#mj: molly jean
clairesgaragezine · 1 year
CGZ Featured Artist: MJ (Molly Jean)
May 25, 2023
Everyone, I am SO excited!! Please welcome our very first featured artist: MJ, stands for Molly Jean, female, 38 years old in Kansas City, Missouri. No formal art education outside of the 7 art classes she took in highschool. She took two semesters of theater in community college, "that counts for something" she says. She used to have a website but hasn't updated in years, you can go ahead and find her on Instagram @mollyjean.art  or over on her Tumblr which is a mish mash of fan girl stuff and whatever else she feels like @yourcoolauntie (for her avatar of Aunt Gayle from Bob's Burgers)
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Leviathan, 2012 (Acrylic on canvas, 16x20in)
CGZ: When did you start painting? What’s your earliest memory of painting or of creating art? 
MJ: I remember making a little pinch pot in Kindergarten. In first grade we made robots out of different materials, they were flat on paper, it was mixed medium. I used tinfoil and some other stuff. It got hung up at the school district's main office, they tracked me down and gave it back to me in highschool! 
CGZ: And where is the robot now?
MJ: I don't know where the robot is, my mom may have it in a box but it may have gotten lost.
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Object II, 2020 (Acrylic on canvas, 30x40 in)
CGZ: Has your birthplace or your family background influenced your approach to creating art? 
MJ: I wish I had an answer about my culture or my family heritage, but I don't. My dad's side is Irish & English, his family came over well over a hundred years ago. My mom is half Croatian but her grandparents were old by the time she was born, and they all assimilated very thoroughly, so I know little of Slavic culture. So birthplace and heritage…the isolating suburbs of the southern midwest. 
Ultimately art has been my constant therapy, so my approach is, I have to do it. Let me try not to trauma dump too much. I grew up in a very dysfunctional home. My mom was the gentler one, my dad was scary. But my folks would take my siblings and I out to museums and around the city to expose us to a bigger world outside our suburb. We grew up poorer than we should have been because my dad was a high functioning addict, with an okay job with the city, but money went to drugs and lawyers. So I'm certain being aware early on of how class works in America shaped me as well. My mom and dad were too different from one another but they both appreciated the world, usually in a very critical and very negative way. My father, troubled, but very smart, always played music, records, he loved movies and anything avant garde and fringe. He had no boundaries and it was a volatile home. So, in a house where one parent was always afraid to speak up because her spouse would explode in a rage and the other never not talking about his every thought and feeling…I never learned to properly communicate mine. So…art. My folks are still alive…I realize I wrote this like they're dead.
CGZ: Who are your biggest artistic influences? 
MJ: The dadaists, the surrealists, abstract expressionists, the early abstract guys like Wassily Kandinsky. We watched a documentary in Jr. high about Keith Haring that stuck with me. That's a big leap from Picasso to Haring but this is kinda off the top of my head, I never took any art history courses.
CGZ: How has your art practice changed over time? 
MJ: I used to be uncomfortable calling myself an artist, in my early 20s I didn't think I'd earned it because I hadn't sold anything yet. That was real dumb. If you make something that serves absolutely no function other than you created it and now it exists and now it's in the world to be debated, analyzed or just looked at and displayed, congratulations you made an art. That aligns with the old adage of Art for art's sake.
CGZ: What do you like best about your work? What makes you happy when you’re creating?
MJ: I don't think I have a best liked…but I'm generally pleased if I can come close to what I had in my mind before I started.
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Labyrinth, 2022 (Acrylic on canvas, 16x20 in)
CGZ: I adored your 2023 International Women’s Day post (self-portraits in a candlelit bath with body-affirming/life-affirming messages). Is there a shared meaning or messaging across your whole art practice? What differs for you between your abstract paintings and your photography projects?
MJ: Thank you so much for saying that. Also, great question. This is actually something I've thought about because I'm scared. It's been years since I've displayed anything and I'm worried if I approach a gallery they will ask me this and I will squeak out a bullshit answer like, let the art speak for itself. I think if there is a thread between all my work, paint, mixed media, photography it's about discovery and exploration, acceptance. I'm a traumatized, depressed, queer so that's easy, right? Looking at the parts of ourselves we'd rather keep hidden because of shame or pain, that we all have a part of ourselves we must excavate. Even folks with happy childhoods. Just don't lose yourself in the ditch in the process.  …I'm not sure any of that made sense.
CGZ: What are some of the most memorable responses you’ve received about your work? 
MJ: About a decade or so ago a friend made a little film about this shadowbox project I was doing. It was an artist showcase. I was in the film community as a script supervisor…so that's how most knew me. I didn't talk about my art. I can't watch it now because I cringe…but after the viewing, a DP came up to me and he said, "I didn't know you were interesting." Weird backhanded compliment.
Another standout is walking into a pop up gallery I was showing at and meeting a jewelry designer there and she said, "You must be MJ, you look like your art." That was very affirming.
CGZ: What are the “little things” that you notice but no one else does that inspire your work? 
MJ: A sunrise, the way light simmers and breaks apart when it shines through a tree canopy. I think people see that stuff, I don't want to pretend I have some profound insight on life that others don't. I suppose it's about priorities and what we choose to register and spend our time on. I have no children or a partner, I'm my own distraction and obstacle. I do prioritize stillness.
CGZ: What are your favorite mediums to create in? Are there any “experimental” or new-to-you mediums that you’re interested in exploring?
MJ:  Acrylic is my main bag. I'd love to work with oils. Not very exciting I know. Honestly, I have ideas for sculptures but have no idea where to begin.
CGZ: What is your favorite time of day to create? What’s your “just right” setting? Do you have a favorite drink or mood-setting music? A lucky trinket you keep nearby?
MJ: Some might not say I'm not a true artist because I have a day job and am not starving for my art…but that's the dream right, to be able to eat and shelter yourself and do only art. So, usually midday on a day off. I might smoke some weed, I will definitely be listening to music, through my stereo setup or my headphones. 
CGZ: Describe what it feels like when you know a piece is finished. What makes you sit back and go “That’s done.”
MJ: I never have that feeling of "done", it's usually, I have exhausted all effort and I am either satisfied or I'm not. I'm guilty of painting over works. But I have a few pieces I think I'm completely satisfied with. The ones pictured are a few of those.
CGZ: Where do you go for inspiration? What helps refill the well?
MJ: Listening to other artists, and other people speak on their work. Moonage Daydream, the David Bowie documentary I watched the other night for example. I recently watched a piece on Roberta Flack. Music is a big motivator. I live about 10 miles from The Nelson Atkins Museum of art, so going and looking at the Marcel Duchamp or the Van Gogh's helps too.
CGZ: Do you have a favorite art museum? When you go there, where do you beeline to first?
MJ: See previous. Ha.
CGZ: What’s the weirdest or best book you’ve read recently?
MJ: I'm shit at getting around to finishing a book. I have Blood, Sweat and Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max Fury Road next to my bed. Spine not cracked. 
CGZ: As the kids say: “I’m in my ___ era.” What era are you in? 
MJ: Hermit. My fingernails haven't started to curl yet so there is still hope.
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As Above So Below, 2020 (Acrylic on canvas, 16x20 in)
CGZ: What song has been stuck in your head lately? 
MJ: Recently, On My Own from Les Mis. The hermit bit aside, I did just go catch the tour that came through town. So…
CGZ: What keeps you going? How do you overcome creative blocks?
MJ: I don't have creative blocks per se. They can happen but mostly I have hurdles. I let my brother move into the room I was using as my studio…so, I haven't been painting as much. But I have to always be creating something. As a kid before I painted I played piano, then got into theater, acting, modeling for a couple years. I once had a webshow with a best friend where we reviewed TV shows and recreated the episode using Barbie dolls. I was 27. Nowadays I write or play with photography, if I can't paint. Recently, some poetry, and about 100,000 words worth of fan fiction. A girl has gotta let it out somehow, no shame.
CGZ: What’s the best piece of artist/creator advice you’ve heard?
MJ: I'm sure I've heard plenty but my memory is crap, so I have no quotes to give you right now. I think in highschool, when my teacher came up over my shoulder and pointed at the heavy outline in my still life (that she'd tried to get me to stop doing) and said, "You just can't help yourself can you? That's just how you paint." Taught me something. We can be taught and told and can imitate and follow instructions and still reveal ourselves through a simple unconscious stroke.
CGZ: Where do you hope to be in five years? Ten? (Wrong answers only.)
MJ: I can't even provide a wrong answer. These kinds of questions addle my sick brain.
CGZ: A parting quote for our readers? (I adored, “I can't wait until I'm dead and all my art is at a thrift store or left beside a dumpster.”)
MJ: I'm glad you appreciated that. I do love the MOBA, museumofbadart.org, and would feel no shame being included there, they do important work, I do believe that.
I feel like I've said too much. I was mentally smoking a cigarette this whole time. So I'm stomping it out now. Just imagine me staring into your eyes like performance artist Marina Abramovic and come up with something.
This was really fun and terrifying by the way. Thanks so much Claire 🖤
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Communication, 2020 (Acrylic and oil on canvas, 18x24 in)
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Hellhound, 2012 (Acrylic on canvas, 16x20 in)
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oneboxofmatches · 3 years
All You Need to Know About Matchups!
Hi y'all!
This account is solely for matchups for several different fandoms. That means requests for imagines, oneshots, headcanons, etc. will NOT be taken.
Here are some basic things to know about requesting a matchup!
Unless otherwise specified for a certain fandom, a request yields one romantic pairing AND one friendship pairing as well as information on why I think you work well with the individuals I choose. Of course, if you only wish to receive either just the romantic matchup or just the friendship matchup, just let me know!
You can request matchups for several different fandoms at once! For each fandom you request, I will match you up with one romantic partner and one friend unless you request differently.
You can ask to exclude any character(s)!
Where can I request a matchup?
Requests can be made in the MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab.
What do I need to include in my request?
Your gender and/or pronouns
Your sexual orientation and/or preferences
Description of personality
Optional (but definitely helps me out!)
Description of appearance
Personality alignment (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Hogwarts House, etc.)
What you would look for in a partner and/or friend
Any other information you think would be helpful – the more you provide, the more I can work with!
Now with that out of the way, onto the fandoms!
Listed directly below is a shortlist of all the fandoms I take requests for as well as some extra information as needed.
If a title is in italics, it means that while I feel comfortable providing matchups for this show, I have not watched every season. If a character drastically changes after a certain point, I may not be aware. The last season I watched of these shows will be included in parentheses.
All movies/shows based on novels will most likely focus on the on-screen adaptations of characters.
The 100 (6)
Good Omens
The Good Place (3)
Lucifer (4)
On My Block
Parks and Recreation (4)
Prodigal Son (1)
Space Force
Supernatural (14)
The Walking Dead (8)
The Greatest Showman
Harry Potter -- Unless specified in request, will entail 2 sets of matchups as a student (Golden Trio and Marauders eras respectively)
The Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Unless age is specified, underage characters will NOT be available for romantic matchups
Carrie (2012 Off-Broadway)
Les Misérables
The Phantom of the Opera
Detroit: Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
What’s below the cut?
A masterlist of characters in each fandom that will be considered for each request (unless marked with an asterisk (*), all characters are assumed to be available for both romantic AND friendly matchups while names marked with an asterisk are only available for friendly matchups). Listed alphabetically by first name.
Don’t be afraid to tell me about a typo!
Any questions? Just want to talk? You can also use the  MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab to get ahold of me!
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Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Harper McIntyre
Jasper Jordan
Johnathan “John” Murphy
Jordan Green
Marcus Kane
Monty Green
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Wells Jaha
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Anathema Device
Newton Pulsifer
Mme. Tracy*
Witchfinder Sgt. Shadwell*
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Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al-Jamil
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Det. Chloe Decker
Det. Daniel “Dan” Espinoza
Ella Lopez
Dr. Linda Martin*
Lucifer Morningstar
Mazikeen “Maze”
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Cesar Diaz
Jamal Turner
Jasmine Flores
Monsé Finnie
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Ruben “Ruby” Martinez Jr.
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Andrew “Andy” Dwyer
Ann Perkins
April Ludgate
Benjamin “Ben” Wyatt
Christopher “Chris” Traeger
Donna Meagle*
Gerald “Jerry” Gergich*
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein*
Leslie Knope
Ronald “Ron” Swanson*
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Ainsley Whitly
Det. Dani Powell
Edrisa Tanaka
Lt. Gil Arroyo
Det. James “JT” Tarmel
Jessica Whitly
Malcolm Bright
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DI Greg Lestrade
Mrs. Hudson*
James “Jim” Moriarty
Dr. John Watson
Mary Morstan*
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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Dr. Adrian Mallory*
Capt. Angela Ali
Brig. Gen. Bradley Gregory*
Dr. Chan Kaifang
Duncan Tabner
Erin Naird
F. Tony Scarapiducci
Kelly King
Maggie Naird*
Gen. Mark Naird*
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Abbie “Bela” Talbot*
Adam Milligan
Alex Jones
Benjamin “Benny” Lafitte
Charlene “Charlie” Bradbury
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sheriff Donna Hanscum
Eileen Leahy
Ellen Harvelle*
Garth Fitzgerald IV
Jack Kline
Jessica “Jess” Moore*
Joanna “Jo” Harvelle
Sheriff Jody Mills*
John Winchester
Kaia Nieves
Kevin Tran
Meg Masters
Michael “Mick” Davies
Patience Turner
Robert “Bobby” Singer*
Rowena MacLeod
Rufus Turner*
Samuel “Sam” Winchester
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Abraham Ford
Beth Greene
Carl Grimes*
Carol Peletier*
Dale Horvath*
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter*
King Ezekiel*
Father Gabriel Stokes
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Greene*
Maggie Greene
Morgan Jones*
Negan Smith
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Rick Grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Tyreese Williams
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Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Josh Lucas
Tai Frasier
Travis Birkenstock
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Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz*
Phillip Carlyle
Phineas “P.T.” Barnum
W.D. Wheeler
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Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody*
Albus Dumbledore*
Arthur Weasley*
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lily Evans
Luna Lovegood
Minerva McGonagall*
Molly Weasley*
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks*
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ronald “Ron” Weasley
Rubeus Hagrid*
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Viktor Krum
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Effie Trinket*
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Haymitch Abernathy*
Johanna Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
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Anthony “Tony” Stark -- Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner -- Hulk
Carol Danvers -- Captain Marvel
Dr. Christine Palmer*
Clint Barton -- Hawkeye
Drax the Destroyer*
Edward “Ned” Leeds
Harold “Happy” Hogan*
Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym*\
Hope van Dyne -- Wasp
Sgt. James “Bucky” Barnes -- Winter Soldier
Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes -- War Machine
Loki Laufeyson
Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Carter*
Cdr. Maria Hill*
May Parker*
Lord M’Baku
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Natasha Romanoff -- Black Widow
Col. Nicholas “Nick” Fury*
Peter Parker -- Spider-Man
Peter Quill -- Star-Lord
Agt. Phillip “Phil” Coulson*
Pietro Maximoff -- Quicksilver
Samuel “Sam” Wilson -- Falcon
Scott Lang -- Ant-Man
Dr. Stephen Strange
Steven “Steve” Rogers -- Captain America
King T’Challa -- Black Panther
Thor Odinson
Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Wanda Maximoff -- Scarlet Witch
Yelena Belova
Yondu Udonta*
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Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov
Dimitri Sudayev
Gleb Vaganov
Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch*
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna*
Vladimir “Vlad” Popov*
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Adam Maitland
Barbara Maitland
Delia Schlimmer
Lydia Deetz*
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Carrie White
Christine “Chris” Hargensen
Susan “Sue” Snell
Thomas “Tommy” Ross
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Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
Angelica Schuyler
Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler
George Washington
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
John Laurens
Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Marquis de Lafayette
Philip Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
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Éponine Thénardier
Insp. Javert
Jean Valjean
Marius Pontmercy
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Carlotta Giudicelli*
Christine Daaé
Erik “The Phantom”
Mme. Giry*
Meg Giry
Raoul de Chagny
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Anna of Cleves
Anne Boleyn
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine Parr
Jane Seymour
Katherine Howard
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Carl Manfred*
Det. Chris Miller*
Elijah Kamski
Lt. Hank Anderson*
Capt. Jeffrey Fowler*
Leo Manfred
Rose Chapman*
Tumblr media
Abigail Roberts
Arthur Morgan
Beau Gray*
Charles Smith
Daniël “Dutch” Van der Linde
Eagle Flies
Hosea Matthews*
Javier Escuella
Johnathan “John” Marston Sr.
Josiah Trelawny
Karen Jones
Kieran Duffy
Leonard “Lenny” Summers
Marion “Bill” Williamson
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Micah Bell
Molly O’Shea
Penelope Braithwaite*
Rev. Orville Swanson*
Sadie Adler
Sean MacGuire
Simon Pearson*
Tilly Jackson
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livvibee · 3 years
Out of the Gutter
Pairing: Starker, minor Peter/OMC
Rating: Explicit (E)
Notes: Uhhh I apologize in advance for this one y’all. 😂
Length: 5.5k~
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Extreme Dubcon, Underage, Incest, Underage Drinking, Drug Use, Minor Violence, 
Read here or on AO3.
“Peter! Peter, this is amazing!” 
Ned’s excited voice knocked Peter’s attention out of the textbook he was reading in the library during an impromptu study session with MJ. Peter shrank in his seat, feeling dozens of eyes staring them down. He shot a pleading look at Ned and watched as he slowly exhaled, tension running out of his shoulders, before he slid into the seat across from Peter at the table. 
“Guys!” Ned whispered excitedly. “They came!”
“What came?” Peter stared blankly at Ned. 
Ned looked around furtively, leaning forward to be closer to Peter and MJ. “The fakes.”
Peter felt a jolt of excitement run through his body, sharing a conspiratorial glance with his best friends as Ned started to draw a plain envelope out of his backpack.
“Stop!” MJ hissed. “After school- Can we meet at yours, Ned?”
“Totally!” He replied, wide smile gleaming.
Peter practically vibrated in excitement through the last period of the day, shooting off a quick text for permission to his father, and sighing in relief when he received the okay just as the dismissal bell rang. It had been a rough couple of months since his Dad caught Peter red handed at a club (how was Peter supposed to know his Dad’s date would end up there?), drunk as a skunk, confiscating his fake ID and grounding him severely in response. Thank God Peter hadn’t been high that night, or he probably would still be grounded, or maybe even shoved into one of those stuffy private schools for misbehaving rich kids. 
Ned and MJ met up with Peter by his locker, and they walked to Ned’s house together, rocketing up the stairs to his room with barely a word to Mrs. Leeds. Once safely inside, Ned flipped open the envelope and pulled out the plastic cards, handing one to Peter who examined it closely. 
“Ned,” Peter gasped, “this looks incredible! It’s so much better than the last one!”
“Right???” Ned said incredulously. “They look just like a regular ID, I can’t believe my cousin managed to get ahold of these.”
“You know what this means?” Peter asked.
“What?” Ned said, still clutching his ID in hand and staring at it in disbelief. 
“It means we’re back!” MJ crowed. “Good luck to anyone who tries to confiscate these babies!”
Peter suppressed a wave of unease as Ned and MJ whooped together in excitement, before dissolving into laughter as Ned’s mother yelled up the stairs for them to quiet down.
Finally it was Saturday night and their plan was in action. Get to the club, become appropriately socially lubricated, dance, maybe even find a hookup, then get back to their beds before parents were awake in the morning. Sneaking out of the Tower would have been impossible (and boy had he learned that lesson the hard way one spring evening Freshman year), so Peter and Ned waited at the Leeds’ for his parents to head to bed. Peter helped Ned out of the window with a small grunt of effort, then swung down himself. All those gymnastics lessons were finally coming in handy. 
They met up with MJ at the subway station. “Hey losers, you rolling tonight?” Ned and Peter quickly agreed, receiving the pills from MJ before swallowing them down dry with the ease of long practice. The trio headed downtown, overcome with good cheer and giggles during the course of the trip, dressed in their finest babyslut getups. 
The fake IDs Ned had gotten from his cousin had scanned at the door as genuine, gaining them entry to the club and access to the bar, access they’d immediately taken full advantage of. Peter jumped up and down with Ned and MJ as the beat dropped and the bass of the song vibrated through his bones, feeling open and loose, in sync with the crowd and with the universe. 
“MJ! MJ!” Peter laughed, yelling her name over the music. “I’m having so much fun!” 
Her response was swallowed in the sway of the crowd on the dancefloor, lips unreadable in the flashing strobe lights and fog inside the club. Peter lost himself to the pure joy of dancing with his best friends, heart thumping to the beat, sweat dripping down his face, smearing his eyeliner and leaving tracks through the iridescent highlighter swept across his cheekbones. 
“Hey!” Ned grabbed at Peter and MJ’s hands, towing them toward the bar. “This round’s on me!” 
Peter could just hear him over the music now that they were further away from the DJ. Ned held his cash in the air, clumsily getting the attention of the bartender and ordering them all lemon drop shots. The trio clinked their glasses together before knocking back the sugar-sweet lemon-tart throat-burning liquid with the faint grimace and loud whoop. 
Peter bopped his way back into the crowd of dancers, happily grinding on anyone who came his way, uncharacteristically uncaring about looks or even gender. The overwhelming urge for touch was fully upon him as he exchanged sloppy kisses and careless caresses with any number of partners, letting himself be passed around the dancefloor in a blur, like some glittery party favor. 
Several rounds of dancing and shots later, and Peter felt great. Better than great. Fantastic even. So what if everything was a little blurry around the edges? So what if he wasn’t absolutely sure where Ned and MJ had disappeared to? Peter was having the time of his life, everything was right with the world! He was sweet sixteen, flush with liquor and lust, and from the look of the guy eyeing him from across the dancefloor, attractive enough to fuck.
Peter shimmied his way through the bouncing crowd with loose limbed moves, catching the eye of a dark haired man with attractively trimmed facial hair. (Didn’t that remind him of someone? Peter pushed the thought away impatiently.) Peter’s heart was beating out of his chest as they made eye contact, blue eyes catching on brown. Everything slowed down for a moment, the music fading into the background as Peter looked the man over, taking in his muscular arms and trim waist, eyefucking him from head to toe as the lights flashed through the haze. 
“Hi!” Peter yelled above the vibrating beat, watching the man’s lips as he returned the greeting. He didn’t waste any time, turning around and leaning back against the man to grind his ass against him on pure animalistic instinct, craving the pressure against his skin. The man’s hands came down to rest on Peter’s hips, pulling him into an energetic rhythm that matched the beat vibrating through Peter’s bones. 
Fuck, it felt so good to let go. To let the stress and expectations of being Tony Stark’s son and protégé drift away from his shoulders, disappear under the haze of molly, alcohol, and raw desire clouding his mind. Peter lifted an arm and wrapped it behind the man’s head, pulling his face down to Peter’s exposed neck. Score, the guy took the hint and started sucking livid marks into Peter’s pale skin, fueling the pool of liquid heat collecting in his core. The man’s hands travelled up and down Peter’s body, running over the front of his silky mesh shirt, sending a wave of shivery sensation through his skin. His fingers plucked against Peter’s sensitive nipples, dug hungrily against the dips of his defined abs, groped the sides and bottom curve of his ass. 
“Do you know somewhere more quiet we can go?” Peter yelled, spinning around to face the man, who grinned lecherously and nodded, pulling Peter with him through the crowd. 
They squeezed their way out an emergency exit in the back of the club, hands frantically rubbing whatever parts of the other could be reached, Peter’s mouth being enthusiastically penetrated by the man’s tongue as they kissed. Peter slammed the man against the wall, drinking in his noise of shocked surprise before dropping to his knees right there in the dirty alley. He could feel the grit of the city underneath his knees, even through his tight black jeans, and relished the grounding sensation to counteract the floating in his head. 
The man eagerly unzipped his pants, pulling out his hard cock, flopping it right in front of Peter’s face. His mouth was watering, senses overwhelmed by fresh sweat and masculine musk as his lips parted to take the man inside. Peter hummed happily, palming himself through his jeans as he gently sucked, bobbing his head back and forth and licking around the tip. 
“Fuck, your mouth-” The man gasped out, grabbing at Peter’s sweat soaked curls with shaking hands. 
Peter grinned around the man’s cock. All those hate fueled hookups with Flash Thompson had been good for something after all. Peter lost himself in the rhythm and feel of skin against his tongue, sucking harder and groaning at the salty taste of precum, neglected dick throbbing inside his pants. He groped blindly for the man’s leg and pulled it between his thighs to grind against it.
“Oh, that’s it. Fuck you’re a greedy lil thing, that’s right baby, suck that-”
“Hey! Asshole!”
Peter froze around the man’s cock before pulling off with a sloppy pop. Oh shit. Oh no. Oh my God, oh no, oh fuck, oh shit. It couldn’t be. There was no way. Peter screwed his eyes shut as he felt a familiar hand grab at the back of his neck, sending a slow roll of pleasure down his spine, and pulling him up and back from his kneeling position. 
The hand disappeared and there was a dull thud before a series of protests started. “Woah man, ow, what the hell?”
Peter was still half crouched, quivering in shame as he listened to the response, which was growled with menace. 
“I’m going to give you one chance to get the hell out of this alley before I separate your head from your spine.” 
The resulting silence was broken by the sound of rustling fabric, a zipper being closed, and rapid footsteps in the opposite direction. 
“Peter Anthony Stark.” That disappointed voice was like a bucket of ice dousing his lust, better at sobering him up than any greasy burger ever could be. 
“H- Hi Dad.” Peter stammered, looking up at his father, who was dark eyed and puffed up with rage. 
Tony held up his hand, silencing Peter with the familiar gesture. “I can’t believe we’re doing this again Peter. You didn’t learn the last time I had to pull you out of the gutter?”
That peculiar combination of shame and anger rose inside Peter, choking him, contributing to his sputtered denial. “I- I- I didn’t mean- I didn’t mean to-”
“You were doing exactly what you meant to do. Like you always do.” Tony’s voice was tight as he stared down at Peter, hands clenched at his sides. “Kid, I can’t stand by and watch you self-destruct the same way I did.”
Peter shot to his feet, sudden fury winning out over the embarrassment of being caught with a cock halfway down his throat. “I’m just trying to have a little fucking fun! What I’m doing is nothing like what you did! Newsflash, Tony, we’re not the same person, no matter how often you act like we are.”
The echoing crack of the slap across Peter’s cheek seemed to catch them both by surprise. Peter rubbed his cheek in shock, wide eyed and slack jawed, watching Tony’s still raised hand with utter astonishment. 
His father was huffing and puffing like he’d just run a marathon, chest heaving, breath rasping in his throat as he spoke. “You think this is cute Pete? You think this is fun? All this acting out? It’s like you’re six again and throwing a tantrum, screaming out for Daddy’s attention. Well “newsflash” kiddo, you’ve got my full attention now.”
Peter was still speechless, his father had never hit him before. He’d never even been spanked as a kid, let alone slapped. “You- you hit me,” he said, rubbing his smarting face. 
Tony’s jaw tightened as a grudging laugh slid out from between his teeth. “Talk shit, get hit kid. Unfortunately you’re a little old for me to take over my knee. You’re lucky for that, or you wouldn’t be sitting down for a week after this stunt you pulled tonight. You wanna know how I knew you were here? The social media alerts I have set up on you started going crazy, Peter. Practically the whole city knew you were here, grinding like a slut on some stranger, getting drunk and God knows what else.” 
Peter’s vague noise of protest died in his throat as he thought of tomorrow's headlines. He looked at his father desperately. “I didn’t mean-”
“No,” Tony interjected, “I don’t want to hear it. Save your excuses.” Peter gasped as his father grabbed him with an iron grip by the upper arm, and started hauling him out of the alley to where a familiarly discrete black SUV was idling by the sidewalk. “Get in, and don’t think we’re done with this conversation.”
Peter opened the door and blanched to see a hangdog Ned and wide eyed MJ already in the back. He blushed fiercely as MJ’s perceptive gaze passed over the livid handprint on his left cheek. The ride to drop off his friends was silent, the teens not daring to speak to each other as they each reached their destinations, with only dreading looks exchanged. Even that brief contact brought a sideways and threatening look from Tony, daring them to talk at their own risk. Finally the vehicle was empty, but the silence still weighed heavy on Peter’s nerves. 
“Dad…” Peter spoke into the quiet, voice cracking on the single word. 
“Not now Pete, I’m driving.” Tony’s voice was still rife with irritation, and Peter’s mouth snapped shut in response. 
The utter stillness continued as Tony parked, and as they rode up the elevator to the penthouse. Peter fidgeted nervously the whole way, unable to keep still as the tension rose. He was still rolling, running his hands up and down his thighs, unable to keep still as the urge to touch and be touched seized his body. 
“What did you take?” Tony’s voice was firm as they walked into the living room, not leaving any room for excuses or prevarication. 
“Molly.” Peter muttered to the floor, unable to meet his father’s eyes. He flinched and gasped as his father’s hand lifted his chin, forcing him to make eye contact.  
“Want to try that again kid? What did you take?”
Peter quivered under Tony’s laser sharp gaze. “M- molly.”
Tony’s sigh of disappointment cut into Peter like a knife. The ride back across the city had cooled his righteous indignation, leaving only the shame behind. Peter looked back to the floor, pulling away reluctantly from his father’s hand. 
“I am so incredibly disappointed in you Peter. I’ve always tried to be open with you about my struggles with substance abuse, and hoped you would learn from my mistakes and not repeat them. You can consider yourself on lockdown, no phone, no friends.”
Peter kept looking down at the floor, the film of tears he’d been battling since the slap prickling in his eyes. His dad was right, Peter had really fucked up tonight, in a spectacularly visible way, and so soon after gaining privileges back. “I’m sorry…” Peter whispered. 
“I don’t believe you Pete. I can’t trust anything you say right now.”
Tony’s words stung worse than the slap had. “That’s not fair!” It burst out of Peter’s mouth before he could think twice.
“You think that’s unfair?” Tony scoffed. “Trust me, you’re going to be learning a big lesson on what’s fair and what’s not. Just- Go get ready for bed. I can barely even look at you after what I saw tonight.”
Peter was suddenly furious again, hurt boiling over, too hot to consider the effect of his words. “Is that what Howard told you? After your first sex tape leaked?” He looked up with fire blazing in his eyes to note with satisfaction how his father’s jaw had dropped. “Guess what Dad, I’m not a little kid anymore. So what, I like to suck dick.” Peter jutted his jaw out defiantly. “From what I’ve seen, that apple sure didn’t fall far from the tree.” 
“Bed!” Tony practically roared, eyes flashing, pointing toward Peter’s room. 
“Fine!” Peter shouted back, stomping down the hallway with the full power of his favorite Docs. He stormed into his room, slamming the door and hearing the answering shout echo down the hallway. Peter was most of the through angrily stripping, standing in his socks, bare chested with just his black briefs on by the time the door flew open. “Dad!” He yelped, “I’m changing!” 
“Don’t care, as you so clearly pointed out, nothing I’ve never seen before.” Tony’s voice was clipped with irritation. “Finish getting ready for bed.”
Peter practically ran into the bathroom and slammed that door shut too, locking it behind him. He collapsed onto the cool tile floor, chest heaving with frustrated sobs as the doorknob jiggled.
“Unlock the door Pete. I don’t trust you being alone.”
“Fuck you!” Peter hissed venomously through the door. Dead silence was the answer, instead of the explosion Peter was goading for. 
“JARVIS,” Tony enunciated clearly, “unlock Peter’s bathroom door, override code, ‘Daddy knows best.’”
Peter gaped at the door as it audibly unlocked and swung open and his father stalked inside.
“You want to act like a child Peter? I can treat you like a child!” Tony was clearly still furious, eyes flashing down at Peter who was huddled on the bathroom floor by the sink. “Stand up!”
“No!” Peter shouted back, foot kicking down on the floor in defiance.   
Tony reached down and hauled Peter up from the floor, hands under his arms like he was nothing more than a little kid. Peter kicked and struggled the whole way as he was deposited to sit on the counter by the sink. “Stay there!”
Peter huddled in on himself miserably, feeling exposed and small, shivering in his briefs and socks as the cool marble sunk in through the fabric. He watched in confusion as his dad pulled Peter’s toothbrush and toothpaste from the medicine cabinet, getting the toothbrush wet under the faucet and squirting toothpaste on the bristles. 
“Open.” His father’s voice didn’t leave room for argument, but Peter resisted, giving in to the childish urge to shake his head with his lips pressed tight together. 
Tony caught Peter’s chin with one strong hand and pinched at the hinge of his jaw, forcing his mouth open. Peter squawked in alarm as his body followed Tony’s whim instead of his own will, spluttering as his father firmly inserted the toothbrush into Peter’s mouth. 
“Dad! Stop!” Peter’s whining protests were garbled by the toothbrush as it slipped and slid roughly over his teeth and gums, spreading an intensely minty taste. 
“Can’t believe I found you in some alley on your knees, gonna clean out that filthy fucking mouth of yours.” Tony was growling aggravated nonsense as he scrubbed harshly inside Peter’s mouth. “Down in the gutter sucking off some Tony Stark knockoff while the real one is at home worried, you think your life is unfair?! You think I like watching you disobey and disrespect and self-destruct?”
Fat tears were swelling up in Peter’s eyes, the ghostly ache of the earlier slap making itself known as his father’s strong grip pressed into his cheek, keeping his mouth vulnerable and open. As Tony continued brushing across Peter’s teeth those tears started running down his face in streams as he hiccupped and choked around the toothbrush invading his mouth. The foam that had built up was dripping out of the corners of his lips and down his chin. 
Peter tried to fire back around the intrusion, he wasn’t disobedient or disrespectful or self destructive, he wasn’t! He just wanted to have a little fun. All Peter succeeded in doing was sobbing miserably and disgustingly leaking out toothpaste onto Tony’s hand. He'd never felt so achingly vulnerable, not when Flash first pushed him against the lockers and forced him to his knees, not the first time his father had caught him trying to sneak out of the tower, not even when the paparazzi caught up with him after a particularly bad day at school, sobbing his sorrows out over his mother’s grave. 
Tony let go of Peter’s jaw and maneuvered him sideways over the sink by his shoulder. “Spit.” 
The touch against his bare skin rocketed tingles down Peter’s spine and to his- Oh no. Peter sputtered the foam out of his mouth into the basin, chest heaving with shame. Why was- How could he be? The more he thought about it, tried to unravel his feelings, the harder his dick throbbed between his legs, tenting the dark fabric of his briefs. 
Drowning in confusion, Peter felt utterly unmoored as his father let go of him, turned on the taps, and cupped his hands underneath to catch the water. 
“Rinse.” Tony said flatly, holding his hands up to Peter’s lips. 
Peter shook his head frantically, needing something, needing just a minute to think- To calm down-
“Rinse!” Tony snapped. 
The roiling combination of shame, panic, and desire bubbling in Peter’s stomach erupted. He shoved his father’s hands away, spilling water all down his chest and stomach. “I’m not a child,” Peter shouted as he tried to swipe the cold water off his skin, “and I don’t know how to prove it to you!”
Dead silence was his only answer. 
Peter looked up in confusion from where he’d been glaring at the floor, waiting for the reprimand for losing his temper. Aw fuck. His dad was staring straight down at his hard-on, which was pointing proudly toward the ceiling like it had nothing to be ashamed of, like everything about popping a boner in this situation wasn’t completely wrong.
“I can see that,” Tony finally replied in a coolly interested voice, anger still present but iced over by something- Something else Peter couldn’t identify. 
Peter started to curl defensively into a ball on the counter, but was stopped by Tony’s hands coming down to rest on the tops of his thighs, fingers splaying out across his sensitive skin. He gasped as the touch set off another rolling wave of pleasure to his core that left goosebumps in its wake, sent shivers up his chest, hardening his nipples to little brown peaks. 
“You wanna prove you’re not a little kid Petey?” 
Peter had never heard that tone in his father’s voice before. “Dad?” He asked in a small voice, head spinning, confused beyond belief, heartbeat racing. 
Tony leaned in and nuzzled at Peter’s neck, rubbing his goatee against Peter’s pulse as his hands traveled slowly up Peter’s thighs. Peter gasped out a shocked moan as the prickly sensation sent heat blazing straight toward his throbbing dick. 
“What?” Peter panted. “I don’t-”
“Shhh,” Tony soothed against Peter’s skin. “Isn’t this what you want? To prove to me you’re old enough?”
Peter tilted his head back against the mirror and parted his suddenly dry mouth. “I- I guess-”
Tony dragged his lips up Peter’s neck and to the shell of his ear. “Good boy,” he said crisply before fitting his mouth against Peter’s and squeezing down on his thighs, digging his nails into Peter’s pale skin. 
Peter’s reflexive protest that he wasn’t a boy was swallowed up by his father’s lips and probing tongue, and turned into a moan deep in his throat as fireworks sparked off under his skin. Though he’d thought the kiss from the stranger earlier that night was good, it was nothing compared to this all consuming experience. Tony’s nails slowly scratched up Peter’s thighs toward his aching cock, making him whimper helplessly into his father’s mouth. 
Breaking the kiss and laughing cruelly at Peter’s confused whine, Tony traveled down Peter’s body with his lips and teeth, nipping sharply and sucking at his pebbled nipples, drinking in the sound of his son’s shocked gasps and moans. 
“Wait, no- You can’t- Dad!” Peter cried out as Tony reached his goal, and mouthed lightly at Peter’s hardness through the cotton of his briefs, sucking at the dot of precum that had dampened the fabric by the tip of his son’s dick. 
“Has anyone ever done this for you before?” Tony asked, looking up at Peter and ignoring his protests.
Peter shook his head wildly back and forth, looking down at his father with wide eyes. “I- I’m usually the one who-”
Tony grinned wickedly up at Peter, then tugged impatiently at the tight elastic waist of his son’s briefs and pulled it down past Peter’s hips and ass, freeing his erection to bob fully in the air. Laving at his son’s leaking tip with a practiced tongue, Tony sucked Peter’s dick into the wet heat of his mouth. 
“Ah- Hah-” Peter was beyond words as his father bobbed his head up and down. He curled around Tony as he was completely overwhelmed by the sensations, by the silken tightness surrounding his cock, by the agile working of his dad’s tongue around the tip on every upstroke. 
Peter lost track of time as waves of pleasure lapped in his core, radiating out to all his limbs, tingling at the base of his skull. He could feel his balls drawing up and tightening, and couldn’t control the rocking of his hips, the perverse urge to fuck up into his father’s mouth. 
Pulling off Peter with a wet slurp, Tony tugged him forward off the counter until his feet met the floor, and flipped him around roughly by the hips, tugging his briefs down all the way to the floor. He stopped to give the perfect roundness of Peter’s cheeks a series of wet nips as he stood, before tucking his head over his son’s shoulder, and meeting his eyes in the mirror. 
Peter’s irises were almost invisible, swallowed by the black of his enlarged pupils, surrounded by smeared eyeliner and accented by sooty tear tracks down his cheeks. His eyes grew impossibly wide as he heard the metal of his father’s zipper being undone, and felt Tony’s hardness nestling between his bare cheeks, hot like a branding iron against his skin. It felt huge. Tony flexed his hips forward, making Peter hiss as the head of his father’s cock nudged against his virgin hole. 
“Dad,” Peter began, voice breaking off as Tony ground against him again, making him throb with empty want and abject terror. 
“Yeah Petey?” Tony grunted as he rooted through the medicine cabinet for something slick, hips rutting forward over and over, rubbing the tip of his dick across Peter’s asshole with increasingly slippery thrusts. 
“I- I don’t feel so good.” Peter’s head was back to spinning and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest, even as the slide of skin on skin sent electric sparks shooting though him. 
“Shhh baby,” Tony cooed, opening the jar of coconut oil he’d found. “It’s about to feel really good.” 
Pulling back, Tony slicked up his cock with the oil, spreading it with a series of wet schlicks that echoed dimly in Peter’s ears. Peter gasped weakly as his father’s now slickened cock resumed rubbing against his hole, pressing inside ever so slightly with every pass. 
Dad!” Peter cried out. 
“What?” Tony bit out.
“I’m scared,” Peter confessed in a small voice.
“You getting scared like a little kid Petey? Tony mockingly caressed Peter’s hair. “Afraid of what you don’t know? What’s next, you gonna be afraid of the dark again, need me to tuck you in, need a nightlight?” 
“‘M not a little kid,” Peter shot back in a watery voice, holding back a confused sob. Everything felt so good, felt so bad, he just wanted so badly to be touched, just maybe not- Maybe not like this. 
“Just relax, you’ll be fine.” Tony pushed forward again, gripping Peter’s hips and using the leverage to keep constant pressure against the ring of muscle that clung tightly to the tip of his cock. “Fuck baby,” Tony grunted, slowly forcing himself inside of his son. “Been waiting for you to grow up a little, out sucking on lookalikes when you could have been here sucking on me instead.”
Peter cried out as Tony’s dick slowly slid inside his clinging hole, bringing with it a stinging ache that radiated out to his lower back and thighs. “Stop! Dad, it hurts-”
Tony reached around and tugged at Peter’s cock, which was still hard enough to pound nails. “Can’t hurt that much.” He said dismissively before returning his hands to Peter’s hips, holding him in a bruising grip. “Now shush- Man up,” Tony grunted as his hardness forced inside fully, “and stop your whining.”
Tears were welling up in Peter’s eyes again as the pain built, feeling like his insides were rearranged inch by searing inch. He started crying again in earnest, fresh tracks tracing down his cheeks as Tony pulled back glacially slowly, then slid home again, pulling on Peter’s hips for leverage as Peter clung to the bathroom counter for support, fingers scrabbling against the cool marble surface. 
“You wanted to play grown up games, you’re going to win grown up prizes,” Tony said breathlessly as his strokes increased in speed, balls slapping rhythmically against Peter as he experimented with the angle of his thrusts. 
“Oh!” Peter warbled as his father’s cock brushed against his prostate. “Fuck- Fuck!”
Tony grinned sharkishly in the mirror. “There we go,” he crowed, and added power to his strokes, mercilessly grinding his shaft against Peter’s stinging rim with every push, hammering against his sweet spot. 
“Dad-” Peter sobbed, pain and pleasure mixing up in his system like a hurricane, dick leaking where it hung between his thighs, drooling a long shining string of precum toward the floor. 
“That’s right Petey, you take this cock,” Tony growled lowly. 
As the minutes passed, the stinging was beginning to subside, leaving only lapping waves of warmth in its wake. Peter could see his body glistening with sweat in the mirror, curls plastered down to his forehead as his sobs turned into hitching moans. He was beginning to lean back into the thrusts, pushing his hips and arching his back to meet his father’s powerful pumps. Peter reached between his legs and grasped his aching dick, hissing in pleasure as he spread slickness from the tip down to his balls and back up again, jerking himself with fervor. 
Leaning his head down to pillow on his braced arm, Peter moaned quietly, “Dad?”
“What?” Tony panted between flexes of his hips. 
“Can you- I need-” Peter’s body quivered as he tried to speak. 
“Adults use their words,” Tony said harshly as he reached up and pulled Peter’s head back by his hair, forcing him to make eye contact in the mirror. “What do you want?”
“Please, fuck me harder!” Peter blurted out, flushed cheeks darkening with shame as he watched his father’s face. 
Tony laughed darkly and let go of Peter’s hair, letting his head fall back down to his arm and resuming his clawing grasp on his son's hips. “Who knew I raised such a fucking slut?” 
Peter gasped in shock and stroked himself harder as Tony’s thrusts sped up to a blistering pace, moaning like a cheap whore as his father’s cock pistoned in and out of his hole, slamming against his sweet spot on every stroke. His balls were tight with need, the heat in his core raging like a wildfire. Peter just needed- He didn’t know what he needed, but he needed it soon, he needed it like, now; he needed it like, yesterday.  
“You like that baby boy?” Tony reached in between their bodies and traced Peter’s reddened rim with his fingers before slowly pressing in a single digit, stretching Peter’s hole even further. 
Peter cried out fiercely as his ass began to burn again, white heat overtaking his vision.
“You like being all grown up?” Tony asked breathlessly. “You like being Daddy’s big boy slut?”
His father’s words hit Peter like a bolt of lightning, making his legs shake and back arch uncontrollably. Heat erupted from him as his cock jerked in his grasp and shot out long strings of cum onto the bathmat. His ass clenched, hard, around his father, muscles rippling in rhythmic pulses to the timing of his tsunami of pleasure. 
"Fuck, Pete-" Tony cursed, hips stuttering behind, into, out of Peter, finally coming to a lurching stop as a liquid heat spread inside Peter's ass. 
The bathroom was silent for long moments, except for their slowly calming breaths. Peter watched his father in the mirror, questioningly tracing the lines of his face as he pulled his cock out of Peter’s sloppy hole. 
"Dad?" Peter asked in a small voice. 
Tony sounded utterly spent as he replied, rubbing absently at Peter's hips where his fingers had left livid marks. "What Petey?" 
"Am I still grounded?"
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firefandoming · 5 years
Blissful Sickness
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Pairing: Starker. Rating : M. TW: drugs, drinking, smoking, incest, underage. Word count : 1300. 
Summary : Peter is recently out of rehab and using again behind his dad’s back. Tony is a very worried father and lover and questions what he did to cause Peter to be this way. Peter is a very ansty and mentally unstable addict. This story is loosely inspired by Euphoria on HBO. This has no beta all errors are my own. 
If you asked Tony Stark what the best day of his life was he'd say the first time he ever held his son in his arms. If you asked Tony what the worst day of his life was he'd say the day he found his darling son after an overdose laying on their bedroom floor...
Peter spent three months rehab the best rehab his Dad's money could. It changed nothing. It was all fucking horseshit. It didn't help Peter get clean and it did nothing for their relationship. It just made the teen pissed off more and want to get high even fucking more too 
Things haven't gotten better since he's gotten out not by a fucking low shot. Peter never had any intentions of staying clean of course he fucking didn't. 
"Why can't have my own fucking room! This house huge! Stop going through my shit! I'm not a baby anymore! Fuck off!"
"Don't speak your father that way, Peter! Sit down and talk to me like an adult! you want me to give you privacy? Treat you like an adult? Start acting like one! Stop throwing a fit like you're five! Stop hiding shit from me! Peter for fuck's sake you almost died! Do you really I'm gonna look through your dresser to make sure you aren't hiding drugs!?" 
"You aren't even my real fucking dad! You have no say in what I do with my fucking life!" 
That hurt it really hurt it felt like getting run over by an eighteen-wheeler. Tony adopted Peter when the boy was barely one. Tony loved him like his own always had. He never once saw him as anything his own. 
While Tony is caught in headlights with his brain logging Peter flips him off and storms out of the mansion. 
High tops racing on the sidewalk. Peter needs to get the fuck out there and get a fix. Fuck, Tony, he does clue the mental shit show living hellscape Peter's brain is. He pulls his phone and a cigarette from the pocket of his ripped skinny jeans. He lights the smoke. Thank fuck he keeps backups…Tony flushed the pack in his sock drawer. The thing is that smoking is the least of Peter's issues. The only thing that keeps the teen from being depressed enough he wants to jump off a bridge or blow his brains out is getting high. His dad just doesn't get him he never has. He never will. Well, it's one of the few things that keeps Peter off the fucking ledge...
The line rings three times before MJ picks up. 
"My boyfriend is being a fucking asshole! Can I crash at your place? Please? I've got good shit" He pleads with the friend hopping on his bike. His backpack is heavy and full of stolen booze on his back as he rides.
"Yeah Peter comes over you can bitch all about your sexy mystery man all you need" The girl concerns. 
"Thanks, Bye," Peter tells her before hanging up.
Peter spends all night high as fuck on Molly and Coke and some randoms pills with little snowflakes MJ found, laughing his ass off with his best friend. Doing shots of rum and vodka.. drinking out the bottle straight when they get too fucked to pour. Anything to make him feels go away. He doesn't even think of Tony once. 
In the morning the teen can't find his bike. He doesn't remember riding while high...but this wouldn't be the first time he's lost shit because he used drugs. He also doesn't remember why he was asleep in a tipped-over shopping cart in the park... Walking home takes three fucking hours he chain smokes the whole way. He got a fresh pack off MJ he has plenty to spare. He's hungover he wants bed...big ass memory foam bed his dad's bed. There he goes thinking about Tony...
He stumbles into the house until after nine in the morning. "Well, the hell were you last night? Rhodey had to call me off calling cops so better to have a good explanation for your behavior" Tony snaps in concerned tone crossing his arms in the doorway to their bedroom. 
"Fuck off I was with MJ you could have called her or her mom" Peter replies rolling his eyes and removing his shoes. 
His Dad walks over and gently rubs his arm, "You're taking a drug test" 
Peter groans "I'm sober. Do you really think I'd be using again right out of rehab? Seriously!"
"If you're sober take a drug test then!" 
"I'm tired Dad later...I don't have to piss right now" Peter replies trying to not sound annoyed.
Tony crosses his arms and shakes his head. 
"Daddy I promise later," Peter says with a good dose of puppy eyes. 
"Okay fine nap and then you're taking a test," Tony says letting Peter go lay down.
Peter makes his way to their bedroom and strips down. He can't sleep without pills if he has clothes on. Some stupid subconscious bullshit...
Tony stares in from the doorway his son and lover sleeping so peacefully. It's the only time Peter looks relaxed anymore. He doesn't know what's been going on but it's hard to watch. He just wishes the boy would stop running off and actually talk to him. Has it been working too much? Too little? Has been too hard on Peter? Not hard enough? He tried putting Peter in therapy a few years ago when he started showing bad signs but it didn't help and Peter stopped going…
Part of Tony wonders if their sexual relationship is to blame. Peter wants his own space. That could be just because he's a teenager that wants to be pissed off at his dad for finding contraband but it could something else… 
Whatever it is Tony blames himself. 
After a four hour nap, Peter dresses and climbs out the bedroom window. When he comes back he has a bottle of Ned's piss strapped to his thigh. Thank fuck for straight edge friends. 
"Dad I have to piss!" he calls out the man comes to him. 
When the test comes back negative Tony sits his son on the bathroom counter and kisses him. "I'm sorry I doubted you baby" He murmurs between peppering kisses on the teen's face. 
"And I'm sorry I started smoking again and didn't tell you" Peter lies he's not sorry...not at fucking all his dad will never understand. He slides his hand into Dad's pants. He flushed the squeeze bottle of piss. He wants to fuck. Sex is the second-best shit he can get second only to get high..."I was just mad you dumped my smokes that's all. I wanna make up and fuck now" Peter lies easily. 
"Are you sure that's all that's happening and our relationship has nothing to do with it?" Tony asks firmly holding Peter by the nape of the neck. 
"Yes," Peter replies sliding his hand into his Dad's sweats further…only half a lie. No none of this as anything to do with their sex life but it's by far not only thing happening. Peter's brain is hell it's chaos but he doesn't know why… sex is one of the only things that helps sex and drugs that is. Even if he's pissed at his dad he still wants the man's dick inside him. He's broken it makes to fucking sense…
Tony fucks him over bent over the bathroom counter. It's rough and raw just the way Peter likes it. The man tries to hold him after and the boy pulls away. His dad frowns "Why can't I hold you anymore?" 
"I'm not some stupid kid I don't need be held and told I'm a good boy after sex anymore dad" 
"Everyone needs aftercare" 
"I dont ...and oh by the way I need a new bike" Peter replies dryly leaving the room. He doesn't have time for sappy bullshit… 
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cassercole · 4 years
Molly for the niche questions ask game!
a song that reminds me of them: charlie by mallrat
what they smell like: it depends on the day like if she’s working in her lab, she usually smells like cleaning supplies for a bit afterward. otherwise, on a normal day, she smells like dryer sheets, and the cucumber and green tea shampoo she uses! 
an otp: petolly! 
a notp: tony/molly
favorite platonic/familial relationships: definitely liz and molly, mj and molly, and q and molly!
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: that she’s a total sweetie and rather innocent lol. 
the position they sleep in: curled up on her side that’s not facing her bedroom door. 
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: hmmm maybe with @nellie--crain‘s brynn parker! 
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: she hasn’t had a lot of outfits yet but i do like the one she wears in the first chapter: the turtleneck with the plaid flannel and high waisted jeans! 
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send me a character and i’ll tell you…
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Word Travelers - by Raj Haldar
Word Travelers – by Raj Haldar
Word Travelers: The Mystery of the Taj Mahal Treasure – written by Raj Haldar, illustrated by Neha Rawat. Sourcebooks, 2021. 9781728222059  Rating:  1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 4 Format: ARC Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Adventure What did you like about the book? This is the first book in a series in which Eddie and Molly-Jean (MJ) have adventures, traveling through the Awesome…
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sidekickhq · 5 years
where do you see zoey deutch, charlotte best and alura berlin fitting?
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any of them could fit the following :
biological : peter quill ( 24 + ), bruce wayne, thor, loki & sigyn, clark kent & lois lane, victor creed, black tom cassidy & eilish sullivan ( 26+ ), diana prince & steve trevor ( 25+ ), eddie brock, patsy walker & daimon hellstrom, hal jordan & carol ferris, harley quinn & pamela isley ( under 26 ), hela & thanos, kara zor el, oliver queen & dinah lance, victor zsasz ( under 27 ), logan howlett, peter parker & mj watson, loki & verity willis, theresa cassidy, donna troy. 
adopted : jean-paul beaubier & kyle jinadu, jason todd ( under 25 ), harley quinn & pamela isley ( under 26 ), roy harper, jessica drew & carol danvers, steve rogers, koriand’r & raven roth, maria hill ( under 27 ), crystalia amaquelin & pietro maximoff, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff & vision, scott summers, charles xavier & erik lehnsherr, bucky barnes. 
canons : , celeste cuckoo ( under 27 ), phoebe cuckoo ( under 27 ), julie power, mindee cuckoo ( under 27 ), molly hayes, paige guthrie, laurie collins, roxy washington, rachel summers, hope summers, leah of hel. 
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.。.:*☆   MUSE INFO.   under the cut you’ll find a list of all muses + sexual orientations + established ships / things i ship or do not ship.  just because a muse has ships listed doesn’t mean i’m not open to discussing / plotting other ships!   (   unless they’re listed as singleship   )
hannah baker  /  demisexual  /  ships:  clay jensen. olivia baker  /  heterosexual  /  ships:   single-ship w/ andy baker.   /  prefer non-ship plots. jenna maroney  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none beatrice baudelaire  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  lemony snicket,  bertrand baudelaire. genevieve quagmire  /  demisexual  /  ships:  mr quagmire. louise banks  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  ian donnelly.  thea queen  /  bisexual  /  ships:  roy harper. andrew ryan  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none.  /  prefer non-ship plots. booker dewitt  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  anna dewitt. diane mcclintock  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none.   (   i do acknowledge that she loved andrew,  i just don’t ship it   ). eleanor lamb  /  asexual  /  ships:  none.  /  prefer non-ship plots. elizabeth comstock   /  demisexual  /   ships:  none.   (   potential ship under development with @lovcdandlost​‘s lincoln campbell   ) frank fontaine  /  asexual  /  ships:  none.  /  prefer non-ship plots. jack ryan  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none.  /  prefer non-ship plots. leslie burke  /  pansexual  /  ships:  jess aarons. gina linetti  /  pansexual  /  ships:  rosa diaz. michelle simms  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  hubbel flowers. paige matthews  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  henry mitchell. patty halliwell  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  sam wilder,  victor bennett. penny halliwell  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none.  /  prefer non-ship plots. phoebe halliwell  /  pansexual  /  ships:  cole turner,  coop halliwell. piper halliwell  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  leo wyatt.  notps:  dan gordon. prue halliwell  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  andy trudeau.  notps:  jack sheridan. abed nadir  /  asexual  /  ships:  none.  /  prefer non-ship plots. annie edison  /  bisexual  /  ships:  jeff winger,  frankie dart,  troy barnes. ben chang  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. britta perry  /  bisexual  /  ships:  jeff winger,  frankie dart. craig pelton  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. frankie dart  /  homosexual  /  ships:  annie edison,  britta perry. jeff winger  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  annie edison,  britta perry. troy barnes  /  bisexual  /  ships:  annie edison. hayes morrison  /  bisexual  /  ships: maxine bohen.  /  notps:  conner wallace. haley hotchner  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  aaron hotchner. jennifer jareau  /  bisexual  /  otp:  will lamontagne jr.  /  ships:  emily prentiss,  spencer reid.   elle greenaway  /  bisexual  /  ships:  derek morgan. emily prentiss  /  bisexual  /  ships:  aaron hotchner,  jennifer jareau. erin strauss  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  david rossi. marion waldo  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. amelia smollet  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  delbert doppler. beatrice potts  /  heterosexual  /  no ships.  /  prefer non-ship plots. belle  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  adam. ella  / demisexual  /  ships:  kit.   elsa  /   asexual  /   prefer non-ship plots. eugene fitzherbert  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  rapunzel. giselle  /  pansexual  /  ships:  robert philip,  edward. kit  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  ella. madame de garderobe  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  maestro cadenza. 9th doctor  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. 10th doctor  /  pansexual  /  ships:  rose tyler. amelia pond  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  rory williams.  /  notps:  the doctor. rory williams  / heterosexual  /  ships:  amelia pond.  /  notps:  the doctor. rose tyler  /  pansexual  /  ships: 10th doctor  /  notps:  mickey smith. rita vrataski  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  cage. april nardini  /  asexual  /  prefer non-ship plots. babette dell  /  heterosexual;  single ship w/ morey dell.  /  prefer non-ship plots. jess mariano  /  asexual  /  ships:  rory gilmore. kirk gleason  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  lulu.  /  prefer non-ship plots. lorelai gilmore  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  luke danes,  max medina,  jason stiles.  /  notp:  christopher hayden  (  requires significant plotting  ) logan huntzberger  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  rory gilmore,  odette. paris geller  /  bisexual  /  ships:  doyle mcmasters. rory gilmore  /  asexual  /  ships:  logan huntzberger,  jess mariano.  /  notp:  dean forester. sookie st. james  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jackson bellville. brittany pierce  /  bisexual  /  ships:  santana lopez. jesse st. james  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  rachel berry. rachel berry  /  bisexual  /  ships:  finn hudson,  jesse st. james,  quinn fabray. addison montgomery  /  bisexual  /  ships:  jake reilly,  derek shepherd,  mark sloan,  alex karev.  /  notps:  pete wilder,  sam bennett. alex karev  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jo wilson,  addison montgomery,  izzie stevens. april kepner  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none  /  notp:  jackson avery. amelia shepherd  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none  /  notp:  owen hunt. arizona robbins  /  homosexual  /  ships:  callie torres,  eliza minnick. charlotte king  /  heterosexual  /  otp:  cooper freedman. cristina yang  / asexual  /  notps:  preston burke,  owen hunt. denny duquette  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  izzie stevens. ellis grey  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  richard webber  /  notp:  thatcher grey. eliza minnick  /  homosexual  /  ships:  arizona robbins. george o'malley  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. isobel stevens  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  denny duquette,  alex karev. jake reilly  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  addison montgomery. jo wilson  /  demisexual  /  ships:  alex karev. miranda bailey  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  ben warren.  /  notp:  tucker bailey. meredith grey  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  derek shepherd,  nathan riggs. naomi bennett  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  sam bennett. nathan riggs  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  meredith grey. violet turner  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none.  /  notp:  pete wilder. alice longbottom  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  frank longbottom. amos diggory  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none  /  prefer non-ship plots. ginny weasley  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  harry potter,  dean thomas.   hannah abbott  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  neville longbottom. harry potter  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  ginny weasley.  /  notp:  hermione granger. hermione granger  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  ron weasley. lily evans  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  james potter.  /  notp:  severus snape. narcissa malfoy  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  lucius malfoy. newt scamander  /  demisexual  /  ships:  tina goldstein. molly weasley  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  arthur weasley.  /  prefer non-ship plots. nymphadora tonks  /  pansexual  /  ships:  remus lupin.  porpentina goldstein  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  newt scamander. sirius black  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none  /  notps:  remus lupin,  james potter. ted tonks  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  andromeda tonks. aloy  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. elisabet sobeck  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none.  /  notp:  ted faro. mia dolan  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  sebastian wilder. sebastian wilder  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  mia dolan. chloe price  /  homosexual  /  ships:  none. max caulfield  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. aida  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none. antoine triplett  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jemma simmons. bobbi morse  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  lance hunter. cassie lang  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jonas. gamora  /  asexual  /  ships:  peter quill  /  prefer non-ship plots. gwen stacy  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  peter parker,  harry osborn. jean grey  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none. jemma simmons  /  asexual  /  ships:  leo fitz,  will daniels.  /  notps:  daisy johnson,  grant ward. jessica jones  /  demisexual  /  ships:  luke cage,  trish walker.  /  notps:  kilgrave. kraglin  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none  /  prefer non-ship plots. leo fitz  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jemma simmons. mantis  /  asexual  /  ships:  none. melinda may  /  demisexual  /  ships:  phil coulson,  andrew garner. nebula  /  asexual  /  ships:  none  /  prefer non-ship plots. peggy carter  /  demisexual  /  ships:  steve rogers,  gabe jones,  daniel sousa,  angie martinelli.  notps:  jack thompson,  dottie underwood. pepper potts  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  tony stark,  happy hogan. peter parker  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  gwen stacy,  mj watson. peter quill  /  pansexual  /  ships:  gamora. steve rogers  /  asexual  /  ships:  peggy carter,  @analyticallyminded‘s jemma simmons.  /  notps:  tony stark,  bucky barnes,  wanda maximoff. tony stark  /  pansexual  /  ships:  pepper potts.  /  notps:  steve rogers,  bruce banner. sara ryder  /  pansexual  /  ships:  liam costa. amalia balash  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  singleship w/ @idyllicism‘s georg nowack. anya  /  demisexual  /  ships:  dimitry. cathy hiatt  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jamie wellerstein. elizabeth vaughan  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  josh barton. elsa schräder  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. evan hansen  /  asexual  /  ships:  zoe murphy. gleb vaganov  /  demisexual  /  ships:  @anastcsie‘s anya ilona ritter  /  pansexual  /  ships:  paul  /  notp:  steven kodaly. ilse neumann /  asexual  /  ships:  none  /  prefer non-ship plots. jamie wellerstein  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  cathy hiatt. jenna hunterson  /  demisexual  /  ships:  jim pomatter. lily craven  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  archibald craven.  /  notp:  neville craven. lily malevsky-malevitch  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  vlad popov. margaret bennett (mother)  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  father,  tateh. miles tuck  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  happiness tbh. sarah  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  coalhouse walker jr.  mary gleason (the baker’s wife)  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  the baker. vlad popov  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  lily. wendla bergmann  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none  /  notp:  melchior gabor  /  prefer non-ship plots. winnie foster  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jessie tuck. zoe murphy  /  demisexual  /  ships:  evan hansen. brook soso  /  bisexual  /  ships:  poussey washington. gloria mendoza  /  heterosexual  /  prefer non-ship plots. lorna morello  /  pansexual  /  ships:  nicky nichols. nicky nichols  /  homosexual  /  ships:  lorna morello. poussey washington  /  homosexual  /  ships:  brook soso. janie beck  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. kara rhodes  /  bisexual  /  ships:  none. terence bowen  /  asexual  /  ships:  none. zachary rhodes  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. alison hendrix  /  pansexual  /  ships:  donnie hendrix.  /  notp:  clonecest. beth childs  /  asexual  /  ships:  paul dearden.  /  notp:  clonecest. gracie johanssen  /  demisexual  /  ships:  mark rollins. helena  / asexual  /  ships:  none.  /  notp:  clonecest /  prefer non-ship plots. krystal goderitch  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none  /  notp:  clonecest. rachel duncan  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none  /  notp:  clonecest,  ferdinand. sarah manning  /  bisexual  /  ships:  paul dearden.  /  notp:  clonecest. siobhan sadler  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none  /  prefer non-ship plots. adam braverman  /  heterosexual  /  singleship w/ kristina braverman. amber holt  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  ryan york.   crosby braverman /  bisexual  /  singleship w/ jasmine trussell. drew holt  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  amy ellis. haddie braverman  /  bisexual  /  ships:  alex,  lauren. joel graham  /  heterosexual  /  singleship w/  julia graham. kristina braverman  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  adam braverman. sarah braverman  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  hank rizzoli,  mark cyr. andy dwyer  /  pansexual  /  ships:  april ludgate. ann perkins  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  chris traeger. ben wyatt  /  bisexual  /  ships:  leslie knope. chris traeger  /  pansexual /  ships:  ann perkins. leslie knope  /  bisexual  /  ships:  ben wyatt. ron swanson  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  diane swanson. carina smyth  /  demisexual  /  ships:  henry turner. will turner  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  elizabeth swann. b'elanna torres  /  demisexual  /  ships:  tom paris.  /  notps:  seven of nine,  kathryn janeway. beverly crusher  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jean luc picard,  jack crusher. chakotay  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  kathryn janeway  /  notp:  seven of nine. deanna troi  /  pansexual  /  ships:  will riker,  tasha yar.  /  notp:  worf. the doctor  /  pansexual  /  ships:  seven of nine.  /  prefer non-ship plots. ezri dax  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. geordi la forge  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. harry kim  /  bisexual  /  ships:  none. icheb /  asexual  /  prefer non-ship plots. jadzia dax  /  pansexual  /  ships:  worf,  @starraised‘s julian bashir,  @astrcnautical‘s jim kirk,  kira nerys. jake sisko  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. kathryn janeway  /  demisexual  /  ships:  chakotay,  mark johnson.  /  notps:  seven of nine,  b’elanna torres. keiko o'brien  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  miles o’brien  /  ot3:  miles&kira. kira nerys  /  demisexual  /  ships:  odo, jadzia dax.  /  ot3:  miles&keiko. lwaxana troi  /  pansexual  /  ships:  odo. miles o'brien  /  pansexual  /  ships:  keiko o’brien  /  ot3:  keiko&kira. natasha yar  /  homosexual  /  ships:  deanna troi. q  /  pansexual  /  ships:  lady q. samantha wildman  /  pansexual  /  ships:  greskrendreck. seska  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none.  /  notps:  chakotay,  culluh. seven of nine  /  asexual  /  ships:  the doctor.  /  notps:  harry kim,  chakotay,  b’elanna torres,  kathryn janeway.  /  prefer non-ship plots. tom paris  /  pansexual  /  ships:  b’elanna torres.  /  notp:  kes. tuvok  /  asexual  /  ships:  his wife tbh.  /  prefer non-ship plots. william t. riker  /  pansexual  /  ships:  deanna troi. worf  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jadzia dax.  /  notps:  ezri dax,  deanna troi. han solo  /  pansexual  /  ships:  leia organa.  /  notps:  luke skywalker. jyn erso  /  bisexual  /  ships:  cassian andor. leia organa  /  pansexual  /  ships:  han solo. luke skywalker  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none.  /  notps:  han solo. padme amidala  /  bisexual  /  ships:  anakin skywalker. shmi skywalker  / demisexual  /  prefer non-ship plots. emily charlton  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. rachel watson  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none. emily ( ofglen )  /  homosexual  /  ships:  none. janine ( ofwarren )  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. june ( offred )  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  luke bankrole  /  notp:  commander waterford,  nick. luke bankrole  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  june. moira  /  homosexual  /  ships:  none. katniss everdeen  /  demisexual  /  ships:  peeta mellark,  gale hawthorne. bilbo baggins /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none  /  prefer non-ship plots. faramir  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  eowyn. frodo baggins  /  asexual  /  ships:  none legolas  /  pansexual  /  ships:  aragorn,  tauriel. meriadoc brandybuck  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. peregrin took  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. samwise gamgee  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  rosie cotton. beth johanssen  /  asexual  /  ships:  chris beck. andy bernard  /  pansexual  /  ships:  erin hannon. angela martin  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  dwight schrute. dwight schrute  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  angela martin. erin hannon  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  andy bernard. holly flax  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  michael scott. jim halpert  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  pam beesly pam beesly-halpert  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jim halpert. jack pearson  /  heterosexual  /  singleship w/ rebecca pearson. kevin pearson  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  sophie  /  notp:  olivia maine,  sloane sandburg. randall pearson  /  heterosexual  /  singleship w/ beth pearson. rebecca pearson  /  heterosexual  /  singleship w/ jack pearson. lucy preston  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  wyatt logan  /  notp:  garcia flynn. rufus carlin  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jiya. wyatt logan  /  bisexual  /  ships:  lucy preston. alice cullen /  heterosexual  /  singleship w/ jasper hale. bree tanner  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. esme cullen  /  demisexual  /  singleship w/ carlisle cullen. jasper hale  /  demisexual  /  singleship w/ alice cullen. kimmy schmidt  /  asexual  /  ships:  none.  /  prefer non-ship plots. titus andromedon  /  homosexual  /  ships:  mikey politano. beth washington  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. hannah washington  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. jessica  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  mike. mike  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  jessica,  emily. samantha  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. lev calder  /  demisexual  /  ships:  none. risa ward  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  connor lassiter. diana trout  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  none. kelsey peters  /  pansexual  /  ships:  none. liza miller  /  heterosexual  /  ships:  charles,  josh.
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californiafolklife · 7 years
Beliefs and Rituals of California Winemakers
The following vintner beliefs and rituals come from Michael Cervin’s “Crazy Superstitions and Rituals of Winemakers,” Part I and Part II.  Here are a few Californian ones.
Hair and Clothing:
“Here at Midnight Cellars we do not shave or cut out hair from the day of the first grapes till the day after we get our last grapes.” Rich Hartenberger, Midnight Cellars, Paso Robles
“For my first 7 harvests I didn't shave my beard or cut my hair between the first grapes that came in to the last. Then I went through 4 - 5 harvests where I kept my beard clean and shaved regularly, but never cut my hair. This past harvest I went back to keeping my beard growing. Maybe not so much a superstition but more my 1-year-old daughter loves to pull on it.” ~Coby Parker-Garcia, Claiborne & Churchill Winery, Edna Valley, California
“All the guys tend to cut their hair, grow their hair, cut their beard, grow their beard, during harvest. It was annoying me until I came up with something that I could do along the same lines. I now dye my hair purple or red just before harvest. For a blonde this is rather a shocking change but I love the looks on people’s faces who think I always look this way.” ~Dorothy Schuler, Bodegas Paso Robles, Paso Robles
“I grow a beard and don’t cut my hair during harvest. Probably part of it has to do with the fact that I like beards and it seems wives don’t like them so much, so this gives me an excuse.” ~Greg La Follette, La Follette Wines, Sonoma
“My harvest superstition: I always chop my hair right before harvest. Out with the old and in with the new!” ~Anne Vawter, Red Mare Wines, Napa
“My Cal Berkeley Sweatshirt. I wear it on the first pick of every harvest.” ~Neeta Mittal, LXV Wine, Paso Robles
”I have to wear shorts from the first day of harvest until the last tank of red is pressed out. Since we are typically pressing out towards the end of November it can get a bit chilly on some mornings. It all started over 15 years ago when a co-worker and I would kid around as the mornings were getting colder. ‘You’re probably going to wear pants tomorrow aren’t you?’ Followed by, ‘Not me, no way!’ So it became a survival of the fittest thing that turned into a ritual.” ~Paul Steinauer, Flora Springs, St. Helena
“Finish the formal harvest plan before the Tour de France finishes. No cutting of hair (head or facial) until the very last grapes are harvested. The winery break table must always have a 5-pound jar of Red Vines on it when fruit is being harvested. On the first day of the Chardonnay harvest, crack open a bottle of white Burgundy (same for Pinot, with a red Burgundy).” Mike Sinor, director of winemaking at Ancient Peaks Winery, and Sinor-LaVallee Wine Company, San Luis Obispo
“As a break from the heat, as well as a break from the habits of the local farmers, years ago I decided to wear red shorts in the field as opposed to the jeans, which are the farmers’ usual field dress. Fending off the catcalls and whistles of my fellow farmers, I told them that I wear the red shorts each April 1st as a sacrifice to the “weather gods,” and don’t take off the shorts until each Lodi farmer completes their harvest. Once when I decided to tempt fate and forgo the red shorts early, a cloud bust occurred, ruining almost 3,000 potential cases of wine and resulting in 136 calls on my voice mail asking if I had worn my red shorts.” (They make a wine to honor this superstition, Red Shorts Red) Lance Randolph, Winemaker Periano Vineyards, Lodi
“Once we bring the grapes into the building I always welcome them to their new home, thank them for thriving ephemerally and also let them know that we are grateful for them and this is what they were grown for. While I mix yeast, I don’t allow people to talk to me because yeasties (as I call them) are living organisms and I only want good vibes around them. That means I focus my good energy on them in hopes that they will manifest a thriving and healthy fermentation. On the morning a wine is being bottled, I wish it Happy Birthday and note the astrological sign under which the birthday falls in my records. I tell the wine how much “Mama” loves her, and I send her off with best wishes to make others as happy as she makes me. I consider all wines female except Petite Sirah, which I call my “boys.”  Shauna Rosenblum, Rock Wall Wine Company, Alameda
Every time I pitch a bucket of yeast into a fermenter to get it started, I find myself saying, “Get happy little yeasties,” trying to encourage an elegant fermentation out of them. After the tanks are inoculated, often being the first one at the winery, I will turn on Pearl Jam (something from the album Ten) and speak to each tank while it is fermenting, trying to ensure that they stay happy. Perhaps I should start to play the song “Happy” instead… Also, during bottling season we always try to avoid Mondays, with the fear of what our native “winery gnomes” may have done to the bottling line over the weekend. I’ve spoken to other winemakers about this, and they know all too well about the winery gnomes.” Don Schroeder, Sea Smoke, Santa Rita Hills
“For sluggish fermentations, we make the atmosphere as romantic as possible for the yeast - we light candles and play some Barry White.” Todd Graff, Frank Family Vineyards, Napa
“I would say I do two things that are also somewhat practice. I listen to barrels a lot to see how fast they are fermenting and how active they are – so my right ear is usually dirty! I also love feeling the outside of tanks instead of taking an actual temperature of Pinot fermentation. It is a lot more tactile of a reading.” Gavin Chanin, LUTUM Wines, Santa Barbara
Other Stuff:
“Being a female winemaker, I cannot participate in the harvest ritual of shaving, and just thinking about wearing the same socks/underwear throughout harvest gives me the willies. What I learned from Lynn Penner-Ash is the elegant route of toasting the first grapes received with a bottle of Champagne. I always gather the entire team (sales/marketing included) at the ungodly hour of 5 or 6 a.m. to gather around our first bin of grapes for my harvest quote of the year and a taste of Champagne…remembering to always give a pour for Bacchus over the grapes. This year, we added the tradition of starting every processing day with the song “Troglodyte (Caveman)” by Jimmy Castor Bunch as remixed by Lo-Fidelity Allstars. And the one day we didn’t start it in time, as I was in the vineyard monitoring the pick, our Oscillys (destemmer) kept shutting itself off on us!” ~MJ Tsay, Realm Cellars, St. Helena
“I sing the French national anthem as I hydrate the yeast for fermentation.” ~Arnaud Debons, San Antonio Winery, Los Angeles
“I never start harvest on a Friday, it could be bad luck. This has been in the family for a few generations.” ~Pierre Birebent, Signorello Estate, Napa
“Full moons bring nothing bad luck for bottling. The equipment on our bottling line breaks down with no explanation what seems like every single time we bottle on a full moon. I cringe if I see a full moon and know that we are scheduled to bottle the next day because it will be a disaster.” ~Brooke Langelius St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery, Napa
“At Sequoia Grove, most of our cellar employees were born in Mexico, a country of many sayings and superstitions. One of the superstitions we have adopted at the winery is ‘dar el remojo.’ The direct translation (‘give a soaking’) doesn’t make much sense, but the idea is this: when you are lucky enough to have something good happen in your life - a good harvest or a new forklift - you share your good fortune and encourage future luck to come your way by buying burritos, donuts, or beer for your friends and/or employees. The unsaid implication is that if you don’t ‘dar el remojo’, then bad luck may come your way. Sequoia Grove just finished harvest and damos el remojo by having a delicious lunch of carne asada, salsa, and beer." ~Molly Hill, Sequoia Grove Winery, St. Helena.
“There is just one superstition that I follow - never, never wash your car during harvest. With multiple trips up and down Casey Flat Ranch the dust gets into every nook and cranny of my car, inside and out. It's against all winemaker rules to wash until the last grapes are in. If you hit the carwash, it will rain."  ~Laura Barrett, Casey Flat Ranch, Capay Valley
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a-lily-briscoe · 8 years
Trying not to short-circuit my keyboard w my tears as I type this, but still, thoughts:
- Phyllis Crane will forever and always be my hero (a hero who is terrible at parties and fears nothing and shakes a martini shaker like a mofo and does the most absurdly adorable hyperextended wave I have ever seen)
- The parallels with Shelagh telling Patrick about the pregnancy were adorable, and Shelagh’s sheer joy was EVERYTHING, but I’m still not quite reconciled to this storyline - gonna wait to see how it plays out 
- Frisky Fred, you cheeky beggar
- Sister MC, you beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves nothing horrible to ever happen to you, I love and support you always (and I worship Bryony Hannah for that STUNNING performance)
- Sister J, you are such a beautiful and classy woman, but goddamn(!) you adjust that coat lapel with some FORCE, daahling, and I don’t wanna be on your bad side; stay strong and wonderful and incredible and TAKE NONE OF SISTER U’S SHIT
- The abuse storyline was super intense (reminiscent of Molly in the second season, but even more so) and super powerful - the actress who played Trudy and the little boy who played Mickey deserve all manner of medals
- I missed Trixie a little, but I’m glad she is where she is (same with Sister E - miss her dearly, but glad she’s gone to her well-deserved reward)
- Babs and the pottery wheel (and her continual nervousness about said wheel) had me dying - she is too adorable and wonderful, and always so modest yet so proud of what little she has (*cough* *and Tom doesn’t deserve her* - hmm, sorry, what?)
- Sister MJ, your telly will be returned to you one day I promise, and you and Sister J are such beautiful humans (I finally broke down when they were comforting Sister MC - the most heartrending scene in the episode, hands down)
- Sister U, you can suck a bag of dicks (the way she took sheer pleasure in telling them about the call from Chichester while knowing full well what it was about made me sick)
- And last but absolutely not at all least, MY LESBIANS
- Patience Mount mixing cocktails in jeans - take my heart (and every ounce of lust I have in my body) - also, the way apologetic Pats looks at Delia makes my heart implode (plus, “To Barbara’s looming career as an inebriate clergy’s spouse” - her eloquence and charm will literally end me)
- Delia Busby is now officially one of the girls, and she’s a fucking 60s fashion icon?!?! Like Tracy Turnblad eat your heart out?!?! Also continually a champ at being exactly what Patsy needs at the time she needs it, and even more adorable than usual when explaining Welsh cakes to Sister J and others at the Commonwealth Fair (and when outright telling Patsy that she loves every part of her like it’s the most casual thing in the world)
- To cap it all off, the fucking side-eye from the triangle of Phyllis, Pats, and Deels should have laser-power, because I’d probably combust if all of that was pointed right at me (but since Sister U is a fucking emotionless psychopath, she survived)
Ugh. So many feels. I may have to agree with Rocky that there might have been a few too many story threads/news bombshells dropped, but it was wonderful to see (mostly) everyone back together again. Here’s to an exciting (and definitely lethal to my emotional control) new season! <3 
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italianaradio · 5 years
Critics Choice Awards 2020: tutti i vincitori
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/critics-choice-awards-2020-tutti-i-vincitori/
Critics Choice Awards 2020: tutti i vincitori
Critics Choice Awards 2020: tutti i vincitori
Critics Choice Awards 2020: tutti i vincitori
Ecco tutti i vincitori del Critics Choice Awards 2020, evento in cui si è distinto Quentin Tarantino, che ha portato a casa il premio per il miglior film (C’era una volta a Hollywood) e la migliore sceneggiatura, e che potrebbe essere il front runner per la corsa agli Oscar, che comincerà tra poche ore con l’annuncio delle nomination.
Ecco tutti i vincitori dei Critics Choice Awards 2020
BEST PICTURE “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” (WINNER) “1917” “Ford v Ferrari” “The Irishman” “Jojo Rabbit” “Joker” “Little Women” “Marriage Story” “Parasite” “Uncut Gems”
BEST ACTOR Joaquin Phoenix – “Joker” (WINNER) Antonio Banderas – “Pain and Glory” Robert De Niro – “The Irishman” Leonardo DiCaprio – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Adam Driver – “Marriage Story” Eddie Murphy – “Dolemite Is My Name” Adam Sandler – “Uncut Gems”
BEST ACTRESS Renée Zellweger – “Judy” (WINNER) Awkwafina – “The Farewell” Cynthia Erivo – “Harriet” Scarlett Johansson – “Marriage Story” Lupita Nyong’o – Us Saoirse Ronan – “Little Women” Charlize Theron – “Bombshell”
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Brad Pitt – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” (WINNER) Willem Dafoe – “The Lighthouse” Tom Hanks – A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” Anthony Hopkins – “The Two Popes” Al Pacino – “The Irishman” Joe Pesci – “The Irishman”
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Laura Dern – “Marriage Story” (WINNER) Scarlett Johansson – “Jojo Rabbit” Jennifer Lopez – “Hustlers” Florence Pugh – “Little Women” Margot Robbie – “Bombshell” Zhao Shuzhen  – “The Farewell”
BEST YOUNG ACTOR/ACTRESS Roman Griffin Davis – “Jojo Rabbit” (WINNER) Julia Butters – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Noah Jupe – “Honey Boy” Thomasin McKenzie – “Jojo Rabbit” Shahadi Wright Joseph – “Us” Archie Yates – “Jojo Rabbit”
“The Irishman” (WINNER) “Bombshell” “Knives Out” “Little Women” “Marriage Story” “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” “Parasite”
BEST DIRECTOR Sam Mendes – “1917” (WINNER – TIE) Bong Joon Ho – “Parasite” (WINNER – TIE) Noah Baumbach – “Marriage Story” Greta Gerwig – “Little Women” Josh Safdie and Benny Safdie – “Uncut Gems” Martin Scorsese – “The Irishman” Quentin Tarantino – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”
BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Quentin Tarantino – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” (WINNER) Noah Baumbach – “Marriage Story” Rian Johnson – “Knives Out” Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin Won – “Parasite” Lulu Wang – “The Farewell”
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY Greta Gerwig – “Little Women” (WINNER) Noah Harpster and Micah Fitzerman-Blue – A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” Anthony McCarten – “The Two Popes” Todd Phillips & Scott Silver – “Joker” Taika Waititi – “Jojo Rabbit” Steven Zaillian  – “The Irishman”
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Roger Deakins – “1917” (WINNER) Jarin Blaschke – “The Lighthouse” Phedon Papamichael   – “Ford v Ferrari” Rodrigo Prieto – “The Irishman” Robert Richardson – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Lawrence Sher – “Joker”
BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN Barbara Ling, Nancy Haigh – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” (WINNER) Mark Friedberg, Kris Moran – “Joker” Dennis Gassner, Lee Sandales  – “1917” Jess Gonchor, Claire Kaufman – “Little Women” Lee Ha Jun – “Parasite” Bob Shaw, Regina Graves – “The Irishman” Donal Woods, Gina Cromwell – “Downton Abbey”
BEST EDITING Lee Smith – “1917” (WINNER) Ronald Bronstein, Benny Safdie – “Uncut Gems” Andrew Buckland, Michael McCusker – “Ford v Ferrari” Yang Jinmo  – “Parasite” Fred Raskin – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Thelma Schoonmaker – “The Irishman”
BEST COSTUME DESIGN Ruth E. Carter – “Dolemite Is My Name” (WINNER) Julian Day – “Rocketman” Jacqueline Durran – “Little Women” Arianne Phillips – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Sandy Powell, Christopher Peterson – “The Irishman” Anna Robbins – “Downton Abbey”
BEST HAIR AND MAKEUP “Bombshell” (WINNER) “Dolemite Is My Name” “The Irishman” “Joker” “Judy” “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood” “Rocketman”
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS “Avengers: Endgame” (WINNER) “1917” “Ad Astra” “The Aeronauts” “Ford v Ferrari” “The Irishman” “The Lion King”
BEST ANIMATED FEATURE “Toy Story 4” (WINNER) “Abominable” “Frozen II” “How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World” “I Lost My Body” “Missing Link”
BEST ACTION MOVIE “Avengers: Endgame” (WINNER) “1917” “Ford v Ferrari” “John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum” “Spider-Man: Far From Home”
BEST COMEDY “Dolemite Is My Name” (WINNER) “Booksmart” “The Farewell” “Jojo Rabbit” “Knives Out”
BEST SCI-FI OR HORROR MOVIE “Us” (WINNER) “Ad Astra” “Avengers: Endgame” “Midsommar”
BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM “Parasite” (WINNER) “Atlantics” “Les Misérables” “Pain and Glory” “Portrait of a Lady on Fire”
BEST SONG “Glasgow (No Place Like Home)” – “Wild Rose” (WINNER – TIE) “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” – “Rocketman” (WINNER – TIE) “I’m Standing With You” – “Breakthrough” “Into the Unknown” – “Frozen II” “Speechless” – “Aladdin” “Spirit” – “The Lion King” “Stand Up” – “Harriet”
BEST SCORE Hildur Guðnadóttir – “Joker” (WINNER) Michael Abels – “Us” Alexandre Desplat   – “Little Women” Randy Newman – “Marriage Story” Thomas Newman  – “1917” Robbie Robertson – “The Irishman”
DRAMA SERIES “Succession” (HBO) (WINNER) “The Crown” (Netflix) “David Makes Man” (OWN) “Game of Thrones” (HBO) “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) “Pose” (FX) “This Is Us” (NBC) “Watchmen” (HBO)
Jeremy Strong – “Succession” (HBO) (WINNER) Sterling K. Brown – “This Is Us” (NBC) Mike Colter – “Evil” (CBS) Paul Giamatti – “Billions” (Showtime) Kit Harington – “Game of Thrones” (HBO) Freddie Highmore – “The Good Doctor” (ABC) Tobias Menzies – “The Crown” (Netflix) Billy Porter – “Pose” (FX)
ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES Regina King – “Watchmen” (HBO) (WINNER) Christine Baranski – “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) Olivia Colman – “The Crown” (Netflix) Jodie Comer – “Killing Eve” (BBC America) Nicole Kidman – “Big Little” Lies (HBO) Mj Rodriguez – “Pose” (FX) Sarah Snook – “Succession” (HBO) Zendaya – “Euphoria” (HBO)
SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES Billy Crudup – “The Morning Show” (Apple) (WINNER) Asante Blackk – “This Is Us” (NBC) Asia Kate Dillon – “Billions” (Showtime) Peter Dinklage – “Game of Thrones” (HBO) Justin Hartley – “This Is Us” (NBC) Delroy Lindo – “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) Tim Blake Nelson – “Watchmen” (HBO)
SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES Jean Smart – “Watchmen” (HBO) (WINNER) Helena Bonham Carter – “The Crown” (Netflix) Gwendoline Christie – “Game of Thrones” (HBO) Laura Dern – “Big Little Lies” (HBO) Audra McDonald – “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) Meryl Streep – “Big Little Lies” (HBO) Susan Kelechi Watson – “This Is Us” (NBC)
COMEDY SERIES “Fleabag” (Amazon) (WINNER) “Barry” (HBO) “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) “Mom” (CBS) “One Day at a Time” (Netflix) “Pen15” (Hulu) “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop)
ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES Bill Hader – “Barry” (HBO) (WINNER) Ted Danson – “The Good Place” (NBC) Walton Goggins – “The Unicorn” (CBS) Eugene Levy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop) Paul Rudd – “Living with Yourself” (Netflix) Bashir Salahuddin – “Sherman’s Showcase” (IFC) Ramy Youssef – “Ramy” (Hulu)
ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Phoebe Waller-Bridge – “Fleabag” (Amazon) (WINNER) Christina Applegate – “Dead to Me” (Netflix) Alison Brie – “GLOW” (Netflix) Rachel Brosnahan – “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) Kirsten Dunst – “On Becoming a God in Central Florida” (Showtime) Julia Louis-Dreyfus – “Veep” (HBO) Catherine O’Hara – “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop)
Andrew Scott – “Fleabag” (Amazon) (WINNER) Andre Braugher – “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (NBC) Anthony Carrigan – “Barry” (HBO) William Jackson Harper – “The Good Place” (NBC) Daniel Levy – “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop) Nico Santos – “Superstore” (NBC) Henry Winkler – “Barry” (HBO)
SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Alex Borstein – “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) (WINNER) D’Arcy Carden – “The Good Place” (NBC) Sian Clifford – “Fleabag” (Amazon) Betty Gilpin – “GLOW” (Netflix) Rita Moreno – “One Day at a Time” (Netflix) Annie Murphy – “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop) Molly Shannon – “The Other Two” (Comedy Central)
LIMITED SERIES “When They See Us” (Netflix) (WINNER) “Catch-22” (Hulu) “Chernobyl” (HBO) “Fosse/Verdon” (FX) “The Loudest Voice” (Showtime) “Unbelievable” (Netflix) “Years and Years” (HBO)
TV MOVIE “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie” (Netflix) (WINNER) “Brexit” (HBO) “Deadwood: The Movie” (HBO) “Guava Island” (Amazon) “Native Son” (HBO) “Patsy & Loretta” (Lifetime)
ACTOR IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION Jharrel Jerome – “When They See Us” (Netflix) (WINNER) Christopher Abbott – “Catch-22” (Hulu) Mahershala Ali – “True Detective” (HBO) Russell Crowe – “The Loudest Voice” (Showtime) Jared Harris – “Chernobyl” (HBO) Sam Rockwell – “Fosse/Verdon” (FX) Noah Wyle – “The Red Line” (CBS)
ACTRESS IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION Michelle Williams – “Fosse/Verdon” (FX) (WINNER) Kaitlyn Dever – “Unbelievable” (Netflix) Anne Hathaway – “Modern Love” (Amazon) Megan Hilty – “Patsy & Loretta” (Lifetime) Joey King – “The Act” (Hulu) Jessie Mueller – “Patsy & Loretta” (Lifetime) Merritt Wever – “Unbelievable” (Netflix)
SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION Stellan Skarsgård – “Chernobyl” (HBO) (WINNER) Asante Blackk – “When They See Us” (Netflix) George Clooney – “Catch-22” (Hulu) John Leguizamo – “When They See Us” (Netflix) Dev Patel – “Modern Love” (Amazon) Jesse Plemons – “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie” (Netflix) Russell Tovey – “Years and Years” (HBO)
Toni Collette – “Unbelievable” (Netflix) (WINNER) Patricia Arquette – “The Act” (Hulu) Marsha Stephanie Blake – “When They See Us” (Netflix) Niecy Nash – “When They See Us” (Netflix) Margaret Qualley – “Fosse/Verdon” (FX) Emma Thompson – “Years and Years” (HBO) Emily Watson – “Chernobyl” (HBO)
ANIMATED SERIES “BoJack Horseman” (Netflix) (WINNER) “Big Mouth” (Netflix) “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance” (Netflix) “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power” (Netflix) “The Simpsons” (Fox) “Undone” (Amazon)
TALK SHOW “The Late Late Show with James Corden” (CBS) (WINNER – TIE) “Late Night with Seth Meyers” (NBC) (WINNER – TIE) “Desus & Mero” (Showtime) “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” (TBS) “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (NBC) “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” (HBO)
COMEDY SPECIAL “Live in Front of a Studio Audience: Norman Lear’s ‘All in the Family’ and ‘The Jeffersons’” (ABC) (WINNER) “Amy Schumer: Growing” (Netflix) “Jenny Slate: Stage Fright” (Netflix) “Ramy Youssef: Feelings” (HBO) “Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby” (Netflix) “Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia” (Netflix) “Wanda Sykes: Not Normal” (Netflix)
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Critics Choice Awards 2020: tutti i vincitori
Ecco tutti i vincitori del Critics Choice Awards 2020, evento in cui si è distinto Quentin Tarantino, che ha portato a casa il premio per il miglior film (C’era una volta a Hollywood) e la migliore sceneggiatura, e che potrebbe essere il front runner per la corsa agli Oscar, che comincerà tra poche ore con […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Chiara Guida
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celebritylive · 5 years
One more award show in the bag!
The 2020 Critics’ Choice Awards, often regarded as one of the most reliable Academy Awards foretellers in Hollywood, is airing live from Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California on Sunday night with Taye Diggs hosting.
Martin Scorsese‘s The Irishman leads the pack with 14 nominations, while Quentin Tarantino‘s Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood scored 12 overall nods. The popular war drama 1917 received eight nominations while Greta Gerwig‘s retelling of Little Women received nine.
Scroll down for the complete list of winners.
RELATED: Adam Sandler Reacts to Surprise Oscar Buzz for Uncut Gems: ‘That Really Wasn’t the Goal’
Best Picture
1917 Ford v Ferrari The Irishman Jojo Rabbit Joker Little Women Marriage Story Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood Parasite Uncut Gems
Best Actor
Antonio Banderas — Pain and Glory Robert De Niro — The Irishman Leonardo DiCaprio — Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood Adam Driver — Marriage Story Eddie Murphy — Dolemite Is My Name Joaquin Phoenix — Joker Adam Sandler — Uncut Gems
Best Actress
Awkwafina — The Farewell Cynthia Erivo — Harriet Scarlett Johansson — Marriage Story Lupita Nyong’o — Us Saoirse Ronan — Little Women Charlize Theron — Bombshell Renée Zellweger — Judy
Best Supporting Actor
Willem Dafoe — The Lighthouse Tom Hanks — A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Anthony Hopkins — The Two Popes Al Pacino — The Irishman Joe Pesci — The Irishman Brad Pitt — Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Best Supporting Actress
Laura Dern — Marriage Story Scarlett Johansson — Jojo Rabbit Jennifer Lopez — Hustlers Florence Pugh — Little Women Margot Robbie — Bombshell Zhao Shuzhen — The Farewell 
Best Young Actor/Actress
Julia Butters — Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood Roman Griffin Davis — Jojo Rabbit Noah Jupe — Honey Boy Thomas McKenzie — Jojo Rabbit Shahadi Wright Joseph — Us Archie Yates — Jojo Rabbit
Best Acting Ensemble
Bombshell The Irishman Knives Out Little Women Marriage Story Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood Parasite
Best Director
Noah Baumbach — Marriage Story Greta Gerwig — Little Women Bong Joon Ho — Parasite Sam Mendes — 1917 Josh Safdie and Benny Safdie — Uncut Gems Martin Scorsese — The Irishman  Quentin Tarantino — Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
RELATED: Brad Pitt Plans to ‘Abstain’ from Oscar Campaigning, Calls It a ‘Disservice’ to the Films
Best Original Screenplay
Noah Baumbach — Marriage Story Rian Johnson — Knives Out Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin Won — Parasite Quentin Tarantino — Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood Lulu Wang — The Farewell
Best Adapted Screenplay
Greta Gerwig — Little Women Noah Harpster and Micah Fitzerman-Blue — A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Anthony McCarten — The Two Popes  Todd Phillips and Scott Silver — Joker Taika Waititi — Jojo Rabbit Steven Zaillian — The Irishman
Best Cinematography
Jarin Blaschke — The Lighthouse Roger Deakins — 1917 Phedon Papamichael — Ford v Ferrari Rodrigo Prieto — The Irishman Robert Richardson — Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood  Lawrence Sher — Joker
Best Production Design
Mark Friedberg, Kris Moran — Joker Dennis Gassner, Lee Sandales — 1917 Jess Gonchor, Claire Kaufman — Little Women Lee Ha Jun — Parasite Barbara Ling, Nancy Haigh — Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Bob Shaw, Regina Graves — The Irishman Donal Woods, Gina Cromwell — Downton Abbey
Best Editing
Ronald Bronstein, Benny Safdie — Uncut Gems Andrew Buckland, Michael McCusker — Ford v Ferrari Yang Jinmo — Parasite Fred Raskin — Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Thelma Schoonmaker — The Irishman Lee Smith — 1917
Best Costume Design
Ruth E. Carter — Dolemite Is My Name Julian Day — Rocketman Jacqueline Durran — Little Women Arianne Phillips — Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Sandy Powell, Christopher Peterson — The Irishman Anna Robbins — Downton Abbey
RELATED: Jennifer Lopez Gets Emotional After Hearing Oscar Buzz Surrounding Her Performance in Hustlers
Best Hair and Makeup
Bombshell Dolemite Is My Name The Irishman Joker Judy Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Rocketman
Best Visual Effects
1917 Ad Astra The Aeronauts Avengers: Endgame Ford v Ferrari The Irishman The Lion King
Best Animated Feature
Abominable Frozen II How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World I Lost My Body Missing Link Toy Story 4
Best Action Movie
1917 Avengers: Endgame Ford v Ferrari John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum Spider-Man: Far From Home
Best Comedy
Booksmart Dolemite Is My Name The Farewell Jojo Rabbit Knives Out
Best Sci-Fi or Horror Movie
Ad Astra Avengers: Endgame Midsommar Us
Best Foreign Language Film
Atlantics Les Misérables Pain and Glory Parasite Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Best Song
“Glasgow (No Place Like Home)” – Wild Rose “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” – Rocketman “I’m Standing With You” – Breakthrough “Into the Unknown” – Frozen II “Speechless” – Aladdin “Spirit “– The Lion King “Stand Up” – Harriet
Best Score
Michael Abels – Us Alexandre Desplat – Little Women Hildur Guðnadóttir – Joker Randy Newman – Marriage Story Thomas Newman – 1917 Robbie Robertson – The Irishman
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Best Drama Series
The Crown (Netflix) David Makes Man (OWN) Game of Thrones (HBO) The Good Fight (CBS All Access) Pose (FX) Succession (HBO) This Is Us (NBC) Watchmen (HBO)
Best Actor in a Drama Series
Sterling K. Brown – This Is Us (NBC) Mike Colter – Evil (CBS) Paul Giamatti – Billions (Showtime) Kit Harington – Game of Thrones (HBO) Freddie Highmore – The Good Doctor (ABC) Tobias Menzies – The Crown (Netflix) Billy Porter – Pose (FX) Jeremy Strong – Succession (HBO)
Best Actress in a Drama Series
Christine Baranski – The Good Fight (CBS All Access) Olivia Colman – The Crown (Netflix) Jodie Comer – Killing Eve (BBC America) Nicole Kidman – Big Little Lies (HBO) Regina King – Watchmen (HBO) Mj Rodriguez – Pose (FX) Sarah Snook – Succession (HBO) Zendaya – Euphoria (HBO)
Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Asante Blackk – This Is Us (NBC) Billy Crudup – The Morning Show (Apple) Asia Kate Dillon – Billions (Showtime) Peter Dinklage – Game of Thrones (HBO) Justin Hartley – This Is Us (NBC) Delroy Lindo – The Good Fight (CBS All Access) Tim Blake Nelson – Watchmen (HBO)
Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Helena Bonham Carter – The Crown (Netflix) Gwendoline Christie – Game of Thrones (HBO) Laura Dern – Big Little Lies (HBO) Audra McDonald – The Good Fight (CBS All Access) Jean Smart – Watchmen (HBO) Meryl Streep – Big Little Lies (HBO) Susan Kelechi Watson – This Is Us (NBC)
Best Comedy Series
Barry (HBO) Fleabag (Amazon) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon) Mom (CBS) One Day at a Time (Netflix) PEN15 (Hulu) Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Best Actor in a Comedy Series
Ted Danson – The Good Place (NBC) Walton Goggins – The Unicorn (CBS) Bill Hader – Barry (HBO) Eugene Levy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop) Paul Rudd – Living with Yourself (Netflix) Bashir Salahuddin – Sherman’s Showcase (IFC) Ramy Youssef – Ramy (Hulu)
Best Actress in a Comedy Series
Christina Applegate – Dead to Me (Netflix) Alison Brie – GLOW (Netflix) Rachel Brosnahan – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon) Kirsten Dunst – On Becoming a God in Central Florida (Showtime) Julia Louis-Dreyfus – Veep (HBO) Catherine O’Hara – Schitt’s Creek (Pop) Phoebe Waller-Bridge – Fleabag (Amazon)
RELATED: Robert Downey Jr. Asked Not to Be Considered for an Oscar for Avengers: Endgame: ‘Let’s Not’
Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Andre Braugher – Brooklyn Nine-Nine (NBC) Anthony Carrigan – Barry (HBO) William Jackson Harper – The Good Place (NBC) Daniel Levy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop) Nico Santos – Superstore (NBC) Andrew Scott – Fleabag (Amazon) Henry Winkler – Barry (HBO)
Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Alex Borstein – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon) D’Arcy Carden – The Good Place (NBC) Sian Clifford – Fleabag (Amazon) Betty Gilpin – GLOW (Netflix) Rita Moreno – One Day at a Time (Netflix) Annie Murphy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop) Molly Shannon – The Other Two (Comedy Central)
Best Limited Series
Catch-22 (Hulu) Chernobyl (HBO) Fosse/Verdon (FX) The Loudest Voice (Showtime) Unbelievable (Netflix) When They See Us (Netflix) Years and Years (HBO)
Best Movie Made for Television
Brexit (HBO) Deadwood: The Movie (HBO) El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (Netflix) Guava Island (Amazon) Native Son (HBO) Patsy & Loretta (Lifetime)
Best Actor in a Limited Series or Movie Made for Television
Christopher Abbott – Catch-22 (Hulu) Mahershala Ali – True Detective (HBO) Russell Crowe – The Loudest Voice (Showtime) Jared Harris – Chernobyl (HBO) Jharrel Jerome – When They See Us (Netflix) Sam Rockwell – Fosse/Verdon (FX) Noah Wyle – The Red Line (CBS)
Best Actress in a Limited Series or Movie Made for Television
Kaitlyn Dever – Unbelievable (Netflix) Anne Hathaway – Modern Love (Amazon) Megan Hilty – Patsy & Loretta (Lifetime) Joey King – The Act (Hulu) Jessie Mueller – Patsy & Loretta (Lifetime) Merritt Wever – Unbelievable (Netflix) Michelle Williams – Fosse/Verdon (FX)
Best Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie Made for Television
Asante Blackk – When They See Us (Netflix) George Clooney – Catch-22 (Hulu) John Leguizamo – When They See Us (Netflix) Dev Patel – Modern Love (Amazon) Jesse Plemons – El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (Netflix) Stellan Skarsgård – Chernobyl (HBO) Russell Tovey – Years and Years (HBO)
Best Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie Made for Television
Patricia Arquette – The Act (Hulu) Marsha Stephanie Blake – When They See Us (Netflix) Toni Collette – Unbelievable (Netflix) Niecy Nash – When They See Us (Netflix) Margaret Qualley – Fosse/Verdon (FX) Emma Thompson – Years and Years (HBO) Emily Watson – Chernobyl (HBO)
Best Animated Series
Big Mouth (Netflix) BoJack Horseman (Netflix) The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (Netflix) She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix) The Simpsons (Fox) Undone (Amazon)
Best Talk Show
Desus & Mero (Showtime) Full Frontal With Samantha Bee (TBS) The Kelly Clarkson Show (NBC) Last Week Tonight With John Oliver (HBO) The Late Late Show With James Corden (CBS) Late Night With Seth Meyers (NBC)
Best Comedy Special
Amy Schumer: Growing (Netflix) Jenny Slate: Stage Fright (Netflix) Live in Front of a Studio Audience: Norman Lear’s All in the Family and The Jeffersons (ABC) Ramy Youssef: Feelings (HBO) Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby (Netflix) Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia (Netflix) Wanda Sykes: Not Normal (Netflix)
The 25th Annual Critics’ Choice Awards is airing live on The CW from Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, CA on Sunday, Jan. 12.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2QQeGUh
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
Schitt’s Creek Nabs Five Nominations for the 2020 Critics’ Choice Awards
Moira Rose once famously said that her favourite season is ‘Awards Season’ and we suspect the crew of Schitt’s Creek will agree with her on that as the show has scored a total of five nominations at the 2020 Critics’ Choice Awards.
The nominations for next year’s ceremony were announced overnight and every single member of the Rose family was recognized for their work in the show. Catherine O’Hara has been nominated for Best Actress in a Comedy Series, Eugene Levy for Best Actor in a Comedy Series, Dan Levy for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series and former FASHION cover star Annie Murphy for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Plus, the series itself is nominated for Best Comedy Series.
It’s not the first time the show has been recognized by the industry, having previously been nominated for four Emmys this year also.
In the Best Comedy Series category, the show is up against Fleabag, Barry, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Mom, One Day at a Time and PEN15. In the individual categories, Eugene is nominated alongside Ted Danson, Bill Hader and Paul Rudd amongst others, whilst O’Hara’s category is hotly contested with the likes of Christina Applegate, Alison Brie, Rachel Brosnahan, Kulia Louis-Dreyfus, Kirsten Dunst and Phoebe Waller-Bridge all also nominated.
Over in film, Martin Scorcese’s The Irishman received 14 nominations overall, Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood scored 12, and Greta Gerwig’s Little Women got a total of seven nods. Jennifer Lopez also scored her first Critics’ Choice nomination for Hustlers, and Booksmart (starring former FASHION cover star Beanie Feldstein) also received a nod in the Best Comedy category.
The Critics’ Choice Awards are largely considered to be one of the key indicators for the Oscars. According to EW, “The Critics’ Choice Awards have predicted the Oscar’s eventual Best Picture champion winner six times” since 2009.
See the full list of nominees below:
Ford v Ferrari
The Irishman
Jojo Rabbit
Little Women
Marriage Story
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Uncut Gems
Antonio Banderas – Pain and Glory
Robert De Niro – The Irishman
Leonardo DiCaprio – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Adam Driver – Marriage Story
Eddie Murphy – Dolemite Is My Name
Joaquin Phoenix – Joker
Adam Sandler – Uncut Gems
Awkwafina – The Farewell
Cynthia Erivo – Harriet
Scarlett Johansson – Marriage Story
Lupita Nyong’o – Us
Saoirse Ronan – Little Women
Charlize Theron – Bombshell
Renée Zellweger – Judy
Willem Dafoe – The Lighthouse
Tom Hanks – A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Anthony Hopkins – The Two Popes
Al Pacino – The Irishman
Joe Pesci – The Irishman
Brad Pitt – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Laura Dern – Marriage Story
Scarlett Johansson – Jojo Rabbit
Jennifer Lopez – Hustlers
Florence Pugh – Little Women
Margot Robbie – Bombshell
Zhao Shuzhen  – The Farewell
Julia Butters – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Roman Griffin Davis – Jojo Rabbit
Noah Jupe – Honey Boy
Thomasin McKenzie – Jojo Rabbit
Shahadi Wright Joseph – Us
Archie Yates – Jojo Rabbit
The Irishman
Knives Out
Little Women
Marriage Story
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Noah Baumbach – Marriage Story
Greta Gerwig – Little Women
Bong Joon Ho – Parasite
Sam Mendes – 1917
Josh Safdie and Benny Safdie – Uncut Gems
Martin Scorsese – The Irishman
Quentin Tarantino – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Noah Baumbach – Marriage Story
Rian Johnson – Knives Out
Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin Won – Parasite
Quentin Tarantino – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Lulu Wang – The Farewell
Greta Gerwig – Little Women
Noah Harpster and Micah Fitzerman-Blue – A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Anthony McCarten – The Two Popes
Todd Phillips & Scott Silver – Joker
Taika Waititi – Jojo Rabbit
Steven Zaillian  – The Irishman
Jarin Blaschke – The Lighthouse
Roger Deakins – 1917
Phedon Papamichael   – Ford v Ferrari
Rodrigo Prieto – The Irishman
Robert Richardson – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Lawrence Sher – Joker
Mark Friedberg, Kris Moran – Joker
Dennis Gassner, Lee Sandales  – 1917
Jess Gonchor, Claire Kaufman – Little Women
Lee Ha Jun – Parasite
Barbara Ling, Nancy Haigh – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Bob Shaw, Regina Graves – The Irishman
Donal Woods, Gina Cromwell – Downton Abbey
Ronald Bronstein, Benny Safdie – Uncut Gems
Andrew Buckland, Michael McCusker – Ford v Ferrari
Yang Jinmo  – Parasite
Fred Raskin – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Thelma Schoonmaker – The Irishman
Lee Smith – 1917
Ruth E. Carter – Dolemite Is My Name
Julian Day – Rocketman
Jacqueline Durran – Little Women
Arianne Phillips – Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Sandy Powell, Christopher Peterson – The Irishman
Anna Robbins – Downton Abbey
Dolemite Is My Name
The Irishman
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
Ad Astra
The Aeronauts
Avengers: Endgame
Ford v Ferrari
The Irishman
The Lion King 
Frozen II
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
I Lost My Body
Missing Link
Toy Story 4
Avengers: Endgame
Ford v Ferrari
John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Dolemite Is My Name
The Farewell
Jojo Rabbit
Knives Out
Ad Astra
Avengers: Endgame
Les Misérables 
Pain and Glory
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
“Glasgow (No Place Like Home)” – Wild Rose
“(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” – Rocketman
“I’m Standing With You” – Breakthrough
“Into the Unknown” – Frozen II
“Speechless” – Aladdin
“Spirit” – The Lion King 
“Stand Up” – Harriet
Michael Abels – Us
Alexandre Desplat   – Little Women
Hildur Guðnadóttir – Joker
Randy Newman – Marriage Story
Thomas Newman  – 1917
Robbie Robertson – The Irishman
The Crown (Netflix)
David Makes Man (OWN)
Game of Thrones (HBO)
The Good Fight (CBS All Access)
Pose (FX)
Succession (HBO)
This Is Us (NBC)
Watchmen (HBO)
Sterling K. Brown – This Is Us (NBC)
Mike Colter – Evil (CBS)
Paul Giamatti – Billions (Showtime)
Kit Harington – Game of Thrones (HBO)
Freddie Highmore – The Good Doctor (ABC)
Tobias Menzies – The Crown (Netflix)
Billy Porter – Pose (FX)
Jeremy Strong – Succession (HBO)
Christine Baranski – The Good Fight (CBS All Access)
Olivia Colman – The Crown (Netflix)
Jodie Comer – Killing Eve (BBC America)
Nicole Kidman – Big Little Lies (HBO)
Regina King – Watchmen (HBO)
Mj Rodriguez – Pose (FX)
Sarah Snook – Succession (HBO)
Zendaya – Euphoria (HBO)
Asante Blackk – This Is Us (NBC)
Billy Crudup – The Morning Show (Apple)
Asia Kate Dillon – Billions (Showtime)
Peter Dinklage – Game of Thrones (HBO)
Justin Hartley – This Is Us (NBC)
Delroy Lindo – The Good Fight (CBS All Access)
Tim Blake Nelson – Watchmen (HBO)
Helena Bonham Carter – The Crown (Netflix)
Gwendoline Christie – Game of Thrones (HBO)
Laura Dern – Big Little Lies (HBO)
Audra McDonald – The Good Fight (CBS All Access)
Jean Smart – Watchmen (HBO)
Meryl Streep – Big Little Lies (HBO)
Susan Kelechi Watson – This Is Us (NBC)
Barry (HBO)
Fleabag (Amazon)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
Mom (CBS)
One Day at a Time (Netflix)
PEN15 (Hulu)
Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Ted Danson – The Good Place (NBC)
Walton Goggins – The Unicorn (CBS)
Bill Hader – Barry (HBO)
Eugene Levy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Paul Rudd – Living with Yourself (Netflix)
Bashir Salahuddin – Sherman’s Showcase (IFC)
Ramy Youssef – Ramy (Hulu)
Christina Applegate – Dead to Me (Netflix)
Alison Brie – GLOW (Netflix)
Rachel Brosnahan – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
Kirsten Dunst – On Becoming a God in Central Florida (Showtime)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus – Veep (HBO)
Catherine O’Hara – Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Phoebe Waller-Bridge – Fleabag (Amazon)
Andre Braugher – Brooklyn Nine-Nine (NBC)
Anthony Carrigan – Barry (HBO)
William Jackson Harper – The Good Place (NBC)
Daniel Levy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Nico Santos – Superstore (NBC)
Andrew Scott – Fleabag (Amazon)
Henry Winkler – Barry (HBO)
Alex Borstein – The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
D’Arcy Carden – The Good Place (NBC)
Sian Clifford – Fleabag (Amazon)
Betty Gilpin – GLOW (Netflix)
Rita Moreno – One Day at a Time (Netflix)
Annie Murphy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop)
Molly Shannon – The Other Two (Comedy Central)
Catch-22 (Hulu)
Chernobyl (HBO)
Fosse/Verdon (FX)
The Loudest Voice (Showtime)
Unbelievable (Netflix)
When They See Us (Netflix)
Years and Years (HBO)
Brexit (HBO)
Deadwood: The Movie (HBO)
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (Netflix)
Guava Island (Amazon)
Native Son (HBO)
Patsy & Loretta (Lifetime)
Christopher Abbott – Catch-22 (Hulu)
Mahershala Ali – True Detective (HBO)
Russell Crowe – The Loudest Voice (Showtime)
Jared Harris – Chernobyl (HBO)
Jharrel Jerome – When They See Us (Netflix)
Sam Rockwell – Fosse/Verdon (FX)
Noah Wyle – The Red Line (CBS)
Kaitlyn Dever – Unbelievable (Netflix)
Anne Hathaway – Modern Love (Amazon)
Megan Hilty – Patsy & Loretta (Lifetime)
Joey King – The Act (Hulu)
Jessie Mueller – Patsy & Loretta (Lifetime)
Merritt Wever – Unbelievable (Netflix)
Michelle Williams – Fosse/Verdon (FX)
Asante Blackk – When They See Us (Netflix)
George Clooney – Catch-22 (Hulu)
John Leguizamo – When They See Us (Netflix)
Dev Patel – Modern Love (Amazon)
Jesse Plemons – El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (Netflix)
Stellan Skarsgård – Chernobyl (HBO)
Russell Tovey – Years and Years (HBO)
Patricia Arquette – The Act (Hulu)
Marsha Stephanie Blake – When They See Us (Netflix)
Toni Collette – Unbelievable (Netflix)
Niecy Nash – When They See Us (Netflix)
Margaret Qualley – Fosse/Verdon (FX)
Emma Thompson – Years and Years (HBO)
Emily Watson – Chernobyl (HBO)
Big Mouth (Netflix)
BoJack Horseman (Netflix)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (Netflix)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix)
The Simpsons (Fox)
Undone (Amazon)
Desus & Mero (Showtime)
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (TBS)
The Kelly Clarkson Show (NBC)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
The Late Late Show with James Corden (CBS)
Late Night with Seth Meyers (NBC)
Amy Schumer: Growing (Netflix)
Jenny Slate: Stage Fright (Netflix)
Live in Front of a Studio Audience: Norman Lear’s All in the Family and The Jeffersons (ABC)
Ramy Youssef: Feelings (HBO)
Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby (Netflix)
Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia (Netflix)
Wanda Sykes: Not Normal (Netflix)
The 2020 Critics’ Choice Awards will take place on January 12, 2020.
The post <em>Schitt’s Creek</em> Nabs Five Nominations for the 2020 Critics’ Choice Awards appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Schitt’s Creek Nabs Five Nominations for the 2020 Critics’ Choice Awards published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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italianaradio · 5 years
Critics Choice Awards 2020: The Irishman domina le nomination
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/critics-choice-awards-2020-the-irishman-domina-le-nomination/
Critics Choice Awards 2020: The Irishman domina le nomination
Critics Choice Awards 2020: The Irishman domina le nomination
Critics Choice Awards 2020: The Irishman domina le nomination
The Irishman ha ottenuto il maggior numero di nomination alla 35° edizione dei Critics Choice Awards. Il film drammatico di Martin Scorsese è stato nominato 14 volte, e gareggia come miglior film, regista, ensemble cast, miglior attore protagonista (Robert De Niro) e non protagonista (Al Pacino e Joe Pesci).
C’Era una volta a Hollywood di Quentin Tarantino ha guadagnato 12 nomination, seguono poi Piccole Donne con 9 nomination, Storia di un Matrimonio con 8 e poi, a pari merito con 7 nomination, seguono Jojo Rabbit e Parasite.
Scarlett Johansson è stata nominata due volte, come protagonista in Storia di un Matrimonio e come non protagonista in Jojo Rabbit. Noah Baumbach (Storia del matrimonio), Greta Gerwig (Piccole donne), Bong Joon Ho (Parasite) e Quentin Tarantino (C’Era una volta a Hollywood) ha ottenuto la nomination per la regia e la sceneggiatura.
La cerimonia di premiazione dei Critics Choice Awards 2020 si svolgerà domenica 12 gennaio in diretta su The CW Television Network, ancora una volta ospitato da Taye Diggs. Ecco tutte le nomination:
BEST PICTURE “1917” “Ford v Ferrari” “The Irishman” “Jojo Rabbit” “Joker” “Little Women” “Marriage Story” “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” “Parasite” “Uncut Gems”
BEST ACTOR Antonio Banderas – “Pain and Glory” Robert De Niro – “The Irishman” Leonardo DiCaprio – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Adam Driver – “Marriage Story” Eddie Murphy – “Dolemite Is My Name” Joaquin Phoenix – “Joker” Adam Sandler – “Uncut Gems”
BEST ACTRESS Awkwafina – “The Farewell” Cynthia Erivo – “Harriet” Scarlett Johansson – “Marriage Story” Lupita Nyong’o – Us Saoirse Ronan – “Little Women” Charlize Theron – “Bombshell” Renée Zellweger – “Judy”
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Willem Dafoe – “The Lighthouse” Tom Hanks – A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” Anthony Hopkins – “The Two Popes” Al Pacino – “The Irishman” Joe Pesci – “The Irishman” Brad Pitt – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”
Laura Dern – “Marriage Story” Scarlett Johansson – “Jojo Rabbit” Jennifer Lopez – “Hustlers” Florence Pugh – “Little Women” Margot Robbie – “Bombshell” Zhao Shuzhen  – “The Farewell”
BEST YOUNG ACTOR/ACTRESS Julia Butters – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Roman Griffin Davis – “Jojo Rabbit” Noah Jupe – “Honey Boy” Thomasin McKenzie – “Jojo Rabbit” Shahadi Wright Joseph – “Us” Archie Yates – “Jojo Rabbit”
BEST ACTING ENSEMBLE “Bombshell” “The Irishman” “Knives Out” “Little Women” “Marriage Story” “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” “Parasite”
BEST DIRECTOR Noah Baumbach – “Marriage Story” Greta Gerwig – “Little Women” Bong Joon Ho – “Parasite” Sam Mendes – “1917” Josh Safdie and Benny Safdie – “Uncut Gems” Martin Scorsese – “The Irishman” Quentin Tarantino – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”
BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Noah Baumbach – “Marriage Story” Rian Johnson – “Knives Out” Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin Won – “Parasite” Quentin Tarantino – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Lulu Wang – “The Farewell”
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY Greta Gerwig – “Little Women” Noah Harpster and Micah Fitzerman-Blue – A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” Anthony McCarten – “The Two Popes” Todd Phillips & Scott Silver – “Joker” Taika Waititi – “Jojo Rabbit” Steven Zaillian  – “The Irishman”
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Jarin Blaschke – “The Lighthouse” Roger Deakins – “1917” Phedon Papamichael   – “Ford v Ferrari” Rodrigo Prieto – “The Irishman” Robert Richardson – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Lawrence Sher – “Joker”
BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN Mark Friedberg, Kris Moran – “Joker” Dennis Gassner, Lee Sandales  – “1917” Jess Gonchor, Claire Kaufman – “Little Women” Lee Ha Jun – “Parasite” Barbara Ling, Nancy Haigh – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Bob Shaw, Regina Graves – “The Irishman” Donal Woods, Gina Cromwell – “Downton Abbey”
BEST EDITING Ronald Bronstein, Benny Safdie – “Uncut Gems” Andrew Buckland, Michael McCusker – “Ford v Ferrari” Yang Jinmo  – “Parasite” Fred Raskin – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Thelma Schoonmaker – “The Irishman” Lee Smith – “1917”
BEST COSTUME DESIGN Ruth E. Carter – “Dolemite Is My Name” Julian Day – “Rocketman” Jacqueline Durran – “Little Women” Arianne Phillips – “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Sandy Powell, Christopher Peterson – “The Irishman” Anna Robbins – “Downton Abbey”
BEST HAIR AND MAKEUP “Bombshell” “Dolemite Is My Name” “The Irishman” “Joker” “Judy” “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood” “Rocketman”
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS “1917” “Ad Astra” “The Aeronauts” “Avengers: Endgame” “Ford v Ferrari” “The Irishman” “The Lion King”
BEST ANIMATED FEATURE “Abominable” “Frozen II” “How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World” “I Lost My Body” “Missing Link” “Toy Story 4”
BEST ACTION MOVIE “1917” “Avengers: Endgame” “Ford v Ferrari” “John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum” “Spider-Man: Far From Home”
BEST COMEDY “Booksmart” “Dolemite Is My Name” “The Farewell” “Jojo Rabbit” “Knives Out”
BEST SCI-FI OR HORROR MOVIE “Ad Astra” “Avengers: Endgame” “Midsommar” “Us”
BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM “Atlantics” “Les Misérables” “Pain and Glory” “Parasite” “Portrait of a Lady on Fire”
BEST SONG “Glasgow (No Place Like Home)” – “Wild Rose” “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” – “Rocketman” “I’m Standing With You” – “Breakthrough” “Into the Unknown” – “Frozen II” “Speechless” – “Aladdin” “Spirit” – “The Lion King” “Stand Up” – “Harriet”
BEST SCORE Michael Abels – “Us” Alexandre Desplat   – “Little Women” Hildur Guðnadóttir – “Joker” Randy Newman – “Marriage Story” Thomas Newman  – “1917” Robbie Robertson – “The Irishman”
Ecco i nominati ai Critics Choice Awards 2020 per la TV
DRAMA SERIES “The Crown” (Netflix) “David Makes Man” (OWN) “Game of Thrones” (HBO) “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) “Pose” (FX) “Succession” (HBO) “This Is Us” (NBC) “Watchmen” (HBO)
ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES Sterling K. Brown – “This Is Us” (NBC) Mike Colter – “Evil” (CBS) Paul Giamatti – “Billions” (Showtime) Kit Harington – “Game of Thrones” (HBO) Freddie Highmore – “The Good Doctor” (ABC) Tobias Menzies – “The Crown” (Netflix) Billy Porter – “Pose” (FX) Jeremy Strong – “Succession” (HBO)
ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES Christine Baranski – “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) Olivia Colman – “The Crown” (Netflix) Jodie Comer – “Killing Eve” (BBC America) Nicole Kidman – “Big Little” Lies (HBO) Regina King – “Watchmen” (HBO) Mj Rodriguez – “Pose” (FX) Sarah Snook – “Succession” (HBO) Zendaya – “Euphoria” (HBO)
SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES Asante Blackk – “This Is Us” (NBC) Billy Crudup – “The Morning Show” (Apple) Asia Kate Dillon – “Billions” (Showtime) Peter Dinklage – “Game of Thrones” (HBO) Justin Hartley – “This Is Us” (NBC) Delroy Lindo – “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) Tim Blake Nelson – “Watchmen” (HBO)
SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES Helena Bonham Carter – “The Crown” (Netflix) Gwendoline Christie – “Game of Thrones” (HBO) Laura Dern – “Big Little Lies” (HBO) Audra McDonald – “The Good Fight” (CBS All Access) Jean Smart – “Watchmen” (HBO) Meryl Streep – “Big Little Lies” (HBO) Susan Kelechi Watson – “This Is Us” (NBC)
COMEDY SERIES “Barry” (HBO) “Fleabag” (Amazon) “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) “Mom” (CBS) “One Day at a Time” (Netflix) “Pen15” (Hulu) “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop)
ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES Ted Danson – “The Good Place” (NBC) Walton Goggins – “The Unicorn” (CBS) Bill Hader – “Barry” (HBO) Eugene Levy – Schitt’s Creek (Pop) Paul Rudd – “Living with Yourself” (Netflix) Bashir Salahuddin – “Sherman’s Showcase” (IFC) Ramy Youssef – “Ramy” (Hulu)
ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Christina Applegate – “Dead to Me” (Netflix) Alison Brie – “GLOW” (Netflix) Rachel Brosnahan – “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) Kirsten Dunst – “On Becoming a God in Central Florida” (Showtime) Julia Louis-Dreyfus – “Veep” (HBO) Catherine O’Hara – “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop) Phoebe Waller-Bridge – “Fleabag” (Amazon)
SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES Andre Braugher – “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (NBC) Anthony Carrigan – “Barry” (HBO) William Jackson Harper – “The Good Place” (NBC) Daniel Levy – “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop) Nico Santos – “Superstore” (NBC) Andrew Scott – “Fleabag” (Amazon) Henry Winkler – “Barry” (HBO)
SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Alex Borstein – “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) D’Arcy Carden – “The Good Place” (NBC) Sian Clifford – “Fleabag” (Amazon) Betty Gilpin – “GLOW” (Netflix) Rita Moreno – “One Day at a Time” (Netflix) Annie Murphy – “Schitt’s Creek” (Pop) Molly Shannon – “The Other Two” (Comedy Central)
LIMITED SERIES “Catch-22” (Hulu) “Chernobyl” (HBO) “Fosse/Verdon” (FX) “The Loudest Voice” (Showtime) “Unbelievable” (Netflix) “When They See Us” (Netflix) “Years and Years” (HBO)
TV MOVIE “Brexit” (HBO) “Deadwood: The Movie” (HBO) “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie” (Netflix) “Guava Island” (Amazon) “Native Son” (HBO) “Patsy & Loretta” (Lifetime)
ACTOR IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION Christopher Abbott – “Catch-22” (Hulu) Mahershala Ali – “True Detective” (HBO) Russell Crowe – “The Loudest Voice” (Showtime) Jared Harris – “Chernobyl” (HBO) Jharrel Jerome – “When They See Us” (Netflix) Sam Rockwell – “Fosse/Verdon” (FX) Noah Wyle – “The Red Line” (CBS)
ACTRESS IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION Kaitlyn Dever – “Unbelievable” (Netflix) Anne Hathaway – “Modern Love” (Amazon) Megan Hilty – “Patsy & Loretta” (Lifetime) Joey King – “The Act” (Hulu) Jessie Mueller – “Patsy & Loretta” (Lifetime) Merritt Wever – “Unbelievable” (Netflix) Michelle Williams – “Fosse/Verdon” (FX)
SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION Asante Blackk – “When They See Us” (Netflix) George Clooney – “Catch-22” (Hulu) John Leguizamo – “When They See Us” (Netflix) Dev Patel – “Modern Love” (Amazon) Jesse Plemons – “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie” (Netflix) Stellan Skarsgård – “Chernobyl” (HBO) Russell Tovey – “Years and Years” (HBO)
SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION Patricia Arquette – “The Act” (Hulu) Marsha Stephanie Blake – “When They See Us” (Netflix) Toni Collette – “Unbelievable” (Netflix) Niecy Nash – “When They See Us” (Netflix) Margaret Qualley – “Fosse/Verdon” (FX) Emma Thompson – “Years and Years” (HBO) Emily Watson – “Chernobyl” (HBO)
ANIMATED SERIES “Big Mouth” (Netflix) “BoJack Horseman” (Netflix) “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance” (Netflix) “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power” (Netflix) “The Simpsons” (Fox) “Undone” (Amazon)
TALK SHOW “Desus & Mero” (Showtime) “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” (TBS) “The Kelly Clarkson Show” (NBC) “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” (HBO) “The Late Late Show with James Corden” (CBS) “Late Night with Seth Meyers” (NBC)
COMEDY SPECIAL “Amy Schumer: Growing” (Netflix) “Jenny Slate: Stage Fright” (Netflix) “Live in Front of a Studio Audience: Norman Lear’s ‘All in the Family’ and ‘The Jeffersons’” (ABC) “Ramy Youssef: Feelings” (HBO) “Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby” (Netflix) “Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia” (Netflix) “Wanda Sykes: Not Normal” (Netflix)
Fonte: Variety
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Critics Choice Awards 2020: The Irishman domina le nomination
The Irishman ha ottenuto il maggior numero di nomination alla 35° edizione dei Critics Choice Awards. Il film drammatico di Martin Scorsese è stato nominato 14 volte, e gareggia come miglior film, regista, ensemble cast, miglior attore protagonista (Robert De Niro) e non protagonista (Al Pacino e Joe Pesci). C’Era una volta a Hollywood di […]
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