#misttiddies fic
misttiddies · 2 years
hey guess what!! i !!!! finished kinktober!!!!
you can find it all here 
it is 13,000+ words and 16 drawings, some of which are multipanel, and ahhhhHHHHHHHH i feel accomplished!!!
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hidendumbassvillage · 2 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!  
Omg I was tagged by @woofgang69 @sixleggedboar @dumbblossom and @misttiddies thank you all very much ^^
All these wips are the ones currently on my phone I won't count the 2 finished fics that I've not published yet. They are ranged from the least advanced to most~
1. Icha Icha
2. Mistakes
3a. A/O KI
3b. Chap 2 A/O KI
5. E&T
6. Hanako and Shisui
Tagging (if you want to, no pressure!): @blightowl @bugshuffle @vanthedork @phlebasphoenician @greencuttingmat @hellotheremaryrose
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Mei's Marriage
Mei has never let her circumstances define her.
(She makes her own choices.)
Takes place between 1904 and 1907.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Terumi Mei/Yamato | Tenzō Word Count: approximately 16K (Complete and posts one chapter daily)
This story is for @longliveustherecklessandthebrave​ and @hellotheremaryrose​ who watched me write out the outline of this story as not!fic in the Kisame's Corner discord server, and for @misttiddies​ who kept me updated on the Great Sea Battle of Kirigakure arc in Boruto as they watched it.
I cannot thank the three of them enough.
"Enough!" Mei slams her hands down on the table and takes a deep breath, struggling to contain her chakra so that she exhales air and not acid. It takes a few moments but she finally regains her calm. "You know that we can't go on like this. We need the trade."
The room erupts in a babble of protest, but Mei doesn't bother to sort out which arguments are being advanced by whom. It's all a repetition of the same words which have been spoken again and again, amounting to little more than 'but this is the way we've always done it.' She already knows who her adversaries are anyway, and it's the ones who don't speak who are of most interest to her.
Read the rest on AO3.
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misttiddies · 2 years
going through all my fics and trying to ballpark my total wordcount bc i’ve run out of other nervous activities to do hgkjnkgjn
ao3 total: 40,430
wip total (missing a few but i don’t feel like digging around for them): 34,298
combined: 74,728
more than i thought it would be! it’s taken a lot of years to get to that number but it’s p good!
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misttiddies · 2 years
idk how to put all the info on here
this is a bort swordsmen fic post-second arc, some people live au. it’s ~2500 words. suigetsu is there. he has a car
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misttiddies · 2 years
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looking through my wips and found this absolutely. Something. gengemuu exchange
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misttiddies · 2 years
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strawberry noises
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misttiddies · 2 years
thank u wolfy uwu
allow me to introduce you to the Fuck This I’m Your Dad Now au
it starts when hiruzen is in kumo for some reason (kage summit, peace talks idk. it’s been 2-3 years since the hinata incident idk if they’re still talking about that) and he’s talking to killer b. b asks how the nine tails jinchuriki is doing, and hiruzen’s like he’s fine. going to the academy now. he’s spent all his allowance a couple months in a row though which isn’t ideal. b’s like what do you mean? and hiruzen explains how all the orphans under genin age (during peace time when they’re not graduating kids early) get a set amount of money for rent and groceries. he doesn’t have an adult taking care of him? b asks, remembering at the age the jinchuriki must be he himself could barely do two digit math, forget budgeting. no, hiruzen assures him, he’s plenty capable of taking care of himself.
b is skeptical.
so this man runs down to konoha and octopuses over the wall (dw he’ll be back in kumo before they know it!) he follows gyuki’s directions to find naruto, who is seven years old and punching a punching bag in his otherwise empty but very plant-filled apartment. gyuki suggests he goes in through the actual door because if he tried the (wide open) windows the anbu might snipe him. killer b then proceeds to sneak his way into the apartment building and knocks on naruto’s door.
he’s literally so small b can’t handle it. naruto is so excited to have someone to talk to!! does he want some ramen? it’s getting to be dinner time. b tries to turn him down but he insists. he has a coupon for the next time he goes to the store.
b figures out quickly naruto has no idea what a jinchuriki is or that he is one so he tells him, and also tells him about his parents because he thinks it’s messed up he doesn’t know. it’s emotional but he tries to help him process it. he’ll go out and get them ice cream or something, how about that?
they both go out and b sees hinata, who’s going around testing her byakugan by,,kind of like a scavenger hunt, she has to collect a bunch of items that have been hidden for her to find. he gets it in his head that he has to apologize to her for what happened, but before he can do that neji, who’s been tailing hinata, drops off a building and decks him.
naruto yells at him for trying to beat up his new friend but b’s like it’s ok, though neji is skilled he is also little (8!) and can’t do that much damage to him. after figuring out exactly who he is b apologizes to him too, and for once in his life an adult is telling neji that his dad dying was bad and shouldn’t have happened. a few minutes ago neji was ready to do everything in his eight-year-old power to kill this guy, but now he’s feeling extremely conflicted. hinata comes back to figure out where neji went so he gets to talk to her too.
Something happens where b has to flee the village and naruto, hinata and neji come too. at the same time kumo ofc figured out b was gone and sent a team out to get him back, and against anyone’s better judgement yugito sets off on her own to find him first. she does, and they have a reunion in which he couldn’t just leave them there :\ and she’s like yeah i know you couldn’t. 
they can’t go back to kumo right now, but they also can’t leave it undefended against the other nations that still have their jinchuriki. so they decide to just round up all the jinchuriki in the meantime so that nobody can attack anyone else (this isn’t strictly true but it’s fine. it’s fine.)
next up is gaara! baby naruto sweet talks him into joining their little team :) also gyuki comes out and eats rasa. it’s a time. 
they camp in the forest, everyone is concerned about gaara’s relationship to shukaku, and they’re going to go get fu next. meanwhile in the land of water news finally arrives that the kumo jinchuriki are stealing the others from their villages, and zabuza decides he has to get in on that for his own storm kiri and start a revolution plan. haku is there and he’s like ten. also small and adorable.
and that’s what i’ve got. will i ever properly write this? i don’t know. it’s a big project for little ol me :P
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misttiddies · 2 years
haku week day 4 senbon
tw arson?? tw haku has some self worth issues and they’re not really addressed because zabuza doesn’t know how to do that and they are all each other has. and tw beheading (i.e. canon typical violence)
Of all the things he’d fought, a gang of rogue arsonists seemed the silliest. They weren’t even shinobi, what was the point of hiring Zabuza and him to get rid of them? They caught them in the act, using torches to burn down yet another barn of hay. Zabuza took care of dousing the flames, while Haku skewered the criminals (nonlethally—the village people demanded they live for a trial, something Haku wasn’t sure he understood.)
All was going well, until a final arsonist, probably with a death wish, jumped down from their hiding place in the rafters. This one, as it turned out, was a shinobi. They shot off a Great Fireball jutsu that Haku was just too slow to miss. To his horror, his sleeve and the left side of his jacket were set ablaze. He stuck his arm into a sopping hay bale to put it out, then grabbed more wet hay to douse the fire on his side. A heavy *thunk* on the other side of the room told him Zabuza hadn’t been careful as him about keeping the targets alive.
“You okay?” he asked, approaching his companion. “Let me see.”
Haku thrust his arm out for inspection.
“A little red. Not bad. And look, the fire barely even got your undershirt here. You did well,” Zabuza remarked, picking pieces of hay off the burned jacket.
“Thanks. I’m sorry I didn’t…help, or anticipate that guy.”
“You helped plenty. And neither of us knew there was going to be a shinobi, those idiots in the village didn’t tell us.”
“They might not have known.”
“I don’t see how that’s possible. But whatever. Come on, we need to drag these guys back to town.”
An hour later and the grisly deed was done. The criminals, other than the one whose head was chopped off due to HIGHLY unavoidable circumstances, would come to and their trial would be the next day. Haku and Zabuza were paid and they retreated to their hotel room. Zabuza was in the bathroom scrubbing blood out of his clothes, and Haku sat on one of the beds, fingering the burned parts of his coat.
He should have been able to dodge it, he thought. This was just embarrassing. And…he liked this coat! He didn’t want to make it part of his and Zabuza’s ever-growing scrap pile. He felt overwhelmed, but he couldn’t think of anything to do other than keep rubbing his fingertips over the charred fabric until he was tired enough to pass out.
Zabuza emerged from the bathroom and made for the other bed, but stopped when he caught sight of Haku. “What’s got you looking like a sad wet puppy?”
Haku tried to glare at him, but with puffy eyes and a trembling lower lip it was far from convincing. Zabuza had to stop himself from laughing.
“Did you get burned after all?” He sat on the bed beside the ten-year-old.
“No. It’s nothing, I’m fine.”
“Let me see.”
“I didn’t.” He hadn’t stopped messing with the burned fabric. It clicked in Zabuza’s mind that the child might not be hurting physically, but in his pride instead.
“I can fix that, you know? I’m sure we have a sewing kit around here somewhere.”
That failed to cheer Haku up, but he started looking through their scrolls anyway. Medical supplies, MREs, things they had found on the ground and wanted to keep, and scraps of clothes that had been partially destroyed that they figured would be useful later—that one he opened.
Zabuza set about finding bits of fabric of appropriate size and thickness to replace the missing fabric on Haku’s coat. Nothing was even remotely the same color, all blacks and blues and cow print. One of the cow print pieces might have been big enough for the hole in the side. He held it to the coat. “What do you think?”
Haku couldn’t help but smile and cover his face.
“What? You don’t like it?”
“I think it would be cool to wear only when I’m matching with you.”
“Then I’ll wear my cow shoes more often.” Haku shook his head slightly. “Okay, I can look for something else.”
He found a blue pinstriped scrap that might have used to be an arm guard. “Try this one.”
“It looks like it fits.”
“Do you like it? Does it fit your little baby high standards?”
Haku stuck his tongue out at him. “Yeah, I like it.”
“What do you want to do for the arm? We have a different color green, I don’t know from where.”
Haku dug through the pile, finding a lace shawl they received as a gift from an ancient woman for a job avenging her son. “Can we use this?”
Zabuza made a face. “If you put something under it. It’s got holes, wouldn’t make much of a coat.”
“Can we use one of your old black shirts?”
Of course he could, he had so many shirt scraps he could probably make a new shirt from them. He found a piece of suitable size, and then went looking for sewing supplies.
Unfortunately, other than the ones in their medical supplies, which he couldn’t afford to dull, he couldn’t find a single needle. Well, that’s not entirely true.
“We’re gonna have to do something stupid until I can find a sewing kit, I think.”
Zabuza undid the knot keeping the coat tied, and placed the blue fabric scrap in the hole. He picked up a senbon from the little pouch on the nightstand and began pinning it in place. Haku watched, trying as always to learn what his master was doing. He was always surprised by Zabuza’s mending prowess, and got the same answer along the lines of ‘those other swordsmen were always tearing things, and I became the best at stitching and patching because they kept giving me their shit.’
He could still be impressed though.
He had to take off the jacket to give Zabuza access to the sleeve, which he swiftly pinned up. He fetched the kunai that he used to cut the lace to size. “We’ve got plenty of this left, if you want to do more patches in other places. I’ll leave you to think about it, alright?” He carefully placed the coat on the wide shade of the lamp on the nightstand, which he then turned out. He sat back on the bed and pulled Haku into his side.
“Are you alright?”
Haku hugged back like he wasn’t, but nodded anyway. Zabuza ran his fingers through Haku’s shoulder-length hair until he loosened up a bit. “Get some sleep now.”
He helped Haku get under the covers—not like he needed it, but as soon as Zabuza left Kiri and discovered physical intimacy (once he got over his initial disgust and found out it was pretty cool) he was hooked. He found himself only indulging in the dark though, as if something was watching to see what he cared for so it could snatch it away.
“Good night, Haku.”
“Good night,” the kid murmured back.
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misttiddies · 2 years
📔 :3c
the funato kids are deeply entrenched in the blorbo washing machine in my head. i keep wanting to put them in situations :/ but i know they are not your guys so i will give u an absolute fever dream of a story i came up with a year or two ago in which the boruto seven swordsmen become a punk band. they're not in a modern au they just got out of jail somehow and started a band and then went on tour. there was something about them like not being allowed to practice as ninjas anymore idk
there was also kagura x tsuru hachiya in this (he's the,,weird little man who smack talked boruto before getting absolutely destroyed by iwabe and mitsuki, and shizuma and him had a mob boss-terrified lackey relationship.) i like to think between the two kiri arcs they became friends, and maybe they did! bc kagura talked about him in like ep 2 of the current arc when he was catching up with boruto.
if i was to write this now it might include shizuma up and leaving the group and buntan becoming the frontman (woman) instead of him.
there was also a fic i was thinking about where buntan and seiren become girlfriends ->////-> i think im done talking now
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