#mitsu mun
asktheroyalwoolies · 7 years
Rune Factory 5 is the Wooly Apocalypse. The Woolies rise up and rebel against their human/elf/univer/etc. opressors, but nobody can stop them because they're just too cute
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i would buy this game
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koorinohebi · 3 years
Ahahaha~ so I have ship dynamic memes that I've been working on during my down time when I can't think or when I'm practicing for commissions.
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ffxivimagines · 5 years
Happy happy birthday!!! You are amazing and I hope you are having an amazing day!!! Celebrate yourself and treat yourself!!! You deserve it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for your well wishes and blessings! ;;;w;;; 💖
My birthday treat was a trip to a Japanese supermarket in downtown NYC! I got to buy a lot of ingredients for wicked cheap prices (hell yeah savin my limited coin) and I’m super excited to make kimchi hot pot this coming week! 🍲
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ask-marine-mitsu · 7 years
Killer - Look around you and pick one item you will use as a weapon in war. What is your reason for picking it?
Mun: None? Can none be an answer? What about a smart phone so I can try and find my way to safety or at least call for help? Nervous laughter.Mitsu: My fists… or a pen. I can stab a few people with that if it doesn’t break too quick. Anything else would slow me down. Casual shrug.
Mun: Concerned. You are far too good at this…
Mitsu: It’s literally part of my job description woman!
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Mods for Event!
((Hey guys~ As the title says, me and a few others are looking for 1-2 more mods for an event I’m gonna be hosting in February.  I know its a little early to ask, but I’m just so excited about this!
… cough … Anyway~ Before I can really post any details about this event, I need responsible mods and ones willing to help keep order during the event.  You don’t need to be on 24/7 and there are no set shifts, but it is generally preferred that you be mostly available during the event.  I would also prefer someone with experience, but I’m not too hung up on that.  That being said, One Piece ask blogs and rp blogs will be given first priority in looking for a mod.
For anyone interested, please message either myself, @ask-typhon, or @ask-marine-mitsu.  We already have a discord chat room set up, so whoever we pick as a mod, we will send you a link.
This is my way of thanking this community for a wonderful time so far… Now back to your scheduled program…))
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masters-never-die · 7 years
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Got Daihannya Nagamitsu.
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marineduo · 7 years
“Well…” He looks down at his paper. “The Mun has Anime club tonight. Finishing Made in Abyss. Not quite sure what that is but she seems to enjoy it. So long as she gets that box done it doesn’t really matter.”
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mitsukiofkonoha · 3 years
Yep, I'm back. How'd you know it was me though?
Well, the old Shikadai mun called me Mitsu, and you’re the only one who’s ever called me ‘Tsuki. It’s good to see you again! 
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thatdyingflame · 7 years
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@ask-marine-mitsu Earth: Where’s your home? In the U.S Hidden among the many houses in Alabama.  Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup?  No.. No I haven’t. 
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asktheroyalwoolies · 7 years
Hi! I haven't been updated on the blog for a long time, and I'd just like to ask what is meant when this blog was 'confirmed as canon' bc I've been rly inactive in the RF fandom and this revelation is really interesting to me!
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koorinohebi · 3 years
Mun's RP Interview || Accepting
2. What drew you to rping this character?
- Well, Kiomi is an OC that I created back when I was relatively new to RPing. I had no idea what canon or OC characters were, and saw everything as me writing stories with another person. Kiomi was a test muse that I decided to play with someone who was pretty iffy about OCs, but end up enjoying Kiomi as a partner (she was a very willful young lackey back then). Eventually, I myself just fell in love RPing Kiomi, watching her develop through time, and change depending on the muses that she meet. I was drawn by her development, always wondering if she'll ever outgrow her insecurities and become the person that she's always wanted to be. Even now, I hope she'll find a way to be happy while doing what she can to struggle against the odds.
Her Naruto verse, which is her main, is rather sad as she doesn't give herself the chance to be happy. Believing that she doesn't deserve it, and seeing bonds with others as things that were too fragile to be kept. She's a coward who doesn't want to lose things. Which is why she's doing her very best not to make too many important bonds outside of work related things. That way when her expectations aren't meant and she's forced to be alone again, it wont hurt. She does have a few people who she considers important, and she'd die for them. But like, she has no desire to expand the list, and purposefully sabotages her own relationships at some point. It's very toxic.
Her Fate verse is a little different, in that she actually gets her second shot at relearning what's important (through her servants and a precious friend), realizing that because bonds and emotions are fragile, they're worth suffering for and protecting. This version of Kiomi is closer to what I originally envisioned for her, which I got to see, after RPing her as a master. The base personality is the same, however, emotionally she has more balls here; a little more expressive, a little more willing to be greedy to take what she doesn't want to lose again. She still struggles through it though, but like I'm here to continue watching her get through it.
And for that, I'll always be drawn to RPing Kiomi. I like seeing her struggle through the adversity and win.
Kiomi vc: You like to see me suffer. Period.
- Me RPing Mitsuhide was totally accidental. I was writing the "Burn" reply for an ask that Rachel sent in, and while I was composing the scenario, I suddenly ended up picking up Mitsu. The rest was history after that. I like Mitsuhide Akechi in general, not just in FGO, so when I started penning him, I want to see just how much I can do him justice, because I really enjoyed doing those drabbles with him included. Not to mention, I wanna see Mitsuhide grow from his struggles until we reach the point where he can finally just admit that he's wrong. Then again, I have three versions of him on this blog (I know. I have to update the bio section one day and add them in), which lets me switch up which point of his life he's in.
- My guilty pleasure is finding things that piss Kiomi off, and see where her character takes a turn. I was originally just joking about picking up Takechi as a muse because of how infuriated Kiomi is whenever I finish reading anything about Izo. But then I watched Ryouma Den and I ended up kind of liking his character. There were many things about him that were tweaked and watered down... mainly the points why Kiomi hates him so much... which is why in my portrayal, I'm putting back the asshole in him. I'm not particularly fond of Hanpeita per se, but his obsession with Sonnou Joui is really fun, in my opinion. He's so passionate about it, and I do admire that.
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ask-mitsu-moved · 7 years
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Mitsu: Hello everyone!! I am excited to meet all of you!!!
Mun: Hello! I am excited to finally start this! I’ve been wanting to do an ask blog for quite some time now but i didn’t have the time because of school and i just didn’t have any motivation and ideas. Now that school is over and i have 3 whole months ahead of me i can finally do this! It’s probably my first(??) time running an ask blog so please spare me and go easy on me T_T Anyway! Feel free to ask!!
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ask-marine-mitsu · 7 years
((So piggybacking off the idea I told @ask-oven is this other idea for while she’s stuck on Totoland. Pretty much someone telling her she has to earn her keep, and because it’s Totoland, they get her to cook. And she promptly burns down the entire building while trying to make ice cream. Specifics are up in the air but I have this awesome image of her just holding a jug of milk, Katakuri, Oven, Absinthe, and Daifuku all standing next to her covered in frosting and she’s just like “I was just pouring milk.” And they respond with a collective “WE SAW!!!!”))
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poorlydrawnmoriocs · 4 years
That would be a YES mun
Elementary: Anri, Chuck, Himiko, Kaguya, Mel, Natsu.
Junior High : Callie, Cammylle, Ethyl, Hina, Saki, Tea, Vara.
High School
1-A: (Homeroom teacher- Kazuichi) Amai, Buddy, Atsuya, Chen, Kaede, Laurence, Midori, Mikitaka*, Minoto, Moho, Myojo, Niko, Nozomi, Shichi, Raiden, Tsuru, Yui.
1-B: (Homeroom teacher- Mitsu) Bea, Hikari, Josuke**, Millie, Nathan, Paisho, Quinn, Ryujin, Sakura, Shiho, Shizuka, Suzu, Tatsuya, Tomura.
1-C: (Homeroom teacher-Syren) Asami, Baseball Boy, Eddie, Eiji, Itachi, Izanagi, Judas, Kai, Sumi, Takuya, Taoji, Toru, Volleyball Girl, Yomi, Yue.
2-A: (Homeroom teacher- Nicole) Bella, Daidai, Dao’shin, Emmie, Enoch, Hoshi, Kenji, Kunio, Lucy, Naomi, Ski’nei, Shin, Teijo.
2-B: (Homeroom teacher-Pelagios) Ariana(?), Brigitte, Cherry, Chie, Garner, Isamu, Ned, Yoku.
3-A: (Homeroom teacher- Raimu) Anton, Aoi, Ayanei, Ichika, Kaiji, Kaitso, Saino
3-B: (Homeroom Teacher- Vladislav) Gabbrielli, Jacian, Jason, Kyō, Taiana.
3-C: (Homeroom Teacher- Isaac) Akari, Chiuji, Hirou, Merridith, Zaeden.
ORLANDO KINCAID (Principal (temporary?))
Vae-nomi (Gym teacher)
Arlene, Codaye (Nurses)
Bones (Janitor)
Celari (School therapist. Jun and Caetano are also therapists, but not limited to the school.)
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gnbrkrs · 5 years
Mun questionnaire
NICKNAME. Eli, Murr( mostly among my SWTOR friends), Halcyon and variations of it( among my FC mates due to my main's name)
REAL NAME. Eli is a shortened version of my real first name, but I think I'd rather not reveal the full name at this point.
ZODIAC. Pisces/ Ox
HEIGHT. 5'7''
FAVORITE MUSICIANS / GROUPS. Hmmm... So many... Okay, I guess judging by the amount of liked songs on Spotify it's Muse, Imagine Dragons, Within Temptation, Ruelle, Florence + The Machine, Queen, Tangerine Dream, Garbage, Dance with the Dead, Carpenter Brut, Daft Punk... There are so many more. I also really like listening to various movie/ video game soundtracks, they inspire me to write things.
FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM.  Sorry, I don't follow sports.
OTHER BLOGS. As of now, just @averysleepyfrog​
DO I GET ASKS? I do, and I am very happy each time I get one!
HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW?  Only 90 so far.
TUMBLR CRUSHES FRIENDS. …… Crushes? What crushes? You mean mutuals? Yes, I love my mutuals, and my followers in general!
LUCKY NUMBER. I don't think they work on me.
WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW?  A gray hoodie and black pants that I wear practically all the time.
DREAM VACATION.   Gosh, there's so many... But out of places I haven't been to, I'd love to visit London. And Paris. Also, Norway looks awesome too.
DREAM CAR. I don't have a definite dream car yet, although some of them look nice. Since I don't have a license yet, I haven't thought about it much TBH.
FAVORITE FOOD. Ice cream, cake, pizza, steak, burgers, cheese... I guess there isn't anything healthy that I like XD
DRINK OF CHOICE. COFFEE! Also tea, water, mulled wine, and just wine. Oh, and I also tried this thing called Bubble Tea on a comic book convention. It was awesome. 
LANGUAGES. English, very basic level German, Russian, Ukrainian.
INSTRUMENTS. I used to learn the piano. Alas, I haven't practiced for more than 10 years and barely remember anything.
CELEBRITY CRUSHES. It has been a very long time since these happened to me( I'm sorry, I'm a goober that lives under a rock and hasn't been following celebrities for the last... 4-5 years?), so I don't exactly remember all of them... Michael Fassbender? I thought he was hot in the X-men. Also, Colin Farrell looked hot in the first Fantastic Beasts movie. Oscar Isaac looks cute too.
RANDOM FACT. I really wish I wrote more, especially FFXIV-related things, but alas, two things get in my way. First, I am a huge slowpoke when it comes to writing. Second, I get so tired from the uni my brain cell refuses to work after that and come up with coherent, logical plots.
TAGGED BY.  @ishgard​, thank you!
@demonakira22, @biconic-disaster, @dragons-bones, @rain-in-plaid, @knightoftheeternalloadingscreen, @smitten-miqitten, @anomaliewrites, @sugarspuncoeurls, @jump-n-dive, @eremiss, @usagi-mitsu and anyone who wants to do it!
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fae-fire · 5 years
Rei’s White Hair and the Current State of the Sekiro-Kai (Headcanons and RP)
So, I said I would write this up (and I need to anyways cuz one friend...).So, A Knife in his Eye detailed Rei being ousted from the Sekiro-kai by his brother. Ichiro was Yuuta’s biological son and a bastard. For a while it was presumed that Rei would succeed Yuuta, but the writing kinda details why that was all lies.  So read that if you want to know more. Rei has three other brothers: Niji, Mitsu and Shin. (if it’s not obvious the names are numbers, Rei (zero), Ichiro (one), Niji (two),  Mitsu (Three), Shin (four). Mitsu and Shin are children and are a bit negligible in this contest of power. Niji’s player and myself have headcanoned Niji staying the fuck away from this mess.
So! Soon after going to the Ko, Rei and Toz’o headed into the mountains. Toz’o kinda adopted Rei into the Ko and started bringing in people who were loyal to Rei to start his army. Rei and Toz’o were in the mountains for three months before Toz’o had Rei leave. It was then that Rei started to get actively involved in the war.
Rei was a serial killer known as the Wolf. He had been doing that since he was 15--killing corrupt elites in calculated and brutal ways. During the war, Rei kept amassing followers from his clan as well as allied clans. One of these followers gifted Rei a sword. This sword wasn’t any ordinary sword though. It helped him control his erratic aether, but also started to change his mind and even appearance. His hair (which was never naturally black) turned white--and his memories were rewritten to be as such. His tattoos started to morph from the birds he had that represented his freedom to those that were more demonic looking. But also his killing style became more...brutal. People were found with their necks bitten open. Entire clans allied to Ichiro destroyed in reckless ways. Gone was the calculating Wolf. There was a new serial killer--and that was the Ghost. The main issue was that Rei remembered killing these people--it wasn’t an accident. But his memories of how things play out aren’t exactly matching the truth.
So, this sword. And Ichiro. The Sword’s origins come from one of Ichiro’s newest allies. A mysterious mage woman (who Koko and I haven’t named yet?) with immense power. Almost demonic. Rei and his men were winning until she came along. One by one she is replacing Ichiro’s men with demons in mortal husks. I should clarify though that Koko and I headcanon yokai as like...Hingan voidsent. The sword is that of her master. Her master is sealed away in the sword. An Ookami with immense power trying to take over Rei’s body and mind through the sword to free itself. Why Rei? His aether, for one. But mentally he doesn’t have the education or mental grasp of aether and magic and will to fight off a possession like this. He was an easy target and both Ichiro and Rei are taking on people pretty quickly for their war.
Meanwhile, the Ko is having issues of its own with one of Toz’o’s men kindaaaa taking control now that Toz’o was away for six months.
So it’s been three months since Rei left Toz’o on the mountain and now he’s gone back there to...say goodbye? Since he is going to end this war. Or ask for Toz’o’s help in doing so. 
Andddd that’s where we’re at. We’ve rp’d since this point and are moving towards meeting with the woman and Rei messing with Toz’o’s plans a bit by accident and some big betrayals, etc. But that’s the time skip and now I gotta send this to Niji/June’s Mun haha
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