#mister joestar
silly-l1ttle-guy · 5 months
My beautiful husband.......
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I like him
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ask-the-joestars · 7 months
Joseph what's it like living with two hot blond italians
Only the greatest experience ever! Something about blondies just makes me crazy.
Sometimes I wish I had three hot blonds, but that’s another story.
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ask-gyjo · 8 months
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I’m seriously gonna shoot ya. Don’t you dare come near here again.
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which jojo has the best not-weed (420 420 420) garden
it’s jodio
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createrebels · 9 months
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Title: Be There
Prompt: Childhood, Pocket Watch, Vampirism, Seaside, Devotion, Modern AU, Scars, Danger, Candlelight, Write favourite art
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
1. Phantom Manga (Prompt: Childhood):
In 1989, Miss Pendleton went with her adopted grandson Dio to England and met Mister Joestar's son, Jonathan. The twelve year old Jonathan and Dio were drama club actors reading JoJo manga.
2. And The Time Stops (Prompt: Pocket Watch):
Jonathan gave Dio his pocket watch. Then, Dio went back to Morioh his home. Then, the awarding ceremony arrived.
3. Distant Dreamer (Prompt: Vampirism):
Dio dreamt about the other DIO obsessing over Jonathan and the origin of JoJo manga.
4. Heaven on the Seashore (Prompts: Seaside, Devotion, Modern AU):
Jonathan and Dio became adult college classmates in Morioh and challenged each other in becoming the best actor. For the club, they went to a Paradis Island.
5. Cycle of Hate and Love (Prompt: Scars, Danger):
Jonathan calmed dreaming Dio and they explored. Then, they prepared for their first acting performance together.
6. Raise the Curtains (Prompt: Candlelight):
After Jonathan and Dio's play, a certain vampire appeared.
7. End or Loop (Prompt: Write favourite art):
Those from the previous reset and the new reset met each other.
Word count: 8100
Warnings/Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Acting, Childhood, Dubious Consent, Anxiety Attacks, Nightmares, Necrophilia, Referenced Alcoholism, Referenced Abuse, Destruction, Violence, Nudity, Language, Blood Drinking, Cheating, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan References, Steins;Gate References
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52198456
————read more—————
Wattpad Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/357329772
Illustrator: Junichi Hayama
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a-998h · 5 months
I wonder how the Crusaders would react to a medium! reader who can channel spirits like Maya Fey from Ace Attorney?
When the Crusaders finally encounter Dio, Reader channels Jonathan and he speaks to Dio through Reader.
Dio: Jonathan Joestar!? I thought you were dead!
Jonathan possessing Reader's body: I am, and it has been a long while since we spoke, brother. I heard you have caused many problems for my family and you made Erina cry a whole lot. That is unforgivable. *cracks knuckles* We have a lot to catch up on.
This was the first time in years that Dio was genuinely terrified.
I have never played Ace Attorney, but your description helps.
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He thinks you're crazy
Thinks it's your Stand power
Is worried the heat has fried your brain
It's only after you all beat Steely Dan, when Joseph is upset and cursing under his breath
He then feels someone smack him on the back of his head
Joseph: Ow! What was that for?
Erina (possessing Reader): Joseph Joestar! Watch your mouth young man!
Joseph: G-Granny?!
Now he believes you
He finds it a bit strange
It's a bit heart breaking when Ceaser, Johnathan, Erina, Speedwagon, or Geroge possess you to visit him
It's kind therapeutic for him to talk with you/his family and friends
He tries to have you not over use your powers
Keeps you safe from people who want your power
Questions you on how this all works
Finds it cool your power will let you see Stands
Is shocked about the fear a Johnathan pocessed you puts in Dio
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Thinks you're deranged
Thinks you're creepy and might murder them all
Doesn't believe you when you say it's not a Stand power
Keeps you at arms length
Truly believes you're just a fucking nutcase
It's only until he starts cursing and being a bit mean that things happen
Jotaro: Shut up old man
Johnathan (possessing Reader): Jotaro, it's not polite to insult your grandfather
Jotaro: Have you lost your mind?
It takes him a bit to catch on
Once it does, he still thinks you're crazy
Now, he no longer keeps you at arms length
Tries to figure out if the ability is Stand related
Has to deal with his great great grand parents, great grand father, and pseudo great great uncle Speedwagon and pseudo grand uncle Ceaser processing you when he does something like smoke or swear
Hates this power of yours, on the outside
On the inside, he is kind glad he can take with those who came before him
Makes you promise to keep your powers under wraps, so Dio and his minions can't get you
Is happy your power let's you see Stands
Is so happy you being pocessed by his great great grandfather
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Also thinks you're brain fired
Plays along when he thinks you're making it up
Tries getting you mental help
Is genuinely worried that the heat has caused you to go nuts
Keeps saying you have a Stand and that your powers are Stand related
Kind keeps you at arms length out of worry
Starts to think you were brain washed by someone, or you were raised by crazy people
Kakyoin: Kid, I'm pretty sure you have a Stand power
Child Ghost (possessing Reader): Don't be rude mister!
Kakyoin: *confused* Huh... maybe I'm wrong
After that he still keeps an eye on you
Is worried the ghosts have messed with your head
Keeps you safe so you power doesn't get in Dio's the wrong hands
Glad you and Avdol bound
Is happy you can see his and others Stands
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Oh boy...
He feels bad for you
Thinks you've lost your mind because something happened to you
Also plays along with you when you talk about the ghosts
Thinks its a bit cool you can see Stands without having one
Kind of believes you about your power
Is the only one, other than Avdol, that doesn't think you've lost you mind as a whole
Is a bit freaked out over the ghost thing
Tries to not make it seem like he thinks you're crazy
Watches as you and Avdol bond, and is so happy
He thinks its selfish to ask you to contact Sherry for him
Until after he defeats Centerfold
Polnareff: *being sad about Sherry*
Sherry (possessing Reader): Big Brother?
Polnareff: S-Sherry?!
Sherry (possessing Reader): I'm right here Big Brother
Polnareff: *Crying and talking to Sherry pocessed Reader*
After that he believes in your powers
Is so happy you and Avdol get along
Keeps you safe so no one abuses your powers
Cheers and smiles as a Johnathan pocessed you puts the fear of God into Dio
When he realizes you can see Stands, he is smiling
Is happy if you and Silver Chariot become friends
They both protect you
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Only one who believes you
you two bond over being able to be in touch with the supernatural
He makes sure people don't think you're crazy
Tells you keep your power under wraps to not attract attention
He truly believes in your power
He tries to teach you tarot and stuff like that
He does think you have a Stand you just haven't awaked yet
He is curious on how tough see Stands without having one
He doesn’t force or ask you to contact spirits
Avdol: Hello
Pocessed Reader: umm... aren't you scared?
Avdol: No, would you like a tarot reading?
He is very calm about your powers
When he realizes you can see Magician Red... he waits to see your Stand
Happy if you and Magician Red get along
Keeps you close so you don't get taken advantage of
Is shocked when he sees you being pocessed, and it scaring Dio
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haisayonaraa · 4 months
laywer needed
Joseph is now requesting a lawyer, sadly he's poorer then a church mouse, so if anyone would like to be an unpayed lawyer to mister Joestar, be would greatly appreciate it
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abbynx · 2 years
Dio's Doll
Yandere Dio Brando (Part 1) X Reader
Genre: Angst, Headcanons
Warning: Typical Yandere behaviour, violence
A/N: To some, vampirism is a way to become somewhat of a higher being than a human, almost like a god if they're arrogant enough... To some, a curse, exactly what Dio had bestowed you.
- We begin in the 18th century— you were twelve, your father had entrusted you to his good friend George Joestar to take care of a certain business bargain somewhere in Asia. Your maids could look after you back at the L/N manor, but you were close to the young Joestar heir. And besides, your father would hate it if his heir is lonely.
- By this, you were there when a dark cloud began to leech off the family. Even if you're not a member of the Joestar's, the curse latched itself to you too. With his arrival, Dio the forsaken has began to make existence difficult for you.
- What's worse, he has taken a liking to you— the little doll that opted to stay silent, not wanting to cause trouble and just hopes for him to leave you alone. Unlike Johnathan, you had manners, according to Dio, you'd be the child George would have love.
- Dio is the ever so cocky bastard, even if Johnathan were there to defend you he couldn't do anything. JoJo would only further humiliate himself before his father because he sees it as such. And you, the docile doll who values your father and George's opinions, you remain silent about Dio's treatment.
- Well, at first you told on Dio, screamed even. Dio has a tenacious guardian angel watching over him that he never got in trouble, always finding a way to twist words and shift the blame into something else.
The first instance of his doings was a night of rest, you were getting ready for bed after coming from the library. Your room was dark as you climb into bed but then you noticed a head lying under the blanket. A scream alerted JoJo, George and a few servants to rush into your quarters.
- You vividly remember how quick they were to reach you, a big tell on how worried they were about you. Now imagine that worry deflating to disappointment when they found out you screamed at a mere sight of a doll's head that you mistook for a head.
"It was Dio! He did this! He must've planted it there to scare me!" You screamed pointing an accusatory finger at the blond.
"Dio, is it true?" George said. You remembered how satisfied you were when the head of the house looked at the ward the way he'd look at Johnathan when he was in trouble.
"Mister Joestar, it is I who have put the doll there, but it wasn't my intention to scare them. In fact, the doll was a gift... I'm just as terrified as you are to find out only the head remains." Dio said, with his voice pathetically reduced into a small one. "It must have been the dog that bit the head off."
"Danny wouldn't do such a thing!" Johnathan protests.
"Jonathan," George sends a single glare at his son's way, enough to diminish the rage JoJo was feeling. The head of the family then turns to you. "Why Y/N, it's not nice to say something like that. I want you to apologize to Dio for what you've said, he didn't mean to scare you at all." And you were absolutely livid to find that George fell for it. Upon glancing behind the head of the Joestar's, Dio was grinning in satisfaction.
After that, nothing else came of it. At least, in terms circumstances. After that transpired, you find yourself reeling yourself back to avoid bringing this up to George's attention, lest he should report your unruly behaviour to your father.
- He finds joy to see you suffering in silence, refusing to speak up whenever he does something to you. He can pull on your hair, push and shove you, lob rocks at your direction, pinch you, anything to fulfill his heart's content. But god forbids if he sees you with someone else.
- You see, he doesn't like sharing his doll. Something within him stings whenever he'd see you with someone else, he couldn't bear to see you enjoying yourself with someone else. Not that you'd enjoy Dio's company but eh.
- He's already sever your relationship with Johnathan and it was easy. He just some manipulation here and there, Dio knows you liked attending to some chores such as starting the furnace to avoid him, Danny was locked in the said furnace and boom. JoJo hasn't talked to you since. Two— no, three birds with one stone.
- After Danny's death, you couldn't bear to show your face around the family out of shame and guilt. Dio felt a certain glee to see you so down, so miserable, so shameful. But to see you go... It left a hole.
- He denied it of course. Why would he, Dio, miss you? What a joke, why would he? He could easily replace you! You're nothing but a sad excuse of a human being who mopes around with your sad e/c eyes glazed with a lovely sheen of tears, that will eventually come cascading down your melancholic face... Oh that face... Oh. Oh what the fuck—
- Well... Shit, that explains it.
- Seven years later, your family was invited to the Joestar ball; Every year actually, you just never attended with them. But this year, you decided to indulge. A lot of things has changed by then— you were already nineteen and already with a doctrate. And Dio has never not thought of you through those years.
- You made your first appearance as Doctor Y/N L/N in the Joestar ball and finally met your best friend after so many years. At first you feared he wouldn't welcome you the same way again, but then he took you in his arms and held you tightly.
"It is lovely to finally see you again, Y/N! Or should I say, Doctor Y/N?" He's grown. Physically and emotionally. You thought he'd haughtily turn his back against you from the grudge of seven years ago. An absolute gentleman too.
"Oh Johnathan. You have always been dear to me, you know that Y/N is enough."
- The night was filled with a lot of catching up. Jonathan has taken a liking to studying archeology, just as you have taken to the field of medicine, all that's happened... Dio... The mere mention of his name made your heart drop.
"He's still here?"
"Yes. He is, after all, family. I take it that you have yet to see him?" You can sense the enthusiasm in your friend's voice, just as he can sense 'no' as your answer.
"My, do my eyes deceive me or is it Y/N I see?"
A shudder rocked your entire body, freezing from where you stood when you heard a familiar voice. Then, a hand lands on your shoulder in a way that shows camaraderie. You were tense under his grip, your breaths coming out ragged in an attempt to steady yourself.
"It's been a long time, old chap! How have you been?"
... "Fine. Yourself?" It took longer for the pause to take place for your liking, you knew you gave yourself away.
"Likewise, though studying law does get one down at times but I thrive. Say, I heard you're one of the head of the Saint Catherine hospital?"
"You heard correctly."
Jonathan couldn't help but to notice how warm Dio was with you, while you were tense in the blond's hold, avoidant even. You couldn't even hold your gaze with Dio, as you looked towards your side.
"I find that quite impressive. I imagine you have countless suitors because of it."
"Thank you. Before I leave, I just say it's a... Delight to see you again. You must excuse me," you remove yourself from Dio's hold, with your eyes casted away from him, you didn't see his countenance twist in disappointment. "Jonathan. Dio." You smiled at your childhood best friend, something in you was upset you couldn't catch up with him further, glancing over Dio as well with a smile you had to force, before taking your leave.
- Upon hearing of Mister Joestar's sickness, you were the first one to be called upon the JoJo to look after his father, as he trusts you. Under your treatment, George was able to feel the care he needed. You imposed a rule to be followed by every one in the manor. And it was something Dio dreaded.
"I shall be the only one who will give Mister Joestar's medication. If not me, I will be instructing one of my nurses to do so."
You were firm to impart with this message. Jonathan agreed with this, as he trusts you. Dio didn't, but he acted as though he did. Even if he hates what had transpired, he couldn't help but to grin. My, this is the same Y/N who stayed silent when he pulled on their hair. The same Y/N who was afraid to get in trouble so they often kept their voice soft. Now look at you, with your chin up and firm stance. Only would it cave in whenever he was nearby, just as he likes.
He didn't need to heed your statement, he was able to manipulate the situation. It was your absence that made him strike, as he lead the nurse you instructed to look after the old Joestar was distracted by Dio, just enough for her to forget about her duties. It was a simple act of switching bottles when one's back is turned, and all the while he distracts the nurse, the old man would think he himself should just drink it himself.
It didn't take long when news came to you your nurse had failed to make the Joestar patriarch drink his medicine on time and you suspended her, finally allowing one of the old staff of the family to make Mister Joestar drink.
- Revelations came by you in a way that was shocking, as it all happened all at once. Dio was responsible for George's sickness, so was his father's, Jonathan almost got himself killed in Ogre street finding for the apothecary from which the poison came but was spared by a gang leader names Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Once he found out which poison was used, he calls you over to tell you what he's learnt. By this, you were able to concoct an antidote to give to Mister Joestar and call the police.
"I have to leave." You stood from your seat, gathering your coat and other belonging in your arms.
"Would you like me to accompany you, Doctor?" Speedwagon politely offers, holding out a hand for you to take.
"No, thank you." You offered him a polite smile, before turning to Jonathan. The Joestar only nods at you with a certain warmth in his eyes, wordlessly giving you his gratitude and bidding you goodbye.
Before you could witness what had transpired after you created the antidote, you had to leave for the hospital. Jonathan, in hindsight, was thankful you weren't there to witness the tragic passing of George, as well as Dio's betrayal and transformation.
- After what had transpired upon your departure, you were once again at a place of guilt. George Joestar was dead, Jonathan was unconscious, the Joestar manor is no more... From what you've heard from Speedwagon, Dio had become something of an otherworldly, hell if he were to be specific, creature. Fangs, super strength, endurance... You cant fathom how Dio terrifies you as his normal self, but that night where he apparently got stronger?
Ever since that night, you have not left Jonathan's bedside, along with a girl who seems to know him. You didn't have the chance to meet her, you fled from the Joestar's after you had unknowingly killed Danny. Erina Pendleton, a friend of Jonathan's. Like you, she hasn't left Jonathan's side as she tirelessly wring the rag of excess water before wiping Jonathan with it. Despite just meeting, you got along quickly whilst taking care of Jonathan, as you two shared a mutual care you feel towards the man.
"Erina..." Her blue eyes flickered up to you under her eyes were darkened circle from sleepless nights tending to Jonathan. "Allow me to take over. You rest."
"Oh no, I--"
"I'm a doctor. I'm used to it." You interrupt, softly taking her by the wrist and gently taking the rag from her hand.
Taking her hands, you press your thumb on her palms to alleviate the tension with a touch so gentle as to not further irritate her blistered hands. You looked into her eyes deeply and she finds herself deep within your hypnotic gaze and nods. You assist her to a nearby seat and proceed to treating Jonathan. Erina can only watch on her seat, as you tend to JoJo with a pace of fluency with that of a doctor's.
- Upon Jonathan's reawakening, you leave him and Erina be once you sensed a certain air between the two, just in time for you to catch Speedwagon doing the same thing when he decided against entering the room.
"Speedwagon, lovely to see you." You silently shut the door behind your back, smiling at the blond man.
"Doctor L/N," he tips his hat to greet you. "It seems that JoJo has awakened."
"Mhmm. In time, I shall assess his injuries but for now I figured I should leave them be for a while."
"I see... I must say, Doctor, you are quite mesmerising to look at when you work." You find yourself taken aback at his comment. "With such tenderness and at the same time, firmness. Not to mention, how skilled you are as a doctor."
You find yourself stuck for a moment, unable to wrap your head around his praises. "I... well... Um... T-thank you, Speedwagon."
"I am merely stating the facts, Doctor." He runs the back of his neck. "Would you like a drink? I know a good tavern down town. Or do you prefer elsewhere?"
- After spending time with Speedwagon for a few drinks, you decided to call it a day. Surely Jonathan and Erina wouldn't miss you for a night, as you decided to return to your home. You didn't arrive. Instead, you were tackled in the dark and rendered unconscious.
When you come conscious, you awake at the sight of a monster, in the form of Dio Brando, grinning at the sight of you quivering when you realised it was him.
"Hello, Y/N."
"D-Dio... I thought you--"
"Died? With my newfound powers, I cannot."
He stood from his throne, sauntering over before he kneels to meet your height. You instinctively lean away when he inches closer, averting your gaze from his analytic ones. He takes in the absolute terror in your features, relishing the reaction he can pull from you so effortlessly. The way you clenched your jaw, whilst you tried to keep your heart rate steady by breathing out with a shudder.
Wanting more of your fear, he reaches for your face, squeezing your cheeks as he made you hold his crimson gaze shaded with sadism. The stretch of his lips had made you realise what exactly he is, the glimmer of his fangs lit by the candle light as his features casts a shadow that made him more terrifying to you.
Closing your eyes, the long-held tears streaks on your cheeks, wetting his fingers. You tried to muffle your cries with a clench of a jaw, as you couldn't help but to think that this is how you end. In the hands of the only bully you couldn't stand against.
"Hush..." Dio whispers in a way that would be soothing, the pad of his thumb running under your eyes to wipe the tears off your cheeks. But it was Dio, there was nothing soothing about him.
"Why are you doing this to me?" You sobbed.
"I love you." I love seeing you suffer because of me.
Your eyes widened, meeting his for the first time, riddled with confusion. You knew this was no love to you, it was his sick vision of what he thinks love is.
"I love you and I always want you by my side."
Have you no idea, how he yearned for you every day? Those seven years without seeing you, it felt like a nightmare he constantly wake to. Constantly pulled by his longing for you, he couldn't think straight. Upon discovering the secret to immortality, he knew now what he wants to keep by his side forevermore.
You've yet to register what he had said, until you see him pull something from behind him-- a stone mask. The same mask from the Joestar manor that hung on the wall, something you don't like to look at when you pass by it in the corridors. On his other hand, a knife.
Before you can make any attempts to lean away, he holds you in place. Not even a flinch was pulled from him from your flailing, as he places the mask on your face. From the eye holes of the mask he gazes at you with a crooked grin, seeing how wide your eyes were at the sight of the knife. But oh, whatever you were thinking was his intention with the blade, was surely wrong. Of course he wouldn't stab you with it. And with a bloodstained knife held up, he traces the surface of red with his fingers. He watches the red drip from his finger, before he directs his attention you.
In one quick swipe of the crimson from his finger against the mask, spikes protrudes from the sides and penetrates your head. You fall limp in Dio's restraining arms, the warmth of your body fading as you became cold to the touch.
"Now, you shall always remain by my side."
- After Dio's defeat, you couldn't show your face to Jonathan, nor the others. Not after the heinous deeds Dio had instilled within your system, you were forced to act like the monster he is, taking vitals from his other victims.
When it came for the other Hamon users to suggest to kill you, you ultimately agreed... But Jonathan loves you too much to allow that. He reassured you that it was Dio's doing and how you shouldn't view yourself as a monster.
Arrangements were made to cater to your new lifestyle. You live under the darkness of the cellar, only to be let out at night where you feed on blood from bags bought from hospitals. Jonathan, Erina and Speedwagon stuck with you in your new form and never once had they expressed fear towards you, specifically. But you knew a piece of them were afraid of what you have become, with your new strength and abilities and you couldn't blame them.
"I apologize for not being able to attend the wedding JoJo, Erina. I wish I could have been there."
"It's alright, Y/N." JoJo reassured.
"Once the photographs have been developed, I would be happy to show them to you." Erina added, holding your cold hands within her warm one's.
"But I am happy for the two of you, really. Take care of JoJo for me, Erina. And you too, JoJo." You glanced at both of them with a certain sentiment in your eyes. "And enjoy your honeymoon. I believe the oceans are lovely at this time of the year."
"We'll be sure to write you." JoJo states.
"Oh don't worry yourselves over me, you two enjoy your honeymoon."
"Uh-- right." Jonathan looks down in disappointment. Something within you tells that Jonathan wouldn't be heeding your concern, you know how he is.
"Thank you for being here with us, Y/N." Erina squeezes your hand.
"And I return the gratitude to you as well..." You squeeze her hand back, before taking JoJo's hand as well. "I wish you all the joy throughout your lives. Now I must be going, dawn is peaking through and you should be boarding your ship."
"Right of course. Sleep well, my friend." JoJo pulls and holds you against his chest. "We will see you soon."
"Be careful now." You pat his back, before pulling away.
... you wished that you did more than just tell them to be careful. You should have wished for them not to leave at all.
To be continued
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ask-jobros · 7 months
Robby wagon, you stole that hat, didn't you? Nice.
What? No! Taking something as a keepsake of a person you respected does not mean stealing! He no longer needed this. And I’m sure if he had any strength left, he would give it to me himself! I may be called the thief and murderer of Ogre Street, but ever since I met Mister Joestar, I'm done with it! - Speedwagon
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crying-fantasies · 2 years
Where Is Your Soul?
Synopsis: Everyone can live, everyone can have a future, a brighter one, if you give up your own.
Warnings: Character's death, suicide thought, self-sacrifice, angst, dismembered body, blood, mention of sexual assault, if you don't like this don't read, it's just me searching for some pain.
Jonathan Joestar
- When he declined your offer to keep searching for Dio's possible corpse he didn't believe that it would end like this, he wanted to spent time with Erina after so long, he could have told you, he really should have done it.
"Maybe later" He was trying to get to see her soon, so he left you there, in the street near your home, you only needed to turn around the corner and get safely to your house, "go straight home, it's dangerous at night"
In another reality you did as Jonathan told you
But now you decided to go along your own idea and turned around, entering the dark streets
- He never thought that you would go alone.
- When he heard of the shooting he didn't connect the dots right away, he thought that you would be still sleeping, your hair a mess and refusing to wake up earlier.
- Then, out of nowhere his father was calling for him, he was going downstairs when he noticed his master, Mister Zeppeli, with a gloomy expression that his father was starting to show too.
- His master appeared with something on his hands, when Jonathan saw it he didn't believed.
- He wished that it was a joke of yours, a weird one, a terrible one, a sick one.
"The body was found next to ashes and this..."
- He was holding your revolver, the one that your father gifted you so many years ago, one that your family didn't want back because of such a thing, such a tragedy, happening.
- It had blood over it, and anyone would know that it was yours.
- Jonathan didn't believed such a thing.
- George tried to stop his son but Jonathan was stronger, he was faster, he got to the place of the events in such a short amount of time.
Why wasn't I fast enough when you need him?
- When he arrived he found Speedwagon there, looking perplexed at the officers and a body in the floor, the blanket over it to spare the gruesome scene from the public didn't cover all the blood that was painting the floor or the walls.
"They really did it" he was trembling, crying, in his hand was your coat, the one that you used to carry all your guns around, it was empty, every gun and bullet on the floor, with blood, "They are both death, Dio is death and..."
- Speedwagon got wind of what was happening, but it was already late, when he got there he found you dragging your body on the floor, so much blood on your way, some kind of bloody pulp on your hands that then he realized was the remains of Dio.
- You left them fall in the sunrise light of the new day, smiling at him while it was turned to ashes that got carried away by the wind.
"Hey, Rob, I did it..." Your body on the floor, your hand full of ashes like some other parts of your body before you finally collapsed, he wanted to call for help but the police areived and at first they put the blame of such a crime on him.
- They just concluded that you committed suicide.
- Even if Jonathan asked Robert would never tell him that you used yourself to trap Dio in your embrace and started shooting, the bullets got to him but also your body, it weakened him and you could wait till the sunrise to finally kill him with the sun, the horrible escene would be forever on his mind.
- People would talk about you, about how your soul would haunt forever that street, how even in the future people would find the many bullets that you used in the walls near.
- Jonathan just thought, with tears on his eyes and your revolver in his hands, how reckless you were, just like always, even when he believed that Dio was already death you thought otherwise, not believing that everything ended, and you were right, even so, why didn't you ask him for help when you found Dio, why did you just go there all alone and without calling him for help, but what if you did, what if Dio caught you and you could only fight trying to survive? If you called for help but he was so far away to even know that you needed him there?
- Why did you choose to go there? All alone, almost ready to die for something that was supposed to be his responsibility.
- When his son is born, Jonathan would be overprotective, almost forbidding him to be near the place where the "Crazy ghost" would be roaming, that damned street where his nightmares would take place from time to time, punishing George when he, after a dare, put a foot in that place.
"Don't you dare to return there!" in all the years that he was a father, Jonathan have never shouted at his son.
- He used so much of his mental strength to even go after his son at that place.
"Dad, why do you have a revolver?" His son would ask but Jonathan would never answer, just taking the gun in it's glass box out of his son's reach.
"I'm..." He finally decided to tell his son when he was 15 years old and planning to enlist, the terror of having his son near weapons was real, and for a moment he would be terrified about the possibility that George would die like you, like a soldier, dying for others, "I'm just taking care of it for a dear friend"
- Years go and never return, now, after so long, he can be near that street again, it's early in the morning and with the help of his wife can finally put a feet there, say a prayer and left flowers for you, finally accepting that you died that day, that he can let go of your ghost.
- For a moment he believed that he saw you with the first sunrise's lights, smiling with mischief at him, snorting in disbelief and laugh at his tear stained face like the good ol' times.
- He hopes that if there is an afterlife then he can meet you again.
You die, all your descendants never existed, you defeated the great danger, everyone else survived
Are you happy with your choice?
Joseph Joestar
- Joseph would be the instigator of many problems but you were the one that would get the two out of trouble, he believed that it was a good dynamic, but then he would regret such beliefs.
"Why can't we just talk about it with them?" You asked that when everything started, like the peace lover that you were, Joseph only said that you didn't understood while giving you a hug, his hand on your hair and messing with it.
"Don't worry your little head" he would say while while smiling, Joseph had his usual mischievous grin, "everything is going to be fine, I will get that ring and we will live till we are old people"
- He knew of your worries and maybe he was a bit bitter about the fact that you liked Caesar, and that maybe you already did the do, it irks him to even think about it.
In another reality you would listen to Joseph and not worry, they were strong
But now you decided to use your imaginary friend, you had an idea, you could at least help a bit
- There is no one on your room when Joseph goes to say good night to you, maybe spend some quality time together after so long, and also to be sure that Caesar wasn't in your room again.
- He believed that maybe you got to eat something or to walk around the island, but then he thought that you may be with Caesar, he wants to puke at the idea and decided to let you be.
- The next morning you weren't in your room, with Caesar or even in the island.
- Joseph was worried, but he believed that you would be doing some tourism around bay because the boat wasn't in the shore.
- Lisa Lisa, Loggins and Messina thought otherwise because the boat was in reality there, bits of steel near it, also because the Red stone of Aja that she had was in reality a perfect copy made of steel.
- Who would do such a thing and keeping her in the shadows about if not you? The one with a strange ability to move things around without even touching them and to create different things out of steel, perfect copies of metal.
"You two will keep training while I'm away" Lisa Lisa didn't gave much explanation and just left.
- She was the one that found you, or at least what was left of you, your body impaled by giant metal bars.
- At first she believed that they got thrown to you, resulting in your death, but she then notices that those things got out of the soil around you, she notices the traces of a fight around but only your body is there, she finds what appears to be the sacred stone but it's broken and pieces of red steel and glass like pieces are everywhere, next to the pieces is the ring that Joseph needs.
"I'm not sure what was the idea but I found the real one secluded underground with many layers of steel around it" Lisa Lisa didn't have a soft touch, she knew that, and maybe she could have been a little more worried about the shattered expression in the faces of her son, her student and Suzi.
- Joseph just tried to figure out what happened with you while trying his hardest to be stronger after drinking the content inside the ring, he cried when he noticed little drops of dry blood on it but he stopped himself soon when the mask on his face didn't let him breath or cry like he wanted.
- When the time comes and they are ready to fight they only find Wammu, Esidisi and Kars, they didn't expected to see them there.
"We already accepted your victory, why are you even here?"
- Turns out that the day that you disappeared you took the real Red stone of Aja.
- For what the pillar men answer to their questions they now know that the stone that you left underground was a perfect copy, a second one, just to take the real one to the pillar men and destroy it in front of them.
- You were little, you were unarmed, so they didn't expected you to form some kind of hammer out of nothing, "this is the real one, the cause of so much problems"
- All pillar men jumped to stop you when you used steel to destroy the stone, summoning steel bars around you to stop them because you couldn't destroy it so easily, they got near you and that made you attack even more close to you, ending in your death and the stone being destroyed by the same bar of steel.
"That one" Wammu started to talk, "Was indeed a great warrior, so I let them the death ring"
- Caesar wanted to keep fighting, to avenge his father's death and your sacrifice with a broken heart and tears in his eyes.
- Joseph didn't know what to do.
"Don't worry your little head, I will take care of it!"
- And like he said, he would take care of it, accepting the plan that you almost did with the pillar men, a way of peace, it was everything but easy yet his achievement finally brought what you wanted.
- He needed to explain what happened to everyone back home, when he finally arrived to his grandmother's house he was welcomed in a warm home and her worried expression, he just wanted to get into his room but in his way he collided with a picture of the two of you hanging on the corridor.
- It was just too much for him.
- Erina had to help her grandson, hugging him back together when she found him crying in front of the picture, finally shattering his shield of normalcy and letting go all his pain even when he kept denying his tears, even when he tells his grandma that he will be okay soon and tries to believe it himself.
- She knows that he is lying, he also knows it, because he has lost someone that he held dear to him, someone that was with him since the very beginning, someone that he loved and he just realized it.
- He put a candle for you near the picture and a steel brooch with the form of your favorite flower next to it, in that way, a flower that would never wither.
You die, all your descendants never existed, the war between the Pillar men and the Hamon masters was over, everyone else survived
Are you happy with your choice?
Jotaro Kujo
- Love can make people do stupid things, that is something that Jotaro believed, but in a different way, for him love would make you a blind idiot.
- He saw it with the girls that chase him, it's not love, it's some kind of infatuation, but they want that belief that they like him, that they love him.
- His grandfather told you that you must go with the others after they returned.
In another reality you would listen, you would wait while the others go ahead.
But now you decided to go alone, you knew Hamon, just a little, but it will help you.
- No one noticed when or where did you go, Iggy was also nowhere to be found, but they had an idea faster than later after hearing a fight inside, a explosion that shattered many windows and the ominous roar of two creatures.
- You were still alive, almost in the verge of death, destruction around you after the attack of Vanilla Ice with Cream, you used Overdrive to finish him but it took your arm after touching it.
"Will you keep me company to the end?" Iggy lost a little piece of his ear but after looking at him you found relief that no further damage was done.
- Talking to the little dog wasn't common, maybe you were starting to lose your mind due to blood lost, even when you already closed it with Hamon.
- You continued till the moment that you noticed an ominous shadow behind you, Iggy barked but it was late, an unknown hand grabbed you from your neck and started to put pressure, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't use Hamon, you couldn't use your Stand.
- You recognized the man, that demon, that nightmare, with your last energy you tried to land a hit in vain, a kick that was blocked, a punch from your Stand was just too weak to inflict damage, The Fool was sent flying by a mere movement of his hand, then you give the command.
- Your Stand took Iggy and ran away, in the exact moment that Dio ripped apart your shirt and opened his mouth before finally biting you, but you smiled, pain cursing your whole body and a silent scream, puting your last breath to use.
- When the rest noticed your withered Stand approaching with an injured Iggy in their last arm they just needed to follow the pieces that kept falling from it, leaving a path of black pieces.
- The first one to found your body was Joseph, the one that raised you like one of his own flesh and blood, the one that teached you the ways of Hamon and the one that got you in all that mess.
- The rest just saw the old man trying to cover your exposed body with his own, sobbing and saying that it couldn't be, your ripped shirt and your face almost a distanced memory when now it had such a malicious wound in it that was still bleeding next to the one on your neck.
- Avdol with Iggy in his arms noticed that your Stand was fading, Polnareff remembered the attack to his sister and almost puked, Kakyoin would remember the day that Dio attacked him and almost had a panic attack, Jotaro was at a lost of words after seeing with his own eyes how your Stand just evaporated with a final and soft growl.
- You used your Stand running away to use ripple in your own body, affecting Dio in the way and making him lose part of his mouth and hand.
- You cleared the path and you gifted then a chance, it wasn't easy, at the end of all everyone was still fatally injured, one worst than the other, but they would survive.
- Joseph was the one to tell your family what happened, drifting apart the two families.
- Jotaro would return home, to his smiling mother, she was now safe and sound, and he tried to go with it, go on with his life even if it hurt.
- Every now and then he hears, in the middle of the night, the last growl of your Stand, one of pain, when he sleeps.
You die, your descendants never existed, Dio is finally death, all your friends return home and enjoy what life can offer.
Are you happy with your choice?
Josuke Higashikata
"(One) more time" you would say when he needed some extra energy in the middle of a fight.
- You did it often, even when they just needed the motivation to give their all in an exam, you would say the words, when they were in trouble and needed that shot of adrenaline you would be there to give some.
- Without the ability to cure you could at least improve power for a limited amount of time
"It's just a bit of my energy" you would say, giving little worry to it, "I only feel dizzy when I over use it"
- Everyone would laugh at your own description of your Stand, it could boost the homeostasis, improve one's health and pain resistance for a short or long period of time.
- You never overused it, so you never knew what would happen when you did it.
- Josuke was bleeding, everyone was like that, and you just found them with Shigechi in the middle of the street, your friend shouted in horror after he recognized the man in front of you, the man that tried to kill him.
In another reality you would take Shigechi with you and run away, make the killer follow you and give the others time to recuperate.
But now you decided to put your hand on his shoulder.
"We are going to fight..." You only whispered but now he felt stronger, Harvest was now even faster and numerous.
- While Shigechi was fighting you kept using your Stand on every one, once, twice and again, then to one nearest, once, twice and again.
- Then you were reached by a bomb.
- When Josuke opened his eyes he saw something on his hand, you were near him, your fingers touching his, and you started to talk in a low voice.
"One more..." He almost didn't heard you, "One more!" Now he could, he understood what you were doing, "ONE MORE TIME!"
- Josuke could feel his body awakening, his mind refreshing in an instant, fast enough to catch your body and heal your wounds, he left you there in order to finally end the biggest danger.
- When the ambulance arrived he felt remorse and hate, but he was just too exhausted to think anymore, then he noticed that Jotaro was next to you and he wanted to ask you why you were still on the floor, was it that using your Stand tired you to that point? Crazy Diamond should have done the work just fine and you should be on your own feet by now.
"You fool..." He heard Jotaro say, and when he was near enough he noticed that you looked fine, you were supposed to be fine, he healed all your wounds.
- So what was the reason that your heart stopped working?
"Hey, this... This isn't funny"
- He didn't know what to say.
- The ambulance ended up picking your body too even when Josuke tried to stop it, Jotaro was the one to put him back on his right mind with a punch.
- He just couldn't grasp the idea that you died so easily, even worse, that you died seconds before he healed your body, he didn't know that you were gone when he touched you, he didn't notice, he just thought that you were exhausted.
- You body, it was warm at that moment, there was blood at your side due to the bomb that got to you, that same blood, he didn't noticed it on his hand, he didn't noticed when it dried up, leaving the sensation that he almost couldn't move it, he tried to clean it at the spot with tears on his eyes and the dry blood fell on the street.
- He realized one day that where you died a little plant started to grown in the middle of the street, not even a year later it was a giant rainbow like wisteria tree, one that emitted melodies with the wind and every person that hugged it could feel energized again, the street is now a park for tourism.
- All the friends that you did in Morioh still go there to reunite.
You die, your descendants never existed, Yoshikage Kira is death, all your friends can live a peaceful life, the "Rainbow tree" is a new point landmark in Morioh.
Are you happy with your choice?
Giorno Giovanna
- Your destiny was already set in stone.
- Meeting Giorno was only a way to make it come to you faster.
- You weren't exactly, and legally speaking, related to all the group so you were the first choice when there was the necessity to bought things and to interact with the public in general.
- Now that Trish was with you all someone needed to buy more supplies.
In another reality you would deny this, preferring to stay with the others while Narancia did the shopping.
But now you take the shopping list and go, alone, trough a different direction and cross paths with the last person that you wanted.
- The explosion that results of your sonic attack is something that everyone is familiar with to that point, they recognize it quickly.
- They are near to the point where they will let Trish with her father, but a second and third explosions later they decide to at least see what is happening, who is attacking you and where exactly are you.
- Using Aerosmith was the first choice.
- Because the Stand returned with the red book that you always had in hands, Bruno is the first to open it, knowing how it works, and what he sees makes some take Trish to safety while the others go to help you.
- Giorno gets the book and also read it.
"You cross paths with DopiolovaiD, Trish's father, who is in his way to kill her and the group that comes with her"
"He realized your presence, your fear, he attack- he has you in a corner, something happened, the time isn't right"
- It was like a horror story, the pages in the book continue to move, to flip, now full of the same words.
"It hurts, it hurts you so much, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts" the same word keeps repeating, page after page of the same words.
"You are bleeding, it hurts- IT HURTS"
- Giorno is supposed to be in the group that protects Trish, but is her who tells him to go.
- When Giorno arrived it was already too late, two bodies on the floor, one is yours and the other is the one of a young man that he can't recognize, both bodies with blood on their ears, the book that he has on his hand starting to turn into ashes.
"If I can ask..." Days before you were eating ice cream together, he had extra cash because he stole a wallet, but he wasn't going to tell you that, you had some kind of heroic mind, "why the Mafia?"
"Why not?" He asked, to you and to himself, he remembers the man that helped him in his worst days and the changes that he wants to happen.
"I mean, what do you wanna do? How can the Mafia keep working without selling drugs or collecting protection money?" Your words held some truth, maybe the whole deal, and he didn't know how to answer you at that moment.
- Even years later he was struggling.
- All the group had to left both bodies on that place to avoid the police, but when Giorno got the power he ordered your body to be dragged back to Italy even when your family had already buried you.
- His people never touched or destroyed your first resting place, so your family would never notice.
- Giorno would use GE to keep flowers around your new resting place, he would visit you often and talk to you about how everything was going.
"I can create a cure for the addicted, I can protect everyone by just giving the order, I don't need their money, we can keep killing and obtain money only if the person is shit and the pay is good" his hand holds a bundle of rocks and these transforms into gold, then all the gold just rumble and turns to ashes, "but I can't take someone dear to me back from the death"
You die, your descendants never existed, Diavolo is death, all your group can achieve their dreams.
Are you happy with your choice?
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
Sethan (Jotaro x Polnareff x Child reader)
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Small Summary: I personally hate Alessi's and his stand, But i... yeah here you go. I thought it would be cute... But fish I hate Alessi!!
Small mentions: SPOILERS, gn!reader, spell check is out the window..
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Y/n and I went out for a walk while the other were out buying some stuff. "Did Jotaro show you that trick he can do with the cigarettes?"
"No, not yet... Hey, y/n are you feeling an intense sense of blood lust?" We both stopped walking and looked around. "A guy is hiding behind that building over there." Y/n ran after the men, "Wait y/n don't go by yourself!" Damn it when did they get so fast? "Polnareff hurry!"
I turned the same corner Y/n did and didn't find them instead there was a small child. They were crying and seemed a bit lost they seemed to be around 5 years old, "Um, Excuse me are you lost? Where are your parents?" The child looked up at me, they looked kinda familiar. "I don't know where they are. I was chasing after someone and I got lost." They must have been playing tag with their friends.
But, wait could it be? That scar they have on their hand, "Hey kid, what's your name?" The child wiped away a tear from their eyes, "Y/n L/n" There's no way. It's Y/n; they mentioned that they had a bit mark from a dog attacking them when they were younger. "Who are you mister? My parents told me not to talk to strangers." I've seen their pictures when they were younger but I didn't know they'd be this adorable as a kid.
"I'm... uh... I'm your babysitter, Polnareff. Your parents went on vacation and wanted me to take care of you until they got back." I smiled at y/n hoping they wouldn't run and believe my story, "Okay, Mr, Polnareff." I bent down to their size, "Can you tell me why you had run off chasing someone?"
"It was a man wearing a purple shirt, he had weird sunglasses, oh and he had some bells in his hair. But I don't remember why I was chasing him." Bells in his hair? "Okay, it's time to go home I need to talk with some friends. Do you mind if I were to carry you?" I know it's a strange question, but their original cloth isn't fitting them anymore. They lifted their up arms I quickly adjust their shirt to cover them and picked them up, placing them on my shoulder, "Woah mister you're strong!" I laughed at their cuteness.
Once we made it to the hotel, I knocked on Mr. Joestar's door and placed Y/n down. "Polnareff what the hell is a child doing with you?" I walked into the room with Y/n they hid behind me when they saw Jotaro and Avdol, "This is Y/n. It seems a stand user made them younger somehow."
"How is that possible?" Avdol walked closer to us scarring Y/n, "We don't mean any harm to you, we're friends you can trust us." They hid behind me even more. "Hey, kid you wanna watch some cartoons?" They poked their head out looking at Jotaro and nodded he signaled them over and they both started watching TV. It seems they trust Jotaro.
"Did you get a look at the stand user before it attacked them?" Avdol asked, "No I wasn't able to, Y/n did give me some information about his appearance. Y/n said it was a man with a purple shirt, he had weird sunglasses, and he had some bells in his hair. It seems that the stand user knew Y/n didn't have their stand until they were older."
"That differently sounds like a stand user. We know he'll be back to finish the job, so we'll need a plan to trap him." Mr. Joestar told me what we should do, since Y/n had a room for themself when we got here we'll use that as bait. I told the plan to Jotaro he agreed with it and set it in motion.
We bought y/n to their own room and we hid inside the bathroom, that's when we heard to window brake and a scream. "I remember you!" We quickly got out of the bathroom and ran towards the stand user, "Don't let his shadow touch you!" Y/n yelled, both Jotaro and I jumped before it could get us completely but no use it still got us somehow. Jotaro and I ran toward the man. Jotaro was able to beat the guy up... who knew for a small kid Jotaro had that much strength.
We all turned back to our normal ages, "Y/n you alright?" They were on the bed, "What happened? Everything feels like a distant memory."
"You were turned into a kid by this piece of trash stand user." Jotaro picked up Alessi by the hair before throwing him out the window. "Gosh, what a creep. I'm glad to have you back Y/n." I gave y/n a hug, "Did I do anything embarrassing?" I laughed, "No, you were just terrified of Avdol and Mr. Joestar is all. You also took quite a liking to Jotaro though." Jotaro tipped his hat, "Good grief. I'm tired let's go Polnareff." I waved Y/n goodbye.
A few moments ago before the plan was carried out
Before I had discussed the plan with Jojo, I sat down next to y/n; they looked up at Jotaro and tugged at his coat, "Hey mister." He looked down at the child, "You don't speak much, do you?" He didn't say anything except tip his hat down. Y/n smiled at Jotaro, "Do you wanna be friends? I don't have many friends at school, would you like to be my first friend?"
"Sure, kid." Y/n smiled so brightly, "Yay, I made a friend! Can't wait to tell mom!" Avdol and Mr. Joestar laughed while Jotaro... well he was a bit embarrassed by this and had his hat covering his face now.
All in all, I'm glad things worked out and Y/n is back to normal.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 5 months
Johnny's such a fucking crybaby honestly it's pathetic
Lucky for him, I'm extremely attracted to pathetic men
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customs officer: we just need mister jodio joestar here to answer some questions since his name is on the "no-fly" list.
barbara ann: sir, we've been through this at the tsa already. he's not the same jodio joestar you're looking for! he's a child!
customs officer: please, ma'am. i just have a few questions and then you both will be free to go.
customs officer: mister joestar, what business do you have with japan?
jodio: ... bro, i've never been to japan in my life.
customs officer: so, you've never gone to osaka on november 2012 to attend the sony electronics trade show?
jodio: i would have been five, dude.
barbara ann: why are you men harrassing my son? why is he being questioned like a criminal instead of other people who obviously look way more sketchy?
jodio: mom...
barbara ann: like the old lady in front of us earlier! she could have stuck a ceramic knife in her walking cane to avoid the metal detectors from going off!
customs officer: ... ma'am, you seem to know a lot about smuggling things through customs.
barbara ann: i'm from new jersey.
customs officer: and have you ever been to japan?
barbara ann: ... i have a few phone calls to make.
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deathbxnny · 11 months
Dear Bxnny,
I, mister LongLegs have a deal for you. In exchange for Flower Anon's freedom, mister LongLegs would like to request Kaedehara Kazuha from Genshin Impact and Johnny Joestar from Jojo Bizarre adventure taking care their s/o who is tired and burned out from their job. Mister LongLegs hope this will make you feel cathartic by making this.
If you do not accept this deal, the only thing Flower Anon will be watching for an indefinite amount of time is the Bee Movie. A critical acclaim movie about mister LongLegs prey. But don't push yourself to accept this request, Flower Anon will be fine but the only media they'll be only watching is the Bee Movie.
Mister LongLegs had asked for Flower Anon for a message to be given to you, this is their message " Take all the time you need and take care of yourself. I'll be somewhat fine"
So do we have a deal Mx. Bxnny?
-Mister LongLegs /⁠╲⁠/⁠\⁠╭⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)⁠╮⁠/⁠\⁠╱⁠\
A/N: Hello there, Mr. Longlegs. I hope our poor Flower anon is still sane after watching the Bee movie for so long. But I've finally had the time to post something again and hope that this will convince you to finally let them go- Content: Talks of burn out, fluff, established relationships, slight angst if you squint, that's it- Reader has no set pronouns! ((Not proofread.))
Kaedehara Kazuha
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Kazuha instantly notices, when something is wrong with you and is quick to get to the bottom of your issues. He takes life as it comes and is always so relaxed in everything he does. So it's no surprise, when he has plenty of ways to make you feel better.
He first makes you take some time off work and forces you to rest in bed or on the couch, before he prepares you a warm meal. He won't let you lift a finger, quick to claim that he has to take care of you and that you shouldn't therefore intervene with his important mission.
He wraps you in pillows and blankets, whilst reading out a couple poems he wrote for you. He'll lay down with you and rub your back, his words soothing and lulling you into a deep, well-deserved slumber. He will smile to himself in victory, glad that his little 'mission' was completed.
Johnny Joestar
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It takes a moment for Johnny to notice that you aren't doing well, mainly due to him having alot to worry about himself. But once he does see you struggling with every day tasks due to your exhaustion, he tries his best to help you. He brainstorms for a while, before he gently approaches you about it.
His first idea is to get your mind off of things by taking you horse riding. Surely some fresh air and a ride under the moonlight will help you clear your head... just that enemy stand users might've ruined that for you... Okay, change of plans then!
Perhaps it's safer to stay put in your camp and relax under the stars near a campfire instead. Johnny let's you cuddle up to him, his arms protectively surrounding your form, as he sighs in relief, when that finally does make you fall asleep in peace. His methods are a little clumsy and a very chaotic.. but they at least seem to work.
A/N: Alrightt, I'm not sure, if this is good or not, but it's also the first time I've written something JJBA related! So I hope this was to your liking Mr. Longlegs and that Flower anon will soon be freed.
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alias-sam · 7 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 40. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 2
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,967
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
Even in the light misty sprinkle of rain nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing lived. You made your solitary way past condos and large mansion-like houses minding the barren neighborhood. When a car came rumbling into the driveway in front of you it was the only thing of interest for you to focus on. It was a cop car, the man that stepped out of the driver's seat was still in uniform. You were content to just walking by, but the officer looked at you oddly as you passed by.
"Do you live around here?" He called after you. This was a nicer neighborhood, if this officer lived here, he was probably just checking in on an unfamiliar face. Unfortunately you were a teenager, adults often just assumed you were up to no good. You weren't the most conspicuous looking of high schoolers, but a high schooler none the less.
"No." You answered, turning around. "But I'm headed home from visiting a friend."
"Better hurry." The officer paced towards you. "Strange things have been happening in this area around sunset. Missing pets, strange noises, things like that." As the man spoke you couldn't help but feel you had seen him before. "The neighborhood watch thinks it a bear or something, but I'm not so convinced." Part of you really wanted to tell this man that there were super-powered killer maggots prowling the nearby woods, but the sane sector of your brain decided against it. "Be careful." The man said sternly.
"Will do Mister..." You trailed off to glance at the shiny metal name-tag next to his badge. The name-tag read 'Joe Greenmin'. "Will do." You repeated with a stiff nod. What a small world.
Just like that, you were back on your lonesome way. Typically, you wouldn't mind walking in the rain, but after the altercation with Vita's father, you just wanted to be home and warm up. Not to mention, the complete lack of life or movement was unnerving. The waves at the beach weren't even loud enough for you to hear.
The street was quiet. Too quiet.
Usually when things got quiet a stand would appear. The thought alone made you walk just the slightest bit faster. With luck, you could walk home without consequence.
Before long a familiar woodland cut off came into view. You hadn't recognized it when Vita led you into the neighborhood. Curious, you stopped in your tracks to look into the dark forest, contemplating the dangers unknown within. Just as you were about to continue on your way the sound of tousled tree branches brought your attention upwards. The soft cooing of a dove reached your ears. Your eyes were met with a bird perched on the trees, looking down at you. Stark white feathers standing out amongst the greens and browns of the forest. As you were admiring the creature a flash of gold passed your vision.
In an instant the dove was replaced by a red mist.
Blood and gore splattered across the pavement in front of you with a audible squelch. This was followed slowly by pristine white feathers that landed calmly on top of the disgusting mess. It took a moment for your body and mind to catch up with what had just happened.
"Holy shit-!" You yelled, stepping away from the pile of sticky red mush. It was that bug stand again, it had to be. As the thought crossed your mind little white specs started emerging from the tree line. Sometimes you hated being right.
Instead of standing out in the open, dumbfounded, you bolted past the maggots and into the woods. You had to quickly take this fight somewhere normal people wouldn't get hurt. That was your first priority. The second was to avoid dying. Thanks to your adventure through the woods the other day, you had an idea. Using the dense trees and foliage as cover, you ran following a couple natural landmarks you remembered from the other day. You ran until you came upon a freshwater pond.
Before you could put your plan into action, you felt the dirt underfoot shift unnaturally. You panicked, thinking you stepped on a snake or something until you looked down. Worms. Crawling up your left leg, were what seemed to be hundreds of slimy, wriggling, living worms. They moved much like the maggots, supernaturally fast, and coordinated.
Just as they were about to try running, you tripped. You awkwardly tumbled towards the water's edge. At this point you were more willing to take a chance at facing an alligator than the so-called super bugs, so you embraced the stumble, half crawling, half clambering into the pond.
The water was murky and dark, but you still managed to keep yourself below the surface. With Golden Soul you could still sense the bugs, and not just the ones from before. More were coming, and your lungs were burning already. For a moment you panicked. You were stuck between a rock and a hard place with the choices of facing the creepy crawlies, or running out of air. The pond was freshwater, so it wouldn't kill off the maggots as easily as the ocean. Black dots were appearing in your vision, managing to make you panic more. As your lungs were starting to burn, you sensed something odd with your stand. The stand auras from the bugs were passing right by you. When you finally couldn't hold your breath any more, you surfaced, coughing and gasping. When you managed to stop hacking, you watched in mild amazement and pure disgust at the spectacle happening around you.
There were water striders skating around you. All with bright orange stand auras surrounding them. It would have been an otherworldly sight if it weren't for the numerous fish floating lifelessly up to the surface of the pond. They didn't even look like they had been cut or killed in any specific way, they were all just dead. The water striders were skating from fish carcass to fish carcass, occasionally stopping or pivoting to direct themselves towards their next target. What was odd was they were completely avoiding you, however you weren't complaining. You felt like hell, you had been on the verge of inadvertently drowning yourself. The sudden plunge in the pond left you even chillier than before, it was to the point you were shivering. Due to the dirty water, your clothes and skin were covered in a muddy sheen that only managed to make you feel even colder.
When you gained the energy you brandished your umbrella, using it to clear the dead fish out of your way. The worms and maggots were nowhere to be seen, but just to be safe you re-summoned your stand to survey the area.
Your vision lit up with a sea of orange light. Under you, around you, it was everywhere. The bugs were lying in wait amongst the forest. Like predators. The ground was alive with the synchronous movement of what could be a million worms.
You felt pure fear, true cold fear. Like a piece of ice was being wedged violently through your chest, stopping your heart.
You were prey, you were alone, and you were surrounded.
Its moments like this that humans are pre-programmed for. What many know as the fight or flight instinct. You knew you couldn't fight; you survived your last encounter with these creatures because you had help. So, without further planning, you took off with only two important things on repeat throughout your mind:
Fear. Run.
As you dashed and dodged exposed roots you could hear the bugs following. You could hear the worms slithering together across the forest floor, hot on your heels. It was difficult, but you had to think. You went back to your original plan. The beach.  The sand to dry out the worms, salt water to kill the maggots. The stand had immense speed and precision, but it's strength relief in numbers. The individual strength of each insect was normal.
You eventually broke past the tree line and found yourself straight on the beach. As your sneakers made contact with the sand you looked back. The worms were slowed down by the sand, but not stopped. On the other hand the maggots were still trucking on behind you.
This stand was tracking you somehow, but not just by sight. At first you were tempted to say it was through heat after they stopped chasing you at the pond. But that couldn't be. If the stand was killing fish, tracking by body heat didn't make sense. Fish were cold blooded, meaning their temperature depended on the temperature of the water. If they were just going after the hottest thing in the vicinity, that would mean they'd go after things like asphalt due to it absorbing heat throughout the day. But that still left the fact the stand stopped chasing you after you went in the water.
Before you knew it, you were waist deep in the ocean. The maggots shot into the water, quickly dying off. The worms made it a yard before stopping and shriveling up. You closed your eyes releasing a breath you didn't notice you had been holding, relief washing over you. The light mist of rain from before was turning into more of a downpour. There wasn't much use for even attempting to use your umbrella, you were already sopping wet and covered in mud. You tiredly trudged through the waves and collapsed on the sand.
It took a moment for you to register the buzzing sound reverberating through the rain. You shot upright, going straight back on high alert. The sound was coming from all sides. Almost like it was orbiting around you. It became even more difficult to see as the rain grew heavier. Untrusting of your own senses, you summoned your stand again. Through the mist and rain, you could see one stand aura flying in a perfect circle around you, there was another crawling steadily towards you.
It felt useless to run again. As long as you were alive this stand would continue hunting you.
"Wait..." You whispered to yourself, looking down at your hand. Without much time to reconsider, you balled your hand into a first, having Golden Soul mirror the action. "I'm going to regret this." You didn't have the time to think it through, you were punched in the face by your own stand.
You were overwhelmed by the lack of feeling. You no longer felt the dampness of your clothes, or the rain on your face, or the soreness of your muscles. Just a pure feeling of nothingness, weightlessness, and oblivion. A golden light surrounded your vision, and when you looked at your hands, they were transparent.
On the sand below laid your body. Motionless. It was eerie to be looking down at your own body, sobering even. Golden Soul remained at your side, awaiting your next command.
After shaking off the shock that came with using your stand on yourself, you returned your attention to the enemy stand.
They were beetles, now exploring around your unconscious body, looking hopelessly lost. The orange glow around them was still there, but significantly dimmer than before after losing track of their target. "Wait-" Your eyes widened. It took you a moment to recognize them.
A golden colored Rosenbergi stag beetle, and a large black Dorcus Titanus Palawanicus.
"Harvey." You mumbled looking over at the gold beetle. "...and Rodger." You sighed when you looked at the other beetle. Slowly you turned to the large mansion like house, just a few yards down the beach from where you were standing. "Sommar Vita."
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 7 months
ok but since the sapphire heartverse spans all parts imagine if there were two josephs due to dimensional shenanigans 😂
young joseph: "ratty old geezer!"
old joseph: "cocky young punk!"
avdol: "mister joestar...s? you are the same person"
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Oldseph at Youngseph:
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