#mlb villains incorrect quotes
Bunnyx: Can you finally stop calling me Fluffytail?!
Timetagger: Only when I'll get tired.
Bunnyx: And when will you-
Timetagger: It means never.
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artzychic27 · 8 months
More Nathaniel as Giganta! 🙏🏽
His villain outfit is similar to Giganta’s golden age look complete with the wrist and ankle cuffs
Like Giganta, Nathaniel becomes more aggressive as he grows. The other villain kids often use this to their advantage, goading him into using his strength and size to cause mayhem around the city
Just have Marc around to calm him down
Arguably the strongest in the class (Kim refuses to admit defeat, but that’s kind of hard when Nathaniel can easily lift an eighteen-wheeler while only grown to ten feet)
His max height is about 100 feet, but it’s rumored that he could exceed past Giganta’s max height
Surprisingly, he’s one of the villain kids who causes the least amount of destruction at school
During the Hero vs Villain fights, he immediately goes after Denise
His clothes are made to grow with him, but that doesn’t stop Kim and DJ from switching out his shirts
During Guys Nights, Adrien, Nino, Kim, Ivan, and Max place bets to see how far he can throw a bus
After Simon, he’s got the fastest metabolism
*Now for some incorrect quotes*
Nathaniel: COLOSSUS SMASH! *Denise ties him up with the Lasso of Truth* Colossus smash because Colossus is overcompensating for deep insecurities rooted in a quest for perfectionism and an overpowering fear of not being good enough, and- *Denise unties him*
Bystander 1: Aw. Poor thing, he’s not evil, he’s just misunderstood
Nathaniel: NO! I am evil!
Bystander 2: He’s just lashing out because of the pain he feels.
Nathaniel: I AM evil! I- *sighs*
Ismael: Hey, meatbrain! Over here! *Repeatedly punches Nathaniel*
Nathaniel: *Spits out a tooth, then grabs Ismael and bashes him against a wall*
Ismael: *Dizzily* That all ya got? *Nathaniel grabs his face* Guess not.
Anais: *Held in Nathaniel’s fist* Nath, you’re out of jail. How’s your head?
Nathaniel: Pretty good, considering you tried to fry my brain. *Tightens his grip*
Nathaniel: You wouldn’t hit a redhead, would you?
Ismael: *Hesitates for a moment*
Denise: I would! *Punches Nathaniel, knocking him out*
Nathaniel: *With his hand tied by Denise’s Lasso of Truth* I told you! I don’t know anything about a dark opal, or a dark topaz, or even a dark cubic zirconium!
Ismael: He’s telling the truth.
Nathaniel: *Unties his hand* Now I gotta get back to my community service. *Picks up a car*
Random Guy: Hey! That’s my car!
Nathaniel: Shouldn’t have parked in front of the fire hydrant! Pick it up at impound! *Chucks the car all the way to the impound center*
Victoria: Dude, you need to get yourself some anger management.
Nathaniel: I don’t have an anger problem! *Throws a car at Victoria*
Victoria: Whoa! *Quickly dodges*
Now for some sketches
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toxinoire · 8 months
Okay so due to major boredom, waiting for the Miraculous World Special, absolutely emotionally dead over the fact that Miraculous season 6 won't be out for who knows how long and my dumbass thinking it was a good idea to rewatch the final ep of Supergirl and absolutely falling back into Supercorp, have a crossover of The Love Square and Supercorp. As incorrect quotes of course, I haven't written an actual crossover au.
(Let's pretend that all this is post reveal for MLB yeah?)
Supergirl: I can fly high enough that If I drop a rock in from the stratosphere it could break the ground.
Chat Noir: *gasp* I wanna see that!
Supergirl: Or you could try it! You have that suit power up that makes you fly!
Chat Noir: *more gasping* YEAH! I COULD-
Ladybug: NO!
Lena: NO!
Ladybug: Fuck no!
Lena: Absolutely not!
Supergirl and Chat Noir: But-
Lena and Ladybug: no
Kara: So this boy, who would literally follow you to the end of the universe, had called you "just a friend" more than you can count?
Marinette: Yep. It drove our friends nuts.
Marinette: And me too, so...yeah.
Adrien: You're not gonna let that go are you?
Marinette: Nope.
Adrien: Didn't you partner zone me?
Marinette: I did, didn't I?
Lena: So...
Lena: So basically, you two rejected each other...for each other? When even was your first kiss?
Marinette: During Adrien's flight to London-
Adrien, at the same time: Our date as Marinette and Chat Noir-
Adrien and Marinette: What???
Marinette: Wait, wasn't it during Oblivio?
Adrien: We don't remember that at all.
Marinette: Okay then-...Dark Cupid?
Adrien: I don't remember that!
Marinette: Then when was it-
Adrien: I don't know-
Kara: Oh that is complicated...
Adrien: How is it like dating an alien?
Adrien: Because like, she appears human but she isn't. So how does that work?
Lena: Adrien...
Lena: Aren't you made from a feather?
Kara: I feel like it's more he is a feather.
Lena: Ah, right. And you appear human, but you aren't.
Kara: Yeah, how does that work?
Marinette: Yeah so spending time with you two was a bad choice.
(Fighting a villain)
Supergirl: Crap, we have to get there but the path is blocked.
Lena: We need to distract them.
Ladybug: *glances at her Lucky Charm that is a bottle of perfume* Oh I know! Chat, can you-
Chat Noir, already putting opening Spotify and playing Careless Whisper: *jumps in the middle of the warzone*
Ladybug: Perfect. Now I need you two to drop that pilar on them and-
Lena: Is this how you two normally operate?
Ladybug: Well yeah and then there's me using whatever I get from the Lucky Charm to win with the laws of physics and Chat Noir's cataclysm.
Supergirl: And you win?
Ladybug: Yeah.
Supergirl: How-
Kara: Hey! What did you think of Marinette and Adrien?
Alex: Those two...
Alex: Are the jumpiest most traumatized pair of 14 year olds I've ever fucking seen. It's like they're war veterans.
Lena: They kind of are war veterans.
Marinette: Alya, how'd meeting Kara and Lena go?
Adrien: What did you think of them?
Alya: They are literally just you two except they're adults, both women, use technology, have siblings and only one of them had a secret identity.
Alya: Seriously, a smart human who has access to magical shit and a non human blonde who both saved the world, almost lost each other, dated other people before one another, make a great team and severely traumatized? It's literally you two in a different font.
Kara: Marinette, control your cat! He stole my food!
Adrien: I took one potsticker!
Kara: Still stealing!
Adrien: It is not!
Kara: Yes it is! What if I just took your pastries?!
Adrien: Hey! These are from my girlfriend!
Kara: Those potstickers were also from my girlfriend!
Marinette: Wanna see how I made the contraption I used to hide Miracle Box among my things?
Lena: Oh absolutely.
Lena: Oh, Nia. I see you've met Marinette and Adrien.
Nia: I have.
Kara: So what did you th-
Nia: Can we keep them? Please?
Supercorp: What-
Nia: I seriously vibe with Adrien's puns and Marinette is so fricking creative and I relate to her awkwardness.
Nia: Please can we keep them?
Lena: You...attempted to cataclysm your classmate for hurting Marinette? I mean, get mad and yell sure, but cataclysm?
Adrien: Yes. I do not regret that one bit.
Adrien: Besides, cataclysm doesn't kill, it just gives you excruciating pain that you'd wish you were dead.
Lena: What the fuck-
Marinette: So you just dropped the plane with the toxic chemicals, not even bothering to check if you were flying over a population or not, and just took your fucking chances so you could save Lena?
Kara: Yeah. I'd do it again.
Marinette: But what if she hadn't made the jump?
Kara: I'd drop the plane and catch her.
Marinette: What if you were flying over a population?
Kara: Still dropping the plane.
Marinette: Okay then-
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gg-ladybug · 3 years
Chat Noir swapping sides in a heart beat because they cornered Hawkmoth into a church and his immediate defence mechanism is to play the organ with the upmost pizazz and Chat’s like-
Chat Noir: Omfg is that phantom of the opera?
Ladybug: Kitty! Focus!
Him literally turning around with his baton poised as she speaks: Sorry LB, but he’s got a villain sound track. What do you have? A theme song? Please. He’s going places we’re not, jail yeah, but places
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marisblanket · 3 years
[Spoilers from Crocoduel]
Jagged Stone and Anarka: [arguing without stopping]
Juleka: If you two don’t start talking instead of yelling, so help me I’m gonna throw you guys off the ship.
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cheygtree · 3 years
Akuma: [stabs chat noir with a sword]
Chat: it sword of seems like you’ve got a problem with me
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beautyinflight · 4 years
Holy bee! There are different colour bees?
After Chloé’s goth redemption Ladybug is forced to trust her with her miraculous again. Her suit has changed and now its black, blue and purple, just like a villain. It makes it even harder to trust her but works to their advantage as the villains assume her intentions.
Ladybug: oh great look I told you! I need the miraculous back wasp-girl
Violet Bee: No, no I’m still a bee. A violet carpenter I believe. I did my research and figured I’d be able to pull off a different colour if I asked pollen nicely; I really didn’t wanna wear yellow.
The miraculous team:
The miraculous team internally: she researched? She asked nicely? you can change your suit?
Viperion: good job, you look great!
Violet Bee: I know, I look good in everything. Now stop gauking at me losers we have a villain to defeat.
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san-fics · 2 years
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Ladybug [looks him up and down]: Are you trying to match me?
Robin [looks at his suit, then back at her]: It's just a sad, ridiculous coincidence.
Ladybug: Just like your arrival in this city.
Robin: It's not my fault that you can't handle your villain on your own.
Ladybug: But I can handle you easily!
Robin: I wish I could see this picture, but I don't like popcorn.
Ladybug: Soon you won't have anything to chew it with anyway!
Robin [pretends to listen]: I think I heard a bug buzzing some nonsense.
Ladybug: I'm going to show you some nonsense right now! [jumps at him]
[They are rolling over each other on the roof, grappling, Robin ends up on top]
Ladybug [tries to push him off]: I hate you!
Robin: I care about you too [leans to kiss her]
Ladybug [resists for a while, then gives up to his kiss and presses him closer]
'True love always makes us better, no matter what the girl calls it.'
Alexandr Duma
OR me just trying to get over Robin's new costume design.
And then tell anyone that they aren't made for each other)
MLB/PV/Felinette/Maribat fics and Incorrect Quotes 20-26.02 weekly collection is available on my Patreon
* Just noticed that Ladybug picture that I used here isn’t from the show, but someone’s edit. So credit ti the author, as I can’t see the name well!
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alexannah · 4 years
MLB Scenes Master List
I write and post a lot of MLB scenes on here, and decided to make an easy way to find them. From now on, any random scenes or incorrect quotes I do will be tagged “mlb scenes”.
This is a master list of the ones already posted without the tag. For the benefit of anyone reading this who is not a Gabenath shipper, I do write some stuff which is not Gabenath, and this is the key:
Bold and Italic: Revolves around Marinette/Ladybug and/or Adrien/Cat Noir; no villains included.
Just Italic: Involves some variation of Nathalie/Mayura and Gabriel/Hawk Moth and/or Adrien but are not explicitly Gabenath.
Not formatted: Gabenath shippy.
·         “Living In A Talking Clock” (a.k.a. The Bet)
·         “You Sound Like a Disney Cartoon” (a.k.a. Gabenath Phone Conversations)
·         “The Brains Of the Operation” (a.k.a. Hawkyura Interview)
·         “I Am In So Much Denial” (a.k.a. Pranking Gabriel)
·         “A Better Assistant Than Me!” (a.k.a. Style Queen 2)
·         “Interesting Day, Huh?” (a.k.a. Hawk Moth Reveal)
·         “Are You Saying You Want A Pay Rise?” (a.k.a. Nathalie Is Indispensable)
·         “There’s Camembert?!” (a.k.a. Adrien’s Secret)
·         “Leaning to the Left” (a.k.a. Adrien And Marinette Baking)
·         “How Did He Find Out?” (a.k.a. Post-Party Crasher)
·         “You Were Amazing” (a.k.a. Bad Choice)
·         “This Sucks” (a.k.a. Bad Judgement)
·         “Mom” (a.k.a. … Mom)
·         “Tunnel Vision” (a.k.a. Gabriel Loses His Miraculous Down The Drain) (continuation of someone else’s post)
·         “Can You Keep a Secret?” (a.k.a. The Bee Miraculous Circulates) (continuation of someone else’s post)
·         “I Am Not Hawk Moth” (a.k.a. The Sweater) (continuation of someone else’s post)
I think I’ve managed to get all of them here; if I find I’ve missed any I’ll reblog with them.
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Dark Cupid: You're offended?
Siren: ...No.
Dark Cupid: ... Very offended?
Siren: ...Yes!
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Gamer: Dammit, Robostus!
Robostus: What?! It wasn’t me!
Gamer: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Evillustrator!
Evillustrator: Not me either.
Gamer: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Stormy Weather: *whistles*
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Anansi: I'm older
Lady WIFI: I'm younger
Anansi: I'm taller
Lady WIFI: I'm shorter
Anansi: I'm smarter
Lady WIFI: I'm...not falling for that
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Penalteam: Hey Zoe/Sole Crusher,
Sole Crusher: Yes?
Penalteam: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Sole Crusher:
Sole Crusher: Where’s Sabrina/Miraculer?
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Zombizou to Timetagger: It's your fault!
Timetagger: No, it's not my fault!
Timebreaker: It's not his fault!
Robostus pointing at Rocketear: And who is this??
Timetagger to Robostus: And who are you??
Zombizou: And who is to blame??
Timebreaker: She is! *points to Bunnix peering out of the burrow*
Bunnix: Wha-
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Volpina: You're not my friend anymore.
Lady WIFI: I was your friend?
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Timebreaker: Good morning
Reverser: Good morning
Reflekta: Good morning
Volpina: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
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