#mitsuki has been waiting for this day all of katsuki's life
willowser · 2 years
I’m begging you (if you feel so inclined) pls pls pls write a full fic about convenience marriage Bakugo
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bestie this train has left the station.
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oniku-niku · 2 years
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Katsuki was pacing back and forth in his living room after he read the last text you sent.
What kind of news do you mean? Good news? Bad news? Fuck, were you planning to tell him you’re staying there permanently? His hands have been clammy ever since and he thought to ask you but he decided against it in case you were busy finalizing anything before leaving. 
“Katsuki, settle down. (Y/n)’s gonna get here when they get here, Honey.” his mom’s voice called out from where she was sitting on the couch. He gave a small huff before plopping down right next to her. Though she seemed calm on the outside, Katsuki could see the slight bouncing of her leg as she was reading the newspaper. 
Mitsuki Bakugou wasn’t stupid, she could tell something happened between the two of you. Her son has been calmer in the past two years than he ever has in his life. She’s noticed how he always casts a glance at his phone, a sparkle erupting from his eyes when he reads a message from you. She wanted to ask about it but chose not to because watching her son fumble while typing was kind of endearing. 
Though she didn’t talk to Katsuki about it, she did gossip with Masaru when the two were in their shared bed for the night. 
“Our Katsuki has grown up a lot, hasn’t he?” she sighed, glancing over at her husband. He let out a chuckle, removing his glasses and resting it on the bedside table.
“He sure has, I know you’ve been enjoying seeing him all flustered, but imagine what he’s going to be like when (Y/n) does come back.” and the two started giggling with each other.
“Oh lord, I hope we get a video of it. (Y/n)’s done a number on him, haven’t they.” She agreed.
“Dude what does (Y/n) mean by ‘news’?? Do they not know how rude it is to just leave someone on a cliff hanger like that?! And then we have to wait a whole day to find out the answer?! This is a sick game.” Denki whined from the other couch across from them. Him and the rest of the group were in his house just waiting around. 
“You know what can get your mind off of it?” Mitsuki laughed, looking up from the papers in her hand. Denki looked at her with hope dancing his eyes. “You kids can go do your jobs as heroes.” she stated and the way Denki’s face dropped at her answer made her stand up with a chuckle.
“Honestly, their flight is 10 hours. Instead of waiting in my house and torturing yourselves, go and find some criminals and stop eating my food!” she exclaimed before making her way to the kitchen.
“That’s cold Mrs. Katsuki’s Mom! But I mean if the city really needs me or whatever I guess I’ll go.” Denki playfully rolled his eyes before getting off the sofa. The rest of them followed suit and before they could make their way towards the door, “Yeah yeah, here are some snacks for the road! Be safe!” they all took the cookies from her hands and waved thanks before leaving. 
It was an excruciating 10 hours, not only for Katsuki with the waiting around while he got bored fighting criminals, but also for you, who’s ass was feeling numb due to sitting for so long. The little ‘ding dong’ from the pilot’s intercom rang.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we have at last reached our destination here at Air Japan, we now ask that you put on your seat belts and give us a few moments to get everyone landed safely.” and with that, the sound of everyone’s seat belts clicked into place as the plane began its descent. 
“Welcome to Tokyo International Airport, our flight attendants will help with carry-ons, all luggage can be found at baggage claim on the lower floor, thank you for flying with Air Japan.” and everyone was bumbling to get their stuff to get off the plane.
It wasn’t until you were walking through the exit tunnel that your heart started palpitating, you could feel it in your palms as you were gripping your bag. The deep breath that filled your lungs did little to help with the nervousness in your steps as you got closer to the entrance. 
What am I so worried about? I saw these guys on Katsuki’s birthday when they all flew over. Why am I nervous to see them all again now?
You made your way down a level to get the large suitcase that arrived separately before looking around for your large group of friends. You thought you should call one of them but then a flash of blond hair caught your eye. 
Through the other side of the glass wall was Katsuki, just Katsuki, staring back at you with a faint smile resting on his face. You took another deep breath before making your way towards him, but you barely got three steps outside before he threw himself onto you. His arms wrapped itself around you, pulling you into his embrace. His nose took in your scent as if it was the one thing keeping him from falling. 
“You’re here, finally.” he grumbled into your hair and that was all it took for you to wrap your arms around him too. The two of you stood there for a good minute, arms not wanting to let the other go. He reluctantly did when the sound of a honking taxi ruined the moment. 
“It’s good to be back..” you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and the next inhale you took in was filled with his intoxicating cologne. 
“Come on, you must be tired, let’s get you back home.” he brought you to his car and when the passenger’s door was open, there was a gift bag resting on the seat. You made eye contact with him as he went around to the driver’s side.
“It was supposed to be the gift for you when you left. I told you I’d keep it until you came back.” he smirked before you both settled into the car. He motioned for you to take the gift out and you took no time reaching in. 
The soft fabric made contact with your fingertips before you pulled it out. In your hands rested a vermilion knitted scarf. On both ends of it were embroidered the explosion flares that matched the ones on the back of his hero mask. You couldn’t help the grin that came to your face when you saw it.
“You did this?” and you knew the answer before that question left your mouth.
“Yeah…it took a bit longer than I’d like to admit. I wanted you to have it since Canada tends to be colder than here. It killed me when I couldn’t give it to you before you left.” he explained before starting the car. 
“Well, lucky I came back when it’s starting to get cold again huh?” The smile you sent him eased his worries as the car started taking off. 
The two of you were silent for a few minutes, only the soft music playing was heard.
“So- where is everyone else? From your messages I thought everyone was coming?” you broke the silence.
“Oh, they figured you’d be exhausted from the new time adjustment so they’ll let you rest until tomorrow,” he answered.
“By the way, Izuku thought since I was the one picking you up, that you should stay with us? We have your guest bedroom all set up if you’re okay with it..” he added, his eyes not wanting to meet yours in case you rejected the offer.
“That sounds good. I really need to sleep in a familiar place tonight.” you didn’t know how tired you were until a yawn escaped you, and the soft music wasn’t helping at keeping you awake. Before you knew it, you were passed out in Katsuki’s car to the feeling of his steady driving and the passing road signs. 
When he parked, Katsuki knew he had to be gentle, let you get as much rest as you could. He went over to the passenger’s side and hooked his arms under you to carry you out. His dad opened the front door for him (he heard the car pull in and the driver’s doors shutting) and went to help bring your stuff inside. 
Katsuki brought you to the guest room and settled you down on the bed. Your unconscious self immediately wiggled further into the soft pillows as soon as he draped the blankets over you. Masaru left your bags on the floor at the end of the bed for you and the two left you alone to rest for the night.
When the next morning came around, you were disturbed from your sleep by the sound of loud yelling from the other side of the guest door.
“-Come on! It’s 1 in the afternoon! They’ve been asleep for 14 hours straight! I wanna see them!” that was Denki’s voice.
“Okay, just for that, you’ll be the last to see them. Leave my house.” Katsuki’s voice rang out. Denki laughed at his stern voice knowing he wasn’t serious. You mustered up the energy to get up, taking a moment to stretch, and going to open the door.
“(Y/N)!” Denki yelled before glomping you into a hug. You hugged back before meeting eyes with the rest of the group. Izuku was the next one to be hugged.
“I’m glad you got back alright.” Shinsou grinned before going in for his hug. One by one, everyone else got a hug too and they all let you freshen up before you met them all downstairs, meeting Mitsuki and Masaru’s hugs on the way. 
“So! What’s the big news that you wanted to tell us? I’ve been on the edge all day.” Denki asks as soon as you sit down in between Shoto and Katsuki on the big couch.
“Well, I got promoted at my firm! They want me to supervise the junior designers!” you exclaimed, but the grin on your face slowly disappeared when their faces didn’t show any excitement as you’d hoped. Bakugou could feel his heart steeling up to hear you say what he dreaded.
“Does that mean…you’ll be there permanently?” Shoto asked, the frown on his face only making his puppy eyes more heartbreaking.
“That’s the best part! They’re transferring me to their newest branch right here in Japan! I’m staying here!” and that was when they roared to life with cheers. Bakugou felt his heart settle down with joy.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU START WITH THAT! I WAS ABOUT TO CRY!” Izuku yelled from his seat. And for the next several hours, you all spent the time talking to each other about everything that’s happened in the past two years. Katsuki couldn’t get the smile off his face, not that he wanted to in the first place.
When the evening came, you all separated ways, making sure to make plans to hang out soon to make up for lost time. 
“Want to take a walk with me?” Katsuki asked, his hand holding the scarf he made you. You nodded before going to put on your shoes. He gently wrapped the scarf around your neck before you two went to take in the November air. 
The sound of wind whistling through the autumn leaves accompanied you two for a few minutes. 
“Hey, do you mind if I read you something? I don’t think there’s a better time than now…” he trailed off, fumbling with something from his pocket. You nodded, watching him pull out a small envelope with a card inside, and you swore you could hear him taking deep breaths to calm himself. 
“Racking my brain for many days and many nights, For the right words to describe the way you make me feel. Like the fireplace warmth on a cold winter night, Like the first bite of food after starving for a meal,
Like discovering a new bloom On a long lasting plant. If I don’t say it now,  I might lose the chance.
(Y/n), I’m in love with you, I’ll say it a million times over if I must, I’ll wait forever if that’s what it takes, For me to gain back your trust.” 
His voice wavered as he read over what he wrote for you two years ago. And the two of you stopped walking as he finished. His stomach was on fire and it shows through the heavy blush on his face (He blames the cold weather).
“Did you write that?” you asked, not looking over to him, your breathing was stilled, not wanting to believe your ears.
“I did. I meant to give it to you with the scarf.” he cast his eyes down at his shoes. He prayed to anything that was holy that you still had some feelings for him, that he still had a chance to make it right, that he hadn’t lost you.
“Do you mean it?” your voice was so quiet, he almost missed the question. 
“Every word.” was his immediate answer. 
He was done being stupid. He was done denying his feelings for you. He was done with his massive ego that almost cost your friendship.
“(Y/n), if you don’t feel the same way for me anymore, I completely understand. I royally messed up and I hurt you. But if some part of you still feels the same way, please give me the chance to show you how much you mean to me.” he stumbled and walked to stand in front of you. His movement had you looking up and making contact with his red eyes that had determination written all over. 
“I just, don’t want to risk getting hurt again if this is a spur of the moment thing.” you explained to him and he was quick to shake his head.
“No, I promise you I’d sooner allow Shinsou to use his quirk on me than to ever hurt you again. It’s not a spur of the moment, I’ve waited two years for you and I’ll wait even more if you need time.” His eyes were begging you to believe him, and you’d never seen him like this before.
It tugged at your heartstrings, it nipped at your fingertips, it engulfed you whole; how much you loved him.
“One date.” you held up a finger to him to indicate your point. And his eyes lit up. His heartbeat raced.
“One date. Okay, okay good, great. Thank you!” he nodded and before he knew it, he planted a kiss on your cheek when he came in for a hug. It took the both of you by surprise, but it wasn’t unwelcome, indicated by the blushes on your cheeks. 
Although he didn’t have a day in mind yet, Katsuki was planning to make you feel special whenever the day may be, and all the days after that. Yes, Shoto has called him whipped at least 6 times already, but he didn’t care (because, yes, he is.) There’s not a chance in hell he’s messing this up, he’s completely and hopelessly enamored of you, it’s about time he expressed it don’t you think?
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 6 months
hello, bkdk shipper here.
Katsuki seems like an izuku simp these days, just look at the latest chapters. Makes me scramble to remember his other traits. Anyways.
There are some analysis u might want to read, mainly how japanese culture works. Cuz like, i only really forgave Bakugo after learning tht it's encouraged to bully the person who doesn't fit in. Ok so to me bakugo bullied deku bcause he saw deku was a better hero then him n lashed out in insecurity; was enabled by his peers and didn't think it was bad. Teenagers shud hv a good grasp on whts right and wrong, but also consider what they are taught.
I mindlessly used to ship bkdk before bcz i read them talking after dvk2. I was like 14 i think 🤔. I hv been there, been the cringe shipper u guys all hate so i understand why u dont like shippers.
Mostly just dropping by to admit i, a dumbass bkdk shipper, went diving in the anti tags, n came out alive. Why is it tht the antis n shippers only see the worst of each other? I only engage with the tumblr bkdk fandom n they're pretty chill n stay true to the material, hardly see weird headcanons. But i do see some. Mitsuki being abusive? What? Anything to make Bakugo sympathetic, amirite? To me, Bkgs story is tht he is a natural asshole but is learning to be a hero. I'll wait till the end of the story to full judge how hori deals his story. I hv a life outside of it n can wait.
Bkdk fandom is the same as any other fandom, has its good and bad sides. I dont wanna interact with the bad side so im turning on anon and venting in anti bkdk lmao.
i hv some complaints abt the execution, SPOILERS (hawks came in too suddenly for me. Like, ik as soon as his quirk was stolen tht he wud play a major role. But it still icks me how it was done. Bakugo has been thinking abt Izuku for unrealistic amounts of time. Yada yada.)
Sorry for the ramble in ur ask but im technically venting ✌️ thanks for letting me use ur space
Of course 😊.
You are right in saying that there are good and bad parts of the Katsuki and BkDk fandom. It’s why I always make sure to refer to the bad side as Stans and the good side as fans. I’ve got no issues with fans who simply like the character. At the end of the day, it’s whatever. I personally just hate Katsuki and I have issues with the Stans who swarm people who have different opinions. Sadly, like you said, this is something that happens in all fandoms. A BkDk shipper who frequents this blog mentioned how IzuOcha shippers started sending them death threats for not liking the ship which is horrible.
I will say that I definitely agree with you in a sense that Katsuki’s character is utterly attached to Izuku. He really can’t function on his own without him.
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kewltie · 11 months
winter au where bkdk lives in a mostly secluded village where everyone's worth is judge by what they can provide for the community but izuku is magicless and isn't particularly strong either so when the village needed a sacrificial bride to their god, izuku went up the mountains.
izuku didn't fight it despite knowing his fate, to live and die alone, bc inko was gone and he has been living off the village's goodwill. this time he can repay them for letting him live among them for so long. when they discards him at the shrine it's cold and lonely existence. technically izuku doesnt believe in a god but his ppl are superstitious, believing the god had kept their village safe and protected for hundred of yrs so they send one of their ppl up there to just tend to the shrine, usually it's one of the elderly or sickly who about to die. since those ppl dont really offer much to the community and their life is short anyway so they would bound to die eventually. izuku tho is only 18yrs old and is v healthy but he's orphan, has no magic and strength so to the village he's just leeching off their resources.
the place they live in is a very cold and brutal climate and food and shelter are very limited so everyone must contribute and pull their weight. nobody can be dead weight. tho izuku tries so hard to prove his worth and help out the village but his outcast status make it unwanted.
so when the last person who watched over the shrine, died some asshole offered izuku's name among the candidates to be the next 'bride'. izuku shown no hesitation in agreeing on it even the village's chief, mitsuki, a long time friends of his mom had asked if HE TRULY WANTED this.
izuku nodded his head and smiled, saying at least this is something he can do for their village and ppl. so he went up the mountains, never meant to be stepping back to the home he once knew till the day he die and it's so cold and dark up here. he's so terribly, achingly alone. even in the village when ppl dismissed his existence at least it been his home for 18yrs and there's comfort and familiarity but now he left it all to live in this place where the sun only comes out 2-3hrs a day and it's so isolated.
"are you just going to wait here and die?"
izuku snaps his head toward the voice and sees the familiar face of his estranged childhood friend. "kacchan?" katsuki wasnt among his escort up the mountain but then izuku didn't expect that either bc they havent been friends in a very long time since izuku was deemed useless.
“what are you doing here?" he presses, confused.
"im taking you away from here," katsuki answers with the same surefire confident that made him a leader among the kids when they were younger; a future chief in the making. "get up and let's go."
izuku doesnt rise to his feet.
"i can't," he says quietly. "it's my duty to stay here. and if you try to take me away there will be severe punishment for both us."
katsuki sneers. "scare?" he says. "who care what those old fucks say. you're not staying here." he reaches out and grabs izuku's wrist.
but izuku shaken him off, refusing to comply. "i'm not leaving. i have to stay here. im promised to the god."
"you don't believe in that shit," katsuki points out, knowing izuku still despite the chasm between them now. "so why are staying? if you want to be fucking stupid and stay here, fine i'll leave you to die," katsuki says intently. his words are as cold and unforgiving as this snowy landscape. "but if you truly want to leave then i'll take you from here. we'll go far, far away where nobody would find us."
and just like this landscape where the sun shines only a few hours a day, katsuki would offer a sliver of salvation.
"I-" izuku looks down at his lap, refusal hung on his tongue, but what came out is: "I dont want die alone," he sobs. the first selfish wish he had uttered.
and that's all katsuki needed, an almost sigh of relieve escaping him. he takes izuku's hand and this time he doesn't resist, stumbling his feet as he follows katsuki out of the shrine. out of his tomb.
in there with only a few lit candles and windows, the outside feels fresh.
"where are you taking me?" he asks. he knows he cant go back home. or wherever home is now for him. the moment he step a foot back in their village, he'll be kill for breaking centuries old tradition, not to mention katsuki would also get in trouble for helping him escape. but that's assuming izuku will expose that it's katsuki who'd helped him escape from here. no, he'll keep this secret deep in his chest. he'll die with it. if katsuki drop him off somewhere and he'll go back to their village alone, no one will ever know what happened today.
katsuki can continue to live on and be the next chief after his mother and izuku will be somewhere. not here, but somewhere far from all that he had ever known just because he didn't want to fulfill his duty. for a second, he wonders if that was a right choice in the end.
"i know a place," is all that katsuki says. he hands over a fur sack to izuku. "i got whatever i could from your house."
the sack isn't big, holding a few items from his mother and a misshapen dagger that katsuki had made for his 8th birthday. it was so long ago but he held on.
"let's go," katsuki says, hauling another and bigger sack over his shoulder.
"what's that?" he asks. "I dont think i have anymore stuff."
Katsuki rolls his eyes. "it's for me, dumbass."
and this shock him, because he's the only one leaving so why katsuki brought his stuff.
he sighs, raking a hand through his hair. "i already told /we/ are leaving. together."
izuku blinks. "w-wait, what? why are you going with me?! im the only who has to leave! if you go back now, they wont know it's you who'd helped me."
"are you done being dumb?" he scoffs.
"who else is crazy enough to risk their life to get you out of here?"
izuku's eyes widen. "y-you, you're coming with me?!"
"otherwise you won't survive a day without me," he says, as though the reason could be that simple. not like katsuki is giving up everything for him.
izuku has no family, friends, and though the bakugou has been kind to him but they're are bound by their duty to the village and who would ever choose an orphan boy over the fate of hundreds? yet katsuki would be willing to walk away from all of that just to leave with him.
he wants to ask more, but he knows if he push the more katsuki refuse to answer. katsuki has his reasons and maybe one day, he'll tell izuku. so together, they leave their village and everything they ever known.
it's just bkdk finding a place and building a home for themselves.
katsuki using his hunting skill to bring back food and furs so they can trade and earn some money, izuku picking up farm and foraging for their food supply. when they finally save enough money, katsuki buy izuku a herd of sheeps and izuku makes katsuki a coat from the furs. they havent been friends in a long time, but living and working together in a close space where they're miles away from next town over and having to rely on each other to survive, they're NOT FRIENDS but they're also more than friends. it's being partners. it's being home to e/o.
they dont talk about that day when katsuki went up the mountains and saved izuku. katsuki never explain himself and izuku is afraid to ask. was it guilt for ignoring him all these years? was he doing it out some of duty? izuku doesn't know and those questions linger in his heart.
anyway, bkdk being domestic and setting a life for themselves in a far away place. whenever they visit a town to trade, the ppl think bkdk had eloped and are like madly in love esp when katsuki takes off his furcoat and puts it around izuku, scolding him for freezing his ass off. idk how's it going to end but i love the idea of bkdk living off the land, having to rely only on each other, and there's this strange nebulous thing b/t them that neither one want to address for fear of losing each other but everyone else can see how deeply they love each other.
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jasmine-the-fox · 2 months
At least the other world's you loves me
Alright so... I love fics where Izuku falls into another world from his with the same people he knows from his own world... but they actually care about him... so i'm making my own version.
Here we go!
Jasmine had never lived a fair life. The one she likes Katsuki Bakugo has always bullied her and made her do things for him without a care in the world for her feelings. Others would make fun of her while the teachers and adults ignore her pain... it broke her heart knowing that no matter what she does... Katsuki would never share her feelings and would treat her like this until one of them dies.
When she got into UA. she hoped and believed that things would be different there... yet she was wrong as she was treated the same way Katsuki does after the first day of school. She did there homework, bought them stuff and when they were placed in dorms... she cleaned everything for them, this made her understand that even if she were to leave... things would never change for the better for her even if she tried to change things for herself.
The sad part was she learned the hard way to never fight back. One time in middle school some girls tried to cut her hair and she fought back... this resulted in her getting beaten up, a torn uniform and her head partially shaved... so after that she kept quiet and tried to keep away from the worst stuff they could do to her as she didn't want to suffer. this as a result makes her go to her room where she cries and prays to god to save her from her pain as she didn't how much more she could take from these people who only want to hurt her.
Then... her request was granted...
She was out doing the groceries for her dorm. She does it at least twice a month because the class always runs out of something they enjoy quickly and she needs to get more before the month ends. As she's heading to the store... a villain runs towards her... and uses his quirk on her... resulting in her going from the sidewalk... to a forest. She had no idea of where she was or how much time it would take for her to get back to the store to do the shopping and then go back to her dorm before the class get's angry with her.
She became scared and greatly confused when she discovered that her phone doesn't work at all. So scared she curls up into a ball and cries as she had no idea what to do or where to go, after a while a figure arrives to her side... it was Katsuki but he looked completely different from the Katsuki she knew and loved. Katsuki took one look at her and then picked her up to bring her to his kingdom to rest, eat and get cleaned up before questions could be asked about who she was and where she was from... with many more questions to follow.
When they arrive. He has servants take Jasmine to take a bath and be changed into clean clothes before being brought to a room and be brought food while he went to inform his parents about Jasmine. Of course she was even more confused than before but there was nothing she could do but allow herself to be washed and dressed and then brought to a luxurious bedroom to wait. A while later Katsuki returns with his parents and food for them to eat... She was sadly nervous about the Bakugo's because they ignored her pain the few times Katsuki had her come over to be yelled at by him.
"We understand your scared but we mean you no harm... we only want to know who you are and what happened to you" Mitsuki explained in a calm tone... This surprised Jasmine greatly as she never heard the woman speak like that... but she did as told... she told them who she was, where she was from and everything that she went through until she landed in there lands. This of course shocks the trio who were being told all of this... but Katsuki was furious with his other self for hurting Jasmine in the first place... he believed she should have been protected and taken care of instead of hurt and abused.
After Jasmine ate her fill, they had decided to let her get some sleep as she was clearly tired. Once out of the room, Katsuki walked off to his study to write letters to his friends who in Jasmine's world hurt her in some shape or form. He didn't go into detail, he only wrote about Jasmine and how in her world they hurt her and he was asking them to come here to his kingdom as soon as they could make time to do so. He knew that once they arrived... He would need to tell them everything and that they would be disgusted with there other selves for what they did to Jasmine in her world.
And he was right...
They came as soon as they could after receiving his letter. He went into great detail just like Jasmine had done for him and his parents... they were all disturbed from what he told them... Ochako looked horrified, Tenya looked ready to collapse, Mina looked ready to faint and Denki looked like he would throw up at any moment. What was worst... was how the ones who were her teachers in her world all reacted... they were pissed at what happened to her and wanted to get Jasmine some justice for what she was put through in the end.
For now though... Jasmine needed time to heal, so they all had to work together now to help Jasmine get better so she could then continue on her own... all the while they worried she would be going back to her world at any moment. They didn't know anything about the quirk that was used on her and as a result they didn't know if she would go back at anytime as they worked to help her "For now... let's just do what we can without thinking about the fact it's possible she could return to her world at any moment" Izuku said making them all nod in agreement.
Meanwhile... in Jasmine's home world...
The class watched as police officers questioned the villain they captured... after he sent Jasmine to another world. They didn't understand why it mattered for Jasmine to come back... she was just a waste of space in there opinion and now she a waste of space in another world far from them... and then they understood that they did something very bad. Because Jasmine did all of there homework... they didn't do any of the work and were now failing there classes, because Jasmine did the grocery shopping they haven't gone yet and had run out of food, because Jasmine got them what they wanted when they wanted it they never did it themselves and now had to and because Jasmine did all of the cleaning they never did it and were now living in a dirty dorm.
They had understood that they had done something very bad to Jasmine... and now regret ever hurting her in the first place...
They had to get her back, they wanted her back so they could apologize and fix there mistakes towards her. Sadly the villain couldn't bring her back "It's a physical quirk. I need to touch the person I send to another world plus it's random so the chances of getting to the world she's in is low" he explained which hurt them even more then before. Knowing that it wasn't possible to bring her back and that they needed someone with a quirk to find her caused them to need to wait... while doing everything Jasmine did for them on there own.
Jasmine on the other hand was beginning to heal and smile. When she woke up, she was told that the room she was brought to was now her's to live in, this of course surprised her but she quickly accepted it and began to slowly learn about the world she lived in. She also met more people from this world that she knew in her world... but they were here to help her and care for her which made her nervous as she didn't know when they would turn against her for something she does wrong.
But the one who cared for her the most... was Katsuki...
He was always at her side when she needed help. He made sure she had anything she could need in her room and made her laugh a lot, he on the other hand... really wanted her to stay and be with him. Katsuki had slowly begun to have feelings for Jasmine and wondered if she felt the same way, at one point as Katsuki watched Jasmine playing in the garden with the baby dragon's from the window, Izuku walked up to him "It won't hurt to try asking her at least? Sure it's possible she rejects you... but you won't ever know until you ask" he said which is what caused Katsuki to be here now.
He had worked hard on making her a lovely pink cloak for her that will keep her warm when she goes out. He placed it into a lovely box and had gone to her room where he now was after asking to speak to her as Mina brushed her hair while she reads a book. Mina had left the room and now... he slowly handed her the box "This is for you" he said simply as she took the box with a smile. She opened it to find the gorgeous cloak he had made her, she loved it and put it on making him so happy that she loved it "I made it... so to ask you to marry me" he said which surprised him.
"You don't have to give me an answer right now... take your time to think about it" he said but she simply smiled and walked over to him "I would be happy to marry you" she replied making him very happy... of course after informing his parents... they announced it the very next day which made Katsuki want to murder them... but Jasmine stopped him while laughing. Of course there was no date placed for the wedding but that could be decided later on, for now they could focus on planning the wedding and then go from there.
As this was happening. The UA class were informed that police had found someone with a quirk to locate someone and send others to them. This made them so happy to the good news... but then it wasn't good "The problem is she's a newborn and has no control on her quirk. Her parents agreed to begin her training as soon as she could do it help you find your classmate... but it will take some time" the officer told them before leaving the dorm building.
The class couldn't believe they needed to wait even longer now before finding Jasmine. They had hoped to bring her back now but clearly that wasn't going to happen "Let's simply prepare things for her so when she returns she will have everything she could need" Momo offered making them all agree to the plan... so they began to make a list of what Jasmine would need while also checking her room... but then they remembered that because of what they did to her... she only had the bare minimum... and nothing that could describe her personality.
This made them all feel even worse than before because of the things they did to her. Knowing that Jasmine never uncovered her likes and dislikes or any hobbies she enjoyed doing because they were making her do things in there place... it made them understand that they would need to work really hard to things with her. Time went by and soon they graduated UA and began there life as pro heroe's... without Jasmine at there side to do any of that... instead she got married in the world she landed in to Katsuki, trained in there ways of combat, bonded with the dragons, took lessons to become queen and was soon going to be starting a family together.
Life was going great for her... but soon it would be shaken... the reason? The girl in her world that could locate her had grown and was now able to help them. She met them in front of UA "Do you have anything that she owned? It will help me locate her" she explained and Katsuki nodded while pulling out a notebook she used in the past. With it the girl was able to open a portal to the world Jasmine was in "I can only keep you there for 24 hours... after that you will be brought back without her because I can only bring her back if you touched her and I open a portal to bring her back through" she explained.
They nodded in understanding and walked through. Finding themselves in a forest made them wonder if they would be able to quickly find her... so they began there search for her... meanwhile Jasmine was in that very forest picking herbs. She was humming a song with a dragon that brought her to the forest laying in the sun near her... when it sprung up and began to growl. This of course startled Jasmine and she quickly got on the dragon who flew her back to the castle... she looked back and was shocked to find her old classmates watching her fly away.
Confused on how they arrived here, she soon arrived back home and was greeted by Eijiro... who she told to him what happened which angered him, he brought her to her and Katsuki's room and told her to rest there for now... then he left to find Katsuki who was out in the garden with some of there friends as he makes clothes for the baby "The us from Jasmine's old world are here" he said which made them all look at him and glare "Where?" Katsuki ordered as he stands up "In the forest. Jasmine was there picking herbs when the dragon growled. She left and saw them as she was coming back" he explained making them all stand up in anger.
Katsuki told them to all be ready by the forest entrance before he get's there... then he went to find Jasmine who was sitting in there bed. She looked slightly worried at what happened and he understood why she was worried... it was possible they were here to bring her back and hurt her once more. He sits by her side and hugs her "I promise to protect you and our unborn child... they won't take you back until i'm dead" he said making her nod all the while scared that he does in fact dies by there hands.
He leaves the room and orders for guards to keep her safe while he's away. He get's ready for battle and then leaves for the forest entrance where he finds the others ready and waiting for him... they then enter the forest together to locate Jasmine's bullies to fight them and make them leave and never come back for Jasmine. Ochako used her magic to locate the group faster and as a result they were before them before they even noticed them there. Izuku used his magic to make a barrier around them so the group wouldn't be able to escape.
Katsuki didn't know how much time had passed since the battle began... but he knew that hours had gone by since it began, his friends were growing tired and some had been knocked out... same for there enemies, he on the other hand was certain he would collapse soon from how drained he was from using his power. Izuku came to his side and took over... which told him to rest and recover what he lost from the battle so far. he nodded to his childhood friend and moved to Ochako's side who got to work on healing him while he watched as the sun and moon moved in the sky to reveal that it was nighttime.
He began to wonder how Jasmine was doing. Was she sleeping? Had she eaten? Was she waiting for there return? He began to worry that she was coming to stop this battle by going with her tormentors to protect the people who cared about her. That was the last thing he wanted and so once Ochako deemed him ready to fight. He got up and moved to continue to battle... Jasmine was unable to sleep. She was too scared for the people she called her friends and husband to sleep as she didn't know what was happening out in the forest... unless her old classmates won and were on there way to the kingdom to bring her back?
"No. There's no way Katsuki would let them win without giving it everything he has" she mumbled to herself... but the fear of losing her husband... caused her to leave her room and go outside to the dragons "Please I am begging you to take me to my husband" she pleaded and to her luck the dragon from the day before allowed her on his back to bring her back to the forest. She hoped to arrive there on time as the last thing she wanted... was to bury her husband and friends after killing the ones who hurt her.
The sun was slowly rising once more. Katsuki wondered how long before they win "Kacchan... I don't think this will end until we kill them" Izuku said making Katsuki nod in agreement. All of a sudden he hears a dragon cry, this makes him look up to find a dragon flying over them... and then lands by them... with Jasmine on his back. This shocked him as he didn't want her old classmates to see her again... but here she was, she got off the dragon and slowly walked over to Katsuki after Izuku had released the barrier "Are you alright?" she asked with clear worry in her eyes.
But he smiled and pulled her slightly closer to him "I'm fine I promise" he says making her nod... and then she stands up and glares at her old classmates "Why did you come here?" she demanded making the ones who were conscious explained everything. But even after they apologized and asked her to come back with them... she refused to do as they wished "For years I only wanted friends to play with and to bond with... and instead i was bullied, used and bossed around like a servant... I prayed to god to be saved from this hell I forced to live in... and then I was brought here... where people cared about me and wanted me to live for myself and be happy... I refuse to return with where I only knew pain" she explained with clear hatred towards them.
Some tried to make her listen to them and change her mind... but Katsuki was focused on her stomach... it was slightly swollen and he noticed how his other self was focused on it... which told him everything he needed to know... so he turned around "Let's go... we're gonna be brought back any minute now and Jasmine doesn't want to come back with us" he said as he walked away. Izuku and the Bakusquad followed after him while carrying some of there unconscious friends... while the others tried to have them come back... only to follow after them a while later.
Once they were gone... Jasmine began helping the ones conscious to bring everyone back to the castle to be treated and then get some sleep. Of course they were stopped by Katsuki's parents. They had been worried since they saw Jasmine fly off for the forest on a dragon's back... Katsuki explained everything to them and they were relieved to know that everything was alright now. They watched as the two walked off to there room... as they both it's the last they will see of anyone from Jasmine's old world.
When Katsuki and the others return to there world, Katsuki turns to the girl "Were not going back... she won't come back" he said before leaving with Izuku and the Bakusquad. The girl nodded while the others were shocked by his words... after they healed and went back to work they all tried to make the Bakusquad and Izuku change there mind and try to go back to return with Jasmine... but they didn't want to listen to them at all and simply ignored them... Mina even requested to be given a new partner as Ochako kept bothering her instead of focusing on there patrol.
In the end Ochako had enough. She found the girl and begged her to send her back to the world Jasmine was in... after a lot of begging and a bit of bribing the girl agreed and sent her back. Knowing she was on a time limit, Ochako began to search for a way out of the forest... only to run into the Tenya of this world "Oh! Hello Tenya. I'm only here to speak to Jasmine for a little bit if that's alright" she lied... she knew that she had to bring Jasmine back and knowing she only needed to touch her so the girl knows to open a portal... it was perfect.
The problem to her plan was that Tenya refused to bring her to Jasmine. So she began to get away from him and found Jasmine by a stream, she grinned as she ran over to touch her... only to be stabbed by Tenya. She was so shocked by this that she didn't make a sound as he brought her to the ground, went over to Jasmine, had her head off in another direction without noticing Ochako behind her... and then worked to bury Ochako as she dies on the ground... and sadly she won't be able to return to her world as the girl can't bring back someone when they die in the other world.
In there home world, Tenya and a few others noticed that Ochako wasn't coming to her patrols... they believed she went to the girl and asked her "Yes she did come to me to send her back... but she hasn't returned even after 24 hours passed... so it's possible that she died there so I can't bring her back" she explained which shocked them all at the news... but what she said next broke them "Don't try to ask me again... i'm done sending you to go find someone who won't come back" she said that and then left them there... they ended up having a funeral for Ochako without a body to bury.
While that was happening... Jasmine continued on living happily without ever knowing of Ochako's fate. Instead she focused on the life that was growing inside of her with a loving husband at her side... While the Katsuki she once loved lived in misery... never to date... never to find love and never to find happiness... because Jasmine had been those things for him from the very start.
But because he was stupid back he was young... he lost her to a him from another world... who was better than him in every way imaginable...
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sangwooooh · 2 years
The beginning of an unlikely duo
Part 2
kind of what happens in this part: Things take a turn when (m/n) realizes that Mitsuki indeed loves to talk, especially about him and to Katsuki of all people.
warnings: don’t really know; I guess bits and pieces of family drama; mentions of getting high; Katsuki (he’s not as much of a firecracker in this one, but still)
“(M/n), what are you doing in my room?” There is a look of surprise on Katsuki’s face, but not for long as it soon falls into one of well nothing really. His face looks almost relaxed, but in a controlled and unnatural way. “That old hag told you to wait here, didn’t she?”
His voice was weirdly calm. From the words of Mitsuki herself, her son was hardly calm. Did something happen?
It’s so weird how life works. (M/n) knows him. He knows Katsuki so well due to Mitsuki —at least he thinks he does— and he can feel that something isn’t right because, again, he knows Katsuki without actually knowing him.
“…yeah.” (M/n) glances at the blonde in front of him, then to the side, then at Katsuki again in a game of hesitation, “Listen… I should probably leave now, right?”
Katsuki stares at him blankly, betraying no feelings on his behalf, “You do whatever the fuck you wanna do.”
(M/n) squints his eyes at the boy in front of him for a short second, “O…kay.” Whatever.
He heads for the door, almost stumbling on his own feet. He doesn’t really want to leave. There is nothing waiting for him back home. Well…. There is, but not in the way that he would wish. There is a reason he is here to begin with. In no way would have Mitsuki been able to force him to stay a little bit longer, even with all her lung power, were (m/n) to want to leave. He is incredibly lonely at home. His parents aren’t home yet, gone at work, and the only company he had is his hamster, Alexander Hamsterton. After a while, that gets a bit boring. And even if he doesn’t really want to stay here either, these days it’s much better than being alone.
As his hand rests on the door handle, (m/n) turns back to look at Katsuki who is already lying down in his bed. The blonde looks unbothered by (m/n)’s still presence in his room.
Is he really doing this?
Yes he is.
The hand that covers Katsuki’s eyes moves to the side as the boy opens his eyes to look at what disturbs him, even though he can already guess. The bed dips slightly at Katsuki’s legs with the weight of (m/n)’s body.
It is a curious situation and the both of them know it. The both of them know each other and they feel at ease next to one another, having met only once. Stories indeed can bring feelings to life.
“She talks about you. A lot.” Katsuki breaks the silence, (m/n)’s head snapping towards the boy almost dizzying. He did not expect that. “Must’ve done something right.” The blonde continues.
Not wanting to let Katsuki do all the talking and feeling strange just letting that information float in the air he speaks, “um….” (M/n) averts his eyes, focusing on his fidgeting fingers —he tried to stop himself, but oh well — “She talks about you too.” He attempts to shrug it off and not give the new information that much importance. At least he tries to make it look that way because on the inside he is close to freaking out. Mitsuki really talked about him to her son? (M/n) doesn’t know, like any other time his neighbor says something remotely flammable, if he should thank her or not.
Again, as he has told himself many times, actually starting a conversation and possibly getting to know Katzuki is most probably going to ruin what image (m/n)’s heart has of the boy and he doesn’t want that. Better to be in love with a mirage—did he seriously just think that — than to be disappointed by the cold reality. Truthfully, (m/n) has never been in love, but he thinks this is how it should feel.
“I figured.” Katsuki sits up, rubbing his eyes as if trying to cast away what troubled him. By the looks of it, it didn’t work.
“…” (m/n) doesn’t really know what else to say. How do you even have a conversation with someone you only talked with in a world far far away from the real one. You don’t. At least he didn’t want to. But now here he is.
“Are you gonna leave or what? Don't you have a hamster to feed or something?” Katsuki’s eyes are like deep, crimson pools as they lock eyes. (M/n) feels lost in them and their intensity. He somehow is certain of the fact that the blonde is not even trying to do this to him, but (m/n) can’t help feeling affected. It’s a strange thing to experience and hard to explain. (M/n) wouldn’t say that it’s like getting high in the bathtub, but it is similar for some reason. Seeing Katsuki in real life, with his eyes and his soft looking lips and his whole being that seems so tense, it is about as close to getting high in his bathroom in an attempt to get away as it gets.
“…what?” (M/n) is confused for a second, forgetting what Katsuki even said. Not for long as his eyes widen and panic settles in at the thought of possibly intruding and certainly embarrassing himself. Didn’t Katsuki say he can do whatever he wants? Guess not, “I mean yes. Of course. I am. Leaving.” He gets up from Katsuki’s soft bed, letting go of the covers he started gripping a short while ago. “Bye.” He says quickly and dares to glance back at the blonde with striking crimson eyes only once. Katsuki is still looking at him with that unnatural blankness.
(M/n) leaves before he has another chance to stammer out something that might bring him further embarrassment.
He says a quick ‘have a great day’ to Mitsuki, getting a ‘see you tomorrow’ back, and is gone out the door.
Alexander Hamsterton stares (m/n) down when he enters his room, munching on whatever something green he decided on.
“Stop judging me.” (M/n) glares at his unspeaking friend. Said friend is not even slightly bothered, choosing to ignore the boy in favor of staring at something else more important.
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lackyghost · 1 year
Soulmates are a simple fact of life.
Everyone has a soulmate—some even have more than one.
A soulmate is someone who perfectly completes the life of another.
Oftentimes as lovers, but many simply complete each other in friendship.
No one knows how the soul connections are formed. It’s a universal unknown that no science has ever been able to make sense of. It just happens, and people have accepted it for centuries.
The connection is usually made near adulthood, but occasionally bonds are formed earlier, in a person’s early teen years. Any younger than that is so rare that no one ever expects it, as it means one of the pair has gone through something incredibly traumatic, or, in some cases, has died before the two could meet.
Bakugou Katsuki is only eleven when he feels his soul bond come to life. He’s in the middle of class, focusing on the math lesson, when he’s hit with an intense feeling that courses through his entire being, inside and out.
He falls from his desk, his entire body tingling, and he pants heavily as he clutches his chest. The bond overwhelms his senses, burning his heart and soul with a heat that is both pleasant and painful in a way he can feel is wrong.
His teacher rushes over to help him, panic lacing her features. ��Katsuki! What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Katsuki looks up at her and she gasps and nearly falls over herself. His classmates gather around him then, and their jaws all drop. The soul bonding process is unmistakable, and no one can miss the way that Katsuki’s scarlet irises glow as the connection solidifies itself.
“I’m going to call your parents,” his teacher says.
Katsuki nods weakly, unable to move. He’s not sure what it is, but the burning feeling is like some sort of secondhand ache in his core.
“Kacchan,” his long-time friend and rival, Midoriya Izuku says as he makes his way over. “It’s… it’s your soul bond.”
“No shit, Deku,” Katsuki snaps weakly. He levels the green-haired boy with a glare, but the expression falters when he sees the sadness in the boy’s wide green eyes. “The hell’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing!” Midoriya says, waving his hands frantically, freckled face flushing a deep red. “I just wanted to see how I could help! I thought you might be hurt at first, but you’re fine. I could help you get your stuff together before your parents get here. I could probably bring you to the nurses office or—”
“Oh my God, shut up,” Katsuki snaps. The soul bonding is calming down slightly, and he pushes himself up to his feet to lean heavily against his desk. “Stop your fucking muttering, nerd.”
“Your father will be here in a few minutes,” the teacher says from the front of the room. “You can gather your things and wait for him by the front doors. You’ll be exhausted for a couple of days while the bond solidifies.”
His parents are both anxious and excited when they find out Katsuki’s bond formed so early.
His mother, Mitsuki, tells him that over centuries of recorded soul bonds, there are less than a thousand known cases across the planet where bonds were formed before fourteen.
Katsuki is pleased by that fact, as he has always strived to be the best in everything he does, so knowing his name will be added to such a short list does wonders for his already somewhat inflated ego.
His father, Masaru, is more reserved though, knowing that there’s a possibility the early formation means Katsuki’s soulmate may have passed on. He explains that gently to Katsuki, who brushes him off, refusing to even consider the possibility.
He stays home for three days while his soul bond burns throughout his body in waves. It ripples across his back and shoulders, along his throat and lower face, and he even finds himself crying when the areas under his eyes burn unexpectedly.
During this process, some people receive a soul mark, something like a tattoo that perfectly matches in design and location to their soul mate. Not everyone obtains (or finds) their mark, and Katsuki honestly isn’t sure whether he really wants to have one or not, but he looks.
He has his mother comb through his wild, ash-blonde hair for hidden marks, but nothing is there. He looks his body over multiple times while in the shower, but never finds anything.
He asks his father to check his back for marks that he might’ve missed in the mirror, but it seems that there’s simply nothing visibly different. He tries not to waste too much time on it.
When Katsuki goes back to school, the kids are strange around him. Many ask questions that he doesn’t know how to answer, so he just tells them all to fuck off and do a web search if they’re so insistent on getting some fucking answers.
Midoriya, however, is all too eager to answer the questions around him.
“So, have you written messages on your skin yet?” One of his classmates asks. “That just seems so cool! It’s what I’m most excited about!”
Katsuki is about to answer when Midoriya pipes up from his seat. “Actually, soul bonds aren’t always formed at the same time between two people!” The nerd seems weirdly cheerful about that fact. “There can be up to ten years between the bond marking two souls!”
Their nosy classmate gasps. “What!? That’s so cool! Man, Katsuki, I wonder if your soulmate will be someone you already know?”
Katsuki snorts. “I fuckin’ doubt it. I don’t wanna be stuck anywhere near any of you losers.”
“That’s not very nice, Kacchan,” Midoriya says, frowning.
Katsuki sucks in a breath to start yelling at him, but their homeroom teacher walks in and announces that class is starting. Katsuki huffs angrily and turns his gaze back to the front of the class. He struggles to focus on the lesson while he turns over Midoriya’s words, though.
If his soulmate hasn’t gone through their own bonding yet, that could explain why Katsuki hasn’t found a soul mark on his body.
Katsuki is eighteen when he’s cornered on his way home from school. A grown ass man shoves him against the alley wall and Katsuki’s useless followers scatter like the goddamned cockroaches they truly are.
“Get the fuck offa me!” Katsuki roars, shoving back against the man.
“Oh, but I like you,” the man says, giving Katsuki a disturbing grin. “You’ve got spunk, kid.”
Katsuki tries to shove the man off, but the asshole has to be nearly 200cm tall, towering over Katsuki’s 172cm frame. He grabs Katsuki’s wrists with one large hand, pinning them above his head.
With his other hand, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a soaking wet rag. He shoves it harshly against Katsuki’s face, smothering his nose and mouth.
“Kacchan!” A scream echoes down the alleyway, but Katsuki rapidly loses consciousness.
When Katsuki wakes up, he’s in a hospital bed. He sits up quickly and an intense pain shoots through his body. Nausea overcomes him and he leans over the side of the bed and vomits on the floor.
“Katsuki!” The familiar voice of his mother reaches his ears.
“What the fuck happened?” Katsuki asks as he turns to look at the other side of the room. Both of his parents are sitting in chairs alongside his bed. They’re lucky that he hadn’t vomited on that side of the bed.
“Oh, son,” Masaru says with a sob. “You’re going to be okay. You’ll be okay. I promise.”
“The fuck’re you talking about?” Katsuki demands. Breathing hurts and there’s a pain in his shoulder and abdomen that he’s struggling to ignore.
“Honey, go get the nurse,” Mitsuki says to Masaru.
The man nods before rushing out the door. Katsuki smacks his lips and grimaces. Mitsuki hands him a box of tissues and he gratefully snags a few to wipe his mouth off. It doesn’t help.
“You gonna fuckin’ explain?” Katsuki grumbles.
“A man tried to grab you in an alley,” Mitsuki says, fury in her voice that she’s failing to control. “You’re lucky Izuku happened to see it. He called the police and distracted the man after he knocked you out with a rag soaked in chloroform. Kid, there was so much on that rag, you almost drowned in it. The bastard managed to stab you twice. You were in surgery for hours, and you’ve been unconscious for days.”
Katsuki furrows his brow, he remembers everything up to his nickname being called out by the nerd. He looks down at his body, frowning deeply. He’s in a hospital gown, which makes sense. His left shoulder is wrapped in thick bandages, as are his forearms. His mother is about to say more when the door opens and his father reappears behind a bland looking doctor.
“Ah, Katsuki, so good to see you awake!” the doctor says, stepping closer and giving Katsuki a smile. “You’ll be alright, young man. We’re monitoring your vitals very closely. You are fortunate that your friend got to you as quickly as he did.”
“Deku’s not my fucking friend,” Katsuki grumbles.
“Katsuki!” His mother hisses. “He saved your life!”
“She’s right, young man,” the doctor says. “Now, your injuries are severe, as you were stabbed twice, but we managed to patch everything up. Your arms are really scraped up, but nothing is broken. The nurses put a thick layer of ointment on your arms as it’s simply cleaner and easier to wrap over that. You’ll have some pain for a while, we’ll get you something to help with that.”
“When can I go home?” Katsuki asks, scratching absently at his covered arms. It feels like something is under the bandages, and the itchy feeling is growing rapidly.
“Soon, don’t worry,” the doctor says. “We’ll monitor you for a few hours now that you’ve woken up, but I see no problem with you going home tonight after we run a few more tests. You can come back in or see your primary doctor in a week to get the stitches removed.”
“Stop scratching, brat,” Mitsuki scolds, grabbing Katsuki’s wrists.
“They fucking itch,” Katsuki snaps.
“Oh, you can remove those,” the doctor says. “The itchiness is probably from the ointment drying the bandages to your skin. Do you need help removing them?”
Katsuki scoffs. “Fuck no.”
He tunes out the doctor as he starts unravelling the bandages on his left arm. He furrows his brow when he spots something black under them. When he realizes what’s there, his jaw drops and he freezes mid-movement as he stares at the writing on his skin.
He faintly hears his mother gasp, and he doesn’t even struggle against her as she quickly unwraps his arm the rest of the way. Someone else is unwrapping his other arm—the doctor or his father, he doesn’t know and doesn’t care.
Are you okay?
Please be okay!
Fuck, come on, write back! I need to know that you’re okay!
Katsuki slowly turns his arms as he reads the messy scrawl. It’s Japanese, and Katsuki’s heart leaps at the idea of his bonded half being in the same country. He knows that some people have to learn whole new languages just to understand their soulmate.
Katsuki slowly turns to look at his right arm. The words there are messier, his soulmate is clearly right-handed, and the singular phrase is surrounded in arrows pointing down.
Write on this arm!
Writings on skin show up not only on one’s own skin, but also on their soulmate, in the same spot. Ink on skin fades over the bond after a few hours, so his soulmate has to have been re-writing the messages regularly in their desperation for a response in order for them to still be this dark.
“Pen,” Katsuki croaks out.
“Of course!” Mitsuki says as she violently rifles through her purse.
After a moment, she pulls out a black pen and thrusts it into Katsuki’s hand. Katsuki is, fortunately, left-handed, so it’s easy for his response to go on the arm his soulmate asked him to use.
I’m okay.
Katsuki doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until new ink starts blooming on his arm under his response. He lets out a shuddered breath as messy scrawl written by a non-dominant hand appears on his milky pale skin with each pen stroke from his other half.
Thank fuck! I’m so glad you’re okay! I’m Touya.
Katsuki grins down at his arm and waits a moment to ensure Touya is done writing before he gives his response.
“Alright, brat,” Mitsuki says softly. “You have the rest of your lives to write to each other. For now, you need to take a shower. I just sent your dad out for food that isn’t the garbage served in the cafeteria downstairs. I’ve got a bag here with clean clothes for you.”
“Fine, hag,” Katsuki says, but there’s no heat in his words; he’s still in shock over the marks on his arms and unable to even attempt to be anything but amazed.
When Katsuki goes back to school nearly three weeks after his attack, he ignores pretty much every single one of his classmates. They pester him with questions, but he screams at them until they back off.
Final exams are only a month away and he needs to focus on studying and completing his college applications.
Fortunately, Katsuki uses the few days home from the hospital to catch up on his missed homework, so he’s still confident in his ability to stay at the top of his class through the exams.
Still, never the slacker, Katsuki takes detailed notes and barely wastes his time sending threatening glares at the students who left him alone with that asshole who’d attacked him. They avoid him, smartest decision any of them ever made, clearly.
Outside of schoolwork, the only other thing he really does is write back and forth with Touya. He learns that the other man is older, having turned 25 back in January, his favorite color is purple, and he likes all kinds of animals.
His soul bond had formed when he’d nearly died in a house fire caused by his father falling asleep while smoking. Which explains why Katsuki’s bond formation had hurt so much.
Touya hadn’t even realized his bond had formed until he’d felt the dread through their connection after Katsuki’s attack. In turn, Katsuki hadn’t ever tried to write first because he hadn’t felt the bond change and assumed his other half hadn’t formed their bond yet.
They have yet to try to meet in person and still only know each other’s given names, both anxious for their own reasons.
Being late winter still, it’s cold outside, and Katsuki always tends to run cold. So, he keeps his uniform jacket on at all times and bundles up in his black winter coat on the walk home, which becomes the worst part of his days because of one persistently obnoxious green-haired boy.
“Will you stop fucking following me, Deku!?” Katsuki barks over his shoulder.
“Wha—I’m not following you, Kacchan!” Midoriya squeaks. “Our houses are on the same street!”
“Walk on the other side of the fucking road, then!” Katsuki growls out.
“But—” Midoriya starts, and Katsuki rounds on the other boy.
“I don’t need you to fucking protect me,” Katsuki says, voice low and gruff as he stomps up to Midoriya.
The other boy gasps suddenly and leans closer to Katsuki’s face, his green eyes going wide while Katsuki’s own flare with anger.
“What the fuck!” Katsuki shouts as he shoves him back, knocking the greenette to his ass.
“Kacchan, your eyes,” Midoriya says quietly. “Your mark… is on your eyes.”
Katsuki blinks. “What?”
“You’ve got black rings around your irises,” Midoriya says. “They weren’t there before.”
Katsuki frowns and turns away from the other boy. “Fuck off.”
“Do… do I have them?” Midoriya asks quietly.
“Do you have what?” Katsuki snaps, spinning back around to glare at the other.
Midoriya’s eyes are wet as he stares up from his spot on the sidewalk. “Do I have black circles around my irises?”
Katsuki scowls. “Why the fuck would you?”
Midoriya’s face flushes a deep crimson. “W-well, y-you haven’t… um… your soulmate…”
“I know who my fucking soulmate is,” Katsuki says angrily.
Midoriya’s eyes widen. “You’ve met them?”
“What? No, but I’ve fuckin’ written to them,” Katsuki growls.
“Oh,” Midoriya says, so quietly Katsuki almost doesn’t hear it.
The nerd swallows thickly and tears pool in his eyes, quickly spilling down his cheeks. Katsuki stares at him, bewildered, but he doesn’t offer to help the boy up as he shakily rises. Midoriya opens his mouth to say something, but the only sound that escapes him is a small sob. Katsuki’s eyes widen and Midoriya abruptly runs past him.
“What the fuck,” Katsuki whispers to no one. He turns and walks home, thankful for the peace and solitude, but mildly concerned about the damn nerd.
Katsuki isn’t an idiot, he understands what just happened.
Midoriya, Deku, the fucking nerd that Katsuki is a friend, rival, and bully to, thought that he was Katsuki’s soulmate. He wanted to be Katsuki’s soulmate.
“What the fuck,” Katsuki mutters again.
When Katsuki gets home, he rushes to his bedroom to deposit his bag before heading to the bathroom to look at his eyes.
Midoriya was right.
Katsuki’s soul mark has finally shown up. It has to have been recent, so maybe it’d happened after his first written contact with Touya, though Katsuki can’t be sure.
He considers letting Touya know, but he’s embarrassed that maybe he’d missed the mark for years, and he really doesn’t want the older man thinking he’s an idiot.
Katsuki finishes his final exams with flying colors, receiving the top marks in his class and he graduates with honors.
At the graduation ceremony, he’s forced to give a small speech to the rest of his graduating class, and he tries very hard not to swear or belittle anyone during the short time on stage.
He only uses ‘fuck’ twice and doesn’t blatantly specify anyone as being incompetent or stupid, so he considers it a success.
Touya lets him know he’s proud of his accomplishment, and is absolutely ecstatic when Katsuki receives his acceptance letter to UA University and lets the other know he already filled out the paperwork to attend.
Touya lives and works near there apparently, and is thrilled at the development.
They still haven’t discussed meeting up.
Katsuki groans and rolls over, nearly falling off his tiny dorm bed. He huffs and sits up, stretching his arms up over his head and cracking his neck.
“Yo! You’re up!” Is yelled across the room.
Katsuki looks up to glare at his dormitory roommate, Takami Keigo. The man is a couple years older than him, having started college later than most. He has dirty blonde hair and copper eyes lined with little triangles on the inner corners. Katsuki had originally thought it was a soulmark, but nope—the moron tattooed the marks on.
He apparently doesn’t have a soulmark, or at least he doesn’t know what it is. But his friend apparently likes tattoos and got him hooked on them. Katsuki’s personal (least) favorite are the wings on his shoulder blades. They’re cliché and the wing style looks like they came from a chicken rather than a cool bird of prey or something.
“The fuck d’you want, Bird Brain?” Katsuki snaps as he rises to his feet. Takami laughs as Katsuki strides to his dresser and pulls it open with more force than necessary.
“Just wondering if you want to go get a coffee?” Takami asks, still far too cheery for having just woken up.
Katsuki contemplates that for a moment. “You paying?”
“Sure!” Takami says. “I know the barista there. He usually gives me half off, so that’s cool with me!”
“Fucking… fine,” Katsuki grumbles. “I’ll be dressed in five.”
Ignoring Takami’s cheering, Katsuki pulls off his pajamas and tugs on a pair of dark wash jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt with a white skull on the chest. He grabs his black sneakers, pulling them on before looking over his shoulder at Takami, who is gaping at him.
“The fuck’re you lookin’ at?” Katsuki growls.
“Dude!” Takami sputters. “You’re stupidly muscular for your age.”
Katsuki cocks a brow as he straightens back up. “No shit. It’s called going to the gym and eating right.”
“But… you’re like… ripped, man,” Takami says, pouting dramatically. “It’s not fair.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes and tucks his phone and fine point Sharpie into his pocket before turning back to his roommate.
“We gettin’ this goddamn coffee or not?” Katsuki snaps as he stuffs his arms into his winter coat. It’s March, still cold outside, and Katsuki hates the cold.
“Fine!” Takami says with a huff as he grabs his bright red leather jacket.
Katsuki rolls his eyes and tugs the door open. He waits for Takami to step out before pulling the door shut and locking it. He’d only moved in a couple days ago and he already knows that his moronic roommate never locks their door, which royally pisses Katsuki off.
Katsuki walks alongside Takami as they leave the dormitory building, letting the man guide the way toward the campus gates. Katsuki turns to the other blonde with a flat look.
“This place is off-campus?” Katsuki asks.
“Don’t worry, it’s only a ten-minute walk,” Takami says cheerfully.
“Better be fuckin’ worth it,” Katsuki grumbles.
Katsuki feels a familiar tingling on his forearm and he pulls his sleeves back just enough to check the message, already knowing what it’s going to say.
Have a good day, Katsuki!
Katsuki pulls out his Sharpie and takes the cap off with his teeth so he can write his own message underneath Touya’s.
You too.
“Aw, you have your soulmate already?” Takami says, sounding thoroughly amused. “You’re so grumpy. I bet your soulmate is all growly and angry and stuff.”
Katsuki yanks his sleeve back down and re-caps his pen before shoving it into his pocket. He glares at Takami, a heavy scowl on his lips.
“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” Katsuki says coldly.
“Hm, you’re right,” Takami agrees. “I haven’t gotten my soul bond yet. My parents got their bonds later, in their mid-twenties, so I should get mine really soon.” Katsuki grunts in acknowledgment, not particularly caring. “But I’m pretty sure I already know who my soulmate is.”
Katsuki cocks a brow. “Yeah?”
Takami sighs dreamily. “You’ll meet him at the café. We’ve been together for years.”
“Oh, gross, I don’t wanna meet your fucking boyfriend,” Katsuki says, scowling at the other man.
Takami laughs and stops in front of the café doors. “Too late!”
Takami tugs the door open and walks in, leaving Katsuki to catch it before it can slam shut in his face. Katsuki rolls his eyes as he follows his roommate, looking around the small café.
“Dabi!” Takami belts out happily. “My man! My best bro! My one true love!”
“Hawks!” The barista says cheerfully. Katsuki’s eyes immediately snap over to the man.
He’s a little taller than Katsuki and has spiky snow white hair, broad shoulders, and a clearly strong form absolutely coated in black, purple, and red tattoos. The ink is under his bright turquoise eyes, his lower jaw and lip, down his throat beneath his shirt collar.
On top of the colorful markings, he has silver piercings in his ears, three studs in his left nostril, barbels in both eyebrows, snakebites in his lower lip, and cheek piercings that could possibly be for dimples. Katsuki doesn’t know enough about piercings to be certain about that.
Where the man’s short sleeves end, the ink continues down both arms, all in the same tightly drawn style, almost like a mandala, and the reddish purple in the background seems almost like a henna design. The little name badge on his apron reads ‘Dabi’ with a little fire sticker next to it.
He’s fucking beautiful.
“This is my roommate, Bakugou,” Takami introduces when they reach the counter.
Katsuki nods his greeting and tears his eyes away from the other man to look up at the café menu on the wall behind him. He can sense the other man looking him over and he feels weirdly self-conscious under his eyes.
“So, this is Blasty, huh?” Dabi says with a chuckle.
“The fuck did you call me?” Katsuki snaps, eyes flicking to the man as he narrows his gaze.
Dabi laughs, and the sound twists Katsuki’s heart in a painfully pleasant way that he can’t accurately decipher, which is not good paired with his lack of caffein. Dabi calms down after a moment and grins at the blonde, the look is somewhat manic.
“Man, you’re just like Kei said you were,” Dabi says, sounding delighted at that knowledge.
Katsuki turns to glare at Takami, who shrugs. “It was only fair to warn him.”
“Fuck you, Bird Brain,” Katsuki snaps.
“Bird Brain?” Dabi wheezes, practically doubling over with laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” Takami grumbles. “You’ll get a cruel nickname soon, anyway.”
Katsuki narrows his eyes at the two, not liking the feeling that the two boyfriends are making fun of him. He is not awake enough for this bullshit.
“Oi, Patchwork,” Katsuki says, catching the barista’s gaze. “What coffee here isn’t too sweet and has a fuckload of caffeine?”
“Patchwork!?” Dabi yells indignantly, and Keigo grimaces. “You’re such an asshole!”
“You’re covered in fucking tattoos,” Katsuki says flatly, and for some reason, the man calms a little at his reasoning.
“Gimme a caramel macchiato,” Takami says, cutting the two men off.
“Fine,” Dabi says, and then huffs and looks to Katsuki. “You wanna try our spicy coffee?”
“Why the fuck not,” Katsuki says dryly.
Dabi smirks and Katsuki rolls his eyes as the white-haired man starts chatting animatedly with Takami. Katsuki pulls his phone out and scrolls through his messages as he waits for his drink.
“Here you go!” Dabi chirps, holding out a coffee cup to Katsuki.
“Thanks,” Katsuki grumbles as he takes the offered item. He sniffs it tentatively and takes a small sip. A surprised, pleased hum escapes his lips. “Not bad, Patchwork.”
Katsuki looks over to the barista, who is practically glowing with the approval. Katsuki gives him a quick once-over. The man’s white t-shirt hugs his obviously toned body, and it’s thin enough that where the edges of the apron end at the middle of his chest that the faint spots of more dark ink can be made out on his front.
Katsuki’s eyes make it back up to the tattooed man’s face and he cocks a brow when he sees the flush on the man’s cheeks, paired with a mischievous smirk.
“Okay! Time to go!” Takami says, pushing his way between Katsuki and the counter, effectively cutting off Katsuki’s view of the other man.
“Bye, Kei! Bye, Doll!” Dabi says as the two students make their way out of the shop.
“Fuck you!” Katsuki shouts, furious over the nickname, and he can hear Dabi cackling behind him.
Takami shoves him out the front door as he shouts, “See ya, Dabi!” over his shoulder.
“I ain’t gonna steal your man, asshole,” Katsuki snaps as soon as they’re out on the sidewalk again.
Takami blushes a furious cherry red. “Shut up.”
Katsuki takes a long drink of his coffee, it really is very good. “Why’d you get all jumpy back there, anyway? I’m not interested in stealing your goddamned soulmate. I’m not a fucking asshole.”
“I mean, you kinda are,” Takami says, and Katsuki levels him with a glare. “Okay, okay! Maybe you’re not that much of an asshole. You’ve just got an explosive personality.”
“Right, ‘Blasty,’ wasn’t it?” Katsuki sneers.
“Yup!” Takami says with a laugh. His expression soon falls, though, and he takes a sip of his drink. “But I’m pretty sure Dabi is my soulmate. He’s bonded, but he’s never talked about them, so I don’t think he’s written yet.”
“It can take up to ten years for that shit,” Katsuki says, repeating the fact he’s known for nearly a decade himself.
“Damn,” Takami whistles. “How long was it before you wrote to yours?”
“About eight years,” Katsuki says with a shrug, not interested in giving out the more personal information his Touya has shared with him about their bond.
“Wait, what!?” Takami shouts. “You’re only nineteen!”
“Yup, I’ll be twenty on the 20th,” Katsuki says.
“So, you were what, ten, eleven when you bonded?” Takami asks, sounding awed.
Katsuki nods. “Eleven.”
“Dude,” Takami says. “Dude! That’s crazy!” He laughs, sounding a little crazed. “Why haven’t you met your soulmate yet?”
“None of your fucking business,” Katsuki snaps.
Takami holds his hands up in a placating gesture. “I get it, man.”
Katsuki bites his tongue and focuses on drinking the rest of his spicy coffee.
Takami does not get it, but Katsuki isn’t about to explain that bullshit to his goddamn roommate.
Katsuki falls into a routine once classes start. Takami goes to the café and brings him back a spicy coffee. He acts like it’s to be nice, but Katsuki knows it’s because Takami didn’t like the way Dabi and Katsuki had interacted in that weird, playful banter.
Katsuki doesn��t really care—he isn’t interested in pursuing someone else’s soulmate, and Takami insists that his tatted up boyfriend is just that.
Besides, Katsuki is happy enough simply writing back and forth with Touya.
They still don’t share super detailed info, but they write about their favorite places to eat around the UA campus, and random things about their days. Sometimes Katsuki gets bored in his easier classes, and he pulls out his pen and doodles on his arm.
Katsuki is majoring in Organic Chemistry and minoring in Art. So, he often draws chemical bonds that he flourishes with flowers. Doodling for Touya isn’t anything new, but his soulmate always seems to appreciate it, and even admits to taking pictures of some of them.
Uraraka Ochako plops down next to Katsuki in the cafeteria.
“So, there’s this party on Saturday, and I really think you should go,” the bubbly brunette says, and Katsuki looks up at her with a raised brow.
“The fuck would I wanna do that for?” Katsuki asks.
He isn’t sure why Uraraka started eating lunch with him, but he also doesn’t mind. They’re both staying in the Heights Alliance dormitory and met when there was an impromptu weight-lifting competition in their building’s gym. It quickly became a simple contest between the two of them, and after nearly matching Katsuki’s own limits, Uraraka had gained his respect.
But that doesn’t mean he wants to go to a fucking party with her.
“Oh, come on, you’re in college, live a little!” Uraraka says, giving him a wink.
“Don’t need a fucking party to live, Pink Cheeks,” Katsuki snaps.
Uraraka pouts. “Please? My soulmate wrote to me and said they’d be there.”
Katsuki eyes her curiously. “Your soulmate goes here?”
“Yeah!” Uraraka says, her expression suddenly bright. “Small world, right!?”
Katsuki grunts and considers that as he eats his rice. After a long drink from his water bottle, he looks back at her and purses his lips.
“Fine,” Katsuki says. “But if you two hit it off, I’m fucking leaving.”
“Works for me!” Uraraka says cheerfully. “I just need some emotional support.”
“Whatever,” Katsuki grumbles, and he furiously digs back into the rest of his lunch.
He knows Uraraka is giving him a strange look, but he really doesn’t want to voice the fact that he’s jealous she’s going to get to meet her soulmate, who she bonded with only a month earlier, while Katsuki still hasn’t met Touya.
Takami is also apparently going to the party with Uraraka, since she’s friends with just about fucking everyone.
She’s sitting on Katsuki’s bed while Takami stands behind the foldable privacy screen to change. Uraraka arrived prepared with makeup on her face, white khakis, a pink blouse that hugs her frame, and pink boots.
Katsuki was ready even before she arrived, mostly because he simply doesn’t care. He’s wearing dark gray slacks and a short-sleeved, black muscle shirt with a large orange ‘X’ across the chest. His arms are bare save for a single message just under his left wrist:
Happy Birthday, Katsuki!
“That’s seriously so cute,” Uraraka says with a giggle, pointing to Katsuki’s mark.
“Whatever,” Katsuki says with a shrug.
“Did they draw the flowers around it, too?” Uraraka asks.
“That was me,” Katsuki says.
“Whoa, really?” Uraraka asks, grabbing his arm and pulling it closer to inspect. “That’s really, really good.”
“Thanks,” Katsuki grumbles.
“Ready!” Takami yells as he steps out from behind the privacy screen and walks over to them. “Did I hear someone say Blasty draws flowers?”
“Yeah, look!” Uraraka says, tugging Katsuki’s arm up to show Takami the mark. “They’re small, but so detailed!”
“Wow, that’s really…” Takami trails off and his face falls from excited to neutral, and then to hurt as he steps closer and looks at the writing. He critically observes the scrawl for a moment before clearing his throat and plastering a smile on his face. “You ready to go!?”
“Are you okay?” Uraraka asks. She’s no idiot; she clearly saw the same response Katsuki had.
“Fine!” Takami says, forcing out a laugh.
Katsuki clicks his tongue. “Whatever.”
The three head out the door, with Katsuki lingering behind as usual to make sure the door is closed all the way. And locked, for obvious reasons.
“You’re not gonna wear your coat?” Takami asks nervously.
“What? No,” Katsuki says, scrunching his face up. “It’s actually fucking decent out tonight.”
“You’re not wearing a coat either, Takami,” Uraraka points out. “And neither am I.”
Takami laughs and turns away from them. He pulls his phone from his pocket as he walks and starts typing out something in a rather frantic fashion. Uraraka and Katsuki trail behind him, exchanging bewildered looks.
Katsuki watches Uraraka closely from across the room as she seeks out her soulmate—she had refused to share the details with Katsuki, and he didn’t care to ask.
So, Katsuki leans against the wall by the back door of the large house with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. The house apparently belongs to a rich kid named Yaoyorozu Momo. She graduated top of her high school class and got into UA University, so her parents congratulated her by buying her a fucking house less than five minutes away from campus.
The Bakugou family is pretty well-to-do, what with Mitsuki being a model and Masaru being a fashion and interior designer, but they aren’t buy-your-kid-a-house rich. That’s a whole other level of money that Katsuki can’t even fathom.
His phone starts ringing and he pulls it out of his right pocket, swiftly answering it, already knowing who it is. He keeps his eyes on Uraraka as he speaks.
“Hey,” Katsuki says.
“Happy birthday, Katsuki!” His parents sing into the speakerphone on their end. Katsuki rolls his eyes fondly.
“Is that party music I hear?” Mitsuki asks excitedly. “Do you have friends throwing you a birthday bash?”
“Jesus, fuck, hag,” Katsuki groans. “No one fucking says shit like that anymore.”
His mother huffs loudly. “Be nice, brat! I sent you a care package and reloaded your spending card. Happy twentieth birthday! Drink responsibly!”
“Alcohol is gross,” Katsuki deadpans.
“How’s your soulmate doing?” Masaru asks before his wife and son can start arguing for no actual reason.
“Fine,” Katsuki says.
Across the room, Uraraka’s face lights up and she turns to give Katsuki a thumbs-up. He rolls his eyes and looks down at his sneakers.
“Have you met them yet?” Mitsuki asks. “I’ll pay for your tickets and hotels and shit, kid. Go meet them!”
“Shut it, hag,” Katsuki snaps. “I’ll meet them when I’m fucking ready.”
“Alright, alright,” Masaru says in his please-stop-before-the-real-fighting-starts voice. “Go enjoy your birthday, son.”
“Yeah, sure,” Katsuki says with a sigh. “Bye.”
Katsuki shoves his phone back into his pocket and looks up. He locks eyes with someone, but it isn’t Uraraka, it’s the man next to her. The man with curly green hair and wide, green eyes.
“Kacchan?” Midoriya says, his voice shaky but just loud enough over the lull in the music to travel to the blonde.
Katsuki scoffs and turns around to walk out the open back door. That’s a conversation he’s not even remotely interested in.
He walks down the porch steps and looks around for anyone he might know. He spots Takami, standing with the white-haired beauty, and makes his way over.
“Hey,” Katsuki says as he sidles up to Takami.
“Bakugou!” Takami says with a jolt, and his full cup of beer splashes all over Katsuki.
“What the fuck!?” Katsuki snaps, tugging at the front of his shirt.
“You scared me!” Takami says, holding a hand over his heart.
“Gimme your fucking shirt, asshole,” Katsuki says as he tugs his soaked one over his head and drops it on the ground. Dabi chokes on his beer and Katsuki gives him an odd look before glaring at Takami again. “And you’re fuckin’ washing that one for me when we get back. ‘S one of my favorite shirts.”
“I didn’t bring an extra shirt!” Takami says, giving him a bizarre look. “Who the hell brings extra shirts to a party!?”
“People who spill their fucking drinks on other people?” Katsuki snaps. “Fucking—whatever. I’m leaving.”
“Wait!” Dabi says, his coughing finally having stopped. He pulls at the hem of his purple t-shirt, which houses the black logo for some rock band. “I’ve got a tank top on under this.”
“Dude!” Takami sputters as Dabi pulls his shirt off.
“No thanks,” Katsuki says, bending over to swipe his soaked shirt from the ground. “Not interested in wearing Takami’s boyfriend’s shirt.”
“Takami’s—what?” Dabi says, and Katsuki looks up at him. The white-haired man’s turquoise eyes are wide as he stares at Takami. “What the fuck is he talking about?”
“Uh, um, I just…” Takami licks his lips nervously. “I didn’t specifically say you were my boyfriend.”
“You literally told me he’s your soulmate,” Katsuki deadpans.
“Here, man,” Dabi says, holding his t-shirt out to Katsuki without breaking eye contact with Takami. “I’ve gotta have a chat with my friend.”
“You can have my shirt, Kacchan!” The horribly familiar voice of one Midoriya Izuku says from behind Katsuki.
Katsuki groans and grabs the shirt from Dabi. He yanks it on over his head before turning to face the green-haired man, who is now shirtless, holding his green t-shirt out.
“I’m not taking your fucking shirt, Deku,” Katsuki growls. “Go talk to Uraraka. She’s your fuckin’ soulmate, asshole.”
“Oh, um… we’re just friends,” Midoriya says awkwardly.
“I don’t care,” Katsuki says, crossing his arms, holding his wet shirt awkwardly to the side so he doesn’t accidentally stain Dabi’s shirt.
Midoriya looks up at Katsuki’s eyes and sniffles. “I know you’re not my soulmate, Kacchan, but—”
“Don’t,” Katsuki snaps. “It’s not happening, Deku.”
“But, I thought…” Midoriya trails off. He gestures down to his own torso, which is decently muscular now, and is admittedly an improvement from how scrawny he was before.
“You thought what?” Katsuki asks, voice monotone.
“I’m stronger now,” Midoriya says, clenching his fists to steel himself. He looks up and forces himself to make eye contact with Katsuki again. “I can protect you.”
“What the fuck!?” Katsuki snarls as he starts walking back toward the house. “I don’t need your fucking protection, asshole.”
“Kacchan!” Midoriya pleads, reaching out to grab the blonde’s shoulder. “Katsuki!”
Katsuki stops and turns to level his most dangerous glare at the green-haired man.
“Do not call me that,” Katsuki says.
Midoriya is clearly struggling to hold back tears. “I-I was there, you know! Your parents were out of town for that work thing. I was the only one there for the first day!”
“Jesus fuck, Deku,” Katsuki says, running his free hand through his hair. “Is this fucking guilt or some shit? You didn’t stab me.”
“I saved your life,” Midoriya says.
Katsuki’s jaw drops, and he stares in disbelief at the shorter man.
“What the fuck,” Katsuki says lowly. “Are you trying to guilt me into fucking you?”
Midoriya squeaks and jumps back, waving his hands frantically. “No! That’s not what I meant!”
“Then tell me what that was supposed to mean before I fucking kill you,” Katsuki growls.
“I’m in love with you,” Midoriya blurts out.
Katsuki cocks a brow. “And?”
“Whoa, dude!” Takami says from right behind Katsuki, who’d forgotten he was there. Shit, he’d forgotten Dabi was there, too. Katsuki doesn’t dare to turn and look at either of them. “Shouldn’t you give him a chance?”
“I’m not required to date someone just because they won’t leave me the fuck alone,” Katsuki says, still staring straight at Midoriya, who is eyeing Takami and Dabi now.
“He’s right,” Dabi says. “Maybe you and Takami can have a discussion about why it’s not okay to pull shit like that.”
Midoriya opens his mouth and then closes it and frowns. He steps closer to Dabi, and Katsuki watches him warily. Dabi clearly looks uncomfortable with the closeness, but he stands his ground and stares blankly at Midoriya.
“You’ve got… black rings…” Midoriya says quietly, and Katsuki’s eyes snap up to Dabi’s face.
“He’s always had those,” Takami says quickly.
“No, I haven’t,” Dabi says coldly.
“They look like…” Midoriya turns to look at Katsuki.
Katsuki steps closer, shouldering past Midoriya to look at Dabi’s eyes. Katsuki hadn’t been close enough to notice them the one other time he’d met Dabi, but there they are. Black lines circling his turquoise irises.
“He called you Katsuki,” Dabi says quietly.
Katsuki blinks and looks down at Dabi’s crossed arms. He grabs the white-haired man’s left wrist and turns it over so he can look more carefully. Now that Katsuki is close enough, he realizes the discolored skin beneath the ink are burns, and nestled in with his tattoos is a little message surrounded in flowers.
Happy Birthday, Katsuki!
“Well, this is an interesting way to meet you, Touya,” Katsuki says, his eyes flicking back up to meet the man’s gaze. “Apparently the things we have in common includes childhood-friend-turned-stalker.”
A huge grin spreads across Touya’s face. “Let’s get out of here. We can wash your shirt at my place.”
Katsuki nods and they both turn to walk back toward the house, ignoring the calls of Takami and Midoriya from behind them.
“D’you live close by?” Katsuki asks curiously as they make their way in through the open back sliding door, both completely ignoring everyone else.
“I actually rent the studio apartment above the café,” Touya says, his entire attitude cheerful and giddy now.
“Makes sense,” Katsuki says.
“So, what was your first thought when you saw me?” Touya asks curiously.
“That you’re really fucking hot,” Katsuki says honestly. “And me?”
“Um, yeah,” Touya says with a nod. “I actually felt bad for my soulmate when I saw you walk in because there is no way anyone could be as gorgeous as you.”
Katsuki’s cheeks flush a deep pink, which has Touya chuckling. They reach the front door of the house and Touya opens it, holding it for Katsuki to walk through first. They step outside again and Touya closes the door behind them, turning to lead the way toward the café.
“I should probably text Uraraka,” Katsuki says suddenly, pulling out his phone.
“Uraraka Ochako?” Touya questions.
“Yeah,” Katsuki says as he texts out a quick apology and promises to bring her mochi when he explains things to her fully. “Met her in the gym. She tried to out-lift me.”
Touya laughs. “I bet you won.”
“’Course I did,” Katsuki grumbles as he puts his phone back in his pocket. He looks up to Touya with a single raised brow. “So, explain Dabi to me.”
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valleyrunearchives · 2 years
Weightless (The Leap of a Jade Rabbit)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Chapter 10/?
Midoriya Izuku stopped believing in heroes when a tragedy occurred in his life. When at the tender age of 11, he lost everything that was everything dear to him, everything that was worth living for. Yet he doesn’t give up. He can’t give up. He decides to make a choice instead. No longer will he stand around and wait for the heroes to arrive while a crime goes down. He’ll be his own hero and a hero to those who are just like him. Those waiting for help that will never arrive. In order to do that, though, he’ll have to fight to survive and lie through his teeth. It won’t be so bad!
After all, it’s not like they can bring him in for vigilantism and Illegal Quirk Usage when he doesn’t even have a quirk, right?
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Izuku taps his foot gently against the sidewalk as he leans against the building behind him. Tuesday had come fast, far faster than he was anticipating really. He decided after that guy attempted to kidnap the red haired kid -Kirishima Eijirou, he reminded himself- that he would stay on the downlow for a little while. Heroes and police officers alike would more than likely be actively looking for him for a while. Best to stay hidden for a bit to throw them off his trail. 
He turns his head to look into the window of the fashion shop. How one man can make such a successful fashion chain with nothing but denim, Izuku will never know. Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru probably had a fit over it when it first opened. Though, those are a very nice pair of jeans. Too bad they're way too expensive for him to even consider. A shout pulls his attention away from the window. 
Izuku glances over and raises an eyebrow. It's Kirishima Eijirou alright, hard to forget that bright red hair color. The styling is… different. Very… spiky. It kind of suits him honestly. Eijirou runs over to him with a happy grin. He opens his mouth and Izuku panics. He immediately shushes him, just knowing that the other boy is about to shout out his vigilante name. The red head’s mouth shuts with a click before he approaches again to get closer and whispers, “Why am I being shushed?”
“Because you can’t call me by my vigilante name in public!” He hisses out obviously, “I’m sorry but you can’t! Who knows who could be around to hear!”
“Right! Right… Then what do I call you?” he asks.
Izuku sighs, “You can call me by my name. Midoriya Izuku. You can just use Izuku though. I haven’t been a Midoriya in a long time now.”
“Izu-bro! Got it!” Eijirou grins, pressing his fist together. That must be a nervous tick of his, like Katsuki’s. “You can call me Eijirou then. Or Ei or Eiji! Anything works, man!”
“Gotcha. Now that names are out of the way; Onto ground rules!”
He can tell Eijirou’s confused by that. He lets out a sigh and reaches up to tug a few of his fingers through wayward forest green curls. Then he holds up a finger, “Number one: You cannot discuss my… nighttime activities. With my friend or otherwise unless it is just the two of us and I’m in costume. He has no idea that I’m a vigilante and I want to keep it that way because I don’t want to die by his hand.”
“That sounds a bit dramatic bro,” Eijirou crosses his arms over his chest, “I mean it pretty much makes you a  secret hero. Most people love heroes! Don’t you think that’s an unfair assumption about him?”
“It’s not,” He levels his voice into a flat tone, “He would murder me if he knew I was putting myself in danger to take down criminals. And then his mom would murder me again once he told her. They’re just like that.” 
“That… makes no sense.”
“Kacchan makes no sense. You’ll get used to it quickly, trust me,” He holds up two fingers, “Number two: If asked, we met by accident on the way to school one day. You were nice to me, I was nice to you, so we decided to be friends.”
“Is… Will he believe that?” Eijirou asks skeptically.
“Yes he will. Easily. Kacchan has no understanding of social cues. He’s socially blind. Give him a complex math or science problem and he’ll have it solved in an hour with his work shown and detailed out. But bluff something to his face and he’ll accept whatever you tell him as fact just because he won’t be able to recognize it for what it is; A misdirection.”
Eijirou kind of chuckles at that, seeing the humor in the statement. “What happens if he does figure it out though?”
Izuku rolls his tongue over his teeth in thought before letting it click against his lip and giving him a sheepish grin, “God help us and pray we get a big enough head start for running away?”
“... I would like to make the suggestion that we tweek the lie, just a little bit to seem more believable? Maybe we could say we figured out we have something in common?” Eijirou offers.
“And that would be?” He’s fully open to suggestions if Eijirou thinks this would help him keep his secret. 
“I dunno, bro. What’s something you like? Video games?”
“I haven’t played video games since over two years agos.” 
Eijirou’s face takes on a strange look to it, “Not even on your phone? Like Candy Smash?” 
“I don’t have a phone. Can’t afford it.” He shrugs, “Things like food and clothes are more important anyway.” 
Eijirou raises an eyebrow at that. Izuku can see by the way it pulls the skin that there’s actually a small scar through it. He briefly wonders how he got it. “Okay… Then what do you like? Maybe I like it too?” 
He had to think about that. What was something he liked? That was normal and appropriate for their age group. Survivalism was only liked on TV shows by kids… A controlled environment kind of thing and only adults were ever involved. Vigilantism wouldn’t work either.  It was taught in schools these days that vigilantes were just bad guys trying to slap a good guy name tag on their chest while pretending to be in the right. A horrible reputation really. Vigilantes were so much more than that! He should know, he is one! Back to the mental topic at hand though. He reaches up and drums his fingers on his cheek softly. Things he likes… things he likes… Well maybe he can go with something he used to like. “I guess I used to really like heroes and their quirks. On kind of an obsessive level now that I’m actually thinking about it…”
Eijirou’s eyes seemed to light up, fists pumping in the air happily, “Bro, I can work with that!” 
“Really?” Well, that was easy.
“Yeah man! Who’s your favorite?! I like Crimson Riot the best! Oh, but Fat Gum is a close second! He’s kind of a newer one but still super cool!”
With that his analytical brain kicks in and all thought of anything else goes out the window, “I can see why you would like Crimson Riot best. Also now your hair makes so much sense to me! Not only is his quirk very if not strikingly similar to what I’ve seen of yours but his overall demeanor is very inspiring. He focuses on living life to the fullest but all the most courteous and courageous you can. A ‘manly’ life so to speak. He also does a lot of work with younger boys who live in underprivileged areas and takes on sidekicks thought to not have good male role models in their lives. It’s extremely admirable of him. Fat Gum is a bit of a surprise but not really. He’s a very kind hero and doesn’t discriminate in rescues. His quirk is also extremely fascinating. 
To store fatty lipid cells at near extreme quantities that can then be burned off and replenished at any time. But how does it work? What type of fat does he store? Essential, subcutaneous, or visceral fat? It’s probably not essential since it would most likely hurt him to replenish and lose those cells constantly. Most would say visceral due to the fact that most of his weight is stored in his stomach region but I think that’s wrong. More than likely it’s actually subcutaneous fat considering it’s the type of fat found under the skin. Instead of gaining and losing visceral fat rapidly like the media thinks, what I believe actually occurs is that he just uses the food to build up the layer of fat beneath the skin cells. Then basically when he ‘burns it off’, he just internally sheds the layer to be processed by the body as simple nutrients which is why he doesn’t get overly tired after burning the fat off and can immediately restart the process of building them back up without feeling sick. Kind of similar to blubber in creatures like whales but it burns off faster. Now the bigger question is where does he get it from? Which fat group in foods? Saturated fat is a likely option since it’s mostly made up of animal products and is very… fatty, so to speak. As are trans fats. But he seems to like foods like Takoyaki best so maybe it’s not even fats at all but some other kind of element in food such as certain starches or proteins or-”
He jolts out of it in a hurry, realizing suddenly that he’s rambling. A glance at Eijirou shows the boy staring at him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. He slaps his hands over his mouth. Oh shit I did it again, he thought.
“Bro… that was…” Eijirou’s voice is shaky.
“I-I’m sorry! I know it’s c-creepy when I do that! I-I just don’t know w-what comes over me sometimes a-and then I can’t seem to s-stop!” he hastily apologizes. 
“No, no! It was really cool! I never would have thought that! I doubt anyone has thought that!” Eijirou moves up to whisper, “If you could get close, you should tell Fat Gum all that one day!”
“Uh no! No… Heroes don’t really like for me to tell them things about their quirks, especially the hypothetical stuff I think of… They get annoyed that I’m trying to get in the way and tell them how to be a hero…” he murmurs sadly.
The red head’s eyebrows furrow at that, “That’s messed up, bro. It’s super manly that you know all that stuff just from seeing their quirk! If they can’t take a bit of constructive criticism that might help them out then they don’t need to be heroes at all! Be more confident in yourself, man!” 
Tears spring up in his eyes in a hurry. He thought he was done with being over emotional after he became homeless. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry! He’s only ever really had three people tell him that his weird brain analysis thing that it does is cool and could probably be really helpful. His mom, Auntie Mitsuki, and Uncle Masaru. Katsuki had never said anything like that but he looked at Izuku like he had the answer to life in the palm of his hand when Izuku offered some tips on his quirk. Again. Izuku is very pleased to note that when he gave his second set of advice to Katsuki it was after their makeup a few months ago. The first time he tried, Katsuki had just been confused and angry, thinking that Izuku had been making fun of him or something. A farcry of difference to be sure. 
He sniffles meekly, “Yeah… yeah okay,” He swipes the tears out of his eyes, “Um… we should go. Kacchan’s probably pulling his hair out in worry since I haven’t shown up yet. I usually beat him to the coffee shop.”
“Oh let’s go then!” Eijirou says happily, grabbing his hand and practically dragging him down the street. Izuku makes a sound similar to a squawk as he trips over his own feet, “Slow down a bit please!”
Eijirou apologizes and does slow down like he asks. Izuku notes that he doesn’t let go of his hand though. That’s fine. It’s kind of nice to have some physical touch that’s not a fight for once in such a long time. As they approach the front of the coffee shop, Katsuki is there and waiting. But clearly not patiently. He’s pacing restlessly. His hair is sticking up at odd angles where he’s probably ran his hand through it and the nitroglycerin on his palms caused it to frizz out more than usual. His palms are also smoking and popping in his nerves. Whoops. Maybe they should have talked faster.
He takes the lead from Eijirou, still not releasing his hand, and calls out, “Kacchan!”
The blonde boy whips around with concern blanketed by anger in his eyes, “Thank fuck! Where were you, Nerd?! Where have you-” He cuts himself off as he notices Eijirou next to him, “Who the fuck is that?”
“Kacchan, this is Kirishima Eijirou. We met on the way to school a few days ago!” He smiles at the red head, “Eiji, this is Bakugou Katsuki; my friend from childhood that I told you a bit about.”
“So you’re the Baku-bro that Izu-bro was talking about! Nice! You can just call me Eijirou or Eiji if you want! I don’t mind!” Izuku’s thankful that Eijirou immediately took to playing along. It would help the believability of their story that he did.
Katsuki was silent for a long moment, trading glances between the two of them. Then he squinted his eyes into a glare at the red head, “You want to be friends with us, huh? Fine… then I just have one question for you, Shitty Hair.” 
Eijirou put a hand on said hair and looked at Izuku pleadingly, “My hair’s not that bad is it?”
He shakes his head in reassurance, “No. That’s just Kacchan’s new affectionate nickname for you. He doesn’t mean it, he just doesn’t know how to make them friendly and nice. I’m sure you heard but I’m Nerd. He calls his parents Old Hag and Old man. It kind of means he likes you in a way!”
Katsuki blushes with a sharp, angry sound, “Shut up, Nerd! Anyway, question time!” He glares again at Eijirou.
“Right, sure! I’ll answer anything if it means we can all be bros!” Eijirou grins at him with all those sharp teeth. Not aggressively. Izuku kind of thinks it makes him look like a happy, docile puppy who was also a shark. Oddly.
Katsuki doesn’t let up on his glare at the other pre-teen, “How do you feel about quirkless people? Answer very fucking carefully!” 
“Kacchan!” Izuku cries in indignation.
“What do you mean?” Eijirou blinks in confusion, “What about them? They’re just people, like you and me. Just because they don’t have a quirk doesn’t mean anything.” 
“Do you think that means they’re less than the quirked population?” Katsuki asks next. He blushes darkly, knowing that Katsuki is asking to be protective over him. Anyone who answers wrong gets an immediate beating before being booted from their presence by the blonde.
“No! Of course not! That’s a messed up way of thinking, man! If anything they’re the most manly people there are!” Tears appear in the other boy’s eyes as he raises a fist to his face, much to Izuku and Katsuki’s surprise, “To go through what they do and still sometimes end up stronger than people like me is just… It’s so manly! They’re inspiring!”
Oh and there come the warm fuzzies in Izuku’s chest again. He tamps down the feeling and raises his free hand to cover his face. Katsuki nods in pleasure, “Good.”
“Kacchan…” Izuku whines at him, “I hadn’t even told him yet…”
“Huh? Tell me what?” Now Eijirou is the one looking in between him and the blonde.
“The reason he asked you those questions is because I’m… quirkless…”
It’s quiet for a long moment before Eijirou whispers, “Dude… I just gained like… a whole new respect for you.”
Izuku smiles at him in gratefulness. Katsuki, meanwhile, lets out a huff through his nose, “Yeah alright. He passed. Shitty Hair can stay.”
Both Izuku and Eijirou light up at that. The red head cheers as Izuku finally lets go of Eijirou’s hand to clap in glee. Katsuki rolls his eyes and turns to head into the cafe, trusting the two of them to follow, “So how’d you and the Nerd get to be such good friends so fucking fast anyway?”
“Oh! Heroes, man! Izu-bro’s a genius when it comes to heroes and their quirks! He went on like a five minute rant on one of my faves! Stuff that probably no one’s even thought of! It was amazing!” Eijirou says happily, fists pressed against each other in that strangely Eijirou way.
Katsuki scoffs, “Of course you became friends with him by picking up on the one thing the nerd gets a massive fucking boner over!”
“Kacchan!” This time it’s a scandalized cry from Izuku. How could he just say that out loud! Eijirou thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world though and actually has to pause to lean against the cafe door before entering to catch his breath from laughing so hard. Even though he’s fairly certain his face is about to catch fire, it’s nice having two friends now to rely on. One who even knows more than the other. It’ll be nice to talk to them both on the regular.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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― ♡ LONG FIC (4k+) 
am i warm enough for you // 5.6k 
(sfw) soulmate au in which you and your soulmate mean in your dreams. fem!reader. 
bloom // 6.2k 
(nsfw, 18+) 5 times you get on bakugou katsukis nerves and the one time you do the opposite. idiots to lovers. fem!reader
they don’t love you like i do // 12.2k 
(nsfw, 18+) denki brings up pegging when you and bakugou are kirishimas kickback and bakugou can’t help but be curious. afab but gn!reader, dom!reader
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― ♡ SHORT FIC (1k+) 
loverboy // 1.6k 
(sfw) in which bakugou comes to pick you up from your unpleasant work dinner. fem!reader 
shoujo manga // 1.5k 
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou isn’t good at expressing his feelings, so his kisses more often feel like a language than not. fem!reader
into it // 1.5k 
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou katsuki likes to spoil you rotten. fem!reader 
head down // 1k 
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou likes to fuck your pretty face and be a little mean about it. fem!reader
winner takes all // 1k 
(sfw) you and bakugou make a stupid bet and you fail miserably. fem!reader
bully bakugou (part 1) (part 2) (extra)
(nsfw, 18+, dark content!) bakugou katsuki is a bully and he really does like you. dubcon, bullying, etc. fem!reader
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou katsuki hates waiting for you to come home. gn!reader, anal (m!recieving)
it’s you, always // 1k
(sfw) bakugou takes you to meet his parents and mitsuki asks you what about bakugou you happen to like. fem!reader
take in stride // 1.4k 
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou is fun to tease especially when he gets new braced. gn! reader but afab 
love will follow, somewhere // 2.4k
(sfw) bakugou katsuki can’t help but hope love will follow him, despite himself. 
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eden // 903 
(sfw) bakugou comes home to you and you wait for him, just like always. gn!reader
untitled // 514 
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou approaches you at a party like you didn’t show up together. fem!reader
open / close // 640
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou explore intimacy with you, soft and slow. fem!reader
untitled // 439
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou katsuki is an awfully curious lover. fem!reader
babyfever // 598
(sfw-ish) bakugou wants a couple of brats and when he gets them, he loves them. fem!reader
inexperienced bakugou // 679
(nsfw, 18+) bakugou doesn’t know anything about sex but he’s more than willing to learn
untitled // 453 
(sfw) after all those years, bakugou still needs to hear the sound of your voice
untitled // 387
(sfw) bakugou likes winning things for you at the carnival gn!reader
untitled // 760
(nsfw, 18+) bkg is a painslut and wants to get a facetattoo from you. fem!reader
with his eyes // 547 
(sfw) bakugou katsuki feels love with his eyes
(nsfw, 18+) reader has a dick, gn!reader, omegaverse 
my heart on my sleeve // 760 
(sfw) bakugou wants to ask you something before he makes his long trip. gn!reader
enough // 742 
(sfw) it’s been a long day. but bakugou wants to remind you that you’re enough
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bakugou headcanons that feel like a warm hand // 1.2k
(sfw) me having the worst bkg brainrot you’ve ever seen in your life
catboy!bakugou // 558
(sfw) bkg is your stray little meow meow. gn!reader
soft n obsessed bkg // 280 
(sfw) a little toxicity as a pre-req. gn!reader
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one | two | three | four | five | six (nsfw, 18+) | seven (nsfw, 18+) | eight (nsfw, 18+) | nine  | ten (nsfw, 18+) |
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
4 weeks - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, needy Bakugou, 18+, sub!bakugou, dom!f!reader, oral, use of viagra, NOT SPELL CHECKED (sorry >w<)
Summary: Bakugou done fucked up and now he has to pay the price..sorta
A/N: just for the sake of the story, your quirk is “Command.” As long as you come into physical contact with your opponent, even for a second, you can command them to do your bidding until you say “rebel.”
You could’ve sworn the whole house, scratch that, the whole world shook as Bakugou screamed at you.
Bakugou had fucked up. During a little heated session, things got a little too rough. As Bakugou was railing you from the back, he tugged at your hair. However, along with your soft locks, he pulled on your thin necklace chain that was gifted to you by your precious 5 year old son. The chain broke and Bakugou didn’t even tell you. He opted to have you both finish before he even mentioned the broken gift.
And now it was the next day and Katsuo, your son, had noticed the missing necklace. It did hurt him a bit especially considering he did so much to earn money and go with grandma to buy the necklace but he assured you it was okay. You sent him off to his room to play as you walked to the kitchen to scold and punish your husband. As you complained to him, he conversed with you as his back was facing you and only turned when he heard your punishment for him.
“You heard me. 4 weeks. No sex, no touching, no hugs or kisses, no nothing. No. Physical. Contact.” You said with a stern and nonchalant face. Your arms were crossed as you faced your husband who looked at you with an open mouth and open palms.
“Wha- but- WHY???” He whined.
“Katsuki come on! You broke my very expensive necklace!” You said, gesturing to your now bare neck.
“Who cares if it was expensive, I could buy you another one! We’re pros Y/N, we could buy a unicorn if we wanted!” Bakugou argued as he was still trying to get out of his punishment. You only crossed your arms and pressed your fingers into your forehead.
“That’s not the point! It’s the fact that even though it was so expensive, our 5 year old son still bought it! And so because you broke it, this is your punishment.” You explained. Bakugou groaned as he threw his head back and huffed towards the ceiling when an idea came to his mind.
“You know..” he began as he walked towards you, “I broke that necklace, on accident, because I was so focused on pleasuring my queen. Anndddd I could make it up to you in the exact same way~” He attempted to wrap his arms around your waist but you spun around and stepped behind him resulting in him stumbling forward. He turned towards you and growled.
“Really Katsuki? You’re gonna snarl at me? Look, you know the rules, so follow them. Now I’m going with Katsuo to get him a new toy to cheer him up, you just...heh, sit in your room and think about what you’ve done.” You teased. You grabbed your purse and had Katsuo get ready. Once he was done you told him to get into the car and you walked to Katsuki to say bye. You smirked as you looked at him and pressed your hands against his chest. You slowly went in for a kiss and Bakugou looked at you in shock before he smirked and leaned in too. But just as your lips were about to touch, you pulled away and walked to the door. As you opened it you turned to him and spoke.
“No kisses. Remember?” You grinned at him. He snarled and picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it towards you but you shut the door before it could reach you. This was gonna be a long 4 weeks for Katsuki.
Katsuki awoken to his gorgeous wife....sleeping on the other side of the bed far..far away from him. No touching meant no sleepy time cuddles either. It had already been like this for a week. He looked a little closer at her sleeping figure and smiled at her peaceful state. He scooted closer and he tucked his head into your neck and wrapped his arm around your waist. Or more like he tried to. The second his arm made contact with your body for cuddles, you woke up and smacked his hand away.
“Ah! Y/N!! This isn’t fair!” He whined. He looked at his arm and saw a little red shade forming as he pouted at you. You turned towards your doting husband and just gave him a stern look.
“Who broke my necklace?” Bakugou sighed and flopped onto the bed on his back as he faced the ceiling.
“And now who has to pay the price?”
“Me.” He pouted again. You chuckled as you got up and stretched.
“Stop pouting Suki. You’re not Katsuo.” You giggled but he only looked at you with the same pout.
“He’s my carbon copy, we’re basically the same person.” You smiled at your humorous husband and he smiled seeing the grin that bestowed your face. You kneeled on the bed and leaned into him. You placed your hands on his chest as you got close to his face.
“You’ll survive, Love.” You said and then gave him a loving kiss. His eyes went wide at the surprise contact but he quickly smiled into the kiss and returned it as he shut his eyes to enjoy it. You intensified the kiss but when Katsuki went to pull you in closer by your neck, you quickly backed away. He looked at you in shock before whining again.
“Okay, first of all, I thought you said no touching.” He growled as he clenched his fist.
“I said you couldn’t touch. Never said anything about me,” you said with a cocky grin. Bakugou’s face went red at your devious actions.
“Okay well what the fuck? You can’t just kiss me like that and stop after I already went a whole week without touching you. Come back here,” he said as he tried to grab onto your wrist but you backed up and walked to your bedroom door.
“Get ready for the day love, this is just the beginning.”
Mitsuki and Masaru had just arrived. Katsuki was sitting on the couch trying to distract himself with the TV while you were in the kitchen making a smoothie when door bell rang. You opened the door greeting your in-laws with love and expectance.
“Hi Mom! Dad! Come in! Katsuo is almost done packing his bags,” you happily said as you stepped to the side to allow your mother and father in law to enter.
“Umm, what? Why is my son packing his bags?” Katsuki asked as he stood from the couch.
“Y/N didn’t tell you? We called a few nights ago asking to bring Katsuo on a trip. She said yes and told us she’d tell you about it later,” Masaru explained. Katsuki jerked his head towards Y/N in disbelief as she placed her hand on the side of cheek and spoke.
“Oops! I guess I forgot,” you said with sarcasm dripping in your voice. Mitsuki and Masaru believed you but when they turned to face their son again your mischievous grin returned as you also faced Katsuki. He was silently fuming as he watched you go from angel to devil in a second.
“Ah well, who cares. Point is, we’re here to pick up my grandson!” Mitsuki said as she took a seat on the couch. You all made small talk but Katsuki continued to stand as he processed just how conniving his wife was.
“Mama! I’m all set!” Katsuo said as he came down the stairs with his little suitcase and teddy bear in hand.
“Hi baby! Grandma and Grandpa are already here,” you said and Katsuo excitedly ran to his grandparents.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Katsuo said as he jumped into their arms.
“Ohh, hello my little firecracker!” Mitsuki said, greeting her grandson. “Ready for a vacation in Rio?”
“Mhm!” Katsuo quickly replied but Katsuki just stuttered in shock before he spoke again.
“Woah- wait? Rio? You’re taking him to Brazil? That’s across the globe, how long are you guys gonna be gone?” Katsuki asked with concern. Not for his son, he completely trusted his parents with his child and he knew they would have fun. He was worried for himself. Taking care of Katsuo was a distraction for Katsuki. Watching his son kept his mind off of wrecking Y/N. If his son was away for too long, he didn’t know how long he would survive his punishment.
“We’ll be gone for about 3 weeks. Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.” Masaru said.
“Wha- huh? 3 WEEKS?! .....Y/N you little satan,” he whispered the last part. He turned to face you and saw a Cheshire grin on your face. His face turned red and you swore you could see steam leave Katsuki’s ears but you continued as if everything was normal.
“Alright well, we’ll be going now!” Mitsuki said as she stood alongside her husband. Katsuo said his partings with his parents and they said their “I love you’s” before their son walked out the door with his grandparents. Katsuo was about to have the time of his life while Katsuki was left to suffer.
Y/N was seated on the couch as Katsuki was still seething. She held a grin on her face as Katsuki slowly turned to look at her.
“You got some explaining to do, princess,” he said adding poison to the loving nickname. You only smiled some more as you stood and walked to your husband. He towered over you but right now, you were above him because you held all the power now. You got in his face as you spoke words that would set him off.
“Whatchu’ gonna do now without your little distraction running around, daddy?” You softly but sinisterly and seductively said as you chuckled and purposely bumped into his shoulder as you walked away.
Bakugou has slowly been losing his mind. He was on the last day of the second week and it’s been killing him. When he sat down he would spazz a little and his fingers would be having a little seizure. His eye would twitch at night as he kept his back to you to restrain himself. The soft quiet moans you would release in your sleep every now and then would send Bakugou into the bathroom in the middle of the night to relieve himself. Just the sight of you was daring Bakugou to pounce.
You weren’t making it any easier for him either. First you send his son AKA his distraction from his hot wife away, then you tease him constantly, you also allow yourself to touch him but refuse to let him cop a feel on you, and now, you walk around after work in his t-shirt and a pair of cute panties. Your plump ass on display and the sight of your plush thighs drove him wild.
You were sipping tea in the kitchen when your frantic husband came in. You took notice of him and greeted him with a smile before it quickly dropped at the sight of him. He looked awful. Bags under his eyes, a twitching eye, a crooked line for a smile, disheveled hair, and his posture was horrendous. He took a seat next to you saying nothing as he just tapped his foot against the floor.
“Umm...baby? Are you okay-“
“NO! I’m not! I’m not okay, not at all!” He snapped as he looked at you with wide eyes. You stared back at him with the same eyes as you slowly took another sip before continuing.
“What’s the problem, love?” You asked as if you didn’t know.
“What’s the problem?” He began with a whisper. “What’s the problem?! Oh, like you don’t know you TEASE!” Bakugou stood from his seat as he clapped his hands to dramatically to explain.
“HOR-NY!” He said as he brought his hands together for each sound. “I am insanely horny, you shitty woman! I can’t get myself off, I don’t have my son around to keep me busy, work is just annoying now, and my fine ass wife won’t let me touch her!”
You laughed a little as he explained and Katsuki had his jaw dropped at your rude behavior.
“You’re laughing? Oh you think this is funny? Oh okay,” he said and walked away.
“WHEN THIS BULLSHIT IS OVER, YOU’RE SUCKING MY DICK Y/N!” He slammed the door to your shared bedroom but he screamed loud enough for you to hear all the way from the kitchen. “ON SOFT!”
The end of the third week. It was almost too much for Katsuki. Katsuo would be back in another week but it would be pointless because the punishment would be over by then. I mean yeah, he’d get to have his son back again (yayy familyyy) but when Katsuo would be back, Katsuki would be completely indulging himself in Y/N. How the fuck were they supposed to keep quiet?
Whatever though. Katsuki had no time to think of the future. He was living in the now, and so he had to come up with a plan to get Y/N to break. In the beginning of the 4th week, Katsuki spent time and time again tweaking his plans and coming up with new tactics until he realized....his damn wife was just as stubborn and hard headed as he was. Nothing was gonna break her. And so we’ve been led to this.
Bakugou resorted to being a puppy that basically had separation anxiety. He would yell and shout and whine at every chance he had. He would do whatever if it meant getting you to break. He missed you. The last time you made physical contact with him was during that kiss and man did it send Katsuki into a frenzy.
Considering Katsuki’s quirk contained nitroglycerin, a chemical commonly found in viagra, it was safe to say it was very easy for you to rile him up. And as he thought about that, it hit him like a train. If he can’t go to you, then he’ll make you come to him. He’ll set you up and he knows exactly how to do it.
Bakugou left the bedroom and ran down the stairs to find you in the living room. You were cozied up with yourself under a blanket that covered your booty shorts that you wore. You were entranced by the story of a book as you allowed the TV to play at a low volume for background noise and Bakugou’s heart swelled at such a domesticated moment. “Hi baby.”
You looked up to your husband and rolled your eyes with a smile as you looked at him. You wondered what trick he had up his sleeve this time around. “Hey. You need something?” You asked.
“Mm mm,” he shook his head with a soft smile, how cute. “Just was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. Get some snacks, sit in bed, and just enjoy some time together.”
You smile grew wider at the thought of a little date night in your shared bedroom and you were quick to agree to his offer. “I’ll get the snacks,”
“No don’t worry about. I’ll get it. I already have everything set up. Picked a movie and everything. All you have to do is just be there with me.” You awed at your husband’s kind gestures as you went up to peck his cheek.
“Thanks Suki!” You happily said as you walked away. Bakugou watched your form disappear into the master bedroom before he quickly ran through all the cabinets and fridge. He frantically looked for viagra but when he couldn’t find any he whipped out his phone. He called a number that he knew was going to be able to help him.
“Listen Dunce Face. Don’t ask any questions, just do as I say if you want to fucking live. I know you have female viagra on you and if you don’t, get your ass to the store right now and pick some up for me. Bring it to me ASAP!” He quickly said and hung up before giving Kaminari any time to reply. Bakugou slowly prepared snacks to eat and in 5 minutes a knock was heard on the door. He ran to it and opened the wooden piece to find a huffing electric blonde.
“I....I....I got it!” Kaminari tiredly breathed out as he held a bag over his head to show the items he brought. Bakugou snatched it out of his hand before giving a quick ‘thanks!’ To show his appreciation and slammed the door.
Katsuki took the pills out of its containers and crushed 2 into a powder. He mixed it in with your bottle of water and finally brought the snacks and drinks up to you. He walked in to find you waiting on the bed for him and you smiled at the sight of him. He placed the bags of junk on the bed as he quickly joined you until he realized something was off.
“Umm...Y/N?” You smiled as you knew what he was going to ask and considering you guys were gonna have a little movie date, you gave in.
“Fine.” You happily said as you gave in and Bakugou was quick to pull you into his arms and become the big spoon. He finally got to hold you after so many weeks but this was not his main goal. No he wanted much more. This was only a stepping stone to his victory.
The movie began and Bakugou had you cuddled in his arms. You were enjoying the warmth of your husband as your eyes were drawn to the screen and you couldn’t help but smile at these sweet intimate moments like this. Yeah. You’ve missed him over the past few weeks but a punishment is a punishment. So you decided to savor this time with him before going back to cutting off physical contact once more.
Time had passed and Bakugou watched as you picked at the snacks and swallow down sips of the contaminated water. He smirked every time you downed a gulp and now the best part was coming up. See, Bakugou chose everything so that he knew exactly how everything would turn out. With that being said, he chose a movie that he knew would help the viagra in your system to get you going.
The erotic scene played and Bakugou watched as you rubbed your thighs together for friction. You bit your lip from time to time to hold back a needy groan and you began feeling heat all over you. And it wasn’t coming from Katsuki. Seeing you in this state, Bakugou slowly went to place a hand on your bare thigh. You didn’t push him away and Bakugou grinned at the fact that you were breaking. He soothed and rubbed at your thigh as he would squeeze it every now and then as well. The whole time you were asking yourself why the explicit scene was so detailed and so long.
Out of nowhere, you felt Bakugou’s hand travel up your leg and to your core but just for a second. The teasing touch had you silently gasp and you craved for more. You turned to Bakugou to see he was leaning against the headboard and he would release a grunt every so often which didn’t help relieve your growing heat. He didn’t seem bothered by anything or affected at all as he watched the movie continue.
Enough was enough, you picked up the remote and turned off the TV. Bakugou turned to look at you with a raised brow but openly smirked once he saw you straddle his lap. You shamelessly began to grind yourself against his core as you both released sighs and moans at the friction. His hands went straight to your hips as he spoke.
“What’s wrong princess? What happened to my punishment?” He teasingly asked.
“Shut up,” was all that you said before you quickly dove in for a hungry kiss that Bakugou happily returned. It was all teeth and tongue as you both pressed against each other, grinding against one another’s clothed centers. Moans were released into the kiss as you began to undress yourself. You both pulled away for a second to remove your tops but quickly went back in for the kiss. You removed your shorts as Bakugou remained in his sweats. You were left in nothing but panties before Katsuki decided to rip those off.
“Katsuki...nobody said anything about you being able to touch me again,” you clarified with sharp eyes. Bakugou’s eyes went wide. He thought this was the end of the punishment. He thought you gave in.
“What do you-“
Before he could finish, you placed your hand on his shoulder and activated your quirk.
And just like that, Bakugou was out like a light. While he was unconscious, you took the opportunity to tie his wrists to the headboard using one of his dress ties. You removed his sweats and briefs as you allowed his member to stand tall. You stared at the red, angry tip that was drenched in pre-cum. You smirked as you sat yourself on his waist as your hand went to stroke his member the slightest bit. He moaned in his sleep and you giggled as you spoke again.
Bakugou slowly woke up, but once he fully came to, he was completely submerged in pleasure. His eyes were blessed with the view of your naked body, with a beautiful face that adorned a smirk. And he understood why you held the malicious smile. He groaned as he felt your pace at his dick speed up. You leaned down to his ear as Katsuki held heavy breaths with a flushed and red face.
“No touching, remember Suki?” You whispered as you then licked the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“F-fuck! Fuck, Y/N please. Please just do something...Ahh~” You trailed your thumb up to his tip as you focused on it. The feeling sent Bakugou into heaven.
“Awww, you thought you could tell me what to do? If you didn’t notice, tonight, I’m in charge.” You said with a grin and devious eyes. Bakugou groaned even more as he waited for you to do..anything! “I’ll tell you what though, Suki. You have been pretty decent for the past few weeks so I’ll give you a little something. And maybe if you’re a good boy for me, I’ll let you have the main course.”
Bakugou watched as you stopped your hand movements and scooted back. You were face to face with his dick as you jerked him off some more. You held his member in your hand as you made eye contact with him. You licked the base of his cock all the way to the tip causing Bakugou to sigh and moan. You kissed the tip before taking it into your mouth and swirling your tongue around.
“Oh s-shit! Baby! Fuck-“
You went down on him one time and moaned around his cock, allowing the vibrations to have full affect on your trembling husband. You pulled off him with a pop as you smiled up at him.
“Oh I’m sorry. You wanted me to suck your dick on soft, right?...Mm, well it’s not my fault you can’t control your hard on.” You teased to which Bakugou growled at you. “Again with the snarling? That’s not what good boys do Suki. Good boys do what they’re told so they get to cum inside a pretty pussy~”
Bakugou perked up at the temptation. Cumming inside you. Breeding you. Pumping you full until you give him another brat. The thought of you walking around beautifully swollen with his kid drove him mad and desperate.
“Let me cum inside you Princess.” He asked with a soft but stern tone.
“Ah ah, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re not the one giving orders tonight, Katsuki. So listen up. I’ll go down on you for about 5 minutes. If you don’t come in those 5 minutes, I’ll let you cum inside. However, if you do, I’ll be leaving you here with a cock ring for the next few hours while I go and pleasure myself somewhere else. Understand?” You watched as he attempted to fight against his restraints.
“No.” He refused to give in. He turned his head down, avoiding your gaze and you sighed in return.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself,” you said and slid off him. You were about to walk away before Bakugou called out for you.
“No wait!” You turned to him and gave a little curl with your lip. “Tch....please.” He said while blushing and staring off.
“Please what suki?” You said, acting dumb. Bakugou really didn’t wanna beg but he’s so close to getting what he’s been craving all month. Screw his damn pride. He was gonna get laid and he was gonna get it tonight!
“Please! ....Fuck me, touch me, suck my dick, let me cum inside you, do something to me! Please Y/N,” he begged. His member still stood erect and you smiled as you walked towards him.
“That’s my good boy,” you said as you caressed his jaw and gave him a quick and passionate kiss before moving down to suck him off. You kissed his tip multiple times before taking him in. He gasped and sighed at the contact and feeling of your warm cavern but he’ll be damned if he came undone in less than 5 minutes. He needed to cum inside your sweet little cunt and he was gonna do whatever it took to do so.
You bobbed your head at a steady pace causing Bakugou to plead for more. You swallowed his pre-cum, which left him gasping. Your hand went to fondle his balls as he fought against his restraints. He wanted to use his hands to take control but he couldn’t, not with them being tied up.
“P-please baby. Faster! Please!” He begged. And who were you to deny your good boy. You sped up your movements and moaned with his cock seated in your throat. “Ohh god! Yess!”
His legs shook as he was close to cumming. He looked at the time and saw he only had 1 minute left. Just 1 minute. Hold it in and he gets to cum inside you. However, he didn’t know you had a little trick up your sleeve.
When you walked away before, you grabbed a mini vibrator. Seeing he only had 1 minute left, you turned it on and placed it at the base of his cock while you sucked him off and moaned some more.
“F-fuck baby! S’too much! Stop- stop! ...ohh fuck I’m-I’m gonna cum!” Bakugou screamed with his head thrown back. He jerked his hips up as he attempted to fuck your mouth but you squeezed and scratched at his bare thighs to get him to stop. And finally, with your permission..
“You can cum now, good boy,”
He filled your mouth as he screamed in pleasure. His legs shook in pure ecstasy as he filled your mouth with his sweet-salty release. You pulled off him with a stuffed mouth and watched as his chest puffed up and fell down. He sighed before he looked at you with rosy cheeks. You smirked at him, opening your mouth to show him his work before swallowing it all. The erotic scene caused him to bite his lips and throw his head back as he puffed some more.
He can’t believe he was at his limit and all because of a blowjob. His dick grew soft but rose once more as vibrations came in contact with his shaft again. He flinched at the sudden feeling and looked at the cause of it and saw you holding the vibrator against him. “Baby? W-what? W-hy?”
“Aww Suki. Don’t you remember? It’s time to give you what you’ve wanted all month,” you smirked at him. His eyes went wide. How could he forget? He wanted to cum inside you so badly, but he didn’t know if he had any left. He didn’t know if he would be able to take it after his extreme climax.
“W-wait! Wait Y/N. I-..I need a break for a second. I can’t-“
“Excuse me?” You cut him off. “So you’re the only one that gets pleasure out of all this? I don’t think so.”
“No baby, that’s not what I meant. I just- it’s just...s’too much!” He cried out as he watched you hover over his erection. You lined his dick up with your entrance and smirked some more.
“You can handle it. I know you can. You’ll be my good boy and pleasure me too, right?” You sweetly said. Bakugou didn’t know what it was. He was never the submissive one but you calling him a ‘good boy’ did something to him. It made him want to completely submit to you and do whatever you pleased. You slammed down completely on his cock as you both cried out in pleasure.
“Fuck!” Bakugou screamed. You began a fast pace bouncing up and down on him. Your hands found placement on his bare chest as he threw his head back and made an abundant amount of noise. “Oh baby! Baby- slow down! F-fuck too much!”
“Mm..c’mon Suki..I thought you wanted this. Fuck- I thought you wanted..to be my good boy,” you teased while moaning. You held a devious grin as you rode him and he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. Poor baby was so overstimulated.
Bakugou released sobs of pleasure but he enjoyed it all nonetheless. “S-shit! Oh my godd Katsuki! S-So big!”
“Ahh! Fuck! Y-Y/N..baby please! Let me touch you! Please!” Bakugou seethed out. He had his feet planted on the bed as he attempted to thrust up into you. You, growing a soft spot for the man below you, gave in.
“Heh...be a good boy and please me Suki.” You released his wrists from their ties as you never stopped your motions and his hands were quick to find home around your waist.
Bakugou was quick to take control and bounce you up and down on his shaft, controlling the pace. Now it was your turn to scream and cry in pleasure as Bakugou slammed you down on his cock while ramming up into you at the same time. He was going to be a good boy and please you.
“F-fucking shit! You like that? Huh?” He gave your ass a quick and hard smack before continuing. “You like the way my dick feels inside your sweet pussy?”
The pleasure was too much for you. You could barely form words as he catered to your body. His thrusts were beginning to bring you to your end as you felt the familiar tight feeling grow stronger in your stomach. You pussy clenched around his shaft as he released a gruff moan at the squeeze.
“Shit..you gonna cum baby? Gonna cum on my dick? ...fuck yess~ let me fill you up princess,” he said as his thrust grew sloppy. He was close to his end as well and you nodded in approval to his desire.
“Ka-Katsuki! I’m gonna cum..fuck baby I’m cumming!” Bakugou sped up the slightest bit to help you reach your climax until you finally came. You both released cried of euphoria as you both met your orgasms and met each other for a hungry kiss. At the same time, Bakugou stopped his thrusts as he shot his load in you, and a mix of your releases seeped out of your cunt. Your kiss was sloppy as your tongues fought for dominance. Bakugou let his hands travel to your ass where they helped you grind on his dick a little more and smacked it once again.
You both had moaned into the kiss until oxygen became necessary. You separated from each other with small pecks before finally stopping. Bakugou remained inside you as you settled into his chest. He had his arms wrap around you as you both spent time catching your breaths. Once you both finally settled, you bathed in the comforting feeling of the after sex glow and cuddled in a comforting silence. Bakugou had kissed the crown of your head before he spoke up and broke the quiet.
“So much for a punishment,” he teased. You looked at him with slanted eyes as a way of telling your husband to shut up but he only chuckled at you. He lifted your chin and brought your lips to meet his once more for a loving kiss before separating to tell you sweet words.
“I love you, princess.” He said with his husky voice.
“I love you too, Suki.” You sent your hand to intertwine with his and he gladly accepted. He was right though. So much for a punishment. Oh well, you’ll get him next time he fucks up.
A/N: EW THE ENDING WAS SO BAD!!!! WTFFFFF! Whatever. I hope you enjoyed it bear Cubs! I’m sorry I’ve been in my lil slump but I feel myself getting better and I’ll be back soon!💗🧸 And now...to start on the ninth chapter of my series. Yayyyyy😓
A/N: I think my favorite part is when Katsuki yells “Suck my dick!...on soft!” Cuz I be walking around and saying that to mfs who test me. If you disrespect me, SUCK MY DICK..ON SOFT! 🤣 am I a female? YES! But you will suck my soft non-existent dick if you decide to act like a prick for no apparent reason. Thank you!😂
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
sensei trap au: since izuku and katsuki’s moms are best friends and considering their age difference, i’m guessing izu was one of kats’ primary babysitters when he was a little kid. and perhaps aideku got married when katsuki was still single digits? point being, katsuki when the class starts scheming: stop being dumbasses, the nerd hero is already married! || 1-A: yeah? to who?? || katsuki, channeling 9yo me who forgot all but 3 things about who my cousin married within a month: i don’t know!
Okay so in this one Inko, through a series of events, had Izuku early on in life and Mitsuki, concerned with her and Masaru getting settled in their careers and the like first, had Katsuki a bit later on in life. But despite Inko being a teen mom and Mitsuki waiting to have kids, Mitsuki's also a ride or die kind of person who never lets go once she really latches onto someone so her and Inko's friendship stayed rock solid.
So of course it ended up being that Izuku was Katsuki's main babysitter when he was a kid.
And Katsuki, being the all-or-nothing kind of brat he was, went full tsundere for Izuku. Just, adorable scowling exploding 4 year old who misread Izuku's name as Deku and refuses to ever call him anything else because that his nickname for Deku and no one else should ever use it. It became a full-blown family joke around the time Katsuki went full bulldog on someone for getting too close to Izuku.
(He was eight, he knew full well what he was doing and no he wasn't going to apologize for it. Ever.
All Might wears the scar with pride and likes to say it's one of his most honored battle wounds.)
Which of course caused an entire series of explosions and a lot of scowling blushing when Izuku first started calling him Kacchan and then later on used Dekiru for his hero name.
But, needless to say, Katsuki was determined he was going to marry Deku when he got old enough. He was gonna take the #1 spot from him first but then he was absolutely gonna marry the nerd because it's not like anyone else would ever be good enough for the dumbass or make sure he doesn't die of scurvy when he's researching something obscure or doing cold cases for fun. Obviously.
So, of course, that means that Shouta instantly becomes Katsuki's biggest rival the moment Izuku brings him home.
Shouta had never and still has never been threatened with death in so many ways and with so much cursing involved before he started dating Izuku and was introduced to the explosive leech he calls his honorary little brother.
Katsuki gave Shouta the I'm watching you/throat-slitting eyes/gesture on their wedding day. While they were at the alter.
Kid is truly the most feral child Shouta has ever met.
Shouta has a file in his laptop basically outlining the fact that if he ever mysteriously goes missing they should investigate Bakugou Katsuki first and any villains second. Not that he thinks the kid could ever get the drop on him, he's way too loud for that, but it's only logical to cover all his bases.
So when the entire thing starts going down with 1-A attempting to parent trap Dekiru and Aizawa, Katsuki hands down knows that Izuku's already married and to who.
He just doesn't give enough of a shit to tell the others to back off and he is, at his core, a petty petty individual. Some of which he came by naturally and a good portion of which he learned from Izuku himself.
He might even slide Monoma a helping hand or two cause he knows he could kick Knock Off Dracula's ass any day of the week and even if he doesn't really want to marry Deku himself now that he's older he still doesn't think anyone else is good enough for him either.
Even if he has to admit that Aizawa might not be the worst hero in the world and he does make Deku smile. So he's not all the way worthless. Maybe. Just a bit.
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tojiot · 3 years
ooh have about the main three with the fake dating trope :D
fake dating the main three
gn!reader, cursing here and there, typos and grammatical errors to be edited, past tense - present tense swerving to be fixed.
note: i was on vacation for 2 days without internet and i have bakugo's done in my notes but my phone died before i can even save it :D this will be kinda long because i went ahead of myself and detailed it exactly how i want. this is not betaed. please do tell me if there's a non they/them pronouns in here. hope you'll enjoy this!
requests are: open!
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ㅡ bakugo
i spent the whole day thinking about how he'll agree to fake date. let's just say he's the one in need.
his mom has been bothering him for a long time now. she wants to see katsuki bring home a partner for them to meet.
it's a pain in the ears and he's very TIRED so he decided to just fake date somebody.
the only person he can tolerate in class a aside from kirishima is you. he doesn't care about the other extras.
he'll search for you in the heights' lounge area and ask to talk.
"hey, can we talk?" he grumbles, "uhh, sure? do you want to talk here or somewhere private?" "somewhere private."
when you guys are in a more private area, he'd glare at you for a minute, it'll make you wonder if you did something wrong, before finally speaking.
"date me for a fucking day."
you'll snort at what he said and laugh thinking it was a joke but the annoyed and impatient look on his face says otherwise.
"wait.. are you for real?" "what do you think, shithead?"
bakugo trusts you so much that you have this significant role to play in his life.
you agreed, of course. it's the bakugo katsuki asking for your help. a once in a lifetime chance. (you just like him, stop making things up)
he brings you to the bakugo household the day after and his house is BIG big.
mitsuki, his mom, welcomes you with a big smile and a hug. he then glares at his son, "WHY ARE YOU ONLY BRINGING THIS PRETTY LITTLE CREATURE NOW, YOU BRAT?" "SHUT UP, OLD HAG! BE NICE OR I AIN'T BRINGING THEM HERE NO MORE."
masaru, who's just sitting there at the couch like nothing's happening, gives you a wave.
the dinner was good. his mom's a great cook, his father's a chatterbox. what surprised you the most was how quiet katsuki is. you're not sure why. maybe he's like this at home? quiet, calm, just serene.
"it's not everyday i see a person who can tame my brat of a son. i can see why he likes you, (y/n)." his mom beams at you, "you're pretty, a kind little one too. take care of my son, will ya?"
not knowing what to say, you smiled at her and said what's currently inside your mind, "if he'll let me, i'll take care of him for the rest of my life." you looked down, "but knowing katsuki, he doesn't need anyone to take care of him. he's strong and independent and he knows it. it'll hurt his pride if someone helps him without him asking them to." you smiled to yourself, "i just hope he knows that when he needs me, i'll always be here for him."
mitsuki smiled at you in awe. you have the mother's approval, congrats!
katsuki just stared at you with furrowed eyebrows, masaru pats his back, "good job, son. i'm happy for you."
he then murmured a protest before drinking his water.
time passed by and it's eventually your time to say goodbye to the bakugos.
mitsuki hugs you for the last time and ask you to come have dinner with them again, masaru pats your head and thanks you for being there for his son.
both of you were in a car provided by the school for safety protocols when he spoke, "did you mean it?"
you looked at him, confused, "mean what?" "what you said earlier to my mom, shithead. did you mean it?" "well, yeah. i mean it when i say i'll always be here for you."
he wore this unreadable and unclear expression on his face. he looks mad? confused? no one knows.
he chuckled bitterly, "a friend. that's fucking funny. i literally though you also like me for a second."
huh.. what does he mean? also? you laughed nervously, "hey, did i hear you right? thought i heard 'also' there."
"you're fucking dense, aren't you? do you want me to scream it straight at your face? i fucking like you."
you froze. yes, but embarrassment caught up and you covered your reddened face, "WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY CONFESSING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY?"
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ㅡ todoroki
i was contemplating whether to have him help fake date or have him need help. it's fitting if he's the one in need so i decided just that.
he might seem dense and clueless most of the time but he's the epitome of evilness.
he talks about you all the time that's why fuyumi has taken a liking to you and asked shoto to invite you to dinner with them.
shoto sees this as a chance. he'll take advantage of the situation because he knows you won't say no.
he goes to where you are sitting, "i apologize but my sister, fuyumi, she thinks we're dating. she wants to invite you to dinner at our house later." he said that with a straight face but this mf is smirking on the inside.
"uhhh, okay? sure? but uhm, why would she think we're dating?" "she thinks everyone close to me is dating me. she's like that.. yes. fuyumi likes you the most, i think. that's.. uh, that's why she's inviting you to dinner." (I HC HIM AS A BAD LIAR)
sounds suspicious and weird, but okay? you have a lot of question in mind.
"i would go. but how should i act? why didn't you tell her we aren't dating though?" "i don't want to disappoint my sister. you can act like you're dating me, if it's fine with you. just for a day."
"sure, sure! just tell me where and what time. i'll be there." "no, you can come with me. we'll go there together."
he brings you to the todoroki household after class. their house is soooo pretty. it's a traditional japanese house.
fuyumi was the first one to greet you, with her sparkling eyes and bright smile, she held both your hands gently and said, "i'm so glad you came! i've been wanting to ask shoto to have you come eat with us. thank you for coming!"
natsuo jogged from the back and gave you a cool wave, "hey, (y/n). how was it dealing with shoto?"
you faked sighed, "awful. how did you deal with him for the last 16 years?" "we never did." "oh.... OH NO I'M SORRY!" "HAHAHA. it's fine, i'm just kidding. no biggie."
enji won't be home for the day. he's busy doing number 1 hero works.
the dinner was fun. it was the funniest dinner you have ever had.
shoto's quietness is the exact opposite of natsuo's talkativeness. that man is talkative and funny as fuck. throwing jokes everywhere. it was entertaining.
all shoto did was take care of you. he serves you all the food you point at, gets you water, he even went too close for comfort and wiped a stain just above your lips. it made you blush, yes. you don't know why but it left you lightheaded. (you're in love with him, that's why)
fuyumi.. our beautiful and beloved fuyumi.
she exposed his brother's ass.
"aww. you guys are so cute together. ah! (y/n), do you remember that time when.. uhm, kaminari was it? i forgot his name but do you remember that time where he told you, midoriya, and the girls to wear a maid costume for the festival because your class is having a maid cafe booth? shoto told me you were so pretty that time! he hated how the boys in your class looked at you like you were some sweet treat, isn't that right, shoto?"
"and do you remember when you fought bakugo at the sports festival? where it was a close fight and you gave him a hard time? shoto said you won if the decision was up to him and that you were so cool!"
and she went on and on.
shoto was red as a tomato (or even redder) beside you. he was clutching his pants as if he was asking the floor to just eat him up.
you decided to ask him about this later to not uncover the fake dating plan.
dinner ended after a little talking, fuyumi gave you leftovers to take home which you will not reject because her cooking is divine, and asked you to come again after giving you a big and warm hug.
natsuo gave you a high five and thanked you for coming. he also thanked you for laughing at his jokes. he feels like he's very funny now.
both said goodbye to shoto.
the journey back to the heights was quiet but not awkward. it seems like shoto knew you have a lot in mind.
you spoke when he's about to open the main door. "what was that?" he looked at you with a confused expression, "the one at dinner."
"ah, if it isn't obvious yet after my sister opened her mouth, i like you. i have been for a long time now." he said that with a deadpan expression, "it annoyed me at first, it annoyed me that you're in my mind whenever i try to sleep, you're in my mind everytime i wake up. it annoyed me that i want nothing more than to hold you near me, hold your hands, warm you up with my fire everytime you feel cold, hug you, kiss you." he sighed frustratedly, "i just want to do everything with you... i'm sorry. i'm not good with words."
but again, this is todoroki shoto.
"..what? shoto... i didn't know you felt that way. why didn't you tell me?" you asked him concernedly, you lifted your hand to hold his face but stopped halfway thinking maybe he doesn't want to be touched.
but then he held your hand and guided it to hold his face, "i didn't actually plan to confess but when people started talking about how good of a hero you'd become in the future and when everyone started saying they all want to date you, that's when i decided it's now or never." he looked at your eyes, "i don't want to lose this chance. that's why i started telling fuyumi stories about you and asking her what to do."
"is that why your sister thought we were dating?" "yes. she knows about how i feel for you. she told me to confess and i told her i did and that it went well. i lied to her. i don't know why."
you coughed, "so, she doesn't really think everyone close to you is dating you?" "yes." "you lied to me?" "yes, i apologize."
"you could have told me you like me too!?" "it's not that easy to confess. plus, i really wanted to know how everything will go. it went well, i'm satisfied. you like me too, right?" "i do, shoto. i like you so much." he smiled at you, that rare fucking smile he knows is pretty, "that's enough for me."
"BUT YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF EVERYTHING?" "yes. yes, i did." "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU!!?" "date me, (y/n)" "OKAY!"
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ㅡ midoriya
a lot of guys from the other class have been bothering you. they kept on asking for your number and stuff. one even sent you flowers and a box of chocolates.
you appreciate it if you're being honest. what you don't appreciate is them sticking to you the whole lunch.
you told mina what's happening and she told you that the best shot of getting off those admirers of yours is to date somebody.
you don't wanna to that though. aside from focusing on studies, you have feelings for this certain someone with green messy hair and freckles. you don't want to date someone just to use them and lie to them.
"you know, what if you just get your shit together and confess to midoriya?" "MINA, BE QUIET! SOMEONE MIGHT HEAR YOU!" "confess to midoriya!" she whispired.
"or just ask him to date you until your followers stop following you around?" kaminari interjects, "what, you mean like, fake date him?" "yeah. something like that." "you're really useful sometimes, aren't you?" "shut up, mina."
you've thought about it all night. would izuku think i'm using him? would he reject the idea? would he be mad about it?
after contemplating, you finally went out of your room and walked straight at his door. he opened it with a smile after 3 knocks.
"hey, (y/n)! how can i help you?"
you looked at him nervously. what you were about to ask is a big part to act. "i will get straight to the point. some people from the other classes have been bothering me for a while now. they keep on following me and asking for my number even though i rejected them all the time. i want to ask you if you could date me? IT'S FAKE! OF COURSE. will you please fake date me until they get off me? i, uh, i'm not taking advantage of your kindness. i promise. right?" you said with a shaking voice.
he laughed at your rambling, "no need to be nervous, (y/n)! i would love to do the honors and fake date you! it's like an undercover hero mission. it's so cool! when do we start?"
you smiled at his enthusiasms. izuku is really the kindest person here on earth. you told him what to do, who those people are, etc. your fake dating starts tomorrow.
izuku was waiting outside your door when you opened it, he has his usual beaming smile when you saw him, "hi, (y/n)! ready to start our mission?" he's surely so into this whole thing.
you both walked down the lounge area holding each other's hand. everyone was gaping at the sight except todoroki who remained munching on his sandwich and bakugo who, well, "fucking finally you idiots." he said.
izuku let go of your hand and held both his hands up while shaking his head in a panicky manner, "no, no! we're just fake dating. i'm helping (y/n) get rid of their admirers! they said it was bothering them!"
"okay. but (y/n), why deku?" the motherfucker was smirking at you. todoroki, bless him, caught the panic in your eyes and called bakugo off. "that's enough, bakugo. leave them alone." "tsk! fucking icyhot a fucking killjoy."
most of your admirers stopped following you after they saw you holding hands with izuku. he's been doing a lot for you. he tried to tie your hair at training and brought you water. nothing much happened inside the classroom because everyone knows it's just a show. lots of outsiders believe you're dating izuku. some still bothers you from time to time especially at lunch.
you were sitting with bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, and of course, izuku, when a group of 3 went to your table (they're brave. no one would come bother bakugo's table because everyone's terrified of him.)
"hey, (y/n). can you give me your number now? i just wanted to get to know you better." "(y/n) give me your number! i'll send you lots of chocolates. i promise!" "they're liars but i'm not. i'd take you to your favorite movie this sunday of you'll give me your number?"
you pursed your lips in an annoyed manner, your friends are here and they're embarrassing you. you were about to speak when izuku beats you to it, "please stop bothering (y/n). it's obvious that my partner doesn't want to give you their number."
the group stared at each other with bewildered expressions on their faces, one looked at izuki and asked, "partner? you mean, combat partner or boyfriend? (y/n)'s dating someone?"
izuku wore a prideful expression on his face, "yes, i am their boyfriend and they're dating someone. that's why with all due respect, please leave them alone."
the 3 backed out and apologized. not everyone has the same personality as mineta. the person who seemed like their leader walked forward and bowed, "we're so sorry. we should've stopped when they rejected us the first time. they're just so intriguing that's why we wanted to know more about them. we're really sorry." with that, they left.
you faced izuku and thanked him. it was nice to finally walk and look around without seeing unfamiliar faces follow you. "thank you so much, izuku! you saved me. really."
he smilled at you, "it's nothing! i'd do anything for (y/n)." izuku froze at what he said and started chuckling anxiously, "i.. i didn't mean it like that! hahaha! but if you need anything, i, uhm, i'd always be glad to help." you stared at him and said, "me too, izuku. i'd always be glad to help you! you can come to me everytime you need something." he blushed at what you said.
izuku coughed tensely, "(y/n), can i talk to you outside? i just need to tell you something." you nodded, "of course!" you both stood up and left the table of wild animals.
when the two of you got outside, izuku's hands were obviously shaking so without a thought, you held it. "are you okay?" "I AM... i am." "why are you acting like this? did something happen?" you asked worriedly.
"no, everything's fine. i just.. i don't know how it started but i just woke up one day thinking how i'd love you to be mine. i want to walk you to school, i want to tell everyone i'm your boyfriend, i want to kiss you good night. haha, is it to much to ask, (y/n)? i like you a lot." he told you that nervously, the boy was shaking and sweating.
"i can't believe it... izuku, i like you too. oh god, are you serious?" "i am, haha! i didn't know you feel the same. i'm really happy!" "i didn't know you feel the same too! half of our classmates knew that i like you. katsuki's just too noisy. he literally told everyone when you did extra training." "(y/n).. kacchan also knows about my feelings for you! he told todoroki and kirishima. is that why he's so persistent in getting us together?" "i don't know. that's just how he is."
you both were awkward as fuck but izuku asked if you'd like to date for real and you said yes.
when you came back to the table, it was bakugo who spoke first, "are you idiots finally together?" you replied to him with a middle finger which aggravated the blondie, "YOU FUCKER!"
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little-fairy-forest · 2 years
Gone to voicemail | Part 11 | happy ending
Summary : Bakugou and Y/n go through hardships during their engagement, will they be able to wait for each other at the alter or will they find someone new to share their vows with?
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"If you can't face him I can relay a message" Mistuki offers,
"Please if you don't mind" you debate in your head if you want to start things over again or go separate paths. He seems to be doing better now that your gone but at the same time you can have a normal relationship again since he realised and fixed his mistakes...
You had a hard decision to make
"Can you ask him, I'll wait for him, if that means after his therapy and anger management classes so be it" you stop to wipe away some tears beginning to shed, Mitsuki held your hand as you continued
"I love him so much...I never stopped!– I just want whats best for him...for us..." you began to take deep breaths as to not have a complete mental breakdown infront of Mituski,
"I'm sure he feels the same way y/n. I know that man loves every fiber in you, I'll never forget the day he came home after your first date together" Mitsuki stops the memeory as she reminisces on how Katsuki acted that very evening
"Katsuki came home very quiet and calm, I have no idea what happened on your date, but from the looks of it you seemed to change the man, changed him into the loving man you cherish everyday, I knew in that very moment Katsuki relaised he loved you...even if it was so early he knew..." Mitsuki gets giddy thinking about the young Katsuki getting all blushy as he talked about how he made you laugh and how he asked you out on a second date and you said yes!
You and Mitsuki continue to talk about early memeories you shared together such as her teaching you her famous spicy curry recipe to make for Katsuki because she refused to share with him her secret ingredients.
Or when Masaru introduced you to his extended family as his daughter and Katsuki never blushed so quick! You loved each of the bakugou's as if you known them your whole life, now you can finally get back onto the track of continuing your journey together as one big family
After months of you and Katsuki working through couples therapy, you both cried, laughed and forgave. You overcame your struggles together. After the long journey on repairing your relationship you decided to start planning the wedding once more, Katsuki felt obliged more then ever to give you your dream wedding, you just wanted to share the special day with him, nothing more nothing less.
As your friends and family gathered together and joined in the special celebration of you and katsuki promising eachother to one another for life, as you promised to love cherish and forgive,
Katsuki had never worn a smile so proudly in all his life, the best part? He only referred to you that day as "Mrs.Bakugou" there was nobody called "y/n" there that day, only Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou. He proudly wore his new ring as he made sure to get it in every picture, he also made sure no photo's were posted for the media to gawk over....you really didn't need any of that!
As you and Katsuki started your married life off on a high note by travelling everywhere on your bucket list, making sure to put aside extra time to visit your home country for longer. Katsuki made sure to try everything you like to eat and do, he picked up some small trinkets along the way to display in your shared house once you come home back to Japan
Who knew someone could stand being married to Katsuki Bakugou for ten years?! Someone eho has devoted their time love and energy. Within those ten years you both have accomplished so much together, Katsuki rose to the top hero ranks, his hero agency has never been more successful. Your merchandise buiness kicked off with all off the public loving your teams work and the quality you produced.
Not only did you accomplish so much together work wise, you also ticked some life goals off your to–do list
• Get married – check
• Buy a house – check
• Get a puppy – sorry katsuki
• Start a family – check
You and Katsuki have welcomed three beautiful children into this world. Your eldest Kiro, was a quiet boy who was always up to mischief when unwatched, he was never scared of Katsuki's pushishments but yours...he would never want to upset his mom!
Next is Teka, the fire child...she definitely takes after Katsuki with the attitude but is a secrety softy. She would often be found in timeout or when she is behaving she plays with Paprika ( yes she is still alive!)
Then your youngest is Haru, such a mommas boy, he would often be found at your hip or eating Katsuki's food, quite typical for the child to be seen as Katsuki's sous chef in the kitchen.
You love your little family so much, the story of you and Katsuki's relationship is unmatched when it comes to other couples. Do you still have arguments? Absolutely! The lastest? Katsuki wanted a fourth child to spoil rotten...maybe a puppy wouldn't be so bad after all.
As you try to ring Katsuki to ask him to pick up some vegetables for the dinner on his way home, his phone when striaght to voice mail
"I didn't pick up either because im workin' or being a badass husband and dad, I'll ring ya' back when the kids are in bed"
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-> Fairy tags : @jazzylove @dillybuggg @tsumusthighs @chibiiichann @suchichan @viiiolettt @roxxane123 @pluviophilefangirl @silentw-lkr @baku6o @lukepattersin @superblyspeedydragon @ahbeautifulexistence @enhaka @maroonmagic @alaninsistone @devilsbooksworld @aomi04 @sabrinakishi @bakucumsackslut @du-sluvr @nerdynstoned
-> masterlist
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whet-ones-write · 3 years
Baku Birthday 2021
So I’m posting this a /little/ early because I’m just too excited to share this fic! So I joined in with Bakugou’s Birthday Bash hosted by these amazing people!!
@phasmwrites​ @katsukikitten @bakugotrashpanda​ @lady-bakuhoe​ @jodrawssmut​ & @ramen-rambles​ 
And since joining I couldn’t have found a more supporting and helpful group on Discord!! Special thanks to: @hoe-doroki​ for being my beta reader and editor!! Thank you for dealing with my sorry, inconsistant ass and giving me the strength to pull though and just do some of my best writing to date! I haven’t written so much in so long and it was rather nice!! 
And to @notchesandbullets​ for telling me I can do this and be those words of praise when I needed them the most helping me pull though and finish this!
Contains: DragonShifter!Reader x Bakugou. Fantasy Setting,
WC: 3755 - Masterlist to all the works!!
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, oral (Female + M reviecing), Cowgirl, unprotected sex, Cum eating, Premature Ejaluations (if you squint), Age gap? It’s implied Reader is much older than Katsuki. Restraining Katsuki, Pervert Kiri
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Looking around his throne, Katsuki couldn’t help but scoff at what came to his mind. He had everything a chief could want, but it still wasn’t enough for the young, barbaric male. Vast and grand was his home. People were happy, going about their day, harvest due and bountiful, the river running steady and clean. 
Though, he was still missing a vital element to his life. Someone to make him happy, to have by his side and call his own. So the only thing he had left to need or want was someone to walk into battle with him, because not just any person would. 
No, they had to have a few key traits to meet his standards. They needed to have a willingness to fight, to want to protect those around him and themselves with everything they had. They had to be able to take flack and a joke but also be serious when the time came. They had to be able to take no shit from anyone and make sure to be willing to put others in their place if they went out of line.
It wasn’t much! Honestly…Or at least he thought so. 
“...ugou, Bakugou!” A voice snapped him from his thoughts as he glanced at his adviser, unhappy over the fact he was interrupted from his thoughts. 
“What is it?” Katsuki questioned as he lazily shifted his attention to the man standing at his right side. 
“As I was saying, there have been some sightings of strangely coloured dragons in the nearby valleys. We do not know if it is one or more or if they’re passing by or staying. Moreover, they have yet to attack the villages, but it would be wise to at least investigate the surrounding areas before anything happens,” his assistant spoke as he looked for what the King was going to do. 
Taking a moment, Katsuki couldn’t help but smile as he got up and began to stretch. “Eijirou, prepare for a flight. It seems there might be someone that needs a reminder of who those valleys belong to.” 
Though to the Bakugou family dragons were revered and seen as good omens, there was a limit. Dragons that fought over territory could be destructive and wipe entire lands from existence, so if there was ever more than one in an area it could prove to be a bad omen instead.
One dragon or one family were seen as protecting the lands, keeping invaders at bay and being loyal by nature. Though another one could offset the balance, should they prove to be hungry or hostile. The valleys in which the Bakugous lived were famous for having the longest standing relationship with the red dragons of the Kirishima clan. They had served one another for generations with the latest duo being that of the Barbarian King Katsuki Bakugou, son of the late Chieftess Mitsuki Bakugou, and the dragon that protected the lands, Eijirou Kirishima, son to late Hikori Kirishima.
Standing at seven feet, the mostly human nodded and saluted as he walked with his friend outside. “Yes, sir.” He beamed happily, seemingly excited by the prospect of seeing another dragon. “Though, what are your instructions, should they prove hostile?” 
“Hostile?” Katsuki mused, placing a hand to his chin as the other morphed into that of a forty-foot-long dragon from the tip of his nose to the very end of his arrow-pointed tail. Once finished, Kirishima leaned down to lower his wing, letting Katsuki get on by walking up the thin bone of the arch of his wing and holding onto his spines, climbing all the way to behind the red horns that adorned his head. “Should the dragon wish to try and stay, we will start through the diplomatic route.” 
That was the thing about Katsuki. For all his bloodlust and anger, he was quite the strategist when it came to monsters several times his size. Having worked with Eijirou for some time, they had built up a bond of trust valuable for when trouble arose. 
“Should that fail, we will have to take things up a notch. I would like to avoid a fight if at all possible.” He sighed as he clung to the horn while the other took off. “The valley is full of fish making their way upstream for the breeding season,” he muttered before groaning and slapping his face as he remembered something, getting even more irritated. 
“It could be a female dragon,” he groaned, looking down to Eijirou. “With breeding season approaching, it could prove very troublesome,” he grumbled as he lay down to keep low as Eijirou took to the sky. 
“Hm,” came a deep rumble from the beast.
A female dragon would be far better than a male should they be able to move it along. It could prove worse in the long run, though, as other males came to try and have their chance, destroying the local landscape fighting over the female. 
“Not going to be influenced? I know you’re a young male.” Katsuki snickered as the dragon grunted and shook slightly in a ‘no’. “Don’t worry, whatever happens we’ll sort it,” he offered quietly as he calmed down to focus on the mission at hand. 
They took to the base of the mountains and looked for any signs of disturbance. With fear running though the nearest village, it was clear to see that the crops were half unattended and in the middle of being harvested. “I’m going to go take a look at the surrounding areas and talk to the locals. You go on up the mountain and scout that out,” the Chief commanded. With a short huff and a nod, Eijirou turned to slowly and carefully make his way up and around the mountains. 
It wasn’t long before Eijirou returned with some news. Meeting in the center of town, the dragon descended slowly and waited for Katsuki to approach before he spoke. “I found a trail of blood from the ground leading up to a cave roughly halfway up the mountain. 
Nodding, Katsuki signaled for Eijirou to lower himself so he could climb onto his back. “Sounds about right. The locals saw a figure flying unsteadily across the sky and into the mountain. There was a loud thump before all went silent. It’s more than likely a dragon. It hasn’t done harm to the villagers yet, though, so a slow, quiet and careful approach is needed.”
Coming to the entrance of the cave, Katsuki hopped off Eijirou, immediately noticing the plants had been recently crushed and a splattering of dried blood was leading into the cave. Looking up to Eijirou, he nodded and quietly led the way in. Eijirou used a small breath to light the torch that Katsuki would have to use to see. 
It didn’t take them long to find the cause of the blood and crushed plants. Lying in front of them was a bronze dragon just as large as Kirishima, if not bigger, bleeding heavily from it’s hind leg, belly and face. 
“Holy shit,” Katsukimuttered as he looked over the sight. He froze as the dragon raised its head. Chuckling, you looked over at Katsuki and Eijirou. “If you have come to kill me, at least make it swift.” 
“Tch, don’t lump me with most humans,” Katsuki stated as he approached you, looking over the wounds. A huffing could be heard as he made his way closer, your muscles tense and beady eyes watching his form, ready to attack should harm come. “I’m a Bakugou. We don’t harm your kind.” 
“You may not harm but you enslave. I feel sorry for the red scaled one over there. Forced to serve you like their ancestors,” you mumbled, laying your head down and closing your eyes to rest. 
Eijirou huffed before he sat down. “I’m not. It’s nice to have lands that we don’t have to fight over and live in harmony with humans,” he protested, watching as Katsuki assessed the wounds. “I am from the Kirishima clan.” He beamed, almost a little too excited to say so. “It’s nice to see another shade of red around here. Normally those of the Shinsou clan are around these areas.” Eijirou started, tilting his head to the side. “So what brings you here?” he mused. 
Which was how you explained your side of the story. It wasn’t uncommon for humans to attack those of draconic race because of the first dragons causing havoc and turmoil for humankind. You were a young dragon who still had not found some land to live in. So, you were aimlessly looking around for somewhere to sleep before you were ambushed by a kingdom that had a bad past with dragons, driving you out. 
“Well,” Katsuki started as he backed off. “If you revert into your human form, we can take you back and give you medical aid. I’m not about to let a creature like you just die pathetically cold and alone in such a depressing state.” 
With that, they watched as your form changed into a bloodstained, corseted, sleeveless dress, wings still visible with a tail barely peeking from beneath your long skirt. Their eyes lingered for a little too long to be completely respectful.  
Getting up from where he lay, Eijirou gently enclosed you in his claws, protecting you, letting Katsuki onto his back before taking off back to the kingdom to give you the aid you needed. 
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
The next thing you knew, you were waking up to some argument going on outside, though you took no heed to it. After all, you would need to at least stay to repay the kindness the human has shown you before taking your leave. 
As the flap to the tent opened, you looked up at the figure that came to inspect you in the cot. “How are you feeling?” The one that entered had torn red wings and a thin arrow-headed tail much like that of the dragon you’d seen earlier. 
“Much better, thanks.” He watched you as you got up to move around.
“Yeah, my mother is a great healer.” The man beamed proudly before his face dropped for a moment in realisation. “Oh, that’s right! I’m Eijirou Kirishima!” He offered a hand for you to shake as he introduced yourself. “I’m Katsuki’s dragon companion. Speaking of which, when you feel up to it, he wants to see you in the throne room. He’s currently occupied with some business, so why not come later tonight before dinner? He wants to talk to you about some things.”
“Ah I see” You nodded in agreement though still clearly wary of him. 
“Yeah, my mom specialises in herbal and magical treatments for dragons. You should be fighting fit by the end of day! So enjoy yourself and have a look around! You’re more than welcome here as long as you don’t kill anyone.” You found yourself chuckling lightly along with him as he waved. “See ya! Rest up well and don’t push yourself too hard!” He beamed as he left. 
As Eijirou left you alone with your thoughts, you couldn’t help but think back to just how trustingly and kindly Katsuki had treated you. Taking your leave from the tent, you looked to the sky to gauge the time of day. Deciding you had at least an hour before the sun would set and you would need to see the Chieftain, you went to see what the town had to offer.
As you walked among the townsfolk, you couldn’t help but notice that dragons and humans walked around one another as if that were a normal thing to do. Had things always been like this? And how had this not spread to other countries? Though be that as it might, you were happy for these people; they seemed to be comfortable and welcoming just like the man who had found you. Perhaps you could stay a little longer than intended… 
Still, once the sun started to set you walked back the way you came only to come across a tent larger than most, assuming that was where Katsuki would be wrapping up the day. 
You slowly opened the flap as some villagers came out, happily discussing the day’s harvest before you heard. “Come on in, dragon!” Katsuki called as he remained seated on his chair smirking to himself. “Feeling better, I see?” he questioned as he sat up straight. Even like this, you could see and feel the power he irradiated. 
“Yes, much, thank you.” Bowing, you smiled before you were told to stand upright. “If there’s anything I can do for you, please just let me know. It’s the least I can do after you saved my life.” 
The moment those words left your mouth, you had a feeling that you were either going to live to regret it or thank him.
“Speaking of which,” he started as he leaned back and patted his lap. “Please, come here,” he commanded. Once you approached, he leaned forward, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger as if inspecting you. Up close, you could just see how deep ruby red his eyes were as well as how sharp his teeth were. For a human, he had a great set of fangs on him. ‘Shame he’s a human; he would have made a great and fierce dragon,’ you couldn’t help but think before he spoke, bringing you back to reality. 
“Yes, you’re perfect,” he muttered, pulling you into his lap forcefully by your waist. “Strong willed, a fighter, and someone I could learn to grow better with,” he stated as he suddenly captured your lips. “You will be my partner,” he stated as his hands wandered low. 
Spluttering and blushing, you thrust your arms at his chiseled chest, putting some distance between the two of you. “B-But how do you know? I could kill you! You barely know me,” you protested, though with his power he forced you to fold your arms, leaning in to whisper. 
“But you owe me your life. Surely this is nothing and if you don’t feel like you’re the one you’re more than welcome to leave,” he purred.
You knew he was right. This young, powerful man knew that dragons didn’t back down on their word, and so serving him would mean repaying the debt? A small price to pay, truly. 
“So why not get on your knees for your Chief and thank me properly?” he offered, leaning back and letting go of you. You watched as the grin on his face was almost ear splitting as you sunk to your knees in front of him. He let his hands wander down his trousers to help you get them off and down to his ankles. 
“That’s it,” he praised, reaching out to gently lay his hand on your head. His eyes watched you with keen interest as you slowly took him into your mouth. He wasn’t completely hard and you shifted to get a better angle and grip him in your hands, though he tried to encourage you with soft words. “That’s it, fuckin’ take it all in,” he muttered as he leaned back, getting more comfortable on his throne. The grasp on your hair got tighter as he started to get impatient and guide your face along his length. “Come on now, no need to be so shy about it.” His teeth showed as he smiled. “You’ve lived longer than I have, surely you have the experience?” he goaded. Which, if you were honest with yourself, was true. You were most likely older than him, and could show him a thing or two while you’re at it. 
Straightening your back a little from the floor you looked over his hardening dick. Licking your lips, you took the head in, using the flexibility to weave in between the head of his cock and the shaft before leaning up and taking it in as much as you could. Tongue flat, running along the thick vein underneath, you slowly bobbed your head back and forth, breathing when you could. It wasn’t long before you felt a tug with the hand that ran through your hair to pull you away from him, leaving you panting, and breathless from working so hard to please him. 
His cheeks flushed a bright pink he chuckled almost as breathlessly as you, having forgotten how to breathe in the moment before letting go of your hair. “What a good girl,” he praised as he shifted back and patted his lap.  “Why not come for a ride?” he questioned as he watched you stand. “I would have taken you back to my room, but I'm feeling impatient. It’s my birthday after all,” he informed, eyes hungrily watching over your form as you stripped naked, and then worked on taking off his trousers completely. 
“Your birthday?” you questioned him as you straddled his lap. “I see. Perhaps this will be enough of a gift then?” you mused lining yourself up, slowly trying to sink yourself down on him.
His head slammed back against the back of his throne as he groaned. You were taking your time, though as you hadn’t prepared yourself. You knew your body could and would stretch, but it was painful to begin with. He was stretching you to your limit, but you licked your hand to reach down to let the saliva coating his dick for an easier entry only then were you able to sit down fully on his lap. 
Taking a good minute or two you both sat, panting, just feeling one another as you got used to the stretch of his cock within you. His hands empassing your hips, he tried to get you to move, but you had other ideas. It was his birthday? That’s just fine, but you would make sure it would be a ride he wouldn’t forget in a hurry. 
You gently grasped his hands and took them off your hips to raise them above his head as you started to roll your hips back and forth. Leaning in close to kiss him and to distract him, you used your tail to wrap his hands above his head. He only just realised when you leaned back.
“W-What the fuck is—shit—the big idea?” he panted as his eyes were glued to your form, which started moving so effortlessly up and down on his dick. 
“It’s your birthday. I want to spoil you, so enjoy the ride.” Chuckling a little darkly, you couldn’t help but use your wings to give you some extra momentum and power into your movements as you rode him. 
He couldn't believe just how lucky he was to have such a beautiful person ride him within an inch of his life. You knew just what to do and how to please him, which, to his embarrassment, had him orgasming not much longer after you started. 
“F-Fuck!” he grunted, unable to couldn’t help it when his hips met yours. Though your gut had only just started to coil with your own orgasm, much to your disappointment. You remained seated on his lap as he came down from his high, letting go of his arms. 
He watched you only to frown. Noticing you hadn’t orgasmed yet he couldn’t help but feel like a teenager all over again. 
This wouldn’t do. This wouldn’t do at all. 
Growling, he forcefully lifted you up from him as he slid to the floor, getting you to sit in his seat. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he brought you to his face and started to lap up not only at his own cum that had started to seep it’s way out from the confines of yourself, but searching for any original taste of your own essence. This surprise had you leaning over with a groan. In all your years, no other man had been so willing about doing this. 
Smirking from the inside of your thighs, he knew from your expression that you were loving it or at the very least surprised by his movements. “What?” he questioned, so close to your cunt that you could feel his breath ghosting it. “Never been eaten out before?” He seemed a little too smug, as if he almost already knew the answer. 
With a shake of your head, he only shifted closer and got more comfortable as he nudged your clit with his nose. “Hmm, good. I'm a man starving for pussy and it’s delicious, so don’t mind me,” he muttered before his gaze lowered. 
Though his dick felt great, this was almost a thousand times better. There was no painful stretch, only a soft muscle, though not deep. The slurping and sucking sounds and sensations were what quickly brought your end. He was more than happy to guide you though your high as you remained hunched over his head, hands which you now realised were in his hair, forcing his face just that much closer. 
Leaning back once you had come back to Earth, you watched him as he wiped his chin and cheeks with the back of his arm. “Thank you for the meal.” He chuckled, giving off a lopsided smile, showing off the pearly whites of his sharp teeth. He stood as he gathered up his trousers as he got dressed. “You’re more than welcome to stay for dinner in my home,” he stated as he turned to you and passed you back your clothes. 
Slowly taking them, you nodded as you got dressed despite the shake in your legs. “Y-Yeah, I think I will,” you confirmed as you slipped back into your clothes. 
“Good choice. I’m not finished with you yet, beautiful.” Leaning in, he kissed your cheek before taking his leave only to find a very flustered Eijirou waiting outside. “Something wrong?” Katsuki questioned with folded arms, knowing exactly what he was doing. 
“N-No!” the dragon protested, though the redness that was spread all the way up to his ears gave him away. 
“Next time, just ask. It’s rude to eavesdrop.” Katsuki laughed as he walked away, going to join the mass for dinner. 
“K-Katsuki! I had to make sure you were safe! After all, she’s a rogue dragon,” Eijirou protested in earnest. Though he wouldn’t admit it, that would be something that Eijirou would very much like to do. 
“Sure, sure, whatever you say, man.”
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki took a seat at the head of the banquet table, waiting for your arrival before the festivities could begin.
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jasmine-the-fox · 3 years
Her sweet bunny villain
I thought about it for a while and decided that I wanted to do a fic where Mari is dating Izuku Midoriya who is a villain... Hope you all like it!
Mari always wondered why her boyfriend decided to do crime, she never really asked him but she does wonder about it at times, Izuku Midoriya entered her life when she went to Japan for a week to destress from what her class was doing by believing Lila to this very day, she was only walking around when she found him in an alley injured, from the way he dressed it was obvious he had a terrible taste in style and it was all bad quality so after taking care of his injuries she helped him get back close to his home before making him promise to contact her for clothes.
Since that day she had been designing his clothes and then it began there long distance relationship, Izuku who decided to go by the name Usagi when he’s working was happy to have her call him Deku... And while she knows it means useless and worthless, the way she says it makes him happy and not mind it at all, she also did meet through video calls the rest of his team, like Dabi who has a blue flame quirk, Himiko Toga who when she drinks someone’s blood can look like them... And many more after that, she does worry about him at times but he always calls once a mission is done with so she knows he’s alive.
One day, Mari came to school to overhear Lila claiming that she’s dating Katsuki Bakugo, son of fashion designers Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo, she talks about how she used to model with him and all kinds of things but Mari simply ignored it and headed to class... This was the new normal for her now, no longer was she greeting her classmates, no longer was she invited to things, no longer was she making them free things... It didn’t really matter to her that they were mad at the fact she wasn’t making them free things anymore, she had a website where she sells her designs and is happy to having good paying customers.
Lila claimed that her designs were cheap looking and claimed that Mari was being a brat by demanding money, miss Bustier even tried to make Mari bake and design for free again and when she refused she and her parents were called to the principals office where he was chewed out by her parents for trying to drain her by forcing her to spend her well earned money to buy fabric, threads, buttons and baking ingredients to make free things for a class who doesn’t even help or thank her anymore.
Needless to say... He and Caline were threatened with being put to court if they made such a demand on Mari again...
After that, the class simply glares at her whenever they bring up wanting baked goods or new clothes... And she would ignore them the whole time, it made them angry because they would then need to spend money on new clothes that even though they show it off she doesn’t react, they also need to spend money to buy baked goods and then complain at school because it was expensive and Mari doesn’t say anything, instead she focuses on her homework and designs for her paying customers to get there approval... And prepare to message her boyfriend about some clothes she was sending his way.
Alya was just about to stomp over towards Mari to demand free stuff but Caline had just walked in to reveal to everyone that the trip that Mari had prepared for them to go to Japan for two weeks was approved “Now I just need everyone to get there parents signature for this try by tomorrow so I can confirm who will be coming” she explained as she handed out the paper for the signature of a parent, Alya squealed and pointed out how Lila would see her boyfriend while the liar internally winced as she would need to have the class avoid anything connected to Katsuki.
Mari smiled as she packed the paper and then began to listen and take notes in class like Adrien and Max were doing... While the others were either on there phones or doing something else then listening to the lesson, when the day ended Mari walked into the bakery and handed the paper to her mother who quickly signed it for Mari to hand it to her teacher tomorrow, she then took back the paper and went straight to her room to get to work on sending pictures of the designs to her clients, then as she waited for there replies she took the box of clothes to mail while sending a message to Izuku about how she was sending the clothes now, then once she was told how long it might take she estimated the delivery date for him.
All the while she was seen by Lila sending the box...
By the time Mari got to the bakery, the delivery company she dropped off the box at called her, they said that a girl with tanned skin, green eyes and hair tied in three sausage style came claiming there was an error with the box she dropped off and asked for her to explain “I don’t know why she’s lying to you, I brought the box over because I wanted to get it delivered so she’s lying to you simple as that” she replied making the man claim he would take care of Lila and then hung up making Mari smile as she went up to her room... To find Alya there rummaging through her things “What are you doing in my things!?” she demanded loudly making her parents hear and dial for the police.
Alya glared at Mari as she focused on her task, Lila had claimed that she had gotten a dress from Katsuki and brought it at school to show... But Mari had taken it, she described it as a lightly ruffled white dress with light blue flowers flowing on the dress, Alya promised to get it back so after picking the look of the house door she snuck into Mari’s room to look for the dress, after a while the police arrived and forced her outside with questions while waiting for her parents to arrive, but Alya refused to answer the whole time when her parents arrived as they promised to bring her down to the police station for questions... And claimed she wouldn’t be going to the Japan trip in the end.
Alya went pale and the revealed what Lila claimed, her mother lost it and asked if she ever asked Mari about it, the pigtailed girl then said she had made a dress of that style for Manon... The girl she would babysit, Alya was shocked at those words as Mari then pulled out her phone to reveal a picture of the little girl wearing the exact dress Lila claimed was her’s, her parents took her home for a bit to make sure that Nora could watch the twins before taking Alya to the station to answer further questions, Mari with her parents then walked back inside and up to her room to clean up the mess Alya had made of her clothes, she also checked on the responses of her clients and reply from her boyfriend making her smile in excitement.
The next day, Mari arrives at school to be glared by her classmates, turns out Lila was told by Alya what happened and Lila decided to hide the fact that she lied about the dress and claimed Mari got the police on Alya for no good reason, so when in class and class was surrounding her in anger she revealed the lie about the dress Lila claimed with a picture of Manon that her mother Nadja sent her... It made them all turn to look at Lila in shock, Caline then walked in and asked for the paper signed... Everyone but Adrien and Alya handed there’s, it turns out that Gabriel had a few things set up for Adrien to do so he refused to let him go to Japan while Alya was banned from going on the trip by her parents... This angered Lila as she called the man during class break to get him to sign the paper and have it brought at lunch.
He just had to make sure that Lila is happy during the trip...
A week later they arrived in Japan, they quickly got to the hotel to rest but the class decided to listen to Lila and walk around while Mari being smart decided to stay in her room to sleep a bit... Adrien decided to do the same and ignored Lila, she woke up a while later from a text from her boyfriend asking if she was awake so she replied that his message woke her up, he felt bad which he wrote but asked her to come outside of the hotel making her smile and walk out, Adrien had been awake for a while and heard her room door open and close so he decided to follow her outside to see her talking to a guy wearing a hoodie with green eyes, curly green hair and freckles.
Adrien wasn’t sure what to do at the sight, as he watched them walk away... All he could was stay at the hotel and hope nothing bad happens to her while she’s out there...
Mari smiled towards her loving evil boyfriend, Izuku smiled as they walked around before slowly entering a coffee shop and heading to the back... Where the LOV team was living, to hide who they really were the team opened a coffee shop and used Mari’s work to hide and look different and to blend in like it was nothing, right now Himiko and Dabi were working at the front while the other’s were in the back “It’s great to see you all again” Mari smiled making them smile in return, they prepared her a cup of coffee making her smile and thank Kurogiri who was happy of the praise he gained as they spoke together until Himiko and Dabi walked in as they closed just now... Meaning Mari would need to head back.
By the time the class came back, it was with the police, turns out that the hotel had not been informed that the class would leave all of a sudden to go around unlike Marinette who did before leaving so they called the police to get the class found, the police found them after a while and gave a stern talking to miss Bustier about how she needed to be an actual adult and have the class follow the plans... And not allow them to leave the hotel all of a sudden outside of there plans, because of that it was decided that another teacher will come to assist on watching over the class... While Adrien watched in shock from the hall.
The next day a lady named Nemuri Kayama arrived to assist in watching over the class, she was supposed to be teaching at the prestigious school called UA but instead was asked to help with a class who decided that leaving the hotel without telling someone was a good idea, so with that they got going, Adrien did watch Mari as he was worried on where she went yesterday but with Lila keeping close to him... He wasn’t able to ask her about it, Nemuri began showing them around and correcting things each time Lila tries to spin a tall tale about something... And then glares at Caline for allowing the girl to lie like that and does nothing to make her stop.
Slowly they walked over to UA making the class get excited to see the place as then class 1-A comes to view as there training, Mari then noticed a certain blonde named Katsuki Bakugo... Her boyfriends bully who told him to take a swan dive off of a roof and pray that he get’s a quirk in the next life, because of that she hated him but acted like she knew nothing about him at all... But she was planning something, she and her classmates got to meet them and then watched as Katsuki yelled at Lila for lying about them dating and swore he would sue her for that... Which led to all of her lies being uncovered making Mari smile at the sight as none of her classmates or even her teacher thought about there actions towards her and went to apologize.
She also didn’t notice Katsuki watching her with a faint blush...
The day continued like that, her classmates angry at Lila for lying, forgetting about the fact that they bullied Mari because Lila claimed she did something to her, nor did they remember that they would get mad at Mari because she wasn’t making them free things anymore, there was also the fact that Katsuki was keeping close to her... She didn’t like it and decided to ignore him, her plans couldn’t start just yet of course so instead she was going to relax and enjoy her time in Japan, she did have a few things planned with her boyfriend already during there free days so that was a good thing of course, when lunch came she sat alone at a table away from everyone while texting Izuku with a smile.
No one from her class tried to go over to talk to her, she did faintly notice Adrien looking at her but she decided to ignore the look as Katsuki walked over and sat at her table “Can I help you with something?” she asked while not looking at him, instead focused on her phone, Katsuki didn’t say anything and simply began to eat his spicy curry making her then begin to eat while texting Izuku before she had to join the class once more to look around the school before they would need to head back to the hotel to either relax or to enjoy the rest of there free day walking around or shopping... Mari couldn’t wait to go on a date with Izuku for the afternoon.
Katsuki still followed until they got to the hotel, Mari never spoke to the blonde and instead focused on the tour of the school and going to her hotel room without a word to get cleaned up before waiting for Izuku outside the hotel for there date, Katsuki waited for a while before sighing and heading back to school... He could tell he didn’t do something right with Marinette so all he could do was wait until tomorrow to try again, once Mari was ready, she walked down to the lobby and then informed the lady at the counter that she was going to walk around before heading outside to wait for her amazing boyfriend.
Without knowing that Lila was watching her from afar with a glare...
Even though she worked so hard to destroy Marinette's life, that everything she told them wasn’t true but she worked to make them believe everything... She still believed she should win somehow against Marinette, because of that she decided to try and confront the girl once they get back to the hotel about it but the pigtailed girl was to fast for her and she was gone to her room before she even noticed, now she watched as the girl walked out of the hotel alone making her angry as she rushed of to tell there teacher about it, Caline was a little angry and the two went to the counter to get the police involved but the worker refused.
“Your student informed me of her using her free day to tour around Japan, she has the right as I was informed” she explained and then went back to work while ignoring them, Lila was furious about that as Mari smiled while holding hands with her boyfriend as they enjoyed there date together, Izuku was actually claimed dead, after Katsuki told him to kill himself and All Might telling him that a quirkless person can’t be a hero... He jumped to end his life, it was then that he was found by Tomura who promised him a better life, so he was claimed dead, even though his coffin had no body, Izuku was trained to be the best in combat even though he didn’t have a quirk.
Then he became friends with Himiko and Dabi... He also met Mari and then slowly fell for her and ended up dating her, the girl didn’t even care about the fact he was a villain, instead she helped when she could by making them clothes, she did however did something different, clothes Izuku would wear will have her signature, but the clothes he and the league wore didn’t and instead looked different enough from her usual work that no one would notice unless they saw her working on clothes and were with knowledge in fashion designing, so with that she was safe, Izuku also needs to be careful since even though he is claimed dead... Someone might figure it all out at some point.
Slowly there trip to Japan got to the last few day of there second week, some complained that time went by too quickly while Katsuki felt anger because he failed with Mari every time he had a chance to talk to her, so he decided to try and simply ask her out on a date, but he failed horribly, when they got to pick up the class from the hotel to go to the mall, he tried asking Mari out and she flat out rejected him and then walked away from him to do some shopping alone, his friends were a little surprised at that but still believed that things would get better so they helped him by encouraging him to try again at a later time.
And it still failed... But it was worse because he felt like he was going through déjà-vous all of a sudden...
She was alone heading back to the hotel early so he walked her back, once at the door he asked her out once more until she spoke “Why don’t you take a swan dive off of a roof and pray in the next life that i’m single when you ask me out... Or even interested in a bully like you” then walked back into the hotel while leaving him outside frozen in place... Those words... To kill himself... Were the same last words he told Deku before he killed himself, it made Katsuki slightly sick as he ran back home and into his room while ignoring his parents to curl up in his bed, his mother walked in to try and get gently some answers but all he said was “She said the same words I did” and it made no sense to Mitsuki so she simply left the room.
After that, he kept away from her because of the pain he felt in his chest when her words echoed in his head, she then went back to Paris without another word from him for two months before he and his class came to visit for two weeks... And Katsuki saw a living and breathing Deku holding her hand and being happy with her as they walked around Paris... She was dating him, he faked his death to escape him and now he was living the life he wanted but away from his bully.
All the while not knowing that Deku is Usagi... The same villain he has a hard time in capturing.
So there you go guys! Another BNHA crossover to miraculous ladybug! I’m hoping you all enjoy it and are excited for my next fic with these two universes!
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
music lessons
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summary: Y/n sees an old video of little Katsuki trying out instruments and miserably failing to play them.
w.count: 960
content warning: fluff
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“Oi, oi, don’t leave!”, he grunted and held on to your t-shirt when you were about to crawl out of bed, your laughed “Babe, I need to pee.” however not stopping him as he wrapped his legs around you from behind like a little koala.
“Don’t fucking care…”
“Oh? Really? If I pee myself? Is this your kink or something?”, you were obviously joking, knowing he would immediately explode with an “HAH?! FUCKING COURSE NOT!” and thus letting you go. You took the chance to roll over and get up, Bakugou just grunting once more.
“You did that on fucking purpose!”, his ruby, sleepy eyes were staring at you, that usual frown on his beautiful face, hence you leaned in to peck his lips – quite dangerous as he could pull you back down easily, but you couldn’t resists.
“I did. But, you know you can always be open with me.”
“Oh my God shut uuupp and go take a piss!”, Katsuki chuckled and groaned at the same time while pushing you away, making you also giggle.
Wrapping himself into the warm blanket, you both had just watched a film on his laptop, enjoying the last free days before you had to pack everything up and move out of his room he had lived in for so many years.
The last months were quite hectic. Starting with his graduation from UA, to apartment and agency hunting, everything was truly stressful, that’s why he just wanted to relish those few days of relaxation before he jumped head first into the new chapter in his life.
After you had washed your hands and came back from the bathroom, you had to walk past the living room, thus you couldn’t help but notice Mitsuki and Masaru watching something very interesting on their TV.
“Mitsuki-san? Is this… Katsuki?”, you asked her completely baffled when you walked into the living room, Bakugou’s mother immediately looking back and greeting you with her usual smile before she nodded and chuckled, “That brat… Never took his lessons seriously.”
An old DVD was playing, showing Masaru’s videos he had made of Bakugou playing the violin, only for little 6-year old Katsuki to get a temper tantrum when one string of the violin snapped.
“Oh my God… that is precious. He never told me he had to take music lessons.”, you laughed, your hand covering your mouth.
“Katsuki never wanted to play any classic instruments. We had hoped it would help him cope with his anger, but alas… you know how that ended, Y/n-kun.”, Masaru told you, looking almost a little… melancholically at the videos of little Katsuki trying out different instruments.
Just in that moment, all three of you heard him shout, “Y/n!?!?! HOW LONG DO YOU FUCKING PISS?!” which made you sigh and laugh while playfully rolling your eyes.
“Oh yes, I know how that ended.”, though you didn’t really mean it that seriously, since you were fortunate to be his boyfriend, thus he had never seriously lashed out on you – yet.
“But, we are very happy he has met you, Y/n-kun.”, Mitsuki immediately said and smiled at you, “He has been much calmer ever since that, so we are very thankful. You’ve helped him mature and become a true hero.”
“Oh, no, no. It was all Kat. He worked really hard on himself to change and become better and all.”, you were shy and scratched your neck a little, feeling flattered and embarrassed she would think that.
“He did, but you were a big reason for that.”, Masaru also said, backing up his wife while also smiling – he was truly grateful their problematic son has changed into quite the formidable UA graduate and pro-hero.
“Thank you.”, was the only thing you could say, before you smiled and bowed lightly, “I’ll leave again, goodnight, Mitsuki-san, Masaru-san.”
When you finally came back into the room, Bakugou was staring at you from underneath his blanket, like a cat staring at its prey from the darkness, his ruby eyes gleaming.
“You took forever. Did you have to shit, too?”
“My God, you have such a potty mouth, you know that?”, jumping into bed, he laughed and his eyebrow twitched.
“So? What are you gonna do about it, huh?”, Katsuki had that shit-eating grin on his lips that you adored so much.
“Hmmm, well, how about this?”, he felt your lips brushing against his, making his heart jump, “So you won’t be able to use that potty mouth any longer.”, just to sigh when you fully captures his, letting your lips melt against each other as his feet kicked off the blanket just so he could wrap his legs around your hips, both of you giggling into the kisses you shared when you rolled around in bed.
“So… wanna know what I did?”, you then asked, your legs tangled and bodies pressed together, the laptop and film long forgotten.
“Hm? Tell me.”
“Your parents were watching an old DVD of you taking music lessons, so I watched a bit with them.”
“Oh God, nooo!”, Katsuki instantly groaned and rolled his eyes, “I hated every single second of those fucking music lessons.”
“Hahaha, yeah, I could see that. You didn’t look happy at all.”, chuckling, you brushed your nose against his, Bakugou returning the sweet gesture before pecking your lips.
“I can’t believe you’d make me wait for that shit…”
Cute. He was unbelievably cute.
Thus, he was a little caught off guard when you kissed him again, though he wasn’t one to complain about that, so he simply wrapped his arms around you once more, enjoying the kisses and quickly forgetting that you had seen quite embarrassing moments from his past.
Because to this day, those fucking flimsy violin strings were haunting him…
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: something cute, idk I found it funny when I found out he took music lessons - his parents tried lol
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