She knows that the intensity of her interests can turn people off, so she doesn't talk much. But this backfires because it makes her come across as shy. Boring. Plain. She's not very good at fitting in with people's expectations. So she's pretty lonely, actually.
Tsumugi was actually a LOT more popular when she was in elementary school because she could make pretty clothes and kids like pretty clothes so everybody wanted her pretty clothes because she always looked pretty. But there's an age where, like, you grow out of sparkles and frills and big bows and all of that and kind of shove that off into only costumes or only cosplay, and when that happened, Tsumugi just. became. a background NPC in her own life.
Without cosplay, Tsumugi would actually be severely depressed. Cosplay lets her life have color; without it, everything is grayscale and monochrome.
The Twist Exists:
Tsumugi Shirogane is not her real name. It's an alias.
Her real name is Yuki Tsukasa. Yuki - "snow" - because the fandom wiki says that one of the meanings for Shirogane is a metaphor for "snow" and Tsukasa because it means "director, boss".
Definitely dating the girl who got her into cosplay. They are together, they have been together for a long time, they've talked about kids, etc.
Most people don't know she works for Team Danganronpa, and even the ones who do don't know how high up she is in the company. Only her girlfriend knows she's one of the showrunners.
Yuki has gotten death threats from her work on Danganronpa. A lot of the people involved have. That's why her alias exists in the first place: everyone in the credits for a Danganronpa season uses one. Fans can be terrifying to Team Danganronpa, particularly the writers, which is why she just. doesn't talk about it. (She loves her job. She's scared of fans. Reasonably so.)
Would absolutely live in her office if she didn't have a girlfriend to go home to. She's a bit of a workaholic. (She and her girlfriend definitely have fought about this. It didn't change anything.)
Since her co-showrunner's passing, Yuki has been under a lot of stress. They were very good at covering each other's writing weaknesses, and now she's under a lot of pressure to make the show just as good on her own as it was when there were two of them. (She has refused to take on another partner. Danganronpa is theirs. She has very strong opinions about this.)
A lot of characters in the shows have references to people she knows in real life, whether that's personality quirks or traits, or appearances, or even using their names. Most of it is stuff you wouldn't know unless you know.
Despite, as a writer, hating the unknown of having an audience-controlled character, Yuki doesn't hate K1-B0 as a character concept. She just hates the potential for destruction he has. (So she baked it into him from the outset.)
Her use of K1-B0 is actually really smart because Yuki had to accurately predict the way fans would react to any situation where they were given options to do things (I assume polls for major decisions or FTEs, and then those decisions set him on a specific script) - like she had to know they would spend all that time with Miu so that K1-B0 could get those upgrades, she had to make sure that those decisions wouldn't fuck up the script but instead lean into them and give him a good arc and involvement in the story regardless what the fans picked. Like Yuki has to have her thumb on the beating pulse of fandom to be able to do a good job with that, and I applaud her.
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lesbianlotties · 1 month
feeling bored so... what do you think an adult laura lee would be like? (and who would you cast to play her?)
literally just the other day i was looking back on some of the answers people gave me when i asked who would they cast as adult laura lee. including: sarah michelle gellar, diane krueger, laura dern, kristen bell, kirsten dunst... BUT the absolute #1 winner in my heart is 100% Elizabeth Mitchell. i mean look at her. the laura lee's style dress and the lottie's cult's colors...
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now what would adult laura lee be like...
well i'm happy to consider all the options! i've mentioned before that it could go in very different ways if she had survived. after the rescue she could've 1. entered extreme denial about all she did and turned more obsessively religious to make up for it 2. stayed obsessively religious but for the wilderness (and lottie) which she never let go of 3. ✨ a middle ground ✨ or more!
personally, realistically, i think the middle ground would be something like... she wouldn't completely let go of her faith (catholic, christian, whatever) because it was so important to her and key to her character, but it would definitely change. her god abandoned them in the wilderness and let them do all those unforgivable things... but i think her post-rescue healing process would center around making peace with that and finding her middle ground. i can picture her joining one of those churches that are like liberal and very pro-lgbt and stuff. BUT i'm so sure she would never completely let go of their weird wilderness religion and her belief that lottie was touched by the holy spirit, that she had gift, that she was something like a saint
a lot of people love to paint laura lee as a boring character, bible thumping, goody two shoes, innocent and pure, but that goes against so many things we see from her. standing up against figures of authority and even controlling the group (making them pray, standing up against coach, jackie, nat, coach again, making them pray again, making fun of nat and travis and travis again) she had the balls to try to exorcise lottie and to fly a plane. do you know what she would be like as an adult after she'd had to go through all the brutal things they did to survive in the wilderness??
i think she obviously wouldn't lose her best traits. i think she would stay sweet and she would be even kinder to people because she knows how difficult it is to survive and she would love to help others (and fight anyone that tried to make other people's lives more difficult than they need to be) but she's stay brave, stubborn, true to her values and beliefs, and very much learn to stand up for herself and never let anyone laugh at her expense again
also she would be a lesbian. she would 100% be a lesbian
(she's married to lottie)
(she's her right hand woman managing the not-a-cult and she's at once nicer and more approachable but also more strict than sexy prophet lottie)
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just-call-mefr1es · 7 months
i dont care if the relationship is romantic, familial, or platonic. if they cup each other’s face in their hands with tears running down their cheeks im in
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flamboyant-king · 3 days
So how would you describe making a webcomic?
For someone like me, with gosh dang ADHD and Bipolar Disorder, it's hard to "be in the mood" and focus at the right times. I wanted to post the comic once a week, but I get burnt out so easy nowadays after years of nonstop work that my body is so exhausted, I nap 4 hours everyday, man. So once every other week it is!
So the first week after an update, I goof around, keep telling myself to start early get the thumbnails down get the sketches down, the hard part is the lineart. I dread the lineart stage so much. Coloring and shading and backgrounds are fun, but there's something about linearts. So it's two weeks between updates, the first week is resting and goofing around, the second week is stress, stress, stress, debating on delaying the update, cram, cram, cram, and then update.
I've written ahead for the webcomic of like 12 chapters, and its so much fun to plan, but the executing part is so hard. Like, you want me to draw all of this? me? The king of wrist pain? I'm trying my best. I have a story I want to tell, and even if it's a slow burn type beat, by golly I'm gonna tell it.
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wrathofrats · 7 months
Mist said she heard dews screams
Who orderd the transition
What was the room like when they did it was it like a operation room or just a bed
Did dew move around a lot during the transition
Sorry about how many questions I'm extremely curious
Omg pls don’t be sorry I desperately want everyone to ask in depth questions about my writing it honestly makes my absolute day like YASSS SOMEONE CARES
Imma go question by question and try and describe what’s up, hopefully in the future I can make a longer fic detailing dews transition as I did deltas
Who ordered the transition?
Terzo in both cases. After hearing the fates of water, lake and river (succumbing to their element to the point of having to be banished), he didn’t want the same fate for delta or dew. Delta was an accident, as he already decided what he wanted before anyone could stop him. Omega was ordered by Terzo to help him, fix what he could but sadly there wasn’t much to be done. This is what largely made mist scared when Terzo ordered dew’s element transition, she witnessed deltas decay.
As for dew Terzo ordered both omega and aether to transition his element, as omega had experience and aether was a trusted ghoul that he knew could do it with hopefully minimal problems. It was out of concern, he didn’t want dew to suffer from his element as he knows others did so he chose to get ahead of it, with consent from him of course.
What was the room like when they did it was it like a operation room or just a bed
It took place in the infirmary, so imagine a hospital room. Not like an operation room as I believe the transition is almost entirely magic based, no physical tools needed. But I imagine the transition happening in a hospital room by omega and aether at his sides.
Did dew move around a lot during the transition
Warning for this question as I’ll be describing dew in pain
He tried, he was held down by quintessence to ensure nothing went wrong. I think it was a painful process, having to force the fire magic in while pulling the water out. I think it’s a process of one of them forcing it into his veins as the other takes the water out. I really don’t think it was easy on him. Especially aether having to remove his gills, pulling tissue over them to get rid of them.
It doesn’t last long though, a day at most. The rest of the time was recovery and to make sure he was ok, and to get ahead of any issues if they were to pop up. I imagine he stayed in the infirmary for about two weeks.
I hope this helps explain things!
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bakvrue · 22 days
For the people who have never seen Snow White with the red hair (aka me) how would you describe ruepold’s relationship dynamic? 🌚
Omg first of all you should watch!!! It's such a cute little romcom!!! But it's like.... they both carve out as much time as they can for each other even when they're both super busy, and zen especially is so in love with her. He can't hide his feelings at all, and neither can she.
Their relationship is a little different because he is a prince and she's a royal herbalist, where as leopold is a royal, and I'm a noble, so there's a different power gap between us. But there are so many instances I can think of where it's just what me and Leo would do.
(LOL I kinda just word vomited so a read more)
Like LOL I'm just gonna tell you one if my favorite episodes. So shirayuki saw tbis girl on her way to her job in the castle, and this girl had a beautiful blue trained bird that she could give commands to with a whistle. In her villiage on the outside edge of the kingdom they use these birds for fishing and they have many other uses, like retrieving items. But these poachers want to kill the birds for the feathers and completely take them from these people. And this girl is going to prince zen to make a plea to protect their birds. But ofc one of the asshole poachers is also at this meeting being loud and talking over her. I don't remember exactly how it happens but shirayuki comes up with an idea to prove the usefulness of these birds. If the bird can fly to a lookout post that is an hour one way and back in 30 minutes then they can prove their usefulness. And zen thinks it's an excellent idea, mostly because it is but also because it's her idea. So zen signs a piece of paper for the bird to bring back and shirayuki goes to the lookout point. And they release the bird, and at the same time the poacher asshole decides to take matters into his own hands. He goes to attack shirayuki in the tower and to throw the piece of paper into the water below it so the bird fails. Amd when zen finds out....... the way he races there ready to defend her... man I don't even remember the order of events but I know when zen gets there he destroys this man. And then zen, in his worry, let's his feelings take control and he kisses her...... and it's so skfkfjwjshdj let me find a clip.
Okay this is when he comes to get her.
lol I guess I could have explained this without the whole episode talk LMAO. BUT they are just so intense about each other but in such a soft way. And he's absolutely obsessed with kissing her
And in that it's like Leo and I have this passion about eachother where every look we give eachother you can just feel the love flowing from us. Amd we would do anything for the other. He listens to me and I listen to him and we're such a team together that it's so easy being together. And the way that he's so earnest in everything makes my heart hurt and my knees weak and if he kisses me too much with so much passion I will pass out....
This one is really long but god. Even the first 40 seconds or so dhrjrkwjwh I just.
Leo is so earnest and real with his emotions. It's just love pouring out of his eyes and love pouring out of my eyes and being completely infatuated and obsessed. And a little (a lot) of secret kisses and stolen moments because there's never enough time in the day for how long we want to spend together......
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