#mm: callie
if-mirrormine · 2 months
been rewatching smiling friends a lot lately so you know i had to do it to em
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callilouv · 3 months
if i was ever in the mlbb universe i can imagine myself as a mage (smthn like lylia)
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matan4il · 1 year
I don't know if you watch Grey's Anatomy but in this week's episode (19x15), there's a kid who is a patient just when he was supposed to have his bar mitzvah, and so the doctors organize for him to be able to do it at the hospital. And he does it with his grandfather who hadn't been able to have one in Germany. It was really a nice scene :)
Awwww, Nonnie! Thank you for telling me! That sounds so sweet. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy, but i kind of had to stop. I loved Callie's storyline with Erica Hahn. I know, seems unpopular. She started out as a not-very-nice surgeon, but I liked it when they brought her back and allowed her to be more human. I liked that she became a multi-faceted character. And then when they were started to throw out hints about her and Callie? When they were doing the build up for them? Don't get me wrong, it was still NOT in the ballpark of hetero slow burns, I guess you could call it a 'mid burn', though it was still better than what most mlm couples get (with maybe the exception of Black Sails and Our Flag Means Death, at least of what I've seen). I was the eyes emoji. And then the show actually followed through, it ACTUALLY let them get together and kiss with the music swelling? :o I was in awe, I loved it, I was SO there for it. They even explored what it means for Erica to figure out she's gay later in life versus Callie exploring her bisexuality (I didn't always love how they went about Callie's bisexuality, but I did like that they let them each have her own discovery story).
And then they just... got rid of Erica? And in almost no time replaced her with Arizona? And it was so clear they were intent on telling a wlw story, which was awesome, but when the audience didn't react well enough to Erica, they just... got rid of her and brought in a younger, "softer" version of her, as if queer characters are that easily replaceable. I was offended. I LIKED having an older queer woman's story being told. And I get Erica didn't start out nice, but by the time her and Callie got together, I did like her. So it was hard for me to warm up to Arizona. And even when I kind of reluctantly accepted her, because hey, it's better than no queer rep for wlw, I ended up not liking a lot of what they did with Callie and Arizona. Like the way Callie gets pregnant. They had a ridiculous fight between her and Arizona, just so Callie wouldn't be technically cheating when she sleeps with Mark and gets pregnant, and then Arizona comes back and magically, all the stuff that drove her and Callie apart is not there anymore, and Arizona accepts the baby with relative ease, but it just became yet another storyline that doesn't show how MOST same sex parents ACTUALLY become parents. So IDK when exactly, but at some point around that time, I quit GA rather than quietly rage about how bad the wlw rep was IMO.
I want you just to understand what it means that you managed to make me wanna watch an ep of GA again! IDK, but I will. Thank you so much for telling me about that and just in case you're curious? There are actually a lot of real life stories like that! Holocaust survivors who get to make up for the bar and bat mitzvahs they were robbed off. Here's an example, there's a program that brings survivors annually to the Western Wall in Jerusalem to have their bar/bat mitzvah there! I find it very moving, because THEY are so clearly moved by what they get to do.
Have a great day, lovely! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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chemkitt · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
im so happy right now look at this look at it mm
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batab0 · 7 months
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augustvandyne · 6 months
not a request necessarily i just love talking about addison
imagine if youre really unwell during a shift and addison finds out and goes to see you. when she gets there her heart aches. you’re her best fellow and also…
smaller little imagine
i’m here
Addison hadn’t seen you for a few hours. Ever since your surgery a while ago, she hasn’t seen you roaming the halls. She imagined you were just tired, as the two of you didn’t get much sleep last night after another surgery, which took all night.
And truth be told, after any surgery you usually crash for an hour or two - even just after a routine procedure. But she was getting worried now because it’s nearing five hours and you still haven’t reappeared.
Not to mention you missed breakfast with her, and from the people she’s spoken with, you haven’t left the on-call room you entered earlier.
Izzie offered to show her to the on-call room she spotted you entering earlier today. She stops in front of the door, “She should be in there.”
“Thank you, Dr. Stevens. I owe you,” Addison presses her lips together in a tight and anxious smile.
“It’s no problem, really,” Izzie nods vigorously. “I am just as worried about her as you are.”
Addison takes a deep breath and tries to reassure herself that nothing is wrong with you, but is unable to calm her nerves. The only person who is able to do that these days is you.
She furrows her eyes and prays you’re just sleeping as she opens the door with a creak. On the other side of the door is you laying in a fetal position on the bed. She tilts her head trying to figure out what’s wrong with you, and it comes to her when you let out a strangled cough.
Addison moves to sit on the end of the bed, her gentle hand coming to soothingly rub your shoulder.
“Mm,” You roll over towards her, your face coming to smoosh itself into her side. “I’m tired, Addie.”
“I see,” Addison nodded and ran her hand through your hair. It was damp with sweat and her suspicions came true when she turned her hand over to put on your forehead. “I think you’re sick, darling.”
“No,” You shake your head. “I can’t be. We have surgeries to get to. What time is it?”
“Uh..” Addison looks at her phone, seeing it’s about ten in the morning. “Five hours?”
“What?!” You try to sit up, but you begin to get dizzy so you have to lay back down.
“It’s okay, I promise,” Addison’s hands make their way back to your scalp.
“Just give me a few minutes,” One of your hands makes it to Addison’s thigh, and her other hand comes down to hold yours.
“No, you need to rest,” She squeezes your hand reassuringly.
You groan.
“Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling good?” Addison frowns down at you. “I would have let you sit a surgery out.”
“Because I felt much better earlier,” You promised. “My throat was a little sore, but now I feel like death. I don’t know if I can stand without passing out.”
“Well it’s a great thing you’re surrounded by doctors, now, isn’t it?” Addison moves a piece of your hair and tucks it behind your ear. “How about you just rest for a few more hours and we’ll reevaluate after.”
Addison moves to get up, but you attempt to pull her back, and she looks at you with her eyebrows raised.
“Please stay,�� You cry softly. “Your skin is cold and I’m hot.”
“Okay,” Addison gives in, sliding under the covers beside you. “I’ll cancel my surgeries for the next few hours, okay? We’ll push them back.”
You lay your head on Addison’s chest so you can feel her heart beating - there’s a weird comfort to it - and her arms wrap around your shoulders to hold you against her.
“Wait we have that big surgery later—“ You try to sit up again, but Addison pulls you back to her chest.
“I don’t care,” Addison says. “If you need me here, I’m here.”
“Okay,” Your hand finds a sliver of skin that is exposed from her scrub top lifting, and it rests there.
Addison swallows nervously, trying to ignore how good your hand feels on hers as she pulls her phone out to text Callie to let her know to cancel all her surgeries.
Because her heart ached for you, and if you wanted or needed her, she would be there in a heartbeat.
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stone-stars · 8 months
Calder: Ultrus! Make a deal with me! [Mee Maw's Burden starts playing in the background.] Calder: I will let you go. I'll let you choose your side in this war. Just… don't let Glen hurt my friends. Ultrus: You would give up yourself? Caldwell, softy: No. Calder: If that's the choice you ask me to make. Ultrus: Perhaps you have a giant's heart after all, Calder Kildé. I have no wish to walk around as an elf. If you would be my vessel, I would take it. Calder: And if I'm your vessel… you can never use me to lay a hand on Callie or Sol. Ultrus: Mm. I do not see a reason to kill them. Calder: I never cared about being a giant. And I never cared about greatness. I just cared about making myself useful one day. And maybe… maybe it's now. Maybe that day has finally come. Do it. Ultrus: You have been useful, Calder Kildé. Murph: Uh, you see he um, reaches out his hand to shake yours. Jake: I give him that icy, iron grip. I shake his hand. Murph: (inhales sharply) You see the [whoosh] magical barrier goes up. You and Ultrus [whoosh] switch places. And Ultrus disappears, and you are left alone on this frozen plain. Jake: Calder… sits down, crosses his legs, and uh, starts to whistle an old familiar tune. Murph: As Calder whistles in the wind, you can just make out on the projection-- Ultrus entering the battlefield.
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WWW N🏵️n-cullable-mutat🥀🏵️n 🏵️f the day: TAILS WWW
WwW Well, m🏵️stly 🏵️nly n🏵️n-cullable f🏵️r 🥀nd🥀g🏵️ and h🥀gher, 🏵️r jades because 🏵️f the🥀r l🏵️w numbers. WwW
www We all kn🏵️w ab🏵️ut ta🥀ls! M🏵️stly flex🥀ble appendages 🏵️n the l🏵️wer back. www
WwW M🏵️st c🏵️mm🏵️nly seen 🏵️n seadwellers (th🏵️ugh, n🏵️t necessar🥀ly because they have 🥀t the m🏵️st c🏵️mm🏵️n, 🥀f y🏵️u kn🏵️w what 🥀 mean). WwW
WWW Ta🥀ls, as a part 🏵️f a tr🏵️ll that 🥀s n🏵️t usually there, can resemble the ta🥀l 🏵️f pract🥀cally any an🥀mal. Th🏵️ugh they usually resemble the ta🥀ls 🏵️f lus🥀🥀 that c🏵️mm🏵️nly take care 🏵️f tr🏵️lls 🏵️f that caste. It seems t🏵️ be a f🏵️rm 🏵️f lus🥀🥀 m🥀m🥀cry, t🏵️ up the chances 🏵️f gett🥀ng p🥀cked and theref🏵️re the chance 🏵️f surv🥀val. WWW
WwW Pers🏵️nal rat🥀ng: 8/10. Harmless and cute. Espec🥀ally when they wag! WwW
Non-cullable-mutation of the day: TAILS
Well, mostly only non-cullable for indigo and higher, or jades because of their low numbers.
We all know about tails! Mostly flexible appendages on the lower back.
Most commonly seen on seadwellers (though, not necessarily because they have it the most common, if you know what i mean).
Tails, as a part of a troll that is not usually there, can resemble the tail of practically any animal. Though they usually resemble the tails of lusii that commonly take care of trolls of that caste. It seems to be a form of lusii mimicry, to up the chances of getting picked and therefore the chance of survival.
Personal rating: 8/10. Harmless and cute. Especially when they wag!
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cdyssey · 1 year
Yellowjackets 2.03 Thoughts:
TW: Cannibalism
Oh, my God. Jackie’s shriveled, burnt, picked over hand.
Coach Ben and Paul. Cute!! I’m digging Paul’s earring.
“… you ate her face.” Tai screaming and just utterly losing it. These girls. My god.
“I guess… no one wants breakfast.” MARI ANQNWJDJWJWJSJS.
Nat being a leader when it comes to practicalities in the cabin, suggesting that Jackie’s body be moved to the plane. But it’s also so fascinating at a power dynamic level that she checks in with Shauna here too. It’s the fact that she knows just how much Jackie meant to Shauna on one hand, but it’s also that Shauna is someone who subtly influences the team as well. They all look to her reactions in both timelines. It was her permission that they needed to eat Jackie.
Augh, Ben saying that burying her out there will make it look like she died with the rest of them. That’s probably the cover story they give to Jackie’s parents + the authorities, which is harrowing. If so, they erase five months of Jackie’s life to conceal what happened at her death.
That transition between young Lottie and adult Lottie!!!!!! ALSO, ALSO, I LAST WEEK, I JUST REALIZED THAT SIMONE KESSELL PLAYS BREHA ON KENOBI!!!
The antlers on Lottie’s quarters. That’s my Antler Queen right there.
LISA JUST STRAIGHT UP CHOPPING THAT CHICKEN’S HEAD OFF. Listen, there’s a somewhat decent chance that she’s wilderness baby. If so, like Mama, she’s got a way with butchering animals.
Simone. :(( I will actually lose it if she dies. SHADOW TAISSA DRAWING THE SYMBOL ON HER WIFE’S HAND. MA’AM.
“I wasn’t stalking you. I was just finding a suitable nursing home for my mother.” AKQKDFJJSDJJD. Them casting Elijah Wood as an off-kilter Reddit stalker weirdo is the casting choice of a century.
I didn’t think I was going to ship Misty and Walter, but omfg, their chemistry is SO good.
“YOU’RE NO FUN.” ANQKQKOQKQOWIEIDIDDJSJJSJWWJS, this is the most insane marriage in the world. It isn’t just the fact that the strawberry lube was a seminal moment to Jeff in his marriage with a woman who survived 19 months in the Canadian wilderness and came back wrong, but it’s also the fact, that she remembers word-for-word what he said. I’m laughing so fucking hard.
Shauna is 100% bi. But is she goth? Discuss!! (Nat, on the other hand, definitely fits the descriptor.)
“It wasn’t about you. I mean, sure it was exciting. Exciting… mm, that’s not the right word. Um… okay. It made me feel like… I didn’t know what was going to happen. And I liked that. I liked not feeling like this… boring version of me.” Such perfect dialogue. It wasn’t about Jeff even from the start. It was about Jackie. It was about loving her, hating her, wanting to be her, wanting to fuck her, entirely consume her. And she did, she did, she did.
But we also get other stuff here. The fact that she misses the unpredictability of the wilderness. And yeah, she absolutely was excited, even if she doesn’t admit it here. My god. I love her.
“Are you Rambo?!”
“Callie’s old toy that she loved probably more than she loved me?” I’m actually unwell about this line. From what Melanie has said in interviews, so much of her arc this season is going to be about motherhood. I’m often thinking about the traumatic birth that Shauna experienced in the wilderness and how she brought that to the table with Callie, how she tried her best anyway, how Callie grew up to be a normal goddamn teenager. But now that she is older, now that she can see Shauna’s cracks and the facades and all the lies she’s told herself and others, that relationship is fractured. The Sadecki family, normal though they’ve seemed for all these years, has fundamentally been unwell from the start.
This is Melanie Lynskey’s world and we’re just living in it. Every microgesture is so, so raw.
The swirl of rocks around the beehives… it’s like the spiral from Sammy’s drawings.
Bee metaphor talk!!!!!!! OH, GOD. THATCUT TO THE BEES. TERRIFYING
Lottie, my love, stop offering ur blood tea. 😭
Oh, my God. Jackie’s remains being so small that Nat can easily hoist her over her shoulder.
Shauna staring out the window with tears in her eyes. :((
“But I wanted it too.” SCREAMING.
“I don’t know, I just feel so fucked up.” / “I’m scared, Lottie. Everything is out of control, like I don’t feel like I know what’s going to happen next.” God, the exact echo of what adult Shauna says. Shauna is always revisiting the moment of Jackie’s death and her consumption.
Lottie revealing the gender of Shauna’s baby, lmfao.
The girls getting so excited about a wilderness baby shower. 🥺 Crystal combing Misty’s hair in the background!!!
Shipping is so much fun in YJ. I basically just ship everyone. Juliette and Melanie were so right. All those girls just made out in the woods.
Taissa and Akilah making a crib. 😭 I am so soft. And now I’m teary-eyed. Oh, my God. I want Akilah to live. It isn’t fair what happened to these girls.
“That’s good, Mar. The baby can dream that it’s being stabbed to death every night.” ALOQOQOQJSJSEJ.
Mari hearing dripping that no one else does… she was also the one to feel something crawling down her back way back in S1.
“Too bad they didn’t listen to your broth idea.” JACKIE BONE BROTH. Oh, my fucking God.
The parallels between the Misty/Crystal storylines and the Misty/Walter storylines… Misty has finally found her kindred spirit. What the fuck happens to them?
Ben’s still starving because he didn’t eat Jackie. Oh, God, if he dies of starvation, I’ll lose it.
“You always say those girls are vicious, little monsters.” They’ve always been vicious. The forest gave them permission to be wild.
“You’re lucky, you know? I think shit is gonna get a lot worse out here. But you’re already dead, so… way to make everyone jealous of you one last time.” [Nat chuckles.] “I’m sorry… for what we did. Who knows? Eating you could be the reason why we survive the winter, so… thanks. Rest in peace, Jackie.” I AM FUCKING UNWELL. JACKIE, WHO DIED PEACEFULLY IN THE SNOW, WAS THE LUCKY ONE. NAT HAS BEEN JEALOUS OF JACKIE. OH, GOD. JACKIE, THE POPULAR TEENAGE QUEEN AND NAT, THE PERPETUAL LONER. NAT KNOWING THAT THE CANNIBALISM MIGHT HAVE BEEN ESSENTIAL FOR THEIR SURVIVAL. BUT HOW SURVIVAL ISN’T NECESSARILY A DESIRABLE FATE.
I love Randy fucking Walsh. So dumb. <3
Van trying to stay awake for Taissa… oh, God, and now willingly following her. Jasmin’s vocal inflection change when she’s playing shadow Tai is chilling.
The fucking flashback to him in the mirror. Ugh, scariest moment in the show for me. I do think, though, there’s gotta be something more complex going on with him than just, “he’s evil and trying to kill Tai.” I think he’s actually serving as some sort of fucked up protector for her.
Kevyn Tan at the gym!!! Wearing a backwards hat, lmao. Not Jeff going all angry-bro at him. Sir, you’re probably going to be a central part of a murder investigation. Don’t antagonize a detective. 😭
“Well, fuck your diligence. Okay? ‘Cause I-I know her.” / “We’ve been married almost twenty-five years. I know my wife, and I trust her.” HE’S SO DUMB, BUT I CAN’T HELP BUT LOVE HIM FOR BEING SUCH W RIDE-OR-DIE FOR SHAUNA. GODDAMN. Also, the fact that they got married almost straight after she returned from woods. Jfc!!!
My poor little meow meow with a gun is about to go get her car back. <3
“Have you ever peeled the skin off s human corpse? It’s not as easy as you might think. It’s really, uh, stuck on us. Skin. You have to roll back just the edges of it, so you can get a good enough grip to-to really pull. Which, again, isn’t easy. People are always so sweaty when you kill them. Just, like, oily. There’s a look people get… when they realize they’re going to die.” [Shauna smiles, tears in her eyes.] “It’s that one. My hand wasn’t shaking because I was afraid. It was shaking because of how badly I wanted to do this.” MELANIE FUCKING LYNSKEY.
Ben fantasizing what he should have said and done with Paul. :((((
The girls being deeply moved by the monologue because it’s about grief and violence and how those things can be easily intertwined. They’ve lost so, so fucking much: their friends, their girlhoods, their innocence. And they just want to hit something.
Shadow Tai in the fucking mirror. Oh, my GOD. They’re doing an excellent job of making Tawny Cypress look like she hasn’t slept in three weeks.
Shadow Tai wanting her to go to Van. 😭
Tai trying to call Jessica Roberts, lmao. I miss my favorite morally fucked up fixer.
“Hacking… you can just say it,” WKWKJWDJEJJEJDDJ.
“Maybe I’m just a bored Moriarty looking for his Sherlock.” And Misty walking away because she doesn’t know what to do with that vulnerability. 😭
I actually just teared up at Shauna placing the stuffed animal next to Callie. Oh, my God, and Callie snuggling it.
Adult Nat finally putting on purple… hhhhhgh.
I think Lottie and Nat should kiss. <3
The symbol…
Lottie and Nat fighting, revealing where ALL of the group straddles the tension between them. The only (main-ish) girl who doesn’t really reveal her stance is Shauna.
“Did these guys just suicide on our roof?” ANWKQKWJDJWSJS.
Them all putting the birds at Lottie’s feet… worshippers leaving offerings for their god.
This Tori Amos song is stellar.
Oh, my God, the camera pulling back and revealing that it was Lottie’s hallucination. Her panic and grief. Jesus fucking Christ.
The GRIP that these women have on me.
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
Shenanigans in the Clone Creches give me life 💖
Clone Baby shenanigans is the best kind of shenanigans.
ooh. I had a thought.
"Dad's mad at me," Vali doesn't look up from where she's braiding Leia's hair, "He says that I'm too 'disrespectful'." Leia sighs, "Sometimes it feels like I just can't do anything right when it comes to him." "Yeah, well...your dad's kind of an asshole," Vali pauses, "I think I braided this wrong." Leia turns to look at the braid, "Mm, it's a little wonky, but that's okay. I think it has character." She hands Vali several hair pins, "Are you allowed to say that kind of stuff about him?" Vali scoffs, "Who's going to stop me? Him?" Leia laughs, "This is why I prefer spending my time in the clone creche. You're all so...refreshingly honest." "Jedi are honest." Vali points out. "Jedi use ten words when three will suffice," Leia rolls her eyes, "but Uncle Obi-Wan's not terrible, I suppose." "That is why you're his apprentice, after all." Vali points out, "Alright, this braid is done. How many more?" Leia grins innocently, "6." Vali sighs, "Kriff. I should have invited Callie." Leia dissolves into laughter, and drops her head back, "But you're my best friend!" "Yeah, yeah. More fool me, right?" Vali reaches out to grab a handful of Leia's hair, "Alright, braid number 2."
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potat0bag · 1 year
so what has happened to the squid sisters / off the hook?
Mm! Alright, I'll use this ask as an opportunity to clarify things about Bitter Dreams (aka Fuzzy Shiver). 1. This fic isn't really large-scale, this is an isolated incident that occured. Shiver and Frye are the focus, with Callie also being quite relevant. Marie also appears but doesn't take too much of a primary role. It never really moves further than this group apart from some things being noticed enough to be mentioned as reports. 2. And this is the TL;DR, actually answering your question anon! Nothing happens to the Squid Sisters, maybe some scrapes and trauma but it's nothing compared to Shiver and Frye. Off The Hook doesn't show up in this fic. Thanks for asking! Gonna try and work on the synopsis files in my free time.
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if-mirrormine · 11 months
mm cast interview
characters: grayson donohue, kennedy rose, alex colwell, kelsey montgomery, nora, callie, demetri renfied
words: 1969
**unedited//you guys ever watch kitchen nightmares?**
Hello and welcome to the very long-awaited character interview! I'm your host, Alli, and I have with me today the cast of Mirror Mine!
Kelsey: They know what's going on; let's speed this up a bit, shall we?
(Grayson nudges her and she rolls her eyes but holds her tongue.)
I suppose we should just jump into it! I'll start with Kelsey, since she seems to have volunteered herself. First question; what made you become a detective?
Kelsey: (shrug) Why does anyone? To help those unable to help themselves. To bring justice to those who need it most.
How noble of you! And what were your impressions of the other cast members?
Kelsey: (she tilts her head to the side and hums) Gray was still a rookie when I first met him; I thought he was a total idiot that couldn't tell his arse from his elbow. But he's since grown on me and (eye roll) is actually quite competent and good at his job.
Grayson: (grinning) Thanks, Kels.
Kelsey: Yeah, whatever. Nora, I adore; she made me feel warm and welcome immediately. And she makes the best ratatouille I've ever tasted. I don't interact a lot with Callie, but they seem alright. Alex is way too happy-go-lucky for my liking but to each their own. And I like Kennedy; she seems to be the only one with her head screwed on straight.
And what about Demetri?
Kelsey: (deadpan) I said all I have to say.
Well... alright then! My next question is for Nora; how did it feel to raise two children on your own? Is there anything you would've changed?
Nora: It wasn't easy... those first couple of years were especially difficult. It was like suddenly not having any legs to stand on, I lost my balance a couple of times. But I'm so proud of who they grew up to be and I wouldn't have changed anything. Well, (dark chuckle) except maybe having my husband around.
(Demetri shifts in his seat, his eyes on the floor.)
Is there a specific memory that you'd consider to be your favourite?
Nora: Oh, there are just so many... (pause) I think if I had to choose, it would be Callie's first Christmas. Demetri and I had decided to keep the celebration small instead of inviting our family over, so it was just the four of us. MC was so excited to help Cal unwrap their presents that they didn't even care about their own. We spent the day in our pyjamas, let the kids watch cartoons and play with their new toys... it was the perfect day.
Demetri, would you say that's your favourite memory too?
Demetri: Like Nora said, there are too many to choose from but... that was a really good one.
But it's not your favourite. (He shakes his head.) And if you had to choose?
Demetri: The day I married Nora.
(Nora looks away to the floor and chews on the inside of her cheek.)
Let's move on, shall we? Alex! What is it about Grayson that makes u tease him so much?
Alex: (grinning) He just makes it so easy. He's a walking treasure trove of material.
(Grayson crosses his arms over his chest and grumbles quietly to himself.)
Alex: See what I mean?
Why did you choose paediatric surgery?
Alex: Well, I like children and I like helping people; so, when I realised I could do both, it was an easy choice to make.
But surely that must make things worse when things go wrong?
Alex: (serious) Of course; it's always really difficult to lose a patient but I understand that sometimes there's simply nothing that can done, even if you've done everything in your power to make it not so. A lot of doctors struggle with blaming themselves when things go wrong and I used to too, but I've learned that I can't let myself get swept up in my grief or my next patient might suffer too.
I like that; I think that makes you a great doctor. Now on a lighter note: what made you like MC in high school?
Alex: (with a surprised laugh) Oh, I... don't actually know. I just remember thinking that I needed to talk to them and get to know them, you know? And after our first date, I just wanted more and more.
And how did it feel when you broke up the first time?
Alex: Oof, not great. I was an idiot to let them believe I didn't care for them as much I did - as much as I still do - and that's one of my biggest regrets. I was so relieved when they agreed to get back together; I'd felt like I'd been drowning without them but as soon as they were by my side, I could breathe again.
That's so romantic! I think my next few questions will be for Grayson!
Grayson: (with a nervous smile) I'm ready.
What was the hardest thing for you when MC disappeared?
Callie: (scoff) Jeez, Alli; don't hold back.
(Nora shushes Callie.)
Grayson: (after clearing his throat) You mean besides losing my best friend? I guess losing MC meant losing myself in a way. For so long I'd seen us as me and MC that when it was suddenly just me, I didn't really know how to act anymore. I don't think I'll ever be the same person I was ten years ago.
(Kelsey reaches out to rub his back and he gives her a tight-lipped smile.)
That must've been tough. We've talked quite a bit about the past and favourite memories; do you have one of the MC?
Grayson: My fourteenth birthday. I was supposed to spend it with my dad, but he had to work so MC did everything they could to cheer me up. I think about that day a lot whenever I need a smile.
And how did you realise that you were in love with them?
(He blinks in surprise but quickly regains his composure, his face red.)
Grayson: I guess when I started to look forward to seeing them every day. I'd wake up thinking about them, wondering what we'd do and talk about, and even if the day was objectively bad, I'd say it was good because I got to spend it with them.
I'll go easy on you for this last one: what's it like being a detective? Do you enjoy it as much as you think you would've enjoyed business?
Grayson: It's definitely... interesting. It's a lot more paperwork than I ever thought it would be, which is less than fun.
(Kelsey stifles a laugh and he cracks a smile at her reaction.)
Grayson: (cont.) But overall, I enjoy it; it's a lot different than business, that's for sure. As for whether I'd have enjoyed business more if I stayed... I'll never know for sure, but something tells me I made the right choice.
So mysterious... Let's pivot over to Kennedy!
Kennedy: (imitating Grayson) I'm ready.
(The cast laughs and Grayson does his best to hide a smile behind a look of annoyance.)
What made you choose teaching as a profession?
Kennedy: I always loved learning new things, no matter the subject so going to school every day was really exciting for me, unlike every other child alive, I'm sure. But one of the things that made it so great were the teachers who dedicated their lives to imparting their wisdom and knowledge. I wanted to have that same kind of impact.
And what do you like most about teaching?
Kennedy: Probably seeing that impact in action. (Smiling) So many students come in and out of my classroom and I love knowing that I had a hand, or even just a pinky finger, in getting them where they want to be in life.
On the subject of students... do you have a favourite?
Kennedy: (with a stifled laugh) What kind of teacher would I be if I answered that question?
So that's a 'yes'?
(She makes a gesture of sealing her lips.)
Okay, how about my next question; what do you look for in a partner?
(She thinks for a moment before nodding decisively)
Kennedy: All the usual things; patience, kindness, a sense of humour... someone who I can spend the whole day with without having to say a word in order to be comfortable or show my love for them. Someone I can trust wholeheartedly to catch me when I fall, to lead me when I can't see.
Do you think you've met such a person yet?
Kennedy: (with a wistful smile) Possibly.
Alright, don't tell me... I've got some questions for Callie.
Callie: Hit me.
What's your favourite thing on the menu at the restaurant?
Callie: That mom makes? I'd kill a man for her calzone. But if we're talking about my personally curated dessert menu; I simply can't choose, they're all perfect. (Beat) With that being said, I always recommend the beignets to anyone who'll listen.
Good to know... did you always want to be a pastry chef?
Callie: (shrug) Guess so. I did get forklift certified a couple years back but there's just something about baking that kept pulling me back.
Alex: I think the something you're looking for is that baked goods are delicious.
Callie: (nodding) That'll do it.
My next question is a bit of a hard hitter... what is one thing you've always wanted to say to MC but never did?
Callie: My favourite colour is sage green.
(Nora nudges them, giving them a meaning look and they roll their eyes before crossing their arms over their chest and looking at the floor.)
Callie: Fine, I guess... I don't want to you to hate me. I know I wasn't the best sibling to you, especially those few years before you disappeared, I wasn't very nice, but I didn't mean it. (They take a deep breath.) For a while I was jealous of you... you had more friends than I ever did, you were better at a lot of things than me, you knew dad a lot longer than me... I thought it was unfair, but it was even more unfair for me to take it out on you even though it wasn't your fault. Then you disappeared and I was just so angry at myself for wasting so much of our time together resenting you -
(They're cut off by a choked sob and Nora quickly wraps her arms around them.)
Callie: (crying) I'm sorry, MC; please don't hate me.
They don't hate you, Cal; I can promise you that. (Beat) To wrap everything up, my last few questions are for Demetri.
Demetri: This should be fun... let's hear it then.
First question: what is wrong with you?
(He snorts, hiding his laughter behind a fist.)
Demetri: How much time do you have?
Evidently, not enough... next question: why did you leave your family ten years ago?
Demetri: (with a sad smile) You know I can't answer that.
I had to ask. I suppose I'll settle for the next best thing: do you regret leaving?
Demetri: Yes, it was the worst decision I've ever had to make.
Knowing how everything turned out, would you do it again if given the choice?
(Nora watches him with tears in her eyes and he turns his head to look at her and Callie, an unreadable look on his face.)
Demetri: Yes. (He looks away and Nora squeezes her eyes shut causing tears to slip down her face.) There's nothing I'd change either.
Well; this has all been very... enlightening. Thank you so much for joining me today and thank you to everyone who sent in questions. Couldn't have done it without you! And now, as they say in the biz; it's Christmas, let's go home!
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( the picture ) @callivich
yesss calli i had the same thought. great minds >:3c i like to think they're mid-smoke, the joint hanging from mickey's lips as he concentrates on drawing a straight line in the dim lamp light, his brow all furrowed. meanwhile ian is smiling peacefully where he's resting his head in his arms. and of course we get a wiggle and a:
"quit squirmin'..."
"mm...tickles, mick..." etc etc
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woahjo · 6 months
hii callie pie i missed you <33 exams are almost done so yay i hop on tumblr! i hope you’ve been doing well :)
when you said bridgerton au i was like WOAH!? JO, YOU MAKE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH UR BRAIN MORE AND MORE (lol did u get the username pun)
anyways i so started thinking 🧐 hmm what fav do i imagine in a period au? what about the fav that introduced me to your blog! yes armin!
so what do you think would be the dynamic of Armin, Eren, and Mikasa in a bridgerton au? like what positions/titles would they hold, and how do you think they formed their lil friendgroup?
mm i think armin, eren, and mikasa's dynamic would be a LOT like the dynamic between the bridgerton siblings and a sprinkle of penelope!!!
mikasa is the highest born of them, probably the daughter of a marquis and highly sought after following her debut into society. i believe that for her season, she is a ward to the jaegers (eren's father is a viscount methinks and a good friend of mikasa's father.. hence why the family is trusted to take charge of mikasa during the social season). she would be the diamond of her season were it not for her parent's decision to live outside of england and manage their lands by-proxy and through occasional visits. still, i think she's likely among the most popular and is courted very seriously by many people (she's picky and proper though... hardly ever gives anyone the real time of day).
eren is the son of a viscount and set to inherit the entirety of the estate on his father's passing. he's haughty and not really all too marriage-minded... which mikasa and armin find DEEPLY concerning. mikasa often gets mad at him because she doesn't want to get married either, but she doesn't have the luxury of just turning the other cheek without consequences (she still does it though, it just sort of works in her favor.. people like the regality that she does it with). eren is hyper-protective of mikasa at times... given that they grew up together.
armin i think is ranked the lowest of them. his father is a baron and while they manage their land well, his family is not as prominent as eren or mikasa's. armin wants a love match and is more marriage minded than eren and mikasa combined. he understands the importance of marrying well, but overall wants to do so for love. he's surprisingly popular when the women of the ton get to know him, but he's a bit of an underdog. he's also often the voice of reason for eren and mikasa, usually giving the people who wish to court them the benefit of the doubt (or, occasionally, deeply disapproving because he's figured out something sordid about them lol). i also think that armin has EXCEPTIONALLY good manners, more so than eren (who does not apply himself), despite armin's lower ranking at birth.
anyway, i think that the three of them grew up together. mikasa passed her summers with the jaegers and armin lived not far from the viscount's estate. now, with all of them at marrying age, it's not unusual to see them dancing at balls and parties together, nor is it unusual to find both armin and eren's names on mikasa's dance card.
if anyone is curious, historia is the season's diamond <3
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drghostwrite · 1 year
Can I make a request for prompt #8 with Arizona robbins and Callie Torres? I was think of them doing something like playing doctor and patient with Arizona as the doctor and Callie as the patient? I am really sorry if this is a random request! I'm rewatching Grey's!
Well it’s been a minute but here goes nothing… I haven’t written anything exactly like this yet so please y’all take it easy on me lol
Pairing: Arizona Robbins x Callie Torres
Prompt: “Baby, bend over and spread your legs.”
Summary: everyone knows the iconic “I have something that’ll cure a headache” line, but what if those events ended a little different.
******************************************************** ”Ugh…” Callie groaned out, pressing a hand against her forehead. She had files splayed across the on call room table in front of her, she heard the lock click to the shared room and went unmoving hearing another body enter. She had stuck away after being admitted for not feeling well, she was dehydrated and almost collapsed during a trauma call so bedrest for the next week was mandatory but Arizona and Bailey knew she wouldn’t stay home so being admitted here was the final verdict.
Whoever it was either knew her enough to be scared and leave, or they knew her enough to know exactly what was wrong, she was ready to kick them out when she felt strong but gentle hands come behind her shoulders. She felt shallow breathe hutting the back of her neck and then the shell of her ear as the fingers moved to massage the sore muscles.
“Mmm… Arizona…”
“Oh no love, it’s Dr. Robbins to you.” Callie turned to face the other woman and she felt Arizona stop, placing a kiss on ever lips but Arizona pulled away and Callie watched as she sauntered her way over to the bunk sitting down. She whined at the loss of contact.
“Arizona don’t tease.”
“I’m sorry I’m not sure I was clear, we’re at work in a very professional setting.”
“Baby please.” Callie moved in next to her and tried kissing her again but after two they pulled apart. Callie tried jumping to pin her down but Arizona quickly turned so she was on top.
“I’ve heard that your a very uncooperative patient.”
“We’ll if only I had more attentive doctors.”
Arizona placed a bruising kiss on her lips as Callie tried lifting her shirt. “Oh no you don’t.” Arizona said pushing her hands away and holding her wrists above her head.
“Dr. Robbins I think you’re being a little rough.” Callie pulled her lip between her teeth teasing her wife, knowing it destroyed her. Arizona watched with lust blown pupils as her wife moved below her looking for any friction she could find while trying to tease. She hooked fingers in her sweats and pulled the bottoms off along with her parties throwing them aside.
“You know Dr. I think there’s a policy in place about sleeping with patients?”
Arizona let out a deep chuckle, and got off of the raven haired woman, “Baby, bend over and spread your legs.”
Callie looked at the blonde haired woman wide eyed but saw quickly she was unmoving and quickly stood bent over and leaned onto her stomach, she spread her legs giving Arizona all the access she needed.
She ran a finger through her folds making sure to ghost over the sensitive bud, hearing Callie moan and squirm beneath her she pushed in two fingers and then three pumping faster each time.
“Mm, not so uncooperative now are we?”
Callie couldn’t form real words so she responded in moans as Arizona pumped faster, she leaned down pulling her clit into her mouth, and sucking hard. Callie let out a loud moan and Arizona stood watching as she climaxed all over her hand.
“Your turn.” Callie responded breathless still seeing stars.
“I’m sorry I have other patients I need to attend to but if my services are needed later the nurse can page me, only if the patient is cooperative though.” She said a smirk on her face, she quickly kissed Callie and ran out of the room. As the renowned badass ortho god say there dumbfounded by the interaction.
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lesbianboyfriend · 1 year
🌿 favorite season: i think season 4!! so many anna mabel vera silly shenanigans
🦊 have you read any other mm/bdlr writing and what did you think: i read the secret story and i loved it <- 12 dancing princesses guy <3 i’ve ordered hettie and i’m just waiting for it to come hehe and i hope to read their other work soon too!
🌼 favorite super irrelevant no screentime character: does callie count? i love callie i want to know everything about her
📖 media you would rec to a mabel enjoyer: okay i know i was just talking about these two in the book rec asks but white is for witching by helen oyeyemi and wild beauty by anna-marie mclemore and also all of mclemore’s work tbh!! and i mean we also all know the mabel tlt rgu venn diagram is basically a circle but if someone hasn’t read/watched those id rec those. also obviously the house of asterion by borges and i think deathless by catherynne m. valente would also be a good one!
tyyyy andy hearts and stars and flowers!!!
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