#ml Timetagger
uptoolateart · 6 months
Where We Find Ourselves Again - Ch 16
Adrien blinked at Bunnyx, where she stood at the entrance to the living room. An akuma? Now?
Marinette disentangled herself from Hugo. ‘Already?’
Bunnyx tapped her chin. ‘Well…that depends on your definition of already.’
Ugh, time travel.
But it was so soon. They’d only finished fighting Monsieur Rat maybe an hour ago – and now Hugo had just told them…told them….
Lila used him. She preyed on him like a mantis, then left him in pieces. Stole his heart, then stole the butterfly. Stole information about his parents.
His hands were already in fists again – but his anger came to a shuddering halt when he took in the look on Marinette’s face. All the blood had drained from her skin, her eyes locked on Bunnyx, some private conversation being held without words.
Understanding slammed into him like a truck.
This wasn’t just an akuma. This was the akuma – the one they’d been waiting for but hoping would never come – the one that brought about that terrible future Marinette had carried in her head for so long.
‘It’s happening, isn’t it.’ Her voice was small and low.
Bunnyx pursed her lips…then gave a slow nod.
‘Oh god, I –’ Her knees wobbled.
Adrien darted across the room, catching her before she could fall to the floor. ‘Marinette –’
‘This is it, Adrien. This is it. This is how it begins.’
Read at Ao3
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miraculous-hotmess · 2 years
LOOK okay okay 
that scene in Timetagger where Chat asks if he and Ladybug are like [heart sign] 
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Obviously Bunnix was talking about the Love...uh.. Shape and we all knew that from the start but like
Seeing her mention it vaguely here and giggling at it in anticipation for it to happen AND ACTUALLY SEEING IT HAPPEN IN REAL TIME are two wildly different things and I--
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Bunnyx: Can you finally stop calling me Fluffytail?!
Timetagger: Only when I'll get tired.
Bunnyx: And when will you-
Timetagger: It means never.
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
How long can a Miraculous Holder stay transformed if they never used any of their powers?
An adult with a fully charged kwami could comfortably remained transformed for about a week with no problems, perhaps longer in some cases. If they enter a dormant state (like when future!Bunnyx was basically hibernating in one of the Egyptian artifacts in Timetagger) then they can remain transformed for decades and even centuries, though in a sleeping state.
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calliemcferrin · 2 years
All I would like to see is the Timetagger episode from the “future” perspective.
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
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Tell me, Bunnyx, in the future, are Ladybug and I like…
Chat Noir as a civilian.
(I know there's something strange about Adrien's arms and hands anatomy. I swear I noticed it a few minutes ago when I was about to post it. I'll do better next time)
@opakitty Hopefully this sunshine boy will make you smile
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Is there anything specific that inspired the story for Wings?
It showed Alix as an adult. (I'm assuming mid twenties.) And the team are heroes fighting a new Hawkmoth heavily implied to be Lila.
So I decided to do my idea of what that would look like.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Major bible spoilers!
Timetagger: I was sent by "Hawk Moth" from the future.
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pythagoras180 · 7 months
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nothingtherefornow · 7 months
A fan may have spotted Lila real name
I like to watch Miraculous content on Instagram sometimes, and I've had the pleasure to find a very interertsing post on Miraculous Ladybug about what Lila's real name could be. Here it is :
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I'm not gonna talk about the "Lila is Marinette's half sister from Tom's side" theory because while it could be a nice plot twist and explain why Lila got so close to Sabine outside of a future plot to harm Marinette, it could also be a terrible and useless revelation for the narrative.
But I defintly beleive in the theory that Marina is Lila's real name. Why else would that name be tagged on Lila's secet lair walls in the catacombs ? And being spelled by one of Timetagger tags ? Knowing that in the script of the Timetagger epsiode, the akuma proclaimed loud and clear that the future Hawkmoth was the "woman he loves", while seeing later in the same episode that a young Chris (the one who would be akumatized in Timetagger in the future) would have a crush on Lila
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miraculouslycool · 1 year
ok so gabriel not being the butterfly miraculous holder forever was foreshadowed as far back as timetagger, but to think it implied he was dead by then is kind of jarring lmao.
also since timetagger is being fought by an adult ladynoir, just how long will lila survive as the new hawkmoth (chrysalis, i think)? or will she be defeated quickly and is there gonna be another new character we didn't see coming?
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richter10 · 8 months
Why Bunnyx did not intervene?
The entire point of Bunnyx is to be the Last Line of Defense towards World-ending/Universe-ending threats, right?
So she intervened against Cat Blanc (Infinite Destruction, so it makes sense - although she left the majority of the fight to Ladybug) and against Timetagger (a timeline-changing akuma, it makes sense too)... but why she did not intervene when Felix gave the Miraculi to Gabriel or when Gabriel was about the make his Wish???
Even if one is to argue that the Strikeback Event needed to happen so Bunnyx could exist, the entire destruction/re-creation of the Universe through Gabriel's Wish should the very thing that Bunnyx should have intervened to prevent...
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starguardianniom · 10 months
Lila and the future
So going by Timetagger and the season 5's finale, Lila is gonna be the miraculous holder of the Butterfly for many years all the way to adulthood.
That's scary.
Also means that she's gonna be even more terrifying than Gabriel.
Gabriel had the miraculouses before Adrien was even born, yet when he finally used them to try to save Émilie, he barely last a year with it before dying, even if the year is shown in 5 seasons.
I must wonder if that means we'll get to see the characters in adulthood apart from Alix.
I would kind of want to see it.
Thing is, even if people discover her identity, she can always discard it and create a new one, which could possibly explains why as an adult she still hasn't been found yet.
Also, while we see her with multiple families, we see her with one lair so far. I must wonder if she'll have several to cover her tracks.
She is good at that.
She's an actress, she plays her role and then moves on to the next one when she's done her part.
She can be anyone, she can be anywhere, and they'll never really know who she is probably. Heck, we might never know who she is or why she's like that.
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
Could a Kwami maintain a transformation forever if the Holder doesn't use their Powers?
I headcanon that no transformation can last forever, even with an adult transformation or the holder not using any powers. It this could last quite a long time however, probably for several weeks.
The longest transformation in my headcanons would be hibernation, basically what Bunnyx was doing in the Timetagger episode, where she went dormant while transformed and was basically sleeping for hundreds of years.
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kindaorangey · 1 year
gabriel dies and nathalie takes up use of the butterfly miraculous and then we can have timetagger from the pov of the future and retcon it being the second worst episode of the entire damn show.
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plumsaffron · 11 months
Is this on beta.charactet.ai, so yes what's the name of the AI? If not, where did you chat with them?
I'm asking this question because of this post: https://www.tumblr.com/plumsaffron/721889334318465024/recently-i-heard-some-post-of-lila-being-witch?source=share (I can't comment because there is going something wrong with that)
Pls let me know when you've answered my question.
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So pretty much you are only talking through them. It's good for roleplaying or if you don't want to see your discord name consistently or something else.
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