#ml chrysalis
familyagrestefanblog · 8 months
One thing I hope so fucking badly for Cerise as Butterfly from s6 onwards is that she isn't limiting herself to only akumatizing others. I want Chrysalis out on the field to actually make things interesting personally, and not have her hidden away like Hawkmoth for several seasons.
There is no reason in the narrative for why Chrysalis couldn't akumatize herself, living out the power fantasies we always saw Lila have of her being all-powerful and being able to do this and this and that and that ect.
Give me Cerise/ Chrysalis who is actually INVOLVED as Butterfly, giving the heros hell on her own, unlike Gabriel/Hawkmoth who hide away like a coward.
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nothingtherefornow · 7 months
Could Cerise manage to steal some miraculous in season 6 or not ?
So ... according to the ML writting team when they commented the season 5 finale, Marinette would have reconfigured the miraculous stolen by Monarch in another form, and this is why we only see miraculous boxes but not the actual magical jewels inside of it during the season 5 ending.
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Which made me think of a theory that I once had about Cerise/Lila for the future of season 6. We don't know yet if among the informations that a mind controlled Nathalie sent to Lila in Revelation, there was the 6 secret identities of the temporary heroes that Hawkmoth and Mayura were aware of since Miracle Queen (Rena Rouge, Carapace, Ryuko, Viperion, Pegase, and Roi Singe).
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But I beleived that even if that wasn't the case, Lila/Cerise could still easily manage to guess or discover more than one secret identities of the new permanent heroes if they aren't carefull as Adrien and Marinette were, and since Lila would become the schoolmate of all of them as Iris Verdi. Or she could as well track the heroes as Chrysalis to discover who they really are behind the mask. It would then be a piece of cake to steal at least one or two miraculous with how easy she seems to be able to reduce everyone Q.I when she opens her mouth. And among the miraculous that she could get her hands on, I definitly thought about the fox and the horse.
But if the new forms of the miraculous that Gabriel stole no longer have the same form as illustrated in the Grimoire (whose photos Lila is now in possession), this will make things more difficult for Iris, and she may not gain the upper hand or even manage to steal one miraculous before the end of season 6. Or maybe Chrysalis may actually manage to steal one or two miraculous from the heroes during their future fight against akumas if she can observe them and guess where the magical jewel is on them.
But during season 6, when she's not busy ruining Marinetet's life or Ladybug's reputation, Lila will probably be more focused about learning everything she can about her adversaries and their weaknesses, in order to divide and conquer.
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I'm glad that the ML writters may have found a way to not make things too easy for Lila.
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thatskyafro · 10 months
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I saw a similar version w/out the additional so i made my own
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anna-scribbles · 1 year
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cover art for Chrysalis by @peachcitt​
We’re on an American road trip,” Adrien says, looking over at Marinette to see that she’s giving him one of her soft smiles, one of the ones where she looks like she’s halfway between wanting to tease him and wanting to kiss him.
“An American road trip,” the waitress repeats with a little shake of her head and a laugh. “Well, I sure hope it’s as glamorous as you make it sound, darlin’.”
after the events of metamorphosis, adrien and marinette attempt to find their version of normal.
(my LATE christmas present for peach. I love you and this story forever) 
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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Lila, Felicity (Felix, she’s transfem in my au), & Sabrina! (Ik Volpina isn’t an actual miraculous user but it’s the closest I had to one at least until chrysalis’ design is revealed 💋)
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fabseg-reader · 2 months
Ladybug and Chrysalis: Present and Future (Miraculous fanart)
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I've finished a new draft of Ladybug (Marinette) and Chrysalis (Lila/Cerise).
I've drawn them under the form of a quartet of panels.
That represents the present and future of the two Miraculous holders.
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They are the girls we know from the show (from the upcoming season 6).
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They are adults in this part. They must be 20-25 years old.
Future Ladybug and Future Hawkmoth(?)
Bonus (separate vignets):
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Cerisette posts here
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peachcitt · 2 years
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a short sequel story to metamorphosis
read it here
thank you to all those who have invested in this story. i couldve never gotten here without you<3
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lovesquarebrainrot · 2 years
Hopium for Lila/Chloe Redemption
One of the biggest criticisms of this show, which I agree with, is the sexism and ableism involved in the portrayal of Chloe, and while she's brought up less the exact same thing can likely be said about Lila.
The sexism comes from the fact that they embody a sexist archetype: the bully meangirl, and all of its patriarchal trappings. And also because they are robbed of the depth of analysis given to male villains such as Felix and Gabriel.
No shade on Felix, I stan, but still. Give the girls some of that love.
The ableism comes from the fact that these are developing teenagers, heavily influenced by the adults in their life and not having had enough time to develop in a healthy environment. Both are written to just be 'annoying' and 'mean' but do so in ways which reflect very real types of neurodivergence. Chloe is emotionally stunted and accidentally autistic-coded, and Lila is a compulsive liar with narcissistic tendencies.
Genuinely, it does suck to see the show rag on Chloe for some of the things it does. Like... hahaha.... this girl is in a dangerous situation and complaining that her clothes are getting ruined, hilarious... isn't it so funny that when in a stressful environment she gets really particular about having her comfort objects in order man what a loser hahahaha......
But, regardless, I think there's HOPE! Astruc is leaving after season 5, and there is evidence, circumstantial evidence but evidence nonetheless, that the next season will give us redemption for these 2!!! It's very unlikely but it IS slightly less unlikely than it seems, imo.
Leak spoilers below, handle with caution.
Alright, so, as many of us know, Lila will be getting the Butterfly Miraculous at the end of season 5 and will go on to become the next major villain. But okay... why? Why does this happen? Well, we know why.
The principle creatives of seasons 6 and on have already decided on a vision, and some of season 5 is being dedicated to set that up.
In other words, our girl Lila is becoming the villain not because that was always the plan, but because the people who are taking over the show are EXCITED at the idea of exploring Lila as a character more than Thomas did!
Chloe is also being set up as Lila's sidekick in this new season. This means things can go one of 4 ways:
Both Lila and Chloe are just evil and it's boring.
Lila is plain evil, but Chloe is given a chance to do good by betraying Lila.
Lila actually is revealed to be redeemable, but Chloe remains an asshole.
They both get redeemed.
And since this is the vision of a new group of creatives, ANY of these seem like they could be possible.
Now, how the hell would Lila get redeemed? Well, it's simple. The same way Felix is going to.
In season 5, if leaks are to be believed, Felix is a sentimonster and is going to try and terrorize Paris and attack Ladybug and Cat Noir in order to steal their miraculous, make a wish, and create a world where people cannot be controlled. However, he'll be convinced out of doing this.
All we need is for Lila to have a wish she wants to make which is actually kind of understandable.
So far, Lila has been motivated by 2 things: the first is revenge against Ladybug for a perceived slight, but the second is a desire to be well liked and admired. She's not a particularly talented person at anything but lying, and so she does that to get people to like her. It's sad and... kind of understandable.
Lila is a kid. If the new writers are any better at writing for this kind of character than Thomas, then she'll have aspects of her upbringing that drove her to these kinds of insecurities; I think, as things are, you could easily write Lila to not be the absolute worst. Maybe she wants the miraculous so she can actually make the world a better place instead of lying about doing it, who knows.
But what's REALLY eating at me is the apparent end shot of season 5. Argos is there among the heroes, which means that season 6 is going to likely explore Argos as just one of the miraculous heroes, like Carapace or Caprikid. And it really makes me wonder...
The peacock was originally meant to be a villain's miraculous, but the show is excited to explore it in the hands of a hero. So what about the butterfly?
Maybe Lila isn't going to be a longterm antagonist.
Maybe partway through season 6, a new threat shows up, and Lila winds up using her powers for good when given the chance, Like Felix wound up doing.
I really do think we're going to need a user for the Butterfly who's on the heroes, and it'd be best if it's someone we know, so... who knows.
And I mean, we KNOW that other threats who DON'T come from the miraculous are going to come, thanks to Timetagger. I wanna see arcs of the whole gang fighting aliens where all 19 miraculous are used by the good guys.
So that leaves us with Chloe. And, well, with Zoe here, idk if she's ever getting the Bee back.
Let's not hate on Zoe. Zoe's fine, we like Zoe. But, well... it DOES suck that it's getting in the way of Queen Bee coming back.
I think that's fine, though. There will be other ways for Chloe to redeem herself, and I think her getting paired with Lila is a sign that, at the very least, the show is interested in exploring her in depth in seasons 6 and on.
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witchboytrash · 10 months
POV: Lila in her room during the last scene
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
Me whenever I think of Chrysalis' leaked design from season 6:
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plumsaffron · 11 months
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Each time I see a post questioning or speculating if Lila Rossi is an adult to make it so called realistic. My desire to bless your mouths with Spades grows.
Just because what you can't fathom because it appears improbable does not mean it's impossible. One just really just needs intel and know what they are doing.
But very well this is what you're asking for with your stupid theories.
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It will be just like that ship people drew of many times called Gabinette or Gabrienette Maribriel. So I guess Cerise would become shippable with every adult then (even master fu).
Farewell to your Liladrien Nataniel and Lila Lilanette Chlolila Lilagami Liluka Maxssi etc then. Oh the devastation. And like what even makes you want to really think like that. GEZZ?
I wonder if that would possibly grant a excuse to make some people no longer hold back on what they desire to draw or animate of Iris Verdi or Volpina or Hoaxer.
A fan of Lila ceased her life because worthless maggots harassed and drove her there because they hated the existence of Rossi.
Yes, speculate the worst so scums and indirectly some of the accursed parts of miraculous fandom can have a one up on the deceased.
Ah number 2 on my list of fandoms I despise a lot.
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familyagrestefanblog · 11 months
There was.. a whole consistently strong through-line for Lila and Adrien the entire time since season 1 and the one Lila post I made about her in the finale and the "Oni-Chan" pay-offs checks out so much better than I expected..
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I only ever noticed isolated pieces of all of this..
*softly but full of emotion* Dude, what the fuck?
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nothingtherefornow · 5 months
How will Miraculous Balance Lila lack's of ressources and power compared to Gabriel against the Miraculous Team ?
While surfing on a Miraculous Ladybug Reddit, I found a fan suggesting that Miraculous season 6 may be forced to introduce new super villains that have nothing to do with Lila, because for what little we know, Lila is just no match for Team Miraculous on her own.
Even if her excellents talents as a chameleon and manipulator can allow Lila to create numerous situations to her advantage to trigger akumatizations, and to potentially sow discord among heroes ("divide and conquer" as they say), the existence of magical charms that can now purify akuma in an almost Utopian Paris (and thus filled with a lot more positive emotions than in a previous full of corruptions), and the fact that Ladybug and Cat Noir are now capable of using the cataclysm and the lucky charm to infinity without detransforming put Lila in a serious disavantageous situation.
In the world of Miraculous where magic and the existence of meta-humans/mutants is common place, to introduce new original super villains who would attack Paris and ally themselves with a Chrysalis offering to make them stronger by akumatizing them would indeed be a plausible solution in the future season 6.
The problem for Lila is that according to the latest news, she does not have the same wealth or the same resources as Gabriel. The latter had his secret garden where he regularly harvested numerous butterflies which later became his akuma, in order to never fall stranded and to be able to continue attacking the heroes every day and thus give them very little respite, but also to be able to launch attacks of the scale of the scarlet butterfly.
I am certain that an akuma purified by Ladybug then becomes unusable, and we do not yet know if it is enough for a butterfly miraculous wielder to detransform then retransform so that their cane is always automatically equipped with an akuma if the the latter had just been purified. However, a wielder of the butterfly miraculous acting for good does not seem to have to worry about the same problem, because we saw in the Paris special that Betterfly could use the same kamiko, which he keeps in his weapon, to kamikoze more than one person at a time in a short period of time. Especially since Betterfly's kamiko seems to be fast enough to avoid being purified if Betterfly were to free its allies from their power just before the kamikozed object get destroyed (and in any case Betterfly doesn't have to worry about that. since the Ladybug of his world has become his ally). And in order to be able to create a second kamikozed champion without linking it to the same kamiko as the first, simply lend the butterfly miraculous to an ally so that the latter is also entitled to their own kamiko to use.
However Betterfly also showed us why having only one magical butterfly supplied with his weapon was a big disadvantage compared to Gabriel's akuma garden : the fact that Ladybug was able to find Hesperia by tracking down her only kamiko , which should automatically return to its creator. Gabriel didn't have to worry about his akuma being used to track him, because no purified akuma has ever returned to him, and an unpurified akuma can multiply, or Gabrie himself can certainly break the connection ( in the episode Ladybug, we saw the scarlet akuma turn white again and therefore "purified" after Gabriel transformed).
We do not yet know if the butterfly miraculous will always provide Lila with a new akuma in her weapon each time the previous akuma is purified by Ladybug, or if like Gabriel Lila will be forced to regularly harvest butterflies to make akumas. Especially since with only one akuma at her disposal, Lila could possibly be hunted down, unless she detransforms just in time after each fight. But unless Lila joins forces with Tomoe Tsurugi and asks for her help in creating her own butterfly garden, I don't think Lila won't have the same luxury that Moth/Shadowmoth/Monarch had.
Another fan confirmed that this idea would indeed be the best direction to take.
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Although I think Lila will learn to create megakuma very quickly, magical charms can still work against them by being fueled by positive emotions. And as I said above, in the new Paris, positive emotions are likely to be much more widespread than negative emotions in a Paris that is no longer under the reign of a corrupt mayor and his equally wealthy corrupted partners.
This I can only see 4 ways in which Lila/Chrysalis could gain the upper hand over Ladybug and Cat Noir and become a more dangerous threat than Gabriel :
Create an alliance with Tomoe Tsurugi or another supervillain we don't yet know about, and give him access to other supervillain allies that Lila could easily manipulate into becoming her pawns..
Unlock powerful new powers never before seen with the Miraculous Butterfly, until you reach a power, able to counter that of Ladybug's magical charms.
Succeed in stealing miraculous from her future school friends, and even then the task will be difficult because apart from the ladybug, the black cat, the rabbit and the peacock, the other miraculous have changed shape, which could prevent Lila from recognize most of the magical jewels and steal them (unless she manages to discover with her tricks who and who within the miraculous Team)
Reveal to all of Paris the truth about Gabriel Agreste = Papillon/Papillombre/Monarch, and the fact that Ladybug voluntarily hid this truth, with the aim of sowing doubt and discord throughout Paris and within the Miraculous team, thus giving Lila more means to act and turning certain heroes and citizens against Ladybug
Without that I don't see how Lila can become a credible threat to Ladybug and Cat Noir.
This could also explain why Lila mentioned looking forward to meet Marinette again while putting the butterfly brooch on her, yet without mentioning Ladybug (if we assume that Lila doesn't know that Ladybug = Marinette). Maybe this is because Lila should be intelligent enough to understand that the power alone of the butterfly miraculous is no longer sufficient against Ladybug, and Lila must therefore at the beginning have only intended to use the powers of the miraculous against Marinette to ruin her life (what more easy than akumatizing herself into Chameleon or Volpina)
However, let's find out what scared Lila at the end of Re-creation first when season 6 comes out, and figure if it will play an important role in her future role as a butterfly super villain or not
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thatskyafro · 10 months
Mlb s6 ep 1
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
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geekgirles · 11 months
Lila starting season 6:
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Like to charge reblog to cast
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