#mj’s circus
mjbear130 · 7 months
working on something rather silly :-)
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and have a shadow government version too, i suppose!
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seven-oomen · 11 months
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I know they'll wrench this away from me but new OT3 just dropped.
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your-gummi-partner · 5 months
..if you ate gummy’s would that count as cannibalism?
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Happy 27th Birthday Zendaya Coleman (September 1, 1996)
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unknownmisworld · 1 year
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oliocelottafanfics · 2 years
When I started writing for Spidey over a year ago, I had this crazy idea for a Night Circus AU - and then I decided I was absolutely mental if I thought it would work.
And then I thought about it some more. A lot more. And then the Spideychelle Big Bang happened and I decided, screw it, I was going for it.
AND THEN!!! Then, I got paired with @kwoojii​ who proceeded to do the most beautiful artwork I could have imagined - not only for the most important scene of the story, but also for some super cool concept art for our two leading lovers! And I’m gonna be honest. I think it’s MORE beautiful than I could have hoped. Trust me. I’ve been screaming for months, and something tells me you will too when you see it.
Today we’ve posted Chapter 1 of an 8 chapter fic. It serves as an introduction to the world of this AU, as well as to this unique version of Peter, and features the first piece of concept art from KwooJii! We hope you enjoy it!
Summary under the cut 🖤🤍❤️🤍🖤
Once upon a time, there were two men who stood at the top of their field. From the outside, they were men of science. A surgeon and an inventor. Hidden beneath that, they were men of magic and awe, the mystic arts and impossible extremes. They were doctors at the surface, and magicians at heart. 
But this story is not about them. Not really. 
This story is about a boy and a girl and a bet. A wager, rather, that will span both lifetimes, and while attempting to pit them against one another will only intertwine them further…
Peter and Michelle, students of famed magicians (and famed rivals) Tony Stark and Stephen Strange, are set against each other in a competition unlike any other. The venue - or perhaps, more accurately, the stage - is that of a traveling circus, where time seems to stand still and reality and magic blur together until it’s impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. 
Taking what they’ve learned from their respective teachers, the two magicians attempt to outdo one another with performances and various displays of phenomenal power, trapped in the timeless Le Cirque des Rêves until a winner is declared. They’re not alone, of course. Every show needs a supporting cast, and theirs is filled with fortune tellers and contortionists, lion tamers and acrobats - a dozen others who thrive within the strange confines of the unusual battlegrounds, unaware of the contest happening all around them and yet fully entrenched in the magic of the circus itself. 
But eventually, by some strange twist of fate, each production becomes less of a challenge and more of a love letter, and Peter and Michelle eventually have to wonder…is there really a need for a winner?
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takethelx3 · 1 year
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Did another quick practice animation. Right now I'm really focusing on gesture and vibe, but I'm going to try more adventurous things later~
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cycian · 4 months
Early Lives Eternal updates, with RL's Dev's OCs memes as The Cult™️ makes their grand entrance in this chapter.
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Beelzebub is somehow more merciful than Miranda.
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The Pookie keeping the circus in check
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Finch lives for the drama and is just kinda here for a good time.
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MJ has their priorities in check.
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wh0rezs · 1 year
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SUMMARY: Being the Sullies only human child is much more difficult than most realize described by Taylor Swift’s “Mirrorball”
WARNINGS: angst, mentions of parents death, abandoned issues, seeking comfort in anyone, major character death (not Neteyam)
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“And they called off the circus”
“Burned the disco down”
Your family at the RDA was something you called a circus. Not all only was it your soldier mother and your scientist father but Grace Augustine and Max Patel. Parker Selfridge even took you under his wing, and your mother’s team lifted you onto their shoulders.
Trudy took you flying, Grace gave you piggyback rides on her avatar body, Colonel Quaritch would let you fire a gun, Lyle once let you glue a wig onto his bald shiny head. Your own circus. You were even deemed “honorary sister” to the child growing in Paz’s stomach. The RDA was like non-stop disco but everything good must come to an end.
And the end came with Jake Sully. You liked Jake, he was buff soldier surrounded by a bunch of skinny armed scientists, and he raced you in his wheelchair. But something changed when Jake got accepted into Omaticaya.
The scientists left RDA, moving to remote location and along with them went your father. Your mother cursed his name, saying he had gone soft hearted on the animals which plagued this earth. You felt trapped but you still had some of your circus left.
But then it burned down. A war came with both of parents fighting on the opposite sides of it. Your father in his avatar body and your mother in her helicopter. You were left alone with Max Patel, praying that they would both come back to you. Neither of them did.
Your mother had been taken out by Ikrans and your father was shot repeatedly in his avatar and then choked on Pandora’s air.
So your circus was called off and the disco burned down.
“When they sent home the horses”
“And the rodeo clowns”
After the war, humans were forced to leave, expected you and MJ. You watched as Jake, Norm and many other Omaticaya guided your family into the ship.
You had hidden out of sight but Parker Selfridge had seen you. You liked Parker. He had sure you were entertain expect that one time he forced you into school. Your parents often describe him as a clown, so you did too. But you mentioned right in front his face.
You remember everyone in the room going silent, waiting Parker’s reaction. He laughed, saying that you had spunk. Oftentimes when he was taking care of you, he would carry on the circus theme by calling the workers under him horses.
Yet here they were leaving you. You knew they did terrible things but they were your circus. Parker nodded his head for you to come out, so you did, running to him for one last hug.
“You gonna be alright,kid. I am giving you my number in case you need to call but I heard that Sully has adopted you, per your father’s request.” Parker spoke as he wrapped his arms around your back. Parker would never admit to it but he really thought of you as his kid.
A large blue landed on your shoulder, pulling you away. Jake stood way above you and signaled for Parker to start walking again. Once he reached the plane’s entrance, he waved and headed inside. You turned into Jake’s legs and cried.
They had sent home the horses and rodeo clowns.
“I’m still on that tightrope”
Before your father met his untimely demise, he asked Jake to watch over you if he died. Jake honored his promise. He had spoken to Neytiri many times about you and Neytiri knew your father’s avatar, so she agreed.
The whole adoption process was like walking on a tightrope. You had to balance out, carefully staying on that thin line. Most Omaticaya couldn’t say stuff to you, due to you being the Olo’eyktan’s daughter but you didn’t want to lose your balance, tipping off any of them. Omaticaya would never really accept you as human, especially after what they did as Hometree. Many of the People would send glances full of fury with their hands tightening around their bows.
Your adopted parents took care of you but soon they were welcoming a son. An Na’vi son. One who looked like them.
So you remained on that tightrope once Neteyam, your brother, was born.
“I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me”
You found yourself in Parker’s position, a mascot. The human mascot for the growing family of the Sullies. You liked your baby siblings but they couldn’t tell you how proud they were of you.
As the mascot, you tried to keep your family happy. Trying to get them laughing even on the days when your adopted mother would send hateful gazes towards you.
Soon you realize that you just power through those days, and still make sure your family was laughing.
“I'm still a believer but I don't know why”
You liked to believe, considering yourself a believer. You liked to believe that you were the first born Na’vi daughter of the Sullies, a profound warrior like your mother or future Tsahík like your grandmother.
Yet you were pulled back into reality as you peered at your reflection in a stream. You had your father’s eyes with your mother’s hair. You shared their skin color, which wasn’t a blue.
You like to believe that they were still alive,too. You and them had nice little cottage inside the forest along with your human brother, Spider. Your mother help teach young Omaticaya fighting while your father took care of injuries. Spider and you grew up close with the Sullies, and at night your small family would join them, then walk to the cottage.
Yet once again you pulled back into reality as you heard Jake shout your name, calling out it was lunchtime.
You were a believer yet with painful stuff to believe and you didn’t know why.
“I've never been a natural”
“All I do is try, try, try”
Contrary to what any people believe, you couldn’t do anything relating to Na’vi training.
Unlike your siblings, you couldn’t shoot an bow nor climb a tree under 3 minutes. You couldn’t fish, hunt or fight. You were useless. Your father would tell you nonsense, saying you helped Mo’at and Kiri with healing and injuries but you couldn’t help your feelings.
So all you did was train but you were no natural. Even Spider could do more than you, but you tried. And tried. Tried again but your abilities never honed.
You weren’t a natural at anything but you did try, try again and try.
“I'm still on that trapeze”
Many years had passed since your adoption and you finally made it off the tightrope, yet now you were on a trapeze. Swinging from being a honorary Omaticaya to trying to catch onto being a human. Luckily, this time you had Spider being your trapeze partner.
Spider knew the pains of being a human in a Na'vi world but sometimes he felt closer to the Omaticaya unlike you. You felt at home with humans considering 7 years of your life you were raised by the RDA. So you lost your trapeze partner, flipping onto one bar waiting for the other one to come without the force of another.
So you were still on that trapeze.
“I'm still trying everything”
“To keep you looking at me”
In the forest, you had always tried to have someone’s eyes on you but in Awa'atlu you can’t get away from watchful eyes. As your family settled into the ways of Metkayina’s, you remained a stranger.
Strange and dangerous creature is what the Metkayina would tell their children, as they glares bullets into your skull. Then after a half of year living with them, the RDA found your family again.
Everything after that point was a blur, you can remember Lo‘ak leaving to rescue his ‘brother’, your siblings and you with the help of the Metkayina children pulling off the tracker off of Payakan.
Then the ship came and some of your siblings were taken but you and Neteyam saved them. Lo'ak convincing Neteyam to rescue Spider, which you three did but then every stopped.
You had pushed your three brothers into the water, has you held off the avatars. Just you were about to jump into the water, a searing pain flared in your chest— a bullet had hit you. Stumbling into the water, your brothers cheered until you announced you were shot.
You were brought to an rocky island where Tsireya began to address your wound while your brothers comforted you— Spider holding your hand as he talked about your childhood with him— as your parents arrived. Your final wish was to see home again— your circus, rodeo clowns and horses. To stop believing, and trying. To finally come down from that tightrope and trapeze.
You felt peace as you walked through the forest,reveling in your new home with your father and godmother Grace.
Jake and Neytiri were brought to first time you three were a family. Oftentimes, you would flicker in between you as child to you as an adult. Though you would always mutter the same sentence.
“I tried everything to keep you looking at me.”
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mjbear130 · 1 year
oa here’s another SoL project i’ve been cooking up in which i run a circus and hell clowns make a reappearance because i say so
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this whole project started because of some notes me and my friends passed around during class and like half of the material i have for it are school doodles
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
Can’t say I’m surprised. Her not being there would have been a de facto breakup announcement so I was actually expecting to see her.
I just feel so sad for him. I’m afraid it’s going to get much worse for him before it gets better.
But for me this indicates that they have actually broken up and at least she maybe is already hooked up with someone else. For various reasons, they don’t want it out yet so the appearance was negotiated. We know why she wants to remain linked to him as long as possible. But Austin wouldn’t want the movie to be overshadowed by breakup news. No one actually gives a flying fuck about their status but I feel pretty certain the Gerbers intend to smear him as much as possible so they will push it out hard when it breaks. Tonight’s absurdity delays that and keeps the film out of it. That’s his incentive for putting up with this circus.
I just wish him peace and happiness, two things that this situationship clearly does not bring to him.
Meanwhile I can’t fucking wait to see this movie!!!!!!!!
MJ coming in with the words of wisdom! I totally agree with everything you said. Her appearance there was negotiated of course, and everything else attached to it was the PR machine working as usual.
I also can’t wait for this movie, I’ll be seeing it on my birthday next month
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your-gummi-partner · 5 months
sup Gummi boi
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[ The Gator paces around, wondering why he can't hear anyone ]
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millermenapologist · 6 months
The truly horrific part, of Brandi's mother (MJ) inaction towards her daughter's abuser, is not so much the fact that she didn't report, but that she thought of herself first, worried that third parties would see her as a bad parent.
There are, sadly, plenty of parents who don't report because they think they're helping their children; they don't do it because they fear what the circus of the legal world would do to them, how their names might be exposed and cause them to be harassed even further, how they're going to be abused while trying to report abuse. Drake Bell talks about it too, mentions it was extremely traumatizing to talk to strangers about what had happened to him in order to report it, and then goes on to say the same about the trial, how people poured in to support his abuser while on his side there were only two people.
Although it's not right, to not report because you think it's the best thing for your child and, by consequence, you let a sex offender go on with their lives with impunity, it is understandable.
And then there's MJ.
Of all the selfish reasons why a parent would decide to not report a sex offender who exposed themselves to their child, she chose the wrongest one.
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puckpocketed · 4 months
ONE TWO THREEEEEE GOALS. CALL THAT THE FIRKUS CIRCUS. i think it was me. <3 yuore welcome mj
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allegras-sunflower · 5 months
It’s not just the songs she steals or rips off. It’s the vision that goes along with it. Hair, style, costuming, aesthetic. It’s embarrassing.
I think what’s interesting is you can look at all the artists Taylor’s copying and you can see their inspiration vs their originality in their own work. I’m going to use Britney Spears as an example because I’m most familiar with her. She always credits her inspiration. Whether is Madonna or Janet Jackson or Miley or Selena Gomez or Shakira she will always give credit where credit is due but she puts her own spin on it. Then you see her own ideas and those are the ideas that have had lasting impact on the industry. Look at her baby one more time music video. That was her first piece of work to present to the world and it was all her own idea. Still iconic. Everything Taylor does is an imitation of someone else. She follows the choices of successful people she wants be to because she knows it works. She cultivated enough of a fan base that they will defend her when people say she is completely unoriginal. But what imagery or music has she created that will last generations? None because it’s either a gimmick or a rip off.
Sorry didn’t mean to rant but once I started I couldn’t stop.
Please, don't apologize, you can always rant to me. As a matter of fact, I'm the one who should be saying sorry, cuz I took so long to get back to you!
And I totally know what you mean, when Beyonce wore that military inspired bodysuit, she made sure people understood it was a homage to Michael Jackson's iconic Superbowl outfit. But when Taylor wore a similar black and gold military dress for Reputation, she sure as hell didn't name Beyonce or MJ. Come to think of it, she didn't name Britney Spears as an influence when she did the whole circus theme thing for the Red Tour either.
I also think you're right about TS not having a memorable legacy. Even on the radio stations that so love to play payola with her, when you listen to the 00s specials, you can find Miley songs and Bruno Mars songs, but no TS songs.
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oliocelottafanfics · 2 years
Chapter 4 of Perchance to Dream, our Spideychelle Night Circus AU, is up! I’m quite pleased with this one~
Excerpt beneath the cut!
The tent is not named, but there is a plaque just by the entrance.
Explore with no fear of getting lost nor fear of falling.
When she steps into the new tent, her sight is bombarded with white. At first, she thinks it might be snow. It practically glitters, catching what can only be starlight from somewhere up above despite Michelle knowing that the tent is close-topped, like a flurry of snowflakes frozen in time.
A step forward, a step closer, barely jostles the white sand beneath her feet. It also reveals that she isn’t looking at snow or ice but instead webs. Spider webs, stretching from floor to non-visible ceiling and side to side, each glistening with dew in a way that makes Michelle wonder when she stepped into the land of the fair folk.
It takes her breath away, and she’s barely past the opening flaps.
She turns to look over her shoulder, all at once afraid that the entrance will have vanished among the sea of white, but it’s still there, a solid black slit of the circus beyond. The noise of the circus doesn’t penetrate the tent, and again Michelle can’t help but be impressed by Peter’s ability.
She takes another step into the webs, catching sight of other patrons up ahead. Children, couples, folks of all ages wandering through the maze in awe - and a maze is all it can possibly be, with the way the webs twist to form spiraling tunnels or platforms that jut out from the wall in a way that makes them appear to be floating. It goes on in every direction, far larger than the tent can possibly be on the outside.
Michelle turns as she walks, watching as children scramble up the platforms and proceed to jump off. Her breath catches in her throat the first time, but the webs seem to react, reaching for each jumper and catching the very tips of their fingers and clothes, and they’re lowered down as feathers alighted on a breeze.
She reaches out to brush her hands against the webs before she can stop herself. They don’t stick like she expects them to but rather slip over her skin like silk, and she’s left breathless for entirely different reasons.
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